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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1891)
HI o o -:The Now York "World," "The -:- Bcmoci'at," i Both: One-Year for 0nlj $2.80. j i ' : An Advertisement in : "The -:- Democrat," I"' I pMU BIG RETDBNS! o 6 o '.. " 'V' 0 VOL XXVII. Kniered at Ike rot at Albany. Or , a lm-rUui Mall Matter ALBANY, OKKOON, FRIDAY, DKCE3JBE11 4, 1891. TITrs at RITTI, ranlftfcers mm rreprlelerst NO. 18. 3 HI : fj - I'll"' " hi I1 it O "'i (7(7 70 WWW 'iff irYSW 77K. O xio sooovr "As jo sopvxi t Jdpq joa ptp ttopcp !stpuom J"""""" pajatjns locq oiuq tuojg sjreA jera pjrico ! porj oj pauguoo sry I , o 'SS31CH3H o CLOTH NG Hen's, Young Hen's and Boys Clothing, Furnish ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. How to make tho "ends meet, is an important question. One good way is to save money on your clothing, both in price and quality. You' can do this by dealing wi ith -hk L. E. BLAtN, - ALBANY OREGON. If ?lt you want the best and most durable furni ture that is inanufactur 0 ed in tho city go to THOMAS BRINK'S -G. L. B LAC KM AN,- LEADING DRUGGIST A T.Tt A TST-V -r- OBEQOITI DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARY &C ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR I ASK THE PEOPLE OF LINN COUNTY Wher to get the Best Bargains, . Whert to get the Best Talue forj Your Money, is Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., And they will Answer with One Voice, at G. W. SIMPSON'S. -" r; i "T.-tVTT3Sr: in ' wnjilil' u i ' . ( f'JgJ . J II 1 II II 1 II II. HI ., -.--M'.-J.VJ- :f . UWIIWMIMWUIWHIMIKMWU I'nriflM U.J EJ.GOU, Cnrea CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, Rlt.I0USa2.SS, MYLft C0MPLAINTS,8ICK HEADACHE, COLDS, a KKOftbERZ; HT0MAC1I. 2V Oenuirt HAMBURG TEA is put up tt YELLOW WKAPPER8 iciih Facsimile Signature of EM IL FRE8E. ffEDIMUTON OO. AOCHTS, OAN PRAMO)3CO. ro?,i by PKtr;wiaTt axi RooF-n. LOCAL. ItEOOUD. To Much roit Thkm. Here ! A cam whore it cbnrivarl party got glorlouily left. Th Kiueue Journal ioy : Home of k'A Teat'a Irlen Ja prepared to aerenade mm ana Hie uruie alter their arrival home from Mohawk last WeUucidav ntdt.- Detective! were placed to watch tli house and report when they arrived, and then the ihow wae to Wcln, the animals were to go round and round, the band wae to play and all the cowi horna and tin pane in town were to bring up the rear and make the "greatest ehow on earth," or at least the bluett nolee ever heard in Eugene. The guardi watched all night or till a late hour but did not tee the bride and groom enter the house and finally irave it up and weut away, reporting that they had not arrived from Mohawk. The next day the boyi were going around, half aeleep and complaining, on account of the low of sloop and exposure, and wore dif gosted to learn that Ed, the sly rascal, had emugKled the girl into the house early in the evening, and they were hav ing a nice time and were at happy at two clame at high tide, hlle the boys were shivering outside in tho cold.. t : laxciiaat iNSTirvTK. -A meeting ol teachers will convene at Sclo On Friday evcnlnz December 4th, continuing two day. The following will be the program lor the occtMlon. Friday evening Music Band. Mulr Choir. ()enlng addreis Supt Rucll. Reading Mrs Itrown. Music Choir, l-ecture. Music itnj. Saturdsv evening Music "Choir. Advantages to be derived from Institute work Supt KustelL Ktodlng Mr Urown. Mental arithmetic Rev Browo. Music Choir. History M R Brown. Physiology Dr Cole. Teachers and schools V D Goln. Pkcvliar Diath. G Vf Gorretl, who lived near Oakland, died !st Monday Irom Internal hemorrhage. Lost Friday he was engaged In slsuuhierln hos and lifted one of the heaviest of the carcasses, sntl turning to a bystander sal J: "That was a pretty heavy hit." A few minutes afterwards he called from an adjacent shed tor help, and those present going In answer to hh call, found him bleeding profusely from the mouth and nose. Medical aid was summoned, but It was found Impossible to stop the flow of b'ood and he died Monday morning. Mr Gorrcll was tormeriy a resident ol turene and left here about a year ago. He was the owner of a lot on the comer of Eleventh and Mill streets. Register. Mo5ir. Here it the situation told by a Willamette valley exchange. Money it very scarce nere to some ana not to others. The banks do not lend on real estate seen rity baton a personal note. endorsed, for a limited time. Hence, a person wun ow acres 01 nne terming land is notable to borrow a dollar an acre on it at the banks though they might lend bim 1 1000 on his note if he has the reputation of meeting bis obli gations at the time they are doe : bat if he has not, the banks would bo inclined not to bother with him, for they exact promptitude in those whom they accommodate. Ox the Other