snris & UUTTIIIQ. Kdllera aa rreprletars. AVUAT Of OHIO? Col. Jamca E. Ncal, chairman, arul Cipt. Barger, vice-chairman o( lite Ohio democratic committee, have both been singularly successful a managers of hard fought campaign. A io the chances of the present campaign Col. Neat say to representative of the New York Timt: "You will give me credit for never making claims for the mere sake of mak Ing a b'.ufl or for buncombe. At the present time, as we are about to open the contest, there is no man living able to say, with any degree of certainty, what the re suit wl;l be In November. Neither part has a morgage on the election, and I re gard cur chances quite as good as the re publicans'. As to t-e Indications, I can peak with a degree of certainty, and with gratification say that todajr the piospects of democratic success are too per cent more favorable than the were two years go, when Gov. Campbell first ran. AH of the information I have received or been able to gather from the most trustworthy sources ts calculated to encourage the be lief that we shall win, and that the present governor will be his own successor. "The general tendency of the people Is in our favor. There prevails a feeling of discontent among the farmers, and this has also spread to the various labar or ganisations that have been held as in a vise tor year to the support of the republican party, having been made to believe that eood wages would follow the success of tha party. The high-tariff and protection imposition has lost Its formidable influence In these organisations, and there are man itest signs of unrest and a speedy break from the party so free In promises but slow In performance. ''The tenor of our Information from the northwestern counties, b the most encour aging. From localities where we were not expecting much the news Is the most promising. That locality is full of man ufacturing industries, and the laborers have been very thoroughly worn out with the cry of the high protectionists during the at ten or fifteen tears and are quiet- It organulin against it. The younger element ol the democratic party has been pushing to the iront in a vigorous manne " during the past tewycars.and there prom isct to b; a revolution In that section o Ohio. "The strength t'la". tV- tww party may develop Is entirely nrobip'iiailcal. Whether the farmers will give their support to the people's party movement or not, cannot be stated at this lime. Undoubtedly some may do so, but It is an open question whether they rally to the support of the movement as an otganliation. The Im pression prevails that the current U in our favor that while many indorse some of the feature of the new party, they strong ly oppose others, and cannot Indorse the platform on some of the most Import ant questions. The democratic platform is far moie In accor J with their views, and I am led to believe that many republican farmers who are strenuousty oppo-ed to the McKinley tariff will vote for Oov. Campbell, not because he Is a democrat, but because of the declaration of principles of the party on the subject of high taxa tion . There are, on the other hand, many republicans In the rural districts to whom the very name of democracy Is repugnant but who are violently opposed to the col lection at additional taxes far the benefi of the 'infant industries' which have been missing at the door of the treasury for over twenty years. These republicans will suoport the people's party. "I am more sanguine of success than at any period of the contest two year ago, when Gov. Campbell swspt the sUte. We are fully and completely organised, not only in the townships and schools district, but In nearly all the counties.' The dem- ' ocrsts did not need a letter of Instructions from the state com mittee before com inenc tng work. We are holding smaltneetings in every farming community. The contest . will beconducted"ooa high standard and thelntelllgence of thpe eople appealed to rather than their prejudices. We shall give especial attention to the tariff, and I think that before the contest is ten day Id the high-protection advocate will ap preciate the fact that we are decidedly 'in ft.' We are making no extravagant claim but a between the two leading partles.our chances are fully as good as the republi cans, of swinging Ohio In November next, and ( take it that we have a trifle the bst of the argument on our side." - Mel: I MEY CONTR VDlCti UlXaKLV.. McKinley expatiates long and loud up on what lie calis the folly and craze of making a dollar out of 80 cents worth of silver. He does this when treating of the free coinage Link In (he Ohio democratic p'.ittform. And ye' he voted fur the bill parse .1 by rr.risj !' '.it July ttyo by which the -cn r '." "f tie treasury was author zed an : '. '. 10 Issue $60,000,000 per a . :m ol j . dollars. The p.a'lorm upon wnli.ii It now running for gover nor i'u! and u:...quivoca!ly endorse that law. McKinley voted for the law and now con irrmns the democrat for propon ing a tMn which he has already set Id seal to riy a vote in congrewt. Last fall he said he "despised cheap goods for a cheap coat made a cheap man." -This was jn answer to the objection raised by dem ocrats that hi tariff law made the neces aildt of life higher. On the stump In Ohlo today he boasts that his bill has tn creascd,lmportations. The Major stultifies himself every day. The Capital Journal is growling about the State Hoard of Education not meeting and attending to cei tain business imposed upon It by law with reference to the re form school of the state and with Its usu al unfairness attempts to lay the blame on the governor. Now we do not know any thing qh'int the trouble brewing around the rrf.inn school, but from hint thrown out we won d i uggest that If the Journal will make an honest Investigation Into the conduct of "ne of the other member cf the Board ft will n.eet no difficulty In getting In'o a nest of fact that would sur prise many people. But the iownnl will not do that. Such a course would not promote the ulterior purpose which It has In view. Wi( at the sbrineof MKmlsyism, with the rel always manifested by blind 4o ower: now lei! us that since Ibe psssage of the tariff law the price of woolen golds