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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1891)
EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Paciflo Routo SHASTA LINE. liar Train laav FarUaaa1 Dally Siiutfc K ttti I L SI 4 Ar rss rTS:aA a Portland Albany lu Fnndm Jtl L r HI a m L I ,os r Ah..,, train atop only el lollowlaf elation north at Roeeburg. Kaet ForUaad, nnrw Itty, W.ed. urn, Salem, Altai?, Tanrant, Hhnd.1, llalaey. liar laburg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene. tosssss a lib, Star. li'tan I Lv IVrtilad Ar t:O0a I to r a I L Albany L I 11:00 t:r-w Ar K.-. bury Lvl 10H 4L44IT LCt 1LT 1IC4TT 8TI4T) ft 00 r ll T rrtled Ar I )Mi S"r Ar i!?"? Lt t oo a a uuioi aaaae. rTa1 L Albany ar ; 4 a I it r a I Ar Lebanon L :0 4 fMaalL Albany Ar :Mra I I 4 a I Ar Lehaiioa L l:WH PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, Far Aeanelaliea. at eeaa-Cla rum an, attache I fcaprea Yrala rTi aid MtIiUi. SETWEK IM.BTI.Afte Ah ALUS, Mail. rS4i.ui(Ci.-pt8unty, I.U4 B r a ILv Ar Portland Camilla Ar ,r I r , Hurt L air ta4i aaikT ( Sunday, tttor 1 Lv i: ra I Ar Portland VUXInn.lll Ar I : 4 a Lt I 4 a ThrouprU TicltotM Ta all polala EAST. AND SOUTH. fat tail Inronaetlaj regarding rate a, avara, a tOompur Aeat et Albany , 1. . ORULER B r. RCK1IH8 Manager 4.M10. F.aadr.Aff TAQUIKA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific T aswCC, ftacelver. Qragm DeTBlopman. Co'! Steamers, Short Lla I Calirtrala. Ftrnt-olass through ranaenRar and freight Una from Port'aoa snd all polnta io tua Willamette Vait" in nil from Man f .no!co, Cal. Boat malts clona, r. i "ol on at Altan train of theOregon fa.-ltt Hall road TIME SCHEDULE. wpt iuwUft.) Leave Albanv li t) r. a,.Lan Yaquiae. J?,l leeva t'.wrelll l:vj r, a.lLaavo CorTellis.lO 4, Arrlr T equina, IS r. a Am- Albany, 11:11 4. O. A C. tralaa connect at Albany and Corral!. Tho a boy a tralna connect at Taouina with tha Oresron Haraioproent Company' Una of Htoatnsbips between Y equina and Han Franrlaoo, SlILIXO DATUM . raoa Taent. WlUeatett valley. Toeedey. Aug sth; Thoredey, Aag luk ; a.tarday,Aog Ind ; MoeJay.Aog (la vaoa s. raasciac WUIaasett Ylly, Friday. Ja'y Hat; Sunday, Ana U ; Tasadey, A eg Uthl Wedneauay, An( .Sth Tha Oompaujr wwarYee the ngat to hang aaUlng data a without notlea. 9. B. Paaaernera from Portland and "TlllArneU Vallay poinU aan make oloao aonnootisn with tba tralna of tha Yaouina ranta at Albany ar Corrallla.and If dea Unad to San Francieoo should arran;a to irriT at Yaaulna tha arenlnr baforo data ftaUlaf aWPaaacBcar mm rrat ralat alwaya tka Law rat Far laf .nBtli apply t a A R Chaimn. Fralfhl aad iafcat Aranl, Albaay, C. C. SICB. a. r. 4 e Aa . CarraUa. REVERE HOUSE, ILBARY, - 9REC0K JIIAS. PFEIFFEK PftOPRIETOR. inwad u In Irat-claaa atyla. Tables ripp!lHl with tba boat In tba market. Ka alaeptnpapartmnnta. Sample rooaf ar eauairwirtxal traralara. MM. PHOTOGRAPHER, Jr anv.nH and Kartjr Bt, AlLaoy, Ol ODPKRIOR wark. gaarantaavl In aver; O branoh of tba art. aaVKnlar ging a ail klii la a a?aoilty i LB A!) I COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1891, 1892. rirat Teraa aaa4 ttyUaiVtr tik, ISM. A toll corps of iaatraatora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL LASSES. C'oaraaa ml a(ady arrangad la' kuaat Ik' 1 .l ef a'd gradaa af atndanta. VaV tHwnttnli Jm-td t tladtnt$ frm mbrtad. IT. f.l nelT C1f r rmliltal, A. BTRAMEY, .,..rm,r.uiTi' .rn City Livery, " Feefl aid Sale -S T A B L E.- Iiavin rarchiae4 navr rla can furn i'n firat.nlaa tiiri oulH al call. pl'iif n Klrn totranNlr.nt atocic Noises boaruol by tnody or month. Cheapest Itmlea In tha City. Tulephona onna-tlon with tha St Cbtria-i Hotel Te'ephons ordera gfren prompt aitnnllon. Fourth .Struct, brtween Ellsworth and fStroetC'ar Una. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY POUND DEAD.!! While trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DV3 h FlOitfAiJ BROS ijlore, where they always have on hand the largest Stock aouth cf Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Gum; an Immense itock of Fishing Tackle of every description ; Tents, Hammock, Camp Chairs and thounandt af other thing too numerous to mention rtepnir Shop M connection with the Store, and one of lie best workmen in the Stale to do any ind ail kind of work. , . CoRie on!, Come l. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small pre fit and nuick IV' 1 oui motto. THE STATE. Oaarao af .tapy arranrol axpraly ta naat tha aa d af Iba fw:nin(f ami uiasKaniaal Inloreaca ol the atata. Lara, oomudiau. and wall-vautilalMl bulll Inri. Tha tf U located in a eu tiraUfd and anmmanlty, and una ol tha haaltbiaat In tba itata. 4 MILITART TRAINING Kxpensrs weed not xea 9150 tar ta MHrt tnaalaa. Ta .r i-r. (r.;bolrihiii rorn .ry a lanty WriU (ar aatalrEia v JJ. I.. ARNOLD. Pr.. Corrallia, Urejcm. MRS. OR AFT AIM'S Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream I not 4 eaamatla In tha aanaa In arhtah that tarm I popularly nal, but parniauantly dmuUIIm, H crmiaaaaott, ainnoth, claar. ra'vaty .bin, and by daily ttaa aradually niakM tha cumplailon Mnral ahaja bll-. It (a a aonatant rotaM.Ii from tha rSaaa al aim aiid wind and prarwita aim burn and Irarkl, and blaorhaada will ntnr oiwii whlla ynu It. It alaanaaa tba nwta tar bolur than anap and alar, n.iurl.hxa and bull la Uj tha akin tlaaiKia and nraranta tha formation id wrlnklaa' It tha rnahaaaa, ctoamaa and (moothnraa ol .kill that yn Bad whoa a llltla lrl. Knry lady, ynunaorold, owrht to om It, aa It (Ivr a mora youthful apiar aiMS to any lady, and that parnianaiitly. It ooiitalii. aa aold, powdar or alktll, and la aa hannlaaa aa daw and aa nurlahtu to tha rk'n a. d.w la ta tha Sowar. Prtr l a, al all druHaa and halrdraaaara, or at lira Uamlaa Urahani, UiJ pvt atraat Maa rranrhwo, wbar ah. tnata ladla (or all blml.h a. id th.faoaor Siiiara. Lullaaat a dl.tanoa traatml by latiar, Kn4 atanip (. bar llltla book "Haw to W Haautlral. Simple BottlBrTJ.'p.'.iTd iLi: U pay poatair and paoklu, Lady wanlad, MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Cur ta wnrateaaa ol rravka. Sunburn, ftal MnUiichaa, Plmpla and all akin blamtahaa, rra SM.a. Hannlaaa and aRactlra ; ha aaiupl an b tant 1 Lady BtfanU wantad, Thtt ntlt (rfT5 ,n "" no flr"' nr.lai UrUgR'St Mil nl my praivnuiona will aara bl nun. addad to till. d.rtinwiit. My praparaUoaa ara lor Ml by whntl iraf lUia Chloajoand ar.ry city w..l oHl, PMDCC fjb. c liUilLO Hoaitrnn tor Threat,, Caldt. Inlutaia. BraaehNI. rat, Vtl?plng raugh.Cr, I. and ".'V llif luii cl tl.a Thraat, La"? C"'. Ix ' tntiaipln tprady Hi irianrt:l. t.rnuu id " U K-IUU FORTf.iILLER & IRVING, -FUNERAL DlUEiTOFiS.- AiiarUI Kmtalruiug done Ssloatiftaaily. Alhatoy, Urrgosi. "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." N ILLUSTRATED HORTICULT- oral uton'hly Jonraal.edttad br Trof R. Laka. No farmer or fruit rower afford to ba without It. It PAYS wtioaver takas It, 12 ier Tear, f I ale aaontha, 2 erot. a a alngia numiwr, Addraaa, . U. II HTICA KNS, Portland. Ungon Star Bakery Cor BradWlbln and first mm MEYER, : fnpriftor. 