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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1891)
FRIDAY... DECEMBER 4, 1891 LiOGAl UEOOUD. Tub Laj, Co. Virsion. Sheriff J E Noland, thin morning, arrested on Joe Oojfgen at Albany, on suspicion of having ten implicated' in the murder of John Kwing, above Cottairo Grove, Irtstaunv luer. It seems Uoirwn had told that the young man Kelng was dead and that hi ixhiy liad been tunk in stream with rocs attached to hii hour. He wn broiiKht here this afternoon and incar cerated in the county Jail. It appears ni me young man, John Kwing, waa working in a law mill above Cottage Grove last June, when one day ho took a gun and went to Hie woodt to hunt for deer. After he loft three shots were heard about one-half mile distant from the mill. Kwing did not return, and tor uie neat several days loarch names were orjtaniml and thoroughly hunted the woods for him, hut found no trace, and nothing haa leen heard of the minting man smce. The peoplo of that section have aiifpicioned that he hai been foully dealt with, as he had no cause to disap pear, and then ho left all hit belonging!, not even taking his coat. Guard. They unuouoteuiy hare the wrong man. nwi JUi'RDEKEn. j 11 stina was murdered near Whiteson Sunday night. Stine, N C Cook and a section boss were going home from Amity .when Cook.who was following Slim on the railroad traak, euddenly drew a revolver and shot Ptine in tho back, lie then shot himself. Poth men died almost instantly. The section boss went to Whiteson and gave the warning. No cause waa given for the deed. It is surmised here that the men bad probably been drinking. Stine was at onetime editor of the Brownsville Times and lebanon Express, which pa pers he founded. One version ol the trady ) that Stine was shot becaust he had been in the habit of joking Cook about the stories told con , cermng cook aud a characterless woman of the neighborhood, stating that the Grand Army would get hold of the story and put him in the penitentiary. Cook was mentally weak and totally destitute of undemanding a joke. Tuc Sams Man. The following item frSm the Welcome, of Portland, on the face of it, tells about the man arretted Saturday in this ci'y for pawing a forged check. The description and circumstances tally exactly. Tide fellow told Mr Cheadle he was a butcheralto: A swind ler with a new scheme was around town on Thanksgiving day and it I possible that he It yet out of buslnena. Ills plan it to visit houses before which "Rooms to Rent" cards are displayed. lie selects a room, usually one renting from $toto $u per month, and offers a check on a local bank for its pay mem. If the check i accepted he pockets the change and hat passed off a worthiest piece of paper. He worked three or fjur house that The Welcome has been apprised of, and per haps secured a number of dollars from other parties who have n.t reported their lost. He telle hit victims that he it a butcher, alwayt locating himself tome distance away, or tiring that he has just arrived in town aad Is golug to work for some one of the leading markets. He It described as a man of very florid com plexion, and his weight Is from HO to 72$ pounds. Ax Max Named. The Inde pendence West Side says "there is H'lle doubt of Binger Hermann's receiving the nomination again," end then asks: 'Who is the choico of the democrats in the first congressional district upon whom to bestow the honor of a nomina tion?" Answering its own question, it cava that a fit man ij to be found in Hon J K Weatherford, of Albany. "Thus presenting the name of J K Weatherford," it says, "is a voluntary contribution 0:1 our part, and entirely unknown to him, but we do it with a Cnu conviction in his fidelity to democratic principles, and from the 'act that by personal intercourse with many members of the party he stands in the froi.t rank, as one that should receive the honor of a nomina tion. Wt therefore present the name of J K Weatherford to the consideration of the democracy as one w orthy in all re spects to receive that honor at their hands." A Debate Last Saturday evening a debate wat had in Tangent on the resolu tion that a tariff duty on Imported wool increases the price ( domestic wool. There were three farmer on each tide of the question. We are Informed that A Blevlnt and J A McGhee were two of the three that took the negative, and Hons L Case and K L Smith were two of the three who took the affirmative. We did n )t learn the names of the other two combatants. Two of the three judges were repnbllcans and one was a democrat. The negative won the question. This move to discuss publicly various phases of the tariff question is a move In the right direction. Every citizen, man, woman and child it Interested in It. Let farmert have these public disunions during the winter. Tue Last Snow.--Tho Dauoca at men were not unfortunate enough to be pres ent at the W 8 Cleveland's ministrel entertainment last evening. A few speak well of it; but most who heard it pro nounce it decidedly rocky, with only three or four good men in the show. Several have told us if we want their friendship that we must burn them up. the mere statement of which shows their feelings, and, as well, helps do the scorching. On the otter hand several declare it to have been as good as any ever in Albany, rake your choice. Circuit Court. The following new cases have been begun : I J Long act. J M Conelt. ror recovery 01 money. Attach. ment. H II Hewitt, attorney for plaintiff. C H Hoberg aet. G W EelU, et al. Fore closure mechanic'! lien. G W Wright, attorney tor plalntltt. A a Mcljwaln act. C D Turner. For recovery of money. J IM JJuncan, attorney for plalntltt. Align ment of A I AchUon. Blackburn & Wat sn, attorneys. A