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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1891)
VOL XXVI I, Raltre4 at lb nn at Alfcaay. Or, ai eceasM'laaa Hall MalteN VLIJANYa ORKGON, FRIDAY, DKCEMBEK 11. 1891. TITER XITTIMC, rabllsbers nasi lrrleers SO. 19. J From l-'s) 22 vcars matism of the hip. I St. Jacobs Oil. O "ALL BIGHT ST. ill til THOMAS -G. L. BLACKrYlAlM,- LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARY fiC ALBANY CIGAR J. JOSEPH. WHOLESALE Only White Labor Employed, ' r;-i'-" vf Jf A ; f s..... .!--;-.; -- , .jit I ' ' i iv ri i nnfM aniiianaaianMifriiwiinw.iiin in uni The U'nait II iUBUKG TEA u pul uv in 1TJ nth f.i--imilt Ku:na'ure of KM It. FREHL. fttClMOTON OO. tattM It V ALL TKI ASK YOUR ASK THE PEOPLE Where to get the Best Bargains, Whert to get tho Best Value for Tour Monoy, nt Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Anal they will Answer with One Toiee, at G. W. for Infants 'and Children. Ta. tar I I no we3 aJaplcd tocliCdrvo that I rwtinurviid It a li-Tl-to any prescription kbocatonui." It. A. Aacria, U. D., Ill Eo. Oilord r.L, Brooklyn, . T. "Th" tiM of Tloria' to o Bnlml and va mwtta so wSl known that It tmrm a work of wipnrtjratioo to radnra. It. Few imth. lnlilir!iit fitnrill(wbodoBotkep Caatoria witfiiu cmMjnuch." Cxoio. Mawtth, I).T, New York Oty. Lata Tantor Bloom!ncte Uuf'xwd Caurch. Tub CruTica W TJXiaa .T.'.,My. ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE 3 RETAIL GROCERS CIGARS TOBACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE: OR IN THEIR Flinn Block BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGON," s Acknowledged Monarch of the Rond - We carry a full line of Hanks, Buggies and Carriages; also Farm Implements of all kinds. eTCall on us befors porekaslng Elsewhere, V Mitchell & Lewis Co., TRY If r A I iwlatf and n:et and Writs for onr Newton, 111. 1861 to iSSs about I suffered with rheu was cured by the use of T. C. DODD. JACOBS OIL DID IT." Jt tou want tho beet and moat durablo furni ture that is m an u factor PI .V A. A . yg u eu in tn go to BRINK'S FACTORY Proprietor, RETAIL r.r-i ifea DLOOD, Cnrcs CONSTIPATION, IXmf;ESTIOJC, LtTrllt COMlLAIMS,SirK HEADACHE, COLDS, -i SKIS' A t'FECTIOXS, and DISEASES AIUSIM1 from tllovt vrriAriwji Aocmts. 8am Fsmmcisoo. -HTi Al UllorFRX. NEIGHBOR I OF LINN COUNTY SIMPSON'S. Caatorla mtM OrJVs, Onostlpallnn, B-itir hunnaco, LHarrbo-a. Lructation, KiU Wmu, giTM alanp, aad tvumotea dl mtion. riUwut Injurious medicatkm. " Tar awrral ymn I hars raoommeavM your 'Catitoria, ' and .hall alwaya continue to do ufa It baa lavarlaljtjr produced beanflrfcU rutulu." Efrwra T. Pa ansa, at MTba Wlnthrop." 13DU Street and 7th A, Hew Tok City. Comat, 77 MomajiT Sraaa, Kr Toaa. CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. .:- ALBANY, OREGON Albany, Oregon ma 1 PORE P017ER uco LESS HATER Sew Illn.trated Gataloraa for 18SL, "EEL LOCAL, ItEOOUD. A Fruiter Girl. It U not often that a woman gets arrested for assault and bat tery ; but inch a case recently occurred in Lane county, and attracted consider able attention there. TheUuard ): The rntlre nelhborhood of Fall Creek la stirred to its depths by ft row that occurred there the tiny before Thanks giving. Miss May Shanks ajied 14, went to the noetoffloe at Fall Creek kept by Wnt Wihnot. Uu ordered her away but she refused, saying she wanted her wail. Then a general row occurred In which Miss May, Wllmottand his better half, a Scotchman and New Griffin took an active part. Ihirlng the melee Mrs Wil mott's hand was bruised ami Miss Shanks was thrown to the ground a dis tanra c( nnarlv lilit fiwt. A warrant ! was sworn out before Justice Ilunicut, charging Mlsa Shanks with assault and battery upon Mrs Wiluiott. She was given a trial More a jury who found her fiuilty of the charge, but recommended ler to the loweat tine. The justice assess ed the tine at 90. ee!rlng to further contest the rase, she refused to pay the tine, when she was ordered committed to the county for 25 days. The con table, Chas Kisseniter. brought the young lady here this afternoon and de livered her to Sheriff Noland. Friends have procured Attorney Geo A lorris to look alter tue case in tier behali. tmcviT uouaT. ino following cases have been begun in the Circuit Court during the week : The Ibanon and Pantiam Canal Co. autO J Laud, Thoa Trice and M Scott. Injunction. JK vtcatherford attorney lor piainun. W V. Kirk agt Mattie E ttolin. Recov ery of money. Attachment. Ulackburn A Watson, attorneys for plaintiff. Hugh Fields agt Mattie K Bolin. Re covery of money. Attachment. Black burn A Watson, attorneys for plaintiff. I) M Osborne & Co agt Henry Kay, D E Bud and John Bluerock. Recovery of money. Attachment, u II Hewitt, attorney for plaintiff. D M Osborne & Co aet F Ackerruan Recovery of money. Attachment. II II Hewitt, attorney for plaintiff. Hexter. May A Co agt W F Ayers. Re covery of money. Attachment II II Hewitt, attorney for plaintiff. Money in Punks. In view ol the fact that till, i becoming a prune country me following from the Kotesurg Kevle will be ol Ir.terett: Almott the entire