The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 09, 1891, Image 2

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    SIic Democrat.
Kilire aa4 rreisrletsre.
The report ol Commissioner Carter ol
the operations ol the General Land Office
during the fiscal year ended June 30, iSot,
haa been roaJe public.
Its chief point are the following:
The total number of agricultural patents
Issued during 1SS6 and 1SS7 was 44443,
against a total of a 3 ',607 during the years
1890 and 1891, an Increase of 187,164 pa
tents. The Increase tn the number of
mlneial patents Issued during the same
perlods.was 967, and of coal patent 3S1.
A statement of the acreage of the publlc
land disposed of during the year show
that the cash sates amounted to 3,143,000
The total area of public land entries and
elections made during the year I given
a 10,357.331 acies, exclusive of 10,469
acres of Indian lar.d. Ihe total cash re
celpts during the year were $5,49,920.
The net total decrease In the number of
entries made dui'.ng the year was 15,664,
eprcscntlng an acreage of 3,596,820, The
crease In final entries was, 7,730; In acres,
Of mineral and mill-site patents 1,791
were Issued, as against 1407 during the
previous fiscal year. Of coal patents iao
were Issued, which 1 an Increase of 3 In
number and a decrease of 1,745 ,n :re.
The approval during the year under the
different grant to the several states for
educational purposes under the saline
grant, having the effect of a patent, em
braced an are of 757,171 acres.
During the year survey have beer, ac
cepted to the amount of 8,096,004 acre.
The following shows the vacant public
lands in acre In each of the public-land
(tates and territottes:
, Alabama, 947,310; Ariiona, 55,061,005;
Arkansas, 4,998.398; California, 51,19999;
Colorado, 41,167.03; Florida, 3vi68,3Si;
Idaho, 33.781,851 ; Iowa, 6,000; Kansas,
799,078; Louisiana, 143,118; Michigan,
781,816, Minnesota, 6,849.975; Mississippi
i,:oi,iSo; Missouri, 1,013,898; Montana
74.37.769i Nebraska, 11,460,436: Nevada,
53.6S9.524; New Meslco, 54,893,679; North
Oak Ma, 16,134,440; Oklahoma, 3,502,406;
Oregon, 39,310,151; South Dakota, 14,
oS5,394; Vah, 35.4j8.987; Washington,
10401,691; Wisconsin, 1,003,133; Wyom
ing. 50.84 1434; otal, 569,664,683 acres.
The Commissioner estimates the area of
good soil which may be reclaimed through
a system of storage reservoirs at more than
one hundred and twenty million acre.
On the question of irrigation he suggests
the ways of meeting the difficulties which
surround this problem. One I to en
courage private capital to engage 'In Ihe
enterprise of reclaiming the desert lands
This would, however, he thinks, Ira J to
placirg the control of the UnJ In large
part in the hinds of corporations. A better
.way, he thinks, would be to transfer the
lands to the state within whose boundaries
they He under such condition as would
lead to their reclamation by the state and
their tubsequent transfer lo settler In
limited quantities. s
Last year the people were taxed on the
tin-plate imports $7,000,100. This year
the tax at tne same rate ef importation
will be $15400,000. It U the people that
must pay this tax. The National Provt's
iemer, the organ of the canning industry, of
this week tells how they art doing it. It
ay that lard can of five-gallon alxe.whlch
old at 19 centa each wholrsale before the
McKinley bill went In'o effect, now cost
22 6 cents, and that square dinner kettles,
with tray, flask and cup, costing former
.ly 31 cents, now cost 349 cents each
wholesale, and that the tame percentage
of Increase lioldt goocastoall articles
made uf bright tin used for canning pur
pose. It Is here where the tin-plate tax
Oregon protectionists don't point to the
woolen miik at Oregon City to illustrate the
beneficial workings of a protective tariff. The
pr'ce ol the commodities manufactured at this
concern bat been increased, while the wsges
of the employes have met with a correspond
ing decrease. Uoder protection the lalorer
gets left every time. Welcome.
What kind of mail service is it that bring
four daily pspers of consecutive dares frcra
Spokane all at o e time? The mail service is
less satisfactory now than when republicans
were putting in so much time abusing undtr
the Cleveland administration. Let ns growl.
Agriculture furnishes about 75 per cent
of American exports. They are our sur
plus meats and grains and cottons.tlie pro
duce of our field).. The remaining 25 per
cent are furnished by the "protected" In
dustries In whose behalf the rroducera of
the 75 per cent have been tixed more on
less oppressively, from the moderate levy
Imposed by Hamilton to the monstrous
pillage of the McKinley bill.
The locomotive is at last heard on Coos
bay, that fot the Coos Bay, Roseburg and
Eastern Hallway having arrived, been set
up an 1 kept running since Sunday on the
track so far as laid down. It reminds old
Cooeite of ether days, and makes the
heart of the hopeful, I-told you-sc person
rejoice. -Mar.hfield Sun.
We are informed that there Is consider
able "talk on the quiet" that a portion of
the democrat may ask Hon J PGalbralth,
of Linn county, to accept the nomination
for congreks. Of course Llr.n Is the ban
ner.lemocratlc county of the state; and
centrally located with a bright political
career a Mr Galbralth has had, he would
make a strong ra:e Independence (Veil
I eople generally do not patronize busl
nc tnrr simply because the advertise;
b'jt when they want anything In any par
ticular line, they are apt to gt to the place
ilu- most fitulilar to them to return again
And again if the advertiser has goods or
articles equal to what he represents ! his
advertisements,- Monmouth Dimocraf.
Our average consumption of wheat per
capita Is $', bushels. France Syi bushcla,
England bushels, India and Russia
about one bushel, Gem any about i
bushe's. India grow less than 1 bushel
per capita, the United Kingdom grows
less than two bushels. Australia 14 bushels
and the United States 7 bushels.
Experiments have shown that tile
drained soil is, on an average, about 10 de
gress warmer at seven Inches below the sur
face than an undralned aurface at the same
deptlt This fact illustrate the value of
drainage. It lengthens the season at both
endr for plant growth.
It is quietly whispertd about that . the
teachers in ihe public school of this city un
tier te efficient management of Prof Home
are forth strenuous efforH to mak
better success th tn ever before. The parons
should contribute in vsrious ways to promote
this at greater success.
The other day the Chint Valley Sugar Com
pany of China, California, sent one of their
firm to Washington city with affiJavi.s, cer
tificate and other documents showing that the
company had manufactured 340,000 pounds
f beet sugar this year. These pspers he pre
enled la the treasury department wlcn a
warrant wai drawn in favor of the company on
the treasury of the United States for f6,8oO,
This is the bounty that the blessed McKinley
bill will pay to all who rroduce suasr In the
country, la a fe day the sugar planter o'
the south will begin to present similar docu
ment lo the treasury department at Washing
ton each receiving a warrant for his bounty)
and this will goon until from f to,oo3,ooo to
$14,000,000 of the pet pit's ironey Is drawn out
ol the treasury and given as a bonus to these
sugar producers. Where do.' this ten to
fourteen million dollar come from. It comes
from the lax, (called a protective tariff duty,
whkh hi been pid by people who have
used articles of merchandise imported into
this country from a foreign ceunlry. A an
examplct Farmer have to buy most of tliei
sacks for wheat fioji thjne imported from Cat
cutta. On these sacks a duty of about 45 pr
cent is paid. Thi duty is paid of course by
the farmer into th treasury of the United
States. Of course, he psys it indirectly, but
a certainly as the consumer psys the freight
on an article which he uses. Tat money Is
raid to the sugar producer si a bounty. Oh
bow beautiful are these best features of Mc
R.inleyisra. Nothing could more successfully
rob one mab and give i'. to another than this
subsidy fea'ure of Ihe McKinley scheme. How
farmers and other victims of thi robber
scheme have been blinded and deceived so
long is more than human ken can discern,
There is but one wy of accounting for it.
and thai is upon the overpowering Influence of
partisan bias. Tint day by day men are get
ting their eye open. God eed the 'ny
when tLey may see this robber scheme in all
its hideousnesa.
