The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 30, 1891, Image 4

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T K. WKUnEttrOKI),
AtAeraar at Ur. Will oraotloe sll eeHrtseftae
mm, Spaatal atiaau m r"e to mm I prebase
iiWM laoataaa. orriON-lataarUaableok.
B. a. e areas
liutMn at Uw. All aaeleees will receive
MtMUM, ! Oii F tllw-TerapU, Albany, r,
Alvini.T at U. Will pnwUee In ell
M.M. Spaelal atkantkm firea to mattara In erobas
yy n. iulyep,
Alloraey at Lear tad IMlcltflr la Caaaoarr.
IWm mm M all !'"" Iane nefUalMl
arable Urine. Albany, OnM.
p go. vr. wBicaiiT,
attentat alU, aad NtaryluMla.WIIprerloa la all
-i H.I. m.i. wi ! tha I'nltari Htatea cmirle
iiifivi. eniri -front rooms erar Dank (
Oiag-tin, Albany, I'yn.
Iters ay
Law, aal Notary fuVUa. Albaa
FbrtWaa k4 arin, Or'TlCE-Coraer First aa
lerry elreata, Albany, Oregee.
PbreWane aa Sarfaaaa. orn--Onar Baaaad
and Hraadalbta atroata, Albaav, r. Call promptly
atlaadad la OUT aad aaaatry:
ItaaMOpathlaW r8paaUlat la dlaaaaaa ol tba Kjo.
Twaaty yoara aipartaaaa. Ooa hoara T to t a a)
1 tolpaa,aadlolaaoala(. Albaat, rafoa.
PbralaUa aad Iiiiwi. Oradaato at Ratlaaaa Mad
aal Cot aga, Kaw York atf. Dlaaaaaa ot w.iaa a
illy, orriua) fTamanoioaa. i7,r
; r albar t, oaaooM,
Yloa PraaldaBl .
.. S, .TOUllO
rAACT8 A OBSRALaaklBtVaili
arxxMJNTfl RIFT aabtact to aback.
aiairr lU'RiNOI aad tol Taphla
Maw Tark, Saa rraaotaoo, CbioafO aad
r atUad
00XXCTI0KI CAOIaa tatarakla taraaa.
J. I.
B.W. Uvaaoa
L. Fuaa
Kawaaa I . Saa.
Praau.. J fCOWiH,
ftoTproaldaBrrf. HALHTOS.
atCaaklar 0 A ARCHIBOLD.
T danoaa, -J L Cawaa, J Balatoa, W S
iadd, W H waltra, i A Crawar aad O A Arab
TS-A!8ATni aroaoral baaklnt baaiaaat.
..A t T fll !!
LOAJf MOttlToa appcoaad taawUy
KXCCIVI dapoatta wbtort
Traaaaeta a faaaaal baaklac burama:
Exahanaw booght and add 00 ail tba prlaalpal
oltiaa la tha Caltod SUMa I alao aa England, Iralaad.
wranao aad Ooraaaay.
Colloetlona awda at all aaemlbla paiaU aa tarwr
abla Una,
Intoraat allowad aj Ubm dapaalta.
Tie Praatdaal
8 Morrla.
U Bryaat
J S Miaa
Jr Mtbu
S Mat
Jaha Oaiaa
P O Bnutb.
E Ooina,
ont a goaar baaklng aad oaaaaaga baaiaaat
or ronTLAHD. oitBoa.
Paid ap aapltal .
Sorpluaaad proflta. .. U.OO
latoraat aUowad aa am ring daroalla aa lollowa:
, aaanlinary aaringa hank ....4 paroaat pa aaa aaa.
Oa torai aartnga booka ....f par oaat par
Par thraa wtantha 4 par aaat par aaaom:
Far aix aaontha par aant par aaaaac
Par twalra aaoath, .. 0 par anal par an;
PBAXK DKftCM, Praatdaal
D. P. THOMfHO! Tloa-Praatdaat
U. C, ST RATIOS. Caabkon
Star Bakery
CorBro4t4Iba g,ad First SU.
!' al rVwllS,
OpII Frail,
To ,
Cataaeri Heals,
la loot ararrthlqg that la kapt hi a gaaaral .
aarlaty and gaoeary atora, Hlgbaat
markat prlaa paid for
...... PROPariTO". OP TBB....
City LiTery, Feel nl .Sale
Having parch.-' new rigs can fam
ish flrsteia tnrnoo's al oa!l. ."pedsl
sttenf n el ren to trsnnlent slock Uotsea
bosrao-1 by the day or month.
Cheapest Kates fa the City.
Telepbon eonnctlon with tha 8t
Char laa tlolel Telephone orders glren
prompt attention.
Fourth Htreet, between Ellsworth and
Streetcar Una.
r7 7
BR. B . 0. WEST'S Harra and Plrala Traatmaii
gaaranUad aproifle far Hyataria, blannaaa, Conru
aiaua, PI a, Marraaa Manralgia, Haadacba, War ran
PMatration aauaad by tha uaa ol alaahnl ar tebaoaa,
WakWulnaaa, Manul iMpraostoa, Softaning ol tha
Bralx raaoiling la laaaolty and laadlng ta ataary,
lim ddaa.h, pramatora old aga, barrannaaa, laaa
al Pa 'i aaanad by oraMxartlon of tha rrwia
Eaah ka witainaaaa man'h', treatment, tl a box
ar all baa lor S6, aaat by mall prapald aa raaaipt a
aaaa. With oaeh ordar roaairad by oa lor atx boxaa,
aaaanipanlad with $6, wa will aand tha purenaaarour
art Men guaiantoa to refund tha manay II tha traat daaa aal allaet a aara. Ouarantaea laauad anl
ay J. A. Gumming, Dragglat, aaia agoat, Albanr. Or.
w or
Our Ladj ef PerpBtual Help.
On-dunUd by tha Hiatei. f St. Beoadtot
Tuition In aal act ddy school tsngeaf pom
l toil.
fjrurni Bit-liir 1m il - r
prHnltr4 annif ac th A'tinac r
d Sister (Jnperiore,
i l-f,,,-J aV IW t-
Elder Flower
Cream .,'
la aot a essmslle la th tanaa la whtoa that Ursa
Mnularly aaait, bat partnanenUr baattUltea. It
araataa a aoh, araooth, eleer, ra'vety akin, and ay !
tally aaa grsdttally makes the aotnplailoa aareral
ahaJas tMu, It la a aonatant pro taction (mm tha
eoe at ana aad wind and prerenta ana bunt and
treralea, and black heeds will never anma whlla y
aaa It, II alaanaaa tha bv-e lr better than anap and
walar, aourlahaa and bull la Hp tha akin tiaauaa and
prerenta tha Innuation nl wrinkles' It gtraa tha
freebaaea, alaarnaaa and smoothness of akin that jna
had whaa a Uttla girl. Krery kuly, ynant; er old,
aacht to aaa It. aa It rtraa a nan vouthftii appear
aaoetaany Udy.endlhal peraaanenlry. Iteontalne
aa acid, powdar ar alkali, and la aa harmlaaa aa daw
and aa aotariahtnc In tha ekte aa daw la to tha llowar.
rrlrt pi wa, at all dnicrtata and batntreaaers, oral
Mr Oervalee Urahamt ealahlUhment, log Poat street
Nan rrenclaoa, whara aha traataladiaa tor all bleratah
aa nl tha face ar Ojure. Ladlea at a dlaianaa traatad
by latter, Hand stamp rar bar UUIa book "Haw to
ba Heautirul."
