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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1891)
PROFESSIONAL CARDS. It. WEATtlERfOItD, AUnraeyat !. Will prentice all eotirUctthe Mot. MihwIaI attenUm ft a to matters In probate wl to oo lections. OWICK-Ia the fUna block. B. B. . BLAeCeiiaS, . e. WAV JL&CKBirjtX e WATSOM, AMnraors et I aw. AH hnalaees will fooelr prompt alceaU, mcetOai KollowoTompIo, Albeay, Or, G KO.E. 021 IXBEktLltl. AttarnoT at Ui . Will practice la oil ooorW o( tbe state. r)ill attention f(ron U la probata ui to ee.locUoo. omCK-l too rilnn blook. yy n. dilyeu. An..., ml ta,! In Chonoorr. 1011- MM nwlo on oil polat. I.uns aecutlatod oo T- arable Wrrno. Alboii, uregua. riEO. v. WRianT, Attorney el Law.end Notary Pnhllo.Wlllnroiloo 0 oonroo ol Uit MM u4 In th 1114 State rWrttrogon. ! -lYoat roam ever It Oregon, Albeay, Van, J. J. WHITNEY, Momoy Law, sad Hour Public. Albea J. I. HILL. PhooMu oni Rnrfoo). orril'l-Cor rerry ill 1 obi. Albeay, Orogoa. R9. If ASTOV a DAVIS, rbyoMans on Bttrgouws. F,rt',8-,raee e4 and rlro.llbi eareeta, Albany, Or, Calls promptly uotom la ottf im eeaasry : c V. CIIAlIBEBLAIaT . If. D BowooBolhlot. jaySaeeMlet la die ol tbo Br TmlT ycare oaporlonoo, Odeo houra-I to t sl 1 talent, aad etas steal ag. Aioaav, ontw, D R. . J. HILL PhrclaUn eJ .i.-foo. Special e'.toetie at re to - - nn an eye. Orgl0o,:-in eweel. ore Ca-navnt'e drtit tor. Baw.Uone Tib boot Trrrf. Ola hour. to II 0 aa eat 1 to 4 p aa fTkU. C. A. T niT.WET, rhtdWaa aad Surzeee. Arttt ltll.ue Med col OFof. Ne Y.r City. IManoo.i of wamea a Pci.rr. Ofl'ICS-Krwaaableob, Albany, Orogoa F IRST NATIONAL DISK, ff A LB AM T, ORKAOR, trLINM loo President , a. s. Torso .K. W.LAMUDOX niAHS-ACTS A OEHERAlbMn Voaloeae. ACCOUNTS KEPT oubjeot to eheei. ' EIGHT EXCHANGE and tot Tflo truefor, oalo New Tare. So rraneUc. Chicago bad P attend rooB- OOXKCTIOHf SADEoa lorMo torn. Kucnn J. E. Tooojo) E, W. LASsaca L I Buum, L. Fuss EsWAS I . bV.1. LIXKCO S ATIOXALBAWK, Or A LEAPT, 0EBO0H. CAPITAL STOCK I100.M0. J L COWAJf, rie-PrMidnt J at RALETO.V. at Cahlr O A ARCU1BOLO. Taarro,-I L Co won, J II lUlaton, W g iadd, W U alm, i A UrnvorJ ail O A Arch Iboid. TEAK9ACTPJ a reneral baaUnf boslBoat. DRAWbluUl DHAPTSoa Kw Tork, Saa aal Pi'iii . 'Orofoa. LOAN If OrlET oo apptorod Borarlty EECElVEdepoolwaubreeb chock. B ASK OP OREGON. ALBAET, 0EE90N. CaplUI. . : SS4),M. Praabloat Vteo-Proint OaahW... ...... ,.H F UEERILL , J LAbSl.tti JT W ELALW TranaaeU a nnanil baaklna baoiaoa: Ezchanto bourht and anld aa all tho principal cilie la the Unit.! SUMO I aleoaa Enflaao. trolpaa, Prcneo and Germany. Oolloctlona caad at an aiiiaalblo polata aa forer bl torm. latorwt al!d OJ Urn dopoafU. B 1XK OP SCIO, CIO, OAIBOI. ProUat Vloe- Praatdcnt Oaoblw. Moroio, U Bryaat oo a far J.ka oiaoc POBaaita. Caaba are bnanMO Star Bakery CorBroftdalbln nd First SU, COR.ID HETEK. : Proprietor. aiacd Pralls, Vnm4 Heat, CiIowkr, Qnenawarf, rrleJ FraKo, Vegetables, Tolfter-o, CtgacTi, Injar, "lplee, "'flf. Tea, Eta,, Ete tsjisty tvfvl rwrr ttor, lfifhi nvirkat prn for ALL KIND3 OF PRODUCE Albany -:- Nurseries. W art ofT.rlnf to planter th fineat 14 of k kro, la all deairabl rarl.tloa, la tb cut. a tared tad Cfty thaarii i t.f ; i on tnuie. mflPECTION IKTiTED, aod RATISFACTl)!f CVARAXTEED. tribal tt e'.lrtr 'l ei aa at the Clin b niv,4, eai k ( nil tbet ol Alb 11YMAN & BROWNELL rLBAHI COLLEGIATE INSTITUTB ALBANY, OHEGON- 1801,1802. rirtt Term aseaeH Seyteraher tit, IBM. A full eorps f lntrnctorv CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. taenia at nlnfly arranged to ueettk' a ra'.I rt f students. Sfitl itutKeettunli tfimrtd I ttudtnti frotn abroad. aar. KtiEtr RcaxBtiT rreeldeat. ACADEMY -or Oar Lady ef Perpptnal Eolp, ftLDANY, - - - REGON CendnoUd by the fi Intel f St. Banaxliot Tnltlon to aeleot day nchool rangeaf on 5 to t. P"ar.ri r aytUnt dii n! ac prtlftrKra anp.y atth Alt'. a r adaa P.Wwr BnparUirana. T a fa acknowferlgflt) tho Iodine; nmady for 1 bB Dill V mntm nml i:m tn i ITfilDAY. awtamr.. Loirvna or Wiilke. ' I urooerl 1 It arwt leal arirW aai rn roxvioii ra ending i iT.rlYiCnrvriin-i to all coffowr. S'lllltII,B.r "3 J. BTONKK, M. D- V a. a. a. , liwtiDA lit, y dataj hr Ilrotarnlaaa -Z atl CatU JK fjil.4.L. - ' X. SUnard Si C'nak , Agontr mcaaa: i I ,iJ"Q' Mraaa , , , B Mat aaiamai: EOalaa, bc .Wa aad MRS. GRAHAM' e Cucumber find Elder Flower Cream h aot b eeametle la Ui sons In wklah that term I popularly aeed, bat permanently boaaiiAoo, it arontooatuA, , oloar. To rolT akin, and by tell intaanll aiakM to onwnl.ilun MTorol abMoawkltor, It la a oatioaaai prutootlna Iroiu tho ooTooos of ann and wind and pro ran 10 ana burn and trookloa, and blook boa. la will now ooni whll you boo it. ii win 000 an km tar oottor inaa auap and valor, aoartaboaand bull la ap tho akin tlaouoa and proToata too formation ol wrlakloa' It floa tlio kwihBan, otoaraoM and aninnthnoaa ot akin that y"U bod trbon a llltl (Irl. Erorjr !, young or old. out bt to uoo It, a It Ito a mors rontbf ul apioor no, to any lady, and that permanently. It oouulna bo aata, po'i.r or aiaau, and la aa hannloM aa uow and aa anarlaliln to tho ak'n aa dof la to tho lovor. rrlra a 4 all ruriw aad balrdronMra, or ai Ur Uaroia Uraham' aotaltliohmont, lot root air! aa PrnnowoB. whor ah troala nvlioa far all blamlah aa t th ran ar nuro. Ladl a at a iltatnnao troaud b rottor, nond auiap lor bar Uttlo book "How to b noaatltaU" Sample Bottl8r,V?eiTo lt.n:.T a pay paouca aad arklnf. Laily afnti nanlad MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Curoa tbo arnrot oaao ol Proek'oa. giinhurn. Eat owaaaa, Mnth pairboo, Plmplea and all akin bramlalioo, Prlroi aM.aa. Ilamtloaa and oflocUT j ha aanipl oan b ton! 1 Lad amnla wantod. Ttia PrmrrrHot In tblatoara wbo (nrtorJait a 1U9 Ui bill ol my preparation will baro hi nam added to Ihi, MypnnaraUoaroro oole by wheloeal diuf (1.1 la Cblaafoaynd owrolly weal it. EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. " a Eiproaa Tmlni I oar Portland Dally oothl 1:WT. m. L 10 iJ a I L T Morth lrtia(dr " AiTT M El a a I Ar Ban I'ranrlaco Lt 7.1X1 p a Ik... Oiu. Mil. at t,tlli.wla nnrtli of tvoniiri 0.00. runiona, i.j. TtHu- oum, Ha'.oia, Albonr, Tainront, ahudd, llolaoy. Uer koburf, jMnulion I lly, Irrlnj, KUrno, . auaaacaa bail, barbr. a Lr Portland Ar I 4 AO r It torn L Albany l. H;0 B S-.iDrw Ar B.'oohnrg L I ; a a tuun WKiU DaiiT tcrt MntT) I0O ralli Portland Ar I Ji a a fra Ar AU.1n'. -?J 25Ll" baiaao auacn. 1M r Lt Alhany Ar isTa aiftralAr Llanoa Lrlg:0n TSOaalLT Alhany Ar(4:Sra tt a a Ar Ubanon L 1M r a PUjiMAJ, BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist SleeDinsr Oars. far Acroaaaaodalloa of bBBU-4'laaa raura Ecra, altachcdia .iprceairata OToal airl IMvl.loa. BETTTEEt rOKTLAXfb AB tOETALLIE. llAlb BAIAUl(tl.pt8uOly, 13 a a IB ILt ra I Ar Portland Corrall la Ar 6:30 I L li 64 11:10 uraia TtAia ao.t (Eiep'. Sunday. 4:tura I tra Portland MaUlnsrtlla Ar.B LT 1 1.4 A a I Ar Throueli TicUott To all polal EAST, AND SOUTH. t fni. InforaaliOA regarding rate, Biapt, a aa Company Afoat bt Albany n .