The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 18, 1891, Image 4

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VU IVa.i.iut ...
fa, A Wa ACTS A nRNV.HA.WnVln'balaM.
Aivoi vrf RKPT anhjeutto eherk.
, filtiHT B&CHAM1B ktid Ski TJ trMtar, told
w fink, Ban rreogieca, Chloafo Ul it Viand
CO (AOS Ok torhl Uraa,
J. Yonas S, W, Lassse
I K Baais, L. Fuaa
FrakMant .... J 1- COWAN,
Vlok-Praaident i M KAl.HTON. 0 A ARCUlUOta
p t,, -J L Cowan, J M Rkleton, W I
ld.t, W It Oolirk, J A Orword aa O A Aran.
TRAKSACT". ekrl knkln b nattiest.
MtAW siuul lKArrsm Jiw York, Baa
,, ,-tin I, f)Onen.
Ln.tH MONXTn approved rHy
KKt.KlVE deposit ubet abase.
rtui. b,b.
TiwmU a raml Wnklna aaetneet!
Kehna houirht and Jd M U tlM prlnelpel
kltlae tn ik railed 8UUe ilM BuflaJad, Ireland,
Prenek end tteraaeay.
MiwtnM and kt all aeeeealbl polnU aa ravar
eala WraM.
Interest alleged ka ties depokll.
1 ob roi
Kurplua aad pro la-
' IntoreetklWwed en aerlef kk lollow:
nerdinesykkrtnf neons ..,. pe eant p kaaea.
On tarn eeriiyr book -..I par east par asanas.
On NrtiAnM ! deposit:
par tarkeavwtaa aanl par una!
ri aeoatbe a par aaal per kaaaau
rar t we Ire aaeatb.. k par neat par i
r HAN a 1'Rki rmwn
P. P. THOMts! Vice-Preaidnk.
H. C, alBATTON. Cankiert
Hut aaakMa Wtak aa Hal ttk aa
Tvrnox tbki.
rw Cwrw Oakkia -Mtij. Uurkry. k
a kkork taik Coana. la wnka fchara Ik aa UiM,
Uiwt, PrwMh or Uwaua, Tka lutfll la pra-aav
VmoCj a Buoaaaa Cuaraa.
Far aalalnaM or fartaar lafaraaUkm.
Addraaa ' J. W. yU!aO!f ,
pa aptkBar llk, 1SSI.
Coarai ol atop amarad atprakkly ta aaaai tha
aaada el Ux Unuiar kad aiaaajikl tukaraau al Um
Mala. Lwyk, auaaodiaoa kad waU-raatilatad kail -Inaa.
Tkk aolloia a locaud la kulUrsMd kad
wnamaity. kad aaa al tha aaalUuaa la taa ataka.
ExpeaBva B)eI azered $1S0
far ha nUra aaaalaa.
Taa or a,-ro Irak aabutan hi pa Ima aarr mntf.
WrtM lar aUktoiBk la B. 1 ARNOLD, Braa.,
orrkiUa, Ortoa
Wewiab to aT to tha pabl! tkat
,. (nt ai'iiad a lar planar tooar mill
and .re prpara l to furniah alt kloda ut
lumber, areaaau or roumi, aa na pur
haar-r rrny atioofl, aa Rood as tba beat,
Bad as cheap it oan D aold.
Inpaymeat we will Ukaall kloda
produe, aoch aa hay, flour, rrajn, L9on,
butter, beans, baaf by tka ajuarter. a la
in fact anvthlpff that we eao um. Please
see oa before you parehaae yoor bill of
lumbar, aa we fsel confident that we eao
salt yt a. You will always find on of
ns at oar mill, 14 baIkmi from JDenon,
8 mi lee frene Wsterlo. on Hamilton
ereek. WlUf A BKRKIObK.
Iikaon, Oregon.
2nd l. '
Boat stock or 2r.d (OodslntbeTn
atr and tiiemoatreaw iste prloee, both
to b 'selling, i hsve on band
n k'XtM .
ETC., ETC. weatofS E Yonag'a ok' eer
P'a r k y!krmr!Mekcl
A tna lstrltna nmAl lav
in w a (JkBArrbwa A k.lak.
j i;. - v kenoorrntraorwrtiiaa,
... , prtTit ittFul tel
Tot i0,.'iTVr2 to a:l anfTkra.
IIIM'I W IV I '.'imvti nil
.t,uiTi,o Ff3
A.J. felOSKK. V. L
.ku '2it- CiO.
Staoard it Coaick. Ageoto.
Portln. Orrtna. A. P. Armktrorif, Prta.
Vaneh atanl : C'ariT.L Itta CuLLkua, kalrm. Oraaoe.
kama eoeraw kf atao, auuk nua of laiuoa.
liasiness. Shorthand,
TytmrHinf, Pmrnanihif, and imfuk Dtfau-tmntl
Skrla mhI'iii tbrwhut th ymi. aMad.nM a)ilt
at ki7 Due Caiatof M frvui klUiar atJui rraa
Or Au, Ktaa
Emorick - Baker,
')ppnalta Hfllinwar'a VW.ry SuMk, aat
k or to WUtkmalta Faaktai Oa'a kkara.
f;rj Ladj cf PerpPtuaT Help,
- - - REGON
i! ( I lif the HIal . f f?t, Benedlot
Tuiftin )n Mnt dar arfioil rangea from
S -.1 f HI.
f'-r n fl CTrllnfj Hob ot er an
tirri! lv ?iriy atthe A'a'-aiaa- or 4
a.5 i- itr Siri-rnrk
:;;jOO Howard !
' ;. t'ttf t'lfT rownl ffr it rtw of T,tnf
, . ' ; -m ;.rfc liffciau rm, I rriljkBtivtl. CoSb
. r i oil rr.MpfH l fi!m-t ur wlttt WeaK't
. iv-r )'! if. w !. itii -lrf ;on Aioitrictlf
V.lh 1'.-r f C V: riy Vf rU', n DCf
hi.'' fey Bt3.ttlA "tl'H4. H .Cr'mLai LaUff USaM,
""' ctH. nwr nf roun.rftaf
eM tn. fi-nnlR mnufHuier Ml toy
tC),i!f T'Bl iJBHAi-y,
J A Canniif. lgt.4
ArferM Ijiil-Blniiug done Soientiftcally.
A!Sy. Oregon.
' , ,. - J ea
Vk Praeidan.-. iwrr Mraae
Ckehior , O Uf
Mantk, B Gains, J.kk OkM
U Bryeat t aaUia.
Okaa a gaaar aaaala aa4 aaaakaca laalaaai.
Southern Pacillo Rout 9
kpraai Trail takva FkrUkad VUj, v
SouU f
to ur a Lt
I la k a I Ar
Baa Frtaolkaa
Aru a a
Lr I a: a a
l, 1 .a r a
Attura tralu, n.q oulf kt tollowlaf auttooa nnrth
al Maahar(. Baa rurtlknd, Oraa-ua tntjr, Wn.
anrn, HaJam, Albur, Tanrmi, Hhodd, Hal... Ukr-
""li . uuwu viij-, trruuj, aufkak.
onarae bikm.t.
!." k aT j
Port 1. ad
Ar 4:H)ra
L I tt:x
t:Ora Ar
L l Ma
auait taokiX suit aioart Bthht)
lOOr a
?' r a
00 k a
fcaakioa lakxca,
iMi a
& a a
Tourist Slooplnfj Oars,
far Aeraaaakaalaliaaal aeeeaa-riaaa raaaea
gers, Btucaeal le KxprawTrala.
Takt aid Malalea.
bit n bks raaTLAaia am cbbtallib,
Mkik rkiaknt(KiMplSeaakjr,)
Mil I lr rwtw5 '. Ar I :" r s r a I Ar OarraUia Lt H w ra
axpaatk. ISAM akibt (Kikjpt luaday .
ural L rvnikkd Ar I so a s
I raAr klcMlriilk Lft.ka
Tlirouprli 'X'icUotH
Tk alt polota
fat lau talonaallai ra carding ratea, maps, a
kn Company Acaal a Al'aui .
i. oailLKH B P. BOOBRB
MkAka-kT AaatO. F.aad r.Ac
Oregon Pacific Railroad,
T , BacelTkr.
