( s HS5 STTTE3 & HUTTUIQ. Ed Iters aa Free rle tor. Joh Minto, th "sheep crank," U peram bulating over tht country on a salary paid by the United States, making speeches in favor of republican protectionism, There are uU to be about 31,000,000 actes ol forest In Hungary. Of theae tht government owns about 3,500,000 acres, and buy each year and refuaea to tell any that It possesses. The moccaalna worn by many of the weatern Indiana are new made In Maine. It would be Interesting to know what per centage of profit the aim pie red man makea In selling theae 'relic' to tourlata. A report cornea from Chicago that the French government by Ita agentt,U,qulet ly buying targe amounta of grain and meats In this country; 1,000,000 barrel ol flour and 35,000 ,000 buahela of grain are named aa a part if the order. The date tree la a apecle of palm. It growa to the height of 100 feet. A the tree advance la height the old leave fall off, having" the I'tm bare. In It bearing atate the leave are from l to eight feet long. The treea are mule and female In dlstlncipUnt. 1 The New York Wtld of the 14th Inst, mvs: Last nieht Tl.oa ration bet lake Hess Sj.ooo evrn thai Campbell would beat Mc Klnley 10000 votes In Ohio and $ 1,000 against $000 that Flower would delta! Fassett. Jimmy Wakely wants to wacr $5,000 aa against 3,500 on e iowcr. The enemies of Hermann will have to learn batter politics than abuse, and call off their dogs, if thev don't want to see lilnger stock go up a hunJred points. That rr.eana that If the Salem iamrual does not "let up" on Hermann the Ata'tt man wilt bull Uermann stock with all lu might, and It ndght I mightier than that of the iomrnal. Col Charles l Taylor, ol the Boston Gtolm, though the conductor of a very democratic sort of a newspaper, personally betray some very strong republican in stincts, lie Is just back from a foreign tour and he says he made no purchases abroad, saving his money for the home market. And he thinks too many A mer les ns go abroad without fully appreciating the superiority oi their on country. Statttmam, What In thunder, then, do you make so much noise when the democrat propose a reduction ol the tariff, if It be true that our country ell be.ter and cheaper good than foreign countrie da? 1 In connection with the Australian ballot law adopted by the last legislature I a re quirement that closed booth shall be pre pared at ever poling place In the atate, and there must be a poling place for evsry 350 votes. Till law doe not Imply .how ever, that particular kind ol booth shall be prepared, such aa the elaborate steel affairs built In the East and shipped out here at great expense, which have already been adopted by several counties. Plain wooden booths, constructed by the local carpenter, will answer every purpose and some use can be made of the lumber after the election is over. Expenditure for steel booths are likely to throw unnecessary discredit upon the new ballot law. Ore fminn. Rev Sam Small was arretted in Boston lb 19th inst 00 a charge of obtaining fiooo by aire pretenses, mad by Rev II N Monroe, an Episcopalian clergyman, at Newton, Lower Falls. Mr Small his been stamping tbi aisle for the past few weeks in the interest of the prohibition ticket. Secretary Merdco, of the prohibitory state committee, went bail for him and be bat been stumping the state cvsr since. The case wat brought in the civil court to avoid the scandal that a criminal case miht brin j to I be cause of prohibition . It is said that the transaction, which resulted in the arrest of Mr Small, was agreed upon in Au-msl, 1890, when Mr Small wa pretident of the Os'len university. It is alleged Ibat Mr Small induced the Rev Monroe tj pay Slooo for a lot of land.whfch he decUrei was wortS that sum. The land leUnged to the uuicrity, an-t il i-i!Ietd that Hie univer siy denvnlH ool $510 for i', and that Mr Small Tilde $510 by this transaction. When V VI ---- ..r uf this he demanded the ey. As it was nt forth- . "he arrest of Mr Sm.l'. f sur CRACK IT. Tlie IlrrnlJ it : I be claim that (he tartlf becomes a tax poo the consumer, it such a favorite ay with those newspaper whose one object is poli'lcil perfernient without reference 10 the me ho. I tat lesd to it, that they are psrfet.-t-1y unwilling to give up the cry although it has long ago been proven to he an old chest nut not worth tne cracking. It ia strange that protectionists should be come so biased, that they should so swiftly prejudge a ma'ter as to shut out all considera tion of it. But such is the case. Now let us take a familiar example, that, of Itself, will prove that the tariff duly paiu upon im ported goods is a tax, and '.hut tax i always paid by the consumer. The duty oa piste glass is 140 per cent, tl.at is to say, when a man buys in a foreign country gioo worth of plate gtss before, be .can land it in this country he mutt pay duty or lax of $140 on the $100 woth of glass. I .a ft year w im ported $160,000 worth of plate glass. That was 1 lie value or the coat of ihe glass in the foreign market, yet upon that glass there wst paid f 33J.OOO duty or tax, or $63,000 more than the glass cost in Kng'aad. Who paid tint tax? I)i1 the' English manufacturer give us the glass snd r y u $ 53,000 to ink it And yet that i just what those tsy, who, liks McKinley, Say thai the foreigner pays it. The duty paid apon imported goods is aa much part of the co-t ol the goo Is as is th freight. Who would dare say 'bat the freight is pot a part of the est of goods and '.hat the consum er (1 j. not pay !? KlllX UNTAXING roKKIUNKIM. The administration organ has a report from Washington that the government has conducted a convention with German nnder which AmerLxi: grains and pro visions will be admitted Into tnat country either free or at greatly reduced duties after the 1st of January next. The consideration for this conce-ton. is aid 10 be an assurance that the president will not. relmpose a duty on G?rman beet sugar, he is empowered to do by the McKlnley act ' tf this arrangement shall be made the people of Germany will be able to get their food supplies from this country cheaper tian the now do, by