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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1892)
Site SUuwwr. 8TITE3 Ss BUTTIKO. El iters aa rresrletert. Harrison fired tti fmt gun of ths campaign ths other dajr, II nred a Fennsf lvaeia postmaster tot speaking disrespectfully of him. It temt th democratic houM will pat a tree (liter bill.- Salem sains. Vcrr welt. Mow tell u how "It seemt" at to what a republican wna'.e and a re publican president will do In the pi smites. The dentocratle metnben of the waft aad meant committee hare decided by a vote of J to ) to sJopt the Sptlnger policy of sttackiag the McKinley bill, that Is by Introducing a number of billt attacking the bill In Itt weakett points. That la the right policy. The convention of democratic cluba hold here a abort time ago waa a peaceful Quaker church acrrice in comparison with the re publican mooting held hero tola wtok. Re publican harmony it quoted at a big die count in Orogon just sow. Portland Di's- The member of the Mississippi LegU lature who were preaent were polled at to their presidential preference with thla result. Grove r Cleveland, 53; D B llil 41; "a Western man," ao; Gorman, 7 Campbell, 1; Bole. I; President Polk, of the AUIaace, 1. One favors Illll't tactic but want Cleveland for president. If the factional fight now going on be tween the friend of Cleveland and UUI ' ahall only result In retiring these gentle men aa presidential candidate It will not be particularly bad. But If It ahould re sult In ao distracting the party In New York a to render It unable to carry the state In November, then would their atrlfe be a misfortune. Justice Bradley of the United StaWs su preme court passed to hie final accounting at Washington city during the past week, after maiiy year of somce on the supreme bench of the nation. lie will be beat re membered a the moat notorioo member of the electoral commiuion which aeated II aye in the proiUntlnl chair in 1S77, notwitb atandinjr Tilden waa elected. Jacksonville Timet. Dr Marey, the eminent French physU ologUt, haa been atudylng the fight of In- tech. The appai a tus used to obtain pho tographs allowed eiposure to be made to thortaa 1 35,000 of a second. Illaobser vallon Indicate that the wing of Insect In flight, by meeting obliquely the reslstence of the air In to-and-fro movement, act In a very !mi!ar manner to the tcull used to propel boat. A fair reapportionment of Ohio would givt the republicans Uvo and the democrat tea coogreumea If Govraor McKinley wat tin car in hi inaugural advice, he will vet ths bill designed to give the republican tUtcca or tevcBieea of the twenty-one district, Aay governor, republican or democrat, who act! the example of defeating the partisan gerry- Binder by aa executive veto, will show that he la better tbaa hi party, and a true slatea aaaa . The opportunity it now before Gover nor McKinley. Whit will be do with it? Evcaiag TAfram. The -democrat of the way and mrn committee are beginning at the right end f tar"ff reform. Free wool would mean better and cheaper clethlng. Free lumber would mean cheaper house. Free coal would mean cheaper fuel, just a free su gar meant cheaper tweetenlng. The party can ask no better Issue, ahould the aenate or the president Jcfeat these meas ures, than to go to the people committed to untaxed clothing, and fuel. Tbe Albanv Dimocbat quotes the Uw and argues it length to show, which It perhaps doc to l;s own satisfaction, that Atteraey General C ha robe lain hold bis office, by ap rointment of Governor Pro n oyer, until 1894- We thought the democratt were in favor of rinne the t'copl the right to vol lor tbelr officers. Eager Journal. ' It' loo bad 10 deprive the Journal cf a "point" but it mat be done. Thit law creat ing tbe office of attorney-general was passed by a republican legislature and that party ia responsible fcr it, . The McKinley bill la the law of the land aid theprovlalonplaclng an enormous duty on tin plate I In practice, ostensibly to prevent foreign tin from coming to the United State: Here Is the result: n.l-TiM.or, January it An entry of 4,925 boxes of tin plate was made yes- lerday at the uusiom uoutc. 1 his la the biggest Imporutlcrt of tin plate made at thla pavt 'It ce the new tariff went Into ef fect 1" July. The duty amounted to $11,569. The importation waa made by I'heip. uodge el CO., ot Mew York The ihlpment wat made at Liverpool. Thua we have twt centa per pound tumped on tin for the benefit of the foreign manufacturer. When scientist went to look for salmon on the Pacific coast they found none, but found lomcthing far finer. In Europe salmon and trout differ only In the upper rows of teeth, the salmon shedding til a he grow older, while the tront always re tain them. On the Pacific coast, however, there I alway one certain and easily noticed mark of difference between the two. In the trout the last lower fin ha generally i.ot over nine raya, sometimes ten, but in the salmon the raya range from 13 to 16. In fact, the talmon In every way It built upon a more generous plan. The Supreme Court of the Ualted Slatea haa handed down a decision In the Boyd Thayer governorship contest case In Ne braska. The d-cUlon Is to the effect that Boyd, the democrat, is a citizen of the United Slate and It therefore entitled to the office of governor. It haa been over a year since the time that Boyd was entitled to be Installed a governor.but Thayer.the republican, who waa then governor, claimed that Boyd waa not a citizen of the Untied Bute and thai he, (Thayer,) waa enthled to hold over and he haa been holding the office for more thin a year, though he wa not even a candidate for It, The icpubllcana have another governor, (Bulkely of Connecticut,) who hat been holding over for more than a year, though he too was not even a candidate for the offlce 'JB ILL ..JLl'Llgli . . I . is the boast of those who believt in the McKinley til! tlist our export trsdc bas large ly increased sins it went into effect, and they attribute this increase 0 lb wholesome eiTcct, aa thev say, of that measure They show from report from the treasury depart ment that our expoit trad for eleven month of 1890 was Im3,S77.696 while for tha ssru ejeven nun i hi for 1891 under the &L.KIulcy law it amoun;cd to 338.755,134 being aa in crease of J jo, 1 77.433 Hat they lorgel to tell the mi-ici ths" ihe increase in tie amount of wheat an I flour alone exported wr $87,109, S79 puking practically the whole of 1 89 1 over 1890. Of course every one krowt that it is absolutely impossible lo i.icrcsse our CiiuHt trade in whrsc and flour by means of a tm;;T. Tha'. increase cso only cocne horn two t ausc-s, forc'n djm mJ en l abun jiut crops at BOUNTY LAHOH. I eatsaMssssa Multnomah camp, No 2, Indian War Veteran of the North Pacific