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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1891)
o 0" ............... ...0 : : An Advertisement in i"Tlie -: Democrat,"! I tS&Stt&r- BIG EEfOBHSL j -: The New York "World," :- i"Tlic -:- Democrat,": . Bolt One Year for Only $2.80. I o. o o " 'O VOL XXVII.- ALBANY, OUhGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBtiK I). 1891, I'.nliKil Ml the lo Olilce nl Allaa'. Or, HeroitiM Ins HI nil Mutter TITM t MTTI.Iti, rablLbrr and frsprlelersi VO. TO. A - 7 TKEMTRUE U L U sx El T1 aW ml lMt kh1 MMmr Hid V Hraraf Ulls fl 1 wlh. I ?.lls OK Itliltw (Oil. f wllni tawij tvK Hon , forrsk. fcititii Ml mi nUuiiltM lit situ iwrr. LADIES trs'irate ntn will Hr.l TuMlO tfnrt rw tiivw us nr. u sU th oomtiiuii, Krttit iiUsuuw at ewMiW-to4& iu only tst lo lb ofmlamtv i( lli ortsttt'. lBnliirimnt-iiH t hs OrtK l.l I, tn I IMA". tUFCsmi.iuii. t rtti iu only M lo lb of lo nt4 niwrlmenl-ii Or. HAKTKH'8 LI M mtii'.ml on rwii of ti Or, HART Kit MCD.OiKS CO., 3t.UWi, A ACADEMY or Cur Ladj of Perpetual Eslp. 4LDANY, - - REGON OondnoUJ by tha 8lnt. , f St. Ikii-.llct tuition hi Mieci iUf arDoui ratisrom f&tofl. Kurtarina o' Br K-Mob at r rtt-t Urn arnir Eed CrownMills AO AKRItll "H rOGHAY MASON lira agists and HcakhcHr rn Infer Jotn B. Allien' pi.i.IlrtJos,, jci V'' 4l.n.lXT, OltCtlO! IX A V ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! Whr to jrcttlit Hest Bargains, "Vhr to get tho Best Value for Your Money, 1. nin.mY. or Dry Answer lit! And they will G. W. ALLEN BEOTHEES, WHOLESALE RETaIL GROCERS CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS. IN LARGE! OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, H LADIES -It tha iy and Fancy Goods Store of Albany. Ta.jr aavrjr all the l.ate.t 8tle and Novrllie In lha Mililaiiaf Una. ai.i a tampl,t, nark o( Ladle and ChilJrm'a Furnihlng (r,oJ,nd rcad.T-nadr (trmenU. Good, tha brut, and price the low.nt. Call ani b conrined. FIItBT STltEET, F. JL. KENTON, CEALBtt m Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices. EXTUAOTS, And a general &880rUnent of O- 1BL O C3 2ES IE E3 t3 . Near tho Post TfUce, : Albany. Cregor We are the People Who carry tho. most cornpluto line of Hard ware, Stevca, , Itanjei, etc., in market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. 1 :'.::.i--'' J r . vV, -rfr-zif 1 i r.;::S n the ISLOOD, Cnres CONSTIPATION, INIiKJKATI&N, ;;.z')cir.fts, liver complaint3,sick headache, wj, vmi'h'X!., all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES AfilSir.'G front a KISOKDEBED STOMACH. Th: Genuine JIAMB VRG THA i put up in YELLOW WhAPPIJir, with Fi'ctimile !tfiaiure of Jill I L FRESK. ' ftDli4QTCN & CO. Accirra. Gam Fhangisoo. ' fflTit BY AHi niU'CfilHTH AM OKOfrBH. JllliU THOMAS U Vy ULlLayodin the SKIN DARK AS GOAL Koxemi. Afflict a Wrll-TC nawn CJentlo num. ritl.thln Subject d limit; I "pou. r.ur."rel Terribly. AVliolo Kk'.,V C'owred. Given Isy Ban I'rmirl eo h'.'i'.cm. r.ll-M U-.voKiivivl C io, . ;;, Yi'na Cured fuf t, "i I-y Cl!n:ri l:i w.';;:v;!. hu.1 tlotH ur tno : It It .n iinuj t.i.t t ft . .1 li ul h IIKi t wiw triMMi Mt y t. it lite iUv-;w- ti i :i cio-o; lm U I nnl'v l.i'x n a i ,it ,i. m MIOUM 'l':!,!.:! l4l I n.lVnl 111 III : il;t lltfto. I mni ttl.i.'.Hl li'iru.ty. I wni tilll iol M TJti k Hi co it fmm ny li(, i' up li mv Lim i i I nli u H;h1 n'HT'liil II firol t. t 1.'! r I'lV I .1, ; li! ii'"r ! t h.lf il'i.-in h of i ri. t in 1. -) . iik 1 m ivufifilv rv.i.,().i i , h..i:h, h.ivc .iyu I w imiiii.1 cv.-r I"i 0 1 v IU I? U i n-i .. ,oi-s). .V uiim' iT ri ju-rM-U. nn t ii iufi:nt, imI I luvo inkt hut l i,l of i. whil 1:1 1 h h.w i!mw fur nw, 1 11 1 l.:in V.wnt: i Hi . I I ii',!n In wrCu mul li l ..u Innw. . ll.nt c .a 11 ,Vf manr.o In t'il nmiiiv i i.ns .io;i..- ::, rrnprl )r !tIhc li..t tlmi t, r'uUt.i, M.iriti t'n., i.ilV. u!. Cuticura Rosolvcnv Tho mw Tllfi sl riirli1vr,t:itrmnl!y (o cV.m, th M.mhI lf hit tlHlrilillH tlhtl tHt.-ml.fl C'ullHMlU mill thiu rvuiuMi lh. riuw.taj tVTliriu, Ihff ivt bklti Cnrv, iul t'n iiTiu Miiai-. mi i'i;:rl.i:c OUn lr.inti!lr, ttirtiiy (lorkisr I!,-. nkln nn.l aculji, ml rentun tli ln!ri,rtiri ti.ry ill-run ainl humor of lh Un uJ I.UkxI, I rtHU iim;i- to uru.'uU. PolJ rnryw1ii-ro. Irt.. CfTirra, 50c.: 8op, vest, fl. l'rvNTnl ly th l'ima IIRI K Nlt 'HKVKMk. (HliKTl.N, ..l,.n. 4T (or " ll..w to fur. tKIn (tawr..' PIDY'C Hkl""--! Hrnlp purttliit mxl branltllrj OAS I O bjrCt'TH't'UA IviAr. AUululi'ly inra. M'u'SCULAH STRAINS I rln, bark D'ti, ink kliliwra. thi nxiuiinm, nut ch'-st pMn r IU-icJ In ti itiiiiitii. ly t)i Cnllcurit Anil-I'Mln I'lialrr. The llral uiJ n.y luiauiun.uu . ,iu.k;iiini; '.aatrr. Tltc O b Mknnwtn1(r4 lh Imultnf NiwlT far i1rrlir4 C (. 