th full amount of Ihe duty. There I. no Idiotic notion In Germany that "the foreigner" (In this case the American) "pays the tax." The German will get cheaper bread by the removal of the duty on wheat, just as our people get cheaper sugar by th re moval of the duty on sugar. In return, what advantage do American confumers gain? Absolutely none. Their food will be no cheaper. No tax on any thing which thev use is abated. The jug- handled republican reciprocity untaxes foieijf rrs 1 jil. New York World. HOUE FALLACY. The mrJsajrs: The "rulnou high prices" predicted ol the McKlnley bill are not dlscernable to the naked eye In Oregon. Not ior many year would a bushel ol wheat purchase so much In the way ol clothing or otner merchandise as now, wnue 01 sugar it is useless to say that It I within the reach of the most lowly. That "horrid" republi can bill was not such a tad thing after all. It author will doubtless be elected in Ohio. Now let us tee how full of fallacy the above is. The promoter and defender ol a protective tariff make but two leading arguments In It support. One I that It secure the home market to our own peo pie, and that It stimulates manufacturers and production and thus cheapen the ar ticle upon which the duty I placed. Now, why will a bushel ol wheat purchase more In the way of clothing than tor many year past a asserted by the HiralJi It I not because clothing, (we mean good, honest clothing, not shoddy,) I cheaper but be cause wheat la a much better price than It ha been lor year. And I wheat a better price because ol the 'home market" tor that article? No, It i because ot the good foreign market, the foreign demand created by a failure In foreign crops, that our farmers get a good price for their wheat. Thl I a complete knock. out of the uhome-market" theory. It is true. aye, emphatically true that a bushel ol wheat now will buy more sugar than lor many year past, and the cause for such good fortune that places "sugar within the reach ,f the most lowly" I to be lound wholly within the democratic doctrine that a good foreign market Is a much better one for the American wheat grower than a poor home market and the further dem ocratiV doctrine tnat removing a tariff duty from an article wi 1 reduce the price ol thrt article, a I ot'ier conditions being aim llir. Now, then to sum up, why can v buy more sugar lor a dollar than for many year past. Because our farmers sell their wheat In the highest makret In the world and,buy their sugar In the cheapest market of the world. Sugar la cheaper than It used to be, not because McKlnley Increased or retained the duty on It.but because.ln treat Ing of the sugar question In his bill, he de serted the principle of protection and ap plied the principle of "Iree trade" by put ting sugar on the free list, f he sugar ar tide In the McKlnley bill has called out more hearty, word of approval from the ptotectlon press than the remainder ol the bill. And this sugar articln Is pure, una dulterated Iree trade. We trust the llt U will keep up Its work ol calling the at tention ol It reader to the vast benefit of a good foreign marker, and the vaster ben e fits to the "moat lowly" la consequence ol Iree trade" In sugar. If they can be made to see that sugar Is made cheiper by removing the duty, (and the task la a very easy and pleasant one,) the will soon be gin to Inquire why ma not the price ol lumber, coal, salt, binding twine, glass ware, blankets, jute sacks, earthen ware, cutlery, and various other necessaries ol life be made cheaper by reducing or re moving the duty from them. This would be the only rational line ol thought, being the natural tendency ot the campaign ot education now going on In the minds ot the people. We welcome the 1 In old to the great arm ol educator In the true principle ol political economy. A MISSOURI PRUCHRIM l'fUYKK. A Macoa (Mo) minister bis sum; erring lamb of the flock that wander off on Sunday excursion occasionally. This is from hit prayer in a reeen' service: "O, Lo'd, we pray that Ihe tacuition train goi.ig eat on the Hinnibal & St Joseph railroad this morn mg may not run oil the t'ac and kill any church members that may be On board (.buret, members on :unday excursions are not in condition to die; and in addition to this, 't is embarrassing to a minister to officiate at she funeral of a member of the church who has been killed on Sunday excursions. Keep tbe train on the track and preserve it from anv calamity, that all church members among Ihe excursionists may have an opportunity for repentance, that their sint 'may he fjrgiven for Christ's sake." The census office has Issued a bulletin which shows that the real state mortage debt in force In Illinois, Jan. I, 1890. was $384,309,301, of which $165,339,333, or 43.01 per cent of total was on acre tract and $219510,038 or 56.97 per cent wa on village and city lots. The debt of Cook county, containing Cnicgo, wa $191,518, 309, of which $14,065,305 wa on acrs.and $177,453 ' a on hit The debt of seven tit , r 'io(a! counties was as follows K . ?3 -1 5 5H ; La Salle, $5,960,488 i.L.!., 4,377 4 9' Peoria, $5,988,973 St Clair. $,134,309; iangamon, $5,851, $40,and Will, $5.46S.9"7. Republican boodle I beginning to tho Itself at De Moines, Iowa. S L Mash, an attorney and the brightest representative of the colored race In Iowa, is supporting the democratic tfeket and has won over large following of his people. Tomorrow morning he wiii publish an affidavit set ting forth that Chairman Kehkopf of the Polk count republican committee, offered him $300 In money and a lucrative office In the nextleglslatuie If he wou'd support the republican tlcaet and use his Influ ence to win t'e colored ejoter back to it support. Several prominent denmocrat, ol Can ton Ohio, are willing to wager $500 that Major McKlnley wilt have 500 les vote in till ccunty than he had last fill, when Hon John G Warwlrk beat h'm for con gress. This seem like a bigger offer on 'he vote In the major' own county ,but the Informant say he can raise any amount of money to wager In that way In less than a day' time. The wool growers seem to think that McKlnley