0aiel rraita . Mrstsf Uliuwsrr, tiarfomsrrt Orted rrl. Vegetable-a. Tabaceo, 4'lgata, Mossti Bpleo. Coflcft Trs, Kte Etc.. lataL-tairarythlagr that la In a ranaral rartety and gannry ator,. lilgkaat awkol urk paid lir ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE as BBnta far W. L. Daada mmm, Ml Car aaatw la yoar alaca aak air a MW fmr MIbImm. mmrmmm iba Iwm, aadjrjii tkeaa far yoa.. Lr"TAhVk XU HCDHTITl'TK. U FOR WHY IS THE 17. L. DOUGLAS 13 SHOE cihWU, fEST 8HOE W THE WORLD FOR TH KONETr a aaamlaaa aao, with wai Urrad ,m ma iwinu. af ma caat nna mr, attllab f "U tAoaaay o4Hr MM0ulwr. u auuala bauil- vwaooaa auatia rrtrra 4D iu fn.0D. 'SS ...!.. Ila.44.wt4, Iba flniit .air ' V ah aw offarad lw a itt; aqua!. rraaoS inrtad abuaa which at from ( (!' Io ani. A IU.4.MW.. Walt HUm; flo aalf, J9b aty Ilsb. ermifortalda and durabia. Tba baat X Tr offered at Uil. prlea 1 ura frad a cua- wnada iJkm elln( fruni St ub ttJlt. : Pol Ira Hboai rarmara. Kallmad Maa AJ . and LuairCarrWraaJI wmv than. .....if yrulra. atnouta Inatrta. haary rhraa aolai, umd W. .td. 1 me pair will wrar a yaar. oO Hun alf no batter alma avar offarad at J"i till, prlco; ona trial will rrnvloaa Uiva Jo wrnt a iIkw for cm fort and u-r.k. ft? .5 and '.MI vV'arhlnruinn' ho y ara ri-rr Mrou and durnhlr. Thnaa wbo tltm .IVf B 1 1, '-n atrial will w..r nnnlhip ..l.a InVC D.u ana .1.7) arnooi ahoaa ara lUlO Wtira tirtb. iMivi.vm ali.paf Uu.mI1 I their marlta. a. th Iwnaa1n uIm .hw. 1 S'l.OO Itand-aawed ah, bt .ClUlvO LxinKola, rerr.trll.h: equals fr.uet umm MKMfafviaiitixirriin mji fj 9SJ. tfadir ...10. Kvi.OO and ttl.75 hoa for v.rii(h MMiflnUnitola. HlrllxtiMiiililursl.i. Latlan. Haa tlia VI. Iu lnai(W nam aud na ar atampod on tha ixnti.m of rar-h alioa. W. L. UOLQikH, Uroktun, Ma. -5:VD-L. E.'BLAIPJ. Albaay ROW WORKS Mantifaeturera .S (EAM ENGINES CRIST Al.D SAW MILL MACHINERY !R0Nl-0NTS A0 ALL KIHOS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS ; CASTINCS. racial attoation aid a iMtirlua H i o' maoblner. fVmi (fads n Short WsUo Tim (JREAT wn si its world or WONDERS, pens Sept 17th, 1891 ' Closes Oct 17ti Itiuie by tha Oraat Zapadraa Baad dir. it want tb City ol Mantua. At Iram th traat aivitmrf l Euraa nd AmrW ' valued at anatar million dallar. Wonder, lut elaetrleal adaption in lull 'eaeta . ttaa. A aplenld aeria M mineral exhibit. A.'JU I.Mi'iiiir.M.'IS-l .K Aitr, fDtJ , .... tTIX A.f U BOIEWJI!. A treater oanba' f exhibit, tha evor kafer praacnted open tha vat. TBB STOflK Tr.PART4KNT UAD A PR4UI. KHNT rBATURR. tUMO IX PRBUlOalS, Tba rrt Ainplay ef fruit al Ik. I naat Mtkib t a Aaricultar ever inado in tha Paoifla narth woat. All nianufaetiiri. In lull tetlen, P.r.rythiiif n; : JJa dead abiWa, law. -:- BXraSITISX ? -:- EP0aTISJ8 tfAdmuwiaa a nulla). Greatly rdued rntan M'lJr round trip an all panMnaar IriieCatt 80MK1IIIN0 Ui N TUB MIMUEIW It AND 7. Mr John W Kirk, the white-haired vet, ernn who wa with Morte when the ft rat working telegraph line was stretched, and who stood betide the great Inventor when the flr.t ateMsgo was trannmtlted from Annapoll function to Wskhinton, lias n.sde during hi life s great many inter. eating calculation in number. The two mott remsrkahtc numbers In the world are three and seven. "The numeral ncvcn," s)s Mr KltV, "the Arabian pot from India, and all fol lowing have taken it from the Arabians, It Is contpkuous In biblical lore, being mentioned over 300 timet In the scriptures, either alone or compounded with other words, lt scsm a favorite numeral with the Divine mind, ouUUle as well as Inside the Bible, nature demonstrates in man waji, and all the other numeral bow to it. Thee l a'to another divine favorite, the number three.ihe Trinity. TliU it brought out by r combination of figures that is soinewhrt remarkable. It I tte six fig ure id.,857. 'Multiply this by 3, the answer Is 185,714, "Multiply thl by J.the antwer 1418,571. "Multiply thl by 4, the sniwer Is 571,438. "Multiply this by s.the answer U 714,185. "Multiply thl by 6,the answer Is 857,14a. "Each answer contains the same figures as the original turn, and no other, and three figure of the sum remain together In each answer, thu showing that figures preserve the Trlnlt. "Thus .85 appears In the flr.t and teconc number, 571 In the second and third, 4)8 In the third and fourth, and 14! In the fourth and fifth. "It I a1o intcrcKting Io note that taking out of any two of 'hee sums the group of three common to both, the other three read in the uvual order, from left to right, will alao be in the same ordei In both turn. "Take the fir.t end tecond snms, for ex ample. The group 285 Ircommon to both. Having read .$5 out of the second um, read right along and bring In the fir.t fig ure of the latt. It will read 714. All the othe.s wilt read in the ame way. "Again, note that the group of three In the first sum arc the same a the two group, uf three In the fourth revcred In order, and that the nine thing la true of the tccond and third. The laat multipli cation ha It. groups of three the same a those of the original number, reversed again. "Examine the' reau't again, and jou will tee that In these calculation all the numeral have appeared ave the 9. Now multiply the original mm by the mighty 7 the divine favorite of the Bible and of creditor. and behold lh' answer! The last of the numeral, and that one only In group of three again the Trtnljf ! 141.857 7 ' No oihrr combination of number, will produce lh' tame result. to-t not thl how the Imperial mu:tljtcii:. numeral 7 and tdlvinltv." Replying to the query of a young .liool t-achcr. we answer that the amount of surplus money In the treasury of the United States at thecloe of Cleveland' admin's tration wa 136,607,265 it while the avails ble surplus now I $1,66,942 51. There I a wrole volume in that dmple unvarnthed ktateinent . Sra W K Read' lina of drraa (o'iU au.1 til. a befor bating elaewhera. I'arker H.-ta, groer". E W AeM.on &Co ae arlUn m-i tiwtU at rottlanJrica. For liarcs'ti in iiKiriunieDt, licaiM'-i t.,uot K W Achituu&Co.Ail any.OrrKt'D 1 The Road to Wealth Cannot tteMSsfsth trsvl4 IV eut od kMlth. T raseh wtaitk r any corated stltloa la llfsraaulras tha fall sessauiea sad srat;a f all the fa. HI kind asturs kss ndswsa as ltk. Tkacs coiMtlllon canaat txltt aalts tha ytyitcal kelnf It la perfect working Ctr, sad thl la laiaesslbl wha tha hrer snd tptttasra torpid, thtbrtr.w Inc. the tuertlons, csailng lnd!rtla and tVptptla, tilth all of thalr accoa. anrtng korrors. OH. HENLEY'S Englif Dandelion Tonic xsrts a S ISo Inflvtaca ever tka llvsr, iclt.s U beaithf action, rssolvM Kt chranle sr.rgtmfnt. and promotes Ins Iterstlont; curst lndlgitlon snd eenstl esl!a, t harptns th apprtlla, toast t tt sntlrt tytttm, and aitkss Ufa worth IHnj. UMBEEi. Vt'owit'i t't at' to lh. public that w j i-t a id- I r r 1 i;.mr t-too. tnlil and re pre. r I u fit n:nti all kinda of Inmbor, (Iraai'd 01 rmuli. a lh pur Cliar tvay cli'w, as irood as l!to beat, add aa cheap aa it csn bo aold. In piynint wa w.H tnka all kind ef produce. -u-i a hay. fl ar, Krln, t.ajon, hatter, b inn, Im-t by tha quarter, ete in fact anything tha. we ran tiaa. Pleaaa ae us before you p i-o1mm our bill of lumber. 