0r3g-n E8?elcpE9n. To'i Steamers,
Skart L.ln t CaUrraiU.
Ftrat-claia throaah passenger and
Valftbt line from Portland and all points
n tne wuiamewe vauey to ani rrom Man
rraoolaoo, tat.
Boats make float, oonneotlon at Alban
with trains of tha Oregon Pad a Railroad
TIME BCHl'Dl'LB. axwat taadara.)
LakkaAlhakiy U: r. a.Lk Taqaiaa. T0k,a
Uan CarralUa :, . Laaaa C'orrkllla.lO Ikk.B
Arrt Taqolaa, t:M p. a. Antra Albaa. 11:11 k.
O. a O. tralaa eonnaot a Albaa sad
Obrrallla. Tha a bore trains oeaneotat
Taonlnawitb the Oregon Development
Company's Una or Hteemahlps between
T equina and san rranciaoo,
raaa Tk"k.
WUlaatklta Tkliar, Tuaadkr. Aat 4tk Tkaradkp,
Alj lath -. saiardap.Aae ttad t Mnadajr.Aaa la
raua ak raaactate
WUlkaaattk Tkllap. frldar. Jalp tlatt Baadap, Aof
vaai iiauy, af itNa -- -a
Tba Oomptnv rraxiiTae tha right to
phanare Bailing dates w'thout notice.
K.B. Psaaengora from Ponland and
rTUlaxnetta Valley olr.Uean make oloae
aoBneoUon with the trains of the) Yanoiaa
rout at Albany or Corrallls, and If dee
toad to Hen Frkncleoo should arrancato
rrtTe at Ysn-jloa the evening before te
f aaiilns-
rraaaeagcr sa fr-akl rates alwajk the
Par tnlarmatbt kk-dr ta A B Cbpm. fr.'hl aad
tofcat Ak-aal, A'banp, r. C. t.
.., . O. B.eMP A .
tO; U. C1IA Jin Kit LAIN,
Attaraarat Ltr. Will prkatkik a kll VitirU at tha
kkata. ttpaoial k'.tk-lU m aa l kkWMrk la probata
tad toao laxtfia,. officii -U Ik fUaa kluok.
AMaraky kt L. WM prajkla la all t wU al tha
aiaae, eaeei-runa etoec, Aiukap, vr en.
Ty R. BirfTEU,
AttaraoratUa S dlidlar la Ckkaearp. Ck'lkk-
Uona atad aa all po akk. Loan aafotUW aa kr
arakia tanak. Aiaen, vragxia.
ittorMT a taa.kad JUrr PnMla. Will praatlka la all
anartaal thlarata aad in tha Cm tad StatM eaarta
lorOrkgna. kSwl -1'rjnt rMaa arar Baak al
Oratoe, Aibaap, t'fa. ,
a. a. a. staaaavaa. - a.
Aktaraaya kt La. Al baalraak will raaataa prompt
kMaatkoa. wsieet uoa rkuawk-ikeit.uakiutap, vr
Aktomap a La, kal Notary Paklle. Alkaay
PbyaWka aad Hirf aaa. OrrtOg-Coraar Ptnrt aa
farry ikraatk, Alaany, Orajroa. f
niyaiaikaf aa liwoM. OPTICg-Carnar Bteond
and BroadalMa atraata. Albany, Or, Call prvnaprly
tttaodad la aitr aad koaatry .
Rofaaapatkiat. tT(mi Jiot la dlaaaaa of Ik Eya.
Tvaaty yaara' aapartaiiea. Olio hour y tn t a n(
1 t S p m, and a s crania;. Albani, Orapaa.
JJiTMHan aad Sarpaoa. Gradaata al Ba'lartt Mad
mi Ol kg, K Tork City. iauaaak al woman a
pkkUHf. OrTKX P.-jman black, Albaay, OragkO
BB. C . C. WEST'S Kcrva and Rrkin Trealmcn
rukrkirtacd prciA'! Inr Kyatarla, Iintiika, dra
itmia, I t , Narrooa Nonralia, Haadaeha, Nerroa
Prnakration aanakd by th Ukk ol klohal or tol,.coo,
Walrfolna, Mr trial r)t.r-al' n, 8'ftrtniriir ' th
Ikmrk raaaltlno; In inauiiry and leading to tlCFY
tkcai Jiddaktn,' pramktnr nlii ava, barrannaa Inaa
l r canal hp orar--yertin of tba brain
Each tx lontain, onk mun'h'a truettmaut, pi k bo
r al bokt lr .", kaat by irwll ).ro,iai-l a reraipt e
aa. With each wler ranelrad by ok lor aik boi.
kennpipwiiad itb AS, a will n the pttrchaanr uur
wrtHan piuuantpk refund th money if th treat,
aiknt doaa not effect a cure. Guarantee laeuad on I
ay . A. Cumminf. DruKyiat, tola ktfent, Albany , Or
0r Kaavind and Kerry AH spy, Oj
'tri,iii'J.! w.,;k guaianuei in ever;
Dranen oi me art. saw juoisiging e.
n4 a specialty.
deraiKDed have tin. day been bulv kppnintvd
eiecuuiri ( tha )ant will and tMtkoient of Oan
Bear, deceased, by tha lion, eoutit.y court lor Linu
county, Oreifou. Ail peraon bavinif elalm kkiaat
aald eHtave are hechy rfitired to prea4it 1 hem to
tlie uniternitfned or t J. K. Waiitlmtfi rl, at Albany,
Or., kiUiin mx moniUe from Ibia daU, propeily veil
aed ka rfuuired by Uw ,
Tht 13iii dy ol August. 1891 .
J. K. WmTHaron j , Kxeputor.
Atty far Kiutr ,
mt ucuorint.
But a more Important effect ottlita great
enhancement to tha American manultct
urer by tha agency of the tariff on the
coat ct lit needful lupply of wool oi
foreign origin, and not one yet sufficiently
understood or appreciated bya the Ameil
can mane, It the permanent Inducement
thereby created tor the ute of aonethlng
a a ubalitutd, or In tha place ot wool,and
tha bounty Iniured In proportion a tha
ubatltute la ancccittul. The aubatttuta of
hitherto firat Importance, and in moat gen
eral uie, ia tho fibroua material obtad
by tearing or grinding up old woolen fa-
btlca and which la delgnated, according
to ita degree ot UUIntegratlon, aa "hod
d,H "mungo," waste," "devll'a dual,"
air All in'ffl that ahodtl Ik not wool
and that Ita ute Invotveaa large element of
detciloratlun. What It may be andgen-
arally i In Ita primal atate may be Inferred,
it one remember thai ao long aa a wool
fabric retalna Ita form I' rarely
pasaea out ol uaa by men or animate, to
become economically eervlceable for tha
manufacturer of ahoddr and lUcongenera,
until It ha become ao aaturated with and
to repulalve from Impurltlea, largely ot an
organic nature, that It can no longer sub
serve any original f urpoaa aa a fabric.
When the celebrated wool tariff bill ot
1S67 waa before congreaa tha member of
the executive committee ot tha National
Association ot Wool Manufacturer char
acleilaed shoddy In their report aa "worth'
lea material," and advocated tha Imposi
tion ot more "atrlngent duties" on Ita Im
Donation: and further declared that If
teatllra mad" from ahoddy were to be d-
oiilted under iow dullea the tountry would
"be Inundated by wrecked tabrlca." And
In tha debatea on the bill In question In
congreaa no little eloquence was eapended
In depicting the calamity and nastlnesa
which would be entailed on tha American
people It they were to be tempted by
cheapness Into the wearing ol woolen gar.
menta made ot ou rag.
