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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1891)
RIDAY DECEMBER 11, 1891 LOCAL HECOltn. QWDEAT. 89 CENTS.. TiioBATit Mattkki In the matter ot he rtatcf Ellsabtth K Frum, S II Fium ppointed sutninutrttor with band fixed at $(Sooo. In the matter ol the estate oi Henry In gram, report of isle ol persons! propeny confirmed, In the matter of the otate ot It C Hill, inventory filed. In the matter of the eitate an J guardian hip of Charier and Bertha &hedd, final account tiled and approved. In the matter of the estate of Lyala A Kudd, II L Kutld appointed admlnutrator wun nu nxco at 10,000, which wii filed and approved. In the matter of the ettate of C O rat ton, T F Smith appointed admlnUtrator wun bond fixed at $5000 In the matter of the entatr of Wm Feeb ler, final account allowed and distribution ordered. In the matter ot the ettate of Martin Wcrtt, final account allowed and sdmlnlt trator discharged. In the matter ot the estate of Geo I Foster, tale of real proper! confirmed. In ihe matter cf the estate of R A II sight .final accouut allowed and approved and admtnlitrator discharged upon filing proper vouches of distribution. Cift cn on Wukrls. Probably every bodv lias read of the chapel car "F. van gel,'' which John 1) Rockefeller and other wealthy Baptists recently pre sented to the American ltaptist publica tion society tor missionary work in the west. This chnrch on wheels, now in charge of Rev E U Vbeeler, will bo in Albany. Friday afternoon and evening, iec ma. u is not yel Known wnere the "Evangel" will be side tracked, but two services will be held at 3 n m and 7:30 pm. The public generally is in vitea to see tne car and attend ttie ser vices. The car coat $12, (XX) and will seat 100 people besides furnishing home for th missionary in charge. It contains an i.siy organ ana ail the ac cessories for missionary work. Notice will be given of the location of the car in Albany. A Female Saloon Kekpkr. Recently the Statesman made mention of the fart that the ownership of a Salem saloon was vested in a Salem woman. The following communication, verbatim et spellatim, was received by the Statesman ..Monday and attempts to explain itself, The saloon in question, however, is owned by a Salem female "lady" is not the word: "Mr editor of the Statesman pleas let me call your attention to a little Jiem that coold out id youre paper last weak abou a cirten lady in this toun be' ing the sole oner of a saloone, no Mr editor pleas let me say that dose the one that rote the etim Wmu to slander the lady or does he no What ho is saying mare is no lauy in r-aleni ho ones a sloon or eny interest in one such talk is a f.aude and ought to be corrected by one ho nose, citeien of Salem." Fireman's Election occurs next Mon day and promises to be an interesting af fair. At a meeting ol Albany Engine Co. No. i held last evening. Burr Sloan was nominated for Chief Engineer, and the II & L Co's nomination for ass't chid A L Lamb ratified. A a meeting of Linn Engine Co. No. t tne nomination ot A L Lamb for assistant chief was ratified. This makes the contest between J R W.ratt of the II St L Co. and Mr Sloan the on'lv one In the election. The right ot active ex empt firemen, to rote. It It said, will be contested, Will Pav Up On next . Wednesdy, the 9th initant, the Democrat Is In formed, t ic Oregon Pjciric will pay up Its hands in full to the 1st of October, peri ad of three months. Bulletins posted In this city read that on the 15th tiie company wiil pay up from Albany to Yaqulna This will bring It down prt-ltv weM towards the present time, and will generally be heralded with delight by Die employes. Wednesday U the day set lor selling the road. The program cannot be learned lor certain. A Bad City. Pcrsonr arriving from La Grande state that the authorities of that place, backed by a strong public sen timent in view of the recent outrages committed there and the mysterious dis appearance of two well known citizens of the vicinity, have given orders and are enforcing them strictly lequlring all gam blers, tinhorns, hoboes, and rounders gen erally, to leave the town. Th gambling houses have been cloned and general reformation ha. set In. Baker City Dem ocrat. Goggen Discharged. The man Joe Goggen, arrested in Albany last Monday, as being susnlcioned with the supposed murder of Juhn Ewlng, at Cottage Grove, las. summer, was discharged from custody Isst evening. Although Goggen hss plainly shown by his remarks that he knows something about I his dUsppearance of E f ing. and of bis probably being foully dealt with, still the death of Ewin r, and having nc other evidence beyond his own remarks It would be unable to convict him, hence his discharge. Eugene Guard. A Terrific Fali Yesterday from some unknown oause the price of wheat, which has long stood at 90 cents, dropped to 85. The drop was sudden and the mill men say they can give no reason for It. Many fa'rners were holding back for the 90 cents to be raised to a dollar, as the tendency for a month or S3 hts been up ward and ro one was expecting wheat to fall. Statesman. The drop did not strike Albany. 