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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1891)
STITE8 & KUTTIUQ. Kill Corn nil Preprlrtora. Th bounty paid by Minnesota la it y ar for wolf Kill amounted tl t5a,ooo. Connecticut last yat look out mor patents ia proportion to population than any other itate in the union. Michigan raiee twice many peache a Delaware, and Illinois produce much mora whiskey than Kentuokey. Sixty per cent of the population of Alain are farmer, and th annual prodact ot ihalr land and labor U worth orar f-20,000.000. ao y th eeoretsry of Iheir board o( agri culture. Th great treasury vault at Washington cover mor than a qutrter of an acre, and U 1 a feet deep. Recently there wa 90,000 000 in silver stored there, an amount that weighed 4000 torn an t would load 175 height car. A new explosive called "Terrorit" has been invented. It is a gelatinous compound th ingredients being secret. It is said to be aafe to handle, very powerful, and can be fired in shells. Four different mountain peaks in 1 Jaho are from 13 to 33 feet lower, by actual measure ment, than they were 1 J years ago, and it is believed that this settling is going 00 with many ot hats. Th idea is that quicksands have undermined them. What la know as "gooe-fieshn uaualljr result from a low condition of the system, and Is really a slight chill. It you have such attacks often it would be wisest for you to consult a physician. Hypodermic injections of chloride of gold are being used with wonderful result in an Ohio institution lor coring drunkeoaess. The tas'.e for liquor is eradicated within ten or twelve days, with no disagreeable symptoms Probably the smallest locomotive ever constructed has just been made by William Jacobs, a machinist ot Mecklenburg town ship, Fa. It weighs but 1 pounds and ik a portion of an eight-day clock. Around the dial Is a nilniture railway trick, and on this the tiny locomotive moves every five minutes. California's variety of tcmplature was llustrated recently by the fact that while the heat in the valleys reached 100 degrees In the shade a party In the mountains were exploring a miniature glacier, and camping beUe a lake on which traces ot Ice could be found la the morning. Recent reports from the Bshsmas stale that the cultivation ot Sisal hemp Is prov ing to be a great succes, and the product will soonamocnt to Co ,000 tout annually The quality Is said to be vety fine. The proposal for the tunnel through the Slmplon have been submitted to the S"Us government, and are soon to be adopted. The total cott will be about $16,000,000- and the time to complete It will be about SX years. The Kansas City Times says the rebate feature ot the tariff was discussed some what at Ada. To understand this rebate tt Is only necessary to know that last year granulated sugar refined In New York was retailed In Scotland at four cents a pound. Its wholesale price in New York was six and a quarter cents. Solve that fact for it Is a fact and you will comprehend the rebate feature of the tariff. Gov. Hill's Thanksgiving proclamation came out ahead of the president's this year, which Is perhaps not strange.In view of all the circumstances. The democrat have begun their thanksgiving already, and all parties and factlona will be In good shape for the turkey, with cranberry sauce, on Nov. i6th. An English gentleman lately drove a horse in a dog cart 1 00 3 miles in nineteen cooscc ntive days, over the corn mm English tosds, an average of over 52 miles a day, and Dusking 68 miles the last day, cart, passenger and baggage wcigMng over 800 pounds. The hoise was 15 hands high, and well bred, and came no worse fr bis journey," according to the repo't of the veterinary surgeon. The Boston Courier of June, 1827, spoke of the then proposed railroad from Boston to Albany as "a project which every one knows, who knows th simplest rule in arithmetic, to be impracticable, but an expense little let than the market value of the whole territory of Massachusetts, and ebich, if practicable, very person ot common sense knows would be as useless ss a railroad to th moon. The juice of the papaw his long been known to have the remarkable property of softening flesh, and the leave are often used by natives of tropical America for wrapping around meat to render it tender. Dr Mortimer Granville believes that this property will prove of great value In the treatment of cancer. He has studied the matte? for a considerable time, and ha convinced himself that the juice, or It active principles, would prove an effective solvent of cancer tissue when used with some other substance, such, for iustance, us peil'xlohyrncthoxjchlnolin. Much of the talk about half-educated men Is absurd. In tie sense of wide ac qualntante with various departments of humiui knowledge, no man can be said to be thorough! educated. The most that Is possible Is pretty thorough knowledge lik one specialty to which a man's life Is devoted, and after ll.ul an Intelligent In terest In as wide diversity of objects of hu man Interest as his mind Is able to embrace. It is really a compliment to a man to say he knows enough about t great variety of subjects to be fahly called "half -educated." In the farmers' occupation there Is so wide diversity of thought required that whoever Is ab!e to succeed as a farmer is probab.y better educated than are a majority of those engaged In any other kind of busi ness. To Instantly obtsln a light sufficient to read the time by a watch or clock at night Twlthout the use of matches, and without he danger of selling things on fire, Is an easy matter. Take an oblong vial o( the clearest glass, put Into It a piece of phos phorous about the size of a pea, upon this pour some pure olive oil heated to the belling polr)t, the bottle to be filled about one-third full; then cork tightly. To use the light remove the cork, allow the all to enter, and then rezork. The whole empty space In the bottle will become luminous, and the light obtained will be a good