-. lira K p ft Oft Z KS aianar Aeat O. f . and P. Af YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE. Oieson Picific 0 Greg.n DsYolopniant To's Steamers, Sfaart Una ta allfarala Flrat-elaaa through pasaauK-ar and tralfht llnefram Portlaad and all polnta bi the wuiamatta valley to ann noni Ban rraacltoo, tel. ItoaU make eloaa eonnecUon at Alban a-tta traJaa of the Oregon Paolfl Railroad TIME BCIIEnriiB. Bondajc) Lceec Albany U:N r. ,Laa? laqtuna, T oOa.b iMTtcomill l:oar, B.ILoarc CorrallU,10.36A,a Arrl. TaqolrA, t:U r. a. Arrtr Albany, 11:11 a. a l O. A O.tralas connect at Albany and Corral lis. The above train eoanoetal Yaonina with the Oregon Dereiopment Onmpaoy'a Line of StoamablpB between TBolna and Ban iranciaco, SJAILIKG DATE . WUlaawtto Taller, raibcr lib. ltth fttb; IJOaibr b. r.aciacc WillataU Taller. 5ereoaUr, Irl; lltb; VttA; Iooiabir to. The Compaae (Tee tbe ngot to lb an ge sail tog datea vUhout notice. V. B. Paaaengere from Portland and 7iliamette Vallar eolnta ean maka cloaa Mnaectlon with the train a of the Taarjloa route at Albany or Corrallla, and If dea tlced loHaa Franolaco should arrange to rn-re at Xaauina tbe eTening berora fate raauios' AVracaraigrp aa fr'shl rafrc always Ihe f.oneal - for iofermatioi apply le K 1 Chopinan.rrerght and leket Aient, Albany, C,. C. f. a4 P An Corratl'a. roB BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, BLOOD AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. 20 YEARS' rrseiire of Vedl elje Isat'a mo to recommend thoH B Healsbe and Liver Cure aa Nale and Sura. Dr. L. VAKDERPOOL, Dufur, Oregon. a f !EADACtE -w UVEtJURa qioop KIDNEY AGUE ano 6lLIOUSNESSJ rei PREPARED BY pE ABMEOICfNt MPtyjfj DUFLW. OP1G0M. twice tocrVrj u bottu J. A. Camming. Jntr, rtxintis. Oils OlawM, Etc., ' ALBAFJY, -:- CREGOfi -SaJOTICETO DEBTORS, naving gon 11 out of buaineas I ieslre to alone n all on island Inn account. All person indebted to me are requests! j call o me and ssttls at onos. I 3. DUBUUILLH A N ILLUSTRATED H ORTICULT. . nral monthly Journal, sdiUd by Prof r.. iota, fioisrngrnr jruic crower can afford to b without It. It PAYS whoever takes it, 2 per year. g all anontbs, 20 eaots s single number. Addrean, , I,, H 8TICARIt8, Portland. OragOB nOUSH WANTED mail house to rent, about lour rooms, sooiewhere n fSeoond wrl. Leave word at Trites' ivery stable. f aCrY2 """N lr-b Wall Paper ' -. ...1 '"I .. . ...J ' , ' ."I", ItEVlOt IATIV t'lTV OJIVET. A tnMi meeting of the democratta vot ers ot the city ot Albany will to held in tho Circuit Court room at the Court Houoo on rtatimlny evcninid December 5th, 1801, at 7 o'clock, lor the purpone ol nominating candidate tor Mayor, Mar elial, Hecorder and be voted tor at the rrirular annual city election to be held on Mondny.Dcceiubcr 7th,l8Ul. WARD MKETIMOE. Tho committee would recommend that ward meeting! be held on Friday evening, December 4th, 181)1, al 7 o clock at the following place-: Find Ward Up etain in the Circuit Court room at the Court House. Second aw In tho Countv Court room at the Court iIoue. Third Ward-At tho ofllce ot the Farmers Warehouse. Each ward will nominate a candidate tor councilman and eolect a member ot tho City Central committee.' J O Wbithman, 0 It Ptewaet, T J Stitk, Central Commltteo. 1 ...I TLB-SHAY'S rnfcMDKKTlAti POiNTErl. The election TueatUy did much to clear up the doubt which hung over preldcn tlal polblllitc lor '91. One man appar ently fburlcd without tho hope ot resur- ectton, is President Harrison. Ho lost New York by the defeat ol the republican party In that state, and he los( renntyl vsnla by the sttcceu of the same party and the decisive victory ol Quay. New York was organlied entirely In the Interest ol Harrison, and solely with reference to hi renoWiiAilon, and he lost. Penmy Wanla wa organized under Quay, with the Blaine banner floating over the party, and Quay won by an overwhelming majority against the most tearful odds he ever encountered There was no need lor any Iresh im peiut to the Blaine movement, tor the Plumed Knight has had the nomination cleat ty at his optkn ever since the Nov ember elections of iSyo. The elections ot Tucrilar dUl not wrakn him tn any section, and grratly strengthened him In both New York and Pennsylvania. He will be Ihe nominee ot the party It he shall have vigor enough to accept the strain ot a natlonat contest, and it will be substantially unanimous. Until Tuesday last, It seemed settled that If Dlatneshoald le unable to accept the csndldacy, ike nomination would so to Harrison without a contest.' Things are different now, and the legatee ot Blaine' political estate Is Governor Mckinley, of Ulilo. It Is now next to certain that the republican candl date for president nest year will be either James G Blaine or iVIUIam McKlnley. Tuesday's elections have cleared away. what seemed to be a tangled thicket ci underbrush In the presidential field on the democratic side. Had Pennsylvania and Ohio voted democratic, It would have cre ated two presidential possibilities In Gov ernor Campbell and Governor Paulson, and it the Farmers' Alliance had main lalned its power In the west. It wou'.d have made the nomination ot Cleveland Impos sible. As It is, the west win have no formidable candidate to I old the western states from republicanism, and the Farm ers' Alliance has practically perished aa a political factor. On the other hand, the doubtful battle In New York was turned to a positive and weeping democratic victory chiely by the heroic efforts of Grover Cleveland. He made but one speech outside of his state and that was In Massachusetts, where, for the first time in the history of that common wealth, the democrats have elected cov ernor two consecutive terms. So tar as the democrats have won on Tuesday they have won on a conservative financial policy, and there Is now apparently but one hopeful candidate tor the democratic nomination uaxt year Grover Cleveland. Such appear t be the presidential pointers of Tuesday's elccticn. Philadelphia Timtt. A dispatch from Hutchinson, Kansas says: Complete returns show the entire re publican ticket In this county elected by pluralities ranging from 150 10400, a re publican gain over last year of over 1 000. Martin, republican, for judge of the Ninth District will have 500 matoriiy. Returns from every countv in this congressional district (Jerry Simpson's) show republican majorities In all but two, where the alli ance elected county ticket by very close votes. The aKiiregate republican ma jorities In the district are over 30,000 The llaunUiintrr is In a troubled state ol mind about Tammany. Let the Mountain- ttr turn Its optic upon that bcautltul tiio, Quay, Bardsley and Llvesy In Pennsyl vania where these men, one of whom Is In the penitentiary ,have been indorsed by republican.majorlty of over 50,000, Tho United States saprcros court has post poned oittil Nov. 30 tbe argument in the tbres oesoa involvlpg tba constitutionality of the McKiolov tarilTact, and also tbs esses in which tbe sot which pra rides for tbs