prune crop of Myrtle Creek an4 vicinity has been contracted for br George II Pitta, of Oak Grove, who will ship direct i micago d'aicra. i rie price paid was 5?a cents per pound for the German, French and Italian varieties and 7 cents for the Silver. This wiil insure the growers a good profit, as the fruit U to be delivered al the railroad atatlen sacked, which will be much less cxpenklye twan boslng, and It Is generally conceded lha there Is good money In raising prunes at 5 cents a pound. Mr Pitts will hl about eventv-nve tons of dried fruit and every ac a win dc laoencd "uouirias County n m rruncs. Applicable Elskwiikrk. Some of our property owners are now and atwsy. have been co-operating la the securing of needed enterprise, and It la exactly what all should de. . The fewer ticks and suck ers Atnena has upon hen men who are never known to encourage an enterprise: men who profit by other people's labor: men wno are rather inclined to speak mis- trustingly of any scheme or enterprise that Is calculated to be oi benefit to Athena. ThoM are the kind of men that we hope can dc counted on the nngers of one of your nanos, ana are to be pitied to a cer tain t stent and also held accountable to a certain extent. Athena Press. A Minivo County. Baker county Is now one of the leading mlnlnar counties of Otegon. Items like the following, which we predict wi'l soon be duplicated In Linn county, sre common: "Another output of the White Swan mine waa brought In to the cltv vesterJay and deposited at the uiy xsationai Uana by Mr William Mulkev, one of the owners. The amount wss sixty-eight and one-halt onces or shout f 1300 and It Is now on exhibition at the bank to be seen by the curious. Sugar Caws. Dr K A Davis, of Har- risburg, Linn county, has rslsed some sugar cane ss an experiment, fjom which nne qusilty ef sorghum was pioduced says the Eugene Register. T.e doctor as quite a catch of cane, and, though It wss plsnted nearly two months later then It should have been, he will get no less than 150 gallons of syrup, tie will next year put lu several acres, which Is evident proof that he Is confident tt will be a satisfactory Investment A Lovely VaLLCy. This Is a great country naturally. Read the following from a country exchange vp the river: The cattle grase contentedly on Skinner's butte within the limits of the city of Eu gene, ureen geius, tall Bowers, greet the visitors to our Willamette valley. West ern Oregon.the southern limits of Jackson no josepnine counties to the noithern boundaries of the Columbia river cannot be surpassed. Nor tub Okioix. Recently tbe Demo crat published an item from the West hide in reference to the naming of Long Tom. According to it the name origin ated some time about 1860. Mr Ash by I'earce and Mr Martin Payne inform the Democrat that the river went by the name of Long Tom when they came here many years before, the former having come here in 1847, the latter in 1851. Hence tne story waa simply visionary. TukJOthkb Ticket. At the meeting held in Lebanon the following ticket was nominated in opposition to the one pub lished yesterday : Mayor L Foley. Councilmen Toe Elkins. WB Donaca. 8 P Bach, J G Boyles. Kscoraer u v nice. Marshal A G Williams. Treasurer J A Roberts. Tiieib Losses. 129 persons had wheat stored in the 8c io mill recently bjrned, mating an average loss 01 only w or 70 bushels. Chas Johnson lost the greatest amount, 621 bu.helc, W Peacock, 400, 3 Crabtree, 337; Wash Phillips, 830, down 10 one Duenei. K of P OrriCEBS. Following are the K of P officers elected for the ensuinn term: Q E Propst, P C: UG Hayne, C C;EG Watson, V C ; I. M Curl. prelate ; C G Burkhart, K of R and 8; W M Parker and P A Goodwin, trustees. OPTO rCIVJOYQ Both the method andresults when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sals in 60c ana f 1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. A Lebanon Convention. The aiitl saloon convention met in Grand "Army hall, Lebanon, Oregon, Nov HOili, HB1. Resolutions were passed in favor of almt lulling saloons and the fol lowing, ticket was placed in nomination : Mayor E E Montague t Councilmen J 8 Oourtney.U QMtfler, A lack Adams, K R Barker. . v , Recorder L Gilbert. ' Marshal Z T Bryant. Treasurer I A Bennott. , Advance. Is rr a Touct. Clalb P Houston who has so long and ably filled the position of station agent at Junction was Informed ol his removal yesterday by the SPUR and the appointment of Mr Harper, as his successor. The company gives as the reasoa for his removal, that he lias not attendtHl to the Western Union tele- f raph business acceptably to them. It s generally believed, however, that the real cause of his removal, is because he joined the Association of Station Agents. Uuard. Perhaps that accounts for other changes of agents. Nw C A Wwlcy has for the past few days been soliciting means fti building s church In the eastern part of Albany. 