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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1891)
lie icui0at. FRIDAY DECEMBER 18, 1891 LOCAL. UECOUD. A New Organisation. Several wel known men have received the following notice which shows how the organltaUon ii etioctcd ana explains itseli : Headqnarteta Amalgamated Association 01 i.iars, Albany, Uregon. Ma. . It having officially come to the knowl edge of this Association that as a iiar vou are without a peer in the west, and your rcvuru aa a single- nanucu iinr iiavuiK been thoroughly Investigated and found to fully sustain your general reputation, ana rour character lor mendacity war ranting us in our action, this Society has conferred uponyou the honorary degree oi l. in u. oi x. r., meaning "Liar in Chief of the Pacific, "anil you are hereby appointed "Grand Delineator of Lying tor the State of Uregon," with head quarters at Albany, Orogon.and assigned to the stair ol the i.rand Mar of the Uni Terse, as Aide-In-Chief. Approved: By order otitis Majesty, 4 ne u. u. oi ma u. Ananias, Mi-LHATTOM, SocieUry. Urand lecturer. All Kinds IUnk. A census bulletin devoted to church statistics contains much Information concerning Uregon In Marion county there are two organisa tions of independent Mennonltes aud seventy-tlve communicants. In Polk county there 1 one and forty members. There Is sn Amish Mennonlte society In Marion county with twenty-five members snd one In Clackamas with thirty-two. There are Dunkard organisations in the counties of Coos, Jackson, JLane, Linn, Marion and Multnomah. There sre forty seven communicant la this countv. In the state are S50 Conservative Dunkards. In Coos county there are a 00 Progressive Dunkards. There N an African M E church in Salem. There are Wetleyan Methodist congregations in Clackamas and Yamhill counties, and sixty-one com municants. The Uregon district of Con servative Dunkards has a membership of 316. There are ten societies In Idaho, Uregon and Washington and there are sis church edifices In the conference. Statesman. St ratus Court Cams. The case of J W Gaines et al, appellant, vs. Linn county et al, respondents, and the case of J WUai nea and Louis Stringer, appel . lante, vs Linn county, respondent, were both decided in the supreme court last Monday, These cases are of special in terest to the citiiens of Santiatn and Scio precincts, as sixty-tour of the appellants are residents there. The cases were taken from the county court of Lian county to the circuit court by writ of re view, Mr G W Wright, of this city, being attorney for the appellants. The circuit court deciding adversely, they, by advice of Mr Wright, appealed to the supreme court. After many days of bard work in gathering and briefing the law applica ble, Mr Wright was naturally much pleased at winning both cases in the supreme court, and in reversing the deci sion of Judge Iloise, of the circuit court, and as well knocking out, figuratively speaking, the legal talent who were at torneys for Linn county. Herald. AcriSBXTALLT Shot. Most of the shooting accidents come from Lane county. It is the banner county in this respect. The Guard gives another very serious one: A young man, aged 18 years, whose name we con id not learn, in the employ of Enos Cleek. who lives two miles north of Irving, while uncock ing his gun in the gentleman's house, let the lock slip out of his finger, which dis charged the gun. the charge of duck shot entering the right leg of the wife of Mr Cleek's, just below the knee, shattering the bone in a frightful manner. Dr L W Brown was sent lor and be immediately amputated the limb about two inches below the knee joint. On account ot the loss of blood, btfo-e the arrival ot the doctor, and the chock occasioned, the lady is in a precarious condition, but hopes are entertained of her recovery. Eqlalizxo Things. The State Coard cf Equalization propose to do justice to all parts of Uregon. Ihry have placed horses at $50 west of the mountains and about hslf ea.t of the mountains Linn county horses will be raised from $39.94. Cattle will be $12.50 and Linn's will have to come up from $1090. Meep will be $1 Co and hers Linn will drop from $167. Mortgages will be eqjalized; but how, there's the question. In the matter of mortgages they have a tlg job on their hands. Oregon should at least have equality in all things. Crock Coistv. This cek Wm M Kheilabargcr sold Ills building and sad dlery business to M A Moore. Mr Sheila bsrger has bee.t in business in I'rineville for eight years. Charlie Bowlsby, of Iteaver, desires to announce that he will fight the winner of the Ross-Woods contest for gate receipts and funeral expense. On Monday Tohn Elliott brought in grains of old taken from the El liot) mine on Upper (choco. It was the result of a clean up of their a rant r a, which Mr Elliott thinks saves about one twentieth of the gold contained in the rock they are working. Ucvlew. Tut Proper Wav. There Is some snsp to it least one Salem Justice. Last Friday we mentioned the arrest of two students In that city charged with stealing a book. Here was the result from the Journal: "The two boys, Archie Cleaver and Mr Melsner ,who were falsely accused of purloining a book, were both discharged and exonerated, while the young man who brought the prosecution was fined $17.50 for his misdemeanor besides being strongly reprimanded." The example is one that should be followed generally In cases unnecessarily instituted, particularly those based on spite. A Peculiar Suit. According to the Guard a f eeullar suit hss been begun In Eugene: "Joseph Thelmer hss sues! his wife, Anns Thelmer, for the sum of $1,500. Theimer claims that he Is simple minded snd thst his wife threatened him with Imprisonment and thereby compelled him to sign a deed to the residence prop erty on Seventh street. The su'.t is brought by T J GelsW,a Portland lawyer. The truth of the ma'.ter Is that Theimer spends his pension tor "red liquor" snd hss been supported by his wife and child ren for years. He Is too Isty to work. He could not procure an attorney In Eu gene where he I- known." Axnual Mxitwo. The Oregon Bible society held its annual meeting at the YMCA rooms last evening, Key S G Irvine in the chair. Prayer was offered by J F Stewart. