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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1891)
FRIDAY OCrODER 9, 1891 L.OOAL, UDCOUI). Pnon.TK Matth. Eatate I Ucnrjr Meytrs,reporto( tale of real property con- urmed. Etle of Gto I Foater, sale to li n-jant confirmed. Sale to Macule P Powell con tinued to weUnenUv. Oct. 7. Estate Of Martin Weil. 01 tier mnile au tlioi lalng the fi'lnu supplemental objection. vi ,iiuh mcr .irmnu nnai ac count aanroved. Estate of V M Wolverton, finaUccount approved. Katnte of M O Hill, ordered that citation Urn to Executor to appear Monday, iuT. j, m in o ciock a m to no cause rhr he should not he temovcil. Folate of K C Hill, same order a above. EsiMe of Tho.nas R Miller, an Idiot, or- .aereo mat citation lue to hel-s to appear on Nov. 9, at 9 o'clock a in to show ciue whv real property should not be old. estate 01 tttat A Kiiiehart, order to ell personal propcr;jr. Chirch or Chhist. The Oregon Mln. IsterUl association of the Church of ChiUt met at Albany, Oct. ft, 1S91. Altera stir ring spercn "by the chief otlicer, Re Wetiel, Mr Wright, of Albany, gave an addreot hcartv welcome and 1) M Potty, of Pallas, a hap'py renone. Key Irvine and iriUon of the of the U I church were admmltted to the fluor of the convention. The following officers we chosen: I'reM dent, David 'Wetael. of Flr.t Church of ChrUt Portland; Vlce-prea., J F Stewart, of Albany! Secretary, W K Williams, of Salem, J) M Dotty Treasurer. The e cellent sermon on "Our Plea," by T P Campbell In the evening was fuil ol help nd (strangely Insplnng. The meeting opened with devotional services for 30 minutes, and was followed by a paper on "The Qualifications of Elders" by 1) M Dotty of Dallas, It nrovoked a long, earn est, scriptural discussion. All think them selves highly profited by these discussion Masonic. All persons who are ellglole and who desire to at tkt In the organiza tion of a chapter of the order Eastern Star are requested to call on D J Mason or Mrs J K Weathei ford and tile their peti tion. The fee for the ordrr for ladies $2 So. centlemsn $5 00 to accompany petition The chart er will be organised at the Mawtnic Temple on Saturday evening, Oct tot 1, at 8 o'clock at which time prom ncnt members of the will be present from a distance. Refreshments ill he served during the evening. By order of the W Matrox. A Goon Reason. The Eugene Guard gets down to business as follows: "The reason Salem Is so often missed is that such a large proportion of the population ia confined In the popular resorts known as the penitentiary and asylum, and un kind keepers will not allow them to attend public meetings. The other part of the population lies dormant except during meetings of the state legislature and state fair. The visitors rnat'e no mistake when Eugene and Albany were selected for speaking pieces." Two Albany "Boys." On Saturday the Evening Press-Times ot Seatde. was leased to Edgar B. and Geo. L'. Piper, two former Albany "boys." They took charge of the paper this morning. Ersstua Brsinsrd. the recent editor, will go Eaat. Ted-Piper was atone time city editor of the Salem Statesman, afterwards of the Post Intelllgepcer, and recently editor of the Grays Harbor They are rust lers and are bound to win. Will Sea a Crnr. Mrs J Thornton will sue the city of Coburg for 2,500, a demand for which sum has been refused. The cause is given aa follows: "While Mrs Thornton waa crossing the brii'ge by Thotnpson'a store, at that city, her foot canght in a hole- in the walk, which was about four incites wide, throwing her forward. She partially caught hold of the hauister but not in time to pre vent the accident." Tita Erjdoc Two car loads of pile driving apparatus, 1000 barrels of cement, a large number of piles and about 50,000 feet of lumber are in the vicinity of the Albany bridge awaiting use. We are promised active operations in a few days, : . 1 1 1 1 -1 - - uu rc luiuriiicu iriijj men win arrive in Albany on tonghts train for the pur pose. Stbawberkiks ix Oitobeb. Yesterday vening M II Kelly, the Benton county gardener, brought to Albany Jfour or five boxes of very fine looking .tawberrie, which were placed on sale at Brownell's and sold rapidly at 5cta a liox. Straw berries in October are a great thing, and the Democrat man who sampled a box will testify to the genuineness of the fruit. A Bad Pexsy. S H Walpole. the cultia tin horn gambler, w ho played a conepicous part in our police court a year ago, was in the city yesterday, and last night met a Waterloo at the hands of Frank Marshall. Marshall paid a fine. Walpole waa invited to make tracks to wards the suburbs and the last seen ol him he was doing so. Ax Oregon Matte Portland defeat ed Spokane Saturday and Sunday and hence won the pennant. Hurrah! We make this remark because of a state pride In the matter. Washington has tried to lord It over Oregon In several particulars, but now Is destined to take a back seat. Popular Lecture. Luther Benson, of Indianapolis, who has been lecturing In Portland and other points in our state to delighted audiences, will reach Albany Thursday, Oct. 8th, ard -l kive his first lecture In the evening at the W C T U nan. A rare opportunity Is thus afforded our citizens to hear one ( trie "most thrilling platform orators in the United States," as Ccl Bain describes him. Ad mUsion free. 1st A PiCKLi.