The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 25, 1891, Image 1

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    - t4
: -:Tho New York "World,"
' i ItThc -:- Dcmoci'at" j
: : An Advertisement In
"The -:- Democrat,"
Both Ope Year for Only $2.80.
Kale red at ta res R)c at Alkanju r , iNn4-riMi Mall Malleri
TlTl: at MlTTtNO, rstbllsfcers seal frswrfelersi
1VO. !5J.
a '
scar nor
W F RKAl Prealdeat,
J L. COWAN, Treasurer.
3 L Cowan, Ceo F Simpaon, (V F Read,
J la Ytealherinrd, K M
uk) tusTaicY
Several Solid Eastern and Foreign "Companies
The Combined Oregon Giant Chain Mill guar
anteed to grind 100 bushels er hour. A perfect
grinder and crusher combined. Sure death to wild
1'r.rlflfHt the ItlOOD, Cores CO?fSTIPATIOS, IXDIUESTiOX,
: asoisvEss M?ER complaints, sick headache, colds,
Tht C.-nuim HAMBURG THA u putup 11 YV.Ll.OW WhAVVriU,
vilh F:4:.rr.Ue kiptalHrt of EMU. 1'RKSK.
"f?ECIilTO! A CO. A-Jfirn. a Frahovm.
4r A
( 'ssSand set
Writ for our Sc lllatrlrd ntsloffna far laoi.
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employee1,
ITher U get th Bet Bargaini,
Whr to get the Beit Value for Tor Money,
- is
Clothing, Dry
I I ii in i
il ja ucj nm tt
C-G. W.
We are tho People
The earrj the most eomplete line ef Hard
ware, Uteres, ftaget, . ett., in the market.
' la the Leading
Mm anil Fancy Goods Store of Albany,
They earr? all the Latest Styles sad Novelties la the Mllllaery Use, am
a eesnplete stock ef Ladles sad Chlldrea's Furnlshlag geods.sad rsady-soade
garments. Goods the bsst, ass" pricss the lowsst. Call ssi be soavUsed,
Lawrincx, Kans., Au. 9, 188S.
George Tattcrson fell from a second-story
Window, striking a fence. 1 found him using
He used it freely all over his bruises. 1 taw
'hint next morning at work. All the blue spots
swelling. C. K-NEUNIANN, M. D.
J O WMTSMAN Necretary.
Ooo F SlMltJON, Vlea lredd,inL
Vr L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Kurnnlt
Ktrahan. J 6 VVrlUmau.
aukht) roa-
If y wait the best
and most durable furni
tur that is manufactur
cd in the city go to
Goods, Etc.,
r w.!-.
cr wnn ut toio, ai
Si fl uUHUDllBi.iL L'L-n t: : i
nsuntAtiAR A 8rrcBH. A large and
delighted audience wltnemicd the re
aentatlon of the cantatA BclohAixar at
the opera houae lat week. It was
probably the areatent amateur tucceM
in the hiMtorr o! the city. It waa pre
Rented smoothly and without hltchea
that often mar amateur efforta, all the
little detail hoi rig attended to. Only 2
houri and ft ininntea were conaumed In
the rendation of It. The caat waa for
tunately made, and eonld not have been
improved in the city. Prof Iee ia a great
ncishaxtar ; lira K W Iangdom t queen
ly, and with her magnificent voice
charmed the audience as the qn.en
regent; W H Young performed the diffi
cult character of Kerrubhabet with pro-
(eaiiional ability, both in singing and in
acting; Mine Bertha Ellla not only makes
' a beautiful Antonia, queen of KelahaMar ;
but her singing is of a pleasing nature ;
(lone K I-arlmora was cut out for Cyrus,
king of Persia, and presented that fa
mous warrior in a splendid manner- The
soldier battle march waa A prominent
feature of the entertainment. Mrs Kate
Aiken Is a good Mhelomite, wife of
Kerrubbabel. Her voice i ewset and
her acting excellent. Little Carrie
I'richard p'essed the audience as her
child. Kva Cowan made a uret'y angel
with a very sweet voice. C if Hart did
Festus, the Lord Chamberlain well. C
W Sears was a prominent character as
Paniel, and the interpretation of the
writing on the wall aa a striking feature
of the cantata. Mrs J K Miller was
good as the Jewinh princess. Anna
(io'.lNinitli, Minnie Van Horn and Mrs
Sherman Thompson mado a splendid
Cant as ladies of Helsbaiiir court, not
only looking well in their rich eontumes
but doing some excellent theatrica
work. The Magi attracted deserved at
tention, and the chorus of maids, revel
ers, soldiers, guards, messengers
heralds, etc. was a i ich one. The tine
costumes, and good aUire settings added
greatly to the effect. Prof l-orillurd is
entitled to credit for his perfect accom
naniment. Tw much praise cannot be
bestowed on Prot le and Mr Young, as
well a the entire company of fifty people
for their nntiring efforts in making
llelsliazxar so great a success.
