ik wr Kmp W. t Ttia If eat for ea4 In wr a'aew uk t wral.e I acad rr HIIWIMl BwSaSw e uaru-r, an net I Wen fVr . irTAUK lt'HJTITl'Ta.att S WHY I S THE '.V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE emfftWH THE BEST SHOE IN THE K0H10 FOR THE MOHlTf It t a ml h. with no larkunr w thread to hurt the recti nuule of III Ixwt Bn calf, atyllih and e". nl eeoow v wmi. mot Mim or ttt fr,m than wn rrfWr iwHirfiiw, It equals naud wist almc .-tin' fMm tl uu to fMU. IIJM vOiennl llanil-aewrn, lheflnt calf vilaJe le Y,r rr area rr SAii equal rreut'B U'urty1 which eot fnim .' tu til . O 110 Han- wed Wall Pihwfs fln. calf, trlitv eomfiwtaliloaBil din-ahl. IhebMt alio eircr irfTwrml at this rt. t iim rad M eua-tMi-m1 hN orating hum .ii to .!. GO it I'ollc. raaai armcr. Hallroait area O O and l.ltrl arrhrraall waMhmi aeair, Mmlaa. mih In.i.l. ny tlirva toi, eataa lan Uk. 'n. pair will wear a year. 3 30 Bn raid no hitrivwveroirf1 et J fa thla prleei ona trial will convince tltoaa wan want a li.w fr cmfnrt and anlN, C U.t and SVJ.na Waralneeaan's aknaa i4ba ara very lrnit anil tluraUa. Tho wao nr elwa tty-m a trial will wear no other make, nnvel J.UO an Bl.3 erhonl . ara UUIO irn h Hi borwhr; tbeyaell ourwhle. I'aailaa.Uk'a that W. L, Ixiuaiaa' aama and ark ara Mamperi on la bnttiwa of ark atxia. W. U Dut Oia. tlrucklua, Mata. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD;!! While trying to Crowd then WAY INTO DEYGE & FRO MAN BROS Store, where they bIwij have on hand the Urgent Stock aouth of Portland, of ' the lateat Improved Rifle and Shot Cunt; an irnmente .lock of FUhtng Tackle of every description; Tent, Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousand of ether thing too numerou to mention Xlopnir Shop m connection wlrii the Store, and one of :he best workmen In te State to do any ntd ail kind of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to how goods. "Small pre lit and quick !" it out motto. HATE YOC Tlt!i:D t:ie SB HEADACHE CURE? If yon fetva not. yov hara tWnbtla. atckttiatl tiwtkJ nr.nevMpriir many timra by taking pill IX ton bawd, kidneys and couatipatiua. At s rrrulator of tn kkiod it bast eanaparUla, If takvo in naif taupnouful dean. ask tour URuaaisT rou it. HEALTH IS WEALTH! Hit. E . C. ESfS Nrrrs sr.d Brain Traataiaa roaranud spct.1u for Uyvtona, thxnnaas, Cnsva -o, ri a, KTTa NeurAlvia, Headacba, 5rvoa Pnrrstlon sauard by th uaa of alcohol or tobacco, WafulBfa, llental Irf.rBion, H-Vaalng of tb Krais, ra-TilliiiK in Inaanity and loading to mlaary, laf nt aea.h, prenMtara old ara, barrannaa. loss af i cv-i twia-! by ovar-oxaruoa of tha train Kach fe. nontainv ona rvnth's trratmotit, 1 s bos jr six be I jr i asot y aiail priaid on roroipt pnea. WE CITARAKTER SIX B0XE3 TO CT-'RE ANT aan. With arb oniar rana by n for sis kosaa. aoonpipauiod aits $6, w wabaTnd u purrhaaor our writtes roaianWa to rtfund th awnay if th traW aiont A"rt not effx-t a eura. Ouarantaos iamad onl oyd. A.CumoiUK, tirozgut, sula ayant, Albasv, Or PHOTOGRAPHER, (;.-r So.tond ainlKwriyit, Alt ary, Oi SUPKHIOit work. guarAnteed in ever branch of the art. 4ralaging e,' all kdi'l a itpeiity, FOSHAV A MASON -mu m 44wksv4iu Uru .Hts a fid Slookscllers -..' ta lor JoJio b. Alden'a publications, - rb vih Ry'i ;".; ;i.iUer' pneeawiLD Ferifnillfii t Imng, -FUNK UAL DUiECTORS. ' rl'.riai Ernbalml.ir Oiiia Ssie-ttil caJiy RsdCrownMills tie t-x ) 'r.:t isrrfcfcloK to. Al.H 43 d 4iei'i vat. ' MKST STOItAGF. ffrVCIUTlES; Ciiy Ilcst.iani!it. fltving 0 i. vulirxly rinode!d. thiso'o ao'l y;:i'.u nmti'irant will itt uisile first i lm 11 Kir-y rxfiiicot. The public will bt given tt'- at ll hour for only 36 jciiU. Kvtr, f'tui i tkt and sttrxotive Priy i '1 'K(f rs In every (tyle. Conrad Mever, .fWI'KltSl . OK- Gr.iaijr Broadalbiii and First St8: -KAI.KB IN- nAr V e .!:, i icn t'rd'iii, . -aa.- . . t'afler, Cftunl nettta, tneanw r F f'gclnltlea. Clears, Kn'ttu, Tea, - trim i:tc 'MyfiilPK that la kept In a nn 'V$u5 grooery ore. HlgbeH ft 7 7 Vy i ici to iw loci r 'u i a, p inn mri hihi am wow. rlrr,o :. llwaw-aewwel anoa, hat buUllO IxuiKMla. ertylla:aualFreaca tnurtiHt h. cuatlne: from 4.to lo w"V f.a-lra ..30. w-.Ow aa4 tl.T Mm foe Mt'wrwar thht nn tk-uaola. HtTllah and MA) EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern PacISo Route .... SHASTA LINK. ipraat Train laart rrUa4 Dally. ( NarU it a !. l a m T:iHr. aTtt to -u r m Lv t it a a I ar rnttlaai Alhanv Baa Crannlaiia Aho trains ftop only at tallowing ttatlna anrth at Hotabnrf. Rati rnrtlanj, (raon fltv, Woa. sum. Halatu, Albanr, Taafant, HhoJ.l, Hlf, Har tatinri, JancUon City, Irilnf , Bugaa. aosssva mil., ar. l:m. ii.v lf r a ( Lt VUra Ar IVrtl.nd Altaav K..hiirf ' Ar"T r r a , l.T l;(Xi H utiT Mwjti ar aiotrt Bt.it) IWsal IMrtlana Alhanjr Ar Ar 00 aaaAioa tstsra, Lv Ar Alln r L Ar Lv m 4 a to 4 a :ir a t:40 a Llaiin ; Alhaar t.iiin f ) I; a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, far AvraiMtnawatlawal Hraad-4 laaa ria ra, HUckMlu Kaare Train. vTaat Ktaa KlvUlaa. BtTvTKK" rwltrLitn A.l t'OKVALlia, Min, tu Ani (Kiet(unuajr.) au 4 a I Lt t:lr a I Ar urt'aml Carvallls Ar I :.tu r a Lv I h U ra axraaM Tttn saiit (Eaejp. londar. ural Lv I ra Ar PortlanU Molllnnvlll Ar I : 4 a Lv I 4 a rruroupru"rrioicotH . Ta sit aoInU EAST, AND SOUTH. fut tai, la(.rMatlo I ravardlni rstas, s, oaOnaiaany Arval at AINar , M. -OKIILKn B P. ROOMS Manaaar Aast 0. F. sad P. Af YAQUINA BAY IIOUTE. o Oregon Pacific Railroad, T alOe, Earolver. Orsn D873l3pm9Qt To'g Steamers, Hhwrl Line I Callforala. Flrat-olas through passenger and rlKht Itnafrom Portland and all polnu a the WUlamett Valley to and from but FianoUco, Cat. Roata naaka cloat, connection at Al ban -:th train of the Oregon Paoid Kallroad TIME SOHBDCLK. ap gnndars.) Lot v AlUoay lj:i r. a. Lwt Yaqaiaa, T:t0 4,e Laava Currallia.10 ISt.a Arrtv Albany. 11:1 4. a uaav corvalils l:fS. a. Arrls Taqaiaa, i:U r. a O.dc O.lrmla connect at Albany and JcrvsJiia. The above train connect at Taaalna with the Orenon Iveioptnnt Onmpajiy's Line of HUMtuabip between Vaquina and Man Prnneiaoo, - HAII.ISfCI DATES . rana V4t4. Wil!actt Tallv. Taaaiay, 4n th : Thurwlar, . Aavlllk;!lalari4y.AutltMi;a1mJar.Au(II Vaoa tA riii rillaaut'a Tallay. Friday, ja!y Slat: Hoaday, Au KU; Tuaaday, Ang MMu Wadnosday, Aug Jots The OompASv twTM the njDt to lnKsslllna dalmi without notice. ". . Paanenitora from Portland and Ulaaettn Vaily poinla can make cloae nanectkui with tbe trsJoa of the Yaqulna rants at Albanr or Corvalll. and If dea ttnedtoHan Kranolaco should arranalo rrlva at Yan-jlna the evening befure 'le 'waulnjr rraaseaCar aa rra rats alwaj the ' La writ Par lafarawUn viy to A R Cbapmaa.Pralshl ard lAot Axant, AlKany, C. .! K. O. F. aa P Ais . CorvslJt. PROrESl0XAL CARDS QEO. E. CtlAJIO LV; E. CtlAJIBElSLAIX, t Attarnay at Lt . Will pc otlr a sll mru of ths Mata. Hfiootal susnu-w i'a wi mattar 10 probata sadloao la.tiuni. UPr lCB-la 14 FUno block. J K. WKlTDEIiroUU, Attorney at Law. Will dtvHIoi In sll t mru of tb (ta'o, 4a)retFUua block, Albany, Or on. Ty II. UII,YEV. Attunwy al Law .ni licitur In ChaMary. Ou'la Uona mada oa all nta. Loaiu nogtiatad far arablataroM. AlbaDy, Orvgun. EO. VT. VTRIfinT, attornay at Law, and ta-y PuMle. Wil I nraatlaa la all aoartaof tbh)aat and In tha United otalaa court torOragoa. atOiri -rixit room! 0Tr ilaak of Oragoo, A.baay, t'ga. , s. a. s. Bi.4aB.aea i, . a. wiTsat JLACKIlt'KM fc TfATHON, AMornay at Law. A.f buainas will raatlra prompt svtootloa. etaieeiOdd rallonaLaifl., Albany. Or. VrillTJfET, 1 Attornay at Law, aal KaUry Fubllc. Albany Oragaa. JJB. jr. Im hill, iWalaiaa sad Safgcow. OFFICE -Comer First an Farrp (traaM, Albany, Oragon. D Bft. fIAMTOJ A DAVIS, rtiyaSaians ta 'l'ra. OFFICE Corner flMx4 sod Unxdalkl itroata. AJWir, Or, U4ll promptly iU M iaattv sad smaatry. 