The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 12, 1892, Image 1

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    Wtitltttlfttttlttt !. Q
i -i The New York "World," :- . j
! "The Democrat," j
: An Advertisement in :
i"The Bemoci'at"?
BothOse Year for Only $2.80. ;
I lt f Si. . I fir 4 I II I
KilM at Ik eiBee at Albany. , Ircnad-CUii Mall Matter
STITM ITTM, rtkMsrs end rrsprletrst
no. 28.
rk. 7 di
) 2a years
matism of the hip. I vra3 cured by the use of
St. Jacobs Oil. T. C. DODD.
Where to get the Best Bargains,
"Where to get tho Best Value for Your Money,
Clothing, Dry
Aud they will Answer
G. W.
AlbMsy, rejron.
W F REAP, rrI.U. J O WRIT8f AN. irotary
J LlWAS.Twmuw. GeoF MMISON, Yk PrweldsnV
J L. Cowan, Geo F Simpson. CV F Read, D M Monloltb.M Sternberg, 3 W 'usl ck
J K Weatbertoro, R S Btrauun. J O WrIUmui.
Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies
Flinn Block-
We hse bay, oats, chrp straw, chicken feed, ete.. constantly on hand.
boleial and retail agent for II. F. Flecber, Corral IU floor, sborta.brait J
also 8bo w Hall flour. Cuitom chopping specialty for either oh ort
Full line.
Only White Labor Employed.
At Thos. Brink's Old Stand.
cm aid keccee nmm
-:- IP. If. Kenton, -:-
Dealer In
and a general
(Or 2EL O O
Subscription agent for all the leading
Wear the. r. .,
Tfie Genuine UAMBVRQ TEA itpulup in YELLOW WRAPPERS t
wilh Facnmiie Eignalurt of EMIL FRESL.
pEDINQTOfS OO. Aoerrrs. Bam rANCisco.
tSSXS." -ra: .;- -
Newton, 111.
I suffered with rhcu-
Goods,. Etc.,
with One Voie, at
Corner Flrat.and Baker S (to
woile ieeie is a chjiice.
sssortmsm. of
Newspspers and Magiwine. Terms rash.
lbaajr, 9
1 9
Lmr Co. Got It. Some time ago, W T
Radlr wrote to the board ot trade of
number of town , among them that of
Oregon City, lu regard to the proposition
of the California Hosiery and Woolen
Mill Company. The company guaran
teed that it would put 72.1KH) worth ot
machinery in a mill and asked a bonus
from the town in which it would locate-
On account of the IndillWrenco of men of
mean, there was dariter that this mill
would be lout to the ntiinmette valley,
hut through the effort of Hon I k
Wcatherford, of Albany, Thomaa Kay.of
Salom.and Messrs Kadirand Dave uu:ti
erford, ot Portland, the establishment
waa planted at the village ot Waterloo, 15
mile from Albany, and situated at the
falUottheSatiam. Waterloo uvt 100
acre ot land and (ire water power, and
has taken I'-D.IXK) of capital stock. It
onr moneyed men had "put op" Oregon
City would have secured this mill.
Ji'tKia PTOnrricR, Commissioners
Sinipsnn and (llbton. Thursday morning
madtt the county tax levy, 10 mills. Tak
ing tu school, state acd county tx, the
entire levy will be 20 mills. Tliii is
lower tax than any other county in the
state. Tolk county Observer.
Not lower, by considerable. Linn
county's total levy Is 18 mills, Yamhill's
17 mills, Marion's IDS,' mills, and Ben
ton'a about IS.1, mills, all lower, and it
la possible a few others. When a paper
boat that 20 mills is low people who
pay IS mills should be, and no doubt are
In Albany Alho. Every newspaper
man has at some time or other In his
business experience run against the
man who "now takes more papers than
he can read." He wa in town last week.
He wiped his nose on the awning, tried
to blow out the electric light at the
hotel, failed to light his cigar on it, paid
25 cents for an almanac, put a nickel in
the elot at the postotlice and kicked be
cause the mail did not appear, wanted
to lick the cashier because he cloned at
S o'clock, and watched the clock sign in
front ot the jewelry tire waiting for It
to strike, and etui 110 take more
than ho can read. Town Talk.
Ukmis Kf Ouxao.H Citr. A young
gentleman ot Oregon City whose artistic
ability is attested by the fact that Har
per Ifros. occasionally make room for his
drawings, and a young lady also ot this
city, whose literary productions have,
not been permitted by some of the
standard periodicals to be on read, have
entered into a contract which will result
In a story ot colonial days, embellished
by numerous appropriate illustrations.
The air that hovers over the falls ot the
Willamette is not hostile to-genius.
Ciactnr Coi'HT. The following new
cstct hsve been begun:
John Craft a ft Ileirr Mills. Writ of
review from Juttlce Court. J K Weath
erford and J K Wyatt attorneys for plain
R C rindley sg. H B IXnkk. ' To re
cover money. Attachment. JK Weilh
erford, at'or.iey lor plain liH
Frank Froman agt Lewis Blau snd Jot
Wlleox. To recover money. O W
Wright, attorney for plaintiff.
I E Uenkle & Cosgt A S Rowland. To
recover money. Attachment. O r Co-
show, jr, attorney for plaintiff.
Wm T Heller agt Joseph Pearl and
Thomas Brandon. T recover monev.
If 11 Hewitt, attorney for plaintiff.
From tms Mixes Mr Bernard, who
has been working In the 8snt!am mines.
srrived In Aloany yesterday. He ir ported
no new snow lor two weeks and over, and
what there is left Is very hard and easily
walked over. Twentv.ttx and a half ton
of ore from the Red Bull mine, known as
the islem mine, had been run through
the mill for the owners, resulting In a
good lsed Lar of gold. Indicating that
that mine I a good one, and It is said the
owners will put In a mill In the spring.