S Knox agt. city of Albany. Weatherford and Wolverton, at torney t tor plaintiff. HowMucii Eaix. Some people say that the month of November just passed was noted for being rainy. Others; say not. But the figures tell the tale. The average rainfall lor the month of Novem ber for the last fifteen years is 3.02 inches. The amount of rainfall for the November just ended was 7.32 inches, so the rainfall this November was nearly double that of the average for the last fifteen years. A New Nursery. Mr J A Hyman has begun the establishments a nursery on twenty acres of land on the Rainwater farm across the river. He selected the place on account of the bridge. That section of Benton county in a few years will be built up witli gardens and nurseries. Assessments. There are three atsctt mentt In the A O U W order lot the month of December which closes the year. During the year there have been 66 deaths and 34 atsessmentt in this jurisdiction, (Oregon, -Washington and British Col urn bla.) The amount of money on thete deaths wat $132,000. Poor Policy. The vote at Linkvllle recently over tne proposition 10 levy a three-milt tax to carry on the public echoola during the winter stood 47 against tax, to 7 for tax, and the town will have no schojl till timet get better out there, All the other institutions of the town including three or four saloons seem to be flourishing. Tidings. Crook Court yM E Bilnk left latt Thursday for Albany. He wat called there on account of the tlcknett of hit father and mother. . A match, two best In thiee, between Slchel' Ben Harrison and Moore't Duncan waa trotted over the Prlneville race courte on Thursday afternoon. Ben took the first two heats, the flist in i-AK and the second in a:37 Card or Tuahks. The undersigned husband and daughter of the late Mrs Breitenbush, wish to return thanks to neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy during the recent illness and death of MrsBreitenbUBli. Herman Bbeitenbush, Jennie I!iieitenbush. 0c Sistek. Bob Johnson, editor of he Corvallla Times, waa in the citT the other day, and after going home gets off the following live paragraph on Aionny, which will be generally appreciated, and we are wort than ha'.f inclined to reach out a warm grin towards our sister up the river. ''Albany always haa IbccH a kind of a twin sister to Corvallla. Not because of any particular affection exist ing between the two towna, but from the fret of having n similar excuse tor living and haying been on the turf about the same length of time. We are a kind of a Siamese twins with the river for a con necting cord. From birth Albany haa been the larger child and on several occasions when fortune seemed to smile on her has been loath to recognise or adrrit our common paternity. Now our aister means well, but whenever a new enterprise springs up in her midst her self-esteem is ant to give her the notion that she is tho hub of the universe the railway center of tho world. Site never did recognise in Corvallla a rival, but lua alwava considered us at a poor relation, and often had to condescend to notice us in commercial society. But she is outirrowinir this foolish notion The begins to realise that Corvallla keep close to her heeis in the race lor su prom acr. We have been girls together, but Albany had a change in life about two years ago and put on long dresses. She has developed into a fine looking city and her Main street commands respect, She haa readied her majority and has doffed her swaddling clothes. But we, too. are bcsinning to take the tucks out of our calicoes and some of these mora ines Albany will be proud of her twin sister aud will willingly march hand in hand throuch the aires to importance and prosperity. Probate Matters. In the matter t the ettate of Reuben A McFarland, bond filed and approved. E L Brran, I U Jenkt and J W McGhee appointed appraisers. In the matter of the estate of Alexander Downing, citation Issued to heirt and all Interested to appear In this court Ded. nth 1901, al o o clock a m, to show cause whv real esta'.e should not be told at prayed for by the administrator. In the matter of the estate of Thoa. B Miller, an idiot, citation Issued to helrt to thow caute, it any, why real property should not be told. In the matter of the estate of Wm A, Guy and Dora P Porter, minors, first ac count filed and approved. In the matter of the estate of M J Cald well, report of sale of personal property approved. in the matter ot the guardianship of Helen G Spencer, a minor, first annual ac count filed. w In the matter of the estate of Geo II Keeney.J M Keeney appointed adminis trator with bonds fixed at $8ooo. School Teachers. After paying Prof Horner a compliment and remarking that Rosebur g was foolish not to ktf him a any prlcc.lhe West Side remark. "Kote burg has a gaod teacher now, but the salary he gets It a disgrace to the town and to the teaching profession. Prof J W Crawford, ot McMinnvllie, goet to Al bany. We extend our tT to these teach ers. Prof Horner receives $i7o. and Prof Crawford $1400 per annum. These are respectable salaries, and shew an ap preciation of wnit by an intelligent public. Roseburg pat$)oo per annum, and Salim, the capital of Uregon, payt $1000 per annum to teachers ot like posi tion. Salem and Roteburg are mossbacks of the first water on the public school ques'.lon. Local Train Time It Is learned from a pretty reliable source that the long looked for and much needed change la the time of the arrival of the nvrnincr local will occur aiout the middle of next mouth. Prthlons from tSe people of Al bany anJ other po!r.l along the line ak lu shot the time of the morning Albany local be thanked people living between A'Dr.ny and 1 ortland could go to I'ortuml la l!ic