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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1891)
PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T K. WEVrilERrORD, J Attorney ll haw. Will practice all eoarts of th MU, aeotel eitenlim fCn to matter In probata aad to K lections. Ofl'lt: -la th fllna Block. a. a. a. sisctsua, a. a. wsvaa LACK1UTBM A WATSOWi Attorney at Uw. All easiness will reoslve P afeeaUen, MMI.OJJ raikiweTeeaple, Alhaar, v G KO.t:.CrlV1tBKKLlIt, Attorney M Uw. Will pnMlea la all eanrt. 11 alMaia euentlwi en W ma I". area an.uswoVwTorricit-1. th m.. tM. tt. BILYEU, Attmy al Lew uij JMMUir I Chancery. Oe!l (Ion nvkU o all !"'. l-ana (Uatl aw arable teniie, Allwgr, Oregon, qeo. w. WBinnt, attorn? el Lew.aml Notary ftiMla Willnraetlee a a nre nl Uil mu and In the I'niteA State orflrei-rrvat wnl arer ft Orefou, A.bsey, t jn. J. J. WniTXRT. ttera.y Law, aal "start rasUt. A1V PtirrisUn aiiu, OrtNOm -Caraar Ferry aw, Albany, Orawea. -QR9. HASTOV s 0AYIS, riiralalaM u Sarraee. Wlr. Oeeaef eeewj end Brnwlalbia DmK Alkwar, V, Calkj prsaetfy Maeaea in ay aaa eenawy. c V. CflAHBERLAI, ftf. D RMCathiat. rteeUIt la al el ta Bye fwewtv rears' eaperieeae Ot)a h.ei Mlltt 1 le t pa,aaeteva.e. Albaaf, TkH. . A. VriUTNET, XJ FhyaMta aad Rm ireee. Orattiet af Bslleva Ms ml 1' w.w Tark Clly. lMeaeaea al weea a mtaitv. orrica r Meet, A I baa, ores, ea F1RHT NATIONAL BANK, AZ.BAB Y, OBJWOW, resident. Vies President . Chlar... L FLPTX a. B,Tor( -K. W. LANGDOB nAWaACTS A OKX IRALbankinoa1aaa, ACtWKTB KEPT tubjeet la aback. SIGHT XXCUA5UI and tal Taphl transfer, aoid Maw Tor a. Baa rraaeUea, Chioefa and Fwtlaa4 XSCTIOKf aADIoa laverahl tern. 4. K. Tooaa , W, Lattsoa l Bull. L. Turn Itvata I . awl. LI XX CO NATIONAL BANK, Or ALBABT, ORBOO. CAPITAL BTOCK 10.OS. Praald.nt 1 L COWAW, rVaa-PraaidMil f at RAL8Ttlf. at Caaalar... O A AKCU1BOLO. n aarmaa, I L Cwwaa, J M Balataw, W Ladd, W U Jalira, J A Craward aad O A Arab Ibold. TRAF8ACTH a ranaral bankinf baatoaaa. DRAW SluBl DRAPTBoa Ka Tark. Baa LOA5 MOKRTaa apprevad aaaarlty RAX U1I dapaatM rabtast B AUK OF OREGON. aloart, ORiaoa. Caaltal, IM.M. H PMikklLL .. B J LAR.H ISO liTWBLAIll Praaidmt..., Vlca-Praaida CaahW , Tranaaeaa a fwa-al banklna baviaaac Eirhanfa bought and all oa all tha priaaipal eiliaa ta tha Uultl Statca a: au England, Iraland, ftanaa and Uarmany. Collaetl ntnu.!ataU aaat-ailb: poiata an larar kla lrml. 'ntaraat Uw-d a a Um doalaa 1 ) AUK OF SCIO, 9 inn, okboox. Prai(ont Vlw- rmiticui ... Ca-l.lCT . .J I Uauua ,...irr lirna Mar !arrcu: KCarn. Jaha 0araat P Smith. U Uryaat aad ax RedCrownMills gOH. LA-"IN0 & CO.. I'lOfR' ia raooKM plocr ar?BRiR rom r Anna a AJTD BAXIRJ VBB. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. ACADEMY or Car Lady of Perpetual Help. tLBAIM Y.- - ' OREGON Conducted by Slawi. f 8t. Ewnadld Tuli j :j JiiIii jscbool raogea mm i to : Fortirna r )rlia it't til r orilit Ur ,;ir t tl Att'.iT tt adcaa.S!ntrMuprioriMa. Albany ROfJ WORKS. Manuftvdararw (, am engines enisr m saw MILLft.AGillNERY IRONtriONTS ALL Kim Or HEAVY ' ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Mtlring all ila or niar.blDAM Patrns Kade on Short Notice A. STRAW EY, PROPRIBTOR -F TBI....'.. Citj Livery, Fcei ani Sals -STABLE.- Having purcha A ajw rI- nan fura-flrst-cUai turr ou'.a af c!l. ..Speclf.l nitunv slven t- tniiiniaat Mock Uoice.i lxr(i.) l by thed7 oriuonth. Cbe.tpaat !talf In (he Cltj. Ttt!ij!n c i ! tt ia widi lb" 6t Chr:' f'.tol To'cphons oriinra iven lirouif.t nlte:i'.lon Foil el h iitr.t, tM.Lir,iun Rllnwortli aud Stiw tCH.' Hn ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTB ALBANY, OnEQON.' 1801, 18Q2. . flrat Tcrtn Opeaeit BeytaaatMr A lull eorpa of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC,' LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND YMUM CLASSES. , Coai'ftna I 'tody arranged to uitwt U' a!) tvtlo rf atudonta. " n Sfi:l iHiiucmneuli ojftrtd to stmhnit Irom ubrjod. MRS. ORAnAM" 8 CucumlDer Elder Flower ' Cream U aal a aaam.kta la tha atnaa In which Mint tarm to papularl r aaad, bal paratananua baaaUBaa, U ara.ta.aaaA, amMlh. alaar, T ahtn, and b anaJai wbltar. It la a aoualaat protaetloa from tha . . i i n va M.H at no aavarai adToMa al auw and wind and praraaai ana r. anu n-aablaa, and blaak baada will a.w aama whlla ua I. It atiaatu Iba laaa tar battar ahaa anap and walar, aaurtahaaand ball ta ap taa aain ttaim anu prataaM Ua lanaatloa al wrtaklaf l ha iraahaaaa. alaaraaaa and amonthMaa at aWn thai a bad whaa a Hula lrl. Kar lady, ynunf ar old. nim la aaa It, aa II ftvaa a atara toulbfitl apptar. aaoa t any ladf.and that parmanantlr. Itannulnt aa aald, poanl.r ar alkali, and ta aa harmlaaa aa daw .l niriiMii la tha Wn aa daw la la Iba lawar. rrlrw l Bw, at all drttfrl and halnlraaaara, ar at Miu:rUM Uraham'a aatablUbmant, lot I'nal atraat v - w .u kHaiy IblM tnr all blmtah a of 11m ram or Baura. Ladlaa al a dlalanaa Iraatad bi IMMr, Uriid ataatp lar bar lilt la book "Haw la ka Maaullhil." , UkW((iU JJUHViurawiptai 11 canta in wi a pj p via anJ pa.-klnf, Lfty . af.nU wantad Irawlptal 14 canta la aumgt MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach m . . . . v. . a .... ki. r H&l miwinimmww m"'1 ' - Unili.natnhM. Plmnloaaoil all akin blmnUnaa, rrlro Bkl.BB. Ilannlaaa and aSootlTa i ha aanipla aan ba ami ; Lady acanlawaaWMl. flu Tiwnwrnf In Ihn Iowa wha Brat orJaiia iUO JUlUZluM bill ol nty praiaraltona wUI kiHt.1. um .l.ul a thla .dTartlaantant. tkaan My nraiiaraUaaa ara lar aala by wbalaaala draf iwa ia Chloaf aaud aTary ttty wtat ai , EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Bapraaa Trains laara Portland Pally. , Boatk 7:wa. a. I L TNortk rWuaud ArTt mVu lotlt.IL Albany I.? I M a a I II i Ur Baarraaalaaa LT.tB at Rnaabtuw. Kaal Portland, "wa rtty. Wood- ora, Baiaia, aioanr. lanfans , - aaaacaa Btfe,an.T. W a I L Portland Ar 4:00 ri trtOrafLr Albany L 1 1J00 a t:4ra Ar Roaabarf L I d . a a ALtalT Ku batLT aicart 8TSB1T) f M a L Portland Ar I .M a a t?taar Albany Lr)VoOAB aaaaaoa Baaaca, lldra L Albany Ar J It a a Ittra Ar Labaaoa L 8:40 a TWta L Albany Ar 4:Mra tJlaa Ar Lahanoa La 8:40 r a PULU4AM BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tnnrfst Sleeuint? Oars. fa AeavaaaawalatMa af Bwcwaat-Claaa raaaca gara, tiurita iw r" Bttrtwau rTLA ar c4btau.ib. lui jBAiBaaTtCapt8uaaay Portland Camilla A. I t to a a moral Ar ltl!U axraati raaia aaat (laarpt Sunday. 4.nira Portland ataMlaarUI Ar I.T I Ar Throittrl TlokotM Ta all palats EAST. AND SOUTH. Pat Ian InlormaUa t raaardina ralaa, aaapa. n . . . . . IV.. aa uowiponT ui a. "7. a. . ott KULKB a a aooERB Manaaar Ajb-IO. P. and P. Ar YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. o Oiepn Pacific Railiodd, Orcg -:a D378lQpm3n. To's Steamers, Shatrt Llae ( C'atlllWail. Flrst-clMa tbroufh caaD)rer and freight llnnfratn Por.laod and all polnta la u Wlllnmt.ta Valley to and from Ran fnnciaco, CaI. P.