The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 11, 1891, Image 1

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    O r 0
i -I The New York "Worli"
j"Thc -:- Democrat," j
O" ...,.,... ................
-: An Advertisement In :
j "The -:- Democrat,";
i "American Farrfier"! " $2.80. j
o'TT.TT .T": o
Kateretl at the rest time, at Alt?. Or., SreanM las Mall Matter
STITr A XI TTISU, rabli.bers e,4 tVeprleter.i
: T Mjr.f
23xfu hubs
satis MDil Rr4r llli)
Wnni of AM4ttt, IikIiit' is
JLnrK of htiwut h Nttff 1'tiwl
r Miiui:aKMtu! iair4. lit'.
iMt. n a it ryira ikow
tlymtut'l.nn. r i"e, alt.M.. Hi .v,nlrf,n
in on ,l,l t llie llliLn,. of lb H.-lri,l.
lo not itmrlmm v-l Ih. I'MIKIMI. ,r H - f .
3i ur I H;ntUitim. IUr 'iuti.ttt.t Mfl i a
" HmiU ha i il lco ! I'iv.i li t 2
Or. HAftTCR MCOICINC Ci., tblji
IWihieh i tb ouly aliolutvly pur, auj
thoroughly rliVctWq I'mtt B!rr vp-n
th, biarktt, and ii mauufastarnl toMyly
the Buhoh Producing an l Mioufnclr. rirg
Company, of Stockton, C!ifnrnu,
.Th, v.d "Ilahacli,1 in maJ a rt t(
the trai'd mar cf a.iiJ 0.1 ninny, aid AI L
IVnuu", aha ciier Rul aoh from thoir
ta'aia and recaif imtot powder t'jt ia not
an elTcii inaeoticide, WILL CON r KB A
If joar deaUra don't kaep Rahach, dou't
let them eheat you by aeliing you an inferior
aod aroithloa loMct (warder, but CO) -ilTNIATE
Wa wiah to bt la tba yablio Ibat w,
baeejnat addaxl lar.ra lar to our rrtM
and or, prarvtre-J to furnivti all kind, cf
lambar, tlreaaad or rviuRh, a, iba par
ahasar irayabiaaa, aa fcxl aa I ho boot,
Md aa cheap a. It eavn bw aoid.
In paymant we wil! lake all kiuJa or
pmduco. auah m bay. flour, (fain, kaonn ,
iiuttar, ban, bao by lha quartar. at.
In fact anyUilrf vhavt ai uaa. PlaeaM
u, tierore) yon pialii your Mil mt
Innubf. aa wa fool confidant that aan
uitytu. You will alway, Iln1 on rd
ua ml our mill. 14 utlrfia twin Iln-n-jn,
8 in I 'a, feout V.'analfit. on I fa nrittam
creek. W lt A. KVAKlOkU.
Letason, nfoo.
M gCT' Store.
kwt to:k oflli.d pV ;oorti lu the Va
any, ,ixl tun ru.'wt roaw .a. a price, hoth
q t 'MflllnR. i bare 00 band
JwrwaatofH E YouiiR'a oil atnr,
r ; ( '1 rkt'ie1e(ca
h-i I.-i.-'r r?tTtf(T lo.
j-,ll.- ri.ror A iii.
"ifcoonV. .m leoiyf.
'Le'WforeXi . ,r V.'h it'
! tirrr:f It arit ImI
FSo?1 rtr Trrn-ntiaUU
fiUnard & Cu'ick. AkO';ti.
Manufacturer, '"
aoiat attution ,14
da o' machiner
o t peering
Palwni Made on Short NoiW
""J ir sT
A V ita.tM4 at y
aTK r.i:,,uri'i
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White L -
l a
and get
Write for ear
" ;. "J2 "J3 T3
I f f r
a. in a a u lJ
. J '
J .ejBa-l
k : 1
. - Q. La
nnnnn. rif-nifiH3F.S
Afflicted 3 Yon in by lrcAtlfitl Skin and
Hloott Disease, with Intetito
Pain nnl Los, of Hair.
All Other lirnirrilra Full. Kclleved In
stnutly wnl Cured In Four Weeks
by the Cutlount U'ci.iIIph.
T hav a fiT wortl" t) iny rtwi!li u thn Oti.
rv IJkxruiks. 'I'h.y li ;. iinol me lu (uur
wk,' thni (rttm n Sk'.i hii 1 IUimmI iimnv whlvb
1 have Had fur nwr tlvi t 5'o:tt. Ai r.rtnlti ttuuit,
my akin woul.l h vc;y ,01', nn.l nlway del,
eiuckinir anil peeling tut In i'.iK. in rolU
arelhrr my fin a iw iti;94 of tiiU'n, M'lirii
III Um rM air In w:m WU'hm; II wuulil
alnxwt brlu bvira l me evt b, ki:iI my Mood nlt
belnirln a xir eoi'iliiU n, u i;h a lia of liulr. I
have trlnl rvwv kn:' ni;i. .I 1;mI rvum-,.
mimtsl In mo.Vullt M tf tia hm ntU nv inn
vrry little Initi'ilt. hiNtrliiit vi tu:r rrTtrtaa
Ki:iik, I nwclu.MI I u-'.r.' Ihn.i a Irlnl. 'I'be
flml pill,'.itlim iv nliiuwl l n U f. In
low ivk Ume I fmiml my. lt I'lirnl, mul I am
Ihnnkfiil for wh'.l llii-y ilji.o fvir me. Your
O-rirra lKtiiiitc ar it li!--li"t In Uidhi wha
may hav tlui i.p;Hiriuuliy In uu llk-in. 1 a
rocoiuruauU iImmu 10 aJiv "".
klMt n KKRA8,
ST.HJ I iiioii Ave,, riitaigu, 111.