Coast, hat aJopUxl and tent to Oregon's enatort and representative in congress Uio following preamble and resolution, which were pre pared by Colonel W W Chapman: To tho sonata ami house of reprosonU, tivoe of tlia United States: Your petition er, the Indian War Veterans of Oregon, who tarred in the Indian ware tinea the 3d any or Marco, a u, scmo, rw.pwuu.ij rop- 1 . e i rv i iir w i n - I reaCnt that I Whereat. Conirresa ha provident by law for granting bounty lands to pcnm. serv tag mum iimih wanpi eusin previous J win mtru ui.j ot iu.uv4., iovh., anil I n . i a il . i I u norena, omce u ou nj m miuvn, 181, seriout Indian wart have broken out, destroying many livoa and much property within the atateaand torritoritw, especially in, Washington and Idaho; and nherea. lour t'ttuoner and many other have been called out hurriedly from their furuilie and friend to defend thorn algainat Indian miUHOOra and doprvd-iticme, and were then or tubaequently mustered into the publie ecrvice and continued therein until the Indiana were tubdued and a per manent peace reatorod to the country; therefore. Rotolved, By the Indian War Veteran that con grew be and hereby it reapoctfully and earneatly requested to extend the bounty land law for so it ice in Indian wan in fore prior to the 3d day of March, 1855, to the Itt day of December, 1857. uKeeoI veil, That our eenatort and repre sentative be and they are hereby requested to use all poaaible effort to secure the pa- toge of a law a c ntemplnted in the pro- ceiling resolution. The above haa boen printed in circular form and tent to all campt of Indian war veteran in Oregon, Washington and Idaho with the request that they adopt the aaid preamble and resolutions, and forward a certified copy of their proceeding relating thereto to the eenatort and representative in concrea from the several state in tereated. MICHIGAN. This state may act an Important part in the next piestdemlal election. Since the organisation ot the republican party It haa alway a been regaided a safely republican until It wa struck by the political cyclone In 1S90 when the democratt elected all the ttate ofScert and both branches of the leg lalature. The legislature changed the manner ot electing prealdcntial providing that one ahould be elected In ach congressional dUtrlct. But as each atate la entitled to two electora for Ita two aenatora, the legislature provided for these by dividing the atate Into two districts, east and west. Thla would fill up the fourteen delegates to which the ttate U entitled. How will thlt affect the election ot presidential electors In that state? It Is clearly to be seen that while a state may be republican, some of Its congressional districts may be democratic The Flrat Second, Eight and Tenth dlatrlcta have uniformity returned dennxyatic majorities at all five elections held alnea i83i The sixth and seventh dlatilcU have gone dem- ociatlc at four out of the last five elections. The Eastern district haa been Infallibly demoeratlc for yeara. Theae seven dls-1 trlcts may be relied upon to elect demo- cratle elector. The Third, Fourth, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Western dUtrlct are reliably republican, from thia It appears that democrats are safe in seven districts and the tepubllcans safe in five. The Fifth and Ninth are doubtful. They have gone democratic at four out of Ibe five electlona since 1883. In the Fifth the chances favor the democrats. The Ninth will moat likely go republican. From this it will appear that democrate are likely to elect eight and republicans six of the elections lo tha. atate. A POLITICAL BLCNDEK . The New York World speaking of the undue haste of Hill's friends in jailing the atate convention in that state to early tayt: The choice of a democratic candidate for the presidency ahould be determined by the free will of the democratic party. No nomination teenred by sharp practice or machine manipulation can command tbe heartv annroval of a nartv founded in dem ocratic conceptions of free, popular action. No such means can be used in behalf of My candidate without doing iotoui hurt, to , . , . ,, , hich the world has imrt!v nrnrai nnon the attention of ix.1- . ' , I . ' I rti . lucians ana ooiiiicai manatrers. iniv are truths which politicians and political man- agers will do well to heed. In such matters it 11 wise to avoid not only evil bnt the appearance of evil. The national dclefrates at an unuxnaJ time and .. 0 . . . . ... upon unprecedentediy snort notice u a blunder. The most concerned need not be lurprixod it it is resented as a wrong. BE CAktirtL The county central committee recommend- ad that the democratic county convention thould adopt the vive voce system of voting in nominatinir candidates for cflice. The result that followed the vive toco voting v . . . a two years ago proved it to be very bene- ficial and there is scarcely a doubt that tbe convention will adopt that mtetn atniin. In view of that fact democrats who ...... . 1111 1 likely to be delegate, thould be careful about leaving an impression on the mind of any candidate thatf he will support such ,luln!nth.oonvpnf.on nnU. he ;n. tend io do so. Of all thing 1 'elite we need an open. fair, frank convention. We can win with no other. The movement to secure an amendment to the constitution rf the United States providing for the election of United Btatei senators by the people direct, ia gaining strength all over tho country. The matter came np before the committee in tbe lower house of congress the other day which had been appointed to investigate the matter and by a formal vote approved the plan. The amendment should pass. It should al to provide for electing presidents and vice president by the people. The people can be tnutod. In a republic it is West to keep as much power as possible in the hands of tha people. . Never before In tbe hlstery of the coun try were dishonest and selfish politician so generally and persistently trounced for their trickery and presumption as at the present time; and probably they never ao much deserved It. The press of the coun try it becoming peculiarly independent and outspoken. Mtrcury. Do the democratt of New York com prehend this stern truth? If not now they wlil later on unless they mend their ways. A dispatch from New York city, says: A meeting waa held thia afternoon to arrange the details for a mass meeting to protest against the action of the democrat ic state committee in calling an early state pouventlon. It wa decided at to-day's meeting to hold a mass meeting on Feb ! ruary 11 at a place to b heienfter deter mined. A call has al been issued by adherents of ex-preside-it Cleveland, who are fear ful that Senator Hill will capture the del egation to the natlantl democratic con- i)oK'T MlSKKPRKSKNt ' . It crop out that one of the wart In hich the leaders of the third party are attempting to make recruit from a mong democrat! It by telling democratt who are unwary and not on their guard, that dem ocratt are Jutt lle republican! to far aa tecurlng legislation for the msstet of the people, at proof nf which they atk why have not the democratt when In power legislated on the tariff and other quettlont. Thew rvm on an far aa trt ir unlhlnVlns dcmocr,u lh,t the dm0crata have fre- J - numtl .....1.. nf Ik. law mallna t ,, ..