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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1891)
lit iUciiwrrat. FRIDAY DECEMBER 25, 1801 LOOAL UECOItl. Tub Oaaoon Woudsr. Thla horse, born and raised near Albany, ia becoai inu famous. Tha following appeara in the scientific American. The picture referred to mar be teen a1 the Dkmocrat office : We publish an illustration of horse that has recently attracted much attention for the extraordinary develop ment 01 me nair oi ius mane, lore lock and tail. The animal ia very handsome. ii is a stainon ot rencn or ivrvneron Printer and Clydesdale blood. He ia 10 hands in height, weitiha 1.433 pounds. ana is ot chestnut color. llie mane an tail are oi the same hee. ilo is now eight years old and was foaled in Marion Co., Oregon. The mano ia fourteen feet, the foretop nine tent, an J the tail twelve feet long. When spread and drawn out to their full extent, the display ot the beautiful locks ot bright hair ia quite impressive, l lie greatest care Is taken ot the hair. It ia washed out with cold water, no tonica being applied to it. lie fore the horse ia placed in his stall the hair is drawn out and divided into sev eral thick strands. From his mane four such strands are made Each strand Is then tied around once every six incites about to the end. It is then rolled up and put into a bag. For his mane and foretop alone five baes are reuuired. He ia exercised in the same guise, a blanket or sneei, 11 necessary, ixMiig inrown over nim to conceal the pemiant bags. The greatest care is taken of his health. He ia exercised every day, either in a ring or out of doors under the saddle. The owners will not permit him to be taken into the upper floor of any building for fear of soma accident. Huring the last two years his mane and tail have grown about two feet. A Rcnawat Hot. There seems to lie aerate among Willamette Valley boy a lately to run away, nutneroua cases hav ing been reported oi youngsters with big visions starting out to ?W their tor tunes. Albanv had such a case yester day. Harry tllook, a thirteen year old boy .took the noon train for the norh for fields green and pastures new. His father learned ot the affair and tele graphed to Salem, where the boy was stopped and returned to Albany on the V o'clock local . The Salem Statesman speaks of the esse aa folkswa. Hia reason for leaving home was a poor one. His parents are nice people, and it is probable Harry got no more of a whipping than most boys get and deserve every few weeks. One of the passengers on afternoon train yesterday was a little 13-year old boy who ran away from his lmnie in AUmny. Itefore the boy's arrival Marshal A! into had received a telegram from his father, aeking the marshal to hold the runaway until evening and then to semi him back. The txv was a bright little fellow, and presented a better appearance than tne usual fugitive small ty. lie gave his name aa Harry l'ollock, and said his father abused him and that be was going to Portland. When asked what be could do there, he said he had worked in a grorery store and expected to get work of the same kind in Portland. Harry and his little bundle of clothing, done up in a shawl strap, were put in charge of the baggage master ot the train last night and sent home. Stood ow Ends There were few crafts that got caught out In the terrific storm at tea a week ago last SjnJajr that got thinugh without serious damage. Many were lot entirely. The steamer Truckee. from Tillamook bay, with a load of lumber irom the Iruckee mill just below Bay City, weathered that storm without dam age, except the breaking of lights, etc. She had on nearly 400,000 feet of lumber. She headed square againat the storm, and, instead of making headway, her cap tain found when the fury ot the storm ae over that she had been carried back about sixty-two miles. She carried seven pas senger, besides her crew of sixteen, and some of '.hem would not go through thst experience of twenty-six hours again for the whole etate of Oregon. Half the time It looked like the vcesel was being tipped over backwards. The waves were like mountains, and the aea was . laehed into one gigantic mm of foe-n. 1 he Truckee Is a mighty staunch ship, or she would have shared the fate of so many others In such a storm even the whalebsck being disabled la It. It was the worst storm on the Pacific coait for thirteen years Ex. Tux Waste Basket. An editor once said that if newspapers should one day print the contents of their wate-bakets there would be a riot. There would cer tainly be truuble In many homes, arrests in many directions, tho'guns In some plsces, trouble all around. But the sub scriber never sees the wsnte basket. Some day the Democrat may conclude to make a live paper by saving up the cream of several waste-baskets, at well as private instructions and give itr otce a live column; Ax Astoria Cask The DM (ioUhall trial in Astoria, of interest to Albany be cause Mrs Got eh all was a resident of Albany, at one time, being married here rov. 13, 189, attracted great attention there, a local paper taking on three or four columns to it. An eight header reads aa follows, and somewhat explaina me situation: v II uotshaii. J lie charge of larceny is dismissed. The trunks were examined in open court, Noth;ng found in them but his own prop erty.. The whole affair a put np job. An outrage only equaled by the Xorris case. .treated worse than a slave while in jail He tella bis own story in plain words. The Corbjct Way. The following; Important dispatch is of local importance: "Klchard Mansfield, the actor, has Issued ' Instructions to his manager to discontinue the use of lithographs and printing of all kinds for use In windows and on walls, and confine all advertising exclusively to the newspapers He is firmly convinced this Is the only proper wsy to teach all classes. He said today; The Influence and tremendous power of the press as an advertising medium is making itself felt more and more every day Ir. both theatrl cal and business circles. A