-Ji'tt usakBrion ronnecllon at A I ban ".pi train of tbeOreEoo TarrtS I'jtllroa.! TTXZSCIiei.'rXR. avtRan4aja.) Utva Albany 15:t r. ,;Lto Taqmna, T:i,a '.awta CorralUl l:fO r. a. Laara frahi.,10 ', krrlrr Tanlna. p. a. I Arma Albany, 11:18 A. a O. dt C. trains connect at Albany aod Corral 11a. Tha abova tralna coanaot ai Taanlna wlkh tha Oregon baveiopmant Company' Una or Bteatnaulpa bet w van TaqniBR ana nan rranciaoo, AI1.ISG DATEM . raoa T.acpra. WlUaaw Ua Tallrf, Dasabar 1$ k , Mod; 81ft. taoa taa fata ctaca aUlaautU Tallay, Baaaotbtr 8 k; lttk; JTtk. Tha Com pan Terraa tba ngnt tHanaa aalllna datAa witLont notlct). V.B. Paaaantera from Portland and rTlllamattw Vallar polnta can maka cloaa atmnaotkm with tba tralna of tba Yaonlna root at Albany or Oorrallla. and if daa nad to San FranHaoo ahoula arrant to rriT8 at Tsonina tha aranln bafora tata TMUlnfr Trasaemaer aa Frbt rata always tha twcat For laftratatlat apply ta A R Chapmvt.Pralf hi aad toast Acanl, Albany, C. V. Hajaii a.. O. P. aad P Araa CoTra'll. 4S20. .Ilcport of the Condition THE IBS COISTY SATIOXAL BAM, AT ALBANY. 1 THE STATE OP 0HE0ON. a, tha cloaa olboalooat, Dae 2ad, 1891. Beaaarceat Loans and dlaconnU .... m,m. Overdraft, sacared and unaeturod,. 1,452.60 U. B. Bona, to asenro circulation 25,0O0,U0 Block), sacaritles, claim., ate . . 8.048.W Dua from approvod reserra ai;atiU...M.. 4,127.80 bus from other National banks Ius (rom stats bank and bankers 8 '.243.71 Bankinr houas. (uniiturs and flxturei. . , IS, 000.00 Currant eipenws and taxes paid 2,H.1.3 Promium. on V, H. bonl 10,4W.6 Checks and other eash itenM.. 12rt.n0 Iiills t other banks ......-.....- vuu.w Fractional papar currency, nickels, cants .74 Kpede 40,155.HO Lirl lander Botes " RuieniptUm fund with U. 8. Treasurer, (5 ir cento! elrculallon)... 1.12S.00 Total 8406,774,31 Liabilities! Capital stock paid lo................. Blon.DOO.OO 17,40 .04 12,61)0.00 lll3.14n.OS OO.ItfK.irt 6.71 01 6,860.07 Undivided profits . National bank Bfttee outatenniiiir Individual deposits subject to check... JJemend certificates of deposit tme to other National banks Dua to stats banks and bankers Tetal.. 8406,774 84 Stats or Obsoox, J- County of Linn, r A . ..... aamrw bank, da solemnly swear that tha above state ment is true to ins Met 01 my snowieaifs sua uenej. O. A. AIICHIBALD, Cashier. Bulijcribeu and sworn to before roe this 18th day of Djs., MM. T.J.BT1TES. s) Corset Attest! Notary Public w. h. VjoltkX J. A.CKsWKORD , Diruotors J. L, COWAN. ) Albany -:- nurseries. W arsolfoiin to plaotors the finest lot tt (rult tree, In all de.!rali!e varisUca, ia -the stat. Od huii.lred au4 flftythoosard trees far sis- ran'. t'-:ir,'. . . V, INSPECriOX IJIVITED,'. 1 , ' and-'' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. rl . tt Bend lorostalaffua or sail in as si the aid Clio henuetead, ene-kaU mile southwest al Albany. IIYOAfi & BSOVtTaELL. UEADY T. WORK -Parties (lotlrin; wood put in ur any . iuJ of labor done, can obtain prompt attention by ae u rin the aorviOaa ot Daniel Jxw, ti t'jj t!1 f't'rv lion'', I iv ordflri t!irri I KDKttAL POItCI in THE MKHSA0K, It would be unjust to accuse Mr 1 Uni son, upon the evidence of hit menage, ol Boutbonlsm which learnt nothing, Hit It only the Bourbonitin which tloet not torgeU AdmonUhed by the result of former ex periment In that direction le duct not re new hit recommendation of Mr Lodge's Force bill plan. Dut animated by the old federalist spirit he still hunger fcr federal control In ttote affairs, and urget upon coogrett two measuret looking to the en largement ol federal power and the sub jection ol the states. He want a constitutional amendment passed to take away from the state the right secured to them by the constitution to prescribe, each for Itself, tha manner lit which its presidential electors shall be chotrn. lie also wants a nonpartisan commission created to delse some tcheme ol lederal titpetvlilon over election! In the states, lor the purpose ol preventing con grcstloiia. and legislative gerrymander! ami of enforcing the right ol each cltlsen to vote. Now, tor the gerrymander there is not one good word to be said. The right of every cltlaen to vote Is sacred and should be secured by law. Unilormlty In the method of choosing presidential electors Is so desirable that, with the single ex ceptlon of Michigan, all the states In fact and voluntarily choose them In the same way. But the framers of the constitution, be lieving that liberty Is more secure under a federal republic of limited power com posed of states regulating their own af fairs In their own way than under a con solidated government, wisely left It to the states to provide for these necessities, each according to Its own views and clrcum stances. Accordingly Massachusetts for bids those of her cltliens who cannot read to vote, while New" York deems It wiser not to limit the suffrage. Mich gan pre fers to clioose her presidential electors who are peculiarly state officers In a way different from that employed In other states. Her decision may be unwise, but It is her right urTder the constitution to make it. And It is surely best, If there I any ' virtue in the fundamental Idea of our sys tem, that every state shall enjoy tuch con trol over Itt own affatrt and that the gene eral government shall keep Its hands off. If that liberty had not been secured by the constitution the constitution would never have been accepted and the federal govern ment would never have been formed. Mr Harrison's Idea Is that the states and the people might be persuaded to surren der their liberties If the matter were pre sented In a less objectionably partisan form than It wore In the Lodge Force bill. In tht Mr Harrison Is ptetty surely mla takta. Federal encroachment upon local self -government by the states hat already gone dangerous'y far, and hostility to I's further advance Is the hostility of principle and prudence, not merely of partisanship. The people do not want federal Interfer ence In clef i Ions, whether that Interference ia dune by an administration of ont or another pelilicat fallh. They are conten wl;n our system a It Is. They do not want It reconstructed upon the theories of Hamilton, which were deliberately reject ed when the constitution was made. The republic Is sstUfactory. Let It alone. New York World. lEMOCKAT4SHOt Ll HEAD HIKM. There arc some democrat and some re publicans who areaveraeto reading papers of the opposite party . Our advice to dem ocrats N by all mean to read an able.rep utabte republican paper, one that ei pounds the republican fa:th with clearness, accur- acy,and ability. I: wiU add much clear nessto the principles of your own psrty by seeing them brought into comparison with those of the republican party with great fie quency. Every democrat who can afford it should take an e'ern weekly. The New Yoik Prtvi Is the mol aggressive republican tourna; In that city. It was established in 1S87 and hat met a remark able success, the circulation o! the Dally being over 100,000. The weekly contains air the good things of the daily and Its ed itorial page sparkles with striking points We believe democrats ought to read re publican papers, and to such as will, we would recommend the New York rteit The Democrat will receive subscriptions, or parties may send direct to The Ptttt, Potter Building, 38 Park Row, New York Citv. They seem to have a regular full blood Tom Anderson, J Madison Wells return Ing board in the city council at Salem. When that body met the other night, the recorder was called upon to maka hit te- port on the canvass of the late election