o o i -: The New York "World," j'Thc -:-: Democrat," ; SO) v'Ml o ... o i : An Advertisement in : : i "The -:- Democrat," j rWjBy BIG RETURNS. I 6 ' f...rwwrr.. .,f) rii i J yf i ita Year for Oily $2.80. J o o VOL XXVII.- Kattrew at the ri )fflce at Albany. Or., m BeeewtVf lass Mail Mafleri ALBANY, ORLGON, FRIDAY, DKCEMBEIt 18, 181)1. TITIs) NlTTIJti, rnbllshers an fr.r1rieri SO. 20. In r laboring mcrai takes carei X.OS8 OF" TIME TO COOTXaTTI BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGON," X Acknowledged ; Monarch of the .Ifcoad Wa carry fall hn of IUcke, Baggies and arriagM. ale Farna Implements of alt kind. aVTall on u before awrebstatng Elsewhere. Mitchell & Lewis Co., Albany, Oregon f p AT I Y 1 Ultillul 1 THOMAS ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL Only White Labor Employed, i z. Wx? tha BLOOD, Core COMSTIPATIOX, IXDKiEMTIOX. ra.iOUSSt.vSLIVtK COMPLAim,MCK HEADACHE, COLDS, PIHfir, allSKlX AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES AMSIMIfrom a KrSORDEEED hTOMACII. The Utnuin IIAVHUnO TEA it put up in YELLOW U7;.t7V.7;.S' with Facsimile 8i$i.Hra of EM I L FHESK. RDl!4QTON & CO. Aoimts, San rRAMCiSoa . fcOT.O KV AM. DKt'fiVIMTM AXI URoriRv. PATRONIZE HOME THE FAHMERS k MERCHANTS INSURANCE 11, Alhaay, Oregn. W r BEAD, PreaUleatw J O WRTTSMAN HeereUuy. J Li COWAN, Treasurer. Seo F BIMI-IOV, Vtoe Pfmidni. D1RBOTOM J L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, WFBead, Dr L Foley, MSUrnbarg, J Xf UwrBeat J K Vt eaibertord, R S Strahan. J O WrlUman. -ALM RIHSWK Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies ONLY STE1CTLV IKSUBAMCE ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! ASK THE PEOPLE OF Llllll COUHTY Whert to get th Best Bargain!, Ther to get th Boat Talue for Tour Monej-, -15- Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Ad thej rrill Aniwer with On Toiee, at 02TG. W. SIMPSON'S. Ml ( .Jaand got Vr J and fUm-iii J wriu tor our - G. L. BLAOKtVIAM, - LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARY &C We are the People Wh carry the most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc, in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBUIM. Ti LADIES la the lillineiy and Fancy They sarry all the Ltt Style and Kovchie la the Mllllaery Use, am a templets ttock of Ladle and Cblldrea't Furnishing geods.and ready-wade garment. Good the beet, aad price Ike lowest. Call and be eonviased. IRST STREET , -:- ST. JACOBS OIL, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, CUKES RHEUMATISM, Sprains, Brulsee, Cute, Wounds, Sarenew, dHTBeeo, Swellings, Backache, Net f rtltjla, Sciatica, Borna, It yo want the best and mort durable furnl turo that is raanufactur eU in th) tiry go to BRINK'S Proprietor, INSTITUTIONS.- AORWB FOB- OFFICE III XI1AIIY. i iMMrrwa'iaii I WHEEL li.m.,a.f.g'JIHfB3liM ! .aim niORE POWER fuXwMIll rffl IJIIs1l'TMlt f Us -7 i mi- use LESS WATER M.w Illuatrat.d Catalorn. for 1S01. BAZAAR. Leading Goods Store of Albany, FROMAN BLOOR LOCAL RECOUP. Tin Orruon Car Following It from he Cuka'loosa, Iowa, Herald, of Nov. a8, utt received In Albany t "Tha Ana palace "Oregon on Wheel," which It now making a tour of the United State, wu brouclit In en No, ft. from Marshalltown this morning and will be on track at the riri Ave. craning of the Iowa Central until Tuesday morning. It la laden with One specimen of all the varlout product. of the itate of Oregon, from one-hundred ana nny pound pumpkin, ta a little plaque Ight Inches square, displaying $15,000 worm 01 gold nugget. It I. free to all and a display that no one should fait to ee, I wBi fitted up by the Portland Board of Trade, at a cost of man thou. and of dollar., and I now on a sli month' r . . . . ... ... muroi the United State.. 100.000 (am ple bottle of wheat have already been given away. Cikitit Court. The following now cases have been begun thla week : A J Carey act Harold Bros. Recovery us money. Attachment. v it litiycu, attorney lor piaintta. Joseph Pullerton airt Tboa I) Kllia Recovery of money. J K Wentherford, attorney lor piainiirr. AC Hill art Bodidge Hill. Divorce. ii 11 Monteaye, attorney (or plaintiflr. WilMam Wadbama and Henrv Klli.t agtJ v atector. otecovery of money Atuchmeat. Wolvertoa anil liiiveu. norneyt lor piaiauo. , . Chaa H Dodd A Co va Wm M John and Lyatbia r)t John. Appeal taken to upretne court, (i W Wright attorney for appellant- anJ W It llilyeu, attorney iur reapoauenui. Alrart wm never in a more healthy ondition, progretaively, than today The past year haa liecn a Rood one. There are as ore people In Albany than ever oeiore. iraae ! gooti, and the Mind ing record lor the year baa fair, " 11110 mm aatte ao many noniea wttr built in Roaaber aa in IStfO. a better cIim 01 rvaideneea geaerally bava been con structed, placea ttat are great credit to the city. Oar sewer yatem. on wbicb between $1.000 and 117,000, will have been expended for the main aewera. ami everal thousand frr latterals. 