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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1891)
o fcwx O' The New York "World," o : : An Advertisement in j"Tlic -:- Bcmocrat," i"Tli6 -:- Democi'at," j r Both Jje Year for Only $2.80. i ira !i Reaches the Most I : People and Brings) b BIG EMMS. ! (7 o . o o VOL XXVJ i. Kalrred el the r tflllce at Albany. Or , a seeomM Insa Hall Matlrri AL15ANW OR KG ON, Fit I DAY, OCTOBER KJ. 181)1. fcTlTM st Ntrmti, rlIUIii-r aad rroprleUrai NO. Tl. ' it Hi m tl 1 1 in if V I El kl I . fl . tl J V 7 he rap :' Lll S tlt LIV PILL DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEN CD CONSTIPATE. Sow Cut rot Sck Hi aoacki, Idrftiftii r Conet) patio T I urtiyuic lit iiiooa. SKIN DARK AS COAL Ths rmm be trel ad titwisxl tnauit thar, n Mil raa nvmbouto larv Jom. i lit t k MWiunrhttfr, 4) (till t up in tronvii Wwa. salts t t Tmr, m4 ImImm m m M"Trl.r. M (. II w.a fcasfl UariK OM mm4 IMUAl .UM far tv U ur.t 4 h ARtrra iron tonic U4 KH'SKVgM tUlTitRt IK lKnH.tT T( W a UKAlTtl ! VhKl ;TKNmi.V..l ,sjF THE OB. HABTER MEDICINE CO.ST.lCUiS. PHOTOGRAPHER, r Wnri ,d J Kerry 81, Alt kny.Oi nUPlRlOR work. KUranti In er; O btudi ofth ark. Huligiitg il krnU pMlalty. EedCrownMills k ruiK-am ruiui arri!Hiii rviK ! la SKSTSTOUAGF VACIMTlHS. F.rcm AffilotM i Vrl!Knovn OnCoJ I'pon. tin .Ti'rcd Torrlbly. Wholo j;.Mly C'ovoro'l. " .... K . - . BUsht IIve tvr.l li-'vJCO, ii5i )j. Y Cured f(ir CI ly 4 urivo ntnnr iimn iut.. .i c.vrui'i.t rrtcrr.A nm!nii lor uw . il u.trf ivhI ,. ii, tt.i.''.l In.. I li no B!iijnmii, n.r i , ;.n 1 fi.,1 ( 1 1 11: i 1, : ir;. i ik i iui:i,.:i iiji i y , tm :ii.'.i, ,i i. rlnco; ImiI II t tuij whiy litkui ,t n. lii i vi-ihii.i H.IVI.-W m:,i i-tf.i ctT'il'M i:i n, 1 n-'iii,i rtfvunijr uitvt ilivim ih-i:i ;i i, I v mil t );tiall mt.Jvi o liwli ii n lit t . u ml nin-'nil lrrii,iy. I mi uii.iiwl i. i'.i t, fl (- n my liivi-;i n;i in i.ivMiai i.:i Imli vl ni'Ti.i'.i ii i'-.;.-.i wut 1,11 m, r l:y 1 ; im iut 'himk ii.ui A tinm Ii if i ti ti: K.: ir.: I v H t!y r, l..-, I ,:.,,ltl,, ni.,1 r. t nil ,m ln ..u.' nvi it , s I :,l, 1., h i i . imniN r o: t l'l- U li A ii"i. im.Mii, iiihi i nivnluM iiii,.Iii lf '.t I ii i i i n ra unit iI.mi.i rm- iiik, I lit ,.,,. i'i.iiii,ih l.l I ii.;'i In villi. B, , r t lllal i,,,r in in. i.ninu ,, ., I.H IS .IHIINi-ii.V, rro;irt. r 'rrli,,. li.u.i I !.., .ni..i:ii,., N!,triu jllfurnla. I.OOAI. UEOOU1). Cutfcura Rosolvent I no m-w .,iv rmiiHtr, liiti-ii.!lv ( to rhniia th " linpiliui.' will lH. H.m,'irllln :il ul thus n-inuv ih mi:,kO, mul 4 'i'tii I'tia, liic iftvtii fkln 1'iirr, anU i'i tici iu Moat, hi . vil.u t-kiu IiM.ill.l.-t.,i,-rii.1:l- (io-l,-r Ih kln ami ami r.wl, ro lhi Ii m ), run' rv.-rv ill rw ami humor w uw I.ID kud L1u,kI, li-vm pii. !;!, In aoiufuU. - rntlaad. Or(n. a. P. Arnlron, Tna. ruKh a, boiM : Urini Ri a (Vu x.a. fttlcm Ocvroa. m coufM r Mud, aaui lauaof la lloa. FolJ rnryahon.. Pri.-r, CiTiern, Me.; Piuf. S.; Ultai.iymT, l. I r..prr. l,y Ihf I'urriM .,!.. iiukk 1. 1 nrr..KiTi,is, lineioii. -Kua lor How to t uie tkla Inx-aava." DIOV'C fklnanj Scalp pnrill,i ami kraumleU vnui w jinTi miap, Aiwolutvly pur K'JSCULAS STRAINS ttltl ltln. hnrb mwUm aa.Hk k I.I . a r.Km:tl m, nul rl,.nl imin rr lie J In ttt In In ii Im liv ika rml.i. xO,Tw An I'nlM n llai. rir.i ivii 3V' llnsincss, Shorthand, AaIn mm on iamuciui Ui iw. hiiviwi la,i. i aij una kautttf-M fiuiu alUwr ab4 FOGHAY A MASON 1,1ijiiv i aarn 7rc,i;i&tiaiHl Hookscllfrb Arn-U for John B. AtJsn't foM.'rAtlona, Bloa w Bdil enilitr arVaaa wltA F. L. KENTON, Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices. EXT It ACT r? , Near tho Poift CflQce, Albany, Crcgot TI LADIES iBAZAAk. -I tk Leaaioj- ineiy and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, Ifaa Htr all th Uta.t Stlct anJ NoTtlWt. la tin Million line, am a Mtipliii atcck ot LaJlaa ana Children' Furnlthlog raodi.and rcnJr-maii arnxnu. . Uootlc th baat, aaa prlcat ilia lowt.t. Call ana h eoniiuced. FIRST STltF.KT, FIIOMAN UI.OtJH We are the People Vho arrj tli most eorapleto lin of. Hard ware, Strci, Ganges, ta., in tlie market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. Oukook at tiik Fair. Stnte School SunerintcntlcntMcKlroy Is r j 1 . buaying hlnmolt in prpnnrlnit Oriii etliifatioiial fnhlbit (or tho WorUl'a fiyJ' lie liua Already received tbo II rut invo of umtvrial for tlie exhibit, which will be n coinprt'lioiislvo one. Thin ItivoUwi from the achoola of AhMuiuI iiml will bo adilivi to from timo to time by the acv eral citii'V, town, villnijca and liamlvt In tln atnto. OriK'i'a m-bool exhibit at tho World's fair will cotwiat of kindoi KiirtiMi woik, echool drawlnss free bnnd and pt'ii work school appurntun, inodi'U,, diacrams, copWa, ilhmtratloiiii. Btatibtica .' nmpa historical and pt'OKmphlcal and Kfiionvl specimen, of school work. It is expected