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Rev E R Pricbard, president ; all pastors in the city, vice presidents; executive com mittee, ) F Stewart, secretary, 1) P Mason, R M Robertson, J B Cougill, L H MonUnye, W W Crowder and H W Young. J as F Stkwaut, Sec. Cucvrr Coubt. The following new cases have been begun : S R Northinger agt Thomas A Morris. Damages. Wii lismsA Woods, attorneys for plaintiff. Millard F Sbaw agt J A Bennett, Ida J3ennett and U w stoker. Foreclosure of lien. J K Weatberford and J R Wyatt. attorneys tor plaintiff. Fortmiller & Ir ving agt las and Mary K McIIargue. Judgment in vacation. U W Wright, attorney tor piainuu. A Coob Recommendation. According TmTio the official census, Ilemsburg's popu Nation decreased 9 from 1840 to 1800. A u ntleman from there tells us there ifot a vacant bouse in the place. If lost a few previous to last year it bas gained a good many more since. Sheriff Scott informs us that thers is not a cent of delinquent tax dun in the precinct, among present residents there, a rare recommendation for its thrifty residents in view of the site of the delin quent list. Alw Town. County Surveyor Cul ver, Douglas Mint and Henry George, tbe baseball player start on the 11am train for a point on tbe Santiam river on the 0 P railroad bait way between Gates villa and N lagara, to lay off a town. Tbe owners of tbe townsite are Harry and Douglas Minto and thy bave not named It yet. journal. Bio Potatoes. Mr Mespelt brought five bushelsof potatoes to Albany today. every one of which weighed two pounds or more. He received doub'.e price for them on that condition. Probate Mattbrs. In the matter of the estate of E B liuches, final account filed and set for hearing Friday Jsn, 8, 199a, at one o'clock p m. In the matter of the estste nt Mary An Hughes, final account filed and setter hear inj January 0, 1991, at one o clock p m. In the matter of the estate of Elijah Salmarah, final account files) and set for hearing January 9th, 1892, atone o clock p m. In the matter ot the estate of C O Pat ton, bond of administrator filed and ap proved and J II Washburn, Porter Elmore, and o fj looley be appointed appraisers In the matter of the estste ot Jerushua Moore, final account approved aud aJmln- istrator discharged. In the matter ot the estate of Alexsndei Downing, Geo Itumnherv appointed guardian t litm for the minor heirs, guardian filed answer and order made to sell real estste as prayed for. . In the matter ot the estste and guardian ship of II G Spencer, a minor, annual ac count hied and approved. In the matter ot the estate of Mary I Burkhart, citation ordered Usued to F A Burkhsrt citing him to appear at 10 o'clock a m, Jan. 4. io, and show cause. It any why the order heretofore made appointing him administrator ot said estate should not be revoked and George Humpher sp minted. Cbook Co. Men Swindler. Last Sat- urdav a scoundrel and swindler, whn called himself F vV Wesley, was arretted ivr ouiainwg money under laisa pre- which day be was niven a hearing belore l.nid . . , ,M lull Hntl TllM. . .M Justice Itoll and discharged. The man came to town a day or two before he was arrested ana represented that he had been sent here to examine the Ochoco mi nos. He had a pony, saddle and bridle and some money. Ho put no at the Prlneville House, got acquainted ith C S Smith, told the storv of his mission, got a little "full," played game or two, got broke, and borrowed casn iroin Air hinitb, ottering to draw a check for the amount. In alt he got into Mr Stnithabout ftW. Then he struck genial Bob Harrington and borrowed 15, offering his pouy for security. Then when it got dark he spirited the pony out ot the stable and lefu A warrant was issued for his arrest, and Sheriff Booth caught bis man in the Upper Ochoco country and returned him to town, and his hearing resulted as above stated, as it is not a crime to borrow money, no case could be made out against him, but that be la a great swimurr goes without saying. He lelt on Wednesday for parts unknown. Jvews. About iiik Baron. Considerable In terest has been tske.i in the engagement oi Senator Mitchell's daughter to the Bar on de Rochetoucaulds. Perhaps It wilt result tn s reil live baron visiting Oregon sometime, though personally Miss Mattle probably doesn't take a very live Interest in this state, not having; resided here much, lice Is ssld to be whst the Sen at'ir ssys about it: "I know of but two objections' to her Intended husband the one is that his residence Is abroad, which will lake try daughter from this country, and the other is that he has a tltle.nelther ot which I take kindly to. Aside from these objecMons, however, sll my Infor mation, and I have It hsam many sources snd Ih very best of sources, is to the effect thst he Is a splendic free, so