There I no quetlon that there Is plenty
of gold around Qusrtzvllle camp, and we
look for numerous golden harvests in tne
coming few years.
A Bio Suit. N J DUgen, the principal
stockholder In the Blagen tanning com
pany of Portland, has sued D P Thomp
son, S II Smith and W E Post for
$146,001.96. The action grows out of an
undertaking by which the defendants
were to build a motor line to Bell wood
and thus Increase the value ol n$ acres of
land near that time, which Illagen bought
two years sgo from J II Lambert, psylng
for it $150,000, S 1,000 cash, and some
$7,000 more he had to apply rn the de
ferred payments.
Passed Om am a. A shipment of steel
for the big bridge psssed Omaha last
Thursday ,and will be in Albany by proba
bly the 15th, when It will Immediately be
placed In posttlen from the Irst to the
second piers, the false work for which Is
nearly ready for the steal. The program
is then to build from the third to the
fcutth piers; then from esch side to the
center of the rlver.after which the Benton
spproach and fourth span will be erected.
As all the piers will be completed, work
will be pushed with great rapidity, and
Albsn; will soon have a cantalever bridge
to be proud of.
A Rbmakam.k Cow. The Pendleton
E O. tells the following: I lets Green, ot
Birch creek, according to repsrts, is the
owner ci a mot remarkable cow. At the
sge of four yesrs It hss a family of seven
calves to Its credit. Twins were born
when the animal was two years old, again
at .the age of three years, and this year
triplets appeared, one black and two red
calves. A 11 the calves are alive and In
good condition. Such a cow should be
dressed "In the finest silk."
Probably a Smelter Arrangements
arc being made to organize a company for
i ti e erection ot a smelter for tne santiam
mines. The amount of rich concentrates
being produced br the mill shows that one
win be a great thing tor tni ricn mining
region, the great value of which Is be
coming more thoroughly established every
Rock Creek, Dlsti let 99, Linn county,
has no tescher vet. Miss Msggle Mc
Kntgh teaches near gelo. shas Shepherd
fell and hurt himself quite badly while
working on a logging camp at Green
Basin a lew days ago. Mr Kead, a mer
chant of Albany, has put In a fine stock ol
dry roods and groceries in JJsn smith s
building at Gatesvllle. Cor,. Salem
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs ia taken ; it is pleasant
end refreshing to the taste, and acta
pentlv vet nromntlv rm the Kidneva.
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation permanentlr For Bale
ia 50o and $1 bottles by all
LQutsvtuz.M. ktuiroBg. .r.
A Bold Tramp. Philomath has lmJ a
sensation. A tramp entered the Chlnoa'o
ection-nouse out tlieie the other day
ana in toe presence ot tne. entire role
tial household, demanded all the' Isose
change on the premises. Frightened at
the verbal audacity of the bold and bra-
sen highwayman, the bewildered China'
men bowed In obediance to the request
and handed over tho hard tamed turn of
twenty-flvo dollars, without oflerlng the
rviniirei 1 no irninp iiieu 11ns
tened westward, going as fur as Chit
wood, where ho held up another China'
man, from whom he obtained 1100. s
sum, in the mind's eye of the maddened
Mongolian, not to ie picked up in the
road every day. The tramp, following
Horace ureviey s advice, continued tg
"go west," but was overtaken at ToIm.Io
ednesday, and taken back to Philo
math, where he is today undergoing the
evoro suueranceof tho punishment of
law. He is a bold tramrt. but the nen
tentlary will put a check on his plunder
ing 01 pockets. C'orvailis (Jamie.
Lkdakon. It la ramored that our pop.
nlar townsman A A Kee will be Iwlore
the republican committee for hcrifr.
The wife and daughter of Hon K 8
ntrahan passed throuth town We dries
day on their way to Cobiirg.
llieciiv 01 lA'banou exnerleneed a
hock from an e.trthnake Wednesday
evening between 8 and l o'clock. Tho
shock was sutllcientlv strong to shake
some flower pots off a w indow sill at J J
owan'a. o serious damage reported.
Mr W II Ribclin has bought tho notion
and confectionery store of wl Turn id ire
in me post-oIUce bulkllng. We wish Mr
Kibeiin success with his new venture.
Dr Hill, of Albanv. nnsscd throueh
town yesterday on his way home from
Botlavllle. Dr Informed us that the sub
sidy had been raised for the college and
it would be built and that he was sure
the motor line would be built this vi ar.
and several other improvements will lie
made IK-al papers.
Tut Red Bcll The Hulem Journal
esys 'Hurrah for the Red Hull," re-
lerring to the mine in the Santiitui Dis
trict of that name. 8alem ncnulv wilt
do well to open their eyes and boy a
mm at once. There is millions In the
mines. Tho Journal speaking ot the
mine says: Harvey Miwrv, Amos
Strong and Mr Marsh of Keller A Marsh
are the Salem owners of the Red Hull
mine. It cost them tlSO to pnt a lot of
ore thro jgh the mills, and it his yielded
them a gold brick said to weigh out
$23iu. The mine it Is said is capable of
yielding that every day. It creates not
a littte excitement in mining circles.
The Silver Dollar mine is said to be sold
or 9 1 2,000.
8cio. Jacob Huberof Jordan was in
town Monday. He states that the
ground on some of the higher portions
of land in his locality is getting too dry
to plow.
Mr and Mrs W II Lilyeu went over to
Albany last Friday, taking their little
son, llomer, who has been suffering for
some time past with a diseased bon in
bis arm. Dr Wallace removed the dis
eased portion, and the parents expect
Homer to toon be completely recovered.
