8b 3c tMttat FRIDAY KOVEMUER 6, 1891 LOCAL, RECOUP. Hoaau Thikvbs CAtioiir. Sheriff Croltan hat, through that eternal vigil ance wnicn U securing for him con quest, ewceeded In effecting the capture 01 a couple more home thlevee. iher arrived la Salem veatenlay at about o'clock and an hour later were In Jl. On October 7th two mares were stolen from the pasture o( Daniel Stanton, at Crre wetl. The atolen team waa littchtd to an old hack, with panel bed, painted black and had on old work harness wl'h new br lilies. The information received br the aherift waa to the effect that the team had been atolen by two men accd 50 and 37 Tcara. The outfit deacribed above, driven bv two men, arrived In Salcin on the Scio road late yesterday afternoon. having been camped for a ahort time a abort lime a few mllea frum Salem. Ar rlvln here, the stopped near Ooulet'i livery stable, wr-tre they offered a couple of taddlea for aa!e. Bert HensUy apoited them and noli fled the aheriff. who followed them, resulting aa above. The namea of the n.en arretted, who are thought cer lain to be the right onrt, are Charlea Henry and F8 PhllHpa, and from letter in their pocket It la learned one la from Nebraska and the other from Kanaaa. They are each aged about 35 eara.-Statet man A Ghost Stoat, A atory told a Pans- ocrat man to day, by a gentleman from away from Albany which we do not re member having heard before may explain whv couple of Albany voting men have not been aJteptnr on their Cascade clalma recently. C. B Winn, Oeorge Morehouse ano oeo riper paid a visit to the umten bush region, and went to bed together, three aide by aide. During the night Mr Winn, who waa In the middle, and had been having a realists night generally ,waa atartied nv a very bright light aninlng re fulgently In the comet oi the room, and a man appeared In the mldat of it The other aleepera were awakened, and all aaw the eight, causing three ponpadoura at once. Then the vision ditappeared. Perhapa aome one want the claim wiree than the present claimants. CoaVALua Abrkkhm it City Assessor J M Porter has completed the city assess tnent roll, and the extension of the cor porate limit of the city pnta a consider able increase on the totals. Hie tot I valuation of real estate aggregates fAltt, 400; of pereoual property, 1328,214 ; total valuation of all property, $iM7,434 ; indebtedness, $213,679; exemptions, $21,740, leaving the value of the total Usable property $"12,315. The tax levy, which will be five mills, will run the total amount of taxes to $3,661.57, an increase over last year of $1,275.49. .Gazette. Mixnca Matters. John L Dean has filed with the county clerk proof of $100 labor on the Old Fidelity claim in the Bantiam district. On October 21st A Hatvorscn located tba Honest Injion claim in the Kantiam district, abont W of a mile southwest of the White Bull. Two or three men who have come down from the mines report the big stamp mill nearly ready for business. It will probably be running by Nov 15th. Aoa axu Yocth. Hugh Fields, of Brownsville, well known all over the state aa an extensive farmer, stock raiser and speculator, was married recently to a Miss Ptillman. Mr Fields is credited with being worth about half a million, and can support his young bride in all the luxury she may wish. Ochoco Re view. The case is somewhat similiar to that of Benton county's half millionaire, Mr John Foster. Marion's AasaaaMisrT. For aeveral day, all lat night, and up to an early hour thla morning. County Aseor Cleaver and assistant, EJ EJes, have been figuring up the tola's ef the sneumtnt of Marlon county for 1841. At an early hour thla morning a trial balance of 'he taxable property waa reached. If no mistake haa been made In the addition, taxes will be collected thl year on a total valuation of 7.38 . against $7,654,930 Statea tnan. Thla will place Marlon county second and Linn county third In the fate. though the gapof last vear between the counties ba been wonderfully decreased. - Probate Matt a as. In the matter of the estate of Wm Peebler, report of ale of real property approved. Final account filed and Tuesday, December 8th 1891, at one o'clock p m, fixed aa the date for hear Ing the aame. In the matter of the application of Wm W Chapman to become a citizen f the United State, he wa duly admitted. In the matter of the estate of Maria Crewse, acceptance of guardian ad litem filed. Anawer of guardian filed and order for sale as praved for. In the matter of the estate and guardian ship of Guv and Nellie Thompson, In ventory and appraisement filed. In the matter of the estate of Elijah Saltmarah, citation issued returnable Dec. 7 i8yi. Rtrxorr with A Darkey. Three o four week ago Lillian Young aged about sixteen, of thla city, where ahe waa well known on account of irr rather wild habits, (kipped out with Oeorge White, jl darkey. They went to 'Portland, where White and a white man, who waa enamored with the fair Lillian ha J a right to see who would keep her From there they went to Astoria, when, yesterday; on complaint of Miaa Young's mother, now a resident of Corvallia, both parties were arretted by Sheriff Smith, and will be taken to Cor- vaWe for trial. They were living together when arrested. Ikdicteo Five Timis. This morning the grand jury indicted Fred Reed, tbe timber land man who haa been In jail eevsral months, five time, on charge of obtaining money under false pretense Reed la one of the meat notorioua timber land swindler on the entire coast. Ills victim can be found all over Oregon, California and Washington. Eugene Guard. Thl i the man Albany officers had auch a run after under the wire work without capturing him In twenty year 81a divorce were grant ed in Multnomah county, said to oe a record which place Portland ahead of Chicago. Take the country over, irom 1866 to 1886, the divorcee granted were 338,716, an increase of 157 percent inihat twent) years, while an increase of only 60 per cent in population la passed to our credit