A Family Dist R .Net. Shortly alter
a o'clock yesterday afternoon the scicam
01 women attrtcted a ciowo 'o me ir
wav leading to the upper storv over
pilre Karrsr .V Co's sn l Gilbert A: Pst
ton's store. I seem Fred Wlilttlcr and
his wife Allle hare separated, but are not
divorced. The hiue ol tnclr unhappy
marriage wss a boy, Ivlan, now 3 yesrs
old. The mother wss formerly MUt Mcott,
daughter of the Mr Scott who ueJ to keep
a gun store lir Albany, but who now lives
In I. no county. She has been living at
Scllwocd, but yeterday on her way to her
lather, house in Lane county, the stopped
oil st Sslem to get hei child. The child
wss with his grsndmother, Mrs Whlttler,
living upttalrs In the block above men
tioned The child's mother went In and
got hold of the child, when the grand
mother and another lady Interfcrred, and
there was a scene and a struggle to get
postettlon of the boy. A gentleman fi
nally Interfcrred and took the ll'tie fellow
away from the women, when Tollcemsn
Dilley arrived and took possession of him.
They rrocee ded to the police court, where
Judge Goode.l discharged them. The
mother, having possesion tf her child,
will keep him and proceed on to her
father' home, an J the Usue of divorce
proceeding will decide Into whose custody
he shall finally be put. Statetmau.
As Old Mkmhek. Dr T W Harris,
formerly of this city, is the new W M ol
the Masonic IimIko In Kueme. At a
meeting of tht lodge Wednesday evening,
Es-CJov Whiteaker delivered an histori
cal address in which, says the (Suard, he
alluded to the fact that there waa a
Mason in F.ttgene, and there in the lodgo
room, W T Osburn, who as one of the
number who sirned the petition for a
charter for the first lodge in Oregon end
the Pacific Coast. Multnomah No I of
Oregon City. That was in 1817 and tho
nearest grand lodge waa that of the state
of Missouri to which application was
made, and by which the rharter was
Th Mlsicians' Uvina. Ever mulc
tescher, student or mutlc lover should
hive thU volume. It contains 3U psges
ofvslusb'e musical Information, with full
description of over 10,000 pieces ol
music and music books, biographical
sketches of over 150 composers, with por
trait! and other Illustrations Also a
choice selection of new vocal snd in.tru-
metitsl mus'.c and ether attractive feature.
Upon receipt of eight two-cent stamps, to
prepay postage, we will mall free, a copy
of The Musician' Guide, also a sample
copy of Brslnsrd's Musical World, con
taining ii.oo worth of new music and in -terestlng
reading matter. Address
Thb 3 Ukainaris Sons Co, CMcago, ill.
A Bio Clean Cr. Since the Influx of
Mongolians from the Myrtle Creek mines
tan tan has been lively st the Chinese
gambling houte on Willamette street. We
understand thit twe Chinese gamblers
have cleaned their moon-eyed brethren
out of about $4,000 In solid gold coin, and
decamped for other fields. Several of the
Eugene colony Is reported also to have
been "bloke The Chinese are the most
inveterate gsmhlers on earth. -Cuard.
UtAvr InDEirrrDWKss. County Clerk
Pavne. at the rcouest of the State Board
of Equalization, has footed np the total
amount of mortgages on real property in
the connty The figures are not pleasant
to contemplate. The total is one million
one hundred and aeven thousand six
hundred and sixty-nine dollars. (1,107,-
A New Dtramo. Mr Coins, of Bcio
waa in Eugene the other day and made a
contract with Crouch & Houston for an
electric lighting plant for Bcio. Tbey
will furnish 210 incandescent lights and
12 arc lights. There ia considerable in
quiry from abroad about the Croneh
Houston dynamo, and it ia pretty certain
to develop into a large industry. Gtaard.
Officers Elected. The following are
the newly elected officers of fieulah Re-
bckab Degree Lodge No 30, 1. 0. o. . :
Mrs Maggie Blackman, N. O.
Mrs Annetta Weatherford.V. G.
Mrs Kate B Montanye, II. B.
Mrs F S Crosby, P. 8.
Mra Hulda Greenwood, Treas..
Circuit Court. The following- caisw
have been begun: R H Rutherford sgt
Fred Brannln. Recovery of money:. At
tachment U 11 Hewitt, attorney for
plaintiff. Stewart & Sox agt 1 1! Camp
bell. Recovery of money. Attachment.
H II Hewitt, attorney for plaintiff. Mil
lard F Shaw agt J A Bennett et al settled.
Both the method and resulta ythea
Byrup of Fizs is taken : it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem eilectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fey era and cures habitual
constipation permanently. For sale
in 50o ana 11 bottles by all
drutrtriBts. r
1 ax j7 m
r4 BuJ
. uvisvnu, It. HttH V0RK, j
A Excitino Evbnt. The Ochoco Ua
view says that on lust NYcdnesdny the
women dropped their dish rags, the mer
chants left their customers, the gamblers
quitted the gaming tables, the editors
tlipught the millenititn had come, busi
ness houses of all kinds were deserted, the
street cows tucked their tails betwixt
their legs and started for pastures new,
the fabled saddle anlmnl of Jerusalem
began to bray and all the town of Prine
ville was In such a commotion as will
never again be w itnessed until the day
of judgment shall havo arrived. Win
McMvekin and his steam engine was the
cause of ad this commotion, behaving
blowu the whistle at the hour of noon, it
being the first steam whistle that was
ever sounded in Prlnevtlle, or aa a lady
naively remarked, It was the first whis
tle that was ever "hooted'' ia Prinevlllo.
Ry Ibis time nest year the people of
Prinevlllo may expect to hear the dally
whistle of the locomotives of the Oregon
Pacific railroad.
