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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1891)
0 I I I I ... I I I I . I I (,.,,.,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , Q : -! The New. York "World," : P'TIig Democrat,"; Both One Year for Only $2.80, ! o : 6 0 4r efr An Advertisement in : I "The -:- . Bemoci'at," -; ! tSff&tati BIG EMMS. ! II; 9 I ' H I III III O VOL XXVII. Kaierew at lk ra me at Albany, wr , aaeeasM'laaa Mall Matter ALBANY, ORKGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1801. fcTlTf, at NMTIU, rabllabers aael Frsprlelsrst 0. 13. r -LIVER ri'RE.4 OLOOD KIDNEYS ACL' 6 and 04UOU5NC5S PRCTRtO BY THE&aMtDiaNEIiR! DUFUR. OREGON. sxt socrarg maont , BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, BLOOD AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. 20 YEARS' Fr(ti of H di et j l ' met to recommend thaH R Headache and Livr Cur a Sal, and Sura. Pr. v. VASWICRiVOU I'utur, Orsa-oa. SKIN DARK AS' GOAL I LOCAL, llEGOItn. Kcv.eni Afflicts n Well-Known GenUc- nian. Huhjert to ImoU. I'pon. MuToird Terribly. Whole IJudy Covered. Given up by Snn Franolvo Doctor. MlKhtlluveKuvr-d 9!oo, lis Co Wua Cured for Q;l by Cutlrur: KrmcHUca. - REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, - OREGCM- WAS. PFEIFFEK PfiOlM.lETOR. FUiot ot !a Srt-l-rlnwa a'.yi,. TW ippilwd wlt'i the t In t'ro matfcat. NV-e alp!n a-tartartente. H.vrile room nr eniurisrcil.jl IrAVO'.era. f ORTHILLER & IRVING, I h:v many tlnti-a atuiUml over hil ClTirra baa ttous fir tii . It ho l ni j l vihhI hi'shh m.i nitttpini'Mi, u-lora I HI.. I I ituui lira. Mas 1 ww rtvan uu l.v all Dm .lin-mri. In S mtt. claro; but If 1 h.wl imly l .ki u n rorl.itn iti'ttilrnitta'a cvriaimy oatr-iviM rrnia . iiif.uu, I a, miMl filial. lu ui to look iixa Will K'llT.Tr.1 I ll:it i. .l .ik nk.l fom my l:il.-i j 1,1 my knrrt an I oiS li , ml n.tor It l.nikn atil all ver my j I m bii. r nj!i dim-n ri r t tu-i ka Kk. Ilr I nvrfpctly rl..rr.l o fml li.;illli, ,il jr'ifi. 4 numiirr f imnk my ! ...n-nm.n, mi. I lt.ivlltl hutKlmU of wtil h .t i -i ! -:u h mr, l.i, l.n liuiiijht tiva I I'l; . t In ! uu.) )ii Kh,.w, iknl i.i't is .r.iiNM.v, rn.prl. t r J'.ntiw lh...i lliu4, ill M j.m ( o, allfornUu Cutlcura Resolvent '.lrrrw .I.ioJ V- I'm r, Iiil-t.-.l! lo rlrnlm th I.'..! f tn ti.;.tir.f ir tnt . .iiiii4Mi rinn.'.iu mhI thin r- moro iti r.i-', mi l i iTin iiA. Ilio nrrat k!n nr.-. and Citici a H..vr. an ciul.u rtklli KM'!f (i'l.r I.V kni and acaln, an.l ih,. hlr', run. rry .llxwaaand bumur v. ia aiu aiiu i'iiMMit rtoiu .mulva acrvuUv Fold nrrrilrra. PHea. riTtrra. Me. ; floAP, Ka.oiaT, 1. I rrpaml l.y iha 1'orna " - " ' t. i iiamiiATliill. llualua. -tiod fur" How ! tUr fkla lHaaaara.1 RIRY'C ml Hr,l' t""lWi baanUIWd until v iuwiu buap. Ahaululaljr pan. -FUNERAL 11 RECTORS.- ArlsiUI Kin bl ruing dona Solaotlnoaily, Albaay, Orrfaa. CHOICE MEATS Op All Kaiaa IStnoriclc - Sc - Hilar, Opi4u Vhmrw'a Urarv Sthla, mttl 'or w Wi.larartla Packla Ca t atara. Albany -:- Nurseries. - W an afaiiaf ta alaatan taa luaat l.tV lra Iraaa, la all daairabla tuvau, la Iba aiala. .Oaa aana aa4 arty Ibaaaaad faa I Ibia aaa'i araua. IXitriMTIOI IIT1TID. - aa - aaTISFAOri, at AAXTKi:i). A.aa taaa' b. ibaf aalla aaibwaatal Albaa 11 YUAN & BROWNELL MUSCULAR STRAINS O "x 1-nm, bark arka, waak kldaaya, J 1 1 V rhrnmnllpm, and ahaat pallia rrllatai J niliiiii b Iha Caltor Vt. AM l-ala I'laalcr. Tba Aral a4 aal la.uuuu.vua uin klllli plaaUr. ' . . I't . rNi- ' wrl f -r a- r of .a.l l.r.lAr''t. I kIii t.ta Caa ir . H vrnnt vara wllb araall m i a r-i I..M araatrl.HIr 'M :. ara i a air .' lab:e, aa- aanr ' t.' pi. a ani.Ta. iitfiri'Mtfl lrpa wat t..a tl r.Hif. HawAra af aauattrralaj 1 1 Ih.-.. Aa ranaina awnufaiHarad aaly ay "a luan r TST I Au'AH I , CU1CAUO. UJh. J A raaaaatai. 1in f y'Varaa In 1 ' " Y" l It aaaa laaam tha A. A la ackBrfad4 Wadlnt tanartr tea am aiaat. Tbaaoly aara rawi1y in 1 craacrlba u aad tral iraaaiybr aara in ramnmaooio, u taaaaCwia"! to all mCVrrra. B.amali, Ea A. i. DION AaV M. K, w an. a. " Ta Bal fcr nrmircaata. Stanard & Cnaick.AgaoU. A ft aFI fMN'9 Fl al CSSaSaZaKSSSaaQCaV fFEBlrVBEEL and get HORE POWER and use LESS WATER WHta for oar Haw liiaalrmlad Catavloraa far Ial. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & EXSIJIE CO.. VOSSSSLZEZl MiJf g I CUBES ft z, v-w ;i ? ,a2 AflY Zacu.-Aaa HEADACHE twin, v w.'in White Yea Wait" BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. IU y . i .aniaaauiA"1.' Ji a m aai -G. L. BLACKR1AW,- LEADING DRUGGIST -AJCaBTT-ST , OREGON: DRUCS. MEDICINES STA1 10NARY &G F SKI UlLLVi II you want the bes and most durable furni ture tbatis roanufactur ni n UliUUl o THOMAS BRINK'S Q oJ in the city go to We are the People Wh carry th most -eonipleU iin ef Hard ware, Stores, Ranges, et., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. TI LADIES BAZAAR. -Is the Leading- Mitlineiy and Fancy Goods Stoie of Albany, Orbuon CVrr'i Woulmn Mill A the aUtemont Km been matte that wveri' wafea ara bolnit renluooil in tfie UrKon City woolon ia of InUrcat to learn that the wAKd of the beat weavcra, on thr) beat work, during the montlia of Au gust and