The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 25, 1891, Image 4

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the only abtohttoly pure and
thoroughly' e(Tclive IdmoI Bowder uno
the market, and it manahotured Sololyjhy
ths nuhich Producing and Manufacturing
O.u-opany, of Stockton, Californl,
The wotd "EuWi," it niaU a ptrl of
the trade tntk cl said o npsny, and ALL
Persons, who order Iluhach "frem,thir
tlealei toil recoivt iusoot powder that it not
m ffotivt hiMetioid, WILL CONFER A
If jour dealer don't keep Buhaeh, don't
let them eheat yon by selling yoo an Inferior
and worthies lotaot powder, bat COK
rest .lent
Vlee PreW.ot ...
a, t,Ti'?(a
.a, w. uuiuuoa
nANSACrS A OKXCBAL beat ins sue Use.
ACCOUNTS (irT aubtact t shark.
10HT BXCHANOB u4W Taphte buhf, sold
Hew Tork, baa fnulM, OlMp aad rvtlaad
CO JMCTIONI SADloa tasarabl
. I Tort , W, Laaesoa
L I Bvata. L. Puaa
Iiftul, i.
or albabt, oaaoow.
rwMiil - ' I" COWAW,
. p uwu, J L Cowan, J at llelsso), W
Ladd, W a dot, J A Craword aad OA Area
TRAM ACTt a Mral bukla baalaaai.
DaAWloaHHArraa M Tork, tea
.ii uan .VOnaoa.
BXCB1VK opoalla tab tact
albast, oaaooi.
h r MiaaiLU
. I J LANMl.ta
TraoaacU a gaaa-al kaaklnc baalnaat:
Eioaaot buahl a4 Td aa all the priaalpal
alUaa ka taa Cnilad glatae I ala aa Koflaad, Irateaa.
ftanae aa Uannaay.
Collwitaoa BMde at all a lb la painae aa laer-
aala tenae. .
lalaraat aUeaad aj UaM dapeeita.
I or rorrLAKD. okkook.
raid ap aialtal... Vl,iO
urptua aai praa ,.. M
latareal allawad aa aartnf 4arMiU aa lollove:
aonliDar7aaUirbaakt .... ar eeal pa atinam.
On term Mrknf Boee par eaal per aaoaai
a aemaaaMa e( dapoalt.
Par thieaowntbe par east peranoaai:
lor all moath P eaol par aaoaat!
Par :a awihv...... V par aanam;
rk4.SK I'KKt'M. Inidanl
P. THOMfSO.I Ttre-PraaiJeaU
H. C, SrBATl'O.'. CaaalaTi
4U UP It,
acta, oaKoi.
J Maaaa
Ja Mraaa
O Mai
Jeaa Oalaea
P iaUlh.
Tta Praaideaa .
U Bnaat
Daae a (aaer aaakiaf and eaabaaga kaala
Aavaraer at U. Will praoUae a all eoarU of ike
aala. ipaaial attanli w (Ivaa to ntltare In probate
aai la au lanMuua. Oft'IOK la Ue PUaa block.
J a
AMeraer at Li. Will praHleo la atl 4 -arte el Ue
ake. aei-rilua Mota, Aiaaay, ur aa.
R. Bit. YE IT,
Atloraer at Lav ui 1 S llett'ir la Ckaaeary. fo'le
Uona made oa all pe'ala. Loaoe aefoalattd aa taT.
arable tarme. Albaa. Orefoa.
fKO. nr. WRIGOT,
AMeraeretLea'.ead STotary Pablle. Will preetiee la all
uarteat thieetate aad la tbe Oeltad Htetee omirte
furOrafaa. aaimi -Proat roau over Beak el
Tajna, A. bear, Ogn.
a. a. a. aaaoaavaa, a. a aieae
tUMDiti at !w. Ail buiiitoee will raatire prompt
aueati- a. Meat Odd FellowrTeavU.AIbeof, Or.
AMnrnay at Utw, aad Xetesy Pabtie.
R. M. I.. II ILL,
Fbreieiea aod Rtnreaa. OPriCK-Ceraer Flrat aa
ferry ttreete, Albany, Oreren.
Pbyelelaat an Hiirreeae. OPPICB Cmier Reavod
and Briadeleia etreete. A'bear. Or, telle pruuipllp
eUe-ded laeitr eadouantry.
Hniuaethlet. aVaeRiJlet la dleeaeet ( the Kye.
Tiraaty yeanr eierieuoe. OIQie hiure 7 to 9 a at;
1 to 1 p hi, and t a I areniuf. Albuf, Orejaa.
Pliyei'e'ea a.ul S'irf na. frae ita of Be'levue Ved
M CH Now Turk Citr OIiaea al weiaen a
(Mila!ty. "Ji'KlOK froaan Week, Albaay, Oregon
Vett Mi ia b);!a on Jf 4y, tke lt Uy a
Ciieuiber, 1 4 J I .
Fair C iitnn: Ulaath ilenUS Literary, aad
al) -rt fi-iiieli Ctune, ki vniih eereie no Latin,
Greek. P'tn'i .r Oannn Te Baxl-eb It pro-en.
lai itly a B ulu 0- lr.
Tt itv-M or farther liiformttlon.
Aedrew i. W JOHTfSOir,
City Hestauraiit.
yleinj lean entirely reinodjlad. lbiao!d
mA iiUr reitaarant erill be inarla 6raV
Jewa a arary raepoot. The puhl.u wilt bt
jeeoci f fA meaie at all hour fur, ouly 23
ent. Etef, tlnnjj neat an-l attraoMva
rrrte Itnxe. lytter io every ettl.
wa,aL4M a a una-
mggjataaad Booksellers,
AVni.fca for eVrfin B. Aldea'e publication,
Hlb wa al at ohUahar'v prto wit
ALBANY. erteuuA "
FHtsl no In 1 rst-clana, atylo. Tablaa
wpj,til with the beat in tbe market.
kUtta alocpinaartraenta. Sample roottr
vf coua-Jtsroial travelera.
Southern Paciflo Routo
aprest Train leer rerUsud Dully.
Ar7"S sa si"
I, I ;il 4 a
I,t K.ot r a
T:rr. t.TI.
loiarai Lr
I it 4 a I Ar
San t'raii'jlsu
Abu? ('(Int t.vt out, '.illuwluif stations north
I K.iseliiir. Ka.t I urtlsml. Urwui City. W.iedi
urn, Salem, Albany, Tsnreot, HIi.hI I, llalaey. Uar-
MDorg, jaaotiuu V.IIJ, mine , autgene.
aoassrs uitb, runr.
Ir'l 4 a l
Ar 4 0or a
li:NM L?
t:aOra I Ar
. L I :W 4 a
IMmIU Portland ArltKWaa
t'f a Ar '!"?. L)e:W4 a
k401 M4RCB,
ltraL A thany ' ;i
I Mr a Ar . Lebanon L :A4a
(Nit L ' Albany Ar :!
It 4 a Ar Ubam.a t :0 a
Tourist Sleeping Oars,
far Aremaaalieat aoeaad-riaet rata
grrt, etlerarala a,iartlralat.
.Taal aide B'ialalaa.
bltiL tt4i 04t (BiieptBuiiaey,)
Carre the
I t:.iu r a
1:10 r a
1 11 eera
BiraaMtnAia aaat (KtetplSamlay.
Ar I :t0 4
I.T o.te 4
Throuifli 'JTioUotM
To all aoliita
Pel tui. lafometle t retantlnt ratoa, e,
aaOnmpany Aeeat at Al'Mny .
.i,.iiii a P. R(HICRS
Maaaaer At O. t . and P. A
- -o
Oregon Pacific Railroad
vt, Baclar.
Oregja DaTslopmsnt Co'a Steamers,
Short I.I a le CIinrail.
