The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 11, 1891, Image 2

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Keillor and
J I- JL '.
The average lenglU of life it considera
bly longer In England than France.
There have been more earthquakes re
corded this year ahead than In anjr entire
year for a long time.
The king of Greece U about 35 year
Ilthaia complexion as clear ata bah',
speaks with fluency a dosen languages
According to the ron H'rr (hero Is a
probability that the democrats and third
party la Clackamas county will fuse on a
county and legislative ticket.
A Pennsylvania train a few days ago
"made the run from New York to Wash
ington City In tour hours and eleven mln
utev, making an average of fifty -eight
miles an hour. This Is the fastest run be
tween these two points on record.
The executive committee of the national
democratic committee met in Washington
Tuesday, and issued a call for a meeting
of the national committee to be held at
the Arlington hotel In Washington, Janu
ary aist, to decide upon the time and place
for the holding the neat national conven
tion. The Grand Falls ot Labrador are said to
be more than twice as high as Niagara
Falls, being 360 feet high against Niagara
164 feet. The river Is but 3000 feet wide
where it falls over the rocks, and for iSS
feet above the cataract It descends In rapids
at an angle of 30 degrees.
In a Nassau-street cutlery store Is ex
hibited a knife about seven In ches long
neaily sis Inches square at the ends, from
the four sides of which stick out In all di
rections 365 blades, saws, awls, screw
drlTrs,p!ck,scltsvs and so on. The knife
looks like a large magnet with Iron filings
attached. It was made In the western
part of the state, and cost $.6oo.
I think no woman can do her duly In
this nation who stands with her hands tied
and hear legalized crime In this country
sanctioned by a government which U
draining the vitality ot the people at lite
expense of misery and poverty. There
' ought to be protection for woman's rights,
and not so much talk on McK Inter. The
mother ought to have a yoke in the con
titutlon, and thus be able 'o ttrlVe an ef
fectual blow ft the sa'oon, which Is such
an evil factor. Francis C WlllarJ.
The Albany Dsmockat, Portland Tl
prawi, Pendleton :st Grgonutn, Wjsco
Hun and other democratic i.a:era tlut now
oppose free silver coinage, as being bad
polio, are respective. y s -ed to pulmsh
the silver plank of then late democratic
pia'.Iorm. halem Johrmtl.
The Dkmocsat wl.l chcei fully com;ly
upon the condition that the Jsuriuil wll
first get the leading republican papeis of
this state, such as the Ottgo ', Slatr .
man, PLumdtnlcr, Pendleton Tit bunt and
State Journal to publish the tCver plank In
the last republican state platform of this
Tbe country is now to be subjected to a
new class of "calamity croakers" of which the
New York Tribune is the representative a ad
fit leader in tSe east, and .be Ortgonian oo
tbe western slope. These "calamity croak
ers,' after years of xealous and industrious
effort lo down Coventor Hill by any meant.
fair or foul, hive now attempted to
people inioiuppxi 01 toeir tiller and un
relenting war sgsinst that indomitable demo
cratic leader by denouncing him as "ibe mcrtt
dangerous man in public life in tbe Uni'ed
Sla'es today. Well, be is dangerous: dan
gerous to the further domination of the re
publican party. And this is all these cros'teis
mein, and it is this (act that disturbs their
very souls.
Cliarlis F Gisp, of Ceo -g' one of th
most distinguished figures upon tbe floor o
congres. He hss been upon tbe floor of tbe
house for eight years and has during all tbat
time been an active participant in all its de
bate and actions. Last year be led tbe
fight for tbe democratic side in tbe contested
election cases, having been formerly chairman
of tbe committee on elections. He also, dur
log a large part of the setsion, led tbe fiht
against Reed's rulings, snd made probably
tbe best speech that was made combating
them. Criip is a strong ois'-or, and his
speeches upon tbe tariff question base always
attracted st.ention. As a speaker he is sharp
snappy and aggressive, hss made tbe rules of
the house his particular study, and it' is pret'y
generally conceded thst since ibe death of Mr
Randall and the elevation of Mr Carlisle into
the senate, no democrst in i!e hcus is ss
competent and forcible an authority as be oa
questions of farliamentary law.
Both of Mr Crisp's psren's were Eejlith
actors. They came to this country on a pro
fessional tour, and, liking the country, became
nstaralized citizens. In 1S45 they returned lo
Englsnd on a profsif nal tour, and the
speaker was be-rn st Sheffield. His parents
returned to this countiy and settled in Georgia.
In 1861, when be wss 16 vesr, of age, Crisp
enlisteu in the confederate srmy and became
captain. Early In the war he was made
prisoner, and wss kept for a year at Fort Dela
ware. After his he joined bis parents
at Zllaville, and was emitted to tlie har in
1866. He soon made a reputation as one o'
the beit attorneys in tli . state. In 187a be
was .;o:n:s l solicltor-riico! f-jr the south-
wnte;n judi :'ul ci'Ciiit. In 1878 he was ap
pointed ji;?jj of ti-e superior cou-. hut re
signed in iS8i to accept the democratic nom
na'ion fur rongnss. His l ome is in Aiflericus.
l.KillT IN A DARK pi.avk.
The Chicago Tritium has, for year,
been recognized as the leading republican
paper of the west. It was a most earnest
and effective supporter ot llarr'.son for
pretidt nt. But It must be true that a light
as broken In upon Its darkly shaded vis
ion. Hear it:
The present system ol protection back
trae and waterlogs ereiy other manu
facturer. The whole system Is mutual
olunder one of another and alt of each.