1 U. CHAMBERLAIN. If. D Honisapathlat. a9auacUit la diaaaaas of th By. Twaaty yoars' aapaHanoa. OaV hour7 to a a ai 1 I I p sod M araitlag. Alba, Or.goa. HANK OF OREUUHT. 9 , ALBA BY, OBBOON. rBpioll. 1- e.e. It I' HF.KKILL t. J LA.VN1NO Jav W I LAIN Preaidont ..... Vloa-Praaidanl Caahit TrantacU s general bsnklng busiiiew: Exhang bought and -.ld on all tha prluolpsl eitiea in tha United Stats I slaon England, Ir.land. Franea and Oonnany. Collctionmsdstsll stcaaillil point on favor able tarni. liitaraat all vod 0.1 tint dopoaltt. I HINT ."tATIOXAL KINK, fF ALBAttr, OHKfiON, rasl'lont Ti Fraaldaiit . Zaahiar. ...... - h Ff.IVW ... 8, K.TOUNO .K. W. LANULON rHANHA(-T8 A OENBRALankliilusloate. Aouoinrrs kupt ,uiija to bwk. fliOHT KaCHANOK and U-i rapltie trtntfer, sold New Vork. Ban Frsueitco. Chioacu and If .1 Un.l reif'iti OO J.E0TI0HF MADE on favorat.l ternui. aiSBOTOa B. Too B, W, LB(.a L B Blair, L. Fims EDW4HS t . Uox. I I MX CO NATIONAL HANK, J OF Al.BAaT. OKFOOIf. CAPITAL ITOCK 1100,000. Prl.lnt. J L COWAN, Fia-PtaldutM...... , M RAIXTON, Astt Cashier O A AKCHlBOLI. ' T secToav, I L Cowan. J U Kaltton, W i Lad.t, W U J A Craword anil t A An h ibold. . . .,, TRANSACT a general hanking buetnam . ,DBAWSluaHWAPT8ou ow Fork. Da 1 1 1 " i6lt , Oregon. r' LIAS Xlr.'EVe" , .pt,l e.ifUj ' ItE(.KlVEdpolliuhK:t ebetk. ' ,OUTLANI MiVIIVGS IIANU, OF FOFTLABD. OIIBOOM. Paid up aapltal ..-........ ..........t2M,00 8urlu and pro(lt........... , .... 0U.OOO Intereatallawed on aariuga deioa!ta a follows: J Onor'tiuary taringa books .,..4 per cent pal annum. On term earing buok ..... .a pr cent per annum . On eertlfloatee of dopoeit. Far throe month.... ., ,.. For aix mouth ..4 percent parannnm: , 6 pvr cent per annum: For twe'.re mdutha., 9 per eent per snnmn: rUANK DKKUM. Pretident T. P. THOMPSON Vice-President, H. 0, 8TKATTON. Caakier ht slcmortflt. A SHAH "TIN PLATE UlLlt. a 4BBBaBBBa t A rhlla JflphU concern that profetic to make tin plateha managed to g't a good deal of free advertUIng through re publlcnm paper by aetullng letter telling of the superior excellence of It Ameri can tin plato" and furnishing specimen of it alleged manufacture. Ihe t-vcimen are of roofing plate. and not of what t popularly understood by tin plate and It turn out that the concern due not even tnknutactuietheroont.gpUtc about which U make to much ado. The phl are bought and merely dipped in the Phila delphia "tin flute works," only about a doien person bvlug employed In the "great rtlablUhmeiit,''. which h been to extentlvcty advertised. The Xutiumil .ttrlW, a New York paper publlthed lit the interest of packer and provision dealer, hat been making Inquiries in'o the extent of the reported manufacture of American tin plate for the Information cl the packing trade, hlch tin utfjplAte In Urge quantise. Having been conilJcnced into a good deal of gratuitous adveriUing of the Philadelphia concern It finally concluded to make personal Invest igation. A a retult it f.ate from posi tive knowledge of Ihe fartt, and beyond any question or doubt, there I no tin plate mill In Philadelphia, and consequently no America.) tin plate work I essentially a rolling mill with ail the appurtenances of the tame. The nctuil tinning of the sheet I in reslltv but a mall part of the plant, Investment, labor and expense attached to their manufacture." The editor of the .Worn 'rnlir give a detailed account of the question asked of and answer given by the alleged "tln plate manufacturer.' The represen tative of the paper was rafused permission to go through the tui plat works' or see any patt of il. The "tin plat msoufaat mcr" admitted, he di 1 nut bay bar of f lat iron or strcl o- roll any LorVinto hU. II meiely lukht th black thaot and dipped tlicut in tin. II cnttU Dot ot would not ay from whum ha bought tb sheet or bow much American tol er iron he ha I pur ehsard or received. II eoutrusd to never hsving hvd nAnietican pid tia, nureu!d he iht.w an invoice. Mil of lading or other documrot to thpw a shipment of American pig Uu to bi ''work." Tb "work were aid to occupy a bailding GJ by 30 fast, bat th inter lrwr was mfutoit prmiin to see it su.l th utiro foroe omployaj a as ". eveu men sod sit byi.N Working at it fall eapiy tha proprietor "of tbi rat t.n plat iniil" as) s, "all told, rooting aod tikooiog piste, weosn turn out about fifty hose a day." lapping of p'atii. s n:h a U done In tlilt much dvefti'ed Philadelphia ciiocern, ho Kren don in tl it country for years, Any sheet which havo bceo'oaed fur the canning industry, np tt th dale, must b i'n ported ihictr. Th AWirinil I'tovii'umtr couclude it expur of lb I'Lilah.lpl'ia tia plat ni.aui by asyittu: "Wbstevvy it dnn tt preeent in this lino is cither dono f .r ,ului eal cITitt it for advrrtisiug if.iur thsu for bositcis J. urj i'6". Ni) tia plat for osnaiag purpn i tua,!o m this ountr) ; whatover is uj1 11 import!!." It adda that "a hi' the Likc packet my ileriv tome benefit from the 'drawback allo7tl on c l ported tin cans, an I while th lorai.o coniamer may tl.u tjoy an advantage, tb Ameri ean people, and principally th wurkinmeo and farmer, hay I bear tiio brunt of tb oroU.0 ton which lhy e?ij iy, n l ptyjtl. tax cn tin pls'o wtiou buyia; etnaed goods, while none is mtd ia tiii country at prnt or cat be msdq fir ome time. Cleveland i'l-timltaltr. THE tt t.V KACF.K C'U.VII. One of the mot- singular creature that ever walked the earth or "twain the wa ter under the earth' Is the wot Id-famous man-faced crab of Japan. It body U hardly an Inch In length, yet the head Is fitted with a face which I the perfect counterpart of that of a Chinese coolie; a veritable missing link, with eyes, r.ute and mouth all clearly e'efmcd. This cutlout and uncanny creature, beside the great jlltenos It bears to a human being In the matter of facial feature I provided with two legs, which teem to grow from the top of Its head arid hang down over the ides of its face. Henlde these legs, two 'feelers," each about an Inch In length, grow from the '-chin" of the animal, look ing for all the world like a Colonel's foiled beard. These man-faced crab fairly warm In the Inland tea of Japan. Had the old politician knnwo that th mortsgo indobtadn th United btstt wii a tithsof what it f xiUnp, they would h tvt labored dsy std tiwht to keep tbe figarc from th public. AJvante Ily the way, rr.eo and Uelhren, it ws tli to called iltniocritio politician that (orCtd Ihioogh bill that rtijuired Porter to tsk a "centos" of niortasge a well a the people. McKiblry, Itted stidJthat crowd kicked like bay sue.