P1rat-laae through paaaaiiRer and
kaUtbl Una from Portland and all polnte
aj iia wuiamatia vauoy iq ion iruui can
franolaoo, tai.
ansUmabealoaa nnnn notion at Alban
eith tralnaof theOrenon Paolfi Kallroad
TlblR SOHCDULR. aieepi Bondaya.1
LofeoAlbaar 14 r. a,
teat, Camilla Mr.l.
Arrle Taejalna, t:l p. a.
leave Taquiaa, l uit.a
Leara Conallle.lO.lta.a
Arnre Albany, 11:11 A. a
O.Jk C.lralaa connect at Albany and
Corral Ua. Tbe a bora traina coaoaoi al
Taouina with the Oregon Ite'eiopment
Onicpany'a Una of HUtaraablpe between
r equina and San Franclaco,
rasa toi.
fflliuilia Ttllev. Tueailay. Ao 4tbi Thnnilay.
Ai katlt;aaardey,Aa( ttad : U.iaday.Aae; tit
fauaea raaanaK
WiUaaeJa Talley. Prtd.y. Jn f Hot; Sunday. An
wm ; rawa.y, oaj " m . -
Tbe ConiTMn .wi?t the ngnt to
litanreaaUIi: daUa vHbonl notice.
.B. Paaaenaara front end
TUlaructta Valley polote caa make nloae
tOTAneoUon wiUalbelraiaa of tbe Yaqnlaa
oate at Albany ir CorTall'., and If Uea
tned tofan Framlaeo ahoald errands in
yrlre at Tanairia Cbe eranlnp finfore ia:e
r oailtaf
aWraaarar ea frekt ratot alwaya tbe
Law eat
Par laleraaatiee aa-ilfte A R Chapaiaa,rrikt aad
eeve Aaead, Albany, C. C. , a..
U. P. aedp Afwn .
Arterial Embalming done olect!fiely.
Albsai, Oregen. .
It yea bare a 4, yoa bare d-mbile alrkaad
yeareeif anaaeeoaarily naany timae by latinf pule tot
too blood, kidaeye aad oaoMIaUua.
TAeamrnlatirnf taoMond It beata tareaparlllajll
akea in hall laaepowf al daeet.
-.-,moriTi)cr t..,.
City Lmrj; Feel ui Sale
Merino; pnrotiaond new rieja can furn
lab AraUolaae torronta a ca!l. .txnlpl
ttenf n Riven to transient atocK Hoiae
boaroed by the day or month.
Cheapest Rte In the City.
Telephone onno.-tlon wild the ftt
heriea Hotel. To'epbone (ir'n'd given
prfra pt attention
Fourth Stfiwi,, trtweno F.'.Iswoi Mi and
KrefltCar line.-
1TLmZJm?'y ?" W' X" PoaalaeAfcawa,
V J ar ani U year pinao nk yVjJlr
Hrnr ta avMt for aMmlnvue, aware imh
njtmar, and them lir yiMi.
03 SHOE cNf??MEN
J eeejnJna auoa. with no tasks or wax thread
V art Ui iHk maria of she baet Ana aalT, stllsh
eaar, anil oaanaaw e aaahe mora eaaM J fhit
ft etraew aaaauaWiarer, M oquai tand
. . A m aiiaana reoaa miW So e-l.
C fX aaalne ' rtoad-aawad, thsflneeteall
,-J'". fe eeer para4 roe sa.001 eiuala freuuh
,Jtyftl?Jt,.? erom at. J) ta SHOO.
Fial ft5 t and-Hwwad WolT Mboo, fine ealt,
e Hyftao. eoiaToraable aodderable. Tbe bnet
anno ew otTunid at able prtoe i same arade cue
tairnai1e aliws ouatin tram Se lf so SiTe).
C13 flw t't rarmora, TiiaJUroad Men
nd t-'WerCwrTlersall wiwtbaini flneealf,
ecsatotnea, einooth tninila. heary furee sotaa, aztosv
elaaiadKa. OnepahrwUlwaarayeae.
tjf 00 Ann onirt nn hrftnrc.faaTir offered at
'-. tlii. prlo; nit trial will contiuao aboee
whownnt a she for comfort end serrlne.
fjf? 3 and . Worklnaman'e shnae
'. are ery alrong and durable. Those win
ha aiveo thm a trial will wear no other make.
HnVft' B-l.OO and i1.75 school shoes are
jim the
nnebonaola. Afvliil .nrf rt.i-.uia
t inftoo. Bee that W. L. bonelae' nam and
ok. mvmmuvi uo au. rorfom Ol aarn anoa.
W. 1 1XD0LAS, Broettoa, Ma
Cotton good have not been a cheap tinoe
the war a they are now. Call and teo what
bargeint V? F Retd ha.
aW- : j . J!
After r bottle or keg of o!Wc h been
opened, the mold 111 aoon form , A little
horte-radUH or a few natturtlu tit placed
therein will prevent thlt to a certain e-
tent. The bitur way it to buy than In
tmnll botttct, to the bottle ma be
uetd before the- have a chance to mold.
HorsIr thatthould be juicy como to the
table n dry at paeteboard, becauke the
oven wat not hot enough al flrat to Inttant-
j harden the outer turface and prevent
the etcape o( ila julcet.
To temper earthen waro which It to be
uted for baklr.g put the dlthet In cold wa
ter over the lire, and brlngpradually to the
boiling point. When the water bollt
around them, remove Ihem from the fire
and let them remain In the water till It
beebmee cold.
A delicate war to cook egg thlt icaton
It to break them on llttlo ptatet. Small-
china prcenve platet, will do, but there
are tpeclal platet which come for tervlng
tfgt -aur le plat." Sprinkle a Unit fine
Ijr minced ham on each egg. Put a mere
grain of cayenne ovw each rgf, and put
plate In the hot oven till the white It firm
ly tetj or. if you prefer them harder, till
the volk la done. A llitle Tarmeian
cheeee prink led over the eggt, with tome
tail added In place of the ham and cayenne
will give a variety to the dtth.
In theltuig Want takeoff the green end
and when wahrd drain Ihem in a colan
del ; put them Into a pan with plenty of
boiling water, adding talt; boll them till
tender ; drain In a colander, and terve with
partlejr tauce. hen brant are grown
large.but not meally.boll and blanch them
have readjr white tauce made hot; put In
the beam, and juat heat thtm through In
It and terve Immediately.
Whltet of eggt may be beaten to a ttlff
froth by an open window when It would
be Iwpoeelble In a ateamy klbaben.
Half a lemon dipped In talt will do all
the work i t oxalic acid In cleaning copper
boiler, braet traketilet and other copper
or braet utcneile,
Powdered flint glau ground to an Im
palpable powder and rolled with the white
of an egg makes one of the airongeet ce
ment known.
The very bet lounge one can havf, all
thlngt considered, tt a frame supporting a
good spring brd, with a regular hair mat
treea of tultable atxe over It, the whole
kept In place by an Inexpensive Bagdad
rug, or an expensive Kellm rug, at you
prefer. Repeat half a doten of the tone
of color In the rug la the covering of the
down pillow, of which you can hardly
have too many. If you cannot afford the
expense of eider-down for tofa pillow,
ate the best of feather rather than the
cheap down generally told In tl.e atoret
Many people like a hair pillow better than
any other, and a hammock pillow covered
with blue denim will often be a welcome
addition to the lounge.
eSVnenever It i possible It b welt in keep
a separate ioei fur article pertaining to
Ironing. Keep Ihe Iron, starch, blueing,
koldrr. botriN, sheet, blanket and other
article pertaining to iionlng In thia closet,
which should be warm and dry and shut
e1 from the duet. If the Ironing-board
are kept In a closet In general use it it beat
to put them in rxgt of bed ticking or some
other heavy cotton, and hang them up
where they will be free from dust and dirt.