Cutlcura Rcmedico
Kffret dull more ewit ennr of humora and dla.
oai' of Ui akin, Mlit an. I.IikvI than all other
rerantloa om.Imii.-.I. 1'iiK UM. I lie area! fdln
I'ura, and I'l'nit ka r?op, au ti'inUltv 8kin Ihirt llMiiliiU'r.rrU'iiiiilty, and t'l TU i a lti.
aoi.NT. Ibe nw Ulon.1 rmlrlrr and arralrat of
Humor UiinrdU. Iniprnnlly. ruro vwry apwlee of
lti hlii, liurnlnu, araly, plmhly, ami hlol. hy 41a.
eii- of the akin, acaln, nnd MihkI, front Infaney 10
a' from p!nik-e to at rofula, lua lue brat hjl.
v'.a aud all otbrr rriurdlt-a f-il.
fluid awry where. Prloe, ClTttfa, Me.; ",
I'.; IUsoi.aT, 1. rrrpanvl by lha lVrTaa
1)UI'U M HtMK II. rtlHI-oaiTIIIM, HoaloB.
-h-nd for" How 10 t'ur? Hkln iHaoaaoa, at
ri(va, to llluatrailt'ua, lu tealiuioulala.
nifari.KS, bUck-hratU, ml, roniih.rhappad and
II III oily akin cured by Cirru vn duar.
Full of eotnfort for all Patna, Intaaa.
matloo, and WrnklHa of lb A(d la
tha '..llenr Anil-fnln I'lavatvr,
IIM f!r and only ihIii kllllna alronftb-
aaui fmmrt. w, liwiauuuaoua, aod lufaJUkat.
Both tho method nitdrcsulu when
Byrupof Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, end acta
ccnUyyct promptly on the Kidneya,
Liver and HowcIm. cleanses tho sys
tem eflbctuaJJy, dispels eclda, head
aches and fevers eadctirrs lf.hitnrj
constipation ptrra
ia 50c ac-i ?1
by aU
ui V Vm
Elder Flower
la not a enamotie la the eznuo In which that teraa
ia popuiwly awl, bat tmiai.miilr beautiflaa. It
cruu, , ltd, anvwth, alaar, r.iy .kin, and by
dailr uaa araJually nukre tba onujilanioo aaireral
hlaa wtiiw. It u a eonMant prutoe'ion ffjia tba
rffarta ef aun and wind and hrainu ann burn and
frackloa, and black baade will never cva. while yoq
ive ib it uwaaaaa ue laea tar bailor man oop ana
aur, nuurUhea and bull ia u, the akin tuwie. and
nravanu tba fornottlon of arinklre It a-i.aa lha
feehneae, eleameea and auwwihniM of tkin that yoq
had whan a Utile girl, t.ary uwly, yunn, or old.
oufht to on It, aa it eirre a mora foutiif 'il appear.
nee to any lady.and that permanently. It contain
avaxid. powder or a.kali, and ia harnileaa a dew
and aa ,wriabliur to the ktn a, dew b) to the flower.
Ielre ! M. at all druyirieiaand bairdreaaera, or at
Mra Uerraiaa urahaut'a aatahliahnient. Vf3 Puat etnwt
Maa Fraiu-laco, where aba troauladioa for all bknniah
a. of tba fare or flitura. Ladie at a dmau a IraaUd
by leuer, Hetid atainn for her liitie book "How to
Im Beautiful.
yamTilfl Pnftla mmi!M ,rT any lady on
to pay prjaiena and a.kiu(. Lady tgmU wao'.ad.
Eace Bleacli
Care. t1!. wondeaaea of Freckle. Bnnhnrn. Bal-
lownaaa. Mnth-pe'ahre, fimpleeand all .kin
Trie ejl.M. Ilaroileaa and tSectie; M auupie
ean be aeot ( Lady eiranU wanted.
hare hi name added to thia adrertiaanMiit.
My preuaralione are for nle by wbo.eaale drug
gist, in Cblcaroand erery city wait of it,
Neat aaMloa bajrint on Uonday, the Slat day a
September, 1801.
Fear Course: ClsaoU.' fWentiflo, Literary, aod
a abort Kaelisb Course, lawnlrk there I no La lib,
Greek, Prenea or OorBiu. The Knllah I p re-em-kaentiy
a Buiiaeea Course.
Fer aatalnjane or furtber infomatlori,
Addree J. W. JOimOfr,
'Ma Yea Wait"
bor Employed,
Hew Illnstratod Calalen for 1SS1.
acireaeriT it
c. a. a-
A Mink at Ouhvaluh. llreat excite-
uient prcvnlld at Corvftllla over tlio dla
covery of a iroUl and silver mine in the
very autiurlw of the eity. In fart that ia
all the talk there. Recently Mr Lead
better, an old miner who urchaaed a
mall farm near the Catholic cemetery
In the foothills in the suhurhs of that
city, was dlxiting a well, and when down
twenty two feet he struck some ore
a hluli his experienced eye told htm was
very rich, lie sent it to the Plate A,-
sayer of Nevada at Virginia City, and
Wednesday received his returns. The
astonishment was general whin the
aumay. a reliable one, read $211.40 gold
and IS8I.03 silver. $11.40 to tho ton.
(Maims are bcitm taken 110 onicood farm
lug hind, owned for years, and there ia
no doubt Iruni the report, w tilt reason,
for the indirnthns are it haa been struck
rich. F M Johnson, the lawyer, who
w as in Albany, aaid he had four and a
halt acres adjoining Mr taadbctter's,
w h iflt he was aettiiiK out to fruit, and he
must hasten home and file a claim on it
iH'fore some one else trot ahead of him.