-s bat tbey bad ta let the mm ti,io coin, . and now that crowd ar laying that iiioitKe ar tim of great proepority. l!ut noua bat fool will believe it. No one with mortgsgo on bis farm cau !.e made t-j helinvo'thsk it is a sign ofproapei ty. Compansed air is much more exten sively used a motive power in Europe than it ha been in this country. Great improvement have been made in mazhod of compressing air, and it is found that a large increase of power is gained by heat ing the compressed air before using it. The heated air i used In steam engine the same a steam I lined, so that no change of motor is required. One of the advantage of compn seed air Is that when the compression is removed It produce a cold blast, and may thus he ued for cool ing licmei In hot weather afier furnishing Its quota of power wh le compressed. By using compressed air to generate electric, ty, tbe new power rr.ay be made as flttl ble a can be desired, The belief ha bn f-dulou!y cultivated by tho advocates of reciprocity that toinn speciul privileges wi.rt secured fur tb United State by tho treaties which vera not pos seasad by r tt'c nation. As matur oj f sot sll the jiinoeisiouH, o called, hsva been mad by rnr government nd we have iu ail only a lew tradinw liberties iu Spsnisb -Ambriuku,cuuiilriaa wl ready enj yed by other nation. A o rnpaign cry reji proclty i beoomiug very hoarte. . ; ' The tar Arcturus U ni million times aa far away aa the sun, an. I if our sun were placed at that ciiui inous dtuice iu uia.n cler would have to be eighty-two Mmes aa great in order to give a light equal to that rece.vcd from Arcturus. Arcturus must be a gigantic sphere, 550,000 lime largei than our tun, with a diametT of 70,000 000 miles, or more than large enough to fill all the entlie orbit of Mercury. - Mr Z iter, o' Syraoifi, N Y, woul t nrit have bteu canBht soe&kiiig past tho custom heme with fifty yards of tmogg'ed til sbont hi body hud he kcow n of tke williugoest of ,b foreign prcducty to psy the tax. TKLEGKAPHIO NEWS Bingham Body Feaad. Astoria, Sept a. The body of it T Bing ham, the Portland attorney who wai rlrowaed about two week 1 ago while fishing off th rocks be low Long llcsch, wat found in the cove near Cane lisncock at 7:30 last evening by Corporal Boyle, one of the soldiers itailon d at Fort Csnhy. Fh upper portion Of the body and th face wer to badly decomposed to b unrecognisable, but llis body "w iilentlfied by the clothing and the gold watch which Uingham had with him when the td accident occurred. The body will be tent to Pjrtland for Interment tomorrow. Wheal al Salens, Salem, Sept 4. Wheat matter wre rather lively about the Salem Flouting mills yesterday, One deal for 14,000 baihclt wat closeJ witn a man at Independence. 1 h price wt eighty-lhret anJ one-half centt, which had been contracted Kir some time ayo Another deal of 3000 bjsliel was closed in Fucene on a bar of oinety-fiv eenti.deliv id In Poitlsnd, which i equivalent to eighty two cents la Sulem, llctwcen four and fire thousand bushel ware receded a! the milt yesterday, of which 3,000 wa bought im mediately the mill paying eighty two cent. Bwiwlct rwaed. SroKANK, Sept 4. Last night four soldier J O Kecfc. Corportl AiTerton, J lliown, and I'at-ick llugan, belonging to company 11, Fourth iufantry, wer out on Lake Cocur d' Alcne In a hug sail boat. Near Ni'gtr bead point, one of the party lost bit bat, and in attempting to get it upset the host, rd al were thrown iuto the water. There wa n mean of rescue at hand, and Keefe, Ander ton and Brown were drowned, 1 login tv himself by hanging to tbe boat, and wa pick ed up this morning in an exhausted condition. A reenllar Bleraa. Paris, Sept 4. Yesterday afternoon, Tarl wa vltited by itorm of extraordinary viol ence. The sky (uddcety became to dark that it wa found necessary to light electric lamp in Ihe streets. The wind blew a gate and rain fell in torrents. During the court of Ihe stoim two men falling into the mouth ol the Seine were drowned before help could be ob tsineil. Work an I be Mlaataw tsar. F.I'cenf., Or Sept 4 -IJcutnnt G A I.vell lelt this rity this morning for Florence, where be will start the proposed government work on the bar. lie tocs not expect to do very much improvement this fall, as il is loo late, but be will get the necessary plant in resdiocM for future operations, Beearws Biralira. iNbCFKNUKNCB, low. Sept ' 4 Two ol the world record wer broken today. Al'er ton trolled a mile in S:lo (1st, crowning him self king of stallions, snd mhsncing his vtiue 150,000, . Direct covered a mile in 3:06. breaking th worlds record lor both t.otlers and pacers. realt f Whitby. Davkmport, Wsa Sept, 3. Frank Ca anatigh, and a man named William LovetT, drove into Davenport from Cavaatogh rtnch four mile east of town yesterday afternoon. During lb day, Nxh became intoxated and returning lo the ranch, became involved la a drunken quarrel, duilni; which Cavsnsueh killed Lovell with a club. Cavaaaugh r .turncd lollsvcnport this morning and gsv himself up 10 lb authoii.ie. add is now under rrcst awaiting further proceedings in the matter. Cavanauxh is an old settler and has always born a good reputation. Ijvctl was a uociiaigcd aolilicf from rott Spokne, and little it known of him here. fallleal by Ltahlhlag. Maunoi.Ia, Ark Sejit t. Four person were instantly killed y lighloing ix mile east of here yesterday. Mr Cam h, yrMtii nent planter, was in a small cs'.ion hout with h or six welc.iiaf: cotton, l.lclitnine struck the end of the building, tearing il to jrn.c ann tciiing 11 on tire wun IB COIIOO. Tbe killed are: Samuel Carter and hi fifletn year old son James; lolm Itrown: Doe illskclv Mr Couch was rendered insensible fur min time but it now oat of danger, T 4.ral tire. Salim, Sept 3 Thcr were Iwo grata fire in the vicinity of P.ol last night. W N Putnam lost 1000 buttel cf oat and 6co bushels of wheat, and Polk liabot lost 600 bushels of wheat. 1 be first fire caught from spark from an engine and lb latter from a stubble fire which bad got bcyood control errata aiyl. r.rxt.lN, Sept 3. Ihe minister of justice hi ordered ihi autborttic to pro are I imrned - 'tely with the prosecution of the editor or in toculistic Journal Die Volktnscbt, who waa rrrtcU snd his pper appreed for at tacking the e-operor m its column t. The rtcrbn aoci ilit are very much stirred up over the severity on ihe psrt of the government, sndagroupof them yesterday, who were heard 10 denounce ihe action 1st cn, were dis persed by Ihe police and threatened with arrest. A Big rire. Tub Dallbs, Sept 3. This place was vis ited today by a fir which completely destroy ed sixteen or seventeen block of valuable properly and threw the town into the wildest excrement. About I o'clock this afternoon a small blaze started In Ihe restaurant of Fred SaiLbe, and before the fire department had arrived upon the scene the flame had made such headway that it wat Impossible to gsin control of them. A heavy wind made it im possible to fighi the fire The principle fosse were: m SUiM restaurant, residence and brick "joon 9 10,00 m tv vt ingtte (. 