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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1891)
raff TRbFESSIONAL CARDS. T K. WE4TIIERFOUD, J Attorney at Law. Will prx'Ui a ll eottrtaotth Mate. 8tl attention ri to matter In probata ami to go leatleut. Or KiCK-ln lh rilnn block. ft. . m. u(nm, n. o. witmh jLt'-Kllt'lt A WATSON, Attorney! at t.iw. AH hmliiae. recslve prompt etueiittun, MtOli KUu-rwv)e,AIIeav, Ur1 1 liO.tS. CIItrI3SLWV, Au..nn.T at Will pravtli In all enitrta ( th lkIk. ht.'UI attention (iron mailers in pnibet e4 U .iclioiia. Oc't'lCH-ta th. I'Unn bleak. u. niu Er, Attorn? st Lsw Mil IMIollor In Cheneery . wettt Uont nie.1 M kil po'.nM. I .nan negotiate! Kibli tanne. Albany, Oreju. G EO. XV. WRicnt, Sltornev at Law.and Notary Puhll. Wlllpeactl enurt ot tats state and tn th United Stole rnrlhregoa. Mnt-rnMl room over It Oregon, A! baay, I'gn, J J. sYIUTXET, tUr; Lt. uii Ntftary tablls. A I but jjn. J. t. HILL, Fnralolan and Snrfena, OfTICK Corner ferry street, Albany, Oregea. TJR MaVSTOV ct DA VI, rTireWene tn Surgeon. wrrh'K -Center mm 4 and Brawlslbin lrt, Albeav, r. Call amwaily euaoaeil la eity and eeaatry: c r. CIIAIIOERLAIX, If. D IlMpalhiM. srpeeUlt In Jmml et Ue Eye. Twenty years" eaperienee. OSes hours i la I a ai I U I a n, and ( telsvealag. Albeav, wregwa. TK. U. A. WIIITXKY, FliyaMaa eatl Siirgeea. Oraanaia at Betlerue atee eal l'rr, ww Yck Cllr. Ihnam a( warn, a a epeeiairy. omu'w ITrKasa bleak. Albany, Oregea FIRST NATIOXAL B tXK, Or ALB AM T, OMKO05, -t.i Ytoe President . Oaahior LFI.I 8, E.YOCSO . W. LANtiDO.I TRANSACTS A OEXCRAt. Hanking lost ACCOUNTS KEPT eubjett la aback. BIOHT SXCHANOB and tat Taphla traaatar, told New Tors, aaa Francisco, Chisago and rwtlaad CO JJCCT10KJ SADIoa revorsMe nunou K, W, Lj.eaca 4. K. Torn L it. ruaa Imul, o. LIS CO NATIONAL BASK, or ALBAHTaORBUOK, CAPITAL STOCK 100.0. President... 1 I COWA. rica-Praoldant 1 M HALSTON. att.bir O A AHCU1UOLO. P aarrona, 1 L Cowan, J It Kalatnn, W tadd, W a Uiltra, J A OrawarJ and O A Arch Ikoid. TRAITS ACT a ranaral hanking bmlnaai. DUAW8IUU1 DKrrSoo Naw York. Saa a-l firlUo I, ? Oragnn. LOA! MOifJToa apptovad aocttrlty RJlEl Kdaposit sablKt chack. B axu or OREUOX. ALBA 31 Tg OBBOOX. Capital, J- M,m. Pnw1umt tW.:T II r MERRILL "I J (.ANNINO ....... 11 W HLAI.V TranawU a jmml knkirr bnaiaMt: Kichanra bought and aiid an all tha pataHptl aitia ia th l'mtl Siatcai aiaaan England, Ireland. Franfa and Garmaqy. Coliaetiona ata.1 at a!l aaauibU poluta aa tarer kl Urma. merest aliened 04 Urn depao!ta. B ask or SCIO, cio, otucaox. FreaMeat J S Maaaia Viae- Pnetdent . JT Mr aaa Mar Merrla, H Bryaal Jeka Oaia F South. aa a geaat at Via aad eiahaaea baataes b n E B a a B a a a B i THE CZLSriKJTKD . . . . SMITH & WE88ON REVOLVERS Th Fined I mill Arm Err Maafactar4. Hi mi i'i i anaaiaaai ' m" J a a u u n ACCURaCT Flf FI I f Jet .1 W0fikwJl,HlP and Ci'NvtalENCE In LOADING and SAFETY Beware of chtao Iron Imitatlnn. Send for Illustrated Catalogu and Pric Lot to SMITH & WESSON, fiPRlXOrilCLO, MAMS. E3.E T.3 ..s-a-n 'Bj a ALBANY OR. WilIT2;iAH & HULB2RT BEOS, Real Estat Agents. Farm and Ranch forsalo' AUo citjr bropert jr in Albaor sod Coryallia. REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, OREGON 2HAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, Fitted op In a rat-class ty!e. Table rippJiod with th beat in to market Nlot alospiDir partmonU. Ham pi joom r coinrnoroial trgYeler. r0RTfa1ILLER & IRVIHC, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ArteiUl Kia'ialmhig dono Scientifically. Alt-aiiy, Oresou. TV.'O MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD.!! tVhile trying to Crowd theii aaavaataawawas-WAY IK TO"BBB" DEYOH & FROLIAFJ BROS ttore, where the alwaj have on hand ha largest Stock south ol Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot 3uns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of ever description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousand of ether thing too numerou to mention hop tn connection with the Store, and one ol fe best workmen In the State to do any itid ail kinds of work. Cone one Come al. " No rouble to how gtKAls "Small picGt and fiulck ais" Is ou. .notto. aaaaaaaW' V- ar I 1 MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream I nvl a eoamoUo In tha sen In which that term la papillaris uard, bnt wrttuuienUjr haautlflna, II araakoa a eult. ani.Hith, elaar, re'Taty akin, and by d,llr naa (mduallr make the ecunplaalun aararai ItaJaa wlili.", UUaeMiMtant protection Inun the erliKite al eun ami wind aiul praranhi ann burn ami track laa, and blauk haaila will navor eome while ytnl aa It. It elMiaaee tha fari (ar belter tliaa eap and nalar, noariehae and bull la tip the akin tleaue ami praranle Ike fonualiun ol wrinkliw' It glra the nwhnaaa, alramaM and am'WlhncM uf tain that jtxu ked when a litUe girl. Krary laJr, ymingarold, ouglit la aa IL aa It give a moia rnulkliil aaar. aaee to any lady, and (hat iriiianaitly. It euutatne no aald, powder or alkali, and I aa hennleaa aa dew and a noariahtng to the akin a daw I to th lower, lrlr M at all drugriata and halrilraaaara, or at Mr UamlM Urahama eatahtlahment. III Poat atreet Man Franeieao, wbere ah traaia ladle for all bleuileh eaol thenvw or agure. I.lia at a dlalanee treated by latter, Hand etamp lor her Utile book "How to he noauiiruL" Sampl8 Bottl6pTS!S JTS ZtfZ a pa p.Htag and packing, Ud agent wanted MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bloacli Corn tha wnnteaeai ol rrarklfa, Rnnburn, ! waoaa. Moth patch, IMm0aaai..l all tkln blerofaha. rrtrw aM.aa. llaraUaaa aad eHocUr ho aautpla ean be aant ; Lady aganta wanted, a nrnrrrrier tn lnt '"k wh Rrat ordot a 1I1B IJrilgglS. hl) 4 my preparation will have hi name added to thl adtertiaotaent. My preparationa are ror aala by wholesale drug le in Chloagoaad rrr eity wt li. a asr agente far W. IM naagiaa ihem. itat lor sal la soar pine aak rear If tar iw wit tor eniniwvna, aacarw laa are, and net Iheaa lor ran. IT TABVK Ml HI UnTlTLTK. WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS m cunc epr... '- WBIWbm CiniLklHIII BEST SHOE IN THE 'JHU) FOR THE MONET f la a aramim anoa, wltb aotackaor wag Ihrrad urt lao root; made of the beet On calf, atTlltk eaay, aal aacaaa an eoe more aauae o tu t than i, atkr Ma,iiAuiiirw. tt miuIi band. wv i abwa euadng rront ai UU I? (0.00, fl(T wOtieaalao llaad-ewwed, Iheflncatcatt M4 ahue onr olTrred ('j eijuaia rreach CA Moo-fwcd Volt Hbae Una calf. aSI'Ve atyllih. pomfurtabla aad durabrV. TbCtieM el'Iw eeor oAVred at thl prlco i aam grade a cua-e-maite anne coating from t.u to Ai. Gn A Vt"r rihooi rannera. Hallmad Ma 97a and Latlorl arrlcraaU wearUxim: irnecalf, aTjJaa. amouta Inaldo. heavy ibrco aolee, oatao ti ,f"od. ioo pair will wear ayaar. i"1"4 i anoaa wnicn oiat rr l,ltO.jLU ai colli ao better l erer offered at i lute arte: oae trial will mnvlnoa Uium want a anno tr comfort aad acre Ice. J 3 and w-J.wtt Warklnamaa'e anncs are verv slr in and durabluu Tbnao alu glean thrn a trial will wear ao ofher make. eal fi.w aaa si.ti a noti ua are J O worn by the baraeTerrwberoi the Mil ebtbelr merit, aa tha locraaaipg aalo abow. f nrllAO 3.O0 Hand-arwcd ahoe, beet