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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1891)
nen bit ta rr V. I.. Tan lee rrinja, f ni far eale I" Vr place "k nr irr ia ea4 for aaialaaaa, oeoaro Ike r,i rr, "" I "am ioc won. tfTAitK MO M U.1II1 ITt'TX.WBJ WHY IS TH2 XL L. DOUGLAS - a a as, a-a uiniiinon rraVKuna?ia Tyc a, mi n cm I hi ansnfs l a.a i pnw m in. pvim " -' 1 4 a s-eraleaa Wt.Mk, wttk M Beaks at we thraeA . .... -. . i - ki . Av M h t .iv anil liiiml M MM a,r ami a? Ski a U l aMkar ' . J u.aaie aw rai am trench W1W Will Wtl '1MB I ifart aa a-r1a. I vX'aralaaaiaji'a i r ana ntirabla. ThaaB - - - va bH (lna ttim trial frill mnm so wfhar raaka. aao Blnwnl .0 aw atwn4 aho ava awtirra itipa aU 1 tn alaUiaiMMl o th -k L. E. REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, ORECCH' ;has. pfeiffek troprietor, Fl.t op tn Irai-claM It1. Tabtaa :rp!ltHl vllh tha baa In lha market. Moo a!vip!n aavnmonu. Banipla rooaH ir eotamjr-j trmraZera. ACADEMY -or Our Udj of Perpotaal Help. HLDANY. - - - . REQON OondnotaJ bj tha 8 lata. a f St, Eanadlo Tuition In aclact daj achoul rngaaf"a) $I. Karraa Barlit( iti til . prtlaoUra apaiy at lha 4h'.m , tdarta Sltr SuporWraaJS aaIl AtaTbi MaaMl L--l" "eaK '4a " t .aMitv t ar of rvoafci rrtMiti a km. . . i -iu.'m a.uinttrrti?rri Miljr M Siofe. atork oT In J flT ;ooot In the Va .v, a.ptl D a -nrwt raw "ia prloaa, both 'wllirit. hava on taud fJ.r!iT'J.U. STvliSS, T1HVM3E T.'. jiliO, C32XS, FIL7USES etc., ac. wt waatofS E Tonag'a o.atnra L. COTTLItG Red CrownMills nocm TLOca sftebjo ro, rAMfLia AD BAIUB TJU. 'P..ST STORAGE FACILITIES. CHOICE MEATS Of A Up e lSmoricl - & - Bakdr, OpTKiiiUr Vhraarr IjTarr Stahla, aaxl or to Wulamrtia rackin Cv'f (tare. LBINT S0LLE3TAT8 IHSTITUIE ALOANY, OREGON. 1801, 1892. mat Tcraa oa4 etaaar tk. a. full eorpa of Inalraotora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AMO NOHMAL CLASSES. Canraaa at atndy arranfad ta uimI lb i a'a'.l gmi'lat afatadanta. . .ftWr tnaucsmrntt tjjtril It ilndeni from mbrad. ar. KLOeiT CIIT Praalalaal. FOSHAY & MASON -ai awi ta naraii, 0 moists and Booksellers, A m u for John B. Aldtn'i publication :Uh wa anil at ptibllahor'a prioaa wit tata41a' ALBAHT. OKCUffJI rOB BILIOUSNESS, CCfSTIPATION, BLQCO AKD KIDNEY DISORDERS. ANO OLIVER Ct'RE. iTLCOO K5DNCYS AGUE ano RlLIOUSNESSr 20 YEARS' Pr-ui'luo of MeH cii) ia inn tn rno:nraoinl tha S IS MoMiAohe and IjiverCuro aa Htl An 1 Hura Dr. f. VAKDEHPOOL, THE SBMECICINE MFfl(C5 tRJFUR. OREGON, wet soccxtj m come A. STRAW EY, .PROPRIU'OH Or TII City Livery, Feei ail Sale - STABL E. Hn(n3 ptirohn-oa u ria can furo IhIi flrat'Claaa tntCMiln at oa'.l. 'pyKsItl KvUioc ii lvcri ttraiiMlnntlouli lioiaea bonroa'l by tiia day or in'MitU t'lipet State in lb City. Tslaphnoa O'Mirifi.-tdin with tha 8t Cbarlaa lloUtl. To'ephone order (?irn prompt attontton. Fourth 8t.rt, In laAnn F.IUworth and S;retCar Una. 15 (NK OF itllEUOIf, ALBAUT, OHIOOPI. 4'altal. ( t- 5a,oa. Vli-a-Fratisaat.... Cif . Jt I.ASKINO ...J.T W LAIN Tranasots a cana-al bsnklne boslnex: F.ichanfa baiiht and sild an all th prlaetml It s is the United States! also an EutfUud, Ireland, f tlMiee and Germany. Loll.rtlon.iaa.le at all aeea.tbls point an faror b)e teruia, ' I iteruet all.iweJ o.l tims dopiidts, . ' v ' a; i M llmlat IU-MM. if ...ruri ih!Mftfelihmlhna SB r M S.IIV J Hn(lJt4 kee. Una Ball it., emrtweMe an Sarafcev Thobaei t.ria rrr iiTrait al iaia prteei km arad aa aiaV Vi imii biiimmi nHnf mm '"' e Art t'allaa tvmmrm. aMrme4 Mm a)e and liNCawMrelt wearshamt rnteeair, rmniion, smmrtk IneMe. kaery Bbrae sole, ertao- .o .l na palf will waa ayaaa. C0 JO m ralfi Mtw enoe aaar csraawt aS 3de lii. pnni aaa anal will annvtaee tuaee a loir marira, rn mriawua awww. ILaOdlCO T-nra. TnMTHhiaalkrrnfa .vrtM ahwa "t (Tirn ai at m aa-lra' .!. VJ.At a 1..TJ akna fnv in Ika hart aaalwwiirala. HrvlliRt ana liuraraa. EAST AND-SOUTH, -VIA Southern Pacific Route H HAST A LINK. .; Epra Tieliis lear rrtlan;l Pstly T;i"vira"Tr lOMir a Lv """pnrtisnd Alhtitf ArTt Ifi A I. 4J1 4 M l. I 7;" M 1:1 a a Ar San KYtilw Ah traiue .ton oitlr at loUowlnir statUms nurlli at ruwaharg. tisst Fiirt'eml, Ornv.n City, Wood em. Salem, Albany, Yicmt, Mh.ol.l, Haiaojr Har Usury, JauoUim City, Iriiur, Kiifona. aoaucM BAIL, iltT. Co A It lit l:tii I L Mora kt PortUmtl AHtanr ' 1 Pi'Ofl Vi l. H:iM a t.lT WWil AILT aWalT 8TSBAT) iMri I rnrtlan4 Albany Ar I I fll LtJ :u0 a l.Mf TL t irftral Ar f:Ma a I L AlAr Allnr Llanoa , Ail-any Lahaima a a Cto.a l:o r a Ar PULLMAN CUfFET SLEEPERS. Tourist SleoDinc Oars, rar Afaa"Mlaliaaat aaraarl-Claaa rata a era, atUralla nmiiim jVmmt aiiia Mvlalaa. RITTfKIl rwBTlASw A" if Atlt", MAta aVAni(KxMptSttaaay, Mm. a-1 "nrt'atwl Camilla Ar I t:U r H 10 Ar 1U ra airaatartAia attT (Knr uaJy. 4:tr tra I'm Jknil UcMlnartlla AfA Lt I . A Ar jThrouKh rriclotM Ta all aoliita EAST. AKD SOUTH. Sarin, lulanaatlat rafrtll ratai, at-. Maaanr al(l. t and P. I YAQUINA BAY ROUTB. o km Pacific T BC BaaatTer. Oraaan TJaTGlopinaiit Co's Stoimsrs, kart LI a f CIlfPl. rtrt-laaa throoRh paaanngar and Valcht llnafram Portland and all polnta , 7 .n , 1 1 Vmiim anil from Kan ai ana maiwo.ww . -- rraaciaoo, vai. TVmta maka cloa oonnaotlon at A I ban tth iraina of tha Oregon Paolll Railroad nmsCHTCL. aaapt SamUya.) u. Aib-r :?.' "T: ,B:; laaa Camilla IMM Iaa Camllka.10 . A.a A.rriraTaqalna,t:U r. a Arnra Albaoy. ll:l A. a O. A C. tralaa connect ai Albany and Lrrallla. Tha abora tralne ooanactat Taonlna with tha Oregon Imraiopnianl CVmpajiy'a Una or etteaaianipa tow Taquiua ana san rnwcwwi -1i!..aUa Vllr, Saramaar k, IStaj ISthj vaaa .a. r.Aaciava WUUwrtU Valla. S.ra.a W, SrJ a. lt k J 83rd Vacate la. Tha Compi. Ta ifia riit l ftianKe aal'.lDit data w-thou: notica. u u.., .it front I'orwaua and 7aiaan;t Va.ley "1U can maka olomi jnnecUon wiiu tua irauua vi j T , . -. - r.irr.lll. aiKl If liaa- iQUMIAivruT . - nad to Han KinHeo ahould arrama to rriva at Yaauirta tha evening bafara raia rnilln rraaara2rr an rr-t ralat alwaya tha Far lalarmatl" aaf4 ta A ana A... Albr. o7 f . a7f Asa" . to PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. J K. rKHKRrOKI), i -t r . . v.tinrM-jM a < vinrtaaftha lata aciai aUaatl i ta mUtara la pralnW aim lata laTUaai. MmiT.-nii tuna aiaca. a. a. a.'. a. a. vitbbs IV AUaraar At f. All WaaM will raaai.a pramftt ataanUao, varctUJJ r l-iTni,'ia1iBaar, vr 1KO.E.CJlSE'4LUf. AUflnrar at Law. Will prartlat la alt aaarte al tka kit 0paatal atlanttaa r'" to matwra ta ambaM aa4 ta aaJacUoav. OrriCR-la Ua tliaa bloak. yyr n. niLYEU. AMorn7 at Law va I ftiUjitar in Chanwr. ICallaa. Unnaaiadaeaall pa'BU. Loana Brtiatoa en ar arabla tanaa. AlUu, Or to. G cc. w. nrniGfiT, AttaraayatLaar,amiXnbv7 Public. Wlllpraclla a a aaana al this aae In lb Cattail SUM caarM lrOrrfoa. ssaiaei -Front roams avarlr nk ol Oraaoo, Albany, Og. J J. WHITJIKT, ttoraa Laa, a I N.ta'f Public. 4!ba jn. i ii ill. rbyaktaa aaa flnrgoaa. OPPICK-Oiraar Sorry ttraau, Albany, Ornroa. D It. HAHTO A DIVIS, Pbr.lriana aa Ivrmi. OPFIOB -Coraar raa4 and Brovdslbia atraMa. Albany. 