Side. The miners on the OcHoco are striking some rich pros pects, and we feel safe Ir. saying that be fore six months pass away there will be strikes made In that section that will put In the shade lle fabled "iilue Bucket" olggings. That there la gold there has been known fur years. That It l In pay ing quantities cannot be quotlcned, and that It I all but developed cannot new be doubted. Nest spring will see such a rush for the then famous mine ss has not been seer, since the Canyon City excite ment. I'rlnevilte News. 9 Orkuom on Wiisxls. A letter re ceived from Harry Welder, dated at Ottumwa, Minnesota, states that the exr Hblt car. "Oregon on Wheels," with which Mr Welder Is connected as electri cian, was getting ready t J leave for the south to find a warmer climate. At the time the letter was written the thermome ter was at xerc and had been 15 degrees below. Eugene Guard. Three Injunction Suits I J B Mon telth.Ima Monteith and Margaret A Mon telth have each brouaht suit against the city of Albany asking for ao Injunction re strains me city from selling cetiam pieces of property for public Improvements, as advertUed elsewhere In the Democrat. O E Wolverton J K Weatherford are the attorneys for the plsntlffs. Ax AprrAL. A few day ago the at torneys In the case of Ivy Templeton vs. Linn dounty, gave Donas lor an appeal to the supreme court, wherein Miss Temple ton sues for damages, for Injuries received by the giving way of a bridge spanning the Callpoola river six miles eatof Crsw fords vllle, the particulars ol which are familiar to the Democrat readers. A Chseky FacE-In face of the fac that he owes most of the newspaper offi ces of Oregon Dr Aborn continues to present bis lace through tne Uregonlan, which he mutt pay, and circulars, to the public. It has a nauseating aspect to the printer, whatever it has to the public at large. It takes colossal cheek to try to do business with the ill-will of the entire press. The O. P. The New York Dally Record says all hostilities have ceased In reference to the Oregon faclhc and that all parties Interested will unite their forces and push the road to completion at an early date, which wilt make It the best railroad in tne rnonnwesi. 11 11.1s is aone, as It probably will be, we will have a road to be proud of, and Albany will be heard Irom. A New Flao. Mr A D Lamb, of En- trine Co. No. 2.will bo out amonsr our citl tens In a day or two asking contributions to purchase a new nag tor tne company, tne old one being worn to shreds. Let all contribute to the expense of keeping up the company as it contributes much tlrne and labor to tne protection 01 our proper ty from tre ravages of the nery element. A Fabricator. The Salem Statesman never loses an opportunity to hit Albany. It eroes out 01 the wsy to say worx is pro gressing slowly on the big bridge here , and It prebably will not be completed this winter. On the contrary work Is pro grestlng rapidly and very satisfactorily. A splendid job is being done AUoon Example. About thirty of the land owners in the vicinity of Zena have organised for tho purpose of protecting their wild game and seeing that the trespass laws are enforced. J It Bhepnrd is chairman of the association and P F Clark secretary. The following rcsolu tions were adopted and signed by the members 01 the association t ".una Oreuon. Whereas, there has been for some time past a reckless disregard for the game ana trespass laws in our vicin lty,whereasourgame has teen destroyed our lives ana tho - lives of our elillaren have been placed In jeopardy, aud our stock has Ueen killed, therefore, lie It re solved, by the undersigned citixens of .ena, Oregon, and vicinity: First That we will thoroughly enfore the game ana trespass laws; second that we will cacti 01 us endeavor to delect ana pnnish evory violation thereof; third That In caae of any violation thereof we will unite in the prosecution of the ollunuor ; fourth That wo will post a legal number of trespass notices on our respective farms; filth That we will grant no person per mits to nunt on pununy ; sixin mat wo win give no permits except lu writing, Statesman. Ax Eva to Ik'siNK. We hear by the mail carrier of a laughable incident which took place at the Wllnonville lerry last weok. says a correspondent In tne Oregon icity courioi. pome time ago a young man or rauiera ooy crossed the ferry. He had no money, so the ferryman took bis boots, which were nearly new, ana sent him off barefoot. Last week the boy, accompanied by his father said, "I will not pay until you return my Itoy's boots." "taw, yaw, I 111 us hat my moneys, six mis." .o, no, :eicii the boots." Whereupon the irate ferryman snatched olf the old man's hat and ran back on the boat.the old man protesting. "Give rue my hat. I cannot go hare- heailcd from this place." After a good bit of wrangling