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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1891)
Slit iOctMtrat. FMDAY.......NQVEMBER. tO, 1891 LOCAL. RECORD. A Irnuc'a Kindiro vmN.--An effort la being made to establish a kindergarten department in our public achoo1a.Jk petition to ttiat cHivl ia being generally Dignrd. An entertainment will be given Thnkfiving afternoon by MrsTathain's Vinderuarten claoa, In order to further uriiiK lite matter more forcibly before our citisens. The movement ia a (tood one. Tlie kindergarten ia Me proper introdnrtion to school life. It lays the foundation for the Wit education. It, without much effort, advaicea the atndent to that when he enter the other riepartroente he ( ready f.r the work. Mra Tatliaiu, who ia teMchinir a succcsa- ful class. Ik a master of the t rwUI ays trm, and probably has no superior 'in Oregon, even among the beat in t'orlland. A department under her cliarce would be a aurceia and would do much to ad vanco I he educational interveta of the little onea in Ablany, aa well as in the county, for it ia proponed, it introduced in me acnooia to complete an arrange- . ment ry which the teachera of the county generally may receive Instructions aa aida to their regular work in their primary classes. In all largo citiea the kindergarten ia receiving the recognation - it deserves, and it ia safe to predict that Albany will not be behind the times. A Kiosks Arrant. The Eugene Guard haa the following about a well known Albany youn man : "Conaiderable ex citement wai caused about 8:30 o'clock Saturday evening byacouplo of piston anota at tne house situated on the corner of Oak and 7th atreeta. It aeema that Jimmy Fennel), a sporting youth of the tin-horn persuasion, had been caught m a very questionable transaction and had concluded to skip the town. lie went to the house in question for hie clothing, and while there bad an altercation with the woman with whom he has been con sorting, lie struck her, and she drew a revolver and fired at him, making a miss. About that time Sightwatch Witter came along and teeing Fennell in flight, called on him to stop, and to enforce the oruer tired into the air. fennell stopped and was taken in charge by Witter and locked op. He gave bail in the mm of f M to answer the charge of disorderly conduct this morning, but concluded that his presence was no longer desired in Kugene, wisely took the precaution to lorieit iaii and skipped on the Monday morning overland train." A Siriovs Matter. In iu commer cial department the Oregonian aj: "In accordance with wheat prices telegraphed ' from San Franckco,d:alcrt have advanced quotations on valley tof 1.69, hh potslblv $1.71 for the choicest. There rvere no known talcs at this figure, and actual trantactlons might reduce the prlctt 2 or 3 cent. It was learned during the day that wheat was selling In Albany at considera bly higher figure than en the basis of this market, and thi fact had much to do witn giving the market Its firranrts. It Is evi dent that San Francisco Is In the maiket, and local dealers are acting accordingly. Transportation rates by way of Yaquiria are low enough tj make csmpctitlon from California a serious matter." Wheat was not selling tn Albany on a higher basis, nor as high a basis. About Sy cen's. In stead &6'j cents, would have been as high a basis, and about 90 cents according to San Francisco quotations. The above again brings Into prominence .Albany's advantages as a shipping center. Son a IIaarisuvrg Boys One dar at school last week, two boys, one named Smith and the other Hardesty, began practicing the manly art of self-defense, ' when Srr.ith. being over-matched accldently hurt, and had U'iay up a couple of days for Repairs. Pesce would have relgr.ed had It let been that one of Smith's hiolhers determined to "do tip"' Ilardfsiy. lie Med lr.ii the presence of llartlrtlK with blood in hit tye, but the way he wai knocked out Ir. a ew stioit rjjnJ wouIJ have brrugl.t forth I be heartie-t applause tA John L. It U this qur.rrrl :!:rt mine. I Geo WH lam to display a rrvolvtr which ac'.iop erst him twenty dollar. As the boys are all pu i. of the school here the directors promj t!y took the matter tn band and will do all In their power to prevent the re-occurrence of such dis. graceful scenes, and In this they should he assisted by every rchool patron. Courier. RrrtBuc.-M Convention. I F Conn. W II Huston and S S Train, central com mittee, have Issued the following call: The republican voters of the city of Albany are requested to meet In conven tion at the Armory on Saturday, Decern ber 5th, lit 7:30 p m for the purpose of nominating the following candidates for city offices; Mayor, Rccordc, Marshal, Treasurer, and to ratify the wsrd nomina tions for souncilmen. The ward meetings, for the nomination of one councilman from each ward and one committeeman from each ward, will be held on Thursday evening, December 3rd, at 7 p m, af the following places: First Ward O-i the west side of the circuit court room. Second Ward On the east side of the circuit court room. Third Ward At the Farm ers' warehouse office. A Da. Indicted. The first case under the medical law. In Eastern Oregon oc curred a few days ago. The E. O. says: "Dr Carlyle of Athena was indicted by the late grand jury on the charge ot prac ticing medicine without a certificate from 'he state medical board. He was brought down from Athena by Deputy Sheriff Stamper, and was fined'$5o Friday by the circuit court. The doctor it Is stated has a diplo-na and is a regular practitioner but neglected to present himself for examina tion before the board and secure a certifi cate." Of Prsvjols Good Character. The Democrat likes to give all sides of dif ferent questions, hence It publishes the fol lowing from the Gervais Gazette, In refer ence to Chas Loudon in jail charged with being an ac:etsrv tothe murder of Henry Ingram: '-Young Loudon has always borne a good character In these parts and this community