With a clear field guaranteed to them
against the r-ort.petltlon of the disreputable
foreign manufacturers, and debarred also
from auppiting themaclvea with coaise
and cheap but sound wool, by reaaun ot
tha heavy dutlca on their Importation,
American manufacturers have tumbled
over each other, sa It were, In their eager.
aeas to manufacture ahoddr 1 and the
Amerlran people today to the extent that
they wear what are termed woolen clothes
of American manufacture probably wear
more shoddy and lea ool than the po
pie of a.iv othei country. A brkl hlatory
at this point ot the use ol shoddy In the
United State 1 eaaentlal to the complete
nesa of the dttcuaelon. Orlgtnallv,or pre
vloua to iS&i, It waa used only tor padding
and staffing aaddlea and the like. The war
opened up a larje opportunity for Ita prof
itable was la the fabrication of army cloth
for overcoats and the quality of auch
overcoat hat not let paswd out ot
pabllc memory. In 1S70 tht domestic
annual consumptron was reported at about
19,371,000 pound and In iSiiost an amount
equivalent to about 70,000 fvto pounds oi
unwaalted wool. According to the cenaua
of iSSo.41 per cent, pi the material that
constitute the so-called woolen fabrics of
the country waa something that waa not
Aa to the proportions ol shodJy and
other material not wcol which enter Into
the woolen fabrics of the United Slates at
the present time, nothing. In the absense
of the cenus return for i8 kj, can be del
Inltely affirmed. And It la extremely
doubtful whether tata admitting of a cor
rect eatlmate will now be furnished by
manufacturers, or if furnished will be
given publicity by the present census au
thoritlea. 1 here are, however, aome very
algnliicant facta.
Independent of the census and acceasl
b;e to tie public, which will help In the
formation of an Intelligent opinion on this
aubject. For example, the Importation of
old woolen raga. hoddp "waste'' and the
like began to augment almost aa anon aa
the restrictive Influences of the tariff of
1867 on the Importation of wool began to
be experienced. During the year 1870,
512,791 pound were returned aa Imported
In 180 the imports were 1,388,233 pounds
and In 1889 8,661,200 pound, an Increase
in nine years of over 800 per cent.
There i alao good deal of evidence
tending to show that even ahoddy is be
coming too expeniive, and therefore too
good, for the protected American masses
to use aa material for their woolen cloth
ing, and that cheaper cotton, with lesa of
warmth and fitness, U being aubatituted
Within the last few month (1891) tha
managert if a leading trade journal the
New York Dry CooJt Ecoomiimilh a
view of obtaining tome definite Informa
tion on thla aubject, and more especially
of determining why certain typical Amer
lean woolen manufacturer member ci
the Manufactuiera' Club of Philadelphia-
favored high and retrl;tlve duties on the
Import of wool, and o'.hera equally promt
nent membere of the Wool-Consumera'
association were earnest advocates of free
wool, subjected to an analysis two piece
of almil tr worsted cloths made by tt.e re
spective parties. The results were aa fol
lows: A fabric made by the firm of Thomas
Dolan Si Co. representing the former
Mr Dolan being alo president of the Phil
adelphia Manufacturers' Club and aold In
large quantitlca during the present season
at prices varying from "a piece-dyed aoild
black al $1 50 to fancv weave from $l,
62 to those containing silk twlt at
75," wa found to be composed of -3 per
cent. of wool which constituted the entire
ace of the cloth front and back and 72
per cent, of cotton and shoddy, in the pro
portion of 92 'A ber cent cotton and 1
per cent, of shoddy,
A finer fibric of the amr order, "a
cloth which everyone but an expert would
call an all-wool w-oratrd cloth," was fonnd
to contain "21 per cti.t of cotton and 79
per cent, of worattd," and the EcounmV,t
addV;"Xne production cfthU firm Is much
superior to iriat of U11 col'.on-fiiled
worsteds that ate oTtHije market
OAVrOjV Wells," .A
Alirj(fi nosoitniont of hcavv rtb'aiid
horna til.M ' ut. itt O U MtFarlaud'a. 1
TjKd Caret Tteil la Danger!
In ailnwing insciiyity of tha Lidoeya to
gro through n-glnot. Tna deadly ahoilao
IUiglit's rli-eaae and diabetes will wreck ihe
go dly bak of health if it i allowed to
drift rudderless upon thorn. The bladdW,
too, if inactive, sod judicious uiedioation
dot not speedily direct lbs halm toward
the pott ff aafty, willbe wbo'ined by the
quickuknd of diaoase. In seleotiug s dmrftio,
lot ysur choice fall upon Hoatetter'a Stom
anh Bitter, which stimulates tba renal or
gna withont irritating nd exoittng them,
two effect to be apprehended from tha tfa
me-1iokted stimuli Isrol v resorted to. These
have a tendency to rea 't prejudicially. The
BitUtra iovigorata the kidneys and bladder,
in common with tho rrry an.) dilative
a'Cana, id o ll .rd Ue itig aid. Italro
sff.trd duil a-HKUnce 10 preventina and
curing intern. ittent ami remiUt-tit fever.
Bilionsneia couatipation sun rhumstiim it
alia tu bjuk.ates. .
A new line tf window shad
from 80 J
cent to fl SO each complete, at
Young s.
A Oorrtbl Tragedy
Bkklin, Sept 9. From Kicff comet the ac
count of a horrible tragedy, A Jew named
Kaplan, driven to desperation by aa order to
leave Kussia, be having been deputed ora
wmiortauie businei by former decree, first
ehot b la wife and then on by one h'a five
children, tie aftetwarda killed hlmielf. Kap
lan left a nmv statins tha motive fur the
Crimea, which wat a desire to tavehla family
from othesw Its Inevitable hilterp.
Ea-rrealdeal (irevy sf i'raaee.
PAHS, Sept 9. M Gravy, cx-presldent of
tha French republic, died today, For. four
day he had been suffering front congestion of
tnelunea, 1 he drain 01 M urevy waa suit
unexpected. No alarming eymntoma were
noticed and no auxteiy wa Kit when he wat
taken ill. The funarat will take plac Mon
day at Munt bout vaumey,
The Bepabllvaa CeaveatloB.
RocHEiTEK, N. Y. Sept 9, A letter wai
read from Andrew D While wilhdiawlnj; hit
nam a a gubernatorial candidal. Then
Hcnktor O'Connor, of Binchamnton, Placed in
nomination for governor J Stoat Fasten, of
Chamang; T M Farthing, of F.rie county,
nominated Philip Beeeher ot Buffalo! J a met
It Pott, oi troy, nominated General Carr, of
Reniaelaeri William It William, ot Brooklyn
nominated General Stewart I, Woodford, and
General liutterfield presented the name of Mr
Wadaworta. Faaaatt waa unanimously nom
inated on the other candidate withdrawing.
rertisad lalarcalsd.
fo at land, Sept 9. Information haa been
received in Portland that tU Albany, Mining
Company, who ar now pulling up a ten-
tump quaita mill, with a aaw mill atikche-J,
made a hue atrike laat week la their mine al
Quart viUe, Santlam diatrict. Tbey ttruck a
fine, large body of tree milling ore wtiich pros
pect so well that the company anticipate the
old excitement of the White Bull mine, ia th
neighborhood, will be (tea again, only tail
timi, from auperion machinery and manags
nisnt, tha excitement will lait and not fust
out a in tariier day. Th mill approaches
completion and wlil soon be in futl operation
Then the result will be patent to all, either
that there ate four Covar d'Atenet ia the Cat-
cade mountain Clackamas, Santlam, DIu
river and Bohemia or a number of compat
eat mining experts sre sadly mlalakea. Th
proof will co as very toon now. Aa the
mine tie all tributary to Portland success al
Quartxvill meant much for this city.
Blarvlag Baaataas.
STTiTtasBUKa, Sept 10. In the province
of Orel, band of peasant are tagtng over th
highway attacking convoys of grata and food
evea when the coavoya are eacor ted by sol
diers. Fight are of (reqaeM occurrence and
many persons have been killed. Crime kt
ramptnt, owing to the desire to escape slar
vkiiou by itnoi ion man t, sad the j-tila are
crowded with ptiaooera.
leyele Beeaval Bpehea.
SpaiNCPiPLO, Maaa Sept 10. Ia the Bi
cycle race ia Hampden Park today Zimmer
man, of the New York AtUetlc dub. aa the
star pet former, winning the anile ordinary,
tialfmtle ordinar.y qoarier mile lately and
half aula tklet y handicaps. Ilia lime in the
latter race waa I wo 4-5, healing the world
recmd or 1 107 .
Twe Mew aVMaappakl.