11 frfi ftonfi tent that we can ulty'ii You will nlwtyafinl one of ns at oar mill 14 mint from Lnbsnon, 8 ml'.os from Waterloo, on Haiullton erneV, WIKf A RBRKI04.N, ,. Lobnon, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Ctrru-l Court of Ike Stale f 0re- fOH, for Linn County. ALFRED DITT1JEMSEU PlnintifT Beiherdioa Littbenner, i Defend-1. ) To Rarherdinw Dlitlisnuer, Ike abo named defendant. IK TIIR NAME OK 111 t STA'fB OP Oieg in, you nre herebj' rtqulrod to tDfinr and answer thu o.mpiaint filad aKilr-ftt 11, In tha ab-ira mlltled ivtabrrilflih. 1811, l bat lnlri tha flrat dy of the term of th court lollowlng tha ex piration o tha time praaeribsil In tha rder for publication, and If too fail no t anawer ior want then f the plaintiff will apply to the court for tba ratlaf demandeo Id his cmplninf.. yts: That tha boads of matrimony esiMino' between plaintiff d dsfnndant b firrrsr dissolved, and for tue wttita and disbursement of this salt tol'Staxo'l. This mim i;iins ) piibllsbnd by order af Hon. K. f. Bie J.i 'tt of said eonrt, and mala rnd flit a I the 9'h day of asptuni bi-r, 181. j.k. wnATriEftroRo. . rll,d Aitorory for flff. 2nd Store. 4;friijai fJcst h'xxik of Zt,d tpV ;ood In the Va ef, .nd the nont ruasr into prir.fn, bolh i b Iselling. i have on band !l k.j H',mll, 3TJ3( TI.4A1 mm, S33KS, PIu'TUSES CL0SX3,-C33CXPRY. ' ETC., ETC, .;.r 'sitl(,r5 e Yonnn's on tr L. COTTLilB TELEOUAPIIIO NEWS Iloulaagrr Brail. UrusbKI.s, Sept 30. A IIUlvi before noon today, General lloulange, accompanied by an attendant, vltitsd the Uit resting place of Madam da lionmmaln, lilt lata nil.trest. Sending the attendant to a respectful distance to await him, Doulnngtr stood alone for tome lime by tlis grave of NUilnm tie llonnemnin, apiissting to be affected by the molt sorrowful rrllection, Aliout noon the attendant was startled by a thary reroit, and lilted with grave apprehension, hurried Io the spot fiom whenc lh report had snisnsleil. The man wai shocked to find Uoulangar lying dead Hiion Ihe ginund wil t a revolver clenched in hi tight lin ml, A Tralii Wreck. Akron, O, Sept 30. liurly thl morning a collision ocoutrid a lew mile east cf Kent, on the New Yoik, I'ennsylvanla and Ohio, he t anu a passenger train. Three were killed snd twenty injutcd, several fatally. The passenger lialn was the Michigan section, which conlainrd the Olln Family excursion, the members cf which sn.l many ftienOs Wei going 10 a naiional minted of their kinditd at llconington V'li While Deer IIbbIIbr. Astoria, Or, Sept, 30. -Another hunting accident happened yesterday at Mlthwauka, on the lower N'ehatem, by which John (Iron, ncll lost his life. Ilia brother cam in today and gave tha particulars. The unfoitunat man was going on a vkil to his father's house r short distance fiom his own, snd while on his way thither, saw two der lolteting on lh outtlde of some slashing, lie hurried to the house snd procured his father's Winchester snd returned to the spot where he had seen the deer I tarty GLen saw him making fur the brush, and atked him what he wat after. Gronnell told hint there were two deer cIom by 1 1 disappeared ia the thicket tnd Olsen, waiting for him to return, heard two shod some moments after, Gronnell did not re -lura ss soon ss OiseJ thought h should, II shouted for him. but received m answer. Fearing aom accident had happened, Olsen w.-nt in search ol him. lis proceeded to the spot where he s the smoke ile last, and found Gronnell lying dead in the brush, with a bullet hole in his totehcad, he having ahot hinticlf accidently. Qall neaiaaiieBal. Gt'ATKMAt.A, Oct I News of the mut sensational character has been receive I here during the psst twnlr-four hours There Is Conit!erahl rscitemcnt in Saw Salvador re tarding the revolt in Gautemala. A ray of light ha I ght h lust been thrown on the present revolution in Gautemala by a retired American officer, now residing in this city. According to the ory he tells, three Ameri can supplied with plenty ol money viaiicd this city about two month ago, To him they diaclosed the fact that they rerecn'ed a rev olutionary party in New York that had lor i object in downfall of HirilU'kovorn.nent in ; Gautemala, and were bach I with fund to carry the movement to a tuccdaaful ias-ie. Their plan of acil n was to send expertcnc4 military officer to Gautemala. They were tn l diatri uied throughout the republic, anal a hen the time wst ripe ware to take com mam of the revolutionary troops. II believes the present revolution is due 13 the New York parties who furnished funds and ammunition to the insurgents. Advices received here from Salvador to Ibe effect that I'rctident lici with over d'KJo troops is on Ine GsuicmsUn frontier" A Harder. LaGranuk, Or Oct 1. Frank Coleman, bartender st the Lode saloon, this morning notified the police authorities that trier wat a dead man at Ins saloon, snd at the asm time g4V himself into custody. Coleman claimed ih i he had nothing lo do with Ihe man ile.ih hut said that a h had soma difficulty with him during the night he ihourjit best to give hlmsrtl up. Tli coroner' Inquest however, developed a very strong chain cf evidence against Coleman. The murdered man name i I'airick Sheehan. Several witocsKS t rati fied to seeing Colroan beating btm at about 4 o'clock tin morning, but ss they had no ap parent od eftect, (hey didn't notify the au thorities. 'I he Jury' verdict wai that v'eath bad been canted by Coleman, arse Thieve Arrested. Su.r.4,Oct I. Sheriff Croisan has for several days been chaalng toe thieve who Saturday night Hole a hone snd rsrt from a man earned Scott at Lafayette. They were tracked through Silvertoa, Sublimity, Stsyton Scio and Albany, and were finally arrested this evtnire at Ashland. They will be ta.en al o-ice to McMinnvllie for trial. SJaary nahlag Atalr. TTEVEi' Ocl5. Fhe citjr i fttt leipg emptied of haly coat pilgrims, and the rosdt in Ihe country for a long distance are throng ed with them, thousand perfcrring lo go home 00 foul. The exhibition ha netted a large urn of money, but the F.nglith and other are (aid 10 have been more profitable for the church tbao Ihe pilgrims, mutt of whom lived in poor fashion and seemed to have but Utile mwey. Bly a krare. ifOKANl, O-.t 3. A courier arrived today from Chewelah bearing a dispatch to General Carlin, commanding Ihe Fourth Infantry, frrtn Indian agent Cole, who went to Ihe scene of Ihe reported Indian trouble In Calls pel valley, Idaho. Agent Cole repor.'ed that there is no foundation for the tcarej that greedy vrlites ar tryin to dispossess ihe Indians of their lands, and to stare the latter aw, threatene-l In bring in ihe troops. deary all Araandt Portlakd, Oct 3. From slaicmeatf by saveo banks in this city It Is learned lhat the arm nnt of money sent out by tanks here to bank in Ihe country aince hirvest began! 