I am told, from the vices with which so many Parisians (and occasionally an American) are addicted to. He Is sober, does not gamble and Is not considered a fast man in any sense of the word; has a good position In the army; has three fine estates one ss fine ss any In France. Socially t o man In Europe stands higher or bet- Rti.BAsto from Jail. Jack Fllnn, who was sentenced by Justice Coshow a month ago, for stealing a rubber coat from L Gotlleb, was discharged yesterday, and on being presented with a dollar by a fellow prisoner and a deputy sheriff, immediate ly celebrated the event by get'.ing glori ously drunk, resulting In an early Incarcer ation In the calaboose. Then he swore off. He won't drink sny more ui.til he gets out. A Bio Eaci.b. Saturday while going losg the rosd by the Hulbert school house, Mr I. I) Knlghten discovered s gray eagle in the field near the road. Having a gun with him he took ayhot st America's emblem, killing the bird. He proved a fine specimen of an eale, and measured 7 feel 3 Inches from tip to tip. Mr Showslter, of Butler. Ind.,ho is here with a number of Clydesdale, bought the eagle, and will lake him back to the lioosler state. Up and Downs. The official census shows the following increases in popul.T tion in Linn county between 18H0 and 1890: Brownsville precinct, 3U; city, 447 ; Fox Valley, 94 ; Franklin Butie, 310 ; Liberty, IS; Orleans, 7; Santiaui, 324; Scio city. 60: Shedd city, 300; Sweet Home, 206; Waterloo, 325 ; Sodaville, C. A decrease of W is given Brush Creek ; 164 Halsey precinct and 30 city; 315 Harrisburg precinct. As several new precincts have been formed the figs res may not fully explain tl.e situation io every case. A vsr appetizing T, A vary surprising T, A saviiiS, eat waatiag Beautiful tasting Very fine flavored T, And a Urgs snd choice stock of grocerits, fruits sod bsked goods, at Parker Bros. A gord resolution is osver to bay without first giving tbem a call. Havb U noticed that Allen Bros' gro cery store is always full of traits, vege tables, etc, tlje very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be bad they have it. Apples, Grapes, Cranberries. Oranges, Lemons, Pigs Feet Cabbages, Turnips, Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, ft, si s Cvt Sauer Kraut, Beets. Celery, Holiday Gcods.- A fine line of holl- day goods may be seen at G L Black- man s. His plush goods particularly are fine, embracing a variety of handsome articles, which should be seen by all buy ing holiday goods. After a prosperous season the citiiens ot Linn county will desire to present their friends with the best to be obtained. Mr B'sckmsn csn accom modate them with as fine a line of holiday goods as is to ie seen anywnere. The Key to Succtss Thai is whst we all want. It is'nt luck, for there Is no such thing. It Is principally being care tul about small thlugs, for instance, the buying of the best quality ot groceries, fruits snd produce tor family use, at the smallest cost. This counts in the Ion: run. Those who deal with Conn it Hena rlcsoti report bargains both In quality and price. Thev also have a fine line of crock ery ware, toys, etc, suitable for the hellday trsde, which It will pay the public to can snd see oetore buying. Tiia Ladivs Bazaar. Do not buy your Chrlstmss presents without calling st the Ladles Bataar.where there Is a large and elegant stock of novelties suitable for the holiday trade. Some one will receive a Christmas present of an elegant French doll, one of '.he prettiest ever seen in Al bsny, now on exhibition at the Baiaar. Tfiosa Fa Christmas slippers at Klein Bros, are so tasty and neat that Jay Gould would be oroud to wear them But remember abbot that piano. When after Christmas you find out that some one baa really become the possessor 01 that piano for only a few dollars you will never forgive vourseu. But ask Klein Bros about it. Don't watt now. LAEGEST -:- ASSORTMENT or HEATI5G STOYES. AT MATTHEWS :& WASHBTJEFS Fike Suitings, Mr W R Grahsm kas lust received a fine line of suitings from the East, which are as fine ss anythln every brought here, embracing the latest patterns. He is anxious to have the pub lic inspect them and get prices. His long experience will enable him to suit the most fastidious. ftooAL kum rtxsoNii MONDAY. E L Thompson, of Portland, Is In the city. Wm Ml losg left on Ssturduy night's overisnd for ssa Francisco, Mr Jss Powell has accepted a position in the a. v. oiitce in remand. License was Issued todsy for the mar riage ot J W Nye and Ida M Orchard. Judge 8trahan. Attorney General Cham berlaln and Hon J K Weal her lord, went to Salem this noon. Miss Amelia Senders hss returned from Ssn Francisco, and Mrs Senders left for there on Saturday evening. Mr benders continues In very poor health. E Goln, ot Sclo, was In the city today The ground la being cleared preparatory to the erection of a new mill at Sclo. by Mr Goln. Mr and Mrs Prlchsrd and two sons parents and brothers ot Kev K K Prlchard ot this city, arrived In Albany Saturday evening and make will this city their home The social atmosphere Is allre with coming weddings. The Msn about Town hss a list of seven to occur during ine holidays or Immediately stter, between prominent residents ot Albsny. TUESDAY. Mrs Henrietta Brown went lo Portland today on a several days visit. Superintendent Wakefield snd Engineer Duny arrived in Albany isst evening ana are making arrsngements to push bridge work with Increased activity. Licenses have been issued for tbe uniting in tbe bonds ot matrimony H F W