k iOcutflaat. FRIDAY SKPTEM1JER 23, 1891 LOCAL UEOOHD. Things Using Mao. In. a quiet way Albany semis out a pcxxl many manu factured articles to different points in the Northwest. The Knl Crown Hour Is moil everywhere In the Northwest. The mill runs almost unceasingly. The Al bany Wire Works are run at their fullest capacity, tiioir wire mattresses having a bill market. H Veal A Son run their factory steadily on chairs, for which they nave a wen established market. The prouueta 01 me u r s r v x u to. go everyw here In the valley. The Albany Iron Works are now at work on four fronts for U'bftnon.an.l are til Una orders for Salem. Uoseburjt, Corvallis and other places. Richards & Phillip are turning out some fine wood work for lr Wallace's new residence and liave numerous orders ahead. Joseph's clear factory is kept busy incclinK orders. The Albany Wool en Mills need hardly to be mentioned so well Is their bin business known to the people. 1 heir Roods no nil over the U S., and they have orders ahead for man? months. I onsiilerable furniture is man ufactured by Thoe Urink and Wm Fruni. Tut T.EST Har Story. Nearly every exchange has a lear item. The country seems full of the Innocent beasts. Here is the best one yet, from the Watcrville, laan.jiicmocrnt: untie in Ms pas ture on I'uider mountain, abovo Oorba ley canyon, last Tuesday, Matt Mi'ler espied an object in one corner w hich he supposed 10 be a call, and w alked toward k wii.il 111a inieniiun 01 uriviiiK 11 out. It proved to l a War. This altered the situation, and Matt immediately opened lire and shot the bear, which ran into some thick brush close by. Matt follow ed and shot at the first specimen of bruin he saw, thinking it the same one. He killed it instantly, and it turned out to be a yearling enb, and a different animal from that at which he first fired. About this time three more bear made their appearance on the scene. Matt kept tiring and wounded a good sixed bron one in the face, hut the trio made their escape. Mr Miller brought his two trophies to town. A sot ii k a K ao lk Sen k a x i d. Ys t e rday forenoon a messenger lmy drop.ied a $"J0 piece on the sidewalk 'in front of the Worcester block and it rolled otr into a deep mud puddle. The little fellow got a tin pail and started in'to hail out the puddle, not quite as hopeless a tank as bailing out the ocean with a pint pot, but nearly as impraticahle. A crowd gathered around aud watched the pro ceedings wnn great uiiereet lor some time, but at length a umn began grab bing in the mud w ith his hand ami soon fished up the $-0. The hoy gave thanks and went off gripping the coin so tightly that the goddwss of liberty and the eagle both screamed. Oregonian. Tuc Bkidgr. Mr FJ MUlcr, superin tendent of the Albany bridge, W in the city, eajy to keep hi ereVn the initiatory stork on the bridge, in the shape of pile driving, whlchltts Intended to'bein this week, Mr Wakefield having Informed him that he would be here to begin on I he piers before the end of the week. The pile dHrer and other apparatus U on the wsy here, a big cow ha been sent by river from Eugene, and soon everything will b In motion. The contract for looo barrels of the best English or Belgium cement was et a few davs ago In l'ortlantf. The contract fcr lumber, of which it will take about 300, 000 feet, will be let to several Albany deal in, being divided among them. The iron work is being pushed in Cleveland, and the -piers will be shipped first al an early day. In a short time the livest place around Albany will be at the site of the bridge. Flywheel Runs Away. A queer runaway occurred on Snake river the other day, taysthe East Wellington. when the flywheel of Jim McKee's threshing machine broke loose and ran two miles down the big hill. The thresher was at work on a high bluff above the river when the pin that holds the flywheel in position worked out, allowing the wheel to ll, off the spindie. It so happened that the wheel was revolving towards the river, and when it flew from the thredier It shot off down the mountain side at lightning speed, never stopping till It reached the river's edge. The wheel was so badly damaged as to be usete, and a new one had o be obtained before the thresher could be started egain. E10 Fiocreb. Bids for 2 blocks of street improvements were opened at Salem yesterday. Here are the inter esting figures: Bays, JefTeries A Co.. Portland with concrete gutters, 8G,1'J3 82; wilh stone g jtters, $102,227 11. B 8 Rielly, Portland concrete gutters $13.",655 75; stone gutters, 1135,505 75. Mason A Strang, Salem concrete gut ters, 1112,312 C6; etone gutters, $115, 312 65. Atoms. Men are not what they used to be in Albany.for they used to be boys. A friend will stand by you until his own interests are affected, and then good bye friend. The man who gives is very popular until be quits giving. The docket is filling with divorce cases, nearly fifteen. In nearly every case it may be wageied the parties loved to dis traction at one time. It is the well tem pered love that lasts. It pays to tell the truth. The wear on the brain is not as great. Church Conventions. The Baptist state convention will be held in Albany on Oct 14th. A minister's conferi-nce meet the day before the opening of the convention. A large delegation of the leading ministers and other workers in the Baptist churches of the state will be pres ent Betide this there will meet In Al bany during October the Congregational association, the ministerial conference f the Christian church, synod of the U P church of the coast, and state convention of Y P C E. Albany is becoming a great center for such conventions. Wmcrs to Oo. Go to Parkei Bros for fresh fruitsand vegetables. Go to Parker Bros for the best teas an coffees. Go to Parker Bros for good baking fjowder. Go to Parker Bros for fine baked goods. The best bread, cakes, pies, etc in the aaarket. Go to Parker Bros for your groceries generally, and be assuredof good goods and first-class treatment. Ths. Last Day of the K fair was well attended. The receipt f..r the week were $9594 50 against $9528.50 for 1890. The race track receipts were $1,885.75 against $2,020 50 last year. The 322 irot was won by Blondieln three straight heats; best time, 3:254. I he Oregon Uerby was won by Misty Morn In 2:$('A. The special trot was won by Klamath, best time 3:30. Am Ai.ua.hv Mam Fined. The elate fair furnished an assault and battery case late Saturday night. A marshal called upon I L Smith, of Independence, so interfere in a row, which he did and received a blow on the face from one of the contestants, Frank Marshall, of Al- Dany, who was taken before .Recorder Goodell and paid $17 45 for the privilege. eaiem journal. A Bonus Suit. The Brownsvl le Woolen Mill Co. now the Albany A . olen Mill Co., m brought suit against several Albany men who guaranteed the balance to the $25,000 subscription to the Woolen Mill. The amount was about $1500, be ing about $150 lor each ot the subscribers A Nbw CuURCH.