the old gent paid the six bits to redeem Ids bat. Then tho boots were brought forth much the worse for wear. BtiNO Taixn. The Observer of Lay- ettevltle, N. G, gives an account of the opening proceedings of the trial of Mc- Uougaii, arretted lot murder at splcer In this county by sheriff Scott and taken back by a North Carolina sheriff. It seem to have attracted gi eat Interest . r our lead Ing lawyers appeared for the prosecution arid six prominent attorneys Li the de fendant., iso to 100 witnetses have been subpoenaed. The case promises to be some one of the celebrated ones of that state. The next Observer will probably give the verdict, when the Dsmucrat will Impart It to its readers, many of whom are Interested In knowing the result. No Mori Free Hides. A Chicago dis patch says : "The annual agreement of Western lines to abolish all free trans portation has assumed such shape as to make it certain that the plan will bo given m trial. Almost every Western road has agreed to join the movement, and prior to the organisation nieetlmr a pledge is being circulated for signatures. The pledge embodies what will bo the agreement and in brief binds each road to refrain from giving any one transpor tation except for value received." That will not affect the newspapers as some may surmise. They pay for their rides in hard advertising. It will "get to the neck" though of state officials and such. Notwithstanding the present strict laws. over one-tenth of the people ride on passes, right in Oregon. Tin Mill Keadt. The big ten stamp milldf the Albany Mining and Milling Company has been set up, and is ready to run. It was intended to start it a day or two ago, but the dump of ore broke down, delaying work for a few days. The mill will probably stirt tomorrow. The result will be watched with great interest, as it will be of great importance to tho Willamette valley generally. The universally good assays iiukio ran leave no doubt as to the oatcome. Should the result anticipated occur the Hantiain suncs win attract general attention on the coast. Tiros or War. In different parts of Oregon tugs of war contests have been indulged in recently. The following in ; - TlItTRHtUY - - ri- Mrs (7 W Watts and daughter went .to Salens thu noon, ; -, ' ; " , -; Iterrtil Fish came up from Portland this noon to cat turkey with his mother. uo to tne pumpkin pie social and pro nouncing pee at the U v church tonight. ii win py,you, 1 4 . Miss Msgula Mur sy came up from Salem this noon to ' wiul Thanksgiving wun nrr inuuirr ana iroinsr. Andrew Stanton, the young man who accidentally shot himself near Shedd recently, died at lumer luesdsy. 1 One of (hwllille ghU of Virgil Parker Is I lug dangerously I I with- mcmbrsncous croup without prospect of recovery. Mr Robert Johnson, the SL'stresslve edi tor of the CorvallJs of the II vest rspcrs In Oregon, ts In the elty today. Remember F Co's ball tonlirht. Nr.ih- Ing will be left undone to make It an enjoyable affair. Grand march at o o'clock. lion Til Ford, of Satkm. was in the cliv this forenoon, but got l ihe.rlht csr at noon In time to return for his tprkev dinner. I M Irvliiir and family were seen leav ing Albany this noo.t on the cars with a gun, evidently going somewhere an a turkey bunt, License was granted at Hultm vesterdav for the marriage of J W Dsvenpuit, aae.1 a J, of Linn, and Ncillc IWnnelt, agea 10,01 31rltn county. Mr C E Alexander, of Dallas, was In the city today. II? reports that city to be ine nvet puce in Oregon, which Is say ing considerable after bring In the railroad tcnitr 01 tne northwest. Will Simpson, of Albany, nenhew of R II Sltr.pson of Helix, wss In Pendleton this morning. Kelson Ms way with a caiload of dried fruit. 10.000 pounds, for the Spokane market. Pendleton E. O. Fred Srhwaka was a Sslcin. Oregon. boy, till Sam Msy got him out of the rollcklng list on Seagesnt Atch Waller's book In the -Marlon Klft" In nd forwarded him (bv mall) to West Point. Perhaps one out of each hundred thou sand that read of his recent Alaskan ad ventures and phenomenal discoveries of rich stuff up here, wilt believe that he ant his first hallucinations on the Walens, while bear snd do slcdire racket on the bsnk of the placid "Wall hamlt." Inland Republican. the J II Townsend, of New berg, is In uy. Win Funis and wife, of Yamitia. are in the city. John Fox and family are home from their Eastern trip. There was a good attendance at F Co's ball last night and an enjoyable time is reported. Miss Olga Uridges. of Paletn. returned home this noon, after spending Thanks lng in Albany. M L Dorrlk, formerly cf th: dir. It the new recording secretary of the O. F. lodge at Corvallis. Mrs A 15 Hughes, of 8an Francisco. Is in the city on her way to the Pay. Hie I the guest of her sister, Mrs Virgil arker. Mrs Martha Simpson, of Albany, is vis iting In the city with acquaintances. Her husband went on to iallas, Polk rounty, to attend court, oaxcue. Pr L W Gulss, of Woodburn, who haul' P ,,,c Ur. 0 fod .AH ...j....