In that city. He announced the vote to be for councilman in the second ward 154 for Collins, (rep.,) and 153 for Davis, (dem.,) Mayor D'Arcy said this was not In accordance with the tally sheets and the canvate made by the recorder and himself which showed Davis 155 and Collins 155, a tie. With the brazen, conscienceless effrontery of J Madison Well a republi can member of the council mjved to de clare Cjliiiit elected though the canvass made by a republican recorder t howed the election ot the other man. And, these men with a sniveling full of hypocrisy and de ceit, will stand on the streets and thank God that they are not as other Rien,(dem- crats) Well, democrats may well thank CoJ they are not like these republican councilmen of Splem. . . JUoiu. Bros can m k you an style of a oo; or sh" you wish (and will giiai antwa a rfeJt (U, Try th-m. imi a ptir. A full lint of tl lists tnd tobatui at F K Alieu's. For bargain in utunomenta, hearltuiia o.,soto S W Acliisont Co,Albny,Oreon HEAL, MERIT- PEOPLE Say the S. B. Cough Cure is the best thing they ever saw, We are -not flattered, for we know that real moiit wilL win. A)l we ask is an honest trial. For Pale by JFOSUAYsfc 3IANOV, ,4Vti vPtt'A'rns . 0 " !-HpSv e? TELEGUAPHIO NEWS Tklslflvlslaa lalereslaal. Junction Citv, Dec 16. The following mtstaee, seat by Manaiier Kochlcr ta al operators snd agents on tha Southern Pacific Company ' lines in Orepon, seem to Indlcst that the strike Is of a serlusi nature and will extend to I lilt division and afTsct all amployeti I understand a mttisc hat teen sent over th wire by officer of the Order of Ktllrosd Telegraphers, to th effect that If our operators do not join th order ol Railroad Tf legrsphers they will not be taken car of when the pres ent trouble between th Soulhern Tar-ilic Company and th Order of Railroad Tele graphers ii settled, and th it the operator who go out will bt taken ran 01 by th order and put back ia tLair placet. In reply I with to My to our men, that thete organiza tions will not bs allowed under any circum stances to interfere with th men who remain on duty, and tbat they will b taken car of by the company. tTaatUHkal. Washington. Dee 16. The t.avy tie ptrtmtnt it In a warlike movd. The principal naval authorities have for some tint given out me impression tnai iney were spoiling ior a ficht. perhaps It wai largely with them a cat of th wish being ftther to the Ihoasht, bnt at til events, they r talking war fortissimo. From the talk in th department totlty It tp pear 1 that Intimation hat been received from good authority in and alwut Chill, that Chilian ar delaying their rctpune to our demand for information concerning th Vslps rtiso incident (or the purpose of esinine ttm in which lo prepare for war with this country. A Bad Wrerk. rsTTinURO, Dee 16. A wreck on th I'ittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicsgo rsilwty occurred at Lima, O. today. At o:to 0 clock this morning tha dining car in passenger train No at, (the Columbia expnrs) left the track Joo feet ettt of the ettt end of the tiding at Lima, and the two follow in i sleeping csrt went with it. The dininar ctr was wrecked and th two sleeper badly dsmsged by being thrown against the engine of east-bound freight tram second No 78 which wit willing on ihafxidine for No 8 to psis. Thire eie killed and a large number injured. Tk Balls la., Oi Dec 16. The assessor of Yam hill county today ten! in his la roll, which shows 1911 pnll tnd tolilltitbl property tarountlng to 14,319,691, The akeeraent roll comrleteil the list for all Ihe countiet of the tttte. Th total ttxtble pioirty for the state, at it goes to the ttsts hoard of equsll tattoo., is tia6,aj6. 186, or msr thtn last year The state board of equal! . tallo today gtv tudienr to representative from Linn, Kenton aad lioug'.ti counlie. Balrk Will Set Washinuton. Dec 16. The Offg n dele- gttion pulled out a plum in the appointment of Warren Truitl fur district judge ol Alaska. Truitt hat been register of the land office at The Dalles, tnd the ilelrgs'lrn 1st tiresdy agreed Oa DSC liuick, of Koseburg, for The Utile vtctney. aeaaailwaal. IxtNDON. Dec 17. The ruling topic ihit evening, wat the scene that look place yes terdty at the ttudlo ot Mrs Jopllng Rowe, the artttt. aoJsi, tbe stione rnsn, wm It 01 an unutuaily htndsotnc figure, posed as a nu It model before a large body of ltdict for at least tn hour and a outrWr. The occtsion of hit appearance wat a lecture on anatomy, delivered by Mrt Jopling Rowe to her fellow trtitia. toil lltustrtted by Snndal. Newt having got abrotd of Ihit attractive Itbleau, there wtt t great lush of Ml Jopling Rowe's friend', and the ttudio wit crowded by people. rarllaad Was, Saw Kasctco, Dec 17. The ninth gsm of the chtmpiooihip series wtt played today. It resulted in a victory for I'ortUad by a score of 7 to I. San Jose wat like aa amateur team in tbe binds of Ihe northern men, but the vicioy of Portland wtt largely due to the magnificent pitching of McNsbb. It wit a wirra afternoon, aad tSe big pitcher wit in fine trim. He hid more speed Ihsn his been wi'nctted on the High street grounds for a long lime, and used a deceptive change of pice. Only one safe hit wtt secured by the Sta Jose batters. (tare Haute Baas Hew. " San Francisco Dec 17 Tbe stesinc Ewily arrived from Coos bay today. At she left thtt place the pitted the schooner Annie Gee, with three tailors of the wrecked steamer Maggie Ross. One, nested Bucklin, had tost bis voice entirety from exposure. Tbe others, Benson and Anderson, both hid both legs broken, ind the Utter it at the point of death. lhe Kmily offered to take off the entire rrew of the Maggie Ross, but the Captain refused and they were afterwards rescued by another vessel. Th male of the Annie Gee had hit head badly hurt while rescuing the sailor, md ia in a critical condition. War IhdlralloBi. Niw Yobk, Dec 17. Th Herild '1 CalUo Fern, cable tayt the cruiser Baltimore taila tomorrow for laa Fianciaco, Iba tone of Minister Ma.ta's litpttcb ia reply 10 Freti- dett Harrison 't metsnge ia regarded wi iKontshmcnl here, anil, iidi'icuised earnestly. Tbe mott crnservitiae EnglisL. opinion sePmi lo be Ihit Ihe 'elation between Cbih and the United State as to strained that Chili mutt retreti or a conoid is inevitable. The gen eral impression here ia that Chili ttsndi by Milta. It is a well known fact bat Chill is trying lo en'ist men for ibeir fleet. Caal Trast Jeae. New York, Dec II. A stoiy current abo?t the city ball this morning was that Lieutcat- Gevernor Jne called on Gov Hill the other dy and begged h m lo resign. Jones, It it said, plesded thai it hsd been bis ambition from bovhood to be governor, and he would be sttisfied with one week in office. Hill frankly saw: "i cannot trut you because I beltev you would act with the republican. " Jone said ne would make an amuavit, mil inti mated thit if a mtn'a word could not be taken aa affidivit could htrd'y mike the matter more sure. Blala Wants II. Washington, Dec 18. Hon Joseph II Manley. of Augusta, Me, was in Washington early In tbe week and spent considerable time wun secretary Blaine. Certain el Ihe Dis trict republicsr.1, who escorted Manley to tbe station Tuesday evening, pressed him for an expiration