-The new U P Church at Shcdd, recently built at a eost of $2400, will be dedicated next Sabbatn morning at 11 o'clock. Rev Logan, of Poitlar.d, will preach the sermon, Dr irvlne will pi each there in the evening. All are Invited to be present. Teachers WANTED-TheCountySchool Suserlntendent Informs us that two teach ers are wanted at $100 per quarter, boaid Included; one male teacher at $50 a mcnth. Call at office of superintendent. Iammk Fbuit Wasticd. Fruit raisers are requested to leaye at the Oregon! Hank good, healthy samples ot fruit of all kinds, for an exhibit at Chicago this fall and winter. Peaches, prunes.pluma, pears, apples, etc.,particularly are desired. mm m ),x Crook Cocntt. J W Elliott started on Thursday to Web foot after loo head of hogs which he wilt drive across the moun tains, lie will fatten them for bacon IhU fall. General 1'rhie, who has been In Idaho and Montana the past three years, re turned lout Wednesday. He was glad to ret back to Oregon, and thinks Crook county U good enough for hhr. V 11 Andcraon started east some lime auo whh wu car loads of hones. He sol as far Chvenne, where he sold out at $47 50 per head. Farmers here complain of dull lime and low prices offered hr farm produce, butthev are better off than farmers of some other localities. su Wallowa coun ty farmers are offering thcl hay for $ j a ton or $ Jdciivered In Joseph. Review, V Ci'tb YotiNUHTicR. Those little pocket banks which open when they nre filled wi'h just $3 in ten cent pieces, are great contrivances. ot far front T.ugeiie a cute young man was ow inn n merchant a dollar. "I ve got $4 In bank ; give me $1 more in ten cent pieces and i ll open it and nav un." he remarked. the mer chant did so, the young man opened the bank, cave him l. and left. Now the creditor is trying to figure out w hat he made bv the transaction. Guard. Here is another not 10 cute irom the Salem Journal: Saturday a North Salem boy took a $20 gold piece out of his inother'a satchel and traded it to another boy for a jack-knife. Neither of the Iwya knew the value 01 the com, nut a mini boy evidently did and gave the second bov a nickel for the yellow piece. Now the parents of boy No: 1 wre demanding of the parents of boy No. 3 restitution of the f -0 piece. Against the R. K. Com. Before Hon R P BoUe, judge of the circuit court for Marlon county, at chambers, ve.tcrd.iy the writ of proceeding Instituted hy the I nion 'aclhc against the state board ot railroad commissioner were heard. By the writ the I'nlon Pacific asked that the board be ordered to certify to said court the action had bv the said commUtlon in the matter ot cstahlUhlng rates for the said company, nd to I lk wise certify whether or not In rcvUIng the said rates any evidence wm had cr received by the said board as a basis, and If oto let the same be certified. The board moved to quash the writ, but ude Bole overruled the motion and the order was made as prayed for. This en- all a large amount ol work upon the commissioners, since the board I com manded to appear at the firt day of cir cuit court for tin- October term with the certified Information aokrd for. States man. A Gukat Cake. The lavis w ill case at Butte, Mori., Ims attracted the attention of the world. The trial of the suit lasted ve weeks, and the value of the property involved is given at $4,500,000. The jury were out seventy-two hours, and then came into court with the statement that they could not agree. They were ac cordingly diacharged, and the expenses of this protracted suit, figured up by a Butte paper nt $115,000, have gone up in smoke. This will contest w ill take its place in the judicial annals of the country as a celebrated case. It will probably take several more $100,000 be foe it is finished From the Minks. -W II While, Henry Walter, Wm Burnett and Mr I latlingt, ar rived In Albany this morntng from the mlr.es, bringing with them some very fine looking ore from the Telephone ctalm, ad joining the Albany indies, also a button of gold worth $a3iakrn from a ton of the ore, all free gold, out of surface ore a it came. A fine showing. The ore was broken by the old mill. The new mill will probably start about Nov. I, with an Immense quan tify of ore In sight. There b considerable life In the mines wilh an Increasingly bright proopect daily. Howard ARRESTkn. Geo W Howard was arrested by constable J W Majors( Monday afternoon at Junction, on com plaint of Jas P Schooling, on the charge of threatening to kill. The enee was tried before Justice Starr in Jnnction to day. Attorneys Potter and P.ilyeu ap peared for the state. The trouble is the result of the Schooling-Howard adultery case. Howard has no attorney. He will be bound over to keep the peace, and probably for carrving concealed weapons. Eugene Guard. Frobatr Matters In the matter of the estate of Henry Graaer, O I Oi-how Jr., was appointed administrator wilh bond fixed at $3x which was file land approved. Henry Moran, Frank Rumbaugh aud J E McClure at pointed appraisers. In.the matter of the eitatc c.f Wm II McBride, th inventory and .ipf raiseit ent filed. Personal property ordered told. Free Lf ctcres. Prof V G Hurley will deliver a course r.f Instructive and en ter tahdng lectures on Phenology and Phys iognomy, at the Court House, bt ginning Wednesday Sept. 23rd. Subject Thursday evening, "Love, Courtship, and Marriage.' Filday.genllemeaonly. Mrs Hurley will also deliver a free lecture to the ladies only on Friday at 3 p rn. The Eaole Streamed. At the state fair there were two exhibits of Oregon woolen geods. The Esgle mills of Brownsville won first prlxe, and the Salem mills second priie." This was quite a feather In Brownsville's csp. The Albsny and Oregon City mills had no exhibits The Albany mill had no time to prepare an exhibit, as they have several months' work ahead which they are rushhig iheir machinery to fill. Will Brino Slit.