September, wer, aeveraiir aa followa: 51.55, 48, t4), (42, $48.87, 48 (a woman,) $51, $41 (an old man,) $.W, $40, $48, $44, ato. It ta true, never theless, that the wanes of the Kirla and women who weave blanket, and tUnnela are not over an averniteof $1.10 a tlay. The mill liaa pilod up iu product and, In sympathy wiUt the dull and overaiocked r.anvern maraot, uas urou uuucu iu make a reduction in its wholesale prices oi 10 to 20 per cent, which shows once mara that nrrilm'tlnn iliua HOL Keen un home prices.but that prices are regulated iy supply and demanu. uregon wuy Uourier. Taoi'ni.K at Lovi kr Soda. Wednes day evening a Mr Atkinson came to Al banv tor aurglcal ireatmenl. which hv at cured of Dr l)ala. Atklnaon reported that he had brcn shot ov the well known Wlllhm McKlnnon. The trouble arooe over McKlnnon accaaln him of threaten. Ini to whip hi hoy. which Atkinson de nletl. Hot blood followed. The men touuht vvlih cluha, when McKlnnon drew a revolver and fired, hitting Atklnaon in hi Icit near the ankle, when the latter who wa In a buckhoard diove oft and Immediately came to Albany, lie had a warrant laaued for McKlnnon", arreit. POSHAY & MASON'.a aaa aai Avi.u for John (t. Aldan's puidleatlooe, nwn wa aril a' sioiitiiN t pnea wii Aaawaii.i' A WoNntart'L Child. A big houae greeted Little Iord Fiuntleray last even Ing, and were awarded with a great dra a mtlc treat, deorgle Cooper as Little Lord Fauntleroy i a marvel, probably 'Ithoot a superior. How ooe little head can carry an much and so well ia truly an enigma The support Is all strong. The slory, s dismstlard, is sn Intereallng one, with plenty of exciting scenes. Georgia Wood'harpe st Minna, the s.l ventureas. Is at her best, and Mr Cottrell Is great as thj Karl of Dotlncourt. The audience was delighted with the whole affair. Ok ma Rivsa. 1; U ssld thst the up-river boats are readv to move and will be In peration between iialein and Port land and also to points above Just as toon as there Is enough wster to besr the boats when they ere loaded. The Oregon t'acinc s Uently. I loan snj Maters will be on the loute.and the Independent Salem- rortland b I wood will reaume her regular run. 1 he river I going up a little, regis tering now just a foot above the low maik. Mateaman. As th lllamette Is at low water mark It will be some time before such a movement. A Bout. Askociatioii. One of the most flourishing institutions in Albany ia its HuildinuA Loan Association. The busi ness of the first six months of its third year shows a profit o($'i.25 a share: that for the year will be approximately . The company ia a home institution, run in an economical manner, without tech nicality, on a sijuare basis. The sixth series was opened In Angust.and anyone desiring to invest a few dollars a month or to secure a loan for the purpose o' building a home, cannot do belter than by taking slock You know what you are doing when you go into it. ComkOm. An Eastern Oregon paper sys: "Another Uelcgetlon ol Ksnaas Im migrant paaard throngh town Wednesday, oound for the Willamette valley. They expect to take up ranches on the Albany prairie. Welcome, Kanaa Immigrants. You will find the finest Tenches" In the world on the Albsny prslile to be tsken up at only $20 to $$oan acre. We advise our Kansas friend not to attempt any squatting on the Albanv prairie, though they may do that with Impunity In the Catcadet on land that will eventually be valuable property, perhaps even for whest rslalng. Tolio Stvlk. There wa a dance at Toledo laat Saturday nliih. and some of the boys grew so hllsrlous along towsrd morning thst the officers of the law had to Interfere and they had a regular Irlah wake of a time. Knives and shlllaley were In the sir and tne court ol justice have been asked to right the wrangle. The buys hsve sobered up now snd are iiorry the disturbance occurred and we 'mat their belter judgment will prevent n aimllar scene. Tlms. Cacsco bv Carbolic Acid. Mr Chs Cutlck, the druggiat, wesrs considerable of a patch of burnt fleah above his left eye caused by a dropper containing carbolic acid falling, elaaiic end downward, on a showesae. reaultlng In the hot liquid fly tng into his lace, narrowly escaping hi eyes. CtiANar. or Timk Beginning on No vember 1st the North bound overland will pais Albany at 3 o'clock a. m.. a fact that generally be appreciated by bua drlv- erasnd hotel men, as well s by the depot employes. The South bound train will arrive here at lo o'clock, about minutes earlier. Lebanon. O'Nell Broa liayo received several carloads of brick from Albany, to be uaed in the construction of the smoke etack at the paper null. Still they come. 0 A Kllson, our rca pets to agent, sold twenty acrea of- rU'ott Wallace a farm to a Missouri man Wed nesday for $1000. The purchaser, Kills St - Bab .- S A "aa, a Alien, laieiy arrived iroin Aiiaaoun. In consequence of the. uneven settling oi lite uriea uiocit occupied ny w, u uoiv ana 1 1 11 1 1 ak lanun an.l M A Mill.. v , w v ..