man who doea not read the newspapers never attends the theater." Christmas comes on Friday of this week, and promises to be a popular event I n Albany. The churches wilt be on hand with varied entertainments ChrUtmas eve for the S. S's. A big stocking will be filled at the Christian church; a big fire place will be built at the Baptist church and santa Claus wilt came down; at the U P church there will be a house, a tree and a Santa Claus: at the Presbyterian church two trees; at the Congregational church a ship ; at the M E church a ladder. A Fatal Meal. A tramp died at Athena Wednesday night from eating frote.i apples. After a repast of this deelctable diet, he slept with a comrade tourist in a barn, and became III during the night. He was removed to a hotel and there died. His partner gave the alleged number and address of the dead man's home, some where In Canada, together wim nis name, ana a telegram was sent, wnicn irougnt tne strange reply that no SUCh DsrtV wll known at the n1or mm. Honed. The snsn's name Is Frank Green wood and he Is a French Canadian. He came from Montreal. Albany Second Best The match snooi aijenerson Saturday resulted as ollows: Jefferson Llbby, 16; Pestson. IJ; W L Jones, I3i Wlnkly, it;; Ed Jones.q; Hoyt,8 8o. Albany B'ount, 14; Uanta, ia; Adams, 11; Brown, 10 Oeyoe, 10; Perry, 9; G From an, 874. Another shoot will be hsd In this city next .Saturday, when as the Albany team will be able to Include In their team all their crack shots a different result may be looxea ior. To Be Paid. The recorder or Safety Lodge No 13, A O U W has received a warrant for $3000 In favor o Mrs Msry J Cox, being the beneficiary policy of her son Joseph Cox, who died in Crook county about aix weeks ago. Alto a warrant for Mrs A J Rsder of Toledo for $tooo and one for Mrs Isabella Guess, of Rock Hill, for $1000 being the beneficiary policy of their brother Henry Ingram. Arras. Some CxLisTnta. At Stewart's switch, one mile thla aide of Sherwood there are aeveral camna of Chinese wood chonnera. Biindav nfaht last, between the hours ot 1 aud i o'clock, one ot these camps, where there were five Chinamen sleeping soundly in a tent, was attacked by two men with riflea. The assailants fired through the tent from 40 to 40 shots from a short distance away. The Mon golians dared not stire until the firing ceased, when thev neened out and saw two forma disappearing. They also per ceived a burning fuse, and with saepic- ion at once aroused ran to the spot. They found two bag each containing about kur pounds ot giant powder, which had been enclosed by pieces of overall. They then got out ot the vicin ity, but returned on the following day. They are building a high fence around their camp and are armed to the teeth. It Is a miracle that they escaped death Honda niuht The tent was riddled by bullets. The partiea are suppose! to be known. Oswego iron woraer. Probate Matter. In the matter of the estate of Elisabeth Frum, bond filed and approved and Geo Wheeler, M Snider and Oscar Ilealy appointed apprsiters. Bond 1 6000. In the mslter of the ettste ot Geo 1! Keeney.' Inventory filed. Real property $J i 1 a. ao.pers jnal property $ 1033.40. A m piataers Strauder Fro man, u a sinitn and N II Allen. In the matter ot the estate ot Loren D lisle eta! minors. Bond In the sum of $3400 filed and approved. In the matter of the estate of Sarah Keeney, Jerry B Keeney appointed a6 mlnlttrator with bonds fixed at $7000, In the mstter of the eatste of C O Pat- ton, ordered that personal properly ex empt be set aside to widow, and that other personal property be sold as prayed for. Eoa'auty tie Law. The state board ot equalisation adjourned for Christmas. They will resume their sittings Monday next at 1 p m, when railroads will be taken up. Mortgagee have occupied their time for aeveral days, and they have cut the Gordian knot by levellimi all counties up to one-hundred per cent on the actual cash value. The returns from all the counties show that sixteen counties assess them at par cash value, ft counties at 75 per cent, 2 counties at 90 per cent, 3 counties at 60 per cent, 1 county at Co -j per cent. ' The increase shows that the Multnomah county assessment will le doubled, an increaae of 7,48rt,oi5. The increase on mort gages all over the state will be over 10,000,000. Journal. Ambitious Painevih.e Men. Inter est In the coming town election It on the ncrcate. The eandmatet so far as we have learned are, for president ot the council, Dr IMknap and Joe Htnkle; for councilman, D F Stewart. M A Moore. Manuel Siehel, T A Urcn, R P Ilarrlng- on, S J Newsom, C C Mallnir, I L Ketchumandl P Combs; f-r recorder. George .Summers and J I. Luc key; for marshal, Chris Coht, L C I'rrrv, las Woods, A C Palmer, J Claypxol, I II Backus and SI (Men; for treasurer, W II Fuller and S I liclkn tp; for town attorney, M E Brink. AH are good men snd worthy f the upport of the voters. KevJew. IMU1 AND rUEONAL E church south party In the near A ftoo Potato Walter Fernald, the affable vice president of the First National bank, dropped In upon us teste rday srith smiling countenance nd laid on our table a f 100 check, tavt the Baker City Demo crat. Mr Fernafd sal J: "I have an Item. You remember that the Democrat an nounced some mottht ago that Mr Wm Henry Mantle, of Philadelphia, would give a prtxe of $100 for the finest potato raited in the United States, Ben Iongley, of Eagle valley, doubtless caught ento'that Item, as the check you see lying before you is the $too prize. Mr I-ongley wss yesterdsy apprised that the Eagle valley potato wat awarded the premium as the accompanying check attests." Free Pastcbaoe. A third ward man has a fine lot, containing a big crop of grass, which he was saving for his own cow. Some neighbor, it was learned, from appearances, was in the habit of staking out a cow on the lot after dark and taking ber away before day light. Last night the owner of the lot watched operations and going to the place found tne cow peacefully grazing the coveted grass- She w as taken to the roan's barn where she lias since been stabled, will the owner call (or her and admit his guilt, that is the question. P. B.