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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1892)
She 'sBflttMwf. FRIDAY JANUARY 1, 189 2 LOCAL UECOUI). That hi'UMiT Kobbiiit. Uecenlly we published a dispatch from the Summit on the Oregon Tactile alut tte roblry of Mr Hrown, the which ho lout t3.rU of hi own money and IV) r( W. V, money. The Corvallis TinfVs give the following wonderful account of how it happened: "On the night of Dec 23rd Mr lirown and Mra Katie Poat at the hoar of about 11 o'clock were netted on a lounge at her residence a short distance from the Summit station. MrHrown claim that he had twenty IT 8 note of the enumeration of $ 'JO each when Mr Katie took her position on the lounge by hi side. It i certain that Mr ltrown took it for granted that Mrs Katie wa actuated by love and affection toward him and in a modest way submitted to her embrace, ami perchance went through the trying ordeal with much inirgivinc. It ia expressed out at the Snntnuta a"Kcntle laying on ot hands, Mr lirown, in tome mysterious way, waa done np brown, for a he placed hi vest under hi pillow, he discovered his pocket book bad been "otwsquatulated' and the (400 waa t. Mrs Katie waa arrested on the charge of robbery of the siuu from Air nrown, ami is now hem to answer upon that charge before the next grand jury." Ito It Easily. Thos Whalen escaped from the penitentiary in the following very cool and deliberate manner, accord ing to the Journal : His first act Inst night was to pick the lock of his cell. raine himself up to the ceiling where contractors on the new cell had cut holes through into the attic, lie drew up a rope and tackle, broke out a venti - lator, got out onto the roof, and let him self down into the prison yard by the puller. He now went through the foundry where he has worked, rummaged over Superintendent Kuhen'a office, secured a complete change of clothe, in cluding Bookkeeper Fleming's hat, and got up on the roof of the furnace build ing where he removed a ladder with w hich he went down and scaled the prison wall. PaixsviLLK Stvls. The following from the Review has a healthy ring to it "The Christmas tree held at Union church last Thursday evening waa a f;rand festival for the little folks, and the carts of many adults were also made glad. Every child in Trineville was the recipient of some gift prevented by a committee appointed for that purpose. And in this connection we venture the assertion that there is not another town or community in our great state of Ore gon that has more of the milk of human kindness and generosity than has our little town of l'rineville. The children most needing presents were the one that were bounteously remembered by the committee, and that too by present that ero useful. A Good Exampli roa Both. About twenty-one yeara ago there passed through Albany a strange lad, atwut fifteen years of age. Although penniless, be was on hs way from Eastern Oregon to college. 11 i slouch hat, thread I re coat, and worn out boots, gave the boy an appearance that was anything but at tractive. He was next seen ith a knap sack and blankets on hi back plodding hi way through the mud of a back street in Corvallis. He next figures as a student and janitor in college. He graduated step by step, rinina from one position to another. The lad grew into a thoroughly rounded manhood, a hose services rank among the first in his pro fession. We have reference to l'rof J B Horner, who will next Monday step into an important position in the Oregon Agricultural college. A Smattckcd Lto. Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock a pistol shot was heard in the Celestial "hoarding houe.n adjoining Schrreer' livery stable. It was learned ! that "Heenan mil." a well known Chi new gambler, a high toned Celestial, had been shot In the leg by a JH calibre revol ver. The Celestial, a veil as his com panion, claimed that he had been shot ccidentally while handling Ihe revolver. It 1 probable they had been gambling, and the shot wa the remit of a gaining row. j Nothing could be learned from the China men, who are always reticent on such occaslons.and from whom nothing reliable can ever be learned about such matters. The shot was a very bad one, completely shattering the right leg below the knee so badly that It probabl cannot be set. l)i Masion was called and fixed it up tempo rarily, until a Chinese doctor could be secured from Portland. As they know nothing about surgery at alt the chances are the Celestial will lose the leg below the knee entirely. Pharmacists. Messrs Louis G Clarke W B Welch and D J Fry who compose, the Oregorl state board of pharmacy, have just announced the results of their last biennial examination, which was held at Salem, Dec 7th. Eight applicants took the examination, and four were successful. Of these four gentlemen two or mora had failed on a previous occasion, but not dis couraged, they went home and buckled down to hard study, 'thus it can be seen that the work of answering the many Intricate questions is rot mere play, as many people imagine. Journal. Grange. Electiox. Charity grange has elected the following officers: Master, Marlon Kizer: overseer, George Drinkard; secretary, Bob Miller; steward, Charlie Kizer; A 8, Joe Bishop; chaplai.i, John Pesrl; treasurer, J ode Pear!; secretary, George Bela;G It, Gay Wigle; Cere, Rachael Belt; Pomona, Mr Knight; Flora.Mlr.nle Drinkard; L A S, May B.l lenger; organist, Martha Klzer. Officers will be Installed the third Saturday In January. Entirely Overcome. Born to tSe wife of C Y Benjamin, of Roseburg.edltor of the Plalndealer, two boy. Demo cratic friend object somewhat to uch extensive expansion of the republican voting list" boasts the editor: but as the kid only offret Judge McFadden' demo cratic twin In Benton county there t nothing to brag about. Encampment Officers. At the reg ular meeting of Orgeana Encampment No 5, I O O F, held last Friday evening the following officer were elected for the ensuing term: G W Wright, CP. J a II Lawler, S W. Henry firoder, J W. C W Bears, Scribe. E A Parker, Treasurer. W M Ketchum, J F Backlnsto and Willi. Glllet, Trus'ee. A