In the aame length of time. So that .the' increrse will be een to be general. Linn county haa been doing ber ahare. - A Loss to Oregon. The funeral of R S Wallace at Salem was to take place thl afternoon at a :3o o'clock. Business houses generally were draped In mourning for JLalem'a leading citusen. It waa hi push that eave Salem her Wir bridge, and he ha lead In all enlcrprUe with money and Influence. The lea ol auch a man 11 one not alone to the city he live In but a well a to the whole state, BiiLDixo and Ixak. Tbe director of met at the office of the secretary last nigni. ano loanec- tome 3.oo at Te"Yl".V seventy-live m"m"l """"V" were nominated for auditor to be voted on at the annual meeting of stockholder on Wednesday. statesman A Literary Society Meetwq. At the literary society of the public schools held last evening the question, "Which is the S renter evil, intemperance or war," - was e bated, and an interesting address by Dr O W Maston, on "Physiology." was listened to with marked attention, The Doctor presented some facts that rfhould be remembered by the young people who heard the lecture. ' Wheat remain at 8j cents, with very little movement Farmer who did not sell when it waa 86 cent are generally j waiting lor a uonar. wi.i tney get itr Makes thr Best. It la a well known fact that If you wa.it E stylish ault of clothe made to order you have to go to L E Blaln' tailoring department, under charge of E A Schlffler. He ha a fine line of suiting on band and make them up In a manner to give general tatltfao- tloa. - Tb Cbarlea E Etna kid, feltVs msaa- f sot mad at Philadelphia are tba best in the marktt. Call at A B McIlwairA end ex amine taarnJUfort pctrehaaing. .. .', "! 1 1 . . JLLLJ A ' 1 11 1 ' W ii lt Hit Towell, daughter ol Trof Towell, at one time president of the Albany college, and also state superintendent 01 vregon, na oven having a romantic career since leaving this city In 1882. In 1883, Prof Powell then Wing president of the Beattle col lege, Miss Powell, wno nau aireauy ob tained a good reputation in Albany for elocutionary attainments, delivered an address of welcome to the famous Vil- lard party. Subsequent events in the young lady's career form a fitting sequel to this meeting with Mr Villard and his family. Shortly after the retnrn of the party to the east, Pml Powell died, and Kirs Poa-ell with her eon and two daughters went to New York city to re side. Some months after this Mrs Vil lard wrote to reporter of the Post-In-telligenrer. calling attention to the young lady who nad delivered the speech of welcome, and asked for her name and address. At that time the paper was being sent lHh to the home of Henry Vil!.t In Ki Ymk mn. ln (nihil of Mrs Powell. Reference to the sub scription list disclosed the fact that the two families were living in the metropo lis within two blocks of each, other. The reporter wrote MraMllarrt giving her the deaired information. She at once sought the young girl and took her un der her chaperonag. A strong friend ship sprang up between Miss Powell and Mias Villard, and together they pursued their studies in music and German. About three years ago Miss Powell re turned to the Pacific coast, and shortly afterward became the wife of Mr Drum heller, a prominent banker of Spokane Falls. Her sister is now the wife of Dr K U Johnson, of that city. Miss Powell is now about 28 years of age. Forged Ilia Fatiiir's N ami. About Oct. ut one John O Stoll, traveling aalca man foi hi father'a wholesale saddlery o nae In Sacramento, called on O C Mc Farland, of thl cltv, soliciting, ordera, aa had been his custom. Aa It often occurs he claimed to be abort of ready caah tor raveling expense, 10 Mr McKarland en orsed a aide draft which aesmed to have een drawn by young Stoll' father. In hi a vor. Before Stoll left town Mcrarland became auaplclou of him, and followed him to Portland, but Stoll gave him the up ai-d escaped. Mcrarland threw htm off hie. guard by informing a friend of ..... i- - 1 . - . t ..... I.. uiuu inn nc wouiu oo training, dui ici the matter drop. Later, the check having passed tr.roueh aeveral bank waa dKhon- ored and protected a a forgery, and paid oy MCfarland. On last Saturday Mc Far! and waa Informed by a friend that Stoll waa In Seattle. Chief Police Hofl man waa called and the police In Seattle were notified and hi arrest wa made at nee. Hoffrr.an no doubt haa chareeof fellow by thl time, having left for that on yesterday noon tratn. Caooc Couxtt. Married, at the resl dence of Mr andMrtGeoCline, in Prine- viue, unnday, Oct 25th, Justice Bell officiating. Mr R P Ilarrioston and Miaa Jane Grain. All of the new machinery haa been placed in the mills and now Prinevllle can boast of having as good a mill of its aise as there is in eastern Oregon. Monroe Hodges returned last Saturday from California, where he had been with a band of horses. Mr Hodges says the horse market in California is dull, but he roan reed to disnoee of all ha took there, -and will drive another band to California next season. W F Elliott and family arrived last week from Linn county. They tried living in'webfoot two years, which was all they could stand, hence they retnrn to bunchgrara. Mr Elliot brought out 100 head of yearling and two-year-old steers. Ochoco Review. A Caxmbrt Opportunity. Hon Allen Parker and son Ted, are In the city. Mr Parker offer to bring H canning outfit, a good one. to Albany , and establish a fruit cannery here under very favorable teima, and If our citlaen want such an Institution, and they certainly do, they should get on ome action and act at once er tome other city wilt secure It. The plant la a gvd one, wiiR a capacity of j$o to 300 cases In 13 hour, which would give Albany one of the best canneries In the state. A capi tal stock of $6,000 or $7,000 1 probably all that would be required. Mr Parker will put In hi plant at $4,000 and take $1500 of It In stock. Let there be Immediate action. - Pretty Early. The overland train, which has been arriving at Albany at 6:30 o'clock, will hereafter arrive at 4:33 0 clock, two hours earlier. Though on the face an Inconvenience to many, it will fjlve people an opportunity to get to Port and earlv and make better connection ith the East and Sound. The Willamette this aftarnoou was jnat tint f-ct above low watar mark . Have JS noticed that Allen Rroe' gre- eery store is alwaya full of fruits, vege tables, etc, tie very latest In the mar ket. If there is anything to be had they have it. Apples, Cabbages, urapes. lornips, Cranberries. Cauliflower, Oranges, . Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Carrots, Pigs Feet, Celery, Saner Kraut, Beets. Rbab I ' i , Wno Is ' .. i F. JC Ailbx. . Why w topimsad avery one kaew, bat you should not jusl give him a ealf.opposlte the Masonie TaiU, and you will find It the place to buy good frsth groceries chosp. Notice. The next meeting of the Linn county alliance meets on Friday, before the second Saturday in Nov. at Scio, at 10 o'clock a m. All nnionsare requested to be represented as matters of import ance are to be transacted. By order of tne president. . " x n muxkerh. JuxcnoM Electiox. The citizens tick et was elected at the Junction election Monday, as follows : Mayor,F A bay lor, Br; councilmen, H P Gilmore, II Bandy, MM Eccleston; recorder, J J Butler; treasurer M Beebe ; marshal J W Kirk. ' fstvCBEaa. - It U vary important in this as ef vast matarial progress that a remedy b pleasing Ut tbe taste and lo tb eve, . easily taken. aocepUbl to the stomach and healthy in its fiatora and effet. foaseaaing that quali ties, Symp or rig is the 00 patfect lax tire and most gentle diuretic known. If aflieted with ies!p diaeaaes, hair falling cut. and premature baldness, do not at great or alcoholic preparation, bat apply Mall a Uair lienewer. Littler A Ball, dentiats, will make artifi etal platea of alamlonm. The healthiest, Biost ' durable and liuhtst weight of any other plate. Wa want to introduce thia kind of work lo this vicinity ho not buy your boot andahoes until ee ths piano at ICluinlBros, and a w Rave examined their large atook of good. Dor't go to the trouble of running all over the city, but go directly to Conn A Hendricson's and get what you want in the GROCERY line. Their 1 stock is large and well-selected Fresh produce and fruits can always be secured at their stands at- the lowest pricee. You get eood goods and prompt attention. In crockery, glassware, lamps, etc., they are also caving a big run. - jno better place In the city for bargains In this line. Don't close your eyes against these facts, Removed. W B McPherson lias re moved his loan and insurance office te opposite the Masonie temple, where at present lie nas plenty 01 money to loan r Albany real estate, -. t , luat rtoeircil new and opened for ratal llat I BrawncU a th Xollo-ing . Chow Chow, ' , ' . 'c Cooking Mol&etea, ' Pickles in vinegar, t , . , .'.'' fislt Harrifig, Salt hiufih, ' Ball tslm.m. " May be seen the finest stock ei gold and silver watches, diamond and other rings, jew elry, silverware, r m the city. 1IAI. ARB) lst MORAL MOXOAY. Ted Parker, of Yaqulna Bay, was In the city Saturday, Rev E N Condlt went to Salem this noon to attend the funeral of R S Wallace Mlia Mamie Vaughn, of Seattle, la in the cltv. the irurtt ef her (liter. Mr W L jeter. The engagement of Mr Wm Drown and Miaa Kote latel.oisan Fiancitco, I an nounced. The latter la a niece of Mr Jullu Joseph, with whom the retlded In Albany a couple year sgo, ar.d Mr Jullu urigwnoi, TCEaoAY. Mr V. F IUsd left thla noon for the mines. Rev W R Stevenson,- of Portland, is In sua cuy. G L Brush, the Portland real estate man, Is in the city. Henry Frank went to AlUnv this morning to work tor the H P H R at that point. He will be in the depot. Eugene viuara. in reniaina 01 u u uouiev war bronght to Albany thla noon and laid to rest in the city ceineterv. where short services were held. Mr Chaa Finer, postal elerk on the ft P Is spending a day or two at Albany, tbe guest of Mr K W Langdon. He has just returned from a trip to Seattle. 8 O Porris and family have moved from Mill City to Albany. O A Cheney, assisted by a eon, ia now running the Uasette of that tow n. Mr Montgomery, recently with the O P, has accepted a position with the 8 P R R Co aa night operator. Arrange ments have also been made bv which the employes will only work about ten hours A day Instead of sixteen or sev enteen. The family of Mr D R Prlchard arrived from Dakota on Monday and have taken up their abode in our city. MrPrichard is one 01 our good mechanics. Corvallls Uasette. Mr Prlchard is a brother of Rev Prlchard. of Albany, and resided here several months. P A Cochrane, ol the Wood barn Real Estate Agency.ia in this city. Mr Coch rane, a former resident of Tangent, re ports Woodburn to be having a very live and substantial growth, considerable building having been done there this year. Claude Mansfield returned this morn ing from a trip to his hot spring ranch near Breitenbuah, where he haa had several men at work, improving the place. He will keep a man there during the winter. Snow had begun falling. Mr William Cox has returned from Portland, where he has been laying brick several months, and is now ready for proposals in Albany. He report) a large number of idle mechanics In Port land, though considerable building Is going on. wanNRenAT. Hon C J Shed J. of Shedd. waa In the city yesterday. Mr B Burtenehaw. of Lebanon, wa In the city today. Hon O N Denny and wife, of Portland. have been In the city a few daya. Geo W Dodder. Ed Blodcett and Mr Obeahamer left today for the front, where each of them haa a claim. Ther wl'l build one or two residences before their return on Saturday. Following are the participants in Del- shaxsar to oe given ia a month or two. the parte for which have not yet been all assigned. rVprano. Mre E W Lang don. Miss B Ellis. Mre M French, Mrs Krown, Mrs L. verick. Hiss K Cowan, Mrs E Vaaaallo, Miss