morning without hating to get up hclore daylight, have been presented to he company and it I understood the comrany has concede! tha request, though it I not know n for a fact. The tram suppose.1, by the new schedule, to reach here somewhere near S o'clock In the morning instead of 6xS o'clock at It does now. Statesman. This would make the Albany ot leaving about 7 o'clock. which wou.d give general satisfaction. . Scio Fire Facts. An exchange givea the following in reference to the Scio mills: The Scio mills were built by McKinney & Turner sometime in 1867 and did a large business in those days in i8, JKrentiand ot The Dalles en larged and improved .them. In 1885, upon the death of K l'entland, they paused into the hands of their present owner. In connection with the mill was a large pump and tank for furnishing the town with water, also an electric light pLrnt run by the water power. D Myers pinning mm, and a wagon shop, were also furnished power. The mills had recently been rebuilt, and provided with new improved machinery, together with the addition of the plants which furnish the town with electric lights and the water power. An Erracrivr Punishment. A story comes from Yaquina City that Er nest Smith, aged 17 yeart, tried to ravish the 1 a -year old daughter of Lafe Manning. in fact the enraged lather caught the bo in the act and had ample proof to tend him to the penitentiary. But by some pe culiar compromise between the father.the Justice of the Peace and the boy's mother, legal proceedings were dropped and Mr Manning wat privileged to punish the boy at he thought best. So he took the boy 10 a seciuaea spot ana tne justice accom panied them, at a referee. He wat strip ped and lathed until hit body looked like a revised map of Africa, and altheugh the punishment wat not strictly according to the letter of the law. It was both severe and effective. Ol courte the proceeding! may have been a trlllc Irregular, but we never like to question the decree of a court, Times. A Matoblehh Crrr. A charter of Baker City provides that. "The office of mayor or treasurer shall be deemed va cant whenever the incumbent thereof shall be absent from the city for the period of fifteen days. The newly elected mayor. UAjonns, having been absent from the 7th nntil the 23d o: the pres- ent month sixteen davs a auestion is raised as to the authority of Mr John's official acts. It is claimed that the words 'deemed vacant" mean that the law itself, without any subseonent act on part of the council, declares the office vacant when the mayor's absence ex cecds the limitation fixed by the charter. An Assignment. A J Achleon. who hat been running a tmall ttore onootile the Rutt House, a few months, hat made an assignment tor '.he benefit of hit creditort, to J W Achiten. Hit liabilities ate placed at about $300, most of which t due Portland creditors, among olhert being Allsky for $35; Portland Coffee Si spice mills, sbc; rage Sons, $3: Wad hams, $15 Hit only Albany credltort are 0 K 1 oung, $50 35 ; J Joseph , $ 1 50, ExiiuMKD Again This afternoon Sheriff Scolt, under an order of Judge Bobetook up the body of Heniy Ingram for the purpose, If possible, of getting the real cause and motive of hit murder. It appeart that when the body wat exhumed and examined tome days ago the bullet that wat snot into ritt lace wat found under the tkin on the . top of the head The scalp at that time wat removed and the tkull was found to be Irictured from the top where the ball ttruck it down to the eart. The physicians, Drs Matton and Wallace had not completed the ex aminauon when we went to prett, Mem Wanted. A Benton county ex change tayt Captain Bymont.Unlted States engineer, nat oimcuity in securing at many men at are needed to work in the quarriet at Yaquina which furnish ttone for the jetties there. He Is In need of a dozen or to men, who can have a job for tne winter 11 tney tun. engineer in charge at Yaquina complaint of various and tundry thefts of oars, a boat, rope, drlllt, etc., the property of the United Utalet government. An effort It betng maae to tecure ine capture and punish ment ot ine tmevet. rROUKEBa! It It very important in thia age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing to the taste end to the eye, easily takeo. atcentable to the stomach and healthy in its nature and effrcta. Possetting thete quali ties, Syiup of Figa ia the one peifect laxa- ciye aud most gentle diuretic known. tu& k rmtut MONDAY. Ex-Shcrlff J K Charlton was In the, cltv today. Mr and Mrs L B Blaln went to Portland today for two or three days. Thoa Brink, who haa been dangerously liit is gradually improving. Conductor Kennedy, of the O. P. laid off from Ma regular trip and Is doing Al bany this afternoon. -Frank Gurncl, recently leader ot the Albany hose team, ran a foot tace In Portland a short lime ago, winning lioo. Judge Strahan returned to Salem today for the supreme court. Among . ethers who went dawn were Judge Fllnn, Judge Burnett and Judge Mcradden. Mr John Sommerville, the well-known banker ot rortiami, spent sunuay in Al bany the uuest of his sitter, Mrs N A Blodgett. License to marry have been Issued to O 11 ltuituii and urace J-anguon, 01 .