of Secretary Blaine's intention 11 10 trie pienden-.y. Mraley replied that while iJiamt wat not a candidate In tbe tenia he wis in 1876, and waa not atkin? and would not atk any one to tupport him, be would not reiuse toe nomination. A ratal Aeelaeat. The Dalles, Dee 18. Word bit just retched here from Prineville, of the detth of Alexander Finlayson near thtt pttce, Monday last. Mr Finltyton was one of '.he oldest ine belt-known sheepman in Etttern Oregon' He wn retnrning from Prineville, if'er complet Ing the purchtte of a band of sheep, when hit hones were frighteoed and tftrted to run tway. Mr Finlsjson wt thrown between the wago- bed and Ihe hind wheel, to firmly wedging him In that whea he wat found he wat dead and the wheal locked. Mr Finlty ton wat of Scotch birth, and about 50 yean of age. A Careless nan. Chicago, Dec 18, R F Roy, secretary of the Boston iron works, last Thursday look two boxes from the company's vaults on containing diamonds worth 83000, Ihe other Capers worth 1 1 0,000. lie deposited the Dies in tbe watte paper basket, intending to put Ihem back in the vault In a few minutes. but forgot Ihem, fd left hi olhee. 1 lit janitor, a man named Dahl, dumped them in a room where the waste paper it kept, an' tbe police, a bo were notified of the lota, found tnem. ? A C'altle King Jrresiets. Spokane, With Deo 18. Abe Willis, the alleged king of the gang of cattle tbeivet who have been p'ying their vocation in 'he Paloute country and telling Ihe stolen catt'e at Bon- "er't Ferry, Mtfo, was captured yesterday morning by Depu'y Sheriff Fred Moreley, of Kootenai county, about twenty milet from Oaketdale, .Mr Mooreley arrived in Spokane w un bit prisoner on the 1 alouit freight at 11:30 last night, and tonic the I o click pass enger for Kooteaai station. ' i . Irwla Resigns. Salem, Dec 18. Rev G M Irwin hat ten dered hit resignation at superintendent ' of the government Indian training school at Cherotwi neni 1 liia city. He resigned to re enter the ministry.' Irwin was appointed andsr Presi dent Harrison in August, 1889. J ott recti ved new and opened for retail a 0 E firownell's tha fofcWing ' Chow Chow, ' - - : , Cooking Moiutet, Pioklesia vinegar, 8alt Herring, , ' 8nlt white nth, ' ' i tllBFITB a awaaaaaaaw. There are only ca membert ot the Pendleton Are department. Mott of our exchanges have given ilia thtt census a l.ard rap since the receipt of official returns, One of tha electric cars on tine fall ground road yesterday run over, a cow belonging 10 Uoo uetarte, 01 tna wick, firm of Murphy & Detart, breaking her leg. Mho wat Immediately killed anj put out of agony, and will be paid for by Ihe company. I Ms I tne first instance 01 a cow being "killed by lightning" In thla section of ihe country. Satom Jonrnnl, Two ol our cltlxen got Into an alterca tion Saturday night and one threw black fiepper in the other s eyes and men struck dm over the head with a cane, The thrower was lodged In jail until fjundav morning when he was released on ball. They were both arraigned Monday and the prpperer and 'peppered were both fined, the former $aj and the latter $10. Corv.-.llls i lint's. Here is an Illustration given by the editor ot the Prineville News, of the dif ferences In life t Wm K Vanderbllt, not feeling welt the other day, decided to go to Europe, and he paid a physician 8io,ko to accompany Mm. DW Aldrldge, not iceiing well at the same time decided to stay In Prineville, and accordingly ex pended as cents for a box of pill, Rather reckless expenditure of wealth. The editor of the Scientific American suggest the following remedy for dlpth erla and exprestce the wish that It might have sufficient trial 10 prove lis ut ful ness. It It tlmply that raw onion be placed In a bandsge and be beaten into a pulp; ihe clolht containing tbe .nlon, Juice and all should be placed about the throat and well up under the eart. Renewal may be made at often a the mass becomes dry. In most cases noticed the results were almost magical, deadly pain yield Ing In a short time to sleepy comfort. Our exchange have publialieil lint of heavy Us payer for nearly all the counties of Oregon. It it an Interesting fact that In only one of them lie the name of an editor been seen. It telle it own story, and atiRgest that if you owe the printer you'd U tter pay up. The Harrtaburg Courier makci an at tack on the car Evangel, and ;u manager, recently In this city, which It entirely un called lor and very small In spirit. Mr Wheeler, the manager ol the car, Is a gen tleman In every sense ol the word and does not deserve the epithet thrown at htm by our cotemporary. S P Cosictlo applied fur a license to aelt liquor In North Salem, not a part of the city, publishing the petition In a Stayton paper. This was ft,und out by the people of the precinct and a remonstrance was presented Ihe county court with tyi names. while there were only 334 on the petition. A womant remonstrance with 370 name was aito presented. Tne petition wat dis missed at the coal ol Ihe petitioner. The matter hat attractctrconsldcrable attention there. Tlii la an age of invention. One could tell blind folded that the following invention, a peculiar one, cam from San Francisco. 8)t Y 8 Wad is th geuiaa, and the invention ia aimpty tor, wmcii i so consiroctea thai two jointed figure, representing prize fight er, niar be caused, by th working of certain .evera, to make th movement of actual prixe fighter engaged in a con teat with one another. Menu ar also provided whereby on ol tha men retire- en ted a fghting may be forced sudden ly downward, ae though he had been knocked down by a blow from hit opponent. Ill ministers oiTacoma wrmU nr.l open their door to Franci Murphy tx- catie ne uie not talk political ptohibl- mm, gospi-i temperance being hi lm. Minister itnouu be broader than that. tou talk about your statesmen and financier, but the nrinter who kncr.a track of the multitudinous correct noei- . 1 1 1 . . . . . nuns tor ma ing powder ami patent med icine nut is greater man an these. According to th vote cast In munici pal election tout week, Aatorla is the second city in the state, Salem third. Aioany lourtn and Pendleton fifth. Astoria polled 1245 Kalem 810, At bany GHZ, and Pendleton 671. Scio 1 res. Notwithstanding th general prefer encw for coin on thia coaat, it can easily iw pruvcii t,nat pnper money is in better. The Man About Town will give one reason one triai eeuie in whole matter. The reason paper monev ia better than rv.ln la that you double it when you pot It in your pocket and find It Increases when you take it out. we prefer Webfoot to th following condition of affair reported by the Pendleton EO. "Hnow-driftB six feet deep appear in the lane between Weston and Athena, which is said to lie almost impassable. tnow iiaa drifted aleo in th roada north of Pendleton, making . t .1 : OM 1 . ,, IIBVVI UIUIUUIS. The Raker City Reveille baa the fol lowing to Bay concerning the late of M H Uellman, who, only a few eek ago, took hi departure from Grant county for part unknown: "At the recent term of circuit court held In Can. yon City, D I 4bury, editor of the News, recovered damairea for tttinnn against a villain by tbe name of M S Mellman for invading the sanctity of tba plaintiff borne. Hanging