A Bot NiMHon. Henry Benjamin of
near (iervais, who is nut yet fourteen
years old, on several occasions has made
a better record at the various shooting
matches in this section than any one, old
or young. In IHhh when only nine years
out, ne Kiuea lio.i itinis surh as are used
for food, in the space of almut eight
months. These were all killed at odd
times when he could spare time from his
work to engage in a little sport. For tills
and other tine shouting he teci-ived a
medal from Oaklaiid.California, of w hlch
lie la very proud and pnsoa very highly.
At the shooting match here a few days
ago, lie carried aay more turkins limn
any one there, beating all of tho Ust
shots present and there were several of
theiu. There were three ties U tween
him and Charley J uies, aald to be one of
llie best allots on tins prairie. Iheat)
ties were all shot oiraud Henry won
them alt. Star.
Fokmkr Alhasv Won. Mrs (iotts
chalk and Mrs Marie !avie, referred to
in the billowing from Astoria, were in
the millinery business In Albany a couple
years ago, where Mr and MrsGottschalk
were married. Harry Gotlechalk, who
was arrested in Portland tVedneedar
morning on a charge of stealing valuable
property from bis sister-in-law, Mrs
Marie lavls, was Bp before Judge Jewett
today and discharged. The arrest caused
considerable excitement in thisciy, and
the prisoner's wife entered Attorney
Winton'a office, seised Important papers
connected with the ease and ran down
stairs before she could be slopped. The
trunks of the accused were returned from
Portland Friday, and on being examined
in the court room, none of the stolen
property waa found. His wife afterward
staled that the charge was brought
merely (or the purpose of bringing him
back, as aho wished to see him again.
PaoaATE MArrass,-In ihe nutter of
the estate of Geo II Keency, bond filed and
approved. Strauder Froanan. OS Smith
and N II Allen appointed appraisers.
In the msttcrof the estate snd ifusrdlan.
hip of Loren D Hate etal minors, CE
stsnsrd spppolnted guardian.
In the msttrr of the estate of Marv
Burkhart, bond ef F A But k hart admin
istrator filed and approved.
In the matter of the estate of Is F Hall.
ordered that personal property be o!d s
prsyed for.
In the mailer of the estate of C O rat
ion. Inventory filed, real property (1000
sna personal property $751 .
Lebanon. The Comptcn brothers, o
lbany, have bought two lots from Ir
Courtney, west of the railroad, and each
will build a dwelling house.
At the last meeting ol the A F and A
M, the follow Itic olltcer were elected fur
the ensuing term: E E Hammock, V M;
Ur t; M Wuckelt, 8 W ; J C Gordom. J W;j
r m Miller, secretary: nr 1 S Courtney.
The one Industry above all other 1 w hlch
I needed In Lebanon I a fiourlnir mill, i
Families living within four miles of this
plsce go to Albany (or their mail and
while there make their purchases.
Married, at the home of the bride's fa
ther. In Wsterloo, Wednesday, Dec. 15, T
L. Klce snd Mis Hsttie Gross. Both
tartles arc well and favorably known In
.Inn county. The newly married couple
will spend a lew week In Waterloo, slier
which they will remove to Wolf Creek.
Josephine cotinly, whre Mr Rice ha
some valuable, mining Interest. Ad
A Fcxxr Item. A "fanny" Item
comes from Pallas, according to a Salem
ex. The other day Taylor Dunn was
selling feed-chopper and. white exhi
biting the good Qualities of the machine
in question, be slipped his finger too far
under the chopper, which, in its descent,
nipped off the tip end of tho finger. A
lew moments later Sir Taylor's father
was explaining to some bystanders how
the accident happened, lie took hold of
the . machine and was showing its
mechanism. "Now." said he. "Tavlor
had his finger right here when the chop
per came down and clipped the end of it
off." And to exemplify the explanation.
at this very juncture tho chopper blade
came down, catching the senior Dunn'a
nnger on the block and cutting its end
ofl just as it bad done the finger of the
young man only a moment before. This
is what the writer's informant chose to
call a "funny" item. But there la prob
ably little fun in it for the Dunns.
A Naw Scheme. Councilman-elect
Pfelffcr of the Second Ward wss seen
durincr the dsv busllv clesnhio some of
the crosswslka along the streets, the street
commissioner being III. His Industry and
enterprise attracted considerable attention,
and led a tellow citizen to rush Into the
Democrat office at breakreck speed with
the suezestlon that an arrangement be
effected by which the councllmen rotate
In office a crosswalk cleaners, one taking
care ot them one week, another another
week and soon, thus saving 16 c a month
The Idea is open for discussion.
Lots of Wests. The follswlng from
the Statesman, though having no local
Interest, shows one side of human life up
in good style, and remlr.d usot the msn
who would like to run the newspapers
better than the editors. "On complaint
en k r iMewiana.a street car driver, John
Km west was taken belore the recorder yes
terday and fined $10 and costs, amounting
to 123, tor assault and Lattery committed
on Newiana while the latter was driving a
street car. 1 ne trouble arose over trie
difference of opinion held by the two In
regard to the proper way of running a
street car. West wanted to run the car
his way and the driver objected, when
West struck him over the eve, Inflicting a
painful bruise.
A Musical Recital. The junior
pupils of Miss Hela Gilbert's music class
R-ave a very pleasing recital Wednesday
evening, Dec 16, at the home of her sister,
Mrs Hammer, on seventh street. The
children did themselves and their teacher
f;teat credit, and show a good degree of
mprovement. A very pleasant evening
was passed by the parents and friends of
the class, and all present enjoyed this, the
first recital given by Miss Gilbert's pupils
this season.