M Burmeater, Miss M CundiflT. Miss B Dorris. Miss M RIner. Miss U Riner, Miss A Cioldsmith. Mis Nelson. Mrs Holbert, Miss A Prlchard, Miss F Reynolds, Mrs II W Young. Miss Liuie Ferrell, Mre J C Littler. Alto. Miss E Irvine. Mrs CW Scars. Mrs 8 Thompson, Mrs F Nutting, Miss M L l-ratiier. Mrs Craw, Mrj w main. MrsJWBlain, Misa A Ftinn, Mrs K Akin. Miss X Oalbraith. Tenor. W 8 Thompson, U E Larimor. C II Hart. J E Miller. Geo Acbeson, Wm Fortmiller. Fred Fortmiller. O McKarland. C Mc- Farland, C Elkins, C Mueller, W Camp bell, A J Carothers, M J Denny, J C Lit tler. II W Young. Itass. C W Sears. D II McCollough, W n Lee, O P Coshow. Mr Brown, W J Ortel, I Ball, W T Hearst, E M Horton, W 8 Philipps, F O Breckinridge, E L Quinn, R Strong, N M Newport. Tub Ladies' Favorite. By perusing the pages of the Fcencb Fashion Journals republished in English by A McDowell & Co, 4 West 14tb street. New York, it can readily be understood how they have Decome "ins favorites" witn ladies. Is sued in Paris by different publishers. they are the leading fashion Journals of the "Old World." It is not, therefore, a matter for surprise that unbiased critics should have pronounced them the best fashion journals ever offered to the American public. "La Mode de Paris" and "Album dee Modes" are rivals for the first place, single copies being 36 cents each, or $3 60 per annum. ''La Mode," the Family magazine, ia only 16 cents a copy, or $1 60 a year. Do not allow newa agent to substitute inferior publications lor these, which can be mailed to you from- New York at the prices here given. 8AWDfsT into the River, The saw mill company at Mill Cltv haa opened Ita aawduat flume alnce Judge Boise declared the aawduat law unconstitutional, and rune It Into the river Instead. The Samllam Lumbering Co. had already expended abont $3000 In making a fume to comylv with the law, but having been proaecuted It haa now abandoned thla fume and runa the aaardutt Into the river. Statesman. Rmleaa Rawa. ptdal to Dauocasv. Salem, Oct. 3. The Scott house at thl city wit entirely destroyed by fire st 3 o'clock this morning. Loss, $aooa Cspt J F Babcock, county clerk of Marion county, the well-known grand recorder of the Oregon grand ledge of Freemasons, died thla morning. He was a popular man, well-known an over Oregon. 19 ftTXAfBt Groceries aad Pravlsloaa. We deal in the aboye mentioned good, and make a specialty of supplying large 000 turners, at lowest jobbing ratea. Aa we are large bayere, aad as this is ear specialty, we Jan make you goed figures. It is now fll and tiji to lav in tb winter tuoDues. Writ to na etvinc aa a list of what you need in tbe grocery and prov:tios line, and tbe qtunttty and quality of tbe same, and we will give yon onr best caah flgnret. W refer you to acy Portland Bank or batioeie noata. KvpRiiiira dc Farbbll. ciftccLtft no. is. Or room Pacific Railroad Comp't, I. C. H0O, RECEIVER. AKAFV1C V ' Dep't, Corvallia, Oct, 31, '91. J To All Concerned. At tralnaNoa 1 and 3 will be discontinued east of Hal- stead after November 7th. will not receive freight for. nor ticket pattengere, to points eatt ot there after that date, until further notice. c c. Hooue, G. F. A P. A CAtEsor DasTixuTiotr should be re ported to Mr Walter Montelth In the Flrat Ward, Mra Dr Kelley In the Second and Mr c w sear in the 7 bird, and hey 111 be promptly attended. Any clothing left with tnem win ne put to good use LARGEST ASS0BTME5T of IEATIHG BT0TX8. - AT MATTHEWS h WASHBUEI'S With hi new bakery Conrad Mayer ablate oneroid sad new customer every thing firatelata lu bafcea goonj. Klein Bros havs a large and choice ttoek af bootsf and thoes for sale at reaaouable friona Do not invest in foot wear until youhave aean tbair ttocE and; tbe elegant piano at their stors. HEiieN CBKiHTIAN ENDS ITS ft IS 1051 The State meeting of the Christian En deavor Societies closed last evening after very successful meeting, delegate re turning home today filled with a renewed endtavor to work In the vineyard. The election of officer eccurred late Saturday afternoon.retultlng In the choice of E S Miller, of Portland, tor two yean the efficient Secretary, at President i F P iooK,ot rortianu, at secretary, and Mist Lena rretion, of 1'ortland, at Cor, secre tary. Caunty and denominational tec re tarlet were elected. in tne evening the M K church wat filled. It wa opened with a song service, somewnat lengthened by the fuse ol the electric lighta burning out, leaving the audience In the dark until a new lute could be Inserted. Rev H L Batet, of Eugene, delivered an able addreti on"The Book we study," . Miss strong, of the committee on reso lutions, reported and resolution were adopted thanking Albany people for the fine entertainment furnished, the Metho dist and Presbyterian for the ute of their churches, the railroad companies for reduced fare, the local newspaper and Oregonlan and Telegram for reporta of the meeting, and the retiring ollicer for theli efficient work. , On motion of Mr Alexander, of Salem.a resolution of cont'olence was passed over the death of R S Wallace, of Salerr.to be ent by the secretary to Mrs Wallace. A question bos wa one of the mo. In teresting featurea of the entire convention. On Sunday a sunrise service of crest Interest wss held at 6:30 at the Presby terlan church. A ma meeting wa held at the M E church st 4 o'clock. Addietts were delivered by E W Allen. President of the State S. B. society, and Rev C 11 Curtis, Superintendent of the Congrega tional Sunday achool mission work. In the evening the large M E church wat 'again full. A consecration set vice wa held, led by the new and popular President, Mr E 8 Miller. Each aoclaty prevent answered to the roll call either by quotation or anon remarks 1 Albany peop'e who have had the pleas ure of entertaining the delegates present from ao many different places, have been greatly pleased who the universal gen tlemanly and ladylike conduct of these Christian young people. cia-itT cerar. Oregon