The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 18, 1891, Image 1

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: Tho New York '-World,"
"The -:- Democrat"
1 n
i : An Advertisement in : :
j "The -:- Democrat,"
rSfflSTSSki Bit! MM.
: o
'American Farmer'
All on Yrfor
Kaltreil al the ! wfnia as Albany. r., aa !( ! Mall Matter
TlTtM Jt StTT... lMlabers aa rreprlelersi
NO. 7.
13 La HaB
Cunt ni Sick KtaDsfmt,
I all troahl. art .In from
Ialifauea ar Oaa.UpaUaa.
iuiiww inal,mi-iaiij
h. Pnrlfstaa , k. U I J
TH 1m w b lrt atjn.ta4 to uit I ha aaa, a
ou. n 1 1 c aarar ea to lara it t u. i. i.h
HiowkHW, 411 pills rut up la xmnoiaj
whir, run h-rrl. la m uat,i 4 lira., (
a Inwlwi a. aaM lira. Sa aala. wha.
a, "fw.i-ril,i1rt. 0.14 l,.Twaar.tMhe Saul.
atari immi 4 VHcta awn a a., at - ...
at D. MAftTKMra laOM TONIO. .
i la HKA1.TH and Vllii.NOI H HTHUHIUaf Tff
It yn bar a-, y a b d xibtU alt-knd
rwiaaad ananaawrily auny tin- by la.luf pill fur
Mm blood, kidooy aa-1 avu ,ti4biott
Aaar&ni-atiruf laaU nJ U bM' tr;r!ll, if
takaa la naif taaajvjutiful i ma,
- ask youk Dauajnr ran ir.
While trying to Crowd then
Store, where the hare on hand
the targett Stock aouth of Portland, ol
the late.t Improved Ride and Shot
Cans; an Immense stock, of FUhlng
Tackle of eerjr jcacrlptlon; Tent,
iiammocka, Carnp Chair and thousand
i other thing too numeroua to nirntlon
a connection wlrft the Store, and one ol
bet workmen In the Stale to do any
tad ail kind ol work.
Come onf, Come al. No rouble to
tbow good. "Small pre fit and nukk
W" I out motto.
City Iiyery, Fes! an! Sale
-S T A!B L E.-
Having purobatnd ne rig ean furn
Uti 0rv.cla. tarroutH at c!l. .''iMiciil
avleaf u Rlrnn t'ttraDnli-nlkKv-K liiet
boaruvi by thdy or month.
Cheap,! Rtr la (he Vitj.
To'ephone 0'nnrtl n with th St
9harl ilutol. To'epbono ordera given
prompt aitnntion.
Fourth Mtroet, txtwonn 'Ellaworth and
iKreet Car line.
w rzocti ruovi ep?Huiu& roa rmnu
City Restaurant.
Having been entirely remodeled. thiol4
lad popular re.tauraat wilt be mad firat
.lae a every renpect. The pablio will be
given good meal al all boors for only 25
oeota. Everything neat and attractive
Private boiea. Oysfer In every tvle.
mnm & hulbeeusos,
Real siat Agents
Farm and Ranch e feraale.
AUoeity broaerty in Albany
and Cortallia.
for Infanta
Caetorla la ao well adapted to children that
1 reoommond It as superior to any prescription
known to me." IL A. AaCKaa, M. D.,
Ill Bo. .Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T,
"Tba twa of rmrinrla I unlTeraal and
in nutrita so wall known that It stems a work
of aiiwn-nroirail'm toendoma It, w- am the
Intr-iilKvint fiuniliM woo do not keep Gaatoria
wuidu aaniy touch."
Cabxo JUhtth. O.D.,
. Now York City.
Late raatov Bloomlnedale tiefurmed Church.
Tm CnrfAim
I """ """"" "" " " '.' n .. ; ' 1 . 1 " '"1 1 ... 1. m 1 .111 1 .1 ui t mi mmwi
-G. L. BLACimiAW,-
1 r
1 f
1 .
i fx
! '. '
Afaictod 3 Years by ! rueful SXIu and
Mloori Dlaeuae, v, !th lutcuao
I VI a ami Ijoss of U:ir.
All Other licrr.eJh a Ki'l,
. tuntly Hixl t'tl: r-i if 1
by the piti-t;r H
tu Uevedl In
'' :r Wwln
vk' ilmi from i " . ,, i . IHm-iuhi wl.iuh
I 1 kit xl fur mw l.i- y. v .Vi , l.ln llimn.
'7 -" wtn . 'i H'.ii itiwra)' t4
r-iiiir aim rxvnie v.t I I s. l.l.' M" . n rulj
wealhvr ni : i..t o.- 1 j . Pf .. Whn
In Ui ltl air t.S. m l-.-i,r; It wimKI
Imoat briu Ur my j-. , r a blood Im
bln(ln (MKir r.imt-iii a, -ii K m c( balr. 1
bav IrlrJ rv -.n !.,-, IV.t wm mom.
oicoil sl to rma i-iit ! .). , ; , ami irav mo
.ry IUil ba-iH. riot bi.i-u -( r-f .. r (1 Tin n
KaailMKB, I l ;..- i'.-i.i a lil.l. Tray
Unit pll.-fiMiM k.iv r.ii,u-. It-., o- rIUf. Ill a
few (-'' im I i.mikJ in- . I i, uiU I aia
thankful r h.u ih, y .b : tnr mm. Your
CiTit-iia UtiVMii. mn x ! hj In tho who
Way h li" lyiniiai.y- Ui UMI U)ria, I aaa
rtmiu.iJi:wa'n'. -.
1 l:'.'.S: Kr.RArt,
S7;l l !...:t .-,., 1 iiH-Mt, HI,
Cuticura Rcmcdlco
Kffort dall m-iMj (p- enrca pf humor anil rfta.
f, .;, ur.l'tltKHl lhaa all olhar
roniill nu,il,i:H'.l. ( vti vi,.lh r-ktn
'urs anil ti'tium ikA-, an pi;iiI.ii hkln lrl
Kor'.ml lt:l-H!hiT.Cc.r:n.uv. Mij CiTlifa. Ka
or.vs.MT, Iho l.irkHi 1-utliWr an rMltt ol
Humor Un,ll, , li.i, oi..ll , rur tnty rHM et
llclilnt;, burning, amtvs pimply, and bkitchy ill,
am-o uf Um .aln, amiji, and bkKd, fmm Infaa.y la
w, frtun lm;ilr In wmluls. whoa lb bl pbyat.