-It I said that the best legal talent in the state ha been con sulted, and when Albany paities affected bv the sensational atticle published In the Mercury of Sept. I3'.h become satinficd as 10 wno constitutes ine nnanctal and re sponsible hesd of that paper a suit for slan ber will follow. Caught a Deer Or.e day last week the O P-passenger train chased a deer along the R R track for ome distance be tween here and the bay. 1 he animal final ly nn into a bridge and wa captured and taken 10 Yaqulna City by the train men. Curvallls Ti:nes. The Hose Team. Manager Warner and the members of tt-e Albany hose team had their pictures taken this forenoon. The entire thirteen member of the team were In it, and we predict will be "in ll" at Vic toria. What has become of Jeff Myers? The Oregonian interviewed Bob Miller, of Jacksonville, Sunday and Jeff hat,n't id anything for these many davs. (statesman, lie hit the nation the head sufficiently well enough after his recent eastern trip to remain quiet for a few weeks. A Head roa isumNEft. jso man or woman with a head lor business tan afford to buy groceries without first ailing on Conn & Hendricsnn, in the Pfeiner block. It will pay tor several reasons. They keep a first-class stock tmf fi-svsti OLk 1 1 m f t n i rVta m f V Initr -v swiri USE KVWUQ sTv S B S "MIIVI IMIJ Tf L IttRl without bait, wait on you promptly and treat you well. row is the time to or der peaches for putting up, as well as tber fruits in their season. They have gome choice brands of teas, coffees, &c, ' 1 : 1 1 1 ana can give you uurxnius in an lines, Have TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gro sry store is always full of fruits, vegs tables, etc. t be very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be bad they nave it. Peaches, Berries, Cabbages, Turnips, Xsw Petatess Some Salem Woolexs. Vf It Graham has received some fine suitings from the Salem Woolen Mills, which lie invites the public to call and examine. They are first-class gooi'.s and will make very durable, nanaHome -suits. AtWillMWs! May be seen tli finest stock of Z gold and silver watches, diamond and other rings, jew elry, silverware, dec, in the city Removed. W McPlierson has r moved his loan and insurance office te pposite the Masonic temple, where at present he has plenty of money to loan n Albany real estate. TV Cotfc, job printer, Flinn Bloett OtUfc AND PERSONAL, MONDAY. Geo II Keeney has returned to Albany from a several weeks sojourn in the moun tains Mr A II Slauson, of the Oregonian sin If, is in 1110 city. ' Misses Birdie Anslyn and Mamie Hyde went to Monmouth today to resume th Ir studies In the Normal school Mr John Circle, of Crook county, is moving lilt family to Albany, nays the wnoco ueviow. Prof Robb, ot Oakville.leaves tomorrow for the home of his parent In Kansas. without anv definite arrangement fur his return. Liccne ha been Issued tor the mar riage ot Wm Abbott and Iva lwell, 8 II Davidson and Callle Powell, John Dodge and Maggie Ruby. J M Williams, ot the Pacific Washlmr Machine, of Eugene, was In the city today. ne report tnsi machine naving taken the first premium at the atate fair in California. Mr I Itluni. who once run a cigar store opposite the Revere hotiae. wi In tlu city Vxlay, in the interest ot the N W .yruo Co., ot 1'ortlnnd, of which Mr luum'a brother is president. Mr T J McCluug, wife and son.of Hope, Idalu ate In the rlty visiting friend here and Mr McClung's parents near the city. Mr McClung Is now conductor on a na. senger train running from !oelo Hope, and thl Is hia summer outing. An trg the new resident of Albany are Mr l a t hum and family and Mr Ohcn hauer and daughter. Mr ObenSauer has accepted a polil..n In LE Blaln's store. Hl.trr. MrtTathum, wit! organlae a class In kludcigarien and kltchengarien. Lawrence Helm, the genial and accom modating deputy postmaster, reached the age ot 21 years on Wednesday, an other true and sturdy democrat, lie was presented with a line gold watch and chain by his luother. lknton leader. The following la taken from the Uanttst Message of this lty: We are sorry to lose Ml Mary Reed from out church work. A superintendent of our Chinese chool she wa most faithful and efficient. She has returned to her home In Idaho. and will leach school. Miss Addle Wll- ll.ims, a member f our Vlnera'd Labor er' Society, left la., week to take a two car course In the Chicago tralnlr.g school, to prepare herself for Home mis sionary work. Tuesday. Hon Tif Ford, of Salem, haa been in the city on business. Pete Ruetner and Doe Coun lift yester day on a trip to P.ig F.Ik. Mrs W F Hendricsnn is lying unite ill at ner home in this city. Mr Bales, special agent ot the Imperial Insurance Company, is in the city. Mr John Uolxion and family returned last evening from their Kastcrn trip. License was issued today for the mar riage ot K R McDaniel and F.tta Pearl, of Italsey. Mr George Slay ton and wife, of Trine ville, arc in the city, the guests ot County Clerk Payne. Johnny Pipes and Ed Bryaon, the sons of two well-known Corvallis men, will attend the slate university. Prof. Riddle, who was in Albany lost year has been delivering a series of phrenological lectures at Newport. J R Whitney, XSeorge Morehouse and C ll Winn have returned from their Breitenbush claims, and report having captured a deer. DrG W Gray and wife returned this morning from