18.000 in an protaDiy, la, aitogtner, a credit 10 me cny, one mat win be mora ao when all property owner have connect ed with tlieru. Oar big bridge will be one to be proud of. There it a Droaoer- oua aspect 10 everyuiing, one that will increase wonderfully In the nest few years. At tub Bat. Yesterday the O. P.'a tog boat at the Hay made an effort to find the Norwegian vessel, Maria.but she bad disappeared. She went in at Tilla mook, and will betaken to Astoria. It was the Willamette, a coalernd not the Willamette Valley, that demanded tlO.- 000 to take the Maria to Kan Francisco, or 11500 to Astoria. The Maggie Rosa was not badly damaged, only the upper part being injured. She is worth about 140,000 and carried $30,000 or l,0 worth of red wood lumber. As alia bad been entirely abandoned the Oregon De velopment Co. and officers and crew of the W. V. will receive two-thirds of the value of the vessel and cargo. Not Gc iLTTr-The case of the Bute of North Carolina agt McDougall, the man arrested at Fplcer for the murder of bis uncle Conoly, was terminated at Fay etteville, N. C, after nearly a two weeks trial, and the examination of about 190 witnesses. It proved one of the most eventful cases in the history of that state, and attrartpil wiitm attonfinn tl.a nl interest in the case in Albany being the fact that McDotlff.H araaarpvat.! In 1 Inn county. The jury after being out a much iiuner time man waaeipecteu.returned a verdict of "not guilty." Ax Orcgom Maoazixr. Ne. i. Vol. i, of The Comlna Centur. MrsALhrall Scott Dunnlway's new magalne, U o.i ur laoie. it M nicely solten uo and look. a. II it mlirht imminl in tninMhlno in the literary wnrt.l If li U ma.U purely literary journal It will probably uuecu, u woman, iignt i maae tne Uue, look out, not that women haven't right, but that mazine making that a .pecla'ty are not wanted. Among the contributor are Mr Abigail Scott Uurl- w.y, eauor in chief, rsaoml McDonald Phelp. GeoP Wheeler, lame. A Carry. Wm Lyon. Metcalfe. Klla lfl?elnor.. Eufene L Thoroe. Rev Olvmnla llrnan JmeG Clark, Alice Stone Blackwell, Mary A Uvermore. School Litkrart The literary oclcty of the public chool held Its regu lar mccung on iueoay evening oi this' week. The attendance wa a Tittle light on account of the bad weather, but the program wa well rendered. The pupil In the 7th and 8th grades deterve credit for taking an active Intertst In this mat ter The auction for dicuicn wa well debated. "Which ha done mora lor the world, money or love." O' Course, the negative rained the dlaruailnn . Th. next meeting will be in two week. Wht it Drclixrd. -Wheat declined to 83 cent. The decline I due to the weakne of the foreign market and the carcr.y 01 tonnage in our port, wnicn in crease carrying charge. Statesman. Oult f ru ; hut ti la wna.it, r r.nl. higher In Albany than in Salem, though me initi tnj 11 ncrcr j fnnnar it I. probably because Albany I. on the Oregon Pacific, a fact that i a slam on Portland. Salem Is not to blame. Too Much Wind. The Barger Bros, and John Elgalow, of Eugene, are con tractors for the building ofthe C P church at Sodavllle in Linn county. They had the frame up and most of the rustic and shingle on when a heavy wind Dec. 3 blew It down. They put on more men and had got the frame up again Monday, the 7th, when the wind again leveled It to the ground. They do not propose to give up ana are tackling It lor the third time. Guard. Bob Johnson, of the Corvaltis Tlmeha received the following poem from an Iowa mena So h!re' to Iowa, Bob, A state that' democratic; In '9a Tje'll be there too, And make It more emphatic. We've got the enemy on the run, For tall grass they d!d scatter: And now they're trying to figure It out, uut can't tell what' the matter. Musical Cohcibt. A musical enter- tainment will be given by Mr James O Clark at the M E church South, on the evening of Friday-. December 18th. Mr Clark is one of the great singers of the day. Everybody ahould attend. Tickets tor aauits, cents. Children, 10 cents Both the method ana resulu when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispel colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale ia 60c end 1 bottles by all druggists. ' r CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Lriianon. Mlas Mlreh Marks, afti-r Paying a short visit to the family of J M Marks, returned to Albany the first of the week. , It ia reported that the paper mill will commence work next Monday. Mr Kwlng, late of Iowa, has purchased Daniel Hart's farm, consisting of about 100 acres, for 13800. lr Wallace, of Albany, rntne up Wed nesday and be and Pre Foley ami Hooth removed a cancer from Mrs Scanlan. J (i Boyle eold his residence property thla week to Mr Aldrldge for 11200. A son of Mr AldridRtt bouuht it N Hard. man's nluae. navlnR s.KM). Mr Al.lrdlua and son are newcomer and Intend to go iiim uunincss in our town. The lollowln officers were eWtud at a regular meeting of John Miller post 1..IJI l .. l i . . ... . " em in tiirir nan on turiy, Deo 1801: Commander. V M Miller-. H nun maimer, j-.uwirn oiycrs; J V com I a s a. a .2 nianuer, Jacob Houk; chaplain, A I Ansorge j qunrternmster, William Car son ; olllcer of the day, Isaac Haltiuarsh surneon, K Hosier j ofllcer of the guard K Hull. Advance. Thohr IUuuits. While mit much at icntlon Is paid In our city elections to nnllt!a. It la trtitk nv,.