Uim and all otlu-r rwntilU. Iil.
PoUl .wyU k. r,ir, tl-TicirnA, &0c.; toar.
9ao.; Ua-u.iiiT, (I. 1'ivp.rrd by tba f'lxrtaal
l:tv a!iu Ci.ani At Ciurun.TinM. Haakon.
af--n.l for" lluw to tin- Hkin l'lrimi " H
-. lllmtratkiii., tiM bauliuouialav
'I KS. blark hpada, led, rou(h, fhanpad an4
oily akia cured by Cvruuaa Soar.
ITf nvrtl..n, and WaakiMiaa of Uw Ad hi
Airli. gn "'0 fratand only ala-kllNne atrMMav
ttor. iV., In.lanuuavoa, and toaaaav
Both tho mclhod ond rrsulta hea
Byrupof Figs is laVen ; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste, anil acta
fentljyet prompt on the Kidneja,
dTer and IJowcIa, clcnnsca the 6jt
tem eflectaaJly, dl'pcls cold,, head
aches and fevera and cures habitual
conti nation jwrraacrntly. For sale
in 50c tad $lm b-Mtfca Ijr all
CAUFonm syrup col
8 AH fZA fli
ton ils.
Elder Flower
I art a eoMMtl In the mo. In abidb that Uira
ia popttlarty ual, but panuoangy baauunaa. It
naMaoft, anxKitb, abnr, y..ty tkm, and by
l.ily aa Kradikilly nakx the et,m;l(lua wtarvl
laJ wbiU'. liiaaeotiMant proueilon fmra tba
.ffacU of aut and wind and -ronta mo born and
frocklc and black bwia will ne.r oars, whil ynn
art it. It oieanm tb tae ttr bailor tban -aip and buit I a? tb. km tUxo and
pr.nU th f-mutumof wrlt'tln' It ( . lb
bmbM. ele.rn.n. and tmoaibnsu cf akin tbai you
bd whan a lit'.lo irl. Bry i.y, y.-an or old.
ourbt to as rt a it a mo'O rulh(nl apar.
ano to any lady, and that prmanntiy. It contain
ao acid, puwdar or aikall. and b a harinlm a daw
and a noariablne In th .kin a. dw I to tb dow.r.
Frlre at ,at all drn.-riiK.aiid bairdruiama, oral
Mr Oarraia Urahara' oatablUhniont, 10 Paat strt
aan prani-iaro, wbara aba traataUdia for all bbxnlabv
anf tb(aoor Cfur. Ladiat a diataoo traaWd
by Attar, Hand tamp for bar 11 ul book "ilaw to
b. Hautiful'
- Comnln TJnffla mallad fro tn b0 bulr on
BOiiiyiO AiilbblDraonptof 10 nnta la taaip
ko pay puu- nd packing, Iady aganta waatal,
Face Bleach
Cora tb worst oaaa of Freckle. Bunbarn, Hal
lowneas. Moth pal ohaa, finpbwand ail .kin blomkhM,
lrf lUrmlaas and Sstirs ; 1,0 sampla
an b aeat ; Lady .fan I. wanted,
Tha Tlimfrrriet th' utmn who Brat erJei a
11X9 Vliigg'bit bill of my pnparaiion wUI
bar his nana added ta this .dr.rtlaamant.
My preparation, ar for ia by wbnlaaals drnf
Ul ia Cbicagoand ry eily west of It,
Pitted as In eret-claaa atyle. Table
supplied with the bet In the market.
tfioe leeplnsr apartment,. Sample room
vr eommeroial traveler.
and Children.
Castor! a enre Colle, Coontl paiinn,
fxir blmnacia, lilarrhota, buctatian,
JJiiaWornia, givsa aleap, and pnauotes dl
VTiuwu Injariooa mecUeatioa.
For aeveral year I have reeommended
your ' Caatoiia, ' and shall always eontlnua to
do ao as it ha Invariably produced benciVlal
Kowia r. Piaoai, K.
" The WlnUiTMP," 155lh 8trwt and Ttli Av,
Hrw Tork Cy.
OoaWAjrr, 7T UoaaiT Sawaw, Kaw Tone
: ".11 r " i - -
if !
Lkbanon. There la Ulk of a Chatau
aua literary circle beina oriranlicil In
town, tut'b a iDcirty alforda excellent
imRiii tor home culture.
Mr and Mr Clay Maraltall, of Allmny,
pent CHiuUay with Ur toivy aua who
V I Turn 1.1 ne will open a atatlotiary
tore in the new poatotiioe uuiiainjt.
lWn Kirk la working In I R Ilorum'a
having parlor. Hen la a good workman
and Mr lWaiu it fortunate' in aocuring
hia aervicva. ?
(icoiire Wathington Btlllwell waa lxrn
In VirinU, on the 28th day of April,
ilitfd in Lnbauon, OrcKon, S'it 5, 1HII,
boing 80 yea re, 4 monllia and 7 Uaya old.
J H Smith, who alerted acroee the
mountain, thin week, waa taken ill at
Jerry Hhee'a. Pr Foley waa unimoned.
Tliurailay morning. Norman Kmith ac
Coiiipanimt tho doctor,
Mr J K Charlton ha, been very ill
during the paat few feeke, but ia now
Mr, Brown, of Albany, wa, in the city
Monday trying to oriraniae a claaa in elo
KUnworth IUrxee, a nephew of Prof
Loaia tiartee, died at boUavllle, Hunday,
Vept 8. lie waa 21 yeara of ae, a grad
uate ol the normal college at Aloninoutu.
ana waa a promising oung man.