R Rhelton and TJMunkers have as
sociated themselves together as real
estate dealers under the caption of "Fcio
Land Company," and have opened an
office one door north of T W Dtlley'e
jewelry store. Press.
Heir to a Fobtcsk. Another man
has fallen heir to a fortune. His name
is Isaac Wcchsler, the well known com
mercial traveler, who passed through
Albany Thursday night for San Fran
cisco. An estate of 1 1, 600,000 was just
left in Austria,' and he is to get a slice.
Hie fortune' descended from Ma'lteas
Pulitser. archbishop of Vienna, who was
a member of one of the mostdistlngulshed
Hebrew families 01 Hungary. Joseph
fulltser, the famous proprietor of the
New York World, is a relative of Mr
weschier and one 01 the heirs to the
money,. Thcie is no telling how big the
drummer's share will t when he gets it.
Such things are so visionary when they
are first reported.
Tutrt'BLic Sciiool. The first term
closed with examinations on Thursday
and Friday, Jan, ftth and 30th. The
pupils acquitted themselves well, there
being only a few who failed to pas. The
enrollment for the last month of the
term was 429, divided about equally be
tween the boys and girl. there being one
more rirl than boys. The new term is
entered npon with renewed Interest, and
the enrollment for the Dret week is 4u.
The pupils are making excellent standing
In the daily tecitaiton. and the indica
tions point to a successful term's work.
As Eye to Bt'smeas. It is said that
the really earnest Portland girl who con
sents to marry the man who wants her
requires iittn to make auidavit to the
number of times he's been married and
how many wives he has living, together
with a statement of their ages, locations,
financial status and previous conditions
of servitude. These affidavits are re
quired, not necessarily for publication,
ut as an evidence ot good faith. The
Portland girl has an eye to business, and
the girls of Oregon towns generally had
better keep their eyes open and learn
what they are doing ueiore saying yes.
Fatal Acctokict. Last Tuesday Chas
Raddatz was felling trees at Sweet Home
when the tree felt, striking him against
the stomach and thigh, breaking his
thigh. The blow proved fatal, &.r Rad
datz dying before medical assistance
reached him. The deceased was about
thirty years of age, and was a resident of
Albany lor awiiiie, ana at one time
working for Mr J A Gross in Us nursery
adjoining Albany, and also for Peler
Riley on Washington street grai'e.
.The Agricultural Collkob. The fol
lowing is given as the situation at the
Agricultural College: Arnold's successor
at Oorvallis has not yet been chosen for
the Agricultural college, rrol ixtcher
is anting president and Wallis Nash is
attending to the executive duties. The
department of topography has been es
tablished, Prof Vernot in charge. Prof
Lots has been choson assistant chemist.
Captain Warrens, a retired officer of the
U o Ail drillmoster, and a line man.
One Gone, One Come.- -O II Dodd
Co. of Portland, have withdrawn their
brancn nonse irom a 1 cany. Air u nrau
the manager, will travel for an imple
ment house, jonn noDson lias taken
the management of the Northwest Imple
ment Co. of Portland, and occupies the
xlace vacated by Dodd, where he also
has bis sewing machine agency.
Tax Assessment Roll. The Linn
county assessment roll has just been
"fixed up" by Mr va Bmltn, accordln
to the order of the state board ot equa
iration. As nearly every name on the
roll was aflected tbo job was a big one
The new figures are plaoed in red Ink
and the tax has been carried out. On
an average each man's assessment will
be raised ten per cent. ,
. A Mill City Suit. II C Watson was
in Mill Citv Thursday in the Interest of
the defendant in tie case of C W llenline
I aet W A Hunt, the suit being brough
to remove the defendant from rented
Dremisee. F U Hull, of Mehama, ap
peared for the plaintiff. Justice Budbng
decided the case In favor of the defendant.
Another invoioe of our - dollar kid glove
last received at tba Ladies Bssaac. This is
the beat glove evsr soia tor me prior.
Ladies, do you wish your bair to stsy
earl, if so cet a bottle ofFrenoh curlins
Mrs Hvmsn's
Rockingham's Dye for the whUkers doe
ts work thoroughly, coloring; -a uniforms
brown or black, which, ' when dry, will
neither rub, wash off, nor soil linen.
Th following its lbs buiimla 1 !m of lbs
voting prtcindi in Linn County ss rcergsn-
bed by lbs county court si its regular Jsnu
ary term l8ylt
retim ing In lbs cnlr f On Willamette
Hirer, ojiponils the eenier of ths noiih end of
Ksrry ursrt, in ths ci'y of Albany, in Linn
County, Oregon, snd tunning thenct south
S 15 rait stung it.s ern'.sr of said street to
ths cnter of l ouiin r eel, thence ssstsrly
slung ths center of Fourth ttrcet to a point
optolf ths center of thr Court I Ioum, thence
south B' It' eatt llirouj;ti ths tenter t t'.is
Court Home to the ccn'er of Fifth street.
ihcPte westerly stars. tle csntsr of Fifth street
to the cmer of VtsMitngmn street, thence
south 6 is east along the Ccatcr of Wash
Inelon street sml tontinuingiaid tins to where
Wattiinctun street In Llk ins AMItloa to Al
bany intersects the south line of Section 7, in
i lia K 1 w, thsnce west along ths south
tins of mi J Section 7 to ths southwsnt corner
llxrsof, thence south to milt, thence cast
one half nii'o, thence northerly lo ths south
west corner or V isrecks A i'U li Ion to Albany,
thence north 1 ,v' wl to the renter ofine
county toad at Iks net th went ctnrr of Uohrs
Psik Audition to Alhanv, t sncsaurih wester
ly along I t.e rrnter of ald county road to s
point south 8" 15' em.1 fiom ths center of
Maker street In lbs city of Albany, thenrt
north 3 15' west thiouuh tie center of Bolter
street to the center ft Kounti street, thence
rstter'.y along the center of Fourth street to
the center of Montgomery strsst, 1 hence ooitU
8 1 ' west s'ong ths center of Montgomery
street to 1 he renter of the Willamette River,
ibence up said river to the idicaolbrginninc.
and that the place for folding elections ia
tsld precinct be in the county court the' Court Home, ia Albany.
rsxTEk raKciNcr.