80 far, we learn he has met with encouraging success. A neat and comfortsble church In that part of town would be an excellent thing, not on ly for the moral, but slo for the material Interests of our city. As the Cumberland Presbyterians have some excellent people In Albany, and are an energetic aggress ive people, we ikh them abundant suc cess. A PowcaruL Mux Company. The Portland mill company controls the price of wheat and flour in the Willamette valley. When all its mills ar running, its diyly output of flour is : Two Salem mills, 1200 barrels; two Oregon City mills, IKK) barrels; Alblna mill, KMX) bar relsa total of over 3000 barrels. The company is making a good thing on the quarter million bushels of wheal it stored in its Oregon City warehouses when the price ranged from H3 to 65 cents. Ore gon City Courier. Euuekb's Cankxsv. The product of the Eugene cannery and evaporator for the season of 1891 has all been marketed with the exception ef a few dried peaches. The product has been heard from and the jobbers write that It isof excellent quality. One car load was shipped East but has not yet been heard from. The cannery ha not paid big money the first season but the returns are very satisfactory. Register. Not Finished. The LaycitevUle, Ob server, of North Carolina, has been re. cetved this week, and the McOongald trial wss still in progress. The psper devotes ten columns to the testimony, which ss a whole, seemed to be agsin.t the defendsnt. Tne psper says the crowd leaving from the trial looked 'like a picnic party, so great was It. McDongald's picture is given. Another Bates. Work has been be gun on the new Cusick be erect ed for Mr Cusick's bank, which will bo established at an early date. As there are two walls already up the work will be greatly expedited. Albany will have four banks on the establishment of this one, which will speak for it as a commer cial city. A Burn. Mrs Dr W If Osvison Wed. nesday evening, in attempting to handle a lamp with a rheumatic hand, dropped It to the floor when the oil sptlledoat, took fire and created considerable excitement for a time. In attempting to smother the fire, she burned her hsnd quit severely. Notice to Patrons. In case any pupil attending the public school should be kept away on account of any contagious disease, such as diphtheria, scarlet fever and the like, a writter certificate of the attending physician will lie required up on readmissioo. This certiucae roust be presented to the teacher in charge im mediately upon the pupil's return. W.J. C'BAWrORn, Principal. Nbably IIebk. The fortune teller who has been In eo many calabooses is nearly here. The llalsey News says: Prof ( T) W A Allen, who claims to have told the fortunes of t J rant. Sherman and Sheridan, was in town thia week and took in several dollars. He is a snirltu- alistic medium clarivoyant and general fakir. Cut a Hand. While patting a pane of glass in the rarrlsh Block today Andrew hkarr had one of his hands badly cat to the bone. Lrs Maston fc Davis dressed it, and Mr Skarr will be decorated with a sling for several days. Snow m the Mountains. W J Adams on returning to the Santlams was stopped by nve feet of snow beyond Gatesvllle. lie Immediately began arrangements to get a trail Into the mines. It is not pro posed to stop work for snow. WOBTII CvMlBCBWO V. M. French kaops railroad time, Ray your grooeries of Parker Bros New craara oh last taoslved at Conrad Meyers. C W Cobb, lob printer. Flion Btoek, does first class work. Res tbat eleaantf piano at Klefn Bros Boot and Shoe store. E W Aohtson &Co are sailing tnooaintnts at Portland prices. See W F Read's line of dress trocds' and silks before buying elsewhere. 8tewart& 8ox sell the very best ratant tempered ahesrs and scissors. Smoke the celebrated Havana filledtS oent cigar at Julias Joseph's, A large stock of wall paper, with lata de signs, at Fortmillsr t Lrving's,jast received. Have von seen those narlor salts that X Brink bas just received t Tbey are nloa. 60 to O C McFarlaod for sadlery, bar ness, wbips, robes, all kinds of horsv sloth ing etc., etc.- Dr M H Ellis, nhvsiotsn and anrsaon. Albany, Orezoo. Calls made Hn clt tor country. Ladies ean do their shouolns in Ran Fran cisco witboat visiting tbe olty, and without extra ooratnU.ion. Mist E J Bat-roars 3? .r ehsaingagsut, l89BOrove 8t, Oakland, Patronise home industry aad bav hand made harness, warranted, from O O Ms Farh nd, at Dubrulllo s old stand. mo to 0 W Cobb, suecessor to Paisley & Smile). Fiina Block, for your J b print! ng 1 au ataos. , Ladies Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Cheap" est in the city, Will bs cold at sceatlt r- duesd rat si. For Sale. Twenty-four acra tract of land, all In cultivation, suitable Sor prune retard, $45 per acre, inquire on prem ises of Wm St John,- 4 miles west of Tan. geat. -- ...... 