Cost Them $50. John Beach and
Charley Smith, who wtre tried by a jury
before Justice Oshow yesterday afternoon
ana evening tor assault on s a White,
another boy, were found guilty and fined
$15 ana costs, the total amounting
to about f 50, which was paid. Younir
White's face looked as if he had been at
war and it was no doubt a matter of srreat
satisfaction to see his assailants have to
pay well for their f un ,
A Church Suit. Several citizens of
Sweet Home, members of the Bowman
faction of the Evangelical church, have
orougnc suit against tne trustees ot the
church there for the possession ol the
church property, which Is held by the
anti-Bowman faction, and a live contest Is
sntlclpated. Considerable feeling prevails
over the matter, -
sat til Ai rxMstti
' ' TlllfSSDAT
Dr W II Davl went lo Toledn this noon
on medical business,,,
Mi Thus Brink who lis been 111 several
weeks, Isagsln able to bs on the streets.
E R bklpworth, of Eugene, was In Al
bany today, on bis ' wsy to Lebanon,
v. hers his father I lying dsiayerously III.
Judge Blsckbum and County Clerk
Payne were In HaU-m yesterday faring
the state bosrd of equalisation on behsll
of Lion county.
Mrs Judge Strahan and daughter, Miss
Pet, urnved In tegon a few days ago
from Atlsnts, Gs and 'ust evening Miss
Pet came up to Mbsny for a few davs.
Mrs Slrshsn Is In Salem wild her daugh
ter, Miss Fsnme, who is In poor health
J M Stewart, of Corvaltk division en
gineer of the Oregon Pacific, was a
passenger on last night's Northern Pacific
overland fer the East. He goes with his
family, hoping lo recover the health of
his Ihtle son, whose illness It Is th.iught s
change of climate wilt ameliorate Mr
Mewart hss been practically the chief en
gineer pf the rosd. Ills esperlence was
originally gained on the Pennsylvsnla
rosd -(rrghlsn.
Mr Edwsrd Oolns, ef Sclo, whose flour
n. Ill st that plsce ws destroyed by lire
Mtine time ago, ws In Eugene yesterday.
He ha Wen looking about l see the
various kind of machinery, thst he msy
set Intelligently It piirchstiug machinery
for his new milt. After examining the
Nordykn ft Msrmon machinery In a mill
In litis county, he said he wculd buy ot a
Portland fii .n.wi he coutJ get belter sslls
facllou tlia.i hrf can I n the east. Eugene
H J Sills, who recently left Eugene, on
account of development being made thst
he had another wife living in Minneapolis,
who had commenced a suit for divorce
against him, has gone lo that city and
made up with hi first wife and Is now liv
ing with her. Sills Is a bad man and should
be serving a term In the penitentiary.
Guard The above Is evidence that there
sre oine very foolish women In lids
Mis Win C.rus, of Scio,
the city.
is vl.lttng In
Editor IWt Van Cleve, of the
rost, is in the city.
Mrs Jos Tyler returned to Kalent this
noon after a visit with Albany friends.
Horace Froman and Cri! Burkhart left
this noon on a month's ti in to Los
Angeles, Calif.
Miss Whlttncr. bead n.llliner with
Mra II J Kower, went to Portland this
noon for a couple month's sojourn.
County rtuperintendent Hussell went
to lla'sey today to attend a local insti
tute there. Also Miss Kva Williamson.
Mr Green McDonald, of Sclo, a veteran
ot the t'ayuse war, who on occasion
though his tlsne hsd come, sit In the
city todsy,
Mr C B Montague and family, of Leb
anon, were in Albany today on their way
home, nft-B an absence of scvrral
months In Vancouver.
Mr and Aire J A (iron are now at Los
Anantes. and a letter from Mr tiro to
an Albany friend states that be Is in
good health and having a good time in
glorious winter weather.
Ted Curran arrived in Albany yester
day, from the Hound, and Is the guest of
his brother, O A Curran. tie will re
main a week or two. Mr Curran recently
invented a tire tightener, which Is un
doubtedly a fine thing.
Itev ft U Irvine went to Portland this
noon, snd will preach there on Sabbath.
Tomorrow be ill visit with bis son, O II
Irvine, in MrMtnnville. Kev Wilson
w ill preach in the U P church on Hab
bth. s a rratur
Joseph Koch, the d'aughtaman, is In
town today. He informs us that be will
complete bis work in Allwny in almut
two weeks, when be will return to Eu
gene. Eugene Uuard.
Land Clerk Davis says be is going to
take it a little easier. Office confine
ment does not agree with him and com
bined with overwork baa had a deleteri
ous effect. He will fully recuperate in a
few days. Journal.
L W Deyoe. (Irant Froman, I Bnnta,
Fred lAbiunt and Al Perry, of the Mas
cot tiuii Club, went to Jefferson this
noon to shoot the team at that city. Mr
D B Monteith now wears the Mascot s
gold medal.
On Dee 2J. lft'.U. the Knights of
Pythias will give a supper at the Hotel
Brownsville. Tbey have also engaged
Ceo Chamberlain and Hon J K Weather
ford, of Albany, to address them on that,
evening at the ciiy ball. A grand time
is anticipated. Brownsville limes.
Two septuagenarians were married a
few days ago in Douglas county. The
high contracting parties were Colonel w
J Martin, aged "5 years, now ot Jackson
ville, but formerly of uiendaie, ami Airs
Margaret Trible, of the same age, widow
of George Trible, who died at llaubstadt,
Gibson county, lnd.. January 11. 1872.
