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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1892)
o o -: The Now York "World," :- : i'The -:- Democrat,"! : A" Advertisement In : r j"Tlie -:- Democrat,"; If I PI U M Oii Year for Only $21. Reaches the Mc in i ! ilj I op)p and o 0 o "O VOL XXVII. Kattr4 t Ik ! etaee at Albany. Or., a eaaM'lass Mall Matter ALBANY, OltJbGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1892. aTlTCM 4, Feblfsfeer aa rrsrters SO. 27. oil Iff nf? ft jiyjsy .U.4AAi.A.iii4AA44A44AAAAA.4AA44A,A4AA 3o ELPLESO. ..f ' ?"' gL ,..n T I I ! - 1 bottles of ST. JACOBS OUm cured me. No return in 5 years. FRANCIS MAURER. O -ALL RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." O ASK YOUR ASK THE PEOPLE OF LINN COUilTY Where te got the Best Bargains, Where to get the Best Value for Your Money, -in- Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Aud thej will A surer with 0e Yoiee, at D"G. W. SIMPSON'S. PATRONIZE R3H IM7IT8T1CXI. THE FARMERS k MMl INSURANCE CU tY r BEAD. PraaMaak J L. COW AM, Treasure. J L Cowan, Oao F 8lmpon, W F Bead, 11M BIlTBiaT AOBHTf fo SeYeral Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies -ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE 6FHCE IS 9ANY. The Combined Oregongf ain and faed Mill guar-' anteed to grind 100 bushels per hour. A perfect grinder and crusher combined. Sure death to wild oati. WHOLESALE RETaIL GROCERS OIQAR& TOBAOOO, AND KIND IN LARQE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, -t- -: We are the People Yht- 4arry the met eomplete line ef Hard ware, Steves, ftaages, ett., in the market. rmnHEV8 a vaghburh. ALBANY , CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. WHOLESALE AHO RETAIL Only White Labor Employed, 1 Pnrlfles tlio BLOOD, Cnres C0HSTIP1TI0H, IKDIGESTIOX, i;iL!OLSSS3, LITER COMPLAINTS, SiCK DZ4D1CHE, COLDS, I'lSIfLES, allSKlX AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES AEISIJfG froia DISORDERED STOMACH. , . chiw.. TA OenwifM! JTli? KlfO Ti:l tjut v t riEX0W WJUPPERS with Foctimile Bignalwe cf EMIL FRE8E. REDINQTON m OO. Kar: 8am WnMOioa. BOTI BY AlA PBtCtlHTW AMI OKOCTIIH. C3 SBl -Z3 i i i ! 1 JJ I . tM;.ga L223 fss&r AND CUSTOM CHOPPER. VCm have bay. oats, bcp traw, chicken feed, ete., constantly on band. Wboleale and rtll ecnta for H.P.Flsshsr, Corvallls floor, short, iao Know Ball flour. Cutom chepplng a ptalty fer eithr eaab oris! lalllln. MORRIS j& BLOUNT w t 4 fl vwf. 1m w "! 9 1? 0k it Chicago, I1L I was confined to bed ; could not walk from lame back; suffered 3 months; doctors did not help: a NEIGHBOR JOWRmiHI Reersiary Oao F 8IMMOK, Yl PMICTOM Ir L Foley, U Sternberg, J W iUruel .- .. . CHOICE FRUITS OF A LI 8 MALL QUANTITIES GEACON. Proprietor, ypn lyywm "'" "" 1 11 mill 1 11 mmi " 1 . m La n mm ja Jia&as.a. , n ' J r. a w m a m m - jm L.OOA.I ItEOOHD. That Will Cam. Tin Max wall will cannot liana county, bu already tacom oo)ebratd on account of It paiallaroir cumstancei. Yoiterday, after a lung trial, Judrt Rodney bcott dvoldod tha can in favor of the lialra, finding "that the content of the laat will and testament of laid ttarnh Maxwell, de ceased. i, as appear in tha flndiugi.and aaid will hat been duly and legally prov en by each and all of tha aubaertblng witneaeea thereto. And it it hereby ordered and adjudged that tald will at proven, be admitted to probate aa, and for, h lait will and testament of aaid Sarah'Maxwell, deceased, aud that these findings and thlt order be entered in the ! journal of this court and recorded in full tntli record oi wills." It will I re membered that the will had been lout or stolen, and could Dot be found. The ludgeaot the following good example: ''It further appearing that this pro ceeding has been extended to an unusual lanith by John Maxwell and Henry Max well, the contestants herein, and that a great amount of coata and exnensea have been incurred on account oi their con testing tald last will and testament, that it would be unjust and inequitable to tax such costs and expenses against the es tate of said Sarah Maxwell, deceased: it ia therefore ordered and adjudged that aid Tohn and Henry Maxwell be re- 3uired to pay all the costs, expenses and isburtementa herein to be taxed." This la a great victory for the attorneys, of whom Hon Lark Bilyeu is one. The con testants will appeal the case. 1 HI Fool Kilibr needs to strike th man mentioned in the following! Mortis Peyser, a tormer merchant of Port Town send, undoubtedly thinks u ts. Come time sgo he fell in love with a bUck-ercd Jewish maiden in Southern California, who at nrtt was not Incdned to favor his suit, but finally capitulated. Un his wed. ding day he presented his father-in-law with a certified check for $5,000, and It Is thought this had a great deal lo do with the young lady's acquiescence. Thev went on a short bridal tour, and on thefr return the witching damsel persuaded her Infatuated lord and maVer to transfer his Port Townsend store oyer to his loved father-in-law. The old folks allowed the young people to live In their San Fran cIsco residence, and they came to Port Townsend. The fiist thing done was to bounce Peyser's brother, whom Morris had left In charge, from the store, and then Coleman, the father In law wired his daughter to leave her