-We learn this afternoon that the owner of the cow appeared and claimed his property, laying it to a boy. The owner of the lot simply got the morning's milk tor pasturage. The Profkr Way. Tho assessment roll of Lane county contains a complete description of every piece of property assessed. The Yamhill roll does the same thing. These rolls are virtually abstracts of the real estate in their re spective counties. It ia a great expense to compile them and aa many assessors read the law such abstracts are not re quired in giving the description ot the property assessed. These descriptions are copied from the ''present ownership" lists. 01 which the Marlon county court will soon have one tor Marion county. A deed could be made from the Lane or Yamhill rolle. Statesman. Game Law Violated. This noon a Democrat man noticed at the depot a fine lowing doe. being shinned to Barnes. of Portland. It had from appearances been killed with young. Our rttne lawa should be enforced, and the person who slars doe after the close season, particu larly when they are in the condition this one waa in, should be prosecuted to the miiest extent of the law. Our gun clubs should unite in protecting the game of tins country in close seasons. A Relic There Is some talk of getting up a subscription to buy a new clock ior the W U T company. The old clock which cost $1.75 cents in '6a gave out about two weeks sgo. Its constitution broke down fourteen years sgo, but It bss been running on Its by-laws ever since. Manager Henderson turned It upside down and for the last month It has been keeping time after a fashion.but one has to stsnd on his head to tell what time It Is by it, which st times L embarrassiuc. Pass the hst and buy a new clock for Jay Gould's poverty stricken corporation. Astorian, A Body Found. A Marshfield dispatch It to the effect that "parties just arrived down the beach from Gardiner report tne finding ot a boat right side up snd the desd body of a man on the beach three miles north of the mouth ot the Umpqua river 1 he best was Intact, and the pot" Ion of the body Indicated that the occupant of the boat had reached the beach alive and died soon afterward on account of his weak condition and ,'exposure. It is sup posed to be the lost thip's boat of the General Butler, and one of Us six occu-psnts." Killed a Catamount. Chas Manlding of the Abique Forks, whose prowess aa a nnnter ia wen Known in this section called this week and reporta that he re cently killed a very large catamount near Abiqua ana. lie savs wild cats and deer are quite plentiful in hia sec tion. Beara baye now "denned" np for the winter ana are quietly sleeping and sacking their paws for refreshment. bilverton Appeal. A Mill at Mehama. An agent of German company was In Mehama last wee leoklng for a site to build a flour mill. They found It and will take water out of the little north fork of the Santlam, bring It onto the bluff In front of F U Hull's property, where there Is plenty of fall and a fine site. Stayton Times. Nothino m It. The following Impor tsnt Information comet from the Halsey News: ''We have Information from Al bany to the effect that Chas Louden who Is held ss an accessory to the murder of Henry Ingram, has made a confession acknowledging complicity In the terrible affair." Louden has made no confession at all to any one. MONDAY. The ladlea of the M will give a chicken pie future. T E Sloan, of Albany, formerly city marshal of liaise v. attended a meeting-of the Odd Fallows Balurdayviltfht. HaTsey news, 1) W Rurr.baugh and family have moved from Sweet Home to Albany and will make this city their home. The tannery at Sweet Home will probably be closed, A very ntce holiday present wss that ot a f ?c diamond set bracelet presented on Saturday by Mr John A Crawford, to Miss pet Strahan, who recently arrived home from the East. N Bautn, who committed suicide Isst week, had his life Insured for $39,000, of which $10,000 was recently taken out. It Is said it contained a clause sgalnst suicide, but will be paid. The Sunday Welcome speaking 01 Mr uaum says. ueceated was one of the most popular, oet uatured and generally likable business tren In the city. It was he who made the restaurant so genuine a success. Everyone who knew hltn loved him, and the news of his sad-taking off cast a decided gloom pver the many who knew and respected him." The following about a former Linn countyyc-ung lady appears In a Portland ex: A pleasant surprise parly was ten dered Mlts Anna God ley byher friends at the res'dence of her parents at Nob HM, Alblna, on Santa Barbara street, between Williams and Rodney avenues last Thurs day evening. Miss Godley Is a recent rrlvsl In this city, having moved here from Halsey. her former home. She U a rontrslto sing ?r cf exceptional merit, hav ing spent a year at the New England Con servatory of Music at Botton and rsvently accepted a position In the Beth Israel congregation In the choir. She possesses a remarkably clear and strong contralto voice, and is a. pleating acquisition to the musical circles of this city. TCSSUAT. C C Jackson, of Halsey. was in the city today. WEDNESDAY. Mr G W Wright and family Brownsville today to spend the mas holidays. City Recorder N J Henton and family left today for Ellenaburg, Wash., on a visit with the former's mother and sister. Mr Henton will be home by Jsn I, but hia family will remain longer. Marshal Hoffman returned last even ing from Vancouver, Wash., where he had been to testify in the rase of the U S against the deserting soldier whom he arrested in Albany and took there a few weeks ago. B F Dorris has been couucilman of Euicene six years, mayor six years, and recorder, the office he is now riling, four years. A pretty good sign that he la a good man la his position. The young people of the rity are In ted to remember the social party to be given ou Christina night at the armory. t large number of games will