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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1892)
PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T K. WE AT HER FORD J Atteroar at U Will preetlea a all eourts at Ihe Slate. Seotl attenUm (Ina la mailer In probata aad to Sit h:U-m. Or! ICK-la IB rilna bloo. a, a. s. svAcssea. . a, WiTses JLACKlU'IlJIe WATSO, Alt aaslaeea will rmln arempt IhUm, meeiOUJr.lluw.Taut,.!., Alaaar, l tomn t !. W.U pr)tiee I ell ee ru Mlt. B.-eetel eltenU.. '"' 1 V," i udMM.ioi or.'tes-i in riun bu.b. yy R. PILYK1T. Attomay at Uw vml a, Jloilnr la Caanaary. leellee Man awl oa all w!nl l.oena aeg-itUtad arable terme. Albany, Oragoa. QEO. W. WRIGHT, Altoraar.t Lew.and Wciyrlh Ma a a norai at this rM and In la Called Stalee Ihrtmrw. eei-freel reoeas rt Oregoe, Albeay, Ufa. J J. WniTJfET, Ueraey Lve.aa Salary raH. Atae jqu. j. Im hill. friT..a an liirr, OrnCB -Veraer Al TbRS. HiSTOf at BATIS, u nra at4 F abd Rrmdelb-a rM. Alkaar, V, OBI sraarptty akeaae t airs ul esunwy: Q V. C1I.1HBSRLAIX. If. D.i BanMapalhl. aVrSpeaUlet la dlaaaas at la By. Treaty yeara- , aflat aesi ija a mi I la S p at, MX l Mllin, ei.a.a. D R. O. A. TOfUTKBY, rhfalHan ! Sureae. rVraduate at M.A a faPi.. W Vara City. L'ia-ae al wemea a apeutalrj. i)ff'lO-rria Meek, Albeay, Orag aa F IRHT NATIONAL UIXK, or Albany. obkoos, FMi 1 sMI 1 .-ee hmw Vice PrmUlnl .. Caehl.r. t ri.i I.T01K0 B, W. LAN Q DOS rtU3ACT3 A OE!KiULrnMna otieio. AiNNII VTS KKPT ruhlKl la aback. glOHTSXCilANdl and tel TaUo tranrfar, H1 M Tork, 8an Fraucles. Chioago and Pa Hand "SoXKCTIONt HAOKoa fa.-raS.le varan, raacfnu J. I. Tocxa B.W. L.eeaoe L Bum. L. Ir-uaa Beeaa I . Sox. I MM CO MATIOMAI.BAMK. Or ALBABT. OBBOOK. CAPITAL fTOCK r ,. J L COWAK. PraaiaBt.... Tiea-PraaidaDt. at Caslurr ...J at I1IJTOH, O A ABCHIBOLD. I aarroaa, -1 L Cawaa, J at Bahtan, W ldd, W a Jalira, J A Oraward aad O A Arab laold. TRANSACTS a rtoaral bank In boatoaa). DRAW 81UU1 fcBArrSaa Haw lock. Baa LOAN HOiEYaa apptarad aaaaritf RRCtUVB dapaalta aublaat B ASK OP ORBflOI. iUlIT, OIMOX. Capital. Praaldaat Viaa-PraBdat , Oaabw .B.Mt). .H P MFIIILL . B, J LAEI.SU Ht W BLAIH Tranaaata a taaaval aaakiay boaiaaar Exabanta bmifht and aoid aa all tha anadaal aiUaa la tba Caitad Sutaa I alaa aa Enf taad. Ira land. Franaa and Garmaojr. Col taction maJa at ail aaaardbla paiaU aa tarar bla Urma. otaraat allaaad aj Hna dapaaita. i ARK or scio. CIO, OBKOOM. 1 Maaa) I Mraaa . Mar Albany -:- Nurseries. W ar offurlnc to plaatara tha flaaat lot at frail traaa, a all daatrabla rartatiaa, la tha rtaia. Maa humlrcd and Vt thouaand Uaa lar thlt .- an'itradc i IXSPECTIOX 15YITED, . and 8ATIBPACTIOX OVARAXTEEO. f Band far catalarn or call n e at tha aid '. n bamaataad, oar-hail mi la aaathwtst al Albaar. HYf.lAf & BROWHELL. EedGrownMills K03!, laxxinq & i-aopiv (w tnmcr.t. rvviB ?v7,-Bmiaa rot PAJtn4i ASO PAKEKA lit. REST STORAGE "4CILITIES. ACADEMY -OF Our Latly of Perpetual Help. OREGON Hiatei -. I Bl, Benodlcl ljechrv)l rangcn ro; Conducts b7 Tnl ; Ift to Frrji o J It l 1 1 1 przl-K iirj a.-ittf a: t'i !" ir ,1 Hioler 6'iperiorsaa. A. STRAW EY, PKhPBIBTOIlOr TO! Citj Livery, Fee J Sal. - 6TADL E. Utvini pursh'oI aew rijt can furn ish first.:liut- tun out ( o!l. Specif I attont' n gtvoii tntraimlent ktofk Hoia boaro a'1 by tha dr or month. C'lieapet lltp In the Cltf. TelephotiB eonaeotl.iri with tha S Charles liolnt. Te'ephotio or.lera girea prompt attantlon. Fourth Street, bttwoen IClltworth and SirefitCa.-I'na. hi Store. Keat aNek if 2nd fr gooda in tha Vallry. ami tba mort reaaonable jirloea. 1 have on hnnd all kinds of rUBITU3, STOVES, TINWARF, TRUNKS, BC8XS, PICTURES, ' CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. One door wart of S & Yoan eld atbr. L. COTTLEIS. t EADY TO WORK - Partina daalrloK I ft. wood put In t an- aju(i 0f iko e, etn obtain prompt attoiutjii by aa. g tha net Tlo-.a ol iMnle! I,ow, At t'ae (orrjr boaait, luvo ordori there, amcaaa Vloa- Praaidant ,..,T., ... .7 Caahiar ....- aiaaorou: Uirri, E Oataa, Jaka wakaat H liryaat P Sarin. raaai aad ax kaalaaa MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber Elder Flower Creams la Bat a aaaiaali la th ian( la ahloh that tarn al rat Bad wind and praranai ana aura and Iraaklaa, and blaak kaada will aam aaroa whlla jou aaa M. It alaaaaaa tha nM Bvr Baitar maa auap ana watar, aaanabaa and ball m ap tha aWn tlaauaa and nraTaakt ta raraaatlna al wrlaklat' It rrw tha BaahaaaL alawaan and amaolaaaaa al Baia that jnu bad wbaa a Unia lrl. Bar naj. young ar old. aaa-ht la aaa It, aa It fir a niata rnalbhil appaar aaaa taanjr nda.aad that parnuuiantl. Itaanuina aa aatd. rowdar ar alkali, and la aa hanalaa aa daw and aa noarlahlnc to tha Wa aa daw la to tha lawar. rrln Bl Ba, at all drujrriau and balnlnmra, r at lira Uanaiaa Urahamt wtahllahmanl, 101 Pat alraat Baa ftanaiaaa, whara aha traata ladial tot all blamlah aaal thataaa ar flura. Ladtaaal a dlttanaa Iraatad I j latiar, Band aUuaa far bar llltla baoa "Haw ta naautlraL1 Sample Bot8SJ7Sri7.r a aa p alaxa aaJ iinr. Lair afanta waatad mrs. QRAnAiira Face Bleack Ouaa Ut wtMataaaaa al rraaklaa, Sunburn, Hal- awaaaa. Moth-aal ahaa. rlmnlaa ami all akin Maiuianaa, rrt BI.BB. Ilarmlaas and aSaoUra I l.a aaiaida aan ba (ant ; Lady ar.U wanUHl fkn nwnrrrrlnf In thi town who Brat ordai a AUO Ail URiak bill ol my nraparatl aara hi nama ad.lad la thia adrartlaaniant. I bill ot my praiaratlana wll I Mr nraaraUana ara rar aala by whalaaala drag' aiatala Ckloafaand rnt ally watt al It, EAST AND-SOUTH, 8 ou thorn Pacitlo Routo SHASTA IINE. Eapraaa Train laar PartlaiMl Pally. aWTf North 7:0w. a. 10 M r a tr L Ar PurUand Albany Baa Fraaalaaa Ar f:I A a L I A a U A I i;wri la papular!? aaad, bet patamianUy baeuUnes, II am a eeCt, eutoota, elear, ye'ely, and by datly aaa aaadaallT tuakaa daa auatplailoa nvaral aaJaa ttlr. II a a aoaataal DruUuilua Irom tha A bora train atop only at Mlowlag (Utlona north I Roaabarf. Eaat Portland. OraaxMt City, Wood, anra. Balaam, Albany, Tanfant, Shodd, Ilalaay. liar laborf, Jaoctiua City, Irrlnf, Eucana. Boaaacaa BaiL,An.T. I7't a a I.T Portland Ar :0Ora U to r a L Albany La 1 15:00 a t:tOra I Ar Roaabarf La I -0 a a aktalT Locau! bailt Bicart Brnoai) l"0 r a I L Portland Ar i A a ta,Mj m ,h La k:00 A B ucaioi aaatra, I STn Albany ArT TS a B litra Ar Lebanon Ltl t win T30 La Albany Ar:ir a B Ar Labanoa L 8:W a PULLMAX BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, far Aaawaaaaaalatiaa) at aaM'laa Faaaaa gara, ataacaeai upr-aa jr. aid BMalalaa. tTBUl rRTLA AIB C0KTAU.IB. Mai a aian.T(EiaplBuaaay r.M a IB ilr a Ar artlaad Camilla Ar L SO r a I is u ra IfclO BaraaMttAia n.i (Biaap'.Sanday. 