-Corvallls issued $10,000 In bonds for building a city hall. The contract was let and work begun on the hall. Now it Is learned that the issuance f the bonds was illegal and the success ful bidder will not take them. It seems that the charter simply authorizes the people to issue bonds for water works, electric light, bridge and sewerage, and with these four objects the power to float bonds stops. The Comino Attraction. The amusement loving public will he furnished with a first -claaa company on Friday night next,by the appearence ;f A'tar. favorites Joseph R Gtini.r and Miss Phoabe Davies and their new company, and no doubt they will be welcomed with a crowded house, whin they present for the first time here, "Beacon Lights" a picturesque military drama. ATHtBTt 'ir. Tha very l.ite.t news is that yoa can bay of Julius Crulwuhi's Bsssar, for net cash. 15 poends eraniila ted saRsr for $1.00 aha IS pounds Extra sugar. AH goods sold far net cash from 10 to 23 por cot less - tha reuulsr pries as I intend to ran a strict eteb store. Ha will sell Ho 1 kerosene oil fort wen t)-tive cents a arllon, a ad five gallnas of pickles , fr $1, an si uei cosh, as Julius Ordwoius bszssr. He also keeps a general assortment of groceries for sale ss above at net eseh . a head roB jj.uninEFB.-rio ccsn or woman with & head for busiuen an afford to buy groceries without first calling on Conn & Hendricson, in the Pfeiffer block. It will par for several reasons. They keep a first-class stock ot goods, sell at uniformly low prices without baits, wait on you promptly and treat you wen. JNow is tne time to or der peaches for putting up, as well as ttber fruits in their season. They have some choice brands 01 teas, coliees, &c. . t 1 11 , ana can give you uargaina in an lines. CnaArtsT. For the next 30 days A Howard Si Son will saw wood, cut wlce or 40 cents percord. Tha Chsrloa E Kane kid clovss roasa factored at Philadelphia are lbs best ia tb market. Call at A a Mcllwaiu a and ex siniae them before parohasiog. L A tine line of erojkery ware at Conn & TJeiidriusou'e. A Mystkrioub AcctDKNT. A mysteri ous accident occurred at Monmouth, Thursday, In which tho 12-year old daughter of vt w II Parrifth.a physician was seriously injureu. mine una was sitting near an open fireplace a terrible explosion occurred in the flro, filling the room wiiu tne neims. The noise booh brought a crowd of people to the snot, and when the excitement had subsided, it was found that the little girl'a lower limbe were filled with what waa first supposed to be shot from a cartridgo. ir rarriaii, however, could find no shot in me wounds, nor the least vcstiite of any explosion in tho flrculace. Later in tho day some small metallic influents resembling brass, were removed from the wounds What tho explosion was or how it got into the tire, la wholly a mystery, ineiittio mri la restinir wel . aim 11 is iiiougni win recover. Litn.NoN J M Mstchctt sulJ his city properly to J Roberta this week for $Uoa Married, on the a?lh Itutant. at the real dence of the bride's father, Mr K M Crab tree. Rev O S Uanleller oirirlatlnir, Mr William utrs and iMiasliara M Crsbtier. Married, at the St Charles dole), in Lebanon. 8ept. aoth, Ueo II Dodce and josir) uodge, Kev martin Hickman offi dating. Rufflllatt flnUhcd balling hops Mon day, lie has about 5000 pounds which heTntends to hold for better prices than are offered at present. A Mongolian pheasant, unaccustomed to city ways became so bewildered lt Friday a to fly against the front of ti T Cotton's, store," wldch so dared Mm that he fell an easy prey to S M Garland.- Married, at the residence of the bilde's rarents, near Lebanon, Sept. 30th. Mr W I Cyrus, of Crook county, and Ml La- donU Strlnkcr, of Linn county. Rev C R Lamar was the olliclaitng Clergyman. Advance. The Soldi ess 9ad Fahew ell. Lien tenant Tilpp, Serjeant Mchr and Private Quackenbunh, wno were stationed here as recruiting officers for the Fifth Infantry, lelt last night for Albany, where they will try to capture some unsophisticated chaps who think that life In the ranks Is full of peace and Idleness. One recruit reward ed their labors here. Ills name was Wl! Ham Colovan and he was sent to Angel island, fan rrunclaco harbor, where he III make his debut as a wearer of the blue. The departure cf this squad leaves the -.r y entirely destitute of orass-button splendor, except that furnished by the home mlliiU Stateaman. ' . Died tt Salem. Monday morning Oct. B, IsOl, at three o'clock, Mrs Mc- Cauatland, the young wife of F. J Mc Caustlantl, city engineer ot Salvm, died very suddenly and unexpectedly. She had bean ill only two weeks of malarial fever and had not een thought to be in danger. Mr and Mrs Mci'ausiland have for some time made their home at the lesidence of M V liork, Chetucketa street, where the death occurred. De ceased was 23 rears old, and her home when married, Oct T2, IS'.HJ, was at Hal sey, Linn county, wlure iter pnrenU now reside. Journal. Tiiey Were the Men. Deputy Sher iff Wrightman returned from Jacksonville ves'erday morning on the 1 ve land, hav ing In charge the two men arrested at Ashland for horse stealing. Mr Bates, of' Linn countv, to w hem 4hcy sold the out fit, arrived in the city yesterday and Iden tified them as the men wanted. Sheriff Croisan I -ft yesterday slternoo'J with his prisoners for McMinnville to turn them over to the authorities there.