Colonel Martin la well know n in Hose-
and Douglas, having been a resident of
the county lor many years. He is
pensioner of the Mexican war, and
served with distinction in the Indian
troubles of the earlier davs of Oregon
and Northern California. He baa also
the distinction of having accompanied
the command of John C Fremont in the
heroic march of that officer to the Pacific
coast. He was the first receiver of the
United fctates land office in Douglas, in
1WW when the county scat wss at Win
Chester. Ashland Tidings.
Thome Chickkns have reached Umatilla
county, resulting in the following from
tne u. u. : a chicken was siauanierea
for the family table recently at H L Oli
ver's place Wow Pendleton. In dressing
the fowl Mra Oliver discovered in the
craw two small nuggets of gold about the
the size and shape ol a small nati neaa
How the chicken found ti e gold is now
the Question. About a half-mile below
the place is the site of the old Swift's
station, and it is thought possibly that
some miners camping near might have
lost part of their "duBt," or perchance
have burisd some of their treasure, to be
reiurrectcd at this late day by scratching
I have this day sold to It G Wstson ft Co
the grocery and. commission basinsis hereto
lore earned on by ms at the eorner of
worth and 2od strets,consisting of stock of
groceries, provisions, fixtures, eto. I will
pay all bills inoarsd by ms while oooduot
tng ssld business on presentation. 1 re
tain the book sooonnts and parties indebted
to mo can call and pay at the store until
Des 1st. 1891. B O Watson St Co reoeiptino
for ms. .After that data all unpaid sooonnts
will be placed in ths bands of ; my attorney
tor oolleotion .
Nov. 9. 1891.
Moxit to Loak. I haye money in
sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Ban ton
counties, at lowest current ratei. K
delay in furnishing the money.
Beat estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
It is aotnally economy to drink Beech's
Tea. Bsiug absolutely pnref it ia mnoh
stronger than tbs artidelal taas, about one
third less of it, or shout twenty grams, be
ing equirsd per cup. As there are 7,680
grains to a pound, thsrs will be seen to be
between three and four hundred sups to the
pound. As it is but 60 oents per pound,
this is at ths rate of about one fifth of a cent
per eup. For sale at Allen Bros. .
Any one wanting tha Ltach Roaster and
Baker before Christmas should order at
once. Address
Agents wanted.
Mra Talt, f 0 Box 60
It bss been shown tSat 1I11 lifj of a full it
very grsst. Ilundrsdt of fUh srs still slivi
in tlis royal squsrium in St Petersburg that
were placed there mots llisn 150 yesrs sgo.
Speaker Crisp bss sppoiotsd McMillan 0
Tennessee, Catching! of . Mississippi Kccd j
Maine, snd Ilurtoas of Michlgsn ss tlis com
mines on rules. Tlis speaker is cl.sbnun ot
ne commiKcc, lbs "cur will not be sils
o count any quorums under the new tales
lis is a Lack nutnbtr.
An extraordinary rnult hss been obtained
by sums experiments made in England in
Signalling with slsctric lights turned vertical
to the sky. The light of ths Kddystous
I ghibouxs can be icu 47 milus, aud
thie on a clear Btgliti but a vertical Learn of
light lit far las power is visible just twice as
far, with a slioeg ohsuce of its surmou'jtu g
aa ordinary t"A-
I!.'- ... . .J
Sums of the republican brethren 01 this stale
srs unking a herculesn cfTuit to utfeat Jo
Simos for the office of United Ststcs circuit
jti!gs. The gencislly expressed ol jeclion to Joe
Is that he is sfmtnopely snd ml. toad man. We
can not sec bow this would make ant difler-
ence fur ib rsUrosds bold comj lets doniina
lion over the republican party, hence lbs
sppoiniee whjtn ever he wilt bs a tail-
road msn. Ksihosd influences will not per
mit any other' man to bs sppoiatsJ. Joe
Simon is lbs mo', distinguished republican
leader ia tlis state, snj we can not see w 1 at
these gentry sis kicking tluul.
Lancaster County, Pa., has a peculiar
custom, "Scllling Dsy" In that country
falls i' pen April I, snd on that day thou
ands of country fotks gather at Lancaster,
the county sest. Bargains are made, con
trscts sre entered Into, debts are psld and
new ones contracted. If a man contract
a debt at any time during the year, the
understai ding Is, In the absence of a spe
cific agteement, that payment shall he
insde on settling dsy. A similar custom
prevails In part of China, but the Lancas
ter countlan probably took their settling
day from Germsn ancestors.
A queer old man snd hi grsnddangUter
subsist by s queer business in New York.
Tbey supply the missing buttons from costs,, go "0. sic. and it is said bs is seldom
unable lo msicli any button shown h'm. He
has ilitm of sll slsSpcs, tit, ttyle sod color
snd knows where to Cnd them in bit collection
Any ons who ever tried to supply a asltslsg.
l uttcn knpa U.w Laid it i to match those
r maining, t he ill find it sad she w ill sew
it op, s! for tea rents, unlets itchseers lo be
of a vciy rare soil, when he v ill charge round-
fur it. He Is si ways ready to buy odd
buttons, aed regular sources of supply
moeg tailor, dressmakers sad dealers in old
clothe, but doe not psy bigh prices (ur them
unlit they are entirely out of ths market.
The sppoiutotcnl of Woods of Indiass for
one of the circuit judgeship should be rejected
Democrat ia the sesale should make the fur
Ay when hit nsme romcs up for confums'.ios).