4: fir a I L T-Pa Ar Portland MaMlnnTllla Ar Lt i: a a Through Tiolsetr T aU palata EAST. AND SOUTH. .: i-t-aJa raaardlaa rata, aaaaa. aa Company a t a 1 War OlttLtM Maaacar p. ROtlKRB Aasti. I. and P. if YAQUINA BAY ROUTU. o Picific Railioid, Otegon T , Bteaelvcr. -e- Crsjan D8Yelopm.8at ro's Steamers, hrt Linn le California. Flrat-c!an through paasonger and 'rwlshtUnerrom Fort i and and all poiuta Id tht Willamette Valley to an1 from Kan franciaco, Cal. Rrali mat. cloae connection at Alban aiih train of tba Oregon Facta Railroad TlMf SCHEDULE, aiaant Bandar. ) fawa A IV .nv IV. r. m. 1 1... Vuimn 7:10 a. a Laav Coralll l:r. n. Laa.a Corrallu.lO SJa.a Lrrtr YaqaJna, :SS p. a. Arrtta Alban;, ll:s A. a O. A C. iralaB connect at Albany and CorvBllls. Tba above trains coansotBl tr .i.a, it. (irairAn IhavAinnmant laiuiua u -r . Company's Una of Steamablpe between Yaqulna ana van r ranciaoo, AILIMG DATES . raoB Taanaa. WI-a-wM Yalirf, Daaaaibar lit. Knl list. taoasa raaaciac Wlllaautia Vatlay, lraaaiakr t k ; lttk; tTth. Tba Company -yea Ihe ngnt SanaaaaHini dates -w'thout notice. lo af.B. Paaweoeara from Perlland and rYUlaxantte Valley potnU aan make close rmneotion with the traleB oftheYaoulna aoass at Albany or Cce-raUla. and If des ftned to Ban FraneiBoo ahnold arrange to eHya at Yaoalna tba evening before ate faaUlnr CfTaaeeager mm frht rales always Ike Leweal foe lal'wwi ttlai apply ta A U Chapman.Praljht sad tckat Aeant, Albany, . . snifca. . 0. f. aad P A.n ronra'lla A Severe Law. The English peo ple look more closely the fonalnenea these stnlcilban . ws do. Iu lar, they have a Itrr uuJer 'w-kih they make seizures and de stroy adulterated pro;! acta that ate pot wl:.-4 t!:ty aroreprautyi to be. Under ' !rr!niiitli'ii.aiids of ponndsof tea bare 1 1. i.irnrJb .aeeoof their arholcsaleadat- "e, bf ! r-if, 1.1 one of the most r.o'oi-"i-'rv'.rj-.ttt.r.. ar-ic'o of eousieree. Nor ,-'.,i... to ir.o r,rij;-.t, Ulnr Brccn teas artld-n-; , '., J.nt th(.n enli e( pound rf , 'tt ; 1 ton !;rtscre tuivJ ti-rtTtll ... 1. , (.t !-t ; tf!;, rLie, a-d w'.llr.w . :, !. '.- .,.) j-.'i-.t cH'ini iwl. ' "'' ;'t ' ' V us. are ' v air 1 1 a. . r.v.i I'xhn : :tcU Li ' 1 1 1 r..1t'., u.ii li in )! rri. "I 'hn I a n ,en ,11 I upr, f :"rr? afrr jtr t'..'aint t I. .'il ".! ! I U0 !' !, I t 1'i-i.baUy n..f it ion kr rbiio it ' rt. 4titcd with the jrnar i f.'X and urocjolterated: 1 c .:..- i S.. I - t . I I l ,'. Ii'd 'li. ut It I 1 fact, ihu 5 t- r .1. 4 ifAU-al inr.atid alio I'X ' t i-Hii'i li.-iua Riitierlor atreogrh, aj.ii.ti ..otli:r-l;an,( l: balm; required for tn Inf : U.n tUitnvt ttea!fll teas, and Its I ',! a:id 1 t-j I : 0 .in or U at onee arp ;;irs::t It vi'.l be a leveljiMou to you. In erdor Ibet it parliy a:id qualiry maybe roar-1 ihc1, lt la a-il l only in oa&d packages I tea' TureAsWdhoodJ Prio cos par pormd. Few aalaat ALLEN BROS' J. A. CDminiBg. rtitrii, PaintB, Oils -I . Wall Paper, ALBAfiY, ORECOfJ TK9T1NQ KECII'KACITY. According to a republican organ It I an nouncad "lnonklall'' Irom NVmhlnglon that rrctldent llarrlton wilt cxtrcUa the power reded In him by aection 3 o( tha re ciprocity clauie ot tha McKlnlc bill and tatue procUtnttlon restoring tha dutlraon ugar, cofToe, teat, and molauet from tha countrlc thrt have not yet negotiated treatlct with our government. ThU will ba a novel thing In diplomacy. There are pending negotiation with aeveral countrlei and the propoied action of the president will be, In view of the cxlillng condition, a threat to partiea with whom the nation la now treating for the ettablUhment of com mercial relation. If the pretldcnt should lue the proclamation referred to It would utpend the Importation of hide from South America, of coffee and tugar from countrlc producing thote article, until a treaty could be cloaed in accordance with the term of tha McKlnlcy bill. A tingle Item will llluttrate the meaning ot the propoaed action to the people ot thlt country. It I announced that the relmpotltlon cf a duty on coffee from Veneuc.a would cloie tlili maikct to the product of that country, became of tbe competition ot Braill under free trade. There can be no difficult- in torecaatlng the retult. Lf it year there mat Imported from Veneiuelaa little over 11,000,000 pound ot coffee. Deprived ot thl source of tuppt the price would nccetaly advance, limited, Imw ever, by the lessened demand caused by greater cost. Of that advance the people of this country would pay every cent, and the cofTee-i alter of other countries would proportionately gain by the effort ot the United Btatcs to punlah V'enesuclan for not making a treaty. Naturally the price ot coiTce in Venezuela would decline, since the producers there would be tie pilved ot a portion of their market It might decline sufficiently to prevent the entire benefit of the change being sec-red by the people ot, but to the extent that .the duty wa restrictive the United States would suffer and the ratters ot coffee eUewhere would profit. Dut tnere wIM be a compensating ad vantage for the people of this country, There vill be a good Illustration of tha In cidence ol taxation that can not fail of benefit to thoae who believe In lessened restrictions upon commerce. The same effect will be felt a to sugar as has been described a to coffee. Hides will rite In price, with the effect of again closing the tumeric In New England and destroying that hold on foreign trade In boots and shoes that has resulted from the removal of the tariff. If Germany can ship no sugar, then will the price inciease In the other countries because of the greater de mand. Owners of plantations In Cuba profit to the extent that the reimpoaed tax Is restrictive. Sugar consumers in thl country will pay the bill. But It Is not probable the president will Issue the pro clamation. The high pi lea t of reciprocity L too cunning lo allow of thl test prior to his appearance before the country as the candidate of the republican national com mittee, ratified by a convention packed In hit Intereat. On the steamer Euphraiet, which ar rived In New York laat month from the Orient with a cargo of teas, was a stuffed lion crsb with a body 14 Inches by 16, which was picked up In Japanese waters. The forward leg are each 61 Inches long, while it Is nine Indue from shoulder to snoulder, so that Iheir spread lacks but an inch of it feet. It Is worth. It Is estimated tjo, and Its deainatlon Is the London Zoo. " The whale fUherlrs are not quite given up. In 1S90 fjjf.or wort of spern oil, $l 5.654 worth of whalebone, and f J 2,000 worth of ambergris, with $4000 worth ot other whale produc', were brought In In 1SS9 there wa $370,157 worth of sperm oil and 1510,916 worth of wialcbone. It Is now proposed by some democrats in congress that a free sliver coinage bit shall be passed, but with the proviso that It ahall apply only to the product of Amer ican mines. Well this ought to satisfy every mine owner in the country. Let it pass. Harrison will not ttto that bill. In the excavation for a dam near Otta w, 111., the remains of a stone roadway hare been found. The part dlsc'oeetl I about 50 feet In length, each slab being about two Inches In thickness. The breaks had been filled with cobble-stones, laid In regular courses. One of the latest food adulterations I artificial coffee. The counterfeit bean are made of wheat flour, and are very difficult to distinguish from real roasted coffee. The groove down the middle cf the bean Is Irregular and shallow.bul when mixed with 15 or 20 per cent of real coffee it would be extremely dlficult to discover the fraud. The longest and heaviest train ever carreid over any road in thi country consisted of 25 loaded four wheel coal cars on tre Lehigh Valley Railway. Queen V etoria is raid to role a retlm era 367,000,C0O subjects. Thi is a gnatae number rf people than ever before sat nnder the ahadowof 00 throne Role" ia tbe diplomatic and 00a vent ion si way of potting it. The wettett place in the world ie aaid to be Cherra Ponjoe, la the Khasi Hilla rf Assam, India. Hare the rainfalls average for a single month from 100 to 200 inches , irt L auBJiiramiearn engine 01 wiiicri there ia anyJMatorT was 'he vEriipile of Ur, exhi- Ditedin the Berapnam of Alexandria. 