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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1891)
!rOEU 3v, 1891 LOCAL UKOOIM), A History or It. The Denton Lend er publishes a column hUlory l Hie con strucUonof the Orreoii Pacific railroad which how long, uphill work si;slrW many oostaciea, ano mis is fact which I nj always hai been annreclaud, aa ell at the very Important fact that the road with lt steamship .Ine, hat been the rr.eana of Increasing the pi Ice of wheat to 10 cent bushel and reducing freight on s-ootls many per cent, to that dry roods groceries, etc, can be purchased In Albany aS Pr cent less than In Tor'land. The men who Old this when other men could not be Induced to eo Into It. have alway had the good will of the people for It. Hut' thlt doet net exciuft the recent conduct In their treatment of their employe, and they could not expect the people to tand in with them there. Uut Uiev may al way expect the backing of the public when they do the bet ihey can. The re cent, experience snows fiattlie manage ment of ihc road will be watched, and If there I anything out o'Jhe way the pre ana puunc win oe heard from. Tub Tti.KtiRAM on tiik O. l The two pie along the line, completed and pros pective, of the Oregon Pacific railroad are hope tut that the troubles of that road about which eo much line been aai.! lately, will result finally--in the road be- ing noi only operated in a better manner than heretofore, but pushed, forward to an hasiern connection. Colonel llowr. who haa tcen at the head of the enter prim1, and who haa Wen severely cen sured lor not paying his employed, has after all done a great work, in the fare of much and powerful opposition. He does not seem to have been commered, nor even openly diacouragetl, by the difficul ties that have surrounded him, and the Albany and Corvallis papers, while not excusing the delay in making payments to the men, are hopeful that Hogg and ma associates win secure such control of the road as will enable them to push it through to completion. TiuHURLK.Hd Timbsk Claim. Rather novel and interesting land matters have lieen gleaned from the county clerk's office. One is that a settler is not com pelled to have tree in order to prove up on a timber culture. Jesse Ierrick of Athena made commuted timber culture proof before the county clerk on a piece of land north of that city, where it secn-s as hard to grow trees its to cultivate hair on a bald head. Mr Ierrick and bis wit nesses testified frankly that there was not a living tree on the land, but that he had complied four years with the timber culture law by attempting to grow trees. His proof was accepted and lie has re ceived his duplicate. John J Jonnson, who has lees tLan 100 trees, was totally acceetiful in making proof on bin timber culture north of Athena. K. O. CitotiK Cocxtt. All of Crook county' ex-sheriffs who are living James M Itlakely, J N Williamson and John Combs were in town last Monday. The attorneys attending court are Hon W H Wilson. Imlue Hennett ami JikI.. Watkins, of The Ifclles; J N Duncan, of Albany; 111 .Nichols, O V l-ames, J F Moore and M E lirink, of Prineville. Stock Inspector Dobson has returned from the Tridge creek country where he lias been inspecting the different bands of aheep on that range. Mr lobeon saw about 5,000 head of sheep and found ' them all in a good, liealthy condition with the exception of three bands which were inserted with the scab. Review. AaarsTEn: W J Turnlde, living In the forks of the Santiam, wa arretted and tried before Juttl;e Humphrey on acharge of obtaining money under false pretense. The facts seem to be that Geo Bradley was the owner of a county warrant In the clerks office. Soma time since desiring to FRIDAY... leave tne county ne gave the warrant to his mother and authorized her to draw It. Mr Turnldge was coming to Albany and ' Mrs Bradley requested him to draw the warrant, which he did getting the money on It. lie paid the money over to Mrs Dradley, exceot a few dollars which she owed him. Bradley had him arrested as stated above, lie was discharged b the j ustice. A mono tii Boys. An Interesting thing In connection with the Synod of the U P church held In Albany last week was the fact that of the fourteen mlnUt;rs present, ten of them were old students of I)r B'ark, also present, but not a mem her of the Svnod, having retired from active work. The Dr. felt as It he was arrong "the boys" again, by whom even now he Is universally loved and venerated, and they would stand by him now as they did In their college days. Dr Black Is the father of Mrs Wal'ace, wife of aalem's well known and enterprUIng banker, with whom, with hi estimable wife, he I (pending his declining yeirs. A Proper Movf. The Linn County Agricultural Society held a meeting Saturday evenlr.g at the office of Curran & Monteith, with the President, A Hack leman In the chair, ar.d directors, Jason Wheeler, G F Simpson, J A Crawford, 1' W 8pink, Geo W Cline and I Beam pre ent. An Important step was taken In the motion to enclose the grounds with a seven foot fence, to place the track in good rac Ing condition and to build stahles contain. pg twenty stalls, the same to be done this fall or winter. A county fair will pro bably be held next year and the formation -of a trotting circle Is quite probable. Street ci lines should be built at once to the grounds, and there would be no ques tion a to the success of the move. What Pats. The outside world al ways knows more about the inside work ' ings of institutions than the proprietors themselves. The following from the Walla Walla Statesman will be of inter est, particularity the part about creamery stock, which Albany has freqaently Kimiij eomewnai: mere is impression abroad that the Walla Walla Gas A Elec tric Light Co pay enormous dividends. but such is not the fact. There ac,e just 400 out of 2300 shares held In thi-hv and on every nliare there is onlv 25 cents per month dividend paid. There would be just the same kick if the creamery stock paid, but as it is worthless and a failure nothing is said. Albany's Prospects were never bright er than today. Now It has a permanent color to It, The new residences built this year are of a high order, built for the fu tuie, and all