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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1892)
lie jpcuwrrat. FRIDAY JANUARY 8, 1892 local unco it r. I'kohatk Matter. In the rtittter o the estate of John Arp, final account filed arid stt for hearing Monday Feb. itt at 10 o clock a m. Tn the mailer rf ihe ratal anil CTitBr.llaiv ''Ip of Rupert C Hill, a mlm.r, annual ac count hied, but not approved. In the matter of the rstato of Mary Iturkhart, Inventor filed. Krai property 92210. motion iiiea 10 mow cause vhr aumimsirator inouiu not oe removed. In the matter of the estate of Nathan Kuxa!, final account filed and set for hearing Feb. 6lh, at one o'clock p m. In the matter of the estate of I.jd Rudd, Inventor filed. In the matter of the ettate of W It Mc- Rrlde, report of tale of r ronn property nieu and approved. . In the matter of the -alute of Enhralm Turner, report of tale of personal property nied and approved. In the matter of the estate of George I Fatter, application to et aside tale of per sonal property the amount ordered by the court noinaving ccen paid in.. In the matter of the estate of George II Keenev, personal property ordered aold. In the matter of the estate ! Joseph l.ox, Jas II Lux appointed administrator with bonds fixed at $1000. Kond tiled and approved, J S Archibald. Mart Miller, M II rt" lids appointed appraiser. Inthe matter of the estate of Maria Crews, J R Wjratt appointed guardian ad litem. Ordered that real property be told, Crook JCct'NT Y. Tli section is fa vored compared with the winter Ihcv are having elsewhere. farmer, in the HavsUck country were plowing last week. How would that strike lillen of the soil In the frigid region east 01 the Kocky mountain.' All the saloons went Into an agreement on the first of the month to not do a credit business. This will enforce prohibition principles on tome of our good cillxetik, Steve Black Is In receipt of a letter from hi father-in-law. 'lion U J I-engra, !n w hich Mr Pengra ay he hat regained hit mind, and it aaln in charge of hi busi ness affairs. There ha been but Utile vere weather In these part this season, but J M Faught, of Beaver Cieek writet to a Mend here that he ha already frozen one of hi feet. We are In formed by private letter that Henry Hahn, formerly of this place, in tended engaging In business In Portland on the first of the month. Review. John L at Ashland. Boston's pet John L Sullivan, was the most distin guished figure to passjthioug.i Ashland this week, being here last evening en route to the Park theater, Portland, as an actor In Duncan B Harrison' troupe. Johnny remained In the car at As lland amusing hi 3 telf with little blonde female who aceir.ed to be woefully mashed" on the great John L.. She would (wUt his mut tacie and otherwise tease him, while he would playfully bite at her and cut up other trilling caper of a similar nature. A number of young people were at the depot piping them off. Several of tnem were ladle (and nice ladle too,) and if the weathet had been fine the platform would have been crowded. Record. Tut Bannock War. Tie Pkuockat ia n formed that desiring to tee a correct version' ol the Bannock war, which oc curred in 1878, published the veterans of the same, have appointed D 8 Smith, Mack :Monteith, Ir K L Irvine and Frank Wheeler, all in the midst of the fight, aa a committee to compile a history of the same. All published versions havebeen very incomplete. The onion in cident and several other vital matters have b en omitted. Information in ref erence to the forthcoming production can be obtained of any of the committee. A 1. ban v NiMRona Rsadv. At the an nual meeting of the Baleiu Rod and Gun club, held last night, officer were elected tor the ensuing year as follows: C I) Clabrielaon, president: V A Turner, vice- president: w w Brooks, secretary : II r ntiisrj. srvnwuij. a uiamuiiu uicuni u be shot for wilt he one of the features of the club during 18112. This organisation I, growing in membership and the inter est is increasing. It seems the Albany "shootists" are not going to accept the challengo issued to thorn by the Salem club, but it ia said the Jefferson boys will challenge the home team lor a shoot at no distant. -statesman. The Albany ciud will be giaa to shoot at any time nnder reasonable conditions. A match can easily be made with ten men on side. EicitNt's Strkkt Cars, The Rosc- burg Review is authority for the follow Ing: "Eugene ha probably the rr.ost unique street car service In America Whenever the csrs are to make a trip the proprietor advertise the tact several davs ahead in the newspaper probably to no body will get left when the bell ring. He I a Texas man and hi Imported mule Isn't acclimated yet, o that hi slcknos during the rainy season causes business In that Hoe to be a standstill most of the time. Then the proprietor I also tit a trifty turn and take outside contract of excavating sewers and the like which alto compel him to tor the car while hi mule assist him In cam lug out hit con tract, at tie did in Kosehurg while on the ewcrage work last fall.' A New lows'-The plot of the new town of Mlnto, which It located on the north tide of the North Fork of the San. tlam, hat just been filed In the otlke of the county recorder by Douglas Mlnto. It I (ituated on the Ureaon Pacific rail road, and It contain three block, each of hich I divided into twelve lot. The new town I In the south one-half of the southwest one-fourth of section ac, town ship nine south, range three east. States man. P. or 11. Following are the new otliccr cf the Llun countr council P of H elected at their incetlt g at Knox Mutte Saturday : j 11 aeon, 01 tangent, president j M II Wilds, of Knox Butte. ice president: R j vugie, 01 i.nartty grange No 103, sec retary; A G Marshall, of Harmony grange, treasurer; r S Doughton, of Knox Uu'te grange, chaplain ;J Clem, of Har mony grange, gatekerper; J W Propst, of larinony prance, auent: A Blevlnt. of rancent and Brlcc Wallace. f Knoa Butte, trustee. Corvalms I one of the staid town In the Wtl'ame'te villcv. In 1S48 Joe Lane laid the Unitary out lito tliclr iudlclal district with Benton county In the second. On September 3. tSHo, Judge O C Pratt held the first court at the homo Of J C Arcy, In Mary' river, near where the main town now stands. Lot worth $t per foot are now worth $100 and vet there I not nor has been any boom there a good, prosperous, steady, educated :lve town. Welcome. Salsm'i B Si L A. The director of the Salem Building and I-oan association met at the office of the secretary last night and loansd fioo at teventy-four months, and $700 at eighty-two month interest In advance. All the withdrawal were alto paid, with half the earning imn by the annual stalement, according to the by law. Those In the first tcrie realized H'A per cent on teelr Invettsment, al though they left with the association for the benefit (f the stockholders who remain, the tame amount of earning they drew out. Pretty good Investment.