atrip to Tolman springs, in Jackson county. The in is much im proved in health. N. B. and H. B. Sprenger have returned from a trip to the Alsea, where they lived tor several days on Hie top shelf on venlsoii and salmon. The Seattle Telegram mentions a ten days' yacht crui on the Sound given by the wealthy Mr J M Coleman. Among the guests were Miss Addie George, of Albany, and Miss Julia Chamberlain, formerly ot Salem. Miss George re turned home Inst evening. R C Callaghan, of St Louis, Mo , a commercial traveler, had his left leg broken nt the ankle joint Saturday after noon. H was driving a horse jutt be yond the University when it got fright ened and ran away, Mr Callaghan lump ing out with the above result. I-.ugene Guard. Mrs I .aura Kincaid left here last Tues day tor Spokane Falls to accept a position in the Conservatory ot Music now being started in that city. She ieceivei$75 per month salary for teaching nine pu pils, and is promised enough more pupils to make it $150 per month. Kugene Journal. Mr C II Schmidt has not been in Rose- burg, as stated in the Democrat a few days ago, but has been in Portland since he left Albany. Mr Schmidt ! engaged as expert of a large firm handling all modern dairy machinery, cream separa tors, etc., and is now in the city with is wife. WXI'NEMDAr. Dr K L Irvine is reported to be im proving rapidly. Hainan and Lee Shelton. of Jordan. were in the city today. Geo H Keeney will leave next week for Idaho Springs, Col. Mr and Mrs W It Raymond moved to Portland today, where they will reside hereafter. Dr W II Davis will soon move into the Dr Msston house Immediately opposite the dkmockat otiice. Mai Johnson has moved wilh his fam ily to Albany to spend the winter in or- er to send one of his eons to college. Honjeff Mevers leaves tonight for Cen tral Point, where he w ill attend the fair. and near which he has some property interests. f !sa T MPinila IT a rAtarol 1 fA k 1 lis -? 1st tna suuv)iia ssivn viij vS ill tntt j ttj here to see the exposition and visit her friend. Mrs C E Webster, at Glencoe. Oregonian. ' Hon J II Peery. of Dotyviile. was in the city today, lie reports most o! his neighbors having sold their wheat when at the highest notches. Rev E R Prlchard and children, of Al bany, came over to our city on Monday na returned on Tuesday. Mrs rortmlller snd Iamily, of Albany, Sre visiting at the rresuyterian parsonage. (jorvauis limes. r II D'Arcy. of Salem, and Judge Kel- say, of Corvallis, were in the city today on their way 'home from Eugene, where they Had been taking testimony la the case between the heirs in the I R Moore's estate. . . Wc are sorry to hear that Mr Fred Wil son, who left this city a few days ago to matriculate In John Hopkln s university In Baltimoie, Md.. was taken very sick en route, and stopped at Chicago at the resi dence 01 Ms aunt lor medical treatment. The Dallas T. M. Mr Wilson Is the son of a well known pioneer lady of Albany Mr M II Merrill, special agent and ad juster of the Oakland Home Insurance Co., has been in the city. He recently came from The Dalles, where the com pany's losses amounting to $15,000 were adjusted and paid in full. Mr Julius Gradwohl is local agent of this solid company, which does a large and square uuninesB Last Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs G B Haight.on Third street. was seen a throng of little ladies invited there by Miss Oda to help her enjoy her tenth birthday. A lunch of cake, ice cream, candies, nuts, fruits, etc., was served, of which all seemed to enjoy. Play and games were enjoyed by all.each gueat not forgetting to bring some little. toxen 01 inendship. The following are a part of those present : Oka Price.Lot tie Ketchum, Ora Dubruille, Ora Hark ness, Delia Gilbert, Ruth Flinu, Erma and vera Carter. Loma and Vesta Hen ton, Daiey HendricBon. Clara Brownell Nellie and Grace Slewart.Minnie Merrill, juatue ueamand JMsie Garrett. LAEQEST -:- ASSOBTMEHT . OF HEATING STOVES. AT MATTHEWS & WASHBUEH'S Cheapest. For the next 30 days A. rfoward & Son will saw wood, cut twice or 40 cent percord, , v Cotton goods hav not been a cheap sine tbe war s they ar now. Call and see what bargain Tf F Read haa. comm rBot'kKDiftca. Tuesday evening Sept. 21. PresentMayor, Recorder, Chief of roiiee, tftrcct commissioner, Treasurer, v.ny Attorney, and uounciinion French. Hawkins, Tabter, Bttrkhurt, Alton and uarrcu. The following hills wcr ordered Paid J A MeFeron, $4.25 ; Frank Pttrdoin $n."o ; Matthews A Washburn. $3.70; y riieips,4.(Vv); Santiiun Lumbering Co Srt 5R? I,.l,n fl.,1,..i A II I .... i - R M Wade A Co. 7.V-; W It llnrr. Sfiu.ftn ' j n votnus, Lou) Al cowan, $.'H,:i2; N J HAnln SMI lll . 1..1 I. 111.. Sit lli . T..I junes, fv; a w lucuiatn, full. Coimullteo rettorted In favor of sld.v walk on Mnlnn slriint. t'!ri.l In M.,n,..,.l when the Street Commissioner reported s nuciuiy num. Mrs Marv Sultmarsli nml Kll.i Xf.-Iim, aid were allowed reduction mi nHiniiiiiitnt. nsxeu. l T ....... The City Surveyor renorted nn Imvlnu made a survey for a new street from Kirt. street north along extension of Culatimilis . ... 1 1 . ... ... ...... true to city mints, wruered Hied. A Week's leave of nhsenen was sfrsnls.l marsnai iiouuian, in begin on Saturday llie t ity Treasurer renortml tha mum. ng ot bids (or the sulu of thn fo.,w" 01 1110 eny a nomi, and that the A"!1! AjU .1 . . ' ... . . sumo were sold to 1 Steiuhart, of Snn Francisco, nt par at 0 per cent. Till City Treasurer rerlorle.1 thn of a communication from 1 Stolnliart re scinding his bid nit bonds, and an agree ment between the Treasurer and Stein hurt to that effect was rend. The given being tlmttho ordinance was not a egai one. A resolution was oflered and passed annulling all previous action In reference to bids on eily bonds. Petition ofPjLaimrt and ors asked that sewer system 1m extended across Maine street through block 6. Referred. Petition of V C Tweidale and ors asked for 'a sew ef through block Ml and httteral sewer aeross street. Referred. Ordinance 230 providing for certain latteral sewers was read. Ordinance bill 