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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1891)
BUTTING. Editor aaet rreartetera. Great masses of paat are flocking into KutsUo. tcwns perishing from want of food. Al lt 63,000 have passed through Tainien. Many are djriog by tat roadside. Iooea disritm ud pillaging ar (Dreading. A te grower from Ley lou propoee lo Urt to raiting of tM In California be lieving that th foot-hill land will be ad mirable for it. The Shetta valley U aimilar to the lead oo whlou tea U reived In Coy loo. Th largest amount of to yr eo, root to a Paoine ooaat port U now on iU way to Van oavr. It amounts to 12,000 tons, and it 'or tdinnsspolls, 81 Faal and Caioago. Veither Got Campbell, nor Oov Hill hat baeo abl to Sod, in raapooaa to reptaUd eall to their andianc, any work Id groan whoa wag have been advanced by- th VoKiuley tariff. Tb saw paper have re ordd omn involving thoaaand of man who wage Ssrs b tduol iac that traat fo taring aot wat into street. Maine la experiencing tome remarkable freak of weather till fall. One day l.ut week in the upper Pennobacot valley there were killing froets,whlle brook and ponda were tklmmed over with tee. On the fol lowing day the mercury stood at 90 de gree In the hade. . The great crop snJ good price In Mln neaota and Dakota have cauaed an advance In the price of land theie. In aome town in theae state the advance ha been 50 per cent., and the general advance la 35 pe r cent, in nearly all localities. The Mexican ccssiot cott u f 30,000,000, o' about la cen'.t aa acre. Wi have carved from it California, Arixooa, Nevada and Utah and parts of New Mexico and Colorado, and fiom about one-twelfth of the lands denounc ed as sterile and valuttess we have produced $1,000,000,000 of gold and silver and 30 as nvch in cereals, Inmbcr and fruit. The treasury derailment his decided that a marble bust of the frince of Wales, imported for a Masonic society in Iowa, is entitled to cum into the country free of duty, rhis should set tap a howl among the protection or- gws and the McKinley bill crowd tram on end of the country to the other. What is th bltl good for if it permits such things as thi?? England is th home of British free trade and th Cobden Club. It ia the foreign nation at which lb bill was chiefly aimed. Yet here is th bust of an Eng'.iih piince, who may yet be its king, admitttifrec of duty, Erery pro- tectioniet in th United States will hold up bis hand ia horror. Th editor of the Eugene JowrW went to Portland laat week and while there "D P Thompaon hitched up hla team and pent r early two daya in driving u (the editor) in hi buggy all over the city on both tide of the river and several mile nto the suburb almost to Vancouver and Stjohna." What remarkable condetcen alon on the part of D P. And the Eugene editor must show hi gratitude to the mighty David and how do he do It. By making a mean and contemptible an at tack upon Governor Pennoyir atone with hit limited ability can do. It wat no leubt Inaplred by David during that two day'a ride In the buggy. But aa no one but the reader of the Journal will ever see It it will not create a perceptible ripple on the jublic mind. Tbe contest for the republican nomination (or circuit nidge of this district will wax warm soon. G II Burnett has been arranging to ob tain this nomination for year. Tbos op posed to bint say that be could not be elected, while his friends sssert that Judge Boise is superannuated and could not be elected again. Ilewett, of Albany, it apparently "standing in" with Boise, but, like Barkis, is "willin" to take h himself if he can get it. Mr G G Binghsm is reported to be aa as pirant k" re-nomination. Mr J E Majer. has bad "hts eye on" tbe district attorney' ship tor some time and will soon begin to nobiliz bis forces for the fray. Mr O R Ir vine, laie of Albany, is reported to bsve de signs npon the district 'attorney-ship, also, and it is said that he pitched his tent in O'd Yamhill, knowing that this is the ".'pawning ground" of great m;n, anl hoping to get a favorable .tarl'' here l.afiyette Ltd fir. Tbe New York Worn say: ' William Edwards ol the Hoffman house, is a walking bank. He his ft 0,000 which he it authorized lo wager at orMsof ioo to So and some of it a, a hundred to seven'? that Flower will be elected governor. Kx Cajre-mati Jjliu Wiley uf Boffab, wm at the F.fth Arum Hotel last tda-ht. II met eererat of hi republican friends, who boasted that Faasett bad a walkover. Mr Wiley remarked that be would lik to risk about $5,000t odd of $100 to $70 00 Fljwer. "I will bet $5,000 01 any part of that sum st those odds,'' be exclaimed, lit noold not Ret a wager. The repnblieana are not betting on tb remit, Tbey will oce-(tonally nip at a $100 to $40 chance. Edward K-aroer ha se cured a bet, but be had to pot ap $5,000 00 Mower, to f.ViOT on Faaaett. Robway Commissioner 8 rm ha aecured $3,000 te $000 out on Klower, ThoraaaJPetton will win about $7,000 if Flower i elected. He had to deposit $20.Qf,0 to aeoora hi bet. El-Senator Cdllro bae watered three her rrllaof apples to three quart of docghnnt on Fliwer. "Th little Cul'en will bav a j-'cnic after 1otin." aaya th s-oator. Th fart .hat the drygoods firm of Marshall I icUl & Co, of Chicago, receaily paid f J, 0004 tariff on $1,400 wjrth of pearl buttons which I hsy imported from Europe, or over 300 per cent, has sfforJed plenty of ami McKinley bill ammunition to such speakers ss Governor Cample!l, Gen John C Black, of Illinois Congiessmsn Springer and others. Mr Field is s s.rong democrat, but two of his lesding psrtners, II N Higi.