90 cents Is quoted- The Lebanon Election. At the elec tion in Lebanon yesterday 150 votes were cast. The contest was an -exciting one. The tickets were called the license and witi-license tickets. The former was elected, L Foley, mayor, by 60 majority, over E E Montague, O W Rice, recorder ; A G Williams, marshal ; J A Roberts, treasurer; and Jos Elkins, W B Dnnaca. BP Bach andl Q Boyles, councilmen, dv majorities irom 4U to ou. consider able feeling prevails over the result, and mere is saiu 10 oe taut 01 a content., one of the points being that tbe winning oanois were not legal size. floRSKS Stolen, One sometimes has to go 1 way from home for the news. Here Is a case frcm the Prlnevllle News: "News has reached here that a thief, name un known, stole a span of horses recently from the farm of UnclcJIm Elkins near Albany. It Is believed that hs csme ovei the mountains Into Eastern Oregon with the stolen property. The animals are branded S. under which fs a bar thus on left shoulder. Corixtiiun Lodge A FSi A M elected the following officers at their meeiltig Sat urday evening to serve fur the ensuing year: F M Ridfield. W M, L W Oeyoe, S W. . "I ' II LWalden.J W. E W Langdon. Tress. I C Dickey, Tyler. American auuiciltuhlyt. The re gular price of the American Agricultur ist is $1.00 per year. For a short time I am authorized to receive subscriptions at $1.00, also to furnish the December number free to all who subscribe now for ISUZ. V L Kenton, sub agent. Afpaio or IIiM. Jas Spencer of the Albany hose team made a match foot race In Por'.land the other dy with Ross, and they posted a forfeit of $50 each Ross found out what a fiver he was o run against and refused 10 run and Spcncei look the forfeit. Telescope. Another. Insane Giri.. Emily G Strode, aged 34, of Myrtle Creek, wa taken to the Salem luna'ic asylum on the overland, last Friday, by virtue of a com mitment U sued by Honor Judge Riddle. Her mania take the form of obscenity and disposition to homicide, 1 IIomsi White Laundby. Those, not wishing to employ Chinese laundry work can have their work finished in a super ior manner at the City Laundry, w ithout "",;nit9wvlmm tin city. Branch Cook County. B F Allen ha bought Hahn A Frled's stock In the First Nation Bank of Prlnevllle. and at a recent meet- Ins of the directors of the bank Mr Allen was elected president ot that institution. Four or five gentlemen In town have enough money between them to take one to the World's fair, and for the past two weeks Lave been trying, through the agency of draw poker, to determine who shall have It all. At last accounts no one hsd won the coveted prise. On list Saturday evening about one hundred persons assembled at Ulaie's hall to witness the glove contest between Billy Ross and Jimmy Woods, tack Summers was chosen as referee and Jim Mall timer. Prior Smith waa Kost' second and George Barnes, Woods'. At 8:ao Hall called time and the combatanta went at It as II they were lu real earnest. For the first two or three rounds neither seemed to have gained any advantage over the other, but in the fourth round It was plain to see that Woods was over-matched, Ross having too much science lor his opponent. However the sparring went alcng with neither gaining any perceptible advantage until the eighth round, wh-n Koss struck, Woods while on hts knees, which the referee decided wss a loul and awarded the contest to Woods. Review. Tne Columbia Daily Calendar. An old friend In a new dress.aml an article that has come to be one ( the Indispen sable of an editor' desk, comes to hand In the Columbia Dally Calendar tor 1S9J. Ths. Colendar Is In the form of a pad con taining 367 leaves, each (MiiH Inches; one lor each day of the be removed daily, and one for the entire vear. The day of the week, ot the month, and ot the year are given, and each slip bears a short paragraph pertaining to cycling or some kindred subject. . At the bottom of each leaf Is a blank tor memoranda, everv leaf being accessable at any time. The stand is an entirely pew departure, being made of sheet mclai finished In Ivory black, and is very compact. At Ihe close of the vear me stand win oe available for another pad. This Is the seventh Issue ot this now well-known Calendar, yet all the matter Is fresh and new, having bee 11 carefully collated frrm leading publics Hons and prominent writers, most of it being specially written for this r ui nose. It comprises notable events In cycling, opinion of physicians and clergymen, hints about road making, and numerous other topics. A $10,000 Smash. In the circuit court yesterday Thos Holland, the driver oi horses, brought suit against Wm Ander son lor damages In the sum ol $10,000, and service was had on Mr Anderson last night. In his complaint Holland says that on the evening ol Sept 5th last, "the defendant wiongtully and unlawfully as saulted plaintiff and beat him on the head with a hard suastance whlsh the defend ant had In his hand. The nard substance mentioned with which Holland wa hit over the heap was a couple ot whisky glasses, one within the other. The scene of the affray waa Anderson's sal'-on. Hoi lanJ wear an ugly sea- on the side of his forehead a a result et the blow. States man. Another Mineral. The develop ment of Oregon will reveal the fact that we have In our soil every kind of mlnersl under the sun, or rather under the sod. Here Is another the E. O ol Pendleton tells about: A gentleman who fur good reason doe not wish his name made public as yet. hss discovered a deposit of saltpetre In Umstilla county, the exact locality ot the find being also kept a secret. Ssmples were taken to W D Fletcher tm determine the na'.ure of the discovery ,the finder being greatly ponied over It, and he pronounces them the bet specimens of saltpetre he ever saw. FaEioirr Rates- Among the com plaints against the S. P. railroad before the R. R. Com. is one of overcharge on good shipped from Aumsville to Spring held. Another complaint is for over charge on a car load of sab and doors from Grants Pass to McMinnviile. The company charges $41 from Grants Pass to Portland, nearly 300 miles, and 124.72 from Portland to McMinnviile. 