Seattle, Sept ta The city la throw n kt.
to the wildest excitement try the kldaappiag
of Toas E Bally, the young millions ire, sad
K U Atbertsoa, hi ailory, tbla
Detective M C Sullivan. Although the ab
ductton wkk mad at 5: So o'clock, on second
street, when It waa crowded, no facts art ob
Uin.ele and the whererboata of the mea art
unknown. A rumor ha beta circulated that
Bailey ia auapscted of having the secaritWa
stoics from tne bask ia hi poeaesaloa. A
posse of police and deputy ahcrilTa are out
borckack chasing the fcak, and a special
train wuh over too leading cituen tia tutt
ed for Tscoma.
Detective Sullivan and his two depalic
were captured at Black River junction oa the
arrival of the Iram there at It o'clock by
Lore! Kocera and a posse ol epedal deputies,
jnd the whole party bat lust ret a roe J oa the
regular train bom Tacotna.
Sraslk4 Cattia
La Gbamde, Gr Sept 10. Evidence bat
developed within the past few day that an
organized gang of cfcttte thieve etisi ia this
country, with n probability that there art
confederate in Baker City and ia Idaho.
Many farmers have aniseed cattle bom thair
fields reeentty, the latest sufferer being Mr G
W Buckman, a prominent fanner in the Sand
Ridge, who report the kt of tlx fine bred
beifcra, Monday nigbu E&orta are being made
to usee the guilty panic, but at yet witboit
Btra rslTkcra twwdrd taiea.
roETLANO, Sept to. The jury in the case
of Mr Phoebe Colbnra against the Portland
k Will mrt 1 Valley Railroad Company cast
in at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, after hav
ing been out nearly twenty four boars, snd re
turned s verdict awarding plaintiff damage
in ins turn 01 bjjoo. 1 He amount sued for
waa 95000.
atlatra rreatstewt.
Santiaoo, Sept 11. Asgttstine Edward
baa joined th cabinet of the congressional
government at minister of public works and
Manuel Alatta aa minister of foreign affairs
Tbia forma a rot lit of all the political (at-
was except n.e iieimacedtata. Drarte oa
London to the value of f 3,000,000 in favor of
Nairn aced s nuinistera to France and England
bave been found in the treatury aad canceled.
I nt political leader are contnlung aa to csn
didates for president. It ia th pen era I opin
ion that Senor Ramon Lucas wid be Mleeted.
A Terrible Enrhonke.
New York, Sept 11 ThHeranld has a
cable dispatch fioni Saa Salvador, which aayt
the detail of th terriole earthquake ihocV, of
wnicn 1 cabled you Wedneeuay, proves k to
have been mare diaastriou I has supposed.
Ia this city about forty persona were killed snd
sixteen mo"c or lea tertoutiy injured. There
ia bo telling ta what extent the mortality list
will reach, but judging from the fearful results
ia san bkivatior, tba number ol killed through
out the country wril be somewhere in the
Cavered With Btertgage.
i, .
Washington, nepi 11. in census
office baa Uaued a butletin, which glvct the
mortgage iidehtednesa of the slate of Kansas
by counties. The total assessed valuation of
real and personal propertp in 1890, notin
clading the value of rail road pronery.. which
1 placed at Ss7.866.ait. waa I200. tot. vi t.
It is estimated ihe true value ia between Soo,
000,000 and $900,000,000. ' It ia found tkat
Kantaa haa a mortgage debt of $.35,485,108,
hich doe not include atate and- railroad land
contract debt ol 17,061,767.
I'ader Bane Ceai.
LaGeande, Or Sept 1 1 .What wat withou
doubt a most cowardly minder waa diaxver
u tu this city this afternoon. A tramload of
soai wa received at Ihn place thiee day age
(.uHiincu 10 tn union racinc Kailway torn
pny, iroro kock springs, vvys. What at
first waa an unpleasant odor lecan.e an un-
lkc alan!. - - B t
. -cos.,,, (nq ln invriatigiiion waa
mace revealincihe decompoaed body ofa mn
ear, t.anialiy covered with coal. V
it Murrayihe marble dealer, think that he
recognize, tn it Mr Nile, of Ihe firm of Ni!s
& Vinton, of Walla Walla, who stopped with
him J wo weeks ago on bis way toldnho, where
e'was going to set up a toinbttone.
,J Rafea Ry aharks
Sks Fncisco. Sept 1 1. Sohooner Gen-
eral Banning arrived from Flint' Island today
with a cargo 01 cocoanuta, Her commander
Captain bpnng, reporta that while loading
her cargo the vessel wa twice blown out to
tea by severe storm. On each occasion about
too native! were on boaid, and they battered
ashore in canoea. The second time several
canoea were capsized, and the occupants were
thrown into the water, which swarmed witb
sharka Out of thirty one natives who were
thrown into the water eight were killed and
eiten by sharks and one man bad bit leg bit
ten off below the knee. "
. Mather t '
Caatorisj is pkyaleiaaa
f p children testhing. It U a purely vejfs
khls prep ation, its ingredients are pub
lab d around each bottle. It i pleseant te
ha taste snd absolutely harmless. It relieves
constipation, regulate the bowels, fanieta
p!o, oura diarrnoea and wiad eolio, nilaya
ievrrishnesa, deatroya worms, and prevent
coiivulsioj, soothes tha child asd give it
refreshing snd natural alaep. Cattoris la
tha'ohildren'a panacea the uiothora' friend.
S3 oiosea, 5 cents, ' . '
-H19 yregon country newspaper that
gets notices Dy the Ungonjan, even ad
I versj!y, is always in ciorer.
The Beyal Bafctag Pewder i'adesaaa1 la
aha Hew fsrk lealalatar.
kaaaw auat
New York P rest, J
Last Monday Mr Kelly Introduced the
following bill In Ihe attembty, A careful
reading ot It will thow that it la a very
Important one.
An Act to prevent the uae of poltonoua
and Injurious ingredient in baking pow
der. Wiiebbas, Daklng Powdtra manufact
ured In thla atate, known aa tha "Royal"
alum and other Baking powdera are ad
mitted for tale at absolutely pure j and,
Whebbas, Official examination thow
them to contain ammonia and other lnu-
tlout Ingredient! therefore tha people ot
the tttte of Ntw York, represented in
Senate and Ataembiy,do enact at follows;
Section 1. Every can or package of bak
ing powder containing ammonia otiered
for tale In this atate ahall have acensplcu
out label thereon with the word"Contatn
Ammonia" printed thereon in plain type,
not smaller than great primer, and any
peraon who sha.l tell, or have or of er for
sale, any tuch can or package of baking
powder witnout aucn taoei tnercon, anan
be guilty of misdemeanor.
.Section a. Thla act shall take effect
July 1, 1891.
ID. N. niaakbnra. Jialea : B. W. Cooier and
wut. uumiMtugn, vwasnkwonars.,
Matter of proposition of Geo D Darnard
10 furnish election booths continued.
In matter ot petition ot II W Younir et
al for change of county road, Sam Clay-
pooi, ureen Morrit and r M smith were
appointed viewer.
In matter of petition of las Peerr et al
lor county road, Daniel, rete Bliyeu
- , - ,
and Harvey Shelton .were appointed
Miller Son, acct road, continued.
Petition of Geo M Stafford, et al for al
lowance, continued. -
Care and medical aUI for Tot Uensest
Isaac batimarth, aid for poor $10, dis
0 Case, aid poor $4), disallowed.
Following billa were allowed i
G 0 Cooley, aid Mr Clark ,$ 6 00
z a Mo, aid Henderson faintly. , to oo
Ladies Aid Society, aid Long fam 10 oo
i.l- r li 1 .111 f
iwim uuiu, aiu j vv vex 10 00
U V Coahow.ald llall family 10 00
Fee atate va Ben Sheppard ....... 50 00
W E Curl, aalary treaaurer at 3
D R N Blackurn, salary Co judge .100 00
W C Miller & Son, seer roads. .. . 46 at
Train tc W hltney.acct road. 3 00
lliram itaket,aiu MrsOalloway... 1600
Fees State vs John Jewabery.. .... 37 50
B W Cooper, Co. com........... 5 ao
Wm Kumbaugh, 1 1 00
Talataa Mlaaral Bp lac.
jACKaoit Co , 8pU lltli, 1891.