Sample Bottla reoetpt ol 10 unto In atampa
a pay postage and packing, lady agents wan lad,
Face Bleach
Curaa te worataaava nl Fret-klr. Sunburn. 1
ownaaa. Moth M'rhaa, Plmplcaaml all klu bletolabee.
trlew Harmlaaa and aBeuUre;!. aaaila
Ja" nJ INI I May atsT!!! WMIMfl,
The DrosiistK
bar hla aaraa added to thla edre
1 1 uaJT innii wantaa.
lowa who nret or a at a
mj preparatlone will
Ma aretieraileoe ara lor eale br whnlaaala drua-
I lata la Chtoageaad arary eity waat at It,
Southern Pacific Route
Bapraas Tralat lot Portlaad Dairy
Atxilk I
T:0f. aTTlf
Id lap a L
It a a I Ar
Saa Praaalaco
ArT M a a
La I A a
La I V T a
Abura Iralaa atop only al lollowlag atallooa narth
at Raaabarg. Eaat Portlaad, Oragna tit,, Wnad-
aara. Salaaa. Albaar, Tangant, Hhodd, Haloay liar-
Bwarg.aaaaMoa vity, irring, ogaaa.
UAtt, an.r.
if I l
It0r I L
tfra (Ar
Ar 4:00 r a
La I lt:00 a
La I 111
Auaar taii aaar aioarr graaaT)
1 00 an
l:Mr a
T:Ma a
t.M a
to a a
4 Mr a
i tor a
Tourist Sleeping Oars,
far Jaraaaaw4latMaaf rad-rtaaa raaaea
gara. aitarkod la Maproaa Tralaa
rTral bide SMvlaloa.
Matt. maiaaauKBsMptSaaaay,
TtMJa a I
I 61
airaaaa naia aaar (Kiaipt Sunday.
4 viral La
Jra Ar
Ar I
i.4 4 a
ThrouirU 'X'iokotH
a Ta all potato
Poiroii lalarmatloi ragardlng raloa, aaapa,
oaOeaipaay Agaat at AINaay .
Maaagar Aaat O. P. aad P. Ag
O '
Oregon Pacific Railroad,
T BOCfi, KeelTr.
mgn D8TBlopni8aS Co's Steamers,
Httopi i.ine to Callforals
- Flrsvciaa tbrough paJtar-ngnr and
raiirhi iinsrrora rnrtlancl and all points
ID tba WUlamntU Valley to an-1 from Man
r ravaoiaoo, t. 1.
Poata maicaroa connection at Aldan
1th trains of tha Oregon rn!fl Ha 11 road
TIME SCHEDULE, aaoant Sawfara.)
uatra Albany 15:H r. a,jLaa Yaqqina, T '0,
'aaa Corralila I OS r. a . Laa,a Corrallla.10 tia.a
"" laqmna, r. n.Arna Albany, a,
O. A Q. tralaa connect at Albany and
orrsuis. Tbe a bote tralna connect at
laooina with tbe Oregon Development
i.ujpaDj a Ldna or BteamaDips between
Taquina and dan Fraaclaoo,
rmoa rasuisa.
WiUaaiatto Valla?, Tjaadar. Aag 4tb : Tbaraday,
An 1Mb ;Satarday,Ai ttad ; btaaday.Aag 11a
raoa aaa raaaciaco
WillaatH 'allay, Friday, Joly slat; Baaday, Ang
th; Tuaaday, Aag lltk; Wadooaday, Aag Jet,
The Com par, rryea tbe rtgat to
Sangsaalllog dalea w Ihout notice.
at. D. Paeaengera frorry Portland and
f UlarneUe Valley point ean make nloae
rmnaoUon with theAralns oftheYaonlna
ronte at Albany or Cor Tall Is, and if dea
ned to Ran Franrtlaoo ahould arrange to
ntre at Tsanlna the srrenlng befqre rigte
aVTaaaeaser aa Prrght pales always the
Lo weal -
Par Inroraiatloo apply la A S Chapman, Pralghl aad
tekat Agoat, Albaay, t. f. HCFB.
O.J. aad P. Agan .
. Corral.
Wewiab to sa? to the pnblle that we
hawgjast added a lar jo planer too or mill
and are prepared to farolah all klnda of
lornber, dreeaed or rnagh, ss the par
ebaeer may ehoae, as (food aa tbe beat,
sad sa eheap as It can be sold.
In payment we will take sll kinds of
produce, such ss hay. flonr, grain, l.aoon,
batter, bwana, beef by tba quarter, ete
in fart anything that we nan one. Pleaae
see as before m parchaae yoor bill of
lnrabr, as we feel eonfident that ws ean
salt y a. Taa will always find one of
ns at oar mill. 14 no line irom Lebanon.
fog mites frem Wsterlno. on Hamilton
ereek. WiKf A BERRIOkN,
Lebanon, Oregon.
Znd iCT Store.
Beat aUick of 2nd far ;ox1 In tbe Vs
'T, and ih -noMt reaer iaia prices, both
H ' selling. I bavs on band
11 ...
mMiuu, mm, thnm
Jo.r went of 8 B Young's oir atore
V urml mon'bly Jouraal, edited, by Prof
E. R fake. No farmer or fruit rower
can afford to ba without lr. It PAYS
whoever taken It', 12 per year, f I six
snotitha, 2S axata a alngU nomhar,
Addroa., , u. II. trnCAKNS,
Portland. Orrgon
.J. A. Curaming.
lrutrs, l?a.lntn. Oil
OUT. A gj'.d ring, band, with ow-
I era eat in bend In several colors.
oturn to Dbmocrat ofBos,
lie -gfriwant.
A 'Wsihlngton correipondent ol tha
Chicago Tim sends he following to tltst
The United States treasury department
has b Job before It that hat not been equal
ed except by the Hrlatow sdinlnlatrstlon
In 1876, when It attempted to put down
the great whlaky ilng.whlch had Its sgents
In the White Home while Gen Grant wss
For sis months the ablest ds'cctlves In
the government's employ hsve been hunt
ing out the facts In relation to the greet
oplum-tmuggling, which hat ltt head and
center Jn the Puget sound district. They
hsve msde a report which Is sppsltlng.
The evIJence now In possession of the
treasury covers a thousand pages of fools
cap. It is ot so startling s chsrscter, In
cluding such statements about men of t.a
tlonal reputation, that It Is almott Incted-
It extends through Portland, Ore.,
through ail the cities along Puget sound,
down the line ol the Canadian Pacific to
the metropolis. It Is so enormous In es
tent thst the treasury does iiet know where
to begin 1st prosecution and Includes so
many men ol high itsndtng. AJ least two
Untied States senators are Involved and
five congressmen. It is the moat enor
mous combination to cheat the govern
ment In Its extent and power thst wss ever
known In the country's history.
For six months the United States tress
ury hss been a ware thst sn oplum-smug-
gllng wss In succesatul operation on the
Pacific total. It msde its details lor In
vestlgstlon with the utmost csre, tor it ws
difficult to find men who could be trusted
Nobody from the section where the work
hsd to be done could be employed, be
c suse the concern wss all-powerful, snd
If brlbeiy wss not sufficient dsrker mesne
might be employed.
Though it Is difficult to get any positive,
Information from the government officials
enough hss been given out to show thst
the full detsil sre In the treasury's pos
"We nave full Information as to the
methods employed," said an officer ot the
treasury today, "but the difficulty will be
in procuring testimony thst will convict
The conspirators sre Amerlcsn snd Chi
nese, snd though we know who nearly sll
of them are, our Information It not In
form thst csn be produced In a court.
There Is the trouble."
"Why Is this opium smuggling so prorlt
'Because there I a duty of u per
p Mind on the stuff "
"Didn't the McKlnley bill put this duty
on opium?"
-Yes, it did, snd thst V wrl.y the bust
hets hss grown to such colotaal dlin
"Csn't the collector stop It or cstch
tome of the imuggler?"