one. As soon ss the light becomes dim its pow er can be Increased by opening the bottle and allowing a fresh supply of air to enter. In very cold westher it Is sometimes nec -sarry to hi at the vial boUeen the hands to Increase the fluidity of the oil, nnd one bottle will last all winter. This ingenious contrivance may be carried In the pocket, and Is used by watchmen of Paris In all magazines w here explosive or Inflammable rt.atcrl.ils are storcJ. ORKUON SOLIDITY. No fact could more distinctly mark the solidity of Oregon than the comparative figures ot business failures on this coast. Wc have examined the subject with the most satisfactory result. In 1890, there were in California ft business failures. I with $4,214,400 liabilities, of wlvich lfo failures were In San FrancSco, represent lug $1 ,739,400 Unbllltlcs; while Los An geles furnished 59, with $oo,6S liabilities. The stato ot Washington had 166 fail ures, fi,o3o,Sco ot liabilities. Idaho had ao failures, 1151,100 liabilities; while Or egon had but 86 (allures, with $591,500 llablltles. These figures speak louder than (any mere rhetqrlc could do. Trie story told by them Is that San Francisco alone with a population certainly three quarter as large as the whole of Oregon had just about twice as many tallures,wllh thie time the amount ot liabilities, as the whole state of Oregon; that Lot Angle, with 50,000' Inhabitants, had eight-tenths as many failures, with liabilities two-fifths ot all Oregon ; that Washington had more than three times the number, with neatly four times the liabilities of Oregon. The reason Is apparent. We do business on more conservative and safe principle. When we build large ttructut es like the Or- egonlan, Dckura or Ladd's new buildings, there Is no mortgage, belonging to New York or Chicago capitalists, upon them. They belong to the people who build them. They are not stocked with goods bought on kiting paper by the merchants, but the stock are often paid for In cash, thus se curing the liberal discount eastern whole sale houses allow for spot cash. There Is no speculative boom either in city or country property, drawing persons Into the slate to Invest, only to meet bankrupt cy when the bottom falls out ot It. We have a cash basis and hard metal currency with which and in which to do business. And even during the civil war this state maintained a hard money circulation. We have no stock or other change here where the membei s congregate and make mouth at each other around a ring, creating a a pandemonium unseen elsewhere except In a Unitlc asylum, and 'selling shadows and delivering moonshine a wa once aid of them by a Methodist minister. No. Our men don't make fortunes by swapping jackets. When they sell or buy there Is something In existence which can and Is to be delivered. These are the elements which make this city and state solid, Gil our banks with money and make the credit of oar merchants and business men superb. Long may booms, options and bucket- shops remain matter to be read of by our cltUens, onlyjto be ostracised and banUhed so soon as they Immigrate to this state. Tlt" ram. THEY Alt, SAY I'LEVELAKD. Senator Vest, of Mis oust, In an l;tcr view with a St Louis f!,fMic reporter concerning the late election says thsy foretell the election cf a democratic pres ident. Of candidates he says: "It will be Cleveland and Doles, or Cleveland and Gray but always Cleve land. 1 anticipate jour neat question auu will answer It now". You want to know how silver democrats like myself will stand as to his candicscy. We will sup port him earnestly and loyally, for wee !iev hlin to be wrong, but honestly wronir. and he has as much right to hi opinion as we havetoours. The views of any democrat as to free coinage constitute no test of party leaitv. ior our par. 7 in m tlonal convention has never so declared Above all, however, and this It with me conclusive, Mr Cleveland can be elected on the Issue of tariff reform, on 1 I regard the defeat of the republican party at the next election as the greatest possible good for the country. Everv democrat should be willing to postpone the silver question if It be necessary to prevent republican success. We can take up th question of free coinage hereaf'er If power can be wrested from the republicans, but If that winsrgsln the force bill will be enacted into law. and free popular elections will never aealn be had In this country. I re- gaid that measure as the most arbitrary, oppressive and Infamou ever proposed by any party. Its object was to put, the election, or rather selection, of congress men and presidential electors for every state In the hands of three partisans chosen for the work. The republican leaders have never abandoned the hope of passing this bill. They were defeated in the senate by the free-co'lnage republicans, but they re linquished their grasp suddenly and re luctantly. When 1 opened the canvass In this city last fall I stated that, no matter what the result of the November election of that year, the republicans would press the force bill to a passage. The Glube Democrat ridiculed that assertion, and de clared the bill dead. We carried the e lections everywhere, but the result had no effect on the republican leaders, and after ward rame the exhaustive struggle In the senate which has passed Into history, and no . although they have no nope wtin a democratic house of enacting the law. If we should lose the next presidential elec tion and the house of representatives, the force bill would be the first measure passed br the republicans. Especially would the election of Harrison mean this, for his whole heart was In the enactment of this Iniquitous law. If used every mean in hi power to pas the? bill through the sen ate, and was the most unhappy man in Washington when It tailed. I believe that Mr Cleveland can carry New York, In diana, Connecticut and New Jersey, and this insures his election. He is atronger In New .York than ever before, while In the whole country the people have full