that our higher institutions of learning colleges and universities will fimiUh statistics and illuMtrntlons of building, libraries, museums, cullco tions, courses of study, catalogues, eta. I'rof MrKlrov will bu engaged in this work nil full and has fund hopes of pre paring such a collection as may bo a credit to the great state of Oregon. Statesman. The public school of Albany are to le represented there Under tho present energetio management we shall expect to see our exhibit it tnost credit able one. Kvery friend ot our public schools should aid this undertaking of our corps ot teachers. j Iltetn vVmiovT IUu.. The prolimiu-l ary trial of Frank 8 Ingram, charged with murder in killing Ills brother. Menry.eamn im In'fore O 1 t'oahuw Jr. justice of tho peace, this afternoon. A largo number ol people had gathered to hear the evidence. Hut thev were dis- Btyoiiitcd as defendant through his con li ne I, Messrs W It HilyeuandJ K Wcath erford, waived examination and was held by the court without bail to await the grand jury, which w ill convene OctoU-r 'Jtith. On motion of J H Wyatt. aetim: district attorney, the witness, Chan Ixiudcii, was placed under bonds of floo to appear as a witness before the crand jury. Li h anon. II W l'rice, John Uobson, E I. Quinn, ot Albany, were in the cltv today, registered at the St. Charles. Miss Joste Crawford and Mr Win Greenwood and wife, of lethalt, III., are visiting the family of Mr W J Uuy. Mies Craw'ord is an aunt of Mr tiny. J S Morgan, contractor and builder. who resides in busy this morn ing with a force ot several men on the new brick building to lie erected tor Ir. Courtney. We understand the second lory will he an opera houxt'. This means well for Lebanon F.xpn u. I'koiiablv tiik Samk. The tnan men lU i'eil In tlie following from tr.e Kiii;ciic Keipr U piohalilv the anmtf Klni who roiaen iui cai oi use iumik h at cilice bat jcar: "A man r.aired King waa brought In from Klorcni-t- laal wec i now stopping; St Mr lirownlec'. He la a ;!iarir. Sometime tun while orkirii; on a bui!d!nf ha tell sod broke both hi lega. Tlie fiaclurea were not pKipeilv act and he h4 mt tven sbl? to ue h:a h-j;a since. II I ar oi l soldier and ulU ai'fit to the auUlcra' home In Southern California. It coat the county $Ho to take tare bf h!m Uat isionih, he being without mrnt and havlni no rela tive here." CiilRcil . Ciisit. ' he work ot the aio;ljtion goc on agreeably and profiu bly. On the 71b, the paper were. "Qual ification rt KUIcra," b M !)tv. of Dal!a, MlnUtetUt Q.islllScatlon" by A Wade, ol llillalioro, -The 1'rcachcr s s Paaiorby Isld Wctxcl, ol Portland. In the evening a icrmon by W It Williams ot Salem or, ''How much Cn e Know of God.' On Uie Sth, paper on "Dutic ot Ihe Eanr?clit.r "The Inl't S i nner." ' Cnuich r insnce," by T F Urown.ol Hill born, Unity of Actton'' by W R William l h'alrm. Sermon tl.i evening by I?vld vv eiicll ot lVrtland ki "The Triumph ol ('hrlatiunit Superhuman." Ail Invited. A Hhighc Sl'uukstion. Hon Geo Ii Durnett i entitled to thank of Orrifcm people for hi ucccfu I a tori In bringing the Sovcrelin Gisnd Ixa1ic of Odd Fellow to IVrtlsnd ays the Journal. He made a very happy hit when he told the St lxui gathering ol aonie thouaand per son from all over the L'tlon that it they came to Orrgon they woulJ not have to take fan to bed with them. Nor ics. One or more surgeons ol Pa clllc branch of National Suigkal Institute No 319 Titian street, S V. Intend to vlalt the St Charles hotel, Lchnnon, Oct lath, and the Revere 'house, Ah any, Oct 13th, one day only, tor examlna lon'ot person for treatment by this Institute, This hiailtutc I especially devoted to the treatment ot curvature ut Hit spine, dlaeaaes ot the hip and knee Joint, crooked limb, club fed and alt bodtly deformities. Their succctt In treating tlu ac tioubles sa A-ctl as all chronic tllsesaes hn mudo tor the Institute a tintional reputation. All pcraons who are suffcrlnu from any ot thcac cohinlalni ahould not full to take sdvantae of this oppoi (unity for re Hit. No charge I made for cotiauhsMon or examination. Reference may be had to the following resident: Hon Tho I. Dsvidaon, Salem. Or. Kupreme Judge R 1 Ilolae, Kulein.Or litv E N Condlt, Albany, Or. W V Morgan, Albany, Or, K G Young, Oakland, Or. CiiKiariA Ministerial Asstkiatiom The service of tho aaoclatlon closed Thin sdsy evening by an excellent sermon by David Wctxell, pnator of the First Chriatlan church ot Portland. Great good lias been done, and every vlsiilng preacher goes home rejoicing In the memory oi auck klndneas a '.hey received lioin the people of Albany. Special thank were given the daily pre for 11 courtesy. A tarce number ol preacher were nreaent. To very strong rcao'.utlon were pajd, one in favor ol the utter prohibition ( the manufacture ol and tale of all Intoxicant. A njthcr on the abolition