40 miles. charging two local tariffs on one ship ment. This the shipper claims is a great injustice In the other complaint charges were prepaid through $24. the company afterwards at Springfield weigh ing the freight and charged $ addition al. 1 he freight was $32 on about a thousand pounds of freight about fifty mues. M E Chcrcu South. Tho Sabbath school of the M E church south is mak ing preparations for an elegant Christmas tree entertainment. The school is in exceedingly good working order at this uLuc wun increasing numoers ana in-teiest- Several musical instruments beside the organ have been added recent ly. All are invited to come and take part in the Sabbath school and also the Christmas entertainment ; and especially those who have not made a choice of a Sabbath school home in Albany, to come sua anite wun tne worx nere. ennren house on Montgomery and 3d street. School opens each Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. A. O. U. W. The following officers were elected at the regular meeting of Safety Lodge, No 13, A O U W last evening: L K (iray, M. W. A II Martin, Foreman. John Kantz, Overseer. T J Stites, Recorder. E A Parker, Financier. A Savior, Receiver. R B Vnnk, Guide. B F Parsons, I. W. M Cowan, O. W. j A B Woodin, Trustee. The Press Secretary From Port land papers we learn that Mr E C Pent- land, resident and (un) paid secretary o the state press association, will tender his restgt-atlon In a few days. This office was created for the purpose of establishing an advertising bureau and the officer to receive his pay from advertising account. Junction City Time. Some of the paper hit Pentland, but the truth I a secretary in Portland could be of arcat service to the papers of Oregon. Or too n not Portland. The Ore gon's World's Fsir committee after hard work have succeeded In raising only $2100 toward the Oregon exhibit at the exposi tion of 1893, says the Walla Walla States- man. I he Interior towns are waiting to ee what Portland will do. A Oregon, virtually, I Portland, this is nothing but right. We are getting tired of such talk. Oregon I not Portland by a big majority. Bazaar. The ladles of the Congrega. tional church are busily eneatrtd maklne preparations for the Bazaar entertainment to be given at the Opera House Friday next. Refreshments will be served and an excellent program of music, recitations. etc., will be rendered. Mlts Edith Harris, 01 aaiem, nas been engsged to sing. A pocket in a vein of auartz In the Black I111U In two days yielded Sa.000 In gold. Such a pocket would be very de sirable In a winter overcoat, but the tails ors don't seem to be In the right vein y an exchange, which was alive at last report. CHEtr It'VAB. 4 It Hcllwala Offers tone Holism Prices He makes the following reductions in sugar for cash: 17 lbs dry grsnulatedfor $1.00, 39 1b extra C white for $1.00. 22 lb extra C golden for $100. Here are some wholesale price: 100 lb extra golden C4ct. 100 lb extra (J white 4H cts. 100 lb dry granulated & $U He will also tell a five gallon keg pickle for 90 cts. of Just roocived uew and opeoed for retail C'K Krowoe.'l's tb folloiing Chow Chow, Cookiug Moltfea, Pickle iu vinegar, Salt Herring, SkIi white IWh, Salt Salmon. A Very appetizing T, A vary surprising T, . A savins', not wasting ' Beautiful tasting Very fins flavored T, ' And a large and ehoiee stock of groceries, fruits and baked goods, at Farker Bros. good resolution is never to buy without first CUl ARB rEMOJUt MONDAY. Judge Fllnn went to Corvalita today on business. License ha been Issued for the man-lag of W J Brannan sad Isabella Brlen, both 01 county. The young peoples societies if all the churches of Albany will unite and glvo octal on Christmas night, Dec, 15th, Mr W L Tester hss axepted a position in the U e freight otlice at Portland and on Saturday Mrs Tester left tor Portland to join ner nuaband, who has already been there sometime. Mr Carman, agent at Mill City, I In the city today. He report several feet ot snow there. Train men say there Is about three feet. Oettlng Into tne mine is a very difficult thing. Dr Bushnell. health officer at Yaqulm bay, ha tendered hi resignation as such oiuccr 10 uoveruor 1 ennoyer, who win . . 1 appoint a successor. Dr iiushneit resign ed because of his removsl from Yaqulna bay to San Francisco. TURMDAY. Judge Whallev, of Portland, I In the city, Mr M Sternburg left last evening on a trip to San t rancisro. Henry Suesen cam down from Hal stead today. He reported only two Inches 01 snow there; W F Resd tcturned this morning from trip to Gstesvllle. About two fact ot snow hsd fallen. The mill wss nearly reaay 10 start. A J Wilson.the man who didn't throw the bomb, at Russell Sage, though it was reported that it was possible he was the man, from resemblance, was In Albany last year. A Democrat man remembers meeting him. The social announced tor Friday night at the Baptist church will be held on Thursdsy night Instead.owing to the ser vice in tne Chapel vr "fcvanger on Friday evening, a elsewhere mentioned. Arrangement are being made lor an en joy able time and all are Invited. Numerous changes have recently been made at the S. P. depot since Mr (ester resigned ins position Mere. Men Young