a gt John JewltHury; Indicted tor larceny in a dwelling. On trial. Alice McNeil agl John McNeil; divorce. Granted. Pauline Hegeleagt John Schmeer: re covery of money. Verdict for plaintiff at praved for In complaint. Oregon agt Willamette Valley A Coast R R Co; action to annul charter of cor poration. Motion to dismiss on the ground that the aula wa brought In the wrong county waa allowed. Slate agt Joseph Peter. Indicted for larceny. Found guilty a charged In the Indictment. State agt John Jewlsburg, Indicted for larceny. Verdict guilty of simple larceny itate agt W R McKlnnon. Indicted for ult with a dangerou weapon. Con- unuea. State ot Cnegon as! Harvey Davla. In dicted for aeductlon. Vcrdlctof not guilty. J P ScWIng art Terrv llav. Sale con firmed. Sugar Pine D Sc L Co agt L B Knox. et alj forcloture lien. Decree of foreclos ure granted. T J McClarv. assignee T L Henneae. art Lon Contcr. et al : recovery ot money. Continued. Assignment of Kwong. Woo Kee Co. Continued. F II Williamson agt Mueller Sc Garrett: recovery nf money, judgment for want of answer. 8tewsrt A Son act Sloptr Si Vaughn : re covery of money ; attachment Settled. J T Kearns act Laban Cae et al; on noie; attachment. Continued. L V Davl agt Nellie R Davit: divorce. Continued. Flelschner, Mayer Sc Co agt Waters & Morelock; recovery of money; attach ment. Continued. Ed arard Stover et al agt Mr A W Sto ver e al; partition. Continued. Almlra Miller agt I P and Martha Schooling; equity. Continued. E B Davis set II II Dsvla: divorce. Continued. Vlrond Westlake agt WC We.slake: divorce. Granted. A "hob Item. 8 Young has just re ceived a large stock of shoes, for men, women and children, Including particu larly a nne line 01 school shoes. The est makes in the msrkst can be found In bis shoe departmsnt. vTrers to On. Go to Parkei Bros for fresh frnitaand vegetables. Go to Parker Broe far the best teaa an coffees. Go to Parker Bros fer good baking pewder. Go to Parker Bros for fine baked goods. The best bread, cakes, pies, ete in tbe market. Go to Parker Bros for your groceries generally, aad be assured of good goods and first-class treatment. A piano At Klein Bros Boot and Shoe ator. New cloaks at W F Read's. Lstest styles of hat at W F Beat.,. Reductloo In'aammergoodjiytt W FflUed's Apple"prer f-.r sals st Stewart A So. 8 A Holin, drogglat, French'a corner. Fiaefgrocriee at Conn & llendricann's. LaUst aheet muaio at Will & Link'. Paraaol and ran umbrellas at loaa thaa oostat WFRead'a. Gold spectacle and eye glaaaea, all style and price, at F M French 's. The' finest tin - of pocket knives in the slty at Stewart ft Boa's. Bargains in gold watches at French's, Ths Corner Jewelry 8 tor. A full line ot Wsrner's eoraata, beat in th world for the money, at W F Read's. J. W. Bent ley, leadinr boot and alios maker, just satt of Revere Home. C W Cobb, job printer, Flion Block.'does first elaaa work. Be that elegant piano at Klein Bros B tot and 8bo store. Will&SUrk, (Asjtwelers. Fresh roasted coffaet at F Allan'. Kp your eyes open for bargaina at F I Allen's. t Stewart & Sox sU the very belt cttsnt tampered shear aad acittora. Ladle Oxford ties at greatly reduced ratea at Klein Brot. Mast ba told. A large line of elegant gold watohea ia tatty utw trays st Will ft Stark's. All kinds of farmers nrodnoa takan in ax- ahang for grooerioa at F K Allen's, Ohl Ladies, look here! I ptekagee laoda at r K Allen tor cents, See W F Read'a line of dress gocd ana silk oaiore buying ewewaer. Silk nmbrellaa in natural wood hanSlis shesp at French s Jewelry stors. Xou get your m may's worth whao you buy ailk ambreiia at r tenon a, Th finest Ho of picture frames ever ia Albary at Fortmiller Si Irylng's. X Vf Aoblaon &Co ar aalling manaraaata at Portland prices. Tbs very lateat stylet and novelties in th millinery line just received atth Miaaea Ball s. 'Jail ana aes tbem. W W Da via ia now In oharge ef the Del- taonloo rettaRrant. Maala 23 oenta. . Eastern oy ttars, f rein. .Everything flrtt-clast. Decidedly the largest and eboicett variety of tea In town ia at C E Browne) l's. Sun dried, basket fired, g-een, black, English breakfast, 0. ' o to O C MoFarlaod for aadlary, har ness, whips, robe, all kinds ot bone cloth ing etc, ete. ; - For flrtt-claat metis call at ths City Res taurant. Everything' dainty and mat. Meal, 25 cent. Board and lodging (4 60 per week, 4 A Halvorsen, the miner, has gone to San Francisco, where he will remain during tbe winter. REAL f BTATK SALES, I M Phllpot to Wm Curtis, parcel in seo2, tp 10, HlUw $ 200 OCMalthy to Win Uilyeti, lot II, contAinltiK 12 acres, In (joins Land Plat 1000 I) B Montclth etal to City of Al Imny. right of way to ateoi bridge on Cnlapoota st.Allinny 750 W II Smith to J w nwAtik, s w S of N K , sen 20,tp 14,8 R 2 w COD Brownsville H L Aaan to Ueorgn How. blkl4, (i's 2nd A to N Brownsville..... 103 B Burtenshaw et uz to r Shields, 2 acres In Lebanon 1 J J Dubrtiille and A hln,trutees, to J U Morrison et at, lots 3, 4. 6, 6, blk 2, Maplewood A 000 U M DeVaney et uxtoNC Myers. parcels lit Scio S60 C C Coonerct u to Miller Page, 4 acre in sto 24. tp 1.1. 8 R 1 K. 200 J M Rntatnn et us to A Dodge, lot 8, bl 17, R' 8rd A.Lehannn ... JJDubrnllio etal to OW Watts, lots 10, 11, ii, 11. it. 10,10, If, . 18, tun l. net iw-a a m Llllie M and Everett Ulcliardaon to Aaron Wilson, l Int in 100.65 acres in 1 L (J of Vin cent Wataon 400 J T Kearns admr est of wm IVea- ler to J K hwaiiK, a mulu of (leo Churchill 3.120 J i Ames et al to Israel wood.lots- - 2, s, 0, i)i k 8, ia cweri jiome. do Harvey Shelton et al to Wm Shel- ton. 1 acau in Scio. .......... . 100 rr at . 1 11 tai ec 28, lp 12, BBJw, Patent $11,307 Weather Summary of Meteorology fur Oct., 1801 from observations taken at Albany, Liuu Co, Oregon, by John Brigg, vnl, obsaryar for th Signal rvlo, U. 8. Arm v. Highest barometr on th 3, 30.3$. I9wrt barometer on th 5, 2V.80, Mean barometer fur the month, 3 J. 06. lligbestdaily average of bar,. 