It wss bis dcution thst saved Dudley, the
blocks ol live msn, from lbs penitentiary. He
is a mere erovellne cofltkisa. no more fit (or
lbs bench than Quay would be. Republicans
threaten tbsl ia csss the demorrsts oppose
Woods tbey will oppose Putnam snd Dallas.
the two democrsls named lor judges. Very
well, le'. tbera defeat these two men sad let
1 Unison spixiinl two republicans for the
places, but by sll mesas keep the pot bouse
politician ofl the bench. The presides! is
not entitled to the credit of being fair sod nun
partisan ia naming two democrats, soy wsy.
More than one half the people of the union are
democrats sod to be fsir be should have ap
pointed five democrsls and four repuolicsni.
The proposition for an amendment to
ie constitution of the United 8lates pro
ving for the election of United State Sen
ator by the direct vote ot the people wll
attract considerable attention this session.
Turple, senator of Indiana, has already
made the question a prominent one by
making a speech In Ita favor. We trust the
proposition will pats through congress and
nd that three fourths of the state? may
dopt It. The people can ssfely be trusted
to elect senators. The people are more
secure In their rights by keeping such
power in their own hands. Ithascometo
pas that sesreely no one but a millionaire
like Brlce, or a spokesman of monopoly
like Shcrman.csn be elected to the United
States senate. us bave the amend
ment by all means. Let every friend of
constitutional liberty, wlo loves his coun
try and hopes for Its perpetuity, rale his
voice long and loud for the amendment.
No man la Washington hss so fertile a
brain ss the correspondent of tha Ortfonian
He says:
It is probable that two more stars will be
added to the American flag within a short
time. It bs been agreed that Arizona and
Oklahoma ars to depart fiom tenitorial and
Dave stste governments. This is tbe remit 01
e. verbal understanding resched between the
leading republican and democratic members of
he two houses, who hsve been Interesting
tnemseives directly in statehood matters since
the present congress convened. Just before
the democratic senators held their csucus, to
sgree upon minority representation on the
senate committees '.be Utah and Mew Mexico
boomers attempted to pack the senate com
mittee on territores wtth men who would
favor statehood. Aboutl that moment the
matter was mentioned to President Harrison
and it was lesrned he would not fsvor it. He
believed that Utah ha d not suflicien'ly long
enjoyed freedom from polygamy, and that
New Mexico had aot a sufficiently large Amer
ican cttisensbip, so a csmbinstion wss nude
between Arizona and Oklshoms, and it Is
ststed that not only quite all the leadingre-
puDl'cani snd uemocrsts In congress have ex
pressed approval, but also president Ilsrriion
As to this verbal understanding," it hss no
existence except in the "brain" aforessid
uemocrals have no such screemeot verbal or
otherwite. They are not to be caught nsppin
ia that way. New Mexico will come in when
Arizona does and before Oklahoma.
When Baby was sick, we gave bar Castors.
When she waa a Child, ahe sried for Oaatorla,
When h became Miss, she elung to Caatoria.
When she had Children, she gave tm Castoria.
K W Aobison & Co handle the oslsbtated
Portland oemenl walls for cemetery Iota
These walls oan bo furnished at halt the eoat
offany othsr and are far superior.
A Shoe Itek. S E Young has last re
ceived a large stock of shoes, for men,
women and children, Including partita
larly a fine line of school shoes Tbe
best makes in the market can be found
in his shoe department.
For Sale. Twenty-tour asre tract ti
land, nil in cultivation, suitable for prune
orchard, $45 per acre. Inquire on prem
ises of Wm St John, 4 miles west of Tan
gent. . ,
Dec. 17, 1891.
Rililori Democrat 1
Capltrllsts In Washington City Interest
ed In procuring money from the treasury
ot the United State to enrich Ihe private
owners of stock in the Nlcsrsguan canal
corporation," have sent out petition to
various psrts of the country ssklng the
people to demand that congress appropri
ate money to assist the canal enterprise,
Whl e, no doubt, the canal would be of
great benefit to the coast, Is It not wrong In
principle to tnke money from the nstlonsl
treasury, money wrun from an already
high taxed people, to build up a, or any,
private enterprise.
For the government to appropriate
money lo btilld up the navy, government
al bullclngs, and to I 'n prove a I property
Owned by it in fee simple, Is not onlv con
stitutional but Is proper and right, yet
when the government goes bryond this
and appropriates the people's money to aid
private capiulllK,U,ln the humble opinion
of your correspondent, not only unconsti
tutional, but altogether wrong. The peo
ple should be slow In pi-liil'MiIng congress
to aid Ihe ''Nicarajjuan canal corporation,''
or any other private enterprise. There
has already been too much special legisla
tion for the private few and I'. Is certainly
time a halt was made along thit line. It
may be well counted on that if the canst
enterprise will pay, a most people think
It will. Hut private capital will build It,
wthoui the people's money being used
that way. Is it not wrong In principle
to say becau e if some of the mine In the treasury wss given to private cap
italist thst they would build a structure
thst would benefit u, an I therefore the
money of the msnv should be turned over
to a few for that purpose? Such a line of
policy would afford an opportunity to
every capitalist to knock at the vaults of
"Uncle Ssm" ar.d tsy .forsooth, because, I
hsve some tnonry, now thcrcfore.the Unl-
ted. States must tax the people to raited a
fund for use, that I may use It not to build
a structure fur the United Slates but to
build up an entctptlse that will enrich me
Individually. A man might with an armtd
ship steam Into the harbor of Rio Janeloro
and isy lo the Brazilians, pay me a half
million dollars or I will bombsrd your
city. He might Induce them to pay htm
a half million and afterwards bring It here
and build up great enterprises of benefit to
us, but would any one ssy that to acquire
money In that way would be right because
of a benefit to us. Now, when the money
wrung from the people by taxes aie reck
lessly psld out to build up frivol tUr-
friu is not the government using the peo
ple's money for purposes other than gov
ernmentalIn other words Is not such a
use of the nstton's money Illegal and
wrong In principle?