--.' ..a n " i.iri these buildings liave Wen considered unaufe to eome extent. Contractor Conn, of Albany, has undertaken to remedy it. Wni Davis, of Bhedd, president of the Waterloo woolen mill company, was in the city Tueaday. In an interview with Mr Davie he told ua that he wa then on his way to Watetloo to erect a building in which to store aixty or eighty thous and dollars' worth of machinery, a part of the manufacturing plant, which will be shiuped from Oakland, Calif, Just aa soon aa the building la in readiness to receive It.--Express. t AausKTao. Mr O W Roger was ar rested last WiK'k on complaint of C (I Ktahl charging him with tha crime of tskingaway a female under the age of sixteen years from her fattier with out Ida consent for the purpose oi marriage. Mr lingers waived examl nation and gave $3U0 bonds to await the action of the grand jury. The facta, a we learn theiu, are that Mr Kogera, who is emnloved at common laliur bv it Bryant, has been paying attention to ueaiua, daughter oi Mr mam. lor eome time. Home dava airo he asked nermla- aion of Mr Utah! to marry Ilia daughter, but was refused. Taking a witness he went to the county clerk and obtained a .. . - . . . . . . license 10 marry, the witness making affidavit that 1-eatha was over eighteen year ol ago. Ilut it appear she is not. Both parties are said lo Ihj respectable people. Mr Kogers i said to b a very industrious, hard working young man. The general impression ia that all parties would l gainer to drop the prosecu tion. AaroaiA Oct. The Orrgonlan ssys: There are severs! points In the WUIemette vslley hoping to be the starting place of a rsi.roart, the other terminus ol which shall be at Astoria. Salem and Albany are the principal rivals In mis hope, and many guments In favor of both places have been advanced. The rsl'rosd that would benefit Astorls the moat would be a direct line from Portland, and that this lis not been built long sge Is brcaua capitalists who hsve money to Inveal have seen f lain ly that such a line would be for a long time, at lesst, unprofitable." A great ad- vsrfuge In connecting at Albany over Portland or other points, would e the superior rstcs from this city to other points, as shown by the recent ststement puullahed by the Oregonlsn, and better stilt Its connetclon with a road destined to be th best transcontinental line In existence. Oa His War to run Paw. A 1) Web ster, formerly of this city, passed through Albanv on Tueadae fur Kalrni. lalirro according to tiie sentence of Judge I'lpes, ne win spend ten year in the state pen itentiary, aa a punishment for the mur der of Robert fralee, though Webster declared to an Albany man, who Con versed with him on the train, that the grand jury and circuit ludge had agreed to sign a petition for his release in a year, which is very doubtful. vVelaiter said he waa not sorry for killing Falea. asserting that he only acted in self-defense, w hich seem to beabiOVrent view of the matter front that taken by the jury. The affair all arose from Fale demanding $17 for working seventern day in Webster's hotel, litres the latter claimed only $2 wa due him. A Bio IscosroRATioN. Frank J I Crouch, of Eugene,C P Houston and Wm L Houston, ot Junction City, have Incor porated The Crouch-Houston Electric sad Manufacturing company, for manu. facture and sale of the Crouch pstent Improved taf-ty dynsmo. Place of busi ness, Eugene, stock, $1,000,000. A Shovel Fight, Two Isborers on the Lebanon ditch got Into a dispute over something of conalJersble less Importance than the Independence of Ireland, and fought It ought with shovels, one gettlug la live whack on the head. One of the men la ssld to be Inssne and the man who did the livesl hitting was aft aid of l.lm. A Nskdko Improvement. The new sewer system for the public school build ing has srrlved and Is being rapidly put In place. When this Is completed the old will be removed. The beard of. directors hsve adopted what they consider to be the best; and It Is belleved'that the best sani tary Interests of the school will be guard ed by the course already adopted. Some Races. A subscription Is being rsfsed for some prises for a trot among t , . . t . , ivinn county rosuaicr. oaiuruaj vti. ji, has been set as the time, and the fair grounds as the place for the contest. There will be a number of entries, arrangements for which have not yet been completed To have blue hydrangeas wstei the plant with water In which al um is dis solved. A Goon AproiJtTstssT. The following from the Oregontan tell about the hus band of a former realdcnt of Albany, as well as one himself for severs! months: The executlre committee of the port of I'oitland commission, hsve appointed Mr George W Freeman engineer to have chsrge of the work of Improving the river contemplated by the committee, under di rection ol Major llsndbury, United State engineers. Mr Freemsn is fully compe- ent to hsve chsrge of the work, having been In charge ol the jetty al the mouth of the rlver-under both Captain Powell and Major llandbu'y, and afterward engineer of maintenance of way for the Southern Pacific company. He has been in the employ' of the United Ktatea ennlneers' department for eight years, and the com miaalon and Major llsndbury both have confidence In hi ability. Christian Endeavor Delegates. Chairman Cualck, of