Is not In It. The queatlon why a piece af solid iron floats on molten lion has been satisfactor ily arswered by Dr Anderson and and Mr Wrlftlitson. The cold metal is really heavh r than the molten, and when first placed in the latter It sinks bv virtue ol its elght, but growing warmer It expands, and thereby becoming specific!! lighter t rises to the surface. After a tltne,,how- ever. It again shrinks and melts into the fluid mass around It. In Austria it has been found ilia the slant ing of letters in writing causes curvature of the spine, due lo the position miinlained at tbe table or desk, and a supreme council has recommended that upright let.eri be cutlivat d in iclioolii'g. Tht aggregate grain crop of this country Is estimated at 3123,009,000 bushels, of h!rh tlnnn,oo non bii- hrU Is corn. This is 28.8 per cent, highvr than for eleven precccdlng vears. - Germany Impo es a duty of $4 76 per 100 kilos iio'A pounds) on bacon, ham , salted pork and canned beef, and forty eljjhl cents per 100 kilos upon lard Of 10,757 farms in Utah 9737 are made fertile by irrigation. A London notion against burglars. Is to Insure houses WELL SAID. Gen Black addressed a great meeting In O'tumwa In reply to Mr McKlnley, and some ol hi turns ot hi argument proved extreme) Icllclllou. When In Black' speech the high tax champion become aware of some ol the latal Inconsistencies ol his argument he ma conclude to de cline the tingle encounter with Gov Camp bell which ha been arranged In Ohio, Gen Black lound that McKlnle at Ot- tumwa primarily based hi argument on the proposition that the tariff wa not paid by the people ot thl country. On thl point McKlnley said: You cannot reach the foreigner either In war or In peace, and the only way you can make Mm contribute to auppoit thl irovernment I when he brines lilt products to the Vnlted States, to Just put the tariff right on top of htm, and before he can en ter mem to be sold in competition 10 your selves he must contribute so much per pound, or per yard, or per ton, to go Into the public treasury to help u through the burden ol taxation, and we make mm In advance, at Governor Gear say f we did not we wouta never get it. Now tht a hoary falsehood that common sense reject without hearing an evi dence. When an American merchant goes nto an European market to purchase goods lor sale In this country he must pay the market price. There l not one price tor a British or French or German pur chaser, and another tor American. It would argue colossal cheek or blank Idiocy If the European agent lor an American wholesale meichant should ascertain from a British manufacturer the ruling price for certain goods, and then follow with a pro posal that the bill be discounted theamount ot the McKlnley tariff. But Gen Black did not rely on the simple absurdity ol the asset lion that foreigners pay our taxe. He was able to bring In no less an authority than McKlnley himself to prove that Mc Klnley's statement was nut true. In the ame speech from which the above quo tation was taken Gen Black lound lor It the following absolutely contradictor statement: "Who made this countrv.lt cltles.towns, rivers, harbors, parks, national roads, churches and school house? You did It by taxing yourselves, The foreign pro ducer never contrlbutdd one dollar. These opposed assertion found In the limits ot one speech by the leading tariff champion ot the whole country indicate how difficult It I to be consistent when one has entered on the task of justifying an artificial trade system designed to pro mote certain favored Interest at the ex pense ot the mattes ot our people. The two McKlnley extract would reflect nu tual luster In the juxta position ol paral'cl columns, where thev would reveal to the most careless eye the falsehood and ab surdity on which the poll; ot high pro tect lo a la founded. Qulrcy Herald, L ... - - - J BaawaaiiLLS, October 11, 1891 Mr llolloway, who lives on the Tho Kav Place, north cf town, thought to get rid oi some tiah In and about an old hen house by fire, and accordingly tried It. During the night he got rid ol the hen house, a barn, wagon, carriage and road cart, but was not aware ol his great suc cess until the next morning. Born, to the wife of Mr Hollo way, on the lath, a daughter. R M Bradley arrived In town today just from the mines. Have not seen him yet hut suppose il the weather wa not so cold we should have a excitement. Git Mackey let his team run away In town today which created some excite ment. They jumped Into the yard of Mr Spark and broke down a few trees, doing some damage Jas N Coshow, of Joseph. Wallowa Co, arrived in urownsvtiie a lew day ago. Jim say he ha been In the snow lor eight winters and he I going to stay in A cb- loot this winter and see it rain, Mr Howe and wife, and tw j son and their wives, arrived in Brownsville today, Intending to make this their future home They came from Benton county, Or. AKVIlLk. Again the angel of death liai visited our community and taken from our midot one who was beloved by all who knew her. on the morning ot the ltli inst Mrs Martha Mcllree passed from this life to that beyond the vale. Mrs Mcllree was 75 years old, was born. In Ireland and came with tier parents to America in her youth. After her mar riage she resided in Peoria county, III., for many years, leaving there In 1802 in company with Capt John .Smith and ethers. Phe was a member of the U I' church at this place from ita first organ ization, and was always found in her place in church as long as her health would permit. I or about three years she has been a patient sufferer awaiting the final summons. The writer ot this b'ief sketch has been acquainted with the deceased for seventeen years and can truly say, "I never heard her speak an ila aat a un it iiia word 01 any one. ' amicus, AiWill&M's May be seen tbe finest stock ol gold and silver watches, diamond and other rings, jew eiry, silverware, &e, In the city. Removed. W E McPbetson lias re moved bis loan and insurance office te epposite the Masonic temple, where at present tie has plenty of money to loan en Albany real estate. m w m A Belajai r Terror . Shanghai, Sept 34. Vladiovstock it undergoing a reign of tenor. Fourteen con victs employed on the new Trans-Siberian railroad have escaped from the guards, and the only means they have of providing them selves 11I1 private clothes is by a succession ofmurdrrs. They have already murdered five persons, three Ihe i males of one bouse, one a French naval officer belonging to th squadron in the port, aad the other a Rus sian band-master. Noarmscan be purchas ed in Vlsdiovstock, and those who have weaponsfkeep them ready for instant use, at everybody feart an attack from the convicts. Aa Explorer Arrived, Seatslb Oi 20 Professor Israel C Bus- mI1, the Ahvkia explorer, arrived from Victoria on thaateamar llermosa, this after-no- n. and ia now Mastered at tba Rainier Professor Russell is man of medium stature, with a squaro-cot black beard, alightly tinged with gray. Hi ooontenance ex presses Indomitable resolut on. ihe J rt fnss'ir wa foand in his room at the Rainier writing a brief description of his travels. CON STIPATION. Afflicts balf the Amerlssva people yet there I nly one preparsttan ef Baaawyarnia that sets th bowels ana reaches tU Important trouble, and that Is Joy's VsgemM SsraoparrHa. Jt ra lleves it In M hours, and aa eoBaslsaal dose prevents return. W refer by permission to C.I. Elklncton, 1 Locswt Aveane, Ban Franolsee; J. II. Brown, PeraUnma.; II. a Wian, Geary Const, Baa Francisco, "aad hnndreds of others who have iised It In constipation. On latter Is a sampla of hundreds. Zlklnaten, writes: "I hare been fur years subject to billons headache and constipa tion. Have been o bad for a year back, bars had to take a phywf every other nlfht or olss I would have a hcadach. A (ter taking one bottle ef J. V. I am in splendid abape. It has done wonderful things for ma. Teopls similarly troubled should try it ami b convinced." mi"? Veectab, Uy O Saroaparilla Most modern, most eriertWe, lutgmt bottir sama prloc, W six lor 16.03. FOR SALE BT STANARO & CUSICK ALBANY tlsU'UT t'OlHT. Following I the docket cf the circuit court which convene In Albany mxt Mondayt Oregon tgt Ja Bannon ; burglar, Oregon agt E P Rogers; freight dis crimination. Oregon agt E crimination. P Kogtr freight dlt- P J Porter agt J C Elder, tal partition. Thot Jefferson agt O S Montgomery; to recover money; attachment. T Ttttenkofter agt Perry Smith; to re cover meney. Toplltx Si Co agt Mary Cougtll) to re cover money. C F Cornwall, ct at, agt Dasle Keeney, et ai 1 partition. G J Braner agt Mary Couglll ; to recov er money. Moonev. Valentine 61 Co ant Marv Cougtll; to recover money. Albany Farmers Co let S S McFaddem recovery 01 money D F ttslneer. et at. ant Goo Kowell ; injunction. Assignment oi Earl Race Capital National Bank agt V.' F Crosby; recovery 01 money. A T and F M Gilbert agt P Blevlnst re covery ot money. Assignment of R C Warner. Jennie Standlsh agt Nathan B Standish. divorce. Tho P Baldwin agt Goldsmith Sc Run- kle; recovery ol money; attachment. American Mtge Co. of Scotland, agt Edwin Wilcox, trustee; foreclosure. Bridge Sc Beach Mfg Co agt Smith & Senders; recovery ol money; attachment. T C Boyer agt Smith & Sender: recov ery ot money t attachment. Assignment ot E Becker. J B Stetson agt 8mith A Sender: re covery ol money; attachment. L B Tycer, ct al, agt Ina B Tvcer. ct al. equity. Dtttenhoffer. llasa&Coagt (i W and Elsie Pugh; confirmation. m rtvwrei a Moore; confirmation. a r ui.i. ... . ... S W and Mary Alice McNeil agt John McNeil; divorce. Assignment of T L lienness. Assignment of G W Smith. Stewart St Sox agt T A Heard; recov ery ot money attachment. E L Bryan agt Southern Pacific Co; recovery oi money. Mary Wood art Frank Wood; recovery 01 money; atiacnment. Sugar Pine D Si L Co aot L D Knot, et al; forclosure hen. T I McClarv. assignee T 1. Ilcnness.aa-t ix) n uonser, et ai; recovery 01 money. Pauline llegele agt John Schtneer; re covery ot money. Lelghton Knox agt Adam Slscmore; appeal. J Put 8mltb agt C T Craft; recovery ol money. Assignment ot Kwong, Woo Kee Co. N D and J B Conn act L A and IN Woodle; foreclosure. B A Lander agt T L llennesa, I. Fllnn. and others; foreclosure. F II Williamson agt Mueller & Garrett; recovery ot money. Atbott. Church Co fait t C I Dillon & Co; recovery ot money, j Frank D Wood azt Marv Wood: In junction. f ant lam Lumbering! Co aart M I) and Mtlissa llo.'an; foreclosure Hen. CM Rainwater agt Curie M Rain water; divorce. Elizabeth Cos agt Kami and R E Conn: recovery of money. Davis Bros agt Wm Powers; recovery ot money. Clara Derringer agt John Derringer: dlyorce. I R Dawson act Wm It Ilea and M Scoit; Injunction. Price Robson agt Henry Ciowder; re cover y of money; attachment. Price Robron agt Crowder Bros; re covery ot money; attachment. G C Cooley k Co agt J L ilolllda and wife; recovery 'of money ; attachment, W S Thompson agt j F Powell St Co; recovery of money. Bridge A Beach Mfg Co agt G W Smith and J W Cuslck; to annul aalgnment. John McNeil agt J Thompson, et al ; for leave lo Issue execution. John II Schurmeleragt Win Schneider; recovery 01 money. Nettle Smead agt S M Smead; divorce. Almyra E Woolery agt Jasper II Wool ery ; divorce. Goldsmith St Lowenburg agt Smith & Sender, recovery of money. Fonmlller St Irving agt L A Woodle; recovery ot moner; attachment. LG Thompson agt Nellie Thompson; at voice. GHmartln St Mulhern agt M S3 Guess et al ; action tin note. Gilmaitln St Mulhern agt Lyman Em merson et al ; on note. GHmartln at Mulhern agt G W and Ma tilda Slaven. GHmartln St Mulhern agt J N and 8 J Comb; on note; at achmrnt. P McAllister agt M G and B Shepherd; on note. A Schilling St Co Sgt J f Powell & Co; recovery of money; attachment. Ella V Montgomery agt Wm M Mont gomery ; oivorc. W S Thompson agt J F Powell St Co; recovery 01 money. Fieckenstelrt St Meyer agt OS May; on note; attachment. F II Vaughn agt S'oper St Vaughn; re covery of money; attachment. Cooley St Washeurne agt W T and Martha Price; iccovery of meney; at lachment. Cooley St Washburne agt Jas and Ella futman ; recovery ol money ; attachment Coolev A Washburne eat M T and Eli sabeth Llndsey ; recovery of money; at- tacnmeni. R ichard