Suppose 1 have a protection of 50 per cent
I levy that much extra for my goods on
my neighbors. But my neighbor also
have a protection of 40 to 100 percent and
ther levy that back on me, and when we
come to balance book of the year we find
that, at least, so far a the workingmen
are concerned, what they have gained In
nominal wages they have lost in the arti
ficial cost of living. The manufacturing
capitalists. It is true, have Increased their
profits, but It has been at the expense of
the unprotected farmers, who can not tax
back by fixing an artificial price on their
products because the market value ot their
c,rop is determined by the foreign Quota -
ijOns. In this protection struggle to grab
i ne from the other, where the game Is
the ucvll take the hindmost." the unpro
tected agricuituialist are tne one who get
taken in" and done for by the smarter
town gentry, rrotcction is a fraudulent
and false system. Fredom of exchange,
like truth, alone leads to honest n.-sulis. '
Here i the goal to which democratic
hopeiuks forward with ardent joy when
the whole country shall be thus brought to
the truth.
The Tangent debating society lias been
wrestling with the question ol whether
the tariff oh wool enhances the price of
that staple product, and according to re
port decided It docs not. Tire American
sheep fanner, who has been In the busi
ness any length of lime, can reply, like the
man in jail wiren lold by the lawyer that
they could not put him In jail on the charge
against htm . Welt, I guess thev can for
here I am." The evidence and 'logic of
experience shows that the tariff does aftVct
Ui price, no mattter what the argument
upon the subject may show Zero.. -
Well, then, it the tariff duty placed up
on Impoited wool enhances the price of
domestic wool, this tariff duty must un
questionably be a tai, and In so tar as there
is an Increase in the price ot domestic
wool.thls tax;takenafiom the consumcrsatl
the people, for all are consumer,) 1 paid
Into the pockets ol the wool growers.
Here we find sixty millions ot people taxed
for the benefit of ont million wool pro
ducer. It the lltrald want the credit (?)
ot endorsing a scheme to tax 65,000,000 of
people for the benefit oi 1,000,000 It can
have It. So tar as we are concerned, we
have to say that so long a we remain an
American clliaen, believing In the funda
mental principle of American government,
that is, that this I a government for the
protection ol the mines against the en
croachment ot tne classes, that our I
government ot free and equal cltiienship,
that all clliaeus are equal before the law(
that there are to be no special privileges to
any one, that taxation must be equal, we
shall oppose all tariff scheme that build
up one man's business by taxing all others.
But the lltrald controverts what McKln
ley says about the duty on wool. He says
It was not placed there to Increase but to
decrease the price, tie sjys the tax or
duty Is paid by the foreigner and he al
ways prefer to tax foreigner for the
money to run the government Instead of
taxing our own people. The lltnld Is
In a maae.
Frothing at the mouth doe not alter
facta. Calling Gov. Hill hard name doe
not change the results of the election.
There are truth which certain ol Th
WorWt contemporaries have need to bear
In mind.
The legislature of 189J Is to be demo
cratic because the people tuve voted to
make It so. In certain close districts
theie have been attempts .o change this
result by fraud, but they havebeen baffled
by democratic watchfulness and by insist
ence upon the enforcement of law.
Ballot carefully marked for Indeniza
tion have been thrown out, a a wUe ballot
law direct that they (hall be, In order that
bribery and Intimidation may nut have
effect in elections.
Attempts to reverse a T.ajority by count
livg again votes that have been once count
ed have been detected an J forbidden as
the law jut!y diiects.
The at'e-npl of a pariUan juje domi
nate a board of county csnvitsscrs and to
con. pel it to certify falsriy as to the result
of an election has been rented by all
possible devices, as every such proceeding
should be resisted.
The deter mlna' ion to seat an Ineligible
man In th; senate in defiance of an txprcrs
constitutional provision has been opposed
In legal ways, as it mutt be If the corstl
tutlon Is to remain the supreme law of the
This is all that republican newspapers
refer to when they declaim against the
democratic plot to steal the legislature."
It Is all that Is meant when Mugwimp
journals, In their hysterical anxiety to
avoid the imputation of democracy, In
veigh against Gov. Hill as an arch con
The World has been careful to search out
the facts In everv disputed case and to
present them with entire Impartiality, as
a newspaper should. New York World,
No graver mletake could be rtade by
democrat than to loosen the obligation by
which they are pledged to secure a radical
reform In the present robber tariff scheme
To waver now In the great contest, merely
to strengthen some candidate for the
presidency, would bring certain, swift, in
evitable defeat. If the democratic party
should waver one jot or tittle !n its here
tofore unselfish purpose to reduce the
tariff to a revenue basis, then, while un
swerving democratic reformer might not
laugh when overwhelming defeat csme
upon It, yet they would feel that It had met
the just retribution visited upon It for its
cowardice and unfaithfulness. Out all
talk about the election of Crisp to the
speakership brlnj- an indication of a return
to Randalifsm Is alt folly and bosh. Crisp
I just as true and aident In his devotion to
tariff reduction as Mr Mills. But the
Democrat would expect and hone for the
defeat of the party if it should now desert
it tariff views.
All attempts of democratic and Heimann
papers to draw some expression out of Mr
Geer have failed so far. Salem Jtuxml.
Indeed! when the time comes tbat nothing
in the way of "expressi?nn in words, (in orfj
mind you,) can not be drawn from Geer, tbe
Garrulous, then may we reasonably conclude
that sotce radical, soma organic change has
occurred affecting his rrentsl or moral mska
u;i. Tbe idea, that, for a single moment, the
Gsrru'ous is without a "diarrhea" of words
is too absurd for serious consideration. I
Geer will not lallc it is because he has lost
Uit power ol speech. That istlie only Coir. fort
il t'..e matter for the Journal.