New Firm. Mr A J Hodgea baa bought a half interest in the drug busi ness of Mr O L Blackman, and the busi ness hereafter will be ran by the firm of uiacxman a 1 lodges. Mr Blackman with Frank Good ha booeht tha retail de partment of Blumaur A Frank, of Port- lanu. ana wm, alter a lew weeks, remove bia family to that place. Waa Bkmembered. Probably no one in Albany waa more delighted over bia Christmas present than one of the pris oners in me county jail, uiiarlea Louden received a package from hia parent was the happiest boarder at the hotel do Hcott. A Far Divided. Mr Jaa Roberta baa a old about 300 acres off bia big farm near flhedd to a new comer from the East, for $7,600, and now baa 500 remaining for hia own use. The big farms of the county will gradually be cut up into smaller farms in this manner, and that la what the county needs. Died. Mrs E J Wldoughby, cf llsrrls- burg, died at West Point, In Lane county, Sundav. Dec. 27. at 11:30 a m, of con sumption of the bowel after a lingering illness of 11 months. She wa about 30 year of age. The Portland Mercury, referring to an article in the Democrat, cays it could raise hade by publishing the content of It waste basket. It iut about does 11 w lthout the waste basket. For bargain in monuments, headstont ete.,gou h W Achisont Co,AIbany,Orcg( "Room for TittLtrta". J II Babcock the McKemle man afflicted with leprosy ha been taken away, and we congratulate the people of Lane county, and especially those o the upper McKentle, upon the same. He was brought here last Monday evening at o o'clock then a private con veyance was hired and he wa taken te Junction City, at which point he took the north bound overland train at 8:So a m Tuesday and made the trip through to Seattle, Wash., without Incident. At that city he was placed on board a small steamer and conveyed to Pott Blakely, Wash., where he was taken aboard 4 ship, loading with lumber at that point for the Srndwich Islands. A cabin had been built on the deck ot the ship previously to his arrival, where he Mil' be confined dur Ini the trip to Honolulu. After hi ar rival at tha'. place he will be taken to the government leper hospital, and confined, until the regular semi-annual gathering ot leper takes place, when .Habcock will be convened to Molachl, the home of those atmcted with that terrible disease the leprosv. At that place he will die, for no person subject the disease has ever been known to escape therefrom. Guard. Burglar at Tvrnrr. Some tramp who Incline to house breaking went Into four business place at Turner the past week. At Cornelius' drug store they secured a $15 watch. At Shank's grocery they got tour cent. At John Wlttchen1 disappeared, lor which they politely left a receipt. At Earle's hardware ktore they got In and rummaged about some but nothing wa taken, such property I liable to get them Into trouble. It I time they gave Turner a rest. Journal. Instead of being tramp the thief was undoubtedly the man Dempster, In jail In thl city lot robbing the city gun store, lie had been hanging i round there, and some ot the goods stolen were found on him when arrested and brought to Albany. He was recently discharged from Fort Canby and has hi paper with him. Ha Hah Hcaro Murphy. The follow ing from the Sunday Welcome, of Port land, It what one of Murphy' converts, a noted gambler, said to a reporter: "I am sick of the gambling business. I have quit gambling and liquor forever because l desire to lead a different lite. I am ur rounding myself with different associate shall never again know the haunt that have held me back from the prosperity du every Western man of energy and Integrity I expect a reponlble position soon, and, 'God helping me,' 1 will try to deserve the trust reposed in me. Several thousands of us now wear the emblem of sobriety bequeathed to usbv Mr Murphy, and I hope to be the !ast to dampen that mblem with thepoUon of rum or stain It by crossing the gambler' threshold." A Rklic Bishop Morris ha recently discovered a relic in the Coquille coun try that ha a very sinvuinr and Inter esting history. It is an old, large folio Bible and lrayer book tound together. that was in use in Trinity Church, New York City, before the rev lution. It was printed In London in 1723. and con tains, besides the Bible and English priver book, Pternhold and Hopkins' version of lsalms,with metrical versions of the Te Deom, Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments. It has aUo a form of Family Prayer in which the word "So mote it be" take the plac; of the ordi nary Amen. It is bound in thick oak boards, with heavy brass clasps, and bears many evidences of itn age and hardships. SiGNiriCANT. Mr Wallas Nash, of the Oregon Pacific while In the city todey. In speaking with an Albany man 'about the train blockades said substantially "1 sup pose we will be having the same trouble a the Southern I scific neat winter when we get to running train over the Cas cades," a significant remark. There I little doubt lljat the O P wi!l be pushed during iHtjl. Card or Thasss. I, with my family, wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all thoMe neighbors anil friends, wiio so kindly lent a helping hand during the late a miction of our beloved wife and mother, and who assisted in the last rad rites, the barial of ojr loved one. NrwtoX Het sTox asd Family. I im Siitikc. Mr W R Gtahsns ks just received a fine line of suiting tram the East, which are as fine as anything every brought here, embracing the latest pattern He I anilou to have the pub lic Inspect them and get prices. His long experience wilt enable him to suit the most fastidious. A New Serticb. A daily water gauge service ha been established at Albany. Under it a daily report will be made of the rise and fall of the water in the Wil lamette at this city. An officer will be appointed for the purpose. No appoint ment has yet been made. Just received new ant opened for retail a C E Brewaeir tb following Chow Chow, Cooking Molasses, Pickle in vinegar, Salt Herring, Salt white tub, Salt salmon. The Key to Success. Tha'. is what we all want. It Is'nt luck, for there I no such thing. It is principally being care ful about small things 'r instance, the buying of the best quality of groceries, fruit and produce for family use, at the smaller cost. This count in the lorn; run. Those who deal with Conn Hend ricsori report bargain both in quality and price. 