Thinking you and my numprout friend
might like to hear something of my
whereabouts and tba state of my liealtb,
I have concluded, by your pennlnaion ami
ktndneaa to say a word through the col
nmna ot your valuable) pappr. I am now
basking In the clear euoshlne, Shoo feet
above th level ot tha aea. at Hon Jodice
J C To! man "a wonderful mineral spring,
ituatea at-out 12 tnilea from Ashland tn
t delightful cove, nrtlrd among tha
rolling hills f Jackson county. 00 Emi
grant Creek, near tha Llnkvilte or old
emigrant wagon road, soma 0 or 8 mi let
from tha Orpgon A California line. Ore
gon certainty ia a wonderful country, not
only In her e rea la, One trulta.big timber
ana good looking women, but also in Iter
numeroua health and Pleasure resorts.
I am now atoppinx under tba hospitable
roof ot Hon JuugaJ UTolinan.who spares
no pain in making everyone who cornea
here happy, H good living, tig red
peach?, aoda, iron and gat aprlnga can
do anything for them The gaa eprlnga
ar certainly a curiosity. Tbey aeera to
kill all kind of bi rd.rpptlle or inaoct life
that cotnrs within their power, and yet
for asthmatlo and rheoBiatio and many
other chronle diaeaafs they aeero to have
a wonderful recuperative power. Hy th
inhalation of these nsea I aeem to b re
covering quit rapidly, full aa much so
aa could be expected, considering I only
weighed 124 pounds on my arrival her
when my standard weight was lw iba.
Geo. W. Gbat.
Paddock to Nell! PadJock.10
acrea in aec 8,tp 12,8 R 4 w...$ 1500
A coatel to Jat LAurent.lota 7,8,01
24, H'a 2nd A. Albany
B A tttafford et al to J H I'earl.loU
2, S, bl 2, K Ilayea A.lUlsey. . 500
J B Morrla ct al to K Goins, bl 10,
8outhA, 8cio, andlotl.G'a
land plat. 1000
Uriah Terhum at nz to II W
i'eery, parcel in Hodaville fWO
VY E Price. 8r.t to Mary A Home.
lot 2, bl 10, 8't A.Bodavilla.. . . 100
J A Mcreron et nx to O W foong,
Albany 800
V K Ililyeu to W C and II C Miller,
N w ii ot 8 w X. 17, tp 102
G C Henderson et ux to II Bryant,
lots 1,2, 7, 8, bl 15, H' 4th A,
and ble 14 and 13, and lota 1,2,
3, 4. 7, 8. bl 10, H'a 3rd A.aiao
00 acres in tp 10, 8K4w
I N (inlli.'ord et ux to Drucilla
Wigle, bl 2. in H's A, Halsey. 400
Henrietta Peart to Florence Stew
art, parcel in Halaey 1
G W Davie et ux to Lucy Wright,
lot5, 0, bll, Hhed.l 900
A Elakcr et ux to It II Wright, lota
7, 8, bl 1, Bhedda !.......' 00
-On to ? T Cohh. taeesssor t Paisley ft
mil, flion Blnek, tor yapjah printing
W iearsstin at tramps.
New PBocEse. - Mra A M Tatt la new a new prot'ets for canning fruits
ai,d vevetablea without cooking or sealing
lr tight. Sample ot her work may be
aeen at Brownell'a atore.
Tha best mast eoffa ia tke eity at fast a
Hatb U notice) that Allen Bros' gro
eery store ia always full of fruits, vege
tables, etc, tbe very latest in the mar
ket. If there is anything to be had they
have it.
, I'abbnirea,
Ntw Potatoes.
MA Kit! El).
DAVIS-PHILLIPS. tVedn?sday,Sept
0, 1891, at Salom, Grant Davis, of Silver
ton, and Miss Phillips, of Bcio, liev
Williams officiating.
evening, Sept. 10th, 1891, at the Baptist
farsonasfe in Albany, by Rov. Geo. W.
lill, Mr. Abner (Pink) Simpton and
Miss Josie Sperry both of Albany. After
the ceremony a reception was tendvred
the happy couple at the residence of Mr
11 u iIi.- .k!u ...... . ni .ir-i.
v.. muipauuj nfi4-u Tina n ,,10 auain
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson will make their
noma on tne farm ot tne groom's lather,
near Albany. Tbey have the beat wishes
of many friends for happiness and pros
dence of the bride's father, In Lebanon,
Sept 5th, by Rev Martin Hickman, W W
Elkins and Miss May Cockreil.
OSBORNE At his home on Mc
Dowel creek, on Thursday, Sept S, 1891,
Perry uaborne, aged 47 years. Mr Os
borne came to this state from Missouri
about 18 years ago, nnd haa resided in
Marion and Linn counties since that
time. lie was a victim ol consumption.
He leaves a wife and five children to
mourn hits decease, Scio Press.
The Dalles lias not only beeen afflicted
recently with a disastrous fire, but it is
also annoyed and oppressed by two dally
newspapers. rortianu xeiegrain.
Winn and Shields aie the nominee of
the people part ot Massachusetts for
Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Al
bany people could get up a ticket of these
The man who hauled tha firat load of
aand used In building the ftalem peniten
tiary la now a convict within Ha walla.
Serves him right Aatorlan. Thl I poor
philosophy, else all men wha help build
penltentlarle deserve tome day to be ln
them at convict.
John Maxwell arrested at Eugene for
aleallng 54 buahclt of wheat, waa dltchtrg.
cd. He didn't the wheat at all. It
waa a aquare deal. A mean clast ot cltl
aenaare those who jump at contlualon
and put their neighbor to trouble before
A mile In 39 a-jtrconda, or at the rate
of over ninety mllee an hour, la the un
paralleled feat that wat accomplished on
Aug, a6th on the Round Brook Railroad,
between Neshamlng Fall and Langhorn
by engine 206, drawlr.g two ordinary
coachea and Free dent McLeod'a private
car "Reading,' which is equal to two
coachea In weight. Other mile were
reeled of with ipeed a astonishing aa the
crack mile and at the end of the "Hy" the
world'a record wa broken. The fattest
mile wa scored In 394-5; th fastest Ave
mile In 3 in 36 4-51 the fastest ten mlhst
In 7m 13, averaging 43 tecond per mite.
Speaking of the O. P. troublea te Tel
egram aayai The conduct of these work
Ingtnen la beyond ail pralaea. They did
not strikes" they did not destroy property i
they made no clsmoroua demand or
boaslaj they just went on worklrg and
kept watting, v hone and fully
expect that judge Pipes, who made the or
der, will not be tilfled with In this matter.
He waa undoubtedly right In taking? coir
nlxance of the matter wnen legally brought
before hlmi and unlesa Ids order la duly
and fully obeyed, It will be his province
and duty to have the Oregon Pacific offi
cial arrested for contempt of court. Those
men ouget to have their money, even II
the road hat to be aold to get It. They
have been trifled with long enough,
C C lloffue I out over the line of the
O. P. company tendering! the nav to the
employe for the month of Peburarp last.
The empiovea, however, acting under the
advice ol their attorney, refuted to accept
th same, fearing that auch a plan tnlht
Interfere with the payment ot the whole
amount due them, CorvalU Gaaette.
IW Is the mixed va way a Corvatllt
paper gave an Albany Item : "Tom Mc-
ptary, a notorious character, whose rareer
hat been aa varied aa It la vlclm, had bl
leg; broken over at Albany by being
knocked down a hort flight of atalrt by
an Innocent old man, who ws acting. In
eclfdefenae. Tom haa been an Inmate ol
our city jail more than one This waa
another Mcixary entirely.
Will the DsatocBAr tell ua what ha be
come of one Mr Schmidt, of New York,
who was ta Albany a few months since
Irvlns to enlist the farmers of Linn countv
la a dairy enlerpria. From what we could
learn ot the project It aeemed feasible and
promised too much to the farmers of the
country to be allowed to sleep or die.
Advance. Mr SchmlJt wat located at
Roacburg a few days ago In ihe Ice cream
bus) neat; but since the weather turned coed
have not learned what he I doing.
