Sue iDfuwwat. LOCAL, UKCOltD. Ujufokmitt Wahtkd. Linn county's assessor, at well a all the other lucuori, has received the following from J M Cs r rotl, Secretary of the state board of equal liallon: "By or.lrr of the itate board of equailxatlon, 1 adJrca you upon Ihla tub jest of Heitment. The board found the greatest difficulty It encountered wit an outgrowth of the non-unlformllr of the per centum of the cash valcalluii of prop erty, upon which the varlout assessor bated ihclr assessments, which fact wat verj apparent to each of you who vlaited the board while In teuton and made an examination of the abitractot perrentumt frorr the varlout count if t which I had prepared. The board would most re spectfully suggest and urge that each of you adopt at your balt of assessment for another year ihecah value of properv,at the ttatute directs, and alo adopt a uni form assessment blank and assessment roll, the forma for which will probably be recommended by thit board In lit report. That cu all have an iinderslsedlng to that cfTett. either by holding a convention or through tome other meant of organise- tion, ry Miicn the saHl understanding may become univerial and be acted upon accoruingiy," H v. John Craft hat told to Kobt Andrew 13a acrea sooth of town 'or contlderatlon of $iS per acre. iMWCTU held their annua! meet ing Jan 15th, and elected the following olhcert: President, Mrt Anderson; vice president, Mrt KenMon; recording secre tary, .Mr mlwhener; corresponding tecre tary, Mrt StandUh ; trcasurrr, Mrt DavM- ton. JSet meeting will be held Jan Jyth. There wat a double wedding at ihe V V church lat Saturday evening. Before Urge and refined audience, Mr Homer Van Winkle and MUt t'lara Marker, and Earl R McDanleland Mlaa Llnnle Rim. tay were rhrenologkallr pronounced man ar.d wife, amid the hearty applause from all, o Trot Klddell. News, Naw Miso Rbadkrh A number of Albany young men are learning that they are mind render. A drug clerk easily found a couple article! while blindfolded, bit puW going up to 130, causing him to shake like a leal. Another young man claims to have gone while blindfolded, and taking IkUI of a friend's band, through a saloon late last night into an alley, w here he found a bottle that had been bidden. We look for a craze on the subject; bnt it is cafe to predict none will equal King. A Mad Chilian. The oVe'come says: "A Chilian employed at the coal bunk ers in rsoriu l oruunu became bo exas-l perate at tbo bnnterings of bis fellow tniployes yesterday afternoon that he whipped out bis curvo and pretended, at least, that be would immediately declare war apinst the United States unless the taunting ceased, lie is believed tn be the only thoroughbred Chilian in Mult nomah county." A Bio Tnisa.-The general assembly o! the Presbyterian church of the United States meets at 1'ortlund in May. 8ev eral thousands of the representative ministers and laymen of this church w ill le in attendance from all parts of the U S. An excursion up one side of the Willamette and down the other will probably be given t hem. Albany should begin getting her May flowers ready, and it is to be hoped baa the bridge completed then. A Rich E. O. Mixc The first bullion output from Greenhorn mountain wat re ceived recently at Baker City in the shape of three liver brickt worth $3191 44 in the aggregate. 'I he yield it from a run of twenty-lire tont of ore In the Monu mental ten stsrr.p mill at Granite, owned and operated by C S Millet. The mine which this grand showing is made it the Morrlt nine, the original discovery claim of the Gieenhorn mountain aection, and at the ore wat taken out at a tmall depth from the surface the prospect tt certainly a flattering one. Pendleton E O. Ear r ess not Barefoot. Mitt Bertha Barfurt, a pretty, dark eyed German girl, objecit to the item which recently ap peared In thit column concerning, Bettie Barefoot," of Albany, wl o, it wat re'ated bad been married to Mr Kitchen She hi tiit t that the taid Item referred to her, for the It engaged to marry Mr Kitchen; but protcttt against the Intimation that the la "Barefoot." Portland Ex. The tame error wat made by teveral valley papers, and the Democrat will make the correction on its part TmaTT-OHE Bad Dots. Another in corrigible youth wat received at the ttate reform school yesterday.- lie came from Josephine county, being the first lad com mitted to thit institution from that county There are now at the refo-m school thirty one erring youths and Hit school hat beea opened lest than three months. Statesman. Linn county has only one bad boy there, henre now hat just lit thare. Multnomah Is proving the bad boy county. A. Artistic Stas Mr C II Hart, the painter and artist, lias just completed lor the Eastern Htar lodge, recently or ganized in this city, a large tUr, 13 feet 8 inches from point to point, to be used in their work. It is a handsome piece of work, artistically executed, and confers credit on the artist. Mr Hart is also at work on several other pieces, showing that bis skill as an artist is being appre ciated. Cocld'nt Agree. Double houses are sometimes un?i:rmontoua affairs. Yes terday afternoon Jack Burkall, who lives in one end of a double house, had John Holton and John Marsh, who reside in the other end, arretted for disturbing the peace. They were taken before the Re corder, by whom the case wat dUmIsed. There wat talk of a counter arrest ; but very propeily the whole matter wat dropped. Bat Fish Siokies. Ko comment is necetearv on the following from the Ochoco Review: George Lytle started home from town last Tuesday when he noticed one of hit horses limping badly. By Investigation he found the cause of the lameness to be a large nail la the horse's foot, George bad no Instrument at hand with which to remove the nail, to he seized hold of It with hit teeth and drew tt out. I car TiiKM Uowk. The awning, we mean. Thevtiean eve tore to Albany Albany it no longer a frontier town Let those frontier affairs go. Merchants gen