The Davcnpo't, Iowa, Democrat pub-'
llihes a symposium, of political views of
the prcsldental ticket for 189a. It Includes
interviews with nearly 100 democratic
members of congress The majority favor
Cleveland for first, and Boles, of Iowa, for
second place. Next to Boles Hie strongest
candidate for vice-president Is Grav. ot
Indiana. Several Iowa congressmen and
two from other states favor Boles for first
novae -
Is li very important in this a;e of vast
material progress that a remtdy bo pleising
to the taste and to the eye, eavily taken,
acceptable to the stomach and healthy in it
nitare and effect. Posaessiug these uush-
t'er. Syiup of Fips is the ouj peifect Uxv-
eiye and uost gentle diuretic kuowa.
Rat the taw Mart
Tacoma, Dec 6. George Fraicis Tiain j-,
cashier of the Ledger, who is now on a visit 10
relative in New York, reports that he has
carefully examined the bead of the Sage bomb
thrower, on xhiH'i'W the morgue mi New
York, and tbat it uot mat of A J Wilson,
late of Tacoma,' Train is well acquainted
with Wilson and would have been able to
recognize him at a glance.
Im May bu aeen the
finest stock of
gold and silver
watches, diamond and other rings, jew
elry, ilverware, Ac, in the city.
W W Davis iynow in enarge ot the Do1
moulco restaurant. Meal 25ueuts. Eutern
nysterr, fresh. Every thing first-class. , fj
The political trick are not always ot a
character to cover their author with
glory, or to cause their name to go down
to prosperity with honor or renown. On
that Is ascribed to Governor Hilt, of New
Yoik Is about the thinest, and smacks the
loudest of autocratic dishonesty, of any
yet put on aecord. To break tne repub
lican majority In the senate he cause the
throwing out of a lot of ballot cast for a
republican candidate for the senator In one
ot the Interior counties pn the c round that
they were "marked ballots," and therefore
Illegal. The marks consisted in an Im
pression made by an em quad In printing
some of the ballots. This piece jot type
metal, as often happen In printing, had
1 Wen up In the form, and some thirty bal
lot were found to be (lightly marked by
it. Now, this, of course was not an In
tentional marking of the ballot so a to
Identify the person who voted It, which It
the act that the law forbids. Aforiunf
Verily It Is true that "the political trick
are not always of it character to cover their
author with glory, or to causo thsli name
to go down to prosperity with honor or
renown," and a proof of this truth we
have only to adduce the statement ot the
lltrald that "Governor Hill caused the
throwing out of a lot of ballot cast fur
republican candidate for the senate In one
ot the Interior counties, on the ground that
they were "marked ballot" and therefore
Illegal." Now, the truth Is, that Gover
nor 1 1 111 had no more to do with the can
vasshig board ot Onandago county than
the governor ot California. He was not a
member ot the board, w net present
when the canvass was made, wss not the
adviser of the board and had no more to
do with Its deliberation than "the man In
the moon." So much for the "political
trick" of .he lltrald played for that pur
pose of political capital. Then a to the
marked ballots. In addition to the lin
pression of the rm quad, there was a pen
ell mark around the em quad Impression
thus clearly showing that there was an
evident design to disclose the character of
the ballots. Political tricks" are no
Tne Davenport, Iowa, Xfit ha
published lettert from too member ol the
Fifty-second congress on the advisability
of giving Gov Bole a place on the national
ticket. It was left entirely optional with
the writer to give him first place or second,
The result show that Gov Bole
talked of generally for vice-president; In
fact, that no other name Is mentioned, es
cept that of Gov Gray, and his champion
are all found In the state ot Indiana. The
drift of sentiment In favor ot Iowa' gov
ernor for the second place Is strong
ttiroughout all the southern states, and tlx
congressmen from that section are notice
ably outspoken in announcing their pref
The unmistakable current In every state
Is for Cleveland for first place. There Is
no opposition to him In any quarter and
the onlypossiblltty hinted at for Gov Bole
to go to the front is a rupture among the
friends of ClevelanJ.I lllland Flower In the
Empire state.
Seven Illinois congressmen throw com
ments at Gov Boles without committing
themselves to him.
Breckinridge, ot Arkansas sajs Bole
would be highly acceptable to the south as
C'unle, of California, says his Idea ol a
ticket 1 Cleveland and Botes, uniting the
cast and new democratic wtsl.
Wilcox, of Catltornla, says Cleveland
anJ Bole would be the strongest ticket
Cable, of Illinois, says If Boies ha the
place on the ticket Iowa will be safely
Springer says Iowa Is In the front rank
of democratic states, and democrats may
expect to carry it in 1S91.
Bvnum, of Indiana, thinks the vice-
president should be named from Indiana,
whether the president comes from the east
or west.
Hayes, of Iowa, says that the Interests ot
the democrats demand that Boles have a
place on the ticket.
Cummlngs, of New York, want Coles
Lay ton, of Ohio, wants Bole for pre!
dent, but It he can't have that he wants to
see him made vice-president.
Kilgore, of Texas, says: "Cleveland and
Bole for 1S92 would cult me mighty welt
and would weep the country in my judg
09 tub aeiTneets boixoakt.
December Tth, 1801.
Mre I'urdy and family are moving to a
farm several miles beyond Monroe, Uen
ton county. They are having a disagree
able time for such an occasion.
Willie Cnrtis closes Lift term of school
in District No 63 this week. We believe
he has given entire satisfaction.
If iss Lola Allinpham Las been having
a serious time witlt the rheumatism for
about two weeks.
It is reported that Mrs M A E Smith
dangerously ill at her home just across
the Boundary.
Most of the young people in this vicin
ity will dance at Coburg Dec 24th.