-ibothsm and Lafayette McWilliams, arc tnthusiastlc republicans. The repub'icao pirtners were much ditpleavJ because the pearl button item had leaked out and K L Baruhart, the firm's cuttora-bouie broker, waa strongly reprimanded for his carelessness. As the democratic speakers and papers con tinue lo make the mjl of the lesson of the iaiquiioas pearl button, tariff aiT Campbell ruWHrt it into McKinlty during the Ada joint debate, the displeasure of HigginliotHain and McWilliams grew, an.) when Mr Field return l from his sum ner trip to Europe they laid iin miner ucrare inm. Mr rielu al onr.e summoned Barnhari, who appeared with fear and trembling. He explained thai the pearl button facta had got out bv mistake, and raid it wouldn't occur again. "Why shouldn't it occur, again?" demanded Mr field. "Why shouldn't the people be made a. qjanteJ with the truth? Tbey ought to know the injuttice that the McrVinley bi causes, and I am git. I that this fct a'tout th pejrt buttons has gx lot print, and the more there it published about' it tbe beMer. : .You (!U perfectly riht about it, Mr Barn hart, Let the people kmw that the tariff is a tax. ' STITI3 & WHY DID CYRUS DOl.Tlt DKCMNR TUB I'MTED slATtei ClRtt'lT JUCiikt RHIPf. For mote than six month past the Washington correspondence of the Otg suVtn has been hot with fulsome report of th greatness of the Dolph family, the greatness of Cy Dolph as a jurist, and the greatness of hla recommendation for the office of U S Clicult Judge. To the unin formed public it appeared on the surface that Mr Dolph was really seeking In proper manner a high and honorable office t and to those Ignorant of his qualifications, it would seem that the mantle of John Marshall had certainly descended upon the, shoulder of Cyrus A Doplh,' of Portland, Oregon. But there I an Inside history of this affali which no one would suspect; and it disclose a scheme of self seeking at the expense of public Interests, which has ever been regarded by honorable men, as one of the most scandalous traits of parti san politic. We have it from the very beat authority, ao that we know whereof we speak, that thi whole acheme of putting forward Cy rus Dolph for thi judgeship, wa a mere ruae and family Job to keep other lawyer In Oregon from applylug for the place.snd to Impress the president jnlth tke wonder ful greatness of the Dolph family, so that when Cy Dolph should decline the Circuit Judgeship the president might the, more readily consider , the name of Senator Joe Dolph for the chair of Judge S J Field on the Spreme Bench. Of course Judge Field has not yet resigned,' although he Is en titled to retire now on full salary, ant) make thii vacancy for which Joe Dolph is looking with wistful eyes. That Senator Dolph is waiting for Field's place is an open aecret at Washington, well known to all the corporation senator. The family plan was as follows: Joseph to go on tw the Supreme Bench as Asaoclate Jjatlce of the Supreme Court; and Cyrus Dolph to take hi brother' chair In the senate. To carry that scheme out, Senator Dolph carries a eccommendatlon around and gets Senator Stanford, of California, the senators of Idaho and Washington to stgn It, and then goes to Scnatcr Mitchell and Mitchell could not. dare not rcluve to elgn It. In fact, Mitchell has to dance. to the Dolph music all the limn. And then he file this recommendation, and the Ort- gonian commences to puff the Dolphs to the skies. Now look at the record. At the very time of filing this recommendation, Joe Dolph has In his possession the following telegiam and letter from Cy Do'.ph, which he now snakes public for the first time. Cyrus Dolph telegraphs or. March u: I am grateful to you, but would have to decline If tendered the position. If I felt eqaal to It, It would be the height of my ambition." The 15th of March he wrote him at length, and among other thlnga aald: "The position la beyond the reach of most men, and might tempt any man, but I feel thai after all my conclusion was a wise one. You may consider it final." It senator Dolph had not been pushing a selfish scheme he would have made those telegrams pub'le then, and given such men as Judges Boise, Lord, Wsteon.Smlih, Stott, Richard Williams, and J W Whal ley, all better lawyers than Cy Dolph, a chance to apply for this office, and the president an opportunity to contider their names. But Not the Intereats of the Dolph family must overshadow all else, and a great public office be made the foot ball of mercenary scheming and self ag grandisement. With all competition ahut out until It was too late tor an Oregon man lo make a case for the Circuit Judge ship, it was the brilliant Idea of J N Dolph that Kretldent Harrison wculd Immedi ately "catch on" to hi little scheme of putting himself Into Judge Field's place. And then safely on the Supreme Bench, he could say to three great ral Iroad cor para'Jons controlling the railroads In Ore gon "You know I was one of your fel lows in the senate, and now I am on the Supreme Bench I can do vou much harm or favjr, now you see to It that a legtala ure Is elected out in Oregon that will put my Brother Cyrus In the seat I have just vacated In the senate." This Is the scheme of the Dolph family ; and mark our word If Joe Dolph don't try to carry it out. This exposure may de feat It, we trust that ll will, and that Presi dent Harrison will not lend hla sanction to such a disgraceful ln'rlu.- with great public interests. The bare recital of such a corrupt effort to pack the Supreme Court and United States Senate with two 1 abroad attorney from one family, should double the mem bership of every Farmer's Alliance In Or egon, and call out a protest from the whole atatr. Alliance Farmer. TUI KLr.rilOS MVXf WrTK. The electiona to be held next week tha are of any particular Importance are those In New York, Massachusetts, Pa., Ohio and Iowa. .New York is a democratic state when the democrats are united. This year there are some party quarrels on hand but we think they will hardly defeat the dem ocrats. The other four states have been reliably republican, ut we regard them all as doubtful. Democrats are quite confi dent of winning In Iowa. They are quite hopeful of electing the governor in Mas sachusetts. Ohio has naturally 30,000 to 25,000 majority. Campbell is handicapped by factional opposition In his own party in Cincinnati and Cleveland. Not a demo- ocratlc paper In the