- Statesman. Mast Candidates. The council will elect city officers nnder their jurisdiction next Tuesday evening. For nolice offi cers the Democrat hoars of only the present incumbents; but for street com missioner there is an army of candidates, among the number being the following: J W Anderson, the present official, B F Tabler, A B Woodin, O W arren. J E Miller, Jacob A Fox, George Burkhart. Geo Hughes, I C Dickey, Ed Carter, Cal Burkhart, V E Kelley, Hubert Brown nd Robert Crosby. Abhihth Dcbixo 1891. Albany is a very peaceable city. The police record of the year shows this. Though we have an alert police force only 61 arrests were made, as follows: January, 9; Febru ary, 5; Marcb, 1; April, 9; May. It; June, 1: July,2; Aagnst.5; September, 3; October, 8; November, 4; "December. 0. They were for the following purposes: Vagrancy, 25; drunk and disorderly, 22; fighting. 4 ; assaa'.t and battery, 6 ; carry ing conceaieu weapon, 1 ; Doarding cars outside of station, 1 ; obscene language, . Pavkmext First street should be paved from Calapooia treet to Montgom ery street. A nearly a can be learned most ot tne property owner are ald to be In favor of the movement. Gravel Is a decided failure on bo Important a busl net street. Let pavement be the coming Issue until secured. Albany Is on the up grade, and pavement Is a big thing In keeping the ball rolling. The plrtt of the mayor' address U the spirit of the public, that we go ahead. Fine Work. Recently Walt Mead, the Jeweler, received a new lathe. Deslrine to tent it he drilled a hole Into a pin run ring It almost through Making a crew of a smaller pin he put this Into the larger one, and a democrat man now ha the arrangement, one, according to jewelry journals, is not oner, luccesstullv made. it I a fine piece of work, and it certainly a curiosity in mis line. Served Him Right The West Side tills the following about a brother-in-law of some of our Albaay people. "The friend and member of the First Baptist cnurch of this city remembered the! worthy and devoted pastoi, Re A J Hun saker, Christmas eve by purchasfrg and placing upon the Xmas tree a very band tome and valuable irjld watch a a present. and a a token of the high regard In whlcn he Ic held by hi parishioner and the member of hi congregation." A Peculiar Accident. Several month ago Mr Aa Olln tepped upon a broken needle, running it into her heel. She came to thl city and doctor cut Into her heel on two different occasion but were unable to find It. List week her heel became Inflamed and upon examin ing It she saw the point cf the need'e pro truding and taking hold of It pulled it out. It was extracted several Inchc from where it entered Telescope.' Card or Thanks. The undersigned wish to return their ihank for the unlver al klndnet ot neighbor and friend during the long illness of 'heir daughter, iiazei, ma titer ncruetin Mr and Mrs W A Cox . Card or Thanks. The undersigned wish to leturn thtlr thanks for the kind net and sympathy of many neighbor and friend during the illness of teir husband, father and ton. Mrs E B Spines and child., P W Spines. ' Goino Southward. A large number of tramp arc following the geese south. Our vigdlant police are having their hand full keeping them on their journey. None are allowed 10 stop here it possible to pre vent It. Occasionally, though they get Into the city limit. This morning a couple were steered into the calaboose. Af FKcnoNsTaaNHyKBRED. An Albany business man was considerably startled this morning on receiving a letter, con taining a faded flower.r-wbicli began, Take back the flower you sent me. I love you no longer. M v affection hn been transferred to ," and then followed strong words of praise for blank, over the signature Maude. This reads sensational ; but let the truth be told: the blank is a New York wholes! hcuse, and the flower was some faded catnip leaves, cheaply obtained. As an advertising dodge it is very cute. A Reward Paid. It will be remem bered that one R J McDonald wa ent to the penitentiary at the last term of the circuit court tor taking subscription to umerou publications. The New York Delineator being one of the number. That paper offered $100 tor the arrest and ton-vk-tion ot McDonald. The Delineator ha aid Sheriff Noland the reward named and Iso forwarded their thank. Guard Tm Assessment. The Increase on grlcultural land In the c!atc a raised bv the state board of equal tatlon Is found to be $3,206,534. The Increase on railroad land amount to $3,ui. On wagon road land the Increase 1 SSot iY, wamp land have been raised Si7iu The raise on town lot will be $4,066,515. The above total added clve the Increase cm all land of the state a $8.sS3.3J8. Statesman. A Brakeman Killed. Last Saturday E Frazler, a brakeman, aged only abou! 3 years, wa run over and kl'led by a ravel train at Marlon. Xn some manner he wa thrown across the track while the train wa switching, and the wheels sev ered hi head from hi body, causing one 01 me mol Irtghttul accident In the history of the Southern Pacific. Frazler wa a popular brakeman and wa well nown along the road. Episcopal Ouch Service. There will be morning and evening eervice in the Episcopal church next Hundav, Jan icth, at the usual hour Rer Geo F Plnmmer will officiate. There will'be an Epiphany sermon in the morning on Hie star which led the wise. men " In the evening the subject will be "Turn ing Points." The public ia cordially in vited to attend. Seats free. Mark Twain is writing some letters from Europe for a syndicate of papers,of which the Oregonian and Examiner are in the list. Good judges declare the two letters already published to be the worst