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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1892)
8TITE3 & JJUTTIHO. Edller aad rraprleUr. Governor Campbell, of Ohio, Ihlnki neither Cleveland or Hill will be nominated (or president on account of neither having the solid support of several Important state delegation. lie think Governor Fatlison the strongest of eastern candi dates but think a western wan will be nominated rlmer probabljr. Mr Clatkson must be badly frightened at the second defeat of his party in Iowa ii talk a he dij in Dcs Moines last week of another bloody- shirt campaign. There are no more presidents for the republican party in that issue. Tliey will have to face the tariff's tie sins of the billion dollar congress, and prob ably silvor too iu tome form. And whan Mi Clarkton talks of "triumphiog without Iowa if need be," h in effect admit the proba- htUty of defeat The people who are fearing that there will be no attempt to reform the McKln- ley act are forgetful of three facts: First, that the ways and mean committee I not the House; second, that nearly as many oi he de nocratlc members voted tor Mills as for Crisp, and third, that Crisp and Springer are as sound tariff reformers a any democrat In the country. Let us re it In peacelul confidence that everything will be all right. Henry t'abol Lodge gives In the Sunday Ortfom'an a history of the development of the manner of electing a president and vice-president since the organization of the government. Out unfortunately he falls to tell how he attempted to secure new development" by means of his hforce bill." CandlJly, It I safe to say that Lodge Is ashamed of that effort. There Is nothing that cieate so much alarm among administration republicans as the reported statement of Holman.chalr min of the appropriation committee, that he intend to cut down the appropriation of this congress on hundred million be low that of the last congress. It I a mat ter of much gratification to see these gentry so much disturbed. It augur well for the Us payer of the country. The people are willing to be taxed to pay the expenses of government economically ad' ministered, but they protest against the extravagance of the "billion dollar" con gress. The Slnliima trest with contempt and ridicule the suggestion miie by the farmers alliance of Kansas that the gover nor of that stale should call the legislature together for the purpose of electing United States senator to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Plumb. It Is lllttle odd that members of the farmers alliance In that state should waste breath They should know that the republican l.n the northwest will not comply with so just demand. The legislature Is farmer al liance, the governor Is republican. This tell the whole tale, notwithstanding it af - ford the Statesman an opportunity to In dulge in one of It characteristic sneers at the farmers alliance. A to-called "reform" journal refuse to discuss the tariff question on the ground that such discussion would be unprofitable. It say that we have had little else for the last century than the discussion of that question, and yet the masse know less about It than they did In i860. This Is a strange statement to come from any one at all conversant with the bls'.ory of the tariff question. Every intelligent man knows that the question has been more extensively and intelligently discussed dur ing the last four year than In the period of the entire history of the country prior to 1SS4. It is further known that people know irr more about the tariff question now than ever belore. The man who I too chicken-hearted to investigate the monstrous eri's of tariff protection must clear the way or be crushed beneath the Juggernaut wheels of tariff agitation and and discussion . The Democrat takes this occasion to inform the East Orrgoman that It Is not on account of the spirit ol "protection' that It expressed itself in fayor of free coinage of silver to the extent of the American product. The Democrat would restrict It to the American product for several reasons. The first Is because It Is unwise to coin Into legal tender money thejjulllon of Great Britain, Germany, Russia and other commercial nation that reject It themse.V' s If we should adopt unlimi ted colriKe our country would be made the dumping ground of the rejected silver bullion of those countries and there would begreat fears that It could not be floated at par so long at It Is degraded by the conn- tries named. It I only to protect the parity if gold and silver that the Drmo crat would thus limit the coinage to the American product No, sir, no such "pro tection" for the Democat. The Demo crat believes In frottttion fcr the masss and opposes all protection" for the classes We trust our esteemed colemporsry un derstands us. A dispatch from Columbus, Ohio, says Great excitement has been caused among the democracy of Columbus ovsr the at tempt to start a Hill presidential boom- at the dinner til the Jackson club on Jan. 8. Tonight a big meeting was held and strong rrtolullont were adopted The Importance of the Jackson club banquet can be ttlited when It Is stated . that for years It lackson day banquets have been considered the annual love feast of the Ohio demoency, often participated . In by guests of national distinction. The resolution! arc appended. Il'itrtai, 1 here have been widely pub lished newspaper report to the effect that Gov I li dill, of New York, I as been In vited to be the guest of honor at the Jack -son club banquet on Jan 8, iSji, and that said occv-ilon was to be the inauguration of a Mill bo rn lor the presidency of the Uiitrd Ststca therefore belt lietolvd. Thai such publlcatl in is un authorised by the club or by any commit tee cf the same. We denounce the said publication as untrue and believe it to have been dictated by some person who, from selfish motive, desired to place this organ ization in the unfavorable llg'it ol espous log the caiixe of one cand'date at the ex pense of otlieis. llcsotitil, That while the Jackson club take no part In the choice of a candidate previous to a nomination ,lt believes in hon oring democrats who do not sulk In their tents and who support nominees of their conventions, especially when such issues are at stake us conironted the people in i!&3, at which time Grovcr Cleveland was treacherously defeated for the presidency, or In 1891, whin J E Campbell w de feated tor governor by the direct and In direct aid of alleged democratic leader. These resolutions were uianimously aiopted. An Investigation showed that the Hlil boom was started by two or three member ol the club a ho expected to coin mil tli'! nr-jariizatijn to his Interests and thus sUit the fight to capture the Ohio oVItyn'-lon. . Gov Hill wilt receive an Informal lnv. ati)n to the biiiquct, but will not be asked to re. p'Jii l to a to.vt - Iu another column wo public a commun ication from an old and flstotuivml friend, Jacob Newman, calling us to account for saying that under certain, circunistanoo the Dkmocrat would rejoice in the defeat of the democratic party. 