(lidliiM iIlI In most cases. voters use their Party ballot. according to the headings. An examina tion of the ballot, used In the rwwnt election reveals the following interesting met: Democratic bttllots. 1st ward... 73 2nd ward... 114 3rd ward... 15S 2.10 Kepubhcan ballots, 1st warl...lll 2nd ward ... 87 3rd ward... 146 Republican majority 4 Straight ticket Tteonbliean. In lat ward, 20 j Ind ward, II 3rd ward, l 107. Democratic 1st ward. 32: 2nd ward, 34; 3rd ward, 57123. scratched tickets Democrat ie. lat ward, 41 ; 2nd ward, 80; 3rd ward, 95 316. Republican. lt ward.91 : 1 nd ward. M; 3rd ward, 8W J3o Pao.-K J Ialy sold bis lions las week receiving 13c per pound for them Prof W W Crawford of Tallman will conduct a dancing clam at the city hall tonigni. A I Johnson has sold bis residence property in this citv to It Phelton : con sideration tlsou. In the recent fire in which the Hcio Boiler mills and contents were consum ed, there wa 7480 bushels and 13 lbs of wheat that belonged to farmers and over a.ixxj busneis that beloneea to Mr Uo Ins. Of thla amount there was saved, placed in uie wareuouse anu uispoaeu 01 at auc tion on Wednesday 2020 bushel. This with what was sold for chicken feed.etc.. amounted to $1343.40. Tht expense of saving the wheat was r.XI.75. Icavlnir a balance to be divided among those hav ing wheat in the mill of 1240.45. This ivae a dividend of ICS cents per bushel. Press. WajtmUood Work. A dispateh from F.lkton in Maryland eavs that Colonel T F.gentORi Hou. receiver of the Orriton Pacirio railroad, yesterday instituted suit by his attorney, Rx-Oovernor W I'invkney White, and A V Tnppe, In the United States Court, againH Helse & Brans, lumber merchant, of Baltimore. foriOC.OOO. The latter named firm was mployed by Colonel IIifir to build a Urge and expensive residence for him on bis estate in Cecil county, near Port Deposit, known as Cecil Manor. Heine A Brnns made the drawings, built the house ul stables, for which thev re ceived a very large sum of money. It Is anetteu by Hogg that the liouse was badly bnilt and with inferior material. PkveralBio Cnat'K. An Albany man this morning found four or Ave accented checks for amounts ranging between 1500 and 11000. He bad visions of a liberal reward, when it was learned that they were made out by students in the commercial department of the Albany college, for practice. They hiul a busi ness look to them, and spoke for the efficiency of that dentrtment of the school, which is In excellent bands, and ia proving a valuable feature in the col lege. Ar Elbctiox Cortirt. Tle city elec tion held in Junction recently will )e taken into the courts and contested by the "ouu." The grounds for the contest will be that the iudires of the election refused to receive ballots of those who paid no taxes, the charter of said city making such provision, claimino- that said portion of the charter ia contrary to tne constitution oi tne state. Attorneys Walton at iSkipworth have ben retained y the ''outs'' and Attorney L Bilyeu by ie "ins." Eugene Guard. Ram Ovrr a Maw, The trainmen on the south-bound local evening train have since learned they ran over a wagon and team Thursday night about two miles north of Brook, instead of what they thought wa a cow. The night wa foggy and before they knew If the train (truck a wagon as it wa crossing the track. Joseph Goulet, who wa in the wagon, wa struck and hi Jeg wa cut off and one arm broken In two places. The wagon wa demolished and tne two lionet were killed. states man. acc neaa A piano At Klein Bros Boot sad Shoe store. Parker Bres, Nsw cloaks at W F Read's. Latest styles cf bat at W F Reaafs Reduotion in'aaoimsr goodat W FJEsad's Applo parers tut sale at Stewart A Sox. 8 A Holin, druggist, French's corner. Fiae groceries at Conn & Hsndrioaon'a. Latest sheet muslo at Will & Link's. Parasol and son umbrollas at less than eostat W F Read's. Gold spectacle, and sve alaaaas. all stvlsa ana pnoef, HfH rrsoob a. The finest line of pocket kniveainth eity at Stewart ft Box's. Bargains in gold watches at French's, inn. w . . 9 ins isomer jewelry Store." A fall l.o. of Wtruer's onriet. bastl in soa worm tor tne money, at W r Kflaa a. T. W. Benttev. leadinv boot and Tihoa maaer, just cast 01 Kvere;uoae. Silk umbrellas in nstar.l wood handle eheap at French s Jewelry store. . Oe to Klein Bros and have von.- hoe repaired while yoa wait. Cotton good have not'been a. ehaan aioee the war a they are now. Call and see what bsrgtins W Read baa, When Baby was sick, we gave bee Casiaria. Wlien sbe wa a Child, she cried for Oatorla. When she became atlas, she elnng to Castoria. When she had Children, she gae them Castori. For bargains in monuments, headstones ete.,go to E W Achisone; Co, Albany, Oregon It i aotaally economy to drink Beech Tea. Being absolutely nnre. it is mnoh stronger than th artificial tea, about one third lew of it, or about twenty grains, be ing sqairtd per en p. A there are 7,680 Sain to a pound, there will b teen to be twe.n three and four hundred eapt to the pound. At it is bat 00 eents per pound, this is at the rate of about one fifth of a eent pereop. For sale at Allen Bros. W W Davis is now in cnarge ot the Del- monloojreetauraDt, Meals Z5!oents. Eastern oyster, fresh. Everything! tirst-olaw. , ' ML AMD FKH.OBIt V Til U BHD AY Al Bofewlcke returned lat evening from a trip to rortianu. Harper Cranor and John 2 om, jr., left this noon on atrip to Astoria. " The King. Daughter, will give a fair and entertainment next Tuesday evening. Jo Charters, cmeof Astoria's ex-Chlcf Engineers, and veteran barber, wa In the city today. Mr Alfred Drury, iif Mabel, Lane coun ty, once a Linn county settlement, I In the city today. , E I O'Conner, civil engineer of the Leb anon ditch, I In the cltj , and report very wet weather lor ditch building. 