13,185,000. This 10m in clesn cash distrib uted among the wheat -growers should Lave a tendency to rel the fmsnciil stringency In ihe wheat-growing sections. The Casilematasi war. CiTy ok Mexico, Oct a. The revolution ists in Gautrmsla fiaslly .uccecded Wednes day ia drawing Barillas' slmy into s fight, and the government troop were badly used vp, retreating lo Gautemala City, forty mile, from the scene 01 Ihe fight. There was ureal secret rejoicing in the cily when tl.e new reac'ie.l there of the defeat of the govern ment troops. President Ezeta, of Salvador, declares Gautemala i ripe for a plan of con. solidating all Central America into one re public, and he will not lore the opt ertunity 10 bring about this remit. Advices from Sal vsdor are to the effect that President Kzeia, with over 4000 troopr, U on the Gautemalan frontier. , . Saletra Newt. Salem, Oct a, Recently the city council Ordered the water lank belonging to the S.lem Truck tnd Dray Combaiy, erected along the streets, to be torn down. These were used for street sprinkling purposes, the sprinkling wagons being filled from them, Today John Savage, of the dray company, in stituted suit again.t the cily, claiming dam ages in the turn of $500 occasioned by the re moval of the tank. Ira Adama, who recently accidentally shot off hit arm, today brought suit for $1700 against ine raciiic Mutual Accident Insurance Company in which he ws insured. He claim the coinp tny did no' pay him for Ihe lots of bis srm. WaiisT Get Them. When wanting sn organ or nlanR call on G L Blackman TRsr-e ysu caa select front a Int clast 'La. On to 3W C bh. tuooeianr tof TsUIey & Sinilnj, Flinn Block, for ynurj b printing sf all kindt. HARRIED. HUNDLEY WICKIZER. On Thnra- day evening, Oct. lat, 1891, at the resi dence of aud by Rev. Jf. F. Stewart, Mr r n ir,.nrii.. ... 1 mi: u 1. ,r. ,'. j v uuiniicjr auu ien uttujiau vvicKlzer, both of Linn county. DIED. TURNER At hi realdence six miles south west of this cily, on 8aturday morn- inaOct.3,t89i,at2o,clock,EphralmTurner. Mr Turner was born in Howard countv, Missouri, August 17th 1891 and was there fore 70 years 1 month and 15 days old. He moved to Oregon in In i860 and settled on tne farm where he died and has resided the' e ever since. He was a hard working, honest citizen and leaves a large family of grown sons and daughters to mourn his death. . . . STRITELLOnThuradd- Oct 1, 1891, at her home In the southern suburb of Albany, Mrs Jacob Stritell, aged about 35, The deceased leaves a husband, child and many friends to mourn her death HYM N'S !: II. A very tor-go and ttpprcclnUvo audience gathered at tlie Opera llotmo lust Fri day to bear Congressman IJynutn,of In dianapolis, dUcuea political Insutt. Many ladles were prcaent and nuiiieroui republican! also. Mr llynum la a pleas ant speaker, and ho speaks with great force and effect, lfo started out with a very complimentary reference to Oregon by saying that heretofore he tins said that he lived lit tho West, but since coming to tha raclilo Coast ho tees his mistake and now says he lives In the Kant. He said the tariff question is tha ono great Issue affecting the Interests of all. The repub lican party has changed Its course on the tariff question. In 1S70 H0-81 it declared for tariff ref win, but In 1HM8 It veered around and declared for protection or prni-lli'itl prohibition of iiitpnrts. In 18S0 that party elected a president who was a member o( tho Cobden Club and who declared that he was In favor of that kind of protection that leads to Ires trade. Mr Rynutn Illustrated tho differ ence between paying a direct tax as a city or county tax ami an indirect or tariff tax by saying that when men pay their city or county taxes most all grum ble and complain when they have to pay rom $l.f0 to $3 00 on the hundred, whercasevery man or woman who buys Imported dutiable Kods pays an average of fOO on the $UH worth. This tax he pays without knowing how much he pays, lie made forcible Illustrations of the fallacy of the home market scheme as urged by McKlnloy, by showing that w hen a man manufactured products In this country, shipped them to Australia, exchanged them lor wool, shipped the wool back to this country, that man is Just as much a producer of wool as the man who herds his sheep on government lands free. He showed that a large mo- Iorlty of the labor people of the United itates are engaged In non-protected oc cupations and that wages in these occu pations are blither than In the protected Industries. He showed that skilled la borers in this country, tn consequence of the greater amount of products turned out per day, actually receive less wages than thono of Knitland. This was proved by the fact that the value of the product of the American laborer in IHHO was ItOHO, while that of the English laborer was only Ho7. He showed that notwith standing the cry has always been that protection secured good wages, yet pro tested manufacturers, immediately after the passage of the McKinley bill, began to reduce wages.and this at all times and circumstances will be the case when the supply of labor is gtator than the de mand. The speaker was closely followed by all his auditors, and when he declared lhat he was not here to abuse republi cans, believing that the mass of republi cans were neither leas nor more hoitet tbn democrats, but he was here feeling that every republican w as at much In terested in the question as bo, anil that he sought to induce them to think and reason only, his remarks made a deep impresnion on his hearers. It Is safe to say that nitich eood seed was sown and that some of it fell upon good ground. A TTanderfal Story. The in; stcry surrounding the finding of the bodlc of twenty Chinese In Snake liver, Wallowa county, Or., In 1887 ha been solved. The bodies ah bore gunshot wound,howlng they had been murdered. The Chinese consul Inetitutrd an Investi gation, but was then unable to find who committed the crimes. Consul ttee now makes public the following statement: "Ulouh MrMlllan.nowof Walla Walla,, but formerly of Imnaha, Wallowa county, Or .make the following statement to the end that justice may be ttone the Interested paitlra. 