-.i, ..... s . 1... . 1 . t r - - . ; m .t. the McMinnville Telephone Register, in this connection, is of Interest : "Dr (J H Wiight. OH Irvine. JE Magers and John Hobbs cLallenge any four men in uie city tor a tug 01 war." ny not have a tug of war contest in Albany at some of our entertainments. It would take. CoavALLi Salrs.-TheCorvallii, vHT- lamette Valley and State Land and Loan Company sold this week Dr I'arra's house and lot on r lint street to tna M Rainwater, of Albany, for the considera tion of $850. This company also sold W C Brown's house and lot on Fourth street to Harry Wicks; consideration $612, and lots 3 and 3, In block 8, lob's Addition to Corvallis to Columbia Reed. Gazette. A Live Town. A correspondent in the Prineville News: For the benefit of those that are not acquainted in these parts, I take great pleasure in describing our town and postofHce. Crook it stir-j rounded by low hills, sage brush and a j rail fence, and is situated 311, miles southeast of Prineville and about six miles south of Salt creek. It is on the county road that leads from Prineville to any part of the state or Atlantic ocean. The town is not laid off in lots, yet there one lot ta cow lot; Dutnoi lorsaie. rkamplsa Uardter. A A Jordsb. ohsmpion ' hardier of America-and holder of tbs American rsoord for rnaniag 120 yards over 3 feet 6 look bardies, says "I bsve for a graat many years nsed All cock's Porous Plasters, particularly daring the trsiuiog season. I nud that if I am sQiictcd la back or lolos with aoy kind of a pslo or strain, that AUooek's Porous J'lastars instantly anord relief, tor pains 'la tbs body, the result of a severe eold, nothing can beat Allcook's Visiters. I woald cer- taioly reeommsod the plasters to aoy athtets who Is suffering with soreness or stiffness Mis in training." NOTICI. I have this day sold to R O Watson A Co. th grocery sod commission basiaes bsreto- fore carried on by m at ths corner of tils worth and 2nd stret,conisting of stock of groceries, provisions, fixtures, eto. I will pay all bills inoursd by m while conduct mg said business on presentation. 1 r tain tbs book socounts and parties indebted tome can oall and pay at the stors until Dee 1st, 1891, B O Wetson & Co receipting for me. After that date all unpaid aeoonnts will be placed in the bands of my attorney for ooljeotion. Nov. 2. 1801. EJLanhixs. Kehoyed. W E McPheison has re aaoved his loan and insurance office to opposite the Masonic temple, where at present he bas plenty of money to loan en Albany real estate. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE hHD RETAIL Only White Labor Employed, We are" the People V Who earry the most complete line ef Hard ware, Steves, Ranges, ete., in the market. MATTHEWS & VASHBUR!!. Both the metW andresulu when Byrup of Figs is taken ; it Is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. Foreale in 50o and $1 bottles by all druggists, r CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. v lovtsvim, . 8AM FRANCISCO, CAL ' J .v. VUgfl, (ftjfc j Tbe DmosstAT will exehxnte a sewln msshtns of aoy make deslrsd, except one e w, for soma oak grab wood and part essh or will ooosider other propositions say as aestring a nsw msebia . E W Acbison k Co handle the celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots Ibese walls can be famished at half th cost of any otber and ar far superior. aotiai. A.10 rr.as0.i4i, rsiDAv. been unconscious since Sunday, showed signs ol improvement nriineixlay even Ing, although he was till dangerously ill. He Improved during the day yes terday and by evening was resting well, isving regatneii consciousness. Mates- msn. The j)Utnikin nie social and t.ronounc- ing lee at the U P church last evening. was attended by a large crowd, and was an interesting affair. Mrs II M Robert son received the tuoet votes, And was awarded the first prize on pumpkin pies, ana Airs ai rencri tne second. 'Stfrrosi noNs'' kot BcmciR.tT. The Orrgeninn n sttempllng to show that democrats In New York are attempt ing to secure a majority lit the senate of that state by unfair means saysi After election the senate ws supposed to stand republlcsn 17, democrats 15, and republican Independent 1. One republican i counted out and another pronounced Ineligible, , snd one democrat has died. This will make the senate a lie, 16 to 16, If the independent vole with the republicans, The democratic lieutenant governor will have the casting vote, and Tsinmany can a o what 11 may please with, the legislature But that paper should know that "sup positions" as to the election of senators do not ccun'. As proof of this, we have on'y to refer to the fact that If the