8 J Chadwlck, a formsr Salem young man, well known by many In Albany, ha been re-elected mayor of Colfax by 181 majority, out of 331 vole cast A will be seen by our'coirespondcnce elsewhere one of the new city father of Broa n.vllle, I. Mr E L Power, a former resident of Albany. A good selection. I. Bilyeu, of Eugene, a tncnr.bcr of the state ociard of eqmlUntlun, has been pass. Ing through Albkay a'not dally on bui.1 nes. connected with 'he board. Ml. Ida Daiaha, tor a time Mrs Foster, stalled for her old home lit Kparta, Wis consin, today, where she will spend the winter. Corvallts Tl.ne. With $6,coo In her pockets she ought to have an enjoy, able 11 lp. The social at the BaptUt church tonic lit I expected to be an Interesting orcawlon. The seat In the audler.ee raorn wilt be arranged so a to clear the floor. Enter lalmrcnt will te provided by good music by the male quartet, ladle trio, etc. The committee I arranging for something amusing In the wa of shadow pictures. All are invited. The Coming Centurr.ot Portland, aire Oregon's popular attorney general the following notice: General George K Chamberlain. U new the distinguished encumbent, who ha performed the duties of hi office with credit to the state and honor to himself. Mr Chamberlain I j bright and talented lawyer, and the gov ernor could not have selected a man more worthy of the office, and one who III more ably and conscientiously per form the duties thereof. VRIOAV. M I, IkiH. of Corvallts. la In the city for a few days. I a t .a License nas neen issued lor the mar-1 rfage of Thomas Hmail and Pomeroy. Mis Minnie McKatl.nd. who ha been vUltlng at Pendleton for the last two and half mouth, returned last evening. Dr K L Irvine and family returned last evening from their trip to Halt !ake city, and will remain in Albany for a while. An eniorable and Interesting social was given last evening at the BaptUt church. The main room was tastily arranged for the purpose, and a couple hours were profitably tnt In games, sociability and a ahert program. Among other things were a trio by Mrs W 8 Thompson. Mrs Rev Hill and Mrs (i t: Sunard, a solo by C H Hart and a short speech by Councilman Wheeler. ftllVKK WKMUKO. Last evening a large numljcr of the friends of Mr and Mrs II I'-arnes gatheisHl at their residence to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their mar ried life. They were complelly surprised at the visitation. The evening was spent In game, etc, and refreshments were served. The friends did not forget to present some silver ware a tokens of friendship. The who'.e affair wa a pleasing and enjoyable one. f AM I tAV Capt KJ Lanning wte In Kugene yes terday. John Ingram arrived in Albany this noon from the Bound. Henry Lyons, the Lord High mavor of Lyons, Is in the city. George Wilcox and wife left Thursday night on the overland for the Kast. C F. Wolverton haa leen attending Circuit Court at lHaa this week. . B W Paiidey will leave In a short time for Not Hi Carolina, to spend the winter. Walter Kast has returned from a sev eral months sojourn eapt of the moun tains. B L Arnold, president of the State Agricultural college at Corvallts, was in the city today. Mr Bueil. of Kalamazoo. Mich., fatl.er of Mr Buelt, a special agent of the F Jt M ins uo, is in the city. Dr U W Gray la now at Pasadcna.Calif.. where, according to last reports, be was not as well as be bad been. DrW II Rowland, the India Catarrh man, of Eugene, formerly of Albany, is making arrangements to move to Bait 1 .l- ; The ladies of the Presbyterian church at Eugene gave a Japanese baxaar last evening. It was fashioned after the one given in Albany last year. A Radcliff.of the Albany woolen mills, arrived Sunday on account of the dan- erous illness of his dangbter, MrsJ k teams. Rose burg Review. After working for u for over thirteen month, A II Mooie, left for Albany Tuesday morning, where he ha accepted a position on the dally Herald. Harris burg Courier. Last evening the Mechanics Band sere naded the newly elected councilman of the Third Ward, Mr Jaton Wheeler. Some fine music was furnished, and the affair was greatly appreciated all around Sandy Scott came home on a short visit last week from Albany, where he Is at tending college. Tnere wa a party given In hi honor at the residence of hi parents Saturday evening which proved to be a very enjoyable analr. Game and danc ing were indulged In until 11:3a when an elegant repast was served to the guest sf ter which they departed Stay ton Times Matt Totter, a young man of this