'Go to F E Allen when Von want; some thing sweet. Honey, mapfe syrnp, etc. Whereto Get Them. When wanting n organ r plana Call on G L Blackman nc-e you can select from a first clats tOCK. For bargaina in monuments, headstones etc., go to E W Achisont Co, Albany, Oregon KELLoee nesjooL. TheKsllogg sefcoo f dress cutting at corner of Kirstand Baker in the Ralston house i now open . Lessons not limited. Ladies are invited to call and examine the system. The Dbmosbuv ' will exebange a sawin aiasbioa of any make deslrsji, except ae , wa, far soma oak grub wsod and part eash or will eonsidsr other propositions aay ns desiring a nsw mashiuc E W Achison k Co handle the eelelirated Portland cement walls for emetery lots. These walls csn b fnrnished at hslf tt cost S91U1 AM rKBMONAL THURSDAY Mrs I) (I and Lulu Ctsrk returned last evening from a visit In Portland, RV W J Crawford, psstor of the First Baptist churr.h of I lit rity, has resigned to accept the pHnclpsUhln of the Albany publlo school, vice Prof J It Horner, re signed, Mr Crawford, and his family have made many frler.ds during tltcli short stay here who will regret to see them leave, RoteburgKevlcw. rsioAv. Wui M Hoag has bctn in 8ati Fran cisco. Mayor Miller, of Lebanon, was in tho city last evening. . . G L Black man returned last evening from a trip to Portland. 0 E Wolverton and wife left today for Polk county to attend court. 8 A Halln and family have returned from a trip la Eugene end ilarrlsburg. Mrs 0 W FreeuiVu'srrlved lit Albany today to attend tho funeral ol Mrs Russell. Mr and Mrs John MeChenney retuned this noon from their bridal tr.p to the Hound. Rev W 11 Rtevensoii, of Portland special agent of the Manhattan Life In snrance cog pany, Is in the city. HonWRBllyeu went to Salem this noon, and his brother lark, of Etigtme, crossed over to our sister, Corvallla, np the river. Pr J V Gaff of Alblna is in the city for a few days' visit, and is the guest of J W Crawford. The doctor thinks of locating in this section. Pendleton E O. The poor farm has a new inmate in the person of Dr Calloway, who was taken there Wednesday. The old gentle man has been failing for some time, and bis removal to the poor farm may afford hint some relief. Corvallis Gaxette. The millinery and dress-making estab lishment of MUa Anna Huiuond lias closed its doors, much to the regret of the people of Hnrrishtirg, for Miss Du worn! made many warm friends during her stay here. 5ourier. Hon Jeff Myers is In the city, lie Is accompanied by his lister. Ir A F Jef frey, of Ohio, who will p.-ubably locate in Halem. She is here now for the pur pose of looking over the city with this view. Statesman. Mrs R K Wallace and children left this afternoon on their trip to Colorado, ac companied by the late Mr Wallace's two brothers, with whom they will attend several months of the winter season . Journal. Mr Geo Wilcox, the photographer, has sold Ills gallery in this city to Conn A Underwood, who hare taken charge t f it. Mr Conn will run the Albany gallery and Mr Underwood the Corvallis gal lery. Mr Wilcox will go east in the interest of his cloth measurer. Following are the new officers of the Elite Literary society of Lebanon: Ptes- Ident. W C Peterson; Vice prr.ldcnt, W E Wallace: Secretary. K A Nirkerson: Treasurer, j M Ourtcnsltaw; Sergeant-at- srms R II Montague; Critic. Win F.lklns; Editor Star,M A M Williams. The members of Albany's Apollo club met at the opera bouse last evening pre paratory to singing at Monmouth this Friday evening. lady friends gave the club a little surprise by coming in a body, calling attntlun. and presenting each member with a very neat and at tractive badge. A very fitting and im pressive address of presentation was made by MrsMcCnllagh; in answer to which the good stngrvs gave great ap plause and sang for the ladies their b?t songs. iraoAV Rev G A Blair, of Eugene, -is in the city. Rev llsnleller.of Lebanon, la In the city today. C II Raflety. of East Portland, was in the city todayon legal business. Mrs L Kline is in the city the guest of Mr M Sternburg. having arrived on the noon train. C G Rawllngs. Union Pacific agent at Victoria, B C, was in tbe city today, greeting his many Albany friends. Hon Jeff Myers, with Lis cousin, Dr Mis Jeffries gave this office a call today. The Dr is looking for a place to locate. Geo F. Fish has just been elected C C of tho Corvallis K of P, and J Fred Yates V U, Doth former Albany young men. E Goln. of gcto. was In the city todar on business. He Informed the Democrat that he proposes rebuilding his mill as soon as arrangements can be made. Rev Robert Cairns, who assisted in revival services at the Bantist church last January, will begin a revival season at Ashland tomorrow. Prof E 6 Lorillard. of Albany, who has quite a music class in this city, paid us a pleasant call thla week. The pro fessor bas the name of being a first-class instructor and his pupils are progress ing nicely. Benton Leader. W 0 Tweedate and J F Backensto re turned last evening from Brownsville, where they organized encampment fto 15, 1 OOF, with the following officers: D M Walters, C P; N B Blandish, HP; C N Elswlck, 8 W; G A Dyson, scribe; W K Kirk, treasurer ; J JT tiroes, j w. Mrs J B McCoy of Oftkvltle. will leave on the overland train this evening for Los Angeles, California. Her husband left last Tuesday to make preparations for the arrival of the family.