desirable property U rented. There are as few vacant houses a at any time for year. The Oregon Pacific Is putting itself into shape and there Is a con fident feeling, based on good grounds, that next year will see the road go ahead. Al bany Is having built the only eantalever bridge, the best made, In the Northwest. Our sewer system is a good one, and bus iness l pushing. Keep your optic on Albany, A. Inhi'rakcb Matter. Mr Julius Oradwohl informs the Dkmockat that under a rule of the insurance compact parties having gasoline stoves in their houses are obliged to notify the insurance company. In case they carry insurance, In case of fire on a failure to do so they could not collect the insurance. Such stoves, he says, raise the price ot insur ance aotne. Pot IIuhtiso. China pheasants are plentiful below Coburg. We are Informed that two I farrisburg pot hunters recently killed 00 of the pheasants in that vicini tv in a Connie of dava and ahinnnrl tha-n to Portland, dres8ed,where they received $4.60 per dozen for them. Eugene Guard. Coal. Balem claims the finding of a five foot veiu of coal. There is no doabt the valley is full of it. There certainly is a mass of it around Albany. The vein at Spring Hill, across the river, is a good one and should tie developed. It may be made a big industry. Three Indictment were found by the grand jury during the'dny, one against Uren lieam, the others secret.the delepd ant being absent. The case of Mary A Wood agt Frank Wood was In progress at , pres time. J K. Wenherford appearing V for the plaintiff and J J Whitney for the defendant, The grand jury was at work on the I'eorla case See W F (Read's lin it dress (Kts and silk hsfor boyiog elsewhire. Almost a Wreck. There was ft colli sion and open switch accident on the Southern Pacific, at Aurora, Thursday nluht, which, very fortunately, attend ed by neither bodily Injuries or damage to nroiwrtv The travel train that I work ing between Canby and Wood burn, went on to the switch at Aurora, and left the witch open behind It, The Albany local came along a few minute afterward and ran on the sidetrack and Into the gravel train. The train wat runnhig at slow speed on that evening a It ncared the witch, although It usually Is running pretty fast when that point I reached. The collision moved the g ravel train for ward stout one car' length, but did no damage. Had tne overland Instead of the local struck this open twitch It would have made the onlooker hudJer to contem plate what the reaulta might have been as rushes through that town at a speed ot several mile per liour. Statesman. N. w. Million aires. J as w Itrcen, a writer in an Eastern paper, gives ft lift of millionaires In Portland and Seattle. It contains 4tt In Portland and 17 in Seattle. It undoubtedly is very incorrect, though interesting. W 8 Udd'a wealth Is placed at r.'O.OOO.OOO : Jacob Kamm'a at f 13,000. 000: II W Corbett's at 10,000,000; Hen ry Failing's. .000,000; O II Lewis', M.000,000; 1) V Thompson's, U.0OO,00O ; r rann iiekum. u.tMU.uoti. w At idd. it u Markle, J It Montgomery J w Cook, lkn Macleay ami h a Keed. are each rated at I3.000.1KX). J loewenburg, 11 Weinhard, G II Ainsworth, Tyler Wood ward, hittier A Co, and Maver tx Walker are placed at Il,W0,000.and then rrti'nVwJ'" u l? MOnTsT WPftl f. i .SiT? HT V." . Wl JrfnJ.; ?i Vrrt" T M?!?u-.n- iwt.-MVn!.Vj i.'?HjT. I M Coleman, Dexter 1 lor ton, etc., are the i.uuo.uoo men. wiiAi.t.EY PtoK'y Like Ir. The Oor vallis Times took Judge Wlialley to task for holding a reference in the back part of the 1 1 v office. The Indue, of course. sot mad, and now the Tittles again burst lorin with its Junius like sarcasm. W lule on the sublect we eive the follow ing pessimiatio utterance from the same paper: "We cannot see how those who ate interested in the road can sud much consolation from the present condition ot affaire, for it looks to a causual ob server as it the bondholders have settled uo-n vi a long tedious tight that may irkc years to settle." we predict not. Probate Matters In lhe matter ot the estate of Howard Owens, bond ot ad ministrator filed and approved and A Rader, las WHIbanks and S E Smith an- P"irea appiaiers. inventrry and an- praisrmeni nira. In the matter of the estate of Henry urates, inventory ana appraisement tiled. in tne matter ot the estate of Andrew Ralston, Inventory and appraisement Tiled, In the matter of the estate and guardian ship of Guy and Nellie Thompson, bond pprove-J and los Pearl. I P Carter, and f ix uone appointed appraisers. New Alliances. Organiser Rork, ot the farmers' alliance, arrived at his home In this city yesterday, alter an organizing iour inrouanoui iris part oi tne country. Three n?w local alliances just organized are as follows: Lyons, at Lvonsvllle, twenty members: Union, at Anknev.wlth fifteen members: and Stavlon with twentr. nve memoers. me lay for organization c Mm city is nameil, at u also that for Turner, Squirrel hill , Woudiiurn, Gervals, Mlverton, hhurk. and Clv.ner. Mr Rork leaves nexi week f r Indianapolis to. at tend the hlyu tyhee alliance, which toon convene mere, and to wmcii ne goe as delegate from Oregon. Statesman. That Placer Mine Messrs Avers, King, Armet, Bulse and Stephens, the Portlander who own the placer mines In coit valley which they purchased from Gregory and others, contemplate put'lng n new woras in tne mine to operate them on an extensive scale.manager Ayer says, and s-r 111 go over to Siskiyou county next wetk on business connected with the proposed Improvements. Mr Ayer had about $ too toithof nugget taken from this mine among the mining exhibit at the recent exposition at Portland. Ashland Tidings. Mis Hands Ful, Jos G Keller, who recently superintended Euirene's new sewer svstern is evidently a lustier. Be sides McMinnvll.c's new svs'ein he haa his hands In the following: ' "The cl?y ol Roscburg has floated bonds to the imiunt ot f J 5.000 for sewerage and city hall pur. r -... w . ' v m yiMitw iui 1 1 1 C sewer have been adopted and he ha been chosen superintendent of the same. The work will be done by the day. Mi Kellev hiring the men." "At a sneclal meetlmr of the city council of Boise Cltv. Idaho. Oct aid, lhe city dccli'ed to expend $v 00 for sewerag. under the plans and specifications