231 providing for the extension of Calapooia street was read three times and passed. Ordinance bill 232 authorising isMuing of bonds for sewers and bridge, was read three times and passed. This was to provide for an ordinance satisfactory to I Steinhart so that loan can be made. Resolution providing for the Issuicg of warrant for the collection of lien levied for Uin building ot new sidewalks was read and passed. License to sell liquor was grunted A W Carey. The following bids were opened tor building latteral sewers across Madison strer-t : Hayne A Ituck.VI cents per foot. Jos Kitchen, m cents per foot. Contract let to Havnn A Huck, work to be done by Jan. 1st, bonds to te double amount. Adjourned until tonight. as iwrosxTAAT stir. Saturday evening a complaint wa filed In the Clerk's office, the parlies being the State of Oregon, ct tel. of Geo G. Bing ham as Dlst. Att'y t l tho Third Judicial Dlotrlc of the State of Oregon, vs. T he 'Vr.lamette Valley and Coast Railroad Company. The complaint atlegea sub stantially that the company has vMated the law Incorporating It In ilds thai It did before one-half of the capital stock wa subscribed undertake to elect director. That uld corpora Ion have front time to time unlawfully elected a director per sons who were not stockholder and w.-re not resident of the State, and that such person are now and for a long time past have been serving a director without having been duty or otherwise qualified. Tint contrary to law share of slock are fraudulently placed on the book of the J comparr In the name ot sundry person 1 without their consent or know ledge and without consideration, In order that such person may be elected directors. That the stockholder have f!!d to pay their stock, that the company ha failed to keep a correct ur any proper record t.f their proceeding or any stock hook. That It ha failed to rtotd annual elections of di rectors and stated meeting for the tran saction of business. That It fli to keep a proper c 1 any tock book In such man ner In show Intelligibly the olglnl stockholder, thrtr respective shares, the amount pald,and the ar.iouni due thereon, llh all transfers thereof. That It wholly fahed and neglected to elect director or to commence ihe business for which it was formed within one yesrfrom the lime of filing the article of Incorporation. That the company have large property Interest In the county ot Linn, snd state of Oregon, wherefore the plaintiff, the state of Ore gon, pi ays tha' the charier of the dcfet.d ant be avoided and annulled and that a receiver be appointed to take charge of, hold and manage (he property of the de fendant, ihe rsilresd company, during the pendency of this action and tor such other order a 10 the court seems proper an J for costn and disbursement. 1 CAL STATU Silt. W J P,urns,trustee ot 1) Scotl.sr, to D Scott, 30.00 acres in tp, S it 2 1 : $ Wm Skstlton et ux to J H Wheeler et nM'.-J acres in tp I t, S R 1 w Nancy J Anderson to S II Moses, lots 8,0,10, bl S.Ii's A, Tangent. M M Waters and bus to G W Dow. 1G0.75 acres sees 24, 25,tp 12, S INw 1 3500 300 2.100 2800 500 Kli. seeO.tn 12.S 113 w 8 P Uarger toj K Mollarguo et al, parcel in N Brownsville J S Hansard to R K Hansard, par cels in N Brownsville A Gross et ux to J L Hansard, par cel in N Brownsville F M Smith et al school directors to M M Morris, parcel in sec 13, tnll,8R2 w K I) Turner et al to Carter Sharp, 1.1. 1 O 1.1 O T.hn.Ml 500 423 45 475 1100 aw lUbB) A, , ll Ai, ifllllib. A J Carothers to Ash by Pearce.lots and Marcels in Albany T L Wallace et nx to A J Carothers lots 1,2, bll3, W'sRA 15 R Morelock et ox to G W Cox, lots 1,2, bl 10,and lot 2, bl 17, N Browngviilo. GOO 25 II Bryant ctux to FG HurUmrt, 545 acres in tp 13.8 R 2 w. .. Albarry Cem Ass'n to G W Dodder, lot 3b0, bl 77, in Albany cem. . State to 11 1 Hand, 107.08 acres in 133 sec 2,tp 13, 8 11 2 w II Wiseman to J II Crooks, lots 2, 3. . bl 4. G's A.Crawfordsville 133 COO 1150 000 B F Sanders et ux to J C Cawood, 100 acres sec tup 13,S lilt... N B Fry et ux to J 0 Cawood, 111 acres in tp 13, ill t; S S Train to J3 L Archer, 8 S w H, sec 28, tpO.SRlw GW (ohnson etux to J T Whit 800 ney, 213.B acres.tp 10, Blllf 4000 Geo W Johnson etel to Louise C Whitney, 125.75 acres in tp 10 8 R 1 w 3125 U 8 to Joseph Boyce. 320 acres in tplOSRlw Patent Peter LaFrancis etux to A Ralston 2 acres in sec 20 tp 13 8 R 1 e 60 R A Stafford etux to Win J5aB8Ctt, parcel in llalsey 200 John R Pearl to Wm BasBett,48.67 acres tp 14 b U 4 w II V Foreman etux to Nora D and 2725 6000 H D Pratt, 160 acres in tp 14 8 R3w. O & 0 It B to Santiam Lutn. Co., . 40 acres in sec 31 tp 9 8 R 3 e. ; W F Spurlin etux to N D and D 8 , Pratt, parrel in sec 16 tp 14 8 R3 w ; 100 Total sales.;.. Total for year , .... $37,805 ,..1730,821 Entitle! to the Beat, All ire entitled to the best that their oney will buy, ao every family ahould ave, at onee, a brittle of tbe beat fajiily remedy, Syrup of Figs, t- clean tho sys tem when costive or bilious. Fcr sal in 60s aDd $1.00 bottle by leading all drag, gist." - - , HARMED. HOW ARD SMITH. Wednesday,- Sept 33. 1801. at the Manse of the Presby terian church, by Kev ER Prlchard, Mr A J Howard, of Portlpm', and Miss Ada Smith, ot Lebanon. Mr and Mrs Howard left on the noon train for Portland, which they will make their future home. , ' ' T1KC1ST. September 22nd, 1801. Our Tantrent nubllo school is tinde nrnirreaa with Prof Mitchell as prlncistit The scholars speak well for their new teacher. Mr P W Ryan and family have moved out of the town and Mrs M J Churchill will oooupy MrRyan's house. Mr Wm-ren Hutbort has Sold his troi ertv to David Brewer. Mr Hu bert has moved wi'li his family to roriiuuu to re side in tho future. Mr Carter Sham ll.a bought Mr I) Turner's nrrmertv. and Mr Turner Is moving to Umatilla county to reside. Mr Andrews and wile, of Oakland. Cal.. relatives of MrsJJ Beard, have come to stay perhaps all winter. -. Farmers are most all through hauling their wheBt and are getting ready to sow their fall wheat. Miss Bessie. Hottlemlre has gone to Ba- lem, w here she will attend the Vnlver- ty. v notice the iitn'lior face of Mr Ar thur Heard, of Cheney. Wash. He is hero on business pertaining to the estate of Mrs Rebecca Verm n. Mrl W Newcomb's family are now en tirely well. Mr John Ballard snd wife have just returned from a week's visit in iientoii county. Died Alfred LeRov Heel died at his home In Tangent, on Wednesday, Sept, Kith, aged ifyrarsi mouths nnd 4 days. lis has been sick all summer. Ills par enta are iHitu dead, lianas iieen sorely amicted for years wnn scroiuia, and now ne lias gone home wnn angcis above. He was liked by all his schoolmates. He was born in Lebanon April 12. 