-rStateaman. The Mill There B M Huaton ar rived In Albany last evening from the mine. All the mill machinery haj been conveyed ft the Albany Co's mines and was being set up as rapidly as possible. Setting up a stamp mill is a big job, though, ar.d it will probably be a month before ready for hutlneas. Then thlity tons of ore a day wi'.t make things lively. A six Inch snow fell last week; but Is ail gone now. Salem's B Sc L A The directors of the Building and Loan association met last evening In regu'ar monthly session and loaned some $iSoo in two purses one at seventy-five and the other at sixty-two months' Interest in advance. The aosocia tloo has now been running two full sears. The annual meeting ot stockholders will be held on the 1 ith of Noven.ber. States man. Tall Corn. C II Schmidt, who Is In- tereated in developing the dairy Industry In the valley, brought In some very tall corn yesterday raised a few miles from Albany. I he corn was fully I J Icet high and four stocks weighed fully 25 lbs. Mr Schmidt savs that he has seen line corn ntarly every where in this valley and it is a vert Intricstlng feature for the pro. pectlve dairying, as corn will successfully take the place of grass as green feed dur ing September and October. Have U noticed that Allen Bros' gro eery store is always full of fruits, vege sables, etc, tie very latent In the mar ket. If there is anytlu ng to oe bail they have it. Peach f s, for rif, Cabbages, Turnips, Niw Potatoes. Whebe to Go. Go to Parkci Bros for f mh fruitrand vegetables. Go to Parker Bros for the best teas Mi coffees. - GatoFarker Bros for good baking powder. Go to Parker Bros for (Tne baked goods. The best bread, cakes, pies, etc in the market. Go to Parker Bros for your groceries generally, and be assured of good goods ana nrst-ciass sreataacBt. A 6hob Item. S K Young has just re ceived a large stock of shoes, for men women and children, including particu larly a fine line of school shoes, ine best makes in the market can be found in bis shoe department. Removed, W E McPhetson has re moved his loan and insurance office to pposite the Masonic temple, where at present he has plenty of money to loan n Albany real estate. J ant received new and opeocd for retail at U'JS BrowosU s the lolio'vini in barn jss Chow Chow, Cooking Molssea, Pickles in vinegar. Halt Herring, gait white liah, Bait salmun. 8twrt .V 3'x sail th 1 vsry bast palsat tempa'sd shears aud scissors. Notice the extra liollj grooad rasors assd by harbors srs sold by Stewart t Sox. Ladiea Oxford tins at Kbin Bros. Cheap- eat ia the city. Will be sold tt greatly re duced rates. to CW Cobb, sueoeasor to Paisley & Smilej f Flinn Block, foryourjdt printing ifsil kinds. Work Begun. Superintendent Stone began unloading the pile ' driver today preparatory to work on the piers, which will be pushed from now cn. Albany men win oe employed it tney can be secured. Ltdies Oxford tiss at greatly reduced rates at Klein, Brot. Must b sold . Klein Bros have a large and choice stock M boots and shoe for sale at reaaouabl trios V Dotiovsit i3 foot wear until yoahavs eea tneir st-xs and th Ugant A Irt' line of elegant gold watches ia urty nvw trays at Will 1 Stark's. Tb Albany Market. Wheat, 82 cents per bushel, Oats, 31 " Butter, 15 cents per lb. Egg. 2i omta per doz, Potato, SO cent per bushel, Lard, II ($ 12 wnta per tb, Bioin-Umi, 12 oenUj aide', II ce&t abojldora, 11 oenta, Beef on foot, 2 2!4 cents per ft, Pork, dressed, 0 cents per lb, Flour, f 5 per barrel, OCIiL .fP rEBaowAL MONDAY. Hon Jeff Myers, of Sclo, was in the city touav. Samuel Hodges, of Crook county ia in tne city. Mr C G Rawllngs, general agent of tho Union Pacific system, of Victoria, was hi Albany today. Mr and Mrs Frank Dannals have re turned to Albnv from liallaa, and will make this city their home. Mr lohn Fox and family left this noon on a two or three months trip to Mr Fox's former home Iu Indiauia, E P Credos and Mattle L. Hurnctt, and J 0 Wilson and l.ulu Smith were rr.arrlcd n Coivsills last week. The five year old daughter of Mr O C McFrlad, arrived this noon from Pen dleton, coming alone in safety. Mr Dais, recently ot Texas, Is In Leba non making arrangements to start a dally newapnper there In connection with the Lxpri1. Lawyer Dorrts and Mr Pan", of Eu- eene, were In thu city today. The estate ot Mrs W II McFarland, In which Mrs Page Is Interested, waa finally settled bs- forejudge Ulackburn. Mrs Greenwood, who has been In the Kellogg school for cutting ami fitting In Portland for several months, has returned to this city and will establish a similar school here. A I Adams and Geo Alexander ot the Advance, )r A D Darker and Dr beiaon, ot Lebanon, were doing Albany todav. Two other editors were also In he city, Fred Lvons, of the Stay ton Times, and S G Durris, of the Mill City Gaictte. The remaining members of the Albany hnse tram returned home Saturday eve ning. The Vlctoila papers pronounced them the most gentlemanly and best be haved team there. Tt'EHDAV, Mr Walter KTurrell and family, of Tacoma, are in the city. Prof J M Flaugher, of Lacouib, has been in the city today. Mr Bert Van Cleve, the "rising young comedian," came up from Portland last evening. T J Overman left this noon on a trip east. On his return we predict there will be one less bachelor In Altany. Mr and Mrs William Riles will leave to. to-night on a trip to Oakland, Calif, on a visit with their on, Frank and family. Mias Mary LTownwnd, the merchant, left this morning for Portland, to which place her goods were shipped. She will select a new location. The Preshvtery of the Prcb)tcrian church is In setakm at Eugene this week. Among those in nttendanee are Revs Prlchard and Condlt, and Mines Comllt, Srsra, Irving, A It home, McCullagh and Redfield. License has leen lostied for the mar riage of MrJTMarinan ami Miss Kate Gertrude Ouinn. The marriage of Mr Alex Power and Mrs Carrie Lame ia an nounced to occur at Halwy tonight, and that of another prominent couple there tomorrow morning. WEDNESDAY, lion M J Connar has been apiMilnted steward at the In ane asylum. lion llarrv Miller of Grants Pass, was in the city last evening. Mrs Dr Kedpath returned to her home at Steilacoom, Wash., this morning. Mr William Ralston left Monday night an a trip east, going to Uockford, III. Mrs Ephraim Turner will leave Al bany tonight for her former some in Missouri. Dr E L Irvine, of Portland, who has been 111 for several weeks on the at reels today. IIonFC Hansard of Lebanon, will leave tonight on a trip to his former home