olasaifieatiaa of worsted is attacked, on'ths ground that tbe speaker Lad no right to coant s quorum in paselog'thiabill. Of tbirty-two member of the state renate in New York the republicans hare seven teen, ths d-.oiocrais fourteen, and there I one indspe idoot republican. Tbe democrats have six rnijorlty in tbe house. Ia Iowa ths democrats bays oua majority ia the euste and the republicans have six majority ia the boate. Ouqoninti, Some men adopt curious method of attain ts j distinction, "The who fired the E,)besian dome" grew famous because ot bis bo'dnest, an J now comet Justice Walter, of Washington, to claim attention because he once fined Gen Grant $5 for fast driving. "The emperor notice 1 me today," laid the vainglorious Frenchman. "What did he say to you?" inquired hit friend. "Get out of tbe way, imbecile!" wss the proud reply. Gea Jackson's old kitchen at the white house is now utilized as art elevator engine room. But the old fashioned oven are Kill Ihee and tbe niche in the wall remain where the big crane wai suspended ih the old days of primitive; hovpilalttv ,at the ezecutir mans'.on. Brewer ia Philadelphia ascribe the fall tag off in the uiuumptioa of beer this year to theabuEidtnoa of fruit. It was partic ularly fcoiioeabla when watermelon were in such great supply. '; The following are the five largest cities in the United States byJUie eeeusus of 1800; New York, 1,515,391; Chicago, l,099,8IOj Philadelphia, 1,046,004. Brooklyn, 80G.S53 St Louir, 431,770. Tbe length of the Niagara Falls tunnel will be 3530 feet, and it has ben excavated about one third of this die tanee. The Delsarta onrset afford a support both ligLt and atrong, freedom in all raotioo and elegance of shape. Tbe Dolsarte waists for ladie and children srs recommended by all who have tiled them. Mis Talt, exclnsiva agent. . Samples may be snen at Mrs Gil bert's dtessmaking pailors, over Golden Uu'e Bazaar. - - ' 1 jny."" TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A free Msldge. Portland, Nav ti. Tbs Madison-street bridge wa formally turned over to the city shortly after midnight last night . Alter Ihe council adjourned the free-btUScs committee met in the council chamber with president David Goo-hell, of the Columbia atreel Brldea Company, which owns ti t Madiun street btiiiire. and President George W Drown, of the Mount Talior Street Railroad Company, hiclt operate the railway lines across ths bridge, and the contract was signed, acknowl edged, sealsd and locked in ths city ssfs. Immediately ths brides romnsnv withdrew It toll collectors. Ths amount Ih committee 5 eld for the midge was 114a, 500, which Is 1500 less than the limit placed by the council. laws Klrrlloa Melaras. DisMoiNst, Nov 1 1 .The state registrar ' has complete re'.urni tonight from sll lbs counties in (lis state. The total vote for governor was 410,314, ths largest vote ever cast in the slate. The whole democratic ticket li elected. Boies' plurality fur governor Is78i6. This is Ihe highest on the ticket, except Dry, for railroad commissioner, whoss plurstily is 10,375. Aalirlllas Advcalare. Euuene, OrNsv it. One at ths most dangerous and excitiug adventures ever re ported here was experienced this morning on the McKemie river. Julius Side), cook fur the logging camp of J C Goodall, was going to ins camp la s boat just sbovs J C Davis' place, alien, by some means, the boat over turned.' He was noticed by one of the work men banging to Ihe boat and rapidly approach ing a drift of this swift running si res m. The man gave ths alarm, and his companions mads rapidly fur ths drift. By ths tints they reached ihe place the waters bad carried Ihe man and boat into it. Ons of them managed to catcb him by Ihe hair and hold hi head out ef ths water while tbs others plied the heavy boat from off his body and rstcisd him, A Stranae Sulfide., Astoria, Or Nov 11. Sot tiers in from Nebslem today bring news of a strange suicide isat 1 ouisoay on Humbug creek, a small tributary of the Nehalera river. I homes Nelson, a Swedish settler, relumed to his home about 6 o'clock in the evening, and his wife requested him to bold the baby, lie refused, and ordered her to get some supper for him. srrsrp words were exchenged. sod in s mo ment Mr Nelson lushed fur ths door and ran toward ths creek followed ny her children snd aftrwaids by her husband. On reaching Ihe stream an ihiew herself Into ins wster snd wss dtownrd right in ths pteaenca of her husband, who, apparently, was unable to help her, Tbe rarsaara Caaarea. rilMUA, lo zsov 13. I He farmers na tional congtets this morning adopted a number ot rhaoluitona, Among them were tbe follow lag. Recommending the s.ste control of the live slock exchanges, so lhat no live stock can be excluded; recommended the passace of a national law requiring tbs stamping of artificial bog pioducte; demeading a fedeisi law pro hibiting gsmbling inarm products! indorsing te principle of reciprocity, and the work already accomplished by the world's fair di rectors. Hwsa decided to bold Iks next convention si Lincoln. 'eb. A W Smith, of Kansas, was elected prestUeati f r Clayton. of lows secretary! William Freeman, treasur er t adjourned sine die. Aa EaalUli aiaras. IXHCDObj, Nov I J. Though at midnight the great gale in England bad subsided, a storm was still prevailing in the southwestern part of Ireland. Dispatches continue lobe received giving details of the havoc wroeghl along the coat by yevtetday's storm. Al Rsreagsie. on the east coast, of Kent, four fishermen were drowned. There wus great etet emeni in souinport, oa the Irish sea, over tbe alUrapt of tbe crew of a lifeboat to save the crew of a vessel in din" re as at that place, Afera terrible struggle the boat returned safety with all on board. Tbe life boat reached ihe stot w'.ere tbe distressed vessel she sisited lo saccor wss last seen, but when (begot there all trace of tbe vessel had diaappeared. Tbe steamer Hswardea Caetie enjaged in the coasting trade, was wrecked t ths mouth of tbs Mersey last night, ruil Bead. Cleveland, O Nsv is Dona Piatt died at b.a home at Macoohee this afternoon. He bad been ill two week with a form of la- gi ippe, lat it was on'y in the I ft .two days that his condition, was at all serioui. Since Pratt s retirement from active journslutie work be bss resided si his country home in Logan county, except in 18SS, when he conducted Belforda free trade magsxlns in New York Tbe AaarealsU Asala. Chicago, Nov li. Within bomb's throw of the Hsysrarket armed anarchists tonight again met the Chicago police. Tbe leault wss an ignominious defeat for the re-Is One hundred policemen surprised them in a secret mass meeting, snd burst ia tbe saloon where it wss held. Tbe men, who a moment before had been boasting of their intention to burl defiance into the teeth of ihe Chicago police, made s rush for the rear doors, but' at sight or taeguns mere displayed, hailed, and wah rmc or two exseplions showed every symnlsm of cowardice. "Thro bp your bunds," shout ed Inspector Lewis. At Ihe conmsod 400 hand went into the