Meyers and Olive Chandler, wit- lives, 11 viiapiiu vy i'iinnu i.vii Cornell, witness, Mrs E J Cornell ; T L L Rice and Mattle M Gross, witness, b W Moore. A nleasant social event this winter will be the social party to be given by the young people', societies of this city, at tbe armory on Christmas night, Dec 2A. There will be about twenty tables of games for those attending, an Informal program will be rendered, and a lemon lunch served. All young people will be made welcome, and given an opportunity to end Christmas in a pleasant and pro fitable manner. WEDNESDAY. Allen went to Mr Arch Salem this noon. Miss Estella Etltesl Eugene, Is visiting relatives In this city. Mrfl L Black man returned this noon from a trip to Portland. Miss Sedgwick, one ol the teachers In the public schools Is sick with la grippe. mr auraii wiciu me mini ,n irc, f.iaiv. Frank Power, a graduated the Albany college, now in an abstract office in Whaicomb. vvasli., was in the city today on bis way to Brownsville, on a visit ith his brother. Last evening an Interesting elopement occurred from this city. Owens Mc- Maban. aged about 20, an employee in the woolen mills, and Miss Cora Owens, sixteen year old girl, bought ticket for Sacramento and left on the overland for that place, without previous announce ment. sUL KSTATK SALES. II Mullan to R Hiatt, 15 acres inDLCof Andrew Kees....t ISO L Hill etux to Arlena Bartses, lotlO.blk 7, Hill's add to Sodaville 40 George II Skinner to Wm Lynch, 100 acres in sec 30, tp 19, 8 R 3 W 2000 A J Johnson etux to R Shelton. rare I in Sdo 2360 V M Smith etux to JohnGrisham, lots 5 and 6. blk 20, J M K'l 3rd add to Lebanon SCO W K Ray etnx to Ailcy Ray, N 8 W i4', sec 22, tp 11 8 R 1 VV 10 United States to Emery S Barzee, 153 acres in sec 30, tp V S K 4 K Patent United States to Daniel M Pace, 150 acres in sec 2. tp 10, 8 R 3 K Patent Wm E Ray etux to Ailcy Ray, N r,.i, sec 21, tp 11, a 1 W 10 Wm KaVton etux to JasU Boyl'. lots 0 and t, blk s, w u s add to Lebanon 40 Win Clymer etux to M Lnnslrry tii sere in In ll.rR2W... 100 Andrew 1 lite Hut to Robt L R Mounts, 10.34 acres in tp 11, S R 4 W 60 noch D Sloan etux to Andrew Hit. 143.24 acres in tp 11 8 R 4 Wl Will Rea Estate Co. to Henry 8 Oaren, lots 6 and 0, blk 10 in Halsey 100 John D Patter etal to Charles Brietske, 320.3V acres in tp 9, 8R2K 68ftl Philander Haxen etux to J LHill one acre in D L C ot R 8 Coyle 25 D W Hardin etux to Stephen A Cocbell, 10 acres in tp 12, 8 r 2 w : act Rosa A Miller to N C Myers etal, iota 1, 4 and a, blk iu, w heel er's add to Scio 1 Wm Rutherford etnx to Daniel Hart 85-100 acre in Lebanon. VOO R Kirkpatrick etux to J II Loveail. a cres in Lebanon.. 100 Daniel Hart etux to Thomas Kw- ing. 160 acres in tp 11. 8 R 2 W. : 3800 Thomas Brandon etnx to George Finley, 400 acres in section 17 and 18. tp!4. SR 3 W... 10000 N C Myers nd N K Baker to J W Miller, parcel in Scio 1 N C M vers etal to N JE Baker, par cel in bcio l Robert A Rampy, trustee to city 01 uarrtsburg, lot 0, blk 7 In said city 200 John P Carter to Mary B Carter Huarree in tp 13, 8 Kt w... 1WV W Miller etux to N C Myers, parcel in Scio 1 Total salem. .8 2311)8 rar scgak. A B Mellwalsi eerers ksme stottsaw rrlees. He makes the following reductions in sugar for cash: 17 lbs dry granulated for $1.00 20 lbs extra C white for $1.00. 33 lbs extra C golden for $1.00. Here are some wholesale prices: 100 lbs extra golden 0Q4cti. 100 lbs extra O white Q 4 cts. too lbs dry granulated Q 5tt He will also sell a Ive gallon keg ol pickles for 90 cts. "America Aobicultcbist." Tbe i gular price of tbe American Agricultur ist is $1.60 per year. For a short time I am authorised to receive subscriptions at $1.00, also to furnish the December number free to all who subscribe now for 1802. F L Kxirroir, sub agent. AtWill&SM'S May be seen tbe finest stock of gold and silver watches, diamond and other rings, je lry, silverware, Ac, in tbe city. Allen Bros always keep thsir customers applied with fresh batter snd eggs. Money to Loan. I bave money in r.nn t. snn Ann i proved farm lands in Linn and Benton counties, at lowest current rates. Ho delay in furnishing the money. KJ w burkhart, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Any ens wanting the Lcaoh Roaster and Baker before Christmas should ordsr at once. Address Mrs Talt, t O Biz 40 Agents wanted. Klein Bros htvs a large and eksles st o s Of boats and shoes forstls at reasouab pricxH Dj not invstt in f ot wssr ant yoahavs sen tWr, stoit silj tbi els ga-j piano at thsir store. v Oata.MM -Ratter, IB senta per lb, Eggs, fet ssnss per dos. Potatoes, to earns par bashel, Lard, 11 tf 18 eenta per Bv Baetn vHams. II eenta; slder,ll ehoalden, 11 cents, Beef on foot, U(3 2X. cents per sV Pork, disawsd. 8 eents per. ft; Flour, f 8 per barrel, - entst KKCwftw orru'iaL (.m. The Democrat hss just received the fficlal census of the state ot Oregon as adjusted by Robert P Porter. That of ths state Is 3i3.7u7i as heretofore given. Be low we present the population ol the cities and towns of Oregon, of Interest to our readers, without comment st the present time. The population ot Linn county Is given as 16,165, Increase In ten years of 18.31 per centt - LINN COUNTY, n. ids ay precinct.., , 144T East Albany precinct..., 1376 West Albany precinct 119O Total 4oi3 City ol Albany In Albsnv nreclnct. . 1140 907 93 City ot Albany In K A precinct, . , , City ot Albany In W A prc.lnct. . . Total, City ot Albsny 3079 Brownsv!!le,prectnct Brownsvtlle.clty ljS S80 iirusn creek.... 