in the eaiit. Gen JasA Varney was in the el'v this morning. He will locate near O.kland on a 2S00 acre fruit farm. Mr McCatistlund, of California, father of K J McCaustland, city surveyor of Salem is in the city. Mrs J H Upham returned this morn ing from a several months visit with relatives in Oakland, Calif. J O Writsman, secretary of the Farm ers and Merchants Insurance Co. return ed this morning from a business trip to meu.oru. Christopher Columbus Lee, for.nerlv of this place but now of Linn county. Is ean- vasaing ints eounty witn a steam heater. rrineviue isews. L IVvoe. IBanta and M Wvirant returned last evening from a hunting expedition on the Aiwa, where they killed eight decr. Mr Wygnnt killed his nrsi ueer. . ith w t. ray and wile amvel on the noon train fioin a trip to Portland, and will leave in a few days for California to spend the winter, for the benefit of the former's health- E J O'Conner. survevor for the Leba non ditch, waa in the city today. He report sd work progresing rapidly and that the ditch would probably be com pleted by Nov 1. M r Stone, foreman of the nile driver of the Portland Bridge Co., arrived in Aitmny last evening, accompanied by Ins wife. The tcow from the Springfield bridge was expected before thopresent time ; but owing its being caught on a sand bar, its arrival has been delayed. Steamer Arrlvesl. lecia! to Dkmocsst. Steamer Willamette Valley anlvedat Yaquina at 3 o'clock this af'ernoon with the following passengers: Miss I. II R la Ins, J Datlcgcld, C G blnclalr, J Shoner. Julius Varney, Chas Lutijens, Miss Rose Williams, v coadl, U V Herbert, Mrs Ward, 0 Ward, F Schmidt. II Talt. R e mo v r d. W R Graham.the merchant tailor, will now be found In the Thompson Block, opposite the Farmers 81 Merchants Ins. Co. , where he ha a fine line of suit ings to make up for old and new custome rs May be seen the finest stock 01 gold and silver watches, diamond and other rings, jew elry, silverware, Ac, in the city. LAEGE8T -: ASSORTMENT OF HEATIKG53T0YES. AT MATTHEWS & WASHBURN'S Mllllaeiy. I wish to say to my friends and cus tomers that 1 have ray fall and winter styles in millinery ready for trade. Will bo pleased to show goods at any time. Ida M Brush. Foa Salk. Twenty-four acre tract of and, nil in cultivation, suitable for prune orciara, $45 per acre, inquire oil prem ises of Wm St John, 4 miles west of Tan gent. noKx. OHLING. On Saturday, Oct. 3, 1891, to Mr and Mrs Ralph Ol.llng a boy. ACHESON. On Tuesday morning. Oct, 6, 1891, to Mr and Mrs George Ach- eson a gin. DAWSON. On Saturday evening Oct 3, 1891, to Mr and Mrs Fred Dawson a son HARRIED. M ANION QTJINN On Wednesday morning, Oct 7, 189L at the Catholic church in Albany, by Rev Father Matayer, Mr Jos Man ion and Miss Kate Gertrude Quinn, both of Albany. Mr and Mrs Manion left on the noon train lor Tortland on their bridal trip. COWAN CLEMENS. On Sunday, Oct. 4, 1891, at the residence of and bjr Rev J F Stewart In Albany, Mr C W Cowan and Mr Susan Clemens, both of Albany. The happy couple have the best wishes of many friend for prosperity and happiness. mat its The State ol Oregon will lue Baker county for $11,145 delinquent taxes. The Denver counttv of Oregon should be made to come to time. Work on the Ferry street sewer will Int' nlsh occupation for a large number of Al bany capitalists who will superintend the OUsllKIK. 07 tax pavers In Marlon county are assessed at 10.000 or more. In Linn county the number Is 87. Seven In Marlon county pay on f; 0,000 or more and tne same number In Linn county. Horn, In the city of New York, Catur day, October 3rd, 1891, to the wife of x- I'resldent Cleveland, a daughter, ine mother and daughter are doing well. The child weighed flight pounds. During the afternoon many flowers wcrj sent to Mrs Cleveland and both father and mother received hearty congratulations. Then the mssseng?r boys began to move up witn telegrams from all parts of the country. The ea- presldcnt bears his honors mod estly) he said: "I don't want to brag any, out this baby now Is as stout and gooci as most babies are when they are three or four days old." The nubile is officially Informed that thero are 15,000 invested in the horse ear line, that the property ia mottgaged for $10,000 to the Stato Iiiourauce Co., and that the notes ore overdue. Journal. Albany la not a very healthy place for what is called "the scum" of aciety, such as tramps, vags, gentlemen ot lets ure, kidnappers, etc. Our police always get their eves on them, and they might aa well retire w ithout any argument. In a wedding notice printed in the Cen tralia Chroniclo last week it stated that the wedding waa postponed several days on account of the non-arrival of the bride' trotwrs from To'edo. We men tlonthlsso that people who see little typographical errors in the Democrat will havo charity. If the bride referred to were to have gotten mad no one would have blamed her. Saturday night a special fast train con taining Mr Kpyer, the German capitalist, Manager Koehler, Superintendent Fields and W O Curtis passed through Albany. It went from Portland to Grant's Pass, 300 mile, in nine hours and forty min utes, whli'ti ia good time when It is con sidered that six trains were passed be tween Portland and Albany. Part of the trip was made at the rate of sixty miles per hour. l eiftTV t-otKT rori.n4;a (D. It. N. nivkWii, J Ira : It. W. Conjee sn4 Win. UumtiatiEh, 'muiJira.) The resignation of W J Wiggs, justice of the peace ol Kock creek was accepted. The matter of the tax levy waa con tinued. A warrant was ordered drawn in favor of F It Webl-er. adm'r. for claim of ICS.