6r, Calls promptly AMardea iaaity aad eaaatry. ri r. CHlMBEltL4I. 51. D., a ' - r Hamaaratthlat. MT11" In dianaH of lb Eys Tw.atr raara atnarimm- Ode hnura 7 to a a 1 la I p ra. and ta I svaalaf . Allna,, Oraon. D It. . J. HILL Physician aad Stirfo-ra. S(t:U' atl llos airin to disnasasol wvrm ni .. OtTCf.:YTf, arer Camrri ns drur store. Kaadanea 7th near Kerry. O.ll a U sirt, 9 to II a m aad t ta 4 p ra D U. , A. tVIIlTVEY, Phwlolan ao'l Sirin. rr id Ut'larna Ho of 0"l , Niw V rk dir. D'.ia?. ot woman a pwUlty. ?r"liJrJ frtmvt btoek, Albany, Oreton TIRM T SATIOSAL Bt.VK, J1 tV At.BAMT, ORKfOS, rjMnot. ...... V'.M Prwlrtsnt ;!iicr..... I.FM.VH . 9. B.VOUNO ....l. W. LANG DON nA!mrT3 A ?KNEtlALhikl'luinoM. ACCOUNTS KKPr 'iB)er.t to aback. HiOMT KXCUANGC and t rahie tranatar, sold N.w Ynr, dan Kra-ulsco, Chicago and P-itluid rauo OOXKt.TlON SAI'Eoo lanhl Unur. MIUCTOSa . a K. Took K, W, Lsaosoa L K Bj.ii, It. fu . Hp w 1KB I . Sox. INK CO KATIOMAL HANK, OF A'BA"T. oaeooM. CAPITAL STOCK ilOO.WO. President.... J L COWAlf, ...J M HALHTOM. HCxel.ier ........, O A A KOMI BOLD. D sctoim, I L Cowan, i If P.alntmi, W S La4 l, W tl :, 2 A Ci-sworJ a-td U A Arab Ibotd. THAKSACmtaranaral nankin bustneat. DRAWSXHI iiUAPI'don N.w York ait 4 it -t. 3reiron. LOAN StOifKTon ipic,vd soonrtty KJCCCIVSdepainlosubtoct abaca. FORTfILLER & -FUNERAL DlUirrOPuS.- Arterial Kmbalrutng done Solontificilly, ' Albany, Oregon. ; -Ji-' 4m -v?Vf at. -.y'V' TllK EKVCN WON DC 113 Of TUB WOULD, Mr CLDol thla city aikt lor a IjII ac count of the teven wonders ol tha ancient world. IMffcrcnt miOtort itlmiirea in ite- tcribltig Hit nrvcn foputai wonder o! olden ttir.f. At piekcnt, I believe, the Pyramid, the Coltoniuk of Rhode,' th Temple ol Diana, the MauatMeum, the Statute ol Jupiter Olyinpu, the Hanging Garden ol Babylon and the Pharos, or Watrhtower ol Alexandra, are usually rtckoned a the"Orlglral Seven Wander,' With the (Ingle txcq-tlon ol the Pyramids, all ol the above have disappeared. One, two ond three thousand year ago, accord ing to tradition and authentic history, eomeol Ihcm were wander Indeed. Tne flrkt ol the wondrrs, the great Pyr amid ol Cheops, I situated seven mile irotn the hank ol the Nile and twelve miles from Cairo, Egypt, It wat built In the childhood ol the human race, long be fore history began. Yet It stands today a monument to the memory ol a wonderful people. 1 he "Great Pyramid ol Cheops" I believed lo have been butlt by the monarch whose name it bears about 3,000 D. C. lis height It 4S0 teet 9 Inches, and It bate 7vt feet square. Many of tht monstet block ol granite used in con structing it weigh thousands ol ton. Ti dllion tell ut that 100,000 men were em - p!oyd lot period cl thirty year In con structtng It. The Collomis ol Rhodes, the sreond In the l!t ol am lent wonders, was a great brsiea statute ol Apollo.whlch stretched It huge leg across the harbor ol IChodcs, and was to large that ship In lull sail passed between. It wa io( leet hluh and ol most ttact proportions. The erertlon ol the Colloaaut was begun In the year 3700 B. C but wa not finished for nearly aoo year. It wa ol brass, cast In sections, and wa overthrown by an earthquake In the year 324 B. C Ilrelghed 70,900 pounds. For lull particular concerning thl monster braxsn Image see "Note lor the Curious," RrfnMt ol Saturday, March ai, 1S90. Thn Temple ol Diana Is another ol the Seven Wenjder ol the World which hss entirely dlssapeared. It wa a mignlflcent structure, situated upon the Evantlne and Ephetus, and was constructed at the coin mon cost ol alt Astatic countries. The lofty-domed rod wa supported by 227 monster columns ol Parian marble the tribute to Diana ol 17 kings. The facade ol the temple occupied aoo feet up on the Eranllne, and the wall tretched back 435 leet, all glittering with gem and precious atones. Fourth In order ol prominence was the Mausoleum the tomb ol Mausolus, the first King ol Carta. According to Pliny lt had a total height 0II40 leet. It wa erected by Arteme.U, the widow ot Mausolus, abou 353 B. C- ' It consisted ol a baement 63 feet high, surmounted by a P) ranilJ.Hr.lnK In kleps to a similar height, an J on the ti-. of tne pyramid a colossal group of Mausolus and wife in a chatlut drawn by four horses ol heroic Ue. The Mausoleum endured until about the year 1404 A. D., when It was partially destroyed by an earthquake and finally torn down br the Knights ol St. John. The fifth wonder, the Olympian Zeus, was a statute ol Jupi ter Olympus, said to have been 60 leet high a4- chiefly comoosed ol ivory and gold. It is usually kicslcJ at Ellis, but nothing certain is known ol it local'on or ol Ha reputed builder, Phidias. It possible, tradition and history have told us test about the slsth wonder ol the world the Hanging Garden ol Babylon than they have the fifth. Herodotus die not mention them; Pliny only casual ly allude to their existence, and the scrip tural account ol the reign ol Nebuchad nezzar ignore the subject ' altogether. Popular accounts ol the Hanging Gardens say that they were huge baakets ol bras and iron, 400 leet square, swunj on mammo'h stone arches, which were erected near the Royal Palace at Babylon. The seventh wonder was a combined light-house and watch tower, situated on the eastern end ol the island ol Pharos, at Alexandria. Egypt. Its ronstrtictton wa begun by Ptolemy Sorer abcut the year 332 B. C. It was 400 feet high and cost a sum equal to $1,240,000 of United States currencv. Tl.e e'.ectlon of Governor Russell to a second term In Massachusetts signifies that that state II not placed In the demo cratic column, will fall to the doubtful ona when making estimations ol probable results In the presidential election. The tarifl Issue was made the leading and al most only one In that state. The result thowt that that state, whose people are the most intelligent a well as unbiased, are ripe lor rebellion against the scheme that taxes many people to benefit the lew. The result In New York and Newjersey point to the Isct that New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire are fit grounds In which lo sow 'he seeds el democracy. In the stte of Louisiana many planlers and farmers ar so far from grocery sto'es tha tiedd'ers do a good business going through the ountiy and supplying their needs. The villtge stf' ekee pert are trying to compel the saactrnent of a Isw interfering with peddlers, nd thus saving them their monopoly. They accuse tl.e edllers of being lottery agents and of various dishonest practices. But the farm ers generally take part with the ped Hers. They save most to them, and in the use of middle men those who perform this function worst, or at greatest expenss lo '.l.e consumer, must go to :he welt. 1 1 Irani Mxlrn,the scientist and electric- lun, (ays It Is a mistake to suppose that the discharge ol a rifle loaded with smokeless powder Is noiseless. There is, say he, no uch thing a noiseless gunpowder. The report from a discharge ot smukeless powder Is much shtrper and higher pitched than that from black or ordinary gunpowder; it cannot, however, be heard anything like so far away . The recoil of the piece is much less,alo, with smokeless powder. ' . Prof Edwin J Houston, who has been investigating the methods of rainmakers Melbourne and Dynenforth, decla'es It to be hi deliberate