1 only mi, rinl7 fur m.warriuurwnim, 1 DTMcrlb, ttaixl h'l w aaf. In rrcnmtnuwlUi II !'! Pi t all ii(Trm. L. 4, BlX'N KK. M. Ia. Iiat'iTtra. IiA BM W Ilnivviala. fiti (t'J .t ( O'ick. Aianti. Goods, Etc., with One Voico, at SIMPSON'S. CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL UANTITIEST"' SEASON. ALBANY, ORBGOU BAZAAR. Leadiaf - li.. 1 waul LllO UCB durahle furni is manufactur" city go to BRINK'S nTi In Xl riToiiYa.J I a. ff . !1 mm taww. WDllini 1 - SiriTRA uj, nniBrP i . you UJ UV and most Mil future that i,oc3ai, itKConn. Notice. One nr mere iurjftoii. )f Pa clllo branch (it National 8u)(Ica1 Imlltule No 319 Huli street, iJ F, Intend to vUlt the St Charlc hotel, I.clinnon, Oct lith, and the Revvrt Ikiuko, All anv, Oct 13th, orr day ottlr, tor exmnlnitlon of pcmon for treutment bjr thl limfltute. Tlil Inntltute U cicclully devoted to the treatment t curvature nl the Iite, dtvitc of the hl and knee Jjlnl, crooked 1 1 in Im, club fv't'l anO all boiitly ilelormitio. Their iuccc. In tretln theac trouble a c 1 1 a all chronic dUeNct hn inade for the Ir.Kttiulc it nnllonnl repulnllon. All nerion who are from Hnv ot thee complaint houM not f ill to take lvantoi'c of thl oppoit unity for ro lief. No charce in made for connultation or exatnlnatlou. Kefcrence may be had to the following reUlcnt: lion lho 1. DavuUon, halcm, ur. Supreme JiuIk R 1 UoUe, Salem, Or, Kcv i; N fomllt, Albany, Or. V C Mm Kan. Albany. Or. I. It ltiung, Oakland, Or. An Ei.KfitwT. Salem's bl elephant Ig familiar to inont Oreconlana, and the frcert victim doe nut acetn nlow to give t further away. In antwer to a quen'.toti about hotel piopcct, Mr Wagner, of the Chcmckcte, now Willamette, ald: They are not bright. I have put In ahout $jo, 000 to give thU town a flrt cla ho'rl, and my effort do not tee'it to be appreci ated. Huftinr men here do aunnort a hoirt, every other houne U a boarding Iiouho, even to the Ulc lKue, and every IhIv U wocklne fir tnoe placet. It a re- iL'unm town boldc and when anybody (nmn here to Hop, people come around ami fir d nut what church hi belong to, and ak him tf he don't want to go around to a n!ce, quiet, homelike place of hi on denomlnalioii 1 am prepared to clone the house. Thore are ome few here who want to make the rent and wain me to go ahead with the huute. I could cloe the dining room and run the rot of the lioue but do not like to do that. 1 have Itow liMt fi'ioo running the home and crulj taiii' 101110 more, but do not like to do It " A Svr:NArio Co hs. -County School Superintendent Kuwell recently prepaiCw a yktcmlL' courte of ntudy for the tchoo! of till county. The course which l well arranged ran be ued very effectually la, any cliool, large or mall, and wl.l do much toward bilnln about more vtcmatlc tralnlnL'. When the. course U completed, the nchool board and superintendent j ilntly preMrnt the gradu. ate with a suitable diploma. ThU reco,;. nitlon of work actually done will d. much toward the development of common sctuxi 1 interest In ifcncrai. TttR Law's Stkono Ami Charlea Thompsjn. of Niagara, uo on the Suntl- am, I lit the counlr jail liere, having been arreiteu nd Mnuht town yctcrUay by Ui-pu'y Merll wain, lliompson wo r.illiicdby tiir k',k' )urf atthejur.e eim Inr stliln liquor w.tmiut .Icensc. t is likrly the acixsrd will be rtterdto. djy on b nd, havlr. frW-nd, ft Al'ianr. lictsitie propttrtor 1.1 a cijar tore at Niagara, where the crime l twld o have bren committed. Statesman. Faza Pr.i.ivr.uv. Albany ahoul.I have a free delivery. In towna nndcr 10,000 whero it ha Urn tried it haa U-vn a Krent ancceH. An Kastern Ex. eaya : 'ot)ttijater-ifneral anaiuaker i ifrvat- 1 rilraeil w ithth duccetia of the free- liverv avNteni in the Kinall town in ahii-h it ha U-eii introlucel. Tho ex periment ahowa that tho extra coat la altnoat met by the increased revenue. Naturally the erroneous reports to the effect that the trials were a ) failure range annoyance to the head of the pot- fliee department. The extension of free elivery ia a practical matter of the high est value to the people of the country, and t ia hoped that these extieriments may be the prelude to a universal free- deliv ery systfiii su h oa the (toplo ol Kngland enjoy, too one trii-u at Itoetuurjf lis met w itli popular lavor there. fn Tof us am esr. Though not win- inif any lirst pruo the Albany hose team made a good record at ic loria, winning next the most monee. t(!15. the most won hv anv other team beina tll.iO. Albany won the second prize in every contest run but I he cliampionBhip, and would in that but for the water being turned on too quickly. In that race Nauaimo won first money In the Mow time ol I:13o-IO; Astoria, 1:20 3-10; Westminister, I :'J4- 15. In the conso'ation race, wet test, Westminister cot a record of 