0, is- and gen- 1 . 1 era, iiierunDOiM Wore i0.030 mcwonsui 11,0, saloon restaurant no Kxiging tioute .ooo if... ... ... . iiooq corrai, uvery sisni nI resi- vom, residence ami warehouse 4,000 J reiers, smre son lumber yrd.. lo.oco iau a. Mugnun, implement repoa- noy ana residence r.noo i-iiiwn uros, siock oi agricultural implement 10,000 c rriugerain, Renersi store, brick wsrciiousc ana residence..... :.. ao.oxi . . . ........ w ixri, lackson house ?.ooo l)cn wiisob, liquor ,50O Edwards, painter's mstcriiis 8,000 Tscific Fence Work, stock 4.000 otax vogi co ntteen dwelling. . . . 20,000 Vogt bloc, djer house and armory. 200.000 r t 4T f . A " . ' wiKton, mcAiisisr to, merchandise a f . a --ana implements e..oco muencu pinning mill, undertaking D.hop and residence 15,000 ennsnnn ex uorsbt). groceries.... r. 5000 w r Latuer, green grocer. , . ........ 3,000 Drown, grocer 5,000 Nichjlson, brick block itatlone y lock warehouse and jswelry 50,000 Jones Bros, grocer 3.000 Graham, restaurant - i.ooo Whyers, liquor 3,000 Columbia Packing Company, wre- haute and tock 10,000 My & Crowe, hardware's ......... 30,000 George Anderon, gunsmith 5,000 L-Rorden, cocker y etc.;...., 15,000 Easter: Co operative Association, gcr.er! store. f 5,000 Chsrle Stuhbs, liquor, 5,000 William Wiley, Mable..., 5,000 Thorn Ward, livery horse and rigs 4,000 US tvnek, harness maker...,. ...... 3,000 Dalle Mtrble Work......,, 2,000 .Tot i, :.. . ..... . $530,000 A large number of fine residences were burned, among them thoe of Hon Condon, F May, Mr Griffith William. William Mitchell, E B McFarland and David Vause. The handsomest churches in the city are gone. LalngiMOto;rapher A aay Irtgan. Wa haw lion ai f ..11 t---.tt . . . J - t. I. VV Clark and W H Greenwood up to Nor 1.1-h, 1899. Duplicate oan be bad from bum only of na at reduced late. We hay alro about 18,000 negative mad br oar- elv, from which duplloate oan be had like ia. Ws carry th only full Una viewi i t this state and do enlarged work lnwriti in. Rm .1-.- ..V U--V.M - - i . . wura. fro puaii ww pleased to see yon at oar Studio in Freman's uivua, aextaoor to niaaonio xempi Pi-t y m'xs Ta ;m ialutt-y and bi f ha id. mtdo harm a i, w r auVe f, ' from O 0 He Frlinl,at DjbriMes o.'djatsnd, hint 111 Salem hat the most thlfiletity kept de pot ground ot Any city of It lxe on the coast. At Albany '.ho ground are wat ered snd made a perfect flower garden. Journal, Tha f.vlinnnn Ktnrrmt has till ntnln statement t "The editor on account of Af.nntrlal rmharraeament waa r.nt able to attend the edl.oriul association which met at Astoria this week." Wheat dronncd i cent this afternoon and 84 cent 1 being paid. At Salem the price l 8j cent. The outside market shows weakness; but buyer consider It only temporary, - "The Carncr Grocery" I all that it I claimed to bo clean anu wtiotesoine in tone, filled with fun, which occasionally cease for a moment, while a touch of ten der nnlhot remind the auditor that there I serious tide lo even the happiest of mortal St Louis uiohe-Dcmocrat, At tSe Opera House Saturday night. Oiin ot the Albany young men who went to s c the Salem-Portland baso ball game 1 1J to have returned part of the way on the b Ind baggage; but It wa an ti'i Mcni ha lumnlnii o.t the front car bv mlatake. He found two hobo already ahead of him, ' and wa obliged to ride with them to Turner, where M came near being compelled to help wood up for tha tide, lt I hardly cafe to mention blind baggage to the manager of the Al bany ho team. fla If Vnrtavn Hint wlioii IliA Alhani Mining Company got their mill plavccwj that Linn county win imve tlio bent quart mill in the atale. Old Linn tin everything in lite uponaiivn aoKree, even to pretty wniiien ntul ugly men. Advance. One of The Dalle paper tmU on Tuo day just prevlou to Uie big f re : "The water bit U tn ot o liltlu force during the past two day that it would not turn our Potter pre or even the IVerlcs ioblrcr. Of all proccsso of reason the IokIo of event I the most indisputable, and what we told our citizen for the past four year la being proved true evtrv day. The only wav to procure a good water eupply for The Da.le le by the pumping ayateni, and ttiie U becoming wore evident aa lime advance." (ieorge P.uhl rnt two days and a nlht in Albany thla week, (ieorge doe not think much of the railroad accommo dation that wilt compel one to upvtid one night and a part of two day in tran sacting A little businee within thirteen miles of hi borne. Advance. Ae one can arrivo in Albany from Lebanon at W:.'Wand return at2:30,liavinicfive hour here, enough time to tratuact tnont any kind of buinea the above remark can hardly be appreciated. IVcanao tlirio or four Albany men have aten fit to put a, thousand dollar apiece into an outside investment, i no reason why Atbnnv should uot alao have her enterprises. Theao aauie men have always Iteen nmong those Bt the top of the list for all home movements; while Itlaaafeto say some of thowe who are doing a little kicking are the ones who never give a cent lor anything, probably UrfttiM they haven't it. Tho Uxt ins good ono, and il is to be hoped it stirs our cltlxcits up to a local movement. The idea of organlxing a fruit orchard company, with the orchard in the vicin ity of Albany, as an experiment, is a food one, and the fact that there is one n southern Oregon, started mostly by Portland and other capital, with only about a tenth part from Albany, will not interfere with it at all. Albany should have a first class cannery. One tran says a big furniture factory is juat the thing. A preooed brick factory, proposed recently, should have lecn secured, and my Ujiiow. Let ns do something for Albanr. There is plenty of idle capilrl here to make things boom. Moro fac tories, should le the cry. The SI'R R company I ulng the old schedule of freight rates, notwithstanding the commissioner, arranged a new ine to begin Sept. i. Only the courts can settle the matter, Some one Rives as a recommendation for a stats el ol the Kockle the fact that three pound of bu'.ter can be bought for 35 cents. Nut much of an Inducement for ti e farmer. The way a Georgia editor advertise : "For sale one Wnnhington- Press that never told a lie; one auhweription hook containing a hope of a hereai ter.and the good will of an Impoverished man. Call at once and avoid the great rush." Some people consider the fruit in front of grocery stores public property. The Man Alniut Town has just observed a man fill his pockets with nectarines, not one but three or four; several boys pas sing a store each helped himself to a peach. A regular rtmtomer is entitled to some privileges hi sampling good, but the passer by should keep his hands off. Tlii I the country for prune. There I no doubt of It. Among the finest vari eties Is the Sliver prune. Mr Martin