confidence In discourage, ability and hon esty. "The deinocrat party must take no chancea and make no experiments in the next contest. It is the old tight, however much we may wish It 'obe otherwise. We must carry New York and Indiana, and Cleveland can do It. If I am light In this, no democrat should permit anv pride of opinion or personal piejudiceto prevent the nomination ct a man who is more feared and hated by republicans than any candidate our patty lias ever presented, and tor the reason that they recnnizd his hold upon the great body ot me people. "I know that Mr Cleveland lias made many mistakes, and be justly criticised lor much he has done and uttered, but, as General Scott once said of a gallant old soldier who was charged with drunkenness, you can't expect all the Christian virtues for $1 a month i nor can you expect a per fect president for even $50,000 a year." Tb working classes of Italy are very poor ly fed. The consumption of meat is very scant, except on feast days, and but littl winelsdiunk. Living is almost exclusively confined to cereal (ahtst, msize, rice), with vegetables and other green herbs cooked with bacon. Tl e food in genera! is very deficient in nitrogenous qualities, th bulk of which is derived from vegetables rather t'. an "Train animal foal. A dispatch from Keokuk fowa under date of Nov 6, says: . -' " Democrats rejoiced tonight as they never rejoice J before. Hundrsds of demociats from Illinois and Missouri came to assert the lownns in their merrymaking: Special trains bearing enthusiastic democrats csme from svery di rection. The procersion was the largest ever seen here. "Cleveland and lioirs for 189a" was the cry heard all along th Une of march. The cry seems to be for Cleveland all along the line. If Cleveland should b nominated for presi 'in ll.e c-unres urt Gray Indiana will be put n for vice president. "I . Th Roman were epicures aud one of their favorite dishes was made of the large white 1 mils which abouud in the Italian woodr. So fond of this dish wre thsy that ben their legions were ststinned in Critsin after th conquest it was considered Dtoes sasy to import these snails.'' Their psoeoy lists in larg numbers, in Ssveral places n England at the present dy, notably as Eirdlip near Cheltenham. TAIUIT HEKOHM I'lUCTlCAItLa. Mr McKlnley strongly deprecate th further agitation of the tarlit question, Hi wlsrt, of course, Is to ave hi mon strous system from overthrow, His pica Is (hat agltntlon li useless so long a a re publican senate and a republican president stand obstinately In the way ot reform, denying the people relict. nut Mr McKlnley Is mistaken. It probably true that the republican senate and president would defeat any general tariff bill embodying democratic concept Ions of reform. They could make It party question ot that and hold their force to gcther upon it. But It the democratic houo I wisely directed It will give them a very different problem to solve. It will pass and tend to the senate separate bill for the relief of the people a bill to give tree raw material to the New England manufacturer, for example; a bill to put binding-twine on the free list, and so on. Will the republican senate or president venture to defeat such measure a these, Incurring In the latter case the righteous wrath of the farmer In the west and In the other Inviting Inevitable defeat In th four principal New England states' The republican majority In the senate was very difficult to hold together under the party lash for the passage ot the Mc Klnley bill. Party discipline could not hold the western and New England sena tor to the defeat ot such measures a these. Nor could the president veto them In the face of certain disaster at the poll lit consequence. Tariff reform In very considerable messi ure U practicable and easy of accomplish ment by the Fifty-second congress. It It Is undertaken with wisdom and discretion. And even It the packing of the senate made It for the present Impracticable, It would still be a patriotic duty to continue the aglta'lon. The existing lai Iff Ir a great wrong. It must be fought till the wrong Is righted, whether It requires a year nr a decade. Like the slavery question, It will never be ettled till It Is settled right World. DSUUCBAT1C TICKET KOIt IKS J. Th people seem to bav settled on of the national ticket for iSoa with such empkaa'. that none can get any sort of a foothold to or ganized opposition. It isi President Gi over Cleveland, Of New York. Tic rresxlcnt Horace Doles, of Iowa. The republicans did not so clearly fore cast their ticket by the late elections) but tkey bav mad Governor McKinley on 0 the ruckles next tne wind; nd he is now th most promising of all th candidate ot) that sitle, unless Blaine shall gather op sufficiently to take the field. Philadelphia Timet. The St Louis board of larnilure trdc has tecured several piece of wo J from the old cabin of Gen JJ S Giant, which is aow the projKrty cf Justin E Joy, a lumberman of St Louis county. Tie hoard of trade will rive tli! wuoJ to a local 1 furniture manufacturer, with ;si!iucu.nt to make an exouisit rocker for Mr anJ Mis Grover Cleveland's baby. Mi Ruth. WOMB COISIDCkltU. t. M. French kerps railroad tioi. Buy your groceries of Tarter Bro New crsam eh just ioeivd at Conrad Meyers, C W Cobb, job priotsr, Flints Block.'dou first clas work. Se that e-'egant piato at Klein Bro Boot and Shoe store, K W Achiaoa iCo ar selling monamtoU at Portland price. 8 W P IWTa line of dress got da and silks before baying elsewhere. Stewart .V Sox .dJ th very best r. stent tamp ed shear and scissor. Stuck th celebrated Havana filled 6 oent cig.