republicans were 'supposed to have 17 membeis, demo crats 15, and Independents one, then that body would be composed of 33 members, but the truth has but 31. Another Im portant fact Is that It I not true that a dem ocratic senator has died since the election, but on the contrary a republican w horn J he republicans claimed to have elected sena tor died, but when th full return! were canvassed It was found that he was not elected but that his opixjnent was. There are other misstatements In that paper's re view of the situation In New York, but the hbuve are sufficient to show that it k now neihtng about the fact in the cae. It Is only the cry of "top thief on the part of the Qrtgonmm to protest that the democrat want to secure the legislature In order to gerrymander the stale for con gressional nd legislative purposes. II sd the republican legislature of that state at any .time during the last six or eight year performed their sworn duty to take a cen sus snd redlstrlct that state as by the con stitution required there would be nj room or cause for this cry of gerrymandering. The outrageous wsy l.i which thst party has the slate gerrymandered Is sufficient to keep the mouths of all decent republican closed as touching the matter of redisrict ing. In northern countiet of that state jooo population are equal to ten and twelve thousand In New York and Brook- trUIITlHorrATALITU. The death of Charles IUmelt, a farmer aged 40 years, living about four mik south of Chad ron Neb, is the end of a chapter of fatslitie which it out of the tuualruft. Ten weeks ago th IUmelt family numbered ebt people. They were Charles and bit wife and five cUMrcn and Mitt Martha Bsrnclt, Ids Ulrr. One after another of these have all died, saJ todsy not a soul remains of the family. -The roune!, a child, wss the first to betaken. Dijttheris, ia a mslignant form, attacked the bsbe, and it died within two ds) s, fuilowed by the nrvt child with the same disease on day later. Tbs other children were attacked, but all recovered with tbe ex ception ol the eldest, wbowat slow ia s valescing. He took cold just when it was thought he was getting well, and died. The next day one of the reraainisg children fell . TH1CM Af HOHflJ! AND a DUO AD" The Evening Ttlrgtaut under the above csptlon.glves the tariff bone a sledge ham mei stroke and shatter St to the marrow and says: An Instructive fact In connection with the cost of manufactured articles is that American manufactures of almost every description lire sold abroad cheaper than at iiomc. ine Kiumous larni laws are especially dctlgmd to allow inanufactur ers to plunder the American people, who become ucd to paying extortionate price that they do not realize how they are being roLU-d. Hundreds of article ol com men use are sold In foreign countries for from 20 to 100 per cent less than they are to home consumers. A sewing ma chine, for example, that sells for $50 In Michigan can bo bought across the line In Canada lor Sio. A hat of Mew York or New Kng'.and manufacture that Is sold In Canada or other foreign countries for fj cannot oe ixweiit at home, next door to the place wheie It was made, far less than 93 r ii . ao it I with hundreds of ar ticles. Cutlvry Is sold In England In competition with its own celebrated wares is soul at home for a far larger price than It w abroad, So with farm Implements and machinery, for which the American farmer isriitrgeus large percentage more than I paid by the laimer In any other country. The tariff tax cannot touch with its blighting, thieving hand the foreigner, out 11 has no tnctcy on the home consum ers. The pi let paid for these articles by foreign cotifcumrrs ate what the manu facturers can afford to sell them for. but the American consumer are obliged la Mr t I a r c i nerrrntni In flitillilon. In order to make the manufacturers "fat," so mat they can, in turn, help out the pollil cat party that thus plunders the people In ineir interest. neck was br sken, Oa rctuning from th funeral th tesra ran swsy and threw Mr Harnett and her sister-in-law from '.he wagon killiag the latter instantly and Inflicting such injuries en the former that she did thice days later. Two weeks ago the remtinisg child wss trying to light a fire, when bcr clothing caught fire and she was to bsdly burned that shcdUd. A week sgo Darnell was wotking in his stable, when he received a kick from one of his borres, from the effect of which he died t , 1 Li. . 1 - .. ... 1 Tonight beginning at 6:30 baked M" ""l u'y " e I we.,.. .,i.. i...i .ti..,i. I or fatalities and Oi ishine futtingthe family bread.' bam, pumpkin pie, section cake, u of existence. He bsd no known relative. pio sass. white bread, horseradish, 11 he (arm reverts to the Hate aniass there can ckles, cold beef, tongue, dried apple u. -,k,, mmW f the r.. Pi f-kir ie ana cheese may be had at the Prother on! ban social at the WOT U hall. which will be served promptly by Juliana fialbraith, Precilla Vance, Hamantha lopkins, beraptuno Turner, harsh jane .. Ii . .f 1L..AII.U L. n. u . . . LJ .......... iKKivi laiymy juiuic,! rMinuiiim Ksnkin, Prudence HacMeman. Penlope Mason, Mai in thy Nelson, Lucrecia Ann iaibrnith, Juditn Maria Monteith. 