ol the tiae ot tobacco by preachers at d people. All returned home happy mid hope to meet again next October at Hiltaboro. Lank Cocxtv. A black War was killed by S H Cairns in his door yard at I'lea ant Hilt last Saturday. Hve loys were fined 13 and coats at Springfield this week for Mealing peaches ouioi .niio lay tot sort narii. Mr August Fisher killed two black bears, an 4d one and her cub, 011 his place just back of tlie Masonic cemetery last Tuesday, Sheriff Moinnd has gone to Laramie City, Wyoming, to bring to F.ugene a man named II ixon, who hue been ar rested there on a charge ot haying stolen fyl from George Feulner, near Cressell, iu this county, on the liUhof last mouth. Journal. Tiik t nam 1 am Enpkavoh. The state convention of ChrlatUn Endeavor aoele tlc will be held from Oct. Join to Nov. It In thia city. The convention wl.l mest Frldsy, the J th, at a p. m , followed be a caalon Filday evcnlm. and Saturdsy mnrtiins, nltt rn.Hiti and evening. Sunday v.M oe unvoted 10 rclli.iiia w,rahit, clos ing on Sumby nlht with ChrlatUn ICn- dcavcr ttxuerisiiun mee'dnff. All aocle- Ilea are Ufgfil to a?nd fivif dciegac. or at !et a rci'icacntatlye. The secretary lu notiiVd nil at cte'Je that have been report. ed to him. Should their bi nf which h4ve not received nolle? they are reout. ed tj communicate with Svciclary KS Miller, 1 j ;-srk trcet,!rtln-!.nj blsnk l! Im l.irnlaiicd si once f r 1'ie annual report. IJowM.! Ksi-xLLKO. A dispatch from I'liilsdelphia da'eil t)et 8th savs: Tiie evangelical conference has itecided riot o admit the chantes upon vt hich Itishon Uublsi was suspended, and lie was rein stated, r'aher and ISowan were expelled from the church. Am;iTt:i Five Chiimmcii were ar- rented in Fortlaml Wednesday and brought to Jefferson for examination on a charge of robbing other Chinamen at Jeflcrson of ISM). They are all bop pick ers ana there is a dispute over wages. Uavh V noticed that Atlen Bros' gro eery store is always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, tse ery latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be bad they Ways it. reaches. Ferries, t abbages, Turnips, Naw 1'otatues. SOCIAL AND riwUSONtL Tllt'HHDAT 1 ' Geo C Wilt, of Halcm, Is in tive city. Tom Kay, of Sa'cm, is dofng Albsny louny. Mr Duff, ot the Portland Drldge Co, came up today, air ano iirs ihu nioencri nave re turned from a ten day vlatf In Sweyt I tome. Mr Ted Piper, of S. aitle.arrlved In Al bany thl noon, and U ihegueatof MrK V i.sngdon. A divorce lis been , ranted In Yamhill coun v t'laaolvlng the marriage of Dr ami Mi M II Klliaoi thischy, Mrs Ellis left a lew clay sgo (or the eaat. W W Cochran hss returned from Gar diner and reports A'bertson, the Tacoma bank robber, recovering nicely and thinks lie csh be brought out wit lit n a - week, Kugcne Reglater. . Air iiuricn, an A-xpericnccd eenllyof Chicago, hss bought out Mr Jlrown, oppsslls the Kttil House, and will hercslter run the shop. Mr Uurtch Is a brother of Mrs W It Ureenwoonrii a... . , . rTPW . wia Miy Moruaor. is tne nsme 01 a young lady who arrived here from Kansss on the train yesterday morntna. Rhe was mtt here by Dr Homer Mlchener. ol Hal ey, and the were j Ined in msrrlsge at uie ftietnoillat church by Key I) A Wa'ter fAUMKlW AND MO.VOI'OMSTS. Twenty. five years ao when the tariff 011 wool was changed from a revenue to a protective tariff there were in Ohio 7,0.12,- 405 sheep; now , after a quarter ol cen tury of protection, there are In Ohio 3,6oo, 000 sheep, or less than lis!! what there were in 187. Sheep csn be bred a well In Ohio now as they could then; but the McKlnley thing have been more de structive to (hat Industry than all th theep killing .log In the slat, The de cresse In sheep In Indiana, In IllittoU and Iowa l iut as pronounced sa It I l,i Ohio. Thl countiy doe not produce hall the wool It commutes, and with a hesvy tariff tax on t'lrclgn.wool the wool manufacturer pays out o much for what he Imports that he has leas to psy for the domestic pro duct. That Is whst has ruined the sheep business In Ohio. The McKlnley bill saddles on the treas ury bounties to the sugsr grower amount ing All the way fri-m $10,000,000, to $15, 000,009 annually; it repealed $61,33,000 tariff taxes on' sugar and molaaaes. The excuae lor this sort ol Idlwtlc economy was thst we do not produce sugsr enough n'AHIUNUTtM. ( uur regular srrpnSnt, snd p'ocreded on th local train to llalaey, I to supply the domestic demand; nelli cr meir luture nome.-Kugeue Keglatcr. do we produce enouuh wool to supply the raioAV. I if.imeatic demand. Why does our Nupo- Dr G I Hill, of KoacburL'. I toon to lo. I loon treat wool ss flesh and lUL-sr a fowl Cate in till Clt.S. I Tim auaar l Sllnl Ilia Imuira ...! I A large number of our citlens went I ... ... ......... 1 ,t.. 1. u. P., , , . 1 - w, ,,v..uv, .iu ,a w . j ..rllanil M..