kindofslnsh, and not in keeping with Mark's old reputation. till AMD RBSOKAL MONDAY, Marshal Ramsey, of Sclo, was In the city today. Mr John D Gulss, of Woodburn, la In the city. J II Slater is mentioned for congress In r.astern Oregon, O A Cheney, of the Mill City Gaselte, was doing Albany today. Mrs Gotschalk and Mrs Marie Davit ot Astoria, are In the city. Recorder Ifenton returned on Saturday evening from .llenburg. Prof W II Lee and family returned thl noon from their holiday trip to Portland. Mr L Senders and wife leave San Francisco tor Albany on Wednesday next Mr Senders Is greatly Improved in health, in taci is himself again. Mr J II Maine, of Newport, an old resi dent of Albany, write a friend here that he I t.ot well, and never will be, a tact we regret hearing. He will be In Albany In a few day, when we.can judge tor our selves. The Yaqulna Pott gives a newly mar rled couple the following live send off: Mr Ueo E r tsh, of covamt, and Ml Kate Schlotser, ot Albany, were married on the 30th Inst, at the residence of the brlde'a parent In Albany. The bride I er.e of Albany' handsomest and most worthy young ladle, and George I 1 daisy himself. Mr Jack Young, the well known O I general manager and superintendent of the peanut and news department, arrived In Albany last night from Waterlown, wis., where he had been to visit hi par- enta and get tome new leg, hi old one not being tatlsfactoiy to the growing con dition of this country. He secured the legs snd report a pleasant trip. Tl'EHDAT. F M Wes'.fhll ha a strlous attack of the J L Mitchell, of Salem, wa In the city today, ('has Monteith, of Spokane, arrived this noon on a short visit with Albany relatives and friend. License ha been Issued for the marriage of Edward Ha wver and Ellen IVanchard. Witness II B Mover. Mrs C L Pomcrov left this noon for her former home at Creaon, IVidge Co., C'OI KUI. rslWI kBDINtiR. is lyi ng ttanger- Minn., where a sister ously ill. Miss Maggie Whitney, ot Egene, a sister of Mr J R Whitney, ot the Herald, hat been engaged to succeed Mtw Crottelt In the public schoolr. Rev Bateman. recently ot Illinois, the new T.isslonary of the Christian church for Oregon, will preach at the Christian cnurch tonight. The public la Invited to be present. Tne first regular January meeting ot the Philharmonic Society will lie held at their hall this evening at 0 o'clock. Every member is re jueted to be present. By order of President. Mr Cyrus Westlake, of Ran Jos, Calif., is in the city on his annual visit to Ore gon. He will remain about a month and visit different parte of the state. He re ports a glorious winter at San Joe. Secretary Pipes, of the Albany Mining A Milling Co.. has received four pair ot snow shoes to be used between Gates ville and the mines, and W F Read. Dr Maston and CG Burkhart, of the com pany, will leave for the mines tome time next week. I W Nye, of Clem, Or., U In the city. We prefer his letters to Bill Nye, a df- tant relative. He U an old subscriber and his letter are always to the point gener ally reading, "enclosed please find gj sub scription to the Democrat for the coming year," while BlU'a touch on all subject and none veiy well, lacking the apprecia tive point characteristic of the Oregon Nye. WEDNESDAY. 1 D Miller, wss In the city today after a several weeks Illness. Mr Hugh Dinwiddle, a pioneer resident of the county, of Hanltburg, wa In the city today. John R Mott, college secretary of the international committee ot the V M C A, wi'l be in Albaay in February. Judge E N Tandy, of HarrUburg, wa in the citv today, 'The judge It a cousin of the celebrated Congressman Mills, of the Mills' bill fame. There are 3A5 members of the Traveler' A -oci'tlon of the Pacific Northwest, one for each dav in the yesr. J M Shelley, the well-known end genial grocery drummer, I the new president. F J Miller, bridge superintendent is in the city. His salary, we understand, for superintending the construction of the bridge, will be fixed at f 1330, reason able enough lor so competent a superin tendent WliSt ILLE. January, 1802. We are informed ihat Mr F.d Kawver of this place and Miss Ellen Blancbard, of Oregon City, were married here this morning. The four looms have arrived and are being put up. They are of the Knowles patent. J M Jaegar made a flvimr trio to Al bany today. Attorneys Wyatt and CohIiow were in our town on legal business last night. The rase of the citv of North Browns ville vs Al Rowland for selling liquor to a minor was dismissed, also the case for keeping open saloon after the hour pre scribed by ordinance. We need more stringent laws in a great many instances, anu no aonui win soon have ai our new council appear to start on the right foot. ii an onue ana lei as control the sa loon and all law breakers. DKHwnUTIC U CiASIZID. Pursuant to notices gathering of Dem ocrat waa held at the Court Houss Satur day evening for the puipote of organizing a Democratic Club. The meeting was calted to order by Hon Geo E Chamber lain, attorney general of the state, who In a few brief "remark Mated the objectt of the meeting, after which O P Cothow, jr , wat made Secretary, On motion the rhalr wit authorized to appoint a committee on order ot builnes and permanent organization, and also one on constitution and by-law, the chair appointed Geo Humphrey, W R Bllveu and T J Stltes as the former, tnd J L Cowan, J riialbraiih and Uli Burkhart a the latter committee. On motion the following committee to solicit member wa appointed: G W Wright, TL Wallace, G F Russell, John Hoffman, Dr G W Maston and F Camp be!!. On motion of Mayor Cowan It was unanimously voted that the tariff question will be the great vital Issue of the coming presidential contest. Earnest and enthutiastlc speeches were msde by I L Cowan, G W Wright. W R Bilyeu, Geo Humphrey, Rufus Thomp son. Matt Scott. P I Smiley. C W Cobb. C II Dairymple,C G Burkhart.O P Coshow. jr.. N P Payne, T L Wallace, D S Smith and others. There wa a degree of earn ettness and enthusiasm manifested at the meeting that promise much good for the cause 01 democracy. The meeting adjeurned to meet at the Court House next Thursday evening, at which time the organization will be per- "ciea. SEAL ESTATE BALE. Monday evening, Jan. 4th. . rrescnt Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Street Commissioner, and