laXIUIVO bongola. vcryaijrltah:eiiualarreach klMrrted abtiee coellna f nmt lit IW.tii, JTadiea' d,30. J.UO and f I.T4 ahna for ILwe are lb beet tine Ixingola, puloh and durable. Vhntloo. ce that V. L. bouglaa' nam aud fib are stamped ontbe bottom uT each ahuo. W. L. WLuLjlH, iirucVtvB. Mass. -:l.L. E.'BTiAl NT. Star Bakery CorBrvailalkla ftstl Flrat Himi C05KAD SIETElt, : Proprietor. Cam a ret rrultn, Glaitwarr, Dried rreilta, Ttbscco, Nusar, C'oOee, Elt Caosrii tlcate. tupcia wnrr. Vxe1aiilrK, Ijfir J. Rplros, Teat, Kit)., IafartTryt)..g that la kept in a general yariety,and gaooery store, llijrhiet aiarkel pnee paid for ALI KINDS OF PRODUCE YAQUINA BAY ROUTE, o Oregon Pacific Railroad, T iie.Keccdfcr. a Cregjn DeTelopment Co's Steamers, fthart Mae (a lirrala. First-olsM throusrh pasanoirsr and freight line frm Portland and all points n mm wuiameit vauey to ann rrom San rrmocisoo, lu. Bota mskaoloae connection at A I ban with train of tb Oregon Parlfl Kail road TlMf gCUKUPLl. neept Bandars.) Let Albany U:a r. m. Lsara Yaquina, 7.00 a, a Lose,n Amy Albany, ll:l a. Lwr CorTaill l:nr, a. Arrlr Ywjttlaa, i.U r. a. O. A n.tralna mnnvf , nia...nj Corrallla. The aboTe trains coaneot at faaulnawlth the Oregon Dereiopment iui(aj'uDeoi niosmauips between P.AHI.. .B t 0 I v,uiuaauu oaa raocutoo, AIK.IKtl DATE) . .aaa-ggi...... --igajjl aali 1 im -f IT raoa Ttquna. WU!fMt Vt1. Keeeraber th, llh ?ihj fesember 6th. raoa aa raa aciat-o WUlametU Valley, Ney-akr, Ird ; 11th; Ord; IXetmher tnd. The Gomnan nuiym ih hange Bailing, dates without notice. N. B. Paaaenfrers from Portland and FUlamett Valla AOtnLa can rmVa lu toanection with the trains oftheYaonlna nniwat Aiuany or VOrrauis, ana lides Mned to Ban Francisco, ahould arrange to "' at x aaaina ine evening Derore oate imiiuv aVraaaaager aa Freght rate always the Lowest ror latermatlei apply to A R Chapman, Freight and , amwij, J. HOaillK, O. I. asd P. Agen Corralli. EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHAS TA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. ' i ! TNorth Bouthj 10-8 r a S:1S a a Lv Lr Ar Portland Albany San Prandsco TCrT7:85 as Lv I 4:23 A M Lt I 7;00 r M Above tralnt stop only at following station north ol UoKiburij. Kat rortland, Oregon City, Wood ourn, Haleni, Albany, Tenant, Bhndd, Haliiey. Har lakurg. Junction City, Irrin;, Eugono BOtSEUaO HA II., DAILT. t;t A m I I r li:2'lra I-v 5:41 r a Ar Portlsad Albany Itrweburg Ar 4:00 r a Lv 1 10.00 a I.v I 6-Mau ALMf b0C4L( DilLT BICSPT STSUAT) toora fra Lv Ar Portland Albany Ar I 8 M a a Lr I 6:00 a dssaaoa saaaco. 2;tr a f lira JMA a l it a Lv Ar I,y Ar Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Ar Lv Ar Lv H.tb A M 8:40 a M :2 r M 8:40 r u PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, Pr Aeeaaamadatiaii of aeeand-Class Passes gers, altaeheal la Express Tralas eTest aida IPIvlsloa. BETftEEV rOBTLAIU AMI CORVALL1S, Mail AiaAiiT(Ex3ept8unasy, 7: Ml amI Lr Portland Ar I 6:80 r a UilOral Ar Corvallls Lv I1:6t ra sraass Ttt wait.t CF.xrtp nnday, 4:4(1 r M I Lv Portland Ar I :) A a 7:1 a Ar McHinnrlile Lv 8.46 A u rrixrowirli Ticlieti, T all point EAST. .AND: SOUTH. at luii tuforiaatlo.i refardinf rates, mspi, a Company Agent at AlSaay , OICULKll K P.BOOERa Manairar . - . , , iss't O. f. and P. Ar CARPET WEAVING.-! will wecvo carpet at my oMdence ono mile north of Albany. Addrta,Box,837.Ciiy. MU9. W, II. WARNER. One reaion wliy New England U rapid Ijr becoming democratic I that tbe want tree raw materials. Every working man there know that lt raw material were" tree the would be cheaper. Yet repub lican dare tell them that the tarlfl It not a tax, or that toielgncr pajr It. It I no wonder that they reject tuch apparent ab utJIllc and resent tuch Imputation ot Ignorance, One Pltlt.hurg Ann ha attested Its la borer i j cent each day to recover the tund advanced to the Ohio campaign. Tluy have been paying $1.50 per da for ten hour. They now demand the tame hour tor $1.35 a da, When It U con sidered that McKlnlcy patted Ida bill to protect labor It I only fair that labor hould p the campaign cotta. Congretttnan William II Hatch hat formally announced himself to be a candi date for the speakership t,t the House of Representative. He hat thetupportot the democratic date committee, the exec utive committee ol the Mltaourl branch ot the national democratic club, all but one member of the MImouiI congressional delegation and the leading democrat of tha state. Ao Kng'.lah schoolboy wrote aa follow 00 th tbcui.' DrMthe" V hall not htaud t forecast hia tatarei "Uieathl mad of air. Wt breath with oar lung our light, out liver and ourkidnaya. It it wasu'tfor our breath w should dio wbo w alept. Oar breath keep th lit a-gping through th no a ben w ar asleep. Boy that ttay to a room all day ahould not breath. Thejr hou!d wait till they got oat door. Bo a In a room uuk earbonioidr. Carbonl oid la more poiaonout than mad dogt." Uarftx't nv, that gave tuch ttrong tupport to Fattctt, the republican candi date for governor ot New York at the late electbn, a peaking ot th? election upon the presidential contett next ear at: "Despite the Tammany victory In New York, there are in the whole democratic prospect sign ot promise. But tn the re publican prospect they are not visible. Three children were recently added to lite family ol Mr and Mrs Caleb Itopkln ot New Jersey two girl and a bn. Great In'.erett In the event hat been shown In the neighborhood, and hundred ol peo ple have visited the mother and her bable at their home In Archertown during the patt ten day. The little house was filled with Interest d spectator on theocc.itionof the christ ening last week, when the name of Grover Cleveland Hopklna waa conferred upon the boy, and the girl were named respec tive! France Cleveland Hopkins and Ruth Cleveland Hopkins. Tie babies are bright and appear to be n excellent health. Bnum e-t Indiana ha withdrawn a a canuldale for the speakership In fsrorof Mill ot Texas. He tart: 'I never pressed my candidacy, and consented only to the use ot my name un til it became evlccnt the contest was nar- rowcJ dwn between Ml. Is and Crisp, thtil hetrtlvl support Mill. While all cf the candidate are ttrong tariff reform- ets, rune so prominently represent the position ol the part on thl question a Mint, tie it known to the people a prominent figure lo the house on this question, and hi defeat would, In a great measure, be accepted at an abandonment ot the Issue. Tariff I the Issue upon which we mutt aim In 1861, and there thould be no semblence of wavering or halting at this critical period. Lnlet the patty stands lirmly and aggressively in favor of this issue, the laimer ol the northwest. who gave us such sweeping vlctorlct In 1S90, will become discouraged, and may abandon a hope ot tuccest through the or ganlzalion of our pan. KtSSIAK BIT f ATI ON. The dlatreuln Russia thl a year on ae count of cro? failures I regarded with moat serious apprehension by atl well In formed as regard Russian affair. The country I the most despoil: In Europe,one of a clat of government common enough all over th continent too year ago. Out the people of all Europe have been grow ing In Intelligence. Nowhere