1 make thl statement from a statement rosde me by my son, Robert, aged 16, jttat prlur to Id death, and by me then reduced to wrlimg. In the latter part of April, tSS-, my aon and Rruce Kvans, J T Canfield, Max Larue, Frank Vaughn, Ilium Msynard and Carl Hughes were stopping In cattle camp, four mile from Snake river. My son anu Erbna. Canfield, Larue and Vaughn went to a Chinese camp on Snake river. On field and Larue went above Ihe camp, and Evan and Vaughn remained below The whole party aa armed wlm repeating ride and revolver. There were thirteen Cblrtcae in the carr p. and they were fired on by ihe party above the camp. The unarmed Chinese retreated, when they were fired upon by thoee below the camp. Twelve Chincaeweie Instantly killed, and one other caugM afterward and his br ale beaten out. The party got that evening I5500 In gold duat. The next day eight more Chinese came to the camp In a boat. They were fired on and ail killed, and their bodies, with the other, thrown into the river. The rsrt.- then look the boat and went to anuther'Chlneae camp, about four mile di.tant, where thirteen Chinese were working on ihe river bar. These .wce all shot and kll.ed, and the bouie thrown Into the river. The camp was robbed.and $50,000 In gold aecurcd. My son was present only the first day, but was ac quainted with the tact, a they were talked over by the partlc In hi pretence. The circumstance heie detailed, occurred on the Oregon aide of the Snake river In Wallowa county, near the northeast cor ner of the state. I Icon McMillan. "W M Clarkr. witness. Dated Walla Walla, August 31, 1891." It Is probable the murderer will te prosecuted . Weather Surninary ot Meteorology for Sep., 1 Slit, from oliservations taken at Albany, Linn Co, Oreg-n, by John Brtggt, vol. obaarver for the 8it 1 Service, U. 8. Arm v. HiKbest barometer no tha 23. 30 J7. L-iwrat b.romtter on tha 2, 29.78 Meaa barometer fortLe uoiith, 31.02, ilidliost daily avarage of bar.. 30 33. Iiareat di ly averg of b r., 29 84. Ilighuat to nperauneon the 2, 92. lowest It ii'petatuiaun the 28- 9, 35. Mean for Ha nio.ilh, 58 43. Highest d -il range otTI er. on thai, 43. Lowtkt daily rn of Titer. 00 tha 30, 0. Mean temperature at 7 a, m. daily 62 M-an t niperatuie at 2 p. m, daily (ID 40. Mean trn petature at 9 p. ru. daily S3 3. Prevailing direotinns of wind, N. Mas Velocity or force, 3. Total rainfall or melted snow, 2. 19. Depth of snow at tnd of mouth. 0. Number of days on which .01 inch or mora rain fell, 10. Number of days of cloudiness arerage 8 scale 01 hi, . Of 30 davt olxervatious 10 were clear. eloudy, 13 lair, 6 f iggy mornings, 0 rain, 0 naxy, u overcast. Frost on the morning of tba 22 and 2G. Temp. 1.80 on average of 12 year. Rainfall, 0 43 00 average of 12 year? Whae Bahy was at, wa gave her tsaasaaia. Wkea ska was a Child, sk Dried for Cnaloria. Whoa aha bant Maw, aha alung te Caatarhv Whoa sk aaa OLUdrwn, she gave them Caataaaa, To Tea Drimrrrs Probably three fourths of the tst contained are "Green Teas ". Cnpleaasnt as the face may be, the bright, sklny green so familiar to us all Is not the natural color, but Is due te the facing or glaslng of the tea with Prussian blue, Indigo and ther mineral colors. That coloring hides the elects f poor teas Is undoubted; but Is it healthful, and does It not call loudly for the Importation ot a brano of pure, uncolored, ansnaa Ipulated tea? It was this contlltlon of af airs that prompted the placing of Beech's Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf It Is different In color from any you ever used. It draws a canary color of a delightfsl fragrance that I a revelation to te drinkers, and it purity make It more economical than the arti ficial leas, les of it being required per cup. Sold only in package. o cent per pout.d. Ask for Beech' Tea, pure a childhood, foi sale by Allen Bros., Flinn black, Albany. , Misrus Speaking of fearlessness here is the best example yet seen. It is from a Sa lem paper: "The Journal has declared war on the cinch element, and It is a largo element In Oregon." Tho reports of the two National banks show a line business for the hanks, and as well epeak for Albany and vicinity. Add tlie tleposits in the other hank and we have a sum approaching $ii00,(H)0, not much of an indication of very hard times. One or two little villages in the valley feel very badly because the detiiocrntla orators did not visit them. Here is a wail from a republican paper at tho hamlet around the state capitol : "Halvm democrats are trying to learn what train the eastern democratic orators will go through Hitlein. As they orate at A I bany and Eugene, small torvas up the valley, the Haiem democracy hope at least to be allowed to set on the fence and see them un by. They could see twice as many people iu Bale 111 as they will at both above places put together." A new lodge of K, of I', has been or gnnlxed lu Roschurg with 65 charter members. a The editor of the 1'rinevllle News finds fault with a compendium, recently sold in that town by a book agent, because l places MtBt Helens in Oregon. If Kt Helens is not In Oregon where in thun der is it? The Dalles Kun. In accordance with a resolution of the fUate Press Association resolutions of condolence and advertisements of paid entertainments will becharged for In the Dkmocrat hereafter. The rate for reso lutions o! condolence will be 6 cents a line. A Missouri man once s'ole a saw-mill, a Galveston man stole a red-hot stove, but It was left for Kan.aa to cap the cli max. A farmer at Nor which wa recently robbed of hi entire wheat crop one night after It had keen cut and stacked. The thief had it thrashed at night and sold the grain for $1000, with which he decamped. Mary A Livermore in her address Ire fore the 0 L K 0 at 'Chautauqua advo cated as the highest aristocracy intellect and character, instead of wealth as now in the U. H. and title as in England. The idea is one that should take hold o! the people, lt is time that people with noth ing to recommend them but their money take their proper plar-e in the world. Let us have the new kind of aristocracy. The Woodburn Independent states that in Marion county in 1M the repub lican central committee raised $3000 for lcKiiimnte campaign expenses, each can didate for the gislature being assessed $150, the candidate for sheriff $000, and other nominees In the same proportion. In Clackamas county, the republican candidates were bled in a similar man ner. How a candidate lor the legislature can afford to contribute $150 except he lie well fixed or sells himself to the lob by, in case he is elected, Marion's "eor rup. ring" knows treat. Oregon City Courier. Aa Answer, ljunrrcTaroa tux P.i,, Palkm, Or., rept. 2th, IS'JI. Editor t Ptmotrat : Will you kindly give us space for a brief reply to the article, "The II ind Ex hibit," which appeared in your paper a few days since? It was seen, and read to us, by a friend. (Perhaps, in justice to all, it should be said that the friend re ferred to is in no wsy connected with our school. No doubt the w riter was prompt ed by ffi hos of the warmr-nt sympathy ; but seeing that iu his kindness of heart he has failed to comprehend the real state of the rase, we lieg leave to make the