- i..... done BoUlBg for ihepf opl8 ThU u ver, unf,,r ,ye t yerJ much wor,elhan un, ,4,f The , wh(J htye lhu, been .v.,,i.i u.,i ni.jiki ik. ! m,t,ni, row nt .k- tTni,-,i Stat, u composed of' the acnate, . the lower houte o( congreM ,nJ Urt but by no me,nl e,,t the president. Now, the truth la that the democrats have not had control of this law making power, since 1859, a period ot Hitty tktt yrrtM. It la true that they have had a majority ot the lower house In con great since 1S75, except the 47th and 51st They alx had a majority of the senate the first two years of Hayes administration and the president from 188$ to 1S89, but they were never ao they had full power since 1859. . These are Indisputable his torical truths. WCULD.1 1'AIK AITUOl'KUTIONS. Twenty-six state and two territories thus tar have made appropriations for their representation at the exposition, as follows: Arliona , $30,000 300,000 California Colorado .... . . . , , 100,000 Delaware Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa.. Maine 10,000 30,000 800,000 50,000 40,000 75.000 100,000 Massachusetts, Michigan Minnesota. .. 50,000 150,000 50,000 50,000 35,000 Missouri Montana Nebraska N. Hampshire.... New Jeraey 30,000 New Mexico North Carolina.... 35.000 35,000 North Dakota 35,000 100,000 300,1)00 35,000 15.000 100,000 40,000 05,000 30,000 Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont......... Washington.... .. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totol... $3,5,000 Gen Torrence, of Chicago, 1 a republl can, but he saya that Mr llarrlson'a ad- mmlstrrtlon has not been aatlsfactory 10 the people of the west If Harrison ahould be renominated Illinois would be doubt - ful, provided the democrat! nominated Cleveland or Palmer. Mr Blalne.he tald, waa very popular In the west, and would poll the full atrength of hi party; but the ideal candidate lor the republicans to nom Inate, Gen Torrence thought, waa Judge Waller Q Gresharo. Judge Gresham waa very popular with the farming element and the plain people generally, lie waa a second edition of Lincoln "Gresham la not popular with the pol Itlclans, though," Geo Torrence added. 'They know they cannot uac him, and that he will make no Meats' tor the noml- nation, hence they are not likely to top- port him. But Gresham can be elected." Unconsciously and unintentionally, bu t nevertheless certainly, dU the republican party make the atrongest argument In fa vor of free trade thut haa been made for yeara. This consisted In putting augar on the free list. When republican leaders and republican papers aim to refer to the very beauty of beau'.lea of the McKinley law, ther uuifurmty telect the putting of sugar on the free list a the redeeming feature ot hat measure. And while the great bene fit accruing to the pejp'e from the sugar clause I largely neutralized by the fact that the goverriT.ent I bound to pay a bounty of two cent a pound on alt the augar produced In this country, ncverthe lest they are now cognizant of the fact that "free trade" as held up by the pro tectionist I merely a bugaboo. I That we demand equal rights to all and special privileges to none a cardinal principle 0f democratic faith. For this reason we could never consent that congress , . . ...... ' . "H"1"1 y icn minieny I ,nmM.t a.lisnl. t 1 . n ntnna. is. Ann I'liliM M """j w"v persona at a low rate of interest while all othcr dame, WOuld be compelled to go into th rw.ral ..t, .,! him mrmav at a u . m.:. t. 11 .11 - -I t ! XL- ,L -1 . we cutus icguuauon, uie mom, iuuhjctuus w any to the perpetuity of the govern men itself. Let the voice of every one be down on class legislation. Something mutt be very rotten in re publican politics In Multnomah county when a republican paper like the Mtrcury Is constrained to peak out In meeting as follow The republican of Multnomah county m"!n8 v r" 7 "l L V. I fl.s ! A f r-rs a f n rlrtin Imt wavK ha ivl m ivi it jt-4 i r m vaiwwiiii wvatse ia avt to work Xhere artf . half-dozen great bifc, overgrown asses in the crowd who would look well In a picture "by gioups,' nd their whim shall be gratlfled In thla iisi-c, c tare t,i c 1 ii, a wcic m wv t0 do ,t r)kht, boys, and let the other fel . lows become the vlcrim of the snap shot; but you are not doing It that way, let us warn yov. inosc 01 you wno oe lev. now rill regret jou ever had a suspicion of a grievance, after a while. Mark this par agraph. If you do not, the grinning ghouls of perdition will come out to pursue you I his not an Idle charge, ueatn in an heroic ateault upon Chili's jungles will be preferable, politically, to tome ot you. A dispatch from Norwich, Conrecllcut, y: At the various resort here and in sur rounding towns where politics is discussed David U Hill Is gradually being looked to as the standard bearet of the democratic party. In 1S8S the town stood by Cleve land splendidly and reduced the republican majority by 330. Hill boomers have be gun work already, and Independent votert who forme-ly cat their ballots for Clcve Ianddo not hesltatt. to say that sooner than do so again they will vote for the republl. can nominee. . A dispatch from Richmond, Virginia, says. J Taylor Killeon, chairman of the dem ocratic state committee, will soon call hit committee together to decide upon when and where the atate convention will meet to elect delegate ', ti the national conven tlon. There I t division of tentlment among the Virginia democratic leader a to the most suitable man the party can nominate lor president this year. Mr Cleveland I by long odd the most popu lar, nd. If It t shown that he i the most suitable, he will uriy sweep the state for delegater to the national convention, . So far as we have learned, all democrats in the county approve of the recommenda tion of the county central committee that the next convention should olopt the vive voce syatem of voting in nominating condi datcs. It is the bast way. It w the sure way of leaving the members of the conven tion in a quiet state of mind when they Miarrts. There It no discount on Oregon weather now. An adverlUlnstsency tayt that there are only tlx of the io,ooo publication In nu unueu owiei inai mini over iuo,uu a year. Let' tee what are the name of the other Jive rAttorlan. The pig tall lay aside b'ulnet