- W R Mc Daniel, of Harrisbnrg, brother to Mrs Mctjoy. will Willi bis family accompany her. Bon voyage. J II Stine, who was murdered in Yam hill county a few days ago, had been editor of the following papers: The Gaxette, at Heppner, Independent, at nuieboro. West Hide, at Independence, Courier at Grant's Pass, Brownsville In formant, now called Times, Lebanon Express, St Helens Mist and tho White son Advance, of which he was editor at the time of his death. A pleasant and most enjoyable drive whist party was given at the residence of Mr and Mrs J Howard on Wednesday eve, Dec 2. A delicious lunch of coffee and cake was served, and at the early hour of the morning, thanking the kind host and hostess for their Hospitality, they retired to their respective home. Miss Mary Riland and Mr A Ketchum carried off the honors of the evenings. Those present were Misses Mary Bkelly. Mollie Giblin, Mary Riland, Kate , Fen nell, Kate Riland, W Fennell, Mrs Howard, Messrs Howard, James tic Mahon, Ketchum, Gitlet and Buck. Luther Benson, the temperance lec turer, was in the city today, having come from Ashland. The Record speaks of him in the following characteristic way ; "He is a big, large, generous-hearted soul and his lectures are 01 the senti mental order. His language is plain ; the whole force lies in the telling, which comes to the auditor in such a frank and unstinted manner that it reaches all kinds of "cattle" alike, and the entire audience feel like shedding a tear or uttering a big laugh as he unfolds the different emotional points in his lec ture." Mr WD Mesarvcy left home Wednes day on the afternoon trsin, stating 'he would not return, says the Lebanon iix press; Tte next morning in a letter to his wife he stated that he was going away for ever. No reason is known for his strange action. He had been married lees than a year and his family relations were pleasant and harmonious." . His parents recently came from Iowa to make their home here. His business affairs are all right no in debtedness known. Hit action it a mys tery thst time slone can ravel; Klein Bros have a large and choice stock of boots and shoes for sale at reaaouabls trices Do not invest in foot wear until yonhsvo sepn trifir I'KOHIIinON lTATKUKM. The prohibition party of this state was reorgsnlxcd at Portland lat Weduesdsy by J I.oyd Thomas, Secretary of the na tional prohibition committee. C W Brown was elected president, J 0 Laber secretary and Z T rV light treasurer, The following platform was adopted) The committee on platiorm and reso lutions reported the adoption of the plst forti. It wss submitted to (he assembly' and approved by Ihs coventlon going Into com m Into as a whole, it Is subjoined: Existing dlsregsrd for Isw and justice, the extrsvsgant and unfruitful adminis tration of political aOalrs. the unrighteous concessions to private interest, and the abandonment of public (unctions to pri vate purposes by the two dominant polit ical psrllts, call Imperatively for a new political party which shall unite the pa triotism, morality and t litue of the nation sgnlnit psriUsnkhlp. vice and corruption. Ir. seeking the causes of this perversion f I power, we And that '.he liquor tirfllc is the chief iwurce ot bad government, cor. ruptlng caucuses, dictating nominations on t ruling elections, domination in legis late n, blocking the administration and de fying justice, it Is the willing agent of corrupt pollili Uns.the tool of selllsh ofico srekers ml the paid ally of evil monopo lies In their attacks upon the people. . It lulls a.! Attempts at beneficent legislation, hampers nubile snr private purposes and thwarts all reform efforts. The friends of sil reforms, therefore, must combine against the enemy of sll reforms; snd the only political party which can possibly promote the best Interests of the whole people Ss the one making the prohibition of the liquor traffic and the suppression of the rum power It first purpose and Its cardinal principle. The prohibition party Is the only party unequivocally and Ir revocably committed to this purpose, and we Invoke the aid of all patriotic cltl lens In carrying out thU Intention. All other political psrticsaie committed to the continued siutcnsnce of the liquor traffic. License, law, high or low, are vicious In principle, sanctioning, continuing and fos tering the liquor traffic, building a gigantic monopoly without in the least mitigating the evils. They are powerless as a remedy, and the prohibition party Is pledged to re peal all the permissive features ot such li quor license and revenue laws, while re Lining and vigorously enforcing the re strictions and prohibitions In con alned. fhr. We declare our all-glance to the nation al prohibition party and refer with grati fication to the fact that that Organisation has alwsrs led the wsy in the advocacy of urgently nccuca legislation touching n- nance, taxation, transportation, tariff, suf- frsge and other reforms Effecting the In- crests 01 ine people. With this general statement ot our noillon. we refer the or-nulatlng of a ptttOnn to the national convention of i8ji. THE IlKVrNt E Uaitcd States Treasnrer Nebeker. bas sab- mired his snouarrtport to Secretary Foster. Tbe ordinary rcvco-ies of tbe government in the pstt fiscsl yesr were 1292,411,447, or