If they ate kept In aclotet reserved for the
Ironing rnactriai they need not be covered.
Tub and ironing-board thould be kept
In a cold place, and there it no objection
to a little dampness.
For the Information of a in umber of per
son we give below the counties that com
pose the first congressional district:
Benton, Clackamas, Coo. Curry, Doug
las, Jackson, fuecphtnc, Klamath, I.akrr
Lane, Linn, Marlon. Polk, Tillamock,
Washington and Yamhill.
The second dlstilct It composed of the
following rountic:
Baker, Clatsop, Columbia, Crook,' Gilli
am, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Morrow,
Multnomah, Sherman, Umatilla, Union,
Wallowa, and Wasco.
Mrs Gen, Lb,;an I one jl 'he most ta
caclout politician In tl.a country. Her
view hat alwaya had weight In republican
council. She tidd In a late Interview:
Blaine ia the rornilar man within the
rinks of the republican party, but it I. a
question whether he can placate, or coal
esce.all the dULiont of the republican In
the variout at ate fie could not do to in
the past, and It dee ot teem possible,
with the disintegration now going on, he
can do to a year hence. The old leaders,
who won a victory for the party have gene,
and In their place stand many whoae am
bition and aver'ce overleap their, pa t lot
ism ar.d loyalty to Vie party. Do I think
the republicans lll win in the coming
camgaign? Certainly, if united, but if
they can't unite in Hl.nole, a tingle state,
how can you expect them to unite in all
the states? They teem to be falling to
pieces of thi ir own weight, and through
their diycrsity of opinion and cfTortt I can
'ardly fail to see the tljrnt oh he timet.
Ye, I tegard a democratic success at
more tin.ii po.fd.jle, unleot the republican
malcontents put their ahouldert to the
wheel nd work for patriotic motives, at
was the cane under the old leader.
An effort it betnx made by wjieai f pec
ulators In Mlnncapollt, Chicago and other
wheat trade centers to cheapen Ihe price
of wheat by sending out glowing accountt
of the extraordinarily heavy yields In all
the northwest. But the schemers sre like
ly to fail In their andf ruel schemes.
Farmcrt all over the country have their
eyes open and are allre to their own In-
Hiram C Whetler, the republican can
didate in Iowa, can not make a speech,
lie cUlmi he will y ejected by 25,000
W B D am 1 ft hit end p ofit fru
hi. hop yar.'; Th I if. (mi1.-. about lOfOod
prnid'. Mr Ionre will atay with tb
buain )rai, nt think hi ran
hd oif il. lion by 'eiayiiip. Lei ami.
j l ot I ii) jourbrots ti d shoes
yon era thp an.iat Kloin Bror, and aa 'II
hive exa'nimd their lare tick of gnodt,
7 SBf.1M0NS. '
In the Circuit Court 0 the Slmlt Qrt-
gn, ff Linn County.
Betlierdine IiUtbfttinnr, I
IWcuild' t. )
To Berbordino Dlttbenoer, the above
ntml defendant.
Oragon, yi; er hornl3' rnaj-iirn't lo
itioetr and ii'r tlif omui.iut flint!
egalnftt r.m, in tbe stnya snyued
October 2flth. 1811, that being tbe first day
ef tbe term of tWa o urt lolowlutr tin ex
piration of tba time proacribed. In the
order for publication, and If yoo fall ao to
anawer lor want therecf .the plain. Iff will
apply to the court for the relief dernandea
fa iiie omplitlnt. via: That the b inds of
msWtnooy exiting l"twen p'elntlfl and
defoodanb t f r;ver disvilvel and for
the ooste and dintmsqtneots of this salt
to be taxed. - .
This tummn is pub'lehed hr order
ee tlon. R: f. twine j-i-V" of enld nourt,
and made and dulei tbe Otis day of
wptomber, ISBI.
(9 1 l.dly) Attoroey for PllT.
Choir far rresldeat, - (
Saratoga, Sept 16. A poll wm taken of
the 491 delrgilet to the New York democratic
eonven'.ion being held at Saratoga by New
V ork World reporter. 1 hit wat the qucilion
"Who It your choice for the democrtlo nom
ination lor president in ifloaf" A tummary 01
tne aniwert it at roiiowtt
For David B Hill. 846: G rover Cleveland.
8 J: Jtmet V, Campbell, 31 Willinin C Whit-
ney,3i Arthur 1' iiorman, 31 Allied U Lbapln
1 1 ion-commui, 153.
A Bloody lul.
Pll'KSTONK, Mloo Sept 6. A duel w'lb
iwordt took place here todap between Tom
Alltrton and jainet Arrowniilth, two fa'tnen
between wliote famlliei a feud ol long stand
ing bat axitted, 1 be lint wat nl the most
lerriiic cnarscter. and while both men wers
cut, it seemed as if neither would cuU the
mastery. Suddenly Aliertoa droppen iii tword
ben Arrowtmillt made a tausce lunce.
cleaving the tert tide ef hit opponent! head
open. Allcrton dropped to the ground in a
heap, Artowtinith gAve liitntetf up to slit
tlierirT, and it retained in custody, at It it r.ol
expected that Allerton wilt live.
A MIC Strike
OrrAWA Ont, Sept 16. The tlrikeof 3000
mill hm continues, and t hit morning tie
tachnicnlt ol the forty third battalion and the
governor general'! loot guards, under the com
mand cl Majort Sherwood . and Toller, are
tuot eciing the milla. The men have been
armed with Snyder rifles and twenty round of
ball cartridge. 1 be tinkers sre suiltn, but
at yet no act of violence baa been attempted,
A Botlta HaaacetHeal.
Los Anckirs, Sept 16. The Times todty
ptints SB Intetvidw with J de lUrth Shoib.who
has jutt returned from Chicago. He stated
that he manabement of tbe world's fair was
rotten to the cote. He will take steps to
have an investigation at Washington unless
Director General Da rit be removed, on the
ground of liU unfitness for tbe place,
Bhol froSBj Behind.
Nkvada, Cal, Sept 17 S Galavottl, tu
peiintendent of the Dcibec Drlit mine, wat
murdered by hichwaymen (hit mornlnc while
coming 10 tbe any with I4000 in gold bart
jjtt cleaaed up at the mine Galavut'i and J
S Oatrom were in a two borte buggy ascend
ing the South uba river grade, six miles
from the cily, when a rifle thnt wat fired
from tbe bank atuvc. Tbe ball entered the
back of GtlavuOii't head and emerged flora
the mouth canting instant death. Ostrom es
caped with the body and mony.
A ttsuirtel
Birmingham, Ala, 18. Mrs Ctiarlc
tlcllen, wife of the for em in of the Alabama
Great Southtia railway shops, it the Happy
niotner ni four J title babir. all born Tuesday
ntgmr 1 nree 01 tnem are boy, and alt are
doing splendidly. The mother it of aveiege
tiie, it a little over twenty years of sge end
the hsd never belote given bum to a cbl.d,
A ratal fire.
Chicago, Sept 1 9. -One of the most dis-
aatrlout fires (hat bat visited this city (or tome
time, ttarted after I o'clock this morning in a
four story tenement on Sedgwick street. North
Side. Although the blue lasted but fifty tvr
minutes. Ihc lues of life made tbe trilling rfem-
tge 10 in property stand out at insignificant
in comparison. Mr Schalk, his wife, his two
sons and one daughter were bsracd to death.
A Big Wreck.
IIOIHR ClTV, Sept 8. The Sta'esman
special from I'ocaiello. Idaho, tart: One of
the most duustriout wretk tbe Uoion Pacific
ha experienced on the Idaho (Wsioa for a
long lime occurred at 4 o'clock Ihs saoraing
at lort Ncuf nation six miles etit of lint
place. Passenger Itaint I and 3 collided.
auiing live men and seriously injuring seven
A Cyrleao.