-.I. ..ul , i. - I ' - ' ' I Klnl.w mil iku. fn I K. i rt It., If. ' 'r iMTif anu (.liaa niltri Weill 10 Ii.ii .. m t Portland thl noon. oc.-evc. in a isriii wr pr'necuon onij , ana F M Mitchell, the Tangent school wou,a out every revenue feslurc of our tsriu syatem 11 he could. The con- ent school teacher, went to the Portland r.xpoaltion today, Dr (i W Winters, of P.aker Citv. well known in this county, is visiting his mother at Ihnnou. Andy Ralaton an old re.Mrnt of Sweet Home died a' Marlon iiurkhsrt on Wed nesday ol In Us mat Ion c-f the bowel. R Jv Monteomrrv baa resiirncd his place at the ti P detot to accept the immI lion of clilef clerk in the Southern Pacific freight office of thia city. Rev Mr Shanele. l iimer Paator of the M K Church South of thla thy. hs been appointed to tske chsrKe ol the work ol thst church at Oakland, Oregon. M W Orion has moved his family to Salem, ho having accepted the duties ol fireman on the steamer hlwood that plies between that place and Portland. Mr 7. L Dlmmlck and her Hut daugh ter Vivian, went to Albany la t lueaday morning, where they will vlalt rcU'lvc lor tcveal days tiakUnd Or. Koicburu Review. John Duncan, attorney, tall! atari fir Prinevllle about the middle of next wei k on legal and other business. Give li nt any hnainess you may have lo attend over mere. r---::v:i ' mr: f; j u & ?y a 5 1 eil SIB 3 &j Fdaj vai fr-i? iBwTaamT,ir-rrti."-J------")"J''''jP'' "m ' au-J txlur 1.19 EL0C3, Cnr?3 CO?fSTIPATIO, I.VJMG.'.fi i;:r.t!;rs):ss,Livci: complaints, sicii UE7Acrni, cLi;:-, PlXt'LE.7. r.USIClX AFFECTIOXS.OndJDISEASKli AliIS'5 froz.i a T,l?,V.'ii?.r.T XT01TAC.1. GirMM UAUDUMJ TEA U pulvp t.i YV.T.I.OV." WLAVrr.Rr, v.i!h Faci-lTi-il: t.-ijwivre cfLMfl. FIU.Sl '. hZUINCTOM Ci CO. oa-rrs. 8aii riiA.r.:c;5. fi.'CJ I.V AZjYm r.K5 A?l tivi.t't ssw. Pakd. There is ft bonanza for some one in the sand .business. Good clean sand sells at 2 to 2 50 a load. There la a bank down the river less than ft mile from the city containing thousands of yards of te clean article. It could be hauled op to the eity and stored in ft convenient place, for sale a wanted. It should le done while the river is lo. ba'iem Journal. Nkxt KirsMiow. Next Tuesdoy the lltb annual session of the grand lodge, K of 1" will be field in Portland, and tins pop- Inlar order will have representatives from alt portions ot the great state of Oregon. Oct or Moxky. Marion county is out of money according to tlie Jonrnal and win have to borrow at least $30,000 to keep up current expenses until taxes are collected mil winter. Jut revived eew and oimotd f ir roUil at C E I lrvwue!'g the fa.luaing Chow C'lmw, Cook irg McluMSia, I icklM in vinegar. Rait Heirin.e. Salt shiU tUb, Salt fc!ui.u. Aa Taiaiarvft. Tbs V for Aintias siBsomptioe ars boagbt in China by Euro. psao zperis, wno are Mllad "t. taaiatt." Th eueyslapsdiaa are satbolity for the fasl that io few yeare they have to ctvn aa their lucrative poeiticts with shsltered eon sUtatlons. The inhaaltlifuluets of Ihs adol terstietis snd mineral eoloring matter eao- noi be more strongly pot, limb i Tea is (tors ss ekIKbswd. Fee sale ky Allsa Bres Tsrksr Bros, grooers. S ATI'S HAT. Hon Jeff Myers of Sclo, was In the city Oday on hi way to Portland. Mr Ella McDonald, ol Portland. I In the city vlalilng relative. A II Marahslt Usolully recovered Irom hi broken leg as to be out on the streets. G W tVvcr ha moved hi lam!! r.n hi place neat I-banon. where they wl.l rcaide. J M Shepherd, the venerable newapaner man ol Faker City, who with hi wl( ha been vlalilng their daughter, Mr Coll Van Cleve In Ihla city, rcturred horn.- today. Mr It F Kirk, the wife of Mr Ktik the basher, csme over Irom Albany thl fore noon. We underatlnd thev sneak of po- Ing to houae keenlmr here soon. Effort. Hon R A Miller and mother ot fack- mvllie. arrived In the city today to take part In the orgaulaat on ol a c isptcr ol the order ot the Fsatern Star thla evrn. Inc. Mrs lane .eammon and Mia Anna Ingram ol Chchall. Wash, arrived In the chv Ul night to be preaent at Ihe funeral of their brother, Menry Ingram, tods y. Some of the membar ol St Mary's Chsptcrol Ihe Eaatern Star, ot this city, ill aaaiat in the organisation ol a chapter ol that order at Albany this evening Corvalll Gazette. VU Carl Hltchen and Mr F. E Pad lock went lo Albany last Saturday. Miss Kitchens returned home Monday, but the Istter will vlalt her sister, Mrs C O Lee, urlng the week. Corvalll Gazelle. A larsa aaaarsnent ef haav rt.hea anal bora blankete itOC MeFarlsod's. K W AohUon &Co are selHoa saABassciits at Pertland prices. For bargain In mncmrient. heeatuiiee ate., to to K W Acbisoo&Co,AlbsBy,Orenaa ALLEN BROTHEES, WHOLESALE 2 RETaIL GROCERS CIQAR3, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, IN .LAr.GS;OR SMALL QUANTITIES, ri TMrn season. Flinn Block, ALBANY, OREQOtf ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! Where to get th Best Bargaina, Where to get the Bet Value for Your Money, . ; IM r- Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., jlad thej will Answer with One Voice, at G. W. SIMPSON'S. Te TA Dsmasss. Frekskly three fourths of I he less corns meal are "Green Teas " Vnptesssnt ss the fact may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar to us all Is not the nstural color, but Is due to the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue, Insllge and ther mineral colors. Thst coloring hides Ihe effects t poor tess i undoubted; but is it healthful, and does It not call loudly for the Importation ol a brano of pure, uncolors), an man ipulated tes? - It was this cons' it Ion of affairs that prompted the placing of Beech's Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, sin colored leaf it is different in color from any you ever used. It draws a csnary color of a eelightfsl frsgrance tiiat Is a revelation te tea drinkers, and Its purity makes It more economical than the arti ficial leas, lea of It being required per cup. Sold only In packages, so cents per pour.d. Ark for Beech's Tes, pure as childhood, for ssle by Allen JUre., Flinn kleck, Albany. ' WVaa Bahy tai sla:, vs swvabar Waaa aa was a CttUd. a si-lad foe CSaWarla. IThea she beeaiae Kiss, she slung e Osstoris. The sa ass CMldrso, she r h Oastoats, WitssTs Gxt Tit km. When wanting .a orgsn or plana call on O L Blackman h-e yen va select frean a f rst claas Uca,. See W F Read's hue of dreas goc J atlka bufnre bnylug elaowhore. ana Fvrtmiller li living have soste Reuais- tsacs lace euitaiii fur $18 a pair, a ins as asyiliiug ever seen in he oity. 'lbey rsn'e dowa t 17 s pair. (Jtner lee ear katK its, U $ t ei leas a pair. The DsstoesAT will exehsuse s aewloc maoblus of ssy make desirtd, exexpt one r ws, Inrsomeoag grab wood and part sasb or will eonsider other proposisicM i try na ceainDK a new anaeniae CsjEArssT. For the next 30 days A. Howard & Son will saw wood, cut wic e r 40 cents percord. . Wa .eA.sgfclSI -G. L, BLACKEVIA,- LEADING DRUGGIST ALBANT -r- OTlEC3-OIT DRUGS. r.lEDICillES STATIONARY fiC Tsatlmoay efa raider. Til Baokas, 105 Carlton avenue, B.-ooit- ijn, N. writes: "Alloock's Torou riant r are nnuoubtedly the beat external remsny msnuiacturoa. 1 malts this aaser- tiou to the pnbilo front my own personal expitrienoe el tnair wonderrul virtues, saflerlog from severe pains In my side sad cheat, contracted throuuh a severe sold. 1 applied a couple of Alloock's Poron Plasters upon coing to bed at nluht. The reiults was, that iu eight hsurs sfterspplviug them I conld get up snd walk about with very nine pain or scne, worn mo nisni preyiou I could neither get op nor down without help, nor stoop to remote my shoes. I have slnse osed them in my family for various silments, and have never known them to fail to give almost immediate relief.' Both tho method anaresults when Byrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta cently yet promptly on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem enectuaiiy, dispels colds, Head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For Bale in 50c and 1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' SAM FRAHCISC0. CM J . 10W8VIUE; MY. MW tOM, ft 7 Cotton goodibavs not been sa oheap eiuee the war aa they are now. Call aad see what WaegMoe If IU4 has. spool m loots sHjsi Jieqt peotnrsxe ease 11 j ss pa Vutr nieiM is oasid sqi ee no I r)an suis pas S1004 jnos Ami joa oi neava coiDr.aixa P. Vf.Freooh keeps railroad tim. Bay year groceries of Parker Bres IJew cream obsess last reoelved at Conrad Meyers. Smoke the eelehrated Havana filled 6 sent elgarat Julius Joseph's, A harirsstook of wall paper, with late de igns, at Fortmillor fc Irving's, jnt reo Hived. Have you seen those psrlor suits that T Brink has just received t They are nice. I W Bentley. best boot snd shoe maker In eity, three doors north of Democrat office. E W Aohison k On handle the oelobrated Portland cement walls for lemetory lots. Phraa walla eati be furuiahed at half the soet of any other sod sre far superior. Dr M II Eilis. niirsioisn and turceoo, Albany, Oregon. Calls mads Iu sit) or eoontry. Lsdiee esn do thslr shouploc ia San rrao- eisoo without visiting tbe eity, aad without extra eomniaaioo. Mis IS J Uarrowi f .r Ohaaing iaut, H3J Oroya St, Oakland, Pstrnuisi home induati'y and buy hand made harness, warranted, from O 0 Me Dubrulllss old Stand. grea of which he was Reed's Llcutensni tpent a round billion. The treasury I empty and next July there wl.l be a deficit ol at leaat $15,000,000 on the penalon fund alone. That sugar tax will be mled,hut lis repeal hss done one good thing; It hs convinced thouaandsof tools that the tariff Is a las.and having got a stste of free-trade cheap sugar, the people are not going to be