of Joseph G Kellev, of Eu gene." A Pecvliar Business. Mr W F Ben jamin, postmaster of thla city, inspected the Oakland postofSce yesterday, and found everything In shipshape; the local Masby in good spirit, and the townneople satisfied with the service. Mr Benjamin has official supervision of postal matter In uougia countv. Koseburg Plaindealer. ao nave tne postmasters at all the county seats, but If is extra work without pay and Is merely voluntary, so it U safe to predict there will not generally be much inspecting, the county ;at P M'a a a rule having their hand full at home. The matter I one of Wannamaker' eccen tricities. Notice. The next meeting of the Linn county alliance meets on Friday, before the eecond Hatnrday in Nov. at Scio, at 10 o'clock a ni. All anions are requested to be represented as matters of import ance are to be transacted. By order of me president. T M AIlxkers. A Lebanon Huit. The suit of Wm M Oral against II Y Klrkpatrlck, of the Lebanon Express, attracted some Interest In that city last Monday. Drals asked for $aco damages caused by the Express man 1 efuslng to continue to print hi daily for nm. 1 ne J usttce thought about $.00 wa right and dismissed the case. The following from the Salem States man Is so good thst it doesn't need any supplement, it is evidently a home tnrust: ine "holier plate" newsnsper that buy their general news and miscellan eous matter In Sn Franclaco or Portland at to n uch a yard, are just now publishing an article beginning this way: "Much no prenension is felt that something has hap. penea to lieutenant Kus,ell's party hich was sent out at the beginning of the season to explore Mt StElia." The fact it the Russell party has been back In America some three weeks a fact well- known to reader of rfewsnapers that buy men new iresn ana not from the wire, Rev Be.I. of the West 8ldc of Indepen dence, get off the following original and cute Idea: A subcriber asks ui the origin of the phrase, "he isn't In It." It wa first used by art editor who died and went to heaven and looked around for the man who took hi paper three year and left It in the post oihce marked "refused. Don't go to the trouble of running all over the city, but go directly to Conn A Hendricson'a and Yet what you want in the GROCERY line. Their stock ia large and well-selected. Freh nrndnc and fruits can always be secured at their stands at the lowest prices. Yon get good goods and prompt attention. In crockery, glassware, lamps, etc., they are also having a big ran. No better place in the city for bargains in this line. Don't close jour eyes against these facts. Read! Who Is F. E. Allen. Why w supposed every one kaew. bat if you should aot lost triv him a call.ocposlU in Masonie temple, and you will nod it tn Ijiaee t.i hoy good fresh groceries ehe-p. J tint, recoivod new and npna-d for retail at li Brvwoell the, toa r.ving Chow Chow, Coos log Mulbsses, Pickles is vinegar. Halt Herring', " Rait whit ri.h, , Halt salmon. . If fflitted with teslp diseases, bair falling oat, and premature baldness, do not ns grease or alooholio preparations, bat spv'y 1111 s tisir iveoewer. With bis new bakery Conrad Meyer sdis to oner 01a ana new customer every tmng nrsKsiass ta oakea gooaj. Oil at, AMB rcMONiL I . I HOBDAY. I G W Davis, clerk .f the school land board, I In the city G W Smith, ot East Portland, I In the city, to attend to matter before the cii cuit court. Mr snd Mr E N Beach, after a visit to Eugene, returned lo their home at Palouse City, Wash., this noon. J II McCune, ot Lebanon, left today for uooa county, where he will sell a patent Ded appliance. Air and Mr Geo O Stanard has re turned from a several day visit In Brownsville. Tho advance sfnl for Dr Kennon, the Rig arrangment for a fecture In Albany great Sibciluu explore), I in the city mak. Mr Cha Hasan ha returned from hi trip East, after an absence of lust a mouth, and will resume hi place In the S. P. freight office. The marrlase of Mr William Davidson, of this city, and Mi Mamile Rawl, of Salem, at the St Charles, on Wednesday evening promise to be an attractive affair. Mr A K Chapman, Oregon Pacific agent at this city, and wife, arrived home yesterday from their eastern trip, and re port a pleasat.t experience doing the prln 'lral ai.tM.ll fltt-at M-u. V...-S . r... I V. A oiner. WmMcKtnnon. of Sweet Home, ar rived In Albany today from Brownsville. where, before the J P he waived examin ation on the charge ot Mr Atkinson, and will appear before the grand jury this ween M' A K.dcllffe, who ha. been one of lhe -P"" " Ashland woolen t lat m J P Wednesday e Artuny, to take a job In the wo mills ven- ny, to take a fob In the woolen mill at that place, where he worked be fore coming here. Hi family remain In Ashland. Ashland Record. Mr Tho) J Overman, the popular har- nessmaker, arrived in Albany yesterday noon, accompanied by hi bride, Miss Minnie Bishop. They will reside at Mr Overman home In the First Ward. Mr and Air Overman have the best wishes of a host of friends for happiness and pros, peHty, of which Ihey deserve an abund ance. A usual October Is irovlmr a live wed. ding month, and as It approaches the close 01 ine month Increases, Saturday and to day County Clerk Payne Issued the fol lowing licenses: 1 L. Hudson and KHz Uelle Smith. C It Davidson and Viola ( Lon. Cash. Case and Lizzie Ballet. Ar Ihur G McDonald and Lore n a Rotters. cuwaru irasa and l.uemda s,helton. The tololna from the Benton Leader is aoout a young man who clerked with G l. luacknian in this city a couple year go: wm a a took, a son of our promln ent merchant, M Stock, has been gaining high honor In the California college ot pharmacy recently, f n Sept. a8ih, he passed second best hi the lunior course being ot 1 per cent of first place. On Oct. 15th he passed with high honoia, a rigid examination before Lhe State Board of Cala., gaining a certificate of Licentiate fharmaclst. Will Is an Alumnus of the O. A. C. and we- are pleased to note hi succcos. lie now holds a position In one of the leading drug store In San Francisco. TURltDAY. Hon Til Ford, of Salem, Is In court. Mr Watt Montcith. ot Portland, la In tne city. Tom come to think of It. he doesnt deserve a personal. J N Duncan ha returned frem a leeal inp 10 