will be slow to believe him guilty of murder. He was probably trying to get out of the way as a witness In order to screen Ingram, for whom' he was working, but that he assisted Ingrain in the 'crime of murder will be hetrt for people who know him to believe." . Seciional Map or Orfcok The Oregonian, at great expense, ha prepared a sectional map of Oregon, and offer it as a premium for subscriptions to the Week ly Oregonian. The map Is corrected up to date, is 40x50 inches in size; scale, six miles to the inch. It Is neatly finished and on rollers, readv to hang up on the wall. This is the finest map of Oregon -ver Issued, and should be in every house hold In thestate. Anyone sending $3.00 wt'.l receive The . Weekly Oregonian for fifteen months (if the subscription is re ceived prior to Janusrv t, 1892.) and one of these maps as a premium. The price of the map without the paper Is 1 2.00. Ad - dress, Oregonian Publishing Co, Portland, Oregon. Crook Cc-uhty Gold. Btraud Trice came to town from his Camp creek ranch on Monday. H9 exhibited some gold . and silver buttons that were assayed from rock taken from a ludgo on bis place. Mr Price says that the mine assays all the way from IW to $160 to tho ton in gold, and a portion of tho ledge is also tery ncii in silver. ews. EesiS8D. We understand that Shan . non Conner has res'gned his position with the H I'll P., his leg incapacitating him Jroin any kind of labor. He will likely nue the company in a few dsys to recover damages. uuard. Piano Ekcital Friday erening of this week, by the pupils of Prof O Loril lard. The object ot these recitals is to show the progress of the pupils, and as tha maioritv of those taking part are well advanced an interesting program may be expected. .t Stumer Arrivsd. The steamship Willamettee Valley arrived at 8:50 a in with the following passengers: J D T T 1 1- - II'... ilmnnn T ft VI'- I K Merket, Dr O E Hash, R Boss, 8 B ;mith,U W llency. J - - - Doeiledly the Urges mini thoioist varlity nf t.sin town ia at C B Browns Ts. Son driod, bket fired, C'ocn, lUoi, English broskfatt, &o Watch the San Francisco markets. They are of Importance to all ofut, as Oregon markets are generally based on them, though Portland ought, to rule. Thos Fitch, jr., send the Dkmockat the following! The produce market I overstocked with large quantities ot poor potatoes. Only choice wilt sell at anything like a fair price. For Instance, pror potatoes are in abundance at 30c a hundred, while choice potatoes are scarce at 7jc to 90c a hundred lbs. A choice Ihirbank seedling will sell at this price. The onion market Is In good condition. Choice yellow onions are selling today at 80 cents. At the present time the wheat market Is excited. Shipper and millers are pay. Ing $1.75 to ft 85. ' Stamtiouland Sunol are kicking against the quality of oa'.a their groom 11 Itnpoa Ing oil them. Their owner have. called for the best Oregon osts that can be se cured, a choice iso 1 article 1 worm 42. ' A great manr of the one-lunged New Enalander are out here wintering. They are boasting that they cannot get a good apple, but we think that Oregon apple beat the world, and to such an extent that we have been able to sell some of the very best t) re con apples as high as It. a? a ox. The mat set for Oregon prunes and dried applet Is In good condition, strong and ac live. Choice prunes are selling as high as be) nice, brlght,evaporated apples at Sc. Wht Namsd. The Independence West Pidesnvs; How many of our readers know the origin ot the name "Long Tom," given to that stream emptying into the Willamette south of Corvallis T It originated thus: A party coming from California to Oregon in 1844, had in company a long, slim Irishman nick named Long Tom. One morning, per forming his abolntions on that stream, he tell ia and got a good ducking. After wards, anv of the nartv referring to that stream, called it the Long Tom. This is the origin of the name, tfoan creek de rived its name from the old bachelors living in that section in 1846, from their being destitute of soap for the washing ot their clothing. Among these bachelors were Kit Zumaet, David Stump and "Picayune" Oeborn. An Operation Prrpormed. For over two years past Seth Morgan, living about one mile south of town; has laid In his bed suffering from an abcess la his side. All these weary , lonesome days and nights his young wife has watched faithfully by his bed side with no one else to help or assist her. Medical aid failed to cure him ard his esse was considered helpless. I .a it Sunday Drs Hill and Wallace went to see hlin, and realising that something had to bt done to save his life, which was grad ually wearing away, they performed an operation by opening bis side and remov ing some dlseaed flesh. He has since been feeling better and It Is hoped be will entirely recover. Telescope. A Lims Cocirrr Horse Delco, oldest son of Oneco, nf this connty, now owbed by Wm Hogaboom, of Walla Walla, did some fine work at Halt Lake City. He won the free for all trotting race in the th ree last beats, it having taken seven to decide it. The time made in the heta won was 3:20, J:5 and 1.27'i. It waa the fiuest race ever trotted in Utah. Del co also had another exciting contest with James F, a match race (or I'iftO aside, and was the winner of the tirst het in t:S8. and won the last two of the five and race, in z:-', ana z:.'7V Delco ts now at Walla Wa!La,and will be trained for next year. - . Theatrical. Tho Koss Family occu pied the boards last evening aays the North Dakota Advocate, and were greeted ith one of the largest houses of the season. They without doubt gave the beet satisfaction ot any company that has been here for a long time. All are good. 