"Sometime s lot of ihe stuff Is captured
but we never csn mike a case agilnst
smugglers thst will hold. All we have ever
been sble to do I to confiacste Ihe con
traband opium when it I found. When
Daniel Manning ws secretary 1 1 the treas
ury, Col Bcerrer, sonof tnegrest Brook'
Ijn preacher, ws appointed collector for
the Puget sound district. lie had been
captain In the at litleryjof the regular srmy
during wsr snd ws brevfled colonel for
distinguished gallantry, lie wss a new
man, and came out from Biooklyn and
teok hold with vigor.
"Before he htd been In office three
months be got on the track ol the ring.
He found one lot of opium, about 1,500
pounds, that wa In Alaaks walling
chance to be smuggled into the United
States. It wa In s big Laich of canned
Almon, put up In two-pound cans.marked
"Alaaks Salmon." There were nearly
10,000 cans of opium and fish togethertnd
It was an swful job to tell oi.e from Ihe
other. Beecher h sd tun 1 hear'y f 1 50,000
worth of opium when he wss stopped. In
two month mere he would hsve ruined
the ring snd hadjlt ringleader in thepeni-
"lie wss offered $30,000 by a man high
In a great political party' rsnks to stop
hunting for opium. He refused the bribe J
Then snother tack ws tried. Beecher
had been appointed during the vacation of
congress. The senste ws not in seaaion
snd he hsd not been confirmed. The big
poilllclan sent their agents to Washington
and charge were maJe against Beecher
of some sort. Just whst they were I don't
know. But the senate coil mil tee on cem
merce would not make s fsvorsblr report
on his nomination snd he ws never con
Were the facts you have dated made
public then?"
"No. The treasury hoped to catch the
smugglers snd everything ws kept secret.
When Col Beecher wss beaten a new msn
ws appointed, but he did nothing."
"Do you know who best Beecher's con-
"No, because the executive session of
the senate sre ecret, but we know who the.
enstors were that caused his rejectment."
"And here were they from?'' wss
"The man who really did the work was
from the Pacific lope. About a month
sgo the collector for the Port Townsend
district, a man who ws sppolnted by
President HsrrUon at the beginning of the
adrr.lnUtratl'in,was removed without warn
ing or explanation. He wa seizing too
msny chinamen sndtoo much opium be-
ongiug to the ring."
When a custom officer prove too efficient,
and make too Stan seizure or keep too
bright a look-out, the ell-powerful ring
hs him removed. Thl 1 especially the
ce with the Puget sound district. Thl
district ha given the treasury department
more trouble than any other In the United
State. When the removal month ago
wss made a senator from the state of Wash
ington said to the Timtt correspondent that
he had not asked or accomplished this re
moval and that it wa not made tor any
political reason. The correipondent
thought then there wa omethlng curious
ly mysterious about the matter. He
know what it wa now.
The government I at a loss just now
how to proceed, but It will hsve to push
the cse, no matter who is hurt. If the re
port the treasury ha In It vault ever
tome to light it will be a wonderful nar
rative of how men high In the nation's re
spect have been for year in league with
he breaker of the nation' law.
Thanksgiving next. Severe turkey
are In the city getting ready fer the feast.
When Baby, wa slefc, w gar ber Soetorla.
When she was a CUld, aha erksd for" Oaatwrla.
wben ah became Hiss, he clung te Oaatorta. ,
When she bad Children, she gave them Castor!.
See W F 'Read'a hoe of dres goeds and
ilk before buying elsewhere. j.v,-:--.
iBwSraaletrthsCem, ,
SALBM, Or Oct sit In th circuit court lo
day, In the lull brought hy th itaft of Oregon
iuruuKi ma ooaru or rsurosu commissioner
Balnst the Southern Pacific, to enforce tb
freight rate adopted by lbs commliiloneri,
ths railroad company nej , ,nswer denying
any knowledge or information sufficient to
farm s belief si to whether or not there wai s
bosrd of railroad commissioner. Th com
psny not in any way conienting t0 ths usis
dicilon of this court to try thl cause, make.
turtnsr sua teperspe answer snd defeasa, sl
leglng thst th company by art of congress,
i a federal agent snd servant, snd lbs regu
lation 01 rsies is not withit, tb jurisdiction of
the tttie of Oregoni Fullier sllegstlon I
mad thst ths road I a liak of sn interstate
Una r.d ths stUmrttcd sxsreise of cowar bv
lbs commissions!- it of no force snd effect.
Ths defendant therefor pray tint Ihe suit
u msmisseu lor tn costs snd disbursement.
, Big Is Kaglaad.
I-oNixm. Oct BJ The frequency of the
attempt at iralnwrecking lately hs aroused a
feeling of unssilne amongst the people.
There hs been several esse of the kind
within the rt two dsys. Th elaborate
character of the preparation mad by th
would bs wreckars, the solidity of th ob
structions plsced on the trsck snd the srtfut-
nesa with which Ihe work I don lo avoid
detection, together with lbs ominous fsct thst
sll ths trslns aimed at sre express trtlns sll
IheMcircumstsnces seem lo justify the belief
that th outrage are the work of sa organised
gang of wreckers,
Sioux Falls, S D Oct aj, The United
States grand jury rtsrned eighteen Indict
menu igslnst the officers snd director! of lb
Louisiana lottery. Tbe evidence wsi sll Isid
before ths grind ury In the form of afTiJavlts
nd kept with tb utmost leciecy. Th ie-
psrtmcnt i wstnington Draught Ihe r.hstget
ocior mis court jr in reason that their ef
fort in other states before Ihe United Stele
grand lure hs been frvstrsted. The United
HUtas marshal aad deputies left this sveaing
or new wriesns to arrest me l'rldent
vioe-prwaident, eeoretary, treasurer and di-
rsotora of the lottery o. mpaay,
A Sieeal Exaaasle
FroBABS, Oct 23, A anatlo
caused today by the snexpaotad rwmoval by
toe mayor and enaoeil of two of the oily
eomaiiasioD. sa-sers nmilU and Wisoomb
Tba oanae saelK8,t u inaflioirnoy and inat
tention to duty, sod it I elveo out that
thor is no opioioc of eorrnption.
Ta miaee Heat tie.
Drlamo, Cal Oct S3 All the Chin
hare, inolading waahhonaee, ete. have bran
noririad thai they mast leave town within
tan days. They are making arrangements
to Usvs tomorrow. Mans o? tham own ths
boo art they lie In.
A Mealeat rigtsl., Mats Oct aa. It Is now definitely
known that all eflorf to effect a compromise
between Die litigant la the Searles will ess
hsve been withdrawn and that tbe matter will
not be settled outside of the courts. It is known
also thst the smount Offered lo 'limothy
I lopkin lo withdrew hi claim spoe ths estate
of Mrs Searl ws mors than f $,000,000; also
mat ia smount st stske in Ihe contest, in
stead of being from f Jo,ooo,ooo to $40,000,.
oon, ss bs been reported, I mot ihaa too,'
000,000. Mr nestle I deterre! to sus
tain at pan 01 tee nam wtin su tn power
that a practical!? unlimited amount of ot xiey
and the skill it can furnish him will give.
4 SVarleee Traat.
Poarutttu. Oct aa. Psitenger who csme
in on tte Koaeburg Vocal Wednetaay night
report quit sa exciiing incident just sbov
Ihe carsltop. Tato young tramp wer dis
covered riding ths blind bap raja, end th
conductor essayed lo put them off. One of
I hem wa peaceable enough, but Ibe other
drew s revolver on Ihe conductor. The official
did not sesre worth s cent, snd s-vm had th
young srtpegrsc on ihe run snd he wsi glad
cwmigh lo throw hi revolver away end giv
himself up. He ws Drought down to Port
Isnd. A SieaiSriMn New.