be played. there will be music, and a nice lemon lunch. ent to Christ- A BtatlsllwaJa siantrs IsSisi hlisi. He makes the following reductions la sugsr for cash: 17 lbs dry granulattd for i.oo so lbs extra C white lor $1.00. ss lbs extra C golden tor ll 00. Here are some wholesale prices: 100 lbs extra golden C QiU els. too lbs estra C white Q 4W els. too lbs dry grsnulsted Q sfcf. He will alto sell a Ive gslloa pickles tor 00 cts. ksg o A ver appstislsg T, A vry surprising T, A saving, eel wastiag Baeutifol tastina Tey floe tavorvd T, -And a Isrgs and ehoiee stock of aroosris. fruits and baked goods, st Psrksr Bros. A gocd resolution ia never to bay without firs I givicg them a call. Holiday Goods. A fine line of holi day voodt mav be seen at G L Black- man s. His plush goodt psrtlcuiarly are fine, embracing a variety of handsome articles, which should be seen by all buy Ing holiday goodt. After a prosperous season the citisens of Linn county will desire to present their friends with the beat to be obtained. Mr B'sckmsn can accom modate them with as fine a line of holiday goods as it to be seen anywhere. tlsrap CaBfectlaaarT. Isom sells mixed candv. 2 lbs for 25 cents, 6 lbs or more at l6 cents per lb; r rench mixed w cents or a lbs ior ou cents ; choice French cream candy, 3ft cents per lb or 3 lbs for a dollar. Closing ont a fine assortment of French briar and meerschaum pipeeat less than coat, and all smoker's goods at prime coat. 210 742 1000 . HEAL ESTATE SALEM, W J VanPehuyver et nx to Ann E Alford, lot 7, bl 2,tlarrlsburg..$ 250 State of Oregon to I) W Rumbattgh, N-'ofNE ace 19. tp 13. H It IE I...... 100 J 8 Ames to Nancy U Watklns.1-7 acre In Sweet Home 75 I A Maounn et al to W J Van- Hc.huyver, undivided S4 lot 7. bl 2, ilarrlsburg..v Ill 8 T Paul etux to W A Paul, 1(10 acres, tpl 1,8 112 w 3200 John Leedy etux to AO Avoir. 4.123 acres In I) Li) ot 11 V Clymer 300 Lueinda Long and bus to Nunc K Waters, lot 3, bl O.Brownsvllle 023 U S to Leon Idas McFarland.123.3H acres, see 81, tp 11, H It 3 w.. Patent 11 J u Avenu et ux to L McFar land. 10 acres in 1) L C of II I O Averill 0) W S Paul, trustee, to W A Paul. Power ot Attorney " ci iaui, trustee, towi raw. 100 acres toll, Hllliw J A Powell to HO I-ong, 20 acres In DLOof J M Marks J W Gillette to H K Heed ,40 acres in seo 14, tpO.HKl w State of Oregon to J W Gillette. 40 acres In seo 14, tp 0,8 It 1 w . . . B0 W A (i lesson et ux to J 8 and Car oline Vinson, 4.20 acrca ot W A (ileason'a land 214 O & C H It to Lyman Wright, N w a 01 a H, seo 33, tp 14, W It 2w... 4 140 U S to Thontaa Todd. N E see Ol III U If I t.' !....... 1 f 0 r, .... Hivill 8 W Moore et ux to 11 W Kylvestor. K.Sof 8of DLOof Jacob Nve 20(H) Chas tHKtt etux to Mary V. Sylves ter, 3 84 a-res tp 12, 8 H 1 w . . 40 CW Simons to Win SWeltoo, 70 acres in 1 L O oi L Matthews. WO V 8 to James M Herry.N , 8 w see afl. tnt). 8 It 3 K. . . 200 J H Whedbeo et nx to Ueutaen Lee. K . D L C McCaa-v Moss 1000 W It Mania et nx to W W frexler, 8 of N K X see 28,tn tt, 8 It llw 1200 Willamette K K Co to C Bone, lots 3 and 4. bl in.llalsey 100 Gertrude and K U Pentium! to K Bone.3.1.17 acres.lp 14. 8 114 w 1000 T J Jonea et nx to O P Harvey, 1 acre, tn 13. 8 It 2 w 400 W C Caste 1 1 et ux to F K Boggs, N lota 17. 18. W. fruit larui... 1000 J Walton et ux to Mary K Bassett, Go I, acres, sec 14,8 It 3 w 50 U H to Jared E Michael.lAft.Hl acres in sec a, tp 12, 8 It 1 w l atent it4,;7 ISIMIl rBOlKDI.a. Tuesday evening, lc. 22nd. Present Mayor, Itecorder.Htrcet Com mission and Cuuncltmen French, Haw Vlns,Tabler, P-urkhait and Allen. The foltowin Mils were ordered paid: Stewart A Nk 17.75; Savior A Co-,f.76; ACun.liir, Hubert Brown, f 11.60: Geo Patterson, ,U7c; Stiles A Nutting, 14; I'srser Bros, ll.Hft; N J Henton, 174.10; J K Wealherfortl.tSnft; Train A Whitney. 1.2J: Wlllltrr. WW: llaync A Buck, 1500. Petitions for crosswalk on 7th street waa continued. Committee reported heater at No 2'a engine house repaired. licenses to sell liquor were granted Peter 8th baser, Williams Bros and Max Baumgart. On motion the nuisance at Mrs Phleuls was ordered abated within ten days,and all cows taken from the place but two, the city Marshal to give notice at once. ! J Henton.Citr Uecordcr.was granted a leave ot absence until January 1st. The Street Commissioner was directed to notify James Laurent to put Railroad street sewer in condition according to contract. tits can ts)a f Ike aTlaett ram liars Ever raaasit aihaay. Furniture cars are bigger than other cars, and hold an immense quantity 01 "knocked down" furniture. One car load will fill some furniture store Fortmiller A Irving have Just received two of these car lull of the finest stock of soods in their line ever brought to the central Willamette alley .their Increas ing trade demanding extra goods. They already had a big stork on hand. Among the new goods are many tine things tor the holiday trade. Give your relatives and friends something substantial aa well aa ornamental. Among these new pieces of furniture are elegant m room acts. parlor furniture in beautiful, and latest designs, music cabinets and stands, Reed's rattan rockers, many novelties too nam' eroua to mention, and fully two hundred new patterns in mouldings for pictures, very artistic in makeup. They were bought in eastern factories and will be marked so low as to justify new picture frames for everybody. That Railroad. It Is not generally known that there has been an extension of time 01 the Dwyer rsllrosd proposition for Astoria, but such Is the fact, the date being some time In February. This Is the 1000 acre land subsidy proposition, and the road. It built, will come ttralgl.t toward Sa'em Statesman. Until It reaches a certain oolnt in Polk countv: when it will diverge towards Albany, the railroad center of the valley. Those Foil Christmas slippers at Klein Bros, are so tasty and neat that Jay Gould would be proud to wear them. But remember about that i.iano. When after Christmas you find out that soma ne has really become the possessor