sir, and omcers corn menced the search for weapons. Those found to prssess revolvers or other arms were placed under arrest, while the others were hustled into the street, snd told to leave the vicinity at once. Sjalle Martllaa. Sbakcmai, Nov 13 The speci.l eorre. ipondent of the United Press, who was sent to China with instructions lo Investigate Ihe matter which have been causing so much un essinets in diplomstic circles throughout Europe and tbe United Stales, is bow in this city, and from a high authority bss been placed in postcsaian of mol imporlent fscti, The United States cruiser Charleston has left these waters for I Ionlulu, and it is staeited here, in quarter likely to know the truth, that tbe commander of ihe Charleston, George C Reray, he s receired instructions from the United Slates government to seize the Haw aiian islands,should certsin eventealitie rctur. Aa BaarassB Iwladle. Washington, Nov t3. Speaking of the opium ring and ths srrest of s Chinese upium imugglet in New York, in connection there with. Treasury Detective Force today saidi We believe that we have got tbs correct clue to tbe most enormous conspiracy 'against the United Satet that ever threatened it. It is resxhed from the Atlaatip to the Pacific. Contrary to our first suspicions, there are few Chinamen in it, snd they bold subordinate places It has beeg going on for sixteen years The government hss been defrauded out of millions in dutiec. . Propsses Kassell far President. Boston, Nov 13. The Globe this morning in s triple leaded editorist, advocate the nomination of Gov William E Russell for president. It gives to him the credit of piec ing Massnchuseits in the doubtful column of state. The Globe says, however, thstiflhe New York state democracy presents the nsme of any cibxen as their united choice, "that name will, and ought lo be enthusiastically adopted by ihe united democracy of the nation." A Rough Dowatry. Can v ills, Ind Nov 13 Tramrs are run ning this part of the stats. Yesterday, as tbe "Big Four" westbound passenger stopped at a small station near here, five ugly looking iratopi came out of the woods, entered the train and for s abort time took possession of the ladies coach. They demanded money, and wers quhkly given ths amount asked for and had the psssengers thoroughly frightened After a stubborn fight tbe trainmen ejected Ihe mob. TbalAwrulCan. Eugene, Or Nov 13. A man named Schrivety met with a serious accident this morning while hunting about twelve miles west of Eugene. Two men were out, snd only lehrively had ft gun. They got a crippled pbessant in a brush pile, and tbs bird being on tbe opposite side of the pile, Schrively threw the gun over to hi companion to use. The gun was discharged, and a part of tbe charge took effect in Schrively's groin. A Mayor arrested! LA Grande, Or Nov 13. Two street ped j dlcrs wers srrested here this afternoon on the charge of selling up a lottery. The case was prcsecuted by Mayor C H Finn In behalf of the state. At the conclusion of the trial a disg'sceful altercsfion ensued betweeu the mayor and a bystander, Richard Kelley, in which tbe former assaulted Kelley with a re volver. The mayor is under arrest. . All kinds of farmers prod nee taken in ex change for groceries at F E Allen. 0)t ll VBK LETT EH, New YoBit Crnr, Nov. llth, 1891, Eilllort Bemwrat t For tho past week the principal topic engrou ilng attention lieretiRl been pol ltlcA . Prior to tho election It was "cftuf palgnlngi" After the election lt has bsen ksonKratttlntlon or consolation, according to tho Individual's political laitli., Nov. 8rd was certainly democracy's dsy In New York. The weather witi clear nd crisp. "A purfiT.t dtty for an election" was tho universal verdict. Tho vote was accotdingly very heavy. This fact made tho republicans very confident through out the day, This confidence was strengthened by the early returns from this city. Tho "reserve vote,'' salt Is called, or those whoniaver vols at the least inconvenlonce.nnd wmcn is claimed to ))o largely republican, nostly came out. In conHfKiunnce the democrats lost lo New York City. But when tho re turns began to conto in from Kings coun tv. In which Brooklyn Is situated. It be came manifest that tho dsniocrats had won. News from the country districts and from other cities ot tho state were dishoartcninn to republicans and oonse queniiy encouraging to uaiiiucmia. tin .. ( . . . I t - rrM.-. total result, as you liave uenru uy th entire democratic state and local ticket ia elected, the state ticket by ma jorities ranging around X),0W. in t ns even im alter tne election new Yorkers were out enmnis, filling the oublio snuarcs and watch Ina tho returns aa they were published by meansof huge lantern slides. The usual raittiraiion are being held and are intensified by tho fact tho election here and elsewhere is conceded to have teltlod many questions preliminary to tho Presidential campaign ot next vear. It ia claimed by the papers and speakers alike, for instance .that the election of McKlnley tn Ohio commits tho republican party unequivocably to the principles of protection a represent ed by McKlnley. This definition of the issue from tho republican standpoint In a largo measure determines their candi date. Mr Blaine is undoubtedly the most popular republican in these parts and perhaps in the nation. But the opinion here is entertained very strongly that he is not ft candidate and will not be. Tho grounds ot this belief are his rela tions to the present administration, his physical condition sod the tact that by the Ohio campaign and election the party has in ft measure repudiated his ''reci procity" ideas. Hence it is Harrison or McKlnley. It is thought moreover that the party will not go Into tbe campaign repudiation the present administration. Ik-iico by a process ot elimination It comes down to Pres. Harriaon, with the tariff end sorco bill a principal Issues. From the democratic standpoint the alec lions in New York, Massachusotts, Ohio and Iowa have likewise settled the issue. In tho first two states tho tariff is of course the first lesue. Those states, too, were unequivocal both in their platform and In their campaigns on Ihe stiver question. With these two states witl go Connecticut, Hhode Island and New Jer sey. In Ohio the isaues were, in this election, tariff and silver. In Iowa the Issue so far as 1M'2 is concerned was tar iir. Thus it may be seen at a giants that silver will be relegated to the back ground in Congress and the nest campaign, and the country will be called on to vote on the Issue oflartiftor protection or tariff for revenue. Who will be tho democratic candidate? Naturally ono would say the man who gave his party un Uiue.dcflned it, and which though It coal him a re election to the presidency, bus neverthe less w hero fearlessly advocated brought his party success in state and congres sional elections from ocean to ocean. There are, however, three Rrrat New Yorkers just now. Tito logic ol this fall's elections, taking them as they stand re lated to the paal and