Mayo agt Dellla Mayo; divorce Stewart Sox agt Slopcr St Vaughn ; re covery 01 money; aitacnment, Cooley & Washburne agt II C and E V Klepperj recovery of money; attachment. Cooley Sc Washburne sgt J J Leabo and Nancy Leabo; recovery of m ney ; at tachment. E Sommervllle agt Elizabeth Levis; on note; attachment. F II Vaughn agt M Scott; damage. J A Crawford agt M E Dorris; recovery of money. Daniel ilouck agt J M Beard; foie closure. OF Mitchell agt J O Egtn et ux; on note; attachment. Ling Delia RUzza agt J G Egan; en note; attachment. J II Knlghten agt Thomas Arthur Beard; recovery of money; attachment. Coshow St Cable agt II C K'eppcr; re covery of money ! attachment. Smith & Moore agt Sarah L I.uper, admrx; appea. John Schlosaer agt E C and Mary R Phelps; foreclosure. Davlr Bros agt Peter R Bear; recovery of money; attachment. MO Bingham agt Elizabeth Blnchaint divorce. Jo Ilawkin agt Peter R Bear; recovery of money. R Custar agt J A and E A McFeror.; on note; attachment. Davis Bros Sgt Austin LCoon; recovery of money ; attachment. Albany Iron Work agt G O Vernon; recovery of money; attachment. Albany Iron Work agt Price & Vernon; recovery of money; atachment. Ann Bedell agt Frank Bedell; divorce. Ella Houd agt S E Houd; divorce. Alf'ed Dettbenner agt Berherdeln Dett benner; divorce. E D Turner agt Warren Hulburt; on note; attachment. Brownsville Woolen Mfg Co agt J H Burkharf, G W Maston, E J Lanning et al ; recovery of money1. 1. Oregon agt Wlllamettn Valley Coast R R Co; action to annul charter of cor poration. J T Kearn agt Laban Case et al ; on note; attachment. f A Zlmtrcrman agt Samuel Anderson; to clear title. JL Dill exr. 0 McFarltnd agt G W oinun et ai; recovery 01 money. Stewart St Box agt Jessie M South; re covery ot money; attachment. Peterson &, Garland agt Ja 0 Cawood ; recovery ol money, L V Davis agt Nellie R Davis; divorce. Flelschner, Mayer St Co agt Waters St Morclock; recovery of money; attach ment. Knapp, Burrrll St Co agtFS Ingram; recovery of money; attachment. Ed ard Ptover ct al agt Mr A W Sto ver et al; partition. Ed Zeyss agt J Warren Miller; fore closure. Jacob Norcrostagt Southern Pacific Co; damage.' W J Vanschuyver agt II E Burmestcr; on tote. , Almlra Miller agt J P and Martha Schooling; equity. E II Davit agt II II Davis; divorce. G W Slaven agt Martha A Slavens; dl vorce. F E Robinson agt 0 Roblnsrn ; di vorce. Vlronda Wcstlake agt WO Wretlske; divorce. Eliza Denny sgt S A and M A Nicker- son; on note; attachment. John Diamond agt Margaret Flndley; contlrmatlon. John Schneider et ux agt I N Woodle ct al ; foreclosure. Stewart St Sox agt TJ Montgomery; re covery ot money; attachment. Geo II Burt agt Arthur Beard; recoyeiy ot money; attachment. ' J 0 Cloodale agt BerepU M Hansard, et ai; foreclosure. Oregon A California It It Co agt V M Miller; to condemn rl property fur raiiroan purposes. TKIaKOUAPIIIO NEWS A Mia haal of Banaexters. PostTowmsinii, Wash Oct 18. Thirteto smuggler ate reported lo have Ixm capt ured on th San Juan islands by ihe revenue culler Wek-ott yesterday by a mat piece of strategy. Exlrnsive smuggling of cpium and Chines bat been going on for tome time. Th San J'Mn siands wss th smuggle!'! rendevout. Captain Turier sent a steam launch to guard lbs Island a we;k ago. Severs! men wet sent from ihe launch dis guised at thlpwrrcke l tailors. Tbey went to a cabin cccupie-l by Ihe smuggler and asked for shelter. Alter being there two day Ihe men, having secured sufficient evidence against lb smugglers, sent for the cutler Friday night th Wolcot! went lo the islands tnd caexursd thirteen l the gang sad cut oft the escse ol the rest. Taooe Ly ackers. Omaha. Neb Oct 10. Seven tnembctt ut the mob which lynched the negro rapist bit night hsve been arrested charged with murder in tbe hrst degree. County Attorney Ma honey refused 10 allow the piionet bail,and by 6 n. m. a Isrce crowd surrounded the county jail, and threatened that if th pi iron - e were But given their liberty lb jail would be attacked and tht men liberated Alkorlsoa Volag Hoasir. PoaTiAxt, Oct 18 Ktward A Albert lb defaulting cashier of the Fidelity Tiu.t Company, of Tacoms, who wss captured at Coo bay, aitrt ending ihe officers of the law for about three weeks, is now hi the cliy. I le has been al Gardiner over a month nuislng a wound inflicted when he wit captured with Chandler, bis accrnnptu e ,iy a man named Moore, a hotel keeier at Gardiner. Albert- son wss broeght In to Portland yesterday, over tbe Southern Pacific road. Tho SUik ftaaost. StATtl S.Ott 19 The strike in the Gil- man coal mines, wblji wis inaugurated March IS, has been broken by the strikers themselves. At a meeting of Ihe strikers held lodsy it wst decided to call in strike off. ABaakl-or tsaa). OaatiON City, Or Oct 19. Township 1 suuih, isnge 6 t as, wat opened for filing at tbe United St ties land office in this city today aad Register J T Appcrsno wis kepi busy receiving filings, while receiver B K Bosch wat equally busy taking in th fi6. fee. There bat been a continual rush. Tie ap plicants psid into Ihe hands of tl.e receiver ovtrn6S. 1 1 is repotted here that one of the claims bled on it worth over 165,000. A Marrow tLmrmp. Ia GtAMit, Or Oct 19 The farndioute ef Milton Cochran, near Alice!, this county, wat destroyed by fire early this moraing. hat fiooo; insurance f 500. I he bre was caused by the explosios of a lamp, and burn e.i with such rapidity that Mr Cochran's children, who bsd been sleeping, escaped with disiculty. A Itevaatatlag aurosi IX).sixS, Oct 19. Tbe storrrs, which were everywhere renewt I loday, have caused ira mense damsge. The continuous rains hsd filled all the rivers lo the brtoi, and today the additional deluge rauted freshets and inunua liuna in all directions. Tl.e Trent burst its lnki in many places sod sluices were carried aay, causing crops and cattle to be destroyed Tbe damage, howevtr, is greater in Ireland tbaa in England. Tbe shannon is on a ram page, thousands of acres of land along its banks being submerged with disasirUms effects 10 Ihe farmers. The flood partly destroyed the Fergus reclamation workt at Enmt,which ere built