30 32. taweat daily average ot b ?'J 8.1. tiighaet temperature on tba 7. 882. lowest temperature on the 1- 2, 33 . Mean for tha mojth, 64.3, Highest dail rang 01 Tl ar. on tb 7, 39. tawaat daily raaga ot Thar, on the 21), 0. Mm temperature at 7 a. m. daily tui. Maa touiperatoie at 2 p. in. daily (i2 8. Mm UmpMatur at U p. m. dally 62 6. Prevailing direction! of wind, N Sc 8. Mat Velocity or fares, 3. Total rainfall or mcltwl snow, 6.41. ItauUi of anow at and of month, 0. Number of days on whiuh .01 ioch or mors rain fall, IX Nambor of days tjfoloudincss averag 8 soai 01 10. 1 A OfSldsya obMirvatitin 8tre oloar, 12 eloudy, 1 1 lair, 10 f igy moraiogs, 13 rainy aa?, u aaay, u overcaat. rroat on the morttiag of 0. Tsmp. J 2 on average of 13 vara. lUiofall, 1.77 00 average of 13 year. t ldioa Otford tlaa at KUla Bros. Cheap in th aity. Will b sol I at gmtly ra daead rata. ToTea Drinrrrr. Probably three fourths of ih teat consumed are "Green Teat " Unpleasant a the fact may be, the bright, -shiny green to familiar to ua all la not the natural color, tut It due I the facing or (taxing ot the tra with Prussian blue, Indlge and ther mineral colors. That coloring hide the effect t poor teaa U undoubted ; but I It healthful, and doea It not call loudly for the Importation of a brano ef pure, unentered, unrnan Ipulatrd leaf It waa lhl condition of affair that prompted lb placing of rVech' Tea before the public Being the absoluirly pure, un colored leaf It It different In color from any you ever used. Itdrswa a canary color of a delightful fragrance that Is a revelation te lea drinker, and Its purity make It more economical than the artl -ficlal tf aa, less of It being required per cup. Sold only In package. cems per poui d. Ask for Beech's Tes, pur st childhood, foi tale by Allen Bros , Fllon black, Albany, MA kill Ell. PROPST GOI.N. On Wednesday evening, Nov. 4th, 1801, at 8 :30 p. ru., at the residence of W, T. Ilea rat, In Albany, by Rev. E. 11. Prichard, Mr. Quincey E. Propst and Miss Ida Goln both of Albany. Only a few intimate friends were pres ent to witness the ceremony. The bride and groom are popular young people with many friends, who will wiah them ranch prosperity and happiness. After a fine supper, the happy couple left for the home of the groom s parents on the Albany prairie, where they will spend several days previous to returning to Albany. CHAMBERS DAVIS. Nov. 4th 1891, at the Presbyterian Manse, by Rev E R Prlchard, Mr Edward Chambers and Mist Millie Davla. The happy couple de parted on the noon train for Portland. IIAK8LF.R-CIIARLTON. On Nov. 1, 1801, at the residence of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Charlton, in Pantlam precinct, by James Williams, J. P., Mr. C. P. Hassler and Miss Icy phene Charlton, both of Linn connty. The Democrat unites with friends in extending best wishes for future happi ness and prosperity. DAVIDSON-LONG. In ilaUer, on Sunday, Oct 35th, 1891, bv Rev Joa Pearl, Mr Chaa Davldsea and MU Viola Long, both ef that city. 1)1 CD. FARLOW. At Millers Station, Linn county, Oregon, October 18th, 1801, Wm. R. Farlow, aged 12 years, 0 months and 1 day. Also on Sunday, November let, 1891, Volnev Farlow, aged 9 years, 2 months and 10 days, being children of Mr and Mra A Farlow. Thus the angel ot death has plucked from the. family garden two promising sons and planted tnem in tne garden ol immortality. These sons were favorites among their associates, loved in the entire neighbor hood ana school. Rev L a Fishei , of tbe Evangelical church of Albany, officiated. 'On the far off shore they'll meet us. Forms that we have loved before. In their spotless robes they'll greet ns, 8inglng welcome evermore." F. GODLEY. In Eatt Portland, Mon day morning, Nov a, 1891, Mr C C God- ley" sgea about 75 years. The deceased came to Oregon in 185s and settled in Albany, where he resided mott of the time until teveral yeart ago. He wa the econd landlord In Albany, running the old PaclQc hotel. He waa in the tin butinet for a number ot veart.and war city treaaurer In 1877. He wat a highly retpected member of the Presby terian church here, being deacon for years. The Ideal Baking Powder Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. " For more than fifty years Cream of Tartar and Bi carbonate of Soda have been .used for leavening purposes with sufficient flour added to preserve the strength of the powder unimpaired, and this with the addition1 of whites of eggs comprises this pure and wholesome leavening agent, that has; been the standard, for 40 years. In its use pure,, wholesome and delicious food is always assured. , - Makes cake and biscuit that retain their moisture, and T7hile they are flaky and extremely light they are fine grained, not coarse and full of holes as made with ammonia baking powders, latter dries up quickly. Alum powders leave a bit ter taste ia the bread or cake. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder once used, always used. rSt of an la hurant Powcr. 17. & OoVt Report, Aug. 17, tSS m 1 1 if r w 11 L:v..jBjs-:'-lr Rtll ANIAII0U MONDAY. Ths new city l ondl arlved this m iruiiia. Thry are elegantly guttati up, ami ar irou lad in their ootnpUion. Thi.re will ba a xpeoial mealing of liantah Rsbekah DaRtse Ladu this ovarii ng aft 7 o'otook shsrp. Let all mamber attend. On ef th bait mad farm wsmnt ever saan in Albany, or any wbara else, is now at Mltonii a Law la uo'a waraboa. It wa on eihibltion at tb exposition, where it st. tiaoted ittantinn. A general uUoriutiou baa been 1 a laud fur receiving the alaotioo relume t'om tbs East ern election tomoriov night. Thsdiipehibea win uome bv tb Waatarn Union, and will ba read in tb Header A HUrnha-g ttors.at the oornnt of First and Broadalbin straats. While etSouavilte tbU weak itav i A Blair received . enough money to build a 0 P oharub there, sad tb work will be let by contract. Any one wishing to bid on tba eama, pleaa call at paraouaKa on Peart and math street, Kogsua Kuvaue Uaard. Firit Ammiversart. Yecterday Key Geo W Hill preached hi first anniversary sermon In Albtny, During the year he haa done noble work for his church, be sides taken an active intereat In everything else that helps Christianity, humanity and temperance. He deserve the high stand ing he possesses with his congregation and the people. During the year there were 51 union with the church, by babtlam.34 by letter and experience, and the financial thowlng of the church It good. TimabAV. - F J Btbonok. who died at Balaaa veatar- da, waa a yaaraofaae. H bad taken th 32od dagraa ia Maaonry.' U moved to Halem from Varmoot in Itltil. , We nsalactrd te maetioa vsaUrdav that on Katnrday night numerous gate war re moved frmn tbair bina-aa and taken to other plaots. It waa Haloweaa aigbU The bda driver baa Wo a bosioea on tha Brat lientco eovaty pior of tb Albany onaga. 