1 ney a 10 nave a nne line of crock- cry ware, toys, etc, suitable for the bellday trade, which It will pay the public, to'call and see before buying. A very appetising T, A very evrprisiag T, y vice, est waetiag Beautiful tatioa ' Yr fin flavored T, Aod a large and eboioe stock of groecri. fro its aod baked good, at Parksr Bros. A food resolution is never to bay without first giving them a call. Holiday Gcod. A Una line day good may be seen at G L of holl Black- man. Hi plush good particularly are fine, embracing a variety of handsome articles, which shculd be seen by all buy ing holiday goods. After a prosperous season the citizen of Linn county will desue to present their friends with the best to be obtained. Mr B'ackman can accom modate them with a fine a line of holiday good as is to be seen an v where. A SnoR Itek. R E Youne has inst re ceived a large stock of shoes, for men, women and children, Including parties larly a fine line of school shoe The best makea in the market an be found in hia shoe department. Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros. GotoOC MoFarland for s id lory, tur ns, whip, roboa, all kiucU of h re doth -ing etc, etc. A floe line of orookery war st Coon ft Hendrieou'. KxLLoee SenooL. TaeKelloggschoo ef dress cutting at corner of Flrstana Baker in the Ralston house U now open. Lesson not limited. Ladles are lavlted to call and examine the sys'em. For Sale. Twenty-tour acre tat et land, all In cultivation, sultan' e tor prune rchard. Sic per acre. Inqutie on prem le of Wm St John, 4 miles west of Tan- geat. . It is actually economy to drink Besoh's Tea. being absolutely par, it Is maob stronger than th artiliol a tea, about one third ! of it, or about twenty grain, be 1113 eqnied per cap. As there are 7,680 grain to a poand, there will be seen to b between three and four haadred caps te th poand a it is not 00 cents per pound this i at th rat of about on fifth of a cent per cop. For sale at AHo Bro. Cheap Ceafeetteaary. Isom sella mixed candy, 2 Iba for 35 cents, 5 lbe or more at 10 centa per lb: French mixed 20 centa or 3 lba for 50 centa ; ctolce French cream candy, 30 centa per lb or 8 lba for a dollar. Closing out a fine assortment of French briar and meerschaum pipes at lees than cost, and all smoker's goods at prime coat. HlAIARD KBSOKAfc MONDAY. MU Grace Piper, of Seattle, I In the of Seattle, city. Chas Cuslrk left this noen for hi Ca cade ranch Mr Henry William returned this noon irom a trip to San Francisco. K F Ashby, the Portland real estate Kent, wa In the city today. The Misses Shult returned to Portland this noon, after spending Chi 1st mas with ineir parent. Prof Horner, of the State Agricultural College, was In the city today on his wav to the district school teacher convention at Eugene, The engagement of Flora Lewis, of llensburuh. Wash- formerly of Alhanv a staler of Mr Ignata Fox, and ocph M Martin, of Tacsma, t announced, . Capt Van Alstlne, one ot Eugene' leading cltlaens, who ha been In the city several days, went to Portland this noon to meet Mr Van Alstlne. who. though. I in Albany, several rear ago three Albany young men, young more or less, were bantering each othei about getting married, and the order wa arranged. Two of the young men are married and the . other will be before 180a, but th order wa exactly re versed, Indicating that marriage la Indeed a lottery, and you can't most always some time tell. Eight year ago the Democrat pub- I lulled a list of thirty-four young men for the young ladle to choose from on so count ef their leap year privilege. The result was the marriage of twenty-five of the nuinber,lncludlng the one to be married to-morrow, friday another leap year will begin. Bud Thoir.nson, who so cleverly cap tured Abe Jones, the stage robber and counterfeiter In Warner valley last week, delivered hi prisoner tale'y to the au thorities, although he had no assistance. He will be liberally rewarded fcr hi prow esa, s It I said that there was a reward of RiSoo for Jones' capture. Ex. Thomp- son wa well known In Albany year ago where, we understand, he resided far awhile. On New Year eve., Thursday, Dec 31st, the Y P C E of the U P church will, at a social party, present "Aunt Dinah' Husking Party," a mixed er.tertalnment, full of fun, with the stage arranged as for an old fashioned husking bee. The corn hat been secured, and It will only cost two shillings to see the bee and a well watch the old year out, Mr H J Hopkins, of Albany, and Mrr Chas Riley, of Salem, led "the grand march at Salem Thursday night at the Soclil club's ball. The Statesman says: "This march wa one of the prettiest frat urts of the program and elicited applause not only fom the dancer but from the many friendly specta'.ois ht were pres ent. The movement were all new and strikingly hant'eome and well arranged for such a large rariv. The leaders were warmly congratulated! for their efforts." TCRHDAY. Prof Russell and President E N Con Jit. went to Eugene toJay to attend the teacners Institute. ( M Weitfall. UUnon's well known liveryman, and H Klnuu of Waterlo), were doing Albany this forenoon. T L Rice and bride, passed through Albany yesterday for their new home at Wolf Creek, where Mr Rice has mining interest. Mattie Mitchell will be married to the Count de Rochefoucauld on February 1 1 th. They should come to Oregon on their wedding tour. Mr Hill, of Harrl.bu.g-, was In Ihe city thb Afternoon, on hi way to thet'ateades t look after his brother, J F HIP, who wa loot In the nioun'sln Is-1 week. Or Maton received adUpatch lodav in. nounclng the dangerous lllnrst of Mr John Kier, at Corvallis, and wIM lea for there tomorrow morning. Mr Mel Young left for Orvatll. this af ternoon, where he has accepted a pusltlun under the O P. and will probably be as signed to the docks at Salem. Licenses have been Issued for the mar riage of Win B McCortnick and E Latine Allen; witness, LN