150 BC. ALBANY OR. WBIT3MAN & HULBEET BROS. Real Estate Agents Farm and Ranches for sale. Alao eity broporty in Albane and Coryalli. rtirtlnna IImmm a a.M-- v - Branch S.-lioil ; C.HT.r. Bu. Collhoe,, Oraaaak " couraaa of study, aaina rata, of Uiltloa. . Kn8lnes, Shorthand. Bar In aratloo tbrnairtiout the yatu. Stnil.aia ailaift- wi tlpia. QtiMnr fnjin either eibaal. 6a : NOTICE TO SrOCK-HSLDERS. Notloa Is hereb)- given thai tbe annas stock holder metug of tbe Farmers A Merabanta insurano Company nf Al bany, LI do county, Oregon, will ba held at tbe company's offlco In tbe city ot Alban'-, Oregt n. on Wedneadsy, January 6th, 1892, at, the hour i f 3 oVIoek p m o hhIiI day. for ihe purpoaenf eiei'tli-g nln direot.irs ofaald to'ierrs fj one year, and to tians- et any other boat as may regutar'.y costs before sad tunetlng. Ky order of Iho prealdentl . Dated December 1st, J. O. WRITSMAN Secretary. 1 TELEOIUPHIO NEWS A Bad) Wreck. Mew York, Dec $. The accident on the New Yotk Central railway hit night at Hast- incs lias proved much creater than wit Mi ca led by rhe ruports received last night. The oflicial list of the dead at given out tonlt'ht Btimbart eleven. The terrible accident was due to the carelfitnen of Ilraktman F Herrlck, ol the Iiuflslo expreu, which wst lying ttill below llssiinc. llerrlck lint fitd and hat not been found. He left hi uniform on the train and put on cliUen't clothts From the official report given out today, train No 93 sioppsd at Doubt Ferry to msk some slight repairs on tbe engine, diatsnt signsl wss thrown, and the following trsin, tbe Iiuflslo and Niagara special. Inaving heie at 7 p. m Hopped about three-quarters of a mile tout- of Dobbt Kerry station. A ('Barak Beaae. MAnaiu, Dei as. During mlJnlght mast Isst night In a church at Alencla four bombt were exploded with terrific effect. The church wjt thronged with worshiper when the ex plosion took plsc. One bomb exploded is tne sanctuary, me rest were Uiitituutetl throughout the church. The expbslon of the bomb in the sanctuary wrecked the high altar and completely destroyed a tide chapel. The thock ot of the explosion shook the building sod brougSt down large quaatitiesof masonry which fell smcng ihe congregation injuring tnsny. ihe scene in Ihe church wst awful at fust. The congregslion was paralyied with fesr, then came the groans and cries of the injured, and the sH'ieki of women who tuppoted thst Ihe church wst about to col-, lapse tpoe them. eal Baaake. New Yobk, Dec t$, A special to the World from Washington sayn There Is the highest authority for tbe statement that I he department of slate hst received from officii! source, though Informally, assursnc that the Chilisn government will mike proper repara tion for the asaaull on the tslluis of the 111 timore at Valparaiso. Thlt kaowtedge hst been communicated lo the navy department, sad at a result Secrctsry Tracy and Assistant Secretary Scely spent Ihe day at tbe depart ment, notwithstsnding it was Chris'mas, preparing Ireah orders lo the United Slates war vessels in Valparaiso harbor or American port. A Blaraay Tiaae. AN rxANCItco, Dec . The siesmer City of I'uebla, Captain Debney, arrived from Victoria and Pugct sound ports this morning, after a temreaiuous voysge, during which she was nesrjy wrecked. Tne stesmer sailed with aoo patsangors and the principal pan 01 oer cargo was 1 000 tons ol coal. When twelve miles this side of Cspc Ftaticiy she encountered a heavy southwest gal ami a heavy beam sea s'ruck her. It was so Urge soil carae wiib such force that her cargo wat snmeu and ihe wiiole main deck wss under water. Insninttsnt cveiything was in con- fuaion and ihe big seta, breaking over the vessel, filled many of the stalerooms, csrried sway several of the port shutters, aad made tne passeoeeis think they were maklnc their last trip, but it finished :he trip, though in a battered condition. tsMs'l Da It, Wasuinutom, Dec. at. The 'rcssury dc- pal meat has received aplicstiuos of late from bankers, who withed 10 have Ihed'i per ceat. boon continued at a per cent, for ihe purpose Of increasing their basis of rircu- lation. I be spplicatioos have all beea re fused, as Secretary Fotier holds tbst to per mit it after his circular, aamlng the date wben such 4H could be presented for Con tinuance, would not be just. In tffe:l, it wculd be te revive deed bonds, as under the law. the 4 V per cent, bonds do not now bear intereat. A HaleMe Clah, Ionia, MicB., Dec. at. I- than a year ago three girls aad one or more young men residing in thi city agreed to commit suicide. Three of them have already rishcd by their owe bsQd. The fourth is married and may have changed ber mind, and ihe Other are unknown. Tbe agreement was nude at convivial gathering, probably in fun, but is being kept up as though it were e sacred ob ligation. Ikat Aw rail He valser. l.irrta Kock. Ark., Dec 13 Miss Mamie Crews, a 31-year-old daughter of Captain II. Crews, of tbe United Mites army, at Ienr, met with a kwribte death here to-day. Wright Lindsay, a 15 year-old son of I Jr. Lindtay, of this city, wss showing Miss Crews how 10 unload a revolver, when the weapon wss discharged. The ball pssaed through her besrt and killed her inttantly A htakkxry al Baanantl padal to Daaoraav. Si m mit, Or., Dec 34 Laat night the depot at Summit was entered, and abwut I400 stolen. $330 ef the money belonged to the station agent, the balance o Wells Fargo. Underataod the parly ha been caught, but no money was found on him Bleaaacv ArrlvedL SpaataJ to basiw-av. The steamship Willamette Valley ar rived thl. a in with the following g ers: P T Murphy, Henry Leonard, Geo Scherold, C Anderson. rertlaad an Ta. San rEAXCisco, Dec 35. About 4000 attended tbe Christmas gsme between Port land and San Jose. The game wss closely plsyed and tbepitchiug in both teams wat vi ry strong. Poitland won by a (core of 4 to I. Both pitchers were a little utsieady at times, and the batter crdr advanced the run Ben on bases. . A Bather Big Bridge, New York, Dec a. Tbe work on the great bridge which is to connect New York and New Jersey was formally begun