except In Russia are the subjected to the tyranny that wa everwhere common a century ago. Prance expiated the wrong of ccn turles in a short reign ot terror that ap palled the world. Other countrlea have secured constitutional government b milder methodt. Russsia alone auffera from the same despotism lta people en dured for agea past. But It people, slow. I, It Is true, have been growing more In telligent, thowlng the Illumination com mon to humanity. It haa only served to make them more discontented. The watchword of the progressive part la Nihilism the destruction of all existing order and civilization and beginning everything anew. The miser of wide spread famine ma light the torch to b!aze more terrible than an Europe haa yet tee n. "The Omaha Bee aa $750,000 ha been subscribed toward lr, 000,000 capital to ea labllth a beet sugar company in that fit Branch factories are to be established at various poluta In the state. Klein Bros have a large and choice stock of boot aud ahoea for aalo at reaaouabU f riont D) not inveit in font wear until yoahava sean their M3k ana tn elejant piano at their tor. CITY ELECTION., NOTICE i hereby given that on Men ity. tbe 7th day of fJecembor, 1891. the annual election In and for the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, will be held for the parpoao of electing the fol lowiiiK municipal officer: A Mayor, a Mrhal,a Recorder, a Treasurer, nd a member of tbe Council, from each ward, 1 ha election will be held at the following place! Kirat Ward-At tbe Countr Clerk'a ofllce. fSooond Ward At County Treat m- er'a oflio. Third WarL At tho offlce of the Farm- el 'a warehouse ' The con net I of til J city baa aeleoted the following persona aa Jadgea and Clarke of ald election, namely: first "vara Judges, David Froman, Martin Pay re and WCTweedalo. Clarke, A J Anatyn and V M Kodfleld. Second Ward Judaea. Fromao. I Kendera and E L Knox. Clerka. J R Wyatt and D T Wynran. Third ward Judse. n A Irvine. J B Couglll an 1 W S Kelly. Clerka, P B Marshall and W 8 Ittobarda. Maid election will oommenoa at 0 o'clock In th morning and continue, without closing the poli, until 6 o'olock Id th evening of aald day. Done by order of the of anld city, made November nth, 1891. Pated thl l(li,h day of November. 1891, N.J. HENTON, n-oordcr of the city of Albany. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. VTOTICE IS HEREBY OITEH TO ALL TEB; l. , vfii.iiivorQ.ieu tiiet on wie tibn aay Ol AOVOul ber, 101, 1 filed in the County Court of Linn county, Oreg-on.rar Inel acoount In the matter ot th aetata of Jurualia Moore, deceased, and that said court haa appointed Saturday, the 12th day ot December, 1301, at the hour of o elovk, a m ol aaidday, as th time, for bi aring all objections, if any, Wiseld Snal account, and for theaettlenient of said ee ate. Hold day beln one of tha days oi th regular December tern, led, of aald court. Dated this 13th day f November, 1891, - , MARY J BEARD, WKBiltsb, Administratrix said antate. . Attorney. ' . TELEGItAPHIO NEWS VklesaIeBaralaryt Granitk, Idako, Nov ay, The grtateit sensation that th town hat aver experienced occurred her lait night. Th caute wai number of robberies. YttterJav wa rtavdav on th line of work, and, a usual, every aaloan and dsncehoute wt in an extreme itate of hilarity all night. Jhii morning it wai ditcovtred that every it:oon and kidgina: haus had been robbed rlurlng th night of tutri ranging from f 15 to Sioo. Numerous watches aad article of clothing htd been taktn from under th pillow of linlgrs who were alcep la Woxlrud't lodging house. ACewareliy Narvler. tKATTLI, Nov 17, A special from Cedar Mountain, a mining and agricultural town In King county, ityn Will Mtton the ao Vttr- Old ton of Thomai Mtton, wealthy rancher wa thot and intttntly killed at On 5 today while sitting at tupner by soma parson un known. A tingl shot waa fired through a window four feet from where he sat. ' Ha foil and died be for hi two biother and two hired man, who were titting at tha table, could reach 1.1m, Tha deed wat evidently premeditated, a tha murderer stood clot lo tha window and fired at him with a rifle, the ravule of which touched the glais. (asalag Westward! Washington, Nov 37. Tli democrat have decided that their convention will go west, Th executive committee mettt tttr on lieeeatbcr 8 to arrange for the meeting 0 the entire committee Fehraary t, and they at giving voice lo that determination. Two ihltJs of th members ol th big committee have ahead exprettad themtelvet In favor of going to wust Is considered a defective and betatable ground. Chicago may be chosen, hut that la at far catt, at they will go for an eligible location. Stn Francisco, Omaha and Minneapolis will again conftsnt each other when the time cornel, Ms ti.l II. Salt Lake, Nov 17. Police Captain Tatker wa toot and inttantly killed here this warning. Tarker w tctving his last day si captain, the office having been abol ished, and, at ne bad reen drinking, appear ed spoiling for a fight, lie first tried lo quarrel with officer Donovan, wh evaded the trouble. Then he met officer Alb,richr, de manding hy he (Albright) did not report with the otheta thl mornirg. AlbrigM said he did. Parker gave htn the lie, called him a vile name, and put tbe revolver to hi ttnnsch and fulled th trigger. The revolver failed to explode, and Albugo t shot Parker dead, A Hleet taarwea) s Deal. Uklkna, Mont Nov 17, Patrick Cillaa, an old time miner, of inamond City, wat burned lo death in hit cabin at an early hour yesterday morning, ihecsbiowsa discover ed oa tire about 5:30 o'clock, Tbe bo ly of Uitlan wa burned to a critp, nothing but the bonet being left. How the fir started is not known. G titan had been mining In Diamond City lor something over twea'y yeata. A 'alas AecMral Tacoma, Novas. An embankment fifty leet nign and and teventy-hv feet long, 00 tbe Northern Pacific raitroaJ nearttaiioa Can ton, sixty miles east of here, cvo in upon two doxen laborer thl morning, sweeping many into Green river, and killing Andre Anderson and Charles Johnson, uamariied Swedet, and residing near Kllentburg. liolh were drowned, being pinioned under tne rocks ia the bottom of the liver, Johnson waved bis hand above watei and aa attempt was made ty bit companions to rescue him. lie was rsUtd till hit nose waa above water, bnt ew ing to tbe rapid cut rent he culd not be held in 'hat position, and died in the arms of hi rese tter. 1 be bodies were brought bet tonight. lao tbe six men wbo were injured, A BM Battery. La Grande, Or Nov a 5 A robbery, which for cool daiing hat seldom been excelled wat perpetrated upon the driver of the Itland City aisge ia the outskirts of this city ataa early hour tat evening. Tbe retains how ever were tmsll, At the train ot tbe Elgin branch does not connect with train on tbe main line, the Island city mail ia transported by back. At the driver wat leaving La Grande lost evening sVxit 7:30, lie wat coat fronted by three masked men who commanded him to throw oy his bands. lie did aoacd tby took all tbe cash he had, amounting to but a lew dollars. Feaee B eater. Rio Jaxxixo, Nov 15 Member of con great and other arriving today announce en tire satisfaction