state of general circu lation Is giving him genuine support and yet It is claimed by. his friends that he will more than overcome all this ! by re publican defection from McKinley in the rural districts. Some even claim that Campbell will be elected The agricultural department concedes an average of 15 bushels of wheat per acre, which would mske the total crop nearly 600,000,000 bushel. Teaekor' Examination. Noll I bsrby given that the regalar public iXaininfelon of te"har4, for Linn oounty will take p ix It Vbtoy, 00 tn- menmnir oil Wednnsdsy, tt r. t o'olook, p m an I o o'Iijo until Friday noon, Nov. IS b All teaber . must positively ba prevent at thu tl-ne of 00m mancemnt, as no one will tm admitted to tb examination wti 1 la not o preaoot. County School Hnpt Whrkbto Go. Go to Parkat Broa for fresh fruitoand vegetable. Go to Parker Bros for the beat tea an coffees. Go to Parker Droi for good baking pewder. Go to Parker Bros for fine baked good. Th best bread, cakes, pies, to in tbe market. Go to Parker Broa for your groceries generally, aad be assured of good goods and first-class treat menu Ladies Oxford tie at Klein Bros. Cheap, eat in the eit) . Will be soi l at greatly re daeed rates. Klein Broa have a Urjre and choice atook if Ixxitol and ah-Mte for ala at rnsaouable prtM D nr- burets iift e,r uotlt yotihsve -eoa tuairj st-xji in I; thi eleaal piano at their atore. KAUlltltS' hKKIMANli UUUTS. 1 That the farmers have not received any thing like their just share of the benefits which lie with the central government to dispense, has been a source of Increasing complaint with them, and to this cause may be attributed the extravagant de mands which of late they have been In duced to make. Leaving out of account the enormous appropriations far pensions, which Is sectional rather than class legis lation, no one can deny that during the last thirty years of republican rule the moneys In the ttestury have been dla burned very largely in the interests of the commercial and manufacturing classes, while but a pittance has been given to the agriculturists, who pay nearly half ol the taxes and deserve a like proportion of the benefits of taxation. Of course the fat mere derive some ben efit from the appropriations made tor the direct benefit of cities, but they have a right to demand appropriations for their direct benrlu For example,ln the matter of postal facilities, the peope of the rural districts should enloyfprlvlleces some what like those enjoyed by the townspeo ple. 'No matter If a like service cost twice as much as In the cities. Even without the post office city people are kept con stantly Informed of the state of the markets and the news of the day through the dally press, but the latter Is practically unavail able to the farming population because of their poor facilities for receiving mail natter. Thus they are debarred from a great educational privilege, which a tithe of the tariff tax would pls-e within their reach. In an article by Postmaster-General Wanamaker In the American Agricul turist he says It Is true that the "village or crossroads inhabitant, or dweller on the tarm, chooses his home for hla family and might live In the city, where gas ai.d wtter and mails are brought to his Uonr." This ts as fallacious reasoning as it he were to say that the entire population might dwel In cltlea It they preferred to do so. It ls( limply a necessity at least half the the population should till the soil and live In comparative Isolation. By the farmers' hard toll the people of cities are enabled to live In comparative ease, and they ought surely to be willing that such privileges as the free delivery of malls should be ex tended to them. The postmaster-general has taken the right side of this question and his recommendation ought to "be fa vorably received -by both parties In con gress. Another move In the right direction has been msde by the secretary of agriculture who proposes, now that he has the signal service under his control, to extend the benefits of It to the tanning population. Ihla can be done by means of the telrgiaph and railway trains. Without great addi tional expense It can be arranged so that signals will be displayed at every railroad station and from every train, and every lo. comollve's whittle can be brought Into the service too. Such privileges aa these are but the simple right of the farmer. The farmer alliance should advocate theae right and many other mean of ameliorating (the farmer's condition. Outside of polltlee.and largely outalde of congress, the alliance can do a great deal toward advancing the farmers' condition. Tim Union. Ii HO Van CLKTEULND. There Is no longer any question but what Grover Cleveland Is by all odds the choice of the rsnk and file of the Ameri can d-moctacv, and enjoys the confidence and respect of the American people to a larger extent than any other living man. Tne mention of his name in any public assembly , In any place in the United States Is the signal for deafening cheers and hla appearance on the platform anywhere causes unbounded applause. At the gfeat demonstrstlon In Portland where there was no effort to create enthu siasm for Cleveland, but a desire to direct It otherwise, on the bare mention of his name the cheering made all other candl dates eem Insignificant. At the great ratification meeting In New York when he aroae to introduce the speakers the cheer ing for Clevelsnd and the next president wa so great that ll was was several ajnutes before he could perform the ser vice, and when he appeared for the pur pose of opening the state campaign be fore the Kings county democracy, the en thuslasm was so great that the people could not be restrained fr aeveral minutes. It Is the same everywhere, east, westf nortt. or south, whenever the people as semble his name U received with un bounded enthusiasm. The machine pol ltlclar may scheme, plot and figure, but the people still remain loyal to Cleveland. Ufa inflnence with the mvuei ha passed betond their