and all other matter when their New Year ceme around and devote all their lime. money, and energy to the enjoyment ot their festlvltle. If you are going to go 'along with the Albany Improvement procession for the next year now la the lime to gel In the rank. With the Oregon Pacific being pushed forward to Eastern Oregon and the completion of the big bridge, Albany will be lull 01 life, push and progress, - Does It ever enter the mind that "Per- tonal Courtships" are carried on jutt the tame In New York and Brooklyn aa In Albany? The rail on a Jeraey City ferrv boat and Albanv't near bridge both terve tne tame purpose, aee Town topics. The Telegiam describes that convention aa follows. Taken all in ail it wat pioo ably the noisiest, most bitter and vlndlc live meeting that ever assembled in the ttate of Oregon. The much-talked -ot democratic convention wat not a marker to It. it wa compared by republican themselves to a meeting ol highbinder, or a lot of caged animals, and waa to turbulent that a really vldld word picture 01 tne disorder can naroiy tc given. Out of the knocking down of one Tho Holland by IVm R Anderson In 1.1 saloon last fjll, theie r rew a civil damage ault by the former for $10,000. Now cornel Anderson and goes Holland liooo brtter, suing him for $ii,oto for knocking Anderson down on atate street shortly alter. It will be a case lor the lawyers to settle which knock-down shall be the more ccstly Salem Journal, On Sunday morning last, the residence of Kerry Morrt. tlx mile up the Walla Walla rlvsr from Milton, waa bumrd to the cronnd with Ita entire contcnta. The cause of the fire wa a little girl, a mstch and an envelope The little girl found the match and the envelope on the floor and ttriklng the match he applied the blaae lo the envel pe and threw It over behind a bureau. The fire did the rest, A subscription la blng circulated for the houseless famiit. 1 ne loss is anoui i,soo, -EO. A gentleman from Echo inform the East Oregonlan that larmert there will make an effort to secure the services ol Melbourne, the rainmaker, who waa un able to make a contract with the Umatilla county farmers' alliance. Melbourne agreta to make two good rain tor $700, and a aubscrlnllon will be circulated to raise that amount. The ratn cornea high but the farmers feel that the v must have IL and will invoke Melbourne, who la running opposition to Jupiter. Will the Oregonlan and Baletn Rtate man please inform nt what the follow Inirfrnni the Iniirnal of that citv alirnl flea: The Journal ie the only paper in the ttate that give ita readera the newt The Telegram would like to fight Chili anyway, It might combine with ita morning edition and do ao anyway. Ad vanced people nowadayi, though, cry for peace, and are willing to compromise all important international matter. Bote Ayer at leaat received tome notor iety, and numerout itemt are now ap pearing about Ayer' pit!, freeh Ayer, etc Mr Ayer ie in partnership with aa old brother ttudent ot the Man About Town. Ilia great mistake waa In becom ing a boea. People don't like bosses, and then no one likee cut and dried Affaire. An exchange hat learned how to keep out of the papers. Here are tome of the ways: Don't have any enemies. Don't have any friends. Don't inherit money. Don't loee it. Don't algn any petitions. Ikin't recommend anything. Don't get victimized. Don't exhibit public spirit. Don't visit a friend in an adjoining township or elsewhere. Don't allow any people to visit yon, Don't go Insane. Don't set aick. Don't do anything that might bring you a vote of thanks or condemnation, Don't eue anybody. Don't get sued. Don't go to law at all. Don't live to be an octogenarian. Don't die. Jack Frost it king mornings. Ella Wheeler Wilcox aaya that if she were a.ked to define the meaning of anccesaiul man the would ay, "A man who baa made a happy home for his wife and children " Ooodi And what a boat the successful woman. George Robertson, a lawyer,.f Seattle, haa lived five or aix weeka in Cleveland. O., on an apple, a cracker.and faith that the Lord would see tnai ne waa supplied with money. Hie fai'h seemed to be the leaat nourishing part of the diet, for when he waa discovered, in bed, he waa ao emaciated and weak that he could not move. Telegram. Mao who hunt are probable the best natared and baptiieat lot or men io existence. and above all men appreciate a Jok, even if it ia 1 clot call. Ao Albany oraoi shot waa once bunting duoka with a friend who nould jo.t shoot. They I illid eighteen in a little while, and a brtb were tognther aad every thing shot together the bird ware divided. Afterwards it leaked out that the friend had used blank eatridge entire!. Bting a poor shot he took that mains of getting aome game. Several Nim rods aay they hav bad a like gam playsd on them. It is one ef the funny part nf the business, and it la aaid to tak a genius to meet the oat. Here it a list of men who hurt a town, and if your name ie in the list go and turn over a new leaf, and pin it down ao it will atay. These are the kind of men Albany ahonId"aet down on"in ita effort to go ahead. - All who oppose improvements. Who never push their business. All who distrust public spirited men. Those who ran down the town to trangert. Those who show no hospitality to its visitors. Men who envy their neighbor their prosperity. Men who oppooe everything that does not originate with them. - Who wear long faces when strangers epeak ot locating in the town, Who refuse to subscribe towards the building of schools and churches. Who think all systems of theology ex cept their own are erroneous. Vhofind fault with all enterprises with which they are not connected. Man who never subscribe for, adver tise in, or in any way patronize their county paper, and are always ready to find fault with everything it contains. ftrap arrics Produced from the laxative and nutritions juica of California figs, combined with tbe medioioal virtues ot plants known to be moat baneQuUl to tha human system, - acts gently on tbe kidneys, l'ver and bowo'.s, efl-v-.tually cleansing ths sys-em, dispelling clds and headaob'-s, and curing habitual win" ipation. Marriage a Failure Seattle, Feb 2. Mrs Hattio Leek, a bride of three weeks, brought suit against John Lock today for a decree of divorce and a share of his 810,000 property. According to her complaint, tour days after the nup tials her husband accused her of beina un faithful to her marital duties, and locked hor up in a room alone, lie treated ber so badly that two weeks after marriajra she TELEOHAl'HIO NEW& fslltleairaa. nWABittKOTOtr, Feb 2. There Isno doubt but that tho Washington Tout is di-termin-ed to smoke III aino out and make him de clare himself one way or another in the prexKlmitiul nu, and at leant to create a good-wand row Utween