lord and fly to the arms of her parents. She flew. Now Morris has commenced a suit for divorce and to annul the transfer of the property. Chinese New Yaaaa begins tomorrow strictly, practically tonight, preparations lor wnicn are generally being made, and for several days the race of gamblers will make it lively beginning at 4 a m. at a time when most people want lo be asleep. The stingy Celestials U not stingy on his New Years. He spends liberally to ap pease the wrath of Joss. Prcbably the most unharimontous noise In the world Is that made by the Cclestisl. In Albany Chinamen are gradually being Ignored and white men employed to do our work. and the new way Ii much the better. The t.niniman has had hi day, and the sooner ne returns to his own country the better. He is not needed with bis Jos appeasing noises in the U S. Ha RarxftTBD We are told that a dis patch was received In this city Mondsy from Late Skaggs to his mother stating thst he had returned to Seattle and given nimseii up to tne authorities. Late was formerly a resident of this city and It will ae remembered tnai aooui two year ago ne leu aeatue very suddenly and his wheresbouts was unknown. He was In tne employ 01 tne iNor.nern I'acinc ex press company at the time and It was reported that he wat a dcfaulterer lo the amount of $300. Ills mother had net heard anything of him for two years and wnen sue received tne oispsich Monday ne wa prostrated wltn the Joyful news. Lafe s many friends In this city will hope Is . . . - ne win come out ail right. Euaene Register. A. Pict'LiA. Cask. A gentleman from Lost Valley ciCed at the sheriffs He of office Monday to see about his taxes, sav he has paid taxes on 320 acres land tor the past twenty-five year, tup poslng that he owned that amount, but recently received an abstract oi title to the and and found he had only 319 aares. He now wants the countv to refund the amount of excess taxes he has paid for line pisi iwepiy nve years, xnere is a man west of Irving who has been Having taxes every year on 600 acres of land and recently dlicoverrd that he had only 480 acres . cugene Kegister. A Peculiar Result. A cas tried Mondsy In the circuit court had a aingu- isr ternrination. I he pjamtlRs were Lucian Eaves & Co. of La Grande and the defendant Henry Kopittke of this city. the piaintiBs brought suit for Scoo dam age for alleged breach of an Ice contract, and the Jury returned after about tlx hours' deliberation with a vefdlct award ing the defendant joo damages Instead -rcntiieton w. Or Boil. G C 8paldlng, the Wlllam ette University student who died at the Portland hospital Saturday last,left school nere to go nome Christmas. lie wes severely afflicted with bolls.whlch resulted In septic poison. He spent several years si scnooi nere ar a was well liked by all.. Journal. A BiecER Man. Two brothers named Rcton live In Jackson county, one six feet five, the other six feet six A man frm Wisconsin ht made t'lelrlife a howling wilderness by moving Into their bailiwick, for he is six feet nine inches tall. A I young man who comes to Albany from Shedd wouldn t take a back seat for the first two. SawERi CoMPLBTaD. Albany's three Llg sewer are completed, with the ex ception of some cleaning up. Good work has been done, and this city will have a good a system ot sewerage as there l on tne coast, to make it perfect a general connection with the main sewers will be necesssry and should be enforced. New Cask jk Circuit Court. 1311 lenhofter, Hat & Co agt Water & Broth- er. 10 recover money. Attachment. H H Hewitt attorney for plaintiff. Dlllenhoffer. Hass &Co agtW II Reed To recover money. Attachment. II H Hewitt, attorney tot plaintiff. E W Acbison k Co bandl tb oslebrstai Portland cement wslls for sametery lots rbes walla can b fnrnisbsd at half tha eost of anyother and ara far snpsriar. OTSLYZ ENJOY Both the method anuresulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleansea the eys- tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale in 60c ana $1 bottles by all druggists. . 1 CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Dedication op Univbrralist Church. The handsome and commodious church edifice, erected by the munificence of A Pearce.Esq., one of the substantial cltl sons of Albany, and wisely plated by htm under the control ef the UntvcrsalUt General Convention of America, will be dedlcsted with appropriate service,1 7,30 o'clock Thursday evening, Feb nth, by Rev S Goodenough, of Oakland, Cnl., representing the general convention, as sisted by local clergy. Arrangements have been made with UevMrGoodcnotigh to rttruln fur several days and hold even ing services 4nd at the' regular hour fur worship on Sunday, Feb 14th. A vigor ous effort will be made to c flee, a thorough working organisation ot the frk-rds of Universalis In Albany and vlclelty, and prepare for the permanent settlement of a pastor. A cordial Invitation It extended to the Unlversillstt of Oregon to partici pate In this happy ocaslon,and encourage the work so auspiciously Inaugurated. They will be most hospitably received by friends In this city. Lebanon and Vicinit. AV are told that Hugh Perry of Sodavllle ha bought Lower Hoda and will make It one of the most attractive resort on the coest. E E Montague went to Albany