For the government to ts the people
for any other purpose save and
raise a revenue to carry on the
ment economically administered Is
stltutional, and when a tax or ti
levied, not to carry on or build
mental works and prore rty owned by the
government, but to build up and protect
private capitalists, then in the opinion of
your coriespondcnt, the government uses
its powers Illegal! and unwarranted under
the law of or republic, and is simply as
sisting In the perpetration of a fraud upon
the people bv taking the taxe exacted from
It citizens under the plea that the money
Is needed for nub'.lc nurnruu. when. In
fact, It Is diverted to the channels of the
capitalist ot Ihe country who, by their
becelnsr and corruntintr our national ra- I
(statures have, so, far, blinded so many of
of the people of our country a- to crest
to sonr,e extent a sentiment, that the na
tional treasury i a thing to be looted, and
that the government of the United states
U . .uirla !.-- L.i I1.L...IJ a
TV.i to- ...g..
fine hs I AI th rsoMly. In rsrvl r IA fiat,
- - ... r J
give to the other half enough to live on.
The government of the United States
should psy Its employes, Itssoldiers, and
those who deierve pensions liberally; It
hould, s It does, al way s meet Its obliga
tions and take c: re of Its own property
and attend to the matters delegated to It
by the several states by their power of at
torney, vis, the "constitution of the United
States," but lo appropriate money to build
up private enterprise never, no never, was
such power given to it, Is the opinion of
your subscriber.
Geo. W. Wbioht.
The appointment of Stephen B Elklnsby
'rettdcntJIUrrlion to the war portfolio la
Ignlficiant In more than one way. For
years Elktna has been Blaine's right hand
man. At the last three or four nationa
republican conventions he has been on
hand urging the nomination of Blaine
So strong and Influential was he with
Blaine's f sixes In iSSS at Chicago, that he
led them, In the Jfinal move, to Harrison,
Many will regard the appointment as In
dicating that Blaine has definitely re
tired from all hopes of ever being; presi
dent, and, that he has turned his forces
over to Harrison. Others will, with equsl
reason, regard this move on the part of
Harrison as a shrewd one to capture
Blaine's 'principal lieutenant. Another
conclusion, the most Important of all, Is
that Harrison has decided to run the neat
presidential campaign on the most ap
proved plan of republican practical politics
as represented by Elklns, Quay, Dudley
and Clarkson. "Blocks of Five" and the
pious Wanamaker's $400,000 corruption
fund schemes will be tbe principal means
used to secute the election of the next re
publican candidate. There can scarcely
be a doubt (hat the administration will
boldly challenge the virtue and manliness
of tbe voters of the country at the ballot
box. Will the votera of the country be
able to stand tbe test? It ia as If the per
petulty of the government itself was being
put to the test. , There can be no question
as to what the result would be were the
people left free to express an unbiased
choice. The party In power would be
quickly voted out, But the means of the
party in power are potential and the re
sult uncertain.
Ia adtagrbstogni,phes A (ay Ovegsa.
We have boogbJ-aJl' henegstivessnade by
L W Oark and w B, Sveeowood np to Nov
15th. 1889. Duplieates ean be bad
hem only of ns at rsdosed tatss. , We
also about 18.000 neaatlvss ntada by
selves, from whisk dupllsates eao be had
llkeiatea. Ws sarry iba only fall line
views of this state and do enlarged work
lo wet t rates for first class work, weshall
classed to see von at our Studio in Fro Stan's
ij block, next door to Masenie Xrmple.
. . . - .
cr atcai
A piano
B-t sfd Mhos stars.
I'ukrr Bks, crneer.
New ol. s t W K Read's.
Utest t lo ..f hats itWF Bra...
Kvdaotioo in'sutn'oergoods'st VV F Read's
Apple psrers f r ssle st Stewart A Sox ,
8 A liblio, druggist, Frsooh'a corner.
Fi.t groceries ttnn A I f rndnetwin's.
Latent sht mmlo at Will & Link's.
I'srssnl sod sun umbrella at less than
oost at W K Head's,
Gold speotawliw a4 eye alase( all ntylse
and prio', st F M Freooh's.
Ths finest line of pocket knives la the
etty st Htewsrt A box's.
Rars-aius io gold watohas at French ',
"The Cornr Jswelry Store "
A foil i:o of Warner's eorirU, (mat Id
tbs world for ths money, at W F Read's.
J. W. BsQtiey, lasdioj bxrt and sbos
maker, just aast of Ksvsre Hon sr.
Silk omhrstlss in ntaral wood bsndles
sheep at Freooh's Jawslry a tore.
Go to K'ain and bays yoa.- shoes
repaired wnus von wait.
Cotton g'todthav ut I mq a ehaap since
the war tnsy ars bis. Call and see whst
bargains v rlvi has.
Oj to O C for sadlcry, hsi-
ss, whips, robe, all kind of h-H-.e slott
ing etc., et.