the committee on reception oi the local union of Christian Endeavor societies, has received a 111 of over a hundred delegates already elected who will be present at the state meeting of the societies to convene here on the loth. The delegates from the Albany societies sre: Chrlstlsn: J F Stewart.M Laughlln, P B Marshsll. Ella .Stewart and Fred Bloom. Presbyterian: Tiny Montelth. Hsdle Nelaon.Abble Wrlght.r lora Mason. IJr r J ball. Congregstlonsl: II M Young, Annie Allhouse, K E La r I more, Mrs E Vaasalo, Claud Vunk. United Presbyterian: Frank Breckenrldge, Ed Crossen, Rhoda Hall, Mildred Ihrmeater, bllzabeth Irvine. - they tarry all the Latest Styles and Novelties la th Millinery Has, an, a complete stock ef Ladles and Children Furnishing geods.snd rssdy-snsde garment. Goods the best, and prices the lowest. Call and b convinced. FIRST STREET, -: -:- FROMAN BLO(J ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! ASK THE PEOPLE OF Ullll COUNTY Where te get the Best Bargains, Where to get the Best Value for Tour Money, . IN Clothing, .Dry Goods, Etc.,' JLisi they, will Answer with One Toiee, at 2 OPkTJS ENJOYS Both the method ana results when 8 jrrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and. Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale ia 50o and 11 bottles by all oruggists. boh a 1. A masons l TUURRDAT . C W Ayer passed through Albany this noon. 1 Mi and Mrs T ? Overmsn a-e expected In Albsny next Sundsy. ' MrWskefietd, the brldgemsn. ws In Albsny today on his wt to Southern Or egan. Jos Webber. Sr. ,la reported dsnuerously 111 at his homo It. Portland, with paralysis 01 tne bisdiier, a isci mi msny iriends in Albsny will unlveiss'ty regret. Rector Lund took the morning train for Albany to attend a missionary convo cation of the bishop and clergy, ahlch ill continue lor several asv, sslem journal. Mrs G W Slsvtcn has completely re covered from her attack oi diphtheria and has tsken a position in the public school. vice Miss Rova Dodton, .resigned. I'fincvm News, The Chrlstlsn Endeavor Society of the Congregations! church hss choaen the following delegate to the Sista Endeavor meeting to on held at Atbtinir tha. last of this month: Key II 1. llatra.l larrv Hap- kli.a, Mlaacs Edna tvcclcr. Mable McLann and ran tile Condon. Eugene Register. FRIDAY. C II Ralaton andPhll Smlthf Lebanon have been doing Albany today. M laa Lena Ktory, of Kast Portland, is in me city, the guest of Mr I) B Mon telth. Rev C A Wooley will preaeh In the M E Church South nest sabbath morning at It o'clock. Mr II K Chlnman and Mia Lord, of Albany, arrived In the city today ,to visit among relative and friend. Salem Journal. Pr Maston returned from Halem ye terday, havlng'been there aa a witness In the case of 0 VY Johnson agt the 8 P R It Co, brought to recover $20,000 on account of damage received in the Lake Labiah accident. One of the nlcrat place In Albany I going lo be the Philharmonic club rooms, In the Oregon Bank building. They are' nearly resdy for orcupsnev. The rooms will have telephone connrc'Wn and will be an attractive place generally. A piano and other mualcal instruments will always be on hand. A BSOEITIO. Last evening from 4 to a. 1'ieildent Llvingiton, of th Georgia Al liance, dsclsrei (list, ss bstweto democrat y snd the slUsnce, he will adder to Die' former under sit circumstances. at flia rai- lerce of Mr. James V. l'ioa. a retention was tendered th visiting clergymen of the Kplacopal church, who have been holding several missionary meetings in th church at this city. It wa a de lightful affair, well planned and e-reattv 0 joyed by all, by none more than by the I'emocbat man who imui the privilege 01 being present. At 6 o'clock a delicious repast waa served, conferring credit on the ladies who if ot it ur. It was a social feast a well and a live "conversation added to J he affair. A halt hour was spent In en-isbillty, during which Rev Short, Rev Prichard and Rev Lund were heard in well rendered vocal snloa. Atumg tlmse present were Bishop Mor ris, Ret I'lammer, Rev Loveridge. Kev an vvatera, Rev Voslwrg, Rev Hhort, Rev Lund. R-v Potwyn. from other cities; Mr and Mr F. N lleach.of Colfax, Wash; Kev Prichard, President and Mr K N Condit, Kev and Mr 3 F Stewart, Rev and Mrs T J Wi,,n. Mr and Mr II U Watson, Mr and Mrs H H Train, Mr and Mr Tho Jone and son; Mr John Brigg and daughter, Mrs W B liarr.Mr M K Ferrell and son.MraThn Montelth. Hr., Mrs Knoa, MisaTiny Monteltli and mr ana Mr iuumg, ol AILwiiy. SUTVBOAr. K R Luckev and wife, of Kus-ene. ara in the city on a visit. . A Cheney ha taken rhanre of tha Mill City Gazette, Mr Dorri retiring. Hon Jeff Myers has msde another busi ness trip csat. Jeff I In It for ccrtsln. Mr Turret), the boot snd hoe drummer. father of Ihe Turrelt Bros., formerly of this city, was in Albany today. Mis Sadie Nelson, of Albany, will bay her Ashland home a visit soon. Hhe is popular in the social life of that c!ty,nd waa elected a member of the Kastern Star lodge instituted there last week. Ashland Record. On last Thursday evening Dr Rich, of Y equina City, Joseph Kline, of Albany, and J Fred ates, of this ciy, received the degree