Allen; It R Forbt-s and Lilly E Porter; witness, F T Porter; Geo W Bond and Fanny O Pearl; wit ness, J S Van Winkle ; lavid Foren and Emma A Graham ; witness, W EHavage ; C H Dalrvmple and Kate M Aiken, cere mony to take place at W T Hearst's at 6-30 this evening. Besides the above, one of Corvallis' live young business men and a popular young lady of Albany are to be married tomorrow morning. WED!ESfAY. E L Power, of Brownsville, wa in the city today. The Misses Lewis, of Salem, are visit ing f 1 lends in this city. The little daughter of John RoUon Is lying dangerlously III. Hon Jeff Meyer wa in Albany today, after a trip through Eastern Oregon. Mr Merrill Fish, of Portland, was In the city today to attend his brother wedding. Miss Abbie Wiight went to Eugene today to attend the teacher institute. Dell Stimpeon, who baa been in Port land for several montha, returned home laat evening. Mr Amanda Smith, oldest daughter of Mra L fltimpaon, is lying dangerously ill at the home ot ber mother in this city, with typhoid fever. Mr William T Cochrane, of Browns ville, was In the city today and returned home the owner of the piano which has attracted 10 much attention In Klein Bros, boot and store foi several months. The piano will go by the next freight. A new kind of social ia the railroad social. An exchange deacribea one aa follow: "The program consisted in taking a ticket with ten coupons, on each of which question would be fastened by the respective station mas ters, each Question must be answered before the holder waa allowed to proceeu to the next station. When all were cor rectly answered the ticket waa good for a aupper. Letter Mat. Following i th list of letter remaining ia th post otnoe at Albany, una county, Oregon, Die 29, 1891. Person calling for the letter most olv th date on which they war advertise. Allen. T H Beaner, W Clark, H Vf Donaldson, J A Gaverg, Mr F M Houseman, George Milner, John Newmao, Jennie Sbeppard, L Castor, Bael 2 Davenport, Dr John Eastman, James C 0'4ny, Herbert II Johns. Tho B McMenemee, J 8 Otnahso, K J Wallace, Mil Georgia T, MOXTEITH, P M. Tfe ladle Delighted. Tb pleasant effect and th perfect safety with which ladies may as th liquid trait laxative. Syrop of Figs, under all coaditions, mak It their favorite remedy. It 1 pleating totbaey and to tb taste, gentle, yet effeotnal in acting on th kidneys, tiver and bowel. Aomen, Tb common afBletlonsof women arlk-boaV ehes, indigestion anl nervous trouble. They arts largely from rtumaek disorder. Xi Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla 1 th only bowel rag lating preparation, yon can see why it 1 mora ffeetlv than any other Rersaparilla la tho tronblo. It is dally relieving hundred. Tb aetloa 1 mild, direct and effective, W bars sore of letter Irom graUfal woman. W refer to a few: Hervous debility, Mr. J, Sarrea, 143 7th Bl., a. T. Nervous debility, Mrs. Fred. Lor, S27 ZUU8L,Bjr. General debility, Mrs. Bslden, tlO Mason 8k, .T, KervoTJ debUlty, Mrs. J. Lampbers, 73 Tark Bt Kerveus debility, Mis U. Cosenblam, an 171k Bt, n. jr. fMomaeh troabl, Mrs. R. L. Wbeatoa, 70 feet at., a. r. Ilek beUashe, Mr. M. B. Vrlee, M rmpt riaee, d. r. tick headaches, Mr. M. Fowler, EST Fftli gt.,S.T, ladtrevtlon, Mrs. . . Broart, 13U Mission BL, o. r. Constipation, Mrs. t. Mslvla, W Xesrny BL,l.r Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparillaj Most modem, most effcetlvo, largest settl. Bam price, 1.00 or ( for 18.00. FOR BALI BT . STAKAF.3 & CUSICX ALBANY t-ACE IT KM. A regular meeting of Tangent grange waa held on Saturday, Deo SO. The day waa vry stormy, conscntiontly the at tmdrttieo waa amall. The 1st and 2nd degrees was conferred upon a class of three, and the regular order ot business taken up. A full set of olllccrs for the ensuing year waa elected: M, J II Hcolt. O, J W McUhoe. L, A Hie v Ins. f , (I W Kuthe. A H, I) 8 Hrldgeinrmer. Chaplain, J A Mod hen. Treasuier, Mrs A D Hudson. Hecrotary, Minnie Mctiheo. (1 K, O W Holt. P, lena Brldgefartner. F, Klpha liOoney, C, Miss 8 J Neodham. LAS, Miss E T Hcott. Organist. Mrs bailie Adaais. Installation the fourth Saturday in January at 10 o'clock. All members In good atandirg are in vlted to meet with tti. e expect to start in the new vear with a determination to be successful in our grange work. On the fourth Satur day in January, we expect to confer the 3rd and 4th degress upon a dims ot five. There ia plenty of work Infore na the coining year, so let us begin early and no doubt success will crown our efforts. BKAL ESTATR BalER, Matilda Brannlng and bus to M Kelly. M acres in I) L O of Y. V Officer t 1260 Wm Bassett et ux to W 11 l' 2. E Haves A. liaise v 400 J M Ralston tit ux to 8 II Myers, 11.73 acres In R's 4th A. 11. . 1702 II It Forbes to Lilly R Porter. 144 acres in tn 13. 8 R 4 w KUM) A Ilackleman to Amanda Long, lot a ana r; ot lot bl 10, II' 4th A. Albany Otho A Hall etux to W V. Kelly,K7 acres In sec II and 14, tp II, N R2w 1740 Willamette Real Est Co to Caleb Gray, lot 0, bl 0, and lot 4, bl 5. KaUev 100 W It Kirk to Julia A acre. Brownsville 1 U 8 to James Sanderson, 4il.f).l acres, sec 4, tp 11, K R 2 w. .Patent i777 DuUena P Rlilgeway lo Sarah E ftleman, 11 acre near I-c!a- r.on I P Wallace etux lo F Brown, lot 6 blk a, matt' add to Lebanon . 35 M Fuller to Win II Davis, parcel In d i. ; 44 S Gabrlal Long etix to J 11 Wlgie, 139 acre In sec S, tp tc, S Id W . 400 B Goldsmith and J N Teal to J II Igle, lto seres In tp 14, S R a W ., R Klrkpatrlck and wlf tn John Mtlntire, lot 3, blk 3, K' 3rd add 400 too Elmer Mlnton to J II Whedbc, y.j acres In tp 13, S K a W . DuUena P Ridgewav 10 W C PeU r- son, 4.16 acre In D L C of J Kldgeway II Kobe and wife lo K A Stafford lot 1 and 7, b:k 9 In llalsey .. . 