hs eonclowa. These people sem oreibok tkefjet tlint n-vtr la the history of eur eou try in times of peace hive our n.srke's been so loaded down with ingeciriily wrought shoje'y "wool" goo Is True blue woolen goods are no! ehsper but rajh mire difficult to find. litf if it I iroe liat tneresing the tariff rales On impirled wOo.en gno-U makes (he domtsiie -rolutt cheaper generally, thea the woolen manufacturers must be consummate Ws to labor so long and earnestly to get eonsjrfss to increase duties when ihis increase wi!l remit in compelling then to sell cheaper -than befje the rales were increased.' Till DRAWBACK ON CaUTETS. One of the very nice point of the Mc Kinley bill I develoyed by the "drawback" now being paid Iron the treasury to carpet manufacturer on exported carpets. If they use Ohio wool In making these car pets for export, they f et 1,0 drawback at all. but on all foreign wools used the treasury refund them 99 per cent, of the lax. The "drawback" thus becomes pure ly a bounty on the use of foreign wools In preference to American in making carpets and other woolen for export. This ts a discrimination, and a most unjust one. It It argued that the manutactuiers are only getting their own money back, but this Is a fallacy . When they are taxed, It is pre sumed that they justly owe the amount of the tax to the government,nnd when a just tax la once paid It becomes a part of the public revenue, on which no private per son can establish a claim except by tender ing public service. The so-called "draw back" Is, therefore, pnrely a bounty, and a bounty on the use of foreign wool, result ing In encouraging the use of foreign wool in preference to domestic in all w 000! en good made for export. . Mr McKinley 's theory I that this I necessary to enable our woolen manufact urer to compete for foreign trade that la to say, to sell cheaper to foreigners. Sup pose that the treasury pays them a "draw back" or bounty of 3$ cents on a yatd of exported cloth? Then they can sell this yard 3$ cent cheaper In lira II than it would be sold In Ohio, and thus get the Braxlllah trade. But why should they not get the same drawback on all cloth sold In Ohio, so that they sauld'getthe Ohio trade, too? This is an important question, and the McKinley bill has answered I'. It does not allow Ohio people to buy their cloth or carpets except from our protected carpet trusts and the other manufacturer' combines, while the Uraxllians have other markets to buy In. So, while a bounty Is paid on South American wool used In making carpets -for South Americans, they sell more wool and get cheaper carpets, white the people of Ohio sell less and pay much more for their carpets than South American pay tor the same goods made by the very same people by Mr McKinley 's friends the protected carpet trusts. Bnt Mr McKinley Is doing his best. Perhaps the people of Ohio ought not to hold him responsible for congenital numb- nets of skill. THE PKMOclUT OF WASHINUT).. WW The ilcra Knii in our sister state have a very perfect organisation and are preparing tor the ereat political conflict of I Soi. Tbe or- sanitation is kaowa as the Society of Wash iegtoa aad is composed of a union of all the county, city and precinct organizations exist ing throughout the several counties of the state. The society, tbroagk it local organizations, ! has secured tbe name of all the voters of the state, with their postofEce addresses. This is done to easbte the manager of tbe society to systematically carry on the campaign of edu cation which is proving so po'.eat a means of strengthening tbe voting forces of the party. A very importcnt democratic gathering under the auspices of tbe society wilt be beld at Spo kane on tbe ajrj and 34th of this month at which meetiog the following distinguished democrat are expected to be present: lion Charles Faulkner, United States sen ator from West Virginia; 1 1 On William I) Byaum, representative fiora Indiana; Hon William McAdoo,ex nera!erof congress from New Jersey; lion Chauncey F Black, of Penn sylvania, president of the National Associa tion of Democratic Clubs; lion Lawrence Gaidnei. District of Columbia, secretary of the National Association I Ion J T Eshclmsn the silver-tongued senstor fromVakiroa and Klickitat cioaties. will be lb erator of the great occasion. Tbis gathering will doubtless have an im portant influence on tbe future politics of Washington. This exampU of the democrats of Washing4 oa is worthy of commendation and thould be followed by tbe -emocrat of Ore gon who now seem to be asleep. David A We is is reminded by the Mc Kinley organs that tbs importation J-f shoddy baa deoreawd under the new tariff. Tb:e imply give tbe home aboddy makers chance to increase their bnainess and their prices. The snlsti mid ! the Iry CooJm BconomiU shjw that is, in eo eaJltd "American woolens," put upon the market by well kbown mills daring th, present seasor, la the proportion of 72 per eeotb , Wbat difference doe it make to a poor man whether his clothing is "iMmpsd'1 with foreign or Aariaii made shoddy? Eaporta ol caiai.od b.f from the United State laat mo nth amoaoWd to only 3,954 -611 pound. Ia July, 1890, no less than 7, 008,400 pounds were shipped out. Tbe de crease Io export business daring Jane and and Jalj is partly explanatory of the recent decline is'piicos. Canada only la:ks 237, V!0 square miles to be as large as tbe wb! eotitioent of Ku rnpe; it is nearly thirty timna a largess Great IMuin and Ireland, ol ia 509,0(4 square mile larger than the United SuUf. General John C Black, who was commis sioner of pemtionj uuJer Cleveland will go to Ohio in next month to make speeches for Campbell. lie thinks Campbell will be eleel e;l. lie says Illinois will send . a Cleveland delegation to the national convention next year. Never before baa Iowa harvented such a crop of cereals at it will tbis year. The oat crop especially is immense. Jt will easily average sixty to seventy bushels, and in many place it will go 100 bushels to the acre, and weigh from thirty-four to forty pounds -10 the bushel. A stone to mark the starling point of the first locomotive ever used in America, "John Bull, No. I," Is to br erected near the Mile Hollow, near Bordenlown. N. J., by the fenn jlvanla railroad. Around the bae there will bo a ratling composed of the rails and spikes of those early days. Escorts of canned beef from the United States last m-mth amounted to only 3, 854,611 pound. Li Jul, 180,0, no lets than 7.008,40 prxind were shipped out. The falilng-off in export business during June and July is partially explanatory of the recent decline In prices. Canada onlylacks 337,000 square miles to be as large as the whole continent ol Europe;-It U nearly thirty times as large a Great Britain and Ireland, and 50 , -000 square miles than the Unl'fJ States . Aibaay Jiaraat. Whohi 80 , at-34.