with tbe retioralioa of tbe old Government ia the peraoa of Acting President Picxotlo. Several of those who bsd been most violent in their opposition to Kofi tecs visited Plexotto todsy and assured him of their cordial co-operaiion. Tbe dste of December 16 wst et for the reassembling of congress after crneuliaiioa with members of that body now in Kio Janeiro, Heree rieaH far Beer. Chicago, Nov 15. Great consternation wat caused today among the patrons of res taurants, boarding houses aad retailer who deal in cheap meats, by the arreat of Geotge Voungclaua on a charge of selling horseflesh labelled beef to the Smith Institution. It Is believed the traffic ia horseflesh in this dif amounts lo many thousand dollars. ABrilllaallw Berlin, Nov 35. In the coarse of an ad dress to the recruit at the Berlin rtrrison today, the emperor said: "You will probubly only baut an opportunity for displaying your bravery and spirit in a lime of peace." A Big Eaterwrlae. AallLAKD, Or Nov 26 It k aaihoritivcty announced thai Tardea Cooke t company, the big Michigan lumber Ann that recently pur- chsscd about 15,000 acres of timber land from tbe South Pacific company, in a section east of nere, bad purchased the controlling interest in the extensive sawmill property at Klamath City and will put it in operation at an early date. I be Klamath Improvement Comptnr. composed of Portland capitalists, beaded by Jamea Steele, were the nuilder of the mill, which bas a capacity of 80.000 feet per day, but the enterprise fell through on account of the lack of capita!. Denver la UteCaM. Denver. Nov ao. The Santa Fe road will tell alt ill property tnd tear op the trackiof the circle railroad, over which it wai hoped they would enter the city. After two years of fighting, in which they spent a vatt turn of money, calculated by tome to amount to lr.- 000,000, and when they have failed by procett of courts they have decided to abandon tbe plan. A Big Ball liame. Sam Francisco, Nov 36. The opening game for tbe championship of the Pacific coast between tbe Portlands and San Tote wat heralded and headed by a brail hand, follow td by carriages containing the baseball officials player and admirers in tbe order named. They paraded the principle ttreeti down town and then proceeded to the High ttreel ground where the were escorted to their bench, the brat band playing the "Red. White and Blue" amid hearty applause from the grand ("and. Both club began practice at once. Th eather wat perfect and fully 10.000 people witnessed the opening of the came, which wat called promptly at 3 p. m. San Jose won 8 to 6 the Aasestnieal. Salem, Or Nov 35. Twenty-five of the county attettori from thirty one counties of the ttate have returned their attessment rolls to the secretary of state, and with the excep tion of Grant and Beaver counties, all show an increat. over the assessments of 1890. Tbe otalt returned by the twenty five astettort show a total taxable property . amounting to 1102,081,578 and estimating the six counties not yet beard from, Yamhill, Monow, Lane, Douglas, Clatsop and Benton, the aame at 1890, there will be a grand total of 8122, 150 498, a against a total of 1114,077,788"" or the teirty one countiet in 1890. Ur.dlng Photographer A aaay Jrega. Wa have bought al' henegativt made by I, W tjlark and W h ireeowood up to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicates ean be had from ham only of u at reduesdiates. Wa have also about 18,000 negative mad by onr aelvea, from which dnpllaate oan be had at llkaisies. W carry tbe only foil line of vtewt of thia atat and do enlarged, work at lo wet t rata s for first class work. NV e shall be pleaaed to see yon at our Studio in Fro man' blouk, next door to Maaoaia Temple. A DlXJlTKOIft t'lstl. The frire rieaa) Deals lei a Heavy Blow, On finturdny kt 12:55 o'clock fire wai discovered in the electric light work at Pclo.liavlng started In ioiuo manner from the dynamo. Thoao worki.togethcr with the water worki, are iltuatod adjoining tha flouring mill ot K. (Join. Great ex citement at once prevailed, and ever eirbrtpoaslble was made to extlngulih the names; but the water work worked poorly at flrat And not at all after a lillt), and little could bo done with eo large a structure enveloped In fUmci. The en tire building waa burned, together with 19,000 tmaliela of wheat. Thia included the water work and electric light plant. It waa with dlillculty that aevural ml joining bulldinga were invod. The flour ing mill and water work were valued at $l5.000,olectrlc light plant.2,fl00 : wheat at nU cent, 13,lH)t). Total, :W,7K). On una tnero waa an insurance 01 aiu.vuu on the mill, tha wheat and electric light plant not being Insured. Mr tloln owned 5.000 bushels of tha wheat, the farmers 10,000 bushels. The Insurance was car rled as '.ollows : Uuardittn and Lyon, ot which Mr (Join was local agont, Wit ltaymnnd, spoclalngont,4,5(K); Farmers and Merchants, ot Albany, $ I, BOO. The loss ts not only a heavy one to Mr. (Join, Hclo's most enterprising citizen, but aa well to the whole community. It obliged to meet his present obligations It would leave lilin without much II anything. BKAL ESTATE Attn. W E Price to Nellie O Baker, lota 1 and 2, Wk 22, Bummers' add to Kodaville David P Gray ttf Robert Glass, all lnt In-D L Oof John Grnv Edwin Hughes etus to (ins Ander son, 1 JO acres In see SO tn Id B H3 W.... W 0 Peteraon aud wife to Buniantha 20 150 1500 Nave, 176 acres sec 31 tp 1 1 H K I ii C J Howe to I) M Walters, lots 3, 4 10 and 15. lialbralth'a add to N Brownsville... I T Nave ctux to W C Pctoraon, 173 acres In sea 31 tnllSKl K... J 6 Ames to James F Malone, par rel in Bweet Home Ollv-) Hyde to 11 A Rampy, lot 4,1 blk in Harrlaburg R A Rampy trustee to Oliver Hyde, lot 4 blk 7 in Harrlaburg Win Ihirge to Mary K Utirge, K a N K 4'svc3l tp9KK2 K LT Henuts to America K Iknul N .NE'sfseeS, tn lORK.H K see 34, tp tt 8 R 3 K Hobeon A Whitney to J Hofye,lot3, blk H, Hobaon's add to Mill City F.tntn J Garrett to Buian Jane llocye, lot 3 blk 8, Hobaon's add u Mill City 300 1 150 1 1 200 10P 20 Total sales - .$2415 WOB1H 4'wIDtBISU P. M. French keep railroad time. Buy your groorrl-i ot Parker lir New cream cheese just icoelved at Conrad Ueyer. C W Cobb, Job printer, Klinu filoek, doe nrnl class work. Be that e!egntJio at Klein Broa Boot and Shoa store, K W Aoiitson &Ce ar ending monarotnta at I'ortlaoJ price. Be W F Read'a line of dreas gocd and tiika batoro bay log elsewner. 