- at Jaiius Joseph's. A Ur,je stock of wall paper, with 1st de -signs, at Fortmiller t Irving's.just received. Have yon seen thoee parlor suits that T Brink ha just received T Tbey ar nice. Go to O C MoFarland for aa.llery, bar nesa, whips, robe, all kinds ot burs cloth ing etc, ete. E W Aubison ft Co handle the celebrated Cortland cement walla for oemetery lot, rbeae walla ean ba foroiahsd at half the coat of any other and ar far superior. Dr U II Ellis, t.hyaiotan and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made 'In city 'or country. Lsdie Jan do their shopping in San Frso cisoo without visiting tb city, and without extra enmmUnnn 1,mm V. I R.M. t ehssin agut, 1WJ Grove St, Oakland, val rtroniz home industry and boy hand mad harness, warrant-!, from O C M Karl, nd, at Dubrnlll old stsnd. G lo D W Cohb. successor to Paisley & Smiles. F.ia.l Blo.'k, for j .b priasi ng of all kind. ftpekaae nijlt. Spokane, Nov 16. About 150 of the tough of the city gathered In the barroom of the American Resort last night, when little lterction led to a free for-all fight. Knives and guns were freely flourished aod the police were cslled to suppress the fight. Two of the participants were srrested and are now in jail The place is one of the worst resorts in the city. I'noToipiif or tii Wwbld. A new work by thi title la Just out. It con eifltn. as it name indicates, of photo graph of all widely known object in the world, such aa Blarney Castle, in Ireland, Forth bridge and Balmoral castle, in Scotland, Hhakespeare' house, Windsor castle and London bridge, in England, City of Moncow, Berlin, birds eye view of Paris Cathedral of Notre Dame, Constantinople, Uartlienon in Athens, Venice, Colloseum, Kt Peters and Vatican, in Koine, etc. All these views are executed in the highest style of the art and mechanically the book consisting of over 500 pages is at once "a iiiinjr 01 wauiy, a joy torever." no mom Txilltlt.iflll nrl taslv . - . - w . - J U. .... .41 I. . could be eccurcd for a library or parlor. -ci one. An immigrant arrived vesterdav brinirinf a carload of chat tt Is with him. Among th rest were two vokea of oxen aod four cow ay th Eugene Guard. Mut hsv been a poor mirkrt wber he esme from.- A Shoe Item. 8 K Young bat just re ceived a large stock of shoes, for men, women and children, including particu larly a fine line of school shoe The best makes In the market can be found in his shoe department. Fresh raastcd col jet at F E AhW. ' When Daby wa sic, w ev her Caetoria. When she wa a Child, she cried for Caetoela.. When she became His, she elung to Castoria. When ho had Children, she gave them Oastori. Tor bargains in nmuametit, hesdstonea eto.,to E Vf Ai:hUnnJtvCo,Albany,Oregoa KELt-oofi Sciioot.. TheKelloggachoo of dress cutting at corner of Kiratand Ftfllc.r in tt.4 Ralitti'irl hniiBM I. nr.ui tnmt Lesson not limited. . Ladles ar invited to can ana examine me system. Ket p your eyes (.pen for bargsio at.FE Aiieu e. With hi new bakery OjuioJ -Meyer ' able to oneroid aod new customer every thing ftrstclass in baked good., Ladies Oxford ties at Klein Bros, Cheap est in the city, Will be sold at greatly re duced rates. Murtris WHE AT, ft CENTS. It Is spelled Chill and Chile, Behrlng and Bering, Waltamet and Willamette, all on account ot conltlct between gov ernment speller and the peepte. A Junction City paper ha rchascd the following, published several centuries a-rot There Is a young lady In Albany so modest that she will not cross a potato patch In daylight because the potatoes have eyes. Boom town In Oregon do not eem to thrive. Down In Coo county people hunt elk on the townslte ot what Is called Glasgow, and It rival, East Marshfleld ha been leased for a cow pasture Guard, III Ralcy, oi Tendleton, I mentioned by the' Democrat tor Congressman. In E. U.,and YY R Ellis, ot llcpner, by tome Kepubllcan but when the convention meet It I probable Portland wilt do con siderable dictating, though It would please many to sea her get a Uttlu soup. ' A telegram to Starr St Griffin state that the prise steel range of the Peninsula Stove Co .has been drawn by Miss Henri, etla Lauer. It I valued at lieo and was competed for all ovei the United Stale. The prlae wa tor making the most word from the word Peninsula. -Mis Lauer made 550 word. Eugene Guard. A Salem man who came here forty year go this winter ssys all the region from Wlllson avenue to north Mill creek wa a fine duck pond when he arrived. No duck have been cen there for som time and It I now the finest part of the city. But It I a wonder fleck of duck have not at least alighted on parts of Com mercial, Court and State streets. Journal. A Eugenepaper say a ferry boat would do a good business on a few street In that city. In Albany mud 1 the trouble; but, then there ha been so much rain that mud was bound to be the retult. Tin editor of tho Oakcttd-flc, Utash., Bun announce hie marriage in one issue of bis paper and in the next chronicles the birth of a daughter. They also raise 100 bushels of wheat to the acre in that country. Ex. The Jacksonville Times says: The knowing ones prognosticate that the congri'eional fight in the western dis trict of (rtirnn wilt tut ltMti Mat Senator Myers, of Solo, and Hon Harry Miller of drani's Pass. These prophets appear to ignore nermann altogether. The VYillapa Republican editor says he believe that there) is something wrong with the eternal Cf tne of things when a minister gets 5 and a good supper for performing a marriage ceremony which takes only five minutes, while the editor who take two Hours to set up a list of wedding presents only gets a piece ot case. f.r.m Hill f V V...L. I 1 I I. ..v. . bv, . n 11 171.1 in Thanksgiving proclamation two days earlier than Gov Pcnnoyer. Harrison followed. Regardless of proclamations Oregonians have much to be thankful for: bountiful crop, substantial growth, is gotxi climate anu live people. A Portland paper in one column says : -Mang ought to be deprecated, t nd tt Is. It has not an outspoken defender in the F.ngllsh language, nor ought it lo have. Likewise it does not need one." In another column it refers to a Corvallis man as "the drunk, the liar, the liber tine, the perjurer, the illiterate, lascivi ous, lantern-tawed lacka-daisy." Oh, consistency, tnou art a jewel. Landlord Wagner, ol the Willamette. thinks Palem real estate is a good thins- U have. He