sstlafled tilt they wrap up In some warm tree-trade cheap clothing, and sleep under some warm tree-trade cheep blanket. Mr Darld A Well Is one ot the moat accompltahcd thinker on the subject of poetical economy In the co untry. Years and jears ago he ws a protectionUt, but having been selected to a chair In the treaaury department Ihst required him lo study Ihe tariff In all Its bearings he sosn developed iota a tree trader, and his writ injgaon 'hst subject will compare favorably with thoe ol any man l. the country, Mr vVella compute that for the ten year be ginning with g;g and ending with 1SS7 the coat of Iron and steel to American con sumer wa f 5o,O0.o3o In excess of what It would have been hat! not the Iron and steel been "protected " Thl I 154,000, 000 esch thst the people have paid In order lo breed a litter of millionaires In Pennsyl vania. It I the asme In the g'aa induatry In the pottery Induatry, In the wool spin ning induatry, In the cotton spinning In duatry, snd hundred ot oth ers. The wealth of Ihe country I estimated at $01,000,000,000 in round number, or $l,uoo a head. By means of claas legia- latiou.and the tariff I the bellwether ol all das legitlailon, one half this wealth i In the hand ol a comparative! r small number ot Indlvl.Tua:. The Vanderbllu hsve G uld hss pcrhap, hall as much, white a fellow with $25,000,009 is small potatoes In the set. There has been a constant flow cf taxes from the pockets of the people Into the coders of these pro pie, and the new tailff la calculated to In crease that flow. The people mut awaken Vt these dangers and smaah the srsttm of the psat thirty years, and the tariff I .the best thing to begin, with. lis. It Is a little odd, to ssy the least, when Amcilcan tin-plate ml'ls In the columns ol republican newspaper are a thick as manuiscturlng lobbylats In Vaahlngon when the tariff Is to be revised; it Is a little odd under such circumstances that the volume of imports of American tin plates should be steadily t islng. The Mc Klnley schedule for tin-plate went Into el feet July i of this year. Durlngjuly 100, 000 pounds of Welh-tln-plate paid duty at the Chlcsgo custom-house. In August 395,0000 pounds were entered, and In Sep tember 638,510 pounds, or almost as much as was Imported In June, when importers were straining every nerve to get stacked up before the McKlnley gate was shut- II In addition to this amount the American mills were turning out ft tithe of the pro- uct sttrlbuted to them by McKlnley or gans the whole country would be covered with tin-plate as deep as McKlnley wtll be covered with democratic bkllots In Novem ber. Chicago Timrs, A.isdlBtPbetegrspbsrsA ssny Oregea. Ws hare boacht sll thenegstivt ssnadeby L W Clerk and W H Greenwood np to Nov 13th, 1889. Dnplieates csn be hsd from hem only of as at reduced late. We hays slso about 18,000 negative mads by oar selves, from which sTaplioates can bs had at Uketaies. We earry tbe onry full line of viewi of tbis stste aad do eniargtd work at lowett rates for Crst class work. We shall bs pleased to sea yen at onr Studio in Frsmsn's black, nextdoor to Masonis Temple. We itsareagain st tramps. Tewyswn) tt Wines. SEE ItKBE- A piano At Klein Bios Boot and Shoe store. New cloaks at W F Reed's. Lstest styles cf bats at W F Resa s. Reduatiou in eammer goods at W F Read's Apple psrers f r side at Stewart k So. 8 A Hulin, druggist, Frenoh's oornor. Ftaejgroerries st Conn & lleudricsou's. Lstest sheet musio st Will & Link's. PsrssoU sod sua umbrella at less than cost at W F Read's. Gold spectacles and eye glasses, all stylos and prices, at F M French's. Tho! finest line of pocket knives iu the eity at Stewart & Sox's. Complete stook of ladies and gont s gold . , . TX At I." L' waicuea as n m a imuu Bargains in gold watohes at French's, "Tbe Corner Jewelry Store A full Koe ot Warner's enrsuts, best in ths world lor tne money, at W c Head's. T. V. Bmtley, lnidin bxt and shoe nuker, jutt a&st of Revere House. C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block, does first class work. r See that .elegant piano st Klein Bros Boot and Shoestore, Sfcewait&Sox sail the very host patent temps'-ed shesrs ana ititsora. Notice the extra hollow grouad 'rssors ased by barbers sre sold by Stewart Jk Sox Ladies Oxford ties at Klein Bros. Cheap- ent in the citj; win do soia at greatly re duced rates. Klein Bros have a large and choice stock of boota- and shoes for ssle at reasouable rricna Dj uot in vest in foot wear until youhive aea tnair, stoos aaij the elegant piano at ineir aiuie. The Masiachuietts democrats are so confident of the righteousness -of their cause that they ure seeking- the enemy for close grapple. Gov Ruaacll and his as sociates are eager to discuss all the issues the campaign and the people are as eager to listen to them. It wss by full and free dUcuaalon that Gov Russell won a year ago, and there is no state in the union in which the demecratlc cause would not be helped by following the admirable ex ample set In the Old Bay S'ste. The re publicans are they who find profit in run nlng away from discussion and who wish to prevent the anivsl of the memory of tho gfty-nrst congress. In the elections next month the democrats feel quite certsln of carrying lows and New York. 