Mr Durtch has moved his boarding
camp from Coburg to relix liarger's
place below i'riceboro. lie Doards titty
men, mostly Italians, who are ballasting
the railroad.
Mr Lee is planting quite a variety of
small fruits, insetly strawberries.
Hiram Curtis has been visiting his
parents here, recently, but has returned
to Washington where he will teach
school the ensuing four months.
The hi uh winds last Thursday played
havoc with fences and windmills in this
One of our most popular vounit men
mourns the loss of an overcoat since the
Junction masquerade.
The relatives of Mrs W I Eramwell
here have been notified of her being dan
gerouHly ill at her home at Coif ax, Wash,
ltn but little hopes ol her recovery.
The past week's storms proved too
much for Clarence Luckey and he re
turned to Eugene, thinking farming a
very disagreeable business anyway.
Mrs Eva B Ward visited her brothers
at Brownsville the first part of last week.
A Btioi Itkm. 8 K Young has just re
ceived a large stock of shoes, for men,
women and children, including parttcu
larly a fine line of school shoes The
best makes in the market can be lound
in bis shoe department.
IIavb TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gro-
aery store is always full of fruits, vege
tables, etc, ttie very latest In the mar
ket. If there is anything to be had tbey
have it.
Apples, Cabbages,
Grapes, " Turnips,
Cranberries. , Cauliflower,
jOranges, Sweet Potatoes,
Lemons, Carrots,
. Pigs Feett Celery,
Bauer Kraut, Beets.
Kloin li: cs hve a large and choice stock
of boot siid shoes for sale at reasonab
prior- D not invest in foot ' wear ant
yonhiva een tlivir stock aud tbti cleat
piano at their store. -
Doh't go to the trouble of runningVi
over the city, but go directly to Conn A
Ilendricson's and get what you want in
the GROCERY line. Their stock is
large and well-selected. Fresh produce
aiul fruits can always be secured at their
stands at the lowest prices. You get
good goods and prompt attention. In
crockery, glassware, lamps, etc., they are
also having a big run. No better place
in the city for bargains in this line.
Don't close your eyes against then facta.
arm ,
Oregon will soon need two insane asy
lums, and one should be located cast ot
the mountains.
Joe Bimon Is mentioned tor the Circuit
Judgeship. His appointment would bt
a good way lo get rid ot him.
A Brownsville man's complete assess
ment Is for three blooded fox honntls and
a shot gun, $130. There are two dogs on
the roll assessed at $50 each.
WoblooCls a Rood name these Jjys.
Put a pin In the fact that we ony Lave
about so much rain in a year. The pres
ent wet weather la to make up for tome
other time.
Hone le eternal In the human breast.
Albany papers have commenced again to
talk about the great possibilities ot the
Oregon 1'acUlo railroad and the great
benefits it will bring that town. Pen
dleton East Oregoulan.
The following appears in the Salem
Journal : "I desire to inform the public
that the Oregon Land company ot your
city, as at present constituted, is using
my name byway of reference without
my permission. W W Thayer." What
does this' mean.
A Cleveland woman le suing tor a di
vorce on the grounds ot "cruelty and
neglect," but tier worse halt says she
took her pug dog to tied with her and
drove him out in the cold. Public sym
pathy is divided between the defendant
and the dog. Men hare a hard lot ot it
in this world.
Over at Filverton the other day they
had a sign in one ot the mud puddles In
the street which read, "No fishing above
the grade." The same sign would be
appropriate on some of our tUlcm streets,
."talesman. Htich a sign a few rods
this side the 8. P. depot would not be
out of place.
Recently bonds ot the city ot Roeeburg
were sold to a big Denver firm through
B Goldsmith, ot Portland. The money
was received and expended In sewers. It
Is now learned that the bonds were ille
gal, creating a peculiar state of affair,
though it will make no difference in the
result, as Roeeburg is an honorable city,
and will not take advantage of techni
calities. It has been the unbroken custom for
fortv year in Massachusetts for two ot
the life prisoners to be pardoned on
Thanksgiving day. There was an excit
ing scene in the penitentiary this year
when the envelopes were opened and the
names readout of two men who had
been in the prison between eleven and
twelve years. Both had been convicted
of murder, under extenuating clreutn
stances. They have been model prison
ers and their pardon had been recom
mended by all the officials connected
with their cases. Their fellow prisoners
were wild in their demonstrations ot joy
at tne aet 01 gubernatorial clemency
wnicn Preceded tne customary Thanks
giving feast.
New Guinea, the largest Island In the
world If we exclude Australia, lie some
eighty miles to the north ot Queensland,
between U degree li minute and 10 de
areas 41 minutes south latltute. and I to
degree so minute and no degrees c,o
minute est longitude On the North
nd bast It Is bounded by the North Pacific
ocean, on the south by the Coral Sea
Torre Straight and the Arafura Sea. and
on the west by the Arafura and Banda
Seas. Its greatest length is 1400 miles,
and Its n.axlmum breadth 4 to miles.
bile the area la estimated at Jii.sSo
square miles. All the land to the west ot
141 degrees east longitude la claimed by
the Dutch, east of this New Guinea has
been divided between Britan and Ger
many, the boundary line running: In
direction from northwest to southeast, the
northern portion belonging to Germany
anu tne southern pari to uruatn.
The ballots for the successful ticket at
Lebanon were headed tanners Alliance
tlionuli it was the ticket opposed to the
anti-license ticket. What the motive
was in giving that
head we have not
Occasionally yon hear thoughtless
men remark that the republicans do all
the Scratching in elections, that the
democrats vote straight tickets. As
matter of fact there is nothing in it at
all, and it is time men were broader on
such subjects. The truth is men are vcty
much alike in this matter regardless of
politics. This fact was well illustrated
in the vote in the 3rd ward. There were
67 straight republican tickets, and 64
straight democratic tickets, W scratched
democratic tickets ana hu scratched re
publican tickets. The headings showed
tbat there were 160 democrats and 140
republicans voting.