1 lit M what we said: "But Uio'Pkmoorat would expect and hor for the defeat of the party if it should now dtwert it tariff view." And the following U tho way our friend Newman construe our word. "That in cam the democrat should pre fer other Wislution that ilia neonlo are calling lor ami not make the torul Uio solo issue you (tho Pkmoohat) want to see the democrat beat." Now, every reader .though a wayfaring man, will tee that what the Democrat told i radically different from what our corres pondent unJjrstood ua to lay. The Dkm or rat said nothing at all about "other legixlfctioijlhattfupeople art) lorgdy cull ing 'or," nor a single word about hoping for tut defeat of Uio party in rase it did not make the tariff the issue in Uto next campaign. The Pkmocrat ha not hereto fore, and does not now. insist Uutt the iu-iff should be made the tot issue. Hut it doe believe that it ia now, and should be oontinuod the paramount imme in the coni ng campaign, for the reanon that all the trust in the land of which tho people so loudly and justly comolaiu have their seat of power in the tariff scheme of the country. Dro Newman must have seen the report emit out all over the country to the effect that the election of Crisp for speaker was a protection victory and that he and those whom he placej'in the lead would either change the attitude of the party by making U a protection party or by adopting a do- nothing policy in reference to the tariff. was against this course that the Democrat protected and caused u to say that in such case the party ought to be defeated. T basely dcert and turn traitor uow to it long cherished policy of war, unrelenting war, apiinst tho evil which such tariff breed and fcednwouUl bring everlasting defeat to tho democratic party and it would richly deserve it. THE EXCHANGES. The Portland Dally DKsfatch grows bet ter day by day and when It speak of the Issues of the day the call Is not an uncer tain one. Tony' democracy I a sound a a dollar. Tt Portland Weekly World talk very nicely about C W Roby aa the next democratic dandldate for governor of Oregon. The Wttt Sid think It not strange that Senator Stanford and wife tould embrace spiritualism after reading the senator' craiy scheme of governmen loan on land. The Washington ltd- frndmt ha a most excellent supplement. It la a sheet containing a picture ol a va riety of article of personal attire and household Implement with figure show ing the rste of duty on each. Example: Flannel shirt 100, 'routers no, shoes! 5, cotton towel 45, overcoat 85, spool thread 60, tewing machine 45, blanket 111, etc E C Phelps ha sold hi Interest In the Hillsbora Democrat to hi late partner G A Sandford. Republican leader In Ohio hart per fected a scheme of gerrymandering the congressional district In that state by which that party will secure 15 out of the 21 districts of the state, leaving the demo crat 6. The Democrat dec.ared the gerrymandering made by the democrat in that state two year ago little less than a crime. This move of the republlcans,when consummated will be equally heinous. We trust that the Ortgonian and other or gans of that partv will now raise their voice and denounce this outrage with the same vehemence that characterized their denunciation of the democratic outrage of two year ago, and particularly will the whole public expect President Harrison to end In a message to congress inviting the attention of that aagust body to this move with such choice word of virtuous Indig nation a were esed iu his late message concerning the Michigan gerrymander. there are many indication just cow pointing to the fact that the administration is attempting to so conduct the Chilian dif ficulty aa to strengthen the republican party in the next campaign. There are many re publican who openly allege that the prwu dent is attempting to strengthen hi chance for the presidential nomination by making it appear that our relation with that coun try bear a very warlike tinge, and for that reason it would be unwise at thi time to make a clutnge in the presidential office These scheme are very thin and easily seen through by the public. A dispatch from Atlanta Georgia aays: The state executive committee of alliance does not want the peoples' party. The de velopment of today nettlad that conclusively. The committee, which met in Atlanta todav passed no resolution declaring thi fact, but the complexion of the committee appointed to attend the national convention, where the people party will be pasxed upon leave no room for doubt on thi point. The most lninortent work done waa the election of delegates to the national alliance convention, which meet in St Loui, Feb ruary 22. This convention will be an im portanl one, a the third party mutter wa referred to it. The deleirate were instruct ed to vote aa a unit on all question coming before tne convention, hvery one of the gentlemen 1 against the third party. It is noticeable that republicans all over the country are becoming restletw over the condition of thing in their party a to a presidential, candidate. They fuel keenly the humiliation heaped upon the party by thi waiting for Bluine and Harrison to de termine for and on behalf of five million voter which one of the two shall be the candidate of the party for president. What a spectacle for free American citizen to look upon. The 0 tfonian very beautifully charmder izes the courage of Governor Hill a "nuig nifioent nerve." Very well, a rose by any other name would smoll as sweet. Jlut truly tho man wh ) had thu skill, courage, and forexight I) checkmate the republican lead er of New York for a period of eight yean without a single failure is entitled to be called one of "magnificent nerve." That paper join with a clique of eastern "calam ity" follows in calling Hill a dangerous man but no oiia fear Hill except republican leaders, and for that reason it were a con summation devoutly to be wished for that the country waa fall of uch "dangerous" men. Examination ha shown that fuh came back to the strenn where they were burn after having been out to sea for the winter months. Thi is known by the marks placed on them and by the general dlffeV ence In the verities of salmon and shad which mrre li d ff rrn tr.tu;, ' Till I not only a curious and interesting fact.but an Important one In the consideration of the laws governing fisheries and fish cul ture, a It allow each state L have Us own system and provide for its own fish. 1 he anxiety of the republican politician to have Gov Hill renign resemble closely tt.e Impatience of a fox tohavo the watch ful farmer luke hi rye off the chicken coop, . . TUI PRACTICAL. POLITICS OT FKIKCII'IJC. A oon a the democratic party can possibly do 10, It will certainly revise the entire tariff and cut dulle down to an average of under 30 per cent. It openly asks the support of alt who believe In such tax Uvy "for revenue only," and just a openly Invite the opposition of those who favor the levy of taxes to prohibit Import. But everbody ki.owt that no general bill can pas at this session of ccngres. To attempt to pa It In good faith would be to invite compromise with the senate, and slnco the passage of the McKlnley bill, the democratic party can no longer afford to make any compromise whatever It must stand for the naked principle of for revenue only. Supposing that general bill could now pass It average reduction throughout all schedules would hardly bring the tariff to the basis of the viciously and ruinously high tariff of 1883. Yet, nevertheless.the radical republican would attack such bill In the presidential campaign a 'free trade," and the "conservative democrats" would defend It by pointing to the very mall ayerags reduction. Cold water would thus be thrown on all genuine tariff reformers, and all believers In hun dred per cent, re lot m would be discour aged. Dut this I merely theorising. At a matter of practical politics no omnibus bill can be forced through the senate now. Tit Renilic It for the practical politic of reform now. And It It practical politic to attack the McKlnley bill at It weakett points, and so break through the line of monopoly. Hue are a baker' doaen bill which go the whole length of reform to democratic basis: I Free binder twine, cordage and cot ton ties. a Fred barbed wire and wire rods. 3 Free lumber. 