'I hey claim that the chances are in tbeir favor in Pennsylvania, with Massachu setts close, and Ohio rather doubtful. These are the only state in whose elections ' there is much lignificsnce. Washington, Oct. 5, 1891 Senutor Carlialc i in Wsshlngton, and many are the effort thst hsve been made to ascertain his favorite, if he hss any, In tlie spenkcirdilp rsce. The aena tor an. Ilia good m-turedly and dinner Ihe subject v. ben the ton venation giis too near tu a tliiect question, and the result l thai lila preference is really unknown, al though Ihe friend of the aeversl cai.dl dstrs will ir,fiUr,lli:!ly avaure you thai "Carlisle is for him.'" It I perfectly evi dent however to Ihe dlalntcieatrd thst thev base the s'.sletncnt solely on their hope. A group of t!emrcra were tllacualng the speskerahlp Isat night snd one of them who hs,lr; the Interest of one of Ihe can didates, made a canviu either by letter or personally of every democratic represent ative tt the iifly,a,.ond congrea sa'd of the situation! ivre a Is considerable number vl repreaentailve v. ho are not pledged to an) body and who will In all probability enter the caucus i-rpledged My Impretalon Is thst there will be no nomination on the first ballot owing to the large number ot acalterlt g votes, !sny of them fnlenc complimentary. Mills snd Criap will lead, hut they loth wl, be contldcrably short of the neccaaary major iiy. Now, the fellow who can guess where sll the complimentary votes will go.ahould they all go together 011 the second or third ballot, can come very near t.smlng the nest speaker of thi House. I csn confess I am all at u, although I hope '.hey will come to my man and nominate him." Another gr-ntlcmai: thought tnat unless either Mill or Crlap was nominated by the third or fourth ballot that they both would be dropped and one of the other candidates nomlnsted whh a rush. When all Ihe membets get here where Ihey confer and compare note It may he esaler to foretell the rtault of the caucus than It Is now. It can't be more d;llicult. It ws predicted isat spring when Mr Harrison postponed the conference be- ttaeen the three Canadian official and himself and Secretary Blalre, on rcclproc-1 Ity between thl country and Canads, un- I till (Jetcber 11. that II l r-mt t doubtful whether the confrrcnie would ever he held, becsuac of Mr flatrison'a well-known snlagonUm to Canadian re clprocltv, and It now appears that the pre diction wss well fuunded. The proposed conference has been postponed Indefinite ly. Ihe reason alleged being the absence of Secrelsry Blaine. German day wl;l be celebrated here to morrow by a monster parade and Induattlal dUplay and an out-t) or picnic The day I celebrated as Pie anniversary ol the settlement, more thsn ta-o hundred ears sgo, to be exact October 6, 1683, of the firat dlatlnctlvelv German colony es- blUhed In America, which was staked out on that day at GermkTitown, Penn. The prttaure, political and otherwise, wl.l-h hss been brought to bear upon Sec retary Trscv lor the dissolution of the squsdron ol evolution and the aending of the vessels compolng It to various point here they sre needed hss at lat been succfaafut In aplte of the a: rone puir' ol knnmodore Wslker. The Boaton anJ tbe Atlanta will In the luture gow the Pacific ; one of the three vccte left the Chicago, tbe Newark, and the Bennington will go to the South Atlantic squadron, and the other two will loin the North Atlantic squsdron. It hss been along fight and a very bitter one, and the wounds left are likely to cause trouble In Navy for years to come. Pension Commlstloncr Raum 1 again catching It on all sides, and it seem hard to understand how he can posalbly retain his position thl time. There is direct Is sue between him and Secretary Noble, who has declined to dismiss tl.e thre Penilon Office employes who made affidavit to be - Ing approached by young Raum with an offer of promotion If they would pay the price $50. As the removal of these three men was demanded by Raum It is thought the refusal of Secretary Noble to remove fhe.n leave Raum no other course but to resign, there are also ugly stories about a war claim pending before the treasury department,ln which Raum Is In terested, which it is said have been placed in Mr Harrison's hands. Gen. Raum has gone to Illinois on a two week's leave of absence, and there are many who believe that his retlgnatlon I already In Mr Hsr rlon' hands anr that it will take