-- ' Butrr Iflj pr lb rgoa i ' fUy-5 ,00 wM0. Pouuwi o eta pr nu.4b.ol.' Bnef-oa foot, 24 to Se Pork - b per areaaad; H erti fcam lie . ehoaldsra T , a( jt& ISnperib. y.onr SUh pr bbl. CI ilekena 400 per dot, fill Hoed hMB.-ca.on pair toof wiiin:r,j, 31. taWi. WASltlNUTOtf. (From our regular surrsiondent,) Wasiuncton, Aug 31, iSot. The Blaine-Harrison business ts be lieve! to be Hearing a crisis, and the pre diction I made by shrewd observer that within the next sixty day one of them will announce that he will not accept the pres idential nomination of hi parly, if it be tendered to him, Mr Harrison Is decidedly averse to being that one, and his friend Secretary Foster, will visit Bar Harbor within ten day for the purpose of trying to make Mr Blaine take the position of "loyalty" towards his chief which Russell llsnlson's newpier have assigned to aim, by writing a letter for publication ver hi own signature dating that he I not willing to become a candidate and that he I for Harrison. One would suppose from the talk of the personal friends of these two men that the republican party was their personal property and that when they had decided what they wished to be done that party mutt slavishly obey that decision. Tnls sort of thing must be ag gravating to self-rrtpcctlng republicans, who mutt think It is high time for the party to go out of existence when it Is confined In lis choice of candidate to two men. Rspresentaltve llerbet l,ot Alebains.who it understood to be a candidate for the va cancy on the Interstate Commerce Com mission made bv the death of Hon W L Bragg, of the same state, lain town. Ala bama has reveral other candidate for the vacancy, among them Judge SJorrtu and Col. Shorter. There are also lot of can- dates from other dates Including es Sen a'.or Resgan and Representative Culbert- son, of Texas, and ex Congressman II an; mond, of Georgia. The appointment will go, by law, to a democrat. Mr Wanamakcr ha a grand scheme to eet something for ncthlng. He ha sent a circular letter to all postmaster at coun ty scat to visit all the posloflke In their counties, at their own expense, and report their condition to him. Thai's a case of cheek. There Is a well-founded suspicion that the slate department I trying to "pull 0 wool over the eyes" of the colored brother in regard to the vacant position of U S Minister to Hay tl. It Is staled semi ofli dally that the department, on account of circumstances which It deem inadvisable to make public, will not fill the vacanc for some time to come, but the appoint ment wlil piob.bly eventually go to colored man. This Is expected to quiet the colored voter until after elections, when Mr Blaine will carry nut his intention of selec Ir.g a while man for the place, trust ing to luck to bambooxle the negro voters with other half-way promise before the time comes to hold another election. is not certain, however that this plan will succeed, a many of the more Intelligent negroes are fully aware ol what la going on, and If they only agree upon any of the many negro candidates for the place, It possible for them to compel his appoint ment before tbe fall elections are held A smile croates the face of the average naval officer when he hears anyone speak of Secretary Tracy's efforts to have the mechanics In the navy yards appointed on thtlr merits and not on their political "pull." The fact of the matter Is that naval officers generally take no slock In this al leged icform. One of them said on the subject: "Bah! it Is simply nauseating to sensible people who know anything about the manner In which the best at slgnments In the navy are made, to be tuld that the mechanics In the navy yards are to be appointed solely on their merits, a developed by competitive examinations. It Is not p.-obable that sucli a reform I rcallv intended by the tame authorlte who, unless they are wofully Ignorant, must know that It Is the officers who know how to Intrigue, and above all those who possess that mysterious something known as a political "pull" that receive all of the best assignments In the navy, and not the ofTUer who have made the best records This Is true from the acting Admiral down and until It Is changed I shall be slow to credit the Secretary of the navy with any sincere reform Intentions, no matter what orders he may issue." The administration will have a bitter pill to (wallow In recognizing the congresloQ al party the legal government of Chill, as it must now do. It should prove a warning to the state department, which should compel oir minister abroad to keep their fingers out of the Internal af fair of the countries they are accredited to. They are planning io Kugland to ssUlliab an agricultural school fur women, in which especial attention will be paid to teaching dai'y woik and tbe raising and takinjr oar of poultry . t'BATffaBtsHtiM.e. -. How refreshing it ia to take aevera) newepapera and find all of them printed on the aame patent sheet. Tho reading ia so aniiorm, "like lour ana twenty blackbirds in a pie.'' Then the patent reading consist of Munchausen nrns, pseudo science and stale jokes that have been told "from time whereof the mem ory of man runneth not to the contrary' No objection to patent insides if the pro prietors would only patronize (liferent patentees. Mes(M rillsbury and Ulancliard, of Brownsville, visited Crawfordsville last week. They took a stroll through J F Moses' orchards and (gardens, where among; other things of interest they saw giant .squashes and a sunflower measur ing sixty lucnes in circuuiicrence. I notice relics are to the front now. The writer has a relic in his possession which is an ornamental perfume vial, presented to bis father in-1804. There is a romance connected wun it wincu makes it of value to the family. Dr and Mrs Littler spent 'last week with the family of J F Moses. The Dr gets all the work ho can jdo end has made many sets of tcetn lor people around here. If Dr Littler were to pltjnt the teeth be extracts be could raise a larcer army than Cadmus did. Minn Ivy Templeton is vimting Miss Gusale Moses this week. She is quite cheerful and bandies her crntches well. The Odd Fellows dedication and picnic have been postponed for the present. Bey II Kobe preached here today on the Enmity between the Woman's Seed and the Serpent. Harvest about closed. -Yield good. ' Wksi,bt. i.k A ii..n.i AlKlw.JB") B.