'o star supported by a nnmlier of nonentities, as many companies are are on the road, but each took their part well, and the programme was fully carried out. Grafton will always give them a welcome. At the pera house in Ail any next MonJ.ty evening. The Spanish Students will appear to morrow cvistiing. They enne weilsioken of by the press generally. Our citixens are promii-t-d a musical treat. The Reform School. Listen, bo)S. An A'.hci.a boy was sent to the reform school last week for not minding Ids mam ma. He was naughty. The reform school Is a prison. Athena republican. No; the reform school U not a prison. It Is an elegant and comfortable . home, with a large school room nicely f jrolshed with folding desks. Boy sent there must stay there and study and be punctual and well behaved but It I not a prison. States man. It I the kind of a place several Linn county boys might Improve In as well as Athena boys. Gaewisa Towkb. It is interesting to read the cockadood'edos of growing towns. Here are some from Marion connty : " Wood burn is improving more rapidly than any town in Marion county. Stavton is next." Stayton Times. This little article sounds like it came from the asylum. It probably did and the Times stole it without credit. Silverton is im proving faster and is a better town than Wood burn and Stayton both. Bilvertcn Appeal. Yi bat is the matter of Palem. A Bio Cathedral. Archbishop Groei is laying plans for building a Catholic cathedral on tho property recently pur chased by him in Portland, bounded by Fourteenth, Sixteenth, D and C, which cost 8o5,000. The new building will be the largest church on the Pacific coast. According to present plans, it will be built entirely of stone, will have two steeples, and face the east. It will lie 190x200 feet long and fifty feet aride.with an archepiscopal residence in tLe rear. Be Metropolitan, Some mischiev ous boys are In the habit of climbing the'nc poies and turning oft the light and the company has decided to offer a reward of S10 for the arrest and conviction of any one Interfering with the street lamp in any manner. 1 imes. A city tne sue ot Cor vallis should not have lights on poles. Be metropolitan and put up some swinging looo candle power lights like Albany's tha! cant be reached except by moths. A Date Set. Last evening at a meet ing of the participants In Belshazzarit was decided to give this pcpularcantsta on the evenings of Dec. 17 and 18, at the Opera House. Thorough rehearsal are being gtven,and our citizens are promised a great treat tn trie presentation ot probably the most popular of cantatas. Cokvallib Record. The Times claims the following building record for that city the past year:- (50,000 wagon and carriage factory, (20,000 hotel, (20,000 college dormitory, bio.uuo city ball, siu.uuu loundry and larm implement far: -tory, besides 15 or 20 residences esti mated to cost (25,000. Total (135,000. A Prompt Company. Will TJlrich, of Medford, district a.ent of the Farmers and Mechanic's Insurance Company of Albany, was here this week to adiust the loss sustained by J A Cox of the burning of his Oak Cresk store last week. The amount of insurance, (1000, was allowed without a kick and paid in full. "That's the kind of company to do business with," isayi Li i) V aril, tne agent. Koseburg Plaindeaier. Good fiirANoiEsrNO. Home time ago one of D L Patce's horses fell into a well forty feet deep, and was given up for dead, but it would have coHt about (40 to dig another well, so Mr Patee concluded to undertake tne lot) 01 getting the horse out Ha and A W Powers constructed a windless and drew the horse out and found that he had sustained no material injuries by the fall. Ochoco Review, Teachers' Attehtioh. There will be a . lo-mi meeting 01 teachera at Shedd, Nov. 27th and 28th, 1891. The first ses sion will be held Friday evening. An interesting program will be prepared for Dot n f ritiay and nam relay, ah teachers and school officers in the vicinity of Shedd are coraiany invited to m present. , Geo F Ruhhell, Supt. Rough on Cows. Passengers on the Albany local yesterday saw the result of what is supposed to be a run over. Near Marion two dead and two wounded cows were lying alongside of tbe track, and it is supposed the south-bound local rat into a oana 01 Marion mux cows. Statesman MWill&M'S May be seen the finest stock of cold and silver watches, diamond and other rines. lew- I elry, silverware, Ac, in the city. HI At. ARB rB4RA& MONDAY . t License has been Issued tor the marriage of Geo Nettleton and Alice McNeil. Henry Ebert, a resident of Albany year or two ago, I now working lu bakery lu Newark, New Jersey. A Baker City paper ray Carl Luder- man, formerly of Albany, left that city uncermonlously, without paying certain debts due. that his household goods were attached, but It wa found that someone else owned them. The Philharmonic society of thl clt will give a mask ball on Christmas night Only those will be admitted with Invita tions. Music will be furnished by Partons ifray.oi Pott land. . Sheriff Noland, of Kugene, went north this neon, and bherin Crolsan. of ?alem south. The former waa on his way to Salem with Maud Fitch, an Insane young woman. Mr Thomas Anderson was In Albany today after his horse recently stolen. It was a large, handsome animal worth about $aoo; .but had been roughly handled. The accumulated costs In Marlon county were about 937. J a V Pipe and C S Browned returned from the mines today. It Is expected tha. the big stamp mill will start up next week. There Is an Immense quantity of ore In sight, and If the mill does as good wotk as anticipated, Albany will soon have some as big bricks as any of Ihe mining towns to exhibit TUSSDAT. E A McCaustland, city surveyor Salem, wa In the cltj thl noon. ot Nlghtwatch Lee went to Corvalll thl noon tor a tew days. During hi absence Mr Pete Ltndgren will run the engine, Among those mentioned tor Congress on the republican ticket, Is one of Al bany's leading lawyers, C K Wolverton Dr E L Irvine and family lelt last Sun day for Salt Lake City, where they expect 10 reman two or tnre montns tor tne Doctor, health. Mr Arch Monteith, of Portland, la In the city. He is now interested in the Review, a snorting and theatrical naner, wen goiien up. 11 - Mr