42 1-73: Albany, 43; Seattle, 47. Allany won secoml prize in the make nnu ureuK con test, 10. Prouatk Mattkks. In the matter of estate of Peter Halfpenny, bond to dministcr in partnership property ap proved. i'ctliion to sell personal property grant ed at prayed for. Report of sale filed In the matter of the estate of Henry Mevcr. In the matter of 'he estate of Sarah M White, fohnson White appointed adminl- tiator, with bonds fixed at $Soo. In the estate ol Icirpheoe Schooling, In ventory h:ed showing real estate $3500 nd pcr&onrl property $3701. In the estate II K Schooling Inventory showing real property valued at $3900 and personal properly valued $1929.09 A Htheet Cab Stkikk. Tho Oregon Pacific is not alone in its afllictions. Here is another case from the Salem . ... .- Journal, which reads rather funny, com- in right after the state fair, supposed, to a bonanza tor street cars: "All but iwuvi me uiuurivcra un mo c-nieui biivcs 1 railway have struck and their places are filled by new men. The others will quit Saturday night. There is a dissatisfac- tion About their wrges. The company is behind in its payroll two months with some of th men and there is liable to Vie demand for a receiver to be appointed Large Bbcipt,. The cash footings for rcclpfs of the Southern Pacific railroad at bugene for the moniti 01 aeptemoer are $11.18787. These are the heaviest monthly receipts ever taken In by the olTice. Guard. A good record for a place like Lugene. Albanys best record Is near ly 50 psr cent more. Bio Peaches. Mrs W R Bilyeu left at the Democrat office today several peaches runlng In size up to 11 Inches, They were taken from a tree In her yard in this city and speak for themselves. A peach of that size needs no comment OIWIS ENJOYS Both the method ana resulUi when Syrup of Figs is taken : it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, d'wpela colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. Foreale In 60c and $1 . bottles by all druggists. . - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' 8AM rRANCI3C0, CAL. touisviiu. m. .. titw rosx. .K b f-. v s: ,- r.lV frM IU09 TO IMWM. It Arnold ................. J H Amen Allianeo Trtiat t!o Am. (icn. Mtgo. & Inv Co lmn'l Archer. Mri lli'iiii ttrt Urown Win V llaltimoro ..7.ISI .. 0,4(15 ,. 6,150 ,. fl.Otlt) , . (i,iHK) , , 4,(HN .. 7,:W3 .. 4,740 1. 4..M5 ,. 4,914 . 7,iilt . 7,-f:ii Hen Hrennt r Jy Wltlttln. Mm I) Mount Snrali J lUiltitnoro Win Htid ItcNHie lUtrkliurt. Mm M A llurkhart Fred V lUtimlierg John IlrljfK Jituiea Blakely Henry lJIk,ly A T litncklMirn Inliii M llilv..u . 5,"m:i . fi.340 .. 7,l'f5 . 4.0M 7,200 IaiIiii John llilyeu : 4,i!:l John llrynnt 0,408 Mm M O Homl fi.OOO W O ltond I S linney 7,00 8,045 4,m (l.KW 4,KK) 4.H4U 4.1KXI 6.IUK) o.(HK) 4,700 0.HSSJ 6,150 6,(KK) ( II Jilund Kut. Mores ltland A J nievlne (ieo W Hrattnu Hank ot Kclo Hubert Hell A Ulevlns M A Hurkhart (I If Crawford Y Cohen J S Cooper , II W Cunditr Deo V. Clmiiibvrlain M II Cane 8 W IWdcr V V Croft It Conn KliisaU'th Cox J L Cowan , (I CCooley A Co tl C Cooley RU Cochrane M C Caroline Cable Stanard Win Cochrane Mike Carey I Calavan W Churchill John CuiuminK M CunniiiKlinrii ... Win Carna H K Cacll Wm Clyuier Ienj Cleaver A J Conner JaaCarother W K Ikii ham H A Iiiwaoii 4.700 0,240 11,543 4,4X1 5.710 6,5i5 4, Uo0 7,'r.l 6,775 ft.lSk) 4,000 6,8.10 6,140 6.000 ,l25 7,4!HJ 7.25 U.'.TS 4.3:15 4,3'JO 4,770 4.6M ti.rii3 6.2 C.177 4.S.W 0,550 0,500 6.3S0 4,100 4,200 6,022 4,tWI 4,070 4,510 4,000 4.KW 7,:i2l 0,777 (1,1 s,i 4 .OAS "750 5.500 -(i5 4.IXW 0.257 .S!J0 0.37H 6.021 7.125 4. SCO C.2H5 4,40 6.H."i2 0.1100 SjsK) S.5H3 6.WM) 4,273 5,2no 6,100 5,123 4,000 ,705 4,770 4, WSJ 7,370 ,5I 6. W2 7,056 4.522 6,315 4,265 4,071 0.400 7. K20 II A lavi J FIavia.. Wm m lavidsou Mrs K Ienny Kst J 8 l)ickon.... W It IVinaca , S M Daniel I'anM Donohue.... John C lavia Florence Iavison . . . F.dw ICvans I R Froman Thoa Froman Fortmiller A Irving , U R Fimple Olney Fry, Jr I, Flmii K A Freland . . KTT Fisher J W Fletcher II Farweli J A Urosa John tirisendorfer .. J J (irahatn A W ( iordoii ....... It I lass Kst M ra N M Heary II (irimes Isaac (iariner I. (ierhard Jaa Ciermanson T K IK's , lohn W llardmu . . . Fst IIC Hill M lies Newton Houston . . , Klizabf-th Hale Mark Hulburt A C Hanson Jos Harrison I-exter l.uliii 1JH Holt , Geo Huston Margaret Hayes..... Ferry Hyde Chris Hardman .... Mary Hardman .... li ,M Hardman IT B llonkina Robert Harrison Hamilton & Andrews. I Houk Sarah J Henderson Margaret Irvine 8i Irvine 0,352 7,440 6,040 4,820 I M Jones ,. .. J W Johnson ;. C Jones. A Kline 4,100 tiro K Khox Chas Kiefer ............ 