In a number of cases in the citv dec
tlon names were written without scratch
ing out the other candidate, the intent
being to vote for the former; but tbe law
is plain on the subiect. that neither
name shall be counted, and they were
thrown out centrally. In the Third
ward one of the laM votes was of that
character, Mr Wheeler's name being
written; but Graham's not being
scratched out. In the middle ward two
votes were counted for MrCuaick of that
character; but in the other wards the
law was strictly followed.
Lias cwCsTf ceticii.
Council men in the hall of Oak Plain
Grange, Dec 6, 1801. Called to order by
President John Bryant in tbe chair.
The tecretary being absent. Bro 0 J
Bhedd acted as secretary protein. Roll
call found a quorum present. The agent
said be had nothing ot importance to
report at this meeting. Special com
mittee appointed to arrange for tbe meet
ing of the state grange, reported progress
and asked for further time. Granted.
The free delivery of mail outside of towns
or throughout the country, woe dis
cussed at some length, feveral seemed
to think the people in the country, have
as good right to have their mail deliver
ed as those who live in town. At this
time dinner was announced, and many
hungry grangers proceeded to help them
selves to the good things set before
them. Dinner over, business was again
resumed under good of order; many ex
cellent remarks were made. A question
was proposed tor discussion at next
meeting, How to make better roads.
This question is of interest to every one
who travel, for the roads are in a Horri
ble condition. Many good suggestion!
were offered during the afternoon. On
motion the next meeting will be with
Knox Butte grange, the first Saturday in
January. A full set of officers will then
be elected for the new year. The usual
vote of thanks were offered for age ot
hall nd repast furnished. There was
not as many present as usual on aocount
of the bad condition of ttie roads and
weather. Most every one knows that
webfoot has been on a regular tearlately.
On motion adjourned.
Teachers' Meeting at Halsky. The
next regular meeting of the teacher of the
third district will be held at Haliey, Dec.
18 and 19. The committee 1 arranging
a suitable program and we earnestly re
quest all teachers, school officer, frienat
of education and the public In general to
attend all these meeting, the hrst session
will be held Friday evening. Rev Geo
W Hlil of this place will lecture On that
evening, and Hon J K We.itherford will
address the Institute on Saturday evening.
Every one cordially Invited.
G F Russell, Supt.
Kleiu Bro oan m k yon any style of
not or shoo you wish, and will gua anteu a
erfeot Pt, try thsm on a pair.
. Aaolher Crank
New yoaic, Dec 6. Today another dan
gerous craik came on the Scene.. He is
0car Weyranch, 50 years of age, a book
Cinder by trade. In a threatening letter sent
by him Saturday to Conrad Harris, a retired
wine merchant, be demands $500 within two
days. . Id the event of its refusal tie gives vent
to the following:
' "If you don't take notice to "this you will be
tbe next to Russel Sage, and I will blow your
bratDiin the air."
A rsrlaaate Greeay .
Portland, Dec 8. A man named Oscar
Jalmion was workad by bunko sharps yester
day. At tbs depot he was mel by a stranger,
whose pleasant wsyi captivated Johnson, who
left hi family, while h took a walk with th
stranger. They went Into the mug saloon,
and both had some beer. Thry became in
terested spectators of a game of dies, John
son's friend asked him fur a loan to engage In
ths game, which the guiltless fellow let him
hav to th amount of near a hundred dollar,
Th money as lost of course, and Johnson
was left without dollar. II Informed th
police who toon found the shsrp thst had
faolcd tli countryman, aad mtd him return
the money, with a threat of prosecution If lis
refused. The busko man ass '.ben let go,
snd hi victim was mads bsppy.
A California tlersa.
San Fsancisco, Deo 8. The weather
bureau says th rain and in California bavs
er tended Into tli Sacramento valley and con
tinue in the upper part of the valley. Snow is
falling throughout northwestern Nevada and
northern Utah, where from one to three
Inches bav fallen in tbe last 04 hours.
aiasea she Maa.
Wasuihuton, Dec 8. The Oregon dele
gation today submitted to the president tl
various indorsements of the different Oregon
candidates fur the circuit judgeship, snd, as
stated previously In the reort to th Oregon
Ian, recommends Joseph Simon. Tbs members
01 'tis delegation say that la view of Hi
strong recommendation forwarded on the
behalf of the respective applicants, they long
difltrcd among themselves in th endeavor to
unit upon sume no of the Oregon candidates
snd it is finally become apparent, in view of
the sirorg showing now msd to th prssidtnt
on behalf of Mr Simon, tbat only he could
recelv bis possible approval.
bea'lftaaw sllaa,
SrOKANK, Dee 8. An iniane msn giving
the asms of J V Crclghton and claiming to
come from Albany, Or, pie.tnled himself to
the sheriff today snd begged protection against
Imsimsiy pcisoas, woo, he thinks, neve d
signs on his life. He imagines himself to be
in l ortlaod, and want lb sheriff 10 go with
bim to lbs St Chstles and Esmond hotel and
arrestithose who are plotting sgsinst him. II
Is a tall well dressed man, ae claim to Hav
been swiodlsd out of mining properties in
Kouinsra Uregon. n says he has been twice
la tbe Oregoa siylain.
the Caase ef the elay
Ashland, Or Dec 8. Unusually hravy
rain st euros hsvt prevailed la Southern Oregon
and northern California since last night.
llssvyssows bav fallen on lb snklyous
interfering settously with Irair. on (ha South
em I'acihc. ibe southbound passenger.
leaving here at noon today, wss delayed by
now and icy track 6v bouts between Asblaod
and biM)on, at If summit of the uouatai
1 n northbound overland, dee nets at 4:10
o clock this (terDooa, caoaot gel bi until
late looighl.
raltea It Elerstosi
PaNbtiTON, Or Dec 8. Tbs Pcndletoa
city election yesterday resulted In the etecion
of I C Leasure for mayor j T r Howard aad
Fttckeringer, lot esancif meoi T B Morgan
fof marshal; Clark Wood, for tressurer, and
George K 1-asH, for rsco der. The latter had
no imposition. Th fight wss spurted aad
671 votes wr polled.