control. The people have tried Cleveland and found In him "a friend that stlckt-.h closer than a brother," one who will atand againat every scheme of plunder. Injustice and oppression, and no power of money or Influence or cor poratlons can buy, persuade or drive him. lie believes in the equality of alt men and the Interests of the present are as sa cred to him a that of the millionaire. lie talks to the cattle kings when they under take to evsde the law; to the railroad cor porations when -tbey undertake to steal the people's land, just as he does to the common laborer. He thinks that the hum ble homes of the poor should feel some of thi bent Sclent Influence of the govern ment and their wrongs strike a responsive chord in his great heart. Nothing but tieachery among politicians and the gold of corporations and fayored interests or the act of God can prevent him from being the next president. It Is, ho wever, said by some that he is not In hsrmony with the people of the Pa clfic coast on the sliver question. But how Infinitely small is the silver question to the grest questions of honest government justice and equality, and the personal and commercial llbertv of the people. The vast wealth of the people of the United States, hesped up by a century of toil and patting Into the coffert of taxation, tt the rate of nearly a million and a half a day ; and Into tbe pockets of the favored classes In a much larger sum. The people are being moved by the cam paign of education and therefore turn to Cleveland on account of his known oppo sition to all forms of plunder and class leg islation LaKe County Examiner, A fine line of oroukery war at Conn & Qndriou'. an BzAstrui. -The tee for Amerioaa oDsnmption are bodght in China by Bern pean expert, who ere oalled "te taatere." The eneyelopediae sr. authority for the fast that in a few year they have to iris op their lucrative positions with shattered eon atltaxioifS. The 'HiJ:lifit i.jis of he ad al terations ami uiiueral col mnt matter e ot be more strongly put, Beeeh's Te par s skillbeed. Jrl by AHea Motie -the extr hollo fi-oual razor ased by barbers are aold by Stewart air Sox, CottOU g Miisll.iVa not mnrt cheap sine th wr tney are 11 . Call aad aee what brciis 1r R.n4 has. for' bargains in monuments, headstones e to., go to E W Achisonfe Co, Albany, Oregon CIRCt'lT (01 ST. ', The following are the names constitu ting the grand juryi TJ Munkers, Gen W Harris, W C Morgan, Isaae Meeker, I N Uilffln, A Brandon, N II Allen. A Brandon wa appointed foreman, Geo 1 Union and James Wilson were indicted for burglary, in breaking: into a Chines house at Tangent, judge Whitney was aptwinlod to take charge of their case, and they will plead tomorrow morning. Young Hanlon la a son ol James II anion, onee a resident of Albany, now dead, and has been in the peniten tiary two yean for highway robbery, having been tent up from Portland. Casiua Case waa indicted for seduction under promise ot marriage, committed on July 7th with Laura Harnett, near Lebanon. The prosecution waa incited by Case's recent marriage to another young woman ot this county, lie will plea! tomorrow morning. "lot ft true bill" waa found in the ease ot David Went, of Peoria, arrested for assault with a dangerous weapon on A L Cannon. Oregon agt Jas Uannon ; burglary. Con. tluued. Thos Jefferson agt O S Montgomery t to recover money ; auaenment. rjoutlnueu. T Tlttenhoffer agt Perry Smith; to re- cover monev. Continued. Topllta & Co agt Mary Couglll; to re cover money. Continued. G J Braner agt Mary Couglll ; (0 recov er money. Continued. Mooney. Valentine St Co aat Marv Couglll; to recover money. Continued. Albany Farmers Co agt S S McFaddent recovery f money. Continued. D F Letalncer. et al. ant Geo Rowel) : injunction. Answer withdrawn. Dismiss ed at cost of plff. Assignment ot Earl Race. Assignee re- signea ana u r roman appointed. Capital National Bank agt W F Crosby; recovery ot money. D K N Blackburn ap. pcintcu rcieere to take testimony. A T and F M Gilbert agt P Blevint; re covery 01 money, ae'.ticd. Assignment of R C Warner. Final ac count tiled and approved. American Mtge Co, of Scotland, act Edwin Wilcox, trustee; foreclosure. De cree of foreclosure entered. Attorneys iee nxco ny tnecourt at Joo. L B Tycer, el at, agt Ina B Tycer, et al, equity, Keport 01 reierce confirmed. DIttenhofTer, Hat & Co agt O W and Elsie Pugh;ronnrmallon, Sale confirmed A J Noble, cxr, agt S W and Mary piwrc, connrmauwii. naie conurmca. Stewart tt Sox agt T A Beard; recov ery of money j attachment. Settled. N D and J B Conn agt L A and IN Woodle; tcreclosure. Settled. Albott. Church Co agt C f Dillon & Co; recovery ot money. Settled. Santiam Lumbering Co agt M I) and Melissa lloganj foreclosure Hen. Settled. Ellxabeth Cos agt Kami and R E Conn : recovery ot money. Settled. Price A Robson agt Henry Ciowder; re covery of monev; attachment. Default and judgment; attached property ordered SOIU, Price Robron agt Crowder Bros: re covery of money; attachment. Default and judgment: attached property ordered sold. John II SchurmeleraetWm Schneider: recovery of money. Settled. GC Cooley tc Co agt t L Uollld and wife; recovery of money ; attachtaent. De murrer overruled. Judgment. Order lo sell attached property. Tm K Temple agt Fanny Dodge et al; recovery of money; default and judg ment. REhretagt Geo Pfau; dissolution of partnership ; sale confirmed. Fortmlller & Irving agt L A Woodle: recovery of moner; attachment. Settled. Goldsmith & Lowenburr svt Smith St Senders; recovery of monev. Default and judgment. P McAllister agt M G and B Shepherd; on note, bellied. Bridge & Beach Mfg Co aet Smith & Senders; recovery ot money; attachment. Continued. J C Boyer agt Smith St Senders: recov ery ot money; attachment. Continued. Assignment of E Becker. Continued. J B Stetson agt Smith Senders: re covery of money; attachment Continued, C M Rainwater agt drrle M Rain water; divorce. Divorce granted. Bridge Beach Mfg Co agt G W Smith and J W Cuslck j to annul