Councilman French, lluwklna, Tabler, Burkhart and Alien, Further titno was granted committees on accounts and current expenses, and streets and public property. The Mayor reported tho approval by the war department of tho supplemental bridge contract. Honda of Marshal, Treasurer and Re corder were submitted and reported approved. W B Barr, City Surveyor, reported work done on Ferry and Maple street sowers to the amount of f H.H'JO. Ilayne ft Buck were granted an exten sion ot time on completing Madison street sewer until Feb 1. The time for completing the bridge on account ot bad weather was extended until May 1. Old council adjourned lino dlo. New council met Present Mayor Cowan, Recorder Henton, Marshal Hoff man, and Councllmon French, Hawkins, Stewart, Burkhart.Wbcelcr and Philter. The Mayor named the following committees: Ways and Means Hawkins. Burkhart and ! rench. Accounts ami Current Expenses imrkiiart, l'leiuer, Hawkins. Streets and Public Property Burk hart, French, Wheeler. ordinances trench, lTellTer.Hawkins Licenses Wheeler, Stewart. Pletfler. Fire and Water Stewart. Hawkins. r rencli. Health and Police Pfeiifer. Stewart. wneeier Mavor Cowan theu read the following inaugural nddrcaa; Gentlemen ot the Common I Council of the City ot Albany.)' This Is the usual time, at which It becomes incumbent upon your presid ing 0 Hirer, to review tho acts and enact menu of your honorable body during the preceding year, and also to submit such suggestions, aa in his discretion would Umd most to the future welfare and prosperity ot our growing city. In complying with this requirement, I do- sire, only briefly, to address the retiilug. as well as the incoming members of the council. In looking over the field of your labors during the past year, it Is at once apparent, that many improvements have already been completed, and many more fully inaugurated, and now tn course of construction, and Hearing com pletion, that will prove of great and enduring benefit to the people of our city. , ... . . 1 , . oucn important enmrpriaes ivo 01 necessity occasioned an unusual expen diture of the public money, for the time being, but gentlemen. I aut gliut to be able to congratulate you upon the fact, that full compensation has been reivel for all such expenditures, and is now the heritage of your constituents. The rapid growth of the eastern additions to our city, during the past two yearr, haa demanded a largo expenditure of public money, in the building of crosswalks, grading anil graveling public squares, building bridges, etc , which were au absolute necessity to the convenience, and for the accommodation of the resi dent of those sections, it was right and proper that such improvements should be made, as oar citizens are fully entitled to them. You are especially to b com plimented for devising, and adopting the sewerage system, now almost completed, I think it can be correctly stated, that the year 18V2( will witness the city of Albany supplied with the most complete sewerage accommodations, ot any city of similar proportions in the Willamette Valley, and also at the least cost. There waa wisdom, as well aa humanity in your decisions In this regard. There is nothing that so attracts investment from abroad, as the reputation for bealthful ness poeaeesed by a city. Justice to our people, and humanity alike demand that everything possible should be done to relieve our homes of sickness and disease, and while the ele ments have retarded and delayed the completion of this work, you stilt have the satisfaction of knowing, that it has occasioned no extrs outlay of the people's money, only the delay ot utilization and in this connection, it seems to me, that it is your imperative duty to see that latteral connections are made through out the entire city. The contracting for the completion, the provisions made for the payment, and the active commence ment, and progress of construction of "the high steel bridge" . spanning the Willamette river at thia point, deserves some mention at this time. The project waa new, the considerations were weighty, with which you had to grapple, nnder these new and trying circum stances, mistakes may have Wen made, and errors committed, but it it ev'ient that each one acted from the iest light and conscience that surrounded him, and you have today, the proud satisfac tion of seeing the finest structure of its kind being reared, that exists in the Northwest. And you will pardon mo, it I am too enthusiastic in saying, our peo ple w ill rise np to bless you, lor the labor bestowed, for the wisdom and energy maintained in carrying this great enter prise to a point, that makes its early completion assured, and Us duration permanent. it la tne welding 01 tne ciuei links in the chain of valued improvements, which nxei Albany as the center ol a broad and rirli agricultural district. It adds permanency, stability and advanced values to every to bered in the front ranks, we must keep abreast of the times in public improve ments. Encourage worthy enterprises tn every legitimate way to locate in our midst. Protect them with proper Iran' chises. but seeing at all time that the rights ot our people are not surrendered. ' Gentlemen, I manic each and every one, for the courtesies extended me in the past. J L Cowak, Mayor. Hi UOHK ARB ARUMAB MONDAY. Tlmr it ssid tobs corns ouifidoii in sugar market. There wars 122 doaths ia Lsut toanty in I91HJ ana 11a in iovi. A new oats in the Circuit Court is O L Black man agt I N and Lucy Woodle, Solo will hav a daw saw mill during 1802 and at iea( 00 wick, w 11 ion will be erwtad by Jauk ililyta. Ban Jims defeated Portland Saturday and Fortland Saa Jose ysxturdav. Portland ha won eight gtuiti and Mu Jott ttvso. Four more will b pU)td. Tin Salrm Htatomii's New Yer edition etnlain a piotfl' of W SaumUrs. If onrrnt lis has okangid remarkably tine leaving Albany. Tits oflloial octisus leaves oat Hsli-int doss not mention it in the lut ot eitie having l,i 00 or mors. Mr Hcitnsuu should mmiml Portal that Oregon ha a oapiUI and a good out. welcome. Last Thursday Mr U M bonght w m I'sitlea a interest in tne livery stable. Mr West ft ij now own the whole (table while Mr Smith own the other, but the two stables will still be run together aa they nay n. mpmss. The eighth animal ttatvmetit -f the Stat Insurance Co. waa issued on New Yner'a ee. It allowed a surplus nf $2G2,0'27.4S, first inorlgiu loans d 1 1 02, 750. 