of Royal Arch Masonry, which were conferred by Ferguson Chap ter, of thla city. Among the prominent member from abroad who were present were James W Brasfield and Allen Park er, of Newport ; Havld Clark, Esq., 1) P Mason, Wallace Baldwin, Curtin Winn and Chs Kennedy ,of Albany. Gazette Paris, with a population of about 3,500, 000, has fewer than loo negroes wlthhi lis limits. It Is claimed that the colored pop- ulstlon cf all France is less than 550. Gladwin county, Mich,, boits of hsv Ing the large! frsme'nsrn In the world It Is 156 feet long, fifty feet wide. The structure Is three stories high, and (s seventy-three feet from the tu to the spex of the rosd. Grest l the power of the wsves. It Is relsted by the snclent fishermen of Cspe Ann thsi one ro:k, since estimated to weigh sixty-two ion, ws carried shore ward some twenty roJs In the great gsle which tore down Mlnot's light In 1851, The flowers tf the plnespple are very brilliant, and the pUnt conllof a bundle of lesves. The nsilve cut off the upper tuft, or crown, of the fruit, snd plant it In the earth. In such .1 simple manner Is this luclous fruit piopsgsted. One of Ihe two maaalve meteorites found recently by Prof Foote of Phllsdel phis fn the Canon Dtsbnlo, Art., was dis covered to contain a cavity, In which were sversl smsll diamonds, Dr Koenlg, who made this discovery, Is highly elated.slnce no other meteorite Is known to contain stones of the kind. A German biologist say thst th two sides of the fsc srs never sliks. In two out of Ire person the eyes sre out of line; ont rye is stronger thsn I lis oilier in seven person out of ten, and the right ear Is geneisity higher ihsn ihe left. The aor'.hern herder of th grest Sshsrs Drseit ms.le scccasahl by rsilwsy comraun ica tion across Algeria is becoming a winter resort for European invalids ssd other persons S'sUing s mild sad equable winter climate. . ... . .JL Aa srmy ol kacaats thst took five days in pasaing snd wss ten miles wide recently swept ovtr tbe Punjab ia India. Tlis crop were resdy to bsrveit, however, snd were tared before lb locusts resetted them. A msa Inhale one plat of sir st escb bresth whtls standing, sa sdult teapiratioa is twesty. two time per niinu'e; while lyiing down, thirteen. To ve your bresth, lie down. . . t'Mr halMa rucoaaafally mals from i. hu.ka i.f Indian coin. Tb process io yutvss butting tha haaks in a sololdm ( oaaattesoda. Th rsautt of the boiling is a g'qlinooa pat, which, when prassad, yialds aa excellent fihra. H' ANHINUTO. (Kroiii uur raifular rr)ti)cnl,) Tao bags led wood trass, growing sids by slda, support the tt.bsrs snd rait of a rsil mad in Hoooma eoanty, Calif. T as limbs bars twaw sawsd off aav inly ffvs ft above th sarfaoa of acrnk, sndwt thla hlAlit tbe railroad croasas a ravine. Poj py ad ha aa sedstiva piftprny . Iu th saat the oil is pres-ed oat sad a sad as a tabatauU 'for salad oil in cookery. The rtfns of tb seed is lho atd for f tttcniog poultry, Ordinary rsvolulion has seemed berctolor only a plcsaan. diversion for Ihe Ilsytisns, bit they are gradually learning some sense ia expensive frolic. It appear to be settled that th IfypolU government muat go, bat it des tructton is postponed until after the coffee bar vest. This is said to he neuwslly goad Ihe present yesr, snd the Ilsytisns sensibly post pone their right ng to secure i. They hold-to the otd silage, "lluiir.en before plessire. A CAXAB0. A gentleman wl o recently hsd s t-lk with Mr Man ley st Augusts, Ms, quotes thst gen tleman s saying the Main delegation would not present thnsm of Mr Itlsine ss a candi date before the lepuulicsa asikmsl conven tion, MrIt!aine having expressed a desire that the Msine delegation should not make him a candidste. If, however, bis name wss pre seated by some otber delegation, and b wss oominsted, ht would not decline. Tfcs New Terk Press Exawae tha laal lll Baalaeaa. la avar-1 The article credited to the New York Press going the rounds of the pspers, In which it Is alleged that unfavorable action has been tsken In the New Yctr LegUls lure sgslnat the Royal Bsklng Powder, proves to have been a canard, gotten up ana circuiaiea ny oppoaition baking now The following from the Statesman is about the man who used to pollute the editorial colunyi of tbe Oregon ian with art Immorality not often equalled. . He ia now on the Beat tie Post Intelligencer: Editor Bigelow continues to slander the memory of the late Henry W Grady in the columns of the Seattle Post-Intelli- der maker for purposes quite sppsrent to I gencer, on which paper he is now env Convicted or Lefrosy. Dr. D. A. Paine arrived last evening from McKen zle precinct, about 55 miles cast of Eu gene, where he had been tor the purpose of examining Into the condition of one f 11, isaocock, who was chsrged ty his neighbor with being afflicted with the In curable dlseare, leprosy. He was assisted by ur 1 11 uarr. ot Foley springs. After a thorough examination, It was determined beyond a doubt that he was afflicted with the dlseaae. The sores hsve broken out and are now running. Dr Paine made arrangements for his complete Isolation, Hancock agreeing to stay on Ms own premises, permitting no one to enter his house, which is located about one-half mile north ot the McKenzle bridge. tugene Ouard. A Bbntom Fecit Obchabd. The Bel- fountain Fruit Grower Association has bought trees of Browncll & Hyman, im... ...A .. . 