- r ot claim of C A lteinhart. deceased. The contract for building the bridge across Thomas creek at llamolia waa left to J B Til lot son, of Albany, at llrjoO. Following b'.ll were allowed: Fees state vs John Mills f 1( SO 4 23 3.1 M 3 00 15 00 34 00 I fiO 6 00 1 00 27 60 7 K) C3 no 0 00 25 CO 30 80 61 (A ta xi 100 00 A B lliuldleaon.roadsand bridges IIarrihnrg Lorn Co 0 W Cobb, printing Allmnv C W T A L Co. water. . . . M rVtt, stationary KTT Usher, surveying John Usher, janitor ( r Kusocll, school aupt Albany Electric Light Co N D Conn, roads and bridges .... N P Payne, county clerk Stites & Nntting. printing tees inticat of C K Conley Mrs Davis, pauper Cyrus A Pitchford, roads W h Curl, county treas D It N Blackburn, judge REAL ISTATK fttlt. C E and F M Barrows to James B -Barber, w i of D L (lot E li Griffin $ 4S05 J M Wiley to W I. W lley, lot 4 and e I of M 8blk 15 Ibanon.... 3000 Martha R .Schooling and husband to Phebe Keisey, 1 acres in llarrlaburg (00 E C Pcntland etux to Wm M Al- lloghm, blk 20 Hayes' ad to Ital.ey 275 II J Hand KJW WlUon, a n w 4 sec 2 tp 13 a r 2 w 310 Joseph Ke'aey etux to Brayion A Bemla, 70 acres near ilarritifg aSoo C E Maxon etux to Bray ton A Bemls, $-8 acre near Ifarjlsu'g 30 Perry Conn etux to N D Conn, 100 acres In tp 1 1 a r I e 1 800 T,J Pitchford etux to J E Cyrus etal tract In tp s r 1 e .... 300 W F and D B Deaklns tc W P and T J PHtchford tract tp 1 1 s r I e 300 Peter L Bilyeu etux toG W Phillips 31 12 acies tp 10 a r 1 w 5000 A C King to School Dlst 56, 3 acres In I lolly 30 O P and Ilulh A Harvey to O I) Nicliols.i 1.35 acres t;i 13 s r 3 w 460 Total sales.. $10730 TtXCC.1T. October Mb, 181)1. Mr Maple, who lived in the house formerly occupied by W Ilulbcrt. has moved to Lebanon. A game of base ball was played in Tangent on last Saturday between the Kid nine and the Lake Creek nine, re sulting in favor of the Tangent boys. The score stood 70 for Tangent and 7 for Lake Creeks. Mr limmv lenks commenced work on tils new barn last Thursday. Mr Mills and Frank Fisher are doing the carpenter work. Mr Calloway and II WHettleinire are also building barns. We hove heard it whispered around that there will be four or five weddings in and around Tangent between now and Christmas- Hudson & Kuthe have formed a part nership for a new nursery. They have rented o acres 01 land irom uncie jonnny Beard. There are three nurseries now in Tangent and this one will make four. The Hesperian Literary Society o Tangent will commence on next Friday evening at the school Louse, election ot officers. School began Atiaust31st.lWl.wit1ian enrollment of 80 pupils. First month closed last Friday. Average daily at tendance for the month was 36: number of days absence, 04 ; number of cases ot tardiness, BO; number present nrit day of 2nd month, CO; number belonging.61. Mr Tesse Moses, who has been living in Beattle, returned to Tangent with his family a few days ago, preparatory to lo cating near here. Uncle Jesse McGhee and daughter, Minnie, have gone to Lebanon to wait upon some sick children belonging to Walter McGhee. The Tangent fruit drier is running to its utmost capacity day and night. Mr Joseph Simpson alsoia drying a great deal ol fruit. The familiar face of Bcott Ward, of Plainview, waa seen here .Thursday. Bcott says the village ia on a boom. Quite a number have Inquired about Hon W T Bynum, who spoke In Albany a few days ago. Though his name was familiar to all many do not know the par ticular of his history. He wa born near Newberry, Green county, Ind., June 36, 1846, After his common school education was finished, he took up studies at the state university of Bloomington, Ind., and graduated in 1868. In the same year he wa admitted to the bar. From 1871 to 1875 he was city attorney of Washington, Ind'. During the following four years he held the position of mayor of that city. Mr Bynum wa a member of the state leg islature In 18S2, and elected speaker of the house at the beginning of the session of 1883, He was elected to the forty-ninth and fiftieth congresses, and .re-elected to the fifty-first as a democrat, receiving 27, 220 voles.agalnst 24,co votes for Chandler, republican, and 814 votes for Eaton, pro hibitionist. VOtlNClLI MOC'kl".nilii. Tuesday evening, Oct 0. - Present Mayor, recorder, street com' mUflloiiar, chief engineer, chief ot police, and counelluien French, Hawkins, Tab- Icr, Ourkhart, Allen and Garrett. Chief Engineer 8tewart made a report showing tho depth of the water in the cisterns of the city, five being only 3" to (J fuct, the otliirs containing about 1 feet of water. ' recommending the Im proveuient of the former. In the matter of the cistern at r irst and l orry street. It was recommended that it bo cemented at once, on Recount ot the sewer bring built, indications being that it will drain it. Referred with tower ot commiUeo to act at onco as doomed necessary. Councilman Burklmrt reported that the city bonds would be sent to Albany aa soon as the same could be litho graphed. The matter of certain sewer connection was referred to the committee on health and police with power act. The following imia were opened for building a latter sewer across Calapoeia i.i.v, m;i.. ... "' ..... ...v.n John Chriswell, 51 ecu's per foot; Itayne A Buck. 4'J ccr ts per loot. Contract was let to 1 lay no A Buck, work to bo done in 20 days. t..lw.un 7,1. unit Mil. .ImI. ine recorder was utrcrwui u write to Mason A Htrnng. of Halem. in reference to completing contract for building lat tcral sewers across Kallroad street. tm v ui.i'..... sum llil.H... -I. mil u a cveiiiowi , f ivi loiioKraiui- Ing bonds, and bill o( L lilioads, attorney of Kan Franc'sco, $200, for drawing ordinance, notice, examining charter, etc, were presented and ordered paid out of sale of bonds. Hill of Sarah Brow n, raring for pauper, f 2 1 ordered paid. Bill referred: Oregon Hrldge Co., 300, preparing specifications, etc HEEDan