Bisinnlngst the H, V. corner of Section
lo in Tjl 3 K 3 V of the Will. Mer. Ore
gon, sml-rannlng thence toulh sevea miles.
nenre east live miles to the north est corner
of Section 17, In T lj S R I W, thence south
one mile, thence eat one mi, thence nrrth
tour miltt, tbrnre west one mile, thence north
wie mile, throes went one mt'e, thrnce norh
three mile, Ihmre ct four mitts te the
r'.tc ol t-ecinning. 1 he Wce ol voting lo
Mid precinct to I at Young's store lo Piein-
IUi:in-ini! inthe center of the Willamette
Rlv.r oppoiite the csoter 3f Montgomery
s; reel and tunning thence South 8 it' esst
through the center ot Montcomer street lo the
ceotrr of Fourth street, thence wcsteily along
me center of rurtb strset to tnecentet of
Baker trt , 1 hence south 8 1 5 eau along
he center of Hiker srest snd conlinuine said
lias to the center of the county toad, nesi ths
Ticket Office of the Orccoo Pacific Rail road
Co, thence ou;h esttcrly stong ths center of
said county road to the aorthweit earner of
Uoltra Park Addition, to Albany, thence sosib
30 east a'ong the we line or said sddittoe
snd ths wet Lne of Vierecks sddr.ion
to the soulhwekt coresr of VrirecVs Add..
thencs southerly 10 ths half mile corner I
Ueen Sections 10 snd Jo. in T II S R 1 W.
iheacs esM one half mile, thence north 10 tt.c
center of the Oregon Pacific Ktilrosd track,
thencs north westerly along the center ot the
ntsin track of the O P R R, through lbs center
of Lsfaycttc street to the center of the Wll
umttte Kiver. it en re up the W tilauetle
Rtvtr to the place ef beginning. The polling
place to be at the olhce of the Albany Farm
ers Wsrchoute, in Albany, Or,
Beginning at the southwest corner ot
Section II. in T 15 S R s W of the Wll-
ansette Mertillan, in Ltnn (.ountr, Ure-
gon, snd running thence north r.lne miles,
thence east one mite, tlience north three
miles to the northwest corner tA Section
tain T 13S R 1 W.tnence est three miles.
thence south four miles, thence est one
mile, thence touth one mile .thence east
o mltc,'hencrtouthone mite thence eat
to the cat boundary line of Linn County,
thence southerly along the east boundary
of Linn County to the southesst corner of
j-inn ciiuhiy. inence west to the place ol
beginning. The polling piece lor said
precinct to be at Glass's Mure building. In
the town of Crawfordevllle.
Beginning In the center of the Willam
ette River opposite the center of Lafay
ette street, In the city of Albsny, and run
ning thence south eattcrly along the center
of said street and along the
center of the main trsck of
theUPRRto the weet boundary line of
section o, in 1 11 k 3 w, inence soutn
to the half mile corner between Section
19 and 30 In said township, thence catt two
and one half miles to the smitheait corner
of Section 31 In said TltSltjW, thence
north five miles to the northeast corner of
Section 33, In T 10 S R 3 W, thence west
to th center of the Willamette Biver.
thence up the center of satd river to the
lace ot beginning. The polling place to
beat the WUlamctie Cannery building, in
Beginning st the southeast coiner of
section 1. In T 10 S R 3 E of the Wll .
Ismctte Meridian, Oregon, and ruanlng
thence north a miles more or less to the
center of the North Santiam river, thence
down the center of said river to the west
boundary line of Section at, In T 9 S R 1
E, thence south to the south wet corner of
the northwest quarter of Section 36, in I
ski b thence eart one mile, thence
south one mile and one half ot a mite,
thence esst three miles, thence south one
mile, thence east four miles to the place
of beginning. The voting place for Fox
vslley precinct to be in the Town Hall ol
the town 01 Lyons In said precinct.
Beginning at the southeast coiner of
Section 18, in T toSKi W of the Wll
lametle Meridian, in Chin County, Ore
gon, and running thence east four miles,
thence soutn one halt mile, thenct esst two
mltes,thence south two and one half miles
to the southeast corner of Section 31, In T
10 b K I E, thence west about two miles
to the center of Crabtree Creek, thence
down the center of ssld creek to tne eat
boundary line of Section 34, In T 10 8 R
vy, thence south to the southeast corner
of Sect!on3, In T 1 1 S R a W, thence west
to the center ot the South Santiam river,
thence down the center oi said river to the
mouth ol Thomas Creek.thence up Thomas
Creek to the cant line of bi-ction 18, in
10 S It l A', thence south to the place
ot beginning. The polling piece for said
precinct to be at Meyers uoor aasn
Factory, In the city of Sclo, Oiegon.