1 JA ..n. In Aiuauj, aim mil oca uui A?v ai.ici fruit, ihe ground Is nearly ready, ana planting will be commenced in a short time. This company owns 600 acres 01 fine foot-hill land, and it is another of the many industries fostered by our own citizen. The enterprise and energy de voted to this company will be manifested in the fruit produced in the next few years. Gazette. In the Riveb. Last evening while the pile driver waa being loaded on the scow at the Albany bridge site, one of the men took a tumble into the river, much to the amusement of the large cvowd who were watching the proceedings. As the water was shallow it was not a ser ious affair. That Survey. The surveyors around Breltenbush expect to reach the Santiam with the second tier of sections this week, saya the Mill City Gazette. R C Case, Geo Mavborn and Mr lone of this place Is on the survey and Mr Perry and Pease VI WW A Bhedd Bubqlaby. Tuesday night the store of Crume & Davis, at Shedd, was burglarized, a quantity ot clothing, boots, cutlery,' and other things being taken, it was laid to tramps. Fertmiller & Irving hsv soots Kenaia- sance lao curtains for $1$ a pair, aa fine a aay thing sver seen in th aity. Thsy range down is S7 a pair... Other lass ear Uiaa dswa to Si i less a psir. every one. Tbe New York Tress, In exposing the fraud, says: "No such legialstlon ss thst listed in this article has ever been had In t his state or In any legislature, to o r knowledge." The lie Is made from whole c loth. The Pres dlsclalma any respon'sl. biMty for the publication, and objects to being made a party to such methods adopted by some baking powder manu (acturers in their enorts to substitute their goods for others now In use. ployed a editorial writer, Grady wg a broad man, with deep sympathies, and with great ability. Bigelow is a man with the sympathies ot a hyena. Washinotom, Oct. 1 1891. The Harrison crowd have been shaken up from center to circumference by M Blaine's letter explaining his position In relation tu the M.KInley tariff blil. They appear to rrsrd the letter es Mr Blaine' pronunclniiieiito, laaued to inform hi special frtund and followers thst he Is stilt In the political ring. And If republi can opinion here Is a fair reflection of elsewhere, it lot k very much like glgsnllc Blaine boom ws about to be launched on the country, and that Bre'r Harrison ws about to be crowded out of the hurrah, If such a thing can be done. One thing Is very certain, Mr Blaine's letter, which contains aliout nine parts endorse mer.t of the lllulne reciprocity Idea 10 one of the McKlnley tarlfl set, I not tbe work of a sick man, but of a very shrewd wide awake polltk lvn who Is more intent upon pushing his oa fortune than tion help Ing McKlnley. The fact is that Mr Blslne III never forgive Maj McKlnley (or ssub- blng him by iunorln every suggestion h made when the criminal McKlnley bill was being constructed, and while he Is too strict a party man to oppose MaKlnley's elec'ion he would not grieve any to see I lilm ,1f(.Hl.l 1 The officlsl of the state department are apparently never so happy as whendeceiv Ing the public. After repeatedly denying that our minister to China, who by the way happens to be a good democrst Gen Denvy, of Indiana, htd been Instructed to join w It It the other powers In the recent demand upon China for the protection of foreigner realdcnt In that country, they now acknowledge that such Instructions were sent to him some lime sgo. There may be times when these officials would be justified In temporarily keeping knowl edge In their potacstion from the public, but there I never any time when mis statements by official sre- justifiable, and least of all are they justifiable In this case, which msy Involve the country In war. Civil service Commissioner Roossvelt is again at bis desk, snd he Is apparently try- ng to prevent the clerks In the govern. ment service from being bulldozed Into giving up their money to political collect ors, lie says he Intends to bare a bill In troduced in the next congress to mske It a crime to send circulars to office-holders ssktng them to make political contribu tion. Mr Roosevelt me be perfectly honett, but he should not have prolonged his vscatlon until ihe departments had been "worked" It he really wlahed to put a stop to this evil. Mr Harrison made an excellent short speech on International arbitration to the Methodist Ecumenical conference Satur day. Secretary Noble and Fos'.er also made speeches. Representative Milt and Crisp, the rivals lor the pcskcrshlt, spint severs! days resting In Wsshlngton last week. They both have gone to fill campaign en gagements, Mr Mills to Msasachusettsand Mr Crisp to Ohio. The friends of both ot these gentVmcn clstm their man to be. In the lead In the apcskershlp con'est, al though acknowledging lhat neither have enough votes to nominate, and there is more hsd feeling shown by some of iheti followers