4 Free coal. 5 Free I: on ore. 6 Free white lead and paint. 7 Agricultural Implement and edged tools of the trades to a revenue basis. 8 Free tin, with tin plate to a revenue basis. 9 Tableware and kttchenware to a rev. enue basis. to Window glass to a revenue basis, 11 Free silver-bearing lead ore to re establish our trade with Mexico. 11 A redemption to the revenue basis on all machinery used li manufact- ing. 13 Steel rail to a revenue basis. By the "revenue basis" Tk trMc mean a tax not to exceed 30 per cert These bills speak for themsel yes. AI most every one of them reaches for a trust Every one of them represents loo per cent, reform. They strike the rcpublicau party on It weakest point, and are a wedge to divide it If driven home by the force of united democracy. They stand first, last and all the time for the principle at atake. They unmistakably and aggressively rep resent It. And they as unmistakably and aggressively leprcsent the practical poll- tic of leform the politic of dividing the opposition to conquer It. If republican senator from tne west refuse to support such bills the defeat of the bill will mean the defeat of the western senator voting against them. If anyone elxe can prepare a stronger dozen let it be done and Tk KrptudU will support them. e are not attempting to dictate details. We are urjnnir the attack in detail by multiplying separate bill, each one 01 winch wilt represent hundred per nit reform. It waa by the attack in detail that the English Protectionist Squirearchy was dis lodged from its intrenchmenta. Ual the English reformer insisted that nothing ahould be done except by a bill overruling the entire syxtem of taxation they could never have broken the tory line. Hut they attacked the tory tariff on it weakest point on the corn laws, and when they made the break in Uie monopoly line at that point, they made in doing to tit opjxirtun ity for a complete and radical revision o the entire system of taxation. We know of no cae whore a reform in taxation has been effected by any other method against op ponent of reform intrenched behind hi and holding the administration. To be politic at all, reform must be prac tical politic. It must do at once what can be done at once, and then go on working, The principle of taxation for revenue only mart be made practical, and the way to do it is to crowd western republican senator hard against their constituents; to crowd the McKinley prohibitionistshard against the people in the campaign of 1892. The attack in detail will do it. It i the practi cal politic of tariff reform principle. St Loui RrfybUc. jerrfcUrtosiAN miuaucY, Hamilton Jan 2, 1892. Editor Democrat : I sec"in the hurt weeks Democrat-" We af firm "-That in case the democrat should pre for othci legislation that the people are largely calling for and net make the tariff the sole issue, then you want to ace the democrat beat, I hot you will modify your position. I will be slow to believe that you will leave the party or hot for it de feat when itha been the people' party, you may suy, ever since we have had a gov. eminent, but at present it teem to have left it ant icnt mooring and accept Grover Cleveland's democracy tariff reform. Now suppose we examine our Jeffersonian denv ocracy and see if the cx-preaident is a rep resentative of the democracy of our father, or ha the war changed the democracy of the United State that the great principles of the grand old people' party to reduc tion of the'toriff. Mill proposed a reduc- tioa of 4,.per;cent;or toa.UUU.UUU, every republican voted agaiust the) reduction right away. The McKinley bill wa introduced and it proposed a reduction of about $70 030,000 and every democrat voted against the McKinley bill. It put more article on the free list than did the Mill bill but still the democrat voted against every clause and section of the bill. Bo it ha been for over 100 year , that we hare been taxed with protection of infant industries. But low wo it before the war. The south were free traders, the west was in favor 0! protection' sufficient to run the government, the north and east with incidental protec tion. Now I am in favor of something tangible. Given something that will relieve the wont of our people. Let a remove the combines and trust and extricate our people fjom the plutocrat' grasp, let us stand by democracy, equal and exact justice to all, special privileges to none, opposition to national banks, free and unlimited coin age of gold and silver. Strike for the right an l stay with it. Politicians may sink it for the present Vat it will rie again. Truth will prevail. Jacob Newman ' ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dersigiwl hu tint amy been appointed sdmlis Utrs'or of tha sstataot Msrjr i liarkbsrt, bte ol Lion wuutv, Oregon, dscusnad, by tns soanty eourt of L nn cjunlv, Oreir-m. All hiring- elilins sirslurt M-d esutui - berghy ii ilifid to prssont ins Mini to ni wiih Ins prup-ir vuushsrs, st my itsldsiice In Albany, Oregni, wuhtn six months from tb date hoienf. listed at Albs .y, this liih of Deooniber, 1881. If A BUHKHART, W R Bilyeu, - AdmlrUitrstor. AMy for AdmliiUrstor. . Misnta WHEAT, 85 CENTS. There are 65,007 postofficc In the U An army, pat llculary when it comes voting. There were 321 arrest fordrunkenne In Aatoria during 1801. A live little city that. On account of too much water In the ditch the woolun mill were not able to ran today, "How are thing in your builncii?" "Dull. I'm glad to report.' "Glad to report?" "Yet; I'm a law iharpener." A brother editor writing from an Oro- on town av. "a barber named " ha left here to reside in your city. Look out now you cretin nun a tie in a 'Hick un.'" That' right, pas them along. A magnificent holiday edition, one that wouiu on creuit to a ciiv 01 (0.000 wa Issued by the Pendleton E O at a cost of $1,681 It contain a page and display considerable literary well a artistic auiutj in it make up. The output of the While Swan mine near Baker Cltr has been over $10,000. having been tioo a dav from two stamps, $1400 wa deposited on Christmas as the result of a little over three days run That ha a good ting to It. Look out for a like one irom Linn county. The two faction of tho Evangelical church in aiem are at swords' point The strife Is for the possession of the cherch property here. The Dubb wing 01 tne church is in charge and the How manite nave institutes proceedings to ous' This will be a holly contested action In the court Statesman. A