lllaine and Harri son. Tho post thla morning print) a sen aaUonid story, alleging that lllaine hail tried to trick Harriwm during tho Chilian affairi had alao iniMnlerprutod affairs to the Chilian minister in Washington, and hud been all through the dilliculty which has Hint pnat; blocking and obstructing uis pnwidnnt in his efforts to bring about an ad- jtiNtnumt of the mutter. Ki.fasl master Arrat4t Pout Townhknd, Feb 2. Deputy Unit ed States Marshal Dan 0 Lovull yesterday arreubnl llnttert M lllair, ex-postmaster of Stafford. Kan. charwd with emliexilemmit. The arrest wo made on board the steamer HernioNti, lietween Tort Angeles and moh liny. lkth were ptuwengers, and Umn Itliur a liHtrntnirthntadeputy marshal was aboard looking for a limn of his name, im mediately went to Ixmtll' stateroom, awakened him. revealed his identity nm was arrested. Ihe ex-potmnter enuitis that tho arrest grew out of political spite. Hard lr Libel. Movht Vkuho. Wash Feb 2. leorire K Knaiui, of Urn l'uiret Hound Mail, and a member of tho law firm of Htird Knupp of lift tioum.r, brought suit in thn stiwrior court tit is afternoon for '-'', 000 dauuuri ttinunst the Seattle Telegraph for liliol. It consisted in an iteti published September 7 concerning trouble in Alaska lietween the plaintiff and wife, in which the Telegraph snys the plaintiff barely escaped a coat of tar and fuutliera by the presence of a com imny or revenue murine, ami uint uie plaintiff hail to leave Alaska. a Hlalas aeltrmral. Dknvkh, Did Feb 2. Tho excitement at Creede. Colo, the new mining camp on the H10 ( 1 ramie railway, 11 intense. 1'eople are lies king from all por-a of the country and many rough Umrd houses have sprung up in a short time. The mines are somethinir wonderful and almost equal to thosn of Leadville iu its best day. David 11 Moffet to tluy wa offered 1 1 ,000,000 by on lish company to bond the "Holy Mime' mine at Creede, but refused to do so. afcaggt Bar h. Skattlk. Wash Feb l.Totn Skagga, the Northern Pacific's express agent who disaptxttred mysteriously two rears airo, and wua at first given up and mourned a dead, is ba k ajrain and will tomorrow morniiifir plead guilty to embexxlement in Uw superior court, lie became short in bis account with tho comtwny two years ego to the amount of MjO, lie waa aick fur a lime and became discount in! and ltipid After two years' wandiring, he retunuxl to plead guilty to Urn indii-tment thut has been hanging over him. The company will not prosecute, and it is likely he will get oil with a very light sentence. lie came from KugriM originally, and was with tbe express company in Portland fur some time. fclllM-rl la It. Wasiiijiotox, Feb 1. Tha weather- vane on tha jvdgtahip fight for Out Ninth circuit points quite strongly to (iillsTt, of roruand, today, and Uiwc snem to im con siderableof an itnprossion Uiat he will final ly be the siicceasful man. It was said that Judge Hanfurd, of rWUie; was out of it. becauw) he is not aatislai tory to the Attor ney-general, and the atbtrney-general has considerable influence with the president. 11 . 1 I... .1- L t - 1 : miiutt. naa uiu'iy naa siii very si rang in dursements, and men who know huu have stated that he ia a very able lawyer, and from what can be b-arned of him. the jrri dimt and attorney gewral felt very favor ably disposed towards htm. ArtefKaatsu WasiiiMoTox. Feb I. Another demand for Die recall of Minister Fgon ha been nuule, this time by Arnold, of Missouri, a democratic nwinbrr of the honse, and it is no secret in democratic quarter that the political advisability of introducing a revo lution providing for an inquiry into Minis ter l!g-ans conduct, i bfing uiaruael. lte publicana who have spoken aay sm h an in veKtigntinn will m courted by Kgan's friend as a step which will lead to his total vinifuation. A BklrisiUh. Sak Dikho, Tux Feb I. -Justice of the Peace Vails, at Ileravides, seventeen miles south of the Mexican National railway, wire that a srvmUng party unUr Deputy Manduuattueliuer, Morenoand tilover. act ing aa scout, yesterday were attacked sup Mwedly bv (iarsa's men, one of tltem being killeil. Moreno's horse waa also killed. Ouellaer reported the fact to Vail, duel lai-r knows nothingof Moreno's whereabouts and may also be killed or captured. Bald li Geveraer. . WasHisoTOjr. Feb 1. The United Stab. supreme court today decided in favor of Boyd, in the Nebraska irovernorahin case. AH the justices except t ield concur red in the conclusion ot tne court utul isoyd waa a cttiwn of the L mted state and en titled to the office of governor of Nebraska. Justice Harlan. (Irav and lirown concurred in that part of the opinion which held that ihjju was aciuzcn. A feeallaralri. New Yokk. Feb !. Louisa Ilanning. nurse at the Willord Parker hospital, killed herself this morning by drowning in a bath tub. She had lately been troubled with insomnia, and was found lying f aee down ward in eight indies of water in ber bath She wa w years of age and came from England. Blala riease-l. WASiitxoTOH, Jan 31. Blaine't reply to the Chilian note say a: The president notes with gratification the expression of regret for and condonation of the assault upon the sailors of the Baltimore, offered by Mr Peretra, and congratulates the Chilian gov eminent mon the frank and ample with drawal of the Matta circular and upon the spirit of justice displayed toward Minister Kimn. You will assure the Chilian gov. eminent that the presipent will be glad to meet in tbe most generous spirit these friendly overtures, believing that tho sub ject of reparation for the assault upon the teamen of the Baltimore is uow capable of of ajnstment between the two government! by the usual diplomatic methods. The president postpones for the present any dis cussion of the suggestions made by Senor Pereira, as to the use of other methods, not doubting the sense of lusuco of Chili will enable the two government to speedily and honorably make an end of the matter. Cats Organisms aa Army, Sajc AlTOtA. Jan 81. A Mexican newspaper published at Lareno by tho widow of General Martinez, a Mexican ex ile, says today that Garza is organizing on army in the states of Tamaulipas and Coahuila;that he is supported by the people and many capitalists and military men, who do not openly declare their position, fearing tho wrath of the Mexican government; that Garza now has from 3000 to 6000 men. The editorial in the paper concludes as follows: 'Yin!, wiiasA is vmnVt sf TVn rw nf. uniAis atxiajo u umvu t mvw i withstanding the activity of the Mexican government. Our restoration is near. Hail to the tacred-rights people and down with the tyrants." Changed Hands. Tub DaLLes, Jan 81. On Wednesday the Wasco County Sun was issued under the management of the Campbell Bros and the editorship of F H