Pike Sumxcs. Mr W R Grahrm has
just received a fine line of suitings from
flie Cast, which are as fine as anything
every brought here, embracing the latest
psiterns He It anxious to hsve the pub
lic inspect mem and get prices. Ills long
experience wilt ensble hhn to suit the
most fsstldlous.
The Dsiectr ejtis tw 4
mMhlits if ti atti Urtl, seoap-, a
ws. f ir 11 (f 1 1 jrt I t I art MS t
or will o-midr uthir pr.ti(ti 1 1 y say
as MHtt 1 iiv astshit
W W Davia ia now 10 enara at tha Dsl
mor.Ioojrastaarant. Maals 25 ceuta. Em Urn
oysters, fresh. Berj thing nrst-e!as.
Wrebkto Get Them. When wanting
sn organ or plana call on G L Blackman
h-e yeu caa select from a first class
toe a.
W. F.
s W
Calljand see what a stock of
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Goods,
Wo have to select from. Our
Kiit. tlio orionrct ov
I 01040 CH0
Wn have iust olaced on sale
I .!
cioakg and jackets, in
goods, plain and
We want your trade and we
you money.
a'.w 1 p-siaisii4a'ir.s.asMi,wwissw'w's'a,
for Infants and Children.
I recommend ltaaaupsrior.toany prssxypyoa
knows to ms." B. A. Asntrs. H. '
HI Bo. Oxford 6t ErooUja, X. T.
1 n.. n runrl'ta aonnrvena! and
h nuwlts so well known that It seems a work
of supereroiratlon toendors 1. Few are the
intllient families woo do not keep Csstorui
wiUitoeaywaon." n
Naw York City.
Cote Pastor Bloomlegdale Eaf ormed Church.
Tbs Cbhtaur
Julius GradwoW's Bazaar
The very latest news
Arbuokle's CofYtee, Per Pound. .
11 lbs. Granulated Sugar
o lba. Extra O Smear White
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon
5 Gallons Good Pickles ..........
0 lbs. No. Savon Soap
A Complete Hanging Lamp.
-Wholesale prfoeof sugar -100 lba
T will eondnot a atrlet esab store, and
to 15 oar cent leaa than regular prtosv ACy stock of Cblnaware, ranoy goods, am
tUthedrabls syle. of dlshsa. walla. J general artment ot f
ary, lamps and. mxturea is oompietsr. 1 mtts pwsii ;
beikJDn powder, and always pleaae nay sustomors, '',. !
My display of new toys and nc-velde for tU holidays this year will be tb
rte,t over feyongbt to Albany. Jatllna Graidwohl. j
Are wremgtit by the ue of Aytrs If air
Vigor tu restoring gray balr to its orlRinal
eolor, promoting a new growth, prevent
ig the hair from falling, keeping It soft,
silky, and abundant, and the sealp coot,
healthy, and free from dandruff or humors.
The universal testimony Is tliat this prep
aration has no equal a a drelnit, and
Is, therefore. Indispensable to every well
furnlshed toilet
"I tiave used Ayers Hair Viior for some
tinis and It has worked wonder for me. 1
was troubled with dandruff and was rapidly
becoming bald ; but since using the Vigor my
head Is perfectly clear of dandruff, the lmir
has eeased coming out, and I now have s
good growth, ol the same color as when I
was a young woman. 1 can heartily recom
mend any one suffering from dandmll or
loss of balr to use Ayer's Hair Vigor a a .
dressing."-Mrs. Lydla O. Moody, tast
fittston, Me.
"floroe time ago my wile's hair began to
some out quite freely.
Hair Vigor
w only prevented my wife from lieermiing
bald, but It also caused an entirely new
growth of balr. I am ready to eertily to this
statement before a Justice of the peace."
11. llulsebus, lewtoburgli, Iowa.
"Some years ago, after a severe attack ot
brain fever, my balr all came out. I o.sed
S'U preparations for restoring it as my phy
sicians ordered, but failed to produce a
growth of hair. I tlien tried, succew.ivly,
several articles recommended by dnipgtut,
and all alike fell sliort of accomplishing the
desired result. The last remedy 1 applied
was Ayer's Hair Vigor, which brouglit a
growth of hair in a few weeks. I think I
used eight bottles In two years; more thsn
was necessary as a restorative, but 1 liked it
as a dressing, and have continued to use it
for that purpose. I believe Ayer's Hair
Vigor possesses virtues far above those of
any similar preparation now on the market-"
-Vincent Jones, Kichmond, lnd.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LoibS, Mass.
Bold try Itaiggiau and rerf tuners.
at, w -
stock is not!ouly the largest
oT.rn ,'y, A IKornr
a eomDlete assortment ?of
both cloth and plush
fur trimmed.
feel confident we an save
-s- Oregon
-Cteotoria cores Oolte, Constipation,
.Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Wcrma, givea sleep, and proinotea cl-
yiouturious medication.
For several years I be recommended
your 'Castoria, ' and shall always continue tc
do so as it has invariably produced beneucia
Bowist 7. Pardks. M. Dn '
"Tha Wlnthrop," ISHh Btreet and 7th Avo.,
Com-Airr, TT Uobbat ftettstsrr, Kw Tors.
1 amrWiMW win, J, I MIM JLLlJJlBU-aka
Is that you oan buy at JULIUS
net oasa goods as follows:
. . 25(8,
i-SV. . .
extra C, f4,TH 100 tbs granulated, $5.75.
all goods will be. sold fornet eash from !