LEt-ISLiTIS)V. rswder Mill rassel by the Hla aeaala Seaal. ah lag The rscsnt newspaper discussion of the dsitgsrmis (jasJittoatif si. miopia oomm from the alarming ineraoaa of iu ass in baking powders Peoplo who absorb it ia small Quantities from day to day suffer w:th alow sm.noiiis poisoning. Takaa inUr aally io snllloiaiit quantities it sat away tha eoatiogs of tha stomach ami inWatins and eaas djwth. Slow ammonia noisnoing prodnoes various for in t uf stomach trouble. Ifot ene woman in tea thousand would usaan ammnoia baking powder if shs knew it. Booh powders not onlf uivUrmins lbs hsslth, hot smmnais roparU a sallow and blotched etit-irxl-u. Following is tb bill rsoenUy pasted by I h Minnaaota sensto It's the dsngsr sig nal which tha law thrawi out forth pritao tioa of tb paopla t Bill rr aa Aet Ketwlaaa lb TraMe la BafclWR rwiler. fWtion 1. Any person who shall know- ogly Bull or procure tht.or olTnr for sate of any pockog or eaa of Baking Po'dsr, containing any Ammonia ia it, not distinct ly, trgibly and du' hreDdd, stainpsd or marked ia a conspicuous lao with th word io lb English IsogUAs ''This Baking rowster eonUiit Aatmobis ta lattsrsoi grswt piss, or any letters sjttivsUot thsrato ta laaglh, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punub I by a fin not ! than $20 nor mors (hao $.'i0; shall b cootlnd la tb Cuvaty Jail nt ) than ten or mor lhaa tsrsoly days or ly both fir sod imprison meat, at tb disoratioa of th 00 art. taction 2 Th sal or offer for sl ot tb ahtit)0 mentioned ia tb foregoing taction IB poeksgss not stamped, snarkid, brandtfl or la tulle. I aa thernin rUirw1, ahall prim facie svideoos of koowladeof the character of said aattanc, on th pait of tb bereon ao oaltibg or t Hoilug for sals and bis tslo)r. Keel ion 3. This Aet shall ( in fore en on and aiter.ita pssssg. Not a Aa iociiloot oec jrrsd ia th houss, when the aenst bill earn ep fur paesge, in rvfersno to ao amsndmett proposed by Mr Unseat. Tola waa opia4 t y severs! mara - hrs. Mr Fsig said that if th bill as it earns from th aenst was all right tbeo tb anwadmeot wa all wrong. Tb amend meot eompelling th printing of tb wo A "Am- moo ia on tha Ubl only alioetan th Koysi Hakiog rowder.and no wonder t bey fell tb seosts bill was a blow at them. sths aotTncttS isantir. Oct3, 18'Jl. Mr and Mra J B Hay worth have been visiting their many relatives near Sheri dan, Yamhill county, the past two weeks. Loren Allingham and wife and Miss Nellie Graham, ot Metoles, are spending a few days in this neighborhood. Miss Bonnie Thompson, of Monroe, made a short visit to her old home here last week, Mioa Clara Philpott is attending the exposition at PoU'and. Winfield Allingham Ix gan a term ot school at I,ancaat-r on Monday ot thia week. Mr Wallace is moving to the Bclshaw larm near r.ugene. Mr Walter Brown sold his farm here one day last week. We did not learn the purchasers name nor at what figures 11 was sold. Willie Curtla is teaching school in district No C3, and hai about 23 pupils. miss Lora Thomas, o: Coburg. is teacn Ing at tiie Barger school house, and has four pupils at present. MrGetchell has moved to Eugene and rented his farm to a man from Canby. Mr E It Luckev. of F.ugenc. was in the neighborhood on business the lirstot the week. Mrs Jessie Willotighby is being treated by Ur II A Davis and ts .stopping in Harrisburg for a week or two. Clay Foreaman has been on the tick list for two or three weeks, but is alowiy improving. JIBT lltT. Following ia a list of jurymen drrwn for the term of circuit court winch con venes in Albany on Monday, Oct 20 : Albany Geo W Harris, stonecutter Fred Peebler. farmer; Phil Swank, far mer: N II Allen, caoitalist. Brownsville W D Waghburne, far mer; Peter Bither, farmer. Brush Creek H F W Hamilton, far mer. Kast Albany Kd Cox, farmer. Fox Valley W E Potter, farmer. Franklin Butte Isaac Griffin, farmer; John Cyrus, mill man. Halsey Job Simon, farmer. Liberty -John Wright, farmer. Lebanon Put Kester, farmer. Orleans Joe Yater. farmer. Venriii H H Mevers. farmer. Santiam ELrltimmer, farmer; LC Klce. farmer: J M routh. tanner. Sweet Home D W Kumbaugh, tan ner ; Frank Burnett, farmer ; W W Howes, farmer. Shedd R II Wright, farmer; Alex Brandon, farmer; John Duncan, farmer. Scio T J Munkers, farmer; C W Cole, farmer; Ed Goins, miller. fcyracuse Isaac Meeker, farmer. West Albany W C Morgan, farmer. RB Vunk, carpenter. Why Dr. Price's Baking Powder is Superior to all others. No great efforts are made by other manufacturers to procure and use pure materials. It is true that cne other company has the facilities, but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to use ammonia, in order to swell its profits. Hence the Price Baking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure baking powder, , - . ... No other article of human food receives greater care in its production, or has attained higher perfection. Dr. Price's Cream is surely a perfect baking powder. -7 Free from every taint of impurity. No other article used in the kitchen has so many steadfast friends among wives of America. t of all ia Lomrenlng lower ix ABSClJLrrEaCaf P2RE nom AHA ABKOIO MONDAY. Geo W Daggett has filed a claim to a mine in tha Msotism distrint. t bs known a Foity-NIn. Newsnanor man should not monks with shell game at oironses. 