rnneviiie. W H Raymond, pecial airent and ad juster of the fan Franclaco Insurance company, is here. Salem Journal. What company la that. F II Kelsay and family, of French (set tlement, left yesterday for Albany to re side. They have rented their farm and we trust their absence will be but tem porary. Roscburg Review. The twenty-sixth license for the month of October waa granted today by the county clerk to Wm E Iavidnn and AJargarett A Kawl. axed IS) and 18 res pectively. The former not being of age the consent ot hie father an near a on the affidavit. The annnal nice fin e ot the Brand com mandery of Knight Templars of Oregon ia in session in Portland, convening there today. Hon Geo K Chamberlain and I) P Mason are present from this city as delegates. Owing to the Circuit Court being in session other delegates were un able to attend. E P Rogers. G T ft P A of the S P R R, ot Portland, I In 'he city, to answer the charge of discrimination, on which the jury failed to agree at the last term ot court. He I accompanied by the road' attorney, Hon W D Fenton, the well known predecessor to Hon left Mver and several othei welt known Oregonlans. A MINIHTERIAL RECEPTION. Last evening at the U P church an in formal reception waa tendered the mem bers of the presbytery, recently In seseion here, remaining in the city. The aeata were removed from the middle of the room and old and yonnar spent two or three hours in sociability. Some fine music was furnished by members ol the college orchestra who are also members of the U P Habbath school : a skilfully performed duet on the piano by Misa Laura Tate, of this city, and Miss Flor ence Gibson, of San Francisco, was heard with much pleasure and heartily encored ; Miss Stratum rendered a couple piano solos with good effect, and solos by Miss Gibson and Misa Tate were greatly appreciated. An elegaht lunch of ice cream and cake as served ; re marks were called for from several of the visting ministers and the reception waa closed at 10 :30 after prayer by Dr Gibson. resides tne -large number from the clinch and school there were present Dr Gibson and daughter, of San Francisco, Kev crabbe, of Los Angeles, Rev Hpauld ing, of Hpokane. Rev KirkDairick. of Tacoma. Itev Speer, of Warm Hprings, vt mack and wile, of Kaleni. of the u r church, and Rev Dobbins, of Berkeley, Calif., Key Condit and wife, Rev Pricb ard and Rev Stewart among others. WED5E.1DAY. Col. Hogg and attorneys have returned east. License wa Issued to day for the mar riage of C M Rainwater and- Ella M Stuprow. ' A Ifazleton came down from the miner this morning, and reported work progress ing rapuiy on the new mill. Alex Rennle went to McMlnnvllle this noon, where hi parent reslde.belng called home on account of the Illness of one of them. Mr L Senders and daughters, Misses Belle and Amelia, left on last night's overland for Han Francisco, on ft several weeks visit. Ignatius Donnefly sued the Pioneer Press for $100,000 and Saturday recovered ti and $1 for counsel fee. The warning Is a terrific one. Do not monkey with the buzz saw. Never sue a paper for libel. You will not even be vindicated. $1 ver dict Intuit the men who recover them . SICK Head- Aches. 81ck-headache are the oatwkrd Indications ol deranf omenta of U stomach and bowel As Joy' VeseUbU ftanapsrlUa 1 the only bowel rcfulatlDg preparation of Barsaparltla, it is seen why It la tb only appropriate BanaparHJe is sick-headaches. It ia not only appropriate; it ia an absolute oore. After a oonr of It aa occa sional dose at interval will foraver after prevent return. J 00. M. Cox, of 796 Turk Street, Ban Francisco, write: M X have been troubled with attack of lck-beadach for the last three year from on to thro tuna a week. Bom time ago I bought two bottlo of Joy' YeseUbl BrsafrUl and bav only ha4 on attaak slooo and that was on the second day after I began using it" Inn'Q Vegetable i3Uy y Sarsapariila .res sali by " STAHAHD & CUSICX ALBANY tltlllll WHEAT, 52 0 EN TO. The province ot Archbishop Gross em braces Oregon, Alaska, Montana, Wash Ington and Idaho 97a, 718 square mile. We saw Mr Reed engaged In burning tump in front of hi propertr.and other wise Improving the street. That U enter prise. Lebanon Enterprise. Last Sunday the water wa turned out ot the ditch and while playing in lhe sed iment at the corner of Fourth and Vine street, Master Eddie Mover found gold ring. Telescope . The tltlaen ot Albany are a hospitable people. Beginning Friday they will en tertain their fifth company ol visitors during the month. This time It will be a live, growing, hungry crowd, endeavoring to do all thing right. Let them come. Albany I equal to the occasion. Ill also growing. Last Tuesday Messrs Weatherford and Chamberlain were considerably surprised to receive by express delivered at the court house a larve boa marked "Cash boE which proved to be empty. Some practical inker had evidently taken the trouble to prepare the box a a joke on the attorneys Hen'on leader. The wheat market Is now settled in the valley into Ha regular channel, and the present prices show the value of the markets In different cities. The follow ing quotations on wheat speak for them selves : Htlm,7t)S,c ; Corvalli82 cents ; Albany, 82 cents. It ia learned from parties who leslde at Mitchell that McDonald who cutoffHte phenson'a ear at that place recently was to some extent justifiable in doing what he did, Stephenson having assaulted him and McDonald acted In self deiense. Ochoco Review. Cutting off a man's ear is a very peculiar wa to act in sett de fense. Recently we gave the rate of taxes In several cltWwhicli were evidently incor rect. According to a Seattle paper the city fas there ia only 4'i nulls, and county tax 10 mills, on ft valuation ot 4(1,000,000 for the city, and 7I.000,XI lor the county. In Portland the city, state and county lac foot up 20 mills. The highest priced lot in Seattle ia given as only 1100 per front foot, while in Portland 12000 Is about the price. We pause in admiration for the Kone burg man, Charley name, who is about to issue a volume of proae and poetry and an invention, a switch, which can only be kept open by a man with a crowbar or by blocking it with a stick of wood. The combination ia an enormous one. John Wink haa commenced