by the government at a cost of 130,000. The cossts are strewn with wrecks, cbieff of counting craft, and many lives have been lost. There were pitiful scenes during ihe gale off St Catherine ' pohv, Isle of Wight. rrobably a Bis fake! TorkKA. Kan, Oct 19. A D Montgomery of Good I.tnd,oKan, where Melbourne re cently made his rsinmsking experiments, this afternoon tiled with the secretary of s'ate s charter of th At Uncial Rain Producing Com panv. A directors there are named sis Ste phens county men, The capital is placed at 1 100,000. and Ihe rbjeCt stated is to furnish water lo r!e public by producing and increas ing Die fail of rain by the Melliourne ulan. Melnonrne will do the rain producing and Ihe company hat contracted lo pay bun 10 centt per acre hr sll land waleicd by him next season. A Woadorfal Horse, Stoctom, Calif Oct ao. At Ihe track to day Pieiicnt Shippee shouted "Go." and Sunol went ont to win the record that Marvhi had been working fr so long. Sunol wns guided along just inside the center of Ihe track which bsd been preps 'ed for her, mil Miin cautioned her with hit long drawn-out "whoa' lo kee: her from becoming too excited. .Site went lo the quarter pole in 31 J seconds, and kept on at her wonderful stride to the half mile post in I P4 flat. Mere Tim O'Brien came into the rare with the runner. The mare came around the turn faster thsn any man on the grounds ever saw a trotter go, rnd reached ihe three-quarter post in 1:37. It was a creat race sgainst lime as she came down the stretch to the finish, and the ex cited timers thouted: tSlie't got it;" "She'll beat it." Sunol came home, in a magnificent finish, Marvin had the race and he encourag ed the mare all the while by calling on her, but did not use the whip. Every l.ody thouted at she went under the wire in 28j, It was the gtmest finish ever seen on a rscefack. Six timer compared their watches and they were exactly the tame a:o8, TbeBtveratCorvallls. Portland, ; Oct ao. Major Hi.llmry United States enginee., hat returned from a visit to Corvallis, where he weut to examine the river in regard to improving it, he having been directed totubmit a report to the depart, ment on water, and hit present visit was for the purpose of viewing the situation at low water. The object of Major Ilandburys visit, wat to collect data for nit report in regard to tome kind of a permanent improvement at this point. He has not yet decided arhat he will recommend. A Big Con air r Fire. Wabla Walla, Wash, Oof 20. There wa a (20,000 Ore near here tonight. Tbe home of Pat Butseli, a farmer, living on Spring creek, fire mile from town,' burned down, together with all hi grain, outhoild ingafand machinery. The fire started in tho barn after all the family had retired. It wa discovered by one of the hired men, hut too late to aave anything, and Mr . Russell' valuable paper and eight horse were burned Vbe inanranoe ia $8000. Russell baa had trouhln with B F Wiseman over a half section of forfeited, railroad land, and Monday he drove away a party of surveyors. am now receiving my Fall stock of and am showina. full lines of goods in the Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear Qloves Hosiery Handkerchief and Embroideries Prints Boots and Shoes SHERIFFS SALE. It tin County Court itf Linn County, Orrgon. C. F. WmuiiT, IMaintirr, vs. Mary A. Lon va, Defendant, NOTICK IS I1F.RKBY GIVEN THAT bv virtue of an execution atid order of sale istmetl out of the above named court In the above entitled action, 1 will, on alarway, Ibe'SSlkj day ef ruber, lOI, at the court house door ia the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p ui, of said day. sell at public auction, for cash in hand to the higliDat bidder, the real property dfscribtHi in said execution and order of sale as follows, to-wit : Commencing at the h K corner of the lands owne4 by Havania Hoggs, In donation land claim No. 44. Not. No. 2H.VJ, on the 17th day of August, I km'J, in Linn county, Oregon, ami running theme N AO feet, thence W to tho bank of tho Willamette rlrer, thence south CO feet along the bank of said river, thence east to the place of be- fllnning. Also the following tract of and : lleginning at the N K corner of Jeremiah llav'slaml in donation claim No. 44 Not, No. SWSfJ. in Linn county, Oregon, thence north 40 feet, thence west to the hank of the Willamette river, thence south along the bank of said river to the N W corner of Jeremiah llav'e land in donation claim No. 44, Not. No. 2H., in said county and state, thence K to Ihe place of beginning. The proceeds arising from the sale of aid premises to be apulied a follows r'irot to the payment of the coats of and npon this writ, and the original coots taxed at f 10 10. Second to tlie pay ment ot plainiift'e claim, amounting to the sum of .V4 37. Dated this 1'Jth day of fj.tember, IffeJI. M. SCOTT, rJhcrlfTof Linn county, Oregon. Uy C. K. H-orr, deputy. IOST-Near Masonlo comntorv, a gold 4 aearf pita with ganot i Leave at Ibi ofhre and tolve reward. SATCI1 EL IXxHT - Monday, ilct. 19 b. tx-tartwn A than v and Marlnn Plnilar pieaae deliver unit to tbia offl -e. f lOW Iisr-fn Wednesday. Ot 14, a. J grsdod JrrvtV onw. f.wn and whit. S years old. with strap and ring attached, strayed from th snheortber pi a on near Calsponia l-rl The findr. on return to toe, will be pal I all expon. JOHN ISKIQOS. TjtOR HENT One nr two furnished 1 rooms, aiinn onrl nlMunK fall ah J. W. ltomlov. rmraar falarumla anil Sixth eireota.. Sr KEvYaKD-a-ror a flordan aetter , pnn, black ami fan. Answers) to name ot Carlo Above reward for ita re turn to r Llndgren. Albany Irost works. READY TO WOKK.-rartla desiring; woed pit la or any sImI of labor dona, can obtain prompt attention by enrlngthesatvloeeot Irani! Low. at tbe little forry kotias, Isve ordera laere, IJOUND-nn the street today, a lady'e 1 shoe. Csll at this office. IOUNfi A silver watah. Owner raa 1 have theaatne br paying advertising and charge, 4 ap'y to Lincoln 8t John, three tnl.es west of Tangent. TMOUND IOar tae Itevsre house, a l vngty wwp. uiir cal, pay tot tins ad aud gftt his whip. Ki Ut SALK-Iiair Kwk onckerelis. ompa. Albany: doasc I't y mom L luriuireof ilu.ru "11TANTED, fanror five acres of good ft Burden land, near Albany.to ren. pply to tVter Down at Charles U. uikb art's. AKTED -Ily Ibeendsrslgnsd. HO T eorna or maple cbalr timber. Call at our shop asar farmer WarehosM, auoanv, nrrgoD. n, TCAligBUK. VJ OTICETO DEBTO KM, Having gone i.