1SK0, and has resided with his grandparents. Mr and Mr Mills, since 0 months old. lie was a bright boy who will be greatly missed. A muut rmm turn. SHALL WR nrtivs SLOW lUIISOH run our MRKAKMsr TANLK? A'mm mm tmmomlm Isj r t4. A nuisance that troubled England fifty years ago Is now rsnldly spreading In this country, that is put.ing Alum In the bread we eat. This question I causing a great deal of discussion at the present moment, as It Is revealed that alum Is being used as a substitute for cream of tartar In bak ing powders. A story I. told - that a very large percentage ot the baking powders told on the market contain either slum or ammonia, snd many ot them con'aln both these pernicloui drug. Mucn umeiy alarm Ii felt at the wholesale use of alum n bread, biscuit and patry. 10 young hlldren, growing girls, persons of weakly frame, slum bread eaten morning, noon and evening Is the most Sarmful. It I Ihe a-nall quantities taken at every meat that do the mischief. Alum I chcap.cunt- Ingbutlwo or three cel a pound, while cream of tartar cots 30c, and the high price f cream ot tariar ha led cheap baking powder to be made of alum. If ihe reader want to know something til the corrosive qualities of alum let him touch a piece to hi tongue then inflect bow it acts on the lender dellca'e cat ot ine stomach. Follow! ig It a llt compiled by the Scientific American, of the alum and am. monla baking powder that have alreai'y been tested. AtLARTic it racttn: ruoa'a ravoRrta Hows. t'RVSlAL PAIV. DAVIS O. E. HBV ESST. asm. aaVAL SI-loTO. silver sroo SILVER STAR. NMowuRirr MIVSBSIOK. STAR. . STATS. " rAJAltt. si-srtowta. WASMUvVniN. WIMtxMrR. ittrr s orai'R. CRYSTAL. CLORR. " , KEN TOR. rARSUR's. rERrEc-rio. rSSRLM. riarry. There are, In addition ta the foregoir.g list Irom the hclenilftc American, a num. ber of auch powders so'd In the western that were not found In the eastern store. Following I the list to date: C ALU MKT C.nUinsAom (Calumet Hakirg Powder Co , Cbicig...) FUllKST CITY.. Coot. in Ammonia Alum (VonwU llina., Cleveland.) CII ICAfiO V E AMT.ConUlns Ammuuli Alum (ChspmaoA Smttli Cc,'bicgn.) BON HON CmUlos Alain HOTF.L Cor. lain Ammonia Alum (J C tirnt licking Powder Co. ,CIicgn. UN RI V A LED Contain Atom (Mpragaw.WsrBr& Giiswpld'Chioago.) ONESPOON.TAYLOIfS. . Ammonia Alum (Taylor Mfg. Co..Ht Loul-.) YARN ALL'S CorUiob Alow (YsmsllMfg Co., StUxU ) 8AW'HSNOWlUFK....ConUioa A!om (MarehaaU Mfg. Association, St Louis ) DODiWN it 1I1LS Cootsto. Aloro (DodsoaAt lids, St Uow.) SHKi'AKDS Cootsins Am moo a Alum (Wm II Shepard. 8t Ltwis.) PAIN'S Contains Alum (M.vrr-IUm Ufa. Co.. St Ixiuis 1 MONAHCH Coouins Ammonia Alum (rUid.MoHocb Co.. Chio.co.) SNOW BALL Contains Alain (Hangsll Coffes k SldoS Mids. Cliego.) OIANT CooUius Alum MILK Contains Atom W KMoUtiBhlio& Co. Cbiesgc.) ECHO ConUlos Alum Mi eooei Bloing I'aihlls Cr.ChicsKa) KALBKKIX'8 PURITY.. . Containa Atom (Kalhtell Mfg Co.. Chieaao. ) RISING bUN ..ConUina Ammonia (Phooiiii Cbsoiio! Works.wbioago.) WHITE ROSE. . . Contain- A mmoma Alnm mioU Coum & Spioa Mill. Minnrspt li. ) WOOD S ACME Containa Ammooia (Tho Wood k Co, Philadelphia.) ANDREWS' PEARL... Contains Ammonia (CE Andrew. it Co .Milwaukee ) II ARKI&S' FAVORITE... Contains Alum (11 II Harries. Miansapolir.) FIDELITY Containa Alum SOLAK Containi Alum (Sherman Broa., Chiosga ) PUTNAM'S BEST Contain Alum (Well Potnam & Co., Chios 8o.) CHINA "T" HOUSE Contains Alnm (Noah McDowell. St Paol.MioP.) TWIN CITY Containa AlunRi (J K Kerouson. Minneapolis, Minn 1 II ERCULE3. Contains Ammonia (Hercules Baking Powder Co,4an Frsueiaoo ) CLIMAX Contains Amnionu., (Climax Ilaking fowder to., iDdianspnlis.) CONDEMNED, Ammonia Baking Bills have beert introduced in' the New York, Illinois and Minnesota Legislatures compelling the manufacturer of Buch baking powders to brand on'the label in bold typd, this powder "Contains ammonia." Physicians and chem ists condemn the. use of ammonia in baking powders as a crime. Its constant uso no matter how small the quantity deranges the stomach, neutralizing the gastric juice and destroying tho complexion. - It is the small quantities taken every meal that do the mischief. . " It is gratifying to know there are pure baking powders to be had on the market and at no greater cost to the consumer, than somo of these so-called "absolutely pure" ammonia powders. - ; Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, the standard pure cream of tartar powder for forty years, ' Free from the taint of either ammonia or alum. None so pure None so whole some. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. rJwrt of n fa Ukrtalag Powers tT. fi. Gorl Report, Aug. BSOlJUTELsY FITRE UHM AND AIIJS)AB r . MONDAY, . A large Una of clnaant gold wfohs In tasty new trays at Will a Siatk s . C O Lsa will open his 00 Too hours tonebt . It will be io charge of s 00m paten man. Last Saturday, at Ind psndenoa. lows. Allsrtnn trot'ed a mile la liPUV. I rcsHng .1 I 1 ' . . 1 1 ! . su wurin iiiiob rsooiu. 5turdav tha Salem ware duhtd by th Htaver k Wslkr, hat ysstorday they defeated ths fortlaiid ulub 3 so 2. Yst.