Payne ha handed u a branch of them, large, luscious fellows, remarking that the only fault he could find with ihe,m was that they bear too much, breaking the trees down. A few big prune orchards I t the vicinity of Albany Of this and other varie ties would be a fine thing tor the country. Tabs Caret There I Danger! In allowing insctiyity of ths I idney to grow through neglect, Tb deadly shoal I o Bright' di-esse and diabetes will wreck the goodly bai k of hcslth if it il allowed to drift rud'l rleta upon tbem.' Th bladder, too, if iua five, aod judicious intdiostion does not wedily direct tbs helm toward tbe port safety, will be wbelmod by the quicksand of diseaae. In seleoting s diuretio, 1st ynnr tlwice fall upon I lostn tier's Stom ach Hitter-, which stimulates the renal or gans without irritating and exciting them, two ITVctt to be apprehended from tho un mediot'ed stimuli larget v resorted to. These bsv a tvn.lnoc) to reaH prejudioiallv. Th Bitter invigorate ths I tdneya and bladder, ia common with the nry and dittive organ, aod so afford lasting aid. It also afford dual sitnoe in praventipg and enriog intermittent and remittent fovir. Bitiouinos constipation and rheumatixut it also aubju&at. An Example Th tea fur American eouanmption are bought in China by Euro -pean experts, who are otlled "tea-tasteri." Th encyclopedia ar authority for the fact Ihtt in a few year thny have to giy up their lucrative positions with (battered oon titotion. Th unheal thfulnets of th adul terati in and mineral coloring matter otu not be more atmogly pit. Beech' Tea i pure a childhood.. For! by Allen Bro. ; E W Aohuon &Co ar selling mooumcnls at Portlsnd price. La dim Oxvohd Tibs. I hav a very arge itonk of these goods, in qualitie rang ng in pries from $1.23 to 4 00 a pair. They M siadsotloather ; (very ptir warranted. ' . Pamusl K Yo'tjo. Tb belt roast coffee ia th city at mud doyer. MAKUIE!. ANDERSON PENLAND. At the residence of D L Matheny, in Polk county, near Salem, by Rev E 8 Bollnger, Mr Samuel Anderson, ot Polk Co., and Mrs.' M J Tenland, ot Halsey. ROKX. DUNCAN In thU illy, Sept. and, 1891, to .the wtfe of John Duncan, the lawyer, a boy and a girl twin. DIED. NEWMAN. un nday evening, Sept 4th, 1891, near Millers, after a lingering illness, Bland Newman, aged 24 years, Mr Newman was a barber working at his trade with Mr Vierick, and for himself in this city, for . a year, and also at Woodburn, Eugene and Corvallia. He was a native Oregohian. YAartftA f.At. NicwroKT, Or., Bopi. 3rd, 1H91. Ths last hop of the aotUoit was given last night. This indicates that Boon all of the sea side guests and campers will be homeward bound. Wbjs) has not hoard of Ocorgo Wash ington? He is here in the character of a famous fisherman. He has been here ten years aud supplies one hotel with fish. He has a small row boat in which he crossess the bar and in the open sea catches halibut, codfish, trass, rock cod, etc. In the bay lie catches flounders, kelp fish, perch, etc. Twice when out side ha was caught bv storms that pre vented his return to the bay, hut he with the coolness of the olJ general made his way to Foulweather. six miles north of Yaquina, whore he found refuge. A tug was sent out after hitn once when thus caught out In a storm, but he was found at Foulweather safe and sound. He is a veiy quiet and unassuming man, receives a pension for service in the war, and is very proud of his success. He takes great delight in showing ladles and child ren his wonderful "catch" of Halt. He has taken in sturgeon, one of which weighed 130 Itm. In the bay guest at times go out with hint to enjov the sport .Only yesterday some careless hunter sent a ball at a bird erhaps, that cam very near the head of Ueorge while he was out In the bay taking in his usual load of flounders and other fish. The gentleman with him thought this waa a hard intro duction to a treat in which lie came near bringing (ieorge Washington ashore a wounded, if not a dead man. The dan ger of losing one's life iu going outside lo fish is not so great as it is In getting olf or on a cable or an electric car In Portland, not by a thousand fold. In the latter caso very little attention is paid to tho safety ot passengers when leaving these street cars. And there is a cloud hanging over th fillotx Agency. Ktitnor has it that there is trouble between the agent and the "allotment-man." Wl at it Is about no one ran welt state. Not that the land should te allotted to the Indians and the reservation thrown open cannot be well questioned. The expense in keep ing these Indians a they are now kept is one of the evils of the Indian Depart iiient. What, ihW quarrel is about wilt soon le made public. Special Indian Agent Parker is there and so is Senator Dolph, and the troublesome matters must bo settled tip and wilt be. In days gone by one would suppose that trouble meant nuslness at an agency, but the watchful eye now-a-days prevents a a -andal and the result is we are all look ing for the outcome. It is not another cane where ft took f 75,OUO to get out rock to build a chimney for an agency build ing. Those palmy days are gone. Every one has confidence iu the honesty and ability ot the present agent, and the trouble may be nothing but a personal matter that the special agent, who is a gentleman ot ability, will settle op with out a murmur. Senator tKilph inspected the jetty and - looks as if he had put the summer in with hard work. If he will see that land is allotted to these Indians, that tney are treated like citixens, made to support themselves and the Hi let x reservation Is thrown open, lie will do what the public asks at the hands of our government. And when this is done, have the OPHIl push over the moun tains Into an empire that will not only afford traffic and enrich it, but will open npand develop a section of country in Oregon from the borders to the sea that would l unsurpassed In resource if but developed. X. BR At. I STATU S4LM, Martha A Miller to W A Trite. I Jil.CS Acres in tp 10 and 11, H U2ane3 w 4000 United Stale to Gideon Hower,l20 acre In sec 2U.p 10.S It 2 K . UM M M Anderson et ux to J N Round- tree, 20 acres in tp 0,S It I w . . 600 J C Mossholdrr et ux to Mahala A Lamberson. free lot I. block 4. Ix-hanon 400 U 8 to Jorgen It Jakobson, J E or sec 34 tp 10SU2K 400 8 E Young et ux to Herman Ar nold, 3.1 acres tp 13 8 R I w . . . K0 Snodgrass Uros to Dan McClaiii, lot K, bt 2, Harrisbnrg ... 