A good joke la told'of Carl Launer. of
near Wheatland. II waa married a
abort time ago and the honeymoon was
spent at um toua spring, mattock.
etr, waa taken car ot by on of Ida
neighbor. Arriving In Saiem on hi re
turn he concluded to go somewhere by
team, and walked to hi place, took his
team and hack, leaving a note pinned
op in tit barn. Th nest dnv the
neighbor tnid the horses but did not
sen the note. "The sheriff of Polk, Mar
lon, Linn and Lane counties were in
formed of the theft and all were on the
lookout. Several day after Mr Launer
and bride arrived home with the team.
They had not been found by the officers
ot tli law. Tclephone-Kcgtater.
The remain of Mia Ida Mii!a,a former
Salem lady who died at Port Townsend.
were taken to Linn county for burial
Thursday. Journal.
One had better be a be ball umpire
than an obntruetionist. The former al
waya haa a few friends, the latter, none.
11 1 - 1
Insurance agents hive receive i the
new rate bonks, under the recent read
justment. It show good risk to be
lowered in Albany, and poor, hazardous
risk 1 to be raised, which probably ia the
correct principle.
Yamhill county has seven papera and
another on th way, and sn Ex. saya
Yamhill agalnat tha world. Linn couaty
haa nina. paper and another contem
plated at toditville, so that in this caae
at least Yamhill will be obliged to cease
Corvallis Is talking steam engine. If
tbey hop to keep the firemen in the de
partment and get new members they
must be up with the times. Our neigh
bor is large enough for a steamer.and the
firemen should make Han issue until
they get one.
Here ia a very aingular illustration of
the optical deluaion which a change of
position will sometimes effect. Taken
row of ordinary capital letters and figures,
The top and bottom look practically
the same size. Turn the paper upside
down and observe the difference
A deer ran almoat into the office of Bro.
Van Cleve at Toledo this week. It un .
doubtedly had a kick coming at aome of
the editor's pungent paragraphs and waa
looking up the fighting editor when doge
and men interposed and Van wa saved
It almost seems as though Dr Menden
hall were doing his share toward advanc
ing the business of Harrlnburg. During
the past three weeks he has sold out his
practice to anew phvBlcian.has rented to
a minister the only vacant house in town,
and has abandoned his office in order
that Miss Dutnond may uoe it as a mil
linery store. Harrlsburg Courier.
Because a prominent man gets into a
little quarrel over an alleged trespass
that didn't amount to very much, and the
newspapers do not publish several col
umns about it, some people howl and
aay they are cowardly. It is not cus
tomary to publish quarrels that do n4
go even far enough to get into the police
court, nor is it rijfht. The biggest cow
ards iu this world are not in newspaper
lit t Sing Photographer A eany 'sregan.
VH have boo oh t all thenecativt t mads bv
L W Clark and W II Greenwood up to Nov
ISth, 1S89. Duplioatea can be had from
bam only of na at reduced ia tea. We have
alto abont 18,000 negatives made by our
selves, rrom wnicn duplicate can be bad at
like lakes. We carry ths only full line of
viewt of this stste and do entargi d work at
lowest ratea for firat elaaa work. W a ahall be
pleased to see yen at onr Stndio in Freman'a
B'.eck.aextdeorto Matonin Temple.
Notice T he pasture of F L Such at
Cloverdalela now open for stock. All well
fenced, plenty of water and shade. Stock
taken by week or month, 50 cent per week,
$2 per month. Cattle taken at $1 per
head per month. Will not be responsible
for any accident or lost.
V. L, Sut-M.
A Satitism man, aulng for diyoroe, aaya
be haa the whole forka against bint, ami
guess he will have to compromise.
Mr Marion Thomaa reports a fair crop of
hop on hi pUofl near th Santlam, th has
rniulug a bent half of them. A it ia he Will
have about 4000 pounds ol good hops.
Th publathed 11a that dipiberia is atilt
prsvalant arousd I'rineviile, snd that John
Savage haa lnt three more children, making
aevsu in all" ia slill going the icmnda of '.he
piets, Piiokvill News.
Robt Henderabot, the M-eslled dmmmar
boy of the Rappahannock, ha1 that title
taken away from him at a recent OAK
meeting at Detroit, Mich, It did not be
long to iilin Ex,
Vfe'" i rtdmn tha Seattle da fatted
the S -u (J 4, At the end ( vn 1 1
ninga tl,w e)ims ware ahead. Is wa then
raining and it was proposed t Call th samei
but it was finally cumj.loted in th? rain vii h
tho toore above.
The Salom Rod and Gun oluh hold iu
meuthly gold medal h( ot, with the follow
ing eoorenut of s pottieZ5i Carroll E
Huifhe,2!; C D 0rMn, 10; Alex U
follet, 19. Frank Howe. ID; A W Child,
IU. BIPiVt tn. if tr t in.
vw whh. i.) j,, e , 'Suaf luf wnse
Glenn, 18. Howe ami Otbrielron shot riff
the tie, Mr Grielton winning.
Har eral fin residence that will be a or ad it
tothaoity ar being aud 111 t built tbl
fall. Among ethers ar Dr J f Wallacs'a,
W HOoltrs'a, Mr Baltimore's, Wot Vanes'
and Mr Grigg'.
Tb sUt eoavsntbn of the TPHCK
meets in Afbsoy during October. M iaaek
Lixxie Reed and Abbie Fry hava si ready
been elected delegate from the YP8CK
of Lebaoon .
SaorsUry Noble decided yeiterdsy thst
tbs land in the Lakevfaw dtatriot, over
which ther haa been much ooetantien for
year, wars swamp land, and hence th
deads from the atate were good.
Tk eighth annual convention of the Young
Men's Christian Aaeociatioa of the Pacific
Northwest -ill U held at Spokane Fall.
Washington, KrpUmUrS 27, 1801. Secre
tary Young will at'ead from Albany, snd
will bsvs charge of the alnging.
SoiLetime even Bewapspers get thing
mixed. The cat of the gtate of Oregon at
John Jewabsrry wa before Geora; Hnmph-
rey. Lpaty liutrict Attorney J it Wyatt
sppsariog for the prokeeution. Th olotbee
were stolen from the house of S U KaUton
and balongad to M Gdmonr.
Saverat bndaa mea arrived fa the city
tbt tanning to Begin work on th aubst Bet
am of the Albany bridge. The pita for it
sre arriving daily and tn pier will be built
at an early day. Whatever the aaparstraet
nr it will nut interfere with the work on
tbe piers.
The Bkiikje. Mr Wakefield, of the
Portland bridge company, returned tbia
morning from Rosehurg, and this after
noon he and Superintendent Miller and
City Suveyor Barr are locating the plera ,
or mo uriuKe. jy large pne 01 piling is
already on tbe grounds, and one only
neeaa to visit the locality to be convinced
that work haa been begun on a atructure
that will be a credit to Albany. The
bridge according to the original contract
aa signed by both parties will be built.
It takes time to start a big bridge ; but
when it once gets under way it goes up
rapidly. Tjie piers will probably be up
in month from the time the firat pi'.e is
driven, and the superstructure within a
monui thereafter, jiy cunaimaa 001
citixens will undoubtedly be able to cross
to Benton county.
A Biulkib AcrmEKT. Yesterday after
noon at 4 o'ebek th Brown Brothers
were driving 42 head of cattle from their
farm to a pasture across the Luckhtmute,
when thr-y met with a very costly acci
dent. Tha cattle at first reftued to go
anrrvaa, u uuaiiy went wmi a mill.
Th load was too much for th bridge,
and 100 feetot it went down, taking all of
the cattle to the bottom, distance of
forty feet, with it, the cover tumbling on
them, killing 23 of them instantly and
laming and injuring the remainder so
that nearly all of them were expected to
die. One of the Brown bad just driven
his horse to the bridge, with the front
feet on it as the brtdite went down, the
horse jumping hack and no doubt saving
his own and the life of his rider. The
loss to the owners of th cattle is 11200
to $1300, wht the loss to Poik county
win oa constue i a oie.