erally ere demanding of their landlord that they drop. The best looking stores are thote without them. Were they done away with generally, the appearance of First Street would be wonderfully Im proved. " " . They Like Aj.bant Hotels, Albany hat the best hotels of any city in Oregon outside of Portland. All the.' drummers aiy so. They show their appreciation of the fact by making a special effort to spend Sunday here, at they always get several good, square meals and nice accommoda tions. Yesterday twenty-nine commer cial tourists were in the city, beside sev eral resUent agents. Leaf Year. Thursday' Roseburg Review: Three railroad boyt, George IUppertett, F L Kinney and E V Evcrton were mimed last evening. The two former at Drain, and the latter to a Junc tion City lad r. When the freight train -went out yesterday noon with three pros pective grooms aboard, the engineer blew a parting whistle that might have been mistaken for Gabriel's last trumpet blast. Circuit Court. The following new cases have been began : Matthews & Washburn ant Thompson A Keinhait. To recover money. At tachment. O P Co8how, attorney for plaintiff. ' . Alignment of Albertine Kriesel to E Dawson. O F Paxton, attorney. ' Died. The Infant son of Mr and Mis E L Jones, born on Tuesday, Jan. 19th, died on Sunday evening. Atwm&starrs May be seen tbs finest stock ol gold and silvst watches, diamond and other rings, jew elry, silverware, Ac, in the city. A largo lioa of elegant gold watches in tatty tiw trayt at Will ft Stark a. baa set an for other citioa to follow. Itinerant "doctors who sell patent medicines from a wagon are nuisances, and tlio following from the Town Talk will show bow ther do mattere down there. "lr." W 11 True a wide awake specimen of that nomadic and loquacious dare who work the world with their wits and play upon human credulity with marvelous success, who baa been humbugging the public with bis Jaw, and fooling them out of their money with Ins harmless salt prcpnra tlons and ledgerdemain tricks, was 'taken in" Saturday night by Constable Oberg for violating the state law. lie was selling medicine from an express wagon on Cass street, opposite Case's bank, to an audience that blocked the street for 100 feet around him. In tho wagon was a woman, two small children and a minstrel darkey, a lio helped the children to entertain the crowd when the "doctor" was not working it with bis salts. The matter was fixed up by the payment of 1100 for a license and l 1.60c osts. lUii.aoAn Talk. Here is more talk about a transcontinental railroad. The Telegram says : It is now a probability that Oregon 111. before another year passes, have a fourth transcontinental lailway. From what can be learned. althouvh the officials are somewhat reticent, as usual, the Coos Bay, Rose burg v l-.aatern will, within the course of a few weeks, commence work on its Hastern extension from Rnselmrg to a connection with the Chicago A North western in Colorado or some other of the great estern roads, Preliminary sur veys of this route were made three years ago, which carried the road across Ore gon and some miles into Idaho. The work wasdono under the direction of an engineer by the name of Miller, who had been employed on the Chicago Ac Northwestern. An actual location of the line waa never run, though it is thought that it baa practically been de cided on. Arrxa 45 Years. The Watsonville, Calif., Rustler, says: Mrs A M Hlne. of Albany, Oregon, is visiting her cousin, udge McKenn, of Corralitoa. The judge lad not seen bis cousin since be started across the plains in IS47, and they met at the Watsonville depot last Friday. He waa apprised of her expected arrival there on that day, and was there to meet her. Among the throng alighting from toe train he was pu'zled to deter mine which was bia cousin. Forty-five years is a long time, and it is not sur prising that he could not select from the crowd the person he was expecting. After several mintakes be finally found the rgbt one and be departed with her for bis home at Corralitoa. At the time of their parting in that year, IS47, each had been recently married. Since that timeench has reared a family which are now grown to manhood and womanhood. and each his many grandchildren. Their reminiscences and experiences, if written as related by them, each to the other, would make quite a large volume of interesting reading. Drunkard's Death. bout half past eight o'clock latt Saturday evening SI Reese died In I.inn Wood' saloon. The cause of his death wa excrlve tine of alcoholic drink, he having been a constant and excessive di Inker for mar.y years, and thoc who have w atched hi course clotclv tay he had never been tuber during the past year, and for the past month rr two he had drank veiy tuavtly. lie went into the taloon early in the evening and purchased a halt pint of whiskv, which It is supposed he drank. He dIJ the chores about the taloon, swept the floor, built lire, etc., and about seven the barkeeper cave him a drink for carrying In wood. Soon afterward he took another -Jrlnk, and after making several unsuccessful at tempts to tit down In a chair, wat assisted Into a back room and went to sicrp. Later, parties heard Mm breathing heavily, and going to look after him, found it Impossible to arouse him from his slum bert. Dr Belknap wat summoned, but when he arrived Reese was past the attlst. anceof medical skill, life being extinct. Ochoco Review. Or Coi RiE Our friend In the Interior seem to be encouraged in the belief that the Oregon Pacific will build during the coming summer from Yaquina bay Into Grant and Ciook counties. For many ) eirt the producers In that ! sola ted por tion of the tlate hare looked longingly toward this road at the outlet to teaooard; but have hitherto been disappointed, and we can tee no reason why they should have stronger hopet now than heretofore. The Dalles T M. That a paper at that city should take thit view it to be ex pected; but let them keep their optics open, and