future, is beyond a cavil, that New York will furnish the next democratic presidential candidate, lt might well be either ono of tho three who constituted the mighty trio in the campaign here just past- But in the opinion ot your correspondent the ques tion is practically settled. I way remark in closing ths feelings entertained hero for Uov. CatnpUll, of Ohio. 5 oman is held in higher esteem. Bat unfortunately for him the silver Clank In the platform was torn to shreds T Senator Hherman. Besides his ap peal for assistance met with declinations from speakers that might have been of great assistance. Tho republicans of the state were organised perfectly; their sympathisers from tho whole nation threw their beet minds and best contri butions lavishly on Ohio. On the other hand, democratic sympathisers in the Fast were compelled to stand aloof. It is currently reported that thi republicans of WU atreel were generous for the re publican campaign fund of Ohio while the democrats could not secure a penny, hence it was practically the republican party against Campbell. These are the impressions. Mr. Editor, which are mads upon my mind as I read and listen and generalize the opinions that are uppermost hero in this city. Very Respectfully, James J. Cmablton. SEAL tUTATI ALU, A M Acheson to R A Bamford, 32.15 acres, 12 W 4 $ A M Acheson to echool diet. 30, 8-10 acre Witi Uyftlts to Win Urcgary 3.02 acres 11 W2 T K Ooln to KobtCary 6,18, Scio. . . . CTiO 5 181 500 V a to Andrew J 1'rocbtlcl, 1W acres 12 K 2 Patent Edwin M Burkhart to J B Flower, 50 acres 11 W 2 Cril Burkbaat to Peter Stat, 13d acres 11 W 3 R Davis to F A Rankin ctal 3 lots, Bodaville Thos Brandon to J II Robb, parcel land 14 W 3 Brownsville B A A to J J White,! blks, Ge2d add W R Kirk to D C Cushman 34-100 acres, Brownsville Jas Scrioner to M A Rodgers 17,' acres. Harrisburg O & C R R Co to David Meyers, 120 acres 10 E 1 4.... Andrew Hwanton to David HorBO- burgh. 039.821 acres, 10 W 1. . II W Ferry to Uriah Terhune, M intercut in lot 3 blk 2, Lebanon 1500 C210 1600 2000 540 25 Total sale..... ...$15433 If the hair is falling out snd turning gray, the t Is nds cf the skin need stimulating and eolor-fiod, and the best remedy and stimu lant is llal.'a Hair Iteoswer. For first-class amis esll at th) City Res taurant. Everything dainty and nsat. Meals, 25 oeuts. Board audlodging $4 50 per week. A3 to O C MoFarlaml for sd!ory, har ness, whips, robes, ail kinds of horse elotb ingete., etc, ' Ladies Oxford ties st Kluin Bros. Cheap est in ths eity. Will be sold at greatly re duced rates. ' Wsieweto GetTitem. When wanting n organ or plana call on G L Blackman A-hs's you ean select from a first else tat.. . , The Corvsllls Time come to hand this week without a single hit at the O P. We pause In astonishment. MARRIED. WILLIAM8-NASII.-On Wednes day evening, Nov 11, 1891, at the residence of the groom, in Albany,, by George Humphrey, esq., Mr Henry Williams, a naliveOrcgonian, of Albany, and Miss Mary A Nash, of Sacramento, Calif. Mr and Mrs William hare the best wishes ot many friendb. Mr and Mrs Williams left on the morning train on a trip to the Sound. BORN. WILSON. On Thursday evening, Nov It, 1891, to Mr and Mrs John W Wilson ft boy. - DIED. HOWARD. On Friday evening, Nov. 13th. 1891, at her home in Albany, of dropsy of the heart, Mrs. Amos Howard, aged 89 years, 4 moe. Mrs. Howard was a woman of estimable character, leaving many relatives and friendujiere to mourn her death. , 1 120 3500 GOO Vwf RCIIi tBCfeCBISit. Wednesday evening-, Nov, nth, Preseht Mayor, Recorder, Marsha1, Street Commissioner, and Counctlmen French, Hawkins, '1 abler, JJurkhart.Allen and Garrett. . The following bills were ordered paid: II C Chamberlain, $r. 7J R Brown, $18. 7 W I! Barr, 171.301 N J lienton, 170 351 A 11 Lacy, $7 joj (J il House, $to.75l Jas Laurent, $2.78; Stlteb Si Nutting, 910.35; Tl Johnson, $6.65; K A Murphy, $11321 Fred Bender, $.6) Cost bills, $8351 Elic Light Co, J8i; Gfadwohl, l2 jo; K U rurUom, $12.50. BUI ot Ortgon Brldge,Co lor $300 was found correct to the amount f Jo, which wa ordered paid. Report of W B Barr, surveyor, showed that Bays, Jeffries Si Co had done work on the Ferry and Msple street sewers to ths amount ot $5Joo under contract Re port ordered recclyeu and filed. The sidewalks ot Frank Wood, J I Whitney and Mrs O'l lagan were ordered repslred, and not rebuilt ai ordered by resolutions. Bids ordered advertised for other walks ordered. The recorder was directed to give the usual notice of election, to be held at the usuat places. Tho tollowlr.g judges and clerks al election here chosen s JUIMISS. ' CLERK. Fbst Wsrd - I) Fromsq, F M Redficld, M Payne, AJAnslyn. WCTweedale. Sec. Ward S Fromsn, I R Wvatt. L -tenders, E L Kxox. 1)T Wytnan, P D Marshall, Third Wsrd-R A Irvine, I B Couglll, V E Kelley. Win Rich arils George Hughes offered to relieve Me son & Strang ol latleral sewer contract and was accepted a subcontractor. Mr Wakefield, of the Portland Bridge Co, addressed the council In reference to additional sum of $5000 to f 10,000 on price ol bridge, on account of material change and Improvement of plans. Mr Miller, superintendent, alsospoke.showlng necessity 01 chance on account of demands of Maj lltndbury and giving estimate showing increased value to be $14,000 or 1 5,000. (jounclman French ottered resolution providing for an ordinance ap propriating -c,ooo additional for Improved change In bridge, with supplementary jwniraci ana approved uy oonusmcn. Carried. Mr Burkhatt moved thst order be drswn In favor of Bays, Jeffries Si Co for 4 S00 or. contract. Bill of llayne, Buck & Co for $2?4i. co on sewer contract atlowed; also till ol Ilavne&Buck for $23 52 latterat sewer, snti uays, icRrtes A Co, latlcwl sewer, 1442.20, snd 5287 extra work; Sarah lirown, keeping pauper, $5 carkTt TKctftiatvit a tterosr. Following Is the semi annual state mcnt of tho County Treasurer of Linn county, Oregon, for tho sis months end Ing on tho 30th day of September, A. I)., lhtfl, of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what account paid out: AMOUNT RECEIVED, General Fund. Am't on hand from hut report..tlO,761.oO Aai't from tax, 18J0. 