-,t and Shoe atre. l'i ker Br s, groc- r. i-luat at W F Riwl's. Ltt st los t,f hats at W F RWs. Reduction ia summer goo-) at W P llaad't A pin p'tir I r ! ' S rwjrt A. S s s. Rnyal Dutch Cx r,t C ft Hrowui )i'a 8 A Hul.n. druggist, French's omuur. . Fi.i'gioo ri-.a at Conn & Hrodrics'in's. Varaa-iU and snn umbrellas at less than cotat W F Head's, ' OoM upcetaclt! ard eye tiAnan, !( ntylos and prices, at M rrencn a. - Tho Knext line of piicsoe knivc-a in tl e city at htewit A 8 -x's Com pletn stock nf ladies aud gfijt' q. 1,1 watches at V M French'. . Bargains in gold watohns at French "The Corner Jswclry " SleiMt.V in ail! tlu vttry Imtt (tot tempe vd eheirs and tciwors. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A D ale Drewnlng. ' Astoria, Sept 8. A double drowning ac cident of more than ordinary udntst has east Itloom over th city (hit evening and Mr Charles Strom Is bereft of a husband, who lost his life in an untaccessf jI attempt to save it 1 1st iiaxci iianthorn Horn a watery crave. The true particular of the accident will never be known, at no one wai on the pot nt the time, except the two victims, Charles Strom man about 3S year of age, and one of th principle stockholder of lb Scandinsvian cannery, was engaged in building a smalt pleasure boat in the old Adair cannery, which linear Iianthorn cannery and residence. ittle 1 IaxeU the 7-year-old daughter of J O lanthorn, the salmon canner, was walchlna Strom at hi work and playing In the builM g when he acciilcntly fell through a note In th door. Strom wai drowaed in trying to rescue tier. A Big Malt. Ukrnk, Sept, 8. At tbe time of the dread. iui disaster at Mocncnrnsier when over aoo live wero lost a the result of ihe bridge glv ine way under an excursion train, the Ques tion wa raised whether the Iridge had I en constructed according to contract specifications ty in ouiucr who wa M. Mllel, the engl netr, since famouse for Ihe great tower in Pan. As a result of the investigation then sat on foot, suit is now betrun by the railwsv company agalast M. Kiflel to recover the cost of rebuilding the bridge, and to reimburse the company for the sums which it has been forc ed to pay in damages to ihe injured and th lainiiics ol the killed. - Hew Verb BeBwalleaa. RooilBSTCR, Sept'8 Delegates lo the re publican s ate convention have been thronging into the city all day and evening. Ii appears probable now that J Sloat Fassclt will be tbe nominee fos governor. The prominent fact tonight is the cordial unanimity of the friends 01 1 nomas U t latt and Warner MiHcr. The The line of faction divlaion seems to have faded away, althouch up to tbe present time it wai known that I'latt favored Andrew D Whlte't candidacy, for lieutenant coventor Philip Becker it talked of and it it probtble air t-insteiu win lit nominated for comptroller, elerasaaa H ah, lag Ike Kaaaaa. Newport, Sept 8, Representative Hinger Hermann bs exsmlned tbe government jetty at Vaquina. and yesterday visited the Silets Indian reservation, where a council wai held with the Indians, presided over by Special Agent loionei ramer, or Ihe interior depart cat, who is sent here lo examine into the condition of ajrency mailers. Todsy Mr Hermann went down the coast to visit tbe Alsea liver and bay, tbe people tbere bting am1u.11 hit a tun worn turn. level Beeersl Brabea. lURTroari, Conn Sept 8. At the bicycle rscet at Charter Oak I'aik today, in a half mile safety race for the national championship A Zimmerman, of the New Yoik Athletic Club, won in l:ta l-S. making the last quar icr id JVM seconds, breaking tbe worlds rec- orj ol 304-5. The reace f laraae. Munich, Sept 8 Last night Emperor William In tbe couifc Of kit reply to the ad' dress of welcome by the municipal authorities rvierring 10 tne peace 01 t.uror, said be would ne grateiui 10 hi high allies II he was support ed in bis cflurts to prescrye peace. A Bwable Tragedy, Bloominoton, III, Sept 7. Dr Charles H Itallcrd. of Haybrook, III, aad Mis Bertha Ison, of Baker City, t. daughter of the late Judge Ison, it thai place, were found dead mis rairning. Dr Ballard ia a young physi cian, wlio came lo Ihis city, and ever since th;n hss been importuning Mis Ison, who came here with her mother to attend collate. to marry him. She thought much of him, but begged him to postpone the event un'il after her education was completed. This morning he appeared at tbe house snj had an inter view with Mis Ison in the parlor. While talking with her be pulled out a revolver snd shot her twice, once through the head and once through the heart, producing instant death. The doctor then shot himself five timet, dying in a few minute. Bakrr City, Or, Sept 8. The new of tbe tad fate of Miss Bcstha Ison fell like a thunderbolt upon the whole community in which she had spent nearly bcr entire life. The young lady by her aoriahle disposition had endeared herself to botL, old and young alike. Her remains will be brought to this city, and will be laid by tbe side of ber father. Jaage ftawyer Dca. Sam Framcihco, Sept 7. Judge Lorento b'awycr died very suddenly at 7:45 o'clock tins evening. He bad been much better during tbe day and wa deemed convalescent Hi son Houghton waa readinc to htm. His son rrescott sud his grandson Howtrd Adams ere also present. Suddenly he wst seized with n severe fit of cioghing, PresjoK ran lor Dr camaes, a bo lives only a few door oil bu( btF-irc he could return the Judge was aeao. Martere4 la the rah. I KNDi.KTON, Lept 