3 L Adams, of the Rilvsrttu Appswd, sunk $40 at F rpatigYs in Portland, and now evsry eiohsng in Oregon has given him a fre )uff. Tn freight trsiti las' niaht killed Ave biadifhotsM ociar th Uaivsrsity. They belonsad to soma immixraDta who had iuat arrived from Crook county. On span alons was vsiuec. at l.iOt). Kiigeo Uusid. Babss Burkro. From Mr Thomas who lives near llarrlaburg we learn that the bat n of A L Cannon who lives at Peoria was burned this morning at 1 o'clock. Ilia hsy aud oats and other contents were burned, it was the work of .n Incenalsrv. Also the barn of Dan McClaln at his real. donee tn llarrlaburg was burned .Sunday morning, vmiorcn playing with mstches the caiiae. Cabsvino Comccalkd Wbai-onm. Mr Gibson Meyers was srrested at Lyons Sat urday on complaint of a young man named Vaughn, charged with carrying concealed weapons, and fined tio and costs by Justice Lyons. He was brought to Albany this morning by Conetable Ber ry resolved to serve his line, but on pcr- suaalon of friends, pan the fin. The ar- reai arose out ol some, trouble between Vaughn and Meyera. ArriMrTso Ahdvctiom. A' few months ago an account wa given of how one Harris, who had separated from his wue, a step daughter ol W 9 John, de camped with the only child of the family ar.d fled to Sclo prec rlnct, and alao how a few week after Mr Harria succeeded In getting hold ot the little child while larris was In the city attending the circus. aaturday night Harris, assisted by two men, made an attempt to again get the child. Mrs Harris was working at Mr F A Burkhart'. The men went there for tb it purpose. The police got wind of proceedings and appeared at the right time. They found the two men eavlng that part of the city and captured larria hiding In Mi basement ol Mr Burk. hart's house. Harris was given I went y- jur hour In which to teave thecltv. and he left. Tcaauav. IJaten for th sou ad of tb pile driver. Th frail dryer of Wm Obarmvr. near Tangent, wot barosd Sunday sflsroeoo. Mr Cl Burkhsrt baa two autwintcd foremoa of tb Kerry t"t srre work by Bay & JeQVti's. Harry, the hoot black, bs Is ft Albany. s-ning I" other pe-tt, by luvilati'm uf th Chief ul P..he Ja Iu Pip-s opeued art at Mareb field. (J s only, to-lsy. Th esa ot In htsU asint A Webster, ebarfed with murdsr at iUnduR, will lx th principal ct on th ilooket- Mr Wm Peaoeck, tb gar J ha ewa briogtng to Albany aoms esoliilowers sar- foeem g sovthiog vr broaght ber irom 00U1H market. A good variety of v -table are now ia th market. II C Davenport, of Siltsrtoo, who rsoeotly drew a plctur of so in baa bail player, toatd for vral days In Boaoicka's ona- (-Uonery star, baa gon to San Frsnc.soo, whsr h ba aacaptaxl a position io tb art department of th Ecaminer. 11 is a natural ar.lst, sod will bo doabt bold bis os n ven ea a great paper hk tb Eisminsr. Tms CiintmANs. Tlie Ministerial As sociation of the Christian church met in the Christian church thia afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with Rev Wetael, of Port land, in the chair. Thia afternoon was devoted to an address of welcome, deliv ered by Geo W w right, responded to by Kev Burnett. Kenorta ol committees were to be heard and officers elected. WKDUKSDAV. WflEAT. 82 CENTS. If ton want nio dismiod ring jou can get it at F M French'. Tb Diily Lebanon KnVt, with Wm M Ore to, aa editor aud proprietor, appasrsxl to- With hi nsw Ukery C-mad Msteris sblstooffsroMaud nw eastomer ery- thing BiaVelaea in baked goods. Any on contemplating 1 aying a irold watch .ill Aa wall to call at F M frc nob's and essmin tnk and price,. Tha very latest at) ls and oovshi In tb millinery lin just rmeir2 at th Mil Hal! a. vail and see tlieoi. Dscidedl tb largest and choicest variety of tea in town ia at C Browaall'a. San dried, basket fired, g'stn. Hack, Knglish break last, tve. Today Mr J J Cbarlton, of ibis coanty, was gianUd a diploma at 8alem to praatice law to ui ooo ru or Urgon. Mr Qbaritoa wi i leav in a fw days for New York. Tempi Conimandry Ko S will meet in Stated Conolave Thursday evening Oct 8th a loll attendance ia desired. Visiting Mr Knight accorded a courteous welcome. By orJor ol tb K. U Th display ,l work don on tb Nsw Hotn aawiag maekin 03 xhtbittonioo at Will Links, is atti acting eonsidsrable at tention; It displays great artistio taat, a well a th sapertor quality of the nu dum ' A $20,000 rir occurred in Walla Wall lost night. These burned oat were: M F Jon, one-atoy frame, $'2,500; Union Jour nal. 57.000; Csrlin Kro saloon. WlWi Al Wt Niabergall, ssloeo, $1,600; Mrs J D Misftwo-story building, 13,000; Mrs Dolli smith, n-tory Irame. fiOO(j Misses Lsid, lodging house, 11.6000; and Tbeo. Wolf, tailor, 500. Shaken Oat fCr. By malarial disease, th banian machinery osnoot perform lla omoe. Ingestion, aor tlop, evacuation are diaordarM, tb blood bsoomes watery, th nerve feabla, tb oonntenaoca ghastly, sleep disturbed lad appetite oaprioious. Terrible ia this disease, fsll its oonasfiuenoes. Tbsr is, bowvr, a known antidot to the miaamatio poison. ans a oertsin . safeguard against 11 . In malariona region of oar Soath'end Weat, io South Amsrioa, Qaatemala and on th Isthmus of Panama, aa well as in trana marln ooo n trie wberath aoourga eiists, this inimitable preventiva and remedy, Uostetter's Stomach Bittera, baa, daring tb last thirty-five years, ban constantly widening tb ara ot its ussfulussi, and demonatrating its sovereign value. Llssr complaint, dyspepsia, oonstipstion, kidney tiouble, rheumatism and debility are all tmedid by it. the house- - fj, g, port Report, Aug. 17, tS TO i!Borrviit.K. Oct. 15th, 1801. Ulrttichard end tflswick have unturned from the mines and are well pleased with the prorfpects. There are three shifts of men nt work 011 the Poorman claim. KTT Fisher is expected hero soon to plat another addition to North Browns ville, consisting of the Galhraith farm Property is changing hands here at quite a lively rate. We understand that the infant child of Mr and Mrs Hert Templeton, of near here, died one dy lat week, Mrs Geo McIIargue is quite sick. H. J. C. Averill is much better. 