150 S5 Total sale. 3335 IS HMteBltll. W sssi Hai l op Krox Bi'ttk GsAXor.l iNremUrVOth, 18'Jl. f Vvrkrkas, In the wise providence of the Divine Maoter, our sister, Louisa Hminton. has been mttoved to the let ter I .and by death, which event ofturrcd on the Stat ot Ifei-cmher, lHtfi ; and Wiu nt , In the death of Sister Hous ton her luiuband hut "lout a kiud and loving companion, her children a fond ami loving mother, and Knox Hulte Grange otto of its inoft faithful and de voted members, who Ims been an untir ing worker in our grange tor the last seventeen yean; therefore. Resolved, That the altar of this grange be draped in mourning for the period of thirty day. Kesolved, That in this great bereave ment the heartfelt sympathy of this grange be extended to the liereaved husband aud re stive of our deceased mate. That these resolution be spread 011 the minutes of this grange, and also that a copy be sent to the husband and family and to each of the Albany papers itli the request that they pubnsii the same. r. K iaoiiTun, Brick Wallacr, J. L. AarntnALD, Committee. LfOX Lyons, Dec 29. Grandma Gardner took her first train ride one day list. week. She is 71 years ot age. Deer are very plentifull now in the foot bills. The Berry boys have killed 3 within the last three weeks, and one waa nearly caught by Frank Berry and heth Hcott Tuesday morning. A quiet Christmas was enjoyed by the people of this place. After the presents were distributed, and the little folks given candy, a dance waa enjoyed in the ball. There la to be an entertainment gives at the schoolbouse next Friday evening, after which a dance will follow. It baa been snowing hard all day back on the mountains, but there is no enow in the valley. The Lvons farmers alliance elected the following officers: Presideut, W II Hammer; vice president, Mrs J C Lyons ; chaplain, Mr W 11 Hammer; secretary. V vvyatt; lecturer, Vt vvyait; Stewart, C Potter; treasurer, Mra C lienaon; doorkeeper, J W Van Order. Dec 3. It baa been snowing bard nearly all night. Snow is about 2 inches deep. The Eugene Bantist church baa issued a call to Kev R M llabb, of Rochester. NY. He i a young man and ia well 1 recommended. HARRIED. FISH SCIILOSSEB On Wednesday forenoon, at 10:30 o'clock, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, corner of Ferry and Third streets, Albany, Oregon, bv Rev 8 U Irvine. I) I). Mr George E Fish, of Gorvaiua, ana miss Kate Bchlosser. of Albany. Tbe groom ia live, popular young hardware merchant of Corvallis, a resident of Albany for many yeara until a few yeara ago; the bride fa the estimable daughter of Mr Peter Schlosser. a young lady who will be a prize to tbe fortunate groom. Only a few intimate friend and relatives were iresent. Mr and Mrs Fish immediately eft for Corvallis. where they will begin housekeeping at once, taking with them tbe congratuiattona ana beat wishes 01 a host ot Albany menus. DALRTMPLE AIKEN. On Tuea- day evening, Dec 29, 1891, at the resi dence of Mr W T Hearst, in Albany, by Rev B G Irvine, D D, Mr 0 11 Dalrvmple and Mra Kate M Aiken, both ot Albany. The groom ia a well known law student. formerly a school teacher, and the bride a popular teacner in the public schools They nave tne beet wisnea 01 many. CLELAN RENNINGER.-i-On Wed' nesday noon, December 30, 1891, st the Presbyterian Manse, in Albany, ty Kev. E. R. Pricnard, Mr Otto Clelan, s native and popular Oregonlan, and Miss Annie Rennlnger, a young lady of estimable character, Mr and Mrs Clelan left on the afternoon train for Lebanon on a short visit with friends. - They will return nd begin keeping house in Albany. KELLEY NICHOLSON. On Tuea dav evening. Dec 39. 1891. at thePreebv' terian manse, by Rev E R Prichard, Mr Arthur Kelley and Mies Francis M Nicholson, both of Albany. KITCHEN BAREFOOT A few daya ago. Mr Jos Kitchen, the sewer coutrac tor, and Miss Bettie Barefoot, both of Albany. DIED. STEWART, On Tuesday morning, Dec 39. her home In Benton county, near Albany, of consumption, Miss Emma Stewart aged 20 years. The de ceased was a sister of Mrs Jos. Myeis, of this city, and has many friends who will mourn her death, ' " BOnilXD ABROAD MONDAY, Many merohsnts ar invoicing to las haw thsy stand with the world. The pspor mill at Lsbanon wa to hsvs tartod on Saturday, bat another delay oueurrsii. The Morning OregnuUu ha been sued for f SU.tHKJ en tlisrgs r litim, preform! hy Jim ftlantuilAs, of linker Uity. A matt railroad Ixldge, on tho 0 P th othrr (id of Brown's mill, was swept oat by high water yesterday and iuto tho San lisin. A profiisi Innal dsad beat la doibg tli eity on the sink plus. Us hue brother-in-law willing to help him, who is Ihs heaviest tax payer tn lis oouoty. Th Portland wsi defeated by the San Jos clan Saturday, and the games ar now 7 to 0 in favor of rortiaud. 0 more games art to be playsa in in series. Albany has bean selcotnl a th permsn snt hnmsof th Oregon hvhool Journal, and it will oontinu to bs pi intsd her by iU W Watt. Th meeting of th t.di' Aid flooluty has lined postponed until th seson.l Tuesday ia January , Hy ontnr ot tn president, 'Ion Msdoruin Crawfotd, a tluuor et 1942, died at MoMinnvills on Saturday at th si: of 71. II was one of th best known ot Oregon pioneers. Me leas than twtlvs Portland lifs inur anoe agent have gu down to Astoria sioc th chief ot pulio of that eity threat ened to murder th publisher of the Town Talk. TH life insursnoe ayent always lias his eyss oast k in wmawaM. r.x. A BaiiTrestlk. The trestle just east of the Jewish cemetery again caused trouble yesterday. Owing to an Immense 3uantlty of water under It It was thought angerou to use It, hence the noon trains met there, exchanged passcngres, etc, and returned In the direction they had gone. Trains run over It at night after the water had subsided. From the Mink. II W White came down from the mine this morning, lit left there Friday morning, and went over snow at the summit twelve feet deep. though at the mine there I not very much. Bob Monroe arrived on the nluht previous. Nothing had been heard from J F Hill. If he gets out It will he In the direction of Stlo; but the Indl-ntlon are that he I ot and mav not tct out at alt. Ihe mm wa running rlcht atone da av tlnnes.and though little can be told the sign are good one. TISSUAV. Pattl will probably us tn Portland on Feb 20: h. and all it will oot wdt b $10,000. Tb deimsit In th First M atonal Bank of If anner ara f 03 00 1 loan and discount. 123. 