8Uwrt&8o eolith very best atsnt tempeead shears aad atissor. Smuke tha celebrated Havana flllodJS evnt cigar at Joliu Joevph'a. A Urea stock of wall paper, with lata de signs, at Fortroiller k Irvlo,'s,Jasl received. Hsv yoo teo thoe parlor suit that T Brink baa ut reeaivad I Tbey are sloe. QotoOC MoParlsnd for aeJlery, bar nea. whip, roboa, all kind of bars cloth ing etc., etc. Dr M It K'.lie, physietaa and eorgeoa, Albany, Oregon. Call mad Jta cit) tee ooantry. Ladia aaa do their shopping in Ssa Frio ciaoo without visiting tha eity. and without itrt oomtnission. Mist 1! J ilsrrowi ?Jr ohts'.ng ageut, IJ,(lrov Ss. Oakland, H Patronia bom indastry and buy hand made hsrnes. warranted, from 0 G Me Fart 1 nd, at Dabrnlll a old stand. o to 3 W Cobb, suooeuor to Paisley & Smite ( F.ino Blnrk, for yarj b print! eg f all kind. tTftias to Go. Go to Parkei Bros for fresh frnitsand vegetables. Go to Parker Bros tar the best teas est cooVe. Go to Parker Broa for good baking powder. Go to Parker Bros for fine leaked good. The beat bread, cakes, pies, ete in the market. Go to Parker Bros for your groceries generally, aad be aeaured of good gooda and flrst-clasatreatmeni. Tha heat rwaat anfTaa in the cite at t !nnia raCeyrra. "A chemical success and medical tri umph," to apesks an eminent physician ia reference to Ayar Cherry Pectoral , and th eulogy was nooe t"0 strong. No other medicine i ao asfe and tmoaclona ia all disease of the throat and lung. A fliio Item. 8 K Young baa Just re ceived a large stock of shoes, for men, women and clilluren, including particu larly a fine line ol school shoes The best makes tn the market can be found In bis shoe department. According to the dictionary butle Is pronounced with the short sound of u, hence speaking of our neighbor you say Knox's But. This fact was recently learned by an erudite Linn county professor, and is worth consideration. Both air and water abound in miorobet. or germs of disease, ready to infact tha de bilitated system. To impart that strength and vigor necessary to resist tbe effect of the a pernicious atoms, no tonlo blood purifier equala Ayet'a 8srstpvilla. HAKUIED. HOWE WARNER. At Portland, Nrvt 15, Mr Frank Howe of Brownsville and Miss Alta Warner, of Albany. They came to Brownsville last week, and will will retlde at thia place hereafter. The Coronet band serenaded the happy couple thia evening. Times. Mo CflESNEY CONN. On Wed UNDERWOOD LOFTIN. n e d a y evening, Nov. 25th, 1811, at the M. E. Church, In Albany, by Rev. 8. E. Mem inger, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. II. P. Webb, of Sellwood, Mr. John McChesney and Miss Candis Conn, of Albany, and Mr. J. L. Underwood, of Corvallis, and Miss Cora Loftin, of Boda ville. The church was beautifully decor ated for the occasion, and the ceremony - . 1 1 . 1 waa a pleasing one, ponormea in me presence of about two hundred invited guests. Tbe contracting parties are all well known for their worthiness of char acter, and deserve the best matrimonial blessings of life. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. McChesney went to tbe Bound on their wedding trip, while Mr. and Mrs. Underwood took the cars for Corvallis, their future borne. FR0MAN WALLACE. On Wed nesday afternoon, Nov-36, 1891, by Elder Silas Williams, at the residence of the bride' parents, Mr and Mn James Wal lace, Mr George Froman and Mlts Merlca Wallace. The happy couple are among Linn county' most popular young people, and will have the heart congratulations and good wishes of everbody for their happiness and prosperity. DIED. BREITENBUSH. On Friday evening' Nov. 27, In Albany, Mra Brcltenbush, aged about 40 years. Funeral aervicet occurred at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon . ;:'.;" PARKER On Friday morning, Nov. 27th, 1801, at 1 o'clock, of membraneous croup, Rowena Tulora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Parker, at the age of 5 years, 2 moa. and 13 days'. The deceased was a bright, loveable little giil, whose loss will be a great one to her parents, brother and sister and playmates. Misffim When It comes to eating today we ate thankful at the expente ot the turkey, Wheat It alive. 91 cents It the highest price paid when the granaries were full for man year. aawaaaa A patent outtlde exchange J out received puts wheat In Portland atfi.ej pei rental, whereas at the time the market was 11.67. A good Illustration of patents generally. Linn count people have much to be thankful tor. It I not necckry to make along list. Individually everybody thotttd be thankful. One shou'd live tuch a life that the spirit of thankf ulnett be continual, and not alone annual. An exchange ) "a prominent citizen ot Salctn ha offered to give $5000 for the founding of a public library in that city, provided the Alka Hesperian Library Society will raise $1000 tor the tame pur pose." We need public spirited mtn.with unused capital, In alt our cities willing to make such offers. Oregon cl'lcs are too far behind the times In her public libraries. One ot the mcst eucccssful patent medicine men ever known tn the United Htatea wa Donald Kennedy, ot Roxbury, Mast, ittttatdoi mm tnai ne never changed his advertUement. The sale of Kennedy's Medical uncover hat prob ably paid a profit to lit proprietor o' more than $3,000 a week tor. the part twenty vcarl, which knockt tne props completely out of some modern Meat. Koine people are thankful because they have gaiiitd something at some ono else's expense. That ia a poor spirit. Yamhill county has 2300 voters and 10 newspapers, and that Is tho county that has turnialicd the great men of Oregon. No wonder. Corvallis bas three fiddling printers, the Drmocuat learns privately. This is published as a news item and without any vindictive spirit towards our thriv Ing neighbor up the river. There la a big future for the Willamette valley. It growth wilt and mutt be a general one. Alt part must go ahead to gether, though, naturally enough, as Al bany I the railroad center it will event- ly take the lead. Here It istx-foro marriage in nine cases out of ten : "Two crooni.ig lovers on a doorstep spoke of their hcarU and their happiness: "I just know no other girl una as good a sweetheart as I've got." "And 1 am equally sure there never lived a sweeter woman on earth than you are." Tl.n "(ll, ain't I im " Alwttit a vnty afterward It will Im t t t 1 ? 1 f OU old bag. The foltofflng Is tbe exact situation In reference to Albany also, as welt aa other points, and it has income riuuciiou. ihe man whoEtt up the Oregonian's per sonals from hotel signatures making everybody prominent merchants, should rvceive some private instructions. "Tha Hatem merchant" In the Oregonian's personal column is growing to be a great chestnut. Everybody who registers at a Portland hotel, from a leading minister to a boot-black, is reported by the Ore- gonian ss a "Salem merchant. ' Moat men in gettinv married don't have any resolutions. If the following by Theodore Parker made on marriage were generally observed we'd have won pleasant homes, particularly in divorce ridden Portland: First, never, exempt for the beat reasons, to oppose my w ile's will. Second, to discharge all duties for her sake freely, ihtru, never to acom. Fourlli.never to look croe at her. Fifth, never to worry her with commands. fcisth, to promote ber piety. bear her burdens. Kighlb, to overlook ber follies. Ninth, To save, cherish and forever defend her. Tenth, to remem ber har always, in my prayers. Tnus, tiod willing, we shall be Lle(sed. C M Horn killed two doxen ducks in Linn county yesterday. Eugene Guard. Some Linn county man will have to reel- firocateby killing two doxen ducks in 4ine county. At leaat that is the pres ent spirit at the world. Tlmra la a allvor llnins arnnnil Albanv'a proapccUthat is very bright. Property in this vicinity will increitne in value many per cent tn tne next tew years. There is a general feeling that there