yesterday at a spot in Unisn township, N J About one thousand feet from the liver, ground wat broken, and here there will be anchorage (or one of the huge cables of tbe new structure Aa EOllaras. Umatilla, Dec, 6. A general snow Storm ha been raging since noon throughout Eastern Oregon and Washington. It hi the first general storm of the tcasoa. There were from three inches up to nine tonight, and was then still snowing. Reports from other points show an are age of four inches. Holiday Good, A fine line of hoi! day goods may be seen at U L Black man's. His plush goods particularly are fine, embracing a variety of handaome articles, which should be seen by all buy ing holiday good. After a prosperous season the cltixens of Linn county will desire to present their friends with the best to be obtained. Mr li'sckmsn can accom modate them with as fine a line of holiday goods as is to be seen anywhere. The Key to Success. Tha. Is what we all want. It Is'nt luck, for there Is no such thing. It Is principally being care ful about small thlugs, for Instance, the buying of the best quality ot groceries, fruits and produce for tamlly use, at the mallesi cost. This count in the lonu run. Those who deal with Conn A Hend ricsou report bargains both In quality and price. Thev also have a line line of crock ery ware, toys, etc, suitable for the holiday trade, which It will pay the public 1 II I I I I , " wavaii anu icr ociurc uuying. "AMERICAN ABICULTUIST." i tie rO- lar price of the American Agricultur ist is 11.DU per year, tor a short time I am authorised to receive subscriptions at $1.00, also to furnish the December number free to all who subscribe now or 1802. F L Kektok, sub agent. Tke City BesSaaraal. The "City Restaurant" Is the plaee to eat, You win always ana it clean and neat ; No restaurant In town with It can compare, The best meal In Albany yon can get there. Fish and game you'll always find, Best meats and delicacies of every kins'. The proprietor will always try Your every want to satisfy, So don't forget at the "City" to cal', Meals they serve o suit you all. Now bring your friends and to them show, The best restaurant In town to go; Remember when the best you want Cll at "The Citf Restaurant." Mr. Hrannln will treat you right The City" 1 open till 10 at night. Coard and lodging $4.50 per week. , A tins lins ofjerocksry war at Conn & Headriesjo's. Go to F E Allot, wnen you want some king tweet. Honey, mspiasy rap, etc. uiarus Umatilla county occupies second place In the penitentiary and asylum. Some times a cold snap Is welcome In the Willamette Valley. The one thl morning did not come atnlts just at Christ mat time. Here' tome good holiday ad vice 1 QHe wise, Concise, Have sense. Condense. "Thrice told (lets old." He brief, Kcllct) And then, Ament A substitute for real Ice has been Invent ed by an American and I being success fully used on nn English rink, If alt that Is laid ot the compoaiilon Is true the death-knell of the roller skate has been sounded, and the mysteries of cutting a figure eight and other capers now known only In regions of low temperature will be perpetrateJ by denlxens of the tropics, The following tells of a new way of treating a serious case: A Hath (Maine) book-keeper stole $500 from his employ er and lost It at ilia poker table. Ills theft was discovered, but Irutead of having the culprit arrested the firm gave htm some good advice and a check frr $50, with Instruction to leave to n. Instead ot jumping at the chance to get away from the scene of his race, the ungrateful man went back lo the poker room and loat the jo check. Then his old employers bought him a ticket to I'orllund, put him on the train and saw him off, after which they canned the poker dens to be raided. ' The deostt In the Flrat National Dank of Corvslil are given as $71,110,13, loans and d. .counts 97,071,93. The Tnnulna Post save : We arc aorry to learn that our old friend T L Duggar, of the Bcio Press, id about to retire from the newspaper Imsinosa, on account of liia fast lulling eyesight. We liad the pleasure of wltnesning that beautiful cantata "Uolsliaxzar" at Albany, on laat Friday evening. It was a grand prodtictlou ami those that failed to Bee il, uon l know wnai tncy iiitrteuu Yaquina Tost. Jild Ennls, formerly of Albany, James Nsgle, and Henry, have juat been released from a three mouths sojourn In the Itentcn county jail, canard by having aasaulted a earns beeper ot a wheel ot fortune at aquina Llty. IMKISYSJtB tsalKCM Christinas cotiiss but once a year. That of 1391 will lie remembered aa being one of tho most bo!troui dayi of the year, wised storm of snow and Bluet, -sainted bv live renlivra from the south. The evening rrcvlous had been a cool but pleasant one for ushering in Christ maa feativitU-a. The Hahhath schools o tha city hold their "ireo"entertalnments In a variety of forms, in most cases inter esting exercise preceding the main attrac tion ot etna. At the rrestiylcrian churrti these were taken from a couple hand some trees: at the M K church from handsomely decorated ladder: at the M K church Mouth from ft ureet: at tl Ilaptist church from a big fire place.ruled overbva Bcnerous Santa Claus; at tin Congregational church a tieautiiui sailing boat rolled into view at the proer time after a pretty Kindergarten chriatraai story hv Mrs Tathact. A flashily dressed hanta Claus prestiei over lite boat. At tha V I church a house in a forest scene in which lived Mr and Mrs Santa Claus who appeared on timo with their arms and house full of presents, was the at- traction. Kverywhere a generous, hut not extravagant spirit seemed to prevail with Mr Santa Clous, who nowadays con Ones himself mostly to children. Christmas night there were two at tractions. A mask hall was given by the t'hilhar monic society, at tho Opera lloue, with a B'Hxl attendance of dancers in m large variety of costumes, some fantastic and some rich. Home fine music was turn ished bv Parson & liravs orchestra. Portland. The first prize for the best sustained lady masker was presented Mia Nina Parker, asTopry; and to lie Gilbert as a hunter. At the Armory a union social was given by the Young People's Christian Kndeavor Societies of the city. The at tendance was large and the enjoyment great. Ten or fifteen table grimes were kept running and other ainueemen wera indulged in. Interspersed during tho evening were some well rendered music by the Juvenile Hand; several se lections by tho College orchestra: guitar trio, with song, by C II Hart. M Golf and Miss Half, a pretty effort; cake eating contest by nine young men won by Mr Frank Combs, who secured 1 w hole rake as a prize ; and a shadow picturo pantomine. Thia was a restau rant scene in which a Chinaman gorged himself with dogs, rats, etc., lefused to liquidate, and was sawed open and tl unpaid for meal secured. Messrs Oriel James, Klklns and Stc 11 maker were the participants. A well prepared lemon lunch was served and the well behaved company dispersed at II o'clock. X0TUE. I have this day sold to R G Wataon Co the grocery anujoommlation bastneea hr-otn fore carried on by me at the oornar of Kll srurtb and 2nd strsata,consitlng of stock of groceries, provisions, flit urea. ete. I will pay all hills iooured by ins while conduct mg ssid business on presentation. 