and Chas Hagan have retired Irom the freight offto. The latter has accepted 1 ne position oi assistant agent at corvai lis. (esse Barker is now employed in ...w v nv uiii.i,uiCH,i lit. ... . ... VIII man.recf ntlv of Central Point. a brothei- in-law of A sent Frank, will be freluht eiera. WEDNESDAY. Ja G Clark, the singer, was In the city today, on his wsy to Jefferson. T I Buford. of the Sllcti reservation.! In the city today on his way to Portland. license has been issued for the mar riage of J P Blanton and M O Lindgren. Traveling Secretay Duinmlt. of the Y M C A la In the city. C L Buck, of the firm of Havne ft Buck ot Albany, I (pending a few days In this city. Engene Guard. Miss Annie YoungerAne of Browntvltle prominent young ladles, a nljce of Mr Hagh Fields, was in the chy, iodsy. W N Ladue is the new commander ol the GAR at Falem- O W Davis, ol Bbedd, is one ot the delegates to the an nual encampment. J II Goddard went to Albany this week to remain a few days with his brother-in-law Mr Snell, who Is going to Elgin, III., to live. Mill City Gatette. Con Strouthers, whose severe treatment of ball player while umpire In the Pa cific Northwest League the first of the season, resulted In hi being deposed. Is now a barkeeper In a First street saloon In Portland. cetRTY cf mr rBccci!ia. fD. R- N. Harkfcani. Jadn : B. W. Csot? swi Wm. Hurobaugh. CotmlMliimiO Fees, State vs Chss Louden, allowed in full, except justice fees, allowed at $7 80. reee.Mate vs jonn tiiytne, justice lees $3 30, ballance allowed in foil. Fees, State vs Chas E Stone, justice fees $4 30, balance in full. Pan Lnm Co, acc't roads. Maston DygertCo, stationary. . , J J and M J Brannin, acc't jury J R Dawson, roads Crnme A Davis, roads 41 60 00 3 25 52 W 1 00 00 4 17 2 50 22 75 29 40 39 40 18 00 18 00 20 50 189 70 22 0 12 24 2 00 1 00 134 71 17 30 7 75 John Usher, school rapt iiatriBDurg Lam Co Cruxon & Men ties Geo D Bernard, stationary A II Howard, sawing wood. Fees, Inquest Henry Ingram (J F Russell, ex teachers O II Hart, ex teachers E B Davidson, sundries Brownsville saw and plain mill roads H A Nickereoa, roads II C Hardman, roads Jas Kirk wood, county John Mansfield W W Crawford, roads Lyons Lnm Co, roads Glass A Prudhome, stationary.. . M feathers' laslllasa. The Teachers' Institute of the Third strict of Linn county will meet at llal- ser December 18th and 19th, 1891. The following program has been prepared: Friday evening.Dec. 18th. nong.choir: Addiess of welcome, A M Reeves; re sponse, Bopt Russell; song, Misses Mand and Belle Ward ; lecture ; song by cnolr. Saturday morning Language lessons. Prof Garland, ATGroget, Miss Clara Harker, G H Wilkes ; methods of teach ing penmanship, C H Kline, Miss Mary Porter, Miss Ida Maxwell, A Ruther ford ; question box. Afternoon Methods of teaching frac tions. Mr John Griflen, C E Waldon, F P Flynn ; primary reading Linnie Ram say, Miss Lura Campbell, Miss Mattie Cross, Carrie Van Winkle. Question box. Evening. Bong by the primary class : declamatiori.InaMcCallongh ; recitation, Miss uiara iiarker; address, Her fair child ; recitation, Miss Ina Barclay; solo, rieeia u instead ; recitation, Editf. Koontz; recitation, Jessie Allingham; song, the Hisses Gray ; recitatlon.Linnie Kamsay ; recitation. Maggie Gray : reci tation, May Reid ; solo and chorus, the Misses Kamsay and Harker. J C Gibson, IdaJ'oiteb, Neldie Pooh, Committee. Fine Suitings. Mr W R Graham has ut received a fine line of sultlnars from the East, which are as fine as anything every brought here, embracing the latest pstterns. He Is anxious to hsve the pub ic Inspect them and get price. His long experience will enable him to suit the snoat fastidious. CON STIPATION. Afflicts half the Amarlsaa wsewts yet fbste ealy on prepajxtoo a BanatargU that swts aw tb bowels ao4 rsashas Ibis lnrpertsat tsweMk, snd that Is ox's Tsbs tsssausixfc. It w lleves it In M boon, aad aw on al dese prevents reran. WeteNt y fwsrtsilsiisse.xi Klklngton, JX Lose Avswae, Baa rranetsss J, H. Brown, Pstalamai H. B. Wlan, Geary Cewra Baa Francisco, and bnn4rW of othesswho hsve used It in eonstlpatloa. Cms latter 1 a sua pi ot hundreds. Xlklngton, writs: "I hay beta Issv year subject to bilious hesaaehe and eooati po tion. Have bean so bad for a year back have had to take a physic svary other night at alas I would havs s hasdacb. After taking oa bottle of J. V.S., I am la splendid shape. It has d wouacrfnl things lor us. . People similarly troubled ibouid try It and b eottvlnecd." Vegetable u Sarsaparilla Host modern, most fllaetire, largest bottlaS Sams pries, $1.00, six for 15.CQ. rORlAlIBT Joy TBI kLECTI. The election Monday, notwithstand ing the heavy rain and wind, wasallvely one, a good vote being polled, thouuh it Is probable quite a number of votes were not Dolled. Democratlo mavm- tnsr.lo I and councilmen from the 1st and second want, were) elected, and republican re the third ward. The councilman will ha vuiuviiiiniunr snu cuunuiiiDan irom even ingiy divided politically. Comment on the election is not necessary. The Democrat hopes to ice an harmonious sentiment generally among its citlsens all tondtno; towards ths nroffmaa r.f a I bany, and will not intentionally say any- kiiuiK iu surci ins ncaceiu nesa hi our city, though if it were to follow all the advice given it could assist in keeping up a turmoil. Here Is the vote, 'which will probably tie slightly, but not mater lany, changed by the olllclnl count. 1st ta las aisraa, wsav, . as, tOTSk L Cowan, 184, 127, 137, 81)8 w Cualtk, 48, 73, 158, 297 Cowan's majority.... 