of tuat piano lor only a few dollars you wtu never forgive youraelf. Bnt ask Klein Bros about it. Don't wait now. WvttTM CWVtlBCEIXC. Tna Laoiss Baeaar.. your Christmas presents at the Ladles Baaaar.where there Is a large and elegant stock of novelties suitable for the holiday trade. Some an will receive a Christmas present of an elegant French doll, one ot the prettiest ever seen In Al bany, now on exhibition at the Bazaar. The Public School. Pupils of the public schools will have rooms No 7 and 8 nicely decorated tomorrow with appro priate Christmas mauers. Literary pro grams wl'l be rendered in several rooms tomot row afternoon. The patrons and friends of the school are cordially Invited to attend. LABGESr ASSORTMENT or EEATIS3iET0YE3. AT MATTHEWES& WABEBTjBTs Do not buy rlthout calling Doino Good Work. A letter received from B W Johnson, the superintendent of "Oregon on Wheels," now being exhibited through the east, states that between forty and fifty thoussnd people have visited the car and he thinks It will be the means ot sending thoussnds of people to Oregon and more especially tne Willamette vai ley. A Bio Snow Stork Yesterday a big tnow storm prevailed In the Cascades. A t Mill City two feet fell and during- last night two Inches. As It also probably fell In the Santlam mines, It may have damp ening effect on work therh ; but It Is to be hoped not. Sir Knights Attention. Regular meeting of Columbia Division, No. 4, U R K of P this evening at 7:30. Installa tion of Captain and Lieutenant. A full at tendance desired, U t Hayne. Sir Knight Recorder, K. M. French keeps railroad liun. Boy your srooeris of Parker Bros litw cream oheeas jest received at Conrad Meysrs. C W Cobb, job printer, Kliun Block, does first class work. Re that slsgatt'iiano at Kliu Bros Boot and Shoe store. E W Aon mod &Co are selling monuments at Portland prices. See W F Read's line ot dress gocda? and silk before baying elsowbere. Stewsrt&Sox sail the very best rat tnt tempevM snstrt ana scissors. Smoks the eslsbratad Havana flllodlS cent oigar at J alius Joseph's. A large stook of wall pa par. with late de sign, at Fortmiller fc Irving's,uat raeeivsd. Htvs yon ssea those psrlor suit that T Brink baa Juat reosived f They ars nio. Dr M II E'.llt," physiolsn and snraeon. Albany, Oregon. Calls made ,la eit) 'or oountry. Ladies dsn do their shopping in San Fran- olaoo without visiting tb elty, and without extra eommiloo. Miss E J Barrowu a?ar ehaaing agus, 1389,Oroy St, Oakland, .! The Ket to Success. That Is whst we all want. It Is'nt luck, for there Is no such thing. It is princlpslly being care tul about small things, for Instance, the buying of the best quality of groceries, fruits and produce for family use, at the smallest cost, miscounts In the long run. Those who dest with Conn Hend- ricson report bargains both In quality and price. 1 hey also have a fine line of crock ery ware, toys, etc, suitable for the holiday trade, which It will pay the public ws!i avnu scr pciorc ouying. A Shob Item. R Toung has just re eeivea a large stock of shoes, for men, women and children, including particu larly a fine line of school shoes The best makes in the market ean be foand m his shoe department. Taei Notice. The delivery wagons of the city will not run on Christmas day. rarties interested snouid mane an pre parationa the day preceding Christmas. Jox Meters A Co. Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros. Just reosived nw and opsnedjfor retail a 0 E Brownell's tb following Chow Chow, Cooking Moltates, Pickles in vinsgar, Salt Herring, , Salt white titb, Salt salmon. HOSE AND ABEOAD MUX DAY. Mr N A Bloclgott has bought a half intor t of Mr llohetg In th planing mill on Railroad street, and ilnbsrg k Bloilgsft will hsrssfter run It. Ths proprietors of th Albany ferry , pur chased a new tarry sable in Poriltnd Satur day, and it la blng put in position todav. Th boat was brought np ths riysr aad wilt bs ruuuitig this evening ft' r Bn Prennsr tolls th Dkmocrat thst hs used to b woll acquainted with M 8 ' Hsllmsn, ths raosl who rsoently skipped ost from Grsot ennnty, snd sgsinst whom sa editor reoovered $20,000, msotioo of wMuh was mads In Saturday's Democra. Ooorgs Ribstin took it Into his luail to tun away Friday) so hs traded his pnt Jsrssy fnr a watob, sold the wstoh fur 9t.RO and hntrded ths local for X tbsoon via Albau. Ws undsrstand his fathnr teloaraphsd ths suthoritlss to itittrospt him sod ssnt him btok horn, Ilaltsy tfsws. Th Willamette Valley mills bay been shnt down for ssvsrtl dsys on aeeoont of ths aeeamolation of flour. At protect thsi is ne deoised al Poitlai il fr txport flour sud th msnsgcl of ths mill has eotioluded to suspend optrstions on il tomorrow, States- niso. Th board of rqutlir.tioo in session at Stlrm will piobsbly 1st lie ths mortgth til uueitiun by eotnpelliug all th oountios. ii- eluding Multnomsh, tosaarss mortgages at fall value, to a member bl ths board inlorms ths Democrat. 1 hoo'd b a uniform rule, sad mm would giv more general satisfaction than thi Tb proprietors of th Al'wny ferry hsv, hn prreeoted a bill for $124 dsmsges to ths Mod 00. which ran i'lto their othl a few day a ago, knocking the tinoks stajk down. As th Modo was not ia the channel, in fact along th bank mhere boat never ion. it is safe to predict a II v contest before it It paid. In faot titer will probably b a hig- gerenanter-elsiin for damage to th cable wnia broli on Friday, probably from th oolhsioo. Heavy Wii. Yesterday a very stiff bteese preval'ed tor Oiegon. At Lebanon It did considerable damage by knocking out the west end of the second story of Ur Courtnev't brick. The brick had been laid to the roof: but gsve way under the pressure of the wind and collapsed. A Close Call. Yesler Jay noon Jutt at the Portland train was leavlag the tres tle a short dlstsncn the other aide of the Jewish cemetery the last bttit went down tome distance, more on one ti le thsn the other tide Hsd the trsin been on It at the time serious results might have re tulted. The trettl wat