aslgnment. Con. tinned. John McNeil agt I Thompson, et al : for leave lo Issue execution. Order that exe cution may Issue. Gllmsrtln Sc Mulhern agt G Wand Ma- llda Slavens. Judgment In vacation. W S Thompaon agt J F Powell St Cos recovery of money. Mistake. Gilmartln St Mulhern aet Lyman Em merson et. al; on note. Judgment In vaca tion. Gilmartln St Mulhern Hi M B Cues et al; action on note. Settled. Judgment In vacation. Cooley a Waahburne aet M T and Eli sabeth Llndeey; recovery of money; at tachment. Dismissed without prejudice Fleck ensteln St Meyer agt OS May; on note; attachment, fudgment and order that attached property be sold. Cooley St Waahburne agt II Cand E V Klepper: recovery of monev: attachment. Judgment In vacation. J A Crawford agt M E Dorrls: recover v of money. Settled. E Sommervllle agt Elisabeth Levis; on note; attachment. Settled. Daniel Houck agt I M Beard; fore closure. Settled. O F Mitchell agt I G Egsn et ux: on note; attachment. Judgment as to Egan. Ling Delia Rl.xxa agt I G Egan: an note;' attachment. Judgment. Coshow St Cable agt II C Klepper: re covery of money ; attachment. Judgment In vacation. John Schloaaer agt E C and Marv R Phelps; foreclosure. Settled, Davl Bros agt Peter R Bear: recoverv of money; attachment. Continued. Jos Hawkins agt Peter R Bear: recoverv of money. Continued, R Custar agt J A and E A McFeror. : on note; attachment. Settled. ED Turner agt Warren Hulburt: on note; attachment. Continued. Stewart Si Box agt Jessie M South : re covery of money ; attachment. Settled. I A Zlmrrerman agt Samuel Anderson : to clear title. Decree granted. Knapp, Burrell & Co agt F S Ingram : recovery of money; attachment. Settled. Ed Zeyss agt J Warren Miller: fore closure. Decree gianted. John Diamond agt Margaret Flndlev: confirmation. 3ale corfirmed. j Stewart & Sox agt TJ Montgomery; re covery of money; attachment. Setttled. Geo H Burt agt Arthur Beard; rccovei v of money ; attachment. Settled. State agt Wm Ceshell; dismissed. Albany Iron Works agt J W Brown & Son; to recover money. Sale confirmed. Oregon art E P Rogers; freight dls crimination. Found guilty and fined $1000. inn case will De appealed to the Supreme Court. State agt Orln Beam. Indicted for at tempt at arson. Demurrer to Indictment filed. State agt David West. Not a true bill. Mary Wood agt Frank Wood; recoverv of money ; attachment. Verdict for plain tiff for $1400 and interest and attorney's tee 01 9 too. NeTica to Lambs. My eloaks have now arrived and I am enabled to give the ladies ot Albany bargains in fall and winter cloaks for a few days only. I wi'.l have at my store a sample ot every style of sealette and cloth cloaks or jackets made by one of the largest Eastern manufacturers. They comprise all the novelties of tha season. These goods will be in the store for a few days only and will be sold at wholesale prices. Call early and secure tbe best selection. - G W SnipseH. : A Shob Iran. 8 E Young has just re ceived a large stock of shoes, for men, women and children, including particu larly a fine line of school shoes. The best makes in the market can be found in his shoe department. TKLEGItArHIO NEWS A illg Salt. Washington, Oct 36. A H GsrlsnJ, ex- atlorney-genersl of tha United Stales, In the supteme court today mcved the advancement of ths important and Interesting cat of th Roman Catholic blthop of Nisnually sgtinst John Gibbs, T M Andersen, K T Yeaimin sntt the United Stttes. liy this suit in bishop seeks to secure (be title to some 430 ssret of land, compriiing the United States military rstetvstion at Vancouver, wstn. Th Isnd is now worth over $500,000. A Dla Fee. Tacoma, Wssh, Oct a6. Frank L Kulm, of the taw firm of Kuhn & Claike, I charged with appropriating mora money than was justly due him In sdministrstlng the estsle of B F Young, th bsssbsil umpire, killed In me Eicl gorg a yeai ago. as soon as Young's desth became known Kuhn, who bad been a clsstmale at college with Young, sp plied for Istters of sdmimttrstion In th matter ot hi deceased filend' estate. He collected $4390 from th Northern Pacific railroad, paid a few expense, remitied $1500 to Youngs mother at Cleveland, O, and retained $1333 at his fees. Mrs Young hss secured sn at torney; and applied to The court to have Kuhn's bill thrown out, at tns lawful fee would amount to only (ill, Kr pa rat lea Demanded. Santiago, Oct a6. Th United States govsrnment today, through Minister Fgsn, formally demanded reparation from '.lis gov ernment of Chili for the attack recently msde in Valparaiso u,Kn a number of seamen ol tht United State cruiser Baltimore. Mr Kgan presented th junta with a detailed statement, with tha istulis of the investigation msde bv Csptsia kb'cy, pf th Baltimore sod himself. Minister Ulrtrh Heme. t Portland. Oct 36. Hon Solomon llirtcb, minister loTutkey, reiurned with hit family to the city yesterday. They srs at ths llrtel Portland. Minister Hlrsch hss been grsntsd a leave f absence, and came bom to attend to personal business matters, -and will remain some time, just bow long hs hss not yet decided. His family will not re turn with him to Conslsnlinople. Jary leaser) far ttrliklag.. DKTROIT, Oct 30. Uecaua "twelve men good and liut" retitvtd 'he monotony ol their dolilierstions in the jury room by drinking beer, Juge t.arner, or the Wayne cony court today set ssld a verdict fur $96,000, SJrvra Cosxl Hew ("sagM. NawYoax, Oct 35. Th Central-office detectives bsva just unestthed ths hesd'usrt- ers of the "green goo Is" business in ibis city snd s cipher code, books of reference snd lists of nsmes of sums 03oo people, letters ficm whom wer received from every slat in the union, Tbey bav alio arrested Fiank Biouks snd Terrsnc Murphy, head operators snd leaders in the business, 1 bey also learned lb cottililnaiwn had just sent out 500 000 rircuists snd tellers, prepsrstory to '.be winter work. Inspector Byrne bss I he name of ibe people to whom th circular were addressed, snd will look after ths further corretpooeTence in bit oen wsy. W