'hyllis Crosby, Hone DADnals.Thensebia w nn . 1 . t , 1 1 1 1 . MiMM.l.. w 1 .... 1 . - .'Hl, ,lltlJ -l IIVCIl'li Peliorah ltcdueld. Patience Irving, Sarah Klita Mason. A nice nrixe for tne best guess at the number of doughnuts. SArOttOAT. Prof Horner snd ftmlly left today for corvams ineir future home. Mr Rtagge. of the Oregonian. and Miss Istrttf0llf r,l V.llirAna Myarm nmrrtht ln Nov 25. Here is an onnortunily for punning, but the Demochat never pun..f tMJ , Dr Sherman T Davis and wife, o ', . v. ... Kllensburg, are in the ci ty the guests o m,,c' New ,u Dr W II Dayis, a brother. 'Aunt Dinah's Husking Bee" will bo given by the C K society of the U P church on New Years eve, Dec 31. Warren W Crowder and Miss Lizzie Bennett were married in Portland on Nov 10, and have lust returned from a bridal trip to Ban Francisco. S E Barrows, of Albany, and George Purchase of Eugene left this noon for San Francisco, by way of Yaqulna. Mrs Pur chase will remain In Albany the guest of Mrs Iiarrows during their absence. MrAndy Noble, of Crook county .came over the mountains horseback, arriving in Albany yesterday, and has been the guest of Mr Ueo Knox. At one place he went through ten inches of snow, lie will return the same way. L II McMahan. the rustling editor of the Wopdburn Independent, and Miss Margaret Griffith, daughter of L C Griffith, were married in Salem yester day and came to the metropolis of Linn county on their wedding trip. The Democrat acknowledges a pleaeant call, The happy couple have the beat wishes ol this entire print shop, from nere they went to Newport for a months so journ. jonatiiax'b tea fartt. The fisheries form one of the largest an most Important Ind jttrles of New England In 1SS8 they gave employment to 37,361 persons, of whom 15,611 were vessel fish ermen, ti,ij8 shore and boat fishermen and 10,351 shoresmen, preparatory and factory hand. The capital invested It es- 'Imatcd at jo, 109,320, of which $6,408,033 conWUd of vessels and outfits, $683,776 of boats, $1,530,532 of apparatus of capture, and $11,391,764 of shore property and cir culating capital. The value of the output for that ear Is placed at $11,074,501, of hlch about three-fourths consisted of general food product. The lengih.of the coast line adapted for fishing I 3460 mile. a follow: Maine, 3140 mpthlre, 35 miles; Msssa chusctls, 750 miles; Rhode Island, 345 miles, and Connecticut 300 mile. A CKNl t'ItY. In Lit snnual report to the secre'aiy of the oavy, CowmvJore Dewey, chief vt .he burets of equipment, sumtnsrizes Ihe woik of bit bureta during the yesr st followt: "Dui ing the past CfcsJ yrsr, fifty three vetselt have been either wholly tr partly equipped under this buresa a: an expenditure tar labor and mateiialof $464,339," Commodore Dewey enclose the re;rd of the superintendent of the nsvsl observatory nd nautical slmtnsc Of&M and nsva! imreclor of electric lighting The tupeiir.lenJcnt of observatory ssvs. April t5. iSj, a total solsr cclipte occurs snderrirrttrnttaucct 10 favorable thatiuob scrv Slion is esiremely desirable. The centra line of shadow sweeps across South America the Atlantic ocean, and Northern A'rica, and tbe duration of totality it four minute forty- wo seconds, near Cetea, Brazil, and four minute ten seconds, near liathurt, Sene gsmbls. Many of the most importent ques tions relating to the constitution of the tun can be studleJ only during total ellipses, and at the whole time available for Ihst pnqose it only about three hours in a cento. y, ibe Bscttiity far u i.uiiig every available eclipse i evident, if we arc ever to comprehend tha wonder on which the very eats'ence of the bumsn rsce drpcodt." He hopes mesns may be provided fur the tending of at least one party to Ccica. and, if possible, another to Bathurtt. The Stalttman t;eskt cf the New York un and democrats who hsve a leaning to wards piou clkn," while in truth and in (act there are no tuih democrats. The New York Sun bas no, supporitd s democrutic candidate foi prciilrst vtire 1S76, There area few men settler;! heie an 1 thetc ntr ih country who, befoie tbe tariff was made a vital issue, wcie democrats, but iimlir.g tl-.cmteive out of hsrmoey with their party, r.o longer vote their party ticket. There It eo Us that would prevent a nun making a fool of himself, and that i the reason why now and then a newt paper can be fVnJ that talks about the exit tence of a clast of beings known at "protec tion democrats." Tbe Sluttsman ouht to