SaUa Kleef lea.
Salkm, Or, Ike 7. TK City election to-
dsywssa republkaa vhtory. M W Hunt
wss elected sidev msn in the first ward, (eff
Collins and Ker Ufors in it. lecond, O D
llultoo in lb fuufh, and Colonel Olmsted In
th third, la th Ant, Hunt was elected over
Joba Gray Ay s majority of one, snd in tbe
second. Collins over Napoleon Davis by on
msjortiy. 80 votes were east.
A Bis Saew Mrsa.
SroKAN, Dec 7. A tbkk snow storm,
accompaalcd by a heavy gale, struck Spokane
this morning and continued unlit dark. Tbe
diifling, blinding soow soon covered the
tracks of Ibe .Sfokan street railway, and
having no snow plow, tbe car on this lin
were soon blockaded. Attempts wet made
all day to clear the trark, but without evaiU
1 he ralasjawla Mlaes.
Usownsvillx, Or Dec 7. Messrs Robe
nd Stsndith bav Just returned from Ibe
mines, and work on Ibe Tcormsn bat been
suspended for the season. The lunnel is in on
tbe led.e 300 feet and is I $0 fet deep . Tbe
lead ore shows more gnld than ever, an from
ssays returned from Salt Lake City it carries
goid in paying qosnlities, besides considerable
silver. The sulphurets sent there carry nearly
joo per 100 in gold.
A Saeeeufal Rxeewtlea.
Sto Sif, Dee 7 Martin D Loppy, tbe
murderer, was killed by electricity at aiS
p m today. According to Wcrden Brown
tne execution was carried out the same as at
tbe line of the killing of the men in the same
chair in July last. The warden refused to
giv any inhumation, except la say the law
wss car-led out and the execution of Loppy
was a succes.
Portland, Dtr 7, Captain Symons
Lnited States engineer, has returned frcm a
vlait to Vaquina bay. The principal object of
nis journey was 10 inspect two Quarries thst
ars being opened there, snd stso 10 cf rtaln
me possibility anu praiicsmiiiy ol procunnsr
roca lor in icttics aioi g me line ol tbe rail
toad and shipping it on the cars to deep
water. The ereal trouble with the ouarries
along the river is .he vast amount of debris
left after taking out tbe rock wanted, and the
difficul'y in disposing of it. Work Will Le
kept on all winter 4n the jetties at Ysouina
Rock is nnw being dumped on the north iettv.
but in a few days the force will be transferred
to (he south jetty, snd it will be bailt up to
high water mark and finally completed.
Washington, Dec 7. I be day opened
without any apparent change In ttt speaker
ship contest'. Th five candidates are as cheer
ful ss ever, and their followers seem Imbued
with the same confidence and persistency
which chsraTterized the early features of the
contest. The caucus met promptly at ic
o'clock this morning, and, without any pre-
liminsry proceedings, nume-ous ballots wen
bad during the day. On the thirteenth ballot
aken at the night session, Crisp was nomi
nated, - receiving 119 voles, Mills, 105;
Springer, 4; Stevens 1 .
t BlsSUrtat
Rostsuao, Dec 5 W E Balnci, assistant
manager of the Coos Bay, Roseburg & East
ern Ruilway and Navigation Company, ar
rived ton iuht from Marshfield. lie reports
tbe worst weather and heaviest storm ever
known in that section, Tbe hurricane was
from the southeast, .snd the barometer 20 51
deg. snd still falling. Tbe steamer Willspa,
plying between Portland and Marshfield, and
the schooner Del Norte were lying outside tbe
bar unable to some in. beveral others were
bar bound inside. There were thirty feet of
water on th bar at low tide.
Another Gentleman.
St John's Kan Dec 5. County Treasurer
E II Lsndes hss been arrested, charged with
being responsible for a $1 5, no shortage in th
treasury. He asserts burglars, .November 6
last, entered the office, blew open the safe and
secured 87000 in cash, but be did not report
burglary to the authorities until Tuesday last
The rest of the shortage be accoun's fpr by
stating the experts who examined the books,
made a mistake in the footings. ,
ACiteat rootKaee!
Wheeling, W Vs, Dec 6.A large crowd
witnessed the five-mile running match yester
dsy between E C McClelland, the champion
long distance runner of .the United States,
and Amy btebert, of wheeling, at tha " state
fair grounds, for 8 joo a side. Both men were
in good condition, and tbe race was one of the
best ever seen here. According to the terms
of the challenge,' McClelland gave Stibert 1
balf-mile start, notwithstsnding which, . bet
ting wos 10 to 7 in McClelland's favor,
Promptly at 4 o'clock, tbe starter, Jack Crogan
said the word, and tbe men were off. Tte first
mile was run in 5:05. McClelland gained
steadily on Stebert, passing bim on the fifth
-mil and winning tbe race; time, 37:08.