is too good for man like Hollman. "peaking of the family trouble of Mrs Fred Whittier, (nee Allie Scott) tbe Salem Journal says: "She expected to take the train In the evening but learned that parties were lvinit in wait for her. 80 she took a carriage Friday morning (or Turner where she wi.1. board the train for Kuaeno. She showed ereat determination in getting her child, and gained, a gooo ueai 01 Bympathy for her sharp tactics in securing poaaesaion of me liunu. cue eays sue will lie viVlnn to herself until he is secured to her la the courts. Tke City Beataaraat. The "City Restaurant" it the place to eat, w lit 1 ... a iou win aiwavs nna itciean and neat; No restaurant In town with It can com no re. The best meal In Albany you can get there. r tin and game you'll always find, Best meats and delicacies of every kind. The proprietor will always try Your every want to satisfy, So don't forget at the "City" to call, aieaia iney serve to suit you an. Now bring your friends and to them show. The best restaurant In town to go; Remember when the bett you want Call at "The Clt Restaurant." Mr. Brannln will treat you, right, "he "City" i open till 10 at night. ooara and lodging If 50 per week. MARRIED. MEYERS CHANDLER At 7 :30 p m Tuesday, Deo 15, 1891, at the residence ol KN Thompson in North Brownsville, Mr u r w Meyers ana miss unve Chan dler, both of his place, Rev G J Travis. of Eugene; o elating. ' BORN. ALLEN. On Wednesday morning, Dec 16, 1S01, to Mr and Mrs R A Allen, of the Oregon Pacific a boy. DIED. GUM. At her home In Farmlngton, Wath , Dec. 7th, 1891, of typhoid fever. Mr Kate Gum, aged 36yert. Deceased was born and tatted in thtt county, and was a sister of Mrs Phil Smith, of thin county. She leaves a husband and Are children and a large circle of relatives and 1 Oat 81 LETTER, 1, ,j,iw lOKKC'tTT.JJec. 10th, 1891. An epidemic of cranks. That ia tho latest evil that ban come upon this city. It Bcemo to come In waves like the grippe and other diseases. It takes various forms.btit all clearly belong to the same gorms. The form of tho cri'uik that is just now making Itself hldeou ati-1 prominent peoplo uneasy Is that one which Beck to avenge Haolf of Nome fancied grievance inflicted or Imposed on sue ptyor- uy tne noil. Vtllhi.l a very ehort period three of . New York' mot prominent cltkeen have suflt'red much. Many other seem to bo receiving anony mous letter containing threats and de mands. The first one alluded to In the persistent annoyance of Mr (,'harle IS Alexander, no Miss Crocker, by an old French Instructor. He labor timlwr tho hallucination that Mrs Alexamlei I wrongfully linprlaoned and kept away from him, to whom be inaiat aho ia tin- voted, lortunaluly his annoying Men tions were void of violence until lie was secured in the asylum, where ho un'iues tionably belong. Then cornea the as sault on Dr John man univerwttily beloved and through w hom the wealth of New York got- in stream to assist the poor and unfortunate. On a recent Sab bath as tho Doctor returned to lit home I from service three shots were fired at him ; fortunately however they were not ! accurately aimed. The lunatic s expla nation was that Dr Hall bad deeply! wronged him in turning aside largo sums1 ol money which rich people would have willed to him. Then come the recent attempt ol the dynamite Ih-nd on Una soil Huge, the detail of which are too familiar to need repeating here. As I looked upon the pile ol mangled human flesh, which the police gathered up after the esploaion. I could not but fuel that there was evidence ol such a thing as retiibutive justice in tne fact the dynam ite bomb expended it greatest force on the onelwbo threw it. How shall we ex plain this mania? It I a thing that should be cured. And to cure it there must need be an intelligent understand ing ol the cause out of which the evil ariaea. lleceutly 1 have had occanlon to spend some time among the more unfor tunate of thla citv. That mean that I bava seen humanity in its most degraded condition. I cannot conceive that dark est Africa pres'iila a more gloomy, a more aad picture. Dirt, drunkennevs. vice in every form the imagination can conceive, (and in many form inconceiv able.) lo of moral :iie, ot social ties, of political respiia'tbllity, is everywhere apparent; to thia ia oltentimta added disease 1 11 It moat ghaally forms ; these things ar apparent to the casual obacrvcr aa he hasten on a business errand through thejpoor qnartrr around the famed Five Points. I shall not now at tempt a description of what one may we in the darker recesses ol New Y rk slums where one dare go only under tlm protec tion ol hired detective. All this under the very shadow ol the rich man's palaee 1 thereby made to stand out in liolder relief. Iheae unfortunate claaaeawith diseased Imaginations arid distorted pas sions have no know ledge ol the cause and cure of ihi ir misfortunes. It ia human nature, too drep twaU-d in tha human breast and world-wide to pise the blame of misfortune on other beads. Accord ingly, th demagogue, in times of politi cal or otiier excitement, come to these poorer classes with lying representations ana laise promise corccrtung ineir con dition. For partisan purposi-s and selfiah aim these people are dvcrived. cajoled, pleaded with, threatened, briu-.l and falsely dealt Willi generally until there remains no vealige l reason w hy they should retain any confidence in mankind, or respect ol law and authority save where it lays violent hands opou them. Is it any wonder that reason ia dethron ed, maniacs created and anarchy made plausible? Kvery year Amerira, in her politics. I sowing to the whirlwind to reap to the whirlwind a harvest ol disas ter. It were well nigh time for na as a people to quit thla juggling with human hopes and livea and impart into our politics aliylo more of sincerity and honest dealing. It were well nigh time lor party leaders to quit indulging in groMH-at tniarepresentauoii without a shadow of cause both ol men's character and opposing ieauea merely lor partisan purposes. There was a time when If the people' leaden spae it was taken as gospel truth. Alas, now, utterances of public men are looked upon a only half truth at Ix tt, and an opponent's side is rarely fairly stated. Jiua is not the ex presaion of my own opinion It i 1 record of what anyone may bear who baa concern enough to spend a few hours among the "les miserable," or time enough to gain their confidence hufll cicntly to get them to give utterance to their real sentiments. Of course violcnca of any absolute right should be and gtncraiiy is dealt with more ar less summarily. This must needs be ao. "An eye for an eye' ia the expression ol a necessary law ao long as society in any degree remain chaotic. Nevertheless there must cxis'. a deep sympathy as well for him who suffer from legal penalty a for him w ho is the unfortunate object of violent attack, aa long aa the conditions of society make both forms of Buffering inevitable. Another great cause ol aocial dissatis faction and unrest ia the unbounded confidence the American people have in legislation to remedy any real or fancied grievance. Accordingly we have organ isations ol all kinds, among all secure just right from the legislature. Where one