Niw OaLBAKS, Oct aa. Eugene K Gracl
Ihe paying teller of tbe Loulsisns National
bank, wa tonight declared a deftulter in the
sura of 1 1 90,000. Ihe koowlcdg of Craeia'
shortage began developing ihe 6th inst. The
bank will peblish statement in the morning,
showing thst Ihe caritsl stock of f 504,000 I
unimpaired. Tbey state that Grscia' pecu
lations cover a period of fifteen vests, but do
not give th detail.
Ig flewa.
Madrid, Oct aa. Vast tract f Ian J to
the sou.h of the Sierra Nevada are tulimerged
by floods. The Csdu.f tivrr is overflowed
snd crops in three district bs been destroy,
ed, snd a number of persons drowned. Ter
rible distress exist among the inhabitant.
Waadrrfal SJaracaJ
Stocbton, Cal Oct ai Two more world
records wer broken on the Stocktoa I rack to
day: The Palo Alio yearling Hell tird,
driven by Charles Marvin, went against her
record a:J7.W snd made the mile in
Tbe filly did not make s skip in the mile,
Msrvln then drove Arioo, the a yesr old by
Electioneer. He went sgajntt hi record of
:I5 Vt nd made the mile without a skip,
hnialung wonderfully strong in J:I4i. All
the timer sgrceil, snd veteran horsemen said
the record would never be beaten by sn
otner none, umn iiickok ssw be never saw
inch a game fintjh. He added: "Thst is Ihe
horse that will make the two minute mark, if
sny none ever dors.
4 Tralat Wreeta.
Monmouth. Ill, Oct at. Fiv peronns
were killed and fifty ft sixty injured in a rail
way wreck here at I o'clock this moraine on
the Burlington railway. Tbe Omaha k Den
ver fast exoress, which left Chicago last night
rsn into sn open switch snd Ihe entire Irsin
wss thrown from the trsck. Engineer Emery,
snd trsveling engineer Courtney, wht hsd
gone into th cab before the wreck, were
rilled outright.
Pbobatb Mattes. In the matter ol
the guardianship ol Guy and Nellie
Thompson, J W Thompson appointed with
Donas nxea at 92000,
in the matter of guardianship ol Guv.
Loyd and Melius filed and
in the matter of the estate ol v F Croft.
order made to sell neronal Droneriv aa
ssked for by the administrator.
in tre matter ol the etste of Jonathan
Needham, inventory filed showing- $6:80
real aud $1789.60 personal property.
tn me matter 01 in estate of Henry In
gram, Inventory filed showing $1400 real
and $013.60 personal oroDeitv. Order
msde to sell personal property.
In the matter of the estate M G Rill. In-
ventory filed snd also flrt arml-annual sc
count. The sccount spproved.
WagRs to Go. Go to Parkei Bros for
fresh fruitsand vegetables.
Go to Parker Bros for the best teas
an coffees.
Go to Parker Bros for good
Go to Parker Bros for fine baked goods.
The best bread, cakes, pies, ete in tbe
Oo to Parker Bros for yoar groceries
generally, and be assured ot good goods
and first-class treatBssn.
Eatb IT noticed that Allen Bros' gre
eery store ta always fall of fruits, vege
tables, etc, fe very latest in the mar
ket. If there is anything to be had they
have it.
Nsw PetaUes.
FRU.M. On Oct 22, 1891, at the resi
dence of A Frum, six. miles north of
Brownsville, Mrs Elizabeth Frura, aged
68 years.
The deceased waa one of Oregon's pio
neer women', arriving in this state from
Illinois in the year 1861. Mrs Frum,
who waa well and favorably known to b
large circle ot friends, was tko mother of
twelve children, and waa one ot those
noble women who, braving the hardships
of western immigration, straggled with
the vicissitudes ol pioneer life, and after
having performed the duties ef a christ
ian wife and mother, has joined the
great throng gone before. TimeB.
Now Is the lesion when tnrjn are tnfen.
tloned tor Congress, msny of them.
An Iron mine has been discovered In
Polk county. Who says Oregon I not
In It. '
We hsve received a bundle of circular
train Or Ahorn.ol Portland. If the Doctor
I as low about curing a he I about pay
ing for advertising, .hi patient will be
tick s long time, Sllverton Appeal.
Al the present time Just about $200,000
worth of Improvement are going on at
Albany. That ol Itself U not a bad record,
and It doesn't include switches, and new
telsgrspli wires snd pole.
An exchsnge up the road I tr Ing to
work up a libel suit with oine Portland
polltlclsns as plaintiffs: but It I ssfe to
reir.srk that Ihev will not tucceed. Poll.
tlcisn sre jjencrally too shrewd for thst.
They know you can prove anything.
A late statement show deposit In about
halt of thl city' bank of nearly $ 3,50s,-
000. I hi 1 somewhat more than the
assessor found i short time ago. Other
cities could show simitar Increase. Time
are evidently Improving. Seattle Tele
Here In totno stinliultt. Halcni'a city
council lias ordered half a mllo of streets
Oregon City lias awakened artd passed
B cow ordinance ami the bovines must
go. It Is b mosaback city that cannot do
mat much.
A cttlxen of Anacorte. Washington.
compare his town with Portland. That
li about the same as classing (tlsdetone
itli Talking Timothy Ocr. of Marion
county, who just now lias the congrei
Blonai "uee in ii's bonnet."!', u.
The editor lias to father all unsub
scribed articles : but not one correspond'
ent in ten is willing to sign his name to
an article on public matters, and more,
generally enioins the greatest secrecy
The same men will smui-tliiie criticise a
newspaper for not "speaking out'
oftenei, regardless of the propriety of it
G D IUchardson, of Pendleton, and
Mrs Mettle J (Scott, of (ireennelil, H Y,
were united in marriage Wednesday
night at Pendleton. The funny part of
the business Is that Uichardsott got hi
wife by advertising in a matrimonial
paper. The census returns show that
Greenfield has decreased in population
about 300 in ten years, so that it is no
wonder Mrs Hcott was willing to marry a
stranger in a live uregon city.
People who imagine ministers are long
faced socially, do so because they do not
know them. On the contrary many of
them area jovial, good net u red lot of
men, who enjoy a good anecdote or joke
as wen as any one, ana some hsve a neb
store of them. A good many ot Xhe
brethren, Congregational, Baptists,
Christians, Kpiecnpaliana and U. I"
have been in the elty recently, and those
who met them will testify to this. It is
b rsmarkably rsre thing that any one
gats hurt by coming in contact with
minister socially. On the contrary they
may be lifted up socially and learn much
that is not necessarily religious, as well
ss much mat I, without luar ol any tin
moral result. But let one tn'nleter in a
thousand stray from the narrow path
and It is heralded all over the world end
made a mountain.
Eugene's monthly electric light bill Is
The Baker City Blade says that the
recorder, sheriff1 end clerk coat Baker
county 130,83.43. This does not include
fees of first two named.
The attendance at the Bute University
at Eugene is as follows: 8 Heuiors, 13
iumors,iz pnpnomores and is r real mien.
139 preparatory students and about 20
elective, making a total of 90.
The Woodburn Independent attacks
Prof KG Hurley and wife.phrenologiaU,
recently In this city, in a very live man
ner, and says they ought to be shown up
by the press generally.
When Sells' circus was in Albany, the
owners stated on the bills that the ag-
f regale value was over a million dollar.
Vhen it sailed from Han Francisco last
week the custom house clearances in
voiced it at f 28,700, about the real value.
Freeman J Eld Hedge, a lad not yet 20
years of age, has hod the entire charge
of the big Eldriedge farm near St Louis,
Marion county, this year. Over 670
acres were cultivated, which yielded over
15,000 bushels of wheat, oats and barley.