119 Rsooavaa, OFCoshow, 67, 70, 145, 281 NJHenton, 123, 119, 160, 391 Henton'e majority. 110 i kUSMUfc, J Hoffman, 97, 133, , 183, 413 AiiLacey, bo, w, 113, 205 Hoffman's majority., 118 TsSAicssa, IIFarwell. 55. 80. 181. 207 K A Parke;-, 120, 120. 1(15. 411 Parker's majority 144 1st tD, C II Ptewart 114 W C Tweedale 63 Ftewart's majority. tas , 61 Chas Pfeiffer 120 68 Omer Hendricson Pfeiffer's majority, as visa. 82 Jason Wheeler ..147 J Graham.... Graham's majority. ..148 Monet to Loan.-I have money in sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on Im proved farm lands in Linn and Benton counties, at lowest current rates. Ho delay In furnishing the money. V t ISt'kKIIAtT, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Tre9VETHBS. DSMOCBAIIC. T J Suites wss elected chairman and L M Curl and T L Wallace secretaries. On motion ol lutlu Gradwohl the rot log was ordered done bv ballot. Un motion ol W K Uilyeu the order ol business wss made as follows. Confirma tion ot ward nominations. Nomination of candidate for Mayor, Marshal, Treat urer and Recorder. The Ward nominations were formally ratified. Hon W R Bllyeu placed the name of I L Cowan In nomination lor Mayor and It was made unanimous. A pointed speech followed. Hon Geo E Chamberlain placed the nsrreolj N Hrffmsn In nomlnstlon for Marshal, and R Thompson that ol Geo Hughes. Un balloting Mr Hot! man re ceived iCj votes, Mr Hughe ao, and blank l. J P Galbralth placed II Farwcll In nom Inatlon lor Treasurer, and It a made unanimous. - Geo Humphrey named O P for Recorder, and hi nomination wa made unanimous. On motion adjourned. asrtst.tcAN. I F Conn wa elected chairman, and 1 R Wyatt and It F Merrill secretaries. J W Cuslck wa nominated lor Mayor by David Foman, and the same was aoe unanimous. N I llenton wa nominated for Record er unanimously. An l.acer, liucrowuer ana J w Reece were named tor Marshal. Lacy a nominated on second ball'rt. 3 vote were cast. E A Parker wa nominated for Treas urer unsntmou ly. The Ward nominations were ratified nd the convention adjourned. SEAL MTATB SALCA. C ("ooloy et ox to Mary Smith. loU3, 4. bill, in Brownsville.! 425 8 Ames to C W Simons, 1 acre inseeSI.tp13.HRlK 1 n to tieo it Miner, ; j n e i, sec SO. to 11. K K 1 K Patent (1 II Miller et nx to J F Hanlel- man, 40 acres, sec 30. tp 13,8 R 1 K 500 100 603 1200 2000 iieirsoi w n mciwnigm 10 lmviu Myers.H w M of N w If, tee 13. to MX 8 R 1 w C G Burkhart et nx to J N Bunch, lots 5. . bl SU.G'a Park A J G Boyle et ax to G W Aldrich.lot 0. bl 4, C i A. Lebanon 8 M Gentry et ox to Eugene Ultn, parcels in tp 11, K Z w U S to C W Burge, N w i sec 32, .Wtent tp v, r R 3 G O Vernon et nx to Henry 8ett1e mire,41 acres in D L C of G F Bettlemire! 1000 $U320 Wueeler Elected. On the official count this afternoon Jason Wheeler waa found elected Councilman of the 3rd ward by 3 majority. The remainder remain substantially as given. LARGEST : ASSORTMENT or - EEA.TTHG 8T0VES. at , .MATTHEWS k WASHBURH'S tetter List. FollowlAs Is ths list of letters rsmalnina in tbe post oQioe at Albany, Linn ooanty, Oregon, Die 7,1891. Persons eallioB for these letters mast give tbe Cat on wuien they were advsrtised. Aoksrmao, F Bowsrs, Edward Brown, Alfred 3 Fiahar tc Co. FansU, H II Hater, J M Hines, J J Hovsy, O H KimUH. 8P ' Lawsoo, Dennis Moss, Anna Palmar, Mary Ross, Edith Reniger, John Warner, 80 T.OMojrraTH, P M. box. LA Dnrbin, Joseph -2 nook, j no Harper, D II Hirsohberg, Anna Howell. V a Jansen, Tbos 2 Landis, J H Marphey, James Mir, Alios 2 Peterson, Wm RaplsoD, Riohsrd, Smith, L Perry HAKUIED. KESTON MILLS On Wednesday forenoon, Dee 9. 1891, at tbe residence of the bride's mother in Albany, by Rev E R Frichard, Mr Frank L Kenton, and Miss j una may Aims, uotn 01 the con tracting parties are we.l known and popular yonng people, with a host of friends, who will wish tbem an abnnd ance of happiness and prosperity. They left on tbe noon train for Portland and vicinity, where they will remain several days, and then return to tbe duties of married me in AiDany. UAWLBY-MIUEK.-On Dec 7, iftqi, st the residence of and by Rev S G Irvine, D D, Mr Grant Hsffley.of Sher man county, and Mis Cora E Miller, of Scio. The happv couple left on the noon train for their future home acrot the mountain, first going to Junction to vlalt relatives. B0KN. McFADDEN To Mr and Mr Judge nicr sauen, in iorvams two g,T-. BROWN. On Sunday morning, Dec 5, 1891, to Mr and Mrs James Brown, In Albany, a boy, weight II pounds. KELLEY. In Albany, on Saturday, Dec s, to Mr and Mrs W E Kelley a boy. ....':" , - ; -, ,.; IlOMsU BBOAD MONDAY. IiaktrClty has lost $100,000 In the past four motth by not Hayings nuutbrfi mil, says ths Democrat, Ths Portland's dsfsslsd San Jnss cn 8,V nrday 7 to 0, sod yestsrdsy 9 to 3 in favor of Ban lots, uregon s grsat oiuo is now shcad 3 to 2 games. Mary Blianks, Ins Laus oounty girl sr- rsstsd for assault and battnry.wvi diaobargsd on payment ofafn off 5. Tbs Jnstiosat first lined liar 150, thinking that wm tits lowest fins. Ths Portland Mtrourv ha a column artl els about H A Ch IMsr. ones a ridont of Brownsville, and other valley plaoss. It aooutes Dim ei an msnrer oi ayii deads, among othars that ni deserting bis family. D M Heatings shnwod u a satnnta of ths Ck vsland patent sand band, for ken ins mud, dust, and (lb t, from ths spitidls says Ills Weal skis. U 1 Hastings ami I, II Mnutanvo, ot Albany, bought tha riuht for Oregon, Mont sua, Navada, and Idaho. All