opinion that rain can never be trade to fall mean ut.les certain rainy condition already ec lat in thn atmosphere. It might be a little bald to make Prol Houston ,ty that If It' going to rain anyway It will rain anyway. But that' what a great many other people think of the rain making business. . Sir John B-nnett La wet hat nude hf usual annual estimate of the yield ol whea t in the British Isles in 1891. Adopting 30 bushels to the acre as an average, the bushel weighing 60 pounds, and estima ting' ths requirements of consumer at about 39,500,000 quarters, an Importation of 20.000,000 qjai ters, or 16,000,00 bush els, of foreign wheat will be necessary, Perhaps the largest United States lag ever made was flung lo the breeze at Chl coppee Falls, Ma-is,, several day ago. It measures 41 by 71 feet. . TEr.KaitAPuia news On toe riant Track! Washington, Nev 6. Senator Mitchell Is gala publishing the matter of electing United Slates senator by a direct vote of th people. He said to dsyi I " a earnest in lh dahi at ever, and On th first dy of the srsslon, or at soon there after a possik'r, I shall introduce my amend ment, and hits it referred to the committee on privilege and elections. I suppoae they will wrestle w,.a tt and that we shall have a report on it la torn form ar other befoi th session close. A Terrible BartbaMake Washington, Nov 6. A lelreram from the Japanese government toilsy wts rtcctvsj by Taieno, the ispsnts nunistar, giving an account of the earthquake whirh occurred in ispsn en the asm ol uctoir. it seems Irom this report the damsge caused by the eatihquske ws conlined almost entirely to th nei lectures rfAlrlil and Uifu. Nseor Is tha chiel city in th Alchi nerfecture and bal a population ol I to.Oso, I her tre very larce cine In :n biiuprriecturc. no other parts or Jspsa. According to this Information, 6500 person wr killed, Oooo wcra injuretll 7S,ooo boust waretutaliy destroyed and 12,' 000 bayly damsged A at. . Areldral. mattui, not o, 1 nomas ty Major, an engineer, wa terribly Injured In s,n acclden( on the Cobmbla 3t Pugt Sound railroad at to clock this mornini. II ws brlnclne in a train of twenty-five ear wlih coal from Cedar rtounlsm, Whtn about three miles from Kenton, tlie n(ln struck a cow which bad (alien inio the cattle guard, and after rolling the animal along for 100 feet or more the engine left the track and plunged down a nneen-hoi etubaukm nl Intt Ctdsr river The four trainmen, who wer la th ral escaped serious Injury, except Engineer Msyu who may reidver. An rxporlTax. Loniion, No 6. Th St Petersburg cor respondent of lh time tclegreph thst he learnt from the best sources that a hay ex port tax win l impoaaii oa ohest, probably three week, hence, All th ministers, ascent V ithneceradsk y, tntnister of finance, favored the total prohibition ol exportailon, therefor mollification is still possible. The long warning given exporter will result in actlv trade in the meantime. The alaaalaa raaalao. st ravraasBtJaa, rov 0 Th governor f Nijinl Novgorod declare throughout th province aU supplies of provisions ar exhaust d, thst th peasant wlU soon without food, and that pounds of grain will be required, a greater part of which mutt be imported. The difficulty of lraasrortation will render timely help almost impossible. 4 learfal Aeeldent, Uirra, Mont No 4. Those killed in the terrible sccidsat, which occurred at the Ana cooda mine a few minutes after midnight Ihi moraine, were James OTtonnel, Chartca M Evans. John Ritchie. James U Saltivan, I' Mulligan, Michael McAvery. Jamca Roach, William Martin and Dennis Shaughnessy, Jerry Harrington is Injured, but not fatally, Al the 900 loot level, a large umler or mea were waiting ta ba raised to the surfsce for their lanch. la Ihi case it I believed thst oot lea than twenty started on Hie lertibte ride to death. When between the 3 and 400 foot levels. Is tries O'Doanell, wlto was an lb npper, lust hi self posaassioa and fell over lh aid of the cage. He fell between the cage aad the wall of ihe shsft, down to the oarer una n, in race, wncr n Btiuca in meat crowsed there tn such way aa to knock almost all of them off. Altoeetbcr eight men were ksocked off the cage down lo the dump which is 1 200 feet below the autfsce. Two others were brought lo lh outface badly in lured, and ona of these died is) a abort time. The bodies brought to the surface were mangled a to be tctrxlf tecngaUable, except by their clothing. A Ult awry. La CkAMii, Or No 4. A robbery which exceeded the recent Eaterpriae alaur in the amount taken was perpetrated upon the Forme. 't Mortgage and Savings bank of Sum merville, Ihi county, last night. A the cashier ws leaviag the bank about 9 o'clock last evening ne waa met at ne ooor by two men with asck over their heads, who present' cd pistol to hi head and ordered Lim to go back and open lb tale, lie stepped back inta the room and tbey followed him, pultln down ihe blinds aad lighting the lamp. They da played great coolness, not only Isklng all Ihe money ia lha safe, but examining the paper as well, fhey secured 148,000. TTtsal aja left. Salkm, Nov 5. The will of ihe late R Wallace will be hied for probate tomorrow, It was made in 1885 ia Chics go. There was no codicil, except one substituting I II Alber of Salem, for a Chicago man as one of the execBiof. The will ia lengtny document and very carefully prepared. It bequeath a ol the property to the threa executors and trustees. He directs that his lraines conduct I as nearly as possible in their opin ions a be would conduct it. and the profits from lh saute lo be given lo his wile, and children, each to shaie alike. The property j worth $250,000. rallsue aa lh l aas' San Fsahcisco, Nov 5. Th BraJstrsel mcieantile agency ports 103 failures in the Pacific coast ststea and territories for lh month of October writ asset of I201.197 and liabilities, 1421.133. as compared with ua for Ihe previous month with swtts of $379,619 and liabilities of $747,428. A rtealdeat Chosen. Yalpaiaiso, Nov 5. The Chilian liberal presidential electors ysirJay mtt and elect ed Adro'iral Jorge Monti as president of Chili (or the next five years, lie will be intagu rated at Santiago de Chile December 36, 1891, Tba Kleeslowa. Washington, Nv 5. Republicans gen erally rejoice over lha result In Ohio, claiming that it ia a vindicatinn of Ihe new tariff law, and they are disposed lo regard the reversalt in the other state a the result of local dif ference in the party. The democrat ar lejoking over the result in New York, Msss chusettr and Iowa, and assert that it shows a efeody and reliable growth of that party. Eas'ern drmocrals ar particularly jubilant over the result telieving thai it will preserve the domination of eastern influence in the partp. In New York 17 republicans, 14 democrats snd l independent were elected to the senate aud 6$ democrat, 61 republicans nd 3 lodependent t the assembly. In dtassacnusrits joint ballot the vote will be 173 republican and 106 democrats. In Iowa the republicans have the hous and democrats the senate. - WORTH CtmiORltlKU F. M. French keapa railroad time. Buy yonrfxrooerias e Sharker flnm Kaw oraam ehaesa jast received at Cotrad Meyers. ' Stunk