etty. and Miss Laura Miller, aged 15,daughter 01 Manuel Miller, a carpenter, created a genuine sensation by leaving town to gether last Thursday. They went direct to Cresent City via Grants Pass and were married in a steamer on the ocean. They went to Salem from tbere and have writ ten home that they will come here soon to receive the blessings of the stubborn parents of the girl. Roseburg Review. T1IK CONGREGATIONAL BAZAAR. . The bazaar given last evening by the ladies of the Congregational church, at the Opera House, was attended by a large crowd of interested citizens. Three booths containing lacny and useful ar ticles, dolls, etc., were well patronized. The lunch tables were constantly full and ice cream, eake, sandwiches, coffee, tea and Bou lion, disappeared to the ad vantage of the fund being raised. In the early part of the evening a short program was rendered. Lee Payne was heard in a well tendered recitation, Maud Lang head sang twice in a delightful manner, and Miss Edith Harris, of Salem, was heard in three solos, one in response to a hearty encore. Miss Harris has a fine voice that always pleases those who bear her. Whxrito GbtThkm. When wanting .n organ or plana call otL uiackman arhare you can select from a first clatt toe. ' ' - The Datt)0KAT will exehsn a aiwia mashlo of any msk dssirsd, exaopt an w. f r 0 ni osic irrj'j wtita'il part a'i or will eooider other propoa'.Uoai,) aay n usnnog a nsw ihsouidb E W Aohlson k Co handle the oeiebrated Portland cement waus for eemetery lot These walls can be tarnished at half the cost of any other and are far sapenor. A full linejof cigars tnd tobacco at F E Allen's. WAHHINUTOXT. (From unr rular oortsspoiKKnt.) , . Washington, Dec. 7, 1891, The speaker of the House, at he wa est ortrd to the speaker's chair after having been elected by the unanimous vote of the deinociatlc representatives today, wa greeted by talvo after salvo of applause from the floor anJ from the galleries, and from the earned manner In which he w.u applauded by every democrat In the chamber, It wa apprrent that the long and hotly contested fight In the caucus the longest for many year had left no bad blood among the friend of the de feated candidate. Another noticeable and commendable thing 1 that the friend of the victorious candidate have shown no disposition to crow over Hie friend of these who were defeated. The democrat of the House are today a united and com pact body, and there I every prospect of their leinalnlnlng such, notwithstanding lbs herculean effort of the republican to create discord, and falling In Hut, to create the public Impression that there I Jltcord. The speaker' desk wa literally covet cd with flowers, tent by admiring friends, a few minute after he took hi seat. The first busincs after the election of the t;cuker wa the election of the other Honse officer. The retiring republican officials were all given the complimentary nomination of their party, although It I known that some of the republican ere opposed to so honoring Mr Reed. Never wa the circus, which I alway a part of the drawing by lottery for seat In the House on the first day of a new con gres, more enjoyed by the member and spectator than It wa today, and the ring leader In the fun were mottly the men whsse nerve had been racked to their ut most tension during the long uncertain period of the speakership cMett In the caucu. Ihe gayety of the members to day wa therefore but the natural reaction of nature. The spectators In the galleries also took part In the sport. When the member were all huddled up In the open paces behind the eu and U blind-fold ed boy made hi appevrance to begin draw. I. . Ing the numbered marble out of the box r.mrolucn rernaffc, a: "You'll get pulled for tunning a tottery." "where' the caps," and "Wan rosier will be after you," might have been heard In all part of the galler ies, and even upon the floor of the House. ever before were there so many cew face In a single congress, and In conse quence there has been an unusual run on the first edition of the Congressional Di rectory. Everybody want to find out something about the unknown men. The occupation, of the representatives, as given In the Directory, show that the law yer ri .till In the majority, there being 313 who ere owner 1 of legal "sheepskins.' Farmer came with 65, school teacher 4 merchant 14, manufacturer ao, banker and capitalist 19, journalists to, printeis 9. physician 5, sailors 3, clergymen 1, 1 miner, 1 machinist, I blacksmith, 1 book binder, 1 carpenter, 1 tanner, 1 car finisher and t harness makei The total of occu pation given I greater than the mcmbcr M, but that I because some of the mem bet have followed more than one occu pation. 9 of the member were born In Ireland, 3 In Germany, 3 In Canada. 