the Bow man faction seem to be the aggressive side It Is probable there wilt oe no contest In Albany aa they already have charge of the church. At Sweet Home though, the opposite is tne case and a contest will follow, which seem lo be a general policy. Pomtncnt democrat of this state talk of establishing a democratic organ at Satein They need It. Charley Nickel at Jack sonville. I R N Q X T 2 Dell at nendence. and Comrade Stlte an4 Nutting of Albary, are conducting about in only genuinely democratic newspaper In the state. They are of the Bourbon order sufficiently so a to draw the mug wump line at distressingly sharp envies. Otherwise the unadulterated are witiout representation, except through the col umns of Portland dallies of the half-breed Ilk. Mercury. A man send the fol'owlng to an ex change: "I found a cockroach struggling in a bovi 01 water and took halt of reanut ahs.ll for a boat. I put him Into It and gave him two wooden toothpicks 10 oar nd left him. The next morning I visited him and he had a piece of white cotton thread on one of the loothplcks.snd there that cockroach sat a fishing. The cockroach exhusted. had fallen asleep. The sight melted me to tears. I never had to cSew leather to get a sole. I wa born wun one. 1 toot mat cockroach out.gave him a spoonful of g'ue and left. The animal neter forgot my kindness. and now my house Is chock full of cockroaches." A Dakota Building A Loan Association man representing a Dakota association It doing the Taller. We know nothing of the merit of the association ; but ex cellent advice it to keep your eye open. One difference between Poker and whitt la thi tayi a learned editor : The let you know about poker the more you will be sought after to play, while if you re not np on whit, you will seldom be urged to participate in a game. The Democbat recently mentioned Capt Van Alstine as a leading cititen of Kugene, and even the Guard appreciates the fact that we did the Capt. a great injustice, it says: "r.iijtene will sue the Ikmocat man for damage if be continues to libel the sreat captain. lie careful in the future. Nutting, if you do . ..... . . . . not want 10 get inio irouuie." The faith cure has been completely vindicated In an Oregon city : A lady for the past six months regulated the air in her room by a glass transom. When the room w as too close, she opened the tran torn to admit air, closing it at night to prevent draughts and exclude noise. It worked like a charm until she discovered that there bad oeyer been iny glass In tne iranoom. t ic county in 1801. in U The countr court in session this week will have a long siege appointing road supervisors and dividing voting districts, A Roseburg dog a few dj ago broke some specimen jsrs belonging to a phvs- Ician, lapped up the alcohol and ended with the delirium tremens. General views of cities as a rule do not how off well for the size of a city. One of the Keview.t hough good so far as the general scenery is concerned, makes the city look as II It bad a popu lationof about two or three hundred. New Year's editions of the Pendleton R O., Salem Statesman, Journal, Oregon City Express and Koaeburg Review, may be seen at the Democrat office by our readers. An exchange learns that the Salem and Albany girls marry very young. So far as Albany is concerned this is not true. In fact thev marry old here, and sometimes not at all. There are more old maids in Albany than should be al lowed in one city. They may talk about the editors And say that they are poor, With very few good creditors And little earthly store. But there is one thing certain : You cannot keen them down. For when they can't support themselves, xney still support tne town. z The camera can be made, an instrn men t of torture, as witness the case of Tee Yick, the first Chinamen to lie sub jected at Lock port, N. Y., to the treasury department's order to have all Chinamen charged with unlawfully entering the United States protographed for identifi cation. He thought that he was about to be executed when the camera was pointed at him, and nearly cracked the tens witn nowis. A big fight in made in the Roseburg lalndealer aarainst asseBsinir mortvairea at their full value as decreed by the state ooara oi equalization, it being alleged that it drives capital out of the state. All the same there seem to be plenty of money to loan on first-class security in Linn county, where mortgages have been useesed at full valuo right along. The injustice is assessing one kind of nroner- ity at full value and another at half or third, and differently in difierent parts of the state. Equality is what is wanted. John Nolan, the well known contrac tor, who resides at 1020 North L street returned yesterday from a 10 weeks' trip throughout the East. Accompanied by Mrs Nolan, he visited New York, Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska. The most important thing about his trip is that Mr Nolan has returned home a re formed man as far as the use of liquor goes. He spent three weeks in a Keeley institute for the cure of drunkenness, at Leavenworth, Kansas, and came out cured. Tacoma News. A cure is a big thing, but a preventive is better than a cure any day, , Oo to F B All woen you want souir e thing sweet. Honey, maple syrnp, eto. TEI.EailAPHia NEWS AnrelsHelbsr. Ki t) km k, Or Jan 5. News ha just been received of an accident to a littlo child in the Hiuxliiw vallev butt week. Mr and Mr Joel MeCornnek live on a farm near Florence and their rt-monlh-old loy Kox i thn vic tim. Mr McCortiiick foMcned thn child in a hiuh chair and left it in what she con sidered a rfe distance from the stove, while shn wont to tho milkhotiso. 'llin other children were in tho house, and their crie attracted the mother attention, who rtisli ed in ami found the cluUiinir of tho baby in it ... . . " 1 . . . names, Mm promptly oxtitiguiHhiHl the tire 11. .a 11.- : 1 1 " . . . I i . . ; : .. . 1 I. !..l. mi. m riiiui rtMwivnti liiiuriim inmi which 11 uiihi in twenty-tour nours. The D P Kftpsnslble., Or Jan &. In tho mutter of tint accident to tho Union Pacific train near LuGrunito IfctrvrnW 2fl. which resulted in tho death of Engineer It H law, Fireman (leorgn Miller, Arthur Liiitnan ami Mackis- kto, tho statu lxxird of railroad commis sioners, after visiting tho scene and hearing tho testimony of witnesses, tliuls that the l uion rm-itie 1 chargeable with notfligimc in using for a tmtiicnger train engines of tha weight ami character of those iiwxl ut Uio time. aasHlaalleas. Washington, Jon 5. The president to day sent to the senate tha following nomi nations. Interstate commerce commissioner : Jam W Mclill. of Iowa, vice Thomas M t-oolcy, resigned; William M Lindsay, of newiH-Ky, vi.j W I, llrngg, deceased; William M Morrison, of Illinois, reappoint ed. Fourth assistant iMMtiuuster-iriMieral VA ( Kuthhono, of Ohio, i 'otisul-getierul at Mmstuniiuopie: William II I less. Jim inter to LilsTia: William l M'oy, of In dinmt. Circuit Juljfi for the Fifth district Andrew P MeCormick. of Texas. United State attorney for thn southern district of California: Matthew T Allen. Governor of Oklahoma territory: Alirniii J Hiny. Unit ed States engineer in chief: W Melville riiiuxl SUtes consul ut Sonneljerg: ISK Utile k, of I rcgini. the Tlrfcaa Bask. J'oitTI.AXii, Jon &. Tho hVt sunnier Telephone, Ulongiiig to the Columbia river and Puiret Sound Naviirution ComtNuiy struck on the L"vemtnent revetment off Coon island, at tho mouth of tho W Unmet te at S.'M yesterday morning and sank. 