The matter will be nuehed. other asanys
made, and if there is auy gold there t'or-
vaius people propose to get bold 01 it.
A CoNrsaKMca. The following account
of the recent conference of the M. K.
church, south, at Koseburg, has been
handed kia for publication : Hishop Wm
M Iuncan,of hpa-tenburg. 8 C, presided
over the dcliU'rations of the conference.
Kvery preacher in the conference an
nwert'd to roll call and nearly all the lay
Ldrlvxatea responded to roll call. Th,
rrpuriB 01 tun preacners anowni im
provement ami advancement on all lines
of the work. The iucreaae in church
meruherahip and Kuuday schools was
especially noticeable. The Sunday
school enrollment shows over IlXi per
cent gain over laet year. The seasion
was pleasant thronthout and great in
terest manifested in the proceedings
from beginning to end. Itishop Iuncan
rtaclieil with great power on bunday at
I a in, in Slocum's hall, to a large con-1
gregation. The Riahop's preeidenry
gave satiafaction to an unusual decree.
The new conference year opens up hope
fully. Eugene was unanimously selected
as the place for holding the nesteeion.
A OaavB Woman. The San Fianclsco
Ca t, of Aug 1 j, a two column ac
count of a brave woman', fight wi lt In
dian In iSOj, which on account of the
heroine of the occasion having re
aided In the Willamette yallry, I of spec
ial Interest. Mr E!U I Unwman. si.'rr
In law of P II Rowman, of Spilii Itlll,
came to Oregon In 1S44. hi 1850 a he
moved to California. In imJ her husband
died leaving hrr with ait children. In
1869 the waa Improving her 160 acre near
Humboil, when one day In March, die
a attacked by a band of Indian, one of
hoin shot her, but not fatally. Though
wounded ahe made her escape with her
children to a neighbor, gun in hand,
keeping the red rascal off, hitting one of
them, and getting to t-e netxhbor'a after
being shot at twenty time at pretty close
range, llrlp was secured before the lost
of a life. The account ahowa Mrs How
man to have been a woman of rtn nikalc
bravery, She ta now alive and deserve
tiic tioiwr that I being paid her In hrr
declining ycn;.
Wk.nt i k in Smokk. A short lime ago
Mr Winter, who live with her husband a
few mile north of CorvallU In the Soap
Creek dietrlc', left her home to viait some
friends. It aa understood that during
her ahsrnse Mr Winter, her husband,
would look after the household duties.
She a1o ertrua'cd to hi care a valuable
bracelet with thirteen bangle, which waa
highly prized by her, nine doitaia In
silver. Not wanting to CJirr the val jab'.c
around In hi pockc' Mr W. wrapf edtlicm
In paper and hid them in the slove. Of
course this wa a sale place to put them a
tar at burglars wa concerned, but the val
uable were not fire-proof, aa wa demon
strated when Mr Winter returned from
ht day labor and thoughtlessly built a fire
In th stove to prepare hi meal, he after
ard hi disappointment, that hi
wife' treasure wa only a mat of molten
metal worth aout Z 7S.-Corva!H Uaxeite.
Bet out a Railroad. Say the Aa-
totlan of Thursday: "Another chaple
In the history of the Aslotla Si South
Coast railroad on and closes today. C
P lliintlngton.lhe pcealdent of the South
ern Pacific Railroad comnanv. buva the
road. R Koehlcr and I C Stubb were
expected ycsterday.but ere delayed. The
transier is 10 be matle anu the deeda
signed todjy. The conslderailon I $54.
000; $50,000 cash and the assumption of
$4000 indebtedness. The road ia a valu
able piece of property. The Iron In It I
worth the amount paid. It pay a divi
dend. Just tshat the Southern Pacific pro
pose to do ha not been divulged.
Tub Stat Fair is close at hand.
There will be a big attendance from this
part of Oregon. Nothing else takes the
place of such a fair. It combines every -
tinny;, me prouuetaot the land and hand
and factory, the stock of the country, the
goods of the merchant and the speed of
our horse. Yon fret several shows In
one, so to seak-. Thin is Oregon's only
autie inir, anu suouiu oe inaae a big suc
cess. Jt deserves to be aeucces. No
where are bivzer vegetables and finer
fruits seen, the stock exhibit ia always
an immense one. and the racins is cood.
Tiiere will no doubt be the biggest atten
dence in the history of the association.
Wbkk Thby Partners, Mr Ham
mond, of Portland, hat filed papers in a
suit to compel J F Kelley to recognize a
partnership he claims exlsta between hlm-
t?lf and Mr Kebey, and to enjoin the city
ui cugene irom paying mr jieuey any
... T . " I , . ,. -
money aue on ine sewer contract. Mr
Hammond's statement la the he and Mr
ficUey are partners. That as such they
niaae partial arrangements wun the city
of Eugene to superintend the construction
of the sewers in this city. That later Mr
Kelley represented that the partnership
bad been dissolved and obtained the con
tract for the work In his own name. Now,
Me Hammond come In and demands a
portion of the spoils, Eugene Register,
. Broken Leo. On Friday John Parker,
formerly of thia city, but now a member
of the city council of Portland, met by
previous afrangement, Judge W F Callo
way of Yamhll, (County Judge.) at the
west bide depot at Portland, whence they
were to drive out to City Vldw Park. Go
ing down a hill some of the harness broke,
the horse ran away throwing both gentle
men, considerably bruising Mr Parker and
breaking a leg for Judge Galloway. He
was picked up and carried ta St. Vincent's
hospital for treatment.