178 38s 336 1 . Crswlordivtlte Lebanon, precinct. , Lebanon.cltr 63S 819 35 Syracuse., , Foe Valley Franklin Butte..! Halsey. precinct 388 763 719 370 59 Halsey, c'ty Harrisburg, nreclnct Harrisburg, city Liberty 43 394 Orleans Peoria Rock Creek 473 330 3i6 Santiam 911 not Sclo.nreclnct Sclo, city .S3 Shedd, precinct.... 437 365 474 401 Shedd, town ...... Sweet Home.'..... Tangent , .. Waterloo Town of Sodaville. IS OTHER COUNTIES. Baker City.. . 3604 . 3" . 1537 . 131 . 489 . J063 .O 184 . 319 4'M . $ . 1461 . 460 . 339 M7 . 356 . "53 3H 333 364 . 1784 . 53S 743 . 967 . 4J - 34 . 4 . 37 . 131 - 4749 a.u$ . 1885 . 1691 . 7 . 37 5i' . 3Si . o8 . 405 . 7S . $i9 lo.SJ , loot , 666 495 Huntington.. CoivallTs.... Newport . . . Milwaukee. . Oregon City. Astoria Uandon Coqullle City umpire city Marshfield Prlneville Oakland Roseburg Arlington, . , Fosslll Canyon City i-raine city... Burns Harney. Ashland Cent is1. Point aeksonvltlsi Medford rants Psss Inkvllte Eugene, precincts Springfield Esst Salem precinct. . North Sslem precinct Balcm precinct South Salem.., Hubbard !...... efTerson allveiton Ma loo,. Turner... , Woodburn Itepner. . . A I bins East Portland ortlsnd Dsltss Independence, precinct. Monmouth, precinct Athena Milton $44 36 $68 "3 583 604 375 SOI 49 4 668 304 S'4 35 1368 199 4307 Pendleton Weston Cove La Grande Urlon Cascade Locks Hood River Joseph enterprise Forest Grove Dayton Newberg Lafayette McMlnnvllle , Sheridan , . . Dalles, precincts Lisa's AssrsssiesT. Tbe assessment roll lot Linn county wss sent lo Salem Saturday. The sum- msry hss been com pteteda t ws the folic ing: Acres of land, 435,364, value. . . I5.$4W8 Average value,i3.75 Rtown lots 4,8oO S9.63S 1, 504,68 1 6i5S 645.037 846,373 349,018 39.5fi7 56.833 3.SS Railroad land Town lots I mprovements Merchandise snd implements. . Money, notes, etc Horses snd mules, 8738, vslue. Average vslue, $39-94 Cs'tle, 30,143, vslue Aversge vslue, $1090 Sheep, 34,oii6, value Average vslue. $1 67 Swine, 7,715, value Average vslue, $1.75 Gross vslue Indebtedness Exemptions.... Total taxable property. . . Number of pulls, 3100. 9.550H ..3,357,341 S45.'9 .I6.747.69I BBOWMSYIILK- -Brownsvillr, Dec 15, 1801. At the city election on the south aid yesterday Mr W V Elmore was elected president of the council; counciimen, Lon Windom. J D Irvine. Jas Standish and Newt Warmoutb. A light vote was polled. Mr Henry Meyers and Miss Oil is Chandler are to be married this evening, so Dame rcmor baa said. We wish them success. Brownsville lodge No 30. A F & A M. held their annual election on i rtuay evening of last week, when the following officers were elected : J p Cooley, w M : R M Brandley. 8 W : O P Coshow. J W : R N Thompson, treasurer; C Stanard, secretary; 4 w Hwank, 8 l); w t coch ran, 1 v ; M.roweu lyier. Ail were installed on Saturday evening. Mrs Cbas Elswick is quite aick at this writing. Master Wayne Stanard baa the scarlet lever. I V RSVV IIW RVBDIUU IS Tf SB VI SvVil SU act commonly known as tbe Australian ballot system. Sec. 2, of this act reads tbns : It shall be the duty ot the county court in the several counties ot tbe state at the regular term in January preceed ing the general election to set off and establish election precincts within the county, etc. No we rise and say, may it please the court, the proper place to divide Brownsville precinct is with the meanderings ot the Calapooia River, this would give near 200 votes on either side of said river. Will yon do it, gentle men. ut urn aiisn wnen yon wans sotxu thing sweet, itoney, mapjs syrnp, ete. HABB1E0. MEYERS CORNELL. On Wednef day forenoon, Dec 16, 1391, at the St Charles Hotel, in Albany, by Rev E R Frichard, Mr N C Meyers, brother of Hon Jeff Mevers. and Miss Nora Cnr. nell, two of Linn county's popular young peopie. iney nave tne Dest wiBiies many friends. BOBN. WOODWORTIL In Albany, on Salur. nay, Dec is, 1891. to Mr and Mrs Otey woooworcn, a gin. BLOUNT. On Saturday, Dec. isth 1891, to Mr and Mrs Fred Blount-a girl DIED. BROWN.On Sundsy, Dec 13, 1891 the wife ot Mr ames Brown, In the Third ward, stter a snort illness, from childbirth, sged about 25 years. OH! AND ABUD MONDAY. Ths eostumes for Belsbssstr srrivsd this morning ready fur ths presentation of this gisst osntsta-oa Thursday and Friday Bights. Hshssrsal at ths opera house tonight. Willism Moltob.rU, a 13-ysar-old boy of Frsnob sitraolion, has been 00 nmitUd to tbs asylum from Myrtle Point, Douglas ooanty. lis hss bssn Insans sinos birth and It is supposed to bshsreditarv with him. ThsTslesonps Saysi "A number ef young msn, soms of whom bsvs mors tksn ordi nary talent, hsvsdsoldsd to glvs a minitrol performance la ths nssi future. Thay will Bono oommeoos ruhsarilng diligently sod will glvs an entertainment rsplsst with Dovoltiss and smusldg fast urea, 80ms enthnsiastlo rsuuklloans of Rslam raised a fund and bad ths ths AsUm woolen mill turn oat ths vsry finest pair of blankets that ooutd be mails, wbioh are to be sent Governor slsot McKlalav, of Ohio, Thns do ths warat admlrsrsuf MoKlnlsy plsdgs him sod ths mselvas to free wool. The troth will oat In spite ot ths tiiuks of man. Wbila MoKinley sleeps in comfort this wiuter andtr his free blsnksU. ths lshorioa man shivers aadr bis.heavity-taxsd covering. renuieion r. v. TrissbAV. Tim Firemen's Klrctiom. The official vote of the firemen's election held yes terday afternoon, showed the following result: roRCiuicr INUINEXR. J R Wyatt, of HAL Co... Burr Sloan, of No l's , IW 37 18 Wyatt's majority. roR ASSISTANT CIIISV, A L Lamb , (13 Arras a