5.520 5,325 7,380 7,400 4.2.S6 7,1I0 4,783 7,630 0,100 7,830 4,870 4,200 6,397 6,600 4,100 7,600 7,40 4,050 7,400 7,170 5,1U2 5.797 W U Kirk F.lias Keeney K Kirkendall HI tanning Daniel Lecdy : M M Lines J Logus Wm Iach CTIever lohn Luper Wm Lane Mitchell & Lewis Co Est John Monteith Kst Cynthia McFarland. Marshall MrsC MMontsilh.. A ItMaishall Margaret Mady.... . Mart Miller , Moses Miller II B Moyer 7,200 7,200 JasWMcKnight 1. " I. MM ltnvU Mevpra n m j, q McDonald 4 162 a V Maxwell .-. 5.740 lohn MCIseil 7,220 4,180 4,048 6,322 4,204 7,754 4,247 tj m McClain J, Maxwell y Miller M rs A M McCortnack j g Morgan lit a McCartney CO Mitchell 6,000 Kst A H Nanny.. 7,140 W C Nicholson 7,400 John Nichols. . 6,3:18" J Needham 4,405 6.850 6,145 Northern Counties Inv. Co. MrsTOhling , Geo 8 Overton 7,005 4,045 II H Owen Chas Pfeiffer 7,ri(io 4.550 Frank Propst I MriM J 1 enianu 6,405 6.000 Jas Pearl. r rank Powell 5,120 Heirs Jas Powell 4,800 7.601 8 M Pennington . V H Powell 6,120 Mrs A K Pennington J C Porter 4,340 4.737 W A Paul 4,648 6,821 J W Pugh W WParrtsn.- 6,456 4,500 6,700 Nellie O Koyce..... W W Bicliardflon T J Rogers 6,035 IILKudd : Lewis Kay Robinett Bros Hannah Butherford. . , , OF Simpson, trustee... 6.364 4,300 4,731 , 5,120 6.160 ti W Simpson L Renders.. Philip Swank , ,4,010 , 6,670 , 7,594 , 7,674 ,6.964 ASettlemier ; Pete Schlosser. Mary Saltmarsh , 7,800 . 6,200 ,7.733 SStiupp , D S Smith. John Schick.... PO Smith , 6,320 . 6,127 .4.435 Dr 8 A Smith. .............. WC Smith TFSmith ..4,450 . 6,760 SheDDard Bros . 5,516 . 7,390 . 4.210 Jos Sommerville ............ Damon Smith...... Job Simon Jacob Sandner . . . . ....... A Saltmarsh. . . , . ...... . . . John T Slate..... .. Santiam Lumbering Co. .... H Shelton. .......... John A South . . . .... . Alfred Sneli.. . . . . . . D Simons. ... . 4,915 . 6,700 . 5.877 , 7.680 . 6,200 . 4.341 . 4.521 ,. 4,652 ..6,715 n ttu I 6,(K0 4,275 7,423 6,241 5,183 7,041 4,020 4,880 0,801 4,00C ti.WiO 4,105 7,650 6,000 7,275 6,145 4,520 0,520 6,345' 4,253 1 7,200 J K Weal hei lord J II Wlglo... L W Whcatii M ill. H ml list. Co Mrs IS J Warniotb A J Wight I D Walker MJ&A Wllkins K'.m Warren Richard J Warner KstMwrtln WerU Mary W'oo-J ....... N Alfottnii Kd Zoyss.... LZtihVlorf rrr. 0,800 5,400 0,000 0,870 5,000 6,300 6,123 4,132 7,642 J A Ziiumertnali".-' Of ML A rrtisAUL TUCKS DAY Mr 1) Mansfield, of P.rtlai I, h I n the city visiting friend. 5tr Amanda Hester, of Nee port, I In the city the guct of her sUtrr Mr lluim eter, Hon. J, K. Weslherford and John Bur nett, air.oig other, wrrt to Portland to day to hear the democratic speaker to be there tonight. S ecretary Yr-ung. of the V M C A ha returned from Spokane Fall snd leports fruitful session of the Northwest conven tion of the Y M C A held there. P M Cary,of Brownsville, passed through Albany lt evening fur Independence to attend the funeral ol hi niece, M) rtlr, the three year old daughter of Richard Dove, who had dl;d a day previous. Mr William Richard wllf give a social dance on Saturday night at the armory to which all are Invited. He wilt be assisted by hi brother, II S Richard, who ha just returned from a two or three vear so journ In Eastern Oregon. muuT. Pr J Torrenca Tate left a day or two on ft trip to Chicago Mr Joe Manlon, the genial railroad track suiinttr, is in the city. W Phillips, of Hcio. was in the city today. He wilt leave in a short time on a trip east. Mr H II Simpson, of Helix. I in tho elty, the gntl of his brother, Mr tieo F himpson. Miss lfrtti Miller left on last nights overland lor Oakland and San Fram-two on her summer vacation, to be gone three or tour weeks. She was accompanied be Mrs tieo L Walkr, ot Portland. Iiwer Wright returned from Salrin this "un wlieie he h-s been siraneln some esse that be w: have In the supreme court wl.ich corvrnc next week. Miss J M Unsnell, daughter of Dr Rus sell, of Milford, Mass., arrived yesterday and w ill remain a while with her cousin, Mrs J B Hughes, of this city. She ha spent several years a, a teacher, also as dressmaker, ami thinks of going into the latter business here. The best written signature on the Revere house regisUr today is that of "W I) I'.ynum, Indianapolis." Congress, man Bynuni is said to a fine talker, and those wha hear hint at the opera house tonight will be given a treat. Mr Henry Fa'tlinir. oae of Portland's olid men, was upon Saturday last to at tend the nnual meeting of the stock holders of the Commercial bank of this city. Mr hailing i a pioneer of '62 and came first to Oregon City to locate. A dtirVrenre of only four dollars prevented ms purcnase 01 a lot opposite the Char man blxrk. Main street, where property was then worth 1100 Per front foot. Or. City Courier. S ATI" (PAY. Geo Humphrey went to Yaquina Bsy this noon and will try a case there on Mon day. Mr W F Ifendrlckson I tying danger. ously