44,800.83 Ain't from license , .85 Am't from coroner luS.OI Am't from fines 85,50 Am't from other sources 284.85 , C5,048,40 AMOl'NTB PAtO OtT. General School Fund. Fund Paid on county war rants tl2.0G2.B9 Paid State Us 13,000.11 Paid School Superin tendents' warrants $32,307.30 Bal. general fund.... 5,025.20 BaLschool fund 192.84 32,549.2 132,500.14 Stats er Oeeuon, ss Cot xTt cr Linn I, W E Curl, do hereby cerctify that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the county treasury ot eatdcounty tor the six months enuing on tho aotli day ol September... D, 1891. Witness my hand this 1st dry ot Octo ber, a v, iw. W ECcei.. County Treasurer. CiSADA. Mr Chaa Cummlngs and Burrell Brcs. returned yesterday from a week's hunt In which they had good su:cess, killing eight deer, a black bear and a wild cat. Mr Frank Glesaon and family were visiting Mrs G' ps rente 'act week, Mr snd Mrs Cummlngs. The dance last Friday night at Mr Neugulat's was a fine affair. Mr Bishop had the misfortune to loose one of his fine mares yesterday. We have only one more week after this of school. Lawrence Denamnre went below today, where he Is engaged In doing some grub bing for Mr Crabtree. rVe hxve had considerable rain lately, which affords us plenty of mud. The Happy home school Is progressing nicely with Miss Ross as teacher. Mrs Taylor, who has been sick for over two months Is slowly Improving, only being able to sit up a little. Grandpa Cummlngs had quiteasmashup a few day ago when on his turn borne Mr Morgans. He had driven through a gate and was shutting the gait when hit team became frightened, running only a short distance, breaking the axle to his wagon and turning the wagon upside down on the fence, the hoise breaking loese from the wagon and running a short distance wa (topped with no further dam age. Lucky for grandpa that he was not in the wagon. Died Little Johny Fitz water departed this life on Nov 7th, 1891, after an illness of only week. Aged about 2 years. This little flower wa only given To bud on earth and bloom In heaven. KOTICK. I have this day sold to R O Watson h Co tbe grocery and commission business hereto fore carried on by me at tbe corner of Ells worth and 2nd streets,consisting of stock of grboetlee, provision, natures, etc. I will pay all bills incured by me while conduct ing said bualnaae on presentation. 1 ra isin the book seconds and parties ledebted tome can call and pay at th store until Dse lit, 1891, R Q Watson A Co receipting for me. A ftor tbat date all nnpaid aooounta will b placed in th hands of my attorney for collection . Nov. 2. 1181. E J Laenibo. Having bought ths groeery and commits- 1 i . ? . . . ion Duatnnaa oereioiora earned on as me corner ot Second and Ellsworth streets by Cant E J Lanninc. and laid In a full and com piste stook of oboio family groceries and supplies, w respectfully solioit tbe patron age of former customs! a, and ths people generally 01 Albany snd yteiolty. R O WATSOH&Co. Keferring to aoove I take pleasure ia rec ommending my successors, K u Watson Oo to former customers and ths people ot Al bany ana vicinity. E J Lawkino. wVsa Baby- was ate, ves gav bar Caelenin. wTtaashsweaaCM,sbswsdfrCastai4a. Wbea ah beeaau Was, she alung to Ooatosta. When sis bad OUlarsn, ah gave tfaeaa Ouakoria. Ibuotbd. W B McPheison has re kioved his loan and insurance office to opposite tho Masonio temple, where at present ho has plenty of money to loan oa Albany rsal estate. Oa advice ot ths city attorney, J C Agnew (nested- for vagrancy, was discharged last evening, the eyidence against him being insufficient. -y-" Uattti ARD ABBOAa .. ' ' ;'''.;-''tHPttf)AT. ' Ettsnns oitv'a nsVv sever afim eitai 110,003.37. ' . . A iiftat ft11tf fa.t lines l.c.I t.--.- i...:U eras ww w-ravaw live aasaas lUBS If SET? II I'll I IV Corvalli to run on the Willamette. It will be known as ths H V I sung. All rnerttlMft of Orgeana encampment are muaatfid to ba fira.ant at mutfntf Iahii... rs row avonlllif at 7 o'ulrlft . Itv r.r.Ur t.f ha Chief Patiivoh, A Idarbitt ftfUlitv IrfiV av&a nArtimltt-,1 t. th 4 aevtum vesterdav. who ia a rsra mnn tirwity, He ia 27yarseld, four fnet high. His bead is forty inches in circumference, rennirinir admit a Wn IS h.r VI. are bsutand woak, and hscaunet walk. "It is so ill wind that blow nobody eood'' and tba lata raino om Ws sre alt getting weary of so much wet roomer, out it must tie ailmitUU rains ara linalliill In t..n- The river U at a good bnat'.ng stage and wrniaa 1 in vii upper Willamette Is being movsd ta mtrUel. bv hn.l at I.,.. n, ,lk earlier than usual. Corvallls Times- raiDAV. Bays. JtilTrlos A Co.havo a it 00 (UHt trad ing jub in Salsin. Tbs Farmer InstitnU ia in eol.inn at Harrisburg this afternoon. SUiithA Hon of TallmaH. o,,ld In Me Simpson, of Alhsoy, 10.000 bushel of wheat mi wssk aays the Advene. A carbiad of SoutheriilOrenoa anr.les waa shipped from Ashland ynatarday, bound all tha way to London, Euglaad. A 0W hotel is to ba l.nllt uu tha tivar in be called Th Corvallis. It will be 50x100 'set, three stories high, snd CScontaio sleep ing rooms, Four drunks were in ths calaboose last svsniog. Inoludiaff a barber who' had art ma very live lim isms. Two of tba man war doaerto.s and the other a sewer laborer. W V Osrgrr 4 Cobnrg, bas Wo awarded tbs contract for boildinn tha C I' church at Hodavill. Tho structure ia eatimstnd to cost when ready for a- from $1100 to Th spontsnaous laughtar and sparks of bomnr kindle aad Igmh sa bias of fun, and flashes of merriment, ending ia wreaths ef amok when lighted by Tbe Noes JoUitieV musical eomedy, "A Quick Match." Abbeoteu eon Vaobancv.-J C Agnew, the ex-fish-man, wss' srreUcd to day charged with vagrsncy. He wss taken before Recorder lienton, plesd not guttty, snd his trial was set for Tuesday next at s o'clock p. m. - Tits Wiikat Mabkkt continues the same. 601. cents per bushel. The San Francisco market would call for at least 89 cents. Tho lethargy here is caused by ft lack of transportation facilities. The wheat cannot be moved. A big charter- age is coining, when some very brm prices may be looked for, though prices are al ways ft matter 01 speculation, as past ex- porlen-.e has proven. A Corrallis man ives us tho price at that city as 8 cents, ue to the same cause. SATl'SJlA Y. Ashland Is run en a three rai;l tax. 1 1400 wed yesterday at Pandloton. Ask for Crescent tea at F E Allen's. Freeh mince lo qis.ttitiea to suit at r r. Alien s. ' The Monmouth Democrat has suspended puriiication. President Harrl on issued bit Tbsnks- gtvutgproo'amaltnn yasterdsy. Lewis Weiss, of Portland, wss the first inmate of tba refcrra school. - Lillian Young will he giveo a ptac la ths Msadalea bom to tat Portland. Make it anoint tn boar Philln fbillino snd ae hie wondetful picture at tbe opera bone us 11 week. Any ons about to paint ths town should l.t. a 1 A l-n fMim J.M.I. T who paints nightly In Tba Noas Jo'liliea1 masioal eomedy, "A Quick Ma tub." Th xckaag aays that the longest chut ta ure-on is at union, thre fourths of mil to length. Tbe Mill City chat is ) miles ia leoglh and the railioad reaching it is oo mite in length, making the whole dis tance Z) miles. U tsiitu. Out oi th twoty-nino school teachara examined at Salem only two failed to attain th required average. Four we e granted Crst grade eertitiestes, eight received thaae el the socood-grd, wbt.a tifieen got third grade ones. Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros. Uepairing neat' dooe at tba large gilt boot store. A fio line of ladies and childreta gossa mers at the Ladies Baa nr. Go to Klein Broa and bay your shoes repatraa wnu you watt. 1 . , 4B . - main pre can miae ywa any sljie of a boot or shoe yoa wish, aud will gust ante a peneornc, iry them on a pair. Great reduction in augar. Julius Grad wohl is soiling sugar at Portland wholesale eaaf net prices. 