7- The body of Ibe man fonnd in tbe brush a mile below the Iowa Saturday night proved to be Jame S Stratlon Uteol Mnsas, Uq bad been murdered by panic unanowe, a Ostsrnmed ty the coro ner jury. Tbe remain had been in the brush aboat a aecb or ten dava. The mur derer ia supposed to have been committed for tne purpose or robbery. Laaa 4'a, Slarsea, tur.ENE, Sept 7. Seven trotting hot at 1 mere shipped from here yesterday to Sa'em lor he stste fair They arei T I Crale's Cass T W Harru'Kablrlccj P K Walters' Captain Mount; end four others. They will go from the state fair to the .Souihera Oregon district lair at Central I'oiot sud liom tbere 10 the fat meeting ol ibe Lane County Driving Asocia lion at Kugene. Saiilt Ste. Mabie, Mich Sept 6, John I'owclie, a former chief of the Chippewa In dians, lives on the I inks of Si Mary rwer, and act as guide to bulling patties. Vester r'sy three Cincinnati men engaged bin) for a nay num. i ncy sianea across llie river this morning, end when nearly oyer not'eed a large bird flying in the air. The Indian (aid it was an eagle, and suggested thst he should row back lo the American shore so a lo be within gunshot of the bird should it descend. He did so. They then started fur gunshot distance. Towrlje' squaw, in the meantime, had gpne to ihe liver to get water, leaving her Ibree-mnAtluvnU pappoose tied to a board and leaning against Le aide fcf her hut. Tbe eagle spied ibe chilil, ind when about 300 feet from the ground it made a swoop on the child The squaw wai horrifiej a moment later lo see the eagle rise with her child in its taloons. When about ttn feet fiom the ground Ihe bird dropped its load. Fai'ing in an attempt to pick up the child, tbe eagle pecked at its throa. and eyes, gouging one eye out and lacerating it body. The rquaw soon reached tne spot snclat.eiiipisd lo drive the eeg's off wun bucks, our in oiro lurpea fin her and pecked at her neck, Inflicting a serious gash. It tlien rose in '.he air about loo feet, but swooped down again. At this moment the sound of two distant rifle shots were beard and the Mid fell to the ground, IWdje scarcely reached .the eigle when he heard a shriek from Ihe xjuaw em) he rll-covered that hi child had been Killed. toalts Lllte War. I-ondon, Sept 6. It is reported that tbe British foreign office will take vigorous meas ures in a few day to bring the Dardanelles question to a settlement. Lord Salisbury hss ue'n miia w n s roucy I0aru J utkeo, so muc 1 so, that there has ben mucn complaint amoog Pitisk sulijeetr at Gonstsotlropls that less respect is shown for them thsrj for, the Ocrmads.' Now, however, it is rumored on tounu sutnori'y that the attitude will be cnang-d sod ttat a bo'd demand will he made upon tne sultan to take e stand against tbe cuimi 01 kussis. ABaiglarSho. Ashland, Or Sept 6. A tramp broke in to Klums' store at Talent, four mile north of here, last night, snd wts selecting his plunder when he was discovered by John Ilrmer, s man sleeping in the store, who ihot at the burglar three times, cne shot going through his hat and snotner entering his side and ranging upward, producing a bad wound Ikiwgn not necessarily fatal. A full l.DS ot Wariier'e pnrsut'i, best the world for the money, at W F Read's. in LidiesOxford ties at greatly ruduie I rate at Klein Bret. Must be sold. J. W. Beuttey, leadinj book and shoe mtker, just east of Kavsre House. O W Cobb, jefprinter, Flinn Blook.'does urm I'liwt worn, , Hee that elegant piano at Klein Bros But and Hnoe store, . r A tine line of crockery ware at Conn il 'j' 1 hi jj, hj ' ' ";,!' COUNCIL rBwCa.EDI.1M. Tuesday evening, Kept. 8II1, 180f, rroBcnt Mayor, Recorder, Chief ol Pollc, Btreet ComntlRNlouer. City Rur veyor.and Councllnien French, Hawkins, liurkliart and Unrrett, The following bill were ordored until : Btltea t Nutting. f.R.1.05; 'Train & Whit ney, a.n z.i; jn j iietitoti, bihj.3u: w 11 l!nrr,M7.fJ0; M Cowan,).ll ; I N Hofr mnn, 7.H5: JohnClelau,:Jj OK Wald- en, 12: w II Love, 12; (ieo W Htiiriie. 1.1; 10 Diekey.lS: 'A 1) Lacy, tll.M): Stewart & Box, ;W.10; Coat billa,T2.1.n5; inim hart A Keuney, iu; 1 urmiwobi.tu; II F Merrill. $12; John Chiawell, (24.11.1, and sewer viewer. Comniltteo waa granted further time on reduction of tux of Mary Haltmartli. Recorder reported imuranee on No l'e engine lioune renewed. Untitled. City Treasurer reported opening ol bid for city bond a heretofore mib- IIhIiwI, and that bid for remaining $3o, 000 of bond had boon advertised lor. The Recorder read the report ol view era on condemnation of right of way for owera. reported property condemned fur ewera a asked for In notice published in the wiun ukmocrat. 1'ctitlon ot L 0 Marshall end other asked that barn of W T Hearst, on atli atreet, between Washington and Cala nooia street. lie declared a nuisance Referred with poa-erof committee to act. Ordinance bill 228 adoMinir report of above report of viewer was read three timet and unanimously passed. Ordinance bill 221) providing for (trade and depth ot certain latteral newer waa read three time and panned unanimously. The Recorder waa autliorixcd to ad vertise for lattaral newer acroea atreet Into Madison atreet aewor from let to Dili treet. The matter of sidewalks on the north side of 2nd atreet between Washington and Calanooia streeU wa relcrred to committee on street and public property wun power to act. Councilman Hawkins moved that the Marshal notify Win M Hong to move old tmliainii at loot of Lyon streets within ten daye under new nuisance ordinance. The matter of platform on river for fire engines wai referred to committee on fire and water to report oti coat of earn. 10UND,In the etra..t In front of t'je 1' DaMrx a at omrw. a hive eoat. lo aood AtflJlllA. 1 f .1 . ... JOR BALE OR TRADE -Will nail 1 cheap for cah or trade for wood, fonr nrar. varylnsr la prion from loo to 1120 I ml I at onrsa at ihe marble shop unit door 10 I'awoemAT orrce. ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. XTOTICe IS HEREBY GIVE! THAT 11 tbe board or equalisation will atund al the ofTlae 0 tSe onunty clerk nf Linn county, Orngon, on Monday, tbe 18th day of Maplerabar, A l IMM, and PJblUily examine the aa- oaament rolls and correct ail errors In valuation, daaorlptlon or quatlUiM of land. Iota or rutinr property. nept 7in, 11 n wjliL.iamm. Asaeasor. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. "VTOTICE W HEREBY aiVKN THAT XI epocintlnr and plana will ba left in cnsrjre 01 r.uocn Miliar, or nouin an Uam station, forth aractma of a w-hool houaa to be built in Dlt 109, of Linn Co., Ureoon. AH paitiea (Inalrlnir to bid on the eoostruoilon of said bulldinc.may call and eaa nine tne aame and laavo scaled bldato ba oMnel at lht plco on Moot miu, at 1 u'cjock or aaia day Tite school board reserve therUht to rHnot any or all blda J. It MUM Irjltrr. Chairman lioard of I 'traitor a. NOflCE TO FARMERS. rpHKKE HAS IIKEN TWO HL'Jf- drad and oavanty eight of jou can tlainan lo our eatablihinitt aaylog that you were golt.u; to ordar feuoo from us 1 nu t4ii and winter. Karn ol you require from &) rod to V.i !!. Da you no see tba. It win require soma time to aaannfaciure it amount of foncaf We would suasaat that more of you r.rdar NOW, laareby givlag us Uus 10 acoomo aaia you an. aLBaNY FBMCK WORKS ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. Notice ia hereby given that the ondrin ad adminutratrix of the taUta of Win II Churchhitl, droaaacd, will on Toaadry. the 15th day of Sept, 1691, at the h.ur of 2 o'clock p m, of said day, at the residence of in late Wai II Churclihill, deaawt, situ ated about tight mite southeast of Albsny, Oreifon, xiMa and sell at imblio socticu. to the b ghest biddrr, the whole of the per sonal property ol the estate ol an dioad consiatiog of aKout 1 1 had ol boratw, 13 nel nt oattli, 30 bead of sheep, some bogs, a Mcvormuia Dimler, 1 Uaja nrdr, I fan ning mill, tiLsa, barns, I wauan and many farming implements too numerous to miniion. 1 sums or t ale On six months' time with approved security, with 8 per ce-Jt latere t from date of oota, or 5 par cent ou oi nui ior casn in hand at lime sale. Dated HepUmbrr 3rd. I Sit I. M its. M. J. ciiL'iiriniir f. Adnri. ofaetateof Wm HCburchbill.dec'd Atty for administratrix, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE; TSrirnCE IS HK.RF.BY OIVEX THAT THE 11 DiHinmirnM hmm iiwb liv ar.lar of ihm xxiHia eeurt ol Una eonnty, Oreiran, duly appointed m. utria of the laat wUI an iMUnwnl al T Croft. All persona kavlag claim amtlrut i eriy Twiflsd nvnur renmraa to prewat me hw pmn. at tbe tlx lot tlx r.ffloa.4 th Albany Woolen MMIseontpany, In Albany, Oregn. on or Ufore si s nsunths from this data. iwpwsiuer nui, lsut MAKV CfteiT. Kxeculrix ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. XTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEM THAT TIIK t'N i.1 deraigned has th'. dsy boon appointed admin Ulnttur nt tba MUtteol C'naa A Kalntwrl, tele of Una efuntv, Ory m, doooMed, by the county oourt lor pna ernlitt., v'". All peraoni having elalms sgalust aaid mUto are hereby notlnod ts pnaent tit e.ine f 'lferly .rlfld to the Hindenlgiied at Krown.rino, mw, wunin six months trom Uils date-. Bipwoiker, , isui, r 11 weoheb. Oaa HimrHnsr, Admlnlttrstor, a.v i-r ouiiniaraior. t"i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i NOTICE IS HKHKHV OIVEM THAT THE U.V dtraiu'wd has been, bv tin aumit nnurt l..r Linn oouiny, (rgim, duly sppolnud almhiUtrmt,.r ol the taiai ul UatMooa Vernon, deceaawi, laU of Unn atunty, Oroifvti. All psrsons harina- alalnts sgslnst eikld saute are hereby required to preasnt j OreiriHi, ,i,im vivimTtv foniiwi va ina unnoraiiriiea St Alb in. in, within six niontha trom thl date. i U KKIGUTEV, AUmlulatrsUtr. (S-W J K WsATHsarose, ' Ally lur Aumin'r. ASMINISTRATGR'S NOTICE. VTOTICB 18 HKI1EDY OIVEV THAT TAB ll underaignml t a Umn dulr auixilntei & fey tils Cfiuniy rouri lor Llnn county, uregon, siliiilnlatratoy of the esute ol Icypbene Schooling, lata ol Llnn county, Oregon, duocaeed. All perarms having o'lina airalnat aaid eatate are hereby notltiol to pre. sent them pnterly veriMrd within sis n-ouths from tnis aate, to ins underaignen at Albauy, Oregon. This Stb day ol August, 1891 . . OEOUOE HUMPH11KY, J, K, Wpathsrwrh, AUmlniatrator. Atty Otr Administrator; (8-1.) for Infants "Caatorla 1 ao well adapted toehfldren that I recommend ltaa (uperlor to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abobkb, M. D., Ut Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, H.T. "The use of 'Caatorla' la so universal and Ita merits so well known that lk seems a work pr (niparerogalon to endoree It. Few are the Intelligent families Who do not keep Gastoria witote easy reach."' '' " U8WKiTTIf,D.D., Kew York OWy. late Fastar Btoomlngdale Seformed Church. Tbx CcnTAua am now receiving my Fall stock of and am showing full lines of goods in the Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear fHoves Hosiery Handkerchief and Embroideries Prints Boots and Shoes SHERIFFS TAX NOTICE OF SALE- "fJOTlCK IS HICllEltY OIVRNTIIAT 1 br vlnne of a warrant for the co'- hl? f daltnquanl Ua on Ilia aa..- ment of IMIX) fur tba county of Linn aud Mtata of Oregon, duly l.aund by th Couiuy Clerk of aaid county, which war rant la now In my hands, attached to the list or unpaid and delinquent taxes for the year 1M0. In aaid I Jon eonnty, and not having been able after dillgnni anarch to find any personal property within aaid county out of which o make the taxaa haralnallar mentioned. I Lave lvlal upon the lands described In tbe list hereinafter aet forth aa tba property of the parson whoaa name la eat oppoalie each tract a tba aame appear aamMed oo aaid dellnqaent lex roll, and will on Salarday, Ike Srd day ef Oelaacr, taei, at tbe door if the County Court House, In Albany, Unn county, Oregon, at tbe hour of t o'clock p. m., of aaid ay, nail al publlo auction to the hlgbiwt bidder foroaau Ij baad, on the day of sate, all tho hereinafter described land or so much of each tract aa may be n-oeaary to tar and satisfy the tax aeeaasai againat tbe owner of such tract, in said Unn county, for tbe yer ihuo, logMiier wltb accruing eoatssndexpeoaes, whloh Hat Is ee foliows: A tnt. of Taaee. ISraman A Bummervllle.part of the i 1. u or jaoou nve. id is. a n 1 W. 120 acre . 