3 In Norway, 1 In Sweden, 1 In Greece, 1 In England, and 1 In Scotland. It would be difficult to get a more iepreentat!ve body together. The fellow who think he know what the liouse I going to do, I a numerou a usual, but the man who really know what the House will do doe not exist It will take some little time for the member to confer ami arrive at some n elusion. Nothing will be done hastily, and nothing will be dene before it ha been appioved with practical unanimity by the demo- craib member. Every member with whom your correspondent ha talked ap pear to fully realise that upon the action or nonaction of the House my depend the election of a democratic president next year. The senate also has an influx of new member, tbere being 15 of them, Includ ing the three alliance senator, Irby.Peffcr and Kyle, the first of whom will vote with the democrats, thetecond with the repub lican, and the last a he happen to feel al the time, upon all political question. Mr Harrison announcec. today that, a the House would take considerable time to organize, be would not send In hi menage until tomorrow. There It reason for be lieving that the change of program wa made not becasse ot the organlxation of the House, but because ot a change which Mr Harrison wa persuaded by Mr Blaine to make Ir. that portion of his message re lating lo foreign affair. KOLTXEK FOR GOVEUXOR. Portland, Oregon, Dec. io. 1891. Editor DfiHotrnt . In casting about for gubernatorial tint ber the democratic party of Oregon cannot be too careful In making the selection That office hat been within the gift of this party the latt two tertnt and the people of the sta'e have been well and faithfully served by His Excelleny, Sylvester Pen noyer. But tl.lt it not sufficient unto the end. Ill guod service in the past will not Inture the election of another In tbe future Much will depend upon tliorough organi sation, but more will depend upon the candidate chosem Tony Noltner ha been Identified with the tte' best Interest ever since Oregon hat been a state. He has been a life long democrat and a zeal ous worker in the party. He has given his money,' his time and his labor to the cause. lie was at one time nominated tor state printer and carried Multnomah county, and would have been elected had he entered Into a republican compact to tell out candidates on the democratic ticket. This he tally refuted to do. Tony Noltner Is known all over Oregon and he Is today one of the very strongest men politically, in the state. He can carry more strength to the polls both In and out of his party, than any other man that could possibly be selected.' There is not man the opposition can name who could defeat Mm. He Is not a mugwump and never wat. He has always been a straight, old line, democrat, true to his party. He s a' man scrupulously ' honest In all thlnet: firm In his convictions: above price; possessing excellent judgment and fine executive ability. Tony Noltner haa for years honored the democa-ailc party of Oregon and It is but jutt that the party should now honor him. The people, ir respective of party, would rally to the sup port of Tony Noltner aa they did to the support of Sylvester Pennoyer, He merits the nomination and bis election would be insured. Yours lor success. - : A Democrat. Tlf1 1'llfMf f MTi4 H KWUit Th president message i lengthy. It dealt fust with the Bchilug tea troubles, end ing up with I he statrnif in that an rgreement hit been arrived at between Ihe United States and Great lliHsin by wl.ichtt. whole matter It to be arbitrated, and that uothlng remain' tO be done but to select Ihe arbitrator. Attention it called to the boundary dlspu'.e bet wren Great Biilain and Venezuela touch ni; the western frontier of Briiish Guiana. He says the (Toils of th United Stale to assist in a friendly way to settle the dispute hat been uniii:cest'ul and lay our govern ment wslt always view with concern aay encroachment on territories of the western confintnl, I ul tliote wKo lead the message will obscive that Ihe pietiileat, in speaking of d iff err nets will) Giei.t litiloin hat much lest of the spirit ol l isvxW thai when stealing of Chili. The president tell ut that it is grati fying to be allowed lo say that Germany, Denmark, Iln'y, Austria and Kit lice have opened theii j.oits to out impeded poik. It will 1 remeoil.ercd that ic ullKns all Over ihe country have Iren epatiatirg elaWaUly upon the beauties of reclpiod'y in thus open ing these foicign maikets to American pork, j hut th president himaclf upset this very beautiful theory ly ay mg; "The removal o these restriction in every instance wa asked for and given solely upon ihe giound that we had now provided a meat inspection 'that should be accepted at adequate to tbe complete removal of danger real or fancied which had been previously urged." So from the preti deals own words it appesr there was no reciprocity in it. The president think that In case like the killing ofthe Italians in New Otleant it would be competent for congress to give the federal count jarisrliction of sach crime. Vetv few men will agree with bim. He talkt right to tbe point about the cruet treatment mctrd out to Ameri-jin seamen st Valparaiso ty the Chilian. Evcy patriotic rata wilt enUoise the president' word. Attentloa it celled lo the prosecution of the Jew in Russia and the friendly interposition of our govercm cnt to prevent it. Sneaking o the McKintey tariffliw tbe president says: R rely, if ever before in the history of the country, bat there been a time when tbe prope ls of one day's labor er tbe product of one farm crop could purchase tueh t large amount cf things that enter into the Uv mg of the masses of the people, I believe that a full test will develop the fact that tke taiisTsctof tbe Fifty first congress i very favorable in it reiage effee upon the price 01 tr.icict iiowiog into common use. It wou'd hare been impossible for the president to have made a more absurd state men!. 