2 1 and total attot o! fJ(J'J,0'.'S.4. The tlver gauge otitervttiott V A I lit it y wih m l begii nutil the 13th of this mouth. Any information desiitd ia reference to tho mttter can be s cured 1 f F M Freneh, the obeoi ver. , Rev Lindaey, ll.e gentleman who baa Ueo holding a surtet of mentions i t the Baptist ehuruh of this .laoe, Irft fur bia home Monday, afttr a good meeting. Thsr were fifty-one added to the ehuruh during these meet ing a, mak log one hundred mem ber now in all. Il.anon B press. The old oity oouooil oat tonight and the new comrt in. At .he meeting oa Tues day evening of neat week new (.fiwers will be elected, towil: Hirrel eontwieeiooer, oighiwaictimro, city surveyor, city altorory and pound nissur. There are a large number of applicant particularly far street com- miteiouer. The Bon Tun reetaorant, in the 1'itot block, wa found without an oocepaot this mnroiQg aod the key sticking la the door. Wo inquiry it wa f ,uud that tho proprietor had llowa by lest night's overland train. If leave several creditor to mooro I i depar ture. Eugene Guard, Some what like aa oooatiooal etperience in Albany. Tt'SHDAV. The Astoria Herald ia her and C J Cur tia ia tbe editor. Special meeting of Albany Uli OOF, this evening. Thci' Written, the escape J eoevlut.robhed the caboose of a freight trsia of about $30 orth of tblag near I Ucksms yesterday mom log. 3oit waa be tan today in tha circa it tourt by A Wheeler agt Peter n:ak. to reovr money. Attachment. II II Hewitt at torney for pUintiff. Keteral months ago I) P Tbmpa rcoov r4 a jadfiiv.eot agsia.t t e New York Life 11 s irtoue Co f r about S I0.OUO. premium on a policy. The .Mopreji Court has re versed the dreUina, There were 77.74 inches of rsto foil in Astoria daring IStlt. Oar A3 inobee it rather mild boeide those Pilar aud no oca should comIaia, Tb prntnptneta witb whluh Ayer'a C'hsrr Pectoral stop a backlog eocgb aod injnva refreshing sleep i aooielbiog marvelous. It never fails to give instant relief, even la the worst caare of throat and lung trouble,od ia tb beat remedy for whoopiog cough. "liow is the wioter ot our discontent msde elortoa summer" by A)cr't ,uipv nils. Tbfa wonderful medicine so invigor ates tha system and tnnohn th bl.l that oold weather become positively enjoyable. Arctio txplorcre would do 1 to make a ooie of tin. A S Boa land wa aireated at BrowutvitU far selling hqunr t- minor on two charges J K YY yatt and O P t'o.hnw went there 00 retf rilat's train to attend to tbe esse for the stste. Tb defendant wu discharged. Rowland hail previously beau arretted for selling liqaor 00 Sunday and discharged A IUoino Chekk. Yesterday Thomas Creek was raging so much as to slop over us nans into the turrojndtng country. t attacked me uregon I'acir.c bridge hat goes over it and tore out some of the piles, but did not Injure the bridge, anu trains run over it as usual today. A Public Installation. There wa a large attendance last evening at the public installation ot the new officer cl the A O U W, heretofore published. Tbe exercise weie of an Interesting nature. Beside the regular int'allation exercises conducted by representative ot the grand lodge, short addresses were delivered by C E Wolverton and T J Stltc. Safety lodge wa organised In July 1S70 and now ha approximately no member. After the Installation a sumptuous repast wa served in me w c t u nail that wa a credit to the ladle who got It up. No 4.1 ' All Experts Use Royal Baking Powder Perfect and uniform success in making finest food is more certain with Royal Daking Powder than with any other. Use it in every receipt calling for a baking pc.vslcr, or cream of tartar and soda, and the best r . v 1.'!, :n pure, wholesome, appetizing food arc assured. Lxpcrts use it because it adds to their succcr.s. Physi eir."5 and Health Officers recommend it because it adds lo the wholcsomeness of the foot!. MAKION Hauland: "I rc-nard the Koyal Baking Powder as bc.vt l.i the market. Since its introduction into my kitchen !i.;vc u:;ed no other." , ...l.i.; Makia Pakloa: "It seems to mc that the Koyal iiv Powder h good as any can he. I have used it a i' it and always with satisfaction." y. ; Hakv.R, Principal of Washington, D. C, School of r.!..!V: "I sav to vou. without hesitation. n-.i the? Minval ' 1 11.;. v tiled all, hut the Royal ia the moat satisfactory." '.. titiUJt', late Chef, Dclmonico's, New-York; "In my use n'' ..,.;. ;. P.-tking Powder, I have found it superior to all others." A i oiiTiN, Chff, White House, for Presidents Arthur and i h vt l;;iid: "I have tested many baking powders, but for finest food can use none but 'Koyal.'" A CB NEW TEAS' resolution Is to always get the beat of everything. Matthews & Washburn caii accommodate the public in their line. They keep the beet etovea in the market, and on their part are resolved to treat ineir customers in tne proper manner from January to December, giving first- ciass goods and lowest prices. Tke Ladle Delighted. Tha pleisaot effect and tb perfect rafotv with which ladies may as tb liquid trait laistive, Syrap of Fig, under al 1 condition make it their favcrit remedy. It ia pit mu tothaeye and to the taste, gentle ye eflactnal io acting on the kidney, livtr aod DOWrl. Hal.' VecaUb'e Sicilian Llsir Renener i unquestionably the btt prirvtiv of b nair. it 1 also curitiv of oi.'i off. tette-. and all scalp flection. To nix Plblic. Iam now well and in my office for business. Those desiring eariy appointments please call at once. Respectfully, O C Awdrev. R E Redman etal to L E Hanan, 40 acres in tp 10 s k 3 W... .1 1200 O & C K R Co to Rate S Robert son, N E V of N W , sec 35, ip 9 a 113 c, 100 R W Bradley to O P Cohw. let 3. 4. 9. '. blk 6, Houseman' and add to North Brownsville. 350 11 ureen etux 10 wm sueilon, par cel in tp 13, 8 K 1 E 30 ja iv. mcnargue 10 Addle Alcilar- irue, parcel in Brownsville coo W 11711 . .1 I v. .... v mary vruson 10 nugn uinwiduie, lot 1,3, 3,4.MkS,lnE Haye' add to uaiscy 0o wm ai Aiungnam eiux 10 Magn Dinwiddle, lot 5, 6, blk 8, E n aye aao 10 nauey no U V Cothow etux to R U Chaplin 3 acre in uro- nsvlile, .. .