At an eltctlon held by the Waterloo
Development company, In Allmny hut
week, our fellow townsman. E K Mont a
gue, waa elected one of the director of
aid company. Kltner ha, faith in the
fntnie development ol the immense wa
ter power at Waterloo. Advance.
Some DtrriacNca. During the month
ol May 709 piece, ol baggage were recelv
fd at the Southern Pacific depot. In thk
city. and yit piece werearntout. In
June 751 piece were received and 635
sent out. In July 680 were received and
7G4 tent out. In August 645 were recei
ved and 691 sent out. More piece were
tent out than received, but during the
next thiee or four month It will be the1
reverse. Eugene R-fjlirr. A vey good
showing for a email tlllrge Ilk, Eugene.
In A than v such a record la not known.
Mr Oaiker, the baggageman. Inform, u
that the ma!!et number of piece of bag
gage handled the past year wa between
1300 and J400 a month, Th, highest a
lew over 3700. The general run la about
jwo I'ict ra a mvnm, over twice mat 01
our lively little neighbor up the road.
Thl wa alt S P baggage. Betide this
the S I agent handle eeveral hundred
pieces ol O P baggage every month.
A PtACH Cot'MTa v. Tliia year pant
cularly ha demonstrated the fact that
thl part of Oregon can raise a fine
peache a any country lothe wrd. No
peaches brought here aurpat our In aUe
and flavor. It I to be hoped that their
cultivation I pushed and that we have
some fine peach orchard In this ami lien
ten and Marion countle. The Salem
Journal ay: Many Interesting fact a
to the capacity of thl country far fruit
production are being brought out by the
fruit palace Idea. For Inrtance, It leak
out that In Mr Beardtley' orchard 54
tree four year old bore 300 bu.hcU of
peache that told for $i.Joa bu.hcl. This
wou'd be $750 from less than one-f jurth
of an acre.
A MiaArtioia KaCAfa. A Munaell,
who live, a few mile, from Corvalli, re
late an episode in which be narrowly
escaped. The accident occurred near
Cottage Grove where he had been and
waa hauling a load of alalia at the time.
He bad jut atarted to drive hia team
aero the railroad t'ack, when a enecial
train rounded a. ,harp curve and came
immediately upon the outfit, and before
be bad time to jump, the locomotive
atrutk the horse and knocktd the wagon
completely from under him and be for
tunately fell along aide of the track and
rolled off the graded road bed. and the
train passed on without doing him any
personal injury more than be wan ren
dered unconwiou, by the ahock. Jloth
horae, were killed outright. Cor. lien-
ton Leader.
raoBAta Matteki. Estate of Wm II
MtUri le, l-ond of admr filed and ap
proved, and Matthew Achrson, John
barton and James McCune wereaDooint-
ed appraiser.
Estate of Kebccca Vernon, order made
to sell personal property, aa prayed for
n petition.
Kstate of r F Croft, inventory filed.
Estate of Cha, Cueick, inventory filed.
Kstrte of l'eter llaifnennr. bond of
admr filed and approved, and Harvey
Shelton, Geo Devaney and O V Han
saker appointed appraiser,.
suie of Chariea 11 Kpencer. final ac
count approved and admr discharged
upon filing receipt of Eliza Spencer for
A Liva TLAca In Albany ia the vicinity
of the 8. P. depot at noon. Within half
an hour four passenger train, leave the
depot in four different directions, and
shortly after another in atilt another di
rection. There are so many trains that
farmer, coming in from the country find
it difficult work to set into the citv.
Thi, sugxeeta that both Montgomery and
im id worm streets should be extended in
a direct line until reaching the main
country road.
Fceliwg, Host. It hurt the feeling
of Crook county people wonderfully to
cave Immigrant go through that countv
Into thi unsurpassed valley, the land of
fruits and cereals. The News walls like
this: "Scarcely a da pastes that eml
erant from Nebraska and Kansaa cannot
Be een passing through Prlnevlile toward
tne Willamette valley. When these de
luded people learn that government land
In Webfoot I not to be had they will come
back to eastern Oregon and ettle down,
satisfied to stop and remain In a country
better suited to the want of people of
their clas." . .....
Washington Cities. Toe centut
thow the following population for Waih
Ingtoncltie with over 1500 population:
Seattle, 43,837; Tacoma,36,oo6; Spokane,
19,912; Walla Walla, 4,709; Olympla,
4,698; Port To wnsend, 4,558; Talr haven,
4.076; Whatcom, 4.059; Vancouver.3,545;
Ellenburg, 8,768; Centralis, 3,026; Sno
homUh, 1,993; Dayton. t,88o; Puyallup,
' 733; 8prgue,l,689; Colfax,!; Aber
deen, 1,63; Monteaano, 1,63.; Illalne,
1,563; North Yakima, 1,535. Several of
then now do not contain much more than
half the ri ures given.
Without a DottoM. A gentleman
recently from South Dend, Wath, say
the bottom ha dropped out of the boom
over there, and that real estate agent are
now compelled to wath their own $ pit
toon, not being able to hire a small boy
or Chinamen to do the work. Thev use
their office for club-room In which to
pin long boom yarn and play solitaire
l.u -. 1 J . - . rt
nun wiu maps anu piais. Vjuaro.
A Cuta Elf.pant. Sells' clrcut train
wa a couple hour late at Redding, Calif.
The elephant, Jumbo jr. reached from hi
car above Delta and pulled out the coup,
ling pin with hi trunk, cuttlog the train
In two, and the engine ard part of the
train went twenty mile befrre anything
wa found to be wrong, and had to go
back, thu causing the delay.
I A Bad Bot. Mr J R Crosby, who re-
tides on Upper Crooked river, tayt the
Prlneville New, lost hli barn and about
twenty ton of hay by fire a few day ogo.
The fire was et by t Htte child who
"wanted to see it burn." MrCrosby' lot
I a severe one to him, as it would be to
any poor man. A horse escaped from the
barn after being somewhat scorched.
A Good Bid, Judge Denny ays the
Chinese pheasant I the friend rather than
the enemy of the farmer and deserves pro
tection. They are a great insect destroyer.