Frank Propst has made arrange ments to begin the studv of law in the office of Attorney General Geo E Cham uvrisin, 01 sins city. - Solomon Dingy, a great uncle of Mrs C L Salomon and Mrs I L Ketchuui, of Pnneville, died in New ork recently. and it is thought these ladies will fall heir to a good portion ot his estate, which is valued at $20,000,000, says the Review. Mrs Abiirail Scott Duniwar will attain be heard from. She Is to start a purely weekly literary publication in Poniard. we'll wager the literature will run to woman's rights so fiercely as to charact erise it. irs I), is not a popular woman in Oregon, if the writer is any judge, uiougn, sue is a "smart" one. Mr U G Hayne, the sewer man. left this noon for Boise City, to bid on some sewer wor mere, that city is to put In f 50,000 worth of sewers, the city having been bonded tor it. The city furnishes the pipes and contractor bid on the labor. Mr J G Kelly, ot Eugene, also left lor mat city a day or two ago, on the same mission. lion A Hackleuien arrived here last Tuesday from Albany, bringing with him a nne ironing stallion, Alwood ureese. which he will put on Ms Camp creek stock farm for breeding purposes, lie crossed the Cascade mountains by the Santiam route and found no snow on he mountains, though heavy rains were falling and the roads were very muddy. Heview. WEDNESDAY. Rev Whitney, ot Eugene, father of J R Whitney, ol the Herald, U In the city. R Ehret and family left today for Portland, which they will make their future home. Mr E A Parker, who has been confined to his home a month or two with rheu matism, is on the streets again. J II Townsend ami family left today for New burg, Yamhill county .where, with his sons,' he will go into the hardware business. Mr Townsend is a lire, enter prising citizen whom N iwburg is fortu nate in securing as a resident. Dr W A of J W Cusick, of this city, has been elected President of the Capital National Bank, of Salem, an assurance that the bank will" retain the reputation it obtain! with the late It S Wallace aa president. Her Residence. The Oregonian gives Eugene credit for the girl who married the negro lately at Astoria. Engene girls are not built that way. The girl in question hails from Corvallis. Please correct, Mr Oregonian. Eugene Guard. Now, Ira, what do you know about a girl's build T Evidently nothing, at least you are not well enough posted to tell a girl's retidence by scanning her symmet rical anatomy, the girl to question never saw Corvallis. Times. Let the truth be told, the girl went from Albany. She resided here a year or two. Her Parents now reside In Corvallis. Lillian Young is a good looking girl, who should have made a good woman and a credit to a community; but, alas, bad influences took her downward. IfMERiroGo. Go to Park ei Bros for fresh fruitsand vegetables. Go to Parker Bros fer the best teas aa coffees. Go to Parker Bros fer geod baking pewder. uo to Parker Bros for fine baked goods. The best bread, cakes, pies, ete ia the market. Go to Parker Bros for your groceries generally, aad be assured of good goods and first-class treatnieai. Jest received new and opened for retail a OB Brownell's the following Cbow Chow, footing Moltsses, Pickles in vtaeiar, Salt Herring,, Halt salmon. Fine Suitings. Mr W R Gialism has just received a fine line of suitings from the ast, which are as nne at anything every brought here, embracing the latest patterns. lie is anxious to nave tne pub lic inspect them and get prices. Hit long experience win enable mm to suit the most fastidious. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the post offioe at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Nor 18, 1891. Persons calling for these letters most give the date on which they were advertised. Arehait. Etta Apacb, Mathews Benkson, A . Bancs, Franklin Cecilia, M Denny, Benisroin Fry, J II Gallagher, John King, ED Miller, E 8 Ross, Goo F Basher, J R Brannen, Msadie Croft, Chu Cooke, Mrs John brwin, James (iass, 8 W JcDes, J II ' Ieweday, A Rutherford, Emms-2 Roth, Geo Sunous, Kmm Sullivan, Conn K;m.L B Stak, John 8nett, W n Windham, M J IPilliaros. MS-.. .T.JMoxTEixn, P M. Tyler, Oarrie Tucker. A L Wbitten, B F RCAB Who Is F. E. Allek. Why we supposed every one knew, bet yon should not last give him a call. opposite the Masonic Temple, aod you will fled it the place tj bay good fresh groceries cheap. LARGEST :- ASS0ETMEHT or HEATIUG STOVES. AT MATTHEWS & WASHBUEFS e e ' rBOCBEsS. ' It U very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing to thettsste and to the eve. eaailv taken. stceptable to tbe atomaoh and bealtbv in its nature and effects. Possessing these quali ties, Syiup of Figs is the oas perfect laxa- oiye aad most gentle diuretic known. - rtOBATI MUTER, In the matter ol tha estate ot Henry George, ordered that personal property be told as prayed for in the petition of the administrator. Tn the matter of the estate ot Andrew Ralston, deceased, ordered that personal property be sold as prayed for by the administrator. In the matter of the estate ot O II Spencer, the receipt of KHxa Hpence filed and the administrator discharged. -In the matter of the estate of Sarah M White, inventory filed, real estate (100 and personal property (10. In the matter ot the estate of Ephraln Turner will admitted to orobate. Stiou- latlon between heirs filed. Affidavit of executor filed. Inventory tiled, Tea estate (11,000. personal property (11,48(125. Order made to sell tn-rsona property. In the matter ot the guardianship ot Martin Cummings a minor, second an nual account fled and allowed. William Sheriffs took out first papers to become a citizen. . , In the matter of the estate of Joruslia Moore, final account filed and bearing stit tor Saturday. Deo 12th at 0 o'clock a in. In the matter of the guardianship ot L I) Hale, a minor, account Hied and ap proved. Guardians resignation accepted on Ills tiling proper vouchers. In the matter of the estate and guard ianship ol Ralph, Anna