Tursilsy. Elmer has In temptation system of water works for his country home. Mis Hammer, of Albiny, visited her sister, Mrs E E Montage, this week. A Linn county cltlaen, who I evidently not In sympathy with the Alliance, re commends that the organisation to be transported to I hill. . We have heard E E Hammack' name mentioned for a piomlnent office In the county on the democratic ticket of course. The sheriff ha advertised to visit the everal precincts In the county. He may not craw as large crowds as the president did on his tour, but the people will nsv more monev to see him lhaii Harrison re ceived. Alliance Herald. A PitiLANTHRorte KEiaiiaoRitooo. Goshen, Lane county,, must be a good neighborhood. A correspondent of a Eugene paper aays: Mrs vMnnla Davis Is happy. Some taenty-fiveof her friends, men and women, made a visitation to her little p'ace Saturday and tl e result was of her having in the evening her ground fenced, an acre or two plowed, a wood house built and enough wood hauled to last for several months. NVe might add. too, that the dinner served by her lady inrncis wss no small urm to a Hungry person. Taking the matter all In all, we believe that there waa not a person that returned horn but considered hi or her self the happier for having been present. dome ot the men set next baturay for assisting Mr Cahow In moving his batn. iHtra rRBPERBHCR. A journal re porter has obtained the following per sonal preference 01 a number ot etate official for presidential candidate : State Treasurer Metachan. Itlaine: Hecretarr of State Mcltride, Blaina; School Und Commissioner Iavi, Harrison; f3tate Printer liaker. Blaine; Clerk of Supreme Court Murphy, Harrison ; Ktate utt of Schools Mchlrov. liialne: Judge ot hn- pre me Court Ikan, Harrison ; fetal Li brarian Putnam, Blaine. Governor Pen- noyer, Flower. Wht Nor. Col E D Baker, one of the first senator from Oregon, who fell early In the struggle for the Union while lSs .. . . at leaning a desperate cnarge at iiau s It I off, sleeps in a neglected and almost unmarked grave, in Lone Mountain Cemetery. San Francisco. It Is now pro posed to remove the remains to Golden Gate Park and erect a suitable mono ment. Would it not be more appropriate to bring uol liakers remain to Uregon and erect a monument to him, say, at our state capital? Courier. Koms DirrxBBRCB. No wonder people with to leave Kansas, Looking over a Kanaa paper that accidentally came to our table we find the sorn statement of a bank in an interior town from which we take the following in round figures: Resources, $212,0X10. Currency, gold and silver coin on band 12,000. individual deposits $9,400. Eugene Guard. A big contrsst to the prosperous appearance of Mfi Unk ,utwnent that PI,tr 1 jyalley. Tub innTHiBt-Tisa rowT The Albany and Salem papers are having a dispute as to which place is the distributing center to various points in the state for all freights over the Oregon Pacific rail road by way of Yaqmna. The Journal claims that Patent is the distributing point and tne Democrat makes the claim for Altny. The truth of the matter is that Corvallis is tbo distributing center for all freights over the Ontgon Pacific except that wayLilled for the southern part of the slate. Corvallis Gazette. Tillamookbrs Excitxd. Tlie Chilian war excitement reached Tillamook with full force, as shown by the following bulletin, no ted mere on tle utl: "War l War I (Special Telegram.) 'Washington, DC. Jan 20. The Balti more sunk in Chilian .waters.' All patriotic citizens are requested to meet at the court hoare this evening at 7 :30 lAt Tillamook bs not behind in uphold ing tbe dignity 01 the nag l" A Small Blaze. The fi rst fire of the season in Albany occurred this week. A blaze occurred in the residence of II U Hyde, at Third and Calanooia streets. from a flue, burning quite a hole. The damage was adjusted at $20 and was paid by tbe Farmers ft Merchants insurance company, in which the building was insured. The White Swak. Thirty-three hun dred dollar. That I the amount of the last clean up at tbe White Swan. Wm Mulky arrived In the cltv Sunday and deposited In the Biker City National bank, another golden egg, the production from that valuable "bird,'' known as the White Swan. The amount Is the result of nine day run, the usual output for that length of time. Baker City Democrat. Closivo Party. The special feature of the dancing school party tomorrow evening will consist of ten numbers In progressive order at tne time ot winch prize will be given. The method of awarding will be a secret till the last number I danced. All ladles and ecntle- men are expecica 10 ioc part in inc figure of the evening, so corns and enjoy yourself. Toledo's Coal Mine. The Toledo Coal Company ha employed a first-class fentisylvania oal miner, who will push the tunnel on Into the coal vein at the rate of three dollar per foot, and take hi chance on the prospects, a be see it, for his pay. This i fortunate for the comp any, and it verily indicate that the con tractor ha great confidence In the out come. Circuit Court. Following are case just begun: L E Blaln act M T Llndsey and Eliza beth Ltndsey. To recover money. At tachment. J N Duncan , attorney plaintiff. lor To Samuel c Young agt I N, recover money. Attachment. II II Hewitt, attorney for plaintiff. A College at kodaville. a new Linn county institution is said to be a college at Sodavllle. to be established for a bonus of fzuou, of wnicii foOO may be in land, the building to be of sufficient size to accommodate 300 students- $000 in cash was subscribed in a few hours, leaving only $600 to raise beside tbe land, which will be donated. For barjatns in motuneot. haadstane t;.,fio to E VV Aoltiton&.Oo, Albany, Oregoa A Saea Iran:. 