they will see the steam horse bringing the wool and o'her products of that country to Albany Instead of to The Dalles, all the tame, and within no great length of time. The prospect wat never as good at now. There Is lots of dlilei ence between a road out of debt, and on? owing $15,003,000. See. Ah OrPORTUKiTY. As a ahipping cen ter, and with her superior freight rates, Albany is splendidly situated not'only for becoming eventually a great wholesale city, but a well a manufacturing city. In manufactories particularly at the present time we should bo constantly reach ng out. At a small ct, compared to the benefit, this city could add within a year or two four or five fectorita that would do wonders in assisting to build up, and make it a manufacturing center. At tLe present time there is an oppor tunity offered to secure a furniture and chair factory, employing about twenty- Dve hands, ut our business men eee that we get it. The A. & S. C. R. R. There it a gen- era! feeling of dissatitfact Wi among many ol the stockholders of the Astoria 61 South Coast Railroad over the foreclosure of the $5,ooo mortgage, tayt the Town Talk. They maintain that the road worth $150,000. Latt year it paid a good sum above operating expentet. Extravagance and mismanagement is the cause of the present bad condition of the property. From present indications it looks as though it will be a couple ycart before the mort gage will be foreclosed, 'and In that time tome Interesting developments may be expected if there it not a change in the programme. Crook County. Thit week tome of the Crook county theep raisers who thip ped their wool to Boston lant season got the returns from their tales. After pay ing the expenset of freight, Insurance and storage, the wool netted them from i to iVAc a pound. Mr and Mrs C W Elklns, of Beaver, are in town. Mrs Elklns ithce under the care of Dr Belknap, she being afflicted with heart disease. Mr Elklns says Beaver creek stock men are still fe:ding. ' John Templeton, Joe CroAs and Job Dartey'had good tuccett hunting on the desert. They killed nine antelope. By the kindness of Mr Crook 1 ham of one of the animals found itt way to this estab lithment. Go hunting again, Joe. Re view. A Once Prominent Mam. Learder Holmes, the Portland lawyer who wat committed to the asylum a day or to ago, wat a very prominent man In the early tettiement of this ttate, and terved at a delegate to the tepublican national con vention In i860, the tame convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln for presi dent. As Mr Holmes was unable to at tend he sent hit proxy to Horace Greeley, and In that manner the great editor be came a member of the convention, and it it claimed now that Lincoln'a nomination was largely due to Greeley's efforts in his behalL Statesman. Wheat continues to be 2 cents with a weak market. Again the remark of th a Democrat many times made that the farmer who makes a rnle of selling in October and November, not later, makes the money, is yenned. It seems to make little difference what the price is many hold for 5 cents more anyway. The man out 01 aeot has a right to speculate all h pleases; but it is a t.oor business rule lor tne Iftrmer owing merchants and others to do bo on uncertain markets. Bio Hopes. The Prlnevllle'Newssayt; J J Smith, of Sisters, proposes to lay off a town site in me near luture, in prospect of the railroad coming that way. We hope that Johnny's most sanguine hopes will be realised. - LAEGEST -:- ASEOETMIBT OF BTATraGISTOVES. at A Goon Example. Astoria example Hint It will bo well MATTEIS!&WASirETO5'S MONDAY. Dr E R Barker, of Lebanon, wat lit the city today. Ilet.ry Schnts; representing the Salem Statesman, wat doing- Albany tnday, W L Jetter, Oregon Pacific wharf agent at Portland, wat in the city this forenoon, J W Johnson and family, new comers from Ilattlngt, Nebraska, are In the city looking around. Mr C C Tackton, HaUey'a well-known resident, wat In the city today on hit way towardt the Forks, by way of the Oregon Paclllc. Mrt Robert Huston went to Corvalllt today to make arrangements for the re moral of herself and husband to that city during the coining month. Mist Haverfleld, of Oskaleosa. Iowa, relative of Mr M A Thorn iwon. who hat been visiting In this city, left yesterday morning for Albany. Salem Statesman. A letter from Dr G W Gray, dated at Lot Gatot, Calif., slates that he had jul had the worst case of bronchitis he bad ret experienced; but wat rallying, and wat eeung considerably better. There will be six graduatet fiotn the Albany Collegiate Institute in June, towlt: r.illoit and L-lem Irvine, Anderson can non, Luther blklns, Mitt Annie rllnn and Mr Peacock. The attendance at the college Is large. The school It flourishing. A private letter frow W S Mavberry, a former school teacher of thit county but now of Crook, ttatet that the are having fine weather up there. Mr Mavberry hat completed his term ot school and engaged to teach another at the tame place at In creased wagrt. Thit tpeakt well for hit success at a teacher. tuekdav. Mrs Jos Webber, ir.. of Portland, is in the city visiting friends. Miss Rhoda Hail went to Portland to day to obtain treatment for her eyes. J P Robertson left vesterdav for Al bany and the Santiam country. States man. Friday llocan went to Portland this no n on a several days trip. His brother. Charles, of the Oregon Pacific, of Cor- valhs.spent Sabbath in Albany with uim. Mr Woodruff, the glove drummer, is in the city, having recently returned from a trip through Wisconsin. Here ports hogs doing well there, being nearly fat enough to make spareribs. Rev W A Snanldimr. wife and daugh ter left this noon for their home in Spokane, after being here a couple weeks. While here they made many warm friends, and Rev Simulding ob tained many admirers ot bis ability as a preacher. The Mother Goowe Centennial to have been given on Febrnary 12, lias been postponed until Febrnary lUth. when it will lie presented at the opera