A House Relic. Geo. Melson, of Port
land, formerly of this c(ly, ha. made a
miniature horseshoe from a nail taken
from the foot 01 the celebrated trotter
Stambotil, The shoe was a perfect one,
having the crease and holes.and it welched
but eleven grain. 1 he gentleman w ho had
htm make It will have it gold plated and a
diamond ft in It. Oeorgc has two more
nails and will make a couple of shoes for
himself and Uuncan.Scott. Eugene Reg-
Crooks Hkavv Tax FAYERS.-In Crcok
county ti r Al en is assessed sjj.COo tot
1891, II Cleek, $11,675; A Uackleman,
$19,19,400; S J Newsom,$5,43o; M Sichel
& Co., $11,260; Hahn & Fried, $8,07; J
P Combs, $9,210; HetBler liros., $7,560.
Countt Council. The next regular
meeting of Linn county council, P of JI,
will be held with Corvallij grange, at
Corvallis, on the first Saturday in Oct.
John Dkyant, Pres.
TV M Powklt, Sec.
Card of Thanks, The undersigned
.1 ! in .lit.n lhania In M f ..t.. .1 . .1
i uk. i.e s .,,Mjns .v. in. iiunu, nnu
I neighbors in Scio and- Albany for their
I many kindnesses during the sickness and
my dearly beloved wife.
J. W. GamburT
That Spskoh. So many of our read
era have requested the publication of Mr
Win M Hosg's apeech be fine Judge Pipes
at CorvallU. on Aug. 31st, that wo give
the extract as published by the Times,
limply as a mattor of new, and wo are
assured by a man who heard It that it was
substantially as given 5 Our reporter
furnishes but a single cxtiact for this
week's Utne irom this oration. 'I do not
own one dollar's worth of Intereat In this
road further than to are that these nvr
fellows who have tolled In rsln and sun
for our company shall be paid evety cent
we owe them; but your Honor we nerd
time to neirotlate our bond and raise I hi
money, No man can feel more deeply
and keenly than I do the urgent necessity
of paying up; but your lienor, when you
naven t got any tiling to pay with, how In
the name of reason are you going to pay f
What we need U an extension of time to
raise money this we must have, eh. Uur
enemies are placing obstacle In our way
and Interf.-re with theralslig of money
by which we would otherwise be able to
pay these poor frl'owa, eh. I know these
poor fellow. Fo, your honor, If
these poor fellows &c , . T he
money due theae poor fellows See.
The wive and children of these paor fel
lows Ac. Rut, your hor.or, what we,
as a company, need I time, thit these
poor fellows may be paid for their labor
in sunshine and ruin. 1 or, your honor, 1
reall.e that thcc poor fellows, Ac. ad
IlAHttiHiu'Ru. Mist Hrenner.of Albany,
Is visiting in this city, tho gueat of Miss
iola renders and the Miaavs May.
MSms Farih Ash by, after a viait of v
eral days with relatives and friends In
this rity.rcturncd to her home In Allwny
Saturday, much to the chagrin . of our
young gentlemen.
John Cartwiight, J I. Rartholomcw,
John Mills and lleury Lee.alt hop grow
ers of thia vicinity, have concluded not
to t'ick their hops.
Pr Pavts has more than 200 hop pick
ers this week, and we are Informed that
he would give employment to aa many
more. The hop lie has picked so far are
turning out very well and are of a good
Harrislmrg Is again thrown Into ex
citement by a, couple of burglaries com
mitted here this week. The first was
the taking of 30 from Mrs Wlgte, the
proprietress of tho Lyndel House. Kd
Kimball is the second victim. Tuesday
evening he missed his cornet and a music
stand. Wednesday morning three tramps
were arrested and in their possession
waa found a niece of the stand, but they
claimed they bad found It, and as nothing
could le proven to the contrary, they
were released. Courier.
Lkbaxox. I Hart was so sure thai the
lice would spoil hie hop that he sold Ids
entire crop al a venture for $ 75.
John Orchard, of Marks Kldice. between
Lebanon and Sweet Home, say hi en
tire wheat crop yielded over 40 bushel
to the acre. Fiank Burne't.of the same
nelghlxwhood, threshed 4S bushels, the
arte. Thl latter vlcld, 4S bushels, al Kc
cent per acre. ry profitable f.irmlng.
A footman, carrying two bundle. In ad
dition o about two hundred iouiid. of hu
man nrsn, arrives lit l-iianon Monday
ni.nn. This new-comer I a jovial, eood-
naturcd man of Teutonic blood, and ha
walked from Montana, a distance of over
Is hundred miice within the space of a
few week t. We were told by a person
Mho had conversed lth him, that he la
going to circle the globe. Advance.
Will Pay on Tiik I4ni Notices posted
at the O. V depot and other places are
to the euct that the company w ill nay
one month on the 14th of Sept. A small
sum, and not enough, nut better than
none. Undoubtedly the proper thins; to
do would 1. to remove the present re
ceiver and appoint an Oregon roan of
L I . f.
mow u integrity, o which mere are
plenty, thoroughly identified with the
state. That Col Hogg and some of hi
associates have lost the confidence of
most of the people along the line of the
road does not need to bo remarked.
A pleasant farewell party was tendered
Miss Lilly I'urdom, at the residence of
her parents, on Thursday evening, on
her departure for Oregon City, where
she will stxitul the fall and wiutcr with
her undo, J 8 I'urdom. The ae present
were Ihtisy Wetterer, !.ot Miller, Lena
Keitier, iiida ikirrn, iwt Keiiiwr, Lessie
Uirris, Lilliu Wyman. LouCunnink-hau.