MAKACt'A, Nicargua, Sept 18. A tcrrinc
:y clone occurred at Saueetown near Ion oa
Sept o. It deatroped booses, uprooted treet
and caeacd great panic among tae residents.
Many persons sre reported injured.
Bl La ml WImmI.
Lisbon, N B, Sept iS. A te started
mysteriously on tbe prairie near Cramers firm
tlx mile north of bere, nearly thirty thousand
busheUof wheat were destroyed. At the
lalest reports the fire wat tliil raging.
A PaadbMaw Baatallwa.
I'NiLrTO, Set 18. The sresnd tcnta
tiea in last week wt caescd at Pendleton by
the arrest of Dr Meek and W If Spease on a
charge of abortion and manslaughter. The
The woman upon whom ine criminal operation
is alleged to bavehcee peifomted i Mrs Alice
weaver, a widow, who bat rrsijed at Pen
melon several months, bat a lam ly of two
cr.iidren, aad baa alwaya been regarded at a
laity of intelligence aoi re.neieat, withal
unlurlunaie, aa tbe is in reduced drcunjt'snces
Portlanu, Sept 19. Tie Morqutro Grand
opera house building was brilliantly illumi
nated Ust evening from basement to atiJE,
anu even 10 tbe top or the tower. The au
dience was the finest that ever graced the
auditorium of tbe Maqaam, comprising the
wealth, beauty, fashion and culluie of the
city. Every teat had been w Id in the par
quette and rlrest circle srvertl dtyt since,
which only left the tettt in the g tilery un
reserved. The box receiptt for last night's
peiformsnce amounted lo 6891 40, being the
largest amount taken in (or any one perform
ance ever gives in this city.
vretssa rweiiiirisu
F. M. Frenob keepe railroad tim-.
puy yonr grooi-ri s f Parker ftrne
New nraam ohene jual reonivod at Conrad
Smoka tba e1ahxts4 HfOt lilted 8 ent
elgarat Jnliua Joeepb'a,
Alargsatook of wall DSDer. witb lata de
signs, at Fortmiller t Irving't.Jntt received.
Have yoa aean tboee parlor aniu that T
Brink baa Joet reeeivad f Tbey are nloo.
J W Bant lay, best boot aod shoe maker in
oity,'fhre doors north of Drmocrat office.
E W Auhison k C handle the oelobrsted
Portland cemeoy walla for 'van-atery lota.
Tliete wall oan ba fnrnishod at half the enat
of any othor and am far aopnrinr.
Dr M II Elii. i-hytiottn ai-d enr-eon,
Alny, Oregon. Call made lit. eity or
Ladin dan dt their shopping in Kaa Fran-
eieo without visiting tbe city, and without
extra 0inj'ni4ift. liiti J Barrow ? r
chvin f aireut, W) (irove St,Jklaod, .
Patron isf heme Industry ayidvv hand
made hsrnes., wsrrantad, fipm 0 C Me
Fart r.d, at Dubrullla a uld stand.
A Urge warn tmert of heavy n bu ai 4
horae blanket at O 0 MvPaiI tiid'e,
Matliera I
CattoH' it .ecommendedjby physieiant
fur children teething. It it a purely vege
tVile prcpa atinn, its ingredients ar pub
Ished aionn d each Imttle. It is pleasant te
be taiteaud absolutely btrmlesa. It relieve
oonatipa&np. yegutatm the bowel, tjuiet
pain, cur-s dirrri)ua sd wild oolie, allays
fertrihne, destroy voripaV'spd prevents
oonvulsings, soothes tbe elijld and'givHt if
refreshing atid nsturtl aleep. Cettorts '
the childrm's psqscea ths mstkers' fries d,
8doaes, 85 eents.
Iampi b Patjrr WAJTiiD.--Frait raisers
are requested to leave at the Oregon
Bank good, healthy samples of fruit of
all kinds, for an exhibit at Chicago this
fall and winter. Peaches, prunes.pluma,
pears, apple, etc., particularly are de
ffyed. .CwtAPEsT. For the next 30 days A.
rlowsrd & Son will saw wood, cut twice,
or 40 cents per cord.
1I0LMAN WORTH. Sept. 17, in
t 'i clt.y, by snd at the residence of S. G,
i vise. 0. p., Mr John VV. Hoiman, of
li -ntoti county, and lilts Vlda E. Worth,
of Monmouth, Polk tounty.
llINES-HOPPEB.--On Thurgdaj',
Sept. 17, 1891, at the residence ofthn
bride's mother, by Eev E R Prichard,
Mr J H Hines, of Albany, and Miss Susie
Hopper, of Benton county.
Evangelical parsonage Sept 17, 1891, by
Rev L 8 Fisher, Mr Fritz Brumrner and
Miss Mary Obenhaus, all of Tangent,
On July 14, Frlendly's sw mill, at Cor
vrMIi, wat entirety consumed by Are, On
Sept, !4,ancwand larger mill on I he same
site wat set to running. That's what the
world calls push and enterprise.
Baker City nnpert are getting personal
ea well at political, The following mud
It thrown at a neighbor 1 "The red-head,
ed, freckled-faced, bow-legged, licentious
old reprobate who squirts quack nostrums
Into the columns of the evening vlllfler,"
Return tlckuttat reduced rates can on.
ly be secured for the local trains on the
Southern Pacific for the State fair or In
dustrial Exposition. Some people not
knowing this expect the same prlvllegis
for r trip on the overland, which they Fall
to secure except at lull price.
Yesterday the dkmovRAF published a
letter from Linn county taken from an
Arkansas paper. Tomorrow we will give
a letter written by a gentleman now in
Albany tor an Iowa paper. These letters
are always lead with Interest, and though
incv may riot give tacts tint at om tec
ters woutd write they ere always read with
great interest, nnd show the Impressions
of new comert.
The following It fiom the Town Talk of
Astoria, nnd people In Albany who nave
to stumble uo steps In sidewalks caused
by different lenutits of grade slakes will
appreciate Hi Our cltlicns are disgusted
with the continual changing of grades
The Council might give the people some
Idea of whs'. It means. Past an ordinance
changing the grades every month, and
then stick to It.
. R J McDonald, the party who ha been
taking subscription lor uilJcrcr.l news
papers and periodicals, and signed sundry
name to Ihe receiptt, was given a hearing
before Justice Kinsey thlt afternoon, lite
lustice held htm to answer tbe charge be
fore the next grand jury In the sum of
jo, and not being abl,to give bonds
wis commit td to the county lull. f.u.
gene Guard. People should keep their
eyet open.
Yettetday Judge Strahan had lilt pocket
picked of f ioon an electric street car at
Salem. Scvcril others were treated In a
like manner. The city seems full of pick
Among the local laiM3 ball clubs in
Chicago are the Chippie Chasers, Boo
uanga. iiaMttp. Uoatners. wewers
Samlhaggera, Pirates, Young Duffer and
A dividend of 2t) has been declared on
each share of Mlnthorn stork payable
today at the V llliams A hnglnod bank
alcin Journal.
Salem and Kast Portland claim to have
ha 1 anartliquake ahock. The Htate fair
with the former and r new u liednlool
salaries with the laUer has upset the
two cltiu.
The New York World has gotten a little
excited over the existence there of the so
ciety of Kolao llwel, or Idgh-blnder
New York le pretty welt overrun with
Ihe CelrsllaU.and t'.etuneof several jeais
ago bat been' change-d to the following
"There la a feeling of relief that our taw
effectually prevent the sensible increse of
tne celestial population now in our must.