corrections which are due our Insti tution and to Miss Capwell as its super intendent, i We did not in the least consider that we were on exhibition at the fctate fair. We were there to help show the woik of the school, bolh in the industrial and literary departments. This we felt to be perfectly right and honorable, being only just to our school and a due recog nition of the generosity of our fair state. As to nnpleasant remark, we were not annoyed by them. We may be sensitive, but we certainly cannot expect to be shut away from everything unpleasant in the world, and it is belter that we should le governed by good common sense. At the fair, we found the people as a w hole most courteous and kind ; and the week's work was really one of great interest to us in many ways. The average time spent by the children of our school at the fair did not exceed three hours a tiny, and they went only four entire days, but it was of our own free will. No one need fear that Miss Capwell will imposo upon the pupils.for a kinder, truer, nobler woman could not be found. In her hands the school is Prospering as never heiore, and, as she deserves, she possesses the esteem and love of tho pupils. Ft-i'iu WOHTrl rOSlDERIU F. M.French k oops railroad time. Day year groeeri of Parker Bros 7?w ersam ohoo just leoeived at CouraJ Meyers. Siuok thn celebrated Havana filled 5 ernt sigsrat Jnlias Joseph's. A Urge trck of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller t, Irviug',jot received. Have yoa seen those parlor suit that T Brink has jnst received t They are nice. j W Bentley. boat boot and shoe maker in oity, three doors north of Democrat office. E W Aobiton & Co handle toe celebrated Portland cement wall for -emotery lota. Tbeas wall eaa be furnished at half the oot of any other and ara far superior. '' Dr M II El lit, iihyiiclan and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls mad In itj or eon try. Ladies ean do their ihopping ia San Fran oiaoo without Waiting the oity. and without extra oom-ni.tiotj. U iss E J Barrows f t chsinj ajsut, 148 Oroya St, Oakland, Patronisa hem industry and bay harnl tnvlo harneas, warranto I, from O 0 Me Fail nd,at Dabrulliea old stand. A large sssortmeot of heavy n k and horse blankets at OC Mc Fail tnd 1. Cotton g tods hav not been as chsap liuss the wr a sy ar now. Call aad sen what sargttat ff Jaaad has. The best roast eoffao ia the city at Coma al jyer s. lit adlag Photographers A aaay Oregoa. Wa have boaght all thenegstm smada by L W Clark and W H Greenwood up to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicate ean be had from hem only of as at redoeediates. We haye also about 18,000 naeativea roads by onr telves, from which dnnlloates eao be had at Ilka 1 a Us. Wa earry the only fall line of vie wi of this state aad do onlargr d work at lower t rates for first olass work. VVe shall bo pleased to see yen at oar Studio in Frsman's Mok, next door to Masonie renipls. . Important to afoasskeepars. It ie Julius Gradwobl great satiafao tion in ssllingjhis FnejQolden Rait teasjaud baking powder, with eleeant prises or with out thera, that hi oustomers who hays purchased invariably return and ssy they sro well pleased, that the tea Is No. 1 and ths bakins powder ia as cood aa ths best. All hia toaa and bakiog powder bears the nam of Julia Uradwotr Golden Rule Basaar, and are exprossly put Hp for hi bnina.nd ha still continue to giv with escb'pound of tea or bakiog powder an ele gant pioee ef gliaswara. , Notice. MrJ Jalias Gradwohl informs tha Democrat that hi Golden Bale Bastar will bo known hersafteras Jalias Grsd wold's Baatar. Dated Albany, Sept. 28th. nonij Aftl ARROAD TlltIWUAV. A Gum Acciihnt. Last evening while out hunting, Will MeCuh'och, of the Herald, was shut through one of hi feet. He was resting the muzzle cf li'.a 32 cali bre rill on hi fool, when R went off, that I the load in the gun, causing a painful accident, I)r Davt dressed the wound. K11.LKD nv ax, Mr Mont gomery received s dUpnfch from La Grande thl mornl.ig, .latin;; Hint her son Jcnka Montgomery hnd been killed by s well which he was rllgitliu caving In on him. MUs May Montgomery left on the noon train for that city In order to he present at his funeral. To San Fmancisoo. Mr IJ.iy, of B.iys Jeffrie Co , csmc up from Portland, hut eveniot'. f'i'iii hlin It was learned that Mr CI1.1 ii Conic, who died from strangulation, vtMorlnv tno'nlng, hod a mother nnd sister rcuhllng In San Fran cisco. In response to a dl.pntch from San KrancUeo the body will be shipped to 1022 Mhslon street on tonight overland for burial. ratfrAV.. Tks Juuotion City Ti;m i'l spprir In a day er two. The curfew lili h gu ringing lt night at?, .10 under thscuifuw erdiustice. list sold hUeifTo h'iu. Just north of tho DaatoeRAT oUae,to C C H jvi. A very jiuoh needer sewar coiia-ntton it being made by tli bosthera Pa:iliu R R Co. with the depot property. Mr William Mask has sold his 'bather hop to Mr Goor. Land roth, rcently of expari-ncod brbr. On account ef ill health Mr Mack will uk a reit. The moat'oa of the Congregsifanalist oloaod in Albany last evouioi, ift ir very uotreaeful and lotercNtiug soiuns. 15 wa oompoaod of a lino body of mco. The paper mid at Organ Citv turn nut six Una of now paper daily for the 8 to Fraocuoo Exam'.ncr. Tba capacity of the mill i lo bo iiiorad to manufacture ti-u ton daily. Uriaa, so ! 1 gftnlleman recently from Colorado, and who ha t.ctn boar'ilng eith Mr Ifavelin, on Eset Fourteeu street, mysteriously disappeared laat evening from EaKSoe, say ths Guard. Last evening tho ton;lir of the Albany schools organised an aao.-iatin for their matnal o-nrtit. Mis Abbia Wright wa chosen .'Vasidant, Mrs !.aai,ilio, Vica Prt 'dan; Mrs Gray, tlaoordiog Secre tary, aud MiaMry M'ouut, Secretary tf program committee. They wi.l hold month ly meeting. A IIouhr lii-'MKEO. Last night while sitting at their supper table, about 7 o'clock, the family of S P Williamson, re siding in the Townsend addition, discov ered the ceiling of the room inflames. With their neighbors an effort was ruade to save the building, but w itL out succtns. Allot the furnitnre though was gotten out. Tho house belonged toj H Town send and was valued at $."00. It was not insured. Ahot house only twelve feet away was saved by hard work. Sewrr Wohk. Work on the Maple street sewer has been progressing with forty-eight men at work. Considerable rock lias been struck, and there ia quite an inconvenience from water, ihe sewer near the mouth is twenty-five lect deep. This forenoon part of the men were transferred to i-erry street where work was begun. More men will be em- loved as fast as received. Rays, Jeffries ; to a are rusher. Jlsyne & Ruck are pushing the Madison street sewer wilh ten or twe've men. Owing to the line soil and dry ground they are able to make very rapid work and are doing a good job. stranav If son want a nice li.n;i.: l il. ti n can grttt at F M French'. DrciJod! IhaViarseat ar.d ch.ivt vrifi of train tnwii 1 at C K l'-rnrell'- Pa. dticd. bsakrt hud, gun. Llk, Ei.feti' l,r..hf Sic. Last trrnieg while . ini; Wtodwi'h hi team oolfit air A II Howard hod a liiyer cut .0 badly l.y tl.e I oJ. a to nr- .1- a it (mpatsiion. which Dr lavanl. . Tie fur r. I if Mi.' iriiol will tobe plc at the ri .' tcr f lie husVand t f ihe d.cra.eit near Gi'raV Park ubiiltor, to- mo-r.iw rf.e:ru .t 1 o'elrjo , lUv T J Wiln-to, flindoctn tiia same. Jii.t ru i-i r.a vid .o,!atMl f r r 'il at C E Brown. I ' 'l.