1 re tain the book aocounts and partiea indebted to ma van oall and pay at the store nntil Dse 1st. ISO!, R G Wataon St Co receipting for me. After that date all unpaid acoonnt will be plaoed in the band of my attorney tor 001100 thiu. Nov. 2. 1301. K J Lanntma, S.ii.diBtrhotographrrs A iny irejoa. TVs have bonght si ' hauegntivt rmadeliy Li Y dark and vr h Jhroenwood tip to H 15lh, 1S89. Duplicates ean be had from hem only of us at redueed lates. We hay also about 18,000 neiativos mad by oar- selves, from which Tu pile ate can be had at llketate. We carry the on!y full Una nf viowi of thi (tat and do enlarged work at Ioweit rates for flrat crass work. Ws shall b pleased to see yon at onr 8tndio in Fromaa's niaok, nsxtdoorto Mssnnio Xrmpl. tared of Kearatgla. Lottie L Derean. East View. Westchester U0., A Y, writes: I bare been a great sufferer with pains in tha baok of my head, worse than any head ache. I conld not resoh it with eternal mediones at all oud during the oold weather i ttavs Millured exorotiatinaly. 1 finally thought I would try an Alloook's Plaster applied to the nape of my neok. In less than half a day the pain entirely oaased." There ware 19' votes east iu the Lebanon election. . Foa Sale. Twenty-tour aer trart of land, all In cultivation, suitable for prune erchard, $45 per acre. Inquire on prem ises of Wm St John, 4 miles west of Tan gent. Moheyto Loam. I have money ia sums of $500 to $20,003 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Benton counties, at lowest current rates. Ne delay in furnishing the money. U ULKEHABT, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon.. Klein Bros ean ra tke yon any ttyl of a oii or shoi yon with, and will gj. antes a ruat p, l ry them 01 a pair. ' Remember F M Frsnohcan show yea a e lin of holiday goods, inolading gold d sileer watches, silverware, jewelry, gold etaoles, ' csnes sod umbrellas, opera see, k oives forks and spoons, ete. TltH (U N STOKE Thursday night burglars entered the store of Deyoe & Fro man llros. in an Interesting manner. Securing about flftv feet of rone from the long ropo con necting the scow of tlie bridge contrac tors with theirengine, they took a pane f glass from the sky light over tne worn hot) of tha Bun store and fastening the rope descended Into tbe room, from lilclt they easily entered vim more, here they helped themselves to the following property, as nearly as can bo learned : One I U Binltli trap hammer h.aa on 11. one Foren A Week's ttenrl mndle 8M cailore revolver, two uoume arreted Derringers. Remington make, 41 calibre, several pockot knives, brand- 1 with North tleUl Co., some an ami Bin I Hi A Wesson catridges, 2 boxes 41 calibre H F catridges, one leather gun case with LW Devon's ntiuio staaipeil on case, a Ixithorwld natnple case with j ne nickel mountings, belonging to Mr , Keduke r, representative of Hubbard, Hpencer, nartlettA: (Jo., an open face gold watch case, a flue set of loading tools, and between (4 and 5 taken from the money drawer, the sample cane imd been left by Mr Iledekur the evening rovl"us, and tho sample books ana n no recur insido. all that was In It, were taken out and laid on a chair. There were only two boxes of cartridges tn the storo that would fit the Derringers, and these were taken from a largo stock of catridges, Indicating that tho robbers were posted. Hie small quantity 01 goods taken Indicated that they were after an outfit more than to get goods to sell, as they might easily liav made a big haul, instead of about $125 worth of things. After getting the goods the rob hers disappeared by the rear doors. Tracks indicated that there wero three of them ; hut yoa can t always tell about tracks. A boat belonulng to the bridge company was taken, and it was thought y some that it. was uhuu uy these men. I'lils proves to be so. One of the knlvoa stolen was found on Second street The stealing of the rope ruined a wholo bolt, as it is not safe to splice it for the purpose used. 1. W leyoe. inane r.itma, Deputy Mier- iff Smith and Mr Hodeker left in a boat down the river at 2 o'clock, arriving at Independence after dark, doing to the hoU'l they found that a man, registering a Henry Williams, had just come in, bavins: come dow n the river in a boat, On his way to the hotel he had fallen in the mud. and had hint cleaned himself. He was found to lie lite man wanted ana was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Smith. Mr Itedcker's grip sock, tho gun and all the other things were found with him, estahlishinK his guilt. Ho afterwards gave his name a iKsmpsey, clatmml to have Urn born In Iowa, lie has ten in Albany several days, was around the gun store several times, and shot the other day with the gun clah. He tells a long story, among other things tnai ne wat one of the force of men who captured Goronimo. He was brought to Albany by the men on the wiuiam M I long, ar iv nic here at I2:i today, ana was greeted by a big crowd, w ho had learned of the capture. The man. who is a stranger about 5 feet 0 inches tall. of swarthy complexion, dark muNtaehe and hair, and was well dressed. He claimed that he had nothing to do w Ith the roblierv. that there were three other men in the party, w no naa nil mm up the river, whocomuutted the robbery. While ho may ana prouabiv una assist ance, he undoubtedly was tne neoa man. Thepaity is entitled to credit for their nromtit action in cahlurinir the luiiow lKinnsev was taken m;iare justice Humphrey, waived examination 011 two charges, breaking into a building, ana larceny in a building. ana was lieM ttndc .VW on each cliarue. to await the action of the Brand jury, in default of which he will reside in the county jail until tho March term ol Circuit Court. A T A IB' IISTITITE. The f jllnalng I the report of the teach era' In.lltute at Hslaey, Oregon, Dec 1 and 19, met at the M E church at 7:3? m. The lecture by Rev Geo W Hill, of Albany, on the "Materialism of Amerl can Life, which showed that the revcr end gentle-nan waa an able and eloqucn apcaker. !lls lecture was highly enjoyed by all. Dec 19. Morning a.lon. Called to order by Prealdcnt Wllkea. Method of teaching primary reading, dl.cuaacd b AStaa Llnnle Ramsay and others. good for a teacher to play with his pupil,1 brought out quite a dlacuaalon. Afternoon aeaaton. Method of teach Inir fractions wa di.cuaacd be I'raf Wilkes. Howtotcscli writing, by M Cllne. Llnnle Ranr.say and other. "Is It beat to allow pupil to atslat one another In the preparation of lesssns." was di cuaaed at some length bv Mia Marker Supt Ruatcll, Dr Mlchener, Mist Cross and other. Evenlntr seaal jn. PmBram for th evening was well rendered, consisting of songs, declamations and