'Ihere is a big hole in the shuiioard side of her bow, mid she may prove a ttul loss. She earned eighty iwuwnger and a crew of thirty, all of whom were saved. Ttiesteuin- er wa vuha-d nl f-UOUO and carried no in sunince. Irtlslalar Oraaaltrtf. A MUST, Jon 5. Tim denim rut organised the senute. Walker wa iln have Jaml elected 11 til 14. 'Hie awwmbly was quietly organised and the officers nominated by tlie democratic caucus elected. Tfce aatras !. PoitTI.AMi, Jan 4.Tlie sWmer Salem eft this eity yiwti-nUy morning with fifty tuns of pulp for tho a-r mills opiKMtte Oregon City. Arriving there, shedim-hanr-ed her him I. tmik on two Urns of puiier uml at l'M) o'clock, started tunm fur tlte ( re- gon I ity wharf. Tho current below the oca is very strong and uilul of sUvritur across it diagonally. Captain Kaon, who was at the whivl. attempted to stcntn straight across tlie river. 'J1ie current caught Uie steamer brtdideand threw her with great fiirre ni.nilit the wont of rrs-ks just Mow tle brick mill. Slie went on with urn force that slie stuck there and the water pouring into her hold, mused Iter to careen over to the starboard, near where she sunk is Un feet of water. Tke Ja4rkl. Wasiiisotoji. Jun 4. Tomorrow it may be tltat the pnident will send in the name of tho cirruit judge to Im upjsiiuted fur the Pacific nurthwent in the ninth dUtrii-t. Neither of tho Oregon senator know any thing a) tout who will he appointed. Senator Miti hell say that be is alwolutelv in the dark a to what the prei.lent will do. It ruu Keen pmlicte in tlune Ulnpiitche-i that Joseph Simon could not Isj ajitnintcd and the prolndiilttie are that he will not I. Hie Washington dcleirnlion wm unite confident that W Loir Hill will be selected. and it is known that ho stand very well with the attorney general and the president. A Bl Ural. UrrrAMi, X Y Jun 4.-- Charlton M Ly man of Uie linn of Lyman sons, type and eloctrotyisi founders, tonight related a story of a big di-al in which an English syuilicate ha invested Jrom 9 i,iM) to 10,OU0. Iliis syndicate liat bought all the tj s foundries in the I'nited Slates. Tlen an! four in New York, four in Chicago, one in lluffalo. one in Cleveland, two each in St luis. t liu-innoti. Son rnmt im-o, and on in Kid titnore. Hie notion expire January ill, and agents of the syndicate are vigorouxly nt work. The mmisiny will be calUl the American I 's t oundry Comtumy. Will East. Si'okaxk. Jan 4. Chief Joseph, of the Nez IVice. his nephew. Youny Chief Long lluir, a Lmatilla, and Moses Minthorn, an educated christian Indian, accompanied by Agent Crawford, of the Umatilla reserva tion, in hostem liregu.i, are expected to leave soon lir Chica-ro and W ushuiirton Kunner have lieen sent out for Joseph, and i i . .. .. i . i . i ..,,. un is i in ncro on mo i o cocK freight tonight. He is going to Washing ton to plead with the Indian authorities to allow him to return with his children to Uieir old homo in tho beautiful Utuo tnoun tain of Eastern Oregon. A Heaslble Thlag. New York, Jan 4. Tho Herald's Vul poruiso corresionlent say he hear that tho Chilian government hu rubied orders to Minister 1'edro Montt at Washington to make a sincere apology to tho United States for the unfortunate anil deplorable attack upon the Uultimore' sailors (Vtolier 16 lat The apology is unqualified in character. Other matters which have lsvn in dispute between Chili and the UniUil States are I)ecdily to 1 coimidered by Uie new admin istration. The VI beat Market Portland, Jon 4. Tho feeling in tho wheat market yesterday wa slightly firmer though tho advices received did nothing to better the condition of trode. The brighter prospect was caused by the improvement in mo lUTtviu or tonnage ana more activity i looked for soon. Local businesw for the day was very light ami no sail of any great sisso were reported. For one fair sized offer of valley wheat, $1.05 was hid, but the sale tell through, as the figure did not moot the holders expectations. Th Escaped Chicago, Jon 8. A big black mad dog created a panic on South Water Ktreet this morning, (leorgn Paul and William Martoz wero bitten by tie brute and several other had narrow escapes. Several policemen tried to shoot him, but none were able to do so. George Hayes, of Pinkerton watch service, in attemotinir to kill the brute. shot a 2-year-old child, it i thought fatally a ue uog ewupou. A Ureal Chess Hatch Havana, Jan 3. The first game in the great chess match between Steinitz and Techigorin wa played New Year night at mo ciuo room or tne ucntro Asturiano. le former uunna bspiuieol. Techigorin i i the first move and onened with an Kvna's gabit. He won in thirty-two moves after lU&u. 1. . . ' I f i i : i i . . m uum jiuiy. ureal imercsi was snown m the match, which ih for 82000 a side. Tho winner of the first ten gtunos is ta be the victor. Down la Florida Greenville, Fla Jan 3. Messenger bring new that a bloody street fight took place lost Thursday in Perry, forty mile south of here, in which'Robert Parker and John L Garno, ex-county judge of Taylor county, were killed and Thomas ', Jter so badly injured he will probably die. Who Gave It Away. Washington, Jan 3. While no official information can be secured in regard to the report that tha United State supreme court had, by a vote of six to three, decided the contest between Bovd and jayer for tho Kurewiunuup ui jeunuiKu in ravor or tne former, it can be positively stated that the court will render a decision. It can also be stated, in consequence, that there i a seri ous libel ahead tor the person or persons who gave out the information before the de cision was formally rendered by the court. A Highway Rebbery. Hki.kna, Jun 3. Three highwaymen luld up a shigo nnar tho Idaho line, not far from Bonner' Ferry, early Saturday night. They madn a rich haul, securing aiKitit ttiOOO worth of jewelry from M U Huntley, representing a Chicago wholesale hmmo. Tho robls-rs also obtained aiKitit WOO in cash. There wero four men and two women in tlin stage, which wa a low sled, ami there wero three of tho robls-r. No violence was necessary, as tho victim wero all tract able. Tho robls-ry nwurred in a (letixo wood, where thero was three feet of snow 011 tho ground. WballtWIIICvtt. Wasiiinotox, Jan 3. In a report to the ncrcUiry of tho interior, tinted J)ecemler 2, 1801, Superintendent Porter, of tho census bureau, buys: Including Uio amount paid enumerator anil suis-rvisors, the total cist of tho collections of data for the eleventh census has lieen KI.MR.lno. I lie Hiitierin tehdciit expresses thn beftcf that tho census . ' -ti n 1 i. t . .1 -...1 1.. wors proper win an no iiuiHiien mm Tetwiy for tho printer by tho (ioso of lM'.CJ, and that the cost will not exceed e7,0OU,OIO, or a trillo over 1 1 cents per capita. Tint 4otTtf ii:a ur.u. The standard by which the teacher i too often measured 1 no generally erron eous that it seems almost Impossible that even ILe teacher himself can have oho nroner conception of hi profession The usual verdict I oasvd upon how the pupils like or dislike the teacher. This evil has it