He has been alone in the big house on
the farm, without father or mother, with
only the laborers and a cook.
It la a rare thing now that a China
man can be seen splitting or sawing
wood. This is now done almost entirely
by white men, steam outfits doing the
sawing and the splitting and piling being
done by hand. Though it costs more
people generally rejoice at the change,
and willingly pay the difference.
seal rar ats b a lbs.
Plantina Biddle to Mary J Tags,
various lots and parcels in Al--"y-
m j and iseine montcith to D B
Monteilh Power of Att'y
Mary J Page and litis to Plantina
Biddle, lots 5,6, 7,bl 11. Albany
State to P O Lundis, 40 acres in sec
l.tplJ, Sltlw
G 0 Turner to F A Bates, 2 acres
in tpll,HR4w..
G 0 Turner to II M Palmer, 203.13
acres tp 11, 8 It 4 w
Albert Umphrey, executor, to I It
Froman, lota 1, 2, bl 27, H'a
2nd A; Albany
America Price and hua to J F Price.
100 acres, tp 11, Bit 3 w
N Deach et ux to Wealthy Mil
ler, lot 8, bl 22, Albany ...... .
M G Moss to Harms.) Green, vari
ous parcels in Hweet Home. . . .
G W Daggett to E F Dix, lot 4, bl
3, K's 3rd A, Lebanon
Jonathan Wassotn et ux to Helen
Dix, bl 12, W's A, Lebanon. . .
G W Daggett toltichard Dix.lot 5,
' bl 3, K's 3rd A, Lebanon
US to Jacob L Miller, 037.10 acres
in tp 10, 8 It 3 w ....Patent
- $23,71)0
Tor bargains in monuments, headatonea
te.,gote K VT AebionACo,Albany,Oregca
- 1 "
Nenss. Mr Joliu , Gradwohl Informs
ths DattseaAT that his 'Golden Ruls Bazaar
will be known hereafter Julius (5 raawohl's
Dated Albany, Sept. 2th.
W herb to GbtThbm. When wanting
. organ er plana call on G L Black man
srha yeu can select frem a first class
Vet Only the Natleaal Disease bat
It is said that dyspepsia is our national
malady, Well, Brandreth' Pills will ear
tb national malady.
It U laid that constipation i tha carte of
our sedentary life . Well, Brandreth' fills
will osrtalnJy oars otnitipstloa.
It i generally conceded that rheumatism
eome from aoia stomach and sudden ohangea
ef temperature. Brandreth' Pill have
corrected all tbi and wilt do it again.
Cnronio diseases sr eared by taking two
to four of Brandreth' Pill vry night for
a moath.
Brandreth Pill are sold ia eyery drug
and medicine store, either plain or sugar
Do not buy yoar boots snd shoe until
yon seethe pa 10 at Klein I Bros, and a wall
aav xt SB laaa their large tok of goad.
Vbh cliU,. ruirtc.
Al this If a leading topic of conversa
tion we give the following from the New
York Hun ol Oct. 10, and it, at least,
gives one version of the matter :
"Receiver T. Edgerton Hogg and hla
fellow managers of- the Oregon Pacific
railroad aro between two pretty hot Ores,
and it now seems to be a question of
only a few days Iwfore they will turn
over the road, which they boudel for
hO,000 a mile, to practical railroadmen.
There was a meeting of bondholdors yes-
tordny, called by rresinent lUinton 01
the Farmers' Loan A Trust cotnpsny.the
trustees of the mortgage, it lusted all
the afternoon and fiery words were the
rule Mllier than tho exception. A re
porter ot the Bun dropped Into the
meeting and heard the Invective roll off
from the lips of several of the speakers,
as it their wrath was intended for some
one present.
I'Tliava lia1 iitutn a mnntlittr fif Wind.
wilder in the spring, ami a reorganiza
tion committee was appointed, but noth
ing was accomplished. Another reorgan
isation committee with many of the
same members was appointed yesterday,
as follows: Alexander Brown, of Balti
more, Joseph Wharton, George, B Mc-
Kltn, and Linley Smith, of Philadelphia,
Kolmiil I larard, George 8 Cos, andJsmes
A Blair, ot New York. Mr Coe Is chair
man.' "The committee met after tho meet
ing, and docided to bring another caso in
the Oregon court to oust Hogg from the
receivership, with a proposition that if
It is done, and 11 a responsible man is ap
pointed in his place, the bondholders
wilt agree to pay the employes' claim of
1100,000 for work; or, rather the bond
holders will take ap the receiver's cer
tificates, which tho men were paid with,
but which are not legal tender in Oregon.
"F K Pendleton, the attorney ot the
bondholders, made a statement, giving
an idea of how the management had run
throuith with the money which it real
ized on the 115,000.000 of firm mortgage
bonds that 1 ad been issued on the 140
mile of completed road, or over .80,000
a mile.
'Mr Pendleton stated that $11,000,000
cash was realixed on the total issue,' and
that tu-cording to Hogg aumiHNions
12.000.0(H) of this had gone to nay inter
est on the bonds. The receiver had paid
out another 1, oCO.OiH) In commismons,
Interest, and for carrying the Moating
dubt. and tft.oOO.OOO of the bonds had
been put out as collateral for the floating
debt. The receiver hod admitted that
he had sold t.KXI.OHO worth of receiver's
certificate, and he had paid himself
(Hogg) tlOO.Ooo more of certificates for
monev advanced on steamboats.
"But after taking out all these items
there remains over $7,1)00,000 of cash to
lie accounted for. Mr Pendleton ex
plained. He said that Hogg told him
that it had been put into the mad. If so,
this would be Iwndlng the 140 miles of
road at tiO.OOO a mile. The mortgage
contract allowed only $25,000 a mile.
The Hun reporter gathered from the
meeting that the bondholders did not
believe half of that amount waa spent on
the road. Then what has become of
it?' was asked. 'How much proterty
did Hogg have before he took hold of
the Oregon Pacific 7' asked one.
"Thla point was disenseed for a long
time by the committee, a nil many un
pleasant thing were mentioned. But
there was no doubt about the general
"The bondholders say that when they
were Induced to Invest they understood
that the bond would bo iueu only as
fast as the constrnction of the road
progressed. The project sras lo build
a road (KK) miles lung, from Yaquina
bay, Oregon, to Boise City, Idaho, but
alter eight years only 140 mile have
been completed from Yaquina City to
Co. Or. The 000 miles would have ad
milted of $15,000,001) at $25,000 a mile,
but the 140 miles called tor only $3,500,
000. The bondholders interpret the
mortgage to mean that Ihe bonds shall
be issued only for road under construc
tion, but Hogg says that it means 'con
temnlated road.'
"There seems to be ' no doubt, at any
rate, thst the bondholders were Ignorant
until last fall of what a cargo ol bonds
Hogg was Issuing. They had received
their Interest, and that was all thejr
cared for at the time. Hogg's appoint'
ment as receiver last fall was a clever bit
of work, and it was done so quietly that
most of the bondholders didn't know
what was un unlit too late. Home of
his friends who were bondholders sent
in a request to the trust company tor the
appointment of Hogg, and the whole
thing was carried through in a day."
E.IIU.I by Albany W. C. T. V
In the United Slates there are 175.000
aaloens, 10,000 of which are in New ork
An English narter.from statistic taken
from Cue pre of the United Kingdom,
reports the record of murders ot women
by inebriated husband, since January 1,
18H9, to January 1, 1301, to be 3,001.
Iowa has 77 convicted criminals to the
million Inhabitant, Illinois ha 220, Wis-
conn in 224, and Missouri 410. In Keo
kuk, be-lor ISJM, the yearly arrests aver-
ao-tHi l.irjrj; since prohibition tne average
ia 206.