of KasUrn Oregon has bn sold, and iiD this aid thsy still havs Polk. Washington and Yamhill ouuultasf..r aala. West Hlda. The Paor. Hera Prof Allen, the fortuneteller, who ha been getting Into most of the calaboose through the valley. arnvea in Aioany last evening, and begsn ginning up until ne wa a drunk a In times pasti but he managed to escape sr. rest up to the time of going to press. TUESDAY. The net taxable propel ty In I .ana county la o,7B'.t.0l2. Li year II waa f4.V.'",H0S. Ths editor of ths Hunrlay Mtrourv. of Portlaa I, baa beau tin $2110. Last Saturday tlem Grans No 1 re1s brsted its silvsr wedding, that leing its twauty-ftflh auniysrsaiy. Thar ar avon boys at ths IU form ioW! st Haleui. The) tiumlwr promise to lis near 100 iu a few yrars, wnsn tha school bvonmvs satebliabad snd gat a reputation. Maars Gao U Miller. Laae Brittoo. O M Hard and T It Harry arrived bare yaaUrday aftarnoosj Irom flora oca, being three days on tha road. Thay riort that the storm laat wk bsdly blocksdsd tbs load. Thay fnoad ISO trass somas fb road bet w sen t u II cad of Tide snd I tale's sad on very heavy slide at tbe rook Tlitoo. Thoy think thst st least 11,000 Hamsges were done to ths road . Kugete Uaard. Ths fWtiantitlo Amarican, published by ths treat patent agenoy firm of Mann ic Co . Now York, is tbe moat p-actioally osefal Sablloatioo of it I ind it tb oouatry. In ad, it oacapirsa liald distinctively it owe. Not alooa lur tb macliioiai. Rianufaatarsr. or scientist, bat It is a Journal for popular pat oral and study. It la tbs standard au. thoiiiy on aeiyotifle and mchio:ol sabjaets. It li pisaad st a vary low rate of subscrip tion. 13 rwr snnnm. which plane It wltbia tbs reach of all. Subscription will l meived st tbs oflWe ot this sper. Wheat dropped to M cents today, and general weakness seems prevalent: but whether permanent or not, it wiil take a prophet to tell. In Haleiu the price is only 83 cent. Many Linn county farm ers are holding for $( If it were to rearh $1 they would probably hold tor $1.05. Helling wheat is a serious matter, and perhaps It Is a good thing every owner proceeds according to his own judgment. Tilt vote yesterdsy wss the largest ever cast in Albany, though, not by con Urabl, a complete on. The day wii very boisterous. A comparison with a lew previous year will be of Interest: Tbe vote In iSS3 was 4?t; In ii, Cu, a full city ticket being vjiedlor; In tfao. tot. ly a marshal and recorder being voted for. In 1SS9 Mayor Cowan was elected over K W Langdon by tJO majority; N J llenton recorder over W A Humphrey by U7 majority; Hoffman over Miller, !) majority. 149 vote were cast In that election In the it ward, 214 in the snd ward, and 1J7 In the 3rd ward. WKUXUPAV. Thy play lh Dallas. progrswaiy tiddtwlawlnka in Tbs Mechanic's band seraaadad the new oily otfloce laat niitht. Ths city eooocil met last night snd ad Juaroed until Tbnrslay night. Tea total r aatats salna in Ssokao sioos Jaa 1, ara given as $6,79,12(5. A Whealst w aUeted mayor of Mpriog field, Moods, 83 votae war eaat. Tb paving contract betweoa Bays, Jaffna & Co, sal tbe city of Kalaea, has been canoallad. Tb vol for speaker in ths boos stood Crt.n22S Thn B Read 83, sad Watson, tl e larmer alliaoee man 8. Is the election at SaUm ths oSiotal vt show a tia bntwsvn Collins and Davis for eoaaoilman In tb Heeood waid. Iat svsaing tha WiltametU roaa three or foer feet and this forenoon was an fn telvfeet above low water mark. RM lay waa elected shiaf sad cibennao Halter aaataUnl ebiaf, of tb Eugene Are dpartmtit Monday . 74 voice were oaa' A prominent real estate firm of Seattle is L Van Lonsray A Co., 703 Frvnt stree. Mr Lnway waa at one time priooipal of tbs Albany school. The total rest estate Bala at Seattle since Jsa 1, sooordmg to tbs rsoordar in the ooanty olark's oflios at that eity, war 113,783,417 otb7thinteB. That hss at least a healthy look to It. In Albajy raatsrdsy I loa J L Cowan, Das.. wa re elected mayor lor ths third term by a majority of 119. Tb Albany peopls evIdsoUy know whea tbay bare a goodehiaf eseoetivs. Portland Telegram. The boos of rsaraxoitUfM has pseaed lbs Cbilda bill top-ohibit tbe manu factor and sale of spirit sad Litoxioatiog lienor ia South Carolina, except under certain restrictions. Tbe bill near goes to tbe senate, Tbe state board of eqaatisation Is hard at work . Tbev havs decided to invite ths backers, railroad man. and all taxntyere interested before thttn. Attorney Oonaral Cbambarlaln. baa also bean salad to aaawer to tbs bosid soma Inquiries as to tbe law and Its proper iuternritetiun. 8alm Journal. Mot withstanding ths stormy nights ths Dartioinsnts iu Baiabaxaar are isbsaraing oat tbe asms and everything pomts towsras vary (uooeasfull nresaatation 01 tnis cantata of aantatas. Our eomnaov is axer elainit a sreat deal of pluok and Ueuhazssr is bound to bs a roarimr auooess. Tickets htvs slrsadv besaa t6 move and those who desire a ehoiee of Seats will do wall to ssours them st ones. Thousands of lives are aaved annoally by the use of Ayer's Cliarry Pactorsl. I a tbs treatment ot croup snd whoeping oough, ths Pectoral ha a moat marvslous effect. It allays inflammation, frees the obstroeled air passages, sod ooutroli tbe desiro to oougn Gan't Gook as How many a young wife's heart has been saddened by hearing the above remark ! And yet how often the words are true; especially when cake, pastry or biscuit are . In question t The reason is plain, yet it is "like telling a secret" . -' '-. Our mothers used and are using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. They cannot be misled into using any of the ammonia or alum powders. No dyspepsia no sallow complexions, when mother did the cooking. The first symptoms of ammonia poisoning, says a New York' paper, which appear among those who work in ammonia factories, is a discoloration of the nose and fore head. This gradually extends over the face until the com plexion has a stained,' blotched and unsightly appearance : s Dr. Price's Cream . Baking Powder , is the only pure cream of tartar powder that contains the whites of eggs. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any o&er adulterant.; In fact tne purity of this ideal powder to never been ques- Envy The Great Prestige of Royal Baking Powder envied by all competitors. The envy shown by other baking powder man ufacturers of the great prestige of the UoyJ Baking Powder is not at all 'Surprising. For thirty years the Royal has been the st ui.l ard for purity and strength in baking pbwd, r.;, and has been placed at of official examiners whether Statu or National. The Royal Baking Powder Company controls its own cream of tartar factory anil the processes for making the only absolutely pure cream of tartar; it sends its product ta millions of homes all over the world, supplies the Army and Navy, the great transatlantic steamers, the fmest hotels and res taurants, and is recommended by the best chefs and authorities on cuisine in every land. Its sale is larger than that of all other tartar baking powders combined; it friends among housekeepers than similar article. These facts arc bitterness to the makers of the inferior baking powders: hence their advertise ments, filled with malice, envy and falsehood, against the Royal, Consumers recognize a case of "sour grapes." 'At last. Ioaaaataeod .jaars mas' without iu diatrvsalns tnt f y ss the siatefal sxolamatma ot on ahoss sppi.e bad baa rstore,l by tb use tf Ayat' Baraaparilla, aitarytsr r flyaprptia mlarry. A t- pwmioi M tnia sstrsct More each meal harpn tb appetite. A Dto liLow. One of the heavies torma ever esperlenccd at the Day oc cur red Monday evanlno- aa the train went In. The wind blew nearly hard enotish to sweep tne car on the track. Une ol the soatinar aaloons at Yaoulna was demol ished, and Ihe ton wsablown oartlv off the Kknardaon. A tree was blown out ot the raith on to Ihe track, and the wave fairly leaped from the liay. A Baitx'.c Out Yesterday at Browna- llte, the Oresonian KaCroad brldire over the Cslspuols. au swent ouL It wis ba- Ing rrnslred Jind lor the nurroae ntllnir hsd ben driven In just above it. the river rose rapldiy, driftwood lodged sgalnat the piling and the pressure proved too much lor H. Tub Oh soon Pacific Tbe sale of the Oregon Tarinc was to have taken place today; but wss postponed until January isth, the bead parties in New York City bavins; agreed upon the movement. It is probable, front reports received, that he road win not tie sold stall, that all ebu will be paid, and that future oper ations will be in accordance with the wishes ol both factions, who have, it is pretty well settled, agreed upon a certain prof ram. not yet made public.but wuicu win result in tne continuation 01 the road Eastward. The men today were paid for three and a half months on to October 1st, and tbe program is to pay montniv, nereaiter. mere is a general expression ol confidence, among em ployes and public that matters will pro ceed in a satisfactory manner hereafter. TSX4.KXT. TAMoaxr, Dec 7, 1091. M iss Clara Blevins is quite III. Mr John Ho' land is coins: to start to the Alsca country to look alter his place to bo gone all winter. Mr W CG raves, a nsphew of A Blevins. left one day last week for Yaqulna Ilay, to visit with bis mother during the Inter. Mr Weaver, who bar been an employe for Mr Daniel Houck for some time, started to bis old home in Michigan on last Friday night. The Tangent literary club last Satur day evening; waa well attended. The subject lor debate was "Kesolved that there Is more pleasure in married life than in single hie." The sides were Jim Jenks, Nathan Barber. F M Mitchell, tor the affirmative, and the negative, ueo . lui.. v jvu.b a. lj v , v. vithvi. The judges decided in favor of the affirm ative. Miss Josie Moses started to her future home in Douglas county one day last week. She has been vlsitiug her many friends around Tangent for two or three months. It has been decided to have Christ mas tree at the M E church south and there will be no little Dans spared in ry Ing to prepare for a nice time, fol lowing are the committees: To procure ft wtkHMM 1 tnm f illsi t fit m wsui T . IT v vvoi s,- aa am id w s;ihubvh a 1?.nW tUl.A.. as .lAMsatva Vfam Sherer, Mrs Moore, Mrs Mills, Mrs Simp son ; to dress the trees, Anna wood, Ollie bimnson. Ola llawley. Minnie Ma li hee, David Bridgelarmer, Bird Luper, Jamer Jenks; to take off presents, Cas Scott, W C Hudson, Liuie Smith, Jessie Hawlev: to call ofl n resents. Mack Jenks. Geo Kuthe ; to distribute presents, Emily Thomas, Clara Elevens, Dora roweli, Sylvia Uawley, Earnest Cochrane, Any Holt. Elmer bherer. llarry iteard; on ance committee. Mrs Mollle Beard. Mrs Settlemire. Mrs lladson and Mr Sieving. Mother Did! the head by every b.;. i cream of has more any other StKLSMttltK. Ths greatest Cantata in American print will be presented to Uie Albany public . in magnificent costume on the 17th 18th of December, 18S1. To give a proper description of this superb production it would take much