The following I from th; Corvalll Oa
tette, the property and organ of the Ore
gon Pacific: "An action haa been com.
menced by leave of Judge Boise, by the
district attorney of the third judicial die
trlct, Geo G Bingham, who resides at
Salem, to cancel the charter of the W 11
lamette Valley & Coast Railway company
Who may have inspired this novel
method of putting another screw on this
company has not ) et appeared. The os
tensible motive la alleged by the Salem
&Wjmm to be to compel the receiver of
the Oregon Paclfi; to pay 'he employes
their back wages. Ho n attempt to for
felt the charter of the Willamette Vallev
& Coast Railroad company, which must
Inevitably Injure the credit of the receiver's
certificates, which he i under stringent
order from Judge Pipe to cell, can aid
the receiver or even compel him to fine
the money to pay the men. Is hard tu com
prehend. If the parties who are seeking
in every way to obstruct and prevent the
re-organization of the Oregon Pacific had
tti tuggtsttd this little
scheme, there n.lght be an explanation rf
It. What the judge of the second judicial
district may have to say to this Invasion of
hia territory remains to be seen. It looks
to an outside observer at if a 'movement
of thlt kind was calulatcd to delay, not to
aid the payment of the men." To an
'outside observer," Indeed. Attorney
General Chamberlain assisted In bringing
the suit, and before the papers were pre
pared In It he says he told the lloag-Hogg-IIogue-Nash
outTit what action it was his
purpose to taVj 10 bring the Oregon Pa
cISc to time In the matter of the pajmrnt
of iia back pay. Previously, suit have
been brought In the second district and
without exception tl e prosecution had
been unable to obtain even 'he most un
important ruling adverse to the Willamette
Val'ey Si Coast R R Co. The suit was
brought In thi dlMrlct in order to get the
matter before a judge who la not an ex
employe of the Oregon Pacific. Judge
Pipea used to edit the Benton f.ttuler, an
other organ jut the Oregon Pacific.
U EM AGO 10 A L.
To Senator Faulkner, Representative
Bynum and other. Gentlemen: When
ever you get ready to put everything pro
duced In your state on the free list, come
out and talk to us about putting everything
produced In our states on the free list. But
till then your missionary effort will be
wasted Otefonian.
This is the language of a demogogue. It
la the language of one who find himself
utterly unable to answer the argumenta
made by Faulkner and others Why did
not the JMcKlnVy crowd, before 'at king
freesrgartu the south propose U put wool,
in n,salt and lumber on the free II t. The
Ore ronton Is. a bundle of egotistic, elfish,
bigoted inconsistencies.
While the lodge of United Workmen were
holding an initiation cereipony in the third
story of society building at Srdalia, Mo. a
few nights ago, a sneeze ws beard at one of
the windows. The shutters were Ihroan
open just is time to tee the white lobeJ figure
of a woman goscurrying over the adjoining
roofs. She wat not caugh', bat her name is
known sn i trouble it promised her, The
Knightt of Pythias Unite I Workmen, and
Masons use the same hall, and the opinion
prevails that the woman Is well up in the le
crett of these societies.
The free school Is the great palladium
of constitutional American liberty. Every
man who loves h i country, who love the
manly citizenship t'-at makes our country
grest.should al ways-have a gooC word fo r
the free school. Upon i'. drptnds the per
petuity of our govcin merit, Hid the ad
mi ntstration of it designed by its authors.
Linn county for the last ten year ha
been quietly marching forward In the effi
ciency of her public school. But they
are far from what they ought to be Let
every citizen do something to make our
public chool better.
It is sepor'ed that th German government
will .educe the income tax on certain classes
in order to alleviate lbs ditrcs arising from
Russian rye prohibi' ion. It it Ulieved here
that the ukass will be recim'e' n October,
It is a mvter upon which the people are to
be congratulated that th cod lio moth are far
lest numerous than last year. It ia to be
hoped that they are fast traveling toward the
western sun.
Letter List.
following it th list of lettara remtining
in the pt orHoe at Albany, Linn county,
OregoD.Sfcpt. 23, 1891. I'oraou oallioft for
these leiUirs most give th date on which
they were advertised.
Audrvw, ITr; , .
H,Ws, 0 3
Colby, M J 2
Davia, John C
Foatsr, Lara
Griffin, Mr T B
Garrett, Mis J
HoUU, Lillis 2
Janseen. Klhaat,
NtUn, J W
Prater. Chaa II
Rue, Billy
Hotter', Mrs M E
lUokin.Catl .
Ulen, Louis R
Williams, Uls-e
Woods, Mary ...
B a-tr. Kit in.
Cole, John R '
Chester, Eva
Davis, Seueliza "
Kips, John
Gray, Cha
GUeaon, M
Hawrms, A G
Mauley, L A
0 ivcr. W JS
- RowUud, VVm h
Rjbinaon, J no L
Reader, Cba
Thompson, K.izt
V-rry Frand
Wsggb.en, C E,
Wallace, FO
in .4Hyy Tturntifl.
Following ia a list ot Linn county
teacher, prepared by County Superin
tendent KumcH, allowing the ureaent
residence and grade of certif cat held by
mcui :
Ambler, MLs L J, 1 grade, Browns
Arthurs, Miita lone, I grade, Itrowna
Adams, Mr Bortle, 3 grvle, Btayton.
Aiken. Mr Kato. atatu diploma. Al
llodine, Ml.i Isabcll. atatv diploma,
llrink, Margerle, atate diploma, Al
bany. IMount.Mary'L, atate diploma, Albany,
l'lojnt, Jennie, state diploma. Albany.
lUiiley.L Y, 1 grade. Urownevllle. ,
Hunks, Jerry, 2 grade, Brownsville.
Ball, lluttlo, 3 grade, Albany.
Brown, O I, 3 grade, Peio.
Urookt, ohn K, 3 grade, Tangent.
Brown, M U, atate diploma, Albany.
Brow, W M, 2 grade, lbanon.
Bond, Harvey, etate certificate, Ilalrwy.
Barclay, Ina, 3 grade, 1'eorln.
Brandon, Amanda, 3 grade, Halticy.
Iirtsnett, Kva, 2 grade, Albany.
Battee, Iwii, state cortltlcate, Soda
ville. toehow, Pnrali, 2 grade, Brownsville.
Com p ton, Julia B, 2 grade; fclo.
Colby. Mcllie, 2 grade, Albany.
Campbell. Lora, 2 grade, Albany.
CyrUe, Janie, 1 grade, fcn'io.
Calavan, U h, 2 grade, cio.
Croeaott, K V, 2 grade, Albany.
Croaa, Mattie, 3 grade, Kaiser.
Coates, Mattie, 3 grade, Fox Valley.
Cox. Cora A, 3 grade, Ibanon.
Curtis, W W, 3 grade, Harruiburg.
Creccy. Vlysa L. 2 grade. Bodavillo.
Carollicrs, Elizabeth, state diploma,
levaney, S A, 1 grade, Sweet Home.
Iunn, Maggie, 2 grade, Brownsville.
l'nnn, Anna, 2 grade, Rowland;
Davie, Llllie A, 2 grade, Albany.
Row, J E, 2 grade, Santiam.
1'vcr, Lois K, 3 grade, Albany.
Jtnton, K II, 2 grade, Millers.
Dalryinple.CH, state certificate, Al
Elliott, Mrs W P, 3 grade. Lebanon.
Farrell, Anna, 2 grade, Altwtny.
Funk, Mrs Flora. 1 grade, Lebanon.
Flynn.T P,2 grade. Brownsville.
Uibfton, J t. state diploma, Oakville.
Garland. A 1. 1 Erode. Brownsville.
Garland, Mrs A J, I grade, Brownsville.
Given, George, sute diploma, Albany
tieddes, J 11, 1 Rrade, Scio.
tiodley, Anna C, I grade, liaieey.
Goin, Virgil It, 1 grade, Sclo.