187.83. Mis Emma PfrilTor is n the owner of that hand ome doll that ha been so much admired at th Lsdie lUsttr. A trnoadgu wind trevilcl lut niuht. Th wire aboit the 3 P er generally. grounded. At the bsy tho e very high. The Msanit Gun C:b ha received a challenge, thr of ite inmnUn to shoot with th Hslrm club on New Vears dy at fifty Peoria hlsck - I ird atnuc. evening while l..jilin a l.esvy attic! Into hi drlivorv waon J V vers was struck in th fvo by th handle 1 f a truck, a s-vrr-i blow causing finite an a) rssloo of th rotio'e of Id proUnru. H.H-ktng a a how a town where there are ro silx ua, t lto KreVy institute, fir I he tore of lienor, op am :i. tobacco hahiN, ii t l moved from I'ortltnd to a permanent I. c tioii in r"ort Orovu. Aleck Geuti'a ki'iol a hij pautlier near Relhy Ul wiek. ilisftihcr heard a pig t'Utlart i ent ouilotno whit th matter nil h uo'l the panther eaiinir fresh tK.iW. lie e!lrd tJ.x.iun and hi nil out a id !'pt;hrd ihe dus.r"d'.or ioatti.ter. Th hr Lte wa full grown and nieaiored ever oiae feet, "Aont !iDhV Hoiking part at the W CTUUa'l Nw Year v. This waa gotten an by some yonng people in Lock pott, N Y, where it took so welt that it waa pabltshed ia pamphlet form and sold centrally. 1U- frenhment will be scrvt d and th old year atohsd out. Admission, 23 cent. Ia it new department, probably clipping tha item from ae exehaoge, tb Ureannian poke of a fUker City man a a Freccn restaurant keeper and gambler, and men tioned Li aata is oonneetin vith an era- btssletneet case. A .10,0M) hhel salt ha resulted. Tha plaUtiff. Jo Manandans, will recover about 00 cents. Knox Butte tiranue ha elected tb fol io Ing officer! Master, Brio Wallace; oveieeer.Mart MilUr; lecturer, M H Wilds; teward.tieorg Hodden; sMiaUot steward. w TrtUaj chaplain, r a loughtooj tree arer, V V Hammond; teoretary, James Archibald; gau keeper, Julia Hmidtb; pomoua, HA Jordan; Rura, If M Hamoe; eerea, iilltan Chambers: I. A a, Alwiltla Archibald. Delayed Trains. AH of the train haye been delayed today. A washout at Woodhurn last night kept back the local and overland, the former remaining for to night trip, the lattter leaving Portland this morning and reaching Albany at about 1 :3o, the damage at Woodburn hav ing been repaired. The Roseburg local arrived at about a o'clock on It way south, while the north bound csme In st about 11:3d about an hour late. The Yaqulna train met with an Immense tree across the track two mile this side of Toledo, and was delayed an hour. It left Albany on Its return trip over an hour and a half late WEtRKDAV. Wheat has risen to 83 cents. Thar will be on assessment in th AO W for January. A rart!y finished bouse waa tlon down ia Eugen during th recent atoioi. Thar ar 2.790 student at Aod Ail.or. ii largest of any University in th U S. F.Ik ton, in Dooglaa county, and Philomath, lo ronton county, nav been made money oidjr oiuce. At the regular meeting of Albany Lodge No. 4 I O O F to be held thi evening ther will d work in th degree of f riendship. All member ar invited to attend. By or der of N O. Th Ladiei Auxiliary of th Youna Mo'a Christian Association will tender a reeept ion to th young men of th city nn New Tear day from 3 to op m in the W (J T U Hall. "Aont Dinah's Husking Ptitr" t tb W T U Hall tomorrow niuht. A ceouine old fashioned husking party wi.l be pre sented on a stag arranged for tb purpose, followed by a social. Admission 23 cent. Tbs Roseburg Piaiadaaler says "Mrs Q D Chamberlain, wif of the enterprising pro prietor Of the Backet, reoivod from England a wholesome aod enjoyebl Christmas present In th shape of a draft for several hundred ponnd sterling, being part of a reoent inheritance." Th Statesman asy WallU Nash, of the Oregon Paoitic, also had hearing before th board of Eonalisatinon. He laid (and no on doubted him) that bi read wa involved in debt. By a legUlative aot of 1885 th Oregon Paoiffo is exewpted from taxation tor four tern year. Lad:' 1. do you wish yonr hair to stay la our, if so got a bottle of French itnrline at Air uvman Hot Griddle Cakes. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder , possesses a peculiar pierit not approached by that of any other baking powder. It produces the hot buckwheat, Indian or, wheat cakes, hot biscuit, doughnuts, waffles or muffins. Any of theso tasteful things may be eaten when hot with impunity by persons of .the most delicate digestive organs. Dr. Price's Cream Bak ing Powder leavens without fomentation or decomposition. In its preparation none but the purest of cream of tartar, so 'via, etc. is used, and in such exact equivalents as to always 'guarantee a perfectly neutral result, thereby givingjthe natu ral and sweet flavor peculiar to buckwheat and other flour that may bo used, the natural flavor 60 much desired and ap predated by all. The oldest patrons of Dr. Prices powder tell the story, that they can never get the same results from any other leavening agent,' that their griddle cakes, biscuits, etc. arejaever so light and never - ,ks, f9?sed 'with Dr. Prices Why So Anxiously Concerned ? The prestige of the Royal Haking Powder and its constant success arc matters of anxious con cern to envious competitors. It is noted that advertisements of other baking powders arc filled with spleen, malice and mis representation against the Royal, more than with honest claims as to their own goods. That the Royal Baking Powder makes finer, whiter, sweeter, more wholesome cookery, the ladies who have tried other kinds arc willing to testify and tell their neighbors ; this fact is a serious concern to all competitors. The superb quality of the Royal Baking Pow der, over and above all other kinds, is never so manifest as when tried in comparir.on. It has greater strength and docs not deteriorate with age, the last spoonful in the can being as good as the first. All over this country the "Royal" has the lead ; this is why makers of other brands, envious of its sale and popularity, talk so much about it. Trier were 120 voUs usst in the lVin-- vill election, all but two vcting II i iielknan WM alioted nrtsident of tha Man. cit, I Siohel, 1 L Ketohnm, 1 t Cn.b and U K .Stewart, (oaooitmoo. lieo Hammer. recorder! LU Perry, marshals I Ilnp, treasurer) M K Brink, toao attorny. That waa do pontic