123 Georgo Rice et ox to Thos Hach. parcel in Iebanon v "M 7275 lenpertaal t naatabeefsrs. It gives'Jalius Grtdvobl gret. tufo tion in tailing hi finoQolJea Bale t.t and baking powder, with elegant prise or i:!. ont tbem, that his customer who hay parchaaad Invariably return and say tbay re welt pleased, that lb tea I No. 1 and tha baking powder ia aa good aa the beat. Alt bi tea ami baking now Jar betre th name ot Julia CiradwrtP Golden It'll Basaar, aod are expressly put sp for Ids businass.and be till, continues o g' with eteb'pnund of ta or baking powder aa ele gaat piece of glassware, Molbera t distorts; is .ecornmsaded Juy phytioiao for children teething. It is a p irely v tbls preps at ion, it ia(rdint are pab Uhael aroun d each bottle. It i pleoaaut to he last and absolutely harmle. lt relieves constipation, regulate the boweU, quiot Mtln, cur- disrrnoea and wiid enSia, allays evcrishnesa, destroy worm, and prevent eonvelaiog, atotbs th ehl'd and give it refreshing atid natural sleep. Cattori i th children ' pantoea the mathqr' fries d. .15 dotes, 33 ceutt. VrVinargiu l tramp. TwwaaicA Wil, ToTsa Drinrbrs Probably three fourth cf the tes consumed sre "Green Tess Unpleasant the face may be, the bright, ahlny green so familiar to u all I not he natural color, but I due to the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and other mineral color. That coloring hide the effect of poor tea I undoubted; but is it healthful, and doe It not call loudly for the Importation oi a brano of pure, uncolored, unman-. Iputated tea? It wa thl condition ot affair that prompted the placing of Beech' Te before the public. Being the absolutely pure, un colored teat it it different In color from any you ever used. It draw a canary color of a delightful fragrance that I a revelation to tea drinkers, and its purity make It more economical than the arti ficial leas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only in packages. -6o cents per pout d. Ask for Beech' Tea, pure' a childhood, foi sale by Allen Bro., Flinn block, Albanr, Th Dkuoskat will exchange a tewing machine of any make desired, except ane or two, for soma oak grub wood and part cash; or will ooosider other propositions by any ona desiring a new machine. Fortmiller St Irving have torn Eenoiw eauce laoeourtaiu for (18 a pair, a fine a anything ever aeen in the ity. They range down to $7 a pair. Other kaes ear taio down to $1 oi lest a pair. an . . 1 ,. Carp, eel and soma other fish coufiucd in tank hav been notioed to remain perfectly quiet and in the samo position for month duriog tbe winter. Frogs alar, if giyen a bit of wood to ait upon, will remain quiet during the winter aud become lively on the approaoh of Spring, or on a remtval to warm room. It (earns to be a oass of' sus pended animation, during tha oontitiuano of which they nred no fond. The Farmer' Alliance sonvention In Missouri refused to adopt the sub-treasury scheme. Sensible Missourlhn. Attehtion. Th vory latest navy it that yoa cau buy of Julius Gradtvobl' Golden Rule Buzutr.fot net cash.13 pounds granula ted sugar for $1.00 and 18 pounds Extra C. sugar. AU goodi sold for net cash from 10 to 25 ptr oiufcMS thin regular prim, a I intend to ran iot oub tors. Albiny, O.-, July 21, 1891. NewProcbss Mr A M Tatt is now elling a new process for canning fruit nd vegetable without cooking or sealing : tight. Sample of her work may be teen at Brownell's (tore. noui Afcu attraA TllttlBliAT' Gfou8 And pheasants may now feo killed. The reason began Sept 1st, Crawford Paxton have com now and fins Yaquina fiay viw, juat taken by Mr Orawford. Mr George Murohousx bt just recoiled from Halun a gnnuine English pug,tkefioot oanins of the kind in tho city. Th Portland defeated tho gsiom ye terday 13 to 1, without making a very serious effort. The 1 wa reported to bo sort of a matter tf courtesy. Though carrying cotisSderabln fosurnnc in Tbe Dalles the Farmer and Merchant lutursnn Co f this city will probably not loss 81000, pci hsp only f 250. WK Mcl'hnrson, thereat eHtto tnan.ycs ter.lav " ! 1 A V, Avr farm, near Petrr ou'af.oi . J,.i,ll Ksy.recently of South Dakota, lor (23 an acre, li constats of 125 aord. At tho Ilariikburg saw mill during the bast ito week there huvo hvt-n l;liverd by lixrs a drive 1 1 two milium f-et of log. At Crurg thnro were delive ed at Uoodalii's null i'jur loilhuii Ivt of lrg. Th break to Mr An Marshall' li-v.msn-tioa of which w oisda verteiday. it trao- spi.es wo a bad rn. The break occurred close to th. ankls in ahnont the wort plsr a Isg osn bs tirokt n, both botm being badly broken. Dr Mantou set ihelimK rsinAY. A Mr Fox, of Stlem, is OS ri of rge. Bahnoood is said to '' oi hio way by stesmur for San Francitcc. A stal'ion aud Cult show a ill be h. l.lat Brownsville on Friday, Oct 2. Dr Barker. Phil Willing and ft Bufton hav filed their claim to 'he Golden King min in th CsUrxioia district, located bv them on Aug O.h. Kvcrj thing hs tl day. The tni u'ar ty I for palntiuA ho'ire I on oolnl eolor to suit t"tc, inateod of the variegtUd style in vogu stver! jesr. Partic having raomt t let to sto i-uU who 0ioteiiipUt attoLdin eollege should notify PresidMUtCtindlt atanc, a he has overai s'udenta wanting rooms. C- utrtnta hv been entered into at Port land for the dotivery in October of 22.COO pound cf hop, fur a r.inn of which will he paid 10 oetit ir pound, and tb b ance id caul pet pound. r.x. The busim-n of the Farmer & Menheot Iaurrne Co. of tlii jity isstesdily fnereajf in. l.at month waa the bt yet. Ko omnpany in tha N'irthwmt pay itlte more promptly. Tne Wheat Marks.! was demoralized Ihls afternoon. Speculator weie offering &, but It U probable a high a 8 J cent would be psld at the warehouse. The outside marke wa reported weak. About 75,000 buahels wer bought here at 85 and SO cent by two buyers alone. ruu:rtt New cloak at W F Read Utttt Ityle cf bat at W F ftcsia. Redaction ia samir.ergoad at V F fttvt' App't psrrrs f r ssle at Stewart A Sox'. Two Bar i f wheat we a uiale toilay at 82 Cetit. Paratiils and mo umhrelht at ! . than ooat at W F Itead'. A full lln nl Wrnr' C"ret, beat in tha world for th utocry, at W F Itr&d. The puldio school o;md M' o Uy with a flrt cloa feu'ty an I blight proiict. The Dalle T. M. put tbe hw by ths re- raceot lira in that ci-y -at tHU3,CW. It figure thcogb only show a little over S&K), WW lo. Tb prt.priett r of tb Baker house at Ej Cue offers tho aama fur roi.l for a tim of li yjsrt, aud clai-n the average patronage CO to HO patron to a moat. Messrs W il P.il)en od Green Coffey lt Mtrdsy purchased th hup yard of Frolic aod tlsrt, about six miles ooaih of this city, and took pi ta.os of t ho atue, with a full force of picker, lost Tuesday. Mr ililjeu will commeuoo piciiui in hi Msrioo county yard, with 60 pickers, next Monday. Scio Pre. Loo, th Chi)' wath man, bought th lot where Mr liUe'a tm l.i,ery s'.oro is tt ote I (20 fvot) paving fHOO, a d will have a laundry there. Mr liioo vtill Imii.1 whre the 1-unlrv ooor (tsnla. Mr S I' Btc'u ha bought 22 fi' nest to th LnilK.u't Otttce, and Mr (lot Bui. ha bniht 22 fat abet Dr lniborsnu'e otfije auw rtxuds. t'bfsfl gonlleotao rOaicmplaU bnildiag next pring. Expran. Prraciiing. Rev. S Web.'.cr will preach at Ihe Congrrgaiioml church in thl cltv, tomorrow, morning a.id eve ning. Yhe I r i a very tloquent preacher and the public are Invited to hear 1dm. There will I preaching service at the tht Presbyterian church at II am and :30 p m. Fatibath school al 12:13 p tn. Young People's metling in the lerturo room at 0:45 pin. Ad will bo ninde welcome to these servict i. The gospel services of the Young Men's Christian Association tomorrow at 4 p m will be conducted by Mr J It Cotigill May we ank each member lo bring one person to the meeting. All men are cor dially invtteU. The subject for discussion tomorrow, at the Chrintintt church, at 11 a m, is MX Kinds of Christians, at 7:30 pm, Moses and C'hriat. All are invited. Tun Collbqk. The interior of the College building has been generally im' proved, preparatory to the opening of the Miml . Wa.I. ...