At YattrixA Bat. C II Stewart nnd
family and Mrs A D McCoy and children
returned from Yauuina Bay this noon.
leaving only a few people in the Nve
Creek settlement. Nye Creek is becom
ing the center of attraction, and next
year it will be entirety in the lead. The
proprietor of th Newport bath houses
lias already contracted for the lumber for
twenty or twenty-five bath houses next
summer for Nye Creek, which is now the
popular bathing place. The approach to
the beach is being improved so that it
will be an eaiy matter to go up and down
to' and from it. A few days ago
when the tide waa up a foot higher
than the law allows, sixty feet of piling
at the end of the north jetty was washed
out. The only Albany people now at
Nye Creek are John Morrison, S E Bar
rows aud family and Mra II E Hyman.
Latest ahoet mutio at Will & Link'.
Xew cloak jutt received at tha Ladies
Baxaar. , '
Whett ia 78 1 cents in Albany today and
77 centi In Salem.
Th steamer Willamstte Valley left San
Francisco laat evening at 3.W
The monthly shoot of tbe Mascot gnn
elnb woe postponed until next Saturday.
Talk about "Tha Hutlcr.M Larimore is
the hustler of alt carriage painters in the
The Juvenile baas hall club of this city
went to Corvallis today to pav tbs club of
thst city. .
Mr Pete Abbey, of Yaqntna By, haa
rented tho Perkins Hotel at Portland, winch
he will run hereafter.
Mie Anna Duinnod, of thia city, haa
opened a millinery atore ta Uarrixbnrg. She
ia an experienced tiilliinor and deaervea ua
oeas. ..
Hart Phillip, the tailora, have jnt re
oeived a neT lire of fine aamp'et. Call on
them ia Strahou'e Block.
Thaexpene of tunning Baker City aster
work a I $11,083 per year. Vhe inooine ia
bnt 7.057, leaving 4.000 aa a lota to someone,
either the water company or the city.
That hah and huh hoso race for $150 will
take pi wat th Victoria fair, occurring
daring tha tournament, and not at Oregoo'a
state fair, though the aaaociation miiht wet!
have auch a oonteit. Albany will be in it
Thia week we hava made a innnd of our
tore in town to aaoeitaio how trade ia
openiog up. Wa found the actual oaah e!ea
oiooa atore to be $113.00 in one day Stay
too Time.
Laat Tl.uraday at Portland Dt loo w tain
one ot tha laoesj but waa not noh fur hi
more experienced opponents. . In ths third
hest ha waa second, being peck and neck,
and ths time waa 2:212, the fastest heat iu
Three bids were receive.1 by tha city
couccil Monday evening f,r tha construu
ion otlhe new oity halt building a follows,
Chsa Veshte, $5000; Geo Vaontta, $4300;
Geo Riga, $4775. The hida wera referred
to a special committee. Ashland Tidioga.
A IIousk Burned. Last night aliout
J :30 o'clock the house of Mr John Berry,
the plasterer, situated at the southwest
corner of the old fair ground, was dis
covered on fire by Mrs Berry ,who was in
the house. Mr Berry wat on the outside
in the vicinity. As the flames were al
ready well under way nothing could be
done, and the building was entirely con
sumed, together with some of the furni
ture, ouly part being saved. The loss
was about $500. No insurance.
E W Aohtaon &Co are selling monuments
at Portland prieea. -
Am Example. -The teas for American
amaumption are bought in China by Euro -pen
experts, who are called "tea-tasters."
The eooyolopediaa are authority for the fact
that ia a few years they have to giye op
their lucrative positions with shattered con
stitutions. The onhealthfuluBss of the adul
terations and mineral coloring matter otn
not be more strongly pat. Bseoh's Tea ia
pure aa childhood. Foraale by Allen Bros.
The Dbmoskat will exchange a eswint
maohiu of any make desirad, exoept one or
two, for so si e oak grub wood and part aasb;
or will consider other proposition by any
A piano
Boot and Shoe store,
Parker tiros, grocer;
New eloakt at W F Head's.
Latest atyles tf hats at W F Reao'a.
Redaction in aammer goods at W F Head'
Apple parsrs for sale at Stewart A Sox r.
Royal Dutch Coooa at C E Browoeli's,
8 A Ilulio, druggist, French's corner.
Fl.ia groceries at Conn Si H'Bdrioaon'a.
Paraeot and sun umbrella at lea than
oott at VV F Read'.
Gold apeotaolaa and eye alataee, all atyles
and price, aF M French's.
The finest tins of pocket ktilves in the
eity st Stewart A Sot's.
Completa stock of lad irk and gent' gold
waiobe at F M French'. ,
Bkrifaln i gl, waff-he at French',
The CortK r Jwlr Store
S-,wut& H a. II tha very heat intent
ttii.vd lir and tior, ,
A full line of Wamer'a corset, heat in
th world for ths money, st V F Rr-ad'a,
Lsdie ' Oxford tie at greatly reduced
rates st Klein Brot, Moat tie told.
J. VV. Bnotley, ladin bsot and shoe
maker, juat aaat of Revere House.
0 W Cobb, job printer, Flion Elock'doea
first cla work.
Sea that e'evenl'piato at Klein Bros Boot
and Mhos atore,
A fine line avf crookary wars st I ,mn &
Notice the extra hollo pronmi t,,tjon
need by barbers sre aold by St a art 4 ,,.
Ladie Oxford tiaa at Kloin B-ns. Chrap
ett in the oitj. Will I sold at i'atly re
duced rate. j
Hart & Phillip evry a fli.e line of sm
pl aod pst toma of so I tins lor f eahionkble
clofbing of all kind, li Hirab.o Block, ap
Hart A Phillip, th tsifors, make to order
fashimalde auiU in Um style. id s manner
to give asti fauti-m. Call at thair room a, up
statta. Strahan B oxk, ail t ou and get
Bs sere to te "The Hustler" .text Satur
day niKbt.aod Mwday mom i ng haatle yoop
oariisge to lsrimo-o, the pslour, sod have
him paint and trim it op.
Larimore has tb fioest and best equipped
esrriage painting shop in tt eity, and has
la bis amoloy on of tne fiatxt carriage
painter. laUly from Satt Lake City. AU
work guar an teed.
Do not boy your boots and sbne until
yon se tb piauo at Klotti!lrae, snd a will
have examined thstr large stock cf good.
Klein Bro have a large and choice stock
of boot and aboee for sale at reasonable
srioae Da antiovast is fm.t wear oalil
youbave asn tfteir stoat aa-tj th etsaat
piaao at tksir s'-or.
Opaoi Sept 17th, 1891 Rotes Oct 17ti
Maai ay th Craal Ztpeaora Baa4 a tract
treat tbe City ot alssiea.
Art Irww th rraa!. Sautter ol Earopa an4 A malic
-m w a ww ran no aoiikr. Wiaacar
rut aieetrkaJ a4arUun ta loll opajk
be). A ephMtt'lii aartaa W
mtaaral aabibtta.
IL AMl INTl.KKxriX.J m ABT. llt
A sraatar oo-b. aiklbtta than ar Wore
praaaotad Bpea takwt.
Bk-tr PKATv liE. tMMU IK PREalLktS.
"Ba atrfsat display al trait aad the tnest xk:b t a
AsnaoitaraaverkHuleln the racifte aorta
wot. All annalaetaria In fall
ekotW'i. Krarythinc aa ;
Bo dead esbibita.
be -5- BXf oarnes - of -:- EirostToxa
SaTAiisiaaiaaa aiv. 0kUv reins! rataWaa
ar m reuaa mp va au lakkjer uaaa
the ouly abeoluUly pure and
thoroughly effective Intact Bowder npoa
tbe bierkaf, and it maonfaetared aotolylby
tke Bubtch Producicg and Manafactnring
Company, of Stockton, California.
The word "Buhach,' ia mad part of
the trade market aaid eo npaoy, a-d ALL
HACH. Persona, who order Buhach tiomheir
doaleia and receive insect pcw.ior that ta not
on affective insecticide, WILL CONFER A
It yonr dealer don't keep Buhach, don't
1st them cheat yon by selling you sn inferior
and worthloaa Insect powder, bat COY-MTNir-ATE
fsflfj TO Cooijhs. Colds. Intlnnr. eranchrtls,
VUilt.a Hoarseness, Wheeling Couijli, Croup,
or Threat, Atthoia, aad every a fleet ma of tk
Throat, Lunjt and Cheat, inctnttms; Contumelies,
Spesdy anil Lortuaoeuu Geuuice ineii " L Butts.