Gideon, Josiab, 2 gnule, Lebanon.
Gruggett, A F, 3 grade, Lebanon.
Gault, Mattie, 3 grade. Phedd.
Geddes. J U, stale diploma, Hcio,
Goodman, Oscar, 3 grade, Jordan.
Garber. Cora, 2 grade, Waterloo.
Geittendorfer, Iaiy U, state diploma,
(iard, Clara L, state diploma, Albany.
Gray, Isabel, state diploma, Albany.
-Griggs, Fannie, state certilkate, Leb
anon. Horner, J B, life diploma, Albany.
Halt. TB, 1 grade, Brownsville.
Hardin, J C, 2 grade, Lebanon.
Harnisli, C L, 2 grade, Jordan.
House, Emily, 2 grade, Miller.
Howard, C R, 3 grade, Tangent.
Jackson, W L, 1 grade, Sodayiile.
Jackson, R V, 2 grade, Kodaville.
Keatn, Vena, 2 grade, Hodaville.
Knapp, Clyde, 2 grade, Brownsville.
liiiiWn, Nellie, 2 grade, Rock Creek.
Laughlin, M M, I grade, Albany.
tang, Ulive, 2 graile, Halsey.
lxiiiev, Dan, 2 grade, Albany.
lAHigli'botloin, H F, 2 grade, llarrieb'g.
Irelz, Mary, 3 grade, Eusvne.
Micbener, R E, state diploma. Halaey.
Morris, Jane, state diploma, Albany.
Mills, Irwin, 2 grade, Tatiireut.
Maxwell, O C, '-'grade. Haieey.
Marks, J B, 2 grade, l-banon.
Moore, W II, grade, Ihuan.
Martin, Elate. 2 grade, Scio.
Marks, R M, 2 grade, .Sweet Home.
Maxwell, Ida, state diploma, Haieey.
Morgan. E G, 2 grade, Scio.
Marshall, Dorena, 2 gnule, Albany.
Michael, Robt C, 3 grade, Halsey.
Moore, Rosa, 3 grade, Kio.
Mitchell, F M.sute diploma, Tangent.
M (ihee, W A, 1 grade, Ilmnon.
McKnigbt, 2 grade, Mill City.
McBride, Amanda, 2 Krade, Oakville.
McMveken, Maggie, 3 grade, Harris
burg. McDaniel, E R, 2 grade, Ilalney.
Nicholson, Minnie, 2 gnule, Stay ton.
Newberry, M A, 2 grade, Albany.
Weal, E A. 3 g'ade, Brownsville.
Phillip, M T, I Krde, Albany.
Price, Kate, 1 grade, Albany.
Paul, 8 . 2 grade, Kcio.
Power, F W, 1 grade, Halsey.
Peery, M M, 2 graie, Htio.
Peery, Rota, 2 grade, Scio.
Parrish, Everett, 2 grade, Hodaville.
Pugb, Nellie, 3 grade, Miedd.
Porter, Mary, 3 grade, frihedd.
Porter. Ida, stale diploma, Hhedd.
Powell, Anna, state diploma, Albany.
tjuinn, Kate, 3 grade, Albany.
Robb, W A, state certificate, Halsey.
Reaueeeau, J W, 2 grade, Halsey.
Rice, T L, 2 grade, Waterloo.
Ramsay, I.innie, 1 grade. Halsey.
Ross, Ida M, 2 grade, Lebanon.
Richardson, Mart, 2 grade, Kcio.
Rons, T E, 2 grade, Lebanon.
Riley, Clara, 2 grade, Lebanon.
Robe, II L. 2 grade, Brownsville.
Rutherford, Mist I) W, 3 grade, Albany
Rutherford, A R, state certificate,
Reeves, A M, state certificate, Halsey.
HUnard, F C, 1 grade, Brownsville.
Swank, Sarah, I grade, Brownsville.
Bwink, II w, 2 grade, Lebanon.
Kwank, C T, 2 grade, Lyons.
Kwann, W C, 1 grade, Hweet Home.
Hwann, Ida, 3 grade, Kweet Home.
Skinner, 11 A, 2 grade, Salem. .
Smith, C K, 2 grade, Brownsville.
Sutherland, G L, 2 grade, Scio.
Sedgwick, Mary V, 1 grade, Albany.
Kedgwick, Nannie 3 grade, Albany.
Kinith, Francis, 3 grade, Brownsville.
Steele, Mrs W j,2 grade, Brownsville.
Smith, Edwin, state diploma, Albany.
Trnlove, Z T, state certificate, Hhedu.
Tilton, Lonise, 2 grade, Monmouth.
Tillotson, Hattie, 2 grade, Lebanon.
Tilton, C F, 2 grade, Harrisburg.
Taylor, Julia M, 2 grade, Shedd.
Ullery, Dell, 2 grade, Lebanon,
Vangbn, Ora, 2 grade, Jefferson.
Van winkle, I il, 2 grade, Halsey.
VanWinklc, Carrie, 3 grade, Halsey.
VanNorman, Jessie, 2 i ode, Lyons.
M ilk s, G H, State certificate, Sliedd.
Vv illiams, Sadie, 2 grade, Lebanon.
Warmoutli, Anita, 1 grade, Browns
ville. Watkinds, Minnie. I grade, Jefferson.
Wiley, L A, 2 grade, lA-bflinm.
vVoods, Julit A, 2 grade, Albany,
Williams, A M, 3 urade, Lebanon.
Wienr.ken, F 11, 3 grade, Lebanon.
Wright, Abbie, stale diploma, Albany.
A pino
At Klein Bins
B"Ot ar.d Sh t r.
New cloal s at W F IUad'r.
latest st: lia cf bat at W F R?n a.
Reduction ia (nmmer goods at W FRaad't
Applo ps rers f r sale at Stewart A S x r.
K A Hi 1 n. dnu gist, FrencL's eoroe-,
Fb' irocrie at Conn tl tUndriceou's.
Lsteat sheet musio at Will & Liok'e.
I'arsanls and sun umbrella at lea than
soitat W F R.adV.
OoM peotanl and ey ftlsssea, all style
so 1 price, at F M French's.
The J flti'-nt line" of pnckoi knives in tie
oity at Ht'tvsit A 8')x'a
Compldto stock of ladies and got't tjM
watches at F M French'.
Bargains in gold watchtt at French',
'Tiie Corner Jewelry Store "
A full of Winer's corset, hast in
the world for th mocy, at W V Uad's.
J. W. Bntl5', ledin bmt and shoe
maker, just sast of Rovers House.
C W CMi, j b prii.ti r, l liuu C'.-u'., A
first class work. ( . -
Pes that elegant piano at K'ein Bros B.xjt
and Shoe store.
dniknl has beo, by tho county court for
Llr.n tfiunty, OrvKon, d.tly appointed adiDliilatratris
ol the rattle of Alfred Leroy lluel, dcet, lata of
fjnn county, Oroon, All pamon hsvingr claims
aysinat s&iJ stat are hereby notified tn present
them legally verified to tho uiidHmiirued at Tangent,
Oreimn, or to rar attorney, Geo W Wright, at Wis law
office In Alb-uiy , Oregon, within six months from
thisdnte. . Mrs SARAH E MILLS.
Oao W Wsiont, , , Adminiatratiix.
Atty t r Ad-nrx. (10-e)
Dated Oct ,liI. -
BtaiVlBI atwsataiisl
Boston, Mast, Oct 6. Cable advice Irom
Russia tayi entire date are being deserted on
account of the famine. They also assert a
new law hni been mad forbidding th sow
ing of teed thlt (all, to that th acreage next
year will not be sufficient for the home tup
ply, ttllt lets for export. So grest is the dls
tres that th people have been driven to pil
laging each ot ir, first setting lire to th
villages and then rolihing the inhabitant. By
1 ne unucu ciiaruies 01 lit government and
th peeple a biscuit a day Is allowed an indi
vidual in the famine dittiict. The famine
may cause a reaoiution where love of Utterly
has failed. Aid is being sent in by the Hol
land Jew and the nihilist societies of America
The latter havt lent 953.00",
Beeera lewered.