4 X Young baa fait rs seivsd a large itook of shoes, for men, women and cm.idr.jn, including particu larly a fine line cf school shoes Tbe p fvjd to rob-l car p fn tstutqip roAt. THURSDAY itrn F French, the vcternn book agent, wa in tiiecity today. Mr C P Hurkhart U Ivlng quite 111 In thl city from pneumonia. Thl afternoon Rev Hill and Llndftny pain 1110 six prisoners in uie county mil a visit and gave them a talk, which lit nil wi ltia n rnf Aylti 9 fit ttftil it ti ilntt l I rdly wm needed. Mr J A McCotikie, t.f Peoria, was do ing Albany today. CaptE J Lannlng v ent to Portland this noon on business. Thus Holnian. the electric light oi NUem, is in tne city lousy, Mr (Jcorgg Waggoner, Jr.. of Pendle ton, has been In the city litlng friends. Hon Oeo 8 pownlng.iupcrlntcndent ot the fatate penitentiary, was in Albany on business touay. Mr (ieo U Plner.vne of the editors of the live l're-1ime, of Fmtt, Is In the city visiting with his Wmiiy Albany frienui. The Apollo club went to Lebanon this nfternoon to assist In an entertainment in that city tonight. License ha Wn Issued for the mar riage of 1IC Mackey nod Alva M Keeney. Witness, () P Coshow, jr. Pr E L Irvine leave on tonight's over land, to take el argeofan insane man, being taken from Portland to Kan Fran cisco. Ed Cross, the butcher, and Mr Wag ner, the hotel man, of Halcm, were in Albany yesterday on their way to Leb anon on a bunting expedition. A tnastiucradf party . was given at fctayton lad night. Three or our Al bany young men attended, going to Munkers on the Q. P. and thence by stage. Mr and Mrs John W Simpson have moved into the city from Albany, aud permanently located in Corvallls. They occupy the residence opposite the Con- gregalional church. Corvatlis Oatett. Parsons orchestra of Port'and arrived thl noon for the closing party of Mr II J Iiopsins dancing school. A Urge at lendtnee Is expected. A cordial invita tion U extended to lovers of the dsnce. Come esrly. Tickets $1.50. Gallery 3$ cis. ijranj march 9 0 clock, some very Interesting figures wilt be given. A marriage license has been issued to vv L Jones and Zoe tancc.the latter aged 13. J W Lance of Jefferson having tile-1 his consent so the license could be legally isauei by the clerk of the court. Kaiein Journal Mr Jones Is the well-known member ff the Mascot eun club, whose score is always iiigii. Arv RPAT A R Heal, the Albany commercial trav eler, wa in theclty yesterday. Ashland uecorn. Jas F Po-cll, who ha been laid tit l'i this eltv several dar with la criime. re- itirneu 10 t'oiuand litis noon. 8 A Clstke ha associated htmself with D H Stearns, ot Portland. In the business of land dealing and will spend most of his lime in .Portland. Statesman. Mr Charles Mueller went te Portland thl noon to remain a couple weeks and attend to the buslne of bis brother, who Is confined to hi home with illness Ed Cross, and A F Wigncr, of Salem. returned home U-dy after a hunting ex pedition in me vicinity of Lebanon, if they killed anything it ws probably left Ditina. Mr and Mr Qui Reitty, Dr Keene and Mis Nellie Eadcs, cf Salem, were In Al- Ust evening attending II J Hopkins clos ing ball, which was pronounced a pleasant auair. sixty couple were present. f)r G W Ms ton returned from Corvat 11 thl afternoon, where he had been lo attend a consultation of physicians In the case 01 tne nines oi rretident 11 u Arnold ot tbe Agricultnral College. He has the pneumonia, and it wat doubted II he lived until tomorrow morning. Rev J A rtanna made u a call a few days ago. lie returned recently from P.ay City, where he preached six dence oi his daughter, phrsy, a few miles months, and is now staying at the rest , Mrs Norrls Hum west of Eugene. uuRrd. "Cojiixq bcrr. only a matter 01 a short time and the Oregon Pacific will be completed f'om the Atlantie to the raciilc. I he Jtortb western and Oregon Pacific to loin hands and form a trans continental route." Thus shouts the Oregon Oracle, of Portland, and then says, among other thin if 11 : No one need evr doubt that this Oregon 1'aciflo sur vey, which now stretches across the nnip in dotted lines, will one day be a realization. The Northwestern is talk ing about it. The Houthern Pacific is Improving and extending tach vear Its easternmost line further eaat and south Southeastern Oregon, the region thus being reached out after by the railroads. is an empire of limit'ess possibilities in the way of stockraising. agricultural and mineral wealth. It comprises a territory freaterthan the entire area ot New lampshire, Vermont, Connecticut. Mas sachusetts and Ithode Island. Whether Winnemucca is connected a-ith Natron. or untrarto with Albany, or a new van dcrbilt line comes from Ogden to Port land, these are questions which will be ngurea out on Wall street. It is enough for most people to know that these