-... - coo viara uicnnger 10 J on n Ulerlnger, A of lot 4. blk 103, IT and add to Albany Hannah A Warren to A H Curriej. lots 4, 5 blk 10, Bryant's add to Albany 600 Richard Dix to Helen II Dix, lot s. oik 3, is. suo 10 Lebanon 100 W M Moore etux to Otha A Hall, S of N E Xi c 3, tp 11, K Is. 2 W 3OO0 LABGEST ASSORTMENT or HEATING ET0TI8. AT IMATTHEW8 & WASHBUEF8 AlWiE&SWs May be seen the finest stock of sold and ailvr watches, diamond and other rings, jew elry, silverware, 4c, In the city. Total sale 6891 All I ind of choice eating and cooking applss at Allen Bros. Ocb Ikhurancb Co. The ami nal meet. of stockholders of the Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co., of Albany.was held this afternoon. The reports of the officers showed a safe, conservative busi ness, with a net income of about $5 ,000 tor me past year and S58.ZS1 net assets It IB itt si tynnH AAnrl !f aaw t coast losses has been taid.and ia entiilnrl to the best BUDDOrt and confidence of tha people of Oregon, who wish to insure in a prompt, reuaDie company. mmm . -' . 100 eao get tn wertn or yonr money- ny buying yonr watches and olooks it f M French s, the corner jewolry store, oot of reality within our corporate limits, as well as to Linn and Kenton counties broad acres, its coin' Diction will open up a free and uninter rupted avenue to the farmers of Polk and Benton counties, by which they can deliver their golden grain into the best market for that product, in the state ol Oregon, save only the metropolis of Portland. Its Immediate and local bene fits to our people will not be measured by oar expectation. The direct and positive trade that it will bring to our streets, will exceed our most sauguine estimates. But while tbe old council have been coropelcd to do much in the past, there still remains a vast deal for you gentle men ot the new board to do, your earnest attention will be required to see that tlrese new and extensive improvements are carried to a correct and proper com pletlon. Jlose scrutiny will be demand ed. that no errors or mistakes creep in or that money shall be expended with out proper compensation. lhero are many suggestivo topics that must be passed for the present. You will, however, excuse me if I call your attention to the present condition of your main street. , I have no definite suggestion to offer at this meeting in re card to the matter, but the properity holders on said street will not long re main quiet under present conditions. Experience has clearly proven that it is impossible to prepare a good street in our climate from tbe graveling process. 1 would therefore especially urge it as the duty of the committee on streets and public property, to make such examina tions ami investigation, as would in tne near future give to that street, at least, the most economical and permanent road-bed. This is referred to as one of tbe problems yott will soon be called upon to solve. The fire department of our city is found to be in most efficient condition, the entire indebtedness against the new steamer having been liquidated dnnng the past year. As to the financial status ol our city government, I would respectfully refer you to the exhibits of the recorder and treasurer, which snow a most gratify ing result in comparison with that of our sister cities. Touching upon economic questions that must soon engage tbe attention of our citizens, will give it as my impres sion, that as soon as is practicable, that the true policy 01 an municipalities will De to own tneir own water system, as well as their electric or lighting power, thus reducing to the minimum the cost to the consumer of these important staples. F ally gentlemen, with the comple tion of our steel thoroughfare across the Willamette river, with active construc tion work easterly upon the Oregon Pacific railroad, with the enhanced val ues of our grain product, added to the copious and fertilising showers of the pastiew weens, i confidently predict that we shall bave a year of unexampled a 11 j 2. jruouciiLV iu Aiusur auu lis VlClulty. We are living in an age of advancement and progress, and If we would be nam' WKDilSHliAV. Kieth or iter at tb Coffue Hons. Tho Pai kr received eouolo-onoisum (kin today from bia "old boma" In Miasoori 1 he Coming Century, of Portland, will appear aa a month. y instead of a a weekly, aa at first eontemplaUd . Sir Knluht. attention. Raolr drill this v ring of Columbia Division No 4, U K ft. 01 r at 7:30. U Q Havne. Kir Knisbt ro order. Tbe Eugene G card set mad aa follows: Eugene street car line runs regularly, aod bat three time tne amount of track of tbe Albany Company aod Is doioa a sood busi ness. Rosebnrg ha no ear line at all, aod probably novcr will have. U ! STI t CI M IL. Knox Buttk, Jan 2nd, iByj Owing to the disagreeable state of the weather, the patron and member of the Linn County Business Council were slow In gathering at the hall for work. At 11 o'clock the ('resident, John Bryant. In the chair, called the council to order. The roll being called there wa found to be a quorum presen. The accretsry read the minute' ol the last meeting, and no objec tion being offered said minute stood ap proved. The sscnt for the council be In if l-k there wa a report read from him by the secretary, showing the amount of buslnes that was done during the year, which wa rather surprising to most of the member of the cou.icll. The secretary made hi an Dual report of how many meeting of Ihe council and of the attendance of the delegate from the different subordinate grange, and other valuable matter of Importance to patrons, said report of the agent and secretary were accepted In the usual manner. Bro Dawson. Scott. Wild. Train. Doughton, Irvine and other msde sever. suggestions for ihr good of the order. At thl juncture the worthy president I declared a recess for dinner, which wa partaken of by U present with a relish and In a social manner. Dlr.ner being over the president called the house to order and proceeded to busi ness. The council proceeded to the elc. lion of oflkcr to serve tor the year 1891, with the result publbhed elsewhere. The next meetlntr of the council will be held with Harmony Uranre. No 2j.on the first Saturday In February. The usual vote ol thank was tendered Kuji Hull grtnge for the use of hall and he ii at furnished to the council. A resolution a read from Harmony asking for an appropriation by corgres tor tne improvement 01 tbe Willamette