bouse. It promises to be one of the most attractive flairs of the season. WXPNKtDAV. MrThot Kay, of the Salem Woolen mills, It In the city. Ed and Tom Parker are confined to their hornet with the mumpt. Mr and Mrt B F Kirk, of Lebanon, are In the city vUitlng Albany friends. Dr E L Irvine went to Salem yesterday to tee Dr Williamson, .who is lying trl ously ill there. Rev Dr Thompson and family of Cor valllt, were In the city last nlhi, return ing home thit noon. C A Laughead ttarted out thit morning In the Interett ot Jones St Bernard!, and wilt solicit orders throughout the Willam ette valley. Salem Journal. Mrt McMllllan. tUter of Mrt Rowena Elder, who died at Oneatta latt night, ar rived In Albany thit mat ning, Intending to go tjlOnealla; but will retnain here until after tne burial of her titter. Mr J E Miller hat qualified a Superln- j tendent ot Streett and wilt begin buslnett to morrow morning. The new officer Is an active young man, of splendid eharact er.and may be depended on to do hit duty. One of the marriageable bachetort In the Timet leap year list had a propotlton Ir mall vetterday from Denver. Colorado. offering to trot through life with him In double harness. Jutt what the retult will be I dilltcult to tell.- Corvallit Timet. Judge R P Boise, of Salem, 1 In the city. He It one of a committee of three appointed by the ttate grange to prepare an assessment law to be submitted to the next legislature and It here to confer with Hon R A Irvine, and other inemben of the com mlttee. Mr J XV Brasfield It expected to return from San Fra.icisco tomorrow, where he has been for a week ordering the machin ery for our new cannery and arranging for a supply of seed for farmers to plant. Work will be begun on the building at soon at the weather tettlet In the early pring. t'oryalllt Timet. Referee W II Holmes and Stenographer W P Williams re'urned latt night from Omaha, were they had been attending the investigation of the Union Pacitic'a record t of the roadt earnings. Salem Statesman. Attorney General Chamberlain, who had been with them, went to hit former home at Nitchex, Miss., and left to-day for Al bany, accompanied br hit tliter.ln-la w, Mrt Renner, whe will make this city her future home. (Teachers' Mertlag. ' . The third local teachers' institute of Linn county, will convene at Shedd, Friday evening, Feb 5, 18!r2. All teach ers and persons interested in educational work are cordially invited, to attend. Friday evening Educational lecture, Music and literary work. Saturday'! work convening at 10 a m. Language lessons Papers G II Ikes, Miss Ida Porter and Miss Clara Harken. Geograpby Papers A M Beeves, Miss Nellie Pugb, Wm Latta. Phonetic spelling Papers J O Gib son, Jno Griflin, Miss Mary Porter. Reading Papers KuptG F Russell, F M, Mitchell, Eva Williamson. General discunaion open to all Satur day evening. Lecture, music and liter ary work. G II Wilkes, Pres. J (i Gibson, A M Beeves, Bee. Linnie Ramsay, A T Grtigett, Committee. fanners' Intlltsle. Medform, Or., Jan. 25th, 189J. C I Hor Democrat : The farmers' institute which ft jutt held here was a grand tuccett. At timet there wat three hundred people in attendance Great Interest wat manifested all through and the many papers read at well as the discussions wat valuable and Instructive Medford U a voung town only 9 yeart old and hat a population ot over 1200. The farmers Inttitutet are doing a great deal ot good and many more should be held. The ttate of Indiana hold thit year 01 inttitutet. Yourt truly. C II Schmidt, Attempted Horse Steal. Tbia after noon Mr Chris Houck was going to bis barn in the alley near the rear of the Blumberg block, when be found a man about to start off with bis horse. He waa just preparing to mount the animal as Mr Houck approached. The stranger received a terrific blow from the owner of the animal and landed in the mud. Marshal Hoffman, who lives naar the place, appeared immediately after and arrested the man, who after he bad gone a short distance resisted the officer on Second street, near the Democrat office and a fierce contest followed, in which the officer's club came into timely use. ADOBHeolmen appeared and the man was taken to the calaboose, cursing and writhing. He is said to be an English man and only in the city a lew days He bad been drinking hard.and waa seen walking rail fences during the forenoon, liis name la not yet learned. It is a big privilege to be able to set wkat you want when you go to a grocery store. Allen Brothers keep such a variety that they can - always aceom modate their customers. Tbia saves running around. If it fruit aeason they have the goods In produce their standa are full of the latest and best. . Their stock of standard groceries always large, of the beet to be secured in the market. com 1 1. rKvikKVimtia. Tuesday evening, Jan. 20th. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Street Commissioner, Treasurer and Councihnen French, Stewart, Pfolll'er, Burkhart, Hawkins and Wbeolur. The following bills were ordered paid ! Prica A Bobson, 4 j 8 Gourley, 2 ; N J Henton, fill ; Foslmy A Mason, I18.7B ; Willi, t Hess, W)c; W B Itarr, $,sfl; Matthews A Washburn, $tl 05 : B Brown, S; M Cowan, $00.80; U W Hughes, 4; Ka?l Race, 2.00 ; Santiam Lumlier Co, I.1.J5; Hayne A lluck, f 1000: Haysc Jeffreys, IS314.84. Committee on streets and public trot erty asked further time on several mat ters. Tho city surveyor reported three sewers not built previously ordered. Mr Fred Moist refused to qualify as pound which ofllce be bad been elected. Applications for street commissioner were read as follows: F. K Parker, Ben Johnson, las F.llison.N C W Risley, Hen ry Harkness. Six ballots were taken for street cotn mitsloticr, resulting In the election of J F. Miller, with 4 ballots, I C Dickey, 2. Petition of A Wolverton and others asked for sidewalk and crosswalk 011 second, between Madison and ljifayetto; also petition ot It Custer and others asked for sidewalk on Thurston, 1st to Uth street. All referred. Petition of J F Hack out to and others asked for sewer connecting with Ferry street. Referred. Ordinance bill 311 authorising the Mayor and Recorder to enter Into a con tract with F I Miller as superintendent ot the Albany bridge at a safnry of I13M, was read three times and passed. A Stratify was unanimously elected pound master. Licensee war granted Huffman Hi Taylor, and W W Rowcll, to sell liquor. The recorder was directed to advertise for bids for sidewalks according to notices published. The following bids were opened. For lumber: P W Spink, tv.30 ter car load unloaded. Gteen Basin Lumber Co, on care, 8.03 ; unloaded. '.. 