is something in the report that there will be harmony in the management ol the Oregon i'aciiic,ana that it will go ahead. There is a prevailing idea that fruit cannot be raised in Eastern Oregon. The lollowing from the E. O. upsets this: A Waugh, the pioneer resident ol Birch creek, this year sold 300 worth of fruit from his orchard, which is three acres in extent, trves on one acre aad a hall being in bearing. One blue pearmaln apple tree yielded 3000 pounds, the fruit lrom this tree alone bringing f50. Foot races on the square are very in teresting contests ; but nearly all ol them nowadays are frauds. The following from (he E. O. is a sample: The great foot race this afternoon was a fiasco. Alter some "jockeying" the two men started, and ran over tbe line. Doyle then stopped, and Kelley ran to tbe end of tbe track. He then put on bis coat and came up town, accompanied by bis backer, and lollowcd by a large and dis appointed crowd. Much money was bet besides the stakes, S00 a side. Just bow the bets will be decided is unknown at this writing. SEE II F.I E A piano At Klein Broa Boot aud Shoe ttore. Parker fires, grocer. New cloaks at W F Read's. Latest sty lea of hats at W F Rcau,. Redaction in,tummergoodat W FJRoad's Apple parera ft r aale at Stewart A Sox . 8 A Hulin. druggist, French's oorner. Fiatjgrooeriea at Conn & Hndricaon's. Latest sheet mutio at Will & Link's. Parasols and sua nmbrollaa at less than eostat WFRoad'. Gold spectaolea and eye glasaos, all stylea and price, at F M French's. The finest line of pockoi knives in the eity at Stewart & Box'. Bargains in gold watohea at FrenchV, "The Corner Jewelry Store.' A full line ot Warner's cortbts, best ia the world for the money, at W F Knad't. J. W. Bentley, leadinj boot and ahoe maker, just eistof Rtvere House. Silk nmbrellssin natural wood hand lo oheap at French's Jewelry store. Oo to Klein Bros and hays your ahoea repaired while yon wait. Cotton good have not been a, cheap since tbe war aa tbey are now. Call and see what barirj Read ha. Steamer Arrived. The steam ship Willamette valley ar rived at Yaquina yesterday with the following passengers : - W W Cowdery and wife, J W Lyatt.R S Silverthorn, E W Wilson, F Abrien and wife, W F Curtis. PflOToaaAFHi or tub Wokld. A new work by this title ia just out. It con sists, as its name indieates, of photo graphs of all widely known objects i -the world, such as Blarney ; Castle, i Ireland, Forth bridge and Balmor castle, in Scotland, Shakespeare's hou Windsor castle and London bridge Bngland, City of Moscow, Berlin, b -eye view of Paris Cathedral of Dame. Constantinople, Parthenon - " Athens, Venice, Colloseum, St P.?" and Vatican, in Rome, etc. All bese views are executed in tbe high est BtTl of tha art and m echan ical the bjk consisting of over 500 pages is eveonce thing of beauty, a joy for r." No more beautiful arid tasty . namet could be securedfor a library pari or Get one. HOME AMD ABBOAB- , TM0RS0AV. . At Oakland yorlordsy Oregon Eoiipxe won th one and th ee-elghth mil raoealtb eaac. Supreme court adjourned for Thanks giving, and Judg Htrahan osme np to oole brat with his Albany friend. J W Dugaa, a Bprlnufiald Lam county, druggist, has aligned to K Martin. Lia bilities, $079; assets, about f 70, Tb kindergarten entertainment, tbe pre grm for which wa putilmhcd yeittrday, wa in progress at prM time, too lal for mention today. Our exobangn In all part of the valley hay item b nt prune and other orchards btiing set out. It i only a question of tim when this will he the liult garden spot of the coait. A tolrtsrain from Portland savs Frank II Paavy, te grain dsaler and oasHalUt. haa returned from a trip np the Willamette valley. II is favorably inclined toward tbe projoct of comtruotsng grain elevator at Balom, Albauy and other oitiu. OrviCKH Elkctcu. -At the regula meet of Albany ledae, No a I O O F held last evening-, the lollowlnjr officers were elected for the term commenclnc, January itt, i8yi : J C Littler, N G ; J G Cheiry, V Oi It LUurkhart, RSjKA Parker, V oi 1 urauworii, ircas; w w 1 weedale, C W Scars and T J Stltcs, trustee Tiiankhuivino In Albany is a very quiet day. Most of the aore keep open because the other do; but business Is de cidedly quiet. The services to day at the a i a t . .. t. ....... a . a uapuei cnurcn were largely attended and were full of Interest, Rev Hill preached an able tcnnoii that wa listened to with marked attention. This afternoon occurred the Kindergarten entertainment, and to night theie will be a pumpkin pie social at the U P church, a prohibition lecture at the WC1U Mall, a ball at the armory. anj a snow 01 some kind at tbe Opera House, and tha't vtijl be Albany Thanks giving. rituiAr. TF Hickman has filed a claim to the Hlaek Jl ar n,in in tbesantlam district. Williams ColWe traduste within? to form a North weal alumni aasooiatt'ia are requested t" correspond Lyman, of Walla Walla. with Prof W 1) Among the naw attraction at the Albany flan atora aro a finuly mounted cab bear, brought from near Mill City, and a rabbit. Wm Peacock did the work. E T Miller, of this place, who bonght tea aereaoi isnn on tne Lebanon ditcb, bas bnea offered $Ci an aor for th land, but aay a he will bold it until beis given $!00 an .re. Labanon Advance. Another ear lotd of ettioa arrived ve terday and ia being need oa the second linn county pier. 1 he Hr.t section of th first Benton county rtr it nil and ia beioir filled with cement. Work is lrai;rtiair ranidlv 'and great pains ia being taken to pot no a ... .1... f.i.. uriujjo inai win iai. A show was advertised last niht by pot Ur only, to be at the ()pra Uous. Oa account of having no audience there wa no entertainment. Aa nearly as w can learn tn troop oonstai of two monkey, a dog, and two paopl. Tbey wanted to try it sai louigtit, but (he luansgement said no Ox -nigRiVKB. The Modoc, a Union Pacific boat, Capt tjmilh at the helm, was in tho city this morning, but seemed to be doing little business at this end ot the river. The Ikntley also went down streffm with some wheat. Mr ls!ie at toon is now wharf agent of the Ore gon Pacific at this city, and will be found at me warehouse oihce. The Willamette is four feet above low water at this city, a line navigation stage. PaotiiiiiTios. John Lloyd Thomas, secretary of the national prohibition committee delivered an address at the W O T U ball last evening to a small audience. Mr Thomas is sent nut to re organize the prohibition party in this Statu. Ha ia a ifrr nr.. I t .w - v . j I " 1 (. . .. t. . 1 V 1 M , . n.l nt 1 1 . u .naNi...l t .. I 01 T memu-rs. o understand that ladia. ami vnnnw Iftiltna an.l nnl !m.n (non voters) are taken into these clubs. 