origin in the same source a so many other that seem be yond remedy, viz: A failure on tho part of parent to cooperate with and, If you please, sytnpnthi.o with tho teacher. Then, too, change in the country school are much too frequent.therehy making it almost impossible that tha teacher Iks measured by the true stand ard the quality and quantity of work done In the school room. 1 lit does not mean tho amount of work the teacher docs for tho pupil, but the amount which be can I hi Induced to do for himself. In no single particular are we t;o apt to ma a mistake a here. Vv talk of "The I'ouring-ln Process," such a thing is Impossible. Talking i not teaching, ttcciting lesson that ha iMeviotisly been assigned to a class I no part of a true teacher' work. The real teacher endeavors in every way to direct, inspire, and encourage the pupil in 'original invedigatiun, in some thing that lead to thought. lo not gt the idea that collecting facte is the principal object or aim of education for many of them will Im of little or no use in future life work. Long ago wa the idea put forth that "knowledge 1 power " Sometimes, of course this has been questioned. This i true, not because there is strength in kuowledge, but l-ecaute the mind i developed, and so power I gained in it acquirement. The first step should m to interest the child. Make them hungry for something and then show them where to pitch. Teacher in the country are too apt to think that their work i of an interior kind ; that their facilities for improv inent are so limited it ! useless for them to attempt improvinent at all. Thi i wrong. The teacher in the country school has an enviable position. Yr. Mister, an enviable position. He ran and should make himself; felt in a score of ways from the school house to the remotest lxund of his dis trict, or even further. Hi influence in tho community I great, hence hi opportunity for good is equally so. Let your work begin at the school bouse. Show them bow to uuct obstacle by meeting them yourself. r xiwnstve apparatu and splendid equipment are unessential. ingenuity ana persevejance, wttn a expense upon the part of the teacher will soon C!l many "empty, vacant voids" and write victory above a yawning chasm. You can construct reading charts, map, etc., which in many particular you will find prefer able to some of the (splendid?; patent. In thi way you ran equip jourseli with all the necessaries from simple arithmetical frames to philosophical ap paratus. Iki not farifet tl Btlnnlv vourself with picture card and other tliemc for the maller ch'ldren to busy themselves with Prepare for yourself scrap book of tho different kind of animal, birds, flower, tree, house and other object with which the children aro familiar. It I also well to have a box of loose picture cards which can be dilributd atnoung the diiUrcnt pupil. All ,f these will serve to interest the little folks, and will furnish them with material for language work in many form, betide containing within them selves no small education. Another lunik should contain picture of historical events, portraits of gteat men, and so torth. The children in the rural districts live in a broad w orld. Ietustryto help them extend their horizon and ln-come interested in the thousand and one wonderful things with which they are surrounded. In thi article 1 have mentioned only a few of the ways in which I think our work can lie bettered. There are many other arising con stantly. If this prove of the least value, I may attempt something in regard to our duty as teachers oi morals and manners. let mo beg you to permit a slight degrersion, while I urge upon you the groat importance of your attending the l i rTuPustt l-wt I tnsi A ' tiift t n it a No matter how much you know, they will do vou irood. Let there be a general interest in these local meetings and the aggregate effects are sure to produco a new general in- tereat which will ne sutwtantiall.r excel lent. W. Chask. Lebanon, Jan. 2 Just la Just 21 hours J. V. & relieves constipation and stck headaches. After It gets tho syiivm undsr eootrol an occasional dose prevents return. W refer by permission to W. U. Maralmll, llruus wick Mouse, & T. Geo. A.Womor, fist (,'allforuls Bt, & r.; Mrs. C. Velvln, VH Kcnriiy Bt,, S. T., and msny other who bar found relief bom constipation and sick headache. O.W. Vincent, of Terrene Court, a F. writes: "I am 00 years al as and hare been troubled with coustlpatlou for 25 years. I wa recently Induced lo try Joy's Vsrstsblo BarsaparHls. I recognised in it at nc aa herb that th Mexican used lo giro us In th early SO's for bowol troubles. (I camo to California iu MS3,) and I knw it would help tn and it bos. Forth first Um in years lean sleep well and my system Is regular and in splendid condition, Tb old Mexican herbs iu thi remedy are a certain cure la constipation and bowel trouble." Ask for Iaii'q Vegetable uliy OSarsapariila FOR B1LE BT STAN ARD & CUSICX ALBANY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VrOTtCE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT THE UN ll daraigned baa been, by tha ouunty oourt fur Linn county, Oregon, djly appointed admiulatnitor ol tha aatata ot Uar&h M Wlilte. doteaaed. lata Linn eoanty, Oreicon. All parsons having claims againat said sut are horaby notified to present the same to me with th proper -ouohera, at niy residenoe ncsr Oakrllle, Linn oounty, Orcjron, within six month from tna date noraoi. Dated this 6th Axf ot Oscember, 1801 . JOHNSON WHITE.. W R Bilyeu, Administrator, Attorney. s X. STEELE & Co., Albany, Or . Loan monev on Kood real oatate seourlly In Linn and adjoining or otul NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. VTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVB1T THAT THE UN i.1 daraifrned sdminiatiMtor ot the an tat a of Nathan Huaaell, daneased, ha died his final seeonat for t- tlemant of all and sinaulsr of th matter of said estate, and that the Countr Court af th state of Oreiroa for Linn oounty has Died February 8th, 1892, st the hour of 1 o'clock p in of said day, at the eosrt roam of aaid eourt,at the Court Hneo af aaid county, in tb city of Albirj, to hear aad determine any. and all objootiont to th same, and tor the final sttlcmant of aaid ext&ta.