tlo.46S.535 less than ths year before. Tbe net ordinary expendhures. exclusive of the amounts paid in premiums on bonds purchas ed, was fj5S.37.CS4, sn incresseof I57, 630,193, The surplus revenues were thus cut down from tiol. 344,496 to f36.339.762. which last summer was applied to the reduc tion ef the public debt, festal revenue amounted to 165,762,908, and expenditures to f72.o66, 5S0, aa incests of shout $5,000 oa both sides. Tbe re jection effected during the year in the principal of tbe bended debt snd circa lating notes which csnaot be reissued amounted to ft 16,590,273, and required an expenditure of f 126,991,994, including pre miums on oonus purchased. This turn was made up by taking tS9.7si.73i from the re lents la ths treasury, is sod addition to the surplus revenues of the year. Tbe conaeqsen redaction In tbe annual interest charge wat t4.43.9. -A IUNGEKOl'SCHEr.n.'t. Und er ihcabove caption a correspondent oft he Atvt ct ssyst I have been surprised to see In the Northwest Reform Journs. a declaration of principles which are misleading and contrary to the declaration of principles of the alliance. Among them are the fol lowing: "Gold and silver should be de monetised. ' "free trade " no laws for the collection of debts contracted," "govern ment control of Intoxicants, to be handled by salaried agents at cost," and others. I would have nothing to say If the above psper was not recognised as an alliance sheet and seeking alliance patronage. ' The quotations from the above paper are detrimental to the cause of the alliance In the state of Oregon, and sre not a part of their declaration of principles, and no sensible man would or could accept them. The alliance doss not ssk for the demon etisation of gold and silver, nor do they ask to be relieved of all laws which look to the payment of debts. Nor do they favor government control of intoxicants. They have declared that the open bar room la an evil and should bo abolished. Now if the Reform Journal purports to be a recognised organ of the alliance, it ought to advocate the principles ot that organlxatlon.rather than the peculiar views of Its publisher. urethern of the alliance, you have too much at stake, therefore, look well before you give your support to a sheet that Is liable to mislead you. I do affirm that the Reform Journal Is colnc harm to the alli ance and should not be patronised. OALVO JURE. Sir Charles eminent British antiquarian, says that numerous ruins ex ist in southern Greenland which are evi dently relics of Norsemen who dwelt there centuries before Columbus discovered this country. The locality Is near the presen" Esquimaux station of Igallko. The ruins consist of remains of walls ef 17 stone dwellings, one of them marked in such a manner that it is reasonably certain that It wss the house of Erik Kauthl.a banished Icelandic jarl, who wss the first to land in Greenland. He established his settlement at Brattlolld, at it was then named, and Igsliko is believed to be the spot where that colony was located. If was on an Isthmus between two fiords, and so is In Igallko. The fiords are believed to be the Erilk'c'and Elner's fiords of the old ssgas . Farmers around Utica, N Y, have sold to one party about 2500 barrels of apples a 75 cents a barrel, and yet have many bar rels remaining in the storehouses. Cider apples have, been sold at prices varying from 15 to 2 cents per 100 pounds, and one company has manufactured about 9000 barrel of alder, which is all they can store. The apple seeds are separated from the pomace, and they bring f i to $3 per buBhel. d 1 Cave Tbena a Tharewgk Trial. Hon E A Moore, Member of Assembly. Richmond County, N Y., writes i "I have two sSiotions which sometime make life a burden. One is dyspepsia, the other is rhenmatism., I heard that Brand reth's Pills, taken one or two st night on an empty stomach, would cure rheumatic p.lna. X gave them a thorough trial for three weeks, taking one or two every night. To my delight, not only was I cured of rheumatism, but dyspepsia, aostiveness and biliousness. They did not interfere with say '" iet or business, and I really think them an Recent calculations show that ths tun's light Is 600,000 times that of ths fult moon. An inlereMing photograph of ths heavens, which is being mads In 1'arfs, will show over 60,000,000 stall. There nave been over 50,000 irr.nilgrsnts to Brazil from 1'ur'ipe within tht past two years. Mont t( Diem hsvs been Italians Germans snd Portuguefe, Railroad fits in England now are seldom bested. At intervals porters bring in tin boxes full of l.r.l fur psssengfs to put their feet on. On Monday vill be held one of the most excltlrsK elections ever held In the city, If external sppcaiances mo) by taken as sn Indlcnlion, May the best men win. The crest Mnulicster ship canal will soon be Completed fis length is 35 miles; iti, iso feet wide on I l.e bo torn snd is 26 ftel deep. lit rot has been While mukiuij a bolt in the steel works at Homestead recently, s workman turned oft shaving 265 frtt in length. A shaving 171 feet in Ur.Rtli it tsl.ibited s s grest curiosity in