Middleton, for the last time. A controlling interest in toe paper has been purchased by a syndicate, who will inntall (i P Morgan as editor and issue a red hot democratic sheet. The democrate seem, to be very sanguine of suc cess in this county next June, and are mak ing active preparations for ihe campaign. DrSpnrgeon Dead. Mksxone, Eng Jan 31. Mr Squrgeon died soon after 11 o'clock tonight. His end was painless. He remained unconscious to the last. His wife, Dr Fitzhenry and Mrs Thome were present when he died. The body will be brought to England for burial. Once or twice during his last hours Dr Spurgeon recovered consciousness for a few moments and recognized his wife. His friends have been confident he would recover, as the last attack was milder than the pre vious one, but the gout . reached his head and the congestion of the kidneys returned. During all the moments when conscious he constantly thought of hia wife, and twice expresaed himself as anxious to send a mes sage to his congregation. - - W W Davis is now in hargeof fc!) Doh OffTM CTHBtlg tiftsUsift February 1st, 1801. Spring Is coining. Selah. MrsJayne and son have moved from TJ Yautthan's house to a place near Crawfordsville, Mrs Clara Eminett, of Independence was recently visiting her parents in this vicinity. John Young.of Brownsvllle.has rented the Spinks place and will move back to tils old neighborhood. I B 1 lav worth sold to E P Coleman and Allingham Bros about forty head of two and three year old cattie.wlilcli gives turn quite a nice iiuie uanic account. II K Allingham went to Lebanon last Friday to attend tbe sale of some cattle, lie returned home Sunday, nut having made a purchase. Mr and Mrs Luclan Ward were called to Brownsville by the death of Mrs Ward's brother, lieorge Smith. They returned home fast Monday ancom panted by Mr Ules Smith, and Mr and Mrs James Smith and child. Messrs Nlcolit Martin andOeorgo Al lingham and Mrs Ilea ley are still on the lick list, from la grippe. W W Allingham went to Albanv on Monday of this week, to attend some business matters. J K Jones visited Eugene last Friday and Saturday. Mr Bohannon, who recently lioiight the Wyatt place. Is plowing up the pas ture land and will try to sow it In grain ic the spring. It seems a pity to turn a good pasture Into a moderately good grain Held. Mr Uoodalo will begin the construction of a new steam sawmill at Coburg im mediately. He goes to Portland this week to purchase machinery for it. The building 01 a steam mill there leaves a fine opening for a flouring mill, which is much needed. 1 here would to aiitinu ant water power for such a mill. Mr Hargrove was visiting fanners In this vicinity last wt-cw in- the interest cf the New York Life Insurance Company. Sksfg tieu Sli Hsalbs Bkatti.k. Feb 2. Thomas fikugtf. tho di'faulting agent of the Northern 1'udlic hi press uoiniiany who voluntarily gave himauif up after ts-ing nt hutge (or two years, pleadud guilty to larceny by emlsz- tii'tuctii today and was given stx itionins in the county jail. A unmlmr of t itijm of irood stuiidiiitr attsred before Judtrn liuuuss and testilUHl to Mtagg good record prior to his enibeuletneiit, and asked the court for a light sentence. A Waawtso. In promulgating esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your statements possess a ciartnea concu neas. compacted comprebsnslblenesm coalesnt consistency and a concentrated cogency. Etchew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity. Jejune babblement and atsisnine affectations. lie outspoken, tell people plainly, in common English, tbat Matthews & Washburn's is the best place to get first-class stoves, tinware and hardware. Baud Cokckrt. The fkcoi;l Iteglrncnt band of Katem bat tbe reputation of being the best in Western Oregon. It Is a credit to the capital city. This popu lar band, as already announced, will give a concert ;in Albany, baturday Biit, assisted by first class vocal talent, an deserves a full house. TntEioHTH States. Series No. 8, of the Albany Building and Loan Associa tion win be opened on r cruary totn. Ap plication for stock will be received by the secretary, jay W main. Everlastingly la it V R A Ilea. ' If not, wby not. With hi new bakery Conrad Mjr is able to tiBri.ld and iw cvstemars every thing Dia.ctas in bahsd gondi. Albaay Harkrla. WflEAT. 80 CICNTS. 0M " " u Butter, '& eeuta per m, Rgsj. 0 eanta par dos, fotatoa. IS aonts oer bushol, Iat4, II O 12 snM fMr lb, Baevn-llame; 12 cn'.; nli&, U eentai aboalders, 9 ewnta, Beef on root. 1 C4 2Vj cent per lb' Prk, arMtsaU, 6 aenU par lb floor, IS par bsrrU Asplaa Meant. aVi ples dried. blehel&7c; ton drle, SKSO. Plums, dried, IQSe par lb. Chleaena, young S O034.OO. Mutton. f3 and IS 60 issr heal. Urannlaiad sugar, t vent; txtra C, fl cents, llopa, IS earns. May. td to 10. SICK Head Aches. Blek-bcadacba ars tbe outward Indleation ol dentngemenU ot the stomach and bowels. As Joy's Vegetable BansparUU is tbe only bowel regulating preparation cf Sana pari 11 a, it lateen wby It It tbs only appropriate Baraapartlla In siek-beauUebea. It la not only appropriate; It ia an absolute euro. After a conn of It an occa sional doao at Intervals will forever after prevent return. Juo. U. Cos, ot 735 Turk Street, Sua Francisco, writes: H I have been trembled, with attacks of sick-bcadaclio for the but three years from one to thro times a week. Bomo tint ago I bought two bottle of Joy's Vegetable SartaparlUa aud bars only bad ou attack lno aad that was on the second day after I bejan using It," J fill's Veeetab, Uy O Sarsaparilla FOR SALE DY- & CUSICK STAKARD ALBANY SHERIFFS SALE. a f As Circuit Court of the Slate oj Oregon for tit County of Linn. J E CARTER, Plaintiff, vs. f A BCRKUaRT. Defendant. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an sieoutlon issued eut of tha above named court, In tbe above entitled aotlon, to me directed and dellva ered, I did on the 29th day of January, 1802,at tLa suit or the above named plain tiff, levy on and attach all the right, tit e ana interest or tne above named defend ant in and to ths real ' property herein after described, and will on Saturday, the Slh day of March, lS9f, at tbe Court House door, in tbe city of Albany, Linn the hour of 1 o'dlook p rn of said day .sell at public tuotlon for osh In hand to the highest bidder, aaid real property described aa follows, towlf Beginning at ihe N W corner of block lMlaoklesuan's2nd addi tion to AlbanTtLlnn county ,Oregon;theno easterly ana parauei wan tne soutb boundary line ot said btoek 66 feet; ibence aoutberly and parallel with the west boundary line of aaid block 110 feet; thenoe westerly parallel with the north boundary line of Bald block 68 feet, Ounce northerly on tbe west boundary Use of aaid block to the place of beginning. Also the N H