Km ma Jones, Ilattie Rosa, Ola Miller,
Mamie riyue. r.-ina aimer, J.inma
Hmead, Myrtle Miller. Klht Kisley, Kdith
Chiswell, Martha Risley, Lilly I'urdom,
r-aui liurknart, ijnarlle Miller, Jasper
Wyman. Leo tiro,, Tom Sehell, ("laude
Manfleld, Albert Humphrey, Frank
Hlodgctt, Dexter Hyde, Carl Rtielow.
Arthur Pnrdoiu.
Geo Nolaml.a former Idtne county bov.
is one of the live, progressive business
men of Astoria. One day last weak he
gave 13000 worth of city property to a
proponed .railway. Guard. Poland is
the Astoria fireman who won the 300
yard foot race in this city in the tourna-
lent ot seven or eight years sgo.
Miss Lora Campbell, of this city, will
teach the primary department of the
Brownsville school, the coming fall and
vrasTfi coaiDRaiti.
F. M. French keeps railroad time.
Kr oream nhoeae iuat reoeived at Courad
Stnoka the. celebrated Havanalulled B oent
etgarai daiiasdoaepn s.
..... . . .
Alsrzestoek of wall paper, with lata de
signs, at Fort mi Her i Irviog'e.jnst reoeived.
Ifava yoa seen those parlor suits that T
Brian naa ut received I They are nice.
J W Bentloy. best boot and shoe makeriin
city, inroe aoors nortn 01 jjEktocnAT otnoe.
K W Aohhon & Co handle the eelebrated
Portland cement wa la for semeterv lota
Theso walls ean be fornithod at balf the eost
of any other and ar, far superior.
Ilrift-hten sp ynnr old robbers and old
sboes and make tberu look as (rood as now
with Wolffs Aome Waterproof Polish. For
saleatStmael E Young's.
Dr M II Ellis, uhysioisn andtnrgcoo
Aioaay, urson , usiis male i t sitv or
Ladies aan do theirjshoppina in San Fran
siaoo without visitiotf tho eity, and without
oxwa oo-mmnsio 1. miss IS J Harrow 1" r
ehstitiiaaut, 1813 Oroya St.OAklaaJ,
n w -
Tb Best External Besnedy,
S J Tidwell, Haley', Mai ion oounty.Ala
bsma, writes,
"Alloock's Porons PUstors are a most in
valuable household remedy, They do all
tntt u claimed lor them 1 sell many hno
dreds every year, aod every day I bear of
tneir coring coauas aod oolda, diseases of
the spine, liver, aod sgae cake; in fact, there
is no tiiscaio tnt can be reaohed by an ex.
ternai applloatina that they dn not care."
' Beware of imitations, aod do uot be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for All
oook's, aud leteo solicitation or explanation
luciuoe yon to accept a atibHtitote.
.Mluovk's ciro and bunion bkields efleot
qniek snd certain relief.
A new line, of window sliado from 60
or-iits 'n $1 P0j eauh oympiote, at 8uiuel fi
Rart'sin in elioiee grovriv e to a way
,i sten'. d of A'len Uroe., Flita b.rtk, .r
Wbaa Baby was sick, w care her Castor!.
Whan she was a Child, she cried for Oastoria. '
When she became Kiss, she elung to Oaatorks.
Whan ske cad Children, she gar, Uiem Caatorav
For barcaius in monuments, headstones
eto.,go to E W Achiaon& Co, Albany, Oregon
s V
Bay yoar pToetmas ,f Parker Bros
social aso rrjttoitui.
Prof Adams, of Stayton , la In the city
U C Slanard went to Yiqulna bay to
Si Waguon, an old resident of Albany,
I In the city.
Mr Watt Montelth, t Portland, Is In
the city.
l)r Maston went lo Vsiiuliu Day, today
to attend to an O. V. pa. lent there. He
will tctiirn tomorro ,
Hon J K Weaiherfonl and two sons
went lo Oregon City this morning on
Hon R P Eat hart, of Portland, who was
at d'lasons, Cat , for his health. Is In Port
land, and advices today are that he ma
not recover, Journal.
Mr and Mrs Hardin, of, Michigan, have
been In the city several days, th, guests of
Rev snd Mrs Wilson. Mrs Hardin and
Mis Wilton wsre once icholinsles,
Hon lilnger Hermirn, the man who
will nat accept another nomination for
Congress, passed through Albany this
noon for Portland. Mr Hermann hat
been invited to speak hi Ohio, but hasn't
A party was tendered Miss Kmina Cou
?;lil lust evening, at the residence of her
sitter, J. U. Cougill. Quite a crowd of
young people were present, and a pleasant
evening wits spent In gsmes, music, so
clablll y, etc. Mis Emm leaves Monday
for Salem, where the will attend the Wil
lamette University this winter.
W J Rllietan, of lla'sey. wa In the city
today. Mr Rlbelan I one of the biggest
butter maker In the county, and has a
model ds'ry. He makes fio.n 110 to 175
pounds of butter a week, about 7 too
pounds a year, from about sixteen cows.
This be sells on a yearly contracted Port
0 A McDonald, of P.rownsville. was in
the city today.
Ranker Woodcock, of Corvallis. waa in
the city today.
Hon Wm Paul, of "the Forks " was in
Albany yesterday.