80 in 11 r-1 1 so (hat lui no longer needs a watcher. Mrs Knilly Cole returned to her home in Portland today, Fred, the 13 ju-ar old sail of Mr and Mrs AC IlanNtiiKii, died at thia place this afternoon, of some liowel complaint, being sick only a tew days. A goodly number of our folks went to the Portland exposition today. A large and choioa hue of earpets, lino leum and oil cloths jnet io-lrd at A B llcllwsia's, which mil I sv 1 1 ohtaper than lsewber in Albany. Hoy Jiay be bad (sad sometimes girls) for ordiosry service at wages, or upon iodD tur, to work, stleud school, and b brooch t ap somswbtt as veer own; and children may ho hail fr legal adoption. AdHreae, K TIIs.ley, Sopt Uiegoo Boys' and Guls' Aid hoUly, Portland. Uregeu. pimples. Tb old Idea f e year an waa Shot sotet eraptloti wr due t uu4 ksnnr, c wbieUtbey gavaputash. Tuse all Mm oll ras parlllaa eonuln potash, a ujs4 eeJeosiouoM sn4 draatl mluersl, tool leal as! at fungal, actually crswtes mot srapUao. Toa tar ss Ue4 this when tskioc eShe SejreaporlUa tAaai Joy's. It Is bottsrs now kass-s sbal tb siaai aeb, tb blood ercstiiif pvr, at In seal of all vitiating or cleaning ta(na. a SUxnssfc etoffjfwl by titdlgeetiasi or atl faaVa. TlsteAas th Lloo-J. r:i ptmpAe. A aiasa sloasooh aa4 bssltUfu! digeetioD parlSa Is aa4 atioy diasppsar. Tboa Jo s VrKeaMtrofeu,llaUewptin4e4 after lb modern I4aa I refsJal bowsla snd stimulate tbdSrsiion. Tb9bstitmradlat and most satUfactory. A abort tastinonla t onlrsst tl TUa el tb potash Oarsaparin and Jojr'e modem yegsiabl preparation. Mrs. C P. etnart, of too Hares St, 8. T wrlloe: -1 bars (or year hod Indlgsetloa, I tried a nopolw Rarsanarllla but It aetuoily rsaad mors pimples ta break out on roy foe. Hearing tbst Joy's was a lster prnaratl'n and aad dlfTonatly, I tried It and ti.e plmpl immediately dieappcara4.M Inil'o Vegetable JUy D Sarcaparilla Lay Ml Lottie, uwt 3m'Ut, same prloa. FOR SALI BT STAN ARD & CUSICK ALBANY ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WAHSBR4 tUANOH, Lasses SBj.atssafsr -THE SOCIETY EV1ST.- ONE Ml OCT. 9TH. NIGHT ONLY JOkim rwtmm RISEV1ER-1 AVIES aodtbelr OWN COMPANY, P resenting h,r the first tint here, ths PUlurssau unitary vrena, BEACON-:- LIGHTS. Prices cf Aflmissien jay last bost na sals si Will A kink's musts store ADMINISTRATOR'S SUE OF REAL ESTATE. I the County Court of th Slatt tf Orrgon Jot Linn count.' In the matter of tho estate ) of Geo. I. Foster, doeeased. J NOTICfl IS HEREBY 6IVEK THAT by virtue, of an order of sale duly made and entered of record by the above entitled court in the above entitled caaae, at the tegular October term ofaald court, to wit, Uol 7, 1881, tbe undersigned, administrator tie bonus non of tbe estate of Geo. 1. Foster, de. ceased, will, on aatarday, the Ith day f Nvaabr. 1SSI, at tha hour of 1 o'clock, p m, of aald a ay, at the court house door in the city of . , i. 1 1 11. 11 I ai unuj , uuu uuuui. y , wievn, bjmji ks publio auctlou to the highest bidder Use following detoribed real property belong ing so aaiueausie, aowis. Tb undivided ona-lif th interest, in the follewiug described premises to-wit: Be ginning at the southwest corner of teotion 5 Tp 14 8 It 8 IK of the Willamette meridian iu Linn county, Oregon, md running theoo north 160 rod to tbe qosrtsr section stal e; tbenoe east 126 rods; theoc south 133 rods to John Gray'a lice; thence west along aaid lin to the northwest corner of aaid John Gray'a land; tbenoe south to the aeotion line; theuce west along said lin to th plao of beginning. Also the wast half of the northwest quarter of sectiou 22 and th northeast quarter of the nortbesst quarter of section 21 in aaid township, and rang containing 140 acres. Terms ot sale cash in hand. GWGRA1. Administrator de bonus non cf th estate of Geo I Foste., deooased U II Hewitt, At'ty for Adm'r. BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, BLOOD AKD KIDNEY DISORDERS. 20 YEARS' Fraolloe of Medl- IIHOaCHE AND "-"LIVER CURE. FOR.THE BLOOD KIDNEYS AGUE AND BILIOUSNESS PREPARED BV THE SlBMEDICINE MFC.CS DUFUR. OREGON. PR ICt SO CENTS PCX BOTTLE cliie leads me to recommend tbe H B Headache and Li ver Cure aa Sal and Sara. Dr. L. VANDERPOOL, DulHr, Oregon. Cask) Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, IVIerm "Wlio IVlcset Upou The Htroet, Disuss tho wonderful induementa that we are offering in Clothing, Etc., of every grade and description. Thoy are surprised at the quantity, quality and prices of the goods we ara displaying and wonder how we can afford to make suh offers. Well, we have the goods to have tried to do the public a favor by dividing profits with them. Come in and let us call your attention to a few points which you have doubtless overlooked. Em Una The Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor. "That is the first RIADY MADE tuit 1 have worn for Twslve Years," sa:d a promineut busi ntss man the other day,.as w walked out of the store f T. L. Wallace & Co. with one of those handsome patterns and riehly tailored garments under his arm. A Perfect Fit 1Ta tnaiia wViat aVi ta iVi short and stout, "w selestad our sUsk'to fit ANT and ALL. A" Larg) and Beautiful Line of Overcoats, Macintisli and Rubber Goods. A Complete Line of BOOTS and SHOES. Fine Umbrellas, Nsjw and Novel Neskwoar, "Lattst: Styles in Hats. And we would especially sail attention to our line of UXDER WEAR, which is Large and Complete and ec lested with a view to please those who buffer with cold in winter. To see it you will buy it. As regards prices would say that our daily increase in sales speak voIun,es,although we make no pretensions to sell on slass of people eheaper than any other. . We believe in strictly ONE PRICE to all and have marked ill our goods in Plain Figures, T.L WALLACES CO. - ,toaSing ClctMers and FacislsrSi AliBAlIT Strahan BloaV OREGON aO soli, they are paid for and we is Guaranteed. mnn Via li a loner art A alim nr BLA N, a?