1 9 00 William field, the O L C of John Wlgle. tp IS. B Ilange.l w.3 acme: the 1) L C of A (lelaier. tp IS. 8 Range. l.WI'JO aoree.. lift 80 Rat of o It Mcatloney .420 aeios. V 00 iMvid C Cos.Atbany.M'a 2ad Ad , block 17, loU 2 and 7..... . J M and V It Ikmoca, (John I "on- aoa. guard.,) 3 aerea of land and hotel, at weet Home....... Frank Murphy. Albany, H'e2nd Ad,, black 7, lot S 1 nd 4 rianford Cochran, HE 14 ofS K hi ofsoe38, tp 11, 8 Range 2 W, 40 acrea...... W 8 Mnnyan. aeo l'i,S lUnge 2 Kaat, 49 acre ..... K A McKiuhsyeO 3,tp Hi Itanga 1 K et, 91 acroa Eat Mi Itua bcotUAlUuy.K 'A of bloc 41 C A Powell, Albany, block 06, Sola I and 8 m Mrs at liureaw, Albany, H'a2ud Ad, block 25. !.. eaaae Hair of" I Deal.2 acres adjoin log M browoaviil Kl of IHvid (iray, part ol the U L C f f tsaviJ iry, (W acres. .... Kellf, H,H ofNWofaoo 21. tp 0, d Range I K.80 aorB... O W tfueener, tp t. JUuge, t W, A ttCrOM.eaeaaaee va eeaea oaaea) . Ilenjsmln Hayden, tp V, 8 liauge 1 W. l0acre.....-.........-. Daniel Neat, the K of W , and H W of N E and the N W Cfej Y. olsooH. tplO, 8 lUngol V, l'W acres........ Eat Jarnea Shields. Albany, E Ad., block Ii lot 1. 2 and 'A of3... J U Uolea. Albany, It'e 4.h Ad. block 1 5, lot 6 C vV nalnave. Albany. Sebmaer'a Ad.,block 4 ...... Mrs KO ltoaik. the N W of tho N E of see 80, tp 0, 8 Range I Vj 40 KCfOM aeseeeaa William ttatea, the N X of N W of ae 31, tp V, 8 Range 2 E, thl fclCet Hllll.ll HMII MSS tSI WIISSNII A Vlclotyra. S K of 8eo 24. Tp 12 8 Range 1 W: 160 sure 9 00 0 00 & 40 6 M 8 01 3 CO 14 40 9 00 0 00 S 40 2i &0 1 80 2 8) 8 01 2 49 39 CO 2 70 4 63 2 8A S CO 8 7 M McUigh. M E I aod N 1C T of 6V0 m l p Yi 3 range y r.: '."Uacree. F W Holmes, a pat of th K Pox I) 1 00 L V Not. Nn 2-'Sl. claim Nu CO, Tp 13 8 R 4 W, 3i0 acre Joseph P Joona, N E i of 8eO 1 i'p 10 8 K2K; ICO serve James Mulvenhlll. N K J of beat Tp 128 R2K; 1(10 scrs 3 CO 3 60 3 CO Jaaon P Butler, tbe 8 W of S K and S E 1 nt 8 W 01 f Sao 14 Tp 14 .1 it 1 VYl suacre. 28 80 Nettie Doisn, N Brownsville, llsos- bin'i add, block 4, loU 1 1 aud 12 Amoi II Howard, Albany, block 14 Ml ; J R Stewart, 8 of 8 ) of Seo IS Jp 10 3 range I Jit 100 acrra William Gates, th N i of the N W J of 8ec31 Tp 9 8 range 2 E; 80 acre .... J M John, 8eo 35 Tp 0 8 rang 2 W; 44 act Al C wner, S K i of N W i of Seo 3 Tp 0 8 range 3 E; 40 acres ..... Q W Smith. Albany. Il'i add. block 1 80 9 00 1 S8 3 CO 1 80 1 80 112 lot land 2 107 23 Cherry ft Partes. Albany, E add, 110 feet by 130 hot, south of S P R R switch in block 10 3(5 00 All In Llnn eounty, Oregon Notiob.-Tax payor plai take notice that ooste are now lo be added to the a be ye amount before aetttomant. Dated Pept. 1st, 1891. 11. poi r, Shvr'ff of hnn county, Or, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTlue IS HEREBY OtTEST THAT THE undortljrned has besa by Ul county court for l.hia euuiity, Uregun, duly appointed xaeutor ul the hat will and leatauient of Jonathan Card, dsoeasad, la'e of Llnn county; Oregon, All persons having anion ajpunat aaia eeuue are nereny required te priHnt the eaine propeily varifled aa by law required lo the unrierlirnet at H aterloo, Oregon: iUiln tlx hwiihii iroin (nil uaie. ' Tlila 6th day of September, 1301. t. CARD. J K WSATHNRrORD, ' 1 1 Aity tor Executor. Etacutor. () IKWRNCK-NUioels hereby Riven that Mr. "VV. B: Bu'e II is the'apaolal airentofthe Farmers' A Merchants Jn, aurance Co , of Albauy. for Albanv and vlolnlty, and he latheonlynneauthoriaed to ao business in this vicinit as uoh, . J. O. WRITSMA.rf, . , , 1 - Manager and Children Caatorla enres CoHo, Constipation, ' Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives steep, and. promotes dt. eestlon. 'Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommended your Caatorla, and shall always continue to do eo as it baa InvajiablT produced beaeflcua results. " . Eownr T. Tuawn, H. f The Wtothrop," 12Hth Street and 7th Ave., " ' "New York City. CowAar, 77 MnaaAT Stssumt, Kbw Tons. following departments, Notions Ribbons Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery l?arns Corsets Groceries Samuel E. Young. SUMMONS. ImtAtClreuU Court 0 tU Slate 0 Oron for tk County oj ' Linn. V.LIJi IIOUU, v S. R, IICUI) Defendant To 8 Klloud, the above named defendant; IS TUB NAME OF" THE 8T1TK OP .Oregon, yen are hereby required to appear aod answer th camplaiot of tbe above piainiHT, in tbe above entitled couit, now on til with theelerk of sid coun, by th flrat day of tbe next regular term of said court, which said tarrn begins on Monday, th 20(b dar of October, lS'Jl, at tbe court bouse In Albany, L400 county, Oregno . And yon are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer aaid nmplaiot, aa hereby requited, th plaintiff will take a de cree ot a id court against you dissolving the bond of matrimony now extating between yon and aaid plaintiff, and for ber cost and disbursement of this suit. Tbis summons is oubliebed by order of th lion Ii P Doiae. judge of aaid 00 nit. made at ebambvra. In tbe city of Salem, on the flih day of septarnber, 1891. W. R. eiLYF.U, (9-11 Attorney for Plaintiff. BREWERY FOR SALE. a the Circuit Court of th,f!UiU oOrgon for Ut County of Linn : R Kbret. Plaintiff, s. Geo Pfau, DafeaiLint. NOTICP H 11PPEBY riVPV TIIAT .iatrJaU. SltL. i shlied aod acting Reiver io the atwv entitled action, will on Salarday. Ike 3rJ elay af Orlaber, lt at the Court House Mcer io tbe city ol Al bany, lnn eoanty, Oregon, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a m, sell at public autinn tor cash ia hand to th highest bidder, - all the piop rty belunniDg to Geo f faa and R Kbret, partner doing kuaioas under tbe firm nstne of Ceo !'(aa k Co., deibed as follows, to. it. The Citv Bmwery. sitnste.1 on tba southwest quarter of block No 71, in the Esstern tne city of Albany, Linn eounty, Oregon, Incladintt all buitdiuy, ma ehinery, boiler axl enRiiie, cold storage, k macbioe, eak, fcatUw, tula, krgi and evtrythltig eonuected jluJinj a good title to the real property heroin da son bad . DsUd tl.1 . 