pro jected lines guarantee their construction by me assurance that th territory can support them eventually by local traffic. Tuey. Werb Fooled. Having plenty of time for practising a healthy faculty of imagination, one of Ashland's face tious citizens set up a nice little story the other day about the discovery of a mammoth cave np Ashland creek, and, so well did he tell the yarn that several "inductionists" are reported to have spent toilsome hours looking tor the opening. A mammoth cave in the bow els of a granite mountain would be something worth looking for. It would rip a bole Into reolosncal science bigger man tne cave Aetuana iiaings. Dom't Do It. If we remember rightly the editor of the Dallas Itemizer less than a year ago Invested in a foreign building and loan association. Now be gives the following advice: "The very first building and loan association agent or any other agent that comes along ask ing you to take stock in something away oil yonder well, don't you do it, unless you want to run a big nag oi getting an elephant on your lianas. A large ma jority of all Oregonians who have invest ed in those far away concerns regret It Better deal with home people and home institutions." Enterprise. Whilo in Cobb's office today we noticed among other nice work, commercial stationery for a firm In Texas, book work lor jsugene, cards, letter heads, envelopes, etc., for different par ties in Coryaliis, letter neads for leading bouses of Portland, circulars for Stay ton and for Lebanon and Grants Pass, besides lots of tine work for our own city. Good work and low prices win ten. No CiintAMBif reside in Harrisburg, a fact over which that city Is to be con gratulated. The Courier says: Several of our exchanges state that the Chinese are celebrating their New Year's this week. Owing to the fact that the climate of Harrisburg is not condusive to tbe good health of the almond-eyed sons, there was no celebrating here. Harris burg will not tolerate the heathens. Consolidated : Etavor & Walker and Mitchell & Lewis, two of tha largest firms in the Northwest dealing in. agri cultural implements, wagons, carriages, etc, have been consolidated into one new firm. Thp r""v firm Is to Vo l-niwn t The wune cause that would dufeat II ill in hi rare for the prrotidmitial nomination would likewise di-fout Governor Flower. Now thut the groat Chili war i over and Harrison is engaged in taking an account nf ilK'V. tin flni1 (lint Ihn stwinil tiirtn bit - aMI .l.rlnt,,,,, "ffH -' - tt is reduced almost to a certainity that Hill will go to Chii-Jtgo with the individual delrgaUon from New York. It is equally curtain that he will not command the vote of five other states. Verily the very best evidence we have of the sound policy marked out by democrats in congress with rfreiice to practical econ omy i to be found in Uie fact that this jKjiiry is viciously antagonized by every member of the late billion dollar rongre. At the Mine time an 1 place of holding the national democratic convention will beheld a convention of democratic clubs of the Union. This will make the largest, moxt imiMiratut and most influent ial gathering of dumtxrraU ever hold in the country. The democratic state committed of New York lias bneit called to meet next Tuesday to fix the time and place for holding the sUte convention to elect delegate to the national convention. It is openly declared by Hill's friend that the call i made thus early in order to boom him for the presi dency . 1 '.. J .'J.1.' The demagogue who will publicly through Uie pre, or privately vive vot teach people that there i no diffirrence be tween the uVmorratio and republican parties on the Uriff quiwtion, would, a readily, if he could moke it pay, tacit ignorant, un-disporting- people thai there is no di fference l -twccn heaven and hell. I ..L..LU One thing is very noticeable, and that it when any move is made on tie political cite board that is eolculatnl to diminish Mr Cleveland's chances of securing the nomination for the presidency, republicans are much pleased thereat. We are always pica 4 when we son the power of our most dangerous foe waning. The fight for congressman in thi district i on among the republican. Hermann, II D Miller, of Grant Paw, a blatherskiU in Marion known by tbe'name of Goer, and C K Wolverton of thi city are candidate. But then, gentlemen, the democrat will shortly take the floor and have something to say a to who shall represent thi district in the V)rd congrea. The man, who, after long year of earnest devotion to the democratic irty. now leave it to build up'an incompatible third party, just at the very time when the democratic party is at the very threshold of power, will, in a very few months, be repenting in sack cloth and ahe for hi grievous mi stake There it no mistake about the truth of this. It will be only history retiealing itself. People who read the reputed interview with "Tony" Noltner in San Francisco in which he is reported to have said Uutt he believed that Oregon would atand by Gen end Palmer for Uie presidential nomination i! wonder at just what point on hi trip et he lost hi head. General Palmer is a very good hum, but no man 75 year old will ever be elected president of Uie United Btate. Beside General Palmer has said more than onoe that under no circumstances will he be a candidate but on Uie contrary be is an enthusiastic supporter of Mr Cleve land. A dispatch from Now York ny: Nkw York. Jan 28.