effect at the expiration of that time. He said jut before he left town that he had not resigned and would not resign while under fire, but Tarmer talked that way too. Mr Harrison has decided not to make any ot the Important appointments which hss been supposed to have under recent consideration until after the tall election. He pioposes using" them as prizes to en- coursge the republicans to woik. His prl yste news from Io', Ohio, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New York has not been of an encouraging nature of late. W. F. READ, IKIED! Call and act what a stock of- Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dross Goods, Irfosiery, We hare to select from. Our stock is not 011I7 the largaat bat the cheapest ever shown in A lbanj. We haro just placed on sale a eornplete asEortmeiii ef cloaks and jackets, in both eloth and plush goeds, plain and fur tnmmd. We want jour trade and we ftJ eonfiden4 you monej. we & sare W. F. KEAD. -1- m irsck AXrvTn? HEADAGHEfl At Alleghany City, Ps, there wa recently rolled a steel spring six inches wide, one-fourth inch thick, and 310 feet long. It is the largest coiled spring ever rolled. The order wss tendered to ail the larrje European iron- works but none of them would undertake the tssk, For the first two years of Arthur's ad-. mlnisttatlon the expenditures were $53, 389i576; first two years of Cleve1and,l5io,' 4lS3l7 i fir,t lwo years of Harrison, 683,- 114,615.. Comment ii needless. Portland The most prolific fish is said to be the fur bot. One of twenty eight pounds contained more than live pounds of ova, wldch number ed more thsn 14,030,000 ecc. Next after that comes.the cod with 6,000,000. I" S3 iTiiirsriggamag Ths M to Wealth Cermet Is tssessstdily travsls4 wKk. set s ksstth. Ts rsseh wsslth srany ssvsts4 sssltlca In life rsqulrss the fall rsessssisn ssi ssrstlsn el all the tss eltlsa lies' est bps kss sndos4 MS srlth. Thsee sssfltlsss eannst sxlst anlsss the ahvtlsal kslng Is la psrfsct wtrklnf eritr, ass this Is Imf ssslMt whsn the Ilvsr sbS sylsss ars torpid, thusebstrset 11 the eseretlens, essslng InSlgsstlea as trsssssra, with all el thslr aeessw sasylng hsrrcra. OH. HENLEY'S Eng!! DtndElisn Ton!s xsrts a sfss Hie hiflusnss ever ths Ilvsr, tsitss It ksalthf aettsn, rsselvss Its ehrsnls sntefsrasnts, sn srssistss ths essrsthtss ; aires lndtstt!a and eeieM patlsa, tkarssne the appstlts, tesee ths satire Sftrtew, ss4 rastni lift wsnk i Ihlrsj. COLD WATCHES GOLD FILLED WATCHES, COIN SILVER WITCHES, NICKEL WATCHEat,' The largest pane of glass in the world is set In the front of a builJing on Vine street. Cincinnati, Ohio. It wss made in Marseille?, France, and measures 186x104. Over two and one-quarter millions of are eaten in the United States daily, , pi Ladies Oxford ties at greatly reduced rates at Klein Brtc. Must be sold. 'FOE iOJVOII AT infw for Infants and Children. "Castorta, la eovreB adapted to cliIMrao that I recommend it aj superior to aor pmcripckn Loowntoma.'' U. A Aacura, U. 111 So. Oxford St, BrobUm, K. T. "Th- use ef Castorta la eonnlverea wai ts nvrtta so U fcawarn thaS IS aeraw a w-k of auporsrosatloQ toendoiw tt. Few aretlie lauiiifftit famitlea who Ha out keep Caatoria willdo easy resjeh.' Caaboe atasmr D.D.. New York CBy. Imt Psataw Bloomlngilala Baformed Cburvh. Caatarla mim OoCe, Const'TWtlon. Sour Btocaach, Warrhrca. Eructation, Kiiia Worua, trivae sieep, aad ptniiotez dt- restlim. TTluiuut wjcrioua medioatlsa. " T"or several Vfra I have recommewlai roar ' Canna, and aball always continue to do so as it baa IdtuUsAt produced btaa&iU results. " Eown r. Paaoxc. U. " Tbe Winlhrop," 1 JJUi Sim, aad Tth At JfewTorkCitj'. Tax CnTAim eosWAjrt, TT nur Snuccr, Xcv Toasw BUT CURES - ROTHING ELSE. PATBOHIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. !HE FARMERS & MfflCK II ICE CO., W F RKAT, Prswtdeas. J L. OOWAH, Treftaorer. Alkatay. Oreswst. J O WRITS MAN. Seersaaer. so T SIMPSON, Ties Preaidsnt. XftJKWOBft---- L Cowan, 99 Slntpaon, If TBwd, rrLFo ey, M Sternberg, J W Borwett, J K W astthertord, K 8 Straban, J O Writsmaau -AIMSI mil Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies. CHIY STSICTLY INSURAKCE OFFICE IN All ANY.- yiiLW It you want the beet and most durable furn -tnrp that ia mannfartair. in.the eity go to THOMAS BRINK'S BUYJHE "MITCHELL WAGON," ifSSftS Aclinowlcdgcd Monarch of tfic Koa We earry foil line of Hacks, Bnggles and Carriages; alee Tarm . ImplemenU of ftll kind. jBhTCftU ost ua be for psrrekaslng Elsewhere. Albany, Oregon if. Mitchtll & Lewis Co., F. M. FRENCH'S TliB Corner Jewelry Stors.- ALBANY CIGAR FACT J. JOSEPH. - Proprietor, WHOLESALE i0 RETAIL Only White Labor Employed, !3 5 ) jpj Ta " -: "xt t j j ;! yy llLLl: )TRV 1 i A- and get POliE -:POlVER- and : use LESS VIATEL ' - Vaw Tilnstraaad l:.TAlnru. for 1891. JVui um. mm w;::a. & mi ca.. vzr.j3.aczi-