Beginning In the center of the Wll
lamette river where the north line of sec
tlon i9,ln T t3 S R 4 W of the Willamette
Meridian crosses said river, and running
thence up this center of the main channe
of said river to the south line of Section
2A. In T 11 S R S W, thence cast to the
southeast corner of Section ao In T 14 S R
X W. thence north tour miles to the north
east corner ot section nve in saiu a 14 a
R 3 W, thence west about one half mile to
the center of Hampton Slough, thence
northerly down the center of Jsaid slough
to the Calaoooia creek, thence down th
center of said creek to the north line of bee
tlon 31. In T 13 S R 3 W, thence west to
the place of beginning. The place of vot
lne In said precinct to oe in tne Duuatng
Immediately north of the Posloffice, in the
town of Haltey,
Beginning at the southeast corner of
Section 1, in T 10 8 R a E 9! the Wll
lamette Meridian, Oregon, and running
thence west three miles, thence north one
mile, thence west three mlles.thence north J
one mite and one half of a mile, thence
wcBtone mile.thence north to thejeenter of
the North Santlum rlver.thence down the
center of said river about five miles to the
west line of Section 13, in T 9 S R 1 W,
thence south about TA miles to the south
east corner of the northeast quarter of
section 23, in T 10 S R 1 W, thence east
jwo miles, thence south 1 miles, thence
east eleven miles to the southeast corner
of Section 25, In T o S R 3 E, thence
north four mites to the place of beginning.
The polling place for said precinct to be at
dheitons store building, in jordon in snid
preclact, t .
Korih Harrisbuxo
Beginning in ths center of ths Willsmet
river, opiiemie ths cen'sr of ths west end of
Smith Mrrtt In ths city of Hsrrisuutg, in
Unn Couhty.HOfrgfin, sne running thencs
ssst to ths center, of Seronv street, tbeties
south to ths crtier of Mscy street, thence
cntt 50 chains, thencs north II chains, more
or less, to the line between sections lo snd I j
in T I $ K 4 W, thence sssi le ths southeast
corner of sedios II in T It S K 3 W, thencs
north two miles to tne northrstt coner of
action a, In T15SR1W. thence west
siting the township line nine miles, 10 ths
southeast rornsr of section 3a, in T 14 S R
W, 1 hence north two miles thence west
bout ntss miles, to ths center of the Wibsm.
elte river, 00 Ihc (iuth line ef section 34, la
T 14 S R $ W, thence up the Wiilsmelts
river, in tlu ccn'.er of ths m In thsnnel thrrc-
Of. to Ihc 1 lac-si lire nn nir.
J he polling pure for said precmet to he st
the public school buiUing, in lbs city of Jisr-
Beginning at the northeast corner ot
section 14 in T I H K 1 Wot the Wil
lamette merldan In Ltnn county, Oregon,
and running thence west four m'lles,t hence
north one mite, thence west four mile.
thence south one mile, thence west to the
center of the Calanoula creek, thence up
the center of the CaUpoola creek to the
cant line of section 11 In T 14 8 R 1 W.
thence noith to the northwest corner of
section 1 In T 14 S R 3 W, thence east one
mile, thence north four miles to the piece
of beginning. The poblng place for said
Creel net to be at the city hall In tioith
Beginning at the nprtheatt of
sectkin 7 in T is & K 3 W of the Wil
lamette meridian In Ltnn ceunly, Oregon,
and running thence west to the northwest
corner of ssld section, thence eiorth five
miles to the noithwest corner of section
18 In T it S R 3 W, thence east four miles
to the center ot South Santiam river.
thence up the center of said river lo the
outhboun?ry line of section 34 In T II S
k 3 w, thence esst to tne southesat corner
of ssld section 34, thence south 3H miles
to the half-mile corner In the east bound
ary ol section 13 In T 13 HKi W.
thrnce west to t'ic center of the Ssnlia-n
ditch and csnal, thence northwesterly
down said canal to a point due east of the
center of Rose street in the city of Leban
on, thence west through the center of said
street to the center of the main trsc of
the Lebanon branch of the Oregon
& California tsllroad.t hence northwesterly
stong the renter of said railroad trsck to the
center of the county road on the north line
of the donation land claimed Jeremiah Ral-
s'on and wite.t hence west along the center
ot ssld county road to the west boundary of
section 8 in T 1 j 8 R j W. thence north to
the piece of beginning. The polling place
In said predi ct to bs at the academy
Beginning In the center of Calspoola
creek where the north line of section 36 In
T 1 1 S R 4 W crosses ssld creek, and run
ning thence west to the center of the
Willamette river, up the center of
ssld river to the south line of section 30 In
T 1 3 S R 4 W, thence east to the center of
Cat a pool a creek, thence down the center
of Calapoola creek to the place of begin
ning. The poblng place for said precinct
to be at Oakvllle school house.
Beginning at the southeast comer of
section 1 In T 13 S R 3 W ot the Wil
lamette meridian In Linn county, Oregon,
and running thence west three miles,
thence) north eight mites, thence east one
mile, thence north one mile, thence east
to the south Ssntlsm river, where the
north boucdarv of section 3$ in T to S R
W crosses said river, thence up said river
In the center of the main channel there
of, to the north boundary line of section 15
In T II S R 3 W .thence west to the north
west corner of section is In T 1 1 S R a W,
thence south to the plsce of beginning.
The polling place In said precinct to be at
1 fltV -V IIWWI ttV9V IU riCVIIIVl.
Beginning at the southeast corner of T
S K 3 E of the Willamette meridian.
Oregon, and running thence east to the
center of the North Santiam river, thence
down the center of said river to the east
boundsry line of T oS R 3 E, thence south
to place ot beginning. The polling place
for Rock Creek precinct shall be the sehool
house In King's prairie, In ssld precinct.