-sweet Home.S A Devaney witness) and Richard Kupert K. Lai telle and ttia Maud atout, Mr J C Btlyeu appearing at witness. Senator Myers of Scio It In the city and tayt lie will put In a lot ot money dltchlnr and draining hit real estate- Myers' addition to Salem, and In the spring will tpend several thousand dollars scooo 10 saooo in erecting some nice cottages. -Salem Journal. An Oakland Item In the Roteburg Re view reads: "Miss Alice BufTington and Mr A M Qrav. of Euaene. were united In man iage at the residence ol J C Gray, Oakland, on last Wednesday at 3 o clock p m. Congratulatlont." We are Informed by one posted that this It the third mar riage of brothers and titters from the two families, three brothers having: married three sisters. There are some girts left. and Johnny Gray lives In hope. The Newberg? Graphic says: John Townsend and family arrived here last week from Albany, and are located In the Dr Moore property. We are very glad to welcome them to our town.and hope they will erjoy their new home. Mr Townsend ha' rented the vacant store room belong ing to J T Smith, and will In a few dayt open a ttock of hardware and stoves and will also handle furniture. Toward spring he will also handle buggies, wagons and farming ImplemnU. tdrsdat. Rev Irvine returned this noon from a rip to Salem . Mrs Russell, residing on Lvon street. Is lyina dangerously ill. due to a rupture a few days ago. G W Simpson returned tsst evening from a tilp to Spokane Falls, where he disposed of pounds of dried fruit. J W Blain, cashier ot the First National bank, of Albany, wat In the city yesterday. Statesman. More correctly of the Ore gon Bank. C C Hovia. the restaurant man. just north of the Democrat office, Ml last night on the overland tor California, much io the regret of several Albany creditors. WEDNESDAY. Ralston Cox. of Portland, waa in the city today. JOBeebe. of Lane county, a foiuier Linn county man, is in the city. Abe Hackleman and F. A Parker. Jr., returned yesterday from Prinevitle. Mr Frank Ketchum and son. ot Al bany, have been visiting relatives in the city for several days. Corvallla Times. Dr L W Goisa is rapidly recovering from his severe sickness- lie waa able yesterday, with assistance, to walk ae far as the drag store. Dr Kelley, of I'ortiand, has been treating him. Wood burn Independent, ' Last week, at Corvallia. Abner D lcker, aged 55, and Mrs Belville, aged 67 were united in marriage. This wns the f rooms fourth experience, and the brides sixth. Here in one case where a couple were not married rashly, without experience. Mr W J Adams, of tho Albany Mining A Milling Co.. came down from the mines today. He renorta the mill set no In good shape. The dump, which broke down with an immense quantity of ore, is being repaired, and it is expected the mill will be able to start next week. D L Catea. sheriff ot Wasco county. reached this city yesterday with E O Stone, alias C E Schmidt, who waa sen tenced to nine years in state's prison ort three indictments for forgery. Stone recently spent several weeks in jail at Albany, charged with a minor offense which was dismissed to give way to the greater one of forgery. Statesman. Last evening at the residence ot Mr B W Cundiff a reception was tendered Rev. C. O. Harmon, the new pastor of the M- K. Church (sooth. Besides members of the church and their families, resident ministers and a few others, a Democrat man had the pleasure of participating in what proved a very enjoyable affair. In teresting games were played, bes-des the customary conversation, and a nicely gotten up lunch was served. Rev. liar- man Is a pleasant young man who is bound to make many friends in his new field of labor. WOODER WEDDUta. On last evening anite a number ot the friends of Mr and Mrs A J Hunt gathered at their residence, the occasion being the fifth anniversary of their wedded life. A most pleasant gathering it proved to be. The most pleasant feature being an elegant repast, including a fruit cake five yeart old. The usual games were indulged. Quite a number of presents were brought in by the guests. OKECOS STATE Vf CATHCB SESVM'K Sommary. Station, Albany. Month? November, 1391. Eleyation above tea level, 217.7 ft. Man temperature, 47-SO. Depar are from normal, 1 3.62. Maximum teoiperatnre, 64: date, let. Minimum temperature, 30; date, I7lh. Mean of maximum temperature, 53.2. Mean of minimum teroperatere, 43.7. No. timet naximnra temoeratare 09 or above, 0. No. times minimum temueratare 32" or below, 1 . Total precipitation. 7-32 inches. Departure trom normal. 1 3 40 inches. Prevailing direetion of the wind, S. No. ot elondleca dayt, 2. No. of paitly cloudy days, 6 No. of cloudy days, 22. No of daya on which .01 ot rain or scow fell, 18. Dates of light frost, 22od. Datet of killing or Injurious frost, 17th. Johji Baiees, Volunteer Observer. Did a Good Joe. The sewer that par allels the back alley of Main street has been finished. Haynes & Buck, of Al bany, completed their work today and It It a firaUclass job. The city council hat been wise In ordering this tewer built and now they can further exhibit their witdom by compelling every property holder to tap tne main aewer Immediately. That alley hat been one of the filthiest spots In me city ana tne Duiidinc ot the tewer ought to banish the twill barrel Timet. Where to Gat Them. When wanting .n organ or plana call on G L Blackman srht-e you can select from a first elasa toe.. 1 m - It cott Jas Ot born, of Salem f 82 for di turbing a rehgious meeting there. 