repaired by six o'clock, when tl e Rosrburg jcl passed over It for Portland. This tuggctl that the wrk of filling In under the trettlet t'tnnut be completed too toon, TfExltAV. City council mt tonluhh tb Isst meet ing for 1891. A shortags of over I '.'00 hst bsa reported in the aooounta of City Marshal 1 botnpaoa, of Athene, Use collected by him, which liv not yet lett faiaed ovr to the ntv. Hi bood.moii hare bren notified of tn fact to t th o.stier will probably b straightened opeoou. The taot amoout ot thortag ia not yet i homo bat It wiU ot fall short of I0OO -Pendleton K O. !Ier it a encletv item f mm th Pendleton Kaat Or0ooUnt "Wm, Litll led hi ism into th .Schooner saloon at th ooroer tf Wrhb and Harden street Thursday night. ordeiiog a driok of water forth animal at d a ttroeger leverage for himself. TW t re promptly farttithrd, aa it was thought I rat tj hotnor th customer, who had ibinga Me own way until he saw tit to leave, wbe- he rode hit horse a 1-0 if th thlswalk. Th polio tried to corral him hut he soaped their etatehr and got out ot town." IHJ yuo ever hay a hers snd out have sow misgiving as his pntsla till they were tally et!; Not with Aver s Nr- aapsnHs; yoa may b sore of it nb stait. It never d'aeppomti tbua who glys it a fair aad persmtebt trial. Fvebl anj eeuaricioua apnetitei an beat rvoltd by th as ot Ayer't Calhaitio fill. They dJ not debilitate, by oieeeatva stimulatioo; bat ttus th stomach, liver. sad bowel to parform their fanolione prop erly , A an sfter-diaaer till', they tr oeeqasled. A Live J 1 stick Case. I-aet evening on complaint of J J Pn brill, W II II Shields waa arrested on the eliaree of cruelty to animals. He waa tried before Justice Humphrey this afternoon Deputy l'roswuting Attorney Wyatt ap peared lor the stale, ami mm I K Weatherford for the defense. The evl dence of the prosecution. everal neigh bor testifying, was to the effect that live or aix cows kept at the place of the mother of the defendant, and tended to by the defendant, seem to 1 very poor being kept in a filthy yard where the mnd la up to the knees ot the cowa. The evidence of the defense waa to the effect that four of the cattle had been oat at paatnrage, bnt had broken out and about three weeks ago came into the city, and since have been kept at tha Shields place; that the cows and proper ty be Ion ir to Mrs Shields, and that tvil ham only acted under instructions from his mother; that the cowa were given Plenty of feed, such aa a bale of bay a day, bran, chops and potatoes, and that while the lot waa muddy there waa a shed for them to go inti nights and when they pleased. The case attracted con liderable attention. The Hemocbat leavea the case to the public for com ment. The Justice after hearing the evidence found the defendant guilty and fined him $20 and costs. Tho case will be appealed to the Circuit Court. Royal Baking Powder Has no Equal. The United States 'Official R. eport Of the Government Haklng Towdcr tests recently made, under authority of Congress, 'by the. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative infor mation as to which powder is the best. The Official Report shows the ROYAL superior to all others in leavening power; a cream -of tartar powder of highest quality. The Canadian Tests: "The strength of the Royal is shown to be 23 per cent, greater than any other. "As a result of my investigations I find the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the others. It is pure, contains none hut whole tome ingredients, and is of greatest strength. " F. r. Va:.aj)k. 1 1; A tnened James West, after es abra tina Christmas In adeaeea today, started home, bat fell oat of bis wsgoa lata soma ef Albany itp mml, la u t tbroagb it to the bottom below, bruiting his fsoe eed cover ing bint With terra flrma. He fn.llr left ior noma, aotl no doubt Is there by this time. WSS ILL. December Slat, 1MI. There la no Improvement in the weather of lata and welrfoot appears to w iu iivr cicmeni, picniy 01 ram aou mud. The K W M Co have four new looms on their way to thla place. Thev will be put to woi Ic as soon as they arrive. We see Jl'Ualbraith In ouu city. Looks like old times to see Joe here. W eee our dear friends at Salem are sending their compliments to Governor elect McKlnlev In the way of sonio good blankets, and In November next the democrats will send thelr's when headed by old drover ar some olner good demo crat wa march ia solid phalanx on to tariff reform and democratic supremacy. We see by reports from the 11 th cen sus Mrownsvllle has gained 447 in her population in ten years. Now we will wager our old hat ws have no such gaina, and yet we know ws have at least W0 population. Verily the way of the cen sus taker is past finding out. On hut Friday night Linn Chapter No I i', K A i, elected I M nwank. High Frlest; C Hperry, King; W It Kirk, rcriie. TASCKXT. Tangent, Dec 30, 1891. Owing to bad weather, most of the people In and about this place are hawing a rest irom tiiclr labors. Some of our citizens hsve a boat, which they uae to a good advantage by making frequent inns In It from Kendall's to Ulevlns' brloVc. The boatmen or hunters return with several dozen of ducks. The literary I boomlne." A t the last meeting it wss decided thst the govern ment should operate all railroads. For the neat mcetlnz the Question as to hether the Oreuon WUIature shall ap propriate ft 00.000 for an exhibit at the World's fair, It to be discuseed. The fol lowing quevion, sesolved that a protec tive tariff duty I. a benefit t9 wage workers In Induatrlsl and manufacturing pursuits. Is to be argued on the evening of Jan 9. On the affirmative are Uerrge Kuthe, Bert -uper and k i.nmith. un the negative, A uievina, Y M Mitchell. lease McGee Mr Brooks and family, who came from Illinois about I wo tears seo, and have since been living uct of Tangent, left yeeu-rdsy on the north bound train for the east, br wsy of the Oiegon short line. "'r. DliPl At Ml Tree That's Good For All The iortof a trte that pleag patrons not only at Chriitmai timi, but.fiom ChrietrnaB to Chrislrna. A tre bearing the fruit that thig does can only stand as the outgrowth of a reputable firm, .talwart, standard, staple. All through the year of '02 you'll find these thirgs, and thej are what wise people look for,our strong attractions. But all this is preliminary, what ws want to mention specially is that we have in stock tho finest and by far the largest stook of In our line eyer before brought to the city, consisting of fine neck wear, silk handkerchiefs, mufflers, umbrellas, cloves, dress shirts, late style hats, men's smoking jackets, holiday slippers, overcoats and clothing for men and boys. T. L. WALLACE & CO. leading Clotbleii acd fornlsta. 