The truth is that the cry against the Ce
lestial bird hat been principally as an
excu&e for thootirs him contrary to law,
sort of a conscience err.
A Cahvasm HvefrtDLca. Deputy
Sheriff Cochran, last evening about 0
o'clock, arretted a man by the name of
S It McDonald, on a charge of obtaining
money under falee'preteusee, near Hmltli
fleld. tit hna been canvaiwing In that
aectlon for the New York Delineator.
HarjKr'a Uaaaar.PortlandOregonlan.ri V
Examiner, and many other papers, and
signed all receipt, 0 W Lvwia, while lie
regiatered a, A J McDonald, at the hotela
here. The Delineator has a standing re
ward of $100 for his arrest and conviction,
and the publisher, oi that paper have
tccn notitled of his arrest by telegraph.
from ,tnb receipt book found on hia
person it appear, that be naa taken
about f 1000 worth of autmcripllon, fur
per, in una ana adjoining counties,
ie waa brought to Kuiftma and nlanpil
in jitll.-Uuard.
Ahotiier Acttoajir. I'rom a private
letter from Rev II 8 Khangle, vho. for
ometlme, wa, nastor of the M E churrh
aouth. In thl, city, but who la at present
atoppiag near Oakland, Douglas county,
wa learn that whito hia two little boy
were flavin under a tree a broken limb
fell and struck the o'deat boy, Itruce, on
the hack of the head, rendering him In
sensible, and up to the time of writing
sixteen hours ho had not regained con
sciousness. Physician, say the skull ia
not broken, but a dangerous pressure on
th, brain exist,. Mr and Mr, Khangle
have the aympathyof many friend, here.
Arrsa a Dasckt. The colored ex-convict
who tried to kill a white waiter at
Ptrong'i I, believed to have gone to Al
bany on a night freight soon after the
assault as coiumittedand ia there hid
ing. The police are after hint keenly
and if he ever alio, up he will tie dealt
with and given a chance to prove wheth
er he ia a would-be murderer or not.
Later: The police have advice, that
HaxelwoJd I, notatAlbanv. Another
ex-convict who was released about the
same tin., ia there, but hi, colored friend
ha, not put In any sort of a tangible ap
pearance yet. Journal.
A PaoMtxcxT Mar Ixsamk. The many
friend, of II J Pengra, of Ppringfleld,
will learel to learn that hia mental eon.
dillonla inch that an examination on
the charge of insanity ha, become nec
essary. Complaint wa, filed with the
county court today, by O A Kccteeon and
8 W Condon, and It is nroUble that an
examination will be held this afternoon.
ror several year, be has been a r.rtn be
liever in spirtualism, and hi, mental
alterations are characterised by ex
travagant talk on the subject. Ill,
property at Springfield and the building
of railroad, are theme, that betray his
mental incapacity. Guard.
What a pHoTooaAm Dm. Geo. n.
EJwar J has been In Ashland for about a
week. He I a puifllUt who was herein
the prfng of 1886 and had a priie fight
about 3 o'clock one morning on the out
skirts of town with a painter from Med ford
named Lewi. Lewi wa badly bunged
up In two round and 'squealed," )(
tHct Att'jr Tho. Kent took hold of th
matter. Edward (kipped, wa brough
back, tried and put in the county jail.
Several other Implicated left town until
the excitement blew over. A railroad
passenger conductor who wa backing Ed
ward lost hi position and wa A
photographer wa on the ground and Had
photographs of the whole bu.lnesa, whhh
proved that blocd by the seme were there,
though thev thouffhl thev weren't when
the limb of the Uw got Into operation.
S. P. Niunr OrsKATons. W Mc-!
Kechnne, of Oregon City, has been ap
pointed agent of the 8 P here, and O M
taham, ol Ilarrisbury, has been appoint
ed nljrht operator. The additional force
ia rendered neeesaary by a change of
time in freight trains. Sight operator
are also put on at Oregon City, Hatem,
Aiimny and Eugene. Wood burn Inde
pendent. Emohmovs Yiei.D. Win Kcanlin, of
Heaver creek, harvested Vi bjaheUof
wheat from one acre; Ja, Tracey, of Lo
gan, 400 buahela of oat, from four acre,;
Enos Cahilt 87 bushel, per acre from a
field of wheat. In each instance it wai
machine measure, which, aa is well
known, is in the Willamette valley al
ways considerably below the actual
number, of bushels. -Oregon City Cour
ier. Need Assistance. The Dalle Citron
icle of Tuesday vs: Mayor Maya had
telegram today from the Mayor of Port
land atklng what .help the people ol
Portland could render to the sufferer by
the fire. Msyor Mays answered that
contributions would be thankfully received
and that our neci:ies weie very contld
ersble. .
The editor of The Dal! Chronicle
call the editor of The Dalle Times
Mountaineer "the anglomanlacal Corn
itbman "
F. M. French kettp railroad tint.
Bay year groeerie ef Parker Bros
New eream oheese just received at Cod rod
Smoke tha eelebratad Havana filled 0 sent
rngar at Jahaa Joseph s.
A bug stock of wall paper, with lata de
signs, at Fortroiller fc- Irving ',jot received.
flav yon seo those parlor suits that T
una a has jast reooired I They are tiioe.
J W Bentlsy, best bont and shos maker in
city, three doors north of Democbat office.
E W Aohiton k Co handle tns celebrated
Portland cemsnt walls for lemeterv lots
fhese walls ean be faraisbad at half the cost
of any other and are far soperior.
Dr M II E'ili, phytioiao and surgeon,
&ioaoy, Ufon . Calls made, la it or
Ladies .50 d their shouploti in San Frao-
i-oo withont viiitiog tb city, aod without
extra oommu.m-i. Mist E J liarrowi if ,r
ohtting nt, 163 Orovs 3t, Oakland, ,
Patron!-) heme Industry and bay ban!.
made haroe, warranted, from 0 C M, Dubrnllla old tnd.