the eatahratxd avsnt filled J5 eent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Alargoetnok of wall paper, with lata de ign,at Fortmiller t Irvine'a.jnst raeeived. Have yon seen thoso parlor suite that T Brink ha Just received 7 Ttioy are nice. J W Beorley. beat bout and elioe maker lo eity, thra door north nf Dimocrat offio. E W Achisoo k Co handle tne oelabrsted Cortland eement walla for -jemctery lota. These walla ean he furnished at half the cost of any other and arn far aaperior, Dr M H EMU. nhvsiouo and anrxeon. Albany, Oregon. . Csll made In eity t r eonntry. ... '. , . v. 3. ...jJ.,. Ladies on do their shoppmo1 in San Fran cisco without visitiusr the city, and without extra oomtniaaion. Miss K J. Barrows J r chss:n auut, 1809 Oroya St, Oakland, . Patronisd home iodnty. and buy' hand mad harness, warranted, front' 0 O Ale Karl, nd, at Dubrallle old stand. O to D W Cobb, tuoflessor to Paisley & Stnil), Flini Block, for ymtrj 'b printing of ail kinda.' C W Cohh, job printer, FlinU Block.ldoe first class work, Res that elegant'piano at Kloin Bros Bjot n.d Hhoeatoro, K W Aelnson &Co ar soiling monnrasnta a' Poitland prices. ,Se W F Read' hue ol dress goed ; and ill hefnr bnyiog elsewhere, SMwart& 8ox sell th very best stent tanipced shears and scissors. Tha .BauofaAV will exehang a aawiog tnachlo of any make dasirsd, exoept ore or tor some nag grab weoa and part e8b; or will cootider ' other propositions I any no dasiriUri a nw macnina- A fine lino' ol orojkeryjjware a Coqt& Hendrioaou'a. J IDtlll ANO r.ttSOXaS, tiiubhday E L Thompson and litmlly returned to Portland today, Julius Sidle arrived In Albany yestctday Irom Minnesota and wilt local In the yallcy. The Three Sisters paoscd up the river today. The river Is now at a tine naviga tion stage. A I) Wtvidlri returned today Irom sev eral month In the mines, lie ha been working tlx inen.Mnthe Golden Flcecedur Ing the summer, getting In aoo tect, and expects to go 75 feet farther. Mr C M Charlton Informs us that he In. tends soon to no to Portland and enter Prol Armstrongs commercial colleae. It Is his Intention to make a specially of stenography. Prlnevllle News Mr C S Smith, who Is attending the Stanford University at Palo Alto, Cat., was recently honored by election to the oflice ot vice president of the society ol Associated Students, which Is next to the highest honor a student can receive at the hand of hit fellows, Eugeue Register. FRIDAY. Hopkins danclni- school meet to-night at the opera house, at 8 o'clock. Chief of Police Hoffman I expected home to-nlpltt with John 0 Stall, the for ger. He wa delayed by having to get a requisition. J Royce, ol Lebanon, was In Salem Wednesday and Identified thn hack and harness In custody of Hlierlff C'rolsan as hi own. The horse still await a caller, Salem Journal. SATURDAY, ludire E N Tsndv. ol llarrl.burif, has been lu the city during the w-ck. Marriage license wss Issued totUv to Mr J li Llnhcus and U A urummund. zzwr joiin toKiiny returned thl noon train n several week trip through the east and report a plcasantexperloncu. Mix Hettlu Miller returned thl morn- init front a five weak visit in Oakland and San Francisco, accompanied by Mr and Mrs U L walker, ol Portland. Jack Young, the O I new agent, went east recently to fret some new leas. It will be remembered that he broke one ol them a lew weeks ago, and they have not been working well. Dr M J Paiton, recently arrested at Salem, Is a son ol Dr t'alton, Ihe pioneer land owner at Nt jotn. lie at one time owned n ost ol the land on which Alblna I located and Is one ot the tidiest men In East Portland. rot ATf s ot at raof CKant,, (O. R. N. lUarkbara, Jutl; n. W. Coo4ran Vitt. Mumbauglt, Caormlairiuaar.) J F Hyde resigned as J Pot Lebanon prjcl Inct and S M W Illudman was ap pointed In case of J K Weathcrford agt Nathair B and Olney Fry, 8r, dleiiiUaed as to Olney Fry, Sr, and judgmtnt awarded against N U Fry. FCihenagt H'own Huston, dUn.l.aed at cost ol plaintiff. George Luper wa appointed supervisor ot Diet 17 vice Henry Ingiam, murdered. C F Wright agt M A Loftus, confirma tion ordered. AdjourncJ until Friday morning, Com. mlsaloner Cooper going to inspect bridges, Commissioner Rumbaugh 111. Road ordered opened according to ap plication ol W II Young et al. Matter of tax levy and blda lor lioolhf continued. In matter ol Calapoola bridge Young Si Ttltotson agreed to oak pile at ($ 00 each and furnlah lumber at.d do work at $16 pep thousand. Fee ol witnesses before grand jury al lowed. NaturallxalJon papers were granted granted Frax Dornogalls. Following bill wer allo yed: G C Oooley, aid Mra Clark $10 00 O P Cuahow, Jr, aid Hall family. .. 10 00 Ladic Aid Society ld Long child ren and Henry Grain's 15 00 John O Boyd, aid J W Cv 10 00 D W Rumbaugh. aid Mr G F Junkey 10 00 GlaeeAt l'rudhomle, stationary.... 5 00 State agt John Peters, fee ........ 11 on State gt David West, lee 33 35 State agt Frank Ingram, fee. ..... Jo 90 Foanav & Mason, stationary fV 15 M A Fitzgerald, bounty 2 00 R W Moses, acct roada. 13 09 Hatrlaburg Luin Co, lumber $1 tit) Geo D Barnard 23 50 URN Blackburn, salary ......... 100 00 W E Curl, salary 83 35 N P Parne. fee 2f ot I J and M F Brannln, boarding jury 3 25 - 11 1, i VI r riueec'i, sniery , Albany Electric Light Co Andrew Jennings, road , . Inquest ot F Reton John Usher, janitor cotut house. . . State agt John Mills: Mrs E Murray, board jury State agt Jos Peters, lees II M SUtne, building Thomas Creek bridge Albany Iron Worka, Iron lor il li ters bridge ' Mack Sawyers, aid Henderson, .f K (limn, acct poor Jos Ctaypool, bounty M A FiUgerrld, bounty (ilaaaA I'rudliomie , . . C It Tycer.btmnty . O W(!ol)b, stationery 80 00 37 50 if) 3 39 90 6 00 18 30 3 J$ 14 50 Si SS 10 00 -"J 60 8 00 2 00 27 Of 6 00 19 00 1134 05 3 00 8,00 . 9 00 S 00 5 00 4 OS ) 75 2 1 OO 111 80 3 50 10 50 II S Williama.fee Train & Whitney, bounty F Crawford, aid Mra Holier. . B W Cooper, fees.. . , Fred Carey, bounty K II Maddux, bounty.. M E Davis, acct poor Crumle 3l Davis, roads and brdg L W Devoe, road and bridges.. A Wheeler, same , P W Spink, lumber R M Wad & Co.roada.bridges. . DUN Klackburn, aid poorcct roads-.... Flower majority 46,446, Rather flow- tr tha. PiioTotiptPiH or tub Would. A new work by title is just out. It con sists, as its name indicates, of photo graphs of all widely knowu object in the world, such as Blarney Cnutle, In Ireland, Forth bridge aud Balmoral castle, in Scotland, Wiaketpcare's house, Windsor castle and London bridge, in England, City of Moscow, ' Berlin, birds eye view of Paris Cathedral of Notre Dame, Constantinople, Parthenon in Athens, Venice, Colloseum, St Peter and Vaticau, in Rome, etc. All these views are executed in the iuKhest stylo ol the art and mechanically the book consisting of over 500 pages is at once "a thing of beauty, a joy forever." No more beautiful and tasty ornament could be secured for a library or parlor. Get one. $3 a Mile. Two carload of lumber from flatcBville, consigned to G M De vaney, of this city, wero brought in last week, the cars being transferred at Shel burn to the S P, then to the Scio branch at West Scio. The freight chargoa were somewhat binding, however, as they were $18 per car from Gateeville to this city, 19 on the O P, a distance of about 30 miles, and $9 on the 8 P to this city, a dis'anco of but three miles. Seems to us that the railroad commission should make soma inquiry into this matter. Press..