Boy. Lsst evening with sn order from Judge Boise's Court Sheriff Scott went to Harrisburg snd brought II it Davis snd his 15 year old son to Al bsny. The order wss Issued on complaint of Mrs Davis, who resides st Lebanon, tnd between wtiom snd her husband sn action for divorce Is pending In the circuit court. charging that Mr Davis was about to leave for California with the boy, a very bright wen behaved voutn. snd suing for his custody. Mr Davit wss working on a place of his near Harrisburg and had no intention of leaving. The boy had simply gone to ttsy with him for a while, ss toij the Democrat. The matter was settled for the present by the boys going wlih his motner until the court disposes of ths mslter. N Bavm's St it iiia. News of tbe death of N Beam, an account of which appears elsewhere, was received here this noon, with surprise and regret. The general opinion Is thst he committed suicide. Some ol bis Albany friends say be bad sin bled considerable, and it was nrob- ably a result of it. Mr Baum was a resi dent of Albany for a good many years previous to 1882. in the fall of which year be moved to Portland. He was elected county clerk in the June election of 1H80, after an eventful contest. Mr Baum at bis death wss a member in good standing of the Albany lodge A O V v irorn whom Mrs Uaum will teceive $3,000. Three children. Sol. Emma and Joseph, and Mrs Baum survive him. WghMKMiAY. City Cuoocll tonight. Jos O Clark at the M K Chores S. ulb Friday evening. The well known' Tom MeNsry Is sow pending flvtdsysjia Halsm's calaboose. Ia Baker cosnty. Pooohjotos trcijot daorsaaed from I JOO to 388 ia tea years. Ths Milton City c4stloa was saeoseaf ally eoBdaated under ths Australian ballot law. The rg lar meeting of Albany LoJt e No IOO r wilt beheld this evening . Work la ths Initiatory degree. All mtu.bers are requested to attend. A meeting of the Suns of Veterans will bs field st tbe O A It ball nsit Tuesday isbt. All mom b is and others eligible rea raosted to be present. A ansa who has last arrived ia Kogeas from Minnesota ths lhi mnricUr was down at 30 degrees tsiuw tcro sbaa h3 left thst state. Ths members of the Oregon state b-r4 of equalization receive f 10 a day. If they satisfactorily equalize the matter of mort gages alojs thy will sara it. Lsst evening St Johns Lodge. A F aud A M. eteeUd tbe following tfftaere for the en suing years E Washburn, W M V C Ifchsll, SWJR Wyatt. J It; D F Mason, Treas; O P Co. how, Jr. See. Ths eorrectoees of ths maxim "nothing saooeedi like sacoess ' Is well exemplified in Avar's Sarsabarills. Tbe most' euooeeafal combination of alteratives snd tonies, it al ways saeeeeds In earing dii esses of the blood, aoi bcocs its wonderful popularity. No better Brsnarslloq for the hair bts ever been Invented than Aye 's liair Vigor. It reetorsa the origins! color to faded and gray hair, sad imparts that natural floes and freshness everyone so much admire. Its repatation is world-wide. The Oregi.o Stats School Journal f . t December ia 00 oar table. It is replete with ehotoe reading matter and should meet a hearty reception at the hands of every teacher io ths state. Its advertising psgse show thst its patrons hsvs a das apprecia tion of its worth as an advertising medians. k'r O W Cobb, the enttrnrsinf iob printer, hss Just reoeived twenty fonts of new type ia latest styles and a (Jordan lobbsr. and Is better DrsnrM than ever to do first olass work. It will p pay to see him before giving ordors. Ihs following appears ia ths saprems coait ptoeeedlngs iu a Salem paper: J W Oalnrs et al, appellants, vs lion ooanty, respondent, and i W Gaines SJd Loai Springer, appellants, va Una eoauty, re spondent. Judgment reversed and the cause rsmsaded to the circuit ouort with directions to prooeed w'th tbe cae aooord- ing to law and prsotios of that ooart. Opinion by 8trahaa, chief jattlos. U W wrtgbt attorney for appellants. Will & Stark, Me jewelers. Fresh criapoel sry st Allen Bros. Ask for Crescent tea at F B Allen's. Fcesb roasted coRce at F E Allen's. Ths best roast ooOss in the oitv at Com td sf oyer a Repairing neatly done st ths fores gilt boo store. See tbe big French doll at Ihs Ladies Basaar. Save money by buvinir Christmas sifts at ti nun cc Ado s drag store. Does it Contain Ammonia? The charge is being made that the Royal Baking Powder contains ammonia. We would have supposed that the emphatic condemnation of ammonia baking powders by the most eminent physicians throughout the land, and the fact of the three leading chemists of Minnesota mak ing their report to the Senate Committee recently showing that read baked with the "Royal" contained ammonia and the hostility now being manifested by the public against all ammonia and alum baking powders would have driven them permanently from the market. , In view of the fact that Baking Powder has become an Indispensable article in every kitchen, it is gratifying to know tfiat there are brands in tho market to which no suspicion of" any kind has ever attached. Dr. , Price's Cream Baking Powder is a pure cream of tartar free from every taint of ammonia, alum- or other substance. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. THE SAN FRANCISCO BOARD of HEALTH. Wc, the members of the Board of Health of the City and County of San Francisco, Cordially approve and recommend the Royal Baking Powder. It ia absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best Ingredients, of the highest ctrcngth and character. In our judgment it Is impossible maly a purer or stronger Baking Powder than the Royal. Jos. R. Davidson, M. D. Henry M. Fiski;, M. D. ' Chas. McQulstkn, M. D. T. J. LirrouRNEX, M. I). Members San Fraiviv.o 'Board of HcaUj. Hulin k AVin. druvuists at Frrnoh'a corner, have a lar.e line of ehoi holidav g KMle, which they are selling very low. Mow, whst are vou waiting foi? Whv not got right In and go Klein Bros, and buy goods Imm them for those tioltste are neatly g me. Kemembei that Is a Very bountiful piano aud who knows who wilt gtt 11. Alt liudsof ohuioe ealiiic and cookies apples st Alton Bros. ' la ths linsof speotooUa mJ srs. rluui. French, tbe jeweler, lead. Ixmk oat for a ba disulav of Chriatwaa goods st French's jewelry store. Ladies Osford ties at ereatlv radaoad rates at Kleia Bros. Mast be sold. A large lias of elesast sold watahaa la tasly i.vw trays si Will A Stork's. Msgiolia syisp.tlis flosst io ths mark it i s qoaoUlles to suit at F K Alien's. Udiee Osford ties at Kleia Bros. Cbsap sal ia tits city. Will be sold al greatly re daosd rates. Ta eao get the worth ot yoar monsv y baying yoar wstobes sad elooks st F M F roach's, the oorssr jewelry store. With his new bakery Conrad Meyer able to offer old and new oatto tarts sveir thiog flistoiaas io baked good 4. DeoiJedly the Urges t end sholeeet variety ef Ua is twn is at C K ilrr woell'e. Hso dried, basket flisd, geen.sbsck, English breakfast, As Coea A Underwood, sacoeeeors to WUons. are preard to do flret-elaos photographla mirk al their gallery at Second and Ferry stieele. One them a trial. Remember F M Frensb ean abow yoa a One line of holiday fxxit, iooludiog gold sod silver watches, silverware. Jewelry, gold tHKtselrt, oaoas sad ambreltas, rpsra It', knives forks sod spoons, ete. Wbsto tasty appearacee that piano s Klein Bros, woald glvs yoor parlor. That yoaag dssghter of soars would be too prood of it. Ooaodssk Klein Brosu about it. Ksally it will oast )oa beta few dollars. This is no joke. Ua and aes them, Bbiook Womk Today the bridge contractors bought 3$o ferry tickets snd began hsullng gravel for tbe first and second piers 'of lite bridge on this side of the river. The casing for the fourth pier has beeniunk, and work Is being pushed generally. A Bors ficrr. Several days ago two boys, residing opposite CorvalI!s, baving a grudge or something else, against another boy, 8 B White, whipped him In a manner to leave tbe signs of tbe combat. White swore out a warrant lor tbe arrest of the two boys, and this afternoon they were being tried before ustice Coshow aud a jury of six peers, .ike all such cases this one has two sides. SUMVILIK. 1 he P S C E will give an entertain ment on Christmas night at 7 o'clock. Tbe exercises will consist of recitations, dialogues and music. There will be a tree loaded with presents ior tbe little ones. Tbe committee to receive presents and place on tbe tree, will meet early Friday morning and will be prepared to receive all day. The oldest dangbter of Mr Clarence Stockton arrived Habbath morning. Tbe stormy weather seems to suit her, at leust she bas made no complaint as yet. Mr BiUs Coney, of Corvallis, ii visit ing bis many friend here. The eity council have decided to put, in a sewer in Houtb Oakville, commenc ing at Morrison street, running tbe whole length of Hixth Avenue to Shearer street. Messrs llolstine and Crawford bave taken the contract. At the low figures which tbey took it they will prob ly loose money. W L Ft John, of Douglas county, is visiting bis parents here. He will nrob- ably stay until after Christmas. Mr Albert McClung. of Crawfordsville. is visiting friends here.. Amicus. The Clly Beekaaraal. Tbe "City Restaurant" Is the place to eat, You win always and It clean and nest: No restaurant In town with It can compare. The best meal In Albany you can get there. risn ana game you'll always nnd, Best meats snd delicacies of every kind. The proprietor will always try Your every went to satisfy, So don't forget at the "City" to call, Meals they serve to suit you sll. Now bring your friends and to them show, 1 he best restaurant In town 10 go; Remember when the best you want C'U at "The City Restaurant." Mr. Brannln will trest you right The City" l open till 10 at night Board and lodging $4. 50 per week. Just received new and opened for retail's 0 E Browneil's ths folluiing Chow Chow, Cookiug Molssses, l'ioklesin vinegar, Salt Herring, Salt whits fash, Halt salmon. powder harmful OAK rial. Dec 11, ifyi. Oak Plain grange held its annual clec lion todsy, at which time the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Worthy master, K If Wright; overseer, II i opringrr: icourer, uenry rrcckson steward, S b Mycrs asisinnt steward, retcrKrcckx.ii, chaplain, U A Davis; treasurer, John Duncan, secretary, C J Shedd, gate keeper, Jobn Lnuhncr; ceres. Mlncrvs. !.ai'biu-r;jtnnii, Lltla I'ortcr; r lors, Blanche Collins, ladp assistant stew ard, LUzlcM Spilnger, organist, Sallle Troulman. Our grange Is at this time In a very prosperous condition, numbering now about ninety members. The next mectlnir will be held on Satur day, Ian vth, ityj, at which time we will install officers and Initiate a class of ten or twelve In first and second degrees. AH members In good standing are cordially Invited lo attend. W. WHEAT. SJ CENTS. SHERIFFS SALE. tin Circuit Court ofUu SuittafOrtgm for tht County of Linn : B A LANDERS, I'laintlff, va. THOMA8 L IIKNNK H, h FLINN, the ALBANY A AH TOlllA KAIU'.OAI) CO.. a corporation, snd HOMEY- HAii, DBIlAltr it a corporation, Defendan's. NOTIC15 IS HERKIiY OIVK' THAT ly virtu i f an execution