To Tea Drinker,. Probably
three fourths cf the ta cortumed
are "Green Tea " Unpleasant
a the fact may be, the bright,
hlny green to familiar to us all
I not 'he natural color, but It due
to the facing or glazing of the tea
with Prussian blue, Indigo and
other mineral color.
That coloring hide the effect
of poor tea is undoubted; but Is
it healthful, and doe It not call
loudly for the Importation ot a
brand of pure, uncolored, unman
Ipulated tea?
It ws thl condition ot affair
that prompted the placing of
Beech' Tea before the public.
Being the absolutely pure, un
colored leaf it It different in color
from any you ever used. It drawa
a canary color of a delightful
fragrance that I a revelation to
tea drinker, and It purity make
It more economical than the arti
ficial teat, let of It being required
per cup. Sold only In package.
o cents per poui.d. Ask for
Beech's Tea, pure a childhood,
fot tale by Allen Bros., Flinn
block, Albany,
Dyspepsia for B-lxtaea Year.
P HoIInd, Postmaster, Rock way
Beach, Long Island, V Y, waa entirely cared
of dytpepria and rh'enjiati.m of sixteen
yrattandinif, by taking two Braodreth'
FilUevtry night for a month. During the
month he took thain, be gained eight pounds
in weight. -
Brnndreth's Pill are purely variable, ab.
soSatfsly barmlen., and safa to take at any
Hold in every drag and medicina store,
aotiAL knu rr.aao,vAt,
Dr J T Tte I horn, from a profession!
trip through Washington,
Ml Paulina May, ef HarrUburg, It tit
the city, the guest ol Mr. .Senders,
Mr Virgil Parker and family and Mr
Clifton ate rukiicaiuig at iirettentiuaii.
M 0 Ulngham tin. drought a suit for
divorce against lit Es.tetf. wlfe.Eilsabeth
John Morrison wo r lit 'Yaqulna flav
today for a sojourn f a week or two lit
nt rtve cr'ta coiiagc
Mr Jttou Wheeler and Fran, Wheeler
and a lie have just returned from a trip la
Fish Lake and vicinity.
Collin Klkins left today for hi Santl
m fruit farm, on the line of the Oregon
Pacific, foe a two weeks vacation.
Prof Condon, of th, Stste University,
returned home today, with hi family,
from their summer sojourn at Yaouln
hay. Among other thing tho.Prof , had
t fine specimen of th, head of a Eumeta,
pis Metier I, which the atari About Town
hod the pleasure oi inspecting. A It was
over a million years of it wa rather
an aged look Ir.g tea lion' head; but It
would take gold to get It from Oregon's
lesdlrg ceologUt. j
Sheriff Sloan, of Eugene, passed down
th road thi, noon.
Mr Siiupp returned today from a Ions
summer sojourn at Upper Soda.
ttr if n.k- . t .hi,., t.l
Junction, ws In the city today.
I N Bruce, a republican ex-treasurer
of Linn ciiunty. I, in the city. Salem
Are yon going to the Y M G A sociable
tonight You are welcome; everybody
i, invited.
Hon I N Dolnh uasscd throuch AHmny
thi, noon for l'ortland. He ha, beeu
doing the Bay among other place,.
E Barnes, of Crook countv. once a res
ident of Linn county, was in th city
today, and went from her to Halvut.
W II Price and Mr Skaitrs. two prom
.Bui wuniHwn hwh vi aimihj w,i, ,
the city yesterday, transacting bu si nets.
Corvalli, Oasette.
Mr f M Nolan. CoVvallls leadina mer
chant, wa, in the city today on hi, way
Homo 1 rum a sojourn at hmiavtue. ile
was accompanied by hi, son.
Csvendcr Sc Calder. nroprlelota of the
Brownsntlls Ttmea, were In the cltv to
day. The young men. a well a their
paper, have an appearance ol prosperity.
Mi Benna Kirkoalrick. Asa Baker
and Charley Kalnton entered th AH-any
(killegiate Institute Ul, week. Misses
Lixsi Heed and Abbie Fry wilt also enter
thl, school soon. Lebanon Advance.
Mr W J Henderson, denutv citv treas
urer of Oakland, Calif., ! in the city,
wher Mr, Henderson ha, been several
week,, vistlng friend, and attending to
business interest, here. Mr Henderson
i, also proprietor of th leading orches
tra of professional musician, of Oakland.
with a larg list of patron,, and i, meet
ing with considerable prosperity.
r. r-t, ... v;i,.n I.. i.i,u...
... , va i. . v v,, , , v".w vivai.iiij
appeared in our July issue, wa, the only
representative to the national editorial
association, held ot Kt Paul, from Oregon,
as well a, the firat to repreeent the pre
association of that state in any conven
tion. He wa, one of the youngest,
wealthiest and most succrsa'ufof thoae
who attended tb convention. National
W R Oraiiam went to f alt-ni on
nets today.
Mr Terry Read and family, of Crook
county, are in the city.
II M Hopkins opened the dancing- sea
son at the opera house last evening by
giving a social party.
Prof McClure. of the ,tate university.
wa, in the city today on hi, way how
from Yaquina bay.
E C Pentland. recently of Indenen-
dencence, baa located in Portland, where
he win go into business.
Jerry Shea, ot Sweet Home, brouaht a
load of onion, to Albany yesterday and
returned today with a load of manufact
ured eatable,.
Dr W II Davl, and D R Montelth left
thi, noou for Halite ail. where thev will
join Judge Strabon and spend Sabbath,
returning eionuay. . .
Mr and Mr, W C Tweedale returned
lat night from a trip to Vancouver,
where they had been with their Sacra
mento school teacher friend,.
Riley Thomas and lrv Schneider visited
Late Ihomat, of Albany Praire, Monday
evening. Late baa been very low with
typhoid fever, but they report him better,
Stajton Times.
The botanical nartv eiven last evenlna
bvtheYMCAat their room, a, a
pleasant affair. A short program waa
rendered, King, sung and game, played,
among other, being the botanical con
test. The first prize, an elegant txxiuet,
was awarded Mia, Candia Conn, and the
booby prize, a cabbage head, was divided
among F H Roscoe, E L Quinn, J Mc
Cheaney and Dr F Ball. It I, proposed
th have a public social every quarter.