river, and asking our Con gressmen to work for the same. Com. TtSCEST. George Mill, who is learning tele- Sraphy at Jefferson, spent New Years' ay with bia parents at this place. We learn that the R. It. Co. is soon to erect a depot at this place. A band, which Is under the tutorage of Kamucl Moses, has lately been organized here. A party waa given the young folks by Mr Smith on New Years eve. All seemed to have a pleasant time. Dame rumor has it that a couple, not many miles from here, were unlawfully married. It is said that the minister performing the ceremony is not now tbe possessor 01 a ministerial license. Our Literary Society accepted the offer made by the Youths' Companion, and last week our president received an out fit consisting of a Manual, Becretaries book, charger and gaveL Ho next meet ing we win be one of the leagues. At our last meeting itvas decided that an ap propriation al $100,000 be made for an exhibit of Oregon's products at tbe W 01 Id's fair. On affirmative were Messrs Hudson, Luper and Mitchell. On nega tive, Messrs Clin, Case and Mctiee. QTh board of It R oommissioDftrsjvaaUrdaJ Visited Marion to Investigate tbe deatn ot J K Brsx'.er, tb brakamso who waa run over aod killed tbrr Saturday. After bearing tha evidsuc f J 0 Johnson, loadmaater, H Bristoo, ocnitactor and M Hoult. brake man, th board cama to tha conclusion that tirastr came to bia death through hi own negligence, and that it wa no faolt of the Soul horn l'aci tie or any ol ita employe. With a trong candidate Gov. Ruuell think the Democrat can carry a majority of the New England states. And there it noth ing rainbowish about RutH, He is an able, hard-headed, conservative s.atearan of ex- ellent Judgment. oiftTv -ortT rtrr.r.Mit.a D. R. W. Msi-kbum, Joile ; B. W. Cwr ami m. nuiuiJHUii, uwumiieeuitters.) Fee lowed. Btate vs Gilon Mytrs, not al O P Coshow, aid Hail family $ 10.00 (i C Cooiey.ftid Mr Clark 0.00 Hack Bawycr.aid Henderson fam. 10.00 Ladies Aid Kocicty.aid Long child ren et al 20.00 J M Flaugher, aid J W Cox 10.00 (1 F Crawford, aid Mrs Roberta. . B.00 P L Wallace, aid Mrs Kitts 10.00 K K Montague 10.00 W E Curl, salary 8J.33 Fees State v. John Heach.el al.. . 10.00 Oeo D Barnard, stationary 92.00 Wm Hawk, bounty 12J10 reea Btate vs ix-mpser 8.85 A Hommer, road 1.75 Weatherfotd and Chamberlain, f ravel 1.20 Hewitt, gravel. 30.00 P W Kpink, lumber 3U.M i F Russell, School Bupt 131.40 U W Harria.digging grave, pauper 6.00 U W Arnold, roads 7. . . . . . .V. . 3.00 John Iedy, lumber 60.40 W 1 Millbanks, roads 40 O W Willis, roads S.5O ini PM M ET3 Is to steurt BARGAINS during January in Lssa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. for 1irANTED.-Hti(het prtoe paid if blueeal the chair factory, Albany, Oregon. I yon HALE Houe and corner lot In U'e Sd add. $TW; Apply to I W Davis. MONEY TO LOA.K -Home ospltel to loan, la anmsto ult.oo Albany aud eountv real eOse or good personal security. W K McPberaoo, First Street opp. M-onlc Hall. A!tany,Or. 108T.-0 J end of Ilotwien tbe tow a let' and south of Mb street! a largsi, square; tan or yellow eviorea valise). Leave at tbla office. IllKI). ROBSON. On Saturday evening, fan 2, at tj o clock, of brain fever, llaxel, daughter 01 Air and Mrs John Kobson, aeed a yra, 10 mo, and ao dav. The deceased was a bright little girl, the Idol of her parents and beloved by all who knew her. r uneral services were held at the M E church at 3:30 Sunday. COX. On Sunday, Jan. 3rd, 1893, at the home of her parents, Mr and Mr W A Cox, in Albany, of curvature of the pine, Hazel Dell Cox, ged a year and 24 day. The deceased waa a lovely little gtri.wno oorener long tuueiing patiently wa oone mai meuicai and surgical aid could do, but without avail. Many will mourn tne death of the bright little gin. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. TVTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undertime.! was by ontsr ot th aouniy court ol l,ino county. Ureaon. msde and entered the ?ln day of November ,1801, duly appointed ctecutor ol kh last will and InslatiMnt and estate ol E. Turner, deoeased, 1st ol Una county; Oregon, AU person having claims against said estate are hereby required te present the same with proper vouchers to the under signed at Albany, Oregon, within sis month Irons inia uet. Listed at Albany, Or., De. IStli, 1S31 . II II Hswrrr. W. A. KIM SAY, Ot wuLvaaTo. Executor. Attorneys lor Bxeouier. SHE RIFFS SAIL U thi Circuit Conrt of the State oOrtgo for Ihe County of Ln t B A LANDERS, Plaintiff; THOMArl L IIKSNK-'S, L PLINN.lbs AI.IIANY A AS TORIA RAILROAD CO.. a corporation, nil HONEY MAN, DkIIAKT A Co.. a corporation. Defendant. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN THAT by virtue i f an execution mud order of sale duly issued out ol the above n med Court In the above entitled tutt. I will on Salarttay, the tela day ef Jaaaarv, IS, t tbe Court' Housa door In the city of Alb nv. LJnn count v.oreaoo, atttie bour of 1 o'clock p in of aid day, sell at public auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder tbe teal property described in said execution aud order of ! a follows, to wit: Tb worth halt (SJ H) ot the south eantouartBr or section numbered iblrty four 14,1 in townanip no nine t.) nouto of rsnse No three (3.) east o I tbe V mam. ett Meridian, In Lion county, Oregon 1 and containing 80 acre more or less. Tbe proceeds arising front th sal of aald realproperty to be applied, tbe payment of tbe coats and charges of ni'klog aald sale, and to tbe coats and disbursement ofthta suit taxed at $30 16. and tne sum of ($125) on hundred aod twenty-flv doll are reasonable attorney ' fee due plaintiff herein: aonnd, to tb MvmoBt of th sum ol ($1427 75) fourteen hundred and tweotv-eeven and 75-100 dollar herein adludtted to be paid plain tiff and Interest t hereon from this oat at tha rata of ten per eent per annum until tld: third, that tha oveipluslf any be paid to tb defend tnt, L r linn, to aatlafy tn sum Ol tvau wim interest toervuu from data at 10 percent per annurr. herein adjudged to be next paid him, and that tha aumlus if the, ba any remaining be next applied to payment of tbe Judgment of aald lloneMnau. JeHart A Co. ; and tha. ir there b then any remaining that such be applied to tha satisfaction of th judgment ol tb said Albany & Astoria Railroad