Beginning at the northeast corner of
section 33 in T ia S R 3 W Willamette
meridian, and running thence south three
miles, thence east one mile, thence south
one mile, thence west to the center 01 the
Willamette river, thence down the center
cf aald tlver to the north boundary ot sec
tion 31 in T 13 S K 4 W. tnence cast to the
place of beginning. The place of voting
In ssld precinct to be In Martin Mullan s
building In the town of Sheddfin satd pre
Sweet Hosra
Beirinninir at the southeaxt corner of auc
tion 18, in T 13 8 R 1 W of the Willamette
meridian, Oregon, and running thence
east to the centor of tho South Santiam
river, thence down thn center of said river
to the north boundary line of section 11 in
said towiumip, thence east to thn southeast
corner of section 3, in T 13 S U 1 E, thence
north one mile, Uience oast two miles, thence
nfv4 tna rtti Ia tlw-tnVk xka4 fw ivtiliua trtAnrA I
mrth one mile, thence east to the east line
of Linn county, thence southerly along the
eat boundary line of iann county to a
point due east of the center of T 14 S U
K, thence west to the southwest corner of
soction 18 in T 14 8 It 1 K. Uience north
one mile, tlience west two nules, thence
north one niilo, thence west one mile, thence
north four miles to the nlace of betrinmnir.
The polling place for Sweet Itome precinct
to lie at Miller s market
in the town of
Sweet Homo.
Bcainninar at the northwest corner of
suction 34 in T 12 8 R 2 W of the ViUu
ette meridian, Oregon, and running' thence
east two miles, thence north two miles,
thence east to the center 0! the South San
tiam mer. thence up said mer in the
center thereof to the Bouth boundary of sec
tion 14. in T 13 3 R 1 W. thence: west to
tho southwest corner of section lo, in 1 13
S R 2 W, thence north four miles to the
n!nv of becinnimr. The nlace of Totinor in
said precinct to be the district school house
in isodaviiie.
. Saxtiam
Bosrinning at the southeast corner of T
10 8 It 2 E of the Willamette meridian,
Oresron. and running Uience north one mile.
Uience west eleven miles to the southeast
corner of section 80 in T 10 S R 1 K, thence
south one mile, thence west two miles to
the center of Crabtree creek, thence down
the center of Crabtree creek to where the
west line of section 25 in T 10 S R 2 W
crosses said creek, thence south to the
northwest corner of section 11 in T11SR
2 W, thence west to the middle of the South
Santiam river, thence up the bouth Santi
am river with the rneandorings thereof to
the south line of section 24 in T 1 1 S R 2 W ,
thence east to the northeast corner of sec-
25 in T 11 S R 2 W. thence south two miles
to the southwest corner of T 11 S R 1 W,
uience east to the center cf the IS orth San
tiam river, thence down the center of the
North Santiam river to a point due east of
the place of beginning, thence west to the
place of beginning. The polling place for
said precinct to be at the Providence school
house in stud precinct.
' " : 1 Scio.
Beginning at the northeast corner of
section 11 in T 10 8 R 1 W of the Willam
ette meridian, Oregon, and running thence
west about 6M miles to the center of the
Oregonian railway track, thence southwest
erly along the center of said railway track
to the center of Thomas creek, thence up the
center of said creek to the east boundary of
section 18'in said township, thence south to
J th8 ,outhcaat corner of said section IS,
munre eiua iour muos 10 tne souuieast cor
nnr of suction 14, in sunt townnhip, thence
north two mili-s to tltn pliK of leginnintf.
The polling pluaj to tie iittlie city hall in
nie en m rxuu in sum prrcinct.
Ik'tfiniiina' fit tlm nortlimud cornej of
tion 1 1 in T 10 8K1W of Tho Willamette
meridian, in Linn county, Orojjon.and rttn
ning. thence west about mi hm to the
wtiUir or ttio Urr-iroMiin railway tnui
thence south wertrrrly along tlie orntarot said
railroad track to tho ambtr of Thomas
creek, thence down the center 1 1 Tliomua
nreisk to the South Ran mm river, thence
down tho crmtar of the ftmth Santiam river
to its Junction with tho North Santiam
rivor, uionoe up the cenbir of the North
Santiam rivw to thn mut boundary line of
section 14 in T 9 8 It 1 W. ttwiuo south to
the tmu') of bfimitilnir. 11m iifillintr tiW
1 or rtiteiDiirn prwimt to ic at uridgos hall
in win town or ciicumm. ,
, SYltACt'SK.
IWliuunu in tho cenhtr of the Villam-
etb river whr the soutn line of nx-tion 'J9
ml 10 It a W crotmes said nv-r and run
ninir thwtcn eat to the souUieast corner of
section it in stud township, thence north
fine mile. Hitmen eitst to tho cAnb:r of the
South Sai tiitm river, thrmce down the Ran-
han river to its Junction with U10 Wi lam-
ctlo river. Uu-nce op the center of the Wil
lamette river to tli tilaee of iKvinnimr.
The polling place for said precim-t to lie at
iniiiur s wartiniiiwj in jniuer s nminm.
Beginning at the southeast corner ol
sectlen 35 In T 14 S R a W of the Wil
lamette meridian, In Linn county, Oregon,
a .id running thence west nine miles o the
southwest corner ol section 13 In T is S R
3 W, thence north six miles, thence west
one-hslf mile to the centerof the Hampton
slough, thence northerly down the center of
satd slough to the center of Calapoola
creek.thence up the center of said crek to
tne east line el section 1 1 In T u S K a W.
thence south about four and one-hall mites
to the place of bealnnina. The pclllns
place lor said precinct to be at the school
house In South Brownsville.
Beginning In li.c center of the Wil
lamette river, opposite the center of the
west enu 01 Smith street and running
thence east to the center of Second street,
thence south to the center of Macy street,
thence esst to chains, thence 11 chslns
more or less to the line between sections
to and ic In T ic S R 4 W. thence east to
the souihesst corner of section 11 In T 15
S R 3 W, thence south one mile, thence
east one mile to the northwest corner of
section 19 T 15 S R 1 W. thence south
four mites, thrive west along the south
boundary line of Llnri county, about fif
teen miles to the southwest corner of Linn
county thence down the center of the
Willamette river to the plsce of beginning.