25. John Leedy unloaded 9.25. W F. Kel!y,10: unloaded, 9.3J at city vrd. Awarded to Green Basin Lumber Co. Boarding prisoners John N Hoffman. 23 cents a meal. Cily printing. -Posters. C W Watts. 25 cents each Tot. V W Cobb, 50 cents. Telescope 1 ublisbing Co,2U cents an inch. Albany, democrat, 20 cents an Inch. Herald, 14 cents per Inch. Cor tract let Daily Herald for nrliitinu nriiinaner. and O V Watts for printing posters. Dirt and gravel. I W ('(upton. dirt. S3 cent cubic yard ; pit gravel. 5Kc ; by ferry, 7c; by bridge, (iSc. Lear and I.ivincntone-dirt, 22c: pit. 0c: terry. We. M Cowan dirt,20c; pit.fWc; ferry, Wta ; brldge,70c. A B Morris dltt,l9c; Pit gravel, bftc; by ferry, Uric. R A Murphy lirt, 20t : river, by ferry, Hrtc ; by brldge.GAc. C F. Sims and John Max well-dirt. 2c: :pit. 67c: by ferry. Htic: bridge. tWc. J WhitesiiUn dirt. S4c: pit, Mc; by ferry, Me. On motion the contract was let to R A Murphy, bonds fixed at f300. Adjourned until Friday evening next. a wDKRrt 1 rt:xroBH4r. The entertainment given last niebt br Carl King was an education to those fortunate in witnessing it. His powers, honestly displayed, indicate that the possibilities of the human frame are nut yet bait understood, ami that many of us may posses faculties never dreamed ct. Before displaying bis wondertul abilities in mind reading a committee consisting ot Dr W II Davis, C H Winn, r tower. I ACumming. I R WbUnev and the Democrat man waa appointed by the audience to see that everything was on the suuare. Among the things done were the following: While Mr King was blindfolded behind the curtains, in the presence of two ot the committee, the case in every feat, seven or eight articles were gathered from the audience, p'aced in a handkerchief and bid by a member ot the committee, leading the way, blindfolded, with bis band bold of that of tho committee be found the package, opened it ami returned each article to the owner In the audience. A pin hole was made in a window eah, and the pin Mil In the entrance to the Opera House. Mr King, in the name manner, found the in and stuck it in the hole, all tho tune lindfolded. A sealed letter was returned to the man named inside, who was first correctly described. A it was Mr Al Ikienicke there was no mistaking the description. The word frog.on page IJW, of a book was marked and placed among other books.the book was found, and the page and word pointed out by the blind- olded man, who first (aid what they were, a clean case of mind reading. Ilia greatest performance was the lost one. committee ot three went out on the street, passed down the north side of First itreet.crossed on a narrow crossing to the south side, went to the Revere House, re turned and went up to the Pbil- armontc club rooms. In the third story of the Oregon Bank, got an Indian club and bid it. in a garret in the Herald office. Mr King, leading the committee itli a long copper wire, followed over he same route exactly .blindfolded thor otigbly, finding the club in ita biding place, a remarkable exhibition ot ins powers, doing bis work rapidly in each case, it is said taster tnan even the fa mous Bishop, whom he undoubtedly xcels The music on the mandolin by Don ose Ramirez and family was of a fine order. Don Jose is an expert and the audience was delighted with bis per formance. flow to Make Monet, yerr una Is I the farmer of hi own fortune and the harrcst he reaps It entirely due to Ms own perererencc and Industry If properly town, there I not one seed that promises him better returns than saving a dollar by buying groceries where you can always epenu on the best goods and lowest price. This ou can do by dealing with 'arker Bros., who always hare on hand a large and select stock of groceries and baked goods. Try them. A WAiwrwa. In promulgating esoterie cogitations or articulating saperflcial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your statements possess a clarified concise ness, compacted comprehensiveness, coalesent consistency and a concentrated cogency. Eicliew all conglomerations ef flatulent garrulity, iojune babblement and asaisnine affectations. Be outspoken, tell people plainly, in common English. that Matthews ct wash burn's is the beet place to get first-class atoveainware and ardware. At the closing party of Mr II J Hop kins' dancing class Friday night at the opera house, will be given some new and interesting ligurea. music dv rarson'e orchestra of, Portland. ' Tickets $1.50, gallery Zo cents, ae sure and attend. HORN. RUSSELL, On Monday morning Jan 35, 1893, In Albany, to Mr and Mrs G r Kusseil a son weight, 9 pounds. MAUE1ED. ROBB HENRY. - On Wednesday. Tan 20, 1892, at the residence of the bride'a parents, in Horace, Kan., Mr wunam AKobb, ot uakviue, ur., and. Miss .Lilian May Henry, 01 Horace, Kan. Tbe happy couple have tbe beat wisbea ol the many Linn county li lenda of the groom. PIED. ELDER. On Tuesday nightjan. 