R P Kaihart I now at Seal Rock, and
I Improving. He Is not dat eerously III as
C M F.Ikins will return to Prineville
tomorrow, accompanied by Ihj J A Ueis
endorfer. Kd R Huston and Tho, Waller left to
day for their summer outing, going to
upper roua.
las K Powell returned thia mornlnir
from the North Aantlarc. where he has
been several weeks
Mr Frank Amercer and family left
today for Fresno, Calif, their near home,
oing by way of Yaquina ty.
Mrs C W Wilkinson, of Oreuon City.
who has been visiting with her parent.
Mr and Mra John Itrush, returned home
this noon.
LF Murphy yesterday at Hampdia
Park. New York eity. rode a aafetv bi
cycle one mile in 2:31 1-9, the fastest cn
Chae M R-dflcld. who has U-en In
Palem several weeks assisting City En
gineer McCaostlnnd, of that city, has re-
turned nome.
A Hacklrman, Frank HacLletnan and
wife, and A U Culver, arrived In Albany
this noon, from Crook count-, with forty
wo none tor tnc vaney maiktu
RetT UPmall.of the umlwrland
Preahyterian persuasion, will preach al
Hit M K church, south, in this city on
Sunday, morning and evening.
Married HeptS, 1M1, at the realdence
the bride's parents. Mr and Mra Al
lied Hrattain. on the McKenzio river.
Chaa L f-colf , of Cresawell. to Mollis K
I'.rattain. The couple will spend their
honeymoon at Albany, aa the tcuests of
Mr and Mrs J L Scott. Ensene Uuard.
J II Stickler, annerintendent of the
Corvallis carriage works, was in the city
today. He recently returned from
Cortland, N Y, tho head office of the
Cortland wagon Co., who are backing
the factory. This factory is going to be
big thing for Corvallis.
Prof. O A Walker, principal of the
Albany schools for two vears. has been
engaged to teach the I4.kev.ew M-hoola,
at a salary of $1X0 a year. Prot Walker
is an educator 01 marked ability and a
first-class citizen. Lakeview is fortunate
in securing his services. He left for
that city several days ago.
Prof. R N Wricht. the successful and
popular principal !of the Lebanon
schools for several years, has been en
gaged as principal of the Astoria City
llltfh school, for the comintr vear. and
left fof that city this noon. Prof. Jew
Itt, recently of Harrisbunr, will also
teach in one of tho Astoria schools.
Ir Ellis, travelina lecturer for J C
Ayer & Co., the famous medicine firm, is
in me city.
Pete Abbey, the popular proprietor of
the Hay View House, at Newport, was
iu wie city touay.
Mr Jack Ralston will start to school In
the Albany collcite which opens next
Wednesday. KyX press.
Mrs KM Gross, mother of Dr II A
Lienenger, arrived in Albany a dav or
two ago on a visit with her son.
E C Phelps, of IUUsboro. ha, been in
the city today, moving his job outfit,
family, etc., to that city, now his home.
Lawyer Wrleht returned from Marlon
this noon, where he has been adjusting
legal differences between parties there.
MissMattie Parton.of Waitshurir. re
turned homo today, after a visit of a
month or two at Albany and Yaquina
Mr Walter Parker returned last even
ing from a trip to npper Soda. Every
body going there reports fine accomoda
tions at the hotel run by Mr Foster.
Night watchman Lee returned Inst eve
ning from Independence, where he had
been to attend the funeral of his noice.
drowned there a lew days ago.
Dr J NatRcdpath. assistant nhvaiclan
at the Insane Asylum at Stellncoom. is
in the city, accompanied by bis wife, and
are me guests 01 u r mason.
Mr King and wife arrived vesterdav
iroin rennsyivania, ana will mane Al
bany their home. Mr King will be em
ployed in Blain's tailoring department,
Sheriff Scott went to Independence to
day after Sam Sing, the Chinaman who
escaped from the county jail a few weeks
ago. lie was said to be working in a
nop neid, a mue irom mere.
Prof Michner has been engaged to
teach the Lebanon school the coming
year, lie had already been engaged for
the North Yamhill school, and left for
that citv today to cancel tne engagement,
Isaac Banta, who has been at Fresno.
Calif., for several months, returned to
Albany this morning, and has accepted
a position in the gun store of Deyoe ft
Froman Bros. Mr Banta is an expert at
tne DusioeBS.-
W II Kimsey and Ira Turner went to
Yaqnlna bay today lor a rustiflcation,
and we are also informed that Ira will be
stationed on the bar at low tide to raise
the water to high tide mark, making it
nnnecesEaty lor steamers 10 wan.
Henry Conner.son of Albany's pioneer
citisen, Mr lobn Conner, of Portland,
was in the city yesterday and this fore
noon on a short visit.previoua to leaving
for Yale Colleee.where he will now enter
his junior year, having been there two
years.' . '
The entertainment given at the W C
T U Hall last evening by that association
was well attended and was a pleasant
affair. The program was carried out as
published, with the addition of the read
ingof a poem written by a member of
the Union. It was on the new town
numDB. and was a meritorious produc
tion. Besides a fine lunch of ice cream
and cake a season of sociability, games
I etc., was indulged m.
The distribution of patronspe for the
purpose of f inhering political ends was the
prime cause of the revolution In the re
public of Chill.
under the constitution, which was
adopted In 1833, the Hesldect was em
powered to make a large number of up.
polntmrnts to important and lucrative
posts, such as the Mayoislilcs of chics and
the governorships of provinces. A clause
had also been inserted in the constitution
Intruded to check any abuse of 1I1U pjwer
making It unlawful for the president to ac
cept a second term.