8erved mm ngbt. Tire Suitings. Mr W R Graham has jutt received a fine line of tultlngi from the batt, which are at fine as anything every brought here, embracing the latest patterns, lie it anxious to have the pub lic Inspect them and get pricet. Hit long experience win enable him to tult the most fastidious. Don't go to the trouble of running all over the city, but go directly to Conn A HendricBon's and get what you want in the GROCERY fine. Their stock is large and well-selected. Freeh nrodnca and fruits can always be secured at their stands at the lowest prices. You get good goods and prompt attention. In crockery, glassware, lamps, etc., they are aiso caving a Dig run. jno better place in the city for bargains in this line. Don't close jour eyes against these facts. Any ene wanting the Leaoh Roaster and Baker bafore Christmas thonld order at once. Add rest Mrs Ta'-C f 0 Box S3 Agents wanted. Ull AND ABKOAB MONDAY, The Albany Mining end M'lllna are moving their ofttoe today into the Cuslc! tsioek, just north of tha Democrat offloe. Albany It Dotting up gteat enthusiasm ovara free kiodergsrUu. Triors it 110 liner Paid for wealth to do good. Salem Journal. Two ot the little alrlanf D 8 Smith were playing with an as Saturday evening whan one 01 tnem too dsotiy out tha lore niioor of the others hand, nearly aavorinq tha Anger, A turgann was called and d re tod tha wound, so mat tne anget win probably bo eaved. We publish elsewhere te-ooommaoicalions on the city government. Thai is the province rf a aewauauer. Our eulamnt art open for all tidos of all questions in refsrenoe so (neouy s sn.trs, 11 1 to be Unpad though thai no mud slinging l e imlulnd in. Al bany's oity eWions have alwtvt bean nrattv fl-can aflsira, and theootui'ig una thonld not oe an etoopiinn. The man going by the nataa of M It Whit. ton was examined before Justice Coshow Saturday evening aud hold tu await tha action of tho grand jury under 1300, which he waa enable to furniait, and it now board ing al the hotel de Sootl. An itm pub lished elsewhere from the Portland Weloorne indicates that he la andoubtedly guilty and thai he is tho same man who operated in Portland. Ik thr Rivir. This forenoon Fore- man Ed Stone while walking on tome piling ellDDcd oft Into the Wllla melti twice, the second time going In all over. tie got out without dlificulty. Dan St Clair alto took a bath in eleven feet of water. Though rather tall ha ecu Id nm keep hit head entirely out. He hat been rusticating the remainder of the day. Arrested for Murder. Thlt fere. noon Sheriff Noland came to Albanv armed with a warrant, gotten out at Cot tage Grove, in Lane -county, lor the arrett of laa Ootrcen for tha munlur nf John Ewfng. Fie found Goggen here and took Mm to tugene on the noon train. iaat May lotin K wing, a young man. dis appeared from Cottage Grave, under cir cumstances .Indicating that he was murdered. Ills whereabout have never been discovered. According to (ioggen't story latt summer he wat working at Yaquina Bay, where he wat with a man from Cottage Grove considerably and heard htm talk about the affair. Goggen It a hard drinker and It drunk consider ably. While on one of his sprees he probaMy made remarks at If he had been connected with the murder of vounir Kw'ng. He claims though, and probablv correctly, that he wa never at Cottage Grove nor south of Albany. Recently he hat been working for the Red Crown mlllt. He It a powerful man, and when ober It equal to nearly two average men. TURSDAY. Go W Hagbes la a esodUate for Marshal. Last niuht John Doe entered tha hoeee of Mr B W Candiffaed atule dive s articles, tike sugar, coffee, etc Oar ooo temporary aaye I W Cusiok ia mentioned by the repoblloane for mayrr. D r roaien tt also mentioned. Santa olaai will be to Albany the Utter part of thia mooib. Arrangements are el eady beiog eiada fur his appearance. A temporary inlaeeuun waa served ea Marshal iluffinaa today restraining blin from telliag severalpieeee of propertv betunging to tne Montana netre, for psymenu for publio improyeweeia. The Eogete water con.L-aoy have besaa an injunction suit scamit the eity to re strain it from oainit oee of the bie aewere lost bssf It. The acwer opens into the river ust above the water works, henoe the action. 1 he matter la a y fry trnportaot one to that city. WKDS&4PAT. The Witiarmt ia Si tetaboe low wtr mark toJay. Ktmctnlx-r tho O A It su I W R C ball at the armory Friday elicit. A lii s aupir will besurvc lftt tne O A 11 Hall. Ti kets 11. CO. The safo if tha Oregon Million C. at Turrere wat ois;ked Sunday eiai and 90 10 money taken. Tie eaf-t door waa Mown eotnyie'.oly t fT. Tbeie is no eicose fr any man ti appear Itt society stltb a grtaaty beard eloee the Introduction of Buokionbara'a Ova. which eolom a natural brown or black. Jantee Law, of Craewell, it. forms ot ' that bo killed ea eagle Ust week, with a tills, that measured eight feet asd four Icohoe from tip te tip and weighed et-bt and ooe belfpoeoda. He killed the bird to the wlog. Uoerd. Beginning with yesterday, Salem hte . paid rite enginoere who are constantly doty. Nick Niekelta t the Tigr eagi hotuc sod W,it Uulmee at Capital. To talariee are f 73 each per meoth Slate man. Thee who hare been searching for the ataa Baldwin, w 10 waa aeppoaed to have committed sniolde by drowning in the Wil lamette riyer, have aboet onme to the eoa clnaion that he baa left for soma other pert oj tne coo o try and tfot suiotded. Guard. Probably went where several Albany men did. A'oeoiue bulletin Just given out U de voted to pnhhe school Doancee. II ehowa 63.333 popilt enrolled in publio schools in Oregon. The per oepit for teachers' wears ia '10.83 end the total per capita la $13 00 me per eaplta of population ia $2.11 as against 84 oante ia Tenueesee, 37 la Ala bama aed 4.09 in Colorado. Deeneelet and are-eiaaaaa. st . , . - - - rreeen, ine jeweler, leadr. Look ent for a big display of Cbrittmae gnooa at rrencn a jewelry atore. Too can get the worth of your money oy hoyiog yoor watchea and eloeka at t M Freticb'e, the corner Jewelry atore. Fresh critpcelerj at Allen Bros. Atk fur Crescent tea at F E Allen's. Frcshrossted eofleot at F.E Allen's. Repairing neatlyjdooo at the laro gilt ooot tiore. A floe lioe of crook try wareTat Coon 8c Freeh mince meat loqatdtitiee to suit at F E Allen'a. All kinda of farmers produce takeu in ex eheoge for groceries at F K Allen'a. A fall line of clitarfltnd tobaouo atlF E Alien a. Allen Bros always keep their onatomers eacpiieu wun irean natter ana eggs. I ' 1 ' . I . Notice the extra hollo sronad retort aeea by bar pert are sold by Stewart Sox All Mode of choice cation and eookina anpiss at Alien pros. Ladles Oxford ties at ereatty reduced rates at Klein Bros. Mutt be sold. A large line of elegant sold watohes in uwty new waya at will et Stark a. With bis new bakery Conrad Meyer able to offer old and new easterners svery thing Brttolaes in baked goodj. W W Davla ia now in charge of the Dsl monlco restaurant. Meals 25!oents. Eastern oysters, fretb. Ever thing firtt-clast, Klein Bros have a largo and choice ttock of boots and thoet for sale at rettoualle f nona Do not invest la foot wear ootll yonnave teen their stock and. the elegant puno at tneir aiore. MAKB1ED. IRVINE bTROTJFE. On Tuesday eTening. Dec 1, 1891, at the residence of the bride's parents, in the Third ward in Albany, by Kev 8 G Irvine, D D, M Eldon Irvine, of Corvallis, and Miss Daisy Stroupe, of Albany. The groom is a well known young roan of Corvallis. and the bride is a sister of Mrs William McCulloch. of this city. The nnited age of the happy conple is 3d, giving intra ine prospects oi a long married life, which the Dxmocrat and many friends wish may be happily and successfully spent. . . IIUDELSON - SQUIRES. At the court house in this city, December 1891, Mr William Iludelson and Miss Alice squires, ot Waterloo, were united m matrimony vj ueo numpnrey j. X , BOHN. BARROWS, Nov. 3oth, to the wife of Frank Barrows, near Shedd, an 8 pound gin. DIED. THOMPSON. Little Zola daughter of Mr and Mrs. C Thompson and grand daughter of Miller and Elizabeth Morgan died at the home of herrandparentt, of dlptherla, on Nov, 19th, 1891, aged 5 yrs 11 mourns. B The Official Government Reports: The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports the Royal Baking Powder to be of greater leav ening strength than any other. (Bulletin 13, Ag. Dep., p. $99') The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show the Royal Baking Powder highest of all in leavening strength. (Bulletin 10, p. 16, Inland Rev. Dep.) In practical use, therefore, the Royal Baking Powder goes further, makes purer and more perfect food than any other. Government Chemists Certify The Royal Daking Powder is comKscd of pure an.! whole some ingredients. It does nut contain either alum or ' phosphate, or other injurious substances. Edward G. Imvv, Vh. IX" "The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest ami most reliable baiting powder offered to the public. "IIlNRY A. MOTT, M.D.. i'll.I)." "The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and higimc in strength of any baking powikr of which I have knowledge. mVm. McMcrtrie, I'll. D." cat, mtatr atira. J M Long to School Dist No S3, I mmm In li II IDIIi. Tillie (iray to j L Hill, lot 8, bl 9, li'a 3rd A, Albany 400 J L Hill et ux to Thoe K I'arker. lota S. .7.8.Fatrdale A .Albany 475 J L Hill et ax to Tilllt ti ray .lots 3, 4, ui io,rairialo A.AllAny .... Z7o U 8 to WUIiein Coy, B w U see 2. tn 10, BUSK Wtent A J Warren to Lewis Tycer, 40 acres In D L C of A I Warren . 600 Mary J Brlelow to John M and Auiba Bpencer, 120 acres, sec 3.1. p 14.8 R 2 w 1200 Mary J Briatow toj M and Amba r-pncer, an acres sec io,in 10, 8R2w 2-.W C R Ivea)l et ax to Mary K Love all, lot 7. US. K's3rd A.Lcb.. 150 E C SearU et ox to M D Wells, lot S. bl 1. U's A. Albany ISO J L Hill et ox to K F Mrl'heraon, lota l, z, bl s, U's A. So.lavl!lo 80 ADOriRga to H ) Orifice, (hie wife) riots 7, 8, bl23, U's 2nd A. Albany J200 FJ Urowtt to Joseph Atnce.sundry lota in Bwwt Home 3C0 F Itrown to J 8 Ames, lots 4. 0. 6. bl 3. 8wect llonie 140 Israel Wood et ux to J 8 Ames, lot 2. 3. bl 8. Bweet Home C J Howe to T J Kvleaton .lot 9. bl 6. U's 2nd A.N I! row naaille. . . 79 U 8 to 8 p Johnaon, 1(10 acre see 18, tp 12, 8K 1 K Patent 702f) The rest ef Ike aewere. Editor iMmocrut: In view of statements made in refer ence to tome of the new sewers will you dreae give the cott of the three sewers being built. FiasT Waxd. An examination of the records show the Maple street sewer to be 1480 feet long. Contract price, $1.90 per foot and i. iv per 1001 extra lur rock work, mati ng $2,812 and about 1 .000 for rock w ork The Ferry street aewer will be 3472 feet long; contract price, 12.19 per loot.mak itg 7,603.(i8. The Madisdh street sewer will be 2873 feet lonz.contract per foot, making 13,318.75. Total for the three sewers, $16,734.43. Lattsrat few er across the different streets will of course add considerable to the total amount expended in the long run. Oela.BflX " Butter, 10 eenta per tt. Egg. 26 eenta per dot, 'uutoesi, 80 eenta per bushol, Iard, II O 12 eenta per n. Beota-tliama, II oante; alder, 11 eectt; shojldere, 11 eenta. Beer on foot, t 6$ 2S4 eenta per ft Pork, dreaeed. 6 eenta per , Flour, Is per barrel. Letter last. Following is tht list of letters remaining in the post ofHoe at Albany, Linn county. Oregon, Dio 1,1891. Persons calling for thete letters moat give the date on whieh they were advertised. Brown, Sarah Eogler, James FUch, Mrs Kelley, AUie Link, Edward Long, V C Manly, L A Delpb, F Foster,' O L Klem, Cbsster Laoe, Mrs Wm Lad wig, Geo IJsbraodt. P Morris, Wm Milne, J Sbsrfey, 8 P William. Milton Wallace, L 11 Williams, Mead T. Moirrcrrn, P Vf, Moon, O t; Pbilliea Nellie Taylor, Sadie niiiitm, a Wetton, F C Pastry Without Butter. " Light, flaky and "digestible pio crust and -all kinds of fine pastry can bo made with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow der without butter or with one half the usual portion, if pre ferred, or with a small quantity of lard or other shortening as desired. Pie crust made in this way is more wholesome and digestible besides being more economical and easier pre pared in addition to saving all the butter if desired. One-. third the flour is also dispensed with, and the crust is rolled that much thinner, the raising qualities of Dr. Price's Powder swelling it to the requisite thickness. Those who enjoy the appetizing qualities of the delicious home made pie will rejoice to know this Eecret. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only powder that contains the white of eggs. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. . In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. ROYAL IS THO - est Baking Powder IB 1Tf CQf CRIMIIT. Hit Hon Vmeernl . , 1 rend wlih some surprise the two articles which appeared In the columns of the Herald Its; Sunday morning. While I was fully aware that the city govern ment, during the pasteear, had suffered at the hands of those tialng the oath to pro. tect It, yet 1 did not bef-re fully realize that Its' business had been carried on In so reckless and eiir-tvagant a manner. Upon Inquiry I learn that of the amount Cf Uses rccrlved by this elty, one-third It paid for electric llghlt. No regard, whaierer, wat paid to the wbhet of the people tn the locatto.t iA the bridge or to the bring of our sewers. Was there a greater financial fraud ever perpetrated upon our rf:tent than the expenditure of S 13,000 for the laying ol the Ferry street sewer? C.'crtalrilr not, when the Washington street aewer lay only two blocks awav. D1J It evcrocrur to the reader that only 6ve dwellings are drained by this new aewer that could not have been easily connected with the other i Each of these buildings (one of which It Councilman Tabler's) cost the taxpayers of Albany nearly $3,000 for the prWUrg 1 of being drained Into this tewer. Isn't It about time to call a halt before the contracts for a few more such luxuries are let? Think of these facia when you come to can your vote neat Monday. K aeon tt. Besne rrrtlneat SJaestleas. SJipri Democrat : I desire to ask thrrugh your paper a few" questions concerning the manage ment ot our city government during the past year. That It hat not been conducted satisfactorily to the taxpayers none will droy. If, at In olden daya, there bo one ho thlnka i: hat let him arise and answer he following questions: 1. Why wat one member of the council paid $500 to negotiate the tale of the city t bends when he took an Oath to transact the city's business for a certain turn t 3. Why was a ban Francisco lawyer paid I Ho foi writing an ordinance lor the council to pats as Instructed, when our city attorney, Mr Bllreu, a perfectly com pctcnt lawyer, would have wPlinglv done t:ie woik for tlO 3. Why was an engineer fiom Portland paid $1500, and no questions asked, for locating the brldge.when our own efficient surveyors, Metsra O'Conner and Barr, would have been glad of the job fur I500? a. Why la one third the ctty'a revenue paid for electric llghtt when other cities get an equal amount of light foi much less money. 5. Why was the cootract for digging the sewers taken from an Albany resident and given to a I'ortiand Arm when the Albany man a bid waa the-lowestr (. Why wat a tewer built up Ferry street at a coat of f 11,000 when only one block away another wat already built t Thete are questions that appeal directly 10 the pockets of the taxpayer and which I desire some member of the council to answer. I tay member, for I would like son-e one of tnem to do an Individual act before the expiration of hla tern In De cember next. I await Information. Tax-Pavxr. vTasBa to Go. QotoParkei Bros for fresh fruit sand vegetables. Uo to Parker Bros far the best teas an coffees. Qo to Parker Bros for good baking pewder. Go to Parker Bros for fine baked goods. Tha best bread, cakes, pies, et ia the market. Go to Parker Bros for your groceries generally, aad be assured of good goods and first-class treatment, Satire le flrentea. Section 4, of Article 7, of the by-laws of the Albany fire department, provides as follows : "Members of the department who shall receive certificates of exemption, shall thereby be relieved from the duties of active firemen ; they shall have the privilege 01 piniux in department par ades, and of apaking at the meetings of their respective companies, but they shall not hold office nor vote at any coro- any meeting, or department election, n addition to the foregoing no expend ed member is entitled to vote. Following is a list of the names dropped from the department roll:" Austin Crowdcr. A Marshall. Jed Wil liams, F.arl Itace, K E Moore, Chaa Monteilh, A Trit, V A Burkhart, Joe McDonald, J W mith, James bmith, Iell Iteid.C O Young, Harry Day, Will Stltea, Frank Wood, Hr, Frank Dorria. WTHeeee, Ed Mills. N D Conn, Fred Hoffman. Jae Murray, 8 S McFadden, Walter F.att. A It Phelps, Geo Savage. fcam Logan, Uobcrt ghahan, James Phaban, W II Taylor, J L Underwood, I N Woodle, C F, Webeter, Geo Crowdcr. W K Kelly, Mell Young, Fred Hyde, Del Stimpson, Walter Montague, W C Jud- son. By order of tli Albany Fir Depart ment. By All Odds The moat generally useful medicine la Ayer PUls. Aa a remedy for the raiious diseases sf the stumaeh, three, and bowels, these PUls have no equal Tbelr Bugar-eoaUng eausea them uot only to be easy and pleasant to take, but preserves their medi cinal tntegrtty lu all cUiualet and for any reasonable leugtli ot time. The best family medicine, A jer't PUlt are, also, unsurpassed for Uie use ot travelers, eo Idler, tailors, earn para, and pioneers. In tome of Uie most critical cases, when all otber remedies have tailed, Ayer's Pills prove effective. M In Uie summer of last I was sent to the Annapolis hospital, suffering wttli chronle diarrhea. While there, I became so re duced In strength that I could not speak and was compelled to write everylhlug I wanted to say. I was then having aotno 23 or 30 stools per day. The doctors ordered a medi etas that I wa'i satisfied would be ot no benefit to me. I did not take It, but per suaded my nuns to get me tome ot Dr. Ayert I'llls. About two o'clock In the after noon I took aix ot Uiese pills, and by mid night began to leel better. In Uie morning the doctors came again, and after deciding that my symptoms were more favorable, gave me a different medicine, which I did not use, but took four more ot the pills Instead. The next day the doctors came to aee me, and Uiougut I waa doing nicely, (and so did I). I then took one pill a day for a week. At the end ol that tune, I considered myself cured and that Ayera I'llls had saved my life. I waa then weak, but had no return of the disease, and gained In strength as fast aa eould be expected." P. C Luce, Late Lieut. 