Lair Hill a CaaaMal. Oi TuriA, Oct 35. G Gilliam, of W Uir Hill's law firm, of Seattle, wet in th city to day la tbe interest of Mr Hill's candidacy fbr circuit judg. A few week sgo, in Portland. Senator Saunders, of Moo'ana suggested to Hill that he ought to become s candidate for circuit judge Acting upon that hint, he has. and starter lb Sea Hie bar ha signed strong petnkm in his bchsl'. Mr Hill under ttsndt that Senator Allen will endo'setae can didacy 01 aay lawyer th bar of Washington wdl concentrate npon. atelksMllat anniversary. Ntw YoaK, Oct 35. The on bundled and twenty nftb snivcitaty of Met hod Urn in this eoontry was celebrated today in its orig inal luxne, the first metboditt chucb ever built in America, known ss the John street church, situated in on of the oldest snd busiest sec tions of the city. Tbe morning service was conducted by the Rev William Gorman, who came from the birthplace ol tbe chuich's first psttor in Iicland. Baailb iaerer. NkwYosk, Oct 35. Small 's tpetlal cabltgtam to tke Tiibuoe fiom LooJon ssyi; The die is cast. Balfoor ia first lord of the treatary and leader of I te bouse nf comment, He will remain Irish secretary a fb'tnight or tsro Meantime, bis successor 's name is held back, althougt. there seem to be little dtuhl that Jsckcon will be tbe man. aeallag Men stlae. ViCToaiA. B C, Oct 37. Sealing men are looking very, very blue, snd one bits not to look far for the cause. Tbe fall seal sales at London, which determine prices for the year, were held Monday, end instead of seslskint being la strong dsmsnd st Mgh figures, they found sn overstocked msiket and purchasers who considered 60 shillings excessive. Tb ruling auotnion was 57 shillings, or tbout $13 and at this prle the only business done waa transacted. Eighteen dollars, it will be re membered; wss the stsndard price Isst season and, owing to the closing nf Bearing sea, snd consequently the light cstch those identified with tb industry, were hoping snd expecting thst Monday $10 a skin would be offered. The frlarlple Tealr, Washington, Oct 37. Ths Chilian diffi culty continue to be the sensation of the hour The administration Is receiving assurances from various parts of the couutry that its po silion is wsrmly indorsed by the American people without regard to t-oliiicl or other considersllont. Herein Washington there is no sbstement of interest in the outcome of the affair. At ibe navy department every item of news thst hss even a remote connec tion with the difficulty is esgerly read. Many officers sre mare or less In Sccretsry Trscy's confidence, and all of their uttersnces support the belief thst the government, to far aa the navv department ia concerned, ia thoroughly In earneaat in securing satiafsction lor Ibe murder of the Baltimore's sailos. A ria Hers. Stockton, CaJ: Oct 37, Palo Alio, the old hero of I he Stanford stables, beat his lecord today, trotting a mile in a:io flat. He made the quarters in 33, 31, 33 and 33 seconds. It waa a game race sgainst Father Time from the atari to III finish, and the ol I campaigner did not make skip in tbe entire mile w hen he went to the quarter in 31 seconds, horsemen said the pace was too fas', snd when he reached the half in 1:31 they ssid he could not keep his feet, but Palo Alto wss out todsy lo best all his efforts, snd went. at thi- surprising gait throughout the mite ithout even the tosch ol maivin t whip. Js sYhl ryetane. Ci.Rvr.LANO, Oct 37 A special fiom Con- nesut tsys that a terrible cyclone struck that town shortly after tix o'clock last evening, destroying thirty houses snd causing a loss uf $10,000. A terrific windstorm , ensued ac companied by very tittle rain. Record's but ter tub lactory, worth $50,000 was completely wrecked. The Lake Shore depot was alto demolished snd the wrecksge strewn over the track for halt a mile, rendering it imptatable lor seversl hour. Both the Nickle Plate snd Lake Shore telegraph lines sre down snd many fine residences are unioofcd ai.d otherwise damaged. . . t'eatly ArTeetlona, Post Tovtnsknd, Oct 37. A sensational $100,000 breach of promise suit wss brought in the superior court here todsy. Msry E Belanger, of Port Townsend, is plaintiff and Robert II Crssswell, sn English capitalist residing on Princs Edward island, is defend ant. Craaswejl has large issded inlereats in tbitttstes was here in 1884 isd became en gaged to Mary Bolanger, whom he promised $50,000 on her wedding day. 'I ha marriage wss postponed by Crssiwell from time to time for four yean and finally abandoned after he induced her to go o Montreal 10 be ried. A Wheat niorkiMie. Eugswr, Or Ool 37. Wheat shippers re oeived notice today that no through shlp mentaot wheat to San Graueitco via Port land could be made on aooount of the blook ade. It h lmotsIimpoaibl to ship via Yaquiua, and the abippera keenly feel the need of a road from here to tho coast. ' Tb Albany Market. vfheat, 82 eente par bushel, Onto, 84 7 Batter, 15 eents per lb, Egg. 26 cents par dos. Potato, 80 eente per bnahel, - , Lard, 11 It oenta par lb, BaoHiHam, 12 eente; elder ,U,eaDts; ahojlder, 11 eents, Beef on foot, IA 2 eents per t, Fork, dressed, S cents per lb, r iour, o per Darrei, . .. am now receiving mv II and am goods in the Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear fHoves Hosiery Handkerchief and Embroideries Boots and Shoes NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOB STREET WORX. V O.O. KELLY, EDMUND ZKytto. v oiarriu, nnn roaiay, jajson nr. (trust of tbe lUntlst eburohl Wheels J K WmtthMfbrd. VV I, Vanon, H H Ntreiian.J V ilpsjms II Monteltb, Jason Wheeler. C E Wolvorton, i W Cuslnk, Frsnk D Wood. John ehraar, Mary riallmarab. II Brenner, Fred It'umbur, Olnay Krr. sen, M Member; and L HenJr, Win M Iloag, Uo H ('oe, trua toa, II L Ornnor, W I. Vanon, II Wiatar Morris, W W Crowder, Fred Urlmmnr, I HhenefUid. (trustee cf tb Evangelical cburch), owiikm ol lit) real property abutting- upon Kirt atrent, tlwen WanlilnKton and Lyon mltm'M, and abut, ting unn Lyon street