a damage suit In the rlrcut court at Pendleton against the Union Pacific railroad com pany, for RSO.OOO. Wink, while in the employ of the company last July, waa badly hurt by being thrown from a hand car near Hilgard station. He was for some time in tt.e hospital at Portland. and besides other Injuries received baa been rendered deaf from the accident. Walla Walla Statesman. Ducks are in the air. and are so plenty as to admit of items like the following from the Eugene Guard : J F Athertoo shot into ft band of Mallard ducks Mon day evening, aa they were flying over his residence on College Hill l'ark and brought down a fine green bead which he is having mounted. One of the largest bicycle factories In America has written to Chief Smith, of the Transportation Department, that it will exhibit at the fair "bicycles and ti Icycles of every style ol the trade.ehow ing the rise and prog res of the art of making 'wheels,' from the first 'bone shaker' built in this country np to the hiahly finished 'safety' of the present day." It ia a mean man who will not treat ft dumb animal kindly. Recently ft fsalem junk peddler was arrested tor cruelty to a borne, ao poor that one might fake him for ft birvcle it approaching a few block away. The peddler waa punished and the horse taken in charge by the Hu mane society there, and called Calamity, tier declining years are almost at plena ant as those ot the well-known -Black Beauty. Every city should have an Hu mane society, and everybody should be humane anyway. A letter received by an Augusta, Me., publisher a few days from Salem. Ohio was mutilated in a remarkable manner..! The Ohio postmaster iiad enclosed the letter in an official envelope, along with a note explaining that the mail carrier who collected it had been shot by a high wayman, the charge passing through bia pouch and its contents and taking effect in bis leg. " The Roeeburg Plaindealer report a big laro game running In that city by a Port ia ad man. and devotes column article on the subjeet. It la probable laro games are occasionally run in all the valley towns. Thonsrh it ia a noor wav to in vest money a great many seem bound to put their wealth on the chips, a man will do that wli weuldn't throw a twen ty in the river or give it for charity. Oregon rattlesnakes will have o take a back seat for Kansas snakes. People in the vicinity of llolden, Kansas, are excited over the finding of a great den of snakes near that town. The reptiles abound in thousands, and all kinds and sizes mingle in one writhing mass. The snakes vary in size from one foot to six or seven feet in length. Rattlers have been captured with twentr-two rattles and a button. Two men have bought the den and are preparing to dig them out and capture those considered the most valuable. They will ship them to Chicago, where they expect to sell them to the museums. Tne rattlesnake is es pecially valuable, as bis oil commands a price o' 16 an ounce. So far 400 or 600 have been captured. A laraa barrelful was taken into llolden Saturday ,and 100 varieties have been barreled preparatory to snipping to Chicago; Alfill&Ws May be seen the finest stock ot cold and silver watches, diamond and other rings, jew eiry, silverware. Ac, in the city. For Sale. Twenty-four acre tract of land, alt In cultivation,' suitable for prune orchard, $45 per acre. Inquire on prem lses of Wm St John, 4 mile west or lan gent. 0 Kellooo School. TheKellogg school ef dres cutting at corner of first and Baker In the Ralston house U now open Lesson not limited. Ladle are Invited to call and examine the system. Havb TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gro eery store is always full of fruits, vege m im Va vav 1 t anf In t It a na. ket. If there is anything to ba bad.. they bavs It. Peaches, Berries, Cabbages, Turnips, Nw Potatoes, Tb best matt ooflea ia the eity at Coma Mviyrrs. Letter litat. Following is the list of letters remaining in the rjoat ofiioe at Albany. Linn oounty, 0egon, Oct 27, 1891. Person oallinf for these letters must sriv the date on which they were advertised. Hull, E'la Hy. jsVed HawUy, W C JaesoD, C'tai Morrii, Oeo'ge Tbaroer, Gor William, H M Webster, Bin Hoamrie, Aaga t Hsys, Ross Ha droan, Crias Martfn. WW 8.-waff, Jss M Williams, ML '. Wise, T & Co T. MeKTHITH, P, M, ceuitriL rBttt'EEtmoa. Tuesday evening, Oct. 27. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal street comnr.ssionor. ireasurer, and Couni'Ilmen French, fabler, Hawkins, Durkhart and Alien. The following bills were ordered paid Maototi A Davis, M; J N Hoffman, f20 0 W Watts. 2(l 60; Coat bills, 2 Geo Richards, 2: R A Murphy, $7 HO N I Henton, 44 20; M Cowan, th) 42 K A Murphv, (l 1(1; J N Combs. OOcts; W II itarr, $103 25; Santiam Lumber Co, 72 H). Mrs Brown, flO; N J Hen ton, 2l 85. Recommendations of street commix- slonur for certain street improvements was adopted. Petition of Q 11 Skinner and others for sidewalk at Maine and Madison streets was granted. Matter of platforms at river for en glnes was laid on table for the present. The recorder reported Insurance placed on No 2'a eagine house tor 1200, 1750 In the Farmers A Merchants Ins Co, and $-150 in tho Oregon A .Marino ins Co. McNary, the man with the broken leg, was reported to have 'oft Mrs Brown's. and it was ordered thtit the city refuse to keep him any longer. Petition of J 0 Powell and others asked for the construction of a sewer throuah block . 1. western addition, beginning at certain point snd distance from the sur face. Relorred with power to act. Petition of E W Achlson and or asked that grade on First street, Harrison to Maine, I lower than established grade. to correspond with grade on Water street. Ordinance bill No 234. amendina- the ordinance providing for the grading of streets was react tnree times ami passed. The report of K W Lana-don and J J Dubrullle, referee in matter of value of right ot way over Monteith estate was read, awarding the estate t750 for same. anu on motion was auopiea. 