thsn should exist In a friendly CAtnpf Ign. If this Is not eliminated, there U a probability that neither of th? m wllj receive the nomination. There Is a rumor that Mr Harrison Is trying to make ome sort of a combination to secure the support of Gen Russell A Alger, who I now In Washington, It I ssld, by request of Mr Harrison. It aeema queer to see so much trouble being tsken to cspture an empty honor. A specie! trsln carried a large crowd of Washington people to the funeral of the ate Representative W H F Lee. wldch took- place Saturday afternoon at his Isle residence, Rsvensworth, Virginia, Rev James M Townsend, the Indiana cobred clergyman who wa in 18S9 made Recorder of the General Land Office, has resigned, for the purpose of returning to ndiana. It was at first rumored that the colored preacher-politician was going back home to fight Harrison's renominatlon, but the fact has now leaked that he goes at the speclsl request of Mr Harrison, to see If he cannot q.iell the anti-Harrison feeling which has of late shown Itself to be ather strong among the colored voters of that state, as it would seriously Inter fere with tte Harrison program to hsve It ststed upon ihe floor of the republican national convention that any considerable S a a a ojoy 01 voters in nit own state were op posed to his nomination. WORTH COSIDKBI!0 F. M. Frenob keeps railroad time. Buy year'grooeriss of Parker Bros Nw erswm ehaaaa jnst taoeived st Cotrad Msvers. Smoks th celebrated Havana filled B eant you to be who you sre. but It is hardly modest otgar at Julius Joseph's. I of you to lay so. What you wsnt to say ia A larga a took of wall paper, with lata de- I that you consider it sn honor to be the prest- To cut s long mat'er short, let the cortec Lrm for sddretsing the President be given. I is simply thi: "Benjamin Harrison, Presi dent of the United Ststes: Mr President." Then after you hsve ssid your tay, if you are not proud, you can finish the communicstlon ihui: ! hsve the honot to be, Mr President, your obedient servant, John Smith," Doa't mske tbe mistake that is sometimes perpetrat ed of signing yourself thus; "I hsve the honor to be Tolin Smith," It reflect honor on signs, at Fortmitler fc Irving's,jast received Hsve yon ssen thos parlor suits that T Brink has just received I t hey are nice. 1 W Bentley, best boot and shoe maker in otty, thrse door north ol democrat oraoe. E W Aohison k Co hsndle tne eelebrstad Portland cement wslls for oemetery lots rbes walls ean be famished at half th eost of any otber and ar far superior Dr M H Ellis, physician and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made in eits or country. Ladies ean do their shouping In San Fran- el 00 without visiting tbe olty. and without extra commission. Miss K J Harrows V ehtsing agsut. 1669 Oroye St, Oakland, i-1 Patronis bom industry and buy hand msde harness; wsrrsntsJ, from O C Me Dubrullles old stand. dent's obedient servant, aaa i a at aa aaa aw m at a a m I arn W rV. IJlX. .-v CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. Via a Wllll VVflM Wt SAN FRAN0ISC0, CL .. 1 Luwsviug. ft. . tw roan, The Dmoouav will xchng a sawing msehio of aay mak desired, xeept one ar wo, for some oak grab wood and part cash; or will oooaider other proposition A any ne desiring a new machine The woman knitters of the Island of Shetland produce marvelously beautiful work. A very fine long shawl, weighing only X ounces, wss sold at Lerwlch last year for $75. A choice selection of knit goods, the finest ever produced In the is lands, was presented to the Princess of Wales on the occasion of her marriage One'a enjoyment of the exquisitely fine work Is considerably marred, knowledge of the fact that the cruel cus torn of pulling out the fleece from the sheep by the roof Is still practised in Shet land. The finest wool Is obtained In this way, and the secretary of the long- named society should seek out the men who practise this savage curtom, which Is called "ruelng." We want your trade and we feel eonfiden wo "can save you money. PBOTICT10N NOT TUB CalTSt Lit ding Photographers A asy Oregsa. We have bought all tbenrgativc 1 made by L W Clark and W H Oreeonood up to Nov 15th. 1889. Donlioates osn be hsd from hem only of as at reduced iste. W hay also about 18.000 noaatives mad by oar- selves, from which dapllestes 00 b bad at llksisces. We earry tbe only full line of vlewt of this stat and do enlarge d work at lowest rate for first elass work. W shall b pleased tooee yen at our Studio in Frsmsn's blsek, neitdsorto Mssonie xempia. The Char es K Zsne kid gloves msnu- fsotured at Philadelphia ara the best in th market. Call at A IS Moll wain and ex amine them before purchasing. It is ssid lhat 3:1,000,000 Russian peasants are sts;ving on account of failure of crops in thst country. This Is posnbly exagger ated, as there sre only 85,000,000 people in the empire, and th number in distress it lsrger than could be expeeted to soon after harvest. Probably the poverty of the peas antry rather thsn sctual scarcity of food is now the cause of distress. Tbe Czsr now hss more reason to fesr attacks on bis life. Men desperate by hunger