The polling place for ssidpreclnct to be in
Mendenhall's store building In the city of
Beginning at the southeast corner of
section 36 in T ia S R 3 W of the Wil
lamette meridian, In Linn county, Oregon,
anJ running north two miles, thence
esst to the center ot the South Sint'am
river, thence up the cet.ter of said river to
the esst line of section 34 in ssld town
ship, thence north atxut one and three
quarter miles to the half-mile corner In
the east boundary of section ia in satd
township, thence west to the center of the
Santiam ditch and canal, thence north.
westerly down the renter of said canal to
a point due esst ol the center of the east
end ot Rose street In the town ot Lebanon,
thence west through the center ot ssld
Rose street to the centerof the msln track
of the Lebanon branch of the Oregon and
(jaiuornia railroad, thence northwesterly
along the center of said railroad track to
the centerof the county road on the north
line of the donation land claim of Jeremiah
Kaiston and wile, thence west alone the
center tsf said county road to the west
boundary line of section 8 In T ia S R 3
W. thence soutn to the southeast corner
ot section ao In ald township, thence east
one mile, thence south one mile, thence
east three miles to the place of beginning.
The polling place for said precinct to be at
tne city nan tn the town ot Lebanon.
Beginning at the northeast corner of
section 3S tn T 1 1 S R 3 W of the Wil
lamette meridian, Oregon, and running
thence south seven miles to the southeaet
corner of section 38 In T 11SR3 W,
thence west two miles to the center of
Calapoola creek.thence down the center of
said creek to the north boundary line cf
section 36 In T 1 1 S R 4 W, thence east to
1 the place ef beginning. The polling place
Kr said precinct to be at Tangent gunge
hall at Tangent, in said precinct.
Beginning at the northwest corner of T 11
S K 1 W. thence esst tu the esst boundary
of Linn county, thence south four miles,
thence ,west to tne nortnesst corner 01
section 39 in T ia S R a E, thence south
one mile, thence west two mttcs, 1 hence
south one mile, thence west two miles,
thence south one mile, thence west to the
the centerl of the South Santiam river,
thence down the center 01 said river to the
west boundary ot T la.S R 1 W, thence
north lo the place of beginning.
The voting place in said precinct to be
what is known as the Gleason school
Beginning in the center of the "Willam-
I ette river, opposite the center of the north
I end ot i erry street, in the city of Albany,
21 Oresron, ana runnine thence south 8 detr.
1 IS min, east along the center of said street
to the center of Fourth street, thence east'
erlv along the center of Fourth street to a
coini opposue me ccuier ot me coun nuutw
' . . . i IlL. LI
thence south 8 dog. 15 min. east through
the center of said court house to the center
of Fifth street, thence westerly along the
center of Fifth street to the center of Wash-
inirton street, thence souths deg. 15 nun
east along the center of Washington street
to where Washington street in fcJKin s ad
dition to Albany intersects the. south line of
section 7 in T 11 S R 8 W, thence went
along the south lino of said section 7 to the
southwest corner uiereot, thence soutn two
miles, thence west to the center of the Wil
lamette river, thence down said river to the
place of beginning. The polling place for
said precinct to be up-stoirs in the west
side 01 tne circuit courtroom room in tue
court house in the city of Albany.
A newspaper that makes a pretense
laboring for the interest of the masses say
that the democratic party does not believe
In the masses to the extent ot trusting
them to select their public servants. The
man who would make such a statement
a demagogue, and, to the extent that peo
ple will believe him, Is a dangerous man
People should keep an eye on tuch a man
for it may be safely relied on that he Is
wolf In sheep's clothing! Watch him.
Uow to Uclp Tour DlBtstton.
Almost every day ws feel the uopleatao
secsationa ot indigestion. Try Allonok
Porous Piasters and be reuoved. J
Davenport, of Usnarsier New York, writes;
- "I have been very mucn troubled with a
violent pain below tny uhest bone. I war
told by several physicians that it was rheu
matism of tht diaphraem. It resulted from
oold snd exposuis. I had very little ap- j
petite and digested my food with Rrest dif-
5. , T 1 A ... t A ll 1.'- T
CUI.y. A piaveu vuo vk anviu. luiuui
Plaster below the bresst bone and two on
each side. In the coarse of twenty-four
hoars all pain ceased, and I was able to eat
and digest a good sqnsre meal, something I
bad cot done Celore in two weess. 1 gnt
better constantly, snd at the end cf seven
days found myself entirely well, Sinoe
then I nave asea filiooo s rorous blasters
for colds, coughs and pains my side, and I
have always found them quick and eflVefc-
tOtrrf DEWeH-ailtC CeTETle.
There' will be a democratic county con
ventlon held st the court house In Albany
011 Tue.dsr. Msrch 8th, 1 89a, at 10 o'clock
am, to iiuiKlnate candidates lor county
offices, to elect 16 delegstes totheStstc
convention ana to transact such other
business as may properly come before the
convention Primary meetings will be
held at the ususl pieces of voting in the
several precloc's on Saturday, March jih,
189a, at I o'clock p m By unanimous
vote ot tne committee It was recommend
ed that the vlve voce system of voting be
adopted by the next convention so fsrss
It may apply to the nomination of candi
dates. The several precincts are entitled
lo delegates as follows:
Albany. .
IRock Creek,...
Sweet Home....
Central Alba..y
Cra fordsvlile.
East Albany...
Fox Valtey..,.,
Franktln Butte,
S Brownsville...
N Brownsville.
H llsrrfsburg. , .
3 Lebanon,,,.. .
West Albany...
N Harrlsburg. , ,.,4
r Jeoanon, a
Orleans 1
rnce , 4
.V 1 . . V -
loiai oeiea-sies. 101.
AH voters without reirsrd to former nol.