Will & Stark, th jewelers, c
Xl dsrstg-ncd exeoutor of ttie esuta ol Elijah Salt'
marsh, deoaued, has filed - lo th County Court of
Lion eounty, Oregon, his final aaoonnt in the matter
of said steta.and ssld eourt hss appointed Saturday,
the 9th day ot January , A D, 1892, at 1 o'clock p m
er aaid day, far tha hearin af ohjeotiops to said
account aud She seStloment thereof. -
JJWH1TSET, E3 Eutot.
Attorney, ; - ;- E3a
am now
and am
goods in the
Silks and Velvets
Foreign Dress Goods
Black Dross Goods
Domestic Dress Goods
Hosiery Handkerchiefs and Embroiderie
Boots and Shoe
In tht Count j) Court ofikt Sat of Ortgo
Jot Linn county:
la tbe matter ef the estate and guardl.
anshlp of Thomas II Miller, an Idlotle
To Mali da Pollard. R N Pollird. A 1
Miller, America li Ktlleyjohn J Kel'ay,
Rebecca VVnliiook. Lorensi Whlilonk,
Huann Turnldgw, Win Tornldge, Mr
Nettle Sooll, Mary J Crabtr. Jatnna A
Crabirae. Wa Master. R ! Miller, John
H Mlllsr. and alt other known and on
known InUirid In as id sstsUi, CJreeUng:
. Oregon, you are hereby clud and re
qutrad toepiMwr In the ','omty Ourf of
thsHute of Oregon, for the or unity of
Linn, at the Court thnresf, at At.
bany, In the county of Linn, on
atarwsy, the . slay ef Jsaaary, law,
at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of that day,
then and there lo show pauaw.tfany there
ba. wby an order should. not buna out of
the above emitted Court authorising and
directing Jaim A C'raotree the duly
appointed qualified and anting ausrdtan
of the person and siUts of aald Thomas
B Mllier to sell tbe raal property belong
ing lo the fati ofaald Thomas R Miller.
dMClibad aa fotlows.towlt. An undivided
ona-alevealh (1 11) Interact In and to '.he
north half of the D L CofKlohard i
Miller and Margaret Miller, his wlfo,
uotlloallon No. and claim No. , la
lownablp No. 0, Boulti of Rang I, Mat
of the Wlllamaua meridian In Marlon
eounty, Oregon.
bone by order of the Hon D R N
Illackburn, Judge of tbe County Court of
the Htate el Oregon, for the oounty ef
Linn, with tbe aal of aald eourt afflssd.
this S?tb day of November. A. I) , !hi.
An star: N.P.PAYNE,
XTwTic n marsT cite ihat tm m
ll 4ol adwibitsmMa of u hiim ol wn
liaaU'jmu, mn4. Sao Sisd with tbs ttraniy
Ow. fr Urn mn.tjF, or, Uatr Seal awounl
In said asiaia aad lb mail h StU tlx ins dar nt
JMusry, ISyJ. . Um Hmv 4 I 'clock p ss, Iks
PMiia m wjmiom mrt, u u;, tnd rf u
nuimtni m rium ssuu.
HE5ST trm-a,
i t wEaTnenroiti), aamiVirtrstors
Au Imt Auw'r.
turt Unn muMT, Onqrwi. oa Dm Hit, ay u4
m Mrs v Uuwwu. IM ol Una enuntr. Or.
AU HflDN b.ttn atelma taminal abl
Uto an bmbv ttutr4 and aotiW to miI th.
una auk vBr taacfavrs lo ma at nv rakl,M In
Alaaar. Una eouMr, Orvgon, mUiin ats noma
nm an- a nav a x.
Uatad Ihn rut dar ol Sot.robar. ISal .
... at. PAYS.
W. K IHl.vr.l-. Administrator.
iwi Cirtuit Court of tie Slat oj Qrgon Jot
Linn County.
MARY WOOD, PlsJotlff,
i. ov vinne or an azeutlon and ordar
oraaja, lastiej ntu of the abeve named
vonrt, in tne above entitle! actios.
ill on
alaraay, ike SIN way af Jaaaarj. Met,
at tbe Court lisuae door, In tbe eitj of
aiDany, Man eowniy.frson,ai tee nonr
or 1 e'cionk p m or said day.aoii at publlo
anouon ror easts in nana to tne tiighost
Dioaer. tne rent prnpwrtv desnribad in
sai4 exeeutien and ordor of aal aa fol
lows, to w It:
lotnumberad Ave f5i of block num.
bared eight (8) In the city of Albany, In
Linn county, state of Orecon.aa tbe sasne
la designate, numbered and described
upon the mat, plat and survey, ofaald
cits' of Albany , now on file In lb County
Keoorda.'a office in and for said Lion
eounty, Oregon, Tbe proceed analog
from the sale of said premises lo be
applied, first: To the pament of the
oosta of and anon ssld eieantlon.and the
original coals of aald action taied at
l.'iS SO; aoond. to Ibe payment of plaJn
tlfTa claim amounting to the sum of
fUGe principal and SbU.40 Interest, and
aocrulng Interest therein at 10 pr ont
per annum, and tbe further awn off 100
attorney's fee.
rated thla 9ih day of December,
Sherlffof Linn connty, Oregon.
By C C tfoorr, Deputy.
J. A. Cummiflg.
fall Paper
J rrngB, PaintHs Oils
If you do notj purchase your
Jerhr, consisting of Watches andCs
In the best make, an elegant line of
I Silver Ware, and many attractive
novelties, just trie things for ,
Christmas presents, of
Their Prices are VFRY REASONABLE.
from . Portland and other
aces, always on baud at
our market, near corner of
Second and Ellsworth street. - - . .. ,
Slavohtbr Causslbt.
b Sdadd. 730; Apply to I W Davis.