-.' f r'l tia ia Chow Chna. Cook tua M..l--e. Pick l.i 111 vu-rtal. Salt Iltirrinir. Halt h.t II h, Slt sa-'av n. NX CO JfATIOX it. IIAXU, I or at nanr. oasoo.f. CAPITAL STOCK t;03,C0O. fraaiilant....-. i L COWAX. rW-Prcaident J St KAUSTo.f. Aal 1'a.hlrr... O A AKCUIUOLU. ri ka-roa, -i 1. f iws.i, 3 M Rslt4n, W 8 W It Jiivs, i A Cf).-t aat OA Arab Ikal4. TBAKSACnart bitainaa.. DKAWSIt'Iil filtArTSon K.w York. a t Strtt.r 1, T Orson. LOANalOrfKYna arpiOT-J soenrlly kECKlVK detKWlu subtest eheaa. B INK OF OREGOS. ALBART, ORROOf. Capllal. ! -f PrasldMt Vie-President.- .H f MKRftlLL .. t) LANN1NO J.t W IlLAIN Crrir Tntaaaet a t;.n.-al hankine botlneaa: Kschsnge bourht and T1 on all the prluelpal at Ua. la tha United State also on England, Ireland, Frana end Uennany. Colleetleu mad at all aeeeasihl points laver ski terms, I nter eat alUwaJ j aim aepealu. nOUTLANU HAVINU9 HANlS, JL 0 PORTLAND. onKOOff. Paid np apltl.... Surplu aad pruSu,. ...teflo.sno . SI.OSO Intertllwd a sflh( daroslu as follows: Saer.Hnry Bering book ....4 per eent per annum. On term sarin busk pr nt per annum On aertlfiestes al deposit; Per three mentlts pr eent perannnm! Ter lx months pr eent per annum: rr twhr awnlha nt lr annum: FBASK DRK.rU. Prrsidant . P. THOstPSOS Vice-President, ' H. C, 8TRA.TrOX. Cashier B ANK OF ! CIO, SCIO, ORROOIS. mesas: im. ....... ...w J R ktasar .,.......Jsrr Snu O S Mat amaeroM: E 01 at. Jeh Oaiae . - f Smith. PTetidant.. Vtee-FTsstdent Cashier 8 Herat, U Bryaat Dees a (ar VaaktBg aad aaak.ara kadaeaa ALBANY OR. W RITSSAN & HULBERI BEOS. ' Rea! Estate Agents," : Parnts and Ranches for sale. Also aity brossrty ia Alkanr and Ooryalli. CHOICE MEATS Or iu Knraa mericlc -fc;- Bakt?r, , Opposite Rshmesr'i Uvry Stahl, next or t Willamette l'aetriar Ce'i ttara. City Eestaiiriint. Raving been entirely remodeled, this old Snd popular restaurant will bs made first Jlasa n every rnspeot. The poblio will bt given good meals at all hoars for only SS isats. ; Everything neat and attractive friyat boxo. Ovalera In every style. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTOTICK IS . HEREBY GIVES THAT O. P. i.1 Cuahow, jr. the undersigned, has tli; day boon appointed administrator of tha estate ol Henry G riser, deceased. All person havinir elaims airainat said estate mum present said elaims to tba under s!arue i at the ortiue ol 1 K Weatherford, in the city of Albany, Linn eoanty, Oregon, properly verified, within six months from this date. Dated this ai.tday of September, imv O. Is, COcillOW, Jr., J K WaATitaareito, . Administrator, Atty lor Ailmr. , . (SiUi) -132a. Kcport of tlio Condition THElIIHOliTYMTIOHLMXK, AT AI,HA,VV, is THIS STATE OV OREOOS. a, tli clou ol buainesa, Sept lath, ll. ' stesoareesi lrfin.n.l diwomnta ,. ,,. j9,fM4.?l Ovenlralte, n-tureil and onw iirnl 4,!i'10.0 U. S, lhrntl. to aeeurs einuluUori.. Sr.,,W HOwka, securities, elalrna, eto..v ..,. ia,2if..70 One Irion approved rewrr (tonH.,. i,!!3S.2S Into Irom other National lsiik..., ,. , Inn. tritm stale li.nk. and bankers . 14.fl02.Si Hanking hi'iiwi, tumitiire and flxturoa. . . IS.noo.fK) i.iirf. ut iFtHrn- and t"t. paid ....... . I,S.M Prrii inn. on V, H, botiil.....,. 10t4m,er, Clock, and nthtr a.h Item,. M,m 11(11. id otbr iHUik ..,....,.,..,...,. ... erKr.on r rsftlional par eurrnucy, iikk.,l, cent lu.nn Swrte - . 27SI2.M llftl tandur iufUm. Ctt.UO ItMiniiptl.fti miia WUhl.'.S, Trrmmircr, (; per earitnl cireulittlnn)..,M . 1,125 AO Tutol. ..,,, LiabllUlral rtapltitl .bub nld li.. IJii.llvl't.i! .r(.lit Kail..!,.! IrfLf.k niriM MMI.,.. t0", ".'!) .; i.v7 n ;. o.oo 1 s.7 Iii'liriiliutl di iits nl.Jrt fi check. I'eriiAiio eriin.aitn tn titmi true M other ,stl )iil bank..,.., true to state l.v.k. and bsiikar T..UI Brail! or Oatou, County at Linn, I, O. A., Casfller, of the aUire narnnl Intnk, do aolmnniy awr that Die stKiv state ment I true to Ui iml4 my hnimtmiu aud ballet. O. A. AClllBALD,Csslt!r. Muliwiiliud am! twim to befor me thl lt day of Oot.,1twl. T, J. HTITKK, .) irt'j- Poblle Cokab.TAtleat: W. II. GOI.TRA ) J. A.I HtttHiltO , lil'ivUm i. L. COWAK. 202 KEI'OItTOt' the coxoi or TMB FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALiiASV, m THE STATE Of OKEOO.V At tli elose rf bualncas, Sept t'.th, 1S01. Hraaitree 1 Lnana srul i!UcuiiU...,......... ...' ,,70.3 Over.lnll,aacured aud uow.v.ured C o70-'it t'. K. liunda tu aacurs elrcuteUiM . . .... 20,000,00 MOw-ka, aatiirtl'!, claima, ete lHielr.naapiova. reacrve afftuU. ,.. . ' Oim fr.MO otW National lUnk. H.-2.,(rl tritvf rrtn Htata Itanka and bankera...H lx.Ji!0 77 liar k Ins; boOM, lurnltuio, and Sxturo.,.. 1.'. ,000 01 Current xpeniKi awl taxes paid l,.r2 Pnmiiurue on V H boot................. S.K3X.M I'haek. axl caah tUra...... . . nm.Vt llillaoluther Hank ..(X fractional paper currency, nkkleaandemta Hi. '.A Spai 2H.06l.4f, lqtal kimlcr note. .... . . , 4U0.OU Ue-lctnpuan fund wi'Jj U. S. lreaeurur(Bve per cent of drculatlutt ) .. ...... 000.00 Total ,..n,us.M UalrlUllr I Cantal atnek la StinMu. fund , , , , .... ....... t'tHiltidnd pr.i0le..,...www. NaUunal lienk wUm onutAndinM' liwlivulual deport anhte et o check Demand cartiSi'StMof uepast.,. true In other NaUonal iJaoka. ....... true to stata bank, and batikers . ..). 00 10.mgt 40.UiZ.X6 1K.0IJ0 00 ,h,;u.w Total tX!,!4S.M Stats or Onsoox, Coi'xtv or Lis, as : I, E W LaS'inox, Caahler of the above tuun. d bank aolarnnly iwcxr tha: the bove (tatement la true in Ui beat ot my konaledire and belief. L W LA.NUUO.V, Caatiler. Subaeribed and sworn to before roe Uiia tad day of Oct., i:. ) CuasaiT-Attwt : T i Stllca, Xutary Public. l rusr. 1 H. B. Vol'XO, tbirctor. L. E. 1!L.IN.) fc4-'Ma. jatuau.wa-ag " .-. t. tKaSVatk YEGFI SLE PANACEA 4ltPARE0 FROM , RO( Si HERCSi S -atTHC CURC OF OCOrtJI AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO FROM A DISORDERED STATE of m STQNtACH OR AN inactive: LIVER. rOR SALT BY ALL. rmnr-'ierTxi arrM'DM picstrtx- t . . . r- i - - . ;:. 1. . '-. ..-..o o - . : - . :r; . rt . 3ri.t:y -1-.: . , 1. !.: ri? ..:.;.,.. i- cf-er t.-, . :.-! - .,! 