more space than we feel at liberty to ask of our already generous newspaper publishers. However, the people of Albany will have the opportunity of witnessing a perform ance on the above dates long to be re membered, and such a one as has not been attempted tor ten years. Most every school boy has heard, at least a fsrt of the story of Belahazzar.the down all of tbe wonderful citv ot Babvlon. the long oppression of the Jews and their final restoration byCyrus.kingot Persia. Attempts have been made by artists to paint tbe gorgeous legist of Belthazxar on canvas, and to picture this tyrant king in bis tragical death. Biblical history gives us one of the most striking events to be found in the whole range of bible history iu this story ot Bclshaxzar. Who has not read ui the mysterious band writing on the v. all. the attempt of the Magi to read it, their failure, and the correct interpretation of tbe prophet Daniel. Who has not in their imagine tion saw the beautiful and white winced ngel appear to Cyrus in his camp, and listened to the eweet strains of music as tbe angel sings to him. This Cantata so faintly hinted at in tbe above lines will be placed on the stage in a manner which ts pleasing and interesting. i-oiXTgaa. 1. Albany has dramatic ability. 2. Albany has some of the best musi cal talent in the Northwest. 3. Trot W II he is musical director. and no better can be found in the state. 4. Prof EU Lorrillard is pianist: his supremacy at the piano is unquestioned. ft. M r I lenry I iopkins is stage manager; his reputation is one of high deirree. 6. Over fifty people are bending their energies to make Belshauar a success. 7. uy your tickets early, at Will A Liuk s music store. 8. Present indications are that the Opera House w ilt be packed. 9. Cost ol presenting Bclshsziar to the public, over 200 00. 10. costumes complete, Irom han t ran- cisco, over bi in number. CAST OF Clli BAC1KK8. Belshascar.klngol Babylon, Prof W H Lee Cyrus, king of 1 t rsia . .Oene E La ri more Xerrubbabel, governor ol tbe Jews-.. II W Young Daniel, prophet of Israel C W Sears LFestus, lord chamberlain C II Hart Ititocris.queen regent.Mrs E w Langdon Antonia.quecn of BelHhaztar.Bertha Ellis Shelomilh, wife of Zerrnbbabel,... Kate M Aiken Child ot Zerrubbabei,. . .Carrie Prichard Angel miss fcva uowan Jewish Princess Mrs I E Miller Tamar Miss Anna Goldsmith AtaUa Miss Minnie Van Horn Zerlina Mrs Sherman Thompson Magi hherman Thompson Magi J E Miller Magi I W Blain Magi Wm Fortmiller The following represent Jews, lords and ladies 01 iieieuazzar a court, rersiansoi diers, Babylonian guards, Babyloniac captains, generals of Cyrus' army, mes sengers, neralue. etc: Miss tu Irvine, Mrs F M French, -Mrs Brown, Mrs L, Mies M Biner, Miss O Riner, Mrs tlurl- burt, Miss F Beynolds.Mrs U w Young, Miss L Mrrell. J 0 Littler. Mrs C W Sears, Mrs-F P Nutting, Miss L Prather, Mrs J W Biain, Miss A Flinn, Mrs Con dit, F Fortmiller. O McFarland, O Muel ler, VV Campbell, A Carothers, M J Denny. Mrs Littler. D H McCullagh.O P CoBhow, Mr Brown, W J Ortell, W T nearet, K M Morton, w srtnllips, Breckenridge, E L, Quinn.R Strong.Miss Hogan. W. H- Yocno, Secretary. QITT ORIG BTORX Pfeiffer Blaok, AlVaityi lmik Cusick Drugs, If edietnea, . ftiensleals, ilane . and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushy Ferfamerj, Sekool . Books, and Artists' Supplies. Physicians' prescriptions re ; NOTICE TO S f OCX-HOLDERS. " Notice Is hereby (riven that tbe annua steels holders meeting or tne Farmsrs x Merobsnts lusurauoe Compsnr nfaVI bany, Linn county, Oregon, vrltf bs held at tbe company's omo in tne oltyot Albsnv, Oregt n. on Wednesday, January tb. 1892, at the hour cf 2 o'clock p raof said day, for the purpose of electing nine directors of said company, to servo fo one year, and to trans-et any other busr ness aa may regularly 00 ire before sa d meeting. By order of tbe President! Dated December 1st, 1891. J. O. WRITSMAN v.-' Secretary. wm i! TAILORED There is NO tlothinc manufacturers in the country who whoso label as above is placed on every suit. In OVERCOATS, we have tho stock of the city, and more overcoats than all the other stores in Albany eom bined. If you deu't belieye it call and see. Although we havo sold many of 'em, we still have a large stock left. Albany Woolen MiU clothing. A Mammoth line of Men's Shoes and Boots. Furnishing Goods. Boys' and Children's clothing, and everything worn a man or boy can be found in great quantities, with by every article marked in PLAIN FIGUItES that "DEFY COMPETITION." T.L WALLACES CO. Leading Clothiers Rtrahan Block, 7 4' ' ' ; Sj & 1ST & No man likes to be bored to death, either in hear ing about a thing or in being fooled in a poor article. On this theory we shall briefly refer to our e'egant stock of CLOTHING, which embraces everything that originated in this exceedingly stylish season. In Suits, Overstate, Dress Suits, etc., we are prepared to meet every demand ir quality, style and finish, color and piice. X IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS Every department is full, qualities are good and styles the latest. L. E. BLAtN, ALBANY GO Foshay 1 They have on hand a largo AY riusb G'sods, Toilet Cases, Albums, Fancy Perfjacrics, ST,lties, Art Sepiilies, Fimilj aad Teaeflcrs' Bibles, lllastrated Cold They will give prices that of them. J on in nv CLOTHING w ey will compare with 1 4 , Slim ! aid FunMsrg, AIdhuj. O r OREGON. TO & Mason and elegant stock, consisting of m. Ut. vwll make it an object for all to buy