-.I... ri. -l..,.i.- 1 the diflerent departments have been rejuvenated ; a new recitation room lias been arranged between the main build ing and gymnasiums ; the room for the ....... ... ! .. I .1, . . .... . t vuiuuiuiviai ucjiiM mii'llt ia up Willi tue times, by the addition of a genuine banking counter made by the expert Wtu From, with receiving, paying and the usual departments, greatly adding to the facilities for instruction in this important department. Tho gymnasiums, though not complete bv anv nieaos.are in a cood condition for the students, and offer plenty of features for exercise. All to gether the College building is neatly aud attractively furnished. Last vear was a very successful one. The coming year promises to surpass it. The faculty'ia a competent 000 and the young men and women of this countrv cannot find better instructors in whose hands to lie placed. This Institute deserves the libcrnl sup port it receives. G to 3 W Cob'o, suooenor tnJPaisley 3t Smile;, Fiiun Block, for your j b printing t all kinds. Maisoon'io.T s,n 10 43nnic;t,, luHy maf am Hnoam i3Utu, tics 4vii,qn,i )iuaH "M "M V!P aaqi)aiuMq Aeiusuo!iiiu3stiis pue'OVlf s , J-u iuwxa 'lu.vt am jo sojid uoudj-Kmtim si;x aiutn pangai )onr ait ja tl oifl mnpa pun 'iiiii -inej) joj pany XUiouiua pu 'tci. a"S 'ajnAtua -oioid ti paoupoadai scMPd sm'jo hju-J jjoa vsm il r.'nmiJciaEJfi as &mn IOT.. oos'ooig joj pasnqsjnd oq ;oo pinoa ip;u,M jo ao Jai()a 'sinujifuo coj3 sm jo jojoa pua jmi aaaaa 9uMoqs 43U! ae uj paonpojdai AnunJtai aa Xjh? pu 'aiau ?zlZ 1 wnpd asam )o qau 'J3I3B1 7 l .3SH 10JJ0113 iU . :pOA)3aai nonIcqns aii (B noo s omo ianuisx;i am tuoij paJip sqn) a t: tupi. 1 patient q hjav t3pt 'saanpd ninpaajd oa:3 jnoj aqijo auo A33aj Jaqjasqns joas 'ccj'ij o; siuaa rjij tucui 9U0A ej 3uw Mini 'ctonjiu -ajd ataqi oi nomppo m 'jaded arn 01 ejaqijosqns Bill j; Duoui p)tiqnisip MS q3!Ut 'COO'SCTj I COO'9 otc aaaq) lim'A jo emnpiiiud mjo snjE stsSaaBSo atfi vsoX sit;i irti itt cj iCimsoaaa X;uo II puu 'jo:;r,qiKl Znsudja;c3 nCsnmicx,, m 'jsaoaix . opera . caago tunitnaij; am miv aciijiucj rj aBci4aA;t -ctx atx 5" paqsiiqnd jadud s;qcnai pi:a ?up,s ajamj uu lne oqAt esoi;) ( nar.t) XucjansS Xjsa t nompa naAV s; puu 'wtsa-t s;ti ja ppj j3dmlan sqi tq sae;d juanpioid j-;cra aq) sdmi-rad uawj cq aauiraBxa 1i -snoij&ianiS aa3anoX Xq papaaaan uaoq ttq 'ojaaood iaqjo a,jj 'pus '.Cjuofiira jt:343 sqi oj 1340 ouoS pue aiqciiAan j atji oi paqurnaans suq'CT. jo tManod jaqio f ucm nr '"1IV m .oaspuoiji ug mojj sau rj m paisa -ja)ui uaoq aaeq u&iauaS jsbod aiujo Simniqcq"! q tCtSI UJ ajainow tuoJj paAouiax ,,'miV,, sqi svm aAo;iai am ipm 'oasiauBJ j neg ja Xeq 8i;t uoiadsd jsjy am jouamqsjjqii)sa stfioat: twjt Klein Bros havo a large and choice stock of boot . and shoes' for tale at reasouable frioaa Do not invest in foot wear until youhave te'.n their stooa anlj th elegant piaso at their store. Just reoeived at the Ladie Basiar, a full ine of jet nail beads, tbe latest novelty in rs trimmings. ikm Mnk, A pind - AtKleinJilrol Boot and Shoe ttors. Parker Proa, grocer. Royal Dutch Cocoa at C If Brownsli B A Hulin, drugglat, French' corner. Fio.'growries at Conn ft HendricWs, Oold spectacle and sys glasses, all styles and price, at F M French's. Ths finest lino of pocket knives in tbs city at Stewart t B ix', Complete stock of ladies atd gent's gold wstche at F M French's. H ""ld "-to" atFtsi.chV, "The Corner Jewelry Store." Stewart ic Sox Sell the very best tsUnt tempered shear and cicsors. Ltdies 1 Oxford tics at greatly reduced ratosat Klein fSroi. Mast besold. J. W IMtlcy, liiuthir biot end al.o maker, ju.t eafct of Uevere lloote. C IV Ci-U., job printer, Flinn Block, do flrstjclo work. He that elegant piano at Klein Bros Boot arid Shoe lor. A tine line of crockery war at Conn & ifendrlcibii'. N.itic -tho extra hollo ground rsxors used by barber sre sold by Stewart 4 Sox. fAfiir Oxford ties at Klein Broe. Cheap est in ths t. W, be acid at greatly re duced rates, D'. not buy jour bno's snd shoes until you see the piano at Klein Bros, and well have rxamiiitdjtheir large stoult ol gnod. OAlitlLLE, ,l.I?rV,',,,t '-over In this vicinity. The ...... " .uny up vj trie aver age Mr R A P,aroford threshed Vt acres mat. averageii ;i tnishels, and- 5 acres that aveagod over 40. These were both all wheat. Mr limm f.u.i.i- tt.--t.-j 2j acres of fall wheat that averaged 30 'muds, ami ur unag i;amlorl tlirehed 12 acres that averaged 31 bushels. The srring wheat did not yield so well, from 15 to 25 bushels. Mr AH Young, of Washington, Iowa, brother iA MnlK a...ut. ..t .1.' LX1 w V .,..,,, vi ,111, UIHVV, and Mrs Jayne. of Shedd. is visiting his Tr V . ' WJ Mr Alien uonr-uia Wild OI MaiTIA Tlt tfam a..! cousins here. They are delighted with "ur inmate anu irun, but don't like the dust. Thev will go to California next wee., air toung nan not seen his sister for about 17 years. Amicus. fJinrC Co-iS. CoMs. InSoenra. BronchHtt, p'jnr.0 Hoertsne, WbeeaiBf Cauck.Cre, Ihroet. AlthFis, and every f! xri.ua oi the Ihro .!. t nr ot d Chest, isclad-ng Con-amntle. lcJy iMrauuicuU Oeauiacao4'X. BcttO.'' VKGE1 BLE PJVI1ACEA fth4RE0 FROM RO( ,TS& HERBS. 'Mthc CURE OP AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINOFROM A DISORDERED STATE crncSTOMACH on AN INACTIVE LIVER. FOR) SALE? BY AU DRUSGtSTS ft GENERAL DEALERS! 00 B-osuu! ! t v- alto Mi.!il f-f ",- ; Llwrt7 -Hrr.!' 31i.iatic.i isfsir.. J.u .t ;C?4 WO t.iat CUrs, wilfl WvfA'tf v r I i i. V;r: uifwsi't-si vd s.ts-Jy t ' ry vy Siti er .t..tfi, ;;ai .tl Ijvn; m-tva, KM .'j itv. i - f s-ouUtreiiii . iriuiht tetiuaftMrrd IIS. IT hf t tm' fv U J A CMMssKtas, Acs-I) EHIWERY FORI SALE. In Ihe Circuit Court oftJuSlaUtfOrtgtm for im L ounty or i-toa : R Ehret, PiaiutiiT, vs. GP:"a. Dcfoudant. T0TICE Ii HEREBY GIVES THAT lJ th aadentgowd. the duty aDDointed. Il qualilied aod acting Ktoeiver in tbe above ntitled action, wilt on atardsy, tha tt day r etower.l I SSI, at the Court Hoots d-er in .ths city of Al bany, L oa en u. O.egoo, at the hoar of 10 o clock a iu, sell at publio aution for cash in hand to the highest bidder, all the prop erty belonging to Geo f fan and R Ehret, partner doing business under ths firm name ot Geo Pfau & Co., described a follow, to. wit. Tbe Citv Bmwery, situated on the southwest quarter of block No 71, in the Eastern addition to toe city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Including all buildings, ma ehbery, boiler aad engine, oold storage, ice machine, cask, kettles, tale, keg and evirythlne connected therawith.inj'udtne' a good tiila to tha real property herein da- enued, Dtted this 2 id day of S jpt. 1891. GEO. HUMPHREY, . Receiver. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. VTOTiCK W IIBKEBT QfVB! TO whim it ma oonosru, that, bids wit 1 be reoeived y the county court ot Linn oiunty, Oregon, at ths ofllcaof iho junty olerkofLInn coanty, Oregon, np to 12 o'clock noon Wednesday, Sapteanber Olh, 1801, lor ths oonstruotion of a connty BriuR4 aoioss Thomas croek. at Ilsnn svosNing. in Una county, Oregon, aaid bridge tn be of toe following dimensions, towit: Mala spaa to be 100 feet in length IS foot wide In the clear, and 18 feet above low water mark, eaoh end of main apan to rest npon eight solid oak piles. North spproasn to be 79 feet long, lt feet wid In the olear. aod protected br banlaUrs. ooth approaoh to bo 10 feet long, IS feet wide in tn clear, and protected by banis ter No bid will bs considered unless ae eompanied with plans and spoolfloations, and b per tent of bid in oash or oartlflad eheok. The oannty reserves the right to reject any and ail bull. X P PAYNK, County Clerk. By B M Patatb, Deputy. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TJN deraigtied has this day baen appointed admin- lBtrator ur the estate or jasper umctreo, late of Lms county, Oregon, deceased, hy the county eourt for Inn ejunty, Oregon. All persons haviny claima axaiust ntiil eatate area hereby requUed to present thtnn proparly Veriftcd' to the undsrsigoed at Seio within six mouths from thin rinte. NEWTON CRABTREE, J K WstvasitvoRD, . Admlnwtrator. Atir far Adminisratoe. " (AM) THK STATS AGHGIML' COLLEGE. Oprws Keptrniber llh, 1891, v. . Ooumeef stupy arraaired expressly to meat the anas of ths fanulnt; and aieebanieal intareet of th stAte. Lanre, sonsodioua and woU-yentilated bull i- vaa). The oollege is iooatad in a cultivated and Is. 11 11 aamnuatty, ana one or the healthiest In the state. , MILITARY TRAIJ5INQ Expenses need not exeeed $ ISO For th eatlre seaslaa. Two or mm trwholanhij from erary Bounty. Wnite lur eataloya to ii, L. A HifOLl). prs., vfa.:,, 1; eftnan 5yrup a . ''We are s!x ia fam-' A Farmer at iW. We live in a Edom Texas Pce wter- we are ta0m'T0xaS'Bubject to violent Saysi Colds and Lung- Troubles. I, have used German Syrup for six year successfully for Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Pains ia the Chest and Lungs, and spitting-up of Blood. I have tried many differ ent kinds of cough Syrups in my time, but let me say to anyone want ing such a medicine German Syrup is the best. That has been my ex perience. If you use it once, you will go back to it whenever yoa need it. It gives total relief and is a quick cure. My advice to every one suffering with I.tino- Trnttt.ieata. Try it. You will soon be con vinced. In all the families where your German Syrup w usc l we have no trouble with tbe Lungs at all. It is the medicine for this John Franklin Jones. countrv. 4 G. G. GREES, Sole Han'fr.Woodbary.I.J. A Revelation. Tew totl know that tha bright bluUb-creaa color of the ordinary tea exposed la th window 1 not tho nat ural color. Cnp!eaant a tb fact may tie. K ia nevertheless artifleia'; mineral coloring matter te'.ng Baed tor this pnr)e. Tbe effect ia two fold. It not only Bakes tb to a bright. Shiny greea, bnt a! permit thw aae of off-color " and worthlc s tea, whieh, one ander the green cloak, are readily worked off e a cood quality of let. Aa emluest authority write on lli'i tub led: "Th manipulation of i or tea . to ,)' thattfl a finer a; p araa-e, U e-.r:ie l n rsten (Ively. Qreeu leas, twin? In l':il e ialrr especially optslor, re pr -l:ucJ to Det tho demand by eo'.o:! irUs cr boi-k ll idaby f'azlagorfai:nevs'.lt l'nj-jisn fcliit.tti.ntrle, gypsum, a ; i-t f . Tmt wihiA 1$ sa gen-' f rnt Ha! fiy UUIe genuine Bev-r.-!f green Jea U offend Jrr .iU." II was tle kooxWre i f ta't e.4!:ioft tf aflsir that proupted Uic p!sc r.g 1 eerh's Tea bef.it th puLUe. It Ji .-. 1 pore aud wf.b'.'st c .'. l id yo-i evtr t-a any fenulne nocolo-cj Ja cn tes? l-i. yotir (Teer to oren a 1 4 k :euf Lci. mi Tvo. will au I:, and t r l' ly f jr lbs vry Cni. time. Il wai t foi..l i t e .-rl it- Vtt Ls tween lUt vt'S- la! t ivci irs !l."t" t havo been a'-eukt"r.a r ..! t i Mvk Itdmw.s 1 luiia-.fc -tol. r, ai.dbso frajpmist t a: it rri I b.- a iiflvim to ta driuksre. l:t .u;i:y it s!? koto oeonoctlral tbau tl-c ar.if t iij for Iea of It is rc4'ilrvd cr i up. l r-.'.j '.i pound I orkoje bearing t':i -.ralt-n.s-l:: BEECHkH TEA "Pure As TUfiiidhood: If yowr erooer doe not ban lt, b will get U far yoa. itkaSQc per pound. For sola at N ALLEN BROS., ALBANY. .OREGON. ALBANY OR. miim & HU1BSE! BUGS. Real sUt Agents Partns and Eoacbet for sal. Al sity browcrty in Atbsav and Coryalli. "FHUITS AND FLO'iVERS." A V ILLUSTRATED TI ORTICULT A oral mon'hly jonrsal. edited by Prof B. R Ik. No farmor or frnit -rower asva afford to b without It. It PATS w hoover Ukaa it, tt ler vear. SI six tnontba, SO eota a a'.ogle number. Addrrw. 1. II riARS8, Portland. Oregon. ACADEMY OF flip IsAj vf Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - REGON fJoadnoUd by ths State.- f St. Benedict Tuition In select day school ranges from UboSIO. For terava or Boarding Soh xl or aa rtleclara apply at ths Artww or i nwi Hutor pnor D K. G, A. WniTIKY, Syweiaa aad Buryaoa. Jralut ef Bs.'lewaa HeA asf OkEafW. Iw York City. Oianases at women a taaanTty. OrTIOI- bieek, AItaa, Orefea B auk or SJCIO, scto, ontoiw. PraaldaBt- . J S Ifnua Vioa Pridnt . Jsrr Mtbs Oaahlar. O S HAT staseTOB: KOeiD, Sktorna, H BvymBt John Gain F O Smith. Doe a genera Vankiag and txehanf kuslnsss. A. t)THAIIzYf flMVIToTMB nf TflB aa .bbbmbi aa aa, a annnim m City tiTSTj, Feei ail Sale -STA'B LE.- Havlng purchaseel new rigs can furn ish flrst-etoaa tarnonta at aa'.l. iSpecirt attention given to transient atock Boises boarded by the day or month. Cheapest Rates 1st the City. Telephone connection with tha St Charles Hotel. Telephone orders given naussMri atvatsttlAn Fourth Street, between Ellsworth and Stroet Car line. REVERE HOUSE, 1LBANY, OREGON JTIAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR Fitted an In Irst-class style. Tables supplied with tha best in tha market. Mm aleepina; apartments. Sample room ar ewotoiwroiai traveioxa, . Fortlaad. Oraran. A. P. 4 , School: Capita i. Una Cm i maw aul-m A Saaa eaursas of stuSy, asm raw of tuttioa. liaslness. Shorthand. TAeji Utmf, ftmmmitj, md Stfliik Vrtart md Sngtitk Dtpartmnlt Ataria madna thronehout th var. Student nluii- at awy a. OtfaUe- front tthw Khool. Ae CHOICE MEATS -Or Aa. Emerick -Sc - Balidr, Pppoalu'anawSw ttebla, bb eVor to WMaaueH ., kg OV, eeare. r winsawiA J BSs(aBwafcN Caveats, and Trsde-Hsrk obtained, and oil Pat ent business eoodqoted for Morferat Fee. Our Offlc Is Op lesK U. S. Patent Office, no we can secure p atent in lee time tluut tliose remote from Washington. Send model, draw ing or photo., tdiJi descrlo tlon. We advise, I : patentable or not, free ot charge. Onr fce not due till patent ia secured. A Ptmphlet, "Ho? to Obtain Pstcnts," with, ntusea of actual die its inyourBlate, county.or town, sent free. Ai lire&n, C - A - f" T ! f. V " f rr ft 0n tint .il'-.' . C ... .t .. , IS 11