8ce hts adverti;crr.ent. A full line ot clears ar.l tobaooo at F B Allen's. AH I ind ol choice eating and Booking apples at Allna Bros. Ladies Oxford ties at greatly rduod rates at Klein Bros. Must be sold. A large Una cf Alesrant sold watches in tasty new I rays t Will A Stark's. You cet your miuev'a worth whna von buy silk umbreliaa at Fiench'a. Freeh Mocha, Java and Blendid eoffoe ra eeived ou every steamer at Allen Broa. Allan Bros always keep their easterners supplied with fresh butter and eggs. Go to F E Allan wnoa vou want some thing sweet. Honey, maple syrup, cte. W W Davis ia now in charse f the Del- monioo restaurant. Meala 25 cent. Eastern oyster, fresh. Ever thing ilrst-olass. To- Morrow's Services. There will be 11 Union Christian Endeavor meeting at the Congregational church at 0:15, led by Mr Q E Fropst. The subject will be "In tho World.but not of it." John 17,15-10. Rev II H Dobbins, D D, of California, will preach in the irst AI E church at 11 a in, and Bishop Becker at 7 :30 p m. Sabbath school at 2 :30 p m.nnd Enworth League at 6 :30 p in. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. The service tomorrow at the Presby etian church will be as follows: Preach ing at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Sabbath School at 12:15 p m. The subject of the morning sermon will be "Courage of Con vlclion' The subject of the evening dis course will be "Crime and Criminals." All will be welcome to these services. Services at the Baptist church at 1 1 a in and 7:30 p m. The pastor Rev Geo W Hill will preach In the merningon "Hav ing and Holding Sphltuai Power." In the evening the subject will be 'Baptl8m for Believers Only," and the ordinance of baptism will be administered. Sunday school at 12:15. Young People's meeting at 0:30. A.11 maae welcome. Bishop f.eokar will preach in the U P church tomorrow moroiug and Rev. Dobbins in the eveuing. The subject for discussion at the as .. 1 a . - - unriaiinn cnurcn tomorrow at 11 am will be "Why I am a Christian." 7 :30 p m "Types in tho Old Testament." All are invited to both sorvicea. You will bo welcomed. SEB B1BEI A piano At Klein Bros Boot and Shoe store. Parker Bra, groeers, New oloaks at W F Read's. Latest styles of bats at W FJRea. ' Reduotion in summer goods'at W FjRead's Apple parers for sale at Stewart A Sox s. S A Hulln, druggist, French's corner. Floe'grooeries at Conn & Hendrioson's. Latest sheet muaio at Will & Link's. Parasols and sun umbrellas at less than cost at WF Read's. Gold speotacles and eye filasses, all styles and prices, at F M Frenoh'e. , , The finest line of pockes , knives in ths sity at Stewart Sox's. - ' ; Bargains in gold WA tehee at French's, "The Corner Jewelry Store." . A full line ot Warner's corsets, best in the world for the money, at W F Read's. - J. W. Beutley, leading boot and shoe maker, just east of Revere House. Silk umbrellas in natural wood handles cheap at Freooh's Jewelry store. -. Cotton goods have not been as oheapjsinee the war as they are now. Call and see what bargains W Read has. kkmn Baker City has a reform council.' It be gan business by voting themselves $60 a piece tor services rendered, in at lib a other reformers. The Journal of Salem compliment Its contemporary In the following pointed manner! The cheeky, egregious publish ere 01 a certain asslnlno sheet In Oregon, ,lc ""re tost wnoever disagree with them Is wrong that Ihey can only escspe by Ignoring s controversy which they themselves originated, ' Here Is some tun light. The Salem Building & Loan Association hss just closed Its second yesr. The vslue of each share, costing $24, so far, Is $3t.2o, a fine showing. No association in Oregon has made a better showing, If as good a one, which Is saying a good dcsl, ss the Albany sssoclatlon has done a fine business. The bidding, though, In the Salem association has been the highest ot eny In Oregon. A year ago last night occurred tho Lake Labinh accident. It hag caused an immense amount of litigation. Nextyear will bo full of elections in Oregon. For the first time in its history there will be two concrfarnrn Wtf. anu ft live time is expected. Subscribe T I IIS DEMOCRAT. For Several Wlr mil rmliKlm.n l.aa died in fan Francisco every week a vio- rent ucain, anu yet mere is ft home of applicants on hand to fill their places. ' A few dava aeo a Enirena man. O If Purchase dropped ft lamo. It exploded. and In a few moments the room with its furniture was nearly mined. The man e-caned. Tho beauty of electricity is that there is no danger from an incandes cent light, either from explosion or suffo cation. It la the future light, and when one once gets ud to it life would be towcra ule with kerosene again. eawaaaaaaw The first copy of the Daily Oregon ian was Issued Feb. 4th, 1801, and it has never failed to appear at the stated time since. It is ft great paper, different from most other papers, lt can bo criticised easily editorially from moral stand point ; but as a newspapei it stands very high. Nothintr in tha NorihwenL Lnnr-ha It. A correspondent in an Iowa paner. published elsewhere, Bays people fiere think considerable, but keep their thoughts to themselves. Now, as a mat ter of lact.we believe people talk out here on religion anu pontics as much as any where. That is the writer's observation. This is so both in religion and politics. In feV places is there a higher, religious sentiment better lived an to than in Al bany, and in matters of politics you can run across plenty on almost any corner, " For the first time in its history an orig inal editorial has appearea in the Ex press, of Lebanon. Ia a small, childish way, because of a mistake made by the lemocbat in reierence to tneditcti.wbicti we w ere only tooglad to throw mud and even stoops to giving Alhany a nit. ui an tne sneeu tn Oregon the fcx press should tie the hut to attack 1 neighbor, for it lives in a gloss bouse of the most breakable kind. The Democrat rejoices in Lebanon's prosperity, in her new ditch, in her paper mill, in all of her new things, including the splendidly gotten np Advance, and there are no tealouates . here stall; but when tbe Dkmocbat is given an item evidently all right, it will publish it, and if it makes ft miMiaae 11 win correct it, tor we are not pigheaded. ToTsa Drinkers. Probably three fourth of th leas consumed are "Green Tea " Unpleasant as the fact may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar to us all , Is not the natural color, but Is due ta the facing or glaring of th tea with Prussian blue, Indlg and iher mineral colors. That coloring hides Ihe effects of poor teas is undoubted; bulla It healthful, and does It not call loudly for the importation of a brand of pure, uncolored, unaaaa Ipuls'.ed tesf j It was this condition of affairs thst prompted th placing of Beech's Tea before the public Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf It Is different In color from any you ever used. It draws a caaary color of a delightful fragrance that is a revelation to tea drinkers, and Its purity makes It more economical than the arti ficial teas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only In packages. 