know (though it sppesrt that it doet not) thst on s score of occasion Gov Hill in public pecchet hot avowed hit adhesion to the policy of tariff reduction and reform, thus showing that he it fully in line with bit party on that subject. The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS OR ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Democrat i ho set it down as settled that Cleveland or Hilt will be nominated for the president y hhould bear in mind that the party has other great leaders. Gorman for instance it a born leader In great emer gencics. The democrats owe hi in a debt of lasting gratitude for the Inestimable service he rendered the country lost con gress In defeating the Infamous force bill. It should be an Inexpressible pleasure for any to have ths privilege of voting for uch a man. The Capital Journal speaking of the scheme now on foot to appoint Joe Simon to the U S judgeship lately crested, says: The senators from Oregon, who would allow such an appointment confirmed would dig their political graves so deep as to never be heard of politically again, and Oregon would be safe for 5000 democratic majority in the next presidential election. Why not sppolnt him? He I jut as fit as Cy-Dolph or auy man whom t$ torora- JioMV.'ittfttmU to be af pointed. The mrre fact that one political party, Instead of the other, hn control of the of fleet of the general government,! a matter of no importance to the general public But the difference In the poller of the two parties may, and often is, of vital Impor tance. It I the difference in the tariff policy of th two parties that makes It so essential to turn the republicans out. VegeUllou in the Alp recedes down ward from year to year. Formerly Al pine rote grew at an attitude of 7600 feet. Now they are teldom found higher than 6500 feet, and that, are at that height stunted. Beeches have gone down to 1 300 feet. Various berries, which once flourished 7500 feet above the sea level, donot grow in higher altitude now than SSoofeet, In a half column of local hems pi in ted last week in a North Carolina newspaper in a town ol 3000 inbalitantt nine colonels were Brother Jonathan's tea party at the w u TU hall last evening was a very creditable affair, and went off in ye olden iM ,lil.AIS MnnVivniAH ...;tl. harmony.' It was one ol the nicest I """"""td, all residents of the to en. social events of the season. The New England suoner was a palatable one. A I Tha Di.rt nr.k .ir,ir,i. . .tmnnrt wfc host 01 nandsome young ladies in ancient light and atrong, freedom in all motion and Kelt-cm School. TheKellogg schoo f dress cutting at , corner of Firstand Baker In the Ralston house is now open . Lessons not limited. Ladles arc Invited to call and examine the system. VTbtkbe to Get Them. When wanting mi organ or plana call on G L Blackman hae yea can select f rcas a first class te-c:. . . ' . - - Dom Pedro has been granted a pension ol $120,000 a year, with arrears for two years. Poor fellow. : costumes waited on the two hundred fifty who took tea.with great promptness, as well as suavity. The social part of tbe tea party was enjoyable. JE F Box and Mrs Mills each guessed . 63 doughnuts in tne pan, wnereas t)9 was the number, un drawing straws Mrs Mills secured the prize, a platter. L E Blain, a pioneer of 1848, received the pan of doughnuts as a present for being the oldest pioneer present. The potato contest between Brother Jonathan Lyons and Paul Bcvere Fortmiller was an exciting event. Brother Jonathan. owing to his remarkable reach, got the potatoes in a basket with his little spoon much ahead of his opponent, who did not keep up his record lor fast riding. Dr Ball was well gotten up as Benedict Arnold, Unas (Juaick was a good lleze kiab, and all ye ancient people weie well represented. For Sale, Twenty-tour acre tract of land, nil in cultivation, suitable fur prune I orcnard, $45 per acre, inquire on prem ise of Wm St John, 4 mile west of Tan gent. Ladies Oxford tie at Klein Bros. Cheap est in tne city, vvm oe ioid at greatly re duced rat3 . elegance of shspe. The Dalaarto waitt for ladies snd children are recommended by all who have tried them. Mrs Talt, exclnsiv gent. Samples may be seen at Mrs Gil bert's -dtesamaklng patlors, over Golden time Bazaar. IT. !. ......II .... J 1 - L n t hx u wiumi cwuuomy so uriiin ueeua s Tea. Being absolutely pure, it is muoh stronger than the artificial teas, about one third less of it, or about twenty grains, be insrequirsd per oup. As there are 7.680 grains to a pound, there will be seen to be between three and four hundred on pa to tbe pound. A It is but . 