the Woolwich Arsenal. EncUnd. In some of the rugs from the Orient the knots of the tbicsds sie so line thst tbey csnnot be seen by tbe eye. No mschinery bss been inliodu:ed ibere yet for making rugs or csrpcts, each tuft and knot being tied by deft fingers. At a Boston chrysanthemum show forty, two new varieties are on exhibition, each bear ing the name "Kuth Cleveland" cod lite cxbibltO'S sre engaged in s lively wrangle over the pioneer claim to lbs nmr. A' this cri.i where, oh; where ii by MtlW?. Recent delicate experiments with kites show that tbe amount of electriety In the sir is proportional to the height above the earth's surface. A galvanometer placed In the circuit showed at once the changes In elevation, or whether the kite ws rising or fabing. The AVritw Urvrt Journal quotes the Dsmocbat ss having said: President Livingston of the Georgia alli ance declares that, as between democracy snd the alliance, he will sdhere to the farmer under all circum.tances. The Demi rat did not say It It is not the man who curiss a town and leaves it. who is most detrimental to it iuUrsats; 1st it is the man who rotblessly persists in subbing the tows while be par aicteotty refuses to confer a favor a pan bis fellow cttlxsos by packing his trsps sad going forth In quest of greepsr and paster, new. A fbioago bsriny svndicaU has aeoared octroi of 230.0.X) acjws of Und in North Dakota, and ntst spring tbey propose to send tboosauHj ( German immigranU to s.ttle there, Tl: newcomers, who a' ex perts la barley culture, wi! not be tenants, bat will buy the land on easy terms. It wss on the 15th of November, 1SS9, thst the Eir.peror.Dom Pedro.of Brsxil.wss dethroned. Slavery was abolished under bis reign by the act of May 13, 1S88, adopted by the chambers. According to the Amerksn Bee Journal there are 300,000 beekeepers In America, and In ordinary years the honey product amounts to about 100,000,000 pounds, worth at least $10,000,000. The Empress of Austria, Queen Mar garcta of Italy, the Queen Regent of Spain snd cx-Uueen Natalie of Servla are Inevitable cigarette smokers. The Czarina of Rusila smokcti, too, tn a pretty little boudalr copied fiom one of the roovts In the Alhambra. Of the 1 .800,000 women employed ia tbe mills snd factories in tbe country, less than 5000 belong to labor organizations, and yet tbey seem to be ab'c to maintain their posi- tioi t sntl stand up for their rifihti equally with :n. As a mla the Urge body of female workers are more of a unit without an si so cial ion 'ban tbe men are with. The early colonists in New England did not observe Chrilsmas, that day having been stricken by the Puritans from the cal endarasaicllc of popery. The holiday was observed by the Dutch settlers In New York, however, and among the Swedish and Geiman colonists In New Jersey and Pennsylvania; also among the Episcopa lians and Cathollct in Maryland, Virginia and other touthern states. The Salem Statesman has an editorial en titled "Tbe Tarif Epitomiied." Then it wrote or copied, a long lot of stuff for the epitome. It was needless; the epitome of the tariff, so far as it is intended for revenue, is tax; so fa as it is intended for "protection," it is robbery There you have it; tsx snd robbery bot evils; one apparently a necessary evil, to b reduced ts the minimum not fed sad en - coursged; Ihe other a needless, unjust uncon stitutional ev ll.'that roust De gotten rid of in this country ss slavery was Evening TU gram. Here snd thcie in New Vork one sees tiny one story shoos in hallways or wedged be tween great buildings; but small buildirgs have by no means the vogue here that they have in Europe The famous trousresu shops of Paris sre tiny places devoted to a single sort of garment. In one nothing but hsndker chiefs sre sold, snd in another nothing but nightgowns. Some of the smallest Europesn shops accommodate but one customer at a. time, and in many it is almost impossible to display goods to advantage . Contrary to the general belief that the dragon fly is dangerous and has a vicious sting. Prof Bickmore ssys mat tt is not ; only harmless but a good friend to man, because it skims over the stagnant pools and quitt lakes where mosquitoes breed and eats them. Some experiments had been made to ascertain If dragon flies could not be bred In sufficient numbers to completely exterminate the mosquito, but hey had not been successful. ' The American colony in Rome numlers nearly two thousand members, though this number fluctuates with the changing seasons. Among the Americans who have become per manent residents of the Eternal City are Story, the sculptor, and the banker Hooker They have grandchildren Don ia Rome, but still call themselves Americans, though Mr Hooker has been 'ibere forty yesrs. Tbere are also interesting American colonies at Flor t rrp find Vrrilep'e ! of vrr y t!y.;-rt Ayer's Sarsaparilla The Best Blood Medicine So aay Leading rhytlctan'm and DrugglBl$, ami their opin ion it indorsed by thouiand cured by it of Scrofula, Ec tema, Ery$ipelat, and other dlteatet of the blood. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla has won Its repu tation by years of valuable service to the community, ft U tht e..HK. 8. tang, Urugglst, 212 Merrimack st, Lowell, Mass. lr. W. 1. Wright, Paw Paw Ford, Tenn., saysr "In my practice, I Invariably pre scribe Ayer's Sarsaparilla for chronic dis eases of the blood." lr. R. It. Boyle, Third snd Oxford sts., Philadelphia, Pa., writes t "For two years 1 have prescribed Ayer's Bersspsrllla In numerous Instances, and I find It highly efficacious la the treatment of all disorders of the blood." I- M. Hoblnson, Pharmacist, Sablna, O., certifies 1 "Ayer's Karsaparllla bas always been a great seller. My customers think there Is no blood-purifier equal to tt." "for many years I waa afflicted with scrulutoua running sores, which, at last be came so bsd the doctors advised amputating one of my legs to save my life. 1 began taking Ayer's Karsaparllla and soon saw an Improvement. After using about two dozen bottle the sores were healed. I continue to take a few bottles of this medicine each year, for my blood, and am no longer trou bled with sores. I have tried other reputed blood-purifiers, but none does so much good as Ayer s 8arsaparilia."-t. A. Bobiuson, Neal, Kansas. Iton't feu to get Ayer'sSarsaparilla raxTAxxD ay DR. J. C AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by Xref gists. a!,sisSi. Wonfaaiabotu. W. F. Call and see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, hosiery, Wo have to select from. Our but the cheapest ever We have just placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in J s gooas, piam ana We want your trade and you money. Albanyi Mins GradwoM's Bazaar The very latest news Is that you can buy at JULIUS OR ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net oash, goods as follows: Arbuokle'a Coffee, Per Pound 25o. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $100 0 lbs Extra O Sugar White 100 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 6 Gallons Good Pickles 90 0 lbs. No. Savon Soap 00 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholesale prioe of sugar -100 lbs extra C, fi.79( 100 bs gi anulated, $5.75. A Will OODuUOS m inosoaea aburo, .u'l mi kuuu. wui u, wu iur mo. ... ... to S5 per oent leas than regrjtar prioe. My stock of Chlnawaro, fanoy Roods, and all tbe desirable sylea of dishes, as well as a general assortment of groceries, crock ery, lamps and flEturcs Is complete. 1 make aspsoltlty ot flas tes cofla&s and biking powder, and always pNase my customers. My display or new toys and novelties for the holidays this year will be the flues I over brought to Albany. Jnlins Grstdtrohl. -PATRONIZE ROME THE FARMERS & MFBCHAHTS INSURANCE CO., -Albany, W F READ, President J Ii COWAN, Treasurer. -DntEOTOl 3 L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, vVFBead, I L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Burnett J It W eathartord, R S Strahan, J 0 Writemau. ALSO DISTRICT AGENTS TOR , Sk Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE III AIDANT. - F aaa , ff miff Subscription "Agent for the Newspapers aiid-MagaMiie; 1892. Harpor's Bazar. ILLTJSTEATED. Mi arts. Bajus Is a journal forth boms. It aires th. btoet lnirfroiln w'.th reyrJ to ths Pshlons awl !MaieroiUlattrt',9!M,Priidslxn,tand pxl Urn-ht tupptimnUar.inltspnbt slits to th bom drstsnnkH snl tb profvwionsl roodiat, Ka is tfv. I tt m vk it srtUtlo altrotivas) f th. blghmt order. l! bright stwrlmmaring eoss !Us,snd thvajhtlul .wtjrt ninlj tit Utw,Bd Its Ut sag. la (.mini. a. bti'lget of w',t .'id humor, la UewMklylssM -'ythinfls Include! which isof t i to (omen, Tb 8ial. for li'JZ will b writ n by Walts BasAir and Blscs , Hrs OurHirr willbfemn a e m'.rtVi'yor. Mxo Has lass's T.m!y T.llw, "Dy In and Dy Out," or InUtidtd for mitr jm, .n 1 IISLSH MassmallSostu will ie)l!y oddrsM girl.. T W Hiooixso, In WiB9ri Sad M in," will plus a .ultlratsd udiK.. mmi PERI0DI11LS. - Ter Yean HARPER'S fSAZAK... ,.4I 00 HARPF.SS WEEKLT 4 0.) HARPER'S MAOAZISE 4 0) AEPKIt'S YOCSO PEOPLE J On Porta pe Frtt to all tuW.riber$ in the Uniul SUUtt, Canail and Mexico. Th Volaroo. of th. uiat:in VamUr for January t f each year. When c tim is menUotMd. su'jwriMioaa will he-An wHh it, JTumUr earrant st Um tim of receipt of order. Bound VoIoims of IlAxna'a Baxas for tbre )us neat ekith binding, will b sent by null, tjr paid, or bytxprj!, free of expense (prorated th tmgfA doo not tied on. diliar psr vjlum.) for 17 p volant. Ctotaeaw forAca valaia rrUible for binding. will b seat by null, pxt-pAid, oa rtcc'pl of l each. RemhtMieot atuuM bs mvU by Pt.of3c liner Order or Draft, to avoid c'laae of loss. V.mtpvn sr n, to e!jy thL s!rrtiiaja without tbxpres ordr of Hum 4 BaoTUxas. Allrn nARPEKftBRQTHERVlsw Tom FISHsE POULTRY, GAME.fresh from Portland and other aces, always on band at our market, near corcer of Second and Ellsworth streets. Slaughter Si Causkley. READ, stock is not only tho largest S G shown in Albany. a complete assortment of both cloth and plush .. lur trimmea. we feel confident we can save W. F. READ. -:- Oregon INSTITUTIONS.- Oregon. J O WRTTSMAN. Secretary. Geo F SIMPSON, Vlee President. entoii