and Mary Yantis final account filed and allowed, and guardian discharged and bondsmen ex operated. CBKaF SICAB. A Mellwala ears (( rrlees He make the following reductions In sugar for cash: 17 Ibt dry granulated for (1.00. to lb extra U white for $1.00. aa lbs extra C golden for (to. ' Here are tome wholesale prices: too lbs extra golden 0(?J4Mclt. 100 lbs extra 0 white C 4 V eta. 100 lbs dry granulated Q 5). He will also sell a five gallon keg of pickle for 90 ct. The tiit ealae.raat. The "City Restaurant" Is the place lo eat, You will always una It clean and neat; No restaurant In (own wl'h It can compare. The best meal In Albany you can get there. Fish and game you II always find, Best meats and delicacies ol every kind, The proprietor will always try Your every want to satisfy, . So don't forget at the 'City' to call, steals they serve co suit you all. Now bring your friends and lo them show. The best restaurant In town 0 go; Remember when the best you want C'll at "The Clt Restaurant." Mr. Brannln will treat you right The CttyM l open till lo at night. uoard and lodging (4-5 Pr week. ttTHK, I have this day told to BO Watson k Co. the greeery aod eomttilssioo business ksrs to- fur earried on by m at the ooroer ot Ells- worth aad 2 ad strsots, Consisting of stock tt groceries, provisiaas, flitare, ete. I will pay all bills inenrsd by me while oooduoti ing said bosinses 00 presentation. 1 re tain tb book aeeoaoU and parties indebted to me tea ealt and pay at the store antil Dee 1st, 1891, R U Watson St Co rso.ipting for me. After tbat date all unpaid socuoote will be blaued in the hands of my attorney for eol lection. Nov. 2. 1 8!l. E J Lakbiro. Have TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gro cery store is always full ot fruits, vege tables, ete, ne very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything U be had they have it. Apples, Cabbage, Tornipa, Cauliflower, fweet Potatoes, Carrots, tj rapes, Cranberries. Oranges, Lemons, Pig Feet - i Celery, Bauer Kraut, Beets. It is actually tCMtotny to drink Beek'a Tea. Beirg absolutely pur, it la maob stroeger than tb srutiuisl teas, about on third ices of it, or aleut twenty grains, be ing required per cap. As there are 7.CS0 grains to a poend, there will be seen' to be between three and lour boadred eopt to the pound. As it U tat 60 cents per poaod. this is at tha rat of about on fifth of a cent per cop. For sale at Allen Bro. Just received at the Lactic Baaiar an ilrgant line of fancy eoids, fiirgo and tonrxns suitable for all kinds of fancy work. a leu the jew shade ia tspbyrs. Tiacbeus' CEBTirirsTss. Of the 25 teachers examined last week four re ceived first, eleven second, and twelve third grades, and two failed to get certl- ncates. CiROt rr Court. Since court adjourned two new cases have been begun, towit : 11 Wilson and J t waiton agt Geo J) Whitcomb. Chas Kobn & Co. agt W M Bilyeu. BB EICIB A piano At Klein Bros Boot and Shoe store, Parker Bros, grooers. New cloaks at W F Read's. Latest styles cf hsU at W F Re..,. Redaction in lammer gooda'at W FJReadt Apple parers fr aale at Stewart A Sox t. H A Ilnlin. droggitt, French's eorner. Fios groceries at Conn & Hendrioson'a. Latest sheet musio at Will 8c Link's. Parasols and suo nmbrollat at lett than cost at WF Read's. Gold spectacle and eye glasses, all styles and prices, at F M Frenob'a. The finest line 'of pocket knives in the oity at Stewart & Sox's. Rsreaios in cold watches at French's. The Corner Jewelry Store." A full line of 'Warner's enrsets. best in the world for the money, at W K Read's. T. W. Beotley. leadinz boot and shoe maker, just east of Revere Hooie. Silk umbrellas is natural wood bandies oheap at French's Jewelry store. Cotton goods have not been as eheatioee the war a they are now. Call and tee what btrgint Bead bat. . " Removed. W E McPherson has re- moved his loan and insurance office to opposite the Masonic teroplo, where at present lie bas plenty of money to loan on Albany real estate. Tbellbaay Market. OaU,8fl . Butter, t6 cents per Tb, , Egg. 2i oenta por dos, roiacoes, so eenta per bushel. Lard. 11 (a 12 oenis ner to. Baon .Hams, 12 oenta; slderllj.oentsj euodiuMrs, it cents, Beef on foot, 3 2K sent per tb' Pork, dreaeed. 8 eents per tb, Flour, f 5 per barrel. II A Kill El). FARWELL MATHEWS. On Nov ti, 1891, at the residence of Peter BHher, by Rev Elwortby, near Shedd. Mr R C Far well and Miss Grace Mathews both of Shedd. Mr and Mrs Farwell have the best wishes of the Democrat aiKl many friends, NETTLETON-McNEIL.-On Nov. ! 16, at the residence of and by Geo Humph rey, esq., oeo Nettleton and Alice Mo rs ell both of Linn county. 1 DIED. STUART. On Tuesday morning, No 17, 1891, Natalie, daughter of Mr and Mrs G J Sfturt, after a short illness, of membraneous croup, aged 11 years. The deceased was a bright little girl, beloved by all who knew her, and tbe loss to her afflicted parents is a great one. BSOWHSVILLR. , Brownsville, Nov i6, i8ot. One night last week tome sneak thief ilolo numeiout articles from the various clothe lines of town Some one stole a gun from tn front ot the store of G C Cooler & Co, on tl4 evening of the loth. Mr Fred Keen had been out sr.d trt his gun down while he went Into the store with the above result Mrs las Dolan of this place has drawn 1 50U from the Chosen r Mends on ac count ot disabilities, and she did not get It mir sooner liisn sue siiouitl, as she It in osu conuiiiuu anu tne money win come handy, aad will help her condition. That amount would help the correspondent ot the democrat financially, Rev I Boweisox. of Salem, has returned from the general conference of the Evan gelical church, and preached at this place on ounusy. Hotel Brownsville will be done In about two weekt and will be dedicated by the K I . .. . . . . . ... Y m 1.O1 giving ine nanus 01 ine mill grand big supper. This company, It will be remembered, received first premium at tne state lair, ana now wiry propose to give the help the benefit, by giving