SrocKTor, Cal, Oct 6. The attendance
at the Stockton tracK this 'afternoon wat
limited In number, but if the crowd wttimall
the eventt were great enough tu compcnssle.
on the first trial Senator Stanford's J-year-old
Arlon, beat the morld t record, making the
mile handsomely In Si 1 5 V The record had
previously bern held by Sunol, with 3:18. In
the first attempt lo beat the woild't record for
yearlings. Hell Bird broke, and the trial wat a
failure. Ia a second attempt, however, ho
lowered another world's record, makino th
mile in J;J7 V. beating the rccard ol Corhetl't
fee Join, the best liesctofore by two sccunds.
Salem, Or, Oct 6. reopl here l.ving in
tight of mount Jcfferton trs deceived by an
optical delusion, or the tnow hat slipped from
one tide ot the peak of the mountain, leaving
ihe turfac a level a that of table rock.
Persons have been looking at llit mountain
today with glasses, and each lime a fist lop
wnert in snow cappea peak formerly was
greeted thier gate, It it possible that it Is an
atmospheric phenomenon simitar to the mirage
in sny case, me snspe 01 lite mountain seems
materially changed.
A rresjllar IrMe.
Union Or, Oct 6. The coroner's jury iro
ptneleJ to inquire Into the ctuse of ihe death
of Mrs Mary T. Summers, afcr an examination
lasting all day yesterday and thi forenoon,
brought ia a verdict that the came 10 her
death by volunlaiily drowning herself in a
ditch, mis wat the body which ws found
yesterday morning lo aa irrigating ditch in
this city. At her hands wet titd behind
her it wat feared there had been foul play,
live Ceteallal Arrested,
Portland, Oct 6, Telegraphic advicet
were yesterday receded Torttand
polite authorities from Sheriff CroKssn. ol
Salem, lo arrest nv Chinamen, who are
waniea ai jeticrson lor larceny. A descrtp.
lion ol the Mongolians wat gUen to officer
Kerrigan and Waiion, and they had no diffi
culty in finding their .n. The Chinamen
weie rut into the city tail fur the nkhi. and
today they will Is taken back to Jcflefson
by Stieilo .Ctoiasan. Sheriff Croitsan lele-
grrhed last nVht that he would be here ia
ibemofning. The Chinawen are alleged to
have swindled another Chinaman at Jcllersoo
but the esse amount involved is not known.
Two ))Br fasawy.
San Francisco, Oct $. Corporal Clarence
Arnold and 1'ilvate Charlea E Trumpower, o
troop I), Fourth cavalry, have been taken to
the mititsry prison Atcaira Island. They
were implicated in the killing 0 A J Heal,
who shot a member of the tronp over a gambl
lug lahie in Wall Walla. Corporal Atuold
wa in charge of Ihe carbines, and I lie charge
agaiatt him was allowing th mtn to take the
guns and fuithrr, for going out 10 the )-il
sad helping to lake Hunt out with the inlen
loki'lhun. Ttumpower was recognised at
one of the jsil-Uetkers The sentence of
Arnold wst that he be dithonoribly discharg
ed, and be confined al tucb piaca at reviewing
authority may direct for eight year. Tium
fawcr revived the tame sentence, exceht ihsi
hit term wat for five year.
Te be Trie far Heresy.
New YotK, Oct 5 At the semi annul
meeting of Ihe New York prebytey todsy the
committe appointed last yesr to prefer the
speciheatioof against the Kev I)r Itriggs, w-o
is charged with heresy, made its report. The
report of the commute base th chsrges
tgsinst lir Iliiegson the sUttment made in
the inaugural address delivered by th doctor
at the Union Theological Seminary last Jan
uary The preshylery approved the com
mittee's rcrort, and ordered thai a copy of the
feoftcatijns bb served on Dr Iliigt, who
hss now lea dsys in which 10 male a reply al
theexpiiatioQ of which lime hit trial will
nallaga rreeMeai.
New Yok, Get 5. Advices lo the Herald
from Valparaiso, Chili, state that a election
day draws near, rumou about candidate for
ihe office of president increase in number.
Among H.oe prominently mentioned 1 Senor
Irararavcl. It is understood, however, tbst a
majority of leader are in favor of tendering
ihe honor 10 admiral Jorge Monlt, Who, with
Waldo Silya and Ramon Darrot I.uco, form
the widely celebrated junta de gobiiouo. I a
fact, it it reported that he hat already been
urged to allow bit nsme to be used at a can
didate. No one could be selected who could
satisfy all the frictions at admiral Monlt wonld.
Was Murder.
Union. Or, Oct 5 The people of ilittcity
aie dumbfounded at Ihe newt of the detth of
Mtt J C Summers, a prominent and well
known lady merchant of Union. Her body
wat found at about 6 o'clock tbit morning, ly
ing face downwaid, with Ler hands tied be
hind ber bark, in a ditch of running water on
C ttreet. Life was extinct. A jury hat been
impsnneled, and a coroner's inquett it now
being held.
4 ratal AeeMeat,
Chicago, Oct 4. Eight persons were al
most instantly kil'cd tnd a dozen othert in
jjred '.hit afternoon by the explosion of the
lug Charlea W Parker in the south branch of
the river nesi the Archer-avenue bridge.
Three of the dead belonged to the crew of the
boat, while the others were brstin lers. who
were killed by the flying debris.
A reaeefal Qneen.
New York, Oct 4 The Berlin corres
pondent of :he Herald tayts I lid ii not been
for the excellent commonsense of Queen Vic
toria and ihe sound judgment of the Cxsr, who
In a moment of emergency, acted in perfect
accord, Europe would pemapslbis very mo
nvjnt be in the lliroti of wsr.
Notice Mr Julius Gradwohl informs
the Dkmocat that hia Ooldr.0 Rale Bazaar
will be known bersafter at Juliet Ursdwobl's
B tur, "
Dated Albany, Sept. 28 b.
llfANTED-l'l todi gsneral work.
Il Call at Pioneer llouoe north end
Uroadalbln atreet.
Rook cockerel la.
doaen Plymouth
Inquire of Rufua
Thompson. Albany:
FOUND A blank leather vallae, con
taining clothing, etc. Call at fils
I,! Jtt SALE Ona span of rbemutaor
; rl matched horae. weighing boat
1300 when fat. In the prime of ile; with
harness and wagon all complete roady to
bltcbnp Will sell or trade for town
property. Intjnlro of Dr D. M. Jones,
1 hlrd and V ashlngton streets, Albany,
WANTED, four or five acreaof goo d
garden land, near rem.
pptr to Feter Down at Charles il.
uTkh art's.
AT .
Hu Corner Jmlrj Stsia.
NOTICE Is Lsreby given that by virtu t
Of a warrant for the collection of dntln
qnont taxes on the aaaeeinalit of 18V0 for
the oounly of Linn and state of Oregon,
duly issued by the County Clerk of said
county, which warrant Is now In my hands
attached t the list of unpaid ami dnlln
quant taxea for the year 181)0, Inenld Idnn
county, and not having beou able- after
diligent search to find any personal prop
erty within said oounly out of whiob to
make th taxea lierelnafter menttonnd.
I hava levied upon the tnortKages (lea
orl bed in th Hit herelnafuir net forth as
the nrorortv of the nerton wliosa rimt
is set opposite each described mortuaRe as
tna aatno appears tsaoasoa on saiu ueun
quent tsx roll, ana will 00
Saturday, ike IHU day of Orlobrr, Isol,
at lbs door of thn counl v eourt houao, lo
Albany, i.inn canity ,uregon,atiD) nour
on o'olookptn oraam day. aeit at pu 01 10
auolloa to the hlghaat bidder for oaali In
band on the day or sain, an 1110 ncreia
aiter described Mortgages to pay and
aallnfy tba Ux asfHl against the owner
of auch moriu-age, In said Linn county, for
tba year isut, together with aoorulcg
coat end ei nenaea, which list Is aa follow!