-irlf at his hums in this city Mr C K WolvertoR fell from diaxintse. esming ttis loss of a tixi h and ottttina on of his lips ooiisi(Url.!v. Thsfour year old ann of Ilsiuy I! iy ws ronnvnrliv a wgnli lndnl with wheat, on Saturday, and it wa denbtvd if t lis child 000 Id live. A fright Mr lsbnld I.ouisina WesUrn R U waa idtrokl in this city today. A long waya from horns, but showing hosr freight oars gut scatter!. A foot raos wss ran at Sah m Sli ily I e- tween Beth waits, of Iulnrnriur. kU Cameron, of C.irvllis, f.r 12 1O, to f.irmsr winning, mneb toth gitsf of Cuivallls mso. Sstarday th Yonng Willamsttes dfatd thsTaogent Javsnihs by a aeors of 30 to 28. Tbi wa the Albany club' stoond victory over tha Tasgsnts, hviog defeated tbsm a wsmk previous 1U to 14. Cbarliss Kelly, a 13 ya- old Uy. waa iu- sUi.tly killed nsarOragon City Satnrdsy, 1 b load wsut iota bis frhd, blowing th ton of his hsad off. Just bow tha acci dent happened is not known. Sevtral of onr citlssn wsut to tbe Port' lend e i position today. Tioket are sold only on Mondaya, Wednesdays and Friday. On 0000 n 1 1 1 the larg number whoaltoui the fair tha Dsstx RAT will not attempt to keep trck of tbsm. TI'SMPAT. Work I now being poshed on th Maid and lasdison at reel sewers. Yesterday at Ittdrporleno.Iwa.Allcrton trot to J another ml! in 2;0"L Tbe loss It th Willametts college build. log tire ha been adjusted at f5707.C3. At Peoria, IiL yesUrdsy Zimnierois- rod a bicycle Bv mile In 12:53 4 5, break ing tbe rcurd. It waa only a dog.tnt it bad many friebd. the little white lap dog belongine to 8trl t;omu'sioor Anderson. 1 1 died y estsrds y Th stuck in th ilarrisbarc ditch eom- poy haa.nesrly all been ttttond tbe ditch ill andoabtaaly be boilt. It will b a paying in seel men! for that eity. j Th Albany hose team will laev for Vio- toria neat Jslordy morning. It is a good team and it will lake rust Hog to beat it. A good sued pars has been reused to pay their eipeosos. Recently while !I In Astoria wa In. ing prsdm m i.f the dirt waa panowd not, shwif jH.iae to -I clr in gold. - There 1 irfoiwUe big a mine there as in t) Cor. .1 is w n. WRPSEMPAV. ',"ity C'juuoil tonight. ! lf yon wsota ttio diamond rlug ton can gt II at K M French's. While working on th carriage factory at Corvallis yesterday Joseph Emetiek waa struck by a Urgs failing timbr,rreiviig in jitrie bich may pros fatal. a run TAVKSIET. 8irs:I wish to ask spsce In your col umns to reply to the cowardly attack made on mt by some 01 the papers during my recent absence from this city. In view of certain social snd professional jealousies well known to exist In Albany, It I not surprising thst sn attempt hou'd be made to throw a blight or. my reputation, nor I It surprising that ihe vile Sunday paper published In Portland should print any. thing sent to It. But It does seem unac countable that Ihe proprietors of a paper published right her at home In Albany houid countenance anu give circulation In their paper, with no other authority. such serious chargea against all that a woman hold dearest In life her characW er, her virtue. As to the relations existing between myself and husband ItUi'otody business, suffice Ii la say that towards me he has eves been kind, Indulgent, honorable; but 1 do most emphatically deny the truth of any and all charges made, involving my virtu. Such charges are positively anil absolutely false. Women are constituted differently, and It has al a ay from childhood up been a trait ot character, perhaps a fault, with me lo talk and act In a light and joyous man ner, sometimes perhaps approaching flip pancy, which falla lo atrlke a responsive chord In som;body's nsture, and they Im mediately let their fertile linaglna'lons become Impressed with the idea ti at I do not show that adateness which they think so becoming to a married lady. It is an esy matter to draw lesaona from the past; It is sn easy matter to say thit women should so dve that circumstances appar ently compromising their good name , cou.d not arise; but truth and juetlce will yet aee me righted in the rrlnds of all fair, minded people. Minnie II. Ellis. Bargains io ohoice groosries asa alway s sceo'd of Allen Bros,. Flinu Kleok. Do not hav your boots snd shoe 00 til you th piano at Klein Bros, and aa wall bsv saniinea tneir large atoua 01 gooas. sm now receiving Isily choio early (Vawford peaohes ff.Mi Aih'aor I , hue flayo Bi g;gfc Liv4 orlars at C E Brownel.' a.nSsMsasdSfsesnSBRawjsBBSBaBBRS Powder Must Go. 17, 1 VtKAtllt'K KKPORT. Okkgom Wkahik Buseao. Cextmal orricB, PoKTLAixn, Oreuon. Crop. vVkatiikm IJui.r.STiN No. a8, vo. the yvkkk tKWNO HATCHWAY, 8Er-T. JO, 1891. In western Oregon ihe temperature has oeen lower than ihe prereecllng week. Ihe wcaihT has been cloudy or partly cloudy, wilh rain If latter psrt of the week. An earthquake was felt especially In the Willamette valley about o o'clock on tne evening 01 the lOtli. , nop plcklnir Is nearly overs the hop crop will amount to about two thirds of a crop, the l e and mould destroying the I'lncnuiru. corn ii Jackson and lose phlne counlle i being cwt the yield Is argcr man 101 many vrars orspes in Ihe south, rn countli are ripening and wine masinj; ww u-glil Within S few weeks, Thrvshlnz I cenerally over. es- cept an ocratlonai small slack In a few locallilc. Report continue lo Indicate that the fririr are all pleased with Ihe product (retired. IVache. prsr. spples and melon are vrrv idcnilf ul 1 he orune crop ha i een fully an average snd the drying of thctn conttnur. Home plowing has commenced. In easlirn Oiecon cordrr reather haa prevailed, with lllfht winds anrl rtn.i.l. On the more elevated portions light frosts have occurred. Wheat, oat, barley and rve have all been cut and lhre"hlnir Is Ia nroirres rs- pcclally In the countle east and south of the liluc mountain. The yield of cereal Is unusually large In a'l interior counties. B. S Paoue. Ohscrvcr, U H. Signal Service . - ... a . tBOWNktlLLE. Hept. 21, 1891. John Johhaii'M team, while lx-inir driv en by Mr It's little mm, ran away throw ing me ciiim out, breaking his leg and arm. At last accounts the bov wa do ing well. The infant son of Mr and Mrs Jos. Hawyerdicd hero bat Friday morning II J C Avcrill and C K llockwell are still quite sick. Mr Averill was K2 years and 2 months old yesterday. His ex reme age makes agaimt hia recovery. There is at this tint' five new houses building in the Oalbrailh addition. The parties are John Chance, J