- ,- Tiia Own-irs Found. The second team found In the camp ol the two Eu gene horsethfeves near Salem have been clnlmed . 3 C Needham from ner Tangent, Linn oounty, arrived thla morning and proved up on the sorrel mure, nd said the gray mare belonged to Thomas Ander son, his neighbor, . He says they were stolen abou three weeks ago. Journal. HARMED. TRASK-SIIELTON. On Sunday.Nor 1st, at the residence of A M Shelton, of Jordan, the bride's fatherf Rev T P Goodman officiating, Mr Edward Traak and Mies Lucinda Shelton.- " SI'DONALD-EODGERS. On Sunday, Noy 1st, in Brownsville, by Rev 0 Sperry, Mr Arthnr U McDonald and Misa Lorena Rodgers, both of near Scio. BOUN. MEYERS. On Thursday. Nov, 5 1891, In Albany, to the wife of George Meyers, a nine pound son JtliOM TUK 0&TI.I.Vr. Ast Interesting; teller from 1. J. ('karllea, haw York City, Oct. aSHi, 1891. KdUort Dmoer of : - After a sutrtner ol delightful leisure In ths Willamette Valley, (the loveliest spot by the way the tun shines on,) the intense and hurried life ol thl great city come In strange, emphatic contrast. The sum. mer came tike a pleasant dream and went a swiftly, The other evening, though (csreely rested from a nli day journey by rail, with vivid recollection ot the summers pleasant experiences, I found myself moving along In that great sea ol humanity that forever surges along the ereat thoroughfare ol New York, -lost as truly as tne rain arop is lost mat un into tne ocean. 1 wa minning incoierentiy ol a thousand things, of the great extent of the territorial limits of this country, of it vastness in population and resources, the rapidity with which lt ha been and I being developed, ot the vailed condition ol Die which dinerent sections present, ol the features ot life pecttllur to great cities hi eer.eral and ot Me York in particular Suddenly It occurred to me that some ol your reader might bo Interested torn wnst. in wnat an yjrc?,m uoy sees ana hears and thinks and feels as he moves about In the censcKss rush and go of me tropolitan life. I might write t letter o( tedious lenuth on any one of the eut.jccts mentioned. But perhaps niese wouia on ne put asiuc for the present, for thj one thing now uppermost In the mind of New " Yorkers and perhaps foremost In the thoughts of most cl'Uensot our country to-wit: the election. Whut of the men? What of the Issues? eVhat of the results? When Dante approached the entrance lo the Infernal region he beheld engraven over tae en trance, "All hone abandon ye who enter here." 7 hie Is the fittest motto I can ron celve lor the novice who would attempt to unfold, even Imperfectly, the mysteries cl New York politic. No mr as the e;cc'.iun It concerned I need re cr only to the men who head the democratic and republican ticket. Mr Flower, the democratic nominee. Is a man of wealth, has served In Congress, was chairman of the com mltlee on congressional elections a year aco. He U diitntlled, thoughtful and scholarly. He I not a man of transcen dent abilities, but Is conservative, safe, reliable: a man whom every or.e wo.ld trust as an upright man; a man thoroughly posted In political and economic questions, and alt in att the kind ol a man whi ad minister the affairs of state with dignity and ability, Mr Fasiet, the republican n mlnee. has had a lonir and successful career In the legislature ol this slate. He wa the leader of the republican In the last Icitislaturc, wss secretary ol the list republican national committee and 1 now Collector ol Customs at the port ol New Yoik. He Is very strongly partisan, but I well equipped for the executive oiiice Flowe I should say had the more dignity Fassct the more energy. The former Is more like a iude. the Inner more like an advoca'e. flower Is a man whom hi party aeeks; Fasset is a man who doc. not wait to besought but forges nit way ancsa r lower has the stronger hold on business men, Fassct on politician. As to the Issues In the campaign. The tariff and ballot reform are the real Issue In tins state. New York senium nt is not great' v variant on Ihe silver question, and party lines are not strlctlv drawn on the ballot reform question. Either party wllllna to establish the Australian ba'lut li only It mav act the t?!ry of it. So thai at the bottom the great Issue Is tariff re form and vantsse around for the prcsl denllal contest of next year. But behold now the marvellous wavsot the politician. The democratic cry Is, "Down with Fas act Ix-cau.e he belong to Piatt and de featerf New York In the contest tor the World's fair." The republican cry Is, "Down with Flower, the candidate of Tammany Halt." Along these lines the battle wages fiercely, 'there are numer oua local lasuc that may vary the irsull slight', but so Ut as 1 can judge neither party has any advantage In this regard. The World' lair Issue I think la Injuring Fasaet. Many Independents dislike Tam many and will support Faaset. These mostly ate republican who tallowed the lead ot George YVHilain Curtis when he bolted Blaine in 1884. Independent of democratic sympathies are supporting Flower. Thus the mugwump will not be a potent factor In thl election. The usual amount of "personalities" are hurled back and forth, but thess can have no Imjtor tant effect on final results. Thus national Issues are obscured In tne fog of a fierce local contest, much to the disappointment I think of thoughtful voters of both partt As to the result. 1 think the parties will about poll their natural vote, with odds In favor of the democrats. I think the odus are this way for the teason thai the democrat are united, save June. i one Is a man of very mediocre abilities, as Inordinate ambition and Is currently reported as controlling only one vote. His name excites among both demo crat and republicans. I will not venture to speak of numbers, but I am decidedly of the oplnl in that the'e democratic ticket In thl slats will be elected by a majority that will clearly Indicate that New York sentiment 1 emp'ia'ically democratic. The results will show how j nearly this my first prediction I correct. Last night I had the pleasure of attend Ing the "Bush ess Men's Democratic Meeting" And such a meeting! 15,000 men gathered in the great Msdisun Square Garden! Clevehnd and Hill were both there and spoke. Such a crowd I natur ally noisy. But when Cleveland arose to speak It sounded as if the gods ot thunder were waging battle with the gods ol war, That mighty assemblage rose as one mn. Banners and ft-tg waved! Hats, canes, urrbreltas flew! It wa pandemonium! People shouted until ihey could not shout and then came an undercurrent of sound, alowd'.n, caused by 15.000 pair of feet stamping the floor. It was magnificent beyond descrlp'lon. Gov. Hill was given a welcome that might flatter any man, but the fact was demon ttrated beyond a doubt to my mind that no' man can stir the en thusiasm of the democratic hosts of New Yotkllke Giover Cleveland. The scene Is equalled only when the republican as semble to do honor to James G. Blaine. Alter Gov. Hilt had spoken he find Mr. Cleveland arose and departed together. This plcasct' the crowd again, and again the demon of noise weie set agoing. Those '.wo men are certainly favorite sons ol the New York democracy. Endearing name were yelled at them both contlnu ally. lint it was conspicuous that presi dency Is Inseparably ussoclated with the name ot l icveiand, - In another letter, perhaps, I rritv tell you some other things that arrest my at- t.