interest organises it is of course necessary lor other opposing in terest to organize. But the Iruit of modern legislation, national or state.can scarcely be called commensurate with the labor and expenditure of money. And in our rabid partisanship statecraft becomes an effort for party supremacy rather than national honor and national conduct ia only a party platform in dia guiae. What the country needs is recog nition of the fact that party auccecs means more than partisans In office and the addition ol sincerity and truth to the public life of tbe day. The principle for which the hated mugwump contends, however impotent, has come to stay and will assert itself wherever political folly exists as long as mental freedom remains. Politics is an index of national life. Neither society nor the Individual ever finds relief in the legislative hall. Indus try, frugality and personal integrity are the things needful ior realizing the most for the individual. And the sign which point to an Industrial agitation aa in tense and universal aa tbe present polit ical and social agitations has in it more of hope than any feature now character izing the close of the 19th century. It basin it tbe promise that the duties and Activities 0! government shall be mini mized and made merely functional. And it baa in it also the promise that the in dividual shall be free to assert his native power untrameled by legislative re straint or overbearing corporate activity. The potion that will quiet the social un rest of tho period is a popular belief tbat the world owes no man anything save what be honestly earns,and it is the anti dote for the social disease which seeks to remedy abnormal social conditions re suiting from an unnatural social system by a personal attack on individuals who have prospered marvellously under that system. Respectfully jours, James J. Charlton. Didn't Last. An item is going the rounds of tbe press that Sherman county is tbe only one in the state that has not a rjaloon within its borders, says The Dalles Sun. . Such was possibly the casd for a thort time after ' the two saloon keepers, at Grants, were fined for viola tion of the license law, but the county was not allowed tdenjoy such distinction long, as outside of drug stores, there is at least one place where the "long felt want" is supplied. Tbe owner calls bis saloon a rattlesnake ranch and there are not a few who make regular calls for the purpose of getting bit or spending one. Cared or Neuralgia. Lottie L Dereau, East View, Weatohester Co., N Y, write! I have been a great tufferer with paina in the baok of my head, worse than any head ache. I could not reaob it with internal medionetat all end during tn cold weather I have suffered excrutiatino.y, ' 1 finally thought I would try an Alloook'a Plaster applied to the naps of my nook. In test than half a day the pain entirely csased." - There were 19o votes cast in tho Lebanon 01 B II01H5 Al ABBOAD TlltKUfMV. Wheat hR aka another tumbte, an is now 84 one Is Danoing toliiHil at (ha opera homo Satur day night at 8 o'clock. Iteports from tho Sauliam mine tell of a continual finding of a fine body cf ore, in creasing in riorums. Fruits Si Flowors. ynbtished In Portland, $2 a ysar, it a magazine that deserve a bbaraUupporr It 1 well gotten up both typographically and in litrrary merit. K1 Albcrtton, tha Ttoom bank dsfaul toror, wat taiitcnoed at Taooma Mnudav to I tnrve teu ar in the penitentiary At Walla j Walla. Cliaudhrt', bis acoompliee, wit sen- wiu ta 10 11 ye year. Asteeiment figure tr pscnltsr things. Linn couuty pays lain 00 WA?' mn than Lnn. lfer iifkbtednet; is 8.i.1,3l8 greater and her eiamptiouaara $71,5r'J lets, bha has 2.100 ix,lle and Jaim, ZOa.'l. "Ganuar vt McLaughlin" was a bog can-, and Clio verdict ot tne jury simply insisted that, in l)uHlai county, all fences shall be "horse high, ball strong tnd pig tiht" to censtituta yahd lfene against hgi, and Duuglas county Juriot I'.aindialar. Tha following cironta judge have Ix-en appointed. William I. Putnam,' of Maine. flftbj William A Wootis.of Iodin,sevuth; Wat ran TiUllt. tit Oroinm. iitri,.t Inr thodiatruitof Alaska. ritllMY. Jtsv kUtnincer and his innmmu hit. Ium in Stlem attending thnU A K fair.. Th hull of the General liutl.-r which wa wrecked during tha recot-t storm several mile tooth of Yaeuias, orifUid into Ya rittiu yaatordav ttrikitur tha annth h-ttw aud knocking out about ai(hty feet of it. J Tha southbound passenger on th South ern Kansas was wrecked two mil north of Cherryville. Kan., yesterday. Tha rxoieas oar, th regular eoachea aod tho sleeper wet nuuea iiowa a nig embankment, with about forty pataenuaia on board. I'wouty tix person we injur.!, three fatally. A Rl-kawat Fkhky Boat. This fore noon, when the ferry boat at-this city was in the middle I tho itrearn, th cable gave away at a point where it lml been spliced, and tbe lioat floated down stream. Mr Devino, the ferryman, and Mr lU'm water, were on board. Th former coolly let down tho small boat and took In paaaeiiKcr tr shore and then loiioweti the ferry 1hhI, which, swung around to the shore just north of thoO P brldjre, w here it wns fattened t the fchore. The cable will be mended and the boat brought back in time to bo running in a day or two. SATUHiiAY. ore east in SOObtlloU v lection. tho AkLltml Don't forget to call at tha Indies Bazaar for jour uat-ful holiday pre-euta. Tiny have a targe aeloction at low prices. Cooper Bioa, aold 8000 tunnels of wheat to the Bi-ntnn county flouring mlllr a few day ao for IH'ctala. At t ie t'-ui!ding Jit Loan Aeaocisti.m last uiiit.t SUM wat loaned to C II Uart at 62 muii'li Intcteat iu advance. C'lwford.wlle is to have a smta spring. Ill) ha len railed for developing tbe spring on tht farm of A A HOI. Prr f C K Millard ia teaching singing school at Gev.iK Ha will he rwmembrwd aa bav iug had a o'.aattt llarriaharg ia thi county. On tcoauut of tha presentation of Bl shsaaar at the Opera Hooea tonight Mr liopk'ttt dauctng acbool hat beau puatpoood until Tueatlay night. Our cct.lei&porary pobluhea a call for a young moo's rcpuMictu club tn this city, to ba orgaeiael at tha Court House on next Tuesday evening at 7 oc.k. Ao ordinance baa been introduoed in tbe Ixbsonn Coubotl eranting J L Cowao, L Foley and Frank O Nail a 13 years franchise for au loctriu light system. Ia oar item yetrday concerning mort gigt indobUdtinaa th tip's made uissv tbat tha amnuut f moriiee in tha atate waaUlij".OU;i. But this i tt auiouut of n.ortiiagaa in Lien county. On of te ctxtin the c tcuit court of Pulk county 1 nt week wat tho State of Ore gouatilalo l'a;kento. Jt waa eontioued. Antthsr case theie was honied -Stale agt Cawiua Case, who al.3 had a case iu tbe last Lion county circuit eowri. It was continued. Prof J I) Letcher wtut to Portland last Friday to be trr: d ev physicians. A Int egrant from him l 'his city announce that be w ill not soon r-t'irn to hi pott at tbe codrje. (Vr'sllia CiszeUe. Uncle Tom's tV iu at the Opera House on Monday biht. Th members of the oomp tny, a tiua lojki.i- tot of men passed through Albany thit noon for !ebaoon. Not being able to get the Opera Hons in Albany ti, niftht they c m. ludod to give oor iivi lister city a banelit Freth crisp oulory tt k'Mn T.h. Atk