between First trnet end Tmith streot, and abutting; upon Kliawr rtb klreet, bntween First ami Cmkv ond atrsx.ta, you and ettch of you are hereby notified that tbe gravollnir of tb t irou above doacrtbed and mentioned, heretofore ordered by tbe council of the city of Albany, Oregon, hss tmoo com plo'ed, and you, and earli of you are Iierebv further notified that the council ofaaiiiolty wilt, on tbe Mib day of No veuibei, IMBt.nt lb hour of o'clock, p m, of aald day, meat at their cbambor in said elty, and a was ibe proportional part of the eoata of (traveling a 14 atroeu adjoining aald prony respectively, IJ011 by order of tba cj auioo uounoll of tbe city of Albany, Oregon, made Onto, her OTtb. lul. N. J. I1KSTON, Heoorder of the elty of Albany. Al'mny, Or., Oct. 2Kb, Wt, SHERIFFS NOTICE OF TAX SALE NOT1CKI hereof given that by virtu of a warrant for fie collection of dalln qqent tasea on tha aesMmant of 181)0 for tba county of Una and iat of Oregon. Jul v teamed bv tb C.ium v Clerk of aald count, which warrant la now lo my band auacuou 1 j ine 11st 01 unnam ana oeiin qoeut tain for the year 10 1, in aald I Jon county, and not having twit able after dillfteul anarch to find any persons! prop erty within aald county out of which to make tbe taiaa hereinafter mentioned. 1 have levied upon Ibe landa dee ertbed in lb list hereinafter ant forth aa the protcrtr of tbe irson whose name la aet opposite each tract a tbe same appear Mssttmltn mid delinquent las roll, and will on alardar, tke tMh star f Reveeawer, taei. at th door of 1 ha county court bona. In Albany. Lien county .Oregon, at tbe hour or I o'clock p m of said day. sell at public auction to tbe nigbeait bidder ror cswo in band on the day of aale, all the herein iter described landa or ao tuoeb of each tract aa may be necessary to pay and aallafy lb laa asaeeaed againat tb owner of aut h trad, In said Lion eoun'y, for Ibe year lH'.H), to(iber with arcrulrg eoata and eaprnaea, which list la aa follow; aM' taIks. Braman A Kumruervllte.partofthe I) L O of Jacob Nye, tp 13, M K I W.I20 acrea f S 00 William field, the l L C of John Wigle; the D L U of A Oebiitr, tp 13, 8 Hang, 1 W.tMO errce 118 80 McKi.tlrn. H K U a5 84 tp 12 0 K t W.IOO acre . ............... S 76 All In L'nn county, Oregon. Notion. Taxpayer plnaaetake notice tbat coil arc now lo be added to tho above ainounta before settlement. Dated Oct 21st, 1801. M. SCOTT, SMr'tT of.LInn tonuty, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S SUE OF REAL ESTATE. the County Court 0 lb Stat tf Orgon Jot .inn rounly; In tha matter of the rataie ) of G01, I. Fouler, decoasod. J Nonce n hehkhy given Tn at by vtrtut of an order of aale duly male end enterm! of record by the above entitled court In the above entitled caitaa. at tbe tegular October terra ofaal J court, to wit, Oct 7, 18U1. Ibe undertone I, administrator do bonus uon of the eeiato of Geo. I. Foater, de, ceased, will, on Satardar, the 7th day ef Kevesaer, last at tbe hour of 1 o'clock, p m, of said aay, at the court house door in tbe city of Albany, Linn county, Orepon. anil at public auction to the highest bidder the foliowlnir dotortbed real property belong ing to aald estate, towlt: The undivided one-fifth interest ia tbs following described prembts to-wit: B eioniDf, at ths sou 'h rt corner of section S Tp 14 SU3 If of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, and running theno noith 1C0 rod to the quarter aeotion tta' ; thence east 126 rods; thsucs south 133 roda ti John Gray 'a line; thence weat along ssid line to the northwett corner of aald John Gray's land; thonoe south to th ssotion line; theooe wrt along said lice to the place of beginning. Also tb aeat half f th northwest quarter of section 22 snd the northeast quarter of tbe uorthesst quarter of section 21 in said towi.thip. and rangs containing 140 sore. Terms of ssle oaah iuhand. OVVORAT, Administrator de bonua noa of th estate f Oao 1 Kotte., deceased H U llawi-rr, Aty foi Ad m r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THS undurslirnetl has been duly appointed by the' eoumy court for tlnn oounty, Orevon, administrator of the estate of Wm II Mouride Iste ol Linn county, Oregon, deoeaaed. All persons basing e'alma airalnat aald estate are hereby notified to pre sent thorn properly vertfled to the underalirned st hla residenoe three mlloe wast of Shedils, in Unit oounty, Oregnn. within aix montba from this date. IMtod sept tind, laai. . J A HoBRIDE. It II Hswrrr, A'lralnlstrstsr. Ay lor Administrator. (t-v) K W Aohiaon &Co are celling monuments st 1'ertland prioet. The Road to I'ealtt Cannot bt suocettfully trsvslsd wlHV eut good health. T reach weslth sr any eovstsd position In life rsqulrss tha full pottsssloa and opsnttlon of all th fas ultlet kind nature hss endowed as with. Thess conditions cannot exist unless the physical being Is In perfect working nljr, and this la Imposslbl whtn the Hvsrsnd splten srs terpld, thst obstruct ing th ascrotlons, csuslng Indlgsstloa and dyspepsia, with all of their aoooni panylng horrors. OR, HENLEY'S Engllt Dandelion Tonic exert a apw llto Influsne ovsr th liver, exoite It t hMlthy aotlon, rsolvs Its chronlo ngrgsint, and premottt th secretions ; wm Indigestion snd eonstt patlon, aharpena th appetite, tonte op th entire system, and mskes; life worth living. - I 1 showina full lines of following departments, Notions Ribbons Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns . Goods Corsets Grocerim BLOCKS AND Prices and Towns jSTevei' .Thought of Before, SometlimE Goins Townsend' Addition is one a good location will nover have a FIIKK IfFOH TERMS Full Pliilliwl Bo am. IWIafilfM II 111 . . s 'i -ex 1 c c o v, a I O t Cm 5 y. ri i ARE THE BEST WHEELED PLOW ON EARTH lr SU ly MITCIIELta & LEWIS CO., Albany, Or. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. NOTICE fi tlKKKflY CIVEJt THAT TilE Of. derslannl has b-o. by lh cmnty enurt for " w ., ajijr apprintai aaiulotatrainx of the swale AUrd Uruy Keal, dataaaad late uf Una ooumr, OniHt, All panuna havin claims stsiDM said aetal era bsmby Hlfld la praaeni them logally rarlDad to lbs omW.ifnad at Tan rant. Oraenn, ur lo ar auoroey, tico W Wrtjrht. st kla law onValn Albsuy.Orofon. within sis nvmths from "fsu. Mrs SARAH K Mll.ljt. Gee W amwr. Admliiistratils. Atty ! A.ltorx. 'lo- tratasi OvtS.loul. ' ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICE 13 ltUtEhv'olVK.N THAT TIIK Vit. doraicited haa this day been appntnted aJmiu tatratorof iheeMaieof Andrew KalaMa, lau uf Una eountv. OreKoa, dsnsMd, by th eoumy court of Lnn cmintv, OTf-m. All persons tiaving claims ssalnst sa d cauu ar hereby noUlled U pmnt '' same prt.p..rly rtnd to the undstsljrned at lha efllae of J K Waithsrfard, Albany, Linn aeunty, Oraen,,witbin all nionibt from the date of this ttaltce. l'sud al Albany, this Uth day ef Ortobsr, lion. . , . . 0 COSHOW. Jr, ' K Weatherford. AdminliUator. Ally tor Admlnlsrstor. (10:1!2) WANTEIW3lrl to do gnnrl house work tn smalt family. Call at Democrat office. I7SOR SALS House and corner lot tn ; ll'aSdadd. 750; Apply tol W Davis n OUSH5 WANTEDmsll house to rent, about lour rooms, same where in beoond ward. Leave word at Tritea' livery stable. I .'SOU KENT One or two furnished . rooms, sunny and pleasant. Call on J. W. lientlay, coruor Ca'apoola and Sixth at roots. 10ST Near Maaonio omoterv, a gold J ecarf pin with garnet sot Leave st tut oftl oe and teodlve reward. COW LOST On Wednesday, Oot 14. a graded Jersey oow, fawn and white, 8 years old, with atrapand ring attached, strayed from the anbsoribers place near Calspoola bridge. The flndnr. ou return to ine, will be paid all expenses. JOliN BRIGGS, EADY TO WORK -Parties desiring wood put la or any kitid of labor done, can obtain prompt attention by se curing the aervioea ot Daniel Low, at tbe little ferry bouse, Leave order there, F OR SALE Half doaen Plymouth Inquire of Kttfus Rook cockerel Is. Tnompo:i. Albany: WANTED, four or five aores of good garden land, near Albsny,to rant, pply to t'ttsrDiarns at Oh tries il. urkbart'a. F OUND silver watoh. Owner can have the same by paving advertiainir aud charges, Apply to Linooln St John, tnree west of Tangent. rOTICETO DEBTORS, Having gone 1 oot of bualneaa I desire to close n p all outstanding accounts. All persona Indebted to me are requested to call on me and Bottle at onoe. . J.J.DUBRTJILLE, "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." N ILLUSTRATED H ORTIOTJLT j oral monfhly jouraal.. edited by Prof E. R Lake. No farmer or fruit rower can afford to ha without it. It PAYtf whoever take it, 3 per year, f I six nontbs, 20 eents a single number. Addreaa, P. II. eTEARSS, . . Portland. Oregon P HOTOG FIAPHER, 01 I F K ih mrir tmsrintMd m avai" O branch of the arU . . Knlarglng c 11 kinds a specialty, Fall stock of Samuel E. Yo LOTS IN TOWNSEHD'S ADDITION. AT to Turn Dd Sgjfc7iiM-: - trLW -- of tho best to the City of Albany, and parties who want a home in better offer than this. CONVEYANCE TO PROPERTY Q 13 33 J- H, TOWNSEND, 1 1111 n 'II 11 1 HIH 111 11)11.11,1, Hi bii nil 1 VI 1111 .1 tltlUItJljlj I 1JII11 1 Tara a Kajaare Ceraer Vriibeal tlfliag tbe ri.w aat ef Ike rtiaal Julius GradwoM's The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS GRADWOHL'f BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 19 lbs. Extra C Sugar No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon. 5 Gallons Good Pickles 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap A Complete Han'ng Lamp Wholesale pried" of augr 100 lha extra C, f5; 100 aba granulated, ft. I will conduct a strict cash atore, and all Roods will be aod r net cash from 10 to 15 per cent leas than regular price. My stock t China's mo, fDey Roods, and all tbe desirable sylea of dishes, aa well as a Reneral aaaortntnt of grooerim, orock-e-v, lamps nd fixture Is completa. 1 make a specialty of fiie tn, eoSeea and btkldg powder, and always plnase my customers, ' My display of new toys and novelties for tie holidays thin year wlllbelhv flnio't over brought to Albany.' . Jallum (rVtdwehl. HOW DO YOU DO? There ia no donht that -NEW Block of SILVERWARE, consist' k o spoon, knives, forks, fruit dishes, -:. j,old and silver watches, iawel v, etc, is the largest and bos' it the elty, and byfaj ;hf best ever brought te ALBA NT. PRICES the Most Reasonable Call and See the GOODS C ITY DRUG STORE Pfeiffer Block, Albany Stanard t Cusick 'sorajsvoaa: -esiLsnsiM- Drugs, Wsdiolnrs, (exaieals, ,Fsnc. and Toilet Artloles, Sponges, Brnsbeax Perfnnaerj, Gob ool Books, and Artist' Supplies. PbyBieilkBa, prescriptlans care tally tinioitis. 1 ww norda of manl chair ttmbar. Call : as . ' j . : - r " I at our ,shop near Farmers Warehon se, 1 Albany, Oregon. R. VI2AL A SON., Drv rnnci QnrmHi,o vfz: Woolens Oloaking-s Tailors' Trimmings Bags, jWarps and Batts Flannels' Jeans and Cottonades Blankets Domestics Ginghams Prints ung. Extra Hardftned Steel Uottoms. AfiU r. . 2! o cr c o 5 o 3 ar I 1 n "2 i o tr "2 7 J o o 2. 3 v. - $1.00 . . . . 1.00 25 1.00 90 2 00 SOLD.WATCHES GOLD FILLEDWATCHES, COIN SILVERWATCHES, NICKEL WATCHES, SECHLAJP FOR CASH AT F. M. FRENCH'S Tho Corner JewelrStars. WANTED t nut cf business eapaaity o represent an Oregon earporallon in Linn oounty. Most be well known and bsje until capital. Ad ress, Bu si ness, Kevre House, Alba a ' City Restaurant. Saving been entirely remodeled, this old tad popular restaurant will be made 6rt -lata n every respect. The -nubile will b. given good meals at all hours for only 25 seats. Everything neat and attractive Private boxes. Oysters In every style . . Portland, Orason. A. P. Armsnen?, Pitn. Banch School : CariTaL Bus. OaLLaaa, Saisn, Oneon. Hams oa ureas of ttu, same am us of tamoa. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Ptnmuikif, amd MrngMtk Pnimratr aTln aeeiioB tUroaffbovt tns ymr. mAmil t aa ttma. CalulofM front cIUmt aabaol. tnm ALBANY .OR. WWTSMAH & MLBERT BROS. Real Estste Agents, Fartne and Rascbea for aale. Also city broperty in Albans and Cot yaliis. Bazaar