David Atelier. 11030 owing from
A I ford Wbeeler A wf to David
Arober, and niortto lecurnthe
umi on rnsl ait a (!( In l.lnn
Co mort reo took 1' & NO 72 00
AllUnro Trust Company, oeot 01
U7f owing from J H I'eart df
wf to Allionoe Trust Co, and
mort to secure the same on 1 eal
est aa do la mort rto la Linn
Co book W rg 1
Debtor 1254 owing from TP
ratten dtwfto Alllauoe Trust
Co, tnd mort to secure the same
on real eat as ilna la' Lion Co
reo book "V pg nil
Debtoftii&u owJnir from If If
Cook A wf to Alliance Trust Co
and mortgage toaeouretbeoaiue
' on real et aa dns In Linn Co
reo book U Pit 123 00 IS
John tilevlna, dobt ol ft.100 owing
tiota Kubt Mmltb to John Ulev
Ina, and mart t oeaure the
same on real eat a dea In Linn
' Co mort reo book V pg 111 2-1 40
Geo II Heard, debt of 10 owing
from Iho Ibott aa tu tiao II
Itemrd, and mort lo one tire the
aauit) on ml est as de In Llou
Conurt ree boek T p 6I."...... S 40
Uwi V lisnneu, dbt of $700 owing
from Norrl 1 Newton toUoo
W tb-nnelt. and wort lo secure
the same on real est as des la
Linn t'o mort roo book t Vi4 It 60
Un r ran , Honuith, deut or tl7
owing from Jo T llaswell wt
to Curran A Mouteltn. and
mort lo sitoure the same on real
wt as do In Linn Co uiorl ro
book V pg IS - 7 HO
John A Coner, (ear) debtor f-nui
owing from Frank D Wood A
wfloJoho A Consar (ear), and
mort to seoure His same 011 real
eat a r! In Linn Coitortrej
ook T na 273 - .... Irtt8
Jamo and Cora Church, debt cf
f 1013 owing from Jaoob Miller
to Jatnoa and Cora Church, and
niurt to secure the same on real
at a da In Linn Co mort rei
liook K pit 330 ...... 29 C3
CorboU A McClaar, debt of $.m
owing from C !' W right A wf to
Corbott A MitCleay.and mort to
sweure the aame on mat at mm
' in Lino Co mort ree, book
U pg 175 9 00
F J Oun, dbt of ftm owiug frunt
J N Corn Im A wt to K J Coon,
and wort to awure lb same on
real eat a des in Linn Co inor t
ri, Nrok V it 10 3 49
Maggie Conner, U-bl of '7o owing
iroui VI a Turloy A but u
Maita Us Conner, and tnnrl to
aMurw the aa oe on real t aa
diss in I.lun Co wort reo, boon
H rg SV7 ... .. 4 9
William t roUsiit, dbt of ftwuo
owing ft m Uo W Crotaant
wf to M 111101 Crnl.aiit, and
mort 10 socurw the name on re,
at oa li in Lino Co mort roc,
hook K pg SiM 18 00
John Ounerbern. daU of tii0 ow
ing from Gertrude Lsmbeit to
John lunrburg, and mort to
evareibe aw on realevataa
dVsilii I.lun Co mort reo. book
W w6t. 22 60
Cynthia A K.wd. debt f l17 owleg
front J I Uavenport to Cynvhta
A rort, and mort to care Ibw
same ou real eat aa dee ia Linn
Co snort ree, book M pg 237 S3 10
Maria O Uastoo, dt.t of $M oalng
I rum II H Kioiaton ti wf to
Maria U Claatoo, and mortgage to
socore the tame on real eat satire
in Linn Co mort rto, nooa N PA"
620 9 30
Isaao Uamnger, dol.t of f IJ30 owing
from II h, C Henderson & wf to
laaae (jartltigrr, and mort lo se
en r the tame on real et aa die
in L.nn Co mort rto, booa V
Pg "1 31 60
O II t,wtry, debt Of t-lSO owing from
8 A Uaotry St wt toll II UeoUy,
and mort to secure the same on
real aat aa dt in Una Co mort
reo. book T pg 054 8 10
Jamra Oermaiwoo, debt of f-llfJO ow
ing from H V Mullet- & wf to
J tinea Uermeoaoo, and mort to
ecu i th aui on real est as doe
in Una Co ntort reo, book U pg
. . 88 50
Jobo tlsrrw, debt of f720 owing from
ramuel Dow to John llama, and
nort t? seeare the aame on leal
est aa dea in Una Co mort ree,
book Tpg 286 12 no
W II Ilertl, debt of (230 owing
from Sarah E Ctmith to W It
llartloas, sod mort to seen re the
aame on real eat aa de in Linn
Co mort roo. book T pg671 4 14
Dbt of 1900 owiug from Wm
II Young 61 wf to 8arh J lleo
derson, and mort to secure the
ame on real est aa dc in Linn
Co mort ree, book R rg 481 . . .
Debt of $1700 owing from
Leandei Shcllon &,wf 10 Sarah
J Henderson, and mort to se
cure the same on real est a
dr In Linn Co mort rcc, book
Icbt of fa.soo owing from T
S Liles wf to Sarah J Hen
derson, and mort lo secure the
same on real est as des In Llnu
Co mort rec, book T pg 461 .... 176 40
Pcrmella Howard, debt of $400 ow
ing from M J Coldwell Si wf to
Pcrniella Howard, and mort to
secure the umr on real est aa
des In Linn Co mort rec, book
N r2' 7 ao
Heater liobcrt, debt of ijoo owing
from Jacob Stratel 6c wf to
Hester liobcrt, and mort to ae
cure the same on real est as des
In Linn Co mort ree, book T
PR "3.. . 360
D A Holtnan, debt of $900 owing
from J R Gill & wf to D A
Holman, and mort ti secure the
tame on real est at (let In Linn
Co mort rec, book T pg 149. . . 16 21
Mary E Holman, debt of $900 ow
ing from Jsmea Mcllargue &
wf to Mary E Holman, and
mort to secure the tame on real
ett at del In Linn Co mort rec,
book T pg 393 .'. 16 so
E B Hughes, debt of $100 owing .
from Jot B Cjx & wf to. E li
Hughes, and mort to tecure the
tame on real ett at det In Linn
Co mort rec, book T pg 481 1 80
Benjamine Myland.debt of Show
ing from John A Henderson &
wf to Benjamine Hyland, and
mort to tecure the tarns on real
'est at dct In Linn Co mort rec,
book S pg 54a 3 43
II A Johnston, debt of $373 owing
from E J Daley wf to II A
Johnston, aDd mort tc tecure
the tame on real est aa des in
Linn Co mort rec, book N
397.. 669
Ellxa J Johnston, debt of $93 owing
from Stephen & Dubaugh to
Eliza J Johnston, and mort to
tecure the tame on real est at
det In Linn Co mort rec, book
Tpg 39 1 65
E P Tone,, oobt of $904 wing from
Geo U Jonct & wf to E f Jonet
and mort to tecure the tame on
real est at det ! Linn Co mort
rec, book S pg ........... 16 ao
Marv L King, debt of oo owing
from A C King & wf to Mary :. '
L King, rnd mort to recure the
tame 00 real ett as det In Linn
Co mort rec book U pg 404 ... 9 00
S S King, debt of $300 owing from
J S Lyle to S S King, and mort ,
to tecure the tame on real est
at det In Linn Co mort rec,
book W pg 384.,,,,.. 5 40
Fredrick Krletel, debt of $500 ow
ing from William Krlesl & wf
to Fredrick' Kriesel, and mort
, to secure the same on real est :
at de In Linn Co n ort rec
book T pg 360, 9 00 i
B A Lander, debt of $1000 owing , !