for Crescent teiat F E Alien s. Frtsh r lasted co9ee at F E Allan's. Tbe best mast eoSce in tho city at Com ad oL-ysr s. Repairing naatly dona at tha Urge gilt boot store. So the big F retch ddl at (hi Ladiea Bsaaar. Save money by hat tag Cbiisluia gift at Rutin Si A kin's drn store. Allan Bret alaayt keep their customer opphod with fresh butter and eggs. All kindt of ehoioe eating and cooking a,iplM at Allen Bros. In I ha line of spectacles aod aye-glaaaee, Frenoh, tha jeweler, laadr. Iiok t ut for a big display of Chriatrna goods at French'a jewelry iter. ladies Oxford ties at ureatlv reduoed rttet at Klein Brot. Must be told. A large lin cf elegant gold watehea ia tatty Dtw.trsji al Will A Stark. Magnolia sviun. the finest io the msrkat iaejuantitie to suit at V R Allen's. Will & SUrk, tht jeweler. Ladiea Oxfoid ttea at Klein Bros. Chuao eat in th city. Will be told at nreatlv re duoed rates. Holm A AVin, druggioti tt Frenoh 'a oorner, have a large line of choice holiday good, which they are selling very low. Whttovcr may be the cause of blanchimr. the hair may he restored to itt original color by tte uie f that potest remedy Hall' Vegetabl Sioiiiau Hair Re newer. Now'what are you witting foiT Whv not get right tn and go Kleiu Bros, and luy goods from them for throe tioketi are neatly gone. Kemembei that it a very beoutuul piano and who knowt who will gat it. Klein B-01 hive a ltrs an t chnios tt oe af bHt. a i lihr,i f-.- atl . at reason ab cri-M4 D uin'ji5 iu ( tit wear unt yishiva ib tuirj tint i I ti el-i art piano ai tnoir ;ore. Ton etn get tbe worth of vonr mooev nv buying vour wstohes and elocka at F M French's, the oorner jewelry (tore, - With hi new bakery Cgnrad Meyer ible to offer 1 Id and new oustomeit- every thing firttulsAt iu baked goodj. Decidedly the largest and choicest variety of tea In town is at C E Brc wnell't. San dried, basket fired, g-een.tb aok, Englith breakfast, &n - Conn Si Underwood, tuccoatort to Wiloox, are prepared to do first-clasi photographio wcrk at their gallery at Second and Ferry streett. Give them a trial. What a tasty Appearasc that piano at Klein Brot. would gly yonr parlor. That young daughter of your would bo too proud of it. Go and ask Kleiu Bros, about it. Really it will oost you bat a few dollars, Thi is no joke. Go and tee them. BBLfliiAZZAR'waa again presented last night to a large house, meeting with great favor. It has scored a great suc cess. In order to giveall an opportunity to see it, it will be again presented to night, with an admission fee of only 25 cents in the gallery and 60 cents down stairs, with no extra charges for reserved seats. It will be given as a benefit for the Orphan's Home, with whom the receipts will be divided, and should be given another big house. From th Mines. Mr Peter Wilson, who has been aseisting in putting up the new ten stamp mill in tbe Santiam mines came to Albany last evening, ac companied by Mr Stevens and another emplove of the company. The mill was started running with a large pile of ore on tbe dump Thursday evening, and went ahead in fine shape and in a man ner to indicate that it will do good work. There is considerable snow in the mines, and on that account it is very doubtful whether tlieunill can be kept rnnntntr, ir urst juKioiai ciruiiir ; ."tailismol Khiprnen, rd Cotinuntirut, aocond; (inorge M D. lien, of Voiinslvniu, third; Nathan tinff, of West Viruiuiia. fourths Wtlitaiu It Tft ,A U. eiii, rBcfcEic. Wednesday evening, Dec 16. Preeht Mayor, recorder, marshal, treasurer, and Councilmen Hawkln,Tab ler. Burkhart, Allen and French. The following bills were ordered paid : G W Hughe. 6, L W Deyoe. $3 55 1 W B Ua ,r, S64 ; P W Sptnkt, d 74 ; N J Henton, Jty jo; J N Hoflman, $14 80; M Cowan, $50 74; cost blllt, $7 65; H M Penlngton, $3; J B Couglll,f3; W F Read, $3;JGradwobt, $18 50; Mr pur dom,$i 50; Electric Light Co, 1284; J N Hoflman, ticket Cronln to Portland, 13 35; Hayne Buck, $1JJ5!J N Hoffman, 75- The report of the canvassing board thowed the election of officer a hereto fore published, except that J L Cohan's majority for mayor wa tat, IntteaJ of 119. The repoit of Ihe bridge superintend ent, by A H Milter, asalatant superintend ent, thowed $6,060 worth ol material and laljor furnished and done since 'ast report, at follows, piles, $54, lumber, $Jo, cement, $750-tron. $3. 3"5. labor $1,050. Petition of Geo S Acheton and others, asked for rot walk near city cemetery. Referred. Orolnance bill N0JJ40, authorizing the mayor to enter Into stipulation with the war department In reference to the con struction of a bridge at Albany, wat passed. . A communication from "citizen" com plained that cross walkt on Flrtt street were Impassable from too much mud, and asked that It be attended to. Being anonymous it wis laid under the table, or some where else, but on motion cf Coun cilman Tabler, the street comr.lloner, now 111, wat ordered to put a man on streets at his own expense 10 attend to muddy cross walkt. The matter of raising the heater at No j't engine house wat referred to con, n. It tee on fire and water with power to act. ! Judge Blackburn wat ordered retained to assist the city attorney In the Injunction tuiu brought by D B Monteith and Other. The marshal' bond were ordered plced at $7,oo and the city treasurer'! at $40,000. Bays ii Jeffriet were given until February 1st to complete their tewer con tact. Bills of judge and clerk, city election, $30; allowed. Report of surveyor showed Hayne Si Buck had done $4,800 worth f work on Madison street sewer, and $ajj an latteral sewer. Report showed $8498 79 worth of work done by Bay jeffcr lea on tewer contract, of which $4500 ha beer. paid. A warrant for $ jsoo rn ordered drawn tu favor ot the contractors. In matter of bridge estimate a warrant wat ordered down In favor of contractor 1 for $5000. HEAL IATATK BALM. V C Casaell to Elisabeth Hoose weart, 8 lota 17, 18, of Wav erly Fruit farm $ MOO C A Elton to J Griehara.lota 11, 12- 13, K' 2nd A, Lebanon 232 O II McFarland etuxto I W Wolf, 2 acrt-8 in D L C of J Blakcly. . 200 W W Steiwer et ux to J F Steiwer, 212 acres in tp 10, SR3w 0000 J H Crooks et nx to Eliza Warren, all of lots 2, 3, 6,J' A, Craw foidsville 800 Eli J Keeney to Elia Keeney, all interest in E H ofDLC of Klia Keeney 400 C fi Burkhart etux E F 52. G's Park A, Albany 2000 I rtah Terhnme et us to W L Jack eon, int in lota 4. 5, bl 2 Sodaviile 280 Mate of Oregon to I 11 Geddes. S . . ii I H E U e 10, tp 13.S R 3 E 100 Mra Margaret Morley to Rebecca Smith, lots 1, 2, bl 4,Halsey. . . C20 J 15 Cayl etux to E Haner. 10- rwreinsec34,tpl2SR2W. 10 Geo W Wartnoth etux to Elia Keeney, E K : D L C of FMias- Keeney 4000 John Haley to I II few. N K H. sec 34, tpK R4E 3000 fc Haner to J H Ware, 83 acre ia tpl3,SRl E.....T.. 1500 I!N Hardman toFd Id ,ch. lot 8,b!k 4, J M R'a 4tl tvd i to Leb anon tn...- 500 John F Handelman t 1 M tVare. K acres in sec as, tp 13 SRI E. . -300 United Sta's to Isa o tt Froman 318.54 acres in tp 11 d R 3 W..Patut Tout sale.. ,.133732 Go to F E all'. wnn won want boon" h"n twaet. JI . mp tymp, etc. fcsAA. ScIaftlSo America CAVCATS, raAoc MAftke, 'ft. COPVHICHT8. ato- 'Fr?nJ'!!r,?,,,,'u ""' fr Han.lhnf write to atSN CO- 501 HO vl.