- The coal-producing com 1 an ie agents, at a meeting today, made a general advance of 25 cents on the ton. This advance affd all grade of eoal. Hie total production for I ebruary 1 wa tueu at AWU.UW ton. row, do not read tne above and pas on iUiout giving it serious consideration Read it again with grave concern and siw if yon can tell just what :.t mean. Read it carefully again. Now, what do you make out of it? Just this: There is a duty on coal. This enables coal dealer to form a trust to control nt t alone the price of coal, but to limit Uie amount that shall be produced each month. Read again. "Tbe total production for February 1 was fixed at 2, 500,000 ton. Thi is what tbe robber cheme called "protection" enables coal producers to do. Advance Uie price of coal and then limit the production in order to keep prices up. Read again and reflect. A 8COBCH1KO BZVlBW, The Examiner In a lengthy review of the course pursued by lUrrison In the Chill matter say: For the sake of the dignity nf the United States, which ha already suffered much by the mismanagement of the president In dealing with the whole unhappy business, It Is to be hoped that Chill will not give new occasion for offense by an tll-temperd or a defiant reply to the ultimatum dis patched to ner on me aitt instant, mat ultimatum might well have been delayed until the public and congress had had an opportunity to read nd digest th corres pondence, cut mr iisrnson aia not wan to hear from the country. He took time by the forelock, and, counteling with his desire to play a great and warlike role, built another fire for the production ot more hot and confusing imoke. But people of the United State have no desire to humiliate or trample upon Chill. I hey recognise that each government ia naturally biased In favor of its own view of the terrible event of October, and be fore wishing to proceed to extremities they have the willingness of a civilized and fair nation to remain calm until the exact fact thall be proved beyond question. Con cress. In both It branches, tt controlled bv men of a very different measure and spirit from Mr HarrWon. HI recommendations, when they may not be supported by Inev itable Inferences trom tact, win nave little weight with them. They will, Jndepend ently ot the suggestion of hi small In tellect and large ambition, form their own judgment on the correspondence at list to reluctantly law oetore tncm. It Is apparent, now that we are In po esiion of the facts, thst there I nothing beyond remedy In the situation. Whether It would be In accordance with diplomatic usage or not to withdraw Minister gan a Chili ha requested.l a point aside from the main question. No matter whether he has been altogether judicious and blame- lets or the leverte, the fact 1 Indisputable that he now is a cause of friction. With a powerful nation we might beexcused for standing on punctilio like a duelist, but with a republic of Chili's proportion she with her scant three millions of population against our seventy millions and boundless resources we cant but elevate ourselves In the world's esteem by evincing' mag nanimity. Had we at Santiago a man who should at once be personally agreeable to the government and people there, and in th enjoyment of his country' confidence in his purpose and discretion a statesman unfevered by a sense ot personal injury. one as broad-minded as hi nation Is strong, and solicitous only for peace with honor, there would be no more danger of A Itl'JltLlATlMU CONDITION iiepu i leans aro waiting in great sus pense to know what Mr Uluino i going to do. It i (aid that if Mr Blaine is not nom inated, then Harrison will be. This is probably trun, if Mr Maine doe not decline uiitiHlii convention meet. If however, Maine should decline within a month and luuk'. it known emphatically that bo would not accept under any circumstance, then Harrison could not be nominated, larri ton it am uptotular man. With Maine out of the way Wore the state conventions are held to elec t delegate to the Minneapolis convention, it would require but little ef fort to dufeat Mr 1 Iarrwon. At this very tiino Mr Maine i doing Mr Harrison a very great ironal service. True, thi ervioo partakes largely of the dog-in-the manger kind, for hi course operates to keep all antagonizing candidate out of the field. In this ecu; the great premier serve hi chief faithfully and well. Whcther this $!altujt.o run be mamtaimd up to the day of tha convention remains to be seem. One thing i evident. Many !lf-rrp0ct- ing republican are growing impatient and restless over thi suite of things.. No such state of thing could exist long in the dem ocratic party. A sensible republican in Washington sajVUie condition is a humil iating one. WUAT WC VECII. The effort now lielng put forth to educate the people, up to the point of at least ton vntinf that the assessors of the several eountie in thi stab; shall awtess all proper ty in tin state at it octu 1 cash value as required by law is a comutendable on and should, and we think will, mitt the ap proval of every honest tax-payer. Let horse, sheep, morttrnges, cuttle, bul