66th Best Mass. Vol. Infantry. "Avers Plus are The Best I have ever used for headaches, and they act like a charm In relieving any disagree able sensation In Ute stomach after eating. Mrs. M. J. Ferguson, Pullens, Va. "I was a sufferer for years from dys pepsia and liver troubles, and found no permanent relief until I commenced taking AVer's Pills. They have effected a com plete cure." George v. Moooey, Walla Walla, W.T. Ayer's Pills, raxpaaxn bt DR. J. a AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine. Need a Watch? I have all kinds, at all prices and . eYory watch fits th price. But pries is not ererythinc in watch-buying; GUARANTEED QUALITY is the first thing. , I guarantee waches accord ing to their quality; and quality raakea the price. All kindsall qualities all prices. F. M. FRENCH, The Corner Jewelry Store. J. A. Curaniiflga Wall Paper, i mfj:is, Xalntju Oils . Glaas, 12 to. , ALBANY, It hi i mm in TAILORED CLOTHING There is NO clothing manufacturers in the country who will compare with ' . i M vA- - , . .LtVMeXT w'- j whoso label as above in placed on every suit. In OVERCOATS, we have the stock of tho city, and more overcoats than all the other stores in Albany com bined. If you don't beliere it call and see. Although we have sold many of 'cm, wo still have a large stock left. Albany Woolen MiU clothing. A Mammoth line of Men's Shoes and Boots. Furnishing Goods. Boys' and Children's clothing, and everything worn by a man or boy can bo found in great quantities, with every article marked in PLAIN FIGURES that "DEFY COMPETITION." T. L. WALLACE & CO, Leading Clothieri and FuiilBta. Strahan Block, . .... Albany, Oregon. H Is Prepared to Show the Public as Fine a Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, In his Line, as can be found in the Valley, cons;sting of mm Gold and Silver Watches of Other Headed Canes, Gold and Novelties too Numerous to We are the People Wh tarry the most eomplete line ef Hard ware, Stoves, Raiges, ete., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. -:- F. L. Subscription Newspapers and Magazines, Jfear th 1. O, AND CUSTOM CHOPPER. We have bay, oatseliop straw, chicken feed, etc., oc-DsUntlj cn hand. W holetal and ratal! acenU for EI. F. Flatksr, Corvallla flour, ahorla.lran.etc.. alao Saow Ball fl iur. Ouatom chapping e epooUltv for either cash or toll. Full lice. Ti LADIES -Is th. Ninety and Fancy They carry all tha Latest Stylet aad Kovehles in the V! Misery Has, ant a complete stock ef Ladles aad Children's Furnlshlag treods.and readr-anade garmcnta. Goods tha best, ana' priest the lo wett. Call ana ba conviaced. FIRST STREET, A. STRANEY, ,.raorBiiTOB or th-.... City IiiTery, Feei ani Sale -STABLE.- Havlng purchased new rigs can furn ish flrat.olsas turnouts at call. Special attenU'n given to transient stock Horses boaro.ea by me aay or mouiu. . Cheapest Rates ta tha City. Telephone connection with the St Charles Hotel. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Fourth Street, between Ellsworth and StreatOar Una. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken npby the undersigned at the farm of AY Marshall, about 7 miles oast from Albany, Oregon, one blaok horse abont fonr years old, left hind foot white, white star in forehead, (very breachy.) Appraised by Geo Humphrey, Justice of the Peace, at 130. November 21st, 1891. ALA MARSHALL. READY TO WeRK. Parties desiring woed put in or any aiud of labor done, oan obtain prompt attention by sc ouring the eervloea ot Daniel Low, at the tie lorry house, Leave orders there. FIREMAN'S ELECTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY ttlVEN THA there will be an election held in t city of Albany on Monday, tke 14th d of December, 1191, for the purpose ,; electing a Chief sad Assistant Chief 15 gineer, of the Albany Fire Department, serve one year. Said election to be hel between the hems of e'olook and 6 o'clock p the hall of Albany Engine Co. No. 1. Dated thia 1st day of Dec., 1691. M D PHILLIPS, LMCURL, Secretary. President. Leading Kinds, Diamonds, Gold Silver Headed Umbrellas, and Many Mention. Kenton, -:- Agent for the lb&ay, Orrgem MORRIS & BLOUNT, Ceraer First and Baker fits BAZAAR: Laaiint Goods Mcie of Albany, FROM AN BLOCK YOU WILL MISS IT If Tou do not Purchase Your HOLIDAY Jewchy,cons!silng of Watchea and Clo a in the best makes, an elegant line of Sliver Ware, and many attractive novelties, just the things tor r f 1 - - i t Will ft dinWIr Ull III III .1 ii I'll Hill IX UlUlli. Their Prices are VFRY REASONABLE. MONET TO LOAN Home capital to loan, in auma to enit.on Albany and county rent estate or good personal security. W E MoPherson, First Street, opp Mfaonlo Hall. Albany.Or. , I7IOU SALE Houso and corner lot in ? H'a d add. 750; Apply to I W Davis, FISH from Portland and other p'aces, always on band at our market, near corner of Second and Ells worth streets. Slavcihter & Causeley.