2 id dy ..J 1 S9 1. GEO. HUMPHREY lloeivi r SUMMONS. In thCirt,t C'tnt fth'. SutU. of Qrtyen for Linn Cosily. A I my r a E Woi!ry, PUInUff, Jasper H Woolery, Dafendaut. T Jasper II Wo,ilry, the above neued defendant. IX THK NAMKOF TIIK STATE OF , Oregon job are h reby required to awpea" aud answer Ut oouiplaiu of the above named lalntlfT, la the above en titled Court, now on Il'i with the Cierk of aaid Court, on or before tbe flriet dty of the nest Wrm of the t'iroult Court for I.inn count v, Oregon, hglnnino; on the 28th day of Ootobr. tffll. as required lo the or er of publioailan of ibis lummoni. aod if you so ionawer, fur want iheraof. the piaimio will apply to tbe Court for ilia rnilef dotnendnd ia tbe complaint, vlj that the bonila of mav. rlinoDT exlatinu; between plaintifT and defendant bediaeolveii and that plaintiff bo awarded the car-t and custody of ttielr minor children, Mary, 'tra and Geneva Woolery, and for judgment ofeosuaud diabursetnenu. This aumtrona I published by order of the lion It P Boise. J mine of the above entitled Court, uia.lo this 2Sth day of augu'.k IOl. J. K Wk ATM i are rd, Attoruey for Plaint.ff. SHERIFFS SALE. B V VIRTUE OF AN KXEilTirfilM and order of -aie Issued out of the circuit court of the aiate of Oregon fur uina county, to me directed, uaied the 18tb day of August, 18ll, upon a judb; ment and docree of foro:osure rendered In aaid olroult court in favor i-l H T Dit Uinboefer, J L Haas and I L White, prtoeia uoiiio; ttUNlness under the firm name of Dittonboefer, Has . Co.. plain tills, aud against U VY Fugh and Klsle Pugh, nls wire, defeudenU, for (he sum of 603 m, aud the further aum of 50 attorney's fees, and (28 5, eosU and aoarulng cou, I dd on- the 18th dsy of August 181)1. duly levy upor) ail' the de fendants. O W Pugh and K sio Tugh's, his wlft, right, title and lutere-t iu and to the folio win r described real property in said execution and order of sale a fot owe, to wit: Lots one aud elitht, in block Mo three, in Gla&s' aJditiou to the town of Crawfordsville, to Linn county, Oregep, Now, therefore, in pursuance to aaid execution and order of eale.l Will, OB ' Satarday, the Seih day af Seiitember, 131)1, at tho hour of 1 o'clock p m of said, dar, at the omi t hott-e. ia the city of Albany, Lion coun'y. Oregon, sell at publlo auc tion, to tbf highest bidder, for oash la hand, aul jat to , redemptln, all the right, title and Interest of the nbnve de tendants, u W Pugh and Jtilule Pugb, or either of thoni, in and to tho above des cribed real property, to ssti fy the sum of 9503 00, an 1 tbe further savor fSO attorney's fees, and $23 OA. coats and in terest and accuina eosta. dim nn aaid judgment and decree of toteoiosare. Dated this 25ih day of August, 1891. M. SCOT r, (8 28) Sheriff of Llnn county, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. OTICK IS .HEREBY GIVEN THAT SR. J. L. Hill, aa sxeoaier el the last will and teat. srnsst of Camilla MoFariand, deseaaed, hss fl'sd bis Inal sceouut ot the administration ol the estate of aaid deceased , In the office ol the eoumy elarit ef Linn oounty, Oregeo.snd that the eoqnty court ol aud Linn ceunty, ha apiieinted Monday, th 6th day el October, 1391, at the hour of 0 e'sloelc, a n of said day, as ths time, asd the oourt room ot ' said eountr court, at Albany, 6reon, a the place, lor htarina; ebjecUons, if any. te sai4 Bqal acsoqnt, and far the settlement ol aaid es . J. L. HILL, Eieautor ol th laat ji t vd (eatsmsnt el Onnla McFsrland. dcaeanud. 9e, W, Wsioht, Attorney lor cxeeuter. ADated August SUth, l8l. - ' (S.l) EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN THAT T!IE CN derainad have thia day been aaiy apoliiiai exeoutura ol the last will and testament ol Owen Bear, deeeaaed, by the Hon. eounty oourt lur Linn sounty, Oregon. Ail penons havuur claims against, said eatate are hereby required to present them to ah undersigned or J. K, WeatheiKnl, at Albany, Or., within ai noaths irom I his date, preper(y Tetl fled aa required by Ur. Ttiia Vila day M August, ism . WALTER M(!lI.nEE, JOHN CUUMINUS. J. K, WsTHaro " Execntnra Ally lor Hxaaators (-21) ' Flannels Blankets Domestics Ginghams lltll FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. We Shine by After you have seen our fall and winter stock of clothing and furnishing goods, you will say that it shines like a star i;i the Heaven, far above any other line in the Willamette Valley. Hundreds! stylish novelties in suit and trousers that are PERFECTION IN FIT ul EXCELLENT IN QUALITY! a A wonderful line of the best, the largest, the most reliable, and the most popular-priced line of clothing ever before shown In this part of the country. A line ot Albany Woolen Mill good. A fine line of Overcoats,jeade of Chiviots, Clat Wokstkd, Kerseys, Friezes and Chinchilla Coys' School Suits ! Buys' School Sails 1 1 Oh, mothers. If you'll only call and Inspect these beautiful garment we are ure you will be Jellghted with the large assortment In such nice cuita at leasonable prt:e. ' l?PmPInllBr flrnnflomAn wa liavn t.r. 1 r. I 1 i? A i "l hv..y..,w,, uic iaisfc illlU IlIltJBl j hnc of men 8 8hoes the city. Our fine line is made by T. L. WALLACE & GO. . leadiiig Clothiers and Fnmisheri. - ALBANY, Strahan Block, OREGON 5 OlA -:- RELIABLE GROCERY STORE C. Hi. BBOWNELL. LARGEST STOCK Provisions, Hams, ' Bbcon, Pototoes, Comb Honey, Pickles, Vinegar, Apples. Cheese, Fruit Jars, . Etc BBST TKBATBXXinT, Honest Weights, : Full Measure. CAIi AKD SEE KK. Ca E. MOWNELL. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! Where to get the Best Bargains, . ; J- Where Jto get the Best Value for Your Money, . . in " ', ; Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Arjd they will Answer with One Voice, at G. W, Ti LADIES -la the illineiy and Fancy They eavry all the Latest Styles and Novelties In the Millinety line, and a complete stock ot Ladles and Children's Furnishing goods, and readv-made garments. Goods the best, and prices the lowest. Call and be convinced. FIRST STR.EJ3T, F.L.KENTON, . SEALER IN Choice Teg5, Coffees, .Spices. :.rE TRACTS,- " ' Ana a general Near the Post Cfflce, We are the People Who carry the most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market. mTTiiEUS' WAOiiBunn. . Dry Goods, seasonable viz: Woolens Cloaking Tailors' Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts Jeans and Cottonades J Comparison. Afjrs- LOWEST PRICE! SI Tea. Coffee, Soices, Extracts, Sutler, Egg. Canned Goods. T - Fruits, Queeneware, 6?ass- waie, Etc., Etc. SIMPSON'S. BAZAAR, Leading Goods Store of Albany, J assortment of , ; Albany, Oregi "1" 4 n