Nat Baker, the black visgd, piratical
looking tinuibre, who ha4 charge of tlio
McMtnuintsfr lu this city.souie year ago
win still us rei4ietuba-ea by many,
left Portland a pear ago. deserting
wife, and locating in tialveata. Texan
started a blackmailing paper, lie tUiricd
a war on the city council and aa a result
lie was quietly taken in band by a few
citixens. escorted to the cemetery and
shown five gravea.bcnealh which mound
lays all that was left of alleged editors of
the Baker sttioe. Nat wilted. Wasco
Just w hat to publish In a newspaper Is
often a serious question, and it is one no
rule can be laid down for. Tbe size of a
city has something b) do with it. White
a newspaper in a place like Albany may
occasionally be padded with potty mat
ters, like ''John ejmith baa gone to Po
dunc on business," the metropolitan
journal broadens out into a hlgfur at
ruoffphere and do- not make an issue of
such mattrr. Instead you will find
grander subjects, audi as the Sullivan-
biavin fgot, in three columns.R horrible
murder, eto. Take your choice.
W W Baker.editor of the Kursi Spirit,
had bis pocket picked of 1120 at the Htate
fair. What waa ao editor doing with
that amount of money at a falr,and where
did begot t.
Wholesale dealers in papr-r send out a
bin to tneir customers the nrt ol every
month whether due or not. They want
to keep the fact before their debtors.
But if a newspaper sends a reminder to
us customers someol ttiein put on a sour
face- Most of them, though, take it in
the same way the newspaper does,
Items like the following from the For
est Grove Times are frequently read in
Oregon papers : "Samuel Cosat left here
last February to make his home in Kan
sas, but last Hat u relay he returned to
Forest Grove with the Intention of living
the balance of his life in Oregon."
Wu noticed one school near here, (ays
the Beaver Creek correspondent ut the
Lebanon Express, a strong district that
pays .'0 per month, thatliad only four
pupil jn attendance. On inquiry wo
learned that four was about the average
for the first poiitb.
It was Htated to a Talk reporter today
that tht'M were patties from both Taco
ma and A I ban f in Portland looking for
"sprinters'' to run in their hose teams in
direct violation of the rules adopted by
the Iward. Firemen should remember
tliut an honorable defeat is preferable to
an unfair victory. Astoria Town Talk.
People living in glass houses should not
throw stones. Albany does not need to
go to Portland for good runners. We
have some right at home. As a matter
of fact though the Astoria hose team was
trying to got two sprinters in Portland a
few 'days ago, and probably succeeded.
T'fA DRiNata F'afely
three fourth of the leatconsameja)
are "Green Teas lnpleatant
a the fact may be, the bright,
shiny green to familiar to ut all
I not the natural color, but it due
to the facing or glaxlng of the tea
with Prussian blue, Indigo and
ether mineral colors.
That coloring hides Ihe effects
of poor teas It undoubted; but Is
It healthful, and does It not call
loudly for the Importation of a
brano of pure, uncolored, unman-
It wm this condition of affairs
that prompted the p)$Ti's of
Beech's T before the public.
Being the absolutely pure, un
colored )esf it ft different In color
from any you ever used. Jtdras
a canary color of a delightful
fragrance that Is a revelation to '
le drinker, and it purity makes
It more economical than the aril- .
ficlal teat, lett of It being required
per cup. Sold only in packages. -0
centt per poui.d. Atk for
Beech's Tea, pure as childhood,
fot tale by Allen Bros., Fllna
bpek, Albany ,
Wheat Baby waa atoR, w gave bar CsuiottB.
When h waa a Child, she erled for Oeetoria.
When she beeam Mis, h clung to Caetorla.
Whew. taaj)4 ridrn,abesvtbm?aatcTUs.
For bargain in monuments, headstone
tt.,o to E W Aehitou&Co,Altany,OregoB
B W Aehtton &Co are sailing aaansmtnts
at Portland prices. , i
jgJLlLL L J Lii-J. JiL.
Albany Hhewld Beeeme a vTbelesale
With a competing steamship line from
Ban Francisco, and river transportation
facilities to Portland, Albany possesses
advantages enjoyed by no other city in
Oregon. With a transcontinental line
east, through the rich country east ol
the mountains, not even Portland will
equal hor in jobbing facilities, and it is
only a question of A few years, not with
standing the present unpleasantness,
when we will have it. Following is from
the) Oregonian's recent splendidly gotten
up 24-page edition, the figures given be
ing oniy nn example. 1 ney siioutu open
tbe eyes ol our merchants :
"While the hardships suffered by Port
land jobbers arising irom excessive
freight rates inalnUtlned by tho Union
I'acUlu and Northern Paciflo railroad
companies to points east of thq tnoun
taina are o-riovous to iiear. vet inev sink
into utter inaignlfkatic when compared
wltli what they are com pi" lied to submit
to in the valley, The following figures
(which for convenience are based on the
less than car load rate on nails) will
throw at least a measure of light on the
difficulties with which Portland has to
contend in holding tier trade In a terri
tory naturally her own, and In which
she ought to have no trouble in main
taining her supremacy:
To Albany from Han Francisco, C'J3
miles, 2.1o er I0U pounds.
To Albany from Portland, 79 miles, 18c
per 100 pounds.
To Drains from Kan Francisco, C16
miles, 42c per 100 pojnds.
To Drains from Portland, 1W miles,
81c per 100 pounds.
ToGrant'a Pass from Han Francisco,
470 miles, Wo per 100 pounds.
To Grant's Pass from Portland, 21M1
miles, $1 13 per 100 pounds.
To Ashland from Han Francisco, 432
miles, 1 1 22 per 100 pounds.
To Ashlund from Portland, 310 miles,
I UO per 100 pounds.
"In addition to the foregoing differ
ences, which apply fairly to all points
south of Albany, there is a still grentcr
Injustice, and lor whlt-li llat't-madifijcult
to find any explanation, and that is In
the fact that nails can be shipped to
Albany and reahipped to points south of
A limn y at a lower rale than they can lie
shipped from Portland direct to destina
tion, for instance tne rate on nans irom ;
Portland to Drains ' 01
Portland to Albany I
Albany to Drains ,.19 37
Or a difference in favor of reship-
ruent of 2t
Ho that Allntny merchants ran buy nails
in Portland at the same figures named
to the Drains merchants, ship tbeta to
Albany and reship to Drains, and make
a profit of 24 cents per keg.
"Unless rcllid is afforded Portland job
bers voluntarillv by the Southern l'a-
eif.e railroad company, or InvolunUriily
through the action of the slate railroad
commission, It ia but a question of time,
and a short time at that, when every
large jobbing house In Portland will tie
forced to establish and maintain a branch
warehouse at Albany, aa has already
been done by one of our leading grocery
houses, w hone example will doubtless
soon be followed by others, and thus a
large volume of business be driven away
from Portland by this pcrutisr action of
ine pouuiern ) at-ic rnurouo company.
The following flowery letter is from the
DeWitt (Iowa) Observer, headed "From
the Paciflo jaet," and we publish it
without comment, leaving thai for our
readers lo do:
Albabt, Oregon, Aug. 1 J, ISf'l
I believe I promised the 6lerver
some correspondence from tho Pacific
coast. I have been in no hurry about it
until I could find the facts, as to the
country and the people. I am not pre
pared yet to pass judgment definitely on
either, but there are a few things I can
say truly, which I can give to you: In
regard to us, it has been a summer day
all the time since we left Ik-Witt We
left Iowa just ahead of the storms and
reached Portland the day that finished
dp the dajcpp weather of an Oregon
spring. Binoe tuej) 14) e weather has
been Just lovely 110 ruthlng' w',;di or
lashing rains. When it docs rain
it just weeps a little and then smiles
again; there are no breaking up of the
fountains and pouring down torrents of
water, it simply dampens the earth and
Uien smiles in peace. The days may be
warm but the evenings and mornings
are without a fault; they are cool and
nice, U you cjy Id but get a sleep under
an Oregon sky after an lows, torrid day
you would feet like blesfcinjf the uairr
of Die seasons. Hluniberl You would
say blessings rA the hand which created
sleep. This is a gorgeous country to
sleep in. What more do you want? A
lovely day and a delicious night to sleep,
and such pleawant' dfeama. Mortal,
what more would you ask 7
The bottom has dropped out of the
boom all along the coast, which is a good
thing for this country. They will begin
by and by. to find out iual. what they are
worth not what they thought they were
worth. There is an over-production of
everything here, except money and good
paying Investments for it. Business is
over done in thia country, but much
worse in the "Hound country and Cali
fornia than In Oregon. This is a hard
money country; they fed the pressure
of-i tight money market worse than in
tbe east; they are the first to suffer and
the last to recover. In about one year
will be a good time to come to this coun
try, if one withes to stay and invest in
property: By that time property will
have found bottom. A farm can be
bought Anywhere from $5 to $50 per acre ;
you pjn bfy a good farm in this valley
(thegardjen of tne coast) for from 8)5 to
$25 per acre, with climate thrown in.