-r .Y, New YOt ui-t bureau taeairfat patents ta Am-rtM. Tvery intent ta ten out br us Is bromcbt beiro tua putuo br a i-uuoe ctvtn iiee of cbaigo la tb rf rtetttiKc mrdrntr Irret elmilat'rm rf -nv ee" oUr lnee tn the wurM. Hilmnijif llut:ruu i. intell'ront fian shonld be wt-.tmat It, Weeklr. j3:i.O a. yu-: six moMthe. A grees MCNM A CO. PuuUfUkaij. 3Q Broautraj . f .ew Vork. S9SS REPORT OF TUB COSDITIOIC OP TH FIRST NATIONAL BANK, , AT ALBANY. IN THE STATE OF OREOOX At the close "t tuai;ow, Pee. Snd, 1891. Beaaaree 1 Loans snd disoounta... 11,841.07 ... 80,000,00 6&BO 4,663, 10 . 14,071.47 ,. 1S.9S8 17 . i,ooaou ... 8,188 . 8,8Sx.60 ... 889.33 Ovenlrufte,aectirail and unmx:urd..w... U. H. Honda to secure circulation.-. Stock, aecurltoa, claims, etc hue from approved reasrva taenia.. . Bus from other iational Banks Hue from State Bauka and bankers Barking house, lurnituie, and Sxtures Current sxpensea ant taxes paid Premiums on U S bonds, Checks and other eaah items.. Billsofother Banks KncUon&l naoer currency, nicklea and cent 18.75 Specie S1.T88.00 lA-iral tentlor notes...... .............. ess,uu Redumption fund with U. 8. Treaaurer(8va per cent ol eirculatioit.) 900.00 Total . ....8X3,174,52 Liabilities t Capital stock paid ln .... 50,000.00 10,000 00 44,111 8 1T.S50. nuniius iiinil.. Undivided nroflta... National Bank notes outstandinc. Individual depoalu subject to check Peinand esrtiflcatesol lersit. Due to other National Banks but to State Banks and bunkers. . . . 127.810. ja,Til- 8 .Total.-.. , 8323,17 Statc or Oiutoox.toesTT or Liks, ss I, E W Laxodox, Cashier ot tha above ed bank de solemnly swear tbat the above statement is trut to tho best ot my knowledge sod belief. E W LANQDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn tobetora ma this 17th day ot Deo., 1801. . TJSUtet,. (1- a) Notary Public. CoanstT Attest : L FLINS, ) L. K. B LAIN, Directors. E f SOX ) O O O O O O O OOO O GOOD NEWS O q For th millions ot consumers of Q oTuttfsPillso It g-lves Ir. Tutt pleasure to an xtounee that he) la now putting; up a " O TINY OVER PILL O O which Ii of exceedingly small slao, av yet retainina; all the virtueaof the . lurwer ones. Ouaranteed purely vesetabla. UothnlsoaortheaeplUs A aro still issued. The exaot also ot V OTUTT'S TINY UVEH PILLS ft la tltowu in the border of thia "iO. wa OOOOOOOOOO NOTICE TO SrCCX-HCLDEES. Kotlo ia herebv riven thai tha anruTtal stock bolder masting of the Fanner- A Merchant luauranos Company f Ai bany, Linn county, Oregon, will be held at the company' offloo, In th eity of Albanv, Oregc n, on Wedneaday, January 6th, 1892, at the hour of 2 o'clock; p mo j aald day, for the purpose of electing nln8 director of said oorupany, to nerve lb one year, and to transact any other bnsir uess as may regularly coare before aa d meeting. By order of tho President! , Dated peoember 1st, 1891, J, O. WRIT9MAN wi- j t twsavy tor - r. e Ayr "German yrup We have selected two or three line from letter freshly received from pa Croup. rents who have given German Syrup to their children in the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because they come from good, sub stantial people, happy in finding what so many families lack a med icine containing no evil drug, which mother can administer with con fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, saf and sure that it Will carry them through. Eo, L. WiLUTS, of Mr. Jab. w. Kiaat, Ainu, nea. 1 give it i)au((r.irrs' college, to tny children when Harrodaburg, Xy. I troubled with Croup have depended upon and never saw any ft in attack of Croup preparation act 11 k a with tny little daugh It. It ia limply ml ler, and find it an iu raculou. valuable remedy. Fully one-half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child hood, whooping cough, croup, diph theria and the dangerous inflamma tions of delicate throats and lungs. & TWO MEN AND ONE DOY POUND DEAD!! Vhile trying to Crowd theii WAT 1KTO aTeyge & tRomn bros jtore, where they always have on hand he largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifle and Shot Jun; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every Ascription; Tents, Hammock, Cam p Chair and thousand of ether thing too numerous to mention wJlepaxir Sliop in connection with the Store, and one ot ie best workmen In the State to do any and ail kind of work. Come one Come al. Ko rouble to how goods. "Small profit and rjulck lrV 1 out -notto. F0RTM1LLER & IRVUICa ' 2-iA. --' ir-r -f. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- Arteilal Embalming don Scientifioally. Albany, Oregani Scientific Ajnerlealt Agency forf- a. j.m ,V" TRADE MARKS. OE8IOM PATKNT& r.oPViCHTt. ate. i. CBiWEai IV Fnr tnf ormatloa srd fren Hanebook write to Miosis CO M rtuoaawar. Srs Tost Oidast bureau Tor aecunnt natonta ta Aleertea. Kvery patdt-t taken out ty oa la l-rooehl befnrw tit pubiM: br a notice gkiun free oi cuanm tat tba cf ficntific meriratt Iureat eirratation of arty erjratifta paper tn tba world. Pplondiulr Mhutrate.1. No ir.te:Urent ccaa ahci.)d be without tt. Weekly. a N IO, Vl'PUaHKBS. XI Bruadway. Iew York. rear: tUO Mi roontbi. Adrtr Ml' NJI CHOICE MEATS Or Au Ismi-iirlclc - Sc. - Halter, Opposita Sehmeert Livery Stable, next or to Willamette Packing Go's store. T!!j O tt acknowledged the tcadiTW remedr It trrbana A sSlwea. Tbe onlv saia remedy for i IticorrliafaorWhitaa. 1 DrearTibe it aod feet XHairw safe in rerrrmmeadllictt i THttwvmCMtB'"' S to all eniTercrs. UaCMll,0 W, Z o"-,!H tK M- f- Sold tw Dninria(at, 1'siiE 910. Stanard.ft Cnatt .Aganta REVERE HOUSE. ILBANY, HAS. PFEIFFER OREGON I'KOPRIETOR. Fttted ap JB firat-claes tvt. Tables supplied wli th beat in th market Klo aleplna- aMrtmenu. eump! roomr rommeroil travelers. FOSHAY & MASOM wwoi,si,l'iS aaa aavaik- Druggists and Bookseller Afiwutai foe John B. Alden 'a D ii bllealfomi wtiioh we aellat pTjbllahee' prloe vni 4wrtagedd ALBAH 1 OBBtJOt ALBANY OR. WMTSMAF & Mhim BROS, Real Estate Agents farrn and Ranches foraale. Also city broperty in Albanv aod CoryallU. P...B:; is . a...a.:: b a m-rm: a:, it I a TTI X AT K T T "W w M . -. g SMITH & WESSOH a a. asm w v& uai w M uc H The Finest Smail Arms Evar Karmraciunnl. P SB Unrival. Gt-aranleei; E W av-r--- lWtsev. rs k DUR4BIL TV. 6 EXCEUL.Crt Cl jjL WORKMSIiSHtp and CONVENiuN'CEJo LOADING Ml JArETT. ! Beware of cheap Iron iraitatioas.Vfc i fg Sci.1 fsr!.ii:tratvtl CaWo? and Frf- ;. , i g SMITH & WES3CP, ' 3 ..JEA-i-J'iit. MASS. t-,T ' VW W a-s Caveats, and Trafla-Mark ohtalned, and all Tab nt business conducted for Moderate Fee. Our Offlc Is OseotK U. S. Patent Office, ana we can seen re patent Is less time than thos remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion, we advise, if patentable or not, free ot charee. Our fee not dua till patent Is secured. A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actuil clients in vour State, county, or town, sent free. AdOress, C.A.SfJOW&CO Opposite Patent Office. Wash burton. 0. C. . Boat atock of 2nd " goods In th Tallay, and tha most reasonable prices. 1 hav on hand a'l klnda of fURHITUSt, 3T0VES, TINWARE, TEOKXS, ECOXS, PIUTURES, CLOCKS CSCCKEHY, : ; ... " , ETt., ETQ. .- On floor yvest of 5 IS Totta-j' old store. ft ' fiTP f J?v . a. I a. aJ t iToa'vaXJ f - a.araafl t mm aamari. V aa-a a mm Uil 2nd IPT" Store.