them a tuppcr at the new hotel. Hee, COl'MIL FBtM'fcKDINGM. Present Mayor, marshal, recorder and all cuunclluion. Further timo was granted on grado on First street east end. An assessment resolution was rend and adopted. By request the city attorney, W R Bilyeu. gave his oninion on the Austra nan ballotjaw stating that. hit view of the matter was iiiat 11 ci u nor. amiiv 10 cuv elections. The matter of a mipnlemental coutract wtin mo tiridga contractors was cost ...... a. . " . a. . si poneu until a meeting to be field on Thursday evening. TUB STKOatilMT A 11 BEST, Tb eB9cUI Kreerl ef Ike Mlaaesel Hairy ssS feed 4'eiMatlsaleaer Skews Ike Bey al Bahlag rewder I he Best la the Slate. The last report ot the Minnesota State Food and Dairy Ccminlsslon contain the details of (he State ChemU:' experiment and analysis to determine the strength and keeping qualities of the various baking powders. Samples of the numerous oramls on sale In this slate were purchased and first analvxed to ascertain their lea v- eninsr power. The Koval Baklnsr Powder It shown by the tests of both Plate analysts, I'rol r.bcrman and Pro! Drew, to contain the greatest amount nf leavening gas of the cream ot tartar powders thus purchased and tested. Hence thl powder Is oltklal'-y ranked at the head ot the Ibt. The report attache great Importance lo a aerie of experiment made to ascertain Ike character, efficiency and keeping qual ities 'Of the powder. Baking powder that vary In strength or that readily lose strength before use, a re unreliable and will not give even results: besides, it 1 an in dication ff the uae In their compounding ot Improper Ingredients. These test were applied to a large number of sample of different age of the three cream of tartar powder best known In Minnesota. They showed the strength or leavening power of the Royal very much greater than that of tne others; The uniformity of strength of all the sample of Royal tested was re markable. It leavening power wa prac tically unimpaired even In th oldest specimen. The difference in the amount of leavening gts In different samples of hoth the other brands was so great a te impair their usefulness In baking. A much a 34 per cent lost was lound In samples a few months old. All the sam ple of Koral examined hv Vr iJrew were reported ol satisfactory strength and quality. Do't g i to the trouble of running all over the city, but go directly to Conn A Hendrirsnn's and get what you want in the GROCERY line. Their stock it large and well-selected. Fresh produce and fruits can always be secured at their. Stands at the lowest prices. You get good good and prompt attention. In crockery, glassware, lamp, etc., they are also l:avlng a big run. ro better place in the city fur bargains in this lice. Don't close your eyes against these facts. The Oresonian eava wheat has a weaker tendency ; but it is'nt always safe to bet on wlytt the leading paper aays on the wheat market. We quote 2,'i cents higher. There m ill be a o!o of iriul property bel'iDcing to the eett of E Turner, rest Sst'urdsy at 10 a m. It wl.l psy the pa1 lie to be prssnnt. looot forget tbe tiui. Littler A Pall, dentists, w II maleartiA eial plate cf aluminum. The hetltbhtt n.oet durable ed hfchtt weiitht of) ether plate. We want to introduce tbif kind of wctk in ill vicinity. Notice the extra bollor ground raeora used by barbcrs'are sold by Stewart A Sox sasaswwTSBSQt'- 40 years tbe sUnidard. A Pure Cream Tartar Powder aMfzEtA . ' - H?(gS jssrjA J3BS-- m ?t7tfi:' ' -v- ??i-3 sioui Jgasfe EOTAL, . Coutahis Ammonia, Dr. Price gives larger of any other Baking Powder manufacturer. Above cut represents the comparative size of one pound can each 'Dr. Prico's," Royal" and "Taylor's One Spoon." These cans were set sido by side, then photographed down in exact proportions to admit tho plate ia thin space. Ask your grocer to set a ono pound can of any other brand alongside 1 lb. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Ponder, and observe tho difference, Adulterated powders may usually bo detected by their heavier bulk, aa shown by the 6mall cans, and these -scantily filled,' often containing a circular to help fill that many of the ammonia and alum baking powders are' advertised as "Absolutely Pure," All official be safe to reject all powders labeled absolutely pure. . The economy in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not consist alone in the fact that nntch larger .and fuller cans are given, but Dr. Price's is a stronger, purer and more wholesome bak ing powder than any other known. Does better work, and goes farther, hence more economical in every way. - What woman would use an ammonia, or alum baking powder if she knew it ? Such powders not only undermine the health, but aminonia gives to the complexion a sallow and blotched appearance. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is reported by all authorities as free from ammonia, ' alum, lime, or any other adulterant. . The purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned., : EE FUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES Tglest of cS bt.LSaf CPf Power vESCUUTELY PURE UonR AB ABROAD MOM PAT. The output of g"l J in Baker county for the last thirty days, as repoitd by The Detnotrat amounts to $100,000. One of the attractions of Thanksgiving day will be a kindergarten entertainment in tbe afternoon by th pa till of Mr' Tsthsm's sonool. , ' , Quarterly meeting of the M K aba. oh South next Saturday and Sunday at St Paul' onuroh, Albany, corner 3 land Mont gomery, Several Albany younu men, it is reported will biihocued as witnesses in the esse ot Uenrge White, i rested at Astort fur tb alhluotioo of Lillian Yeuug. The Ladies Aid Society will mnetTaasdsy Nov 17 at 2.30 p m with rs C W Sears, Bib street, between Jefferson and Jackson. A full attendance ia desired as there wilt be tas'uets cf Importance. J CQoodale is pvrbspe as well up in the law any msn in this part of the ut. II bat esse on trial ia both lno and Line counties stlhs sm time at th list term of he circuit court. Juuroal . As an instance of the depression ia the borsa insrktt, the reporter was informed yesttrday thst a gentleman of the Drewsy section who owns 000 hesd of has made the offir to trade the entire band for 3000 head of sheep. Baker City Democrat. 