This is a wonderful Wheat count L)t
wore 01 tins aiicr wnno.
(sometime I will tell you what God has
done for this lovely land. We have been
to the mountains and the coast ; we have
seen the groat waters of the J'ucUic
ocean, turbulent and wild, we have
stood on its briney shores, where its
stormy waves cm "Stool mortal, vour
westward march Is done) this is the ter
minus 01 American civilization." we
have stood upon the mountains and
looked down upon the beautiful valleys
below, with meandering mountain
streams, and just wished that man had
j9 tnttch peace as they.
r " A. B. Cl'MMINO.
et tyu . . ;
A foniDtalal.
""" .
Alb ant, Of., Sept. 17th, 1891.
Sditori Democrat
Allow me to call the attention of the
City Couneil to an unmitigated nuisance
which exists here, and which I am satis
fied does not exist in any other city of
the same sUe in the state on the coast,
and that is the burning of straw and
other refuse in the public streets, com
pelling merchants to close their doors
find pedestrians to go round a block
rathef tfian'erjcounter the nuisance. ..
...,. . !,. ' j. prTiggH.
'' " -. . '.
A Valuable Remedy.
Hon gdmund Pitts, tba lets President
of the New York State Senate wrltesi
Stats op Nsw Yoag, Sbbats Cbaubrb,
A&bastt, March 11, 1S80.
I have used Alloook' Poront Platters in
my family for the past fire year, and oan
truthfully aay they ara a valuable remedy
and effeot great: cures. I Would not b
without them. I have In several iattanoea
given tome to friond (uffarine with weak
anJm backhand they invariably afforded
certain and" ty$edy relief. They cannot be
too bigbly oommon-ied. ' -
Krw Process. Mrt A M Tali It new
elllng a new protest for canning frulta
nd vegatablet without cooking or sealing
If tight. Samplet of her work may ba
teen at Brownsll's ttore.
We intaraafaia tt tramps.
TewBhtawit k wM(.
Tba best roast etf la tka city at (,'eaie
noma akd arkoao
The Ii.nurlilhl Kttisilii tt tttr.tln Port-
land tonight. -
Ninety-nine return ticket were told lo
tli State fair snd twenty-sittht straight
Salem tiuknt today.
Ol tba $10,000 in policies sarriod on ths
Willamette University building 85000 was
with the Phoenix Co., 2500 in the State
and $2500 iu ths Northwestern. Ths lot
was between foOOO snd 17500.
Strambr Sailkr. The su-amslilp
Willamette Valley sailed from Yaqulua at
10m thlt morning with the following
pacngeri: Mrs A Cooper, C 8 Cooper,
T Harnlng, J W Bean, Albert Gel, Joe
Prultt, J, W F llocfs, and fifteen
tteerajjv -cngcr.
Two KtiNAWAvs. Thl forenoon
ShulU Bros meat wagon wat left standing
In front of the Ice work for a mo'nent,
when they jerked the II net from the brake
and ttarted on a run along the road be
tide the ditch, turning at Heventh street
and running to the eastern end of the
ttreet, almost laterally tearing the wagon
to piece.
Thi afternoon one of John A Craw
ford' spirited horse was being driven by
Mr Ream when It became irigiitened near
the Congregational church and ran part
of a block, kicking energetically, breaking
both nun on.
Rbsidknck Bus n so, '1 his morning
shout 3 o'clock the residence of Mr A G
Ryan fnce Mr Davennort) stthe iunclloo
of the Sanllsm canal ar.d the road run
ning past Got Ira's Park ediltllon, win en
tirely consumed by fire, together wlih all
the furniture, not a thing being saved.
Mr Ryan it awiv from the city and Mrt
Ryan wat spending the night at MrSlrcit
a'.l's, about half a mile away. Tbe Drm
oca AT I Informed that she dreamed her
house wat burning, and jumping fiom her
bed at the time named wat astonished to
tee Ihe building In flames. Alarming
tl.e people In the house tbe went to the
burning buldtng, but too late to do any
thing. Tbe house n nearly new and
handsomely furnished. It was Insured
In the Connecticut, W E McPbeison, lo
cal agent, for $900, and Ihe furniture (or
The groe vein of property io Claokamaa
ooaoty.aooardlng to the rooent
$3,Ma,0C7 Indobtado, I3.302.M7; -emptioca.
$378,431. Taxablu pr-.ptrty,
At a mating of the K of P Ust evening
Dr J L Hill. W A McClain. H'altrr i
Parker and Goo C Will wet elected repre-
sentativst to tha grand lodge, whtuh maot
in Portland Oct 13di.
Home Hae epeoimnnt of tripolt were re
eently brought from tha Caaoade mountain.
Thia makes a very superior polish. Sam
ple may be arwin at Burkbart & Koecey's,
or at the offie of tbe Albany Mining A
Milling Co.
Mr Busby baa received the oontract for
surveying township 9 ii K 6 aod 6 eaat
where there ar a largn number of uatter
claims. Township 10 8 K 4 east t being
eU!y surveyed by Jdr Csmpbeil. A large
number ar wsitmg for the com pi etl 00 of
thi work la irdr to HI their cUimr.
Alberteuoand Chandler, the two Fidelity
Bank robbery, of Taroraa. rr arreslad at
(i srdinnr, Wednesday night by Depntv US
Marshal Uij.liot, of Tacnma. W W
Coahran.of Eugitt,G N Mtorc,-f (jardicer,
aod J T Tbotipaoa.of Klorene. AlberUoo
rretsted aomowhat and wa shot, but not
injured mocb.
The stoppage to drilling far oil nor Hub
bard at a depth of 2 SO foet put a quietus t.o
tba oil sciUtiuo at Needy, but with the oast
pipe and drill no ttie way from the I'.sat the
intawtioa t to eitend tha depit.Jta j;o3 loot.
Tb engioaar io abwge will wot glr up, if
h most, ootil live 1300-foot bole have
been uak. Independent.
Wheat 1 St cent In Albany and 7s ccntt
In SaTcm. Please make a no'.e of It, Mt
W -jrrp j. L-asANOrr. Mr Hardy, the
Lebanon jeweler, wte r. )he city today
with a warrant for 'he arre of T J Hell,
the foreman of Tho. Pi Ice, 'he sewer
builder, at Ixhonon, ho bad a. rib
broken. Tbe jomp'alnt I that "lich
brought a watch of lla-dy and left without
paying fur It. Mr Belt was not found, have
been running for some place unknown ac
cording to the ttf.-ijrt given the Dkmocrat.
Mttvhant report a live f-ll trade.
The WtlLwi'tte at tbiaeity It now throe
tt (l it r
IfjO't W4Ulg;r,a Jim lai rl 1 )ou can
g-tit at F M Fiet.fcb'r, .