in tb electu 0 yet all elocud wr republican. etUTt ART S9TKK Died, at ber residence in Linn county, Oregon, Ike 2i'nd, at the age of 53 years, (I months and 17 daya, Louisa Parrinh Houston. Our dear mother wa born in (iearnsy county, Ohio, June 6th, 1S38, who wiiii her parents, I.vam and Catha rine Parrisb, emigrated to the state of Iowa in the year 1H47. from which state they moved lo Linn county, Oregon. In lH.r3, by the long and wearisome tourney common in those days, across tbe plains. Mie wa married to Newton Houston. who still survives here. June 15th. 1V4. She was the mother of eleven children. eight living, who with her bereaved husband, one b'other. W W I'arrish. and tour sister, Harriet Nixon, Klinor Knipe, i.uc) uouiine antl harali uoaiey, mourn er dtfpatture. Hie wa a kind ami affectionate mot er, an excellent neigh bor, nn. 1 out- Hln;e wliole delight wa to loguud. H18 lived with the boro of a christian, and died with it bright luster hilling about her. While we deeply feel our loss, we boar in bumble submi ijtt to Him who hath said, "Hlessed are ho ileatl who die In the Ird from hence forth, yea sai-b the Hpirit.that they mat rtst from their labor, and their works do follow them." I. B. M. IK MCHeBltM. Hall of Knox Rutte Orange, Hecember 20, lb'Jl. ) Wukrsss, It baa pleased tho mighty Ood to remove by death t..,l.. . I.. ... I. Al ou Resolved, That his death Knox Butte grange baa lost a worthy memlier, the community a good citizen, and his family an affectionate son and brother. Resolved, That, although we deeply lament nis loss, yet humbly liow to the will of Him who "doeth all thinir well." That we extend to the bereaved family and sorrowing friends our most heartfelt sympathies, and may tbe Lord adminis ter to them the comforts, which this world cannot give nor take way. Resolved, That the altar of this grange be draped in mourning for thirty days; that these resolutions be entered on the records of this grange, that a copy be sent to the family, and to each ot the Albsny papers with the requeit that they publish the same. J L Archibald, Brick Waixacs, V S DofOltToN, Committeo. KstewnstiLLK. BaowKsviixa, Dec 29, 1891. Christuaa waa observed in the usual way at this place. 1 pyramid at the Baptist church, and a ship at the ball. Noah fchank. J C Bilveu and II B Moyer each got a watermelon, and they were of the Oregon product at that. A part of tho dam in the Calapooia. be longing to the h! M Co.. went out on laat Sunday. A a soon as the river goes down they will replace it. Moaea Berg died at this place on the evening of Dec 24th. His remains were taken to Wiightsville, York Co, Pennsyl vania, for interment, leaving here on the Saturday morning train. The K ot P'a are looking for a big time tonight. They are all hungry we sup pose. New city officers next Monday night. The whisky qnestion is the all absorb ing topic how to control the staff and the men who handle it. QWe have one boy in the reform school from this place, and others on the road unless aome ono calls a halt soon. Call akd Sxttli. All persons in debted to G L Blackman will please call and settle within ten daya, aa he expects to leave for Portland, and after then all accounts will be left toy collection. Installation. The member of Safely Lodge will hold an Installation of officers at G A R Hall Monday evening Jan. 4, i8oj. It will be public to the member and their families and lunch will be served In the W C T U Hall. All member and their famllle are requested to sttend. COMMITTXK. Oata.SMe " Butter, to sent per lb, ngge. K sent per doc. Potato, aX) eente pr bushel, Lard. 11 A It eenfa psr ft, Bvn .Uams, It cents; side, 11 eente; staoildera, II cents, Beef on foot, S Gb 1 cents per lb1 Ferk, fl 'eased. 0 eenta psr m, I, V VOUH barrel. nenr, a per taste so sweet or so good, as ' Cream Baking Powder. O satttiLUt, cnristmas was celebrated here by a Christmas free at the U 1 church Many valuable pri-sent were hung on that laurel tree. Among others, a gold watch for Mies Eva Williamson; a bottle ot milk for Willie Morgan ; a brick tor A Y Kmilb; a whistle tor Nathan Need ham; DC Junkin received a bat done np in paper, which proved to be tbe same hat lie wore to the church that evening. Mr I N Smith and wife will celebrate their golden wedding on the 30th. The children and grandchildren will all be present, also all the relatives by tbe name of Smith. We wish our name waa fcmith too, however, we wilt try to gt in as rejorter. The YPSCE held their semi-annual election on the evening of the 28th, with tne louowinif result: l'resiilent. Miss Kva Williamson ; vice president, Willie Morgan : recording secretary. Mav Red- ford ; corresponding secretary, A Y Pmiih: treasurer. Anna I'attison. The Kahbath school elected officers last Habbath a follows : Mr R K Craw ford was elected superintendent, and Mis Anna IV.ltnon secretary. Oakvif.e. although n"t so lares a New York or London, will not allow any other city to (outdo it in grand buildings nu artistic stained uxlow glass. Mr Johnson Vhite Is visiting his many frit-mis in Portland. A I) Morris and lames Morsan are visiting friend litre. The ater is raising. 11 it come. A sticv. SHERIFFS SALfc. In ihe Circuit Court Qflh$taUofJDrtgQ for lie vounig Of iisrn : B A LANDKK.S, plaintiff, THOMAi L HESNRSS, L FLINN.tho ALBANY A AS- IOHIA HAILHOAD CO.. a corporation, and HONEY m a r, I'Eii a it r u.. a eorporation, uefendan. NOTlCi: IS HEREBY OIVEM THAT by vittiio vf n execution and order of ) duly Issued out cl the above ntmed Court In the above entitled ulu ill on Kalardar, Ike slay t Jaaaary, lt1. at the Court House door in the city of Alb ny, Unn count y.Orocon.atthe hour of I o'clock p m of mUI day, aell at public auction tor cam in nana to tne in beet bidder the real proreity daworibed In aald execution and order of sale as follow, to-wlt: The north half (N X) of thu eeulh cant qnarter of section numbered thirty four (94,1 in towntdilp Bo nine rvj south of range No three (3.) east of tbe vt lliam 1 ette Meridian, In Linn county, Oregon and containing 80 acre more or lee. Tbe proceed arialns icons tbe sale of aald realpnperty to be app)led,first,to tbe