20th 182 . at Oneatta, Benton county, Or egon, Mra. Rowena Elder, daughter ot lion. Alien farter. - ana Bister 01 Mrs. Vireil Parker, of this city, of consump tion, aged abont 28 years. The deceased was a young woman highly respected and beloved by all wbo knew her. Bbe leaves one child and many relatival and friends to mourn her death. The remains of the deceased will be brought to Albany tomorrow noon and buried m the city cemetery. Vicrtain baking powder makers are publishing falsified extracts from the Government reports, with pretended analyses and certificates, wherein an attempt is made to compare their baking powders with the "Royal," or making bogus tests from house to house, their obvious purpdsc being to counteract the recent exposures of the inferiority of their own goods arising from their impurity, low strength, and lack of keeping qualities as shown by the (Government chemists and others. As to whether ay of these baking powders are equal to the "Royal," the official tests clearly .deter mine. When samples of various baking powders were purchased from the grocers, cr.d analyzed by the United States Government Chemists and the Chemists of State and City Hoards of Health, the reports revealed the fact that the "Royal" contained from 28 per cent to 60 per cent, more leavening strength than any other cream of tartar baking powder, and also that it was more perfectly made, of purer ingredients, and altogether wholesome. As these powders arc sold to consumers at the same price, by the use of the Royal Jlaking Powder there is an average saving of over one third, besides the advantage cf assured purity and wholcsomencss of food, and of bread, biscuit, and cake made perfectly light, sweet, and palatable advan tages not to be had in the use of the low-grade, cheaply made baking pow ders that contain Hmc, alum, and other impurities. BOWK AND ARBOAD MONDAY1. 8!-m liu MWn clutch ir?MiitioDS. A Sheriff's cotnuuti'-o i twing htll in I'lO'tlcton today. Ia the mttr -f winter vthtr lha Wil lamette valley l now hrlf . 8-lill s xU waW en b bvl t a l ttms at DUckman & Hodge. Ther will k a ipMjia' Riveting of Albaa Lodtf. No 4, I J 0 . TuwJy vvroiug. The Salom bar cr Ita has bean sold at iir !o to K K I'arkhtrit for fll.CoO. Thr wr twenty-five initiates cf th ehitdmo bom at Halrtn last yvar . Four wre from Lino count) . Two tramp tl tw pair of ptnUol a KugD mvaobaut, drank, war idsatifUd ed rivJ a month a iro in th scanty Jstl. lion D It N Iliacktaro. i a eandidaU for upraro Jedg befnra the rn publican atata eoovantiua, Hun Til Ford of r'alem. I Uo natued for this pUc. Salom Journal. Mi Titua, of Sp iksoe. Wash., whnas w'f duct som time g. is smug Dr Carv, th phytiniau wbo atUndad Mrs Ti'lta.for fSWO oa a charg of tnalpractio. Carl King and th troahadoars at the opera hoaa tonight. Our clUseas are prom Mod an ntartaiouisnl wirth attending. Ib Salm paper pak highly ef th ptl formaaeat giwa thar. Two boy indulged Id a tug-of wsr eon Ust this 000a ovar tb jail, raaultiog ia two blsck )', on a piec. Tbe re fort decided thsoontoat a draw, and the boys tod up" to see which bad tbe lariat )'. Fallowing are th tw olboera of tbe couotv allianf ef Marion cooty: 1'raanJaor, Uco W Yka; vtue praaidvat W W Cul ver; aort. y, 'f C Uavidaoo; trqrr. W h 11 Dabyt chaplain, i A Norwood: tec tutwr, Jnbn Jory; atward, lvy Herrvo; !oorkct'r. Loo VI; oaataloot door kcrpcr. M M Li. Tl'MOAY. A Yaquina P.y etohang remark tbat 8 O Irvio will make big improvement at N Crook Ibis ) r. Kleard SUwart, a Kugeae tailor, iu retd fur aaasalttng A wsoaon wild a (langarous wot-0"j a pair of eclnor. Arrangement are baing made to build two boat at Ysquiua to run on the Hay. They are badly needed there, SfctJO bs already ln raised for th purpose. rue olotk tif Jtcksoo county I r frying out tbe county aaaeaimeot oa returned by th county aaaraaor ana equalised Dr Hi county board of eqoahaatioo, ignoring tbe work of tbe state board. Tb at Philomath burned Sunday. It waa boili by tb radiant faction of tb United brethren church about two years ago and coat S4UO0. Tbe fir oaught from a defective flue soou after th morning ser vice, ilia building wo insured for $$00. Jutt before Dempster, wbo is in Jail lor robbing Deyoe & troman Itroa. gun store came to Albany, h had bis Iif insured for fCOOO with J L Mitohetl k Co', agency, so porta a Baleoi man, an interesting and perhaps suggestive (act. Tommy Gilbert, cUrk with Kr.uee Bros, of Salem, was knocked down by a rase, with a ahufcsbot in tb store ther about V o'clock last night. Suspecting something wroog young Gilbert had closed the com bination of tbe safe Just in time, A ha'f brecd a as arrested for the dime. Pi of John Fiake, the great American historian wilt dulivcr tbe oration at the cn taenia! cfth discovery of the Colombia river on May 12. It will be a treat not (too njoyed in the Northwest. Prof Fiake is tbe author of several historical books new being used in the Chantaaqua circle, and i man ol marked anility. W W Davis is now in harge of th Del- mouloolrittiurant. Meal 25!ouU. Eastern oysterr, fresb. Evcrj thiug tirt-lats. Misnaming Things. The experienced huntsman in the woods never wastes time looking for bear in Bear Hollow, nor deer along Deer Creek, nor would ho hope to shoot any great number of ducks on Duck Lake, for his experience has taught him that such points are always misnamed, and this lesson holda good with almost everythitig in life. For instance, in tho case of the brands on articles of food,- br.iccs and 'other ground food products, the things branded or labeled "pure", "strictly : pure" or "absolutely pure,'" are without exception the most villainously adulterated. Tis the volf in shccpM' clothing always. ' . . - ' ' '' The .most brazen case : that of the Royal Baking Powder. This article is branded a'.td paraded before the people ; as "absolutely pure" when it contains -nvroonia. You can smell it in the can and often in ths.biscilit while hot. What woman would v powder if she knew it ? but ammonia will destroy Not so with Div Trice's C only pure cre;uri tartar onlv bourn!: n.TWvier nv.r!; '.flevoted a l!fc-lt:r.o dispensable afticto of tn. tests and remained tho bL;.iid'ird for forty years. per ct difference. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Strongest, Purest, Most Economical. A ItRrt'BUCAN Cli'r. At tbe Court House last night a Republican club waa organised with It II Hewitt as chairman and C U Winn, Secretary. A committee on names fur membership consisting of W 0 Tweed!, W B lirr. J N Duncan, C B Winn. J K Wyatt and K Whitney waa appointed, and Wednesday night waa named aa a time for effecting a permanent organization, and tbe election of delegates to the Portland convention. Speeches were made by tt 11 Hewitt.M H Train, N M Newton, WOTweedale, J N Duncan, J K Wyatt and others. Saturday L W Deyoe, Dr II i Licne.ngcr and O V Adams left Iirowne ville in a skin on a hunting expedition down the Calapooia. After a varied ex perience, killing a large number of durks and geese, they arrival just above the Calapooia bridge, southwest of tbia city this afternoon, when they were whirled against a log and tbe boat waa capsized, Mr Adams succeeded in getting oa the lug with bis gun, but Deyoe and Ltenen ger were thrown into tbe river, and I heir guns, thirty ducks and some geese dropped to the bottom where they now are. Mr leyo awam to tbe shore though loaded down in leather suit. Dr Lienenger clung to tbe boat, and was rescued nearly exhausted by a farmer who happened along. Tbe experience was a thrilling one, and their escape ia a fortunate one. wxnxruiiAT. Mr John Giblia ho sold bis hotel baaintts eo.lbert.W W Howell. Prif Raseli' boy ie a girl. It takes most father several slay, U tiod out just wbat th new arrivals ar. Cail King and ii company gave a second entertainment at th opera house latt nigbt to a highly pleased aadiasoa. Tber la bo qnaetion a to hie wonderful genius a a mind reader. Three tramp aero arraigned beforePolice Judge tiorler at Corvalli and were sentenced to Uav the city. One of lhm gave bis nam a Robi Jobnson.snd th editor of the Timeeniw baa bis bands fall denying be waa the tramp. Tho Newton, th yonog man referred to aa being arTaaUd at Cot vallia for robbing tbe barkeeper of tb Bed Front aatooo, of a suit of clothe, waa brought to Albany lost veuing, taken before Jo tic Humphrey, waived examination, and waa held to awsit th on lion of t be grand jury under 3O0 bond. ile makes No 6 in tb county jail. All w hoar troubled with oocstiratinn wilt flot a safe, aura, and speedy relief ia Aytr'a 1'illr. Unlik moat other coitbartioa. .three pill atreogthen tb storao liver and bowels, and rstore th orgtn to normal end regular action. Don't iperimeot with jour health. Yon ni j vw f vi h iuiiijr vvur nieuiwue, even it you bsve to tab mock of jour food . k - . f . l k. . j : upon trust. Ask yonr dmggist far Avers fiartapartlia, and no other. 1 1 ia the stand ard blood -put tOer. tbe most sfleetiv and economical. SEAL RSTATR tALM, O W Abillipa to II W Bilyeu, 351.13 acres in tp 10 S H 1 W, and 1 E. t 5000 J K Sorbin to E J Lanning, lota 9, 10, blk 18, U'e 4th add to Al bany 0 E Haldridge etux to Lee Bilyeu, parcel In Scio 0 F Harold to Sarah Harold. 80 acree in I) L C of O W Rich ardson L K Brooke to Chas W Calkins, 8 W H ot N W X, eee 30, tp 13 8R2E J M Nichola etux to O W Young, email tract in Plainview COO 900 28W 200 Total galea With his new bakery Coniad Mejeria able to cffirold sal new ooehmar every thing tlrstcloss ia baked good. use an ammonia I r a'um bailing 1100 110000 They not only destroy the stomach, the cooiplcio'i.J.. va "sa',ii?g Powder, the the powder to be 1 obtained, and 1' '.'iician .-foeiLij;' ihla ..old-fashioned, in-uli.-rvy a:i that has stood all the f3 mm 1 -d 1 'ill V 7. , Craage llrna. A regular meeting of Tangent Grange was held Jan. 33rd. Thcie wa a good attendance. Grange was called tinlerby W. M A Blevlns, and oinrncd In the fourth de gree. A claas of lour was Initiated in the third and fourth degrees, when we all repaired to the hall below and partook of a bountiful harvest feast, prepared by the slaters for this ocejulon. Dinner over grange oiled to order, when the class was Instructed In the un written work of the order. They were re quired to go outside and work their way through the gatee of the farm, which they ltd In a creditable manner. Next came the Installation of officers for the ensuing year, which' service was per formed ty i;ro . a Uawson, assisted oy Bro Misncr and Sister Ada Knlghten. Three ot the officers elect were not present cause la grippe. We received three applications for Ini tiation and granted one dcmlt. Bios A L Brldgetarmerand L B Luper were elected delegate to the Linn Connty Council. The report of the secretary showed a gain of to member by Initiation and 16 by demit and otherwise. The meeting was full of Interest and alt were welt repaid for the time spent. Good music was furnUhed during the Initiatory ceremonies, which adds much to the In terest to the work. I think Tangent giange ha a bright future before it. As veryttiing t in good running order and if the new officers wilt do their duty prop erly, with the aid of the membcrs.there I no reason why we should not be among one of the best In the slate. Alt that Is necessary is close attention to the work before ur, and success will crown our effort. LoT. A Holland Fountain gold pen some wheie In the city Leave at this of fice. Reward. Wobtk Tum UNO Aaorr. But words are things, and a small drop of ink, fall ing like dew tipon a thought, produces that which ntfckes thousands, perhaps millions, think. The object ot tbia ia to make you think about the subject of groeeriea. Conn A llcndrieson keep a first-class stock, at bottom prices, and aa ell Have a Cne line of crockery ware. Think abont it and call on them. Crrv IbKECToar of Albaxy. To be published by Obcnaucr A Broiley. The book will contain a street directory, a complete alphabetical directory of the ivsidonU, alHo a cluwmit! buttineas direc- lory. A guitto to all public buildimra. churches, lialle, store, ttocietica and lod ges. Also a complete lint of tho tax-pay-era ot Linn county, together with the citv. county and stale olricials, etc. Postal and telegraphic rules and regulations. ith all other items ot interest, necessary to make a urat-ciass city airectory. . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICK IS IIEKIXY CIVEtf Til AT THE undersigned was hy enter ot Uie county enurt ol Unn euunty, Orrjon, made sod entered Uie 7th day of November Jtol, duly tppniiiud executor ot the laal will and teetamenl and tule ot E. Turner, deceased, late ot Una county; Ortfnn, All persons hlng tUltus strains aald eaUte are hen by required Is present Uie eanie with proper vouchers to the under ritrned at Albany. Oregon, within ait months tram Ibis date. Dated at Albany, Or., Pee. lath, ailllawrrr, W, A. KIMS AY, lK W eivawTov. Iieeater. Attorneys lor Execater. SHERIFFS SALE. 1 tin Circuit Court 0 lAa Slate oj Orrgca for ie County oj Limt. AUOUST AVE ABRAHAM, Plaintiff, vs. EGG CRT EGGEKS, Defendant. XTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 by virtue oran execution and order or sale Issued out of tbe above named Court, in tbe above entitled 1 otlon, to me dlreoled and delivered, I will on ftalarday, tbe aoita day ef Jaaaary. 18M, at tbe Court House door In the city of aioam , j,iiin county, tne nour or 1 o'clock p in craaid any.sf 11 at auction, for cash In band to (he highest binder, the real property- described In oald execution and order of sale as fol Iowa, towlt: Beginning at the nr.rt east corner or tne Donation utna claim or Reuben CI ay pool, thence south went J5 rods to the county roa-i; tbence northwest along aaid road 163 rods 'o the north line ot said Donation Land Claim; thence aontheast along said ,'lne 123 rods to the place of beainoing. containing 33 acres in township 13, 8 It 2 west of tbe W tllamette Meridian, in juinn county, urxgon: also beginning at a point on tne north line of A J Hicnardacn's Donation .Land Ciaim 80 rods west of the northeast corner of said claim, tbenoe west to the southwest corner ot tbe Elmer Galliher Donation Land Claim; thence north 9 00 chains; tbenoe south 89 degrees west 11 60 chains; thence south S7H degrees west 14 chains to tbe line between tne Donation .Land Claim of the said A J Richardson and Reuben Claypoo!; theaoe south 76 de- Kreeaeoat on said line to a point due south f 1 he place of beginning; theuce north to tne piaos 01 rxgiuntng, containing 60 acres la tp 13, S R 2, V of 'Willamette Meridian in i,inn county, uregon: also beginning at a point 65,03 chains south of tne nortnweat corner or tne Donauon Land Claim of Elmer Galliher, notifica tion 2326, In seo 82 and 33, In tp 1 2, 8 R 2 W, and in seo 4 and 6, tp 13 S It 2 W; thenoe north 2 114 ebslna, thence eat 29 ohalns; thence south 2 1-14 chains; thence west 29 chain to tbe ploe of beginning. containing 6.00 acres all lying and being situated in jjinn.ooamy. uregon. The proceeds arising from the tale of said real property to be applied first, to me payment or too costs 01 ana upon saict execution and the original eoats taxed at 156.80: second, to the payment of plain tiff's claim amounting to tbe suai of 1478.89 and accruing interest thereon at the rate of six per cent pnr annum from December 24th, 1891. , rated this 23th day or Decembor,lS91, M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Llan connty, Oregwri 7i 20 PerCentOff. - ON ALL LI NES OF' GOODS. -20 Per Cent Off We make tho big rcduetion and gacrifico prices in or der that we may roduee the stock as low as possible before removing into the new store, which will be ready by the 2Cth inet., at which time we will begin to remote. T. L WALLACE & CO. Leading Clothiers and Furnishers. Btrahan Block, ANNOUNCEMENT .5-e02E" TCECIES- L I, lllii life taw . L. E. Iilain having associated with him A. M. Ham mer and C. W. Elkins, organized under the above style to conduet The Cloting Business on a MORE EXTENSIVE PL4V, begs to announce to his old patrons and lo the pulie that WE ARE rRBl'AIMXU TO SERVE THE WANTS OF 1 HE PEOPLE BET TER EVEN THAN HERETOFORE. in the business gives it a stronger pulse, new life and more- energy stimulating the house lo double its activity and watchfulness to provide for customers. We will continue business in the same old place, hop ing and endeavoring to hold the confidence of the people as heretofore. FEED AND CUSTOM CHOPPER. We ha Ye bay, oats, chop ah aw, ehleken feed, ot., oonabntly on hand. W holesale and ratall wctnta for H. F. Flsahsr, Corvalli) floor, aborts. Lran.ate also Know Hall tour. Cuatom cherplng a speelalty for eitner cosh ore) I Fullline. F. Xi. Kenton, -:- Dealer In' CHOICE TEAS, us, TJg JCa&a .X. 2j aod a general assortment of Suhaeriptlon agent for all the loading Newspapers and MajnJne. Terms cash. Near th 1. ., THE LEADING PHOTOGK &PIIERS, " Studio in Froman's Block, AJkaar, Orto. CHOICE MEATS -Or au Ein Jbim-jrlcli - & - Bakers Opposite Sshmsar's IJvary Btahls, oaxt - sr (a Wlilamstta Pasklaf Cs's stor. J. A. CaEimiEg. Wall Taper, Irncrs, PaiDte OU Glass, JEtoj. J:- IV mighty and will prevail. It is an o taw but its as lru today as it ever was. is th only foundation of business sueceetl. Truth is the only guiding goddess cf pro. psrity. With enterprise for a weapon all things omi. This has ever been our prineiple and ever will be.; When we eay that we give you a feduction yeu know it isexaetly a$ we say. - Albauj. Trego U I I the needs and wants of its MORRIS & BLOUNT Corner Ffrat and Baker Sis COFFEES, SPICES, Albany, Oregon. Cabinet photo from $1.50 to $4.0 " v per dozen. Knlaigtng pictures a rfC, specialty. 1600 crayons framtg for 1 10 00. We carry a large line -of cxS and sterescODtc'views of Ore. nexr. 10 masonic leropie.r irst aireei. Bast atook of Snd PF good in the Valley, and the most reasonable prises. 1 hare on hand all kinds of . FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWAK2, TRUNXS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. One door weit of S IS Toang's old store; L. C0TTLEIB- FISH; TT POULTRY, GAME.fresh tiom Portland and other p'aces, always on hand af OUT marlcet. near nrn.r n Second and Ellsworth streets. V ,; GiORes Slaughter S N.STEELE A Co., Albanr, a Loan money on good real o seen rity in Lint end adjoining crv.11 2nd Store.