act without reasoning ss to the effect of their actions. He is not re sponsible for crop failure, and he msy ' not be for otber evils for which he is Lsid to account I His despotism is no longer of the autocratic llis advisers do not ten nun mo irum in an probability, sometime in the course of human events, tome persons will become tired of promulgation the false chsrge thst the McKintey bill wilt not sell a pound of pork or a barrel of flour for the farmer, when they look ovei tbe tables showing increased exports of those articles to the countries with which we hsv concluded reciprocity treaties. Uerald. . . It is within the limit of hopeful expectation thst our cotemporary will, some time in the future, be able to see thst whs'ever of markets hsve been ciested in foreign countries for our poik and flour by the McKinley bill are due entirely to the free trade featutesof the bit. nd not st all due to a single feature or priu ciple of, protection. The whole mstter summed up thus: Our government put sugar on tne,iree 11st. 1 hit waa tree trade, pure and simple, Then our minister to the German government said to that government: "Now we are letting your beet sugar into our country Iree of duty and as a reciprocal benefit to American wheat raisers we ssk thst you let their wheat snd Hour into into your country free, or rather oa lower duties tHsa you bay heretofore imposed." Now the Iferald rejoices in this, but blindly, because somehow it thinks that it promotes protection. The Democrat rejoices in it because it is one step in removing those tyrannous restric tions on trade under the name of protection that pro ve such a weight to the resuscitation of American commerce. But the step is en tirely too short. The grest matt of people who receive tb benefit of this new move are tbe consumers of flour in Germany oho get breed ciesper. Now let us have a cut in duties on the necessaries of life 10 ss to help benefit American . coatumers. Would the Htrald rejoice at the latter as well ss the former? W. F. R E A D, SillMIIIIlIWI Call and nee whatautock of Fancy Goods, Fuioiisliing Goods, Dress, Goods, hosiery, . o Wa have to select from. Oar stock is notlionlv tha lanrest o but the cheapest ever shown in Albany. We have iust placed o sale a complete assortment f. cloaks and jackets, in both cloth and plush goods, plain and fur trimmed. W. F. BEAD. Albany, -:- -x- Oregon ...... - for Infants and Children. "CawtarrtalseomnadaTiUdtsatUMrmcfcat I woomnxw) Uas auparior to any praaerfptian ksowBSOSM." n. A. Aaewsav M. D 111 So. Oxford St, BreoUyo, X. T. 'Tha nae of 'Caainrla U so traWaraa) ami ha mariU so wall know that tt aam a art of aiiniaauaaUoB toawdoraa IL rarartba ratmiat families who do not keep Osssorla arllhln eacy roach." UAJKbO JSAWTVlf. v. D- Kra rm rW. fca Paatar Btooralatdala Batoemed Charch. CWa wHa coral Cone, Ooonflpatton. ffour etomaeh, Iferrbasa. iLTurtaUon. XUila Worma. gives sloop, and promotes dV intfoasmjorlota ssidleatksx Tor awraral yervra I haa reoommaniled r ' Oaatoria. ' and shall alarava oonunue to ao aa It lias invarlaiilr noduead hwddal rsults.n Eown r. Pabdcs). H. MTbo Wlottkrop, fdBsh Street and TrJi Avol, . Kew Tork Ctty. Tsns OsnrrAes Ooswaav, tf Hmuu.r Otaaay, Vmw Toas. H5gaMUJJ aaWagsMBfarJHIJSjB ALLEN BROTHERS, W HOLESALE 3- RETaIL GROCERS CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, IN LARGE: OR ISM ALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON.. Flinn Block, ALBANY, OREGON ALBANY CIGAR Jo JOSEPH, WHOLESALE FACTORY Proprietor, RETAIL Only Whits Labor Employed, ', """"" "" MjSa iiiiirylirii iiaiiliaaisassasa - Purities the BLOOD, Cures CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, LITER COM PLUMS, SICK HEADACHE, COLDS, PIltPLES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES ARISING from a DISORDERED STOMACH. The Genuine HAMB URQ TEA is put up in YELLOW WRAPPERS vilh Facsimile Signature of EM1L FRESE. REDINQTON V OO. Aocnt. 8an FRANC4SCO. StOsMs BV AlVIi xRFG3I8TS AND UKOCFRS. If PATROHIZE HOME -INSTITUTIONS. & vmm INSURANCE CO., Albstsiy, Orepa. W F RBAD, Prealdeaa. J L COW AS, Treasurer. JO WRITSMAN. Seoretary. Geo P SIMPSON, Vie President. M Sternberg, Writsman. J W Burnetti kind The best roast eoffee in tbe city at Hoot a I and probably ssuch of uU arbitrariness it the doysra. I result of ignorance of the affairs ofbis empire . The hard mottled sutt called coquillas, the produce of a South 'American palm, used to be exported to the extent of several hundred thousand a year, but are now .scarce. They lake a fine polish and were, shaped by the turner in'.o various, smsll ornamental and eieful artleler, such as knob handles for cabinet drawers, (or walking sticks, pars tola, bell pulls etc . . - ' '.' , Tf s inenreagtda st tramps. Twsshn & WiLsejr. nmisoTOBa-" J L Oowaa, Cs T fxlmpaon, W F Bead, Dr Ia Foley, J K Weathartord. K 8 Stratum, J O ' '-" Avse azewxicT iswm rea '. SeYeral Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies. -OKlY STRICTLY INSII8AKCE OFFICE IN AHAHY, F. L. KENTON, 3ALSE IX Choice 7 Teas, Coffees, Spices. E2I TRACTS, And a general assortment of Near the Post Offlce, : 4 - Albanj, Oregoi