III at her residence corner of 6th and Broadalbln. R L Fuller, special agent of the Royal Ins. Co., formerly of ItarrUburg, wa In the city today. E Coins, cf Sclo. was In Albany today. Mr Coins Is putting the Sclo branch In a condition for train to pa over It. Mrs W II St John arrived home this morning from San Leandro. Calif, where she has been for several weeks. Mrs Hclsltaw. of Farminuton. Wash. arrived in Albany last evening, lieing called here by the serious illnes, of her mottier, aiM w J-llcndricson. LA Allen and II Saulres returned from Victoria last evenllng and Chief ot Police Hoffman this noon. The remainder ol the team anj visitors will probably be home to night. I) D Hackleman and Cha Burkhart. of Albany, and Henry Prcllyman, of East Portland, returned thl week from the mounUlns. where they killed 2 deer and one bear. , Sam Thall.advance aeent of the Grlimer -Davie troup i In the city arranging lot me appearance of thl popular troup. ilea con Light I a fine play and next week we will proceed to give authorities on the subject. A Needed Improvement, Inasmuch as the sanitary condition of the basement ot the public school building has for some time oeen questioned on account of a somewhat imperfect system of sewerage, me scuooi ooara met and condemned tne same and have ordered a new system probably the best ever Invented. The ap purtenance which are dally expected from the east will displace the old systerr shortly. Also to prevent any avoidable cause of sickness the board have about de cided to have the basement floor cemented In the Immediate vicinity of the sewerege, Heard From. Mr J N Combs, who disappeared from A'bany several weeks sco has been heard fiom. In a letter home he writes that he Is at Oregon Cliy, stop ping at the bei t no'ei in tne city. 1 he re port that ne was seen crossing the moun tains was not correct. The Democrat is Informed by cood authority that the ao-caiied wua girl be. Ing exhibited in this city, is simply an Idiot. It Is unfortunate enough to be an idiot without being exhibited as a wild girl. Sold TheCltv Brewer v. situated near the Southern Jfacihc depot, was sold today by Ueoree numpnery, Receiver, for $7,000 to Wm Faber. KIW r0M. -Mri A M Xall IS S)W ellinir a new process- for canning fruit nd vegetables without cooking or sealing tight. Samples ot tier work asay be seen at Brownell's store.. Wa intDreagsia at trsmss. . . ;. TewsMBs J& wius.L Ths DaMoeKAT will axehsncs a sawing msohiaa of aay make dasirsd, axoept one sr wo, for soma oK grub wood ana part sssb: or will eoosidar other propoaitioM by any ns deMrtog a new maeaina. Aa ExAjcrui. Tha teas for American omsumptioa are bought in Chiua by Euro peau experts, who are exiled "ts-tsstors, Tba encjelopcdiss are suthouty for tha fact that in a few yeara they have to giya op their lucrative positiens with shattered oon stitntions. The aohesUhfulness of the adul terations and mineral coloring matter can not b mora strongly pat. Beech's Tea is pars as childhood. Fi er sals by Allea Brs, Will. Land Co..,.'...... K N Tiiompsoii J 11 Tetupleton W A Templeton , W H Tiiompsoii s A Trlnp Kst Tho, Umphrey K K Upmeyer . Fist Keliecca Vernon . . . M Vanderpont TL Wallace Co., Cyrus Wesllitks.' ,.. Fran k Wood J P Wallace M II Wilds rKNHlO.MS. Tr.e annual report ol Commissioner Raum, of the Pension Bureau, submitted to the secretary of the lnterlor, that on June 30, 1891, there were 676.160 pen sioner borne upon toe lollsolthe bureau, being 138,116 more than were carrkd on the rolls at the close ol tho last IW1 year, llThey are classified as follows: Widow and daughter of Revolutionary soldiers, 'Ji fmy Invalid pctiioner,4t3,597; army widows, 11. Inor children, etc , 108,5371 navy Invalid pensioners, 5,4491 navy widows, minor children, etc, 1.561; survivors of the war of 1811.7590; survlvois of the Mtxlcsn war, 16379: widows of soldier of the Mcvlcsn wsr, 6,970, Follow lug are the number of pensions 1 1 the several classes gianttd under the act of June 17, 1890: Army Invalid pensioners, 97,136; army widows, minor children, etc, ll,:09t navy Invalid pensioners, 3.97C; assy widow, minor children, etc, 1,436, During the last fiscal jesr fit payment were paid upon I3t, 160 original claims, re quiring $3t,39i,538 lor their payment. This Is an Increase In the number ot 'or Igna! payments over the year 1890 of 64, 53'. The segregate cost, however, was $li087.J"5J less There wen 111,511 first payments of every description, requiring tJs.55.'74i being 169,591 less than was required for the 130,514 first payments made during the last fslscal year. The average value of first payment made during the yesr wa I230.33, and the average value (f first pay ments on clal.n allowed under the act of June 17, 1890, was $71.18. The average value of first payments for the preceedlng ear was 1485.71, being a f eduction In the average first payments cf f 146 38. The aggregate annual value ot the 676,. 