1 .1 . " .1 ' Ordinance bill No 2.15. authorizing the cuy to enter into contracts lor the con struction of latteral sewers connecting with Maple street sewer, was read three times ana passed. Ordinance bill No 23fi, providing for connection 01 certain blocks with Maple street sewer was read three limes and passed. Ordinance bill No 237, providing for the Issuing ol a warrant for AoO !n favor of C H Burkhart, for paying expenses of negotiating aaie or bonds, was read three times anu passed. Ordinance bill No 238, providing for the appropriation of 7&0 for the pay ment of the purchase price of the right ot way over the Monteith estate tor the bridge, waa read three times and passed. Resolution No 2H providing for certain sidewalk Improvements was read; ob jections to ue mane ny rov 10. The .recorder was directed to give no tice necessary for securing Hen for U7. tW due for grading In front of several uieces of property : oblartiona to m re ceived by Nov 13. A small light waa ordered placed in the rear of fc'o S'a engine bouse. On motion the matter of the wafer furnished by the Albany water works was referred to the committee on health and police, to report at next meeting. Mr Ilas kins moved that In view of the large amount of money to 1 In the hands of the treasurer, on sate of the bonds, the bond of the treasurer be in creased to 75,000. The marshal was directed to itive lesal nolle to all parties who have not con nected with main sewer, where a nuisance exists. Bids for buildinir latteral sewers across Maple street were rud aa follows : lUva. Jefferlee U Co 4th to Btb street, tW; filh toflth, tl 60: fUli to 7th, ft 40; 8th to tub. $1 20, and l 76, per cubic yard, for solid rork. Contract let to bidder. bonds 5O0, to be completed by Jan 1st, Hilars v. I wish tossy to my friend and cus tomer that 1 have my fall and winter tytea in millinery ready for trade. Will be pleased to show goods at any time. Ida M Pat-ait. fare fSalaal WrakavM. K r WnotstoD. Yates. O. Uao. Co., S Y writ! "My wlfa, flee ysars ago, waa con fined to hsr bad with inflammatory rhums U m ot tb muscle of tb bsck. The doe- tor tbnotbt her ease hopslaM, sod doomed her tn be a badrtddtn Invalid. Tb vioUot pain kspt hsr aask almost avarv niirht. She lost oyer thirty ptiat In weight To saa nor paia 1 'Hoagni I wnald pat on Alloock's Poroos ilaater. I eoverod her bok withthim. Tomy great delikht she bsan to slsop well. The twin vary much abated in ane wsk . I tbsn took tb plas ter off, wsshsd far back, and pot on frb one. At the end ot the aocond wsck.sha (csutsd oa gxtting dp. and by the third wMk waa otlrslv wU and able to attrnd to hsr boosehend duties. Corvallis ha a new lawyer, Hiram 0 Day is. MARRIED. DAVIDBON-RAWL. On Wednesday forenoon, Oct. 28, 18M, at the St Charles hotel, in Albany, by Kev. K. K. Prichard, Mr. Win. . Davidson and Miss Maggie A. Rawl, both of Albany. The parlors were elegantly decorated for the occasion. Several invited guests witnessed the ceremony. A line display of costly presents attracted attention. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have the best' wishes of friends in Albany and Balem. They loft on the noon train for Portland, where they will spend a few days. On their return iney win be given a recep tion Monday evening at the Ht Charles. DYER HUBER. On Sunday, Oct. 18th, at the residence of the brides' parents, in Linn county, near St ay ion, Wm. Dyer, ot Bay City, and Mis Lizzie H iiuDer, ot Linn county. BORN. BTUAKT. On Monday, Oct. 26, 1891, in Albany, to wife of C. J. Btnart, a son. Ill ED. HAYS. On Monday, Oct. 28, 1801, in H lit r ! . vorva'ua, vrregon, 01 consumption, jnr. Gilmour Hays, aged 21 years. The de ceased waa a son ot I. Hays, formerly of Albany. Funeral services occurred today, the remains of the deceased being buried in the city cemetery at Albany. DAVIS. Near Armona, California, September 1st, 1891, of cholera infantum, Edith L Dalrs, Infant daughter ot Mr and Mrs J K Davis, aged a years. - (Sick 24 hour.) Poison in No article entering so generally into the food of every household is so generally and villainously adultered as bak ing powder. These adulterated powders are shoved upon4 the public with the greatest persistency. Throbbing advertisements in newspapers claiming this brand or that is absolutely pure, backed by analyses and cer tificates, and yet they are adulterated with ammonia or alum'. It is to be hoped tho law will take hold of these merciless manufacturers and punish them for destroying the stomachs of the unsuspecting consumer. Amid aft this fraud and deceit Dr. Price's Cream Bak ing Powder stands- almost alone battling for pure food and continues to furnish a pure cream of tartar powder at almost the same cost to the people as the ammoina and alum pow ders are sold at, yet it costs much more to manufacture. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. 13 of the highest strength. . It produces the largest amount of leavening power attainable in a pure baking powder. It is free from ammo nia or any other adulteration: No powder does such work. Housewives who have tested all use Dr. Prices only. rp&t of a ia Xvensof Power. 4BQUfTEOf FUME II OWN Ant ARtAK MONDAY. Co.. of this eity. are making srra.ics merits to vivs lig bal. n Ttiankrgiving evening, Nov 20th. . A rehearsal of will b hold at tomorrow vsulng. All parMoi pants ar request! to be pies-nt promptly at 7.30 o olock. Thn Junction City Times, a new paper at that city, is rental kslilv well gotten up, anil if tb peopla nf that rity on not sapport it it will be a sly a that thsy do not want s paper. lfowsr I 0r, an old rssidant of Lion oounty who hvad about a mils from Or vallis on tha st sid of the river, disd on Tuesday lt and waa bariad in Crystal l,aka oamtitory ytsUrdsy. Uaaton Ldar Look rut for two tombstone trends who are taking In Uregon mournsrs, Thonith ptofeasiog to bssti solars to eaoh nthar they trsvri touelher a rut ar In oolluslon to wio- dlath pnbslo. Tbsy ar both sttsuh of an Kastern oonoern. Ki . Th 1E vochat ha lost a suhseriner tt its watkly. On sooount of a chame of ri- rl erics from Kandon Mr A 1 Webstar hss dlso'.ntlnttfcd bis pa far. Residents of the stata penitentiary ar not allowed to reoaive a slats papar. Th ladies ot tha Cnsre'atiniial church ar making sitensiv arraiicamants to give a fl.aasr at th opera house on the evening of llrecmber lltn. A larg supply of Use ful, beautiful and ornamental article will b on sat. A litaray and musics! proyrtm ia being ai ranged and refreshment will b srved. Three Months Pay. According to bulletin posted along the line ot the Oregon Pacific, to-nr. or row C C llogue. paymaster for Receiver Hogg, will pay th employe of the road for wage due for March. April and May, This will put considerable money In circulation and lll give the men a big lift. In view of Its coming sis weeks before lhe time epected 'he proceeding Is being appreciated by the employes. This leaves four or five months iue. TCEMJA v. Circuit Court la sUo in sassioo at Kngana. Wm Shroadar of Janotloa Ulty has a mastiff that tippad tha beam at etaotly oa bandied sod twenty poojd snd la only a year old at that. Tha Oregon Psoitis R. R. will b sold Ihto. 9th, and 00 that day special lrgiaa in Towaaand a sddiUoa will t withdraan from tb market . 