am now receiving my Fall stock of
and am showing full lines of
goods in the
Silks and Velvets
Foreign Dress Goods
Black Dress Goods
Domestic Dress Goods
Hosiery Handkerchief and Embroideries Prints
Boots and Shoes Groceries
from Tho L Hen tie to B A
Landers, and mort to secure
the same on real cut as des 'In
Linn Co mort rec book H pg
313 , . . 18 00
John Look, debt of $70x owing
from K L. Urvan a wf to John
Long, and mort to secure the
aame on real est as de In Linn
Co mort rec book V pg 141 .... 1 36 00
G E Lilly, debt of $416 owing from
Jchn Trader k wf to G E Lilly
and mort to secure the same on
real est as des In Linn Co mort
rcc book U pit 171 7 4S
Carrie Marquis, debt ol fj.c owing
from Wm iiradahaw to Came
Marquis, and morl to secure the
tame on real eat as des In Linn
Co mort rcc book 7 pg 573 .. . 45
John MeUgar, debt of $y owing
from Archie Ac L U t'rushawto
John Metgar, and mort to te
euie the same on real est as des
In Lien Co mort rec book V pg
Ml 9 00
Clarence G Mitchell, debt of $ 5 xjo
owing Irmn John Morgan to
Clarence G Mitchell, and mort
10 secure the tame on real est
a de In Linn Co mort rcc,
book U pg 173 ja 00
B V. Milter, debt uf $33 owing from
John Galloway to It E Miller,
and mort lo tecure Ihe same on
real et a dc In Linn Co mort
rec book T pg 403 , .... 59
Orrln Moore, debt of $1000 owing
from W R llilyeu lo Orrln
Moore, and mort to secure the
aame on real est aa dea In Linn
Co mort rcc book U pg 430 ... 18 00
C M Montciih, debt ot $500 owing
from Joale Tlmmcrman lo C M
Monllclh, and mort to secure
the on real cat dc In Linn
Co mort rec book T pit 79
Debt of f&o owlntf from
Cha It Whitney to C M Moo
ted h, and inert lo secure the
sime on realeat a de In Linn ,
Co mort rec book T pg S
Debt cf $559 owing from F
11 t'owcll & wf t3 C M Mon
tciih. and mort to secure ihe
same on real et as dea In Linn
Co mort rec book T pg 138. . . .
Debt of $413 owlnif from R
Kotdeway hi wf to C M Mon
telth, and mort to secure the
same on rea eat a de In Llnu
Co mort rec book 1 pg 145. . . .
Debt of $700 owing (rem J
II Anderson ic wf to C M Mon
lelth, and mort to aecure the
same on real est as dea In l.lnn
Co mort rec book T pg 189
J Morris, dobt ot ffiOJ owing froa F
Wiae and Co to J Morns, and
murtiik' to aecure the aame on
real rat aa de in Lin 1 Co, mort
ree book W pg 394
N 1 Neaton, debt of fH12 owing from
K'istbeth A lUach and buabaid
ttN r Newton and mort to se
cure the asms on real eat dr in
Linn Co, mtg ree book U pg Ml
A E PsnninKton, debt of $1000 owing
from Hobt W Mancev eud wf to
A'E PeooiDutoo tod Uirtg "
Sectirn the aamn oa real eat a de
In Liun Co, mort reo oouk U pg
Lang Pia't, debt of $300 owin from
Younger Anler to Lsng Tiatt
and mort to secure the m on
real rat a dea ia Linn Co, mort
reo book W pg 121
O K Parri 1, debt of $750 owing from
A From awl wf to O E Parrish
aud mort to secure the same on
real eat aa dea in Lima Co, wort
ro book It pg 1.V2
C A Parkar. debt of $150owin from
E F Fry aud hna toC A Parker
and inortto atcore the aame on rl
est a da in L'OD Co, m rt reo
book V pg 119
A Pipber, debt of $34 4 owing from
VVm Taokar to A Pipber and
mort to aroure the aame on teal
eat aa dea in Liun C , mort reo
book It pu QUO,
Debt of 402 owing from E A
Hester and wife to A Piphar and
mort to aeenre the aame on real
eat aa dea in Lion Co, mortee
book T pg 10
L O floors, debt of $350 owing from
W W Craft to L G Kodgersand
mort to seour the same on real
est aa dea in Linn Co, mott reo
' book V pg 49
J P Rector, dobt of $3001 owing
from J L Uolsday and wife to
J P Rector and mort to teouro
53 8
10 80
14 CI
19 IS
9 40
13 50
2 70
13 42
11 70
tba same on real eat as dta it
Linn Co. mort reo hook T pg 599
A L Havape, debt ot $525 owing from
W E (Jithans and wf, ti A L
Bavege and mart to secure the
asms on res! ett a des in LLn
Co, mort reo book Rpg 11,
S B Soott, debt of $500 owing from
James H Sooit to 8 B Soott
and moit to soon re the same on
, real ett as de in Linn Co, mort
reo book N pg 329
S W 8milh, dobt of $250 owing from
O O Aubrey and wf to 8 W
fc'milb and mort to seoure the
sams on rsal eat aa dee in Linn
Co, m.-rt reo book V pC6....
Danul B Thomae.ldebt of $75 ow
ing from Charlea Bond to Dan
iel B Thou.aa and mort to te
cure the tame on real eat aa
let in Linn Co, mort reo bonk
P pg 139
Julian Thomas, debt of $1500 owing
from 'x' P Fatton aud wife to
Julian Thomas snd mort to e
, eure the aamn on real est a dea
in Liun Co, mort reo book T rsc
Nancy K Wattera. debt of $400
owing from 8 Peroiful and wf to
Nancy E Wattera and mort to
secure the tame on real eat aa
de in Linn Co, mort reo book T
pg 239 .-
Joe Webber, Jr, debt of $875 owing
from W Glfford Nash to Joe
Webber J r, and mort to tecure
the tame on real est a de In
Linn Co, mort rec book T pg
Wilton White, debt of $1100 owing
from J C Mohr to Wilson
White and mort to secure the
same on real ett a det In Linn
Co, mort rec book N pg 573.
I L, White, etal debt ot $487 owing
from G W Pugh to 1 L White
- et-al and mort to tecure the
tame on real est a det In Linn
Co, mort rec book W pg 17, . .
I H Wilson, debt of $300 owing
, from f II Yanti and wf to J
H Wilson and mort to secure
' the tame on . real ett aa de In
Linn Co, mort rec book S pg
100. ,,
03 69
9 43
0 00
4 CO
1 35
27 00
7 20
'S 75
19 80
8 76
5 40
Joe and J H Wilson, debt of $550
owing irom 10 x Aicuune to
Joe and J II Wilson and mort
to tecure the tame on real est
as det In Linn Co mort rec book
S pg 34 .-
Robert J Wilson, debt of $400 ow
ing , from Frank H Hulbert
and' wife to Robert J Wilaoa
9 90
White Goods
and mort to tecure the tame on
real est as dct In Linn Co, mort
rtc book N pg 484 7 30
Emma O Workman, debt of $1000
owing from J K Wyatt to Em
ma O Workman and morl lo
secure the tame on real rut a
df In LI nr. Co, mort rcc book
V pg oe 8 00
Lawrence Wren, debt of $1000 ow
ing from Eugene G Goff and
wf to Lawrence Vrrn and
mort to secure the same on real
est as dct In Linn Co, mort rec
book T pg 510 1 3 co
John II Yantla, debt of $500 owing
from Jo L McCune to John
II Yanti and mort to tcture
the tame on real est a de in
Linn Co, mort rcc book V pg
SM 0 00
P F Wood, debt from F M Gard
ner and wf and mort to tecure
the same on ihe following de
real est to -wit: the E 1-3 of SK
1-4 of aec 30 lp 9 6 of It 3 E 80
acres 9 00
All In Linn county, Oregon.
Nortec Taxpayer please lake notice
that cfHits are now 10 be added to the
above amount before settlement.
Dated Kept 17th, 1891.
Sheriff of Linn county, Or.
It the. County Court of Linn County. Oregon.