and order of sale duly loaned nut ol tbe above ntined Court In the abve entitled suit. I will on Batarrfar, I be IClb day mX Jaaaary. lsst, st the CV.ort llou.0 dior lathe city of Albany. Unn county .Oreaon. at tha hour of 1 o'clock p in of Mid day .sell at public auction ior can ,n nana to tne nlabefct bidder tbe real propeity described In said execution and order of sale aa follows. to wli: The north hall (N M of the south it Quarter of taction numbered thlrtv four (M.) In twnhln No nine (9. south of rango No Ihreo (3.) east of tbe Willata sue Meridian, In Linn county, Oregon, and containing 80 ares more or leas. Tbe oroceods arising IVora ths aala of aald realprapnrty to be applied, tbe payment oriho coats mi charge of making; laid sain, aud to tha can and disbursements or this auit taxed al 130 15. and tbe sum of(ll5i one hundred and twenty-five dollars reasonable artornev'a fee due plaintiff herein: swennd. to tbe Payment of tbe sum of (11427 75) foorteen undred and twutv-even and 7b-1 00 dollars herein adjudged lo be paid plain tiff and inter eat tlisreon from tblaaaleat tbe rate of ten per oect per annum until pu; taira. tbattne oveipiusir any be paid to tbe defendant. L r lino, to asllsfv the sum of tVJi with Interest t hereon from date al 10 percent oer annum. herein adjudged to he next r'd blm, and that the surplus if tber. be any remaining be next applied to paynmnl of tbe judgment of as Id Uoneyman. leHsrt A Co. : and tha If there bs tben any remaining that auch be spplind lo the a' isfat-tlon of tha Jndgment ol the aaid Albany A Astoria Itau road Co. Dated this day of December. 1891. M. K0O1T, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. By O E fccoTT, Deputy. SUMMONS. . I O Circuit Court tfthtStaU o' Orrtjtnfor Ian uouniy. A.C. HILL, rialntiff, ) vs. V BODECQK UILUnefondAnt. 1 To flodei's lDil, the abova nsmoJ de fendant: N 111RKAM1S OP THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer I be complaint aied against you in tbe aboye entitled suit on or before the urxt day of the above en ti'led court next fol lowing tbe expiration of the publication of tbi summons towlu tbe lAltx day or Uarcu. And If you rait to answer, ror want tnjreoitns ciain tiff will apply to thn court for the relief petted forln horonmplalnLvlstiorlbedls- solution of tbe bonds of matrimony now existing netween tnspiaintiu and deretd anUand tbe custody of the three yoang or minot oniidren, aud for sucn other and further relief as mty beeqnltablo. This service is uio rv publication Dy order sf Hon R P fiotso, Judge ol said Court, duly mad at Chambers in Salem, orjeon, utc n.u imi. L.H. M ON TAR YE. (1113) Att'y for Plaintiff EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TOTICE IS HEREBY C1TEN THAT THS i.1 nndri(nicI was by anltr ot lbs county court of Una county, Oregon, mads and cntsnd lbs 7th dsy of Novsmbsr.lSDl.duly sppolnlad executor of Lhs but win ana lesismom sua sstata oi G. Turner, aecesaeu, lata ol Linn county; Oregon, All persons baring claims against said estats are herehy required te present tbe mum wits proiwr ruuebrrs to tbe under signed at Albany, Oregon, wllbiu six months trom utis oaie. Dated at Albsny, Sr., Pte. I8U1, M H Hewitt, W. A. KIMSAY. C E WokvsaTox, Executor, Attys for Exeoutsr. ; THIS FROG WAS CAUGHT AT-T. E. LLEN'S, BY A TEMPTING BAIT I Tbst s t wy ws catsh by farnlshing thorn oar .oaitomsrs ! cest GROCERIES VAND FRUITS nths market. OppnsUa Msionis Templs - ESTRAY NOTICEa Tsken up by the nnderslensd sttbs farm of A Y Marshall, sbont 7 miles asst from Albany, Oregon, o-e blaok horse about roar years ox;, lert hind foot white, white star in forehead. (Terr breaehv. Appraised by Geo Humphrey, Justice me reaoe, at 6.H). Kovember aist, 1891. A 1)4. MARSHALL FISEa POULTRY, GAME.fresh from Portland and other aces, always on band at our market, near corner oi Second and Ellsworth streets. GaoRGK Slavchtkr. I W 3 L. E. fetl m mmm Is ringing out the ld year with Bomo fine bargains in Men's, Young Men's and Boys Clothing, Famish ing Goods,' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. He has very desirable and suitable presents for men and boje in the following lines.: Neckties ot many designs, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Faney While Shirts and Night Shirts, Gold and Silver Headed Silk Umbrellas, Slippers, Kid Gloves, Jewelry Smoking Jackets, Overcoats, Hats, Etc. bull al llir Holidav 11 iiiilim T. L, Wallace & Go. And sec what "The White Owls" have to say each and every day. Then sttp inside and we will be pleased to show you aw 0 y w e m w W a sa w e w a iviacninccnl line ol Holiday T. L WALLACE & CO. - UtCkg Clothiers The Birthplace of Great and Honest Bargains Strahan Block. .... W Ii Prpars)d to Shotv th Public as Finta Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, In hig Liuo, as can b found Gold and Silver Watches of Other Headed Canes, Gold and Novelties too Numerous to The Combined Oregon Giant Grain Mill guar anteed to grind 100 bushels per day. A perfect grinder and crusher combined. Sure death to wild oats. sr Try CO of htrM: is, fexA AND We have hay, oats, chop straw, chleksn feed, etc., constantly on hand. holea1e and retail agents for H. F. FIseher, Corral lis flour, shorts. Lran,ete., also 8nmv Ball flour. Custom cheppinn a specialty for either cash or toll. Full lino. :. . - BLAIN ooous in our line. aid Fnimskers. in the Vallej, cons-'stjng ) Leadincr Kinds. Diamonds. GnA Silver Headed Umbrellas, and Many Mention. CUSTOM CHOPPER. MORRIS & BLOUNT, Corner First sad Ka&erSls