'I o attribute the good price of wheal Cora and other farm product to Ihe passage of the McKioley bill is trifling with the good tense of men merely of 01 Jinsy iotelligeace. 1 bese price come as tbe result Of short crop ia Europe, and the president gain no credit in this bungling altetr.pt to mislead the people. They cannot be dsccived in that way. He oppose .he free colosge of silver and stands by the pretcnt law. Tke message is very kngthy and will cn many xiin'.t provoke the strongest kind of criticism, especially that part ef tbe message which treat of the new method of appointing presidential elector in Michigan. We shall have occasion to ssy something it that tit ci the message at anether lime. TH EN ATX The tcnate of the Fifty-second congrett It composed of forty-seven republicans, thirty-nine democrat and two alliance men. A republican, Mr Fclton, bat succeeded Mr Hearst In California. A democrat, Gen Palmer, ha succeeded Mr Farwell in Ililnol. Mr Pe (Tor, of the farmer' alli ance, ha been chonen from Kansas In place of Mr Ir.gall. Mr Gibson, of the last House, take the place of Senator Vt llson, of Maryland, who i dead Jacob II Gallinger, of New Hampshire, follow Mr Blair. David B Hill succeeds Mr Evans. Mr Han.broogh. of North Dakc- ta, succeeds Mr Pierce. John L M Irby, of South Carolina, take the place of Wade Hampton. Calvin S Brlce follow Mr I Payne. Ex-Secretary Vila succeed Mr Spooner, and Mr Kyle,of the farmer' alli ance, he been chosen In place of Mr Moody, of Seath Dakota. These are the new senator. On any reasonable tar iff- reduction measure the democratr are sure of the vote of Peffer and Kyle, and on such special bills as a measure for putting cotton ties or binding- twine or coal or certain ore on the free list the vote against tbe high protection republican will be further Increased. In the first place there are three senator Paddock, Pettlgrew and Plumb who voted against hc McKlnley bill. To thete mutt be added Mr Hansbrough, of North Dakota, who I pledged against all high tariff legislation. Thete four transferred from the republican column to the oppo sition will vote tor a reasonable reduction of tariff ttxct 45 and the vote against 43, hue there 1 a strong probability that Senator Wotcolt of Colorado, will alto desert hit party in favor of a tariff bill that brlngt relief to the western ftrmert There I atrong ground for predicting that there may be.aome tariff revision bill passed by congrett during the. coming tetslon notwithstanding the fact that the republicans hold the senate. The only obstacle between the people and at least tome tmall measure of relief la the veto power In the hands of Mr Harrison. Governor Pcnnoyer, In his letter recom mending Joseph Simon for the circuit judgeship calls attention to the fact that Joe In hit youthful days attended school taught by the governor. The writer of this once recommended one of his whilom pupils for an important judicial office, thinlkng that the fact that he attended. my" school would be tufficent to tccure the appointment but for tome occult rea son, (which we never did discover,) he was not appointed. But new light comes to ut day by day. 4 ' Wc give place today to a communica tion from "A Democrat" at Portland who seeks to promote the nomination ofuTony" Noltner for governor. "A Democrat" mutt be xealous and earnest in his sjpport of "Tony" In view of the fact that the election will not come off until June 1S941 and there will be a general election held before that at which a governor it to be elected. ; . If it were possible for man to construct a globe 800 feet in diameter, or aay twice the height of St Paul's Cathedra, and to place upon any part of its surface an atom i-43Soth of an Inch in diameter and i-iaoth of an Inch In height, It would correct! denote the proportion man bears to th earth upon which he stands. A fine line cf crockery wore at Conn & Uendricton s. WOKTBl CtmiBBKISU. F. M. French ksvps railroad time. Buy your groorri w of Parker Bros liW CM r chee just If0"id st Culirovl Meyer. C W Cobb, j'b printer, Klinrt Bl ink, dries tint claas work. Be that etegant'pia'io st K'ein Brrt B ot ann nnoe store. K W Aehiaon &Co are telling ninum.,uts at fortlaiid price. Hee W F Read bus uf drs gncil aod silks before baying elsewhere. Stswsrt Jt 8jx ill th very be it (stent tampeswi shears and scissors. Smoke th oelebr.ted flavjoi filled 8 o.ot olgar at ) alias Joseph'. A large dock of wall paper, with late de sign, at rortmiller Irving ,Jost received IIave yoa eeo those parlor suit that T Brink baa Just received T Tbey ar mo. 0toOC MoFarl.ad for ssdl.ry. bar , whipt, ruhea, all kinds of h'irse cloth ing eta., ato. Dr M II Ellis, i hjsicisn and surgeon, Aiotiy, ureua. uti mu in citv 'or country. Ladies in