bought a half block last week lor 1 2000, and has already been oflered 12000 for the same, bat lie will keep it for a home. Journal. Mr Wag ner is the gentleman who claimed to have lost fsOOO in a few month running me uig hotel, as peculiar as it may seem we are plad to know be lias saved enough out of It to invest in real estate. Capital dirt is undoubtedly good too. Francis Murphy, the temperance ora tor, ns vera speaaing in beanie, where a peculiar incident happened. An edi torial in the Post-1 ntcllig'-ncer, probably written by the ghoulish Bigelow.attacked Mm and his work rougu-ehod. LKJ Hunt, the owner of the paper, on seeing it after publication, sent Mr Murphy (SOU, with a note to the effect that he honored him and his noble woik, with which he was in sympathy, and that the editorial did not express hi sntiments. P. h. Alfred Holman, editor-in-chief, we'.l known in Albany. wmt the artlfU and it Is said, will probably result in bis resignation. The other Seattle papers are In clover over tho affair. During nineteen voara. nino Ifljaa the capital of the National banks was tiun.i. hut mi. . . . . iiu,iii,iro. sue net earnings (luring the same period was f5l,5l7,418,or about 10 2-3 per cent on the capital invested. S T TefTreva has rrihrned hie ii.lil.m deputy prosecutlns attorney for Benton county and W E Yates has been sppoInU a 10 nu me vacancy. We have just received a circular from the inebriate asylum In Portland promis ing us a positive, permanent cure from the drinking habit. The Dcmockat doesn't need it. we drink water. It is eaav to figure out rAn1ilta far important offices before the conventions meet. The woods are full of Congress men : but when it comes to the nrnner time look out for Mr Binger Hermann, who is in with the ring-, against some live Democrat, of which Linn county lias several of good timber. Wheat is being carried from Duluth to Buffalo,' a distance of 1023 miles, for 7 cents a bushel and from Chicago to Buf- laio, a uistance 01 vza miles, lor 4 cents a bushel, much cheaper than the regular rate from Albany to Portland, a distance of 80 miles. Wheat today at Balom is 90 cents. Al bany is only quoting 8C. What ails Albany? She has fallen into the clutches of the Portland bears worse than Salem did. Salem Journal. Today we jump a notch oat of the clutches of the so-called bears, and quote 88 cents, which is less than the outside markets call for. Before the matter stops Albany will again lead the market. A Washlng'on woman wa wiltlnc to an Albany woman, when she asked her little girl wnat word ane should send to her aunt. The little girl who wished to do something nice got out her primer, hunted up the longest word In It and pointing it out, said, send that word to aunt, A nice illustration of child natute that is or iginal and not made up for humorous columns. ' The latter part ol last June some seed :orn that came from the Sandwich Island wa planted at the big prune orchard. The crop has just. matured into some of the finest corn we nave seen in uregon and many of the "ears" would do credit to a Missouri county fair. There Is no ques tion about corn doing well In this valley If proper varieties are nianted and we be Here this commodity Is growing In favor in Oregon. fjorvallis Jtmcs. The next city election in Pendleton must be conducted on the new Australian ballot system adopted by the state at the last session of the legislature. This law applies to elections in cities given a pop ulation of 2500 or over under the last cen sus, and section 3,article 3, of Pendleton's charter, provides that the city elections "shall be conducted accoiding to the provisions regulatug elections of the state " So there is no doubt about it. Pendleton will soon be given an oppor tunity to try the new ballot law. At the recent Baker City election it met with general favor. Ex. Most city charters do not have the quoted provision, hence do not come under the Australian law. riSLEORAPHIO NEWS A DosiM Tragedy. Omaha, Nov 15 A muster of ft north western division of th Salvation Army at Omaha to meet La Marchal Booth-Cllbom, ol France, has terminated to day In a tragedy tuddn and Inexplicable. While yet th bell ol th army chpl in Omaha tolled a curfew- iis requiem lor th dead, and in soiuicrs war filing slowly out of the barracks, th sound of a pistol shot rang OJt abov th note of th bell, and with a groan on of the army' captain fell to tb pavement, Mi blood gushing from her mouth and nostrils. Her body btd not yet lodged on th sidewalk when a secor.d report wa heard, and a privai reeled from the rinks, and stage rring blindly a step or two fell dead In the gutter, her soul winging away amid a cloud olsmokc from her own pistol The body of Nettle Byrdler, th murderer and luidd, rest on a marble dab st th city morguo, and her victim, Csptam Haiti .Smith Of the solvation band at Oskaloosa. 1, is awaiting in nntold agony the final xtnguih- meni 01 in vital iparw. Saeeessrat Mrvslallealsla. New York, Nov IS Tb Herald's Buenos Ayte advice contain Brsiilian nsws of a still mor alarming character, inclcatlng in rapid sprsaJ or Hie revolution iniougnout Rio Grande do Sul. Governor Castillo rs signtd ytsterdsy, leaving the government in charge of a provisional junta. The -(volution sppesrs to be tuccful. 