3i r j uomns arraigned in terse language that system of legislation that has, in the last 25 veara. rcanltp.l in m.ttna 8.000 Dlillintiairr tt-lin r.u-n hnr .... t of tho wealth of the country. He made wie misiaKe, however, of blaming the democrats equally with the republicans for this system of legislation. He should bear in mind thut during the last -'5 years the democrats have not had legis lative control of tha government, and hence could not Im bnt. I y.aii..nuil J., tnr - . - - . - ..v. . M.'WMB V. it. TUB KlMllKROtttTE! KvTERTAINMCtT The opera boue w as crowded yesterday . . w... v.. wvtsiuu vt mo r rui ovt kindergarten entertainment. Tho first part of the program, as pablishcd, was carried out, and contained many pleas ing features, displaying in a marked manner tbe capacities of tho smallest children when properly instructed. Home of the pieces were very bright, and certainly provtd a thanksgiving offering of merit. The audience was much pleased with tha entertainment, the general impression being a very favor able ono for the kindergarten system. Owing to an unavoidable delay in begin ning me exercises it was totiint neces sary to omit the second part of the program, consisting of addresses on the subject, a fact greatly regretted. It is tbe intention ot holding another enter tainment at an early date in order to complete the program, when new fea tures will bo added, among others a paper by Mrs Tatbam. SATUSOAY. Dancing school at Opera House tomorrow evening at 9 o clock . Prof Oscar Fletchtr.the celebrated flutiar. will play at the dancing school social to morrow evening, lie tore and attend. May& Sender ordered sixty car for nipping wncat last week, bat it will be a few daya yet before tbey can set them off. They have, however, tout out several oars each day tbta week, liarrlsburg Courier Tbe Bible says "of that day and hour knoweth no man," bat Hecry Morgan, who haa been doing Oregcn lays March 29 ia tbe day when tne world will come to aa end, "and that when Henry Morgan tells yon a thing he knowa it." Dodge, the wife-beater, waa released on Monday eyenlng from jail, and Tuesday morning ke Uf t town. - Mra Dodge remains to oouduot her restaurant Henceforth, ahe aays, she wanta nothing whatever to do with her husband, and she doea not ore wbere he goea to nor doea ahe a ant to know. Oregon City Courier. Walter White, one of tha brothera who i ecoptly cut timber on government land in Chesher precinct, plead guilty before Judge Deadv in Portland. Wednesday, and . waa sentenoedto pay a tine of $100 or be im prisoned in the Lane ooanty jail for 30 day, lie choae the latter and was brought here last evening by Deputy U 3 Marshal Sinnott and incarcerated in tho jail. Eugene Guard. J R Thorns orgsnixed a prohibition club at Salem yesterday with seyenty-foar mem bers. He haa been in Oregon ainoe U onday, and has organised the following prohibition olubf i Ashland, with forty-eight members; Rosebnrg. sixty one; Eagene, ninety-eight; and Albany, twenty-eight. Ha aays the ttate will Oa tboroaghly organized for tha nextcanvasa Ha thinks tha Prohibition outlook bright. . ,. . . In tbe line of aDeooaolaa and eve. wlaaana. French, the jeweler, leadr . Look oat for a big disnlxv of Christmas gooda at Frenoh'a jawelry store. Ton oan get the worth of vour monev bv buying your watohea and olooka at F M trench a, the corner jewolry store. Fresh oriapoelery at Allen Broa. Ask for Creioent tea at F E Allen's. Freshroasted oolioa at F E Allen's. Repairing neatly'dono at the l.trao cilt boot store. A Sue line of orookery ware at Conn & Hendriosou's. J , Fresh mince meat In quantities to salt at FEAUen'e. - A Una line of ladiot and children's gossa mers at the Ladies Baaar, All kinds of farmers prod oca taken in ex change for groceries at F E Alien'. - A full line of clears and tobacco at F E Allen'a. v , "Allen Broa always keep their customers supplied with fresh batter and eggs. Notice the extra boIIoW prouad razors used by barbers are sold by Stewart tb Sox AH linds of choice eating and cooking apples at Allen Bros.;. : Ladies Oxford ties at greatly reduced rates at Klein Broc, Mast be sold. A lares line ot elegant sold watches in tttty nw tray at WilJ k Stark's, Fresh Mocha, Java aad Blendid coffee re oivtd on every steamer at Allen Bros, Abkbhted ron FonoKBr. On com plaint of Mrs R Cheadle, a man going by the name ot M K Whitton. waa arrested at the depot this noon, charged wltb passing a lorgeu check on her. Her charges are that be rented a room of her. for which he was to pay 15. This he did at once with a check tor $10 on the Oregon Bank, Mrs Cheadle giving him .'i in change. The check was signed by J L Hudson, and endorsed by Jas Harvey. Suspecting something wrong she went to tho bank immediately and iounu vnre was nosucn person tanking there. The man at least looks slippery, lie asserts that he never saw the check before. He had on bis person pl0.75, of which $5 was in one dollar bills. He will bo examined before Justice Coshow this evening at 7 o'clock. To-Monnow'a Hkrvicxs Rev II F oi mi -v, it u,ui iyr,iuw,will prcacu at the UP church morning and evening. ten . h n .1 ll. i v t. ev wanace is a Drotner ol the late banker, R H Wallace, of Salem. Quarterly meeting at the First M V. church. Love feast at 10 a m, preaching at 11 a in and 7 :30 p m, by Rev 8 P Wil son, P E. Communion service after morning sermon. Sunday school at 2 :30 p m, Epworth League at 6 :30 p m. All will be made welcome to these services. Rev Parker, of Wood burn, will nreacb at the Congregational church morning and evening. Preaching at tbe Baptist church bv tha pastor, Rev Geo W Hill, at 11 am and 7:30 pm. Holiday school at 12:15 p m, Young people's meeting U:30, All are invited. Preaching services at the Presbvterian church at lt a m and 7 :80 p m. Y P 8 O E at 6:45 p m, Sabbath school at 12:15 p m. hutjji-ct of morning sermon, "An Ancient and a Modern Appeal." Even ing, "Thelioapfcl in it Relation to tbe Individual." All will be made welcome to these services. Rev C G Harmon, pastor ot the M E church, south, evtll address the YMCA meeting tomorrow at 4 p m. Rev Mr lltrmon ha been an active member of the Men' Chrlatian Association In the east and come to u prepared aad willing to aid us In our work for voumr men in Al bany. We most heartty welcome our owner ana trust mat his work In Albany will be fruitfull unto life everlasting. All men are invited to hear him at the W C T U hall. ox Tne aaiTHEB boisdibt. Nov 33. tfloi. A little child of Ben Allen' era aftten by a dog one day last week . ar.d waa at first thought to be dar.geroue! hurt, but lonunaiciy wa not. Mr Martha Simmons spen' several uaye visiting in Albany last week. J A Vaughan returned from Portland Friday, having been excused from jury duty In the U i court. Ben Vaughan'a h-altlt was Improving at accounts. Mr Derrick and family moved to Bea verton one day last week via the SP R R. The Lewi cemetary ha a neat new fence around It, and the Somerville school house will be fenced In the near future. Transfer of cattle have been too numer cus to mention. Dealers from Eugene and Salem have been raiding thia section. Ed AUIngham apent several daya last week In the vicinity of Pleasant Hill for the purpose of buying cattle. The boundary was numerously repre sented at the Harrisburg ball last Friday evening. Hon J D Kennedy Is sending a few days here. His arm U atill stiff from the hurt he received last summer. Mr Poor, of Sclo. was hunting three runaway horses here several daya last week. Harry Vaughan had the misfortune to cut hi foot on a piece ct glata while at acriooi one day last week and ha been laid up several dat In consequence. City Foreman came near befner caueht