A lar Hoc f Ifjar.t gold watube a
Uary nvw trayt al Will Stark',
T be Jas Vick aoe.l ecm,ptty. x Hcil-ter,
N T, 1 i t the band of a rei vr.
Tbn overlaud thia m nnoa r-iv.l three
hour late, caused by a small I od slide,.
There are several boys teems ia Al
bany an hun id Jjcb r ., are of daily oc-
.npp.P.1 ' ' '
i. . I - . 1 v
A gtme of base t'alj waa In prot;rest thi
atiercoon bctwix-Q tn j uvenile of Albsuy
and TnKtj t.
lyilh hit new bakery C inrad Mover ia
tom tooReriHi ana nee cittorner every
thing Hretalaa io b.ke4 go hIj.
Aay one contemplating 1 nying a gold
watoh .ill do well to call at V M Frcooh'a
and examine stock and prices. '
The ln;t nn tba house of Mr Ryan was
ajastcd yesUydaw by the insurance com-
. . . 1 1 j.. . n 1 .
'y a. ma taco ot tne policy, JIW.
At tho mating of the Building A Loan
Ataoeiatioe last avaning 8309J wat loaned
k ID Train at fl S luoutha iu tor est ia ad
vane. The Metsaga ia agalu upon our table, It
is a nicely gotten up papo., tho typograph
ical appearauoo bring Brat olaaa. The work
it done by C W Coh, tha printer.
Wm Peniok, lately from Idaho, baa pur
chased Frank Crabtrea'a iutereat iu the
Nicbolt, Wuttfall U Co livery ataldua. Mr
Penick it b n.'phew of Mr Weallall. Lela
non Exprest. j,
Lawyer l'nrtonahaw waa indicted by tha
grand jury of V-hUn I on the ohsego of eni
hetxling qjnuey 0 illcetdl 'or Mrs Moore,
lie had already bn diiohsro.1 on a pre
liuiinaiy xniination.
Meter Fiagley and SWoIe,of Polk ooontv,
with aeat iron aeparator. threshed 78,000
buthela of grain In 31 Kys, an aysraga of
about t,4lM) buthela a dy nntd tha last
eleven days which, on account of having to artraoed
about 2,200 busbsU.
A Man ARRgsTRD.Sherlff Scott this
morning arrested John Baker, wanted at
McMinnvlle for robbing a store. Sheriff
Dennis, of Yamhill count, wt:t be In the
clly to-morrow after tho prisoner.
A PArea AjTkktwo will bo hold at the
First Presbyterian phurch Sunday even
ing, conducted by the ' Woiuan's Mis
sionary Society, at which the following
interesting and instructive program will
bo rendered;
Doxology, Congregation.
Prayer, by the pastor.
The Iesaon, Mrg Wolverton.
Quartet, Mra Langdon, Mrs AUhouao,
Messrs Prichard ana fears.
Past, Present and Future of Missions,
Mrs D H McCullagh. '
Hymn, Watchman Tell us of the Night.
Mr Pickett's Mite Box, Miaa Moses.
A Paper on Japan, Mra Sears.
Solo, Prof Leo. .
son''9 f"''9 JJr' Wm
Recitation, Margurete Hopkins.
Duet. Mra Chamberlain and Tletv
j-iiepubjia willfee pordially welcomed
to these exercises,
Sbevjoks To mobrow. At the regular
Sunday morning services Bey h S Fisher
will give such who wish to unite with
the church an opportunity. The subject
for the morning will be "Christ Reject
ed," and in the evening, "A Bad Thing
in Albany." Seats are free in the Evan
gelical church, and all are welcome, ea
pedia'Jly n)pthera with children.
ine gospel services ot tne young Mens
Christian Association to-morrow after
noon at 4 o'clock will be conducted by
Mr Fred'FoTtmiller and Mr D W Myers.
Subject for consideration, "Prayer."" All
men are iavitedi
Regular servicea at the First M E
church. Preaching morning and; everiSffg
by the pastor, Eev 8 EMeminger. Sab
bath school at 2 :30 p m and Epworth
League meeting at 6:46 n m. All will be
made welcome. .
Rev 0 A Wooley, of tbe Cumberland
Presbyterian church, will preach in tbe
M church, fiouth, tomorrow morning
nnd evening, end probably each night
during the week. .
Rev 8 E Webster will preach at the
Congregational church morning and
Regular services at 11am and 7 :30 p
m at the Paptlst church, by the pastor,
Rev Geo
W Hill, bunrlay school at
12:4S p m.
0:30 p ni.
111 will
be made welcome.
frilled by Albany W, 0.1, V
John 0 tVoolJcy gives the best defini
tion of goftpel temperance we have heard
lately. Here it is; "When a young
man simply declines a glass of wine, giv
ing the name of Jesus for the reason, I
call that gospel temperance. And when
a young woman with Christian tact and
grace- demands, as Christian ladies run
demand, for the eakeof Jesus, who n ver
once reproached a woman, abstinence as
a prerequisite to her respect, 1 call that
guspel temttcrance. Ana when the hon
ored wife of Minnesota's spotless sena
tor, who died with his glass reversed,
Mrg William Window, refused to serve
wine at her table according to custom,
saying she would rather offend s few
llian tempt any, I call that gospel tem
perance. And when a Christian man
stands up and voles the will of God
touching drink into the ballot box, and
does it for His sake and in bis name,
though he stands alone among a million,
and against overwhelming odds of policy
and politics or worldly wisdom, 1 call
that gospel temperance."
One of the ladies told me that she
beard this bit of talk between two drum
mers. "Have a smoke?" ok-d one of
the other. "No, thank you," replied
his friend. "What's the matter? You
used to be a' great smoker." "I've been
where they are made, and seen the pro
cess; you'll never catch another cigar in
my mouth."
The liquor n.en are lieginning to com
plain tlit the Chautauquas and other
summer assemblies are masked batteries
for temperance. They certainly do send
out some good hot shot occasionally.
Here are some from the address of Roy
Roland Grant, at Fryeburg, Me:
"Men talk about the 'labor question.'
The greatest question for the laboring
men of today is the liquor question.
Ho've that, and it will help to solve all
"A bushel of corn makes four gallons
of whiskey, which retails at 810 ; of
w bich the farmer gets 40 cents, the rail
road company f I, the United States $3.60.
thai manufacturer $1, the vender 7, and
tbe drinker GO days and the delirium
"Vole for license if yoa dare, and pray
'Give us this day daily breard,' when
your vote is helping to rob hundreds and
thousands of women and children of
their daily bread."
"When you go on to the polls to vote.
do not voto to license the business, for
be you a drunkard in rags, or a gentle
man in broadcloth, if you both vote to
license, the devil himself could not tell
the difftrpp? between the ballots."
I a.n aow receiving dasiy oiuie early
Varfo-d pevohos fromj Aah'sid. tine 8V
aai i. I,ar order t C E Browne!!'
Ccwhs. Cot :i. IrCeenTS. Bronchitis,
iisr:-.oess. 1is:?inn C;-jb, Croup.
Sor liircat. A'.:.- .. ari -.cry f:-cia ol the
threat, luret . i.K.'vsr. ; .-;iptlon.
tfl rtitl fii f .1 IT ... 1! . SfWJ. w! -j, . - - i. "
w avoosai rioua ttVBitiwR roa pajiiu
kESTSTOPsAGE facilities.
4 .
'.4 wt 14
I'll ' r ;,i '
(AV . .... a. tnfB jlj r, tff ..nWtt'W
I A CbsB !.. AfttMit
ltl dvnrlgnaj hare this day bn 'ii pilied
rxocui'ir, ui ine tan win ana t.uuaut of (lean
Rear, defeased, br the Hon, eoantr court for Linn
county, Orax-on. Ail person hsvinjr claim agmiaet
uaeaiaiear nereny requireu i praaoot them to
the undereiirned or f J. K. Westheift nl, at Albany,
Or., within six nonths troot this date, propeily rrii
Bed aa refulred by law.