Ideal affiliations, who favor an honest
economical administration of public affairs
so as to conserve the Interests of the
masses as against the monopolistic tend
ency ot the day. are cordially invited to
join In taking part to these conventions.
J J Stitrs, Chairman piotem.
AH Hods of choioe sitiu and conk in
spplss at A Ilea Bros.
E W Aehison k Co basdls ins Mlebratad
Portland oemeot walla for tametsry- lots,
rbese walls esa be f ornisbsd st half the eost
of aayother and ar far snperisr.
Ills actually economy to drink Brack's
Tea. Being absolutely pare, it is snncb
stroogve than the artificial teas, about one
third less of rc, or skoal twenty gnsios, be
tas; eqairsd per cap. As there are 7,6S
grains to a poend. there will be seen to b
between three and four hand red eaps to the!
pouad. As It U bat 60 cents per 1 0 ind, I
this fat at tba rate of abent one flrta of a seat '
per sap. For sale at Allso Breo.
Call andfsee what a stock of I
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Goods,
We have to select from. Our
but the cheapest ever
1" -v
have iust placed on sale
cloaks and jackets, in
goods, plain and
We want your trado and we
you money.
x 1 vcvn
1 t jr. k
Tl 1
for Infants
rtortmtoao we& adapMtocblldren that
I rocommend it ae enperior to any prescription
(mown tome. IL A. .ttCBxn, M. D.,
. IU So. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, R. T.
"nv" una of 'Castorta" ts SO universal and
TM mxrits so wll known that it seems a werk
of suproroeatloa to endorse it. Few arettie
toM-lhgrent families who do nol keep Cactoria
within easy reach."
Cuuxw Makttk, T).D .
New York City,
tate Pastor Btoomiuf-Jalo Reformed Uiurob-
Th CcMTAoa
The Try latest news is that you san buy at eTTJIIB'S
OB ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follow
ArbuehlVs CofJse, Per Found. .... . -
17 lbs. Granulated Sugar
20 lbs. I3xtra G Sugar White.......
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon.;..
cans remiea, o gauons.
5 Gallons Good Piokles
20 lbs. ITo. Savon Soap
. Wholesale prloe Of scfgsr-teO lbs extra C,4.7S; UO ibs gi anulatcd, 53.75.
- X will cocdnst a strEft sash aton, Mid all goods will sold for net cash from in
SS par cent ).m ft am w tucr stock or (btnwre, fttsy goods, an 4
all the rUttiraMe sf lee of dnbee, as well as a general m wrtrnent of r9sarn , ir9V
ery. lampsKtsd tnsei is ot'spike), I tri s spsaalty of fiae k, &A
b iking powder, and always plsase my cuscotuefs, ;
. Ageni for several responsible Insurance eompftotoi . Jnllni itf-adw?j1.
Is an fonammatlon of the bronchial tuhes
the alr-passa'es leading Into the lungs.
.7 ,rt'"'r complaints are so prevalent, or
eau for more prompt and enere:etiifartien..
- """'gleet or delay may result seriously,
effective remedies should always he at
hand. Apply at once a mustard poultice to
the upper part of the chest, and. for internal
treatment, take frequent doses of
Cherry Pectoral
C. O, lepper, Bmeirlst, Fort Wayne, Ind.,
writes t "My little sitr. four years of sgs,
was so 111 from bronchitis that we had almost
given tap hope of her recovery. Our family
physician, a skilful man and of large experi
ence, pronounced It useless to give her any
mors medicine, saying be had done all it was
possible to do, and we must prepare for the
worst As a last resort, we determined to
try Avers Cherry I'eetoral, and I can truly
say, With most happy results, AJVr taking
a few doses she seemed to breathe easier,
and, within a week, was out of danger. Wa
continued giving the rectoral until satisSed
she was entirely wen. This tadlsputahle
. evidence of the great merit of Ayers Cherry has given me unbrmnded confl
uence tn the preparation, and I recommend
ft to my customers, knowing it cannot disap
point them."
"Ayers Cherry pectoral cured me of a bad
cough and my partner of bronchitis. I know
of numerous eases In wbtch this preparation
has proved very beneficial In families cf
Young CMdren,
so that the medicine Is known among them
as 'the consoler ot the afflicted. '"Jaime
Bufus t idal, San Crlstobel, Ban Domlne;o.
"A short time ago, I was taken with a
severe attack of bronchitis. The remedies
ordinarily used tn such eases failed to give
ne relief. Almost In despair ot ever finding
nythlDf to cure me, I bought a bottle of
Ayers Cherry Pectoral, and was helped
from the first dose. I had not finished one
bottle before the disease left me. and my
throat tnd 1 tin gf were as sound as ever."
Geo. B. Banter, Altoona, Pa.
Ayei's Clieny Peciorai,
DR. J. C AYER CO., IxirsH, te..
SoldbysaDrscfbts. Price SI; six Unties,
stock is not only !the largest-
shown in Albany.
a complete assortment
both cloth and plush
fur trimmed.
feel eonfiden we can sav
gtTsji rirTTTier-Tirr
and Children.
Ctoi lav cures CoBo, Oopsttpctlon.
Bour Stomach, Diorrbosa. Eructation,
Kills Worms, (ires Bleep, and promotes dl-
tyithoot hduriona medtcstlon.
For several years I have recommended
your ' Caatoria, and shall always contiuim tr
ao eo as it has laTariably produced beneflcia
results, .
Edwih F. Pasdsb, at.
Tbe TTlnthrop," lSoth Street and Ttb. Ave.,
Oomvat, TT Ifnut Stbxct, Ksw Toss.
v f5e.
. i.00
. .45
. .80
. . . . . .
... 1 "- 1.11 m ' m,ip,i..nyi..,L. I iTnrn
Grailwohl s Bazaar