payment or the coats and charges of insklug said sale, and to the cost end disbursements of this ault taxed at mi 15, and tbe sum of (f 125) one hundred and twenty-five dollars reasonable attorney's feea due plalntifl herein: aeonnd, to tb rsyment of the sum 01 ($ H27 7&) fourteen undred and twenty-eeven and "S-100 dollar iieroinadiudKCid to be paid plain tiff and Intercut thereon from thiaaale at tbe rale of ten per cent per annum until peia; tbiru. that tae oveipiusir any be paid to the def. udinL L rlinn. to aallafy tbe aum of f 960 with Interest thereon from date at 10 percent per annuic, herein adjudged to l next pld him, and that the aurplu if ther bo any remaining be next applied to pavment or tne judgment of a Id Uono? man, IVHart A Co. : and tna. 11 mere be then any teinamlng that eucu ue appnei 10 tne sa'isiaction or tne indgment ot tho said Albany A Astoria jtaiiroaa o. Dated this ICtb day of Decemter,l.91. M, SCOTT, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. By C E 800TT, Ieputy. SHERIFFS SALE. ia the Circuit Court cf tht State oj Oregon for im voumy oj inn. AUUUSTAVE ABRAHAM, flalntlff, EQQBRT EGGERS, Defendant. TVTOTICK 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 by virtue or an execution and order or aale issued out of the above named Ceurt, in tbe above entitled lesion, to me direotea ana aeuvered, i win on Ratarday, the SOtk day ef Jaaaary, istt. at the C urt House door In the city of a.iDani , ijinu county, tn nonr or i o'cioca p in oraaia ay,sall at aub.Ie auotion, for cash in hand to (be highest Diiaer, toe real property nssoribed In said execution and order ef sale aa fol. lows, tow It: Beginning at tbe nort' eaat corner of tbe lkca ion Land Claim of Reuben Clay pool, tbenoe aouthweat 18 rods to tb county road; thence northwest along said road 143 rods to to north line ot said Donation Land Claim;' tbenoe southeast along aaid Mne 123 rods to tie place of beginning, containing S3 acres in townsbip 13, S R 11 west of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn county, Orseon; also battlnning at a point on tbe north line of A J Richardson's Donation Land Claim 80 rods west of the northeast corner of aald clalmi thence west to tbe aouthweat corner of the Elmer Qalliher Donation Land Claim; thenoe north 9 00 ohains; toence south 89 degrees west 11. 50 chains; thenoe south 87X degree west 14 chains to tha line between the Donation Land Dlalm of the said A J Kio hard son and Reuben Claypeo!; laeao south IS da grees east on sal d line to a point du south of ihe place of besinning; tbenoe north te tbe plaos of beginning, containing 60 aare la tp 18, S K 2, W of Willamette Meiidian in Linn county, Oregon; also beginning at a point 55.63 chains south of the northwest corner the Donation Land Claim of Elmer Galllher, notifies tion 2326, in aee 32 and 33, in tp 1 3, 8 R 2 T, and in sec 4 and 5, tp 13 SK2W; thence north 2 114 chains, thence east 29 ohains; thenoe south 2 1-14 chains; thence west 29 chain to tbe place of beginning, containing 6,00 aoies all lying and being situated in Llna county, Oregon. The prooeeda arising from tbe sale of aald real property to be applied first, to the payment of tbe costs of and upon said execution aad tbe original costs taxed at 58.60; second, to the payment of plain tlfT claim amounting to the sum of $178.89 and aeorulng interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from December 24th, 1891. Dated this 23th day of Dece uber,1891. M.SCOTT, v Sheriff of Linn county, Oregonai '92 IS COMING Tht Yar if ipetding toward us lader with thingi good, bad and indiflor.rjt to us all. Those who will gt the largesfc ihare of lh good out of it will be thoso who take advantage of our offeringa. So "Get ahead of the new year" while we clear up for tock taking. We have made a rerlnr.finn nn oil i; net a rf -t 4 ami clothing, and on oYercoats especiallv.of which we have still a In-,.. 4,.l- a lais twin, ' Just reeeived lomo late stjle hat and latest shades in neckwear. "Kemember we carry the largest stock of men's foot wear in tlie city." T. L. WALLACE & CO. leading Clothien and Hiiisteit. Rtrahan Block, AlDauj. rregon L. E. Is ringing out tlie tld year Hen's, Young Hen's ud ' ' " ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. He has very desirable and boys in the following lines Neckties 01 many designs, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers Faney White Shirts and Night Shirts, Gold and Silve Headed Silk Umbrellas, Slippers, Kid Gloves, Jewelr Smoking Jackets, Overcoats, AND CU8TOM CHOPPER. We hare bay, oats, ebop atraw, ebhken feed, et., eonatontly on hand. . Wholesale end retail agenta tor H. P. Tlsaner, Corral 11 Sour, abort. I ran.ete., t ,?,ow B11 on Ca,om eheppln; a pialtf fer either cash or tell' Fail line. F. L. 'Kenton, -:-. Dealer in CMce Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts and a general aa3rtmeni of GROCERIES. Subscription agent foi all the leading Newspapers and Magaslnea. Terms cash. Wear T. Pn Albaay, Orega ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale ? Retail Grocers OIQARO TODAOOO. AND KINDS IN UVRQKOR IN THBIR Flinn Blook -- T0 alMomitmayFOrtliiller a iPaVinc, Notice isherebv plwen to all nirlln th in accordance with law I have posted tres pass notices on my premises forbidding parties hunting on the same. In dlsre srard of said notices nartles have constantly trespassed on the premises, and in conse quence a valuable horse has been injured oy aiscnarge ox urearms. t nis is to notliy any and all parties, that I have made up my mind to prosecute any party who tres passes further on mvDremlsea tn the full extent of the law, and that I will give $35 re war a to any person who will name the party who shot mv horse. Lebanon, Or. t Dec 30th, 1891. MARION EURKHART. FAST! With the lightning speed of a fiery steed, down the track in view comes '92. BLAIN with some fine bargains in Boys Clothing, Furnish and suitable presents for men : Hats, Etc. MORRIS & BLOUNT, Comer First aasl Baiter Sta CHOICE FRUITS OFJU.JL 6MALLnUANTlTlBr' 8SASON. ALBANT, OR -FUNERAL 01RECTORS.- Arterial Embattling done ScienUAcally. .Albany, Or ego a. (X, h l.