Co. Clearance Sale of Winter Clothing, Underwear, Orereoats, Ele 92 IS HERE AT LAST ! With the lightning speed of a fiery $teed, down the track past the goal;f lies '92. The Neir Tear is new upon ui lader with things good, bad and indifferent to us all. Those who will get tne largest share of the good out of it will be those who take advantage of our offerings. So "Get ahead of the new jear" while we clear up for stock taking. Wt have mado a reduction Jon all lines of winter clothing, and on overcoata especially ,of which we have still a large stock. Just received some lale stjle hats and latest shades in neckwear. "Remember we carry the largest stock of men's foot- wear in the city. T - leading Clothiers act! FniiiislierSi Strahan Block, r - - - Albany Dated this 16th day of Dcoember.1891. M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. By C E koott, Lieputy. UAUKIED. DAY WESTFALL. On Wednesday forenoon, Jan. Cth, 1892, at the home of the bride's parents, in Albany, by Rev. 8. 15. Meininger, Mr. Harry Day, of Portland, and Miss Carrie Westfall,of Albany. Tho wedding ceremony waa performed in tbe presence of several rel atives and Invited guests, and was fol lowed bra nice repast, when the hancv couple left for their new home in Albina, Portland, taking with them the best wishes of many friends, TEMPLE BARDWELL. On Jan. 3, 1S93, at the residence of A Bardwell, near Brownsville, by Rev C C Sperry, Mr Geo A Temple, of fierce County, Washington and Miss Alvle Bardwell of Brownsville Hot Griddle Cakes. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder possesses a peculiar merit not approacEed by that of any other baking powder. It produces the hot buckwheat, Indian or wheat cakes, hot biscuit, doughnuts, waffles or muffins. Any of these tasteful things may be eaten when hot with impunity by persons of the most delicate digestive organs. Dr. Price's Cream Bak ing Powder leavens without firmentation or decomposition. ; In its preparation none but the purest of cream of tartar, so da, etc. is used, and in such exact equivalents as to always 'guarantee a perfectly neutral result, thereby giving the natu ral and sweet flavor peculiar to buckwheat and other flour that may bo used, the natural flavor so much desired and ep predated by all. The oldest patrons of Dr. Prices powder tellr the story, that they can never get the same results from any other leavening agent, that their griddle cakes, biscuits, etc. are .never so light and never taste so sweet or so good as when raised vith Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder. v ' , SHERIFFS SALE. In tin Circuit Court of Ute State oj Oregon for tke County oj Linn. ATJUTJSTAVE ABRAHAM, Plaintiff, vs. EGQERT EQGEtlS, Defendant. "T OTICK 19 HEREBY GIVEH THAT jl by virtue ofan execution and order of sale Issued out of tbe above named Ceurt. in th above entitled sot Ion, to me directed and delivered, I will on Satnrday, tbe 301 day of January, 184, at tbe Court House door In tb city of Albanj , Lion county., tn hour of 1 o'clock p ui of said a y,aell at pub. to auction, for cash in band to (he highest bidder, th real property described in aald execution and order cf sale aa fol lows, towlt: Beirt&nlnK at the nort east corner of the Donation Land Claim of Reuben CI ay pool, tneneo soutnweMt is rods to the oouuly roaf ; tbenoe northwest alons said road 103 rod 'o In north line ot aald Donation jou maim: meooe southeast along aaid 'in 123 rods lo tke nlaea of burinnimr. containing S3 aeres in township 13, W R 2. west of tbe Willamette Meridian, in ijinn county, ursgoa: suao basinnlng at a point on tbe north line of a J Kiehardaon's Donation Land Claim 80 roda west of the northeast corner of said claim, thence west to the southwest coiner of tbe Elmer Galliher Donation band Claim; tbonee north 9 00 chains; thenoa south 89 decrees west 11, 00 cnat&e; then south 37H degrees west 14 chains to tha line between the Donation Lan Claim of tbe said A J Riohardson and Reuben ClavDOo!; tbeocs south 76 de crrnMeaaton said line 10 a pomi uue soutt. nt iha Dlaca of becinntnii; thenc north t to place OI iMJiuumg, oouiaiomg ou aore In. tp 13 8 1U M wuiameitei Meridian in Linn county, Oregon; aleo j beginning at a point 55.03 chains south of the northwest oomer of the Donation Land Claim or isimeruaiiiner, notifica tion 3320, in seo 82 and 33, in tp 1 2, 8 R 2 W. and m sec 4 and 5. tp 13 8R2W: then north 2 1-14 chains, tbence east 29 ebains; thence south 2 1-14 chains; theno west 29 chain to tbe place of beginning, containing 6.00 sores all lying and being situated in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds arising from tbe 1 ale or said real property to be applied first, to the payment of tbe cost of and upon said 1 execution aed the original coat tooted at $58.60; second, to the' peyment of plain tiff's claim amounting to tha sum of $478.89 and accruing interest thereon at the rate of six per eent por annum from Deeember 24th, 1891. Dated this 28th day of Decs xiber,1891. M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon . L WALLACE & CO. Oregon. AND CU8TOM CHOPPER. W hav hay, oata, ebop straw, chicken feed, et., constantly on hand. W hole? aod retail acent for H. F. Hahr, Corral Us flour, aborts. Iran.etc. also 8aow Ball flour. Cbstom chopping a specialty for either cash or tolli Fall lln. MORRIS & BLOUNT, Corner First and Baiter St Ii. Kenton, DJr In Mce te, Coffees, Spices, , and a general assortment, of ' GROCERIES. Subscription agntfoi all the leading Newspapers and Msgasinea. .Terms Hear th 1. Albany, Orego We aro the People Th carry Hie mcst complete wart, Sttrei, Raages, etc., in line of Hard the market. ATTI1EW8 MVAollDUHtL Need a Watch? I hare all kindi, at all prices and erery watch fits the price. But price is not erery thing in watoh-bnying; GUARANTEED QUALITY it the first thing. , I guarantee waehes accord ing to their quality: and quality makes the price. All kinds all qualities 11 prices... ; f F. M. FEENCH, The Corner Jewelry Store ALL Star Bakerj CorXradailsinnd First Sta, COMAD METER, Proprietor. eaonedrralfa, ' Olaasware, Dried Frolts, Tebaeeo, Hogar, Coftet Et.s Cannes. Bleat, Qneensware, Vegetables, , ' Cigar. -Sple, Tea, - fite.t In (ms eTerrtkiae that la kspt la a g-snera. TU4tr3,,uil srsaoery store, Hig-best marks 1 prise pal for KINDS OF Tr.ODTjr"