of tbe Donation Land Claim of O P Burkbart and wife, Notification 605, 1 n tp 11, S R 8 W, of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn county, Oregon. Tbe proceed arising from tbe sale of said real property to be applied, first, to tbe payment of the costs of and upon this writ, and tla original costs amounting to tha snm of 29 Bi; second, to the payment of plaintiff' claim amounting to the sum of 111 5.98, and third, that ths overplus, If any tbsre oe remaining arter toe payment of the sums above, to be' paid into the above entitled court to abide the further order of said court, i ; Dated this 3rd day of January, 1S92. Haaisl I Ibe Best relief Thlt is a patent meioint advartisemsa btt your etiantioo tbs m,msnt may save yea mash suffering as wsll money, W cm that sough We sore tbat tleklirg. We eure that hackling, ' W ear that thro clearing, v?e S'jr Croup, W ear Bronchitis, W our La Grippe Dough. ' W help you to ing and spaak. W art not th S. H. LoSsiige. We area ploassntCongh Syrup, W ar pat in 00 and 75 ent bottle. W aretheS li. Coauh Car. (taarantcad by Poshay Si Mason. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. XTO'flOU M HEREBY OIVEtf THAT John k Cyrus and W r I'ltchford, partners doing buslnest in Helo. Llun ooiintv. Orgou.undnr thn Arm name and style of Cyrus at Plicbford, have duly mm la au smiiudumi 01 an 1111 property. r-l an t personal, to the undersigned for the benefit oft hulr creditors. Ail persons avlng a'alm against the said firm ar rtbv ootid 1 and re'iulrsd to present th same uii'Jtr oath to ibe undersigned, at tbe ofllc of J K Wsstherford. in tho oily of Aibatiy, linn county, Oreroti within ih raa months rroia tue uatsj noreor. Dated Fe Brd, l'2. J 11 PKiCRY. Assignee. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. XTOTICK IS IIKKKItr fllVBW THAT TUB VH l dorsitfiwd S.I111 ulrtriUrf rt lha estsH uf Nsthsn Kuswill, dwMWHl, bs II I ml bis float viwium for sol mailt i( nil sic! siurulsr of Hn kiU r of sUt Ista, sn l tnl in t.'ountv Un-irt ol ths slat nf iron f ir l.'nn eari-. in, nl rsbrusry sth, 1H', ! hnurol I o ulix u m nf ultl .!. at lb sort CTOor satana.irt,v mi v "in iionas m aai.i eonnty, m U ot 'r, ti hvxf sad dtuirnim any, dil .li)iil'.n. lilhiMli, an! for tb Anal VMimtm 1.1 i 1 tililt . K K WIIXON. Ailirln. of Ittss'KUiof (ittias U i.m II, itnnml NOTICE OV FlfAL SETTLEMENT. N" roricie in hkiu:hv ;iv;ji that tub vh Ourli(oil atinluixrat'ir . ( ntaMt of Ailcs Kwil. ilwnaw.1. tiaa Aid wild lha Count dark, for Una rjiuult, ungua. bs Snal hnmnl u aaid eatata aii'l iba mail haa Sa.l t)w?th da of March, mi. a. tha h mr uf laoV-l k a m. ana lha totn room ol aalil eoailjr court ss ths 1sm, forth beaHiis uf lija.:U'ms llioiato, if snjr, snl f r ths 1 A aalU ataf . lat4 January flt.i, 1-Wi. - 8 A SICKEKKlJ. OEO W WKtOllT. AloilnltraWr. Atf lr .lm r. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTK!B IS lIKHKnV OIVES TlfaT THE VH daralknadeiaeui'irat tha last will sit ! tsauiuant ol W M Nobla, 4aMal. baa flhwl hs flal aoaonnt In tha ftflta, of Ml, ountjr dark ot Linn count) , Ih-cjfon, a4 that tha onntr eonrt of said Linn, baa anjiitll st'sviar, th 7ib day of Man-h, i"JZ, t tha boot of la 'eliK in tbs foraiioon of said tlar.aa Hm lima, and taa murt room nf said aounljr enurl as ibe ftaoa tor haarinf objaatlons if any to said flnsl aa sunnt and iba aattiamanl of aaid aatata. Pavsd January 1Kb, imiU A.VDREW t KOIII.E. OKOWWHIOHT, Kssculor. stl f lor asaeuior. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. VTOT1CK If HEREBY GIVEN THAT if by vlttue of an onlor ofaaie duly made and entrtl of record in lbs Cuumy Court of Linn county. Or iron, on the Stn day of Januarv. tVH, in IS matter of the estate of Maria Crewae, dttOnanod, tbs utiuorslgned, tbe duly quallniHl aud ac ins; stdruiulstrator ofsari sut, will on Saturday, th 13 h day of February. 1802, at tbe bcur of 1 o'clock i. in , Mil at public auction at th Court House door, in the oity vt Albany, Linn countr. Oroiton, for rsah In band to ti blKboat blddeir tbe real r.iotmrty botonalnt; to said alato, clnsodbo l as follows, towll: An undlvl b'd ona-eleventh .f the north half of the Donatio ImJ Claim of Mainuel l'ortr and wife, buluK 'Kination CUim No $J3.and belnjj ftarts uf faction . a. 7 anas, in towusttip h, h it 4 w, wMlametto Merldlaa. In L.luu countv. Oregon. Dated this 12th day of January, 1S92. " GEO. HUMPHREY. Adm tor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. XTOTttK IS IIKSEBT GtVE" Til AT THE CM 11 darabmad arfatauKral'ar 4 tha aalata of starts O TaUaoU, Saaanaad, baa Siad bl. Soal aoannnt a. aaid a4uinlatfmor. anduiat lb eonnly court ot ulna aunl-, Oraxaa. bas ar-nnitttad M .B.Uir. Ui7th day 4 sta-eb, laux. at 19 o'cUxk ia tbs foranoon of said day, sa tha lima for twartns; and saUUnf said ao- anal awl lha sauiaawni of aoa cala'.s. llaiad January Slf, tiuj. WRBlLYtf. OEO W WBIGUT, AlstlntsiraVH- Attortwy. NEW A D V K R TI S KM EN1 f OS r. A vsfnaba p Ir of ateal eye J K'aasna. Tha nqlrr win o inrer favor by returulng them to W H Ie. ANTED A alrl iodv'eeneral ? f hoiwork. CU at rldeic or oftcti of Dr G W Mb lot). MONEY TO LOAN - lIom capital to loan, in sums to ruii.on Albanv and faun avtuntv rsat emta'e or annd ,ensonal aeeurlty W E Morbiron. lint Ktrvet opp, MrannioHall, Albany. Or. JlFw don", i EADY TO WOrtK. rarttea dAcIrlns: wood pi l in or any ilar tvi. cso nbfjkln prompt atbmion Draa- enrlnn tbe arvlea f iauiel lwe,at the little lorry bouso LAve ordora thare, lirANTED.-Hli.heat 'pHos paid for V f bUea at the chair factory, Albany, uri;on. 1M)UKD'Jan SOth. in fbe tod bt ' tween Oakvllle and Peoria, an open tabed watob. '1 be owner can have the sains b proving property sod paying all chat ft pa. Call on M A though, near Oaavllle THE ' FARMING 1CC1 S 1 - "-Ol- For sale by STEWilllT A SOX, Dealers in GENERAL HARDWARE Albany, Oregon. ALBANY OR. WBITSMAN & HULBERT BROS, Real Estata Agents armv and Ranches for sale. Also uity broserty in Albanv and Cory a! lis. FOSHAY & MASON -aril,S!.lVS SB IRUi Druggists aod Bookseller Aitai.ta for John B. Alden'a publications, hich w sel) at publisher's pries with agedW I. it A NT, imfcuot CHOICE TREATS -Or Au. Knms- bazuoriolc - & - XSalxer, Oppoaita Sohmaar's Urj Stable, next ror to Wlilamatt Paaktajr Cs's stor. fi;::B::!:B:!:u::::Q::;:iiiFJiE,:i:s::! mm i ii g THE CEZEBXtATED , . . . SMITH & WESSON ta li F B" if m b it v f ff Tho Finest Small Arms Ever Manufactured, "i B Unrivaled-waajsgcy.1' At"?'