8trahan Block, Aloauj. Oregon AMERICA AOBICULTtJBIST. ine TS- f ular price of the American Agriculturi st ia $1.50 per year. For a short time I am authorised to receive aabscriptiona at 11.00, also to furnish the December number free to all who subscribe now for 1802. ' F L Kiktom, sub agent, Albany is full of turkeys today. Lather Benson is now lecturing in Seattle Choicest and eheapset osndios a". Isom's , All kinds of nots 13 ots. per pound or 4 pounds for SO easts at Isom's Isom sells eandy at retail at wholeaals pnoes. usil ana be convinced. Cornucopias, wax candles and all things neoessary for Cbriatmaa trees at laoin t. The college elossd this afternoon nntil Jan 4. The city schools close tomorrow at 2.30 until the same tins. Don't foi get to call at tha Ladies Besaar for your useful holiday presents. Thsy have a large selection at low prices. Cardinal and cold base been sleeted as ths' university color ef tbe Willametts University. The sppoiutment of Tbos Monteith as post at a tor of Albany waa oooQrmed yester day. Mr Monteith has been V M about eight months. J ShSDoefield. an amnio In ths O F's ysrd st Ysqoioa. sot eaugtt between some bump ers yesterday, and received a bad but not serious pinob. At tbs regular meeting to be held thla evening there will be three candidates re take the'socond degrees. Let all members attend, By order of the N.G. Costumes for the mask ball to be given at the opera house oa Cbriatmaa night may be secured c I Mr Horns senders at the farm ers & Merchants Ins Co.'s offioe. An Albany boy attending an eastern sol lege on making a trip to relatives to spsnd tne noiiaays got eaagns in a anow storm. and waa about ten hours io going nloet miles. Somewhat different from wsbfoo. For bargains in monuments, headntonts eta., go to W Aohison&Cu.Albany.Oregca DIED. A Preleel. Editor t Jtrmocntt ." Now thst the Cantata of BcKhasaar Is a thl.igof the ps.t, I wsnt to enter a protest aeslnat the plan of elevating a piano away up In front of the stage. It is uncommon, entirely unneccsasry and wss a grea an noyance to the audience. Especially so wss It to those sitting on the north side of the hall from the front to a point eight or ten rows bsck. Very few oi them could obtain any view at ait of Shclomtle and Mrra when the latter wss slngtng her beautiful little song, and It was the same during the very affecting meeting between bhciomite and lerubbabel In the pruon scer.e. Of course a csntsta cannot be produced without Instrumental music, but it certainly Is exceedingly bad taste to erect right In front of the center of the stste a throne almost aa high a- Belshsi tsr's, and then place the piano upon It. The view of the audience should not be obstructed any more than Is possible. peclally when the ecentreHect la depended upon as much as In this csntata. Purlng the series of entertainments no one felt tike doing more thsn complain a little, although they knew.llke the soldiers com prising ike famous Light Brigsde, "thst some one hsd blundered," and blundered most egregroualy. but now thst It Is all over, on behalf of those who attend con certs, cantatas, etc., I wish to enter a pro test sgsinst this Innovation. DABiva. A Journal reporter ran against Colonel t?r.K Alillia. rt t ..L.tnaill. wil.A Mnft the ran on the democratic ticket againat Hermann in X81H1, and whose friends are again hoping he iray be permitted to lead i lie hosts in tins district. lie was asked aa to the situation and this iawhat Colonel Miller said: "Among candidates mentioned ir our Weatherford, Myers, D-Arcy and Veatch. They are tha most prominent. There are other men talked of bat no one seems to lead at present. If the Farmers' Alliance keep op an ag gressive organisation and will endorse V will doubtless be tbe nominee. II the republicans would nominate a man who conld divide the Farmers' Al- liadce vote.that would minimise Veatch's chances." SHERIFFS lVi. A Circuit Court of UvStiit of Ortgon for Utt (.owsy Of 7,is B A LANDERS, I'lalnUft Ve. THOM Art L HKSSK-H, L PI INN.tba ALBANY A AS- TOlllA RA1LHOAP CO.. a corporation, an 1 HONEY- at API, UKUAItT E CO.. a cor po ratio a, Defendants. NOTICE W HEREBY OIVE1 TU AT by virtue t f en esanulloo aad order of aale duly luel ott ol the above niioiKl Cuuf. mtb above entitled salt. a win on Salanlar, Ike tetk a ay ef Jeaaary. 18SS, at the Court House door In ths olty of Alb ny. Linn county .Oreaon.aube hour of 1 o'clock: p tn of said day, sell at pubiio auction for caah Sn band to the hi g beet bidder tne leai proreny aeewnoexi in aald sx ecu tion and order of sale aa followa. to-wlt: Tbe north haU(N M) of tbe south quarter of section numbered thirty fonr (34.1 In townehlp No nine re.) aonib or ranrs no tnrte is.) east or tbe iiiana eu Meridian, In Linn county, Oregon and containing 80 anree more or leea. Tbe proceexla arlxlag from the sale of aald realt r iperty to be applied,0rst,to tbe payment of the coats and charKea of mkiug said sale, and to the eoata and disbursement.! of ibis suit taxed al 130 15. andtbeaura of (t 15) on hundred and twenty-five doltam reasonable attorney's fees due plaiutift herein: awonnd, to the nent of the aunt of (IU27 75) fourteen undred and twenty-seven and 7! 