160 pension on the roll Jun, 31, SSi, wa $89,174,200, and the average annual value of each pension wa $13999. and the av erage annual value of each pension under the act of June 17, 1890, a as $111.51. The total amount disbursed on account of pcnbn,expense,etc, during the fiscal year was $108,548,959 71, a compared with $'3, 493.890,16 disbursed during the pre ceding fiscal year. Ko that It appears that 138,116 pensioner were added to the rolls during the fiscal year just closed, at an In creased cost to the nation of 1 11.055,1169 a compared with the expenditures for the previous fiscal year, and said espenditure Include f 4.357.37 paid Ufon voucher re maining unpaid at the close of the ear, tVnst-ijs we.c gian;cd each of the last ..ur test as fol.ow: 18S8. tt,i73: iSXq. 4S."; Vo. 558; 1891, 150 565. In the conduct of the business f ir the past year, In addition to the adjudication of completed cases, It ha been a prime ob ject, say the commissioner, "to put as many cases ss possible In train for com pletion. With this end In view 63 641 order were made for medical examinations and 474.684 medical examinations have acctually been received, 345,867 report from the War Department have been re ceived, giving the military and tncJical history in as many claims." During the last tear 10,515 pensioner were dropped from the rolls for various causes, and of this number 13.119 were ropped by rtaton of death. In 1S90 the loss to the pension rolls by the decease of widows end dependent mothers and fathers was at the rate cf 15 per 1,000; In 1S90, 33 per thousand, snd In 1S91, 35 per 1,000 Is estimated that ot the soldiers w ho erved the country during the late war 1 r 004,558 were kilted In battle cr died duting and since the war. On June 30 last 114.750 of these deceased soldiers were represented on the pension roil by their widows or other dependents. There are about 1,108,707 soldiers of the Union now living, and ot the survivor 510,158 are now on the pension rolls. There are, therefore, 638,549 survivors who are m.t pensioned, ar.d 670,00s de ceased soldiers not represented on the pen- Ion rolls. There were 154,817 congress. lonal calls for the condition of case made during the past fiscal year.bclng an average of more than five hnndred per year. In concluding hi report the commis sioner say that on an average about 3v 000 pension certllicstss are being Issued each month and that during the current year he expects that a many as 350,000 claims will be adjudicated, for which he believes the present appropriation of $133. 473.085 will be amply sufficient. All iron snd sieel vessels of the navy are lo be painted white, because I' is found that ia a bot climate white hulled vessels are 11 cooler than those pinted black. It is reported lhat within the last six months one hundred and fifty young women have taken up timber claims In the stale of Wash ington. Th oldest church in New Hampshire is which was built in one in Sandown Center, 1723-4. American horses aie being shipped to A her eto, Scotland, (or coach and driving pur poc, ' . Mslbers t Castoria is physicians for ohildraa teething. It is a purely vega sble orsoa alioo, its ingredients are pub- Ishasl aroun d each bottle, It is pleasant to ha taste and absolutely harmless. Is relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, sjaiets pslo, cars utarrnosa and wt td oolie, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevent souvulsiot, s'Mthes th ehild and gives it refroshinii and uatarsl sleoo. U.storisis the children's psusoss th hi9thrs'afriead. 33 doses, 30 nent. Testimony f a lala ter, T H Baokus, 105 CsMton avenue. Brook Un, N. YV wntas: "Alleook a rorous r lusters are undoubtedly tha best external remedy manafaotarod. I make this asser tion to tha pnbllo from my own personal experience of their wonderful virtues battering from severe pains la my side and on sat. contracted through a severe eotu, applied a couple of Alloook's Porous Plasters upon soma to bed at night, lnero.uits was. that in eiuht hoars after applying them I could set up and walk aboot whh very Httla psin. or aolia, when the bight previous I eonld neither get np nor down without help, nor stoop to remote my shoes. I have smse need them in my family fer snous ailments, and have never known them to fail to give almost Immediate relief." Hart ft Phillips, th tailors,' make to order ashionable snits in latest a manner so K've BAit-iacvimi, bii ms incie rouiua.ap statis, trshan Block, aud sea goods and get Ne w a'osk just rstsivsd at tha Ladia Bsssst. ; ' A large