Dr Maston, W F Read and N II Allen,
who returned from tba Eantiam mine,
yesterday, brought the same favorable
report, all bring from that golden region.
It i, an interesting fact that there is now
enough ore out or in light to run the
new mill which will no doubt pound
out twenty-five to thirty ton, a day for
a year. As both the tipper and lower
tunnels are equally rich th running of
the mill will be greatly facilitated. A
crosscut in the upper tunnel , how, a
rich eight foot lead.
Whan Daby was sin, w ts hor Caatoahk.
Wbea she wa, a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When aha became Kisa, she clung to Caatorla.
When she kad Children, she gave thorn Castoria,
Blain's Tailor. A large and elegant
stock of suiting ha junt been received
for L E Blain's tailoring department, under
the expert Mr Schiffler. Those' detlrlng
sty Huh tultt made in a first-clans manner
thouid examine thete geoct and be tatit.
Red that Blaln' tailoring department it
the best place in the county tor tecurlng
them. Mr Schlffler' long experience is
a guaranty of good work.
Go to Juliu Urd wobl'a for Gcldeo Xol
Savon aoap. He haa received ICO Loxst
fall weight Savon ap, expressly put op for
the trads. it was rjougnx tor net oath and
will be told with a l,ro,e discount.
Albany. Aug. 20th 1891.
Ianporlaat s Haasebaepers.
It give Julia Grsdwobl grei tatufae-
tion in selling lis faeGoldon Rate ta is and
biking; powder, with elegant prises or with
out them, that hi customers who haye
purchased invariably return and say tbey
are well pleated, that the toa ia&i. I and
the baking powder ia a good aa the best.
All his tea and baking powder bears tbe
name of Julius Gradwuhi' Goldsn Rula
Baicaar, and are expressly put np for hia
busioess.and be ttiil continue to give with
eschlpound of tea or baking powder aa ele
gant piece of glassware.
Fortmiller & Irving Isve' soma Eeni-.
tsnc IscecuiUics for 3-IS a pair, ai fine at
anything ever seen in the city. The?
range down t f 7 a pair, Other he, ar-
The Indulgent public, and that part of It
particularly that 1 Inc'lned by reason of It
great faith in th, tru'Mulntsi Of Its party
tssders to accept without question the re
port of th, secretary of the treomry, may
believe fully the explanation that are be
ing tent out today to supplement the
scanty debt itatement of yetterday.
That debt statement was Intended to
show that the government hat, a availa
ble artt, the Urge sum of more than sixty
million of dollars with which to meet all
demands upon it. Aa a matter of fact,
wherever that impression ha, been made
there ha leen b deceived person. If the
tres.uiy I nd at It command sixty million
of dollar, or even halt Ihst amount. Sec
retary Finder would at once and with a
great d-sl of satisfaction call in and re
deem the a per cents., amounting to
about $.17,000,000, that became due and
payable today.
It hat been seen for month that there
would be difficulty In satisfying the appro
priations of the billion dollar congress and
the bondholders at the time lime. In or
der to meet demsnds that cou'd not be
evaded tb, treasury has been declining to
pay many of tb, appropriation, tome of
which were of large amount, the tecretaiy
finding It convenient U say that, as the
appropriations were tnsde out cf '-money
la the treasury not otherwise appropria
ted, and aa Iher was no money Hnot
otherwise appropriated," he could not pay
th, money called for. Several Indian ap
proprlstion,aggregatlng probably $3,000,
000, were included In thl category. The
chance of their being paid soon Is very
slim Indeed,
Instead of calling tipen the creditors of
the government ! hold 4 per cents to
com, forward and receive th fac value
of their boi.d, a the secretary would do
if he had the money, he announces, a If
h, were conferring a great favor upon
them, that the time tor continuing the 4H
per cents, at 3 per cent, will be extended
Indefinitely, That means plainly enough
that he has not the money with which to
psy them ; that he desires to be allowed to
pay unauthorised Interest, and that he
must have time In which to save million
neccssaiy to discharge th. Indebtedness.
Thl situation makes the parade of fig
ure to lead people to belteye that there
are $60,000,000 of available assets In the
treasury seem like a vey cheap and dem
agogic trkk. So near the end of til tether
ha the secretary gone that he la consider
ing whether be shall not draw from the de
positories lr sum of 93,003,000 with
which to meet the Immediate demand for
redemption for the 4M persecute. Shou'd
he get th, $3,000,000 he want, he will
still have several millions lets then the
amount of the bond outstanding. If the
whole amount of the bond ouutanding
houtd be presetiteJ at once, he would be
embarrassed. Rome reliance I undoubt
edly placed upon the forbearance of the
bondiiolJers to coiue In ui.ill Mr Foster 1
In better financial condition.
The unofficial statements of the availa
ble cash make It to be $18,000,000, but to
those who do not hold on to odd and end
of a doubtful character, a do the state
ment makeis of the treasury, it aprars to
be little more than $13,000,000. Thl
would not be so bad, per hall the Income
of the government were a good as it was
a year ago, when Reed's "butlne' con
fre was posting the bill that a-e bring
ing the treasury Into awkard ktrsll. A
It l, the Income for the two month of the
present er, lth 'I Inflated expentes, I
far behind that of ja like peilod In the la st
yesr. Already It I Intimated that Mr
Foster docs not Intend to attempt to pay
att the appropriations made by the 'bil
lion' congreas, but to let them go over to
be taken out of the revenue of the next
year. The democrat of the fitty-econd
congress would be ob.lged to be econom
ical for the ke of contrast and good ex
ample, but with the remnants of the re
publican debt facing them, It begin, to
look as If they would not be In position to
make generous provision tor many under
takings thst need to hare continuous sup
port. '
Until the congreas meet, and some
member shall call upon the treasury to
render an account that will be Intelligible,
It will not be possible to tell how much
short of fund the treasury was In August,
1891, but It ts ptsln that If all obligations
now due were paid there would be a defi
ciency. Trickery has served to keep from
the public the true state of affairs, in the
hope, probably, ot averting that proper In
dignatlon that would be felt against the
"billion dollar" congrett. and Its manager
it the exact truth were known about the
effect of It extravagance New York
la continuing to denounce cheapness Treii
lent Harrison either wilfully or ignorantly
overlooks th fact that cheapness is a relativ.
matter." When evcrythinir ia. cheap nobody
luflers. When some things are dear sod some
cheap thee, who have th, cheap thing to tell
and the dear thing to bay matt suffer. - Th
farmer and workincmen, tor instance, who
have to tell tkeir product, and labor at com
petitive prices ssd buy nectstsry articles st
artificial prices fixed by a protective tariff are
heavy sufferers, and their suffering! ar due
entirely to the discriminating policy of tbe
president's party. ' .