100 dollars berein adudged to be paid plain tiff and Interest thereon from this oste at the rate of ten per cent per anno m until psia; laira. inatsne overplus ir any rs paid to tne uersnannt, u i udd, to eatiarr tne sum ot ijou witn interest inereon from date at 10 percent per annum .herein adjudged to be next paid him. and that tbe aurplua If iber be any remaining be next applied to payment of the Judgment of aald Uonevman, PeHart A Co. ; and Ina. tr there be then any remaining tbal suob be applied to ths satisfaction of the Judgment ot the said Albany 1 Astoria MAiiroaa v.o. Dated this loth dsy of Deeember.1691. M. WXTCT, Sheriff of Linn countv. Or. By O E Soott, Deputy. Tbe days are growing longer. Monday and Tuesday being the shortest days of tne year. The ladles Bellshiew. Ths plasssnt efleot and the perfeot sa'ety with whioh ladies may oas the liquid Iruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, nndsr all cooditions, make It their favorite remedy. It is plsasing to tbe aye and to the taata, gentle, yet edeotnai In acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. II ATI U noticed that Allen Bros' gro aery store is always fall ot traits, vege tables, etc, tse very latest In tne mar ket. If there ta anything to be had they have It. Cabbages, Turnips, Cauliflower. tweet Potatoes, Carrots, Uelery, Apples, urnpcn. Cranberries. Oranges, Lemons, Bauer Kraut, Beets. OaMOK " " Batter, IB eents per lb, Egge, S5 eenss per dos. Folatoss, SO eents per bushel, Lard, 11 O IS eenss per B, Bastn ,Hams, tl eents; alder ,4tl eents anoaioera, it eents, Beef on foot. S & 2X eents per ft' Prk, dreaaed, 0 eenta per fa, Tlonr, 8 per barrel. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. TaJOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 111 In pursuance and by virtue of an orde or tne Hen county court of Lias county, state of Orezon.mas'e and entered efresord on the 12th day cf December, 1891. authorizing, empowering, directing and licensing me undersigned ss aamin letrstrix ot the aetata of Alax DowdIbb-, dsoeased, teaell thereat estate of aald deoedent hereinafter described. 1 will en (Saturday, the S9th day ol Jsauary. 1892. at the hoar ol 1 e 'clock d m of aald day .at tbe nonn aoor or tne county eoun nouse. In the eity of Albany .in said Lion county Oregon, to the highest bidder for oie half oasli in band aud one-naif on twelve montba time at per cent interest with approved security, the following de scribed premises, towlu the southeast ana iter of the northwest Quarter, the north wsst quarter of the southeast smart er, the northeast quarter of tbe southwest quarter, the southwest quarter of the southwest quartsr, and lota 6, 9, 10 and 11, ofaeotionlS, Intp9, SRI Eeflhe Willamette Meridian, In Linn oounty, Oregon, being the donation land claim of a j Hionaroson ana wire m saia towni ship, and containing 319.48 asres more or leas. Dated this 23rd day of December; 1891. M. A. DOWNING. Administratrix. L. E. BLAIN Ii ringing nut tbt ld ywr with some fin bargains in Men's, YoQDg Men's and Boys Clothing, Fornish- ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. He has very desirable and suitable presents for men and boys in the following lines : Neckties oi many designs, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers Fany White Shirts and Night Shirts, Gold and Silve Haded Silk Umbrellas, Slippers, Kid Gloves, Jewelry Smoking Jackets, Overcoats, Hats, Etc. GO TO Foshay & Mason YOinVILL MAKE MONEY by buying your Remember f M FroDeh esn show voa alt Will V. Ctflw'fl 1w Been fins line of holiday goods, including gold H I II V rtlfl I Q flneet stock of and slirsr watchea., Jewelry, gold 111 11 U1 U UUUIi U gold and silver peoUt'lwi, canes sod umbrellas, opera waicnes, oiamoua ana oiner rings, jew- v mvii Turns na anor.ns, cie. i sirv, silverware, etc, in vue City. - A fine Hoe ofjorooksry Hendrioeao's. ware as Conn k Go to F E alien, wnen yon want somr hing sweet. Eoney, mspi e syrap, etc. Go to O C MeFarlaad for aadlsry, bar ness, whips, robes, sll kinds of horse sloth ing etc, etc. ' HOUSTON On Tuesday, Dec 22, 18W, at her home near Albany. After a Ion or illness, Mrs Newton Houston, at the age of 60 years. The deceased was a woman beloved by all who knew her, and be sides a husband - and several children, leaves many friends to mourn ber death. She was a pioneer of this county. Fun eral services were held this afternoon and tbe remains were buried in the ity Cciueiery. - . - The Best Baking Powder . AND MOST ECONOMICAL, la that of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. It Is prepared with greater care and accuracy, from finer and more ex pensive materials, competent chemists test every ingredient nothing is left to chance. No ammonia, alum or other adulterant , taints this purest of human food products. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the embodiment of all . the excellence that it is possible to attain. It is always uniform and reliable and retains its full strength until used. . It is not only more economical because of its wonderful raising power, but by reason of its grgater bulk, the cans' feeing much, larger than the ordinary kind; it will go farther and do better work. g It neve disappoints. Dr. Prices is the only baking powder tfcCt contains the "whites of eggs. illy Us Lficia.iAirs. He has an elegant Btoeic o ;V plush goods, of all kinds, toilet cases for gentle men , many novelties, perfumeries, pic ture books, etc. . : .IT IS JUST THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. " rtr 9 They have on hand a large and elegant stoek, tonsisting of F.Bsk Gee is, Tiilet Cues, ilbvm, Fantj Pirfiasries, KiTtUies, Sspplies, Flail and Ti&eW SiMd, Illustrated . ;, (Held Peas. Ete. They will give prices that will make it an object for all to buy of them. ' BS9 "IBI jp32513 "SHpiw SM 33 3 I - II WaWskekeail jsaaasBsaSSSMstl tmr STORE AND CUSTOM CHOPPER. , We have hay, oats, ebop straw, ohlaktm fted, eta., constantly on hand. Wholesale and retail agents for H. F. Plsaksr, Corral lis floor, shorts. Irao.ete., also 8now Ball our. Custom cheppinaj a sBselalty fsr either eaab or tell. Full lite. MORRIS & BLOTJ1TT, Corner First aad T.xlr