?t''J?w' tl fnr ACCURACY m EXCELU..!CE cf y WOKKMANSHI? and tl , CONVENIENCE i u LOADING and fAFtt'f, p! Beware cf cHaapiroo Imitailona H Send rr for 'ilwlrattd Cs&Agtfo snd Price L:it to f-3 si CHAS; H. DODD & CO. iMPonTcaa or HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, - - PORTLAND, OREGON. DEERE'S NEW Specially Improved for li- Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Grain Drill. Buclteye Hot frcss Orsla Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Eodtqia HTtS Toaa UarTOws. , Deere DEERE'S DISC HARROWS. Taw latest tapveassi awalissft Car soaHs tool tor thla We also have a full line of Buggies, Phaetons, Mouc Vehicles, SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS Spring: Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, " ScictUilie Feed Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills. 11AISII BARB WIRE, Etc. itna for Circular r ana true JLtsu. rHRALL MANAGER, ALBANY OREGON E. CITATION. In Ihf. County Coul of lis Stall 0 Orrgon, J or Ltn county: Is the matter of lbs eat at of Henry Graaer, dxtod. To all tb heirs known and ookoowo in the above antitb i e.UU. Greettog: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are bereoy cited sod re- qatrad to appear io tb eoooty court of ths stats of Oregon, for the county of Linn, at th court room thereof, at Albany, in th avianty of Lion, on f-atordsy, tb 12;h day of Msrch, H' 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, tbso aad tbe-ra to show eaoae, if aay there be, wby sa order ahoobl ut iaus out of the above entitled coort aatborb-iug and diiactioir O v Coabaw, tbe doty ap pototed, qualified and acting administrator of taid esstta. to il the real property be iotiKia i to aaid estate, described a follows tn wit: The soutaweat ooa-fourtb of see -tifo2. lo toa-oshif 14. south Rang 1 East WillametU mail.llan,io Lioa eoonty .Oregon. Doo by order ot the 11 oo DKH Black- buraj, Jadit of ths County Court of tbs at ati of Oregon, for th county of i.inn, aith th aeai of said court affixed, thia 1st day of Fabroary.A D, 1892. Attist. I P PAYNE, Clerk SJUMOilS. f Ovi Circuit Court of the Sljl oj Qrtgo for Liim County . JOS HAWKINS. Plaia.ifT, v. PTK K BEAR, Dofendant. To Petor U Bear, the sb?e cacced ile- lendant. IN THE NaME OP THE STATE OF Oregon yon are hrahy req aired to appearand answer tho of tbe plaintliT.aied lo ttie above ontltled court, with the cerk of said court, by the first day nf the next regular term of the above entitled court, tnwtu on tho 14th day of March, 1892: and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear aod answer aaid complaint, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you frr the aunt cf $5 W0, with Inter thereon at the rate often (10) per cent per rnr.arn, from tb 9th day of April, 1RSI, and for tbe fun her sum of 10 with interettbereon at the rate of Inn (10) per rem annum from Sept, 1st. 1881, and for the eoats and disbursements of tbla action to be taxed; and also take an orilnr and decree of said court, to act! tbe following; described land to wit: all ?'onr, dsfendant'a right, title and InUrest n the donation land claim of uwen Bear, being notification No 2240 and claim No 41. in township 12, Sooth Rang 4 Went and claim No 48. in township 12, South Range 4 Vest. It Linn county, tire goo, containing fM4.ftS seres, lews 41 acres heretofore sold to various parties leaving 603.50 acra. Which awi .and waa duly levied upon by writ of attaebment duly issued out of the above n-rned court, in the above entitled action on tbe 8th of se.ptmber, 1891. for the purpose of se curing any judgment that plaintiff might recover in the above entitied cause. Thla anmmona Is served by publication In the ntatk Rights Democrat bj order of the Honorable R P Bolm.Judffo of the above ol titled Court, made at Chambers on Ibe 10th d v ..f J. uuary. 1892. J L WEATUERFORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TvfOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM IT J.l mar conacrn that tbe anderajimed afipointad attroinistniuir, with tbe will annexed, ot the astate at Robart Johns, deceased. All parsons hairing claims aninst said estats ara required to preseut them duly veriAed to tb undsrsHrnad within si. months tram this date at Albany, Lino county, Oreiron. Thla the 10th lay of January. 180& J H WEATHERFORD. Admtniatrator with tb will aaaeisd ef R Jess, Ml, ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CN- 1 dersigned bas this day been aipolnted admin istrator ot the estate of Petar Walt, deosased, by the county court of Lnn county .Oregon, and that I bars Sled my bond as required by law and am now duly qualified to act as suh administrator. AU person, bavins; claims sgainst said estate ara hereby re quire, ana noiineu ie preaens inasama so ma at tne office of W R Bilyeu, in Albany.Linu county, Oregm, with ths pronar Touchers, within six months from ne aaia nereui. Dated at Albany, thla iOlh day ot Januarr, 1892 A J WELT. WRBIIvcu, Administrator. atty tor Admiuurator. - : J. A Camming, - Wi Paper, I rrugesa Iaiaitis, Oils IxtaSiti , JEIte. . ALDAHY, OREGOf. FonTtaiiLLSR a mvi!ja f& 0 0 0 c i wj . FUNERAL . DIRHCTOFuS. Arterial Embalming dotia 8a)leDUflosy 'AHO- 1 s 11 .r..ria w " 1 out Aocnt ran osaaosj si.o wasmisiotosi roa DEAL PLOWS. DEERE'S GAZELLE PLOWS, DEERE'S SEEDERS, The saoat complete and suceeaaul aannrr finoar. purpose ia ountain watrons. FlaUortn and other Son's Star Bakerj . CorSritillblHad First Stv. rroprifcvv. CaiODtd rraita, 'til4uivar Dried Frtill, Tabtteeo, fSa(strt Cwflee, Et Catanrsl Hefts Qneestware, VegeUtliles, Clct Nplees, Tea, Mm Io faai ararrO. Uai la kspt la a variasgroS ssoaasy stttfa. Bigaast snarkat pflas pan I ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE Need a Watch? I have all kinds, at all prices and evtry watch fits th price. But price is not everything in wath-buying; GUARANTEED DUALITY " the first thing. I guarantee waches accord- mg to tneir quality; ana quality make the price ' All kinds all qualities all prices. F.M.FRENCH, The Corner Jewelry Store TWO MEN AND ONE 01 FOUND DEAD!! Vhile trying to Crowd theii -WAY fiEYOU FROLlAfi BROS Store, where they alwas have on hand htt laff;et.t Stojk sqaith of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Suns; an Immense stock of FIstlDg Tackle of everr description; .Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousands of other things too numerous to mention .Repair Shop : Lb connection with the Store, and one of die best workmen In the State to do any tlnd ail kinds of wor Coane oae Come t N'o rouble to how goods. "Small pre fit and (tulck W is out Jiotto. DBDG STOKE I Pfeiffcr Block, Albany Stanaid & Cusick aoFRirrexs: Drags, Medicines, Chemica.a, Faoc.r and Toilet Articles, Spocges,BrriBliea Perfnmerj, School .Books, and Artists' Suppllea. rityslciaDR prescription care Inly tsmpooDdfd. Beat stock of 3nd CF foC ia the Tslley, sod the most nasonablo yriess. I have on hand all kinds of FUSNiim STOVES, TIOAH!, TF.UKKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CEDCICERY, r ; ETC., ETC. On door weit of S 3 Yoanir'a bM siiri. 2nil- Store. 3