The Friends' Nearly Meeting at Rich
mond. Indiana, adopted a strong plea for
prohibitory legislation, declared opposi
tion to the legalised liquor traffic, and
nrged the church to educate a'l people
up to the standard of total prohibition
lor the state, and total aonunen-e lor tne
individual. Its committees on temper
ance reported who among the members
had anysjoraplicity with the use of, or
trade in liquor or tobacco, showing two
who sold liquor, aa a beverage, twelve
who raised tobacco, twenty-four who sold
it, and five hundred and sixty who used
it. This yearly meeting haa a member
ship of nearly 1400.
The Tow a Methodist Conference passed
some very strong prohibition resolutions
denouncing the attempt of any party to
cripple the enforcement of prohibitory
law, protesting against tne poucy 01
special executive clemency toward ita
violators, declares it cannot indorse any
paity that proposes, as a temperance
measure, to build toll-gates to tho jail,
the almshouse, the penitent'ary and the
gallows in the shape of license laws,
pledges ita moral and political support to
the Dartv that stands for the mainten
ance and enforcement of the prohibitory
law, and commends tno lowantaie tem
perance Alliance for its faithful and dili
gent work. Resolution 8 is as follows:
"We believe it monstrous mockery to
pray 'thy kingdom eome,' aud then vote
tor the devil's mightiest agency, the li
censed saloon. We insist that in the
present crisis our politics and our reli
gion should be 'well shaken before us
ing.' " .
To Tba Drinkbbs. Probably
three fourths ol the teat consumed
are "Green Tea." Unpleasant
a the fact may be, the bright,
. shiny green to familiar to u all
, 1 not the. natural color, but Is due
to the facing or glazing of the tea
with Prussian blue, Indigo and
ther mineral colors.
That coloring hides th effects
el poor teas is undoubted; but I
it healthful, and doe It not call
loudly for the importation of a
brana of pure, uncolored, unman
Ipulated tea?
It wss ' this condition ol affair
that prompted the placing of
Beech' Tea before the public.
Bejng the absolutely pure, un
colored leaf it Is different In cotor
Irom any you ever used. It draw
a canary color of a delightful
fragrance that 1 a revelation to
tea drinker, and it purity make
It more economical than the arti
ficial leas, lest of It being required
per cup. Sold only in package,
wo cent per pour.d. Ask for
Beech' Tea, pure a childhood, "
foi le by Allen Bret., Flinn
black, Albany.
Parker Bros, grocers.
Ladies Oxford tio at Klein Bros. Cheap
est in the city. Will be sold at geaatly ra
dioed rate.
Tieiililfehco In' art being Mild in P.ngfcn kt
It I now aaaorttj not
dead. That be it st
iNwf . ... is
08 oasa on lb Ciruait Court docket of
Laue. Court convene tkere on tbe 20th.
The last number pot on the docket for th
court hr wa 100.
A largo number of drummer ar passing
through .he valley, and generally report
good business proapeot. It tikes a irmoh
tact to buy well s to toll well.
At th County Convention of th WOT
U bald at llalacy th following oUtoor were
elected. Mr L ft Main, of Albany, Pri.
dent) Mr O rover, of Brownsville, V!e
Pretdent Mr Arohte llammer.ol Albany,
The Toledo Coal 00m psny expoot to make
it first shipment of coal to tbe valley In a
few day, perhaps on Hatardsy. About
twenty ton will be Mint out, Tb coal i
of a good quality snd a big thing is atiticl
pt ten, as too vein is a large one.
Of the 47 oases on the docket of the Cir
cuit Court t-f Crook oouuty. I-swyrr M K
Brink, formerly of this oily, appears as at
torney in 23, lioi associate! with J Jf
Uuuoan In 17 01 them, and J u vvtait, 01
this eity, in one.
Out oa the Fabritus 8 nith place can be
een a peculiar freak of nature rare avis
which is exciting maeh interest just at
present. It is a common wild pheasant that
I cutting up thea peculiar autiu, on of
the slyest nl most exclusive bitd kcown
to th banter. Every Cay young Hamlin
Smith is hauling wood, this oird "will sit
either on hi wagon or th woodpile cooing
snd playfully following bun about to soch a
manner as to surprise everybody. Salem
Annual Mkbtino. The annual meet
ing of the W C T U waa held last evening
at the hall, and wa well attended. The
association I in a flourishing condition.
The following officer were elected
President, Mr E F Mox: Recording
Secrelsry. Mr S A McAllisters Corres
ponding 8ecretary, Mr M I Townend;
'I - 1 . t . 1 . 1. : a i- -:
treaaurcr, itoi t aiuiuu"C, nil
dent are: Mr Sesra, Fliat Presbyterian
church; Mr M M IMaln, United Presby
lerlan church; Mrs llearat.Congrccatlonal
church; MrsCundlR, M E church houth;
Mr Grimmer. Evangelical church; Mr
J L Hill, npttsi church.
At the sesalon yeatcrday evening the
general theme wa young people's stork
Rev S Dell Johnston, of Seattle, preached
a sermon from the text, "Run, Speak to
thl Young Man. Mr Johnston l
forcible and Interesting speaker. His
theme was we , encouragtnent ot young
men to Christian wotk. i)n the Clowe pf
the sermon remark were made by several
Preabyterv met kgaln this morning at
9 o'clock. Rev A W Spaulding, of Spo
kane, the moderator, having arrived last
evening assumed the chair.
The subject of Ibe appointment of a
I'resbylcrlal missionary was the first sub
ject for consideration. The board of
home minions wss asked for grant of
$iaoo and Ihe appointment of och a
Rev Klaher of the Evangelical church
of Albany, Rev Prlchardof the Presbyter
ian church of Albany, Rev I)r Gibaon of
San Franclaco, and Rev Crabhe of Lo
Angelea were Invited to enjoy the cour
tealc of Ihe floor.
At noon lunch was served by the ladles
oflheAlbsnv congregation, at the real
denreof Mrs Walter Montleth. It is
needless to say that It was a bountiful one
and that the member of the presbytery
did ample juatlce lo It.
This afternoon the principal bualreas
before the preabytery waa the considera
tion of the Interests of the Waltsburg
academy. A new boarding hall It an Im
perative need for that institution.
A conference is telng he'd on "the slate
of religion" In the bounds of the pres
bytery. FRIDAY,
John R Murphy haa just gone to the io
sane aaytum from Untatiha county on so
count ef the drink habit. It is a fimr.
The putl.o school fi a was rsiae l today, it
being juat twenty-seven year agi that Al
bany waa iti3urpurst-d.
Friday evening alut 7 o'clock, N Uuter
rushe-t eat of Msrtin's stslde at Lafayette,
and sniatakins a tano thenihrrald of the
street tor U C F. o.mi, Hred a charire from
a ahotgua at him. Itlli" Van Pat Iter fall of
tins shot. Th jlwrk- atmck him above the
knee and sca:lr4 ovar the leg aad alxlo
meo. Some SO shot were tsken out by the
physician. It imi that a few day befor
Mr Ferguson hsd Mused to let Unger have
a rig and this method waa taken to get even.
McMinaville TM. That ia worse than
Mistaking a man for a dee , aad will proba
bly ao ba oooeid-rcd by tha next grand jury,
A riaea On'. Thi forenoon Mr
Geo W Hochstedler, ol the G P S P D &
L Co., while running a burs planer,
Caught his left hand In the rapidly revolv
ing knives. The middle Anger was so
badly cut a lo require amputation. l)r
Maston & Davis dressed the ound, am
putating the finger between the first and
second joints.