80s Towoasnd s ad. W It II Grant ba aommeaoad oaavaMins for snbaeriptioaa to make a to i table aihibit at th Chbago World' Colombian Kiposl- tion. Uo M MiM.r sulonbl $250 and A ; Hoysy tM). If tJs.OOO tsa be raisad ia th country rortisnd will eom to th front lib at laast i3,0fJ0mor. Eugoo Ousrd. Wtin strangpr eom to Astoria they ar stro- gty In praMad with tb faahng that It ill baeoms a great city, tin gantlamaa raoaatly ramsrk-d ha woold faal mnoh safer ia investing $100,000 ia Astoria than tW tta. II is wall awar of th resource and growth of Wsthifgtoo's peioaipal eilias.sod notwithstanding thatr immaoM alriti h prefai a the peospact of Aatorta. Talk. Bat eta ar battar tbsn pros pact. A dispaUh raos'.rod from Iwitoo. Idaho, aooontoM th death of Alonso Laland, who ram to Or) ia llUO with A Huth.aod la 1S.VI bessn th publuat'.on of th Sttadard at Portland. II waa afUrward editor of th Orena Advrtir and the Portland Time. II was also a nmSr ot the first school board ot thi sily, Beauty I said to b only skio dp; bat toos and praae rvs a baautiful skin. pur,.tgoroas blooc la easanuai. ini S best r sou red by taking Ayer'a Hsrsspanlla ia mall bet fro,aot do -a. Ilis the most reliable of blond portfisr. Wb a all other rcmadis for sorofale fail, ! Avar's Ksisspahlla, if persistently ased. affrou a ear. Being a powsrfal alterativ, It oUaoaja the blood of ll irapuritias, de stroys th germ of scrofula, and impart osw hfe and vigor to every fibrsof th body. WEDNEKDAY. f atmniaa tb old stand, tn Pioneer bar ber shop, now t now a aa th Altsny liatb Ueo Lamtreth, p -oprielor . For first-class meals eall at th City Re Mirsnt. Kvarythiog daii 1 and nsat. Meats, 23 oenta. Board and lodging 4 00 par eek. Th eon Or iron Reform school wilt 1- opened oa Nov 6th. It ia needed badly, and Lion county will do hr siisr toward filliog it. Th member of Albany Ltida Ko. 4 10 O F ar eapeotally rqst4 to be ia attend ance thi vaina aa matters of importance will be considered. The Apollo Club of thi eity La received aa Invitation t give a concert at th Mon mouth College in th Interest of tb library. It will be given about Thanksgiving. Jade M L Pipe, of Corvellie, received th Intel lieetiee Monday afterneoa thst his father bad died that morning at Wcbtter Urove. a uborb of St Loui. Mo., at tb sgs of 74 year. The 0 P bondholders' referee ws, that haa bean held in Corvallia lor several day, adjourned Mnndsy to onnveo on Deoam bei 7i h at tha same plso. Mr Kay, the at torney, lft I r his home n osatit on that da. The Woodbara Iudapeodent demands in behalf of a doubting public a ettlemnt of he dirTaranoaa between Dra Lane and Row- 'iiid, tsand present uerinteodet of the nsan asylum. Thi is very kind nf th Imltf enaVut, and will do doubt tult ;n a coiiplete adjust n-ent of several very ma terial diffireriee io tatemeata. Tber i a quaint humor, if nothing else, in the precaution taken by th Uermsns to prevent accidents from th Lauffsn-Frank-fort cab I, which transmit a uurreut of 26, 000 volts a currett so deadly that it would kill on th instant t-f oontaet. All the pole carrying th wire forth lit mils nt trsnsmissioo ar adorned with skull and urosa-bonsf, which ar surmounted with a warning notiee. WW Davis is now lo charge at th Del monloo restaurant. Meal 23 cents. EaaUrn oyster, fresh. Ever) thing first-class . Deci Jedly tha largest and choicest variety of tea In town is at C K Brownell'a. Son dried, basket fired, g-een, black, English breakfaat, &o. Go to O C MoFarland for asdlory, -har ness, whips, robes, all kind of burse cloth ing etc, eto. Littler A Ball, dantista, will make artifi cial plates of aluminum. The healthiest. most durable and lightest weiuht ot any other plate. We want to introduo thi kind of work In thi vicinity. the Kitchen. 17. g. Jyt Report, Aug. iy, iggp, HKAl rSTATR RaLER, Wm II Itoach to WTPoiter.lot II, bl 2, in Harrisburg. $ P Keeling to Cooh-y A Washburn, lots 6, II, 7,8,blksfl,3,4,6,K,S A, Brownnville ICe Baker to O 11 Devaney, parcels . inficlo 0 Derrick to Geo C Cooley, lots 3, 4, 1.1k il, Brownsville UeoCCooly ctttx to Alice Pay, acres, Brownsville. ....... A II Ureyinan etal toReulwn Lee, 120 acrea In tp 13, H K 1 w.... K F Hox et ux to( W Pbilllps.par- crlslntplO, Hit I w 0 C Maltby to U 11 Bilyeu, blk 2, Hotith A, Hclo A T McCnlIy to A L Arnold, 116.72 acres in J 11 Thomns 1) L C. . . . II I Pickens i t al to (i M Pickens, IMI87 seres In I) L C of W M ick?nii. 1. ,. , 1 J L Ams at al to W L Pulliam'.lot fl, hlk 6, Hweet Home Lydia Emerson to U W Pickens, W acres, sec 24, tp 13, H 11 1 K. . . OL Thompson etaltoWC Hawk, 162.87 acres, tp 10, 8 It 3 w. . . T A Beard to I.J I ioiiik, parcels in tp 12, H H 3 and 4 w T P Patton et ux to 8 8 Pearl.lot 8, bl 8, llaUcy Henry 15nluler et ux to rVsliool Hist 106, 1 acre sec 4, tp 10,8 U 2 E 200 1071 100 400 87 1200 760 SCO 3160 23 26 330 2203 1000 460 1 $10,002 Total for year.. ..867,433 ar.s near. A piano , At Klein B'os Boot and Shoe store. New cloak i WF Bead's. Latest tyla cf hate at W F Reau Ittdnetion ib'summer gocdt W F fleet's Applojpsrnrs f r a!a at Stewart A S if. H A liuhn. druggist, French's oom. Fiarooarie at Coon & Heodrioaos's. Uteet sheet musio at Will & Lick's. 1'araeot and sun ombrella at lea than oostat W F Read's. Geld spectacle and ay slaaeea, J sty) and prices, at F M French'. The finest tin of pocket knife in tl eity at Stewsrt A tW. Itargaina in gold watches at Frsneb's, "Tb Corner Jewelrj Store." A full of wsrnert eorsets, beis) th world for th money, t