-sj out or Duainess I desire to elose np all outstanding account. All persons Indebted to me sre requested to call on inn mnu amiifi as ouca. J J. EUimUILLE. JIT. J "ILL rtirslclsH sad lurgsoa. RpaolaJ attenUan len to a or wainsn an aya. or riUR: rtral atrsal. a for t'mnmins's drue stars. Healrisues 7ib Bear rarry. omoa noun, Itojliu and x M p m. RedCrownMills Otf. Mvma k si., iuopr's i.w rnouaaa rxooa scrcaion roa ramus AND BAKBRS TBI. CST ST0KAGF FACILITIES. TMg O ta acknowledger) the lasxllnr ramerly foe 3ssarrl.Mtai at SMlaaS. :AY8.J Tbeenlv sara reined v for i LaaewrrhoBStorWhltsa. 1 tireaerlba It and fml i arsaatikr tafelnreenramenduigit iTHttast)HtMtMifw. to all anffsrers. . OH0matTi,Bt"as1 a. 4, BivniiK, as, ia. Bold tr Driasnrlalab PRICK $1.00. Stacard Sc C'usick.BAgents. 'iL PHOTOGRAPHER, or "-rtooiid and Ferry 8t, Albany, Ol QUPERIOR werk. guaranteed In ever; O branch of tba art. T"Knlarging a 11 kind a apeeialty, 80LD WATCIIEI 0LD FILLED WATCHES, : 60IN SILTER WATCHES, " - NICKEL WATCHES, . OKU J-I OFOXl AT" F, M; FRENCH'S Tho Corner Jewelry Stars. - a following departments, Notions Ribbons Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns Corsets Groceries Samuel E. Young. BLOCKS AND Prices and Terms jNtever Thought of Before THESE " Townend'$ Addition is on a good location will nover have a FllEI srrQR TEBMfl Full Chiliad mstir.KTR m wvw av tttt Bottom, w o o- I O C. -0 I ? S ARE THE BEST - l 1 III M Ik BH ti n B II tt'H Ills! vt4o . llilUlUiJU lijllli AYar Tarsi a Maare rracr Wltltvat Ltmog tac ttw r (ate Craaad lT-s rsLfr m mm t -jw m aw.c sw m t . x w t. - -4. j bw am - wM For Sivlo ly MITCHELL, Sc LEWIS CJO., Albany, Or. SUMMONS. in tht Citr&t Cuxrl of titt ijUtli ol Oregon for Lmn Coiy. Almyra K vVo.!ery, llaiotlir, vs Jasper 11 VVonlery, Defendant. To Jaitper H Woolery, tba ubiv named lulondaril. IS THE NAME OF rilB. STATU OF Orrnon you an In rsby reinirl to attpea' and answer tbo coin plain' fifth aboTnsmd f latluiUT, In Hie above en titled (Joul, now on tile with tbe Clerk or said Court, on or before tbe Urt dy of tbe next term of tbe Ciroult Court for f,tnooountv, Oron, beginning on the 2iUh day of (WobT. i9l. aa required In lbs or crnf inib'.itsUwnof tui summons, and if you f li ao lu answer, for want thereof. Ilia plaiutitf will apply ta tbe Court for tlm retler dmnsndnd ia tbe complaint, via: that lbs bonds of mat rimony exUtlnir between iilalntlff and defamlsnt be dissolved and ihut plaintiff oe awaraeti tue can ana etmoay or tneir minor cbtldren, Mary, Ira and Cleieva Wnclerv, and for judgment of costs and diahuraemsnU. Tbla aumirons la publish 1 by order of ihe lion K I Kolse.Jadi:e rr tho above entitled Court, ma le tit is 28th day of AUgUU. 131. J. K WKkTltKAFOHD, Attorney. for flRiui.ff. HOW DO YOU DO? There is tie deut ll-ai & lilt s NKW Sleek at SILVERWARE. etKitlBK e apeons, bntvss, fsssis.OnitrnhB,e4r. laid and aflver walebes. iawi-l y, te, la the largest sad bast In thaelty, and byftirlhe beatevar breng4tt te AfcaanT. PRICES the Most Reasonable Call and See the GOODS qitt rsaun htouk Pfeiffer Bloek, Albaiy Stanaid k Cusick aarsjataaa; -osAkasam- Drags, Medieln, Sjiieziiieals, Pnnrj und Toilet Articles, Sponiea. Brusbea Perfunsery, Sekool Books, and Artists' Supplies. Phyaleissaa preaerljstlana ar IIy (niptaid, WANTED t gentleman of boslness eapaeitr o represent an Oregon serpo ration in Linn county. Must be well known and haj e imill capital. Ad ress, .Business, itevere u.jujj, aio i n Ginghams SALE LOTS IN TOWNSEND'S ADDITION AT PRICES AHE 0F&Y FOR 60 DAYS of the best to tho City of Albany, and oartios who want a hom in , j . better offer than this. CONVEYANCE TO PHOPEUTY BEE J. H. TOWNSE I IIBI l!I i I. Ill gill aa-k B linR'H H'lfl ' H sf M M B BM auAiLifr ? ' " aSfjasStfriii WHEELED PLOW ON EARTH SHERIFFS SAIE. fn Out CttcnU Court of tht SJie ol O-'on for avian K,onniy. Pylvester Pennoyer, Bovernor,"! tieo V Mclintle, secretary of state, ami Ueo W Webb, treas urer ol the stato ol urceon. constituting tbe board of cotn- mis8ioners for the sale of school land and the manage- i .. ii . . t ci. a a .....it , t uicrill. VI lTI Jlgl ivuiLurai voi- lege and common school fund, Plaintiffs. . vs. W D Pmilh. Lucy E Pmith, bis wife, W U Ki'k, VV T Cochran, and II It Powell, lX-fendants. a "TOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT IV by virtue of an execution and order 11 ol sale issued out oi the above- named court in the above entitled action, I will, on lisfnrdar. the Jala day ef Oetaber, 181. at the court bouse door, in the city of Albany, Liun county. Oregon, at the hoar of 1 o'clock, p m, of said day, sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder, the real property des cribed in said execution and order of sale as follows, to-w!t : Beginning ut a point 7.50 chains from tho northeast corner of the donation land claim of Wilson Blain and wife. Not. 21)4 and claim No. 41, in the south east quarter of section 18, Tp 14 SR2 west, in Linn county, uregon, ana run ning thence sot Jx 20.70 chains, thence east 7.07 chains, thence south 63,33 chains, thence north 50 west 55.50 chains, thence north 42.55 chains, thence west 10 chains, thence north 17. 