-nilon In New lork City. - Very Respectfully, J J Chaiw.tqx. Lt 1 ding Photographer A oany Oregou. We have bought'! thencgativt smade by I. W Cirk and W II Ureeowood up to JNov 15th, 1589. Duplicate ean be had from hem only of na at redneed tates. We haye also about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplloatea ean be had at llkeiaiet. W carry tb only full line of vlewt of tbia atate and do enlarged work at iowet t rstes for first elas work. W e shall be ploasod to see yon at our Studio tn Froman s bleuk, next door to Masonlo iempie. Cure of Spinal Weakness. K F Woolston, Yatei, Clean Co., N. Y" writes: "Mv wife, five year ago, waa eon fined to her bed with infUmmatoty rheuma ti .in of the museles of the back , The doc tors thnnght her cm hopeless, and doomed her tn bo a bedridden invalid. Tha violent pain kept her awake almost every night She lost oyer thirty pounds In weight. To ease her pain I thought I would put on Alloook's Porous Plasters. I covered her baok with them. Tomy great delight she becan to aleep well. The paiu very much abated in one week . I then t ok the plas ter off, washed her back, and pot on fresh ones. At tba end of the second week, she insisted on getting up, and by tho third week waa entirely well and able to attend to ber household duties. Fertmiller k Irving have some Renais sance lace oartaics for $18 a pair, as Sneoa anything ever seen in the itv. They range down to $7 a pair. Other l ace ear tain down to $1 01 let a pair. - " ': liOTI AN9 AHXOAI THPDHJiAY. Dkownpii at NawpifttT. At nu yesterday forenoon, G Vf Graves, foreman ol Ihe government works at Newport, was swept oit tne emr ot the tramway bv breaker and drowned. All attempts to find the dody have thus far proved futile. It wilt probably be washed ashore In time. lltNkY ViLf.AhD passed through Al bany yesteoday for Eugene, where he was L'lven a reception by the cltlr.en of that city. It wa a big affair and s deserved tribute to the man who cava the Slate University a $co,ooo sift: the arestest of anytning uunc ny nir viuaro for the Northwest according to Judge Deady, S tkamkm Arhival. The Steamer Wll amette Valley arrived at Yaoulna at it;. wnn tne loiiowinu passenger! Mr r w Gorman, S T Adams, P B Gallagher, Wm liergamon, w W Jilghsm, C-hus Mnon, aiiss JJnipn, Jhos uigley, M (Jordan, Her man Knees, Ml Mcsgher. Ir will ok Establihiikb. Hon Allen Parker and son have met with such en couragemcnt lit Afbany over the estab lishment of a Iruit cannery here that they nave ucciucci to organize too Albany can nlng Co. next week. A prominent Portl- lami man win lake 5500 slock and enough in Albany to Insure succe. 1 hi ts one of Albspys needs rsiDAV, , iw County, Wednesday wa the 03rd birthday of Mr Althouse. A pleasant family dinner In her honor at the residence of her daughter Mis ftarwh Alt house. Mr Althouse Is the oldest person in s Albany, and, we believe, In Llnn county. A Drunken Salkm Man, Yesterday afternoon while Intoxicated Dr, M J Pat- ton of nnimen, once a resident 01 Aihaiv went into Williams & Eniland s bank and with hand on a revolver demanded 5o of the cashier. He was arreted and held under $ too bonds to wait the action of the grand jury, fie was placed In jail. vr itr ay A $7000 subsidy hasbenu rained in DUa for a wMdea null. Th ew Mayor at luii Una City. F A Baylor, is a brother tf Mr Al fjsjltr, ef Albany, Th hesvisot individual tsxpayor ia Claoxsms county, auburn of Portland, is it aootc, wno oeiiy pays on ai,V0. nevarai corporations pay moie. Yamhill eotinty ha bin aewapsper aid 10,'Ks.' inhabitant, a greater number In pro portion to population than auy other oottoty in tbestat. Ne wonder ao many Ysm- biller tr born great. a-' r I llollonbock. of Franklin, Lane conn tr, last week killed what be believe waa th largest 00a gar aver killed la tb snouB' tain ia that region. It had a vary heavy body and measured eleven feet ami bib Inches in length. G S Dodge plead guilty before Justice Fuut Friday moralog to assault aud bat tery on hi wife ad wa fined $50 for which be went to jell. Ne vldoic waa produced to prove that b aaultd hi wife with a knife. Oregon City Coerier. Will & Surk. tk jeweler. Fresh crisp eelery at Allen Bio. Keep yoar eyrs t,peo for (Wga'm it PI amcu a. A foil line of clears in ! U1I1 .01 at F E Ahn a. Ail 1 inoe ol choice ami coikia eppist at Alien uro. Ltd toe Oxford ties at greatly red a cod rate at Klein Bros. Mast be sold. A Urpt line of elegant gt.M w At one I ttty new tray al Wilt & Stark . All kinds of farmer prod-tee Lieu in ex change lor jrroeartr at F E Allen a. Oh! Ladies, look hare! 5 ptskase !od . .... . i . . urc Au.o tar cent Kilk umbrella in nstural wood hautlle eboau al French a Jewelry store. t at get your m mey s wnrtli when yon bay ei.a nn.lirelias at Mooch a. The fiorst lino of picture frame ever in Albar-y at FurtftiillerS Irving'. Freeh Mouha, Java and l lndid cotTeo rt ceivcd co every atcstuer ft Allen tiro. Allen Cm alwaya keep their customtr to)'pI:eA with fresh butter and e'ge. ua to r r. waa wnoo y hi want tomt- thtue sweet. Ilonry, nispla sjirii, itc. The very latest .) Ie aad novelties ia th millii.ery lino J !. rouetved at the Miaata IU1I a. Valian t - tita,n. V W Davis in u..r in charge of th IX,! moi,tuo rett.arsn. McaU 23 ennt. KmU ro oysters, f rip h. rif-nj,j h,t-e!aaa. for firt.ela meal call St th City Res taurant. Everything dsinty and rtaat. Meals, S3 oettla. Uoard and lodging f 4 00 per aek. iK-oi.lndly the la.est and ctniout variety rf t-a tn town u at C V. Browne!'. Suu drir.1, basket fiitd, -em. Hack, English brtiakfaat. Sic. KkaNY Dead. C G Burk hart received a dispatch thl morning from J M Keeney, brother to George 11 Keener, at Salt Itke City announcing the death ol the latter at that place. HI body will be brought to hi home at I falser for burial. Tiiit Jury DisAnse;-"r;hIs morning at 9:33 o'clock!'