11 garrison at Itaoul, on th Uruguay surrendered with out a battl. Porto Alegre, th capital of th state, is in th bsnds of the revolutionists, Am g at reae. Nsw YotK, Nov 15. Smsllcy' special cablegram to th tribune from London ssys; Th ever recurring pescs question wss nswered this week by three of the greatest personsge in Europe , Two of them lb prime ministers of Engisnd snd Italy, answer cd it In reassuring teams. Seldom ba Lord Salisbvry spoken with so littl reserve or hesitation at when b declared at lb Guild ball on Mondsy that there I not on the hor- ixon a single steck or cloud which contain within It anything injiiou to the prospects of pce, A Ulaaesata Klluar4 -Sr Paul, Misn Nov ij. Several Indie of snow fell her todty. Reports fiotn various psrts of the northwest Indie' th storm I gencrsl. At woornesd mrc Inches ol snow fell, and a bluiaid is threatening. At St Cloub It snowed all day. At Aberdeen, S D, there I seven inches of snow, Tb farmers sr fully prepared for bad weather, A rarsster's t'eaaelisfallaa. Indianapolis, Nov 16. Every known or ganiuiiua of the American farmers hold som o-t of a meeting her thi week. Ou of the most Interesting questions 1st "Shall all of tb Interests oi thes concerns bs merr-d into oner Hundreds of delegate r already la tbi city. Coegresamaa Jerry Simpson, wbo arrived today, spesfcs most favorably of th lliaac outlook. President Terr ill. of the confederated industrial otganixaiions, com prising the Farmer Mutual uenevoieac Al liance. Citizens' Altisnce, Knight of Labor and National Alliance, ssys tb puqoet is to tak action towsrd the unifieatioa of all tabor interests. A freed Ur Ma rater. lU rra, Mont Nov 16. As th result of an inquest held bci today on th remains of Charles Dcvsl, an old wftrvlchopper who was (mini desd in a cabin in the lowlands last Friday shout fifteen mites northwest of here. Albert Fremctter lit in jiil charged with murder. Dcvt wss found in Fromentier' cabin lying lo a bunk, Eromcntisr there iso belli Wiy ioloaksted. Deceased had beta dead over tweaty-fbur tour when found bis stayer remaining wilhin a few feet ot him sll thsiime, The Utter wss brought in by Officers hunday. Will IS rsM1. Rows, Nov 17. In view of .b statements which bav been circulated, relative to s:ltlement of tb difficulty between Italy 'and in vailed Male on the suukci or in New Oricsns lyaching, the Iislisn government has felt tt n crests ry to ban n official and au thorised dccUislion. Tit mi been made public sad is to lb tflicct thst since lb de parture of Baron Fava bom Washington, ihere has been no correspondence and no eschang of view wiih the United States in relation 10 lb s flair j that Minister Porter doe not carry 10 America any prorsals relative 10 a se'.tje meat, and that the Italian government has dropped the subject with the bepe that time would bring a lislactory solutioa. A f'rewdrd Asylstsa, Sai.m, Or Nov 17. The slat insane aivlum torli coalaina 721 naliccls. ht'me an increase of 96 sines'4 he first of ! year. Tb luc lease during lb pteceeding two year wa only loa, Thsre ar now less than a dozen empty tds in the whole insiituticn and more room must be provided. Of I boss admiieJ for trestmett fifteen are under the age of I S. and sixty-seven are over 55. The largest number are between the age of 30 and 40, Marion sends more patients ihsa any county except Multnomah, and Lane asd Cisckamss arc next in order. 1 be per cent 01 foreign torn is nearly fifty Aa EasbeulrrCaDlared. K Ashland, Or Nov 17. Saturday's train brought lo Ashland A J Biuurd, president of the farmers bank of Jsmesnort, Mo, who hsd trsced ibis far one James II Tantum, who be claimed hsd defrauded the rsrmers bank out of seversl thousand dolsrs, Bu&iard gsve the esse to the oincer here ana darted back to M ssouri. Yesterday Sheriff Diidset and a deputy found Tantum at Medford and will hold him until a requisition arrives from Mb souri, Tanium csme to southern Oregon bout too weeks go, deposited toooo in a Jacksonville bsnk, nd after looking over different portion of the valley had almost contaminated the purchase of a fjooo plac near Woodvitie. Ceaatlag (fslckeas fsefarelsaasl. Wolf Cieex, Or Nov 16. W P Ely, of Csstle Kock, Wash and II D Pearson of Cottage Grose, Or, have men at work pros pecting a quar:z lead on coyote creek, about ove mile from this place, which i cresting som excitement on ecognt of th richness of th ore, which avtnge $100 to th ton in gold. Tbey hsv a tunnel driven in alout lifty feet In a live loot lead of partially de composed quartz, and that one can scarcely pick up a piece on the dump without dis covering gold In it w th the naked eye. It 1" estimated that there is $5000 Jworth of or on the dump and fully 40,000 in t:ght. Rebbers Arrested. Seattle, Wash Nov 17. Detective Sim mons, of the Portland police force, left for Oregon on litis erening's train with Jabaror Antonio and Farrelli Joseph), etaliana, who are .charged with highway robbery, The charge ia preferred by David Reggetii, a wealthy Itclian farmer who lives in Uregon. He alleges that on October 3, the piisoners having inveigled him into the woods nesr East Portland, keid a revolver to his heed and took away from him $430 In money and hi gold watcb and chain. Tbe men were Cnt rrrtted in I acoma three weeks ago charged with bunkoing r rank Sale a beattle saloon keeper out of f 1 060. Just 24. In Just 2 hour J. V. & relieve onstlpstlon aud rick headaches, After It get the system tsndereoatrol aa occasional dee preveata rehire. W refer by pemlssloa to W. H. Marshall, Brans wick Bouse, a F. Geo. a, Werner, (61 California ., & T.i Mrs. C. Melvla, Ut Kearny Bt, . T., and Bsany ethers wk nav found relief frsa ooastiyaUon aad sick headache, C. W. Vlacent, t Terresoe Court, S. 7. writes; "1 am s years t sgs aa kave been tiwabled with castlpatin for SS year. I was receatly ludnced t try Joy's Teyetabl Banasparllla. I recognised In it at bos aa herb that tb Mexicans used to eve us la tbe early (o tsr bowel trembles. (I care t California in 1MB,) aad I knew tt would help, nse sadltba. Tor th first time tn years I can sloes well and ay system is regular and in splendid oadltlon. The ol Mexican herbs In this remedy ar a eertola curs ia constipation and bowel troubles." Ask lor . . JHIi'q Vegetable Uy UQnrsapariiia FB BALE BY STANARD & CUS.CX ALBANY am now receiving my Fail stock of and am showincr full lines of goods in the Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear V ffloves Hosiery Handkerchiefs and Embroideries Prints .Boots and Shoes Harper's Weekly. ILLtrSTBATED. Ilsaras's WiaatT (er tbs eetaluc year will eiiuln asare etUMUre (atitrse.m.wa so flaar Ulu) ration, snt greater nuitar f artlcls of lire, lnunsela tsraettlisa will be found la anyeinsf wridlal. Araouf ibeas lallar will b a saries of ankles oa tbe taw-f ire (reatoet elites arias warld, Iwlwllng buosrsJ IllaatraUoa. Tbs OifcamMan Kipnal. tloa, tha Army sod Hey, groat rmlitte aventa, 4 is sstsrsoalasd aad aaa, ant lb sola af tha .aalo brataj people el lae 4ay will b described an I lus treted la aa ettreetlve aad tlmsiy manaer. Tb le psrttuealef Amateur Sjwl will eandaae under tha dlrseUae of Cases W Warner. Tb boat af snedara writer will esaflbal short etoriss, aad the (aost dietinguisbed arfst will auk tbe lllattretioe. Tbs sdltsrlaj srUsias at Ms Oaosa Wiixua Casus trill remain as aa especial atltactloa. HlRPm FERIQDI7ILS 1 rer feari HARFEX'I WEEKLY 4 00 ilAttfEK-S eUOAtlXE....... 