and choice Hue ef eaVpels, liuo Icum and oil cloth just received at A B McIIw.i.i's, which will te Id cheaper than ebewbere m Albany. ' Fortmiller & living have sosss Kanais saao lace out tains for $1S a pair, as fine as aaytbing ever seen in h ejty. ; They ranirs down ts 17 a pair. Other las ear - taias stswa t f 1 at less a psir. n'AXIIIXoTO.v. (Cr-mi ur riiiumr siimt"iiro.) WAsiiiwrwi, Sept. 18, 1891. Senator Sherman has written a letter thai Is fur from Inking the ros view of the repi.l llcsn ptnrpecis In Oliio that Is pre valent, in the icpiib'lciin prcs. It wa written to a republican departmental offi cial atid was lnlci.Ad to be personally shown by the nci-lvcr to every republican Ircm Ohio that Is employed by the govern tneiit. In It t tic scHHior say It ut he re gaids It as Imperatively necessary that eitry republican olrr of the .late of Ohio, now trmpoiarliy '.n Wishlnglon, shall at once lelutn to Die s'ale In order to help brace up the weak-kneed members of the party ho arc show tug a disposition either to vote agitfnst their o!d party or lo stay at home. In consequence of this letter It ii said that the depattmsnt officials hsve In timated that all voter employed therein mav lake thirty eUis leave with pay whether their annual leave has all been used or tif.t. Evidently Sherman Isn't figuring on any filly thousand majority. Speaking of Ohio, It I creditable to the ptomlncnt republicans now in Washington, that tltey, to a man, condemn tne recent attempt by certain members of their party In Ohio to make Governor Campbell' private business ttansactlons the basis of an attack upon Mm. Altorney-Gncral Mlilcr, If rumor be true, 1 again lo be the victim of In diana poll'lchiis by being compelled to give up the seat upon tne Federal bench which Mr Harrison had promised him In order that another Indiana republican John M Butler, enre the law partner ol the late ex-Senator McDonald may be provided lor. 1 1.1 I ha rd lines for Mr Miller who has ever since Vr Harrison became presi dent had Ids ir: 01 lb pucketed up prepar atory lo taking a life time suck at the public teat. As a patient waller he Is a success. Representative Mills' opponents for the Speakership, have, some of them, tried to make It appear that In hi recent speeches In Ohio he took a different position on the free coinage of silver from lhat whleh he had for a long time previously occupied. This U an attack upon the rugged honesty of Mr MiH that his friends resent. One of them ssld: -Mr Mills' Ohio speeches do not announce any change jthatever In his views touching free coinsge. He open hi speeches with the distinct statement that he Is now and ever has been a free coinage num. What he does say, howev er, and with grcsit emphasis, Is that free coins gc wilt not produce the far reaching effect that Its w armcst advocates hope fort and that it will not relieve the distress un der which the country is alleged to be suf fering. This, Mr Mills says, can only be accomplished by lighter taxation and a freer foreign far from this being a new pronun'clamcnto of Mr Mills, it Is just what he said In an address de livered before the Icgtsla'ure ot Texas a tree coinsge body only the Texas state ment was, if anything, a more earnest ap peal than that contained In his Ohio speeches against reiving on relief from free coinage. When It Is remembered tliat Mr Mills' ambition Is to be elected to I he sen ate by the leg's'ature of Texas,! ran easily be seen that the bolw stand he look before thai bedy, which was composed of men the most of whom wis! have a vole on the question of his selection as Senator, was just like the man, and that his, Ohio tpcechis are only In the same line." It is now tatd that It Is a neck and neck race for the democratic vacancy on the In terstate Commission between Representa live Culbcrtson ot Texas and cx-Represer.-tative Clements, of Georgia. The latter gentlemen was thoughtto have been ahead until a delegation ot Washington negroes filed a protest against hi appointment, because they mixed him vp with his col league, Mr Grines, who a year or so ago left a Washlagtoii hotel at which he was boarding because a negro wa seated at the same table at which he was eating his din ner. They thought It was Mr Clements, and told Mr Harrison they would con sider It an insult to the negro race It he was appointed. nder ordinary circum stances this would amount" to nothing, but pst now "nigger"' Influence 1 mighty strong at the V bite House. Neither atom nor molecules remain in ab solute contact with each other. There are spaces between then.. A certain amount of salt and sugar may be dissolved In water with. oat increasing the volume of water. The molecule of salt and sugar occupy the vacant spaces between the