and all kind of projx-rty be put thi year at it caab. value. It will hurt no tax-payer ex cept those whose property ha heretofore been undervalued. It will increase the taxable property cf nearly every tax-payer in the state, but Uie im rawed valuation of the taxable property of the state will make necearary a corwrponding reduction in Uie tax rate. It is just a easy to pay a 5 mill tax on $3000 a a 10 mill tax on 11500. v nai we most need are fearlei a (season who will go forth to do their sworn duty with an approving public sentiment behind them. Our present law would operate fairly well if it were duly executed in letter and pint. Lndur the present condition cf public sentiment in thi state no law could be framed Uiat would give satisfaction. Honesty among tbe Ux-payer i just what is needed at Uii time. There wa a time when an open tax dodged wa regarded with no greater respect than a tneok thief but not so now. tloWBUwlS TOO. . The Tltgram gives a long account of the meeting at Portland on fhursdsy of the ctate convention ot republican club. It say: The G. O. P. ! blood In It eye thi morning. The recent democratic gathering held to perfect a s'ate organisation wa not a cir cumstance in contusion and turmoil to the slate convention of Young Men' Repub lican Club held today. Columbia hall never witnessed a more stormy meeting than this republican a sembly. Two or three motion were continually before the house and numerous speaker were every moment trying to be recog nised. The courte pursued by Multnomah county In teference to the tax and sets- ment question will not contribute to all the deeply seated belief In the "cow eoun tie" that that county I determined by hook or crook to dod, e their just propor tion ot taxes necessary to maintain the slate administration. It I nothing short of dishonesty to attempt to reduce their assessment on. mortgage from too cent on ti e dollar te ntty cent on the dollar while other counties In the state are a' setting mortgage at 100 cent on the dollar. Portland should have been the last In the state to make a breach In the due execution of the finding of the state board of equalization. What every man who believe In ulr dealing In bearing the burden of taxation, hould do would be to labor to have prop erty assessed at It true value. Aad when property I assessed at let than ita value, eek to raise that to it true value, and not lo bring that down that ha been assessed at It cash value. It turn out that the republicans, when they convened in Portland the other day, I found a much larger and more realistic 'mare' nest" than the democrat did when they held their date convention of club. The latter rather Imagined that something of the kind existed, but the re publican found.the mo it tangible proof ot Ayer'a scheme of self aggrandisement. That "advance report which Ayer was going to send out to the rural pie In or-1 der that he might be held up In a blase ot glory before the astonished gate of the un sophisticated mos bck republican of the rural district, unluckily for him, fell Into the hand of a Philistine, It It be not sacrl- tlglous to call Bro. Eddy by that euphon ious name, and from thence the game wa up. Aver was no longer In it. lie and Mc- Camant were noth'.ng ehort of interloper. It was a hilariously noisy convention out doing the democrats In that respect. But thee row arc really healthy ,nd promote Independence ot thought among party men. Likewise they are death on "bosses." The democratic county central commit tee met In this city to-day and fixed March Sth a the day of holding the county con vention and March the 5th as the day of holding the primaries. The utmost good feeling was manifest all around and the usual victory in the county is confidently predicted by all. From every point come the word that many republinans are luke warm In consequenceof the passage of the McKinley bill and the general exploits of the billion dollar congress. Democrats every where in the county seem eager for the earning fray .- The politician are for Hill or Gorman, but, outside cf New York state, It Is evi dent that the people of the democratic party are yet for Cleveland. Hill ha it in hi power to make democratic success al most assured by getting out of the way and advocat'ng Cleveland's nomination. But the chance are that he won't TVs- gram. , two men wno will be taiKoa ot very ex tensively between now and tbe 21afc of June Governor Pattison of Pennsylvania and rtftvemnr Bws of lown, KWr vnv.r onti t'OCKTf DSMtCBillC CeTEXTI. There will be a democratic ceunty con vention held a) the court hous In Albsny on Tuesday, March 8th. 189a. at 10 o'clock a iff, to nominate candidate for county office, to elect 16 delegate to the State convention and to transact such other business a may properly come before the convention Primary meeting will be held at the utusl place of voting In th several precinct on Saturday, March 5th, 199 J, a( 1 o clock p m 15 y unanimous vote of tne committee It wa recommend ed that the vlve voce system of voting be adopted by the next convention so far as it may apply to the nomination of candi date. The teveral precinct are entitled to delegate a follow; Albsny c Rock Creek. ......a Shedd ...,4 Sweet Home,..,.,. 4 Sodavllle ..3 Santlam Sclo 4 Shelburn.... 