W K Bead's. J. W. Beotlry, ldio f boot sad shoe maker, jost ast ot Revere Hon. C W Cobb, job printer, Fliao Block, does first class work. e that a'tisnt piano at Klein Bro B jot sad 8 bo store. Fresh roasted co1r at F E Alleo't. Fresh hams, lard aid bae lust reoeivad at F K AlteaV. Keep your ayes .tea t bargain st F K Allan's. Hsv yra hesrj bow lot ar aelllug ia Towneend' tddillon. Wanted, at F K Allan's, 600 doten sgg Highest market price psid. Ktawart& 8j 11 th very Ust ratf at tsmpiwd shears and .ior. Ladies Otf.rd ties et Rreatly reduced rate at Klein Bros. Mal be sold. A large line of aleaait gold wateha la tsety new tray al Will A Stark'. All kind of farmer produo taku ia sx- ebsog for grooerie st F K Alien 'a. Oh! Ladies, took hre! 5 psokege soda at F E Allan' fcr 23ont Silk umbrellas in nttursl wool handle sheep at Frsuoh' Jswalry store. Yoa set your m tney'a worth whea you bay silk ambreiia at fienoh'a. Th finest lin of picture trains vr la Albany at Fortatiller 3t Irving'. Th very (stoat stv les an J novvl.ies In the millinery line jut received at. the Miases Balls. 'Jell an J see them. (i to C W Cbb. auooessor to Paisley ft Smile., Flmn Block, for ytarj b printing f all kind. LARGEST -:- ASSORTMENT or HEATING STOVES. AT MATTHEWS it WASHEURF8 Removed. W B McPhetson lias re moved his loan and insurance office te opposite the Masonic temple, where at present lie lias plenty 01 money to loan en Albany real estate. The Liver When out of order. Involves every organ ot the body. Itemedies for some other derange ment are frequently taken without the least effect, beeanse It Is the hver which Is the real source ot the trouble, and until that Is set right there can be no health, strength, or comfort In any part of the system. Mercury, , In some form, Is a common speelfle for u slug gish liver; but a far safer and more effective medicine la Ayer's Pills. 1 For loss ot appetite, bilious troubles, const I patlon. Indigestion, and alck headache, these l'llls are unsurpassed. " For a long time I was a sufferer from stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, expe riencing much dllUculty lu digestion, with severe pains In the lumbar region and other parts of tlte body. Having tried a variety ot remedies. Including warm baths, with only temporary relief, about three months ago I began the use ot Ayer's Pills, and my health Is so much Improved that I gladly testify to the superior merit of this medicine." Manoel Jorge Perelra, Porto, Portugal "For the cure of headache, Ayer's Catliar tlfl Pills are the most effective medicine I ever used." It. K.James. Dorchester, Mass. "When I feel the need of a cathartic, I take Ayer's Pills, and Ond them to be more effec tive than any other pill I ever took." Mrs. 11. C. Orubb, Uurwellvllle, Va. " I have fouud in Ayer's Pills, an Invalua ble remedy for constipation, blltousuess, and kindred disorders, peculiar to mlasmatlo localities. Takeu tn small and frequent doses, these Pills Act Well on the liver, restoring Its natural powers, and aiding It In throwing off malarial poisons." C. F. Alston, Quitman, Texas. "Whenever I am troubled with constipa tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's rills set me right again." A. J. Klser, Jr., Rock House, Va. M In 1858, by the advice ot a friend, I began the use of Ayer's Pills as a remedy for bll . lousness, constipation, high fevers, and colds. They served me better than anything I had previously tried, and I have used them In attacks ot that sort ever since." H. W. Herah, Judsonla, Ark. Ayer's Pills, raarABiD by OR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Drugglsta and Dealers In Medicine. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE; VfOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBI r untlerslimed has been by order of the eountv oourt of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed exec utrix ot toe ituit win ana testament or r r uron. deoeased. All persons having olalms against said estate are hereby required to present tha same prop- srly 1 Alban; rilled to J r ualbraltn, at III omceof thi y Woelen M'lis company. In Albany, uregon, on or before six months from this date. be! SeDtember Uth. ISM MARY CROFT. Exsoutrlx ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTOTICK IS HEREBY OlYEN THAT O. Oosbow, Jr, th. undersigned, haa this day btn sppoiated administrator of tha estate ot Henry Qrmser, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate must present said claims to tbs undar. s:gtiea at tns omcs or A weatnenord, in tbs city of Aiosny, unn county, vregon, properly Ten Bed. Dated this 21st day of September, 1891-" IP. COhlHOW. Ji. J K WBATnskrssD, . , Administrator, JLtlJ iUr AHUM.. IV'-O. L 18 Leading Men's, Young Men's and Boys Glotbing, Fnrnisn- ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. For Many Year He has Been in the Lead and whyi Because he gives THE FULLEST VALUE, THE BEST MAKES, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT. THE LOWEST PRICES. No matter what you want in Men's or Youths' Overcoats or Suits, he can fill your demands at a price that will meet your certain approval. Qive him a call. jL. E. BLAIN, ALDANY, "That is the first READY MADE suit I have worn for Twelve Years' "sa:d a promineut busi ness man the other day, as h walked out of the store of T. L. Wallace A Co. with one of those hand6ome patterns and richly tailored garments under his arm. A Perfect Fit No matter what shape the short ana stout, we ANY A Large and Betmtifu1 Line Overcoats, Macintosh A Complete Line of BOOTS and SHOES. Fine Umbrellas, New and Novel Neckwear, Latest Styles in Hats. And wa trrmld v UNDERWEAR, which-is Large and Complete and se lected with a view to please those who suffer with cold in winter. To see it you will buy it. As regards priced would say that our. daily increase in sales speak volumes.although' we make no pretensions tb sell one class of people cheaper than any ether. We believe in strictly ONE PRICE to all and have marjcet &u our goods in nam Figures. T. L WALLACE & CO.. Leading GlotUsii and Furnishers. trahan Bloc A Li THE - House IN OREGON. is Guaranteed. man, bo he long and slim or selected our stock te fit and ALL. of and Robber Goods. s al1 ftt.tTiinn in mir lino f OREGO