W1A Starl
receiving my Winter
showing full lines of
following departments,
White Goods
m 1 tMam ol NotaM I caIur fi "J Specimen Copies wiH be sent Free.
ArtM u , Brilliant Contributors.
Articles bar Ixwn written expressly fr ttis tomlna: volums k k.... , , .
The Rteht Hob. W. E. Ofadatonc. 1 Count Ferdlnl7 TT r 'T '
The Marqula of Lome. -Justin McCarthv M P 't?dr?T CarneIc- CJ'fu W. Field.
Henry Clews. vIU VmichJS - W?&
. Cmnu Ur-Mrs. 7'
ru,M,.. Vo,ume r 1892 will Contain
r,uv ri crones. 100 Stor es of Advrnt.,
Articles of Practical Advice.
Glim pics of Royalty.
Railway Life and Adventure.
700 Large Paires
Five Double
"A Yard
of Roses."
f "aw
10K 8ALK.-!Ioue and lot fir aa'e or
rent, on corner of 6ih and K'iawoUli
Areata. Kor partlcnlsrslnq.itraof tor of
1O8T.A dark brown bird dog. Wore
A collar with fx tag No. 10.. Aaawe.a
to nme of Trial. A llbrl rsar.l will
be paid for hla return. KI ZKYrt,
FourtU and Lyon ht., Albany.
A Co.. Albany. Or a
KJ t Loan
money on iraod raai
urlty in Linn aud adjuinlng cenutle.
"WA.?TFDII,,tnw Trte9 I'l tot
J f blue at the chair fartory, Albany.
Oregon. '
f OSEY TO LOAN -Homo caplul to
loan. In soma to roit.oa Albany and
Una eounty real esta- or good, personal
urtty. w K MoPheraoo" rirat btre.U
opp Maaonlo Hall. Albany. Or.
carpt at tor renidanr nno .il.
north of Albany. Addr.ltr.z rt'
MKS. W. H. WAltxklt,
il there will b an election held lu t
city of Albany mi Monday, in Htb d
of December, ltn. f ir the parpose
electing a Chief and Assistant Chief B
gtneer.or the Albany Fire JJepartmeat,
aerve one year. Msid election to be hel
between the bouts of o'clock and !
?.'cl?c P n,tn the lull of Albany Knglne
I o. No. 1.
Dated tiia 1 day of Do , 1991.
M I. Pir.r r iuu
LMCPRL. SecreUr'y.
Tbat is ibe ay we estsh cor custorcesa
by furnishing thera with lbs ohoioest
n the market Oaite Ma aio Te np!e.
Need a
I have all kinds, at all prices
and erery watch fits th
price. I3ut price is ' not
eyery thing in watch-buyinK;
first thing. .
I guarantee wachea accord
ing to their quality; and
quality makes the price
All kinds all qualities
all pricesTT.
The Corner Jewelry Store.
Star Bakery
CorBrvadUlbln and Firs Sla,
Canued Frutia, ..
- Olnjhawarc,
Or led Froii.
. ' olle,
1 Ets '
sjAiinest Kleata,
.. Etc., ;
2jL lufet TSi'trir tbat is ksptin a gtueml
. VRiin- and boct stwr, Higbeet
ruarkat p,-,os paid (or
I 1
1' 'triLa
Samuel E. Young.
I . INI!
Sketches of Travel.
Popular Science Article;
Charming Children' Pare.
Holiday Numbers.
mutratca Weekly Supplementa. Nearly 1000 IUustrat.'ons.
FREE TO JAN. I. 1892.
SskwHsm wfca tr
5i IV thl
' keoiturtd tttltr ml w.i.
Tu. '
ana r.r a Pall V.r r,.- .1. ' ..Z Zr'-'",'m. rrr
.r,. iwitrs COMPANION, Boston, Mass.
Is Prepared to Show the
In his Lino,
as can bj found
uold and bilver Watches of Other Leading Kinds, Diamonds, Gold
Hwded Canes, Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas, and Many
Novelties too Numerous to Mention.
t a a . .
We are the People
Wh tarrj the mo oniplet lin f Hard
ware, Starci, Uaigei, et., in the market.
We hare bay, oats, chop straw, oblcken feed, etc., constantly on band.
W bolesale and retail acent for H. P. FIhr. CorvallU flour, abnrta 1 r.n
also 8sow Ball flour. Custom obeppins;
Full lice.
Front, First and Vine Streets,
ol( AecMve rea Oateon ana WaHiisaToi roe
' Specially Improved for 1891-1
Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Grain
Buckeye Hoe Frets Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeder. Buckcj Taak Harrow.
The latest toproved Isaplenent Car sowlnsr sn
mi i. mn 11 11 .11 . kiui,.ii ,..iiiiiiLi..iijiiJ..AJWM-.'wi'nu umm mm mi 11 ..1 a mini a.a MA 1
We also have a fnll line of Baggies, Phaetons, Mountain Wagons, Platform and othf'
eiuciea, sotimusx rAKM WAGONS.ST Spring lootnaarrosrs, jjeere uai
Scientific Feed MUfa, Pacific Panning Mills. HAISH BARB WIRE, Etc
Ma for ktrcuiars ana irtce itsu.
Dry Goods,
Tailors' Trimmings
Bags, Warpsand Batts
J eans and Oottonades
The Best Short Stories.
Hints on Self-Education.
Household Articles.
Natural History Papers.
nni i i tru
. j j
This Slip I
and SI ,75,
Public as Fin a Stock of
in th Vail
ejr, consisting of
a specialty for either cash or toll
Corner First ssnd Baker Sta
-A NO-
The most complete and stxxeasfii