M Waters, Henry Myers, Mr Kaizer and Mr Kccle son. Tha K W M Co.. of this place carried off the blue ribbon last week at the state fair for the best woolen fabrics. The H'.yal saloon has Isten removed to the building owned by Mr Hansard, and Mr Al Uoluu will open another saloon in the building vacated by the Royal. Thug P.rownsville people tan quench their thirst. K N Thompson is raising his store out of the tnud. A nmch needed Improve ment, one which others follow. Rev. Ijtmar, of libation, preached Jiere on Sunday last. WANTED Girl to do general bou. work in Iamily of two. No child reu. Call al rilleii(v at northwest corner l.yon street and Hantlaan canal. TWTANTED, fe'uror five acres of Rood If garuVn laml, near Albany.to ran. Apply 10 p,tor Downs at Charles M, Ilurkhart's. I.OR TRa t roperty in a good town, where there la plenty of work, for Albany nroitftrtv. Call al IlKwnr-BAT office t r particulars. r ANTED liy the undrsla;ned. t TV eords nf maple chair timber. Csll at our sLcpiir-ar Karmrs Warehouss. Albany, Drsxon. R. VEAL A SON. IOUND.-In the street In front of t'ja Dbmocs at ofttno. a bay a eoei. tn food conflilon. Call aod get II, . ASSESSOR'S NOTICE.' TOTICe IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT l the hoard ortqualisitlon will atund at tha efflae ot fte county elerk of Llna county, Oregon, on Moaday, tbe J8th day 01 Bcpismusr, a it leu;, ann pjuiisiv examine theaaesmsnt rolls and orrect all errors In valuation, description or qnalltlea of land, l-U or other property. 8ept7tt, i8i. 11 8 Williams. Assessor. NOTICE TO FARMERS. fllHERK . HAS BEEN TWO HUN I dred and sevsnty eight of 3 ou gao tlemen In our establishment saving that you were going- to crder fenee from us this fall and winter. Each 01 you require from 20 rods to 2'- nilat. lis you no oe tba. It wilt reiiir some time to snsnufacturs that auiouot of fence? We would sugaeat that more of yea erder NOW, thereby giving ui time 10 sooome date yon all. aLBaSY FBSCR WORK". SALE OF BLOODID STOCK. Tro EXTRA FIXE Fl'LL BLOOD CLTDES oala bay siallisas, S and jrr old, ldf baad lilh, walgh nsurly lt Ibaaach; au uowsliow t bss tor lot ut Snvtt co'U tbaa any bvrss that has csr taad lu In eovnljr. Alsa on ui ol matebvd bay t'ld snare, blood. 16 hands, waiirh tnarV lf00 lb th ; AJu ob bay 4-rarold Clyda ssara, list hinds s on ian ot t-year old matehd bay Olyd BlPea, I bloods, and two yarUi( blood. Th wlU b sold In Kurono t ths hlthast bidder on ths 17th day ol October. 1X91. at 1 o'clock p u. Tb mares am well broke, true and bind. Tanas A eredit of 10 months, wilh tbe eieep'ion ol one kor ; nets with appraved aeeui 1 .v at 10-asr esrt por snniira. UKOHUE I1EISUAW, Albany -:- Nurseries. Wtars cffciluf to planter ths flneat 11 ef trait trees, in all doslrahl tsrlsslts, la . 9 the stale. Oj hundred aud Ohjr thousand tiss lor this sea son' trad. IMSPlCTIOJt I5T1TKD. aod SATISFACTION SUARAKTBED. SSTSend for catalnirue or tall on us at th eld Clin homestead, n-b!f mil sothwwt ot Attwsjr. 1IYMAN & BROWNELL. Q,irT bbuci 8T011B, Pfeiffsr Bleek, ; Alsaiy Stanaidl Cusick sntiwrRs Draffs, Uedletnes, Okeswieals, sFaat? and Toilet ArMe)es,ttenieslBrslie. rsrfswsawsr, slehesl IkBoewe, and ArtJsta' SoweMsa. rk ledsUSB' preseripMeas 0sn tally .istesites. IKflURiVCIL Vorieela hsseby giytw that Mr. v. B: BnsU la She sw9al agent of tse Farm a r ft Merdhenai Is. snranee Co of Albany; for Albany snd vicinity, and he lstLs oalyoneauvhorlasd 3 do Isaslness In kbts vin!t- mm uto. ;J. O. W ItlTBMAN M ansg "mmmmmmujim mmmmmmmmmmrmimmim' l m '" tm v 1 ...niniij i MaaaBmaaaivjaisiiii I 11 iinrum as'i .111 ml lnu 111 liiiisa as Then you haren't time a.sortiong, eo won't try to Want You to Know That: lyp WA MT ou or regular astomer at our store If i- IfHH I from thig on . . . VE WANT reful Wor to examine our stock and WE WANT Thoe who WF WflfJT You iee our "taples and novelt-'cg for If I- if fill I main nrirl bnya VE WANT l$ZtT""'tw", you wi" lc WE WANT d "t JUf . m WE WANT You to Iav --111 L pAnt8 WE WANT T 8hW 70U the larSd8t et0fk of Mollis in 1 tiab Valley , lit The Leading Clothier .and Merchant Tailor. OfiD -:- RELIABLE GROCERY STORE O. 33. BHCWNEHli. LARGEST STOCK Prorlsloas, Hams, Baeon, Pototoca, Comb tlwaey. Pickles, Tlnegar, Apples Cheese, Frtitt Jars, Etc. bzis7 rxraEcziavrz'Xtx: llonest Weightg, : : Full Measure. SAIA AXB 8B UK. CE. BllOWNELL. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! Where te get the Best Bargaint, "Where to get the Best Yalue for Tour Money, - ; ' Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., .! they will Answer with One Voiee, at GT G W. SIMPSON'S FALL HHP WINTER CLOT We Shine ly After you have Been our fall and winter stock of elothiu and furnishing goods, you will say that it shines like a star ir. the Heaven, far above any other line in the Willamette Valley. Hundred., of At Tilth novrltltM In suits and trAusrs that are PERFECTION Dl JIT ui HClfflT I QUALITY ! A wonderlul line of the best, the largest, the tnott reliable, and the most popular-priced line of clothing ever before shown In this part of the country. A line of Albany Woolen Mill gooda. A fine line of Overcoats, wade of Chev iots, .Clay Worsted, Kbrskys, Faiaaaa and Cimcmilla Boys' School Suits ! Buys' School Suits ! ! ' Cb, mothers, tf you'll only call and Inspect these beautiful garments e are sure you will be delighted with the large assortment In such nice suits at reasonable prt:es. Remember, gentlemen, we have the largest and finest line of men's shoes in the tity. Our fine line is made by T. I'. WALLACE & CO.. UtidUJilg WUUU01I ALBANY, F. Lu. KENTON, - siiui ar ,-- Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices, : ; E X T R And general Near the Post Office, to rad a lot of boastful impose on you, but . . . . dr,, weU 10 ca" ,Wnlion Tailoring - jGar or3,r for a suit r -aVTr LOWEST PRICES. - Tea. Coffee, Spices. Extract, Bytter, Egg. Canned Goods, Fruits, Queenaware, Glass ware, Etc., Btc. Comparison. ttliU IlUiUSllBIli - taW man Jk l 111 B mm ..:tv Strahan Block, OREGOK ? -A- O T 13 - . assortanent of , , : Albany, Oregor