Shortly after the election of preslJunt
Ralmaceda, In i8S6, the dangers of this
tyttem or centralisation became felt, and
an attempt was made to enact reformatory
election taws. Thia step wa opposed Ly
lialmacedat and the accusation was there
upon made that the president wa using
the power of hi patronage to elect a bl
successor Bcnor Enrique Ssnfuentes,a man
wl.o wat completely under his control.
Out of this grew the various complica
tions that culminated on Jan, 7,1891, In the
proclamation In which Ilalmaccda declared
himself dictate r of the people of Chili.
The system of government adopted In the
constitution of Chill divides the power be
tween the executive vested In the presl
stent, whose term of office Is fiveyesrs.aud
the legislative, which Is controlled be the
senate and a house of deputies. The term
f a senator Is six years, that of a deputy
three years.
The bodies together form t'te Corir,and
the members are elected by the people.
At the outbreak of the recent rebellion
th, senate was composed of forty-sis
members, two from esch of the provinces,
and th, house numbered laodcputlcs.cach
deputy representing a constlnuency of lo.
00. No member of the Cortes received
any renumeratlon for his services.
The cabinet Is composed of Ministers
of State, tnterlor, War, Finance, Justice
and Industry, snd they sre appointed by
the president without the concurrence of
the Cortes.
The Cortrs Is empowered to vote snnu-
ally the appropriations, to fix the tsxetand
to regulate u.e members of the army and
ravy. Ti- j-sesldcnt canned be Impeached
but, on the other hand, no order of the ex
ccutlve Is valid without the signature of a
cabinet minister, ho becomes responsible
for such older and I Impeachable.
Ualtaiceda wa inaugurated president on
Sept. 18, li&6. He wat at that time tilty-
v ie years 4 age snd ha J served as deputy
in five leglaiatuie and had occupied since
I3j the post of minister of the lii'crlur.
He waa a member of the Liberal party.
For the first to year his sdmln'stratfon
wss satisfactory, but l this time be began
to make wholesale removal from such of.
fleet as he controlled and lo appoint ptrty
workers pledged to hi pcnonal friend,
Ssnfucnlcs, who belonged to the Clerical
party, to which Balmsccda had aiwajs
been opposed
The cabinet, being at variance with the
executive for his action In this matter, re
signed In the early part of October.and Dal-
snaceda appealed to congress to support
hlsjeourse. Out Balmsccda' course In
this affair, couf led with his failure to In
troduce an elci.loral.reform bill and bis op
position to a free ballot, brought about a
coallstlon between the Liberals, Conserva
tives, Radicals and th, Montt Varlstas, by
which he was defeated In the house by a
vote of 75 to 29 and In the senate by a vote
of 34 to 4.
On the 13d of of October accordingly
Balmaceda appclnted a new ministry
pledged lo oppose any attempt to Interven
tion on the part of Ualmaceda In the choice
of a candidate for the presidency.
Immediately upon the naming of thl
cabinet the Cortes upheld the executive
and passed the appropriation and army
bills for 1S90. NotwIU. standing this, how
ever, the people distrusted the president,
and the cabinet urged upon hliu the neces
sity of quieting the popular apprehensions
by promising to call ansextraordlnary ses
sion of congress In April, 1890, when th.
ecctoilal reform questions should be In
This promise Balmaceda willingly gave
and the announcement was made lo both
the aenate and the house.
. On Jan. 19, 1891, congress having ad
journed to December, the resignations of
these ministers were unexpectedly demand
ed by the president, with no excuse offered
for such action, and he thereupon appoint
ed a new cabinet composed of,his personal
This act was, of Itrelf, an attack upon a
national institution, for the cabinet depends
upon a parliament tor Its existence, just
as the ndnlstry does In England.
From thlc time until April efforts were
made to win overs congressional majority
and, failing In that, no extraordinary ses
sion of congress waa summoned, notwith
standing Balmaceda's expressed promise,
And to further Irritate the opposition, on
the 3oth of May Sanfuentes was made
chief of the cabinet.
The regular session of congress is held
on June 1, and Immediately upon the as
sembling a vote of censure was passed up
on the cabinet. This should have had the
effect ot causing a resignation ot the mem
bert composing It, but Balmaceda refused
to accept any resignations, and Sanfuentes
declared that in future the ministry would
be presidential and not parliamentary ,ar.d
that a vote of censure wolud be regarded
as a vote of honor. The Indignation caused
by this Insolence was so great that the
cabinet fled without a word of explanation,
At the ct iset the Cortes exercised the strong
est privilege la its power and refused to dls
cuts tbs appropriation bill and the tax as
sessment, ;
During the month of July no taxes were col
lected, and strikes and riots at Valparaiso
sndlnuique were Instigated by Balmaceda
with the hop, of intimidating the congression
alists. This state of affairs continued until
the newt of the republican victory in Argea
tine reached Chili, and then on the 7th of
August a aew ministry was appointed com
posed of men of the highest character, at whose
bead was Chief Justice Frats,
The programs laid down by this cabins
was en.ircly satisfactory to the people and the
bill authorising the collection of tsxes was
accordingly paused. By this time the sesi:on
was almost over and the electoral bills snd th.
srmy and navy bill bad not been iliscusssd
Balmaceda flurefore, through his ministry,
promised on extraordinary session of congress
In October. ' In the course of a few dayrj
however, Judge Prats attempted to remove
dishonest officeholder, but Balmsccda inter
posed and stated tnat the nun was a persons'
friend of his and should not be deprived of his
office. Judge Frats thereupon resigned and
his example was followed by bit sssociates,
A new ministry was formed on October 13
with Claudia Vicuna at its head, Vicuna be
ing cow Balmaceda's candidate for the prtsi-
S . . Me a a
friends of JJiilinftccila.