by the train at Millers Station last Mon day. He was assisting Mr McCrow to drive cattle to Salem, and In trying to get the cattle off the track he came near losing ' his own life, six of the cattle were killed. Miss Nellie Purdy, of Harrisburg. apent last Sunday here with hei motor. Mlt Vina Tllton Is expected home from the near future. BeseJatleaa at Ceadeleaee. W'liBttBsB, It baa pleased tbe great Architect of the Universe to remove from onr midst our late brother, George H. Keeney, and Wiixrsas, It is but just that a fitting recognition of his many virtues should be bad, therefore bo it Resolved, That it ia but a just tribute to the memory of onr departed brother to aay tnst in regreiung nts removal irom our midst, we mourn tor one wbo was in every way worthy of our respect and re gard. Resolved, That we sincerely condole with the family ot the deceased on tbe dispensation with whicb it ha pleased Divine Providence to atllict them and commend them for consolation to Him who orders all things for the best. Resolved, That thia heartfelt testimo nial ot our sympathy and sorrow be for warded to the parents of oar deceased brother. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records ot this lodge and a copy furnished to .each of tbe city papers for publication. Resolved, That the charter of this lodge bo draped in mourning for a period ot viurtyoays. J . t. uhmxt, A. J. Hodges. Beat stock of 2nd foods In the Va ir, and th moat raoa iale prices, both b tailing. 1 have on band, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOXS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. tfoor waat of S B Young's oil siora L. C0TTLKB FOSHAY & MASON vtsuuu Aa asTan- Druggists and Booksellers, AgeiiU for John B. Aldan's publications, eulch we sell at publisher' prieea with aUgeadda ALBASY, ORfidOB ACADEMY . OF ; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - ' OREGON Cond noted by the Statu f St, Benedict Tuition In select school range mm 15 to f 10. Fortsran of 3ilnr n l . . ; prsloolars apriiy at tia 41 . visa efister supriorea. . RedCrownMills tiUNINU & CO., VaOPR'S kw pRoosas ixoca sursRioR ron ra.arn.ia "jn baeirs raa, - REST STORAGE FACILITIES. PHOTOGRAPHER. Cor Second andFerry St, lAlbany, . SUfKiUK work. gnarantMd In ever branch of the art, Jtrjb;alarg1ng e 11 kiudsa spesiaHyk . , , 2nd ICa Store. "August Flower" How rtftas he feel ? -He feel, cranky, &d is constantly experi menting, dieting himself, adopting Btrange notions, and changing the cooking, the dishes, the hours, and manner of his eating August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He fcela at times a gnawing, voracious, insati able appetite, wholly unaccountable, unnatural and unhealthy. August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel 7 -He feels no desire to go to the table and a grumbling, fault-finding, over-nicety about what is set before him when he is there August Flower the Remody. How does he feel ? He feels after a spell of this abnormal appe tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, and detestation of food; as if a mouthful would kill him August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel? He has ir regular bowels and peculiar stools August Flower the Remedy. Cereal, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all fat ant rmainras conducted for Ms derate fee. Oar Otic Is OwposH U. S. Office, and w can se-nre patent la less time toast loot remota from Washington. Bend model, drawing or photo., wttl descrip tion. We advise. If patentable or not. free ut cbarjre. bur fee not due tilt patent la secured. A PaatDhlet, "How to Obtain Patent.," with Barnes ofarto'J client la jrouBtsta, countr, or town, seat free. Address, OooosH Patent 09! re. Washlnats. D. C. A Severe Law. Tha English peo ple look more eloeclr tb genuineness 1 tf LiciiV 01 icese r;ie man 1 I ' wada In 'act, ther 'sr'pk'? "wbich ibey mak Vir..",? arl da- r stroy aJulteratad - prod arts that are n..'. liier aro rci-reaented to be. Coder t'a!ti-; thousands of pounds of tea bar L - ;.i.r:.-1 ij -cs'ire of Ibelr wboloaalcadat tora' !r,a. . Tea. by t'.c i-tjr, It :ie of tha moat Doiorl-ni-ljralt:ht-7stcdar:i'!esof eontmerra. Kot m'i'K-.v ere ti c trlht, th'.r.f jrcia teea aril 11 ria'.:7 ffc tiA, Ijtii f i-.u-aci cf pound of 'l:t f r tc leaves ro cjcJ to swell l! I. ; 'U .l r'.i a;i ' ,a ; tb, aloe, and willow V ." 1 !'; .'nw ji-.-Mt , eounaonfr a ted. '..ait, srr-:-;:': 'a tea waretv.unos ar oiorcl and -1 1 si I-c. Kvei eshacsted tea t t-u h- e.l frrrr.i t:.e l li .ut s are kept. Cried, and :a !savtn.ud uui tielr war into llie. htap .r'". I!e Ltir'!-b r.ft-r H a'.-icpUtostama t cu; i 1-ni.i: ' 1.: l.i:t no tea is too l-n t r s . r . : t'.a :. U It, :Uat probably i:.e .:: t . . 'd 1 j vuj UA'.lim are those Cj: :T.t4 l.t;.-. - Ircfhs It U j-ijrr.fcd with th gur a:i y that i: li b ir.,lor.-U tnd onadnlterated; In !, tUo tv.-c !;a !tf para and sins I ";e. r pa:ii lr.rts rrptrlor strengtb. sUiut one tbird !' oi It VMiir reqoirod for S3 l:ifst!in :ha:n.f the iliilriil tcca, and tW ( asrance a id H vli;.c f.avor is at once ap f irtut. It lrl'.l be a icvu'.atioa to yoo. Ia order that lu pnrity aad quality may be gaas entecd, it 1 told ocly ia potmd package bcarlug this lradaa-l:: 'Pure As Childhood" Tiicm 60c per pound. IWaalaat ALLEN'.BRO S CHOICE MEATS Au. Emirlclc -fc - Baker, Opposite Bchtaeer Uverf Stable, next aor to Willamette Packing Co', store. Albany -:- Nurseries. Wii arsjeflering t pknters th Snest lot T 1 ia au a I desirable varieties, la tne sum. te tdnd sd ttt) tl.etitse Ut eon's trade. v DfSPKCTlOS IXTITED. SATISrACTIOS CCARAXTBSD. dVSaaJ eatalor-ii r sail oa n. at tha Viae aae t , oae Uail.mlle aoUweet of Alb MM N & BROWNELL Portland, Oreeoa. A. P. Annetrooir, Prln. Branch School : Carira t Bus. Collsgb, Salem. Oragoa. Sameesuraetof study, eame rate, of taitioa. Business. Shorthand, Trf nvritinf, PenmmnsA if, mmd Enciuk Defarttmmtt aarineMleaUraairbauttbTar. Btadents adailt at au? tune. Caiataf-ae from either eehool. tn Albany IRON WORKS. eManulaotarra o' (EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW VILL MACHINERY IRON FKDNTS W ALL KIKD3 OF HEAVY AHO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. seolal attaation Jld 0 v pairing U oa oi maoniner? P<M-ns Made on Short Notice ALfilST COLLSSIATS IRSTITUTB ALBANY, OREGON.' . 18Q1, 1S92. . rirat Teraa Opened Srpteaaber tte, 1 89. A full oorpa of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coaraea at atudy arranged to moot tV all gaades ofstatlents, Sfjt inanctments ofertd to stHctenti ' : from abroad. ?. CLVEKT HCwXBIT Frestdeat, . B?8 fi f acknowledged! the leadinr remedr for Cnresln X Llteaarrhma A ttaest. fl TOS DAY8.1 The onlT aaia remedr tor IieatwrrkesaorWbitea. I prescribe it and feet arai;r tare in recommeauicsiis THttvUHtOHEMiriiTn, to sll suflbrera. . . . ir " . t crrAuca V TV J ' &l & l . M. , Sold lay DrairariateTa Stanard & Cnaks , Agents" City Restaurant. Hiring been entirely r nodeied. this old nod popular restaarant wl be made 6 rat. ,!aaa n erery respect. The pnbiio will be given good meals a all k oars for only 2f seats. Everything neat and attractive Priyat boxes. (ytera la tvery ttyl .