Twelve New York W orld reporters attended
the-Ncw York republican convetlion tbs other
day. ... ' ,.:
They had been instructed to ask tact dele
gate questions it to whom tbey would support
as a fcandjdate before the national convention,
lit for the ttate convention was called to order
their work had been completed, Th, reiult
was: Blaine, 639; Hartiaon, 16; Charles
Foster, 3; William McKinley, Jr., 1 1 Ali-er, 1
absent, 6; non-committal, lob. Kitty-six of
those marked non committal admitted that
they favored Blaine, but did not with 10 be
. Speaking of tbe lalorint man's tin pail, it
will not hold all the sugar that he can get for
a dollar ender the McKinley tariff law.
After the aforesaid laboring man has paid
the Niedringhaus-McKinley tax on bit tin
pails he will be mighty lucky if he has a dollar
left tn Lay sugar with.
The old won covered protoplasm is be iug
again urougtit to tne tmlaoe by the demoo
rscy of "why wars not the bondholder paid
tn the tame cnrrrei cy as the soldier?,
Well! wll!i wall!!! Whoever heard of the
like before. Protoplasm; protoplasm; pro
toplast,!. -
-; t 1." '
Attstiok. Th very latest news is that
fod c&o bny of Juliu Gradwohl's Golden
Rale nBxaar.for net cash, 15 pound granula
ted tuxar for $1.00 and 18 pounds Extra C.
aur. Ai! goodi nid for i-et cash from 10
to 25 per eucS Itss the prica, aa I
intend to run a strict eath store,
A!bar.y, Or., Jnly I
, VA8III?iT0.'.
(from our it koiar eorrcntit,)
' Washington, Sept. 7, 1891.
Sicrciarv Rusk appear to be about the
only republican in Washington who did
not ''foc Ms head" over the re-noval of
the restrict fori upon the Importation of
American hog product into Germany.
While other were Indulging In fool
talk about the '-triumph of American di
plomacy" Secretary Uusk.who know that
it wa the meat inspection law and not dl
plomacy which carried the dy In our to
vor,wa giving the credit where It belonged
to a democrat, by writing a letter to
Representative W II Hach, ot Missouri,
which closed with the following paragraph
that tell the w hols? story: "The think of
the farmer of tliU country are due to you
for your effort In their behalf, and espec
ially your advocacy before the House of
Representative of the fifty first congress
of the meat inspection bill, without which
the above result (removal of the restric
tions) could not have been obtained,"
Representative Mi'l, who I now in
Washlngton.wlll make, hi first tpee cli In the
Ohio campaign on the 17th Inst. Tariff
reform will be hi tuhject.
Ex-Senator Mahone' scheme of regain
ing power by the aid of the Faimer Alli
ance of Virginia, I not relished by all the
member of hi party in that ttate, at 1
evidenced by a well-attended meeting of
republican county chairmen held here
several day ago. Cot. Parson, a warm
personal friend of Secretary Blaine, Is at
the head of thl movement, which has for
Its object the dethronement ofMhoDe
as stste chslrman and the control of the
state delegation u the national convention.
Mahone it to be asked to rail a ma con
venllon,nd If he refuse the county chad
man wilt call it and elect anew tate com
mittee. Representative McMillin hat decided to
join the titlnguU!ed missionary party ot
democrats In It tour to the state of Wash,
lagton.but owing to hi campaign engsge-
gents in Msssachuett and elsewhere, be
will be unsbie to remain with the party
through the whole trip, fie will make a
tariff reform speech at Spokane Falls to
the representative of the democratic club
of Washington.
A story I told here which shows the
opinion privately entertained by prominent
republican of the pension law. Secretary
Foster, as the l jry gocs.tald to a personal
friend: "If It were not for the pension
grab, we would have an abundance of
money ; but I suppose that 1, about at good
way as any for scattering the money
around amog the people."
The "niggers" won the fight over the
appointment of a successor to Fred Doug
iss a Minister to Hsytt, notwithstanding
nen clote to Secretary Blaine had stated
that a white man wa to be sent. The
ne. minister, John S Durham, of Phila
dctpnla,wl,o ha been for some time f. S.
consul at San Domingo, wa rccomended
by Mr Wanmntiker, ex-Senator Bruce and
ex Kepre.cntrlive I.) nch.alj federal office
tvildert, and hi. eppolotmrnt ho very
plin that Mr ITariUon feared the threat
ot the nrrjc ii'or- than he did the di
dlsplcarure of Mr Blaine.
And that l.n'l tie only recent anil-
Ulainu ar pointment, Webster Flanagan,
of Texas, who obtained a na-.kinal notori
ety In 18811. while In attendance upon a re
publican national convention, by asking
significantly when some speaker had bten
talking of the evil of scrambling r office,
What are we here tor?" and who has al
ways been a strong anti-Blaine man, has
been made Collector of Custom at El Vino,
Tdxas, in place of Clark, who was recent
ly whitewashed by the tieasury depart
ment In an alleged Investigation ot num
erous charge. Including tinder-valuation
and other aku'duggcry. This does not
hesrout the story that Mr Harrison I pre
pared In certain contingencies to retire in
faver of Blaine, It look more like he was
preparing to contest the field against
Blaine or anybody ela, .