da their shopping, in Has Frso ottoi wit m it visitin f tbe ei'y. and without xra o-n mssioi.' Vin. K i Bvrivi f t ohn:i it, lOJl.OMva ltt.')ak!aqj, Patrna'si home indnby ani biv bind md htrootr, warrautel, from 0 C Mo Karl nl.st Dabralllet oi l otto A to J W Cobb, successor to 1'aisley Sc "Sitjii-., ritnn Block, for y.ior J b printing ti an tiuds P .'inslar Utldaest atsy be prevented head, already and tbe hair msde Ut grow oa h held, by tbe tue of lldl's Vajta'ile Sicilian Hair lUuewsr. QJi k iti.d 1 w ai d 1 fi 1 i 1 l 1 UK Bit a Del)' th folio-sing Cbow Chow, Cook iog Moloate, Pickle. ia vinegar, Salt Herring, Salt white bsb. Salt salmon. LAEOEST -:- ASSOBTMEKT OF HEATING STOVES. AT KATTHEWS k WA8HEUBF8 W. F, ftW aVt eC Call and see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, tfosiei'y, Wo have to select from. Our but the cheapest ever We have iust placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and W want your trado and we you money. 1- for Infants and Children. "Coat or I a ia so well adapted to children that t recommend it aa superior to any preeoriptkm known to me." It A. Aochxo, It. D., ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "The naa of ' Cutorla ta ao universal and iu merit, so wall known that It seems a work of auperarorotion to endorM it. Few are thai intelligent families who do wot keep Castoria witiiln easy reach." New York City. Ite Pastor Bloomlrsdolo Reformed Church. Th CawTAua Julius The very latest news is GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound. . 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar 20 lbs. Extra O Sugar White . . . No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon o u-auocs uouu rivu-iva . Q0 lbs. No. Savon Soap A Complete Hanging Lamp Wholesale price of angat -100 lba extra C,i.79; 100 ibs gi anulated, S5.75. I will oonduet a atricieash store, and all goods will ba sold for net cash from 10 to iS per cent lesa than regular price. Iy Block of Chicaware, fanoy goods, and all tbe desirable tries of dishes, as well as a general assiortaaent of grooerlwi, croo err, lamps sod fixture ia complete. 1 make a specUUy of flaa tav, coH aea en-l btking powaer, ana always piaase my eustomers, My display of new toys and novelties for tbo holidays thi. yf wi:: Ik) tu finest over Wught to Albany. Jrtlins tirminohU - BRONCHITIS 1 an Inflammation of the bronchial tubes the air-paaices leading Into the lungs. Few other complaint are so prevalent, or call for more prompt and energetic action, A. neglect or delay may result seriously, effective remedie ahould always be at hand. Apply at once a mustard pnriHIce f the upper part of the chesr, and, fur ititenial treatmcut, take frequent dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral C. O. rapper, DruKRlst, Fort Wayne, Tnd., writes: ' Aiy little sister, four years of age, wa so ill from bronchitis that we had alniont given np hope of her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man and of large experi ence, pronounced It useless to give her any more medicine, saying be had done all It was possible to do, and we must prepare for the worst. A a last rsort, we determined to try Ayer Cherry pectoral, and I can truly say, with most happy result. After taking a few dose, she seemed to breathe easier, and, within a week, wa out of danger. We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied sbe was entirely well. This lndtaptitable evidence of the great merit of Ayer's Clserry Feetoral has given me unbounded confi dence in the preparation, and I recommend it to my customers, knowing it cannot disap point them." "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a tad cough and my partner of bronchitis. I know of numerous eases in which this preparation ha proved very beneficial In families ol Young Children, o that the medicine Is known amoiij them a 'the consoler f the afflicted."' Jaime Jtufu Vidal, Hau Cristobel, Kan Dominpo. "A abort tune ago. 1 was taken with a, severe attack of bronchitis. The remedies ordinarily used In such eases failed to elve -me rellet Almost In despair of ever Uridine anything to cure me. I bought a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was helped from the first dose. I bad cot finished one bottle before tbe disease left me, and my throat and lungs were as sound as CTer." Geo. B. Hunter, Aitooba, Pa. Aylr's Cherry Pectoral, rBPABED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lcwe9, Mass.. Bold bj all DnifgUU. rriceSI; eixbeuics, READ, 3 stock is not only the larcest shown in Albany. a complete assortment of both cloth and plush fur trimmed. feel confident- we can save W. F. READ. -x- -:- Oregon Castoria eures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gtves sleep, and promotes 3- gestton. Without injurious medication. For several year I have recommended your Castoria. and shall always continue to do ao as It has invariably produced beneilci&l results." Edwix F. PaiCdeo, M. M Ihe Ydnthrop," 135th Street and Tth Ave., New Vork City. ConrAor, 77 Moxoat Etkcxt, Kkw Tokx. that you can buy at JULIUS net oash, goods as follows: 25c. $1.00 . 1.00 . .25 . .90 . .90 .2.00 Gradwohi s Bazaar