4 Syracuse "i 3 Brownsville... S HarrUburg. . . . ..3 S Lebanon,.., ..,,.5 Tangent , 3 Waterleo .,3 West Albany....; .4 Center 3! Central AibAny.,,4 Cra fordsvlde, , .3 Ksst Albany., rox vaiiey... Franklin Butte.. Halsey Jordan N Brownsville N Harrlsburg, N Lebanon... Orleans , Price 101. All voters without regard to former pol itical affilUtion, who fyor an honest economical administration of public affairs to a to conserve the Interest of the masses a against the monopo'lstlc tend ency of th day, are cordially Invited to join In taking part In these convention. T J BLACK, I J Stites, Chairman piotem. Secretary. Prof Mayer ha calculated that if the motion of Uie earth were suddenly arrested the temperature produced would be sufficient to melt and even volatile it; while if it full into Uie sun, as much beat would be produced as results from the combustion of 5000 pbere of carbon the size of our globe. ws The State Rights Democrat ! Seo teaber 4, 1865, ssy: "A comaistioned of ficer ad twtnty men bsv bn seat to tscli of the sersrtt couaty tsu ia Virginia. " Portland DU faith. Democrat of Wisconsin do not beaitat to assert that they will carry that state for president in November. W. F. Call andjsee what a stock of - Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, hosiery, Wo have to select from. Our buttho cheapest ever 9i have iust placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and We want your tra-le and yon money. AJba.ii.Vc. -t- for Infante "Cstoi1afcwweS4ape4ebIiareeaias t recommend It a super! or te any prwerlfttoa teoirn to cm." IL A. AacBza, H. TX, 111 So. Oxford tl., Brooktra, B T, "Tb tssa of Castorta'! so universal ana tui luorits so well known thst It eem a wrrk of supePoroKaUon to endorse it Few aretho totelliKent families who 60 not keep Oastoria wtthinesay reach. " Cuuxm MifcTTlf, T. ., New York City. tAte Pastor Bloomlnriala Bef armed Church. Tr Cajrraua a.,.,,..!.! i r ,fi..MiM...iWWmijs .ii... mm.,.M,fv Mns GradwoM's Bazaar The ijr latest news i GR ADCTOHL'S BAZAAR, for ArbuokU's CofAe, Per Pound. S3f. lbs. Granulated Sugar f 100 lbs. Extra C Sugar No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 1 Cans refilled, 5 gallons............. ft Gallons Good Pickles .......... 0 lbs. lTo. Earon Soap . . ... Whole! prleeof aogar-lW lba etr O, t.76; 101 ib gianulated, 5.7, t I wt'1 oondnet a tr! ah atori, an1 all f ooda will ts sgjd for rial eh tt-xx lo 25 per espt Uw fban Mfuiar prtc. My iwck of t tlpww, Kujf goods, nni all tl- delrrjS yie or eianea, m wu or j. lamps sad a is are is eompiet. b iking powder, and alway plea my Don't Give Up The use of Ayers gamparllla, Onebftttle may not cure "right off" a complaint ot years; persist until a cure Is effected. An general rule, Improvement follow shortly after beginning the use of this medicine. With many people, the effect Is Immediately noticeably but some constitutions are less susceptible to medicinal Influence thaii others, and the curative process may, thera-' fore, In inch cases, be less prompt- Perse verance In using this remedy Is sure of it reward at last. Booner or later, the most stubborn blood diseases yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For everal years, In the spring months, I used to be troubled with a drowsy, tired feeling, and a dull pain in the small ot my back, so bad, at times, as to prevent my being abl to walk, the least ulden motion esuiisg me sever distress. Frequently, bolls and rashes would break ant en varkm part of the body. By the advice of friends and my family physician, I began the ne ot Ayer Sarsaparilla and continued It till the poison in my blood wa thoroughly eradlta-td."-L. W. English, Montgomery City, Mo. "My system wa all run downs my skin rough and of yellowish hue. I tried various remedies, and while omeof them gave me temporary relief, none of them did any per manent good. At last I beKan U take Arer Sarsaparilla, continuing it exclusive ly for a considerable-time, and am pleaded to say that it completely Cured 6V!e. I pretumn my liver wa very much ont of oroer, and the blood Impure In eonsequenee. I feel that I cannot too hi-Uly reeomrntnd Ayer Rsrsapsjiiu to any one afflicted as I wa."-Mr. N. A. Smith, Glover. Vt. yr I suffered from scrofula and Mood disease. The doctors prescription and several so-called blood-purifiers being of no avail, I was at but advised by a friend to Y1,AJtT' 8araparllla. I did so, and new Ckr-r d 10 Ayer's Sarsaparilla rRCTARKB BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lore?, Wm. Bold by DrnggUna. f I..U 5. VToni aiaboul READ, stock is not only fthe largest shown in Albany. a omplele assortment both cloth and plush fur trimmed. . of we feel eonftdeutJJJw taa sav W. F. READ. -: Oregon and Children. Csatvla care CWIo, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Wonna, pTt sleep, and pruaiotca U- trii medkaUoa. For eeTeral years I haro recommended your ' Castorta, ' and shall always continue tr do so aa ithaa Invariably produced becallcis results." . Edwin F. EutDZ-a, K. D., "The Wtnthrop," lSSth Street and 7th Ave., KewYorkCiti Cowamr, TT UcaaAV Stkut, Ksw York. that you oan huy at JULIAS net cash, gooda as follows: White 1.00 .25 1.00 .90 .80 at a generi r tjTiiijooi, t !,"() ira a apss.a y oi hjj utKair,