1 b wot emau nay no attaotirHi t ths ram, boiog appareled in wet waatbar elotha and work goes ahead ragardlaa of 01a rinvioea. Th following in the Cireatt Cuurt pro aiiiega ol iana auaoty 1 about a former Albany maei SUts of Oregon va Thoa E iisaaaii. Aasaolt with a aaoaamea waamn . Tbe grand iary raportad a tree bill. 11 was arraigaaa thia viurnlag ami took aottj Moo day to piaad. Or Tub River. The William M Hoeg came up the river from Portland today. and went on to Corvallia. As the river at litis city is only one and a half feet above low water mark this ia early navi gation. W fcbXKftbAV. Fresh erispojleiy at Allan Bwa, A full Ilea tf clears and tobsoun at F E Ahaa a. AH Linda of chnloa aatinc and rooking appiaa at aims oroa. Tb Postal Talegrai.il uffie will bow ba foaod in tb Strahee Block. Allan liros alwaya keep their customers sappltad with fraab butter and agga. O o to F K Allan whae Voa waat aoaie- thiog twaat. ilonay, mpU syrup, tta. Fraah Mocha, Java and Klemiid eoffce r eaived on every ataamer at Allan Broa. Rev U W Bill will preach tba anautl Tbankgiviagrmen in tb Baptist church Nov. 26th, at II am. Prof It A flboray will tirasob in tb Coa- gragatioaal charoh of thia eity nait SabVatb morning and availing. D C Sherman, reeeotly deputy oountv lark, haa bean alactad ooaoty dark, to sao eaad F J Babcock, raoantly daesaaad. Tb funeral serviote el Cspt F J Babooek oemrrad at the Congregational cborob in Sslora thla afternoon at 2 e'olnck. ' Several at landed from Albany. Dr Thompson, of 8a a Francisco. Cat.. 8crtary f r tha Paoitis Coast of tbs American Rabbatb Uoion.wlll preach in th al r. coarcn next Sabbatn at 11am. and addraaa a grand mass meeting ia th M E church at 7-30 p in. Ths Ingram murder saae was set for to- morro at 9 o'clock, but it ia probable noth ing will be don before 1 o'nlock. Tba eas U slotting general Intarast. and a 1 are an diaooa will nndoubudly ba preaaet. Tbe 1 waa tat at tat aa it was, in order to parmlt an important witaea to reach Albany from California. Siclex prom a Leduxon Mak.-An account wat given a few days sgo of two men being arrested bv Sheriff Croltan. ot Salem, for tteallng a team of htraet In Lsne countv. When srretted they had two rig. On Friday night Mr William Royce, of Lebanon precinct, had a hack, harneae and lap robe ttolen.l! e description of which waa that of the outfit found, and it waa juat at the time when the thieve would have passed that way. Mr Royce went to Salem thla noon to claim hit property, 4' - - Arretted roaFoRORRY. Last evening a man giving hie name - as Chaa Stone and claiming to have just come from a logging camp on the Santiam, appeared at the Exchange hotel and presented a check to Jas Murray for 127, saying he had gotten in too late for the banks. It was on the Oregon bank. Mr Murray, thinking it was all right, gave him $3, but afterwards refused anything fur ther, as he began to suspect something wrong. Stone waa watched, and on the check being refused at the bank was arrested for forgery, and, we are in formed, admitted his guilt. He was placed in Jail, but had not been exam ined at press time. . . 5 Nearly Drowned. This noon on quitting work on the pile driver Mr A S Miller, the assistant superintendent, Doc Love, C M McDonnell, Ed Stone, Frank Staub and Mr Aiken started acota the river to their dinner In a boat; with four oars. On account of a misunderstanding among the oarsman they run agalnrt a pile driven in the awlft current, and were overturned. Two of the men clung to the pile, two awam to the ahore at once. Mr Miller over 70 yeart of age, had a struggle; but being cool headed swam ashore. Mr Love wat twept into deep water and toward the Aloan'y thore. He made a detpeiate struggle ; but began atrangling, and wat sinking the third time when a man In a boat reached him juat In time to save his life. All the men were given dry clothing, toasted at warm fire, and are doing well. ov tiik soirnr.Bt ot hhky. Nov. 2, 1801. 'Will Taylor, of McClcary, is visiting ma cousin, i- ratiK lay lor, here at present. The country seems to be overrun with peouiars now. Nearly eyery house in the neighbor hood is occupied and more are in de mand, while land for fanning almost unrigs a premium. Mr Talent has about completed his new houae on the Dinwiddle place and a new rooi lint tmcn put on tne Mansr.elu nouse so a lamiiy can winter in it. liear hunting la all the rage now, sev eral nave wen aiiieu in this vicinity. The train killed a valuable filly tor Mr Phillippi, one nljrht last week. The ft I R R Co is gravelling its road from the county line to Coburg. All the bridges and cattle guards at this end of tue line nave !en made new and It will soon ueiii nrst-class condition. Mrs S O Thompson, of Monroe, was visiting her home on the boundary the urmui uie is i re, Mr Bruce llealey has taken his aa igtiter to Albany to attend school tins winter. A cattle buyer wa. here last week. Messrs Willoughby and McNary sold aeveral head. Mr Wrenn, of Eugene, was buying kui.er jn tins vicinity last week, at ten cents a pound. ' Dr Mcudfnliall has turned farmer and has been so ing grain on the Cochran place. While