00 ARfEBS BAZAR..... . 00 ii ah pen's Totxu pbopui.... t oo roriift Frtt le all ivhtcrAtr in the I'mlrd State; Canada ami JrVasV. Tb Volume ol tb WaaaLT bajta with tbe ftnt V unban Ur iaeoarref each rear. Wbea n tlnte i MMoUnaat, maKritle will bagta wilb lb Heather eorrsait at tb sitae ot rseetpt ef order. Hxjo4 Vulaaw of llssns's Wasats far three sars heck.ta nasi sloth btnSing , will be seat br null, swage aal4,or breapraaa. frae of espsoss (pruM the freight doa awt earned one oathr psr e!ae,) tor 17 par vohiaM. Cteta eases far each valuta, eultsbta for biodlag, ttl be aat by atstl, peat-paid, oa receipt of ft eh. Kami llanoae about i be nude by Pt .office Mum Order r Draft, te ebanee of loa. Kewapapa era net ta eipf thla s !riiMisnt lUxxrt UiSiSfiraas o4af o llssras A Hsorxiis. Address: It ASVER llBOTIIErlS, Wsa Toss. ALBANY OPERA (10USE. WARMER A tn.tSoR Utam ud Wsoagsrs -ONE NWIIT ONLY. Thurtdaj, Novombor Hth. Special - Engagement ol tli - World Famous SPANISH : STUDENTS. Ur.IIAmATI.TIIlfslat; EM HA loss) sTssvorlte) Heprsast KtlBKRT WClSill II, IU Em I taw w I rtstalst. Sappirted bj a Foil Cempaiy S6W1STS. CatTPricts of admission, W and 75. Raasrsed aaats, at WiU A Unk's Koala Store. ALBANY 0PFRA HOUSE. Wsssss A Caas.ia.... ..Lacs aud atsnsarere ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY I ! THE JOLlTIt-4. "A QUICK MATCH," ISTRODUCtNO Hew Narslllcs, rigs, Daooas, Kparhllng Comedy, Musical Odiiillts, AND A COMPANY OP COMEDIANS WHO WILL MAKE YOU LAUUII. SSeoorsjoar aeaU at WUI Unk's. f C ITT DRI6 ITOR1 Pf.lffer Bleek, Albany Slanard k hml Beaaeatesar Crags, Ihtcdlaitics, Uicmleals, IfansY aid Tollt AriU,Bi)OBff,BrQsbsv Frfaesj, Sekaol Books, and arwsts' Bdf altes. rbjiialna irscris(liiti rare Ujr ce-aapoasilla Need a , Watch? I hart all kinds, at all prines and erery - wateh fits th price. But prict it not rerything in watch-buying; GUARANTEED QUALITY i the first thing. guarantee waches accord ing ' to their quality; and quality makes the pric. -,: All kindsall qualities all priea. F. M. FRENCH, . Tht Corner Jewelry Store. following departments, Notions .Ribbons r Laces ' White Goods Linens a Carpets Upholstery .Yarns Goods Corsets Groceries Samuel -E. Young. un -wimcu m..... GU , I T",". M",r - e 1 c a P O i 5 a tt 9 o f. 4J" I a a 5 t "2. r 7, J w RE THE BEST laSnaa Unln ST REFEREES SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t7 vit tu f a to ruin deer cf par tiUon and order of aala mad Ly and ontAitKl In the circuit court of tb stale of tirofcon, tor Multnomah count j,on IhelS h dfiy of June, IH87, and an auieudatory del cm mads and enteral tn aalj court on the amn day of hrpUmlr. Ho7, Its the pa ru tin u aoltcf Au ands Fllnn,t al, tilainllfla Uilliam MtuKb, ti at, defendant, whereby tt wa ordered that tbe real rorty deacribed at fallows, tow!.; lieclnnlcg at a point eleren enains and six link north aujl aavou chalnaand elcbty licks ret of tbe aoutheaat cornnr bfaortlon nineteen. In to wcaLIp twelve (12) south of ranee four (4) west of the Willamette meridian, and run ning thence east fifty tight chain and sixty tour links, thence north ten chains; thence eaateiitht chain and fifty link: lhenr aoutb ten chains; ibenee south two de grees and thirty minute west twenty two chain and slaty links; thenee south eitthu-cu degree and thirty minules raat twenty chain and ninety tux link; thencj weat sixty si a chaina and eighty eeren links; tbeuce north five dRicreosand thirty minute raat twenty chalnaand nine links; t bo nee north ten dxro and thirty mtntitr- west eleven chain and seyenty links, nd thence nor h twenty BIX degree went twelve chaina and thirty link to the place of botfinninjr, In thedialrlct of land ubct to salsa' OrvRoo City. Orctton, couUhiinir te,o hundred and enty thrre aorea and thlrt Ave htmtiridiba of an aero. U. sold at publtn -suction aociriiinn to law to tbe hfbct LiiUdor, amid property l-elnx a mkin of tho r prty Monginito the rauilea in said partition suit as tho heirs uf John smith, deceased. 'ow, thert fre, by virtue of said decree and aaid atnendmeut tbernto and other orders of tho court duly tuade In said ault,I. C. 11. HsSbty, the nnderdgtod. who was duly appointed n-faree by said court to sell astid prope.ty. wi'J, on Saturday, the 6th day cf December, 1501 . at 10 o'clock a tn of said d sy, at the court bousa door ot Linn county, aute of Ore 0on, In tbe city tit Albany, aei at public auction tu the highest bidder, fur csb, till of tho above d merited real t.roi ert-. . C. II. UAvFin-V, lteferee. A0M1HISTRATCRS NOTICE. 4J1TICE 18 IIKHKBY GIVES THAT THE VN ll ders-ynea has tins asy been sfiwoua sJmlo. Uira'or i.t tbs a.ut ol AuJraw Ralston, lata ot Una rounir. I'rt.n, ciaffaaaa, uy Ifta eouiitr cuors o. aouniy, uratt-in. All twraons riartna; cuum acaluat asiU aalate are hereb noUflad ta Brrsaat the sains rmtr1jr treriflnt Vi the" undersigned: at lha office olJ K Westharfard, Albany, Una eauaty, Urevoo, wllblD sis mouths Irvra the data ol Ibis ooure. IMtad at Albany, this tStfa day ot Oetnher, 1881. i iiiKunsr j. b, n oamenArtf , Administrator, Ally for Aaiulnlsrttor. Ask far Crxscent lea at F E Aden's. Will & SUrk, Vu jeweler, NEW XDVURTISEMEItlS. WANTBD. Woman ever 29 for ro altlon requiring tact and intelil. (fence. Geed pay and liromotion Call at once. Mrs b M Head, Kevere House parlor. WANTED. Uiulifst price paid for bttles at the chair faotorv. Alhinv. Oregon, T OST On Sunday afternoon, tne Ji records of the Christian church of Albany. Tho finder will be aultably rewarded by returning toDsMocisiT ofllco. ITiOIt SALS House and corner lot in ? lls 5d add. f750; Apply to I W DaTls. NOTICE. Bids will be ODenec for concrete an i brick work to be done at Natron Station on the 20th ia-t. by Kealdsnt Enxineer ti. T. Co.,. I'ortland. bpeciflcatlona oan be seen in ofllce of the company's agents at Albany and Eugene. ' NOTICE CF DISSOLUTION. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the firm of Bnrkhart Keeaey, de tog a real estate, Insuranoa and oolleotln, business in the city of Albany, Lint county, Oregon, is this day by uautus consent dissolved, Gso U Keeney.t said firm retiring.' The baslness wilt i continued by C G Bnrkhart, of said firm, who is authorised to collect all outstand. lntraeoounlaaadpnyal.1 debtaofs Id firm Bated this 28th day of October, 1801. C. G. BWKKHART, GEO. H. KBEMKY. - ADMINISTRATRIX'S; NOTICE fsTOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT THE UN IX deraigned has been, bj the county court for Linn county, Oregon, djly appointed atlminist.ra.trix ol (he estate ol Alfred Lsroy He, deceased, late ot Unit county, Oregon, Ah persons having claims against sail estate are hereby notitlod vi present them legally veriflad to the anderaiirnsd at Tangent, Oreiron, or to my attorney, Goo W Wright, at his law office In Albsny, Oregon, within six months front thiaaat. - - Mrs BARAB E MILLS. Qse W Waiani, ' Admuustrstitx. Atty (orAilmrx. 10-S) Dated UctS, 1SU1. -. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 'IS ! HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undorslgned has been duty appointed by the county court tor Linn county, Oregon, administrator of the estate ot Win H McBrlde late ot Linn county, Oregon, deceased. Afl persons having claims against said estate are hereby not i fled to pre sent thmn properly verified to the undersigned at his residence three miles west of Shedda, In Linn county, Oregon, within six months from this date. -Dated geptgjnd, USUI. ' - " ; J A teB1KDE, II II Dswitt, AUminiDtrator. Atty or Administrator.' , .. (u-25) Ginghams ".tWIt-e-t Ur... (ta. flaw".., atII2 a ra. -v-acr WHEELED PLOW ON EARTH rssITll-.r ' r.-s.v a .usiuL, x juiswis F. -:- if. -:- Kenton, "Subicription Agent for 'the. LEADING NEWS PAPERS and MAGAZINES, . and 'dea'er in GROCERIES. !Sr th P. 0 CHAS. H. DODD &, CO. isssostTCMs er HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, ANO FARM MACHINERY. Front, First and Vino Streets. - - PORTLAND. OREGON. on ActNTB rea Oataots sso waaMiHcTort roa DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. DEERETS CA2ELLE PLOWS. Specially Improved for iSai-t Doero Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Grain Drill. Buckeye Hoe ITess Grain Drill, Buckeye Setters, Buckjq -f Toaaanurrxnra. L0 DEERE'S DISC HARROWS. IstaTIIIII llllllsf- -ISaTl 1 1 j K a Hsl at W V. e- V ' The latest Ira proved implement for sowing summer tallow. Tbe most complete and successful tool tor this pnrpoae in nse. . We also have a full Une of Buggies, Phaetons, Mountain Wagons, Platform and other Strino Vehicles, SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS Spring Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrow! Scientific Peed Mills, Pacific Fannine Mills. HAISH BARB WIRE. Etc , : Fannine J Send for Circulars and Price Lists. E. THRALL, MANAGER, ALBANY, OREGON. "IOK BALE Half doaen Plymouth I Koek coeksreila. Irj;air of Rufa Thontpeen, Albanj: I7OB BKST One or two furnished rooms. snnnT and Pleasant.. Call cn J. Vf. BetuJey, corner Calapooie and Sixth alreaU. EADT TO -VTf RK-PrtldelrlDf I wood put In or any aind ef labor done, oan oetain pro mat attention by se curing, tb eeiTtOM ot Daniel Low, at tk little terry beuss, Lear ordsrs there, CARPET vVEAVINO.,-I -in weave carnet at my residence one mile north of Albany. Address,Box,337,Crty. MRS. W U. WARNER. City '-'-Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled, thi old and popular restaurant st til be made first .las n every renpeot, Tbe public will bt given good meals al all hours for only 25 jests. Everything noat and attractive Private boxes. Oyster In vy atyl. PLANTS FOR - SALE At my fruit farm ore mle north of Albany. Raspberries, 50 cts per dca., $160 per 100. Ht saw berries, 25 eta rer doa., fl.09 per 100. Wx H WSBHSB, Portland, Orsgon. A. P. Armstrong, l'rln. tfiuich School : Capital Bus. Collrok, Salem. OrafOa. Same courses of study, same ratas of tulUoa. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmansh ip, ami English Department! aT"In session throughout the year. Students aumit Tat anv time. . Catalogus from either school, fne AKTED By tb nnderslgned, 1C0 cord of maple bair timber. 9 all shop near Farmers Warehouse, y , Oresen. JR. TJEAIi at SO. Dry Goods, seasonable viz: Woolens Cloakings Tailors' Trimmings j Bago, Warps and-Batts Flannels J eans and Cottonades Blankets Domestics tr...i:...i. . 1) -ViW .r,,a. A T i v. - - 3 o "3 n t f IT 1 2. a S C. et 3 r 2 2 oT ' -a a s:. 2 2 --- 2 o a. OO., Albany, Or. Alba ay, Oregon . S. . : t : DEERE'S SEEDERS, WIRE, Etc HOW DO YOU DO? There la ao deubt IV 11 XV Black f KILT SR W ARK, eeaststroa: ln, knives, ferks, fruit diah, eto. (eld aod allver watk. jewel y te, ia th larjest and hast in the elty, and by far the 1r;eatvr broun4t t ACAAKT. PRICES the Most Reasonable Call and See the GOODS A. STRAW EY, ....WtOPMTOIt OF TBI..... City - Iiivery, Feed and Sale ST A D L E.- - Having purohaeeel new ria oan furn lh flrst-olsaa turnout at call. Special atten&'ia gtvea to transient tock. Hoiaes boaraed by the day or month. :, Clkxpe) Kaittxt Its tie City. ' - TailamrmnsTs a-saannavit iai 1 trTak IS a - 3J Ill AS oruv uv yvuu7wsu VA( U )UB Ob ef Charles Hotel. Telephone orders given prompt aHsnuoQ. f Fourth Street, between Ellsworth and Streetcar line.. i 9 '-emt J J