molecules 01 water. as been forced through the pores of iron. A bottle filled wi'.h gas will hold as much of an ther kind of gas as if it were empty. In the examination of the poisonous roa cliinery of iniect and reptiles it is apparent that the destructive principle is the same in 11, and that the fang in all possesics a hollow through which the poison flows into the wound the mouent the incision is made. The sting of the scorpion is precisely like the fang of the rattlesnake, and performs its deadly work on the same mechanical piinciples. Dr J Seudtner after making a minute study of the effect of beer drinking on health, con clude that the picvalence of heart disease in certain Quarters of the German Empire is di rectly traceable to the targe beer consumption Tuberculosis if laid to the same excess. Winds are caused by the unequil density of weight of different portions uf the atmos phere heie. This is mainly due to differences in temperature. The hrgh wind that accom panies a thunder storm at the close of a hot day is due to the fact that the atmosphere, w&Ich has been healed during the day, is now rapidly rising, while the cooler ntmospher around ia rushing in. In Great Britain, where dews are heavy, it js csiimsted that the who'e amount deposited in a year would be equal to a depth of several inches of water. In some tropical regions dew is deposited ro fast as to be equal to light lain, . The first Union flag was unfurled on Jan, 1776, over the camp at Cambridge, Mass. had thirteen stripes of white and led. and re tained the British cross in one corner. The Smithsonian institution recently paid $1500 dollars for a single butterfly. The species has long been believed to be extinct. The ene now in the Smithsonian was caught n theSierras. , There are I wo bearing apple tres in Indi ana county, Pa, that were planted in 1762 One ot them is ten feet in circumference. Do not bo v your boots aud shoes unhl you see the piano at Klein Bros, and aa we.! have examined their larga stock of goods. W. F. Si Call and so what a stock of Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, tfosiery, We liavo to telect from. Our but th cheapest ever We hare iust plaeed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and We want your trade and we you money. Jbanjr, -1- 1ST for Infants Castor us Is so wcS adapted to children that I recommend Its superior to ary preaalptiott known tome" II. A- Aacaia, U. D-, 111 Eo. Oxford Et, BrooUn, N. T. "Tha use of Castorlav' ia sonnlversal and lui umstIu ao well known that It seems a work of superercwatloa toradoeae it. Yew are eh IntnlliRaat ramiUos who do not keep Csatoria within easy Raich. CabLos aUamr. D.D . New York OttT. r Bloomincdsie Baformed Church. WRONIZE HOME SSsswlj III iisi nISSMLMI'HSS. JSSIJULTSJsysjsyipi.!. - 11 1,1., THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., AlksMay, r READ, Prmideat. J li COWAN, Treasurer. w -IKBOTOBar- L Cowan, F 8 Ins peon, rV a Read, JK vv eair 1 eathersard, R & -ALSO) aimtiT Amenoan, Phtiadelphla, Pa. Karwien union, indn, sng Oaardasa, IiOndon, Kng Man aastar, M aneheetsir, fiogsand. Caledonian, Sdiaborg, Seosiand. Weaehaaier, ' Kew Tork. ONLY STRICTLY INSURAKCE OFFICE IN ArRAHY. -G. L. BLACKS ASM,- LEADING .ATiBATsTT DRUGS. MEDICINES BUYiTHE "MITCHELL WAGON," fe ej ' m$ stfistea issww.fniniii Taiaikm w m timim i iiwA4 A clinowledsretl Monarch ot the Itoad We carry full line of Hacks, Bnggles and Carriages; ab Farm Implement of all klnda. jsnT-Call on u before pnrckaalDg Etaewbere. Mitchell Lewis Co., - ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, , . Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL swaswasM a a !.., Tt J Only wnite and rtot and 1 Write for er - A 1 1 1 1 j i j S ' i 3 READ, gtock is not only thi largest y ti shown in Albany. a eompleto assortment ef both eloth and plash fur trimmed. fet-1 confiden we ean sare W. F. READ. -s- O regain 4BBSB S. t si -k -1 - .i. 1 J-B5 .4T r headache! "tffcii3YC3Wlu7' BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. f a u n g . m and OhUdren. Csvstariw ennw Coile, Coastipafloa, Eour jjeonutdi, Ii.trrh'i-a. Knx-iaUon, Kiiia Woruia, ivc sleep, and pruootc ci- restion. TTithuut iujtxinca medication. " Foe aevrral years I hare recommenced your ' Camoria, atl shsJl tlwain conticue K ao so as it baa Invariably produced beneficial results." Eownt F. Paaoza. V. Tbo Wluthrop," liSUi Street and Tth Ara., K vsr Toek CiVT- Tn CtKTAms Coaun, Tt Kcwaar Bnm, Kaw Tcea." IHSTITUTIDKS.- Urtrsa. JO WKITSMAN. Seeretary. o F BIMPSOK.Vloa President. Dr I Foley, M Sternberg, J T7 Burnett. Strahan, J o Wrltaman. aeasiss roa Traders, Chicago, TH. Pbeaniz, Loaden, England, DRUGGIST STATIONARY ao Albany ' Orfgon" JjaDor iJimpioyetr, uco Nsw l'in-i.