This lath day ol August, 1S91 .
i. K. Wsarnaaroa Executor.
Atty r tseeotem " S-21)
CASTINGS. a'teuUon jaA n lairing alt
tla of niaehlnon
PaVwrn? Made en Shert Nctiet
.tCtf .
BK. B.C. WEST'S Kerr ar.d Drain Treatmea
(uarsiiteed apecillo for Hysteria, Dimness, Conra
sioos, IT. Nerrou Meuralaia. Ilosdache. Nervoa
Ppwtrallon ausad by the use ol alcohol or tobseeo,
Wskatulnoee, Mental Depression, Softening ot the
tfrait. reanltlna In tnsanltr and ieadlnr to ntisary.
sVcto vtd death, prematare old sir, barrenness, lose
ar r. i caused by over-exertion or tne rraia
Each la contains one month's treatmeut, SI a box
ar six boxes lor tS, seat by mall prepaid on receipt
sees. Wltbeaeh erder reeelred by na for six boxes,
seeonipanied with ,"., we wiil send the'pnrctiasereur
written guarantee to reruna the money ir the treat
ment doee not effect a enre. Guarantiee iesued onl
ey i. A. Cummint, pruggist, sole agent, Albany , Or.
T't r Js acVnowldg8t
Ihe !;.-ititig remedy Hu
Oatovrti(a btoa.
The only i;e remedy lot
tLBierirlb.ta or Whitoa.
I prescribe it ami keJ
fute In rewmanaciiE"
t" "ij nfffi"ni.'ONtat, m.u
BoJ! I-ujb!3s .
Stanard ft Cusiek, Agent.
f2TVd. Oreeon. A. p. Armatreof, rrln.
teeh School GariTiL Bus. CeLLeae, alm, Omfoa,
. - Sams oouraas of slaOy, sams raua of toitlea,
- Business, Shdrthand,
3rirf , Ptnmthip, aauf Snglisk Detarttnmti
AW-In wmiQu throHgliottt tha yr. mutisms
i at turf turn. GwaMeie neat mOua aeneet, mu
ip jp r'nree lnKJ
i to it A Y P. VI
ty-? ee 8?l:ara.
vr eenir by
Th jM"atitfiei!
" I have been a rreat
Asthma. " sufferer front Asth
ma and screra Colda
every Winter, and last Pall my
friends as well a myself thought
because of ray feeble condition, ad
great distress from constant couch
ing, and inability to raise any of the
accumulated matter from my lungs,
that my time was close at hand.
When nearly worn out for want of
sleep and rest, a friend recommend
ed me to try thy valuable medicine,
iJoschee s German
Syrup. ( X am con
fident it saved my
life. Almost the first
dose gave me great
relict and a genle re
freshing sleep, such asl had not had
for weeks, Mycough began immedi
ately Ij loosen ana pass away, and
I found myself rapidly gaining in
health and weight. I am pleased
to inform thee unsolicited that I
am in excellent health and do cer
tainly attributait to thy Boschee's
German Syrup. C. B. Stick3Y,
Picton, Ontario." 9
mite HERBS,
. inc. i,uhk ur
pon 2A4.r srr Ait,
w t iwm ii- ia wwi wib uvAiii.g
nmm & sulberj bros.
Beal Estate Agents
Farms snd Raacbr for sale.
Alto etty broaerty in AlV.eoy
scd Coryfttlt.
Caveat, and Trade-Mark ohtalced. and til rab
ut bnttnets conducted for Moderate Fees.
Our 09ee It OppssHe U. S. Patent Office.
asdecaace;ir in les time than ibos
re ram from WaastnuKw.-
bead model, drawing or photo wiia deecnw
tlon. We edTiso, if patentable or st, free of
chert-e. Oar lr not dae till patent ie secured.
A Pamphlet. -How to Ohtafn Patents," with
same of actn-J clients In your State, county, or
town, sett tree. Aaerw.
O-Atta Pater.t Offiea. Washtoeton. P. C.
Cor Wind end Ferry St, All aty, 1
O UPERIOK work, guarantee-! in ever;
O branch of the art. . fc3ra:argicg
all klu-ia a spaolaity .
S T t
Ear Lady if Perpetual Help,
ALBANY, - - -
Satadneted by the Slat.
f St. Benediot
Tuition In aelect day trbool rangeamrn
IS to
Fertorais o' Boarding Boh ol mt an
prtiethtra apply at tbe -A :. -efleas
Slater Snrrloeaasj
'A. utbI montjly J-ureal. edited by Pre
B. ft Lafcn, Ko farnsr or fVnft a-rowaj
ew auora to oe wttaout 1?. it
whoever bakes 1L 12 tr vea'r.
year. $1 tlx
months, 20 rta a sinyl. nnrnbar.
Address i. cJTEARKSJ,
?orttaat). Qragnt)
Bea September lSlh, 1891.
Oenrseef stapy amneed exnraaslT ta meat tka
aacds of tbe esrmlna- and meohaoleal intereete of the
eate. Large, comoiiloue and well-Tentllated baili
rnae. The eolrege 1 located In a ealUrated and
eemmoulsy, and oris of the healthiest In the a'av.
Eapenses need not exceed tl0
or tne entire seaaloa.
Two nam treescholarshlna from
IWt for eatalogue te tt. L. AHMOLD. Proa., :
prrsJBa, free;ea
A Uovelation,
lew rsjeeda know (net K)
bright Msiaa-greea aolor e
rts onliiisry teas exposed la
tha wandewt I not the nat
ural aelee. Vnpleaaaot a the
fact may be, ft I cerertheleaa
arUfleial; mineral eoloricj;
iRatter being used tor thl
purpose. Tue effect I two
fold. It not only stakes At
tea a bright, clilny gren, bt ao pcrtSiu tht
of " off " aud worthier tees, whleh
once under the green eloak, re
' reedllr
worked o.T n a good quality of too.
Au emJuent aulhorlty wylka oa' this ml).
tsol: "Th manlpalaUoHof roortcnM.'Kixa
tlisnt a'Cu-jr appearance, Is ferria:t prj cstaiil
sttoly. Croea seaa, boina; it thia sum:ry
especinlly popnlr-r, are pyotjacel ts tn-?vi tl'-
4maad byentorlngebeat-er 1.3a- it-.nisty
g'aaiug or facing w UU Trj3Ui Vt :n -net tc,
gypsum, and l:id'si. THs .n.Vl yea
fm? that very Hill- gawim sj.-irf;iraf frcw: iea
ojerej f ,r aafc1"
it was the knirvlcjra f thtt eondilloa 1 1
affairs rromptcd-tiio vilt rr nf j-j.-g
Tea betute tUe pcbUc. H r'. ;.lut-ir
and Wtihr-nt eoliw; v(! rv . .. .
gonulDia u-i-v.lvrcj 4.4 rfa -ltJt'U.'
frocer to erea a 1 ankage of EVoch'e, a&ly- d
will eoe tt, aad nrcbaM. fnr ti.K ?r.i
. :..., ,. I. 1 1
. w.u co )nu in eo.orto bo jtst b-
taeen tha V-rHSslcl green tea that yon hava
been ajeastntnea to ad fhe hlpolt tea.
It drawsadeliitatfrtl eana'ry eolor, eui ! sg
rragreu that if win a reypluiia;. u tt.
drlnkora. Its prtrity rnaket Jt also nra
twonorcleal (Has the arei.lcisl tcss, far Ju
ef It U rntru par eup. Sold n3? in poud
rackages neariiigtii traae-msraj ;
rPuro AsWdhobrl?
If jess- grace Coax ant hare if, be wilt get
H far ye, rate f3 pay aoaaA Ir ati, at
4rr. V'Ut i ' f" f t 1
ri a,w XZjttijsL