13 chains, thence east 20 chairs, thence south 13.96 chains to the corner in angle of claim, thence east 20 chains to the place of be ginning, containing 2S4 acres, more or less. Also beginning at the point where the line between sections 18 and 19 in tho above Tp and range crosses the west line of the above donation land cluhn of Wilson I'.lain, and running thence east 10.00 chains, thence south 30.70 chains, thence north 50 west 7.50 chains,! hence north 12.70 chains, Uienee west 15.20 ilia.. thence north 29" SO' east 15.20 chains, thence east 3.74 chains, to the place of beinnninir containing 32l. acres, mora or less, all in Linn county, Oregon. Also Commencing at a point 7.32 chains north ot the corner in the angle in the laud claim of Wilson Blain, deceased, and running theuce west 20 chains, thence north 12.50 chains, to the corner of Mr Worth's land, thence eaut 6.50 chains, thence south 3.41 chains to the Bouthwest corner of the U. 1. church lot, thence east 1.25 chains, thence south 1.80 chains to the corner of Worth's land, thence east 19.25 chains, thence south 7.23 chains to the place of begin ning, containing 21.03 acres. The proceeds arising from the sale of the two tracts of real property first above described, to bo applied: I'irst to the payment ot the costs of anu upon saia writ. Second to the payment of the Bum of $2202 OS with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from November. 1800. and the further sum of $200 attorneys fees with 8 per cent inter est from said November 4th, 1800; and. Third to the payment of the sum ot 1539 50 with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annuo from November 4th, 1890, and the further sum of $50 attor neys fees (less the sum of $1291 paid thereon January 16th, 1891.) And the proceeds arising from the sale of the tract of real property laBt above described to be applied to the payment of what ever amount that may remain due of the sum last above named. Dated this 23d day o! September, 1891. M. SCOTT, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, By C. E. Scott, Deuutv. (9-25) City Restaurant. Having bean entirely re-modsled. this old nd popular restaurant will b made first Jaa n every respect. The pnblio will bt given good meals as all hoars for only 25 jeJtta. Everything neat aud attractive Private bores. Oyniers la vary styla. Dry Goods, seasonable viz: Woolens Oloakings Tailors' Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades a ; Blankets Domestics , ... Extra HanlMiflil Sffifil T 1 Bottoms ' n A as- o r. - S. s 3 Z I " zr S o . g. n rj 5 a c 2 ? s -i STBEET NOTICE NOTICE ia bareby givn to Margrette MooUilh, D B MooU-ith, Claries Monteith, M J Mouteitb, Irna II Monteith and Nellie F Menteith.aud to all whom it may concern that on tha S3J day cf September. 1S91, the Comtioo Council of th city of Albany, Or., duly appointed 8 M Pennington, W C Read, and J U Coocill as viewers to view tbe fol lom im; described proposed Dew street which passe over pt ivate pro; erty : Beginning at the southwest corner of block 2 in tbe city of Albany, Linn coauty.Oregra.and running thnoe northerly and parallel with tbe weat ern boundary of said block 2 302.83 feet; thence northerly and on an angle ot 27 !e gre and 35 mionte eat with said testers bcomUry 230 feet; tbeuce weatcrly at an anle of 90 degre CO feet; thence southerly at an angle of 90 degree 230 feet te a point on a liue with tbe western boundary of CaJ apoois street; thenc4 aonthe.ly and parallel with Calapoota atreet 337 17 feet to a point on a line with tho ro" t. n boondary cf First atreet; thence par ;!e mith First street 66 ject to the plaoe ui iefiiuni:;g,"rjd that laid eonnoii has asei;i,ei and Hard Monday, the 26th of October, 1331, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m of said day a the time for said viewer to meet at the chambers of the said council, in the city of Albany, Oregon. And you and each of you ai d all other persons whom it may concern are hereby farther notified that the property to be appropriated for aaid purpose is tbe property included in tbe above designated boundaries of said proposed street, said, land being private property. And all pers-os claiming dam ages by reason of the appropriation of any of said property for said purpose of opening and establishing ald proposed new street, are hereby specially notified to file their respective claims for such dam ages with the recorder of said city before the said time so appointed by said council for the said meeting of said viewers. This notice Is published by order of the council of Ihe city of Albany. Oregcn, duly made on the 23d day of Septemoer, j j 11 .n r nutritiAfl, Marshal of the city ot Albany. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT TAB nnderrijrned haa bean by onier ol the sounty court ol Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed exec utrix ot th lajit will . iMt,m,i f V V 1 '.ft deceased. All persons bavin? claims against estate are hereby required to present the same prop erly verified to J Oalbraltb, at the office ot the Albany Woelen M.lla company, in Albany, Oregon, on or before six months from this date. September 11th, 1S1 MARY CROFT, - - ' xecntrix ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned I as been duly aDDolnted bv th county court (or Linn county, Oregon, administrator ol the estate ot Wm H McBride late of Linn oounty. Orcsron. deceased. All ntmnm 1,..... claims against said estate ire hereby notified to pre sent them properly verified to the undersigned at hia residenos three miles west ot Shedds, in Liun county, Oregon, within six months trom this date. juatea septxiou, usu. J A vpnmc H H HSWITT, Administrate : Atty (or Administrator. 8-2i) SUmmONS. In the Circuit Court of Ute Slate oj Oregon for tie County of Linn. ELLA HOUD, Plaintiff, va S. E. HOUD, Defendant 1 To S E Houd tbe above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STVTE OP Oregon, you are herebv reaulred to appear and answer the ca in plains of the above plaintiff, in the above entitled court, now on tile with the clerk of atid court, by the first day -of the next regular term of aaid court, which said term begins on Monday, the 26th day of October, 1891, at the court house in Albany, Linn county, Oregon. And you are horuby notified that if you fail to appear and answer aaid complaint, aa hereby requii ed, the plaintiff will take a de cree ot aaid ocurt against yon dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between yon and said .plaintiff, and for her cost and disbursements of this suit. This summons is published by order of the Hon B? Eoise, judge of said couit, made at cbambt.ra, in the city of Salem, on the 9th day of September, 1891. VV. Ii. 6ILYKU, (3-11 Attorney for Plaintiff t'i i 'if