The session of Presbytery yesterday
afternoon wa devoted to reports from
the field. These were all of a most en
couraging character. Never has tbe
Presbytery bad a report that had in it so
much to give them pleasure. Rev Mr
Crabbe, of Los Angeles.and Rev Dr (Sib
son, of San Francisco, also spoke of the
work in their respective Presbyteries.
The Presbytery adjourned to meet at the
call of the Moderator. It will probably
be called together some time during the
meeting of the synod to attend to some
matters ot business.
At 7 .30 pm the synod convened. In
spite ot the steady down-pour of rain, a
good audience was present. The retiring
moderator, Rev W W Logan, preached
the sermon. He was assisted in the
opening exercises by Revs Crabbe and
Spnuldmg. The text was Matt. 28; 19,20,
and the theme, "The Christian ization of
At the close of the sermon the modera
tor "constituted" the synod bv prayer.
The roll was then called. It showed a
very small ' attendance. Pending tho
election of a moderator, the synod ad
journed. . ,r, .
At 9 o'clock this morning the synod
assembled. The election of moderator
resulted in the choice of Rev II W Crabbe
of Los Angelea. In a neat speech, Mr
Crabbe assumed the duties oithe office.
Mr Crabbe has been pastor of the c'nrch
in Los Angeles for the last four J'ears.
Previous to that he was in charge of a
large congregation in Buffalo, N. Y.
Committees were appointed and various
matters referred to tlem, and then the
synod took a recess to altow the various
committees to get matters into shape to
At noon another elegant lunch was
served by the ladies at the residence of
Mrs Walter Monteith, It was aa boun
tiful and as appetising aa the one of yes
terday; and more could not be said.
This afternson the subject of Church
Finances and the various Mission Boards
are under consideration.
Keep your eyes open for bargains at F E
Oh I Ladiea, look here! 5 ptokage soda
at F E Allen's for 25 oents.
Silk umbrella In natural wood handle
ohesp at French' Jewelry tore. -
You get yoar miney's worth when yoa
bay (ilk umbrella at Fieneh'a. '
Tbe Young Willamette, of this eity, west
to Taognnt today to play the Juvenile of
that city.
- Mr William Peaoook brought a oauli flower
to Albany today, weighing sixteen poaadi,
the Urgest hs has eyer raised here.
A pan of horae today sold at auot'ou
for $10 23, . Tbe general opinion prevailed
that the prioe was a good one. .
Aa effort is being msde to raise $23,000
for the Worli's fair, and it possible $100, -000,
W H H Grant ia solictor for Western
Oregon. . ' t .. . ; a ,.
Win Maok i opening a barber shop ia th
Senders briok, opposite the po t office, and
will be ready for busiu the first ot next
Mr Joel Ketohum, father of Mr Waller
Ketohum, ot this eity, died at hi home ia
Seattle on Monday, at the age of S3 year.
In the case of 0 W Johnson against the
Southern PaoiSo R R Co at Salem yesterday
the jury rendered a ve-dict of $2,250 for
the plaintiff.
The establishment of the Oakland Hosiery
factory at Waterloo Is an established fact.
rid th plant will bs ther this wfnttf and
ths mill built issdy for businos next year.
Th Lebanon Daily Effort has latnended
publication. The editor, W M I)ii,hs ocd
the proprietor of the Lebanon Kxpreas,with
wbose material the catier wa printed, for
t'ZV) damages, snd the oaae will Ss tried
Monday befrre Justus Hyde. MrDrai,
jshow in the city todty, informed the
Democrat he would secure a plant and re
publish It, tbe Kx ureas bavintr shot down
on him because so many subscriber (topped
utait jai er lor tne uauy.
Fresh routed coTeei at V E Allen's,
Fresh bni, lard aad bse-ir. list received
st F K Allan's.
Hsveyra hnsrd boar lot are sold i in
Tuwnseiid's addition.
Wanted, at F K AllenV. 500 dozn ras
Highest in trket priz e paid.
StewattAf 80s "11 tbe vory best talent
tcmped ahesrs and scissor.
tidies Oxford lie at urcatly reduced
rate at Klein firm. Mast he sold.
A Urge line of lrtit gold w.tohea ia
tssty nw tray al Will & 8urk'e.
All kinds of farmer orodnoe taken in el -
cbsnjjn for groceries at F K AllenV
The fuii'St linn of mctiirs frames ever in
Albany at Fortmiller Sc Irving'a.
The very latest style and novelties in tbe
millii ery line jut received at the Miss
Mail a, 'Jail sad aee them.
With hi new bakery Cmrad Meter i
able to offer old and now customers every
thing tinlclaa iu baked good J.
W W Devi is now in charire ef the IM
moriloo restaurant. Meals 23 cents. Kaatrro
oysterr, fresh. Kvervlhiog irt-cl-, 1
Decidedly the largest and choicest vrietv
of tea in town is at C E BrosrneUV fn
dried, basket fired, g-ecn. bltck, Knaliah
breakfast, &e.
GstoOC McKarlaod for aadlery, hsr-
neaa, whips, robes, sll klad of horse cloth
ing etc., etc.
If afflicted witb train d:ee. hair falling
oat, and premature baldness, do not use
grease or alcoholic preparation, but apply
Mall's Hair ICenewer.
Littler k Ball, dentists, rill male artifi
cial plate of aluminum. Tbe hetlthiett.
niost durable aud lihtst weight of any
other plate. We want to introduce thia
kind of wtrk in this vicioitr.
To hr H01.0. After another long legal
siege lfore Judge Pipes, at Corvallis,'
yesterday afternoon, the Oregon Pacific
railroad was ordered (sold on Dec D, at
Corvaiu, to the highest bidder, and tht
receiver's certificates tie issued to the
employes for the respective amounts due
them, so that they may be entered as
preierrcJ claims, Die general opinion
is mat uoi nogg anti ins backers will se
cure the road, but it is probable it will
require some live bidding against the
Blair bondholders. It looks now as if,
though the proceeding, it is to 1 re
gretted, delay the payment of the men,
it will result in the reorganization ot the
road and its construction eastward. The
case is one of national interest, as will
be seen by the clippings from eastern
papers, and the men interested are
among the leading capitalists of the east
so that, t least, the matter will not be
finally solved without considerable gen
eral prominence being given to it.
Whatever the present road is, but give
us an eastern connection and we will
have the best line crossi nst the continent.
a fact that will never permit Coe station
to remain tne eastern terminus.
Pkbvickn To-Moaaow. Kev T P Boyd
of Lebanon, will preach in the First M E
church at II a m and 7:30 d m. Habbath
school at 2:30 p m, and Epworth League
at A :30 pm. All.will be uide welcome
to there services.
The usual services will be conducted
by the pastor at the Christian church,
habbath school at 10 a m. preaching at
11 a m and 7 :30 p m, and Y P 8 C E 6 :30
p m. All will be welcomed.
Rev II II Dobblna. of Berkley, Calif,
will preach ar th Congregational church
to-morrow at 11 a tn and 7:30 p m.
At the Presbyterian church preaching
at II a m and 7:30 p m. Sabltath school
at 12:15 pm. Young people's prayer
meeting Rt 6:45 p ni. The morning ser
mon will le by Uev W A Spaulding, of
Spokane Falls. In the evening by tbe
pastor, subject, "Faith and Worship."
Alt will be made welcome.
Kev paulding, of Spokane, w ill ad
drea the meeting for men in the W C T
U hall, at 4 o'clock. Mr Spaulding took,
an active part in the Y M C A conven
tion recently held at Spokane. He is an
interesting epeakcr, and always has
something good to say to young men.
Don't fail to hear him. Several instru
ments are expected to accompany the
At the Baptist church the pastor will
preach in the morning at 11 am, and at
7:30rm liev J A peer, of the V P
eynod, will preach. Young Peoples'
meeting at 6-30 p m ; Sunday school at
12:15. All will be made welcome.