Tbe New York pla'form U new proof of the
absolute harmony of ihe republicans upon tbe
atlver question. I ne repubucant all stand
together upon the plat form of purchase of tbe
product of American mine. Hslf the dem
ocrat are on the republican platform and th.
ether half want fre coiosgc CrfOnJ".
On tbe contrary; it it absolute proof of a
serious lack of harmony in that party. The
Tb republican platform of New York is just
what wall street wanted It, in fact it it the
product of Wall ttreet dictation. Compare
that with the latest autborued utterances of
tbat party in many of the states and see where
the lack of harmony prevails.
The repuhlicsnt of Arizona say:
W, mutt intit at a party that an -enlarged
financial and industrial prosperity shall further
be secured by the free coinage uf silvti.
In Indkna they say:
It will aud more than f So,ooo,coo annually
of touad currency to the ainonnt in circulation
atrong the people, and it a long, yet prudent
1 ep toward fiee
In rVantat they say:
But we the republic at of Kansas, demand
fiee coinage of ailver.
In Mlcllganthey tayi
W favor th unlimited ate of gold and
ilver bullion at a basis fjriegil tender ptper
currency interchangeable with coin.
In Nebraska tbey tty:
Th effort to fully remonetixe silvei should
be continued until It U on a perfect equality
at a money metal with gold.
In Oregon (right under the note of th
Orsfama,) the tcpubtiaan party in state
ooovention says
We deolare oniaelvea in fvr of the fre
and unlimited coinage cf tilmrand denounce
any attempt tn diboriminate aitain.t silve
a unwiae and unjust.
In Wyoming!
They favor the passu go if tha law that
would reiult in the fieeooinaesof ti.'ver.
Senator John H Mitchell and quite a
number ot oth r aeoator are in f ivor et tha
freo and unlimited coinage of silver, and
among th, mattes ef republtoans in all tbs
agricultural states there are hardly two
opinions among them . AH of which shows
that there is great diversity ot opinion and
laok of harraoDy among republicans on the
silver question. Tbe same is true amon?
In the course of an Investigation part of
which ha already been communicated to
the Royal Society, Prof, Roberta-Austen
hat discovered the most brilliantly colored
alloy at yet known. It has a rich purple
color, and bright ruby tinta are obtained
when light is reflected Iromone surface of
of the alloy to another. It contain about
teventy eight per cent, of gold, the rett
of the alloy being aluminum; .The con
stants of the alumnium-go!d series of al -
loys aie now being examined and will I
shortly be published.
W. F.
.aw a aw
Call and see
Dress Goods,
Fancy Goods,
- ' Furnishing Goods,
We have to select from. Our
but the cheapest ever
Wo have iust placed on sale
cloaks and jackets, in
goods, plain and
We want your trade and we
you money.
Purifies the) BLOOD. Cnrea
""""'"waw) anawaaw -TrwTawaswaaaii win
,1 1 ill ani 11 mi 11 ii 111 i (imam issanai im n 1 - - Mln : . i -
Tht Genuine II Ait B URO TEA U put up i.i YELLOW VrhAlVEnr,
wish Facnmiit Signature of EMI L FRE&E.
rEDINQTON a OO. Aocmto, San Framctsco.
i .BfitP BY Atb MtrccmTH ai ;::!d re
i:;c a
and get
Writ for wr
a i
jf" -. -
Suia Beard ef UneaUeBi ea-afflelA, Hia ExeeHeaey,
ZZLrTZ i't TuZ. sr2Vrf Korwial and Bminesa, tti S5 per tn cf ten week..
KtZ fiJ2J?JL?E$i AlalSakTj B Sub Normal at Si per terS. Board Nora J
''": ft??:EtT&lu balUtt re. week; tarn.hl r,-
sua; A Naltaar, Haltnacsah; W U Uelsasa, atarteav
For Catalogne, Add res,;
P. I. CAHPIELL. A. B.. PrealsJeat, r J. II. POWELL, A.M..
Ylee-Fresldewt. ,
W r BTCAn, PresJdeai,
i L COWAN, Treasurer.
J L Cowan, Geo F Aim peon, W F Bead, Dr L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Burnett
J K V eaiberterd, B S Strahan. J O Writsmsn.
. also snrmer asont, ton -
Traders, Oi.5eayo. IU. .
" Amerinan, Philadelphia, Pa. PbosnJx, London, Kngland,
Korwieh Union, Londen, Kng
Guardian, London, Eng. Man
ebester, UanebesUur, Kngiand. Caledonian,
UUaburr, Scotland., .
New York. .
Aclmowlctljjcd monarch of the llon&
We carry a rVU line of Hack,, Bngglee and CardftKea: alR Farm
Implements of all kind. jpafCall on ua before purchasing EUewheie.
Mi(clif:ir& Lewis Co.,
k Mem
what a"gtoclc of
stock is not onlv the lnrwet
shown in Albany.
o "
a complete assortment of
both cloth and plush
fur trimmed.
fetl confiden Jwe can lave
L-Z3 cz
New Catalofrna for 1891.
tsrMvew AVf'trP.
. Xeaawaalk, nres;it
The Leading Normal School cf the
Northwest. Beautifully autl
Healthfully Located.
No Saloon 8.
Kw baikUttrs, new mppanlw. fail facvltf ;
Haht expanava, aa tarr allnlaBce. Noru,.
AdTaseed Karaul, Ilmincss, Art aiul Maaie Dc
8'ada) attenUon rivea ta phvivcal aHaM.
Volauteer military erraaisatioa, Tfaoae reeeiniH.
diplosaaa ar aovhomed to teach in an; coast
ic the skate without further cxamltnaUocs.
Tuition tr tb Korcsl sod 1uinet depaf '
aseets ass rcdaewl frtm HO to tii ptrjatr ;
and ta tb baa-annual rrom ,ju to
A year ta scionl tor ,150 expensra. TuiUoa
JO WRITSMaN. Seoretary.
Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President.
Albany, Oregon
want the best
y and riost durable furni
ture that is manufactur-
UuLlU Uod in the eity go to
T 3 ma -a a .
a r
Fr sj wmm 5"
L r f J A- -
, i
1 K