! j'iry came In in the In gram case, and on reporting; that It waa Impossible for them to agree were dis charged. The Democrat learns that the following was tho way In which thev stood: For murder In first degree: W S Elliott, Peter Hither, W E Potter and A J Davis. For murder in second degree: S S Mytr. Ab Humphrey, J N Guliiford, ana n. 1 nnelton. ror accuittal: U C Moon. J U Murndorf, John Wright, and Frank Peterson. BnouotfT to Albany. Chief ot Police Hoffman returned last night from Seattle with J 0 Stoll, the yonng roan whom he had arrested on complaint of O U McFar land on char&eof forging hi father's name Mr Stoll asserts that be bad always been authorized to sign his fathers name, and that the reason the check was protested was because hia father thought lie was spending too much money. He was taken before Justice Humphrey this morning and hold under $500 bonds to appear on next Moddar, when, it is thought the mattor will be settled lis was in jail in Sehttle five days, an ex perience be did not enj-y very much. KericiTO Ladies. My cloaks have now arrived and I am enabled (ogive the ladies of Albany bargains in fall and winter cloaks for a few days only. I wi'.l have at my store a sample of every style of eealette and cloth cloaks or jackets made by one of the largest E-t!j,ern manufacturers. They comprise all the novelties of the season. These goods will be in the store for a few days only and will be sold at wholesale prices. Call early and secure the best selection. Q W Simpson. For Sals Twenty-tour acre tract of land, nil In cultivation, suitable for prune erchard, $45 per acre. Inquire on prem ise of Win St John, 4 mile west of Tan gent. -e. .... Kellogg School. TheKelloggschoo of dress cutting at corner of Flrstand Baker In the Ralston house is now open. Lessons not limited. Ladies are invited to call and examine the system. If afflicted with toalp diseases, hair falling out, and premature baldness, do not use grease or alooholio preparations, but spply Hall's Hair Renewer. Do not buy your boots and shoot until you see the piano at KloinlBroa, and aa well have eisuiiuod:tbetr laro g too it of good. . ; Ladies Oxford tie at Klein Bros. Cheap est in the eity. VV ill be sold at greatly re duced rates. An Kxamils. The teas for American oonsumptioa are bought in China by Euro ?ean experts, who ar oalled "tea-tastera." 'be encyclopedias are authority for tha fact that ia a few years they have to giye up their laerativa position with shattered oon stitatiou. The unheal thfulness of the ad terationa and mineral oolprio matter o not be. xaor strongly put. Beeah's 1 par a ehiMkeed. For sal By.AlUa ' Littler & Ball, dentists, will make artifl eial plate of aluminum. The heslthisal most durable and )ight?et weight of a-vy other plate, We want to introduce t!ii kind of work 10 this vicinity. - ALttilT rt'BUC kH'Bwwl. The rules, regulations and course of study adopted by our School Board for the more efficient management of Albany public school is one of the most com prehensive yet published in the state. As it has been ordered that one copy be furnished each family natronlzlmr the school, we give only a few leading ex tracts: The public school shall ba claim! fled aa Primary and Grammar departments. The Primary department shall consist of the First, Second, Third and Fourth grades. The Grammar department shall consist ol the Fifth, Hlxth, Seventh and ftigiun grades. The course of study which la nrinted in full Is one hitherto adopted In this district, and is similar ta the course used by tho Salem public schools. Instead of a nine years' course, it has been cnt down to eight years with the sstne amount of work. The studies are such as are used in every grammar school with a primary department, sneh a tire pub lic sciioois 01 roruano, rsaiem or nan Francisco. Each pupil who will have acceptably completed ths course of stndy prescribed, snail receive a diploma signed by- the County School Superintendent, Principal- ana me isoaru 01 uirectors- The school year shall consi.t of forty weeks, or two hundred school days, in cluding legal holidays. The first term shall commence on the second Monday in HenLmber of each year, and shall continue twenty weeks The second term shall commence on the Monday following the close of the first tcrm.aud shall continue twenty weeks. Tb 1 a . a uuring scnooiuays teachers are re- lulred to be about the school premises rom 8 :30 a m to 4 o'clock o ni. at which latter time they are to disperse in such a manner as to go at least three blocks ith the pupils. During recesses and noons, the teachers and pupils are allot ted portions of the school premises in sucli a manner as to give every pupil the neneut 01 a teacners' presence and innu- ence even during playtime. This ar rangement will make immoral conduct about the school an impossibility. The enlr valid excose for tardtneaa (except as provided in Rule 45) shall be 1. htckness Of the pupil. 2. Sickness of astne member of the family requiring immediate attendance ol the pupil at home. A. Uanger to health from serious ex posure. 4 Home urgent cause rendering punc- ..-!;, . .lv.l . , - r .ua.i. ,uiuaauio w catreuieiy iucun' ven lect in case of absence or tardiness the en pils shall bring on their return to school an excuse in writing from their parents or guardians, stating the reason for such ausence or tardiness. In case of fire alarm : 1. Rapid ringing of hand bell.all pupil turn. 2. Second tap arise. S. Third tap.all march outside of yatd The tuition of non-resident pupils per quarter ol twelve weeks shall be as fol lows: Grade one, two, three, four, $5. Grrules five, six, seven and eight, $7-50. me following; questions will assist pu pus in determining whether they are non-residenta : W her were voa last enumerated? Where is the home of voor narenta or guardian? I Did you come to this district solely for school purposes? How long do you intend to remain in this district? Are you willing to make affidavit that your only home is in this diiti ict T The officers are as follows: Hon L II Montanye, Hon J K Weatherford, John Foshay, Esq., C G Burkhart.Esn... Clerk. And the teachers are : J B Horner, A M, Principal, Miss Marv Blount, B S D.Miss Clara Gard, BHD, Miss M M Laogblin, MiasK V Crossett, Miss Iaabell Gray, 1) S D, Mrs Kate M Aiken. BSD, Miss Ab bie Wright. US. Miss Mary Sedgwick. A BiUlrlrt lastllat. A teachers institute was recently held at Scio, which was pronounced a very successful affair. Prof Russell respond ed to the reception tendered the teachers in a very pointed, entertaining manner. Mrs Brown was heard in a select read ing. Prof Horner delivered the lecture of the evening on "School Management" which was replete with good advice to teachers and pupils. Interspersed dar ing the exercises were eonfs and music by the band. The next morning the matter of school institutes was discussed. Prof. Russell, who opened it, sUting that he intended to organize at least four institutes in the county. He waa followed by Messrs Geddes. Brown, Cyrus, Wilson, Goin, Richardson and Morris. A committee was appointed on pro gram for the next meeting. M R Brown discussed the subject of school management, and was followed by Profs Goin, Long and Geddes, Mrs Goin, Misses Moore and Myers, Profs Barzee and Sutherland, all giving good ideas on the important subject. Mrs Goin opened the subject of "Pri mary Reading," which was discussed by Supt Russell, Messrs Harnisii, Cyrus, Barzee, Latta and Mrs Brown. Supt Russall spoke iu behalf of the teachers reading circle. The eubiect of orthotrraDhv era intro duced by Prof Geddes, followed by Prof 1,1:1 V. it 11 mm ana airs urown. Dr Cole spoke on the subject of physi ology. Supt Russell and others followed. A report from the committee on reso lutions was read, thanking the people of Scio for the rocepuon, the choir and band for music, Prof Horner for his in structive lecture, Mrs brown for select reading and Supt Russell for his active labors