ComM Mever.
.pRttmerr" j; of,
Career BroaiallJin and First SSs.,
tuail sTrstttB, CbbumI Moatsv
amvpa ltpnawarv,
rten Frtrit.a. Prsreralaften,
r rbrtee. CigBtB.
ttKar , ; R'pab,
rrtep, Tst.
Et El).,
. terythlng that I kepi la a sea
xA tb 'vad groeery are. Hlgbse
rtcetp ' raid for
rtlLICUiPSuf I'RbbDCE.
Manufacturer of '
ilkU EKSSKES csist m mi
mitthmmw mmm
LI2HT 73aX, IH
: MSCH m EHASS ; ,:;
Ca fif 'j .
rta i f ivkiO -
H-!al attention jala o jarinK ll
iia of machinery
This is the query per
petually on your little
bov's lios. And he in
What 13
It For? no worse than the big
ger, older, balder-headed
boys. I,ife-i9 art interrogation
poi:it. "What is it for?" we con
tinually cry from the cradle to the
grave. So with thia little introduc
tory sermon we turn and ask: "What
is August Flowex for ?" As easily
answered as asked It is for Dys
pepsia. It is a special remedy for
the Stomach and Liver. Nothing
mors than this ; but this brimful.
We believe August Flower cures
Dysrxrp&la. We know it will. We
have reasons for knowing it. Twenty
years ago it started in a small country
town. To-day it has an honored
place in every city and country store,
pofjSc .-cs one of the largest manu
facturing plants in the country and
sdl3 everywhere. Why is this ? The
reason is as simple as a child's
thought. It u honest, does one
thine, and does it right along it
cures Dyspepsia. Q
G. C. GREEK, Sole Man'fr.Woodhary.SJ.
I r
ro ;rscs HERDS,
il-1 J-A.f- 'Mll.tlH-j'
oat AN
row BAur erv au
Caveat, and Trade-Xurkr obtained. rid all Tab
enl tmiii tn eoBilnctefl for M!e;st Fees.
Our Offte kt Oppaarte U. S. Patent Ctbce.
aac w csa aeenre .au-nt in lea ume ttum tboit
remote from Waatiinston.
bend model, drawitiir or photo wt.ll deaerip
tlon. W adylae. If;.iiiie or cot. tree ct
Cbkrpe. Our fee not oae till twlent kecurrd.
A Pamialet. "llow to Obtain l'atecta," with
Banmof artti J ciimt ?n yuux Suite, cuuai, or
toa n. ao t free. AddreB,
Craotlta Patent OWce.vVashsBBton. D. C
A Revelation.
Tsw fonl know SWst rhs
Kr L t IJnkhiMe mL.
XA th rdiuary teas vxpemA a
sua wuawwa as not tse Bet
aral sokir. Ccilniant aa tbe
latrt may be. at la naTartbeleaa
arvlScjC; idcaral solortnc
mnUer Wcs msed tor thia
r-ui-.-oaa. ta afiet ts two
loU. U not ao B,are ths
tea a triftat, ahtny preso, bat ko permit the
Baa of off color aud wortfcleea tcaa, wlili. h.
ooea aailsr Uis proea desk, ore readily
worXad oJ a s Seed qoality of tea.
An ezclunit satiiori'.y write n tU.'a tr.b
Jrt: Tt mnriljclatlnoof ro-rVeej, U-sive
UiiKa a f iter peanuicc, Uci.r. '.e.l ta cxteo
alrc.'y. Creen tesa, twl.yv in Uiia country
eepc3tai:y j op-lar, are yr.-xStuvi, tc ir-et tha
dasod 'i-T er.iorjr.t; ehea -cr V i.!t!aty
f:esir;t.r.-Jci!-.j;w?th I'rusaisrt tu-ietir.
pypstira. sii-t jK.5:p-. mj'.V-Hx a pnt-
fa! &.ot fry lff!fa piM.-rr.; uKNt-sd ;tua tea
it oTvcd fjr tale."
It wa U;e ltool:?s f tV sA:Cca if
tftairs K t: iToraptcd itspiao : ;ro' Jk-wh'a
Tea bclie the puUio. 3t U eU'Uuh !y ere
acd wi:h-ot oclur. Eli jis e t.t etc iy
taouina vaet'oitd Jki sn f. ? Ar ycrr
rmror to cpn a laekvrc el lkefte, ini ys-n
w!1i ee t'-, aud iro!U- fur U:9 very srt
t'ra? It win ha found In eoicr i to jsat be
tweeu Uia v:!fleiol greon tea, t:-.; ros hara
bean aecaatnm&i to sod the liiac!! Us.
It Jravra a uellE'itful frMJiy e';r, an3 I BO
, fragraut tiat n will r - , reve!u;!oa to tca
drl&crK. Jim parisr ;rfces it ea more
economical than tbs ariiclia tca, fee leu
of H is mjwlrea per nop. WJ onJy ia poaad
rnekagot bearlna thl Cra(!s-rr.a;t :
If ktrti'ieroesBothavsit,lia vDl get
tt ate yon. f:ioa$0e p poani Foraaleat
-AM aay aswats fttr W. I.. Deseias ).
tr aw far ete yoor piaea aak yr
eeikar awaxl far ewfalaaaaa seearo Ike
aeBay, vr mr4 tkerti lor yua.
Klai aeamleaa al e, with no (acka or vu threait
toTiurt UMrkeli mkdk of tba beat Sne calf, tylia
aod easy, aad seat aaa we ewiAa atore hom of I live
fmm3 cAan. av eaAar aaaAHTUecwe-, tt equal hauti
nwe. kttoee eoat 4n- trvm ..uu t S6.0Q.
t2f BOtiannlaa Haad-aawed, tbe flneat eal(
aTP. aline erer -itfervii riir S5-IX); equsila llkacn
regorte! ahoea wki ita eoat from B.ii to i2.00.
SA 00 Haad-Mfwed Welt Shor. flue lf.
? atyHah.eoriironableknddurb!e. The txwt
ahoe erer offered at thia (irlee : eme gratia aa cue
miwukte ahora eo lug (rum s.0u to tu .
CO SO t'sitra hori Parmer. lMlroad Ben
JPa kua LttrOarrtere kll wear them; noeoalf.
areunieaa, mooth Ic iMa heavy three euiea, extea
awa edge. One pair will wear ijw.
i9 ." ealfl no better glKwkTerofferkdkt
' thi prtoej one trial wilt coaluc tho
wjiowant a khiie fur eorafort kad aerylce.
f 5 and S't.OO Wtrttiraan'i stanea
3a. ark wry s rtrng and duraWo. Thoae who
hjjk given thim a t iai will weiir no other make.
If fWe;' -i.OO and l,?3 school ho.s are
frr-f worn by (tie boyaeTerywhere; they aeli
an their niertta, at U a luer?aitint kale ahow.
If! H2 f; lm.l-rTcd shoe, beat
V o!- T.v 'lyl'ah; eouaiafreuck
kuuortd ahoe met! r from t.0i to S6.u1.
Idlee" '2.50, M.OO and B1.73 shoe for
BS, m are th beat fti e lXn ijola. HtyTiah aad d arable.
I ntlnn.-. u at W. L. Doniclka' name aud
artea are ttamiwd oc tbe bottom or ear h ahoe.
W. U VUQULASt, Brockton, alkes.
foshay & r.iAscri
VBsuiAUi As nm.a .
Druggists and Booksellers
Afreuta for John E. Alden'a ptitillcailoijM,
ttich ws al at publisher's prire vti;i.
tItA't-W ,
ural montil joarnol, edttefl by Prof
G. it Laks, Noftrmpror fruit cWmsr
en a'ford to be withont it. I; Pais
whoever tlsa It, ' f3 pir ytxr. fl
isrrthn, it eptitsi.sici .;-n s:n-r.
A - ,-. i ' 1 I Z: t : '' -'