00 cents per pound, this is at the rata of about one fifth of a cent per oup. For sale at Alien Bros. For bargains in monuments, headstones etc., go, to E Y Achion4 Co.Albany, Oregon When Baby woa stoi wo iav h Caotcela. When she wa a Child, she cried for Cantoris. When she became Hiss, sha clung to Castoria. When she bod Children, she gave them Castoria. a . An orainance wuicn naa reoently gone into sffeot in Botha will give the right of way to carriages of physician driving through orowded streets. Ia ordor to dis tingaish doctors carriage frjra othsraj the coaohmen w.ll wear white hats. A man In Skowhegan, Me., has lately had the privilege of visiting an oak tree In the town of Ripley which grew from an acorn that he planted there 75 years ago. The trunk Is nine feet In clicumference. and the bianche extend over a space 76 across. Portugal's first woman doctor, Amelia Cardla, ha received her degree. Her graduating thesis she dedicated to the queen, and the royal lady accepted it. An elephant lives from 150 to 300 years, Usually it takes one of the ponderous an imals 35 yean old to reach his full ma turlty. Tba trunk of one tree in tho new state of Washington was large enough to hold 28 people who utilised it as a dining room. Day by day the friends of Mr Blaine continue to cast "anchors to the ylnd ward" by keeping his name before the public as a candidate for president. Very well. Democrats' will take great pleasure in remanding him to the, shade again. Bounties were paid for 61 bear, 30 wolves 49 lynxes, 6016 foxes, 838 csgles and 4539 hawks in Norway last year. - During the past year the water of the great lakes bas been lorr than at any time in 20 years. - Soundings to the depth of 36,700 feet have been made on die coast of Africa, AH the principle citlet in the republic of Columbia arc now lighted with electricity London has a lady auctioneer. y- F. REA D, Call and see what a stock of Fancy Goods, , -Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, hosiery, Wo have to select from. Our stock is not onlv th 0 lurf pst . o but the cheapest ever shown in Albany. Wo hare iust plaeed on sale a omplete assortment of cloaks and jackets, in both eloth and plush goods, plain and fur trimmed. Wo want you money. your 'trade and we feel cenfiden we an save Albany, -x- W. F. READ. Oregon -x- -x- Julius GradwoM's Bazaar Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar 20 lbs- Extra C Sugar White No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon. 5 Gallons Good Piokles 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap A Complete Hanging Lamp 25c. .$1.00 .. 1.00 . .25 . .80 .. .90 . 2.00 Wholesale prloo of sugar -100 lbs extra C, f 4.75 100 ba gi anulatad, I&75. I will conduct a atriotoaah store, and all good will b cold for net cash from 10 to 23 per cent lea than rguiar print. Hj stock of Cblnaware, fancy goods, and all the doalrabla aylec of dishes, as well as a general assortment of groceries, crock- err, lamps and fixtures is com plat. 1 make a spool si ty of tine teat, coffees and Diking powder, ana always please ray customers, My display of new toys and novelties for tho no'tdaya this year will be the finest over brought to Albany. J alias tiradwohl. for Infants end Children. 'Caatorhstt oeS adapted to children that I recommend Itaa superior to any prescription known to me." IL A. Aocbko, U. D- Ul Bo. Oxford Et., Brooklyn, H. T. ' The use of 'Castoria Is ao unlToraal and ivs BMriU o well known that It seem a work of sumrerontlon to endorse it. Few ere tha IntelllKent families who do not keep Castoria wiihlu easy reach." New York Cltv. Lot Pootoe Btoomlngdole Eel ormcd Church. Cactorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour citomaca. Diarrhoea. Uructation, KiliaWprma, givea aWp, and promotea 3- ntouttourioua medlcnUon. For sewol years I have recommenk4 your ' Castoria. ' and shall always conUuue to do ao as it boa b-ariahy produoed beneasi&l results," Edwix r. Pakdox, H. D-, "TTae Wtnthrop," l3ta Street and 7th Ave, . KewTorkClty. Tore Cawraea Com-AJTr, 77 afnaaaT Siseot, Kew Tobo. ,,raJW.,wsWjiussjvmus ALLEN BUOTHEES, WHOLESALE B RETAIL GROCERS CIGARS TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ACL KINDS IN LARGE! OR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON. Plinn Block ALBANY, OREGON PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS.- THE FABMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO,, Albany, Oregon. W F READ, Fresldoai, J L COWAJf , Treasurer. JO WRTTSMAK. SecreUry. 6eo F SIMMON j Viee Prosidont. -prajcrroM. ' ' i Ia Cowan, Oo F Simpson, SBFRead, Dr L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Burnett J K Weatherford, R S Strahan, J O VTritsman. -ALSO I8TKIC AQKKTS rOS- Seieral Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies - OUT STRICTtV INSURANCE OFFICE IN AI ANY. - )TRV f i a ms na na na n : : ,8&ww1Bnt,g i Arand get PORE P017EH ) and use LESS - HATE!? 1 lir riMi iur vnr jdw iiiuBu w, - yTi?rirrrn miiTrm vrri e. r""'C fl cr" avFrif. 1 c LtfitL t. lit .ii.api s .i i