1... "ia ... .i..iv ot w.:.:aLiraiia n?l . . o t,ian-'f.'tjt. usilj bj jo;.:; t-i i.,'ar-j;.T,t...:'ji. J A Canaaaiac. Aveat IVirtland. Orraon. A. P. Artnttrona, Vrtn. RnUKh Brlmsl : Csfit.l lie. Saiem. Orraon. aaro oouraca ef study, nun. rate, ot tulUoa. Business, Shorthand, affair In tstaskvn thtCfrluru: lu yt-ktr. BtirdfDl aVti ( S4 tMlF UOiaS VUUaijy M irULU SritLttUT aKiMkal. C.a J. K. U E1THG3FOKD, Atteraey at La. Will praelioe a all eoarl af tha atat. Special attanti m irea to matter tn probata o t 00 la tijm. OFriCa-Io tk. riian Slack. T K. ItlLTEU, Attorney at La a tad S .lUllor la Chueey. 0lla Siena mad on all pn'nta. fwn nof l!t-d aa tav rabia terms. Albany, Oregon. QEO. W. WRIGHT, AUernay at Law.ssd sTMary Puhli.. Will prsetiea la all eonrt. el thi. rata and In the railed State courts tnrOr-re. slfllrri -Front room over Bank ol Oreron, A:bsar, tn. J WIIITrTEY, AMnvnay at Law, a I Vatary Puk'.Ie. ' Alkaa rare. JQIT. JT. Ia. HILL, Pkreleia aad S trrwi. OFFICI Cerasr First aa Fern itressa, Albany, Oragan, D US. HASTO A DAVIS, Ptiysisisns sa Sarreaat, OFfTOR Career S.aend aud Hr.icd.lkin stre-ta. Alkanr, Calls prempfly a era in wiv uj eesry . c V. CUAM8ERLAIII, If. O. rlmepthlat. S9tpol Jist I dieaes el th By. Twenty yean' eerieaee. Ofltue hoars T te a m; I t S p m, an S taS .raalar. Alaaay, Snretea. D K. O. A. WHITJfET, Hbysteiaa aad gara-on. Orai i.U st B.:isru If A eat Oaf are, Naw Tnrk City. Disease at women a speeisiqr. OFFICE r'rmii bleak, Alhay, Orsgen HEALTH 13 WEALTH! Mi i ? Lit. lift TRETIENT R. K . 0. WEST'S Kerr and Brain Treatmen ruarsntsed specific lor Uysteris, Dicxtu, Couva slens, Fits, Neryous Neuralgia, Headaohe, Uer.ou rnlratinn earned by th use ol aleohel or tobaees, Wakafulnesa, ktental Depression, Bitftening ol ths Braix), resulting in Insanity and leading to miliary. deay dea.h, prematura old age, barrenneaa. loss f r . t i caviiied tiy over-exerUon of the hraiu rati ah k esntaln on month' treatment. SI a bx r ix boats for SS, sent by mail prepaid oa receipt a prio. Wl OTJARANTEE SIX BOXES TO CTRB ANT esse. With each order reoeived by us for six boxes, aeennipaniett with we will send th purchaser our written guarantea to refund tha money if the treat ment docs not effect a cure. Guarantees issued onl tiyJ.X, Camming, Druxsfiit- aireiit, Albany, Or. SSCKkw-JBa iTA. at. It .an t A F UffUSl )9 .owei Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleeper ia vry well known to the dtizens of Apple ton, Me., and ndghborhood. Ho says: " Eight years ago I was takoti " sick, and suffered as no one bat a " dyspeptic can. I then began tak " ing August Flower. At that tune "I was a great suffitrtr. Every " thing I ate distressed tne so that I "had to throw it up. Then in a " few moments that horrid distress ' ' t.ri.1r1 nin n r A T ..1 J , , . . wmw auu x WUU1U UtlVC "to eat and suffer Forthat "again. Itooka urriri " little of your med Horrld "icine, and felt mttdt . . I1L... r . Stomach Dciier, ana ajier "Ukinga little more Fooling. "August Flower tny "Dyspepsia disap peared, and since that time I " have- never bad the first sign of it. "lean cat anything without the "least fear of distress. I wish all " that are afflicted with that terrible " disc-l ie or the troubles caused by " it would try August Flower, as I " am satisfied there h no medicine "equal to it" o UAVE TOCJTKtKB THE. S B HEAD AC FIE CLTPE? If .yen hare 14, ycj hire dmbtle a (lelunrd yeurwtl aaneiaaatriiy rasny tima by latins pill fur ta Stood, kidaey an 1 .xtarUpiUon. A.a r;ul.Vrn( tnshlmj It b'j t--m,larU!a, If taken tn half taaapo-xJal dares, ask youk DRuaaisr fop. it. IinflT HATIOSAL. RtiK, L Or ALBART, OSKO J.a, rest) it..IMU Vtee Praatdoot .... 3ufa.r .. LFLIK . S. E.TOLT40 -E. W. LAK0CO5 rCASSACTS A OENERALhwikn gtowneso. A'SMJNTH Kr.fT rubjoa te htk. BiOktT EXCiiANOE and ta raphic tr-.Bfr, Id ' fore, 8aa F.-aneisco. Chicago sad P lUand ranin CO JJXTlOSf SADEoa U.-ral-U Vera-,. UtLMcronm J. R. Too E, V.". L K Blau. . L. IVux j.8f.&6X. v J. A. Caiaiaing. Wall Orusr, Oilss. L)rlrin, mtc9 ALBABV, :- OHECOfi WHAT IS BDHACH? rfTe;iv I..M-ct Binder npoa tJte i.tar'a.', cud is mvicfactared aoltljjry VieBuh-eh rndoctcg -n I Manufrctrring Company, of $'..kttn, C'ia-rniA. TUo woid "Bahic'u," i iriaii a ptif of the trade imrk i f e t nprnj, ALL DEALERS ARK CAUriJN SO A0A1XST SELLIXO ANY OTHEil INS SOT POW DER, UXDKit THE NAME O? BU HACfi. Per.m, who brdcr Bui.a:i from t heir j ... l ... . . i : . .i . M.a .uu . vjv tut tumb ir I t'r caa. ia nna. an effocuv, WILL CONTEE, A FAVOR BY REPORTING TQE FACT TO THE BUHACH PR IDUCIXG AND MANUFACTIXG COMPANY. IX OR DER THAT ALI PARTI IS GUILTY OF SUCH PRACTICES MAY BE EX POSED AND PROSECUTED. lf Tour dealer don't keep Buhacb. don't lot them cheat yoa by selling yoa aa iuferior and worth! iosect p" 'ler. bat COY -MTXJPATE DIRECT i-V V.'ITS THE BUHACFI PRODUCING AND MANU FACTURISG CO., STOCKTOX, CAU WHO WILi, FILL YOUR ORDERS BT MAIL OR OTHERWISE AND UARANT5 SATISFACTION. Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained, and all Put. eat business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office I Opposite U. S. Patent OtSc. and wa ean secure patent in les time than those remote from Washingrton. bend model, drawiug or photon, vrlth rjescrln tlon. We advise, lf patentable or uot, free ot charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patent," with name, of aciu-d clients In yoar State, county, or town, sent free. Address, OrnesHa patent OtBca. Washlnoton. D. C. . A Revelation. JA?N s pwpo anow was taa 5 ''Ves( i bri(:i't bluich-greeji color ot tne tarotnary teca exposoa la th wtedow 1 not the nat ural color. Unpleasant aa tha tact may bo, B 1 noverthelae artificial; mineral eolortns; metter being ascd Sax this purpoee. Th aStect 1 two fold. It not onry makes the tea a bright, shiny green, but also permits tha ase ctl ou-vtiiur 1 u.,t -va, aniiu, once nnder th greon cloak, are readily vrcrked off as a good quality of toe. An eminent authority write on this sub ject: "The manipulation of Toot tens, to clvo thsra a finer appearance, is oarrietl on exten sively. Greeu teas, being la this country espoclally popular, are produced to mcot tho demand by coloring cheat er Hack kiinls by g'ailng or faoi ng with Prussian blue, tumeric. gypcum, and Indigo. TM$ method U to ficn frill that wry littls genuine unevhred grcea Jea is offered Jjr tale." lt was the knowledge t f this cocdltlon I attain that prompted the placing of Ecechs Tea before tha public. It Is absolutely j.ura and without color. Pitt you ever sea rar genuine uncoiorea jar an teaT Aj yot:c cr.iecr to cpou a i ackae of Eoeh's, tad yi u : will seo It, and probably for tie very firt Umo. It will le found la color t be p:t be tween the vtiilclai green tea that you have been aeoustomsd to and th black teas. It draws a delightful canary color, and I to fragrant that it will be a revelation to ten drinkers, ita purity make It also mora economical than th artificial tcaa, for lea of it is required per cup. Sold only in pound rackages bcaxitg this trada-mark: AreAsWdhobd: If vonr irroecr 4oa not have It. ha will sot , it for you. pjioOOe pel ponnd. Fur sale at ALLEN BROS., ALOAfJY, Paper, m