recitations, parti clptted In by the pupil and teachers of the public school of Ifalsey, also Miss Ina Uarclay ol Peoria. The next meeting will be held al Hal sey, Jan s and 16 '91. TWO C AR L9ABB f Ike finrat rnraltars Sver Krs-aM Albaay. Furniture cars are bigger than other cars, and hold an immense quantity of "knocked down" furniture. One car load will fill some furniture stores Fortmiller A Irving have just received two of these cars full ot the finest stock of goods in their line ever brought to the central Willamette Valley.their increas- inn trade demanding extra goods, ltiey already had a big stock on hand. Among the new goods are many line things for tho holiday trade. Give your relatives and friends something substantial as well ns ornamental. Among these new pieces of furniture are elegant bed room sets rarlor furniture in beautiful and latest cabinets and stands, Reed rattan rockers, manv novelties too nam erous to mention, and fully two hundred 1 s r : new patterns in mournings ior pictures very artistic in makeup. They were bought in eastern factories and will be marked so low ns to Justify new picture frames for everybody. ( heap CoBfeclloaarr. Isom sells mixed candy, 2 lbs for 25 cents, 5 lbs or more at 10 cents per lb ; French mixed 20 cents or 3 lbs for. 50 cents j choice French cream candy, 35 cents per lb or 3 lbs for a dollar. Closing out a fine assortment of French briar and meerschaum pipes at less than coet, and all smoker's goods at prime cost. Fine Suitings, Mr W R Grahsm has just received a fine line of suiting tram the East, which are a fine a anything every brought here, embracing the latest patterns. He D anxious to have the pub- tic Inspect them and get prices. His long experience will enable him to suit the most fastidious. The LAoiPf Bazaar. Do not buy your Christmas presents' without calling at the Ladles Baeaar.where there is a large and elegant stock of novelties suitable for the holiday trade. Some one will receive a Christmas present of an elegant French doll, one of the prettiest aver seen in Al bany, now on exhibition at the Bazaar. LAEGE3T - ASSOBTMEST . or BEATHT0 STOVES. : AT MA-THEWS, tt 'WABIIBtrM'S stWillMtflTm May 1) seen the nest . stock of AA I II AAA VA, WIUAAA M onlA .nA .jlvar watches, diamond and other rings, jew elry, silverware, &c, in the city. REVERE HOUSE. ILBANY, - . OREGON iHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, Fitted up to. llrst-elass style. Tables supplied wlv a tho beat in the market Nic sleeping: apartments, Sample room or oommaroial travelers, HOME ARB ABROAD TttUftHOAr. Oioirui is tho fourth hop producing stats in th U 8, There were twnnty six fiatioriat bank failu as for the' ysai andiug Nov 1. Four Kuicoe wero ar'estnd for playing tsn tne, and plead not guilty, of coarse. Aaoordtng to a time honored custom there will be no pupor issued at th Dbmociiat office tomorrow. At a O. A R fair lint held for sevnral wsoks at rJslem the total rrrsipts woro $1133 and the expctis-s 1700. A D 11 hum hnifer at a most muknt ia Ha'om weighed 1 l'J4 pounds drescd and 2110 pounih when alive. A show in itself, A bUtntkey shoot ha been in progress during the day near tho depot. Atthese sluots mHii got turksy choap if thoycan hoot; but theavorag" pries is all right for tba proprietor. A district tnnchoi tuatitiitu Is to ba h!4 in Kuaene on Duo28ih. rrcirtoi.t K N Cotidit, of this oily, i the program fr a lentil ra, Supnrlnt'-lidSMt Jlunsell Ir a pspi r on Higher Kdunsliou. Ilmiides tho Hjlihath schools heretofore atiiiimocod tho M K chinch Month will give a tree fuatival tonight at 7r)0 o'elock, but there wilt be some gnseral exoroiins earlier to whioh all am invitd. The ''ChrUtmos Fortst" will attract the attention nf all. Ths Attorisn say: A team of horses belonging to Dean Dlanubard were instantly killed under very peculiar cireuaistanees at Rsnier a few days ago A tres that was being fulled by somr. workmen was swung around by the wind, fell aerors the head of on and the neck of the other animal, and than sprung bsek, and now stands aboat igbt feet shove where tho team stood, A DoL Tmiep. Vomc person entered the tool bouse In the Albany cemetery vesterdav about i o'clock, and stole an overcoat belonging to George Harris, who wss hclrdnir to bury a man by tne naie of Ronme. The coat was a new one, ha v Ing been worn but little. Alm.vny's bTocKivo. If Albany's locking were hung op tonight we predict tt would be -well hlled wltli stmatantiai nrcsenls lor the com'.nt: yesr. This year ol continued ffrowtn ano advancement . . - . will be followed by another much bet'er one. A. bltf lliine in inu aiocamB wouiu be a tjood many mile of Oregon Pacific railroad towards Jlolac City. IJok out for t8;,a. SATt'ttnAY, A big s'orm provstltd at the Hjy yeater day. Chas Niakrl, editor of tui lacktouvili 1 imra, pays taxes on fi 1,123 tbu year Tbe Wru f Ili.g uolt a scow at I.incolm yeatrday a id will l,3 a Si')) It 8 i.)) aul 01 ha.i I. rour btauchee wore takei from tu e.nak room, with oats, laat uigbt by mis Uko. lit turn t Ilea C.'elaa. Ltwantbit. St C. ot San rranoiaeo. have fallad on aaa in nr. of tl. drop in the wheat market. W F Rad hsaouend a t ooeral m rohan dtso storo at (lalmvi ln in tho building form ony oucupia.1 nj u t.- a-jiila. Tbe II vesr ol 1 sun of Mr kau.-l. Iir..wt i!i-, ha bean take 1 I j tha tefor.11 .cho.l, at th in-ttoca of Ilia m Martha J Thurnton h. P.,!t,at firova (ir $7.1)0 damioi eautol b ti.e breaking t.f a tag wbdt tairig.tio, tbeaU-eta oyer a bad ti towa k. There is cna witf. one 1 taid. ono ailrar eotd and Ihrt boo a tnitatng lie m tha out fit t-f l;..!.bitztr. W11 tho s havinr tbe amo relarn thorn at onio. Owing to acknets in hi. fmdv Dr O C Awbrey derirea to state t b j tiatoua and ths pubUo generally h wi.I not raume bis pio.'oasionsl dalle until Jan. i:h next. His fsmily ers all revri:i froui thr late siokor.s. CaptWinaut has acid tha toimr Mia- cliof tot'ptC, of Viotiiria, aod atilod for there tho Brat of the wi?k tvdaliver hir to her now ownr. Tho one pai l, we on dorstaa I, was 93.-J0. Ysq-iins PoU Conlraebir Plica left Tuesday morning for Omaha, Nb., turning near everthing here to hi ana Torn, tbe diteh 0 impa iy hsv . log sooeptej bun at a meeting Monday night, and agreed lo git him arm! July lt to complete th snatraut. L banoo Krproaa. Wiil & Stark. A'.s J. wclnra. Choic-at and f, -pt aandios a'. I.nn,' All kinJ f tu!t 13 eta. per pmo I or 4 pound, fx 50 osm 1 1 a; Km'a Jaoia bM e.r.d at retail at who!sta! priort. C I' ii-I boounvineeJ. Don't fotf! t to Pill at tha Lsda fiazaar for jur u ful holiday prtceat. Tby have a Urfce a-rlactioi at low price. Ask f jr Cmceut lea at F E Alien's. Frth rs:rd co3e at F E Allen's. The beat maat ooffra ia Ui city at Conred oviysr a. Repairing nuatly d na bxt store. t the largs gill So th big Bifaar. Freccll d.