1 lie Vancouver, B O Telegram asys of tbe Spanish s uJentsi "The aadiuo that at tended the Imperial last nliht were thorouKhly delighted with the performauce of thr.pnisb Student. Tb ba!aoee ot th Instrument i well nigh perfect, sod player is matter of bit own. A Good Item today I the remarkably fine weather. It I simply glorious, and only a school girl could describe It In ap propriate language When the Willamette Valley doe get on ber best behavior she can do thing In the weather line not sur passed by any other country In the world. 'Put It in the paper" Is advice the news paper man may well follow even In mat ter of weather. . Took the Dstr .Back. Marshal Hoffman left thl morning for Vancouver with the deserter captured a few day ago. 1 he man left the barrack in ibbs. A rewtid of trio wa offered for bis capture, and this Albany' live official will secure, lite other deserter left there In Ih-So and the reward had lapsed. . Tt'KttUAr. Christmas I undoubtedly cuming.i v blent e of which U a ieady manifest in tome of tbe store. The piles for tbe bridge are being drivrti at the fourth pier, ine .-sms sre touted for daily, ar d will be put ia position at oece. Z M Arowu ootd his cattle he k.ok acrr-ss the mwontsir.s to Alt Allen f Crook connty, and has g 'tie. te Portland to spea l the later. Z T Wrijht wss filled 3 and cost io Uoeebu-g, f..r bring drank. It Is nut bee y to state thst this waa not Port land's well kunwn j ruhibitioi.i f. The i.ew oScr of SstemV B Si L A are Geo W Johnson as pirstdni.t; I L Patter son, yice-prcsiJentj U M .Smith secretary; IWjrth, trroutr. O K Krsusse, C B Moorea, and 1 L Patterson finance committee, - CSt'tioet Death Mr Cyrus O Patlon, died suddenly In Brownsville yesterday afternoon of heart disease. He wa a res ident of Albany several year ago. wkuxksdaY. Chrysanthemums reiga niw. Tbe monthly meeting of the Aloaoy 0 & L A will be held Friday eyeniug. There ill be about the usual amount to loan. Work bat been be can on tbe fifth and lost pier to the Albany bridge The casing expected this morning did not arrive; but may be looked for at any time. Albany should have an exempt firemen assAcistinn. just for th good will of tb business, if for nothing else, though there Is a greater field for uoh aa association. One if tbe interesting exhibits from Moctsu will be a relief map of Batte, ' tha ratest mining camp tn tbe world It is reported that Montana's appropriation of (0,000 will be Jnahled at th next session of the legislature. For the care of httdeohe.' coostitatiou. stomachs aad liver Iroobles, and all deraoge- mente of tne digestive and asaimiiativ organs, Ayer'a Pill are invaluable. Bcit g sugar-coated, thl y are p!ctnt to t. always reliable, and retain their virtaes in any olimate. TAYLOR'S ONE SPOOK,' Contains Alum and Ammonia. and fuller cans than those as illustrated above. out the cans. It is a singular fac examinations provo that it would Tlisy lay Conceal Amonla pr Alum. - V. & Cert Report, Aug. ij, itS, I t (tin- "On tonoh of Nature makes lbs whole world kin," D!e.ei common to the race tximpel the irich for a common remedy. It it found In Ayer' Srspnli, the reputa tion of which in world-wide, having Urgsly iupersedud vry other Mood madiclos in u. W U Greenwood is the poucstor of a valuable recall for ctvrh and is putting np tha rtcnody in small vials for sal. Tbote who have trim! th mtdicioa sneak hlifhlv of its merits ll.ksr City Dtmoorat. this is tha same Oreoowood ono in th photo grapbio buainea in Albany. AUBKKTKD A XI) DlHCIAUOKO, Latt evening on complaint of Mr John Isorn, Monroe Ward was arrested charged with emcity to his fifteen year old daughter. The caoo was brought before Justice Humphrey this afternoon, and on pay ment of c-t by the dnfendant was dis missed. lh -ing n family affair it was not thought bout to prosecute it. I.-jiKuti r. a Vali,. -Tliis afternoon while ou tho rained iilntfurm In the rear room ot the etre of Conn & Hcndricson, about ten feet from tho floor, Mr Omcr llendricson full Imckward accidentally, striking on aslepludder and against a box, breaking both, and biuistng Mr llendricson'u side and arm, so that it was necessary to take him to his home. It will be several days lief ore he can re turn to business. Frh crisp cIery at Allan Bro. fUpairloff naatly done at tb larg gilt ooot wrw. Frsb mine rr.aat lo quantities to salt st r r. Aiiec i. A do tin sf ladias and cliildr-u' gotaa mers st th Indies Uiaxvr. Lo to Kloin Iiroa aod hay yon. ahoea rapairva wniis you Wait. All kinds vl farmers produc Uktu (n r- cbang lor grteiUtat F E Alloa's. Kloin lire cm mtk yua any tyl of a boot or that )ou iruh, and will goa.anta perfect fit, Try tbem on a pair. threat reduction in tufiar. Julias Grad wobl la stilling uer at Portland wholotal oa" net pno. He bis ad-art wetr.ent. A full line of clears and tobaouo at 7 E AUn a. All 1 ind of choic catiog aod oookiaa myyin n Aitea Ladle Oxford tie at great! r redaoad rate at Klcio Crot. Muatbeaotd. . A larg lino of elegant gold watch in taiy br trays t Wdi ft SUrk's. 1 OO set vour minev'a worth ohan bay atik umbrelSa- at rieooh'a. yon Frh Mocha, Java and Blend id coffa ra- ccived en vry tUamer at Alien Bro. Allan lirra alravs ken their eiiitcnin Dppuci wttn irrn bolter and eggs. Go to F K ilu wrien von want unr. tbiogtwet. Ifocey, maplgayrap, tto. W W Ii uuov in chars at th moii loo muarant. Meala 25 oenta. uUm oyUr, f rch. Kter) thing Grat-claa. Tb Dciaarto cort afforda aiannnrt lmit. ligkt aad strode, futdom in all motion and logance ot ahpc Hi lIaarta waiata far ladira and cb'.idrert tro rrcummco c'td by all who hav ttid tbcrn. Mia Tail, etcloarv sriil. Kam!'