in school work. Adjourned to meet on Friday evening, Dec 4th. For bargain in monument, headstones etc, so to E VT AchiaontCo.Albaay.Oresea Fresh roasted cotfeea at F E Alloa's. To Tka Drinkers. Probably three fourth of the tea consumed are "Green Teaa " Unpleasant as the face may be, the bright, shiny green ao familiar to ua all la not he natural color, but is due to the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and other mineral color. That coloring hide the effect of poor tea is undoubted; but is it healthful, and doea it not call loudly for the Importation of a brana ef pure, uneolored, unman ipulated tea? r It was thl condition ol affair that prompted the placing of Beech's Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, un eolored leal it Is different in color from any you ever used. It draw .'a canary color of a delightful fragrance that Is a revelation to teA drinkers, and its purity make it more economical than the arti ficial leas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only In package, wo cent per pout.d. Ask for Beech's Tea, pure as childhood, foi sale by Allen Broa., Flinn block, Albany. Teachers Examination). Notice Is hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers, for Lin oounty, will take plaoa tn Albany, oom- menntng on Wednesday, Njv. 13th, at 1 o'clock, p m and omtlnue until Friday noon, Nov. IS, h, All teachers must positively be present at the time of oom menoement, aa no one will bo admitted to the examination who ts not so present. OF. KUSSKLu, County School 8nt Waoa Baby waa staat, we giTS her CHmjIb. When aha was a Qld,ahe esied for Ckswsrla. When aha beeasaa Utaa, she efusg to CSsWosia. Wkca ske bad Children, she gav teeaa Oaeknria. Wmerk to Gbt Them. When wanting an organ or plana call oa G L Blackma n where you can select from a first class toe;. "German oyrxi For Coughs & Colds. John V. Jone3, Bdom, Teat, .writes I have used German Syrup for tha past six yeara, for Sore Throat, Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chott and Lungs, and let tne say to any one wanting such a medicine German Syrup ia the best. B.W. Baldwin, Canirlle.Tein.. writes : I have used your German Syrup in my family, and find it tha best medicine I ever tried for oougha and colds. I recommend it to erery one for these troubles. R- Schmalhausen. Druezkt. ol Charleston, 111., writes : After trying scores of prescriptions and prepara tions I had on my files and shoJros, without relief for a very severe cold, which had settled on my lungs, I tried your German Syrup. It gare me in. mediate relief and a perma nent cure. G. C. GREES, Sole Manufacturer, Yoodbury, New Jersey, U.S.L B ASK OP (CIO, CIO, OBEOOW, ProsMant.... , J I Ki Via Preauteat . Jar Ut S Mat Mont, tl Brysat EOetM, Jake P South aa a (sear Ir 4a aaa ease' i-t is PHOTOGKAP IC R, Cor Seond and Forty fit, Albany, Ol O UPKRIOR work, guarantoe.1 iu over O branch of the an, taTKiilaiglng o H kludss specialty. VTOTICKTO DEBTORS, Having gone out of traaineaa I eiro lo close up all oatatandioa account. All persons Indebted to me are requested ta call on me and settle at oooo. J J. DUBRUILLE. B SMITH A WESSON REVOLVERS" B Th Flnett Smst! Arm Esir Hr,utarfure.H B Usrrrtiet-f.l -as, .. a . S A, '; R ACcuRicr DURABILiT", EXCEL! t W0RKtf..hHII S3 C0.EliESr LOADING art t Beware of ci imitation.eA-i 13 Send forl:;n.-J CirUevs s4 Price b:t iogj f, MASS. b m :.a : t . 2. a ;,s 5 a Caveete. and Trade-Marks obtained, and aU Pit oat tnuioeas eoadacted for atooerxte Fees. Oar OSes ta Opoowt If. S. Pittnt Otfice, asdwaeaaaer'nr pateot Inlets tune than tkoes remote from Wsabineton. bead model. Craving or pboto wti?t deacrin tlon. We adrlre. If patentable or not, free ot cbarre. Onr fee not doe till patent iaseraeed. A Pifltohlet. 'How to Obtain Patents," with name of ctnd client in your State, county, ur town, eat tree. Address, 0rpoa Patent 09c. SVithlnclaa. 0. C A Revelation. - Tew peoplo know that tho bright WtrJstygTeen erSer of the ordiasBT teaa expeaed la the wSatfs at not tbo nat tuoleelezt rnpttaiaiilaa tho faet may be. It is xnrvtntbeleas artlflctaH xclnond eolerlnc saaHev Vetnt caetl for thla , fiuqieee. Tb effect Is twee fold." It not only xeakea lbs . tea a bright. tbfTB green, bnt alae pernrtki rLa Ba of offodJor " aad werthlea teaa, whteb, once wader tbo greea rloek, or readtly worked off aa a gtMd TnaHry of lea. An eminent sratbottty wrtta oa this iub-)eet- "The msatp-niattoa of poor tea, tegiv them a finer neartmee, i. carried ta exten- : strely. Green tea. 1-c.i.f la fbla eonntry especially vopa'.ar, are (raduced to meet tbo demand by coloring rheaer Wck kinds by J'axlug or facing with fruwtAnblae.tttnierie. rypsum. and indtgn. ThiM uteUiod It to see era! (Aal very h'fck o:aa.'.t- v.trJired sfrv-.m tt of end fir tale." It waa the knowledge t f thl cocItttu rt rln that prompted the places ot Beech 'a Tea th puUIe. lt Is absolutely j.cro and without color. Did yoa ever te any rennlne uncolared Ja;an tea? Ark ycuv rncer to open a r ackaee ot Seeeh'a, aad yea wUl as It, and probtoly for tbo very fint lime. It will be found ta eo'.or to be J-.wt be tween tb artificial green tea that you Lara been accustomed to and the black tret. It draws a delightful canary eoLw, aud is ao fn&rant tkat It wljl be a revelattoa to tea drinkers. Iu parity, make tt abo more economical than tho arrtSetal teas, fur le ol it 1 required per eup. Sold only la . lackage bearing thl trade-marie: ... BEECI x. TuresWdhod: If yosu Toear dor not hav tt, be win tot it Sorrow, moses per poand. For sale at ALLEN LBANY BROS., OREGON Bt(t o ts oeknewledferA the leadlna; remedy for - teOBMSYaMSMS eft Clleert, 1"h onlT aara Maaaitw tar IjoncorrwoBoerWhltesv I Diwarlba ttand feel iaiTT aaJotaieerazuBandiDaia I Taifcraswwtwiirin. to all iimwani. . o0HISTI,e, .3M A. J. BXUW BK, M. . jiBCAVtra, aim " Id fivld ty Iravista , SUnard fcCuskk. Agwnra- ADMIM.STRATCR S HOTICE. agOTICB IS HEREBY OIVEX THAT O. P. At uoanow, jr. tne undemtened, hasth' day been sppointed administrator of th estate ot Henry Oraaer, deceased. All persons hiring claims against said estate must present said claims to tba under siguelat th offio of J K Weatherford, In the eity. at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, properly veriSed. vated UUs Ust day of September, 139V O 'P. OtlSHflW i. J I WaATHBsrsKB, Administrator, Attyior Admr. . ( &) AOMSNISTRATORS NOTICE. " NOTICK 13 HEREBY GIVES THAT THB TJK derslgnod has thm oay been appointed admin istrator of tb estate of Andrew Ralston, late of Lmn county, Oregon, deceased, by the county eonrt of Llnn oounty, Oregon. AU persons haring claims against said estate are heraby notified to present the asm properly verified to the undersigned at theemee of) K. Westherierd, Albany, Lien county, Oregon, within auc month from the data of this notice. Dated at Albany, this 18th day of October, 1801. OP COSHOW, Jr, J K Weather! errl, Adminirtrator. Atty for AdoiinUrator. (10:X2) ItaiiOYRD. W E MiiPherson has re moved his loan and insurance office t opposite the Masonic temple, where at pjesent he has plenty of money to loan on Albany real estate. SI . . i ia V ."aa IB jtwusileaa- lit -f a-! ' ins 1