-ll at ths Ladies Alhm Itn aalaay keep their cuatomera at phed with fresh butter and erga. Ia th hcet f eprctacN- and eye-gl Fretch, thejeweur, laid. Udie. Oxford tics at greatly reduced rate at Kit in Bro. Meat lasofd. A larga liu ef elegant gold watahe ia taty nvw.traT al Wdl A Stark'e. Magaolia ayiup, tbe flneat in the mirk at i a quantities to suit at F Allen's. Holin A Akin, druggut at Frtcob's earner, hsve a large line of choice holiday goods, which they are selling very low. Ladies Oxford tic at Klein Bros. Cheap sat ia the oily. Will be sold at greatly re duced rates. Hall' Vesetsbts Sicilian Ilair Ronewer I unqueetionably tbe best preservative cf the hair. It is alo curstive of dandinff, tetter, and all seslp affections. All I inds of ' choice eatiug and .cooking apples at Allan Bros. Ton can get th wcrth of yonr money ny buying vour watches and clocks at M French's, th oorcer jewelry (tore. With hi new bakery CooraJ Meyer able to offor old and new enstomer sttry thing firetolasa in baked gondi. Decidedly th largest and choicest variety of tea in town is at C K BrrwneU's. Son driad, basket fired, g-cen, b ack, Knglish ore a 1 oar, n Conn Si Underwood, successors to Wilcox. . j 1 . , , . . aia rrpareu to ao nrit-eissa pnotocraphio wcrk at their gallery at Second and Ferry ; .1. ... - rect. uive tnam a trial. OOOOOOOOOO OGOOB NEWS Q For the millions of consumers of Q oTntts Pills, o It clve lr. Tutt ple-sara to an- tf nounoo that be is now putting ap a O TINY LIVER PILL P Owhlch la of exceedingly anuall aim, -. yet mtaining all tha virtues of tho sj lsvrirer anea. (Guaranteed purely O-egt'tublo. Uoth aiaea of t heart ptl la f aru atlll laued. The exact also of OTUTT'8 TINY LIVER PILLS fa 1 .how u in the border of thi "ad." OOOOOOOOOO Albany Manufacturers o- IEAM ENGINES CRIST ANO SAW ILL MACHINERY IRON MtONTS AIO ALL KINDS OF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN (ROM ANO BRASS CASTINGS. seelitl attention jald o - peering ;1 ds o' manhlner fj Short t'aUwrns Made on Notice -' , FOSHAY & MASON ' ' . BSpiiSLAU aaa aaan- Oraggistsand Booksellers, Attn, m for John B. Alden'a publications, alileli we soil at publisher's prices whb -tAzead lay' ALBANY, US-tiOB Services Tomobrow. Rev J 0 Tern pie ton, of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, will preach at the M K church Kodth tomorrow morning and evening. The public are cordially invited. Mr O P Coflhow. ir. will lead the meet- rig for men tomorrow afternoon at 4 'Clock In the WOT U hall. Hnbinet for consideration, ''The birth of Christ." All men ate Invited to attend. Subject of the morning sermon at the Presbvterlan church will be: "Reasons for not being Anxious " In the evenlntr the topic ot the discourse will be "How Great ness dwindles Into Littleness. Kabbath YPSCE meeting t 6:45 pm. All wilt be made welcome to bene scylces. a a ar 1. (Bear siaiab. If Hcllwala Offers Basse Battens rrlees. He makes lhs following reductions In sugar for cash: 17 lbs dry granulated for $1.00. ao lbs extra O white for $1.00, 23 lbs extra C golden for (100, Hera are some wholesale prices: 100 lbs extra golden O (4 ct. 100 lbs extra U white O iU els, leo lbs dry granulated Q jt. He will also sell a five gallon keeo pickles for 90 cts. GotoOC McFrlaod for aadlery. bar ness, whip., robea, alt kind of hor.e cloth ing eta, etc. Ladio, do yon wiab yonr lair to ty f Ij our, if so get a bottle o Fr i.c h cti'tin lit Mr uvmsn s FACTS ABOUT THE TEA WK DRINK. But few people know that there Is snck a taint as san-earad tea, la Bxtatenes, aa4 fa-war hayealt. Hut tbers 1. aad It Is of all tss Iks iwoetatt. Barest, aad ssost frafraBt Tea auk at ane how it I that It U not efJr4 lar al and that yea w nothinf ef It That Is answered eaally; but It is r.rat a few soUila. Tb yaMls only kaww two csaeral elaasa. via, th STa aa tke l:m'K tea. Greea Taaa rsr rsapl know that the brltbt bluliV sneB eolor el tb ordinary teas aipoead la tha windows is not tba Batnral eolot. Va p!ra.ant a tb fact aaay be, it I Mvarrhalea artlSeUl; .rrsaelaa klu. niea, BTBSBss, plumhafi, aad other DbaaJthful shtatal ool ,tt being aaad for thi parpoaa Tbaaffaat I twofold. ItswtonlyBuUastbstsasBtifht, tklny, a'Uactivsfreen, but also parmltatbs us of "off color" and wortble teas, wfclck, oue ander lb graB a leak, are raadQy worked off at a good qaallty of tea. Ttisslsriu inabte eolorlag praeUee area adaalta of tbs ua of furalf o snbstaaeas, and tbs EnrUah goyaroraeiit, wbleh looks eloss Uu th gn- Bioenea ol I: (taple than obis, ba ia of tb alleged " Sueat - et teas fosad rodrtoa 1TC. draw, frermaota of aBBtUog, tlas hu.ka, and willow laave. In f act, it U opaaly slaved by aa EngUsb astborlty that buodrsda of tboB'audi of Boaads of sloe, aab, aod wll tow leaves ar annually Inportad a tea. wblch wltboot tb coloring process would b Impoaalbla. They report Ira aa oue of tha moat noturlwidy adulterassd articles of com a area. Tb tarapuulon to uak weeptnr sod bad tea into a merchantable product with a few cents' worth of graea coloring matter is too atroag to sHUttUisd. aad tbe worthleiiness of tb tnuh that often Bods it wsy to this mar ket labeled New Crop," -Best Qaallty,1 ' Craen Tea," ete.. would (Imply aatoond tb pub!! If revealed, to aay nothing of tb a- bealtMulnea of th FrmaaUta bias, plum baco, rrpna, and th other m In and colors that ar sapioyad. Blaek Taaa. Tb baakat aad paa-firad Japan taaa, as wU as tha ChJoa tea that may b locluded under t-s gacaral beading of "blaek taaa," get tbaUr salor from tba firing or loaatiag process, bat mineral coloring a-aUar ia alao fraqaaatly naad ta gir a oartain desired aommarel-l appsarancs, Tbs flrtag and tba coloring, as ia the (rasa taaa, largely conceal ths Iden tity ef lbs tea. and permits tbs ns of tb vsryebsapest leas, to orgae notbintafortbs deteriorating affect of exeaaal va firing Jwhleb msat b raaarted to when a vsry cheap prod Bet is aaad and aa extreme color daalrad. Beaer.'e Taa (Snn-dried). ConcarnlDC san-drled teas tb people ot th Paetfle Coast bava beard but llttl and know leas, altboagh tt ia e-tausivsly used where it Is known and underatood. W ars told that whan tea is o poor It cannot ba old at horns or safely shipped to thwC-gUab mark ate. It 1 hipped to Amerlea; that ws will drink any thing. That may possibly b ana ot tb res asn w bay not been offered son-dried teML Tbay wars good snoog h to sand alaawhsr. Tba sen-dried taaa being ann-carad, aa oloriug matter 1 aaed, bane nothing bat uta tear ean ba am ployed; foe nas (krtad by Baanlp-uUlow or eolortng. all at tempt at ad alteration or ths Introduction of tswaiga leave or malarial would be bold and glaring. Trial tt ta, therefor, tweeUr and fal mora fracraut than tba artifleially colored rreea teaa and tba manlpalated baaket or pan-Crad tea., yon hardly need b told. That il 1 more healthful than tba mineral-colored tees, U alto apparent That it ia mora ex pan si c, is alio trus; aad that is another reason you bar never seen it There Is net so mack profit in lt a tbers U in tb cheap ad altar s'. l and eolored teas. Aboat ths Coat cf Teas. According lo tb caitom-hon-e rc-orts, tba amoant of tea received at San Francisco last