- , E WILSON. Adoris. of tho estate of Nathaa Ruse(l, dsrossa j MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber Mint Elder Flower Cream ts li l s sssiimUs hi UiS ssriM fn whluh Mist Uim Is Siulsrlr swii, tml niiiwnU tissulMM, It srssMssssri, stiniotk, sUar, rt'votf stin, slid by dally fnulsslly msks Mi omiiUiimi suvsml shailss hits'. Ills s constant iri.Witlm f rum His 4Tms ! son anil srlml snil pr,nu snn burs snii hsnklss, and blank h4s will rr sain whlls jnu m w. ! nMMw tn rn isr iwMir una soap snil s-alsr, BmirtaliM ami bull IS up thi ilrin llmuo snil rstsnt ts larmatlnn si wrinkles' It gi?a tb rMlisaa. larsai anil smouthriMai of skin that vug brt when lluls slrl. Ktsrr Uvlf. ruiif sr ulil. iialit t uas It, M It glrss s nisi voulbful siiimtr- aaiMtnanr lait, ami that parmaiMnllr. Itatnitalna s ats, H,wiar or alkali, anil la aa harming a ilaw anil aa imsrlahliia to tha ak'n aa ds7 1 to tbs fUwor. frlre Rt M. at all riiarloi suit halnlrmamrs, r at Mrs oarTaiaa uransin aataiiilaiimaut, His I'ml atrnnt Kan KranalM, whar sh trmu lailiv fur all lilmnlnti ( thslaa r fliiiir. lllMat t illiUnM lraiti'1 k Intiar Hand atainp far har littl bwik "!! to t naautlfill." MRS. ORAIIAIVI'P Face Bleach . .v. ... . , I td . . . I tl -1 ttmmm. Milh pa'aha. flinilaa anil all akin btamfaha, frlm SM.OS), Harit.lMa and ffaMr; i,a ssinpl an b anl ; ltdjp asanu wantad, Tha IlnnrYnrior ,n l' t" "h" irat or.lsis S im UlUfcK'OU bill A mr t.ra,rai bar bis naiaa addad ta ibia adtrrtlaainant, III Mriiriaratlnaarafar ala l.f whalaaata Ami. laUla Chlaataud srarv Mif aat al It, nun IT SALE. fn the Vireuit Court nt tltt Sntf nj (it pan fur Linn UoHtry, MAItV WOOI, l'Ulut'tr. 1 FKANK ni)':. Ifoi-.lnt. J vtoii(;j:h (ikkkiiy ivkmuiat ly vl-t.i of an xaiiitiirt and order of Usuod oik of llin kIiov norni Court, In lli.i a i iv ontitio'l art, on, I will on Sslsirrfar. tke Silt ln (if JuMuarf, st, at th t'otirt If ih r. In thi city of Albany, Uj:i c-un'.y.rit"ii.t lt.o hour of 1 o'o'twk p in of Kal 1 it y, mil at nutillo atnuion f-ire44i l hsu I totiie i.llu at hiildnr, tht rti iropirt ! :rlt I l.t nsi'l ezeeiitl-jrt and or lor or f!'jil' lows, ti Wltl lot nmnlwirod five (5) of tiloek num. borml night (4) loth) elty of AHny. in I .inn county, state of OrK'n.aa th hms ts (nltcnstn4, nuinlrsl nd duseribwil Uon the tiii, plstsanJ survey of said mty of Allin. now on fi'e In the tmnty itooorJn.'a olttce In an 1 f ir said Linn oouuty., Th procDoil arising front the o of said premlae Ut bo sppllett, first; fu the psymmit of tha cuM of sn l upon tsld t'Xciitlio,Mii tbs ortelnsl cost ot al-l an l )ri u! at '.13' scind, I: tha payment of pltin nir e'.aiu stjjountlnit to thn sum o ti ro:l:l nn i tUZ i ) IntMiest, nd i-ruliia Iniorta llinr n al SO per cent per annum, and fan farther i'i rTflOO stiriii-v's Ines. . turned this 9 h 0v of liwwtnr. m. rr, HhorllT'if Un ou.l, )reg-u-I?y CC fcorr. Ik.tnty. CifATiOH. I tltt ('aunty Court aft 'i .Vai rJ Orrgon Jot Lion county: l. the matter ol tho esttte a J guard! anililp or Tnouivi B Miller, an nliotic per man. To Mali d Polls rd. K N Pr.llMd. A I Miller, Airip II Ke)ley,John J Kk) y, Kbliocc Willi lock, lrnati Vt hluook, Muaan TurnlJa", Win utniJa'e. Mr Nettle HcoU, Mary J CrabircMi. Jstnia A i'rabtroo. Wm Moslflr. H F Mlllor, J.ibn M Millar, ana all otber known and un kuown .ntercsied in sld estate, li reeling: I NTHK NAMK KKTIIE MTATK OF tirsiron, you sr hrcl7 rttod and re- qtiirAd to aprmr in tba .'ontity Cnurs of tbj Slats oftirtKoa, fur the county of f.lnn. at the Comt Hoom tfmronf, al Al bany, iu tho colli; ty of Llt.n, un j Saturdsf. tin lti tt.iy af Jannarr. Istn, at 10 o'clock in II fort-noun of that iUy, lUen and ttitri t ah.iv ouo,lf any there b. wh an ordif li.uld not iine out of the above ennui I (Vmrt s'ithor!K'nj and Utrtctlni; Jiinn Crai'lrrn tha duly sprx-liO'l tittallli'pl t)tl si'tlmr tnsidian of the porn-n sn l oaiela of said Tin. ins It Miliar u roil SJio rt-ai property tinng lug to tho 't of Willi 1 Imiiias H Mil rr. descriliod h lolinws.towit. An undivided on-e'?vntb (I II) lntor-st In and lo 'be ii'.rtli I slf ol tho f I. C nf Kichsrd 1 Muter anl Mirirot MiUnr, bt- wife, notification 'o. . and claim No. . n Inwnahlp No. il. South of Kango 1, east of the Willamette morliitn In Marian (ijiinty. vwu. Done t-v order r f tl Hon D R N tilarkbnrn, Ju'lge of the County Court of the Stte ol Oregon, fo: the county of I.I on. with tbe of said court afilxed, thi 27th dav of November, A, D , 1M1, .iiki: N. I'.PAVNfc. Cleik. SUMMON . theC'iixuU Court of tk'. Stilt o' Orrgonor Linn Count y. A.C. HILL. rialntifT, ) v. UODEbGK If ILL. Defendant, j To P.oJo.'iM Ulll, tbo abovu namatl de fendant: ITS 1 lift NAMK OF THIS HTATB OF Orecon, you are hereby required to ppaar and answer the complaint filed agalnxt you In tb aboye nlitled anit on or before tbe Mr at day of the above en U'leJ oourt next following the expiration of the publication of thia au an mom towiU the Hlh day of Maroh, Aud If you fall to answer, for want thereof t be J lain tiff will apply to the oourt for tho rella pn-jod for In her'ooniplalnt.vii: or tbcdla solution of the bond of mat rlinony now exUtlna; betweon tb plaintiff and dofe'nl nt.and tho custody of the throe young or mlnoi oUlliireu, and for auch other and further relief may be equitable. Thi aervloa 1 uiado by puolloatlon by ordor of Hon R V Holso, JudK ot raid Rouit. duly niada at Cnainber in Saleui, Or jfeon, Jo. Hih 1891. L. H. MONTAS l K. (11 15) AHy for Platntiff ADMINISTRAWS N3T1C2 . TVJOTICK 18 HEREBY fHVEN THAT THE yi uiiiluralirticd l-iw Ikh-ii duly sppohiUd by tha cumy court dr I inn county, (lrrrin, aiiuilniktrator olthentatenf E A Km in, dcrracil, late of Linn oounty, Orrgon. AU paianns baring clulm aicailiat said eatate are hereby implied to proavnt tliein prop erly erilled to tho undrraignpu al Ilia reaidence si Hand Rlilk's, Oregon, wilhiu six mculhs from this data. bated Ueoeiubet SinJ, J K Weatherfiinl, . AH FIUTM, Atty tor Administrator. Administrator. TO ALT, WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice 1 hereby given to all parties tha In accordance with law I have posted tres pass notices on my premtnes forbidding parties hunting on the saint. In disre gard of said notices parties have constantly trespassed on the premises, and In conse quence a valuable horse ha been Injured by discharge of firearms. This I to notify any and all parties, ' that I have msde up my mind to prosecute any party who tres pastes further on mv premises to the full extent of the law, and that I will give $2$ reward to any person who wilt name the party who shot mv horse. Lebanon, Or., Dec 30th, t8qi. MARIOK UUKKHART. Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturers .- lEAM EHQINES GRIST AND SAW 'i ILL MACHINERY IHON i-KONTS AMO ALL Km GF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. soaial attention d of machines - " i - otirlea tl P<mrns Kado on Short Notice CHAS. H. bODD &TCO. IMPOSJTKRS) OF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, " - FARM Front, First and Vino Street, etc Ascnts rss) Oscooh sue wasHiNeroaj ros DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. DEERE'S CAZELLE PLOWS. ftpectally Improved for xvij Doero Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoo Craln Drill. Buckeye llo I'reas Orato Drill, Cutkryt Bcdcri, Bockq tglt To Uarrcms, ly,fitisawf3r DEERE'S DISC HARROWS. Tke lalsst Issnrased ismlraaeat tor snsrlae snmuer ration. worn war mia parpoat in ase. We also have a full line of Bnggle. Ptiaeton. Motmtain Wagon, Platform and other Sprfov Vehicle. RCIIUTTLER PAItil WAGONS Spring Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrow. BcientiLc Peed Mill, Pacific Panning Milts. HAISII BARB WIRE, Etc. Send for Circulars and IWce Lists. E. THRALL MANAGER, ALBANY , OR EG CN SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Ciremt Court oJie Slttit oj Orrgon for ti Count jf of Lmn. j The Aoieru au Mnrtgaa Company of Scttlstd, (limited.) l'iamtiiT, . Kiin Wilcox, traateo, and Willis llcid soil Anes IUI I, Ptifcuiianls. XTOTICK IS HKllSBY OIVEK THAT 1 by vii ta f as cxecntiun and order of sale iaauvd out of the atrftv nam d Court in th ahova antitlf 1 cU.