C. F. Wwuiit, i'laintifT, )
vs. V
Ma by A. Loriva, Defendant. )
jv by virtue of an execution and order
JL 1 of sale istrucd out of the above
named court in the above entitled action,
I will, on
Oalaraar, Ifce'tttk slay t t.l.rr, 101.
at the court house dor In the
city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon,
at the hour of 1 o'clock, p 111, of said day.
sell at public auction, for cash in hand
lo the highest bidder, the real property
described in said execution and order of
sale as follows, to-wit: Commencing at
the S K corner of the lands owned by
Savania Bogga, in donation land claim
No. 44, Not. No. 2S59, on the 17th day of
August, lHrtU. in Linn county, Oregon,
and running thenoe N m iwi, thence
W to the bank of tho Willamette river,
thence south CO feet along the bank of
said river, thence east to the place of be
trinning. Also the following tract of
land : Beginning at the N K corner of
Jeremiah Hay's land in donation claim
No. 44 Not. No. 25'J, in Linn county,
Oregon, thence north 40 feet, thence
west to the bank of the Willamette river,
thence south along the bank of said river
to the N W comer of Jrcttitali Hay's
land in donation claim No. 44, Not. No.
285t, in said cr.-unty and state, thence E
to Ihe place of beginning.
The proceeds arising from the sale of
said premises tojie applied as follows
First to the payment of the costs of and
upon tins writ, and the original costs
taxed at 10 10. 8mi:d to the pay
ment of plaintiff claim, amounting to
tne sum ol 37.
Dated this IDth day of Scptemtx-r, 18D1.
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon .
By C. E. Scott, deputy. (0-25)
In t Cireuti Court of ihe Stat oj Oregon
for Ik County of Linn,
ELLA IIOUD, Plaintiff,
S. E. IIOUD Defendant
To S E Houd, tba above named defendant:
Oregon, you are hereby required to
sppeui- and answer the camplsint of the
above plaintiff, in the above entitled court,
now on file witn th clerk of Slid oowX, by
the first day of the next regular term of said
court, which said term begins on Monday,
the 2Gtb day of Octcher, 1SD1, at the court
house in Albany, Lion county, Oregon
And you are hereby notified that if you fail
to appear and answer said aotnplaint, aa
hereby requited, the plaintiff will take a de
oree ol aaid oonrt against you dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between
yon and ssi 1 plaintiff, and for ber Costs and
diabnrsementa of thi uit.
Thi summon i po.blith.ed by order of
the Hon R P Boise, judge of aaid ooait,
made at ehamhu-, in the city of Salem, on
tha 9tb dty of September, 1SU1.
(9 11 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court 0 the State o Oregon for
Linn County,
Almyra E Woolery, Platutlff,
Jasper II Woolery, Defendant.
To Jasper H Woolery, th abva named
defendant, , .
Oreaon you are hereby required to
appear and answer thn oouiplain of tho
above named flalntilf, tn the above en
titled Court, now on file with the Cierk
or said Court, on or before the first dy
of the next term of the Cirguit Court for
Linn county, Oregon, beginning on the
20th day of October, 1891. as required in
the ortfer of publication of this turainons.
and if you f.ilso to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for ttio relief domanded in the
complaint, via: That th bonds or mat
rimony existing between plaintiff and
defendant be dissolved and that plaintiff
be awarded tba oar and custody of tueir
minor children, Mary, Ins and Geneva
Woolery, and for judgment of costs aud
This aumirons Ia published by order
of the Hon K P Boise. Juduro of thn thnvn
entitled Court, mada this 2Sth day of
J. K Wba.tueh.pord,
Attorney 4for
ders'ened haa this dav bean annotated admin
iatrator ol lbs estate ot Chas A Kelubart, lata o( Linn
county, Oregon, deceased, by the county uourt ot
L nn eounly, Oregon. Ail parsons having elalma
against aalu aatata are hereby notified to preaeat
tha same properly Terifled to the undersigned at
Brownsville, Ore?, witbiD six months from this data.
BeniamDer, 4,
Qte HewMaav, - Aasaiiiiitrator.
. AMy tor Aaraiawaatar. (Ml-)
undersigned baa bean by tha county eourt lor
Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed executor ot the
last will and testament of Jonathan Card, deceaaed
lata ot Linn county; Oregon, All persons having
oiaime against said estate are hereby required te
preaent the same propeily verified aa bylaw required
to the undersigned at Waterloo, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
This 6th day of Suptsmber 891 .
. o. p. pmn
J K W rd. Executor.
any for Kxeouter, (lr-ll)
Samuel Rl Young,
fn llw Ciri-uil Coui I of the Stale 0 Org on Jot
Linn County.
Sylvester I'tnnoyer, Kovenior,
Geo W Mcl'.ride, secretary of
staur, ana ueo w webb, treas
urer Of tbfl atatf. f.f I lri.i.i,n
constituting the board of com
missioners for the sale of
school land and the manage- i
,i u r , M.t . t. n . ! 1. 1 t
...v.. vi ,1113 jij.rivuii.orai coi-
" K" ami coin mon school fund.
W II Hmitb. Luc'y E fcmith, his
wife, W K Kirk, W T Cochran,
and II It Powell, Defendants.
V! by virtue of an execution and order
i.1 of sale issued out of the above
named court in the above entitled action,
1 will, on
salardar, the 31fb day af Ortaber, IKI.
at the conrt Iionan rliwir tn fl.n ,.t
AlUny, Linn county, Oregon, at the
hoar of 1 o'clock, p in, of said day, sell
at public auction for cash in hand to the
highest bidder, the real property des
cribed In said execution and order of
sale as follows, to-wit :
Ik-ginning at a poiut 7.50 chains from
the nortbeaet corner of the donation
land claim of Wilson Wain and wife,
Not. 2W4 and claim No. 41, in the south
east quarter of section 18, Tp 14 BUS
west, in Linn county, Oregon, and run
ning thence south 2C.76 chains, thence
etat 7.C7 chains, thence south 53.33
chains, thence north TiO west 65.60
chains, Ihcnce north 42.63 chains, thence
west lOchsins, thence north 17.1H chains,
Ihcnce east Mi chains, thence south 15.96
chains to the corner in angle of claim,
thence tost chains to the place of be
ginning, containing 284 acres, more or
U'ss. Also beginning at the point where
the line Iwtwcen sections 18 and 19 in
t he a We Tp and range crosses the went
line of the above donation land claim of
Wilson Wain, and running thence east
10.00 chains, thence south 30.70 chains,
thence north 6'. west 7.60 chains.thence
north 12.70 chains.thence west 15.20 cha.,
thence north 2T 30 east 13.20 chains,
thence east 3.74 chains, to the place of
betfinnincr cotitaininv 3l. .,, mnra
or less, all in Linn county, Oregon. Also
Commencing at a point 7.32 chains
north of the corner in the angle in the
land claim of Wilson Wain, deceased,
and running thence west 20 chains,
thence north 12.50 chains, to the corner
of Mr Worth's land, thence ea-t 5.50
chains, thence aoulh 3.41 chains to the
southwest corner of the U. P. church lot,
theiicu east 1.25 chains, thence south
l.MJ chains to the corner of Worth's
land, thence east 19.25 cliAins, thence
sou 1 11 4. enains 10 me place ol begin
ninif, containing 21.93 acres.
The proceeds arising from the sale of
1110 two tracts 01 real property nrst above
described, to bo apolied : First to the
payment of the COt-ta of and unan aaid
writ. Second to the payment of the
sum 01 tu- ts itu interest thereon at
the rate of $ per cent per annum from
November, 1S1HJ, and the further rum of
$200 attorneys fees with 8 per cent inter-
. ... S ! I I . - .
ri.v noiu gaiu rtovemoer na, teuu; ana,
Third to the nnvtiipnt nf it.a sum tA
11539 50 with interest thereon tt 10 per
cent per annum irom November 4th,
1SSKJ. and the further mm nf .V1 eftnn.
neys fees (less the sum of $121 paid
mereon January ioin, isoi.) And the
ijrucveus arising irom me sale of the
tract of real property last above described
to bo applied totbe pavnnnt of what
ever amount that may reLbiu uue of the
sum last above named.