!ca mnv La a-n at Mn Irrt'a tmilori. ovtr RnM.n Hu' liiticr. BtV1 tOBDktlLLC. There was an attempt at burglary here last Thursday night. The thief tried to make entrance into the ceneral mer chandise store of It YY Moses by working on three different doors, but the house being very elronirlv bnilt. he fa led to get in, though duinir considerable dam age to the door. The thief waa seen by several parties but nothing was suspected so he escaped. Mr Moses says there is no necessity for breaking into his store as he sells goods cheap enough for all to ue willing io pay his moderate prices for them, but if any one is determined to break in. he prefers for them to call and get the keys so aa not to injure his build- The drue store at Sweet Hnma waa burglarised laot Monday nightand about fifty dollar taken. Many new neuters here, and everv house in town filled with several new buildings to 1 erected eoon. Mr A A Hull ia busily entraired in planting peach stones for his nursery. It win oe a great convenience lor this com munity to be able to get their trees at home. Fruit tree are now beiuir. delivered bv the agents, and from the prospects it will soon require a railroad to take the iruit irom this section, and why not have a railroad ? The farming, mechan ical and trading interests, together with the timber, would amply pay for the out lay. A eood Physician would find this a fair location, and while he would not at the present time make a fortune, he would do well. The old Finlev mill. I learn, has iust changed hands agsin and machinery will be put in tor tbe roller process of flour. Reported that we are to have a barber shop soon. itevs Kobe una (Jalaer are boldinir a protracted meeting at this place, with some interest manifested. KleiniBro have a lares and choice atock of bootal and ahoes for aale at reaaouabl f nooa Do not invest in look waar until jroahav teen their stock and th Uftaat piano at tbeir.stor. DEMANDS That only honest and reliable medicines should be placed upon the market It can not, therefore, be stated too emphatically, nor repeated too often, that all who are In need of a renulno liloo4-puxMlr should . be sure and ask lor Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Tour life, or that ot some one near and dear to you, may depend on the use of this well-approved remedy tn prefer ence to any other preparation ot aimilar name. It Is compounded ot Honduras sar saparllla (the variety most rich In curative properties), stilUngla, mandrake, yellow aock, and the Iodides. The process ot man ufacture Is original, skilful, scrupulously clean, and such as to secure the very best medicinal qualities ot each ingredient. This medicine Is not boiled nor heated, and Is, therefore, not a decoction ; but It Is a com pound extract, obtained by a method ex clusively our own, ot the best and most powerful alteratives, tonics, and diuretics ' known to pharmacy. For the last forty years, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been the standard blood-purifier of the world no other approaching it In popular confidence or universal demand.- Its form ula is approved by the leading physicians Slid druggists. Being pure and highly con centrated, it Is the most economical of any possible blood medicine. Every purchaser ot Sarsaparllla should Insist upon having this preparation and. see that each bottle bears the well-known name ot J. 0. Ayer & Co., XiOweU, Mass. tn everv riuarter ot the globe Ayer's Bar. saparilla is proved to be the best remedy for - all diseases ol tne dioocu aoweii onipu unite In testifying to the superior excellence of this medicine and to its great popularity In the city ot its manufacture. Ayer's Sarsaparilla G& J. C AYER & CO., Lot-all, field VrDruegUtt, fl,ilxf5. TTost J f5 fcotue PUBLIC SAFETY Wallace n I NCDTil PA R AR HIGH CLASS You mut com HERE gtok before buying jour new Beginning Noytmber clone of .bargains in every department. Wo're troinL' to oflVr vnnA a a o plicated any place in the state, $1.00 buys a world-beating boyg' suit, sizes 5 to 13." '$1.(J0 will buv a fine white drest rMh in rl ain Tii fnnMf bosom. $1.00 will buy a nice crush dress hat for gentlemen. $1.00 will buy a good suit of underwear. $3.00 will buy a suit of All-wool. MoTirirt ta t. Wool underwear. $12.50 buys a man's all-wool Albanv WnnUn Mill a in heavy weight, in good staple colors. For $15.00 or $20.00 VOU ble to be worn on street or any NO W COMES'TUE OVERCOATS I Here is where we can show dazzle you; you've never before seen anywhere near such an assortment in" this town. Wehav more overcoats than an the other stores in Albany combined. We have not yet missed a sale on an overcoat this season. People who come with an intention ofbsriniz an overcoat wo nv t,;i Bell; people who'come attracted by our ads. to see our mag nificent line, and to find out whether what we say "13 SO'' or not, often go away smiling with a fine value. Where there is so much smoke there mujt be fire," and o cordially invite all call and examine our mag ificent line of goods in everv deDartment. a t time pleased to show you through our departments and give prices, wnicn, by the way, ONE PRICE TO T. L. WALLACE & CO. I Lcifliflg Clothiur. Strahan Block, Men's, Young Men's and CLOTHING ing Goods, Book, Shoes, Hats ' and Tailoring. When the ballots are counted. The public will find That our great store isn't Running behind; It is always a winner, We want you to note, ; No matter what ticket Or system you vote.J a; You won't want to go behind the returns that we give for your money, We know what the people want and know where to get tha CLOTHING to supply them. In clothing we keep in front; we are away out of view. L.E. BLAIN, ALBANY . OS I F fl I K PI AY CLOTHING. and look through our Colossal fall suit or overoatl 1HL we're going to offer a cy at nrWo l. 'A,-,- - f w.iuv vuuiiui uu- Can bllV a nlfp Aroaa em't on?f o dress occasion" . you an tgRnrtmont tat ,;n are marked in PLAIN ALL PEOPLE and Fmnishirs. Albany, Cregon. Boys Clothing, Furnish I OHECO:.'.