-n,to nio dirrcU-d and ilo)itrnl, I ai'.l en a tarda?, lb .IMS day af Jaatury, lSI, at tha (nnrt l! Be rioor in ti e city of Al baoy , Lnn canty, lr. jj.m. ut the hour of 1 o'clock p tn of sid date!) at pebhe auction lor cli in band to tho highest tulJ-r. the real prorrty decribd io aaid execnliio aud order of sate aa follows, to-wit: lie tfitin'Ui.' at tha nor li sat corner of th Uoa al lil.l dutia'ioo lacd clai p, not ticstion 2.141, claim 77, io township 12, south cf rane 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, I fence roni.ii u south 1 .C0 chain; theoce south decr-'es east 32 chains to tho head of a slough; chinee down ti.e middle of tb Santitm ritrer 3S!ia-nr; theno west 18 chain to ths U"iof brcinoius, confeiuing 50 acre morn or less and btioz a portion f tb east half ' f section 14. Also .he dona tion laud claim of J h.t Wibol, notification 2332. claim No 37. and bein parts of see tion 3, 4. 0 and 10. in township 13,aih of range I west of the W llSamette Me-iilian and beio2 bounded and deacrilivd aa f .llo-e, to- it: iM-Kininnjr tt a po.nt 14.05 chain north and 2.13 chains wet of the north :reit corner of said aectiou 10 !! running thane north 24 75 chain; thouce weat 55 50 chain; hence south 53 40 chaiov; thonoe east C3.C0 chains: thonoe ui.rth 29 Cj chaiue: thence, avoit 8 10 chains to tho 1M of begioDins, j containing 321.21 acre. Alto donation land claim of llury K (ireer, notiacitioa 229G, claim No 47. beinj part of srctlons II and 14, io towoahip 12, tnutb of range 2 wast of the Willamette Mrr.Jun.htina bouudrd and do cribed aa follows, to-nit: Betginnirg at a pi'int 13.60 chtius north and 24 CO chains east of tho northwest corner of sctioo 14, and running thojeo south 32.75 tbaioa; tho east 48.41 nhaios; thonce north 32 75 ctainn; thence west 48 50 chains to tb place of beginning, enn'amiiig 139.30 icn. Alo the donation land c'airn of Ado'l.h Cri.ler, fotifica'itn No 2331, claim No 33, wa paru of aee'lt'os 2, 3, 10 snd 11, in township 13. south of range 1 writ of the Willamette Meri'utn, bounded and described a follows, to- it: rUaT'onteg at a point 5 92 chain east and 14 91 chain north of the aoutbwett corner of aaid section 3 and runuirff thence eart S4.36 chains; theno south 39 ihslnt ; thenc west S4 21 chains; thenoe 33.41 chains to the place of be ginninp, containing 319.07 sores, all lying and being situated in Linn comity, Oregon. Tbe proceeds arising from tbo sals of said real property to be app'ied first', tn the pay ment of tbe coat of this soit sr.d of the said sale and the original eosta taxed at 137.00, and tha further sum of $200 attorney' fa; second, to the payment of plaintiff s claim amounting to th sum oi J6S33 33 and accru ing interest thereon at the rate of tea per cent per annum; third, the overplus if aay there paid over to said Edwin Wiloox, tr nil tee. Ditcd tdis 28th dsv of Dioetnher, 1S91. M. SCOTT, Shei iiTof Lim county, Oicgoa By C E Scott, Deputy. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Tj.TOTIOE 13 HEREBY GIVES THAT THK J.1 un.lcrmltio.1 has bon by order ot the county court ot Unn count, Ore iron, on the 16 ih dav of November. IH H, duly apiiointed administrstor ol tha state of Ura M C Howard, late of Una countr. Or, deoeaaed. All persona bavintjr claim airainBt said xtate r hereby required and aolifle(' ta present th ante tth proper voucher to tne al rov mldene ia Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within six months Crom the da'e here if. Dated thi. 27th day ot Xovembor. 1 m . M, PATNE, W, R. BILYEU, Administrator. Attorney. WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenHiWn THE BEST 8HOK IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY P It la a aeamleas ahoe, with no taeca or wax thread to hurt the feet) made of tha bast fine ealf, strltaa and easy, and eeraua M mot store afcoe of thi prod Man any othtr maimfactunr. It equals aaad ewed shoe eostln from ai.00 to $3.00. gfS OOtleoaloe Iland-aawed, th flnest ealf iitSXm shoe ever ottered for J.u; equals Vraooll importeit ahoes which eost trnm $8.00 to U.U0. O js v Maad-Hewed Welt 8hae, fine ealf, aP strllab. oomfortable and durable. Tbe beat shoe ever offered at this price ; same srada aa cue tom-marie ahoea eoatlnc from s.0O to ti.M. CO W Fallra Hhoei Farmer. Railroad Ken iJm and Letter Carriers all wearthm; fine calf, seamles. smooth lualde. heavy thre boms. aztao slon edge. One pair will wear a year. (SO 50 One ealfi no better boe aver offered at this price 1 one trial will eonvlno those who wsnt a shoe for comfort and service. tfl Si 3 and .00 Worklnsman'a shoe Sftmm are very strong and durable. Thoas who have given them a trial will wear no other make. F!fW' V'4.00 and 81.t3 scbool shoes are) L3 UJ m worn by the boy everywhere; they soil on their merits, aa the Increasing sale .how. trl!fl t3-ut, Hand-sawad shoe, best awCEUI9 Uongola, verrtyU;quaJaFrenoa Imported shoes eostluK from 4U.UU to 6.U). . Ladles' -J-Hit, fci.OO and )1.5 shoo toe lllsaes are the best fine Dongola. Strhuh and durable. Cnotlon. See that W. L. Douglas' name au4 price are stamped on th bottom of eaoh shoo, ttVTAK KO faswion locol advertised dealers supplylnir totl 1 W. Im DOVtiULU, Urooktoo, UmuHlkMhf -!VZ- Lir E. BL.AJ :PJ it 13 said that Joseph i'ulitier, proprietor of the New York Warldt is making arrange ments to slait a similar paper in Chicago. It is to be hoped that this is true. Chicago is :.-sr ear ANO - MACHINERY. POHTLAND, OREGON. " ' ' V, - - A-Vlf-Se- -- ,, f ait- LLll m tsseTl iA--4 rati DEERE'S SEEDERS, Tbc moat complete and successful TWO MEN AND ONE BOY POUND DEAL!! J . - sW tVhile trjing to Crowd theii ' WAT IKTO DlYQE & FROMAFi BROS itor, where they a! way have on hand be largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifle and Shot June; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description;' Tent, Hammock, Cam p Chair and thousand of other thing too numerous to mention1 ' . Xlepfiir Shop ia connection with the Store, and one of e best workmen In the State to do any and all kinds of work . , Coin one Come al. No rouble to how good. "Small profit and quick W I oui otto. J. A. Cummirg. Wall Paper, Drurra, Xint, Oils law tat, IlltO.a r5sa, AIB&KY, OREGDU ' FOSHAY A MASON ircsffisisana uooKsei.ers ArLUforohn B. Aldea'a publication, bloh wa aell at publisher' prioe wit ALBAHT, OKEwOB C ITY DltCe STORK Pfeiffer Block, Albany t Stanaid i kid- Drag, &!dloiof, (fecniioala, .Fane, and Toilet Articles, 8-orn;e. Crushes, Perfararj, Eobocl Bock, arid Artists' Supplies PbYBlciaBB prartptli eart luly componndetl. FORTf.llLLER & ERVIalG -FUNERAL DlllECTOHS.- arUrlwl Embalming douo 8slentiflo-llv. Albanj, Oregoa. CHOICE VIEATS Or Aj Ktstia . ISwsirioli: - Sc - Baker, OppodteSeluaert Wvsw BMiie, am or tk Wlilamett Saaafef C" t. ALB AMY OR. mmm & mum bros. Real Est&t Agents . Farm and Raoohet for sale. , Also city broperty In Albany and Cory alii. FISH'S POULTRY, GAM,fresh from Portland and other aces alway on band al our market, near corner o Second and Ellsworth street. , G0R6 Slavhtr ADMINISTRATO'.'S NOTICE. T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE Do it dersigned, lias haen appointed adminiatratrator th ntat of Lydia A Kudd.deoeased. AU person hav ng claims againat said deosed are required to present them properly verified, to the undersized at Albany, Linn county, Ores on, within six mouths from this date. Dated the 12th day of DeMn ber, 1 391 f " jj h T.mrr. " uir jfiy'rr?-s.??-s (