year f isso) was S,M0,137 poandaT and tha vala S9M,7?e, or a fraction over IS per poand. Tba eortiumer, of which tb reader wa on, pcld for that Vc tea an tba way from Me t II par pound. In other words, tor that f M,M worth of tea tbeeonsnraar paid between four and flr million of dollar. Then ar yonr enoraoa profits, aad tbers yoa will probably Cud the chief raaaon why moat of yoa never beard of ami dtJ.u. Aa th run-dried tea bar bo raaak, they ar compelled to b abeo lute'AT para and ot better qaallty than tb flclally colored and manipulated teas. Hence tba margins on them are smaller, and many dealer don't ears about handling them, ind yon know rwablng about them. But lt Is lb objoct of this article to tell yoa where yon ean get tbam, and what to ask for, and aU aboat them. EecaTB. "Beech's Tea," gua-auteed to be tha par run-cured leaves, t now offered to tha people of tba racifle Coast It wiU ba a .revelation to yoa. Yon doubtless never saw any nat ural leaf, liar your grocer break open a I eckape. It w III be foand In color to ba Just bstween tb artificially colored greea and tba black teas, and tbe drawn tea presents a clear, brilliant canary color, ot delightful fragrance. It 1 offered to lb peopl at 60a per poand, th same pries that many artifl eially colored teas are told for. But it guar anteed purity makes it mora economical to uie; for a leis quantity, say about twenty grains, lis required per cup. As there ox 7,630 grains to a pound, there will b aaea to be between three and fonr hundred cap to tba pound, or at th rata of about on fifth of a cent per cup. It economy 1 therefore manifest It is put ap in one-pound packagea only, in patent air-tight and moUtara-proof parchment, with th trademark that is fonnd ' at the bottom ot this artlcl plainly printed on th package. It la sold In this form for two reason; en Is, that tb original strength and aroma It preserved: and sseond, there can b no deception, wblch would be qaita possible if it were Bold in bulk, without tha nama and trade-mark attached. Caution. , t. Itecollect that th margin of profit la so much smaller on Beech' par snn-drid teas than on th artificially eolored teas that yoa won't get it lt tsa by any otkar nam aaa ba put off on yoa. Ask for If yonr grocer does not bars it, b will get It for yon. Pries soe per pound. Th above trade mark and pries 1 plainly printed ea each package. . Perhaps tba best way to cat K is to go whara yon know they have it and ar willing to sail it For instance, lt can b had without OA cultr at NOTICEiOF FINAL SETTLEMENT. VTOTICH IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TJW 1 deralgned administrator of the estate of Wil liam Cyrus, deceased, have filed with the Conntv Cierk, for Linn county, Ororon, their final account In aaid estate and th esurt ha fixed the 8th day of January, 1892, . tha hour of 1 e 'clock p m, for tha hearing et jbJetlon thereto, II aay, and for th aeiucweni ot sua estate, HENRT CTRUS, 1 H PEEHY. J K WEATHERFORD, Administrator. Alt; for Adai'rs, BEECTEfia 'PureAsWhoodJ "German Syrup" Ihavebecnafirreat Asthma. sufferer from Asth ma and severe Colds every Winter, and last Fall my friends as well as myself thought because of my feeble condition, and great distress from constant cough ing, and inability to raise any of the accumulated matter from my lungs, that my time was close at hand.. When nearly worn out for want of sleep and rest, a friend recommend ed me to try thy valuable medicine, ' isoscnee a uerman Syrup. I am con fident it saved my life. Almost the first dose gave me great relief and a gea'lc re Gentle, Refreshing Sleep. freshing sleep, such as I had not had for weeks. Mycough began immedi ately to loosen and pass away, and I myself rapidly gaining in health and weight. I am pleased to inform thee unsolicited that I am in excellent health and do cer tainly attribute It to thy Eoschee's German Syrup. C B. Stickney, Picton, Ontario." O ItEALM RIT- PEOPLE Say the S. B. Cough Cure is tho best thing they ever caw, Wo are not flattered, for we knnw that real merit will win. All we ask is an honest trial. For Pale by FOSIIAT fc tlAKON, Albany, Oregon. Caveats, and Trade-Mark oMalnei and aU Fat ant bts.lnr. eondncted for MoSarat ft. Our Office la Opposite U. S. Patent OKc. and we ran seror patent ta less time than those remote from Waablnrtun. bend model, drawing or photo- wi'Jl descrip tlon. We adrlae, if patentable or not free ot eharee. Our fre not doe till patent is seaired. A Pseiphlet, -How to Obtain Patent," with Bamea (ifaetn'J clients In your Slate, count-, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.8NOW&CO. 0r7tit Pzttet 09 c. rViihtacton. 0. C aaAf-aa Scientifle Amerlcaa -t, Aaency tor i CAVCATS. TRADE MARKS, COPY KiCHTS. etc Tor rnfnrmatlon axd tr-o Handboo!: wtte to MINX B tO, 3BI UROADWAT. MW VOHST. Oldest bare a fcr aecunne pat nta tn Annm. Kvarr patent takon out by ns ta bnmeht befora Un pobUc by a nouea gt.en tree ol c-anr In too I .arrest elmitailen of any sdpaUfe parr IB tha world, plandidiy illastnue-.l. Ko iniellieant man should be ait bona tt. Waeklv . a.ll a year: I.Su atx -x-ntli. Al A CO, 1C bus-nu, 3d Urtia-way. aew York. TWO MEN AND OXE BOY FOUND DEAL!! iVhile trying to Crowd theii WAY IWTC- SiyOEaFaOfalAFlBROS Store, where they always have on hand he largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved . Rifle and Shot itint; an immense stuck ot tuning Tackle of every Jescriptlon; Tents, Mammocks, Camp Chair and thousands f ether thing too numerous to mention .Repair Shop aa connection with the Store, and one ot e best workmen In the fctate to do any td ail kinds of work. Cosne one Corae al. No rouble to how goods. "Small profit and quiet aWn ta out Giotto. FORTf.ilLLER & IBVINC, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming done Scientifically. Albany, Oregon. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18Q1, 1802. first Ternpee Bepteaaber Bit. ISM. A full eorpaof Insh-uctora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. f oaraea ot study arranged to meet tb all asades of students. Sftl inametmmts offend lo student t from abroad. - , BtT. ELBE ST N CXa1T rrealdeat. p.,B.:i.i.,!.Bj.Bi.,::ii::::a pi . . . TKi CELEBRATED , . . . g I d a a' is Tha Finest Small Arm Ever Manufactured lllllllllllllf il III 1 in - "" fnr I uunnniLll', WCRKMAKSHIP and ( UUNVcNlENt r In VV L0ADIN8 and iAFETY. Beware of chean Iron lmhatir.a s . . J Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price lh,t to -SrVIITM & WESSON, XritJXfFllSLl, MASS. Big O Is aetnowledgedi the leadjnff remedy lot Vooorri leeos at: .) The only e remedy for EjeaeosThersarW bite T ..I.-. rtha Hand -.-a tn n ,1 a VR Saaraatw sat 1 .aw. auisnn. safe In r ooraraeoUiug It TwEEMHsCHCMlfli'ifa to. all sufferers. Vrseahrsy . tSNCISSTI,0l A. J. til ON Eli. H. D.. V I. BBCATtJB. lUa 1 Solrl ty Irn r !U4a. aaZ aural K - Stanard&'Ouaii .Agonts t xSfcrVel -ry t5$S ill B-MaS-BBBaBBBBBBaaaL "S: SflfJiBrV. I AS. J a--arfrg3aN. tif i aadac-a-jl B lL-