Sara Inroa
Coeahs. Cel, Influenrs, erenchrtls,
Ho.reiies. Wfiooclna Catiah.CrauB.
nroat. Atthoa. and everr aflcct Kin tyf I h
Throat, Lunqt unrf Chtil. inclu ,n Cnntumptlon.
Viral Terns peaea' September tie. isse.
A full corps of Instructors,
Coarses or atudr arranged to meet tb'
Ki ef all grades ef students.
Serial ttmucitmenti effrreA to studettls
frm abroad.
Prealdeat, .
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Fat
nt business conrincted for Moderate Fee. -.
Our Office Is Opoeslts U. S. Patent Office,
snd we can aeon re patent in less time than those
remote from Washington.
bend model, drawing or photo., wltn descrip
tion. We advise, If patentable or not, frea of
charire. Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain 1'atenta," with
names of actual clients In jour Utatu, county, or
town, sent free. Address,
0opos!ls Patent Office. Washlmrton. D. C.
. .
Tie Road to Uealtt
Gasnet hs sueeeurully traveled vita
eirt good health. Te reach wealth or arty
eo rated position In lift requires the full
paitstslon and operation of all ths fao-,
Dltlea kind sslurs kas endow as with.
These eoaaitlons eannst ailst enlessthe
phrslcal balng Is In psrfaot werklng
cribr, sad this Is Impossible when the
Inrer and tplses ar torpid, the obstruct
ing ths see rations, causing Indigestion -and
drapepsls, with all of their sccoib
pairjlng horrors.
Engll Dandelion Tonic
exert s sp-a Hlo rnduene ever ths liver,
exoHes It healthi action, resolves Its
chronlo snatygements, snd prssiotes ths
sscretloss; cure Indlgtttlea snd csnstt
patlon, sharpens ths sppallts, tones up
ths entire system, and makes life worth
iM J ION fa
For children a medi
A Cough
cine should bo abso
and Croup
lutely reliable. A
mother must be able to
pin her faith to it m to
her Bible. It must
contain nothing violent, uncertain,
or dangerous. It must be standard
in material and manufacture. It
must be plain and simple to admin
ister; easy and pleasant to take.
The child must like it. It must be
prompt in action, giving immedi
ate relief, as childrcns' troubles
come quick, grow fast, and end
fatally or otherwise in a very short
time. It must not only relieve quick
but bring them around quick, as
children chafe and fret and spoil
their constitutions under long con-
hncment. It must go iu work: in
moderate doses. A large quantity
of medicine in a child i not desira
ble. It must not interfere with the
child's spirit, appetite or general
health. These things suit old as
well as young folks, and mtke Bo
chee'B German Syrup the favorite
family medicine. d
Vhile trying ta Crowd theii
Store, where they always have on hand
he largest Stock south of Portland, of
the latest Improved Rifles and Shot
3 una ; an immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every sescrlptlon; Tents,
Hammocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands
of ether things too numerous to mention
Xttepnir Shop
la connection with the Store, and one ol
rSa beat workmen in the State to do any
in 4 ail klnda of work.
Come one Come al. No rouble to
ihotr goods. "Small profit snd quick
W la out jtaotto.
asy ar-ata Bar W.
fj-K far aata la ffoi
I raafia-s.s
r i aaa aata (
tvr to sa4 Car eaiatacaav aoaira aa
ameaw-v, aa l laaaa tmr rt
ISaSB tmr raa.
lit aaamlaaa saoa, with aa lacks ar waa thmaS
rAJiart tba mads of ttx baat Saa eaOf. rrrll.k
aa cay. aad twaua wtah wrm aaoaa of raas
ew 'Aao any aar wmnmfiuimr, it aaaaia baad-'-
ahoa anatlra tmm $u ta Sajjo.
CIS e (.aaalaa Haa-aard, tba Cnrmt aalf
Vmfm ahoa a-rar onaral for aaCO; aqoala nmari
miportaa shoaa araiea euat (mm as.aio tAfQ.
CtA e Haad-rawr4 li Khar. salt
atTlisb. eoasrartaMa aad darabl. Tbettwl.
itrae crar oTTarad at thla pru-a ; aanw a-rada a atav
ati-niaila efcnra eoatloa from a m
BO Ad lallra ! Farmaira. kailraad Waa
v and LetiarCarrloraaJI wwthatn; nnaaatf..
wasuUraa, anirutb loaita,
t jm adaa. ma pair will waar a year.
c:n an sat ram aa t-iurtunt mr Mrmri M
vaa ma prtoa ; one inai will enarlnee
aTtf wart a abn rr eomtort aal arrww.
f;f -ii mu4 S'J.OO Warkiiraiai'i
ara ry aimai ana auratda. Tbnas aaa
b?Ti glraa thorn a trial will war ao otharmaka.
ftnya' aad SI. 7 aH4 aboaa ara
mm j wuril u;
by tha bora rvrrrwtwra-. uaV aaU
-n turir mania, i
m tbrir marlla. aa tba tnrrreatnt aalaa abow.
L nH !F SI. OO lCaa4-rwpS . baat
Indies' 1I.JO,
Mfe .ara ara tba brat
mnd HIS aluta r.
tTaotlaa. ae
Biiaupnsoia. Ktvumane
net ara staapad on tba Mtm ot each aboa.
W. U IXICOLAS, Urorktou. 1
-::v?-L. E. BL AI N".
tborough'y. effective Insect B-iwdrr open
the tuarket, and ia maunfaejaixd aolelyby
Vie Bahch Prodacisg and Manafsctoring
Company, of Stockton, California.
Tbe word "Bohach," ia made a part of
the trade (mark of aaid co npany, and ALL
Person, who order Bahach from "their
dealais and receive isJject powder that ia not
aa effectiv insecticide, WILL CONFER A
If your dealers dou't keep Buhacb, don't
let them cheat yon by selling you an inferior
and worthless lorect powder, bat CO!'
A Revelation.
-r..s rew people snow tmat tbe
I ;v ? brisbt brolen-irreen color of.
ths ordinary teas exposed In
th windows la not the nat
ural color. Urrpieasant as the
fact may be. It is nevertheless
artttetal; mineral eolortnc
matter being used for this
purpose. b effect is two
fold. It not only make tb
tea a bright, shiny green, but also permits tha
as ot " off color " and worthless teas, which,
once ander the green cloak, are readily
worked off as a good quality ol tea.
An eminent authority writes on this sub
ject: "The manipulation ol poor teas, to give
them a 'Oner appearance, la carried on exten
sively. Green teas, betng ta this country
especially popular, are produced to meet the
demand by oolorhig cheaper black kinds by
gtaaingOTfaotngwtlh Promian blue, tumeric
gypsum, and tudlgo. Thit method it as gen
rral that very Jt'ffte genuine ttaroiored green tea
s effcTtd far tale."
II was the knovrrodse of this condition ci
atrairs that prompted tho placing of Beech's
Te before the public It Is absolutely pma
and without eo)or. 3Md you ever see any
genuine uncolored Japan tea7' Ak your
rrocee to open a package ot Beech's, and ytu
win see It, and 1-robe.My for the very first
time, R wfll be found la color to be Just be
tween the artificial green tea that you have
been accustomed to and tbe black teas. .
It drawaa delightful aaaary color, and Is so
fragrant that tt wiU be a revelation to toa
drrukers. Ms parity makes it also mora,
economical than tho artirieial teas, for lofa
of H is required per errn. Bold only la pound .
l-c&as baarlug this rrade-mark;
II year grocer does not have It, ha wfll get '
It foe you. ftion 60o per pound, Tor sal at
SO '0
aWlaaUjr . I aM