Iated this 23d day of September, 1S91.
Sheriff of Linn countv, Oregon,
By C. E. Scott, Deputy. " (9-25)
11 nnOersiifned ha been by onlar of the eoauty
w. "1 ..'in. nian.T, 'rr'i, amy appoiniwi exeo
nbixof the lu l will' aixl lestameut of K F Croft,
deceaaed. All poraona bavins- claims against said
estate are hereby required to preaent th aame prop
erty Mi-Moil to J POalbraiib, at th i.fBceof th
Albany Woelen H dls company, in Albany, Oregon,
on or before six months Irom this data.
September llth, lsoi MARY CROFT,
J.V underalirned haa been dulr annointad hv th.
county court for Linn county, Oregon, administrator
ol tho. esUta of Wm H McBrlde lata of Lin a
county, Oregon, deceased. All persons having
eiairaa,aaliiat aaid estate are hereby notified to pre.
sent them properly verified to the undersigned at his
residenos thras miles wast of 8hedd, In Linn eountr.
Oreiron, within aix month, from thia date.
uatoa sept xiuu, .
H H nawnr. Administrator.
Atty fur Administrates : Oii)
fatrara m W.a.nM.aVA
. j aaw- Wv AXASI IT7VIJ
Monteith, JD B Montoith, Charles Mnnteith,
wi u oionieun, iw tl wouteita and Nellie
P Mfrintaith anil In .11 nhnm if
that on the 23i day of September, 1891, the
witiuon council 01 tna city of Albany, Orn
dulv acnointed M Panninotin W f J
and J B Oouijill aa viewers to view the fol
lowing aescrioea proposed new street which
peases over p ivate property: Beginning at
tha annthwMt nnrtiArnf O 1- U
of Albany. Linn eounty.Oregoo.and running
,u,uv, aurmeriy ana parallel witn tne West
ern boundary of naiil blnrtk 9 9n St
thenoe northerly aud on an augie ot 27 de-'
greea ana 43 nu notes eaht with aairl weatern
an.e of 00 degre 66 feet; thence southerly
.a. I - t rtCs .1 onn .
it tin mnin mi ipj ucreea ijij ieei xo a point;
on ajiu with the weatern bouudary of Cal
apouia tree(; thence eoutheily and parallel
..2a.U - 1 - a. ne9 f - a. '. . a.
wnu vaUftnNji umi o j . a j ir tu UiU
nn av lina wit.K Ka nnrl Ki-rt LtnndaMftf lS aw4
v.. aaaav uw sivs-b wuv u uwaa husss j wat a, macaw
street ; thence parallel with First street 66
luuf. . Ik. n( kninnin k. ...'J
oounoil has assigne.! and fixed Monday, tha
26ch ofOotober, 1891, at the hour of 10
o'clock a m of aaid day aa tha time for said
viewers to meet at tha chambers of the aaid
council, in the city of Albany, Oregon. And
you and eaoh of you and all other persons
whom it may ooucera are hereby further
notified that the property to be appropriated
for said purpose is the property included in
the above desiguated boundaries of aaid
proposed atreet, said land being private
property. And all perena olaimlag dam
agea by reason of the appropriation
of any of said property for said purpose of
opening and establishing aaid proposed
new stieet, are hereby specially notified to
file their respective claims for such dam
ages with the recorder of said city before
the said time so appointed by said council
for the said meeting of said viewers. - -
This notice is published by order of the
council of the city of Albany. Oregcn,
duly made on the 23d day of Septemoer,
Marshal of the city of Albany.
LOST. A ga'.d ring, band, with flow- J
ers cut la band In several colors, I
hoturn to IXxhocrat ofSca,
Dry Goods,
Tailors' Trimmings
Bags, Warps and Batts
Jeans and Cottonades
TJOK TRaDK, 1 rctrtr In a
J wbere thero is n!ntT of work, for
Albanr propertr. Call
offloe for particulars
at Tjkmocbat
WAHTED.By tbe nndrlgned, 10
cords of mapU chair Umber. Call
at oar shop near Farmers Warehouse,
.,u.UJ,..,rK. y a sua.
10 R SALE OR TRAOB-Will nail
cheap for sb or trad for wood, four
horses, varvlnor in orios fmis Hid tn tun
Call at one at tbe marble shop neat door
ke fnsMui .
tfala key r.alliae. t and yr. old, le banda
bifh, wel(h nesxJylTte lbs each; eaa aw ahaw a Ut
Ur 1st e( draft Co' la lhaa any bene Ibat baa ear
steed ia Una sonnty. Alae mt apaa e matabad
bay Clyde marea, t blood.. IS hand., web Baarlr
ltooiUeaeb; Also baya-yaarld Clyde mare,
l.'4 hands ; on span of t-year eid matehed bay Clyde
aU'ee, f blaada, and twa yaarllnt. bloerta. Tbeae
wdi beauldls Korea I th brbeat btddwea tb
mm oy 01 uaoiier, mi, at 1 e rlocx p ra. To
wares are well brr.ka. true and kind, Tss as A credit
ef 10 month., with te ip-ioaf ooaaor,; mm
with arreted aeeuntyet lC-tirwt per annnra.
I dred and eevanty aigbt of 3 on -n-tieaien
in our eMab!i-bnient aayl rig that
you ware going to order fence from ns
ibis fall and winter. h h ol you require
from 20 rod to 'Li nil. Io you do
om tba. it will r)tiire some time to
fuanormclure that au uot of fence? We
woi;ld aufiicMt that more of )u crder
NOW, tberehy giving us time 10 acaomo
data yen all.
Pfeiffer Black,
Stanard k Cusick
Drugs, Medicines, Cl(-mica:s, .Fancy
and Toilet Articlea,Sixnee. Erusbe
Perfnmery, ScLcm!, and
Ariiats' Stpp!iee.
PtsyftieiaiDfs pr;rtttlM ear
fnlly etnipBBded.
Titers la elant.t Uat
111 k Ml S
fBtoek of HLVKRWARK. consisting
spoons, knives, forks, fruit dishes, etc,
gold and ailver watcbea. ievret v,
etc, ia the largest and beat in ...
tbeeity, and by far the . .
beat ever brought " ,
PRICES the Most Reasonable -
Call and See the GOODS'
Albany -:- Nurseries.
Wears otfertnif te pUsters the Unast let ef Xralt
tress, ia all deslrabl varistivs. la
tha state.
wasaanared sad tfty ttaouaaad trees far this sea
son's trad.
wsriemoK irmTD.
for eatalnma ar sail an 01 at tha .1J
tiae komsaUaa, eae-aait soil sotbwaet ef Albaay. '
wUUetl to the highest bidder with
out reserve, 25 bead of young troUiag
and draft stock, S and 4 yoais o d: trot
ters sired bv Ormiw j-oav ri r
Alverbt, (son of ' Altamont), and
vuuun xurv iy jiawara JiiTereit,
sire of tbe dam of Deloo, 2:33, Grade
draft stock, both Percheron and Clydes
dale; also saddle ponies, and one Jersey
ball, i years' old, from the herd of Ex-rf
Governor Moody, and several grade
milch cows.
One years' time without interest, with
irood approved security, or 1 per cent
disoount for cash.
VTo willoffer a purse of 25 to be trotted
for over our traott on the farm, on tbat
date It ia optm to all road horses owned
in Linn county, barring Mr Gouriey'a
and Mr Junkia's horses that trotted last
July. Race to be mile beats, best two.
In three. An entrance' fee of $5 will be
charged and - added to the purse. This
fee must aocoaipany entries, which will
close on Oct J 5th, &J per cent to tiim
first horse; 3 t the seoond and 10 to the
third. We will enter no horae ia the
race. aaArrangetnents will be made
for a good Suneb., so all can come early
and see tbe days' sport
nr-KnilM Bros.
Sale aud Races"