hunting along the boundary one day last week, Judge Whitney became lost and caused his compaion quite a fright by tailing to meet him at the ap pointed place. Had they been paying kuj regaru to trespass notices they would perhaps have had more sympathy from the farroere in the neighWhood. Mr Henry Macy went to 1'ortland on Monday to attend business college this Miss Clara Ihi'pott Is attending school in 1'ortland. Two physicians from an institute in r.uirsiiciico nave recently been can vasaing this neighborhood. TaStCST. Our Tangent Literary toclety is In creasing In membership every meeting. The question for debate for next meeting is, "Resolved, that music is more charm ing man Bowers." Mr L H Loner is for tie affirmative and It 8 Mills on the negative. Tho weekly Hesperian will be read. A revival meeting is announced to be gin on next Sunday night, at the M E church Houth. Kev Thorns s ot this place will conduct the meeting. The diphtheria patients here are all getting well. MixsUeorgia Reard.Clyde Oraves, Kuircne lieard and one more at Lncte John Beard's have had it .only part of them seriously. Mr James Jenks intends building a new dwelling house as soon as the weather permits. There Is not an empty house in Tan gent. A family who came from Lebanon moved a load ol things with the inten tion of remaining, but could not find a place to move into. - November 1st waa tha HKh birthda rJ Grandma IVard. There are not min women who live to be as old as she is, who can get around and work Tike her. She is one of Oreeon'a nioneera wtm crossed the plains in tbe fifties. BKOWtSTlLLC November 4th, 1891. Mr Riggs, of the South town, haa two sons who are quite tick of tyyboid fever. Born, to the wife of Ballard Tycer, on the 2nd of this month, a son, and now Ballard may be seen working early and late with his sleeves rolled nn to hia elbows. A child was born to the wife of Jas. Smith on the 2nd ot this month. Mrs S. was doing well at last accounts. MrJaeDotflu of thia r.ltt Ul Tm nn Sunday morning for 1'ortland to attend tne funeral of Thos Kenia.who was killed o n the West Side division of the S P R R last Saturday. Mr Fenia once lived here tor a number ot years and was an indus trious young man. The life of a brake- man is snort and uncertain. Mr FM Powell is now Marshal nf Forth Brownsville, Mr Moore having re signed. J C Bilyeu has sold his livery business to his brother Mart. Failing health compelled Mr B. to retire from active business. His lungs have been affected since he had the lagrippe last spring. VidlB Photographer A -ay tfregaa. W have bonght-all thenegativt aaoade by L W Oark and W U Greeotood up to Nov 15th, 18S9. DuplioaUa can be had from hem ouly of ua at red need tatea. We bay atao a boot 18,000 ueeativea made by onr eolvea, from wnkk duplicates can be had at llkeiaiea. W oarry tb only full line of vlewi of thia state and do eolsrgr d work at lowet t ratea for Grat elaaa work. M a ahall be pleased to see you at our Studio la Fraraan't black, aestdoor to Maaooie frmple. , Teacher CxanataatUa. Motion Is hereby given that the regular public examination of teaohers, for Una county, will take p'ew in Albany, com mencing on Wednesday, N v. ISth, at 1 o'clock, p ni and omtinee until Friday noon, Nov, lS.h Alt teachers mnat positively be present at tbe time of oom mencemsut, rr no one will be admitted to the examination who Is not ao present. G F. RU8SF.LL, ... County 8eheol 8npt A fine line cfjerookery wars at Conn tc Hendriosjii's. nouoa tne extra nollj croaad rater atad by barbers are sold by Stewart at Sal vTkrrbto GrtThim. VTken wanting an organ er plana call on G L" Rlackma a htre yew nan salect frena a first elaaa tecs.. . . The Albany Market. Wheat, 83 oaiit per bushel, Data, St " " Batter, 15 oenka per lb, Egg. i eent per doa, Potatoes, SO eanta per bnahel. Lard. 11 4 12 cents per lb, Baotn ,Ham, 13 cents; sldev, 11 esata; snodldera, 11 eenta, Reef on foot, 2 2X cent per V Perk, dressed, cents Pr Pleur, $6 psr barrel.' at .hsijuu u i ii au,i i . i P HOTOG RAPHER, CorSeeond andFeriyfit, Albany. Ol j-j ux-j.ri.iuiv wera:. guaranieea in ever O branch of the art. S&Jnlarg1ng e II kiudsaspaoialty . - "VTOTICETO DEBTORS. Having gone 11 out or Duatness l cesire to eiose up an outstanding accounts, ah persona Indebted to me are requested to coll on me and Beetle at ouce. , J, J. DTJBRUILLK. "Tliat is tht flr.t READY MADE guit 1 have wor for Tvt1t Tari," tvi a promintiit busi n88 man th otlir day, as hi walkeid out of the stor of T. L. Wallace & Co. with on of those handsom patUrns and rie)hly tailored garments ndsr his'arm. s A Perfect Fit Nw mattr what shape the short and stout, we ANY A Large and Bea.tiful Line Overcoats, Macintosh A Complete Line of BOOTS and SHOES. Fine Umbrellas, New aad Novel Neekwear, Latest Styles in Hats. And We Wnnld ssnain11w UNDERWEAR. Which ia T leetsd with a xiew to please A no. a winter. 10 eee ii you win buy it. As regards pneetf would say that our daily increase in sales speak Tolumes.althoueh we make no pretensions to sell thaa any ether. Te believe in strictly ONE PRICB to all and hare 1 II - a . ... marictt ail our gooes in vium Jt lgnres. T. L WALLACE & CO tciding GMhien Hen's, Young Hen's and CLOTHINC ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. tit BT l?r When the ballots are counted, The public will find That our great store isn't Running behind; - It is always a winner, We want you to note, . a a t ..as No matter what tieket Or system you vote. You won't want to go behind the returns that we give for your money, We kow what the people want and know where to get the CLOTHING to supply them. In clothing we keep in front; we are away out of view. L. E. BL, Al N, ALBANY, is Guaranteed. man, be he leng and slim or selested our stock te fit and ALL. ef and Robber Goods. anil attsnlinn tn an lini nroa, anrl flftmnlot anA .A those who suffer with cold in . a . . cne eiass of people cheaper tnd Fnrnistirs. Boys Clothing, Fumisli- ORECOrJ,