60 cents per pout d. Ask for , Beech's Tea, pur as childhood, fot sale by Allen Bras., Fllna black, Albany. Caveats, and Trarle-Marka obtained, and ail Fab cot business conducted for Moderate Fees. One Offies ta Opaoarte U-S. Patent 0ce. and we nut eeenre patent hues time than those remote from Washington. - beud model, drawing or photo-, wtih descrip tion. We advl, tr patentable or not, froa ot charge. Oar fee not one till patent I ceearerl. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patent," with names of actual clients In your Stalo, county, or -town, scut free. Addms, C.AaSWOW&CO. Opposite Patent OOlca. WaaMaoton. D. C. BEALTH IS WEALTH! DR. K . C. WEST'S Nerve' aad Brain Trcatmen a-uarantocd specific for Hrauria, Disameas. Conru elans. Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Kereeu rractrastoa eaueea ey toe use 01 ateonoi or sonaeeo, Walretulness, Mental Depressloa. Softening at tbs BralB. reaultine In lnsanitv and leaillnr ta miser. seeay vid death, premetnra eld age, barrennaas, loss ei re. ' eaueea ny erer-exertion of snc rnua Each ta- eontains en menth'a treatmcut, SI a box r elx box w for S5, sent by mail prepaid ea receipt a pnes. WE GUARANTEE 8IX BOXES TO CURB AX ease. With each artier rooeWed by ns for six boxes, acannipanieu with S&, wc will aond arte parenaew our tUten guarante ta refund tha money tf tho treat. Kent aoes bos etreei a euro, uuaramoaa iuoa bi J. A.Cumming, Druggist, sale agent, Albaav. Or, ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. VT0TICB IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL t-HRJ i.1 snaa Intereitea tliaton ue litn aay or rtovem bar. 1SU1. 1 filed la the Countv Court of Linn eountv. Orcgon,mv final account in the matter of ths estate of Jerusha Moore, deceased, and that said court has appointed Saturday, tho lith day of Dooombor, 1891, at tne nour ot u o oiock, inn aaiuuay, oo ui uu for haarinir all ohleotioiia. If anv. t said final aeoount, and for thoeettlement of eald cs ate. Said day being one of tho days of tha regular December tenn, last, of said court. Dated this llth day ot November. 1S91,- MART J BEARD, W R Barer, - Administratrix said eetatc, Attorney. , r:,B;;::a.::;B;:;:B;:::B,;;:a::!:B THE CEIjEHRATED a a . jg i SMITH & WESSON VOLV Tho Finest Small Arms Ever Manufactured. ! II I lO ..ii. ' ' 'ji for esssssi I ACCURACY, miDAQIl TV ! EXCELLENCE ef WORKMANSHIP and I UUNVbNIENlJE In I LOADING and SAFETY, 1 Beware of cheap iron Imitations Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price Lilt to ; SMITH . WESSON, 1 SPllIXQFIEZB, MASS. ALBANY :OR. WBITSMAN & HULBEST EROS, Real Estate Agents. " . Fame and Ranches fersaJe, Also city broperty in Albaoy and Coryallis, rs mm 'c t-orcecs. -KKE5la ?s b t u i i jr.w--.-v r El BK "August Flower For Dyspepsia. A. Ecllaneer. Proof.. Stove vnnn. dry, Montaeny, Quebec, writes: "I nave usea August nower lor Dy oeosia. It cave me cre-it rli-f T recommend it to all Dyspeptic aa a. very good remedy." Ed. Bereeron. General Dealer. lUuzon, Levis, Quebec, writes; "I nave tispci August Flower with th best possible results for Dyspepsia." C. A. Barringtoti, Engineer and General Smith, Sydney, Australia, writes: "August Flower has effected a complete cure in my case. It act ed like a miracle." Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss., writes: " I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease, but used several bottles of August Flower, and now con sider myself a well man. I sincerely recommend this medicine to suffer ing humanity the world over." D C. C. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. CHOICE MEATS Or Au Knms Emirlcli: - fc -13 n. leer, OppodU Mimmt'i firery Slob l, ami or lo Willamette Paekiaj (V store. FOSHAY a MASON - Orcggistsand Booksellers Aajotutsfor John B. Aldan's publlcatiooa, valcb we sell st pabliaber'e priee wits ALBAIT, EEOOI REVERE HOUSE, iLBAHT, - - 0REG0" JH1S. PFEIFFEU PROPftlETOR. FUted op In ftravelaaw style. Table Eipplled with the beat la the marks loa alaaplcg apartmcuiba, fJeunpl roouas oveourAarrjral sravelars. Boat atook of 2nd JOT ;oods In tbe Va ay, and U-s won raaae iai prioea, both .b 'futtling. i have oo hand ilklttu. FUiNITCat, SrjS, TIM WAKE TRUHKS, ROOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. door west of 8 E Young's o: store. L. COTTLItB Albany IRONWORKS W-T... S A Aim ENGINES CRIST AD SAW VILLIbACKINERY IRONCKONTS n ALL Klk53 CF KEAV7 AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AHO BRASS CASTINGS. pedal sUanbon aid o t pairing- til ts of tnach Inert Pattern a Made on Short Notiei .TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! T -r Vhilo trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEY0E & FE10F.1AH BROS itore, where they alwat a have on hand ho largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improver! Rlflee and Shot, Suns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle ot . every inscription ; Tents, Hammocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands f ether things too numerous to mention Xt-ep air Shop ks connection with the Store, and one oi Ih best workmen in the State to do any ind all kinds ot work. Come one .Come al. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and ' quick aLsa" Is oui anotto. a say agenre B?r w. Im rtsagia srb?,, S far aal la.yoar alace aak Mr r ta aeaot fnr talnn. . t. . aogeorr, saw set Ihena fa- yea. WTAKK NO t BSTITl'TK.1 a ebbBsWlt'aaiBn.-ik MNY 18 THE ,V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE oaafetViiH ff KIT SHOE IM THI WuRU FOR THE MONEY? un mo toot; maae or ui boat aa eair, striiin vmmj. ua p.eaue we mtun wtorm mnumm or raw e Moa amy ewur aaoKramro, ouais aaad- 90 ttoaala Hanii-eoweS, aha finest ealt A abooe which anal rrocn as.ariao aiiiiL 00 f)and-wed Welt Bhoe, fin ealf, 1 atvllali. oomTonablo aad dnrablK. Th KmI marie abooe coot Ing from .0U to BjToeX. evov offered al thle Drioa i cum srmit a ratio eaaoi nnurr, HaJirnsa a. a o and Ltfiar(ajrlreail warthmi nhAAie anleas, smooth n.ifle. heavy alii auiea, xtao-. sde. One pair will wear a year. IB iBas all ta blMiko aw afHreda o this prtoei on trial will oodvIso tbaoo. wsv wn, a un i2rc-mior! ana aorvie. CJ aS i'LOO WarklBacaaa'a shoo J, arc ory earoag and duraljo. Thoos who. h'fo glvca them a trial will mu no oBiar mika t-fVB e,t ait i.r school ahooa are wora br the bora OToavwhero; tberacU M their merits, as lS. Inareaeing salec enow. . . . Conicola,TOyylib;nub irted ahooa costli a from a a, tn aa ffl nicola, toA arrhabTeoaavitSf TSaa' U.BB aad fl.VC Shea fc fl ar th bost ineJbigo. SrrTilh and duraMa, (.atloB.-8o that W. L. Dooglaa' tint aad fto ar stamrjodousboj jtomo! oaob aho. W. I iWtiriAa, BrocAfco, Mass. jh- l. e. biaj ty; VJ frH I eMASyS"VSba IsU WJLUWsblUsLhg aw raooass txotrs srrrKiuea rot. vamiub AJTD BAKEBS BSS. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. photo:. : or Seeond andFerry St, lALbany, . f ITJTJPSIRIOR watk, Sfnaranteexi tn rer) O branch of the art. xdriSnilarglrjg a U kinds a epeoial y. 2nd Store. 1 OWN S3 Bnii M3 JJ.rt IV ft.