I ht lirtt act Of till cabinet was to close
congress, Ihilintceda further refused lo coo
aider any petition looking to a rearsembling
or that Itody, When Jan. I cime nr. appro
priations 'or public expenses or for H. srmy
SU'l nivy hal beeu nude sod BalniM-eda then
declared that be coj1J not carry on the gov
srnmcnt in sccor..m:e with the constitution
- a i . .. . - , . t i . ... .
m i inrrcinie vuiur 01 ins iwn will lis
would thereafter dispose of the public funds
and support the army aid navy without refer
ence to the'tttion or laws
Alter this announopient of dictatotthip,
congress exerrisd the power given to it "by a
clau of the constitution which saysi
"Whenever tin presi'Unt Is found unfit to
discharge the dull., of his office by reason of
infirmity, sbscenee or other grave csa-e. lbs
presidential oflkernusl be de:lared vscant,
The pretidfnt was fswuingly solemnly dt-
p.elon J,m 7, 1891. Kew York Vfo'U.
Whcrc I P. En, envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary from the
United Suits to Chill, at a salary of $10,-
000 a year t
The United States learns officially of
uaimaceda's downfall frona Its consul at
Valparaiso, not from Its minister at Santi
ago. The latter Is silent Possibly he Is
cut tfl from communication. Or his acute
suffering at the defeat of the dictator, of
whem l.e was an abject tool, may have so
proktratid this great diplomat of Nebraska
that he h.-s not sufficiently recovered to
Inform his government of the news. The
blow I a sad one to the Egans. W say
to the Egans because there waa more than
one of them. There was Egan pere and
Egan fUs. Egan per, snetsed whenever
Ualmaceda look snuff. Egan fils through
the obsequiousness and grasping of Egsn
pere hsd a places soft sinecure, under the
now discredited and defeated government.
Mr Egan, a revolutionists In Ireland, was
.. . ... -
against revolution In Chill; a professional
dcclalmer against a tyrant's chains, he
was In Chili an advocate of chains ad lib.
Hum, anJ was aJvUIng the state depart
ment that caused the 3,000-mile chase of
the Iiaia that legitimate government, sa
cred In the person of the place-provider
of his hopeful, would prevail aealnat lu
. t
enemies Where at thi Important and
Interesting juncture Is Mr Egan?
Mr Blaine's discharge of bis campaign
debt of 1884 to the great Irish republican
contingent may acquit him of claims upon
his resignation at an official, but It bears a
rifle bard tipon the republic.
i:ttt IS A "aHY-WRis'l-iX."
New York comes to the front with a
project for a twenty -story building from
the top of which a great lower will lift Its
copper dome to an aHliud of 55 feet
Cologne cathedral, which the height of
only 511 feet, wlli be eclipsed, as well as
II other modern edifice. Stone wslls
will be constructed only a part of the way
up, and their object will be show Instead
of utility. They will be required to bear
no wclj-ht. There will be no brick, or
rather terra-cotta blocks, to the very top
of the big building, but there outward ap
peal ance of maslvcnes will mean uoth-
ng. The building will derive all Its
strength from within, ft will be In effect
as soild as If originally a block of steel In
which halls,and corrl Jors.and emcee were
tunneled. It may He toppled over like a
block of wood, but never broken down.
The floor plan of the buildlns will be
shaped like the letter It will cover
about 31,000 feet of surface area. There
will be six stories In the tower above the
main roof, making twenty-six In all. On
Broadway and Greenwich streets the fronts
ot the main butijln? lll rUe perpendicu
larly to a height of 39-1 feet.
It Is toj bad that alioosl on the very day
Mi jar McKinley delivered bis beautiful pero-
ra-ioo about the protective taiiff "securely
ll.ielJing American labor from the degrading
competition ol the old World" the Traders
and Lnbor Assembly of Chicago should find
that mahy women io that city are working
twelve or tutr'.een bouts daily lor 51.30 per
week. Perhaps it would be a wise plan, sine.
protective tariffs are such good things, to let
Chicago have one al! by herself. Her women
might then be able to earn fa per week.
What in tne wdtUI are '.he German people
kicking sgaios'. the grain duties for? Oon't
they know that these duties are paid by the
foreigners who ship grain into Germany?
Don't they know that the higher the duties the
cheaper the grain? Have they never read Mc
Kinlty's treatises on taxation? II they fear a
grain famine they should ask the government
to increase the duties on grain, and thus cheap
en it, rather than to repeal them. Their
present action is calculsted to nuke Mr Mc
Kinley appear ridiculous when he tells the
Ohio folks that a tariff is not a tax.
In discussing the grain shortage today
theLondon Standard advises the consump
tion of malze.saylng the United States could
expert 400,000,000 bushels of maixe, and
that an extra shilling a bnahel would at
tract all the American maize necessary to
supply Europe with wholesome food The
Standard adds: "Therefore we can feel
assured that there will be an abundance of
grain for the people of the world,although
we must be prepared to see wheat much
McKinley and Sherman Indicate, (and
so does president Harrison) that the repub
licans, on the sliver question, will take
position In favor of the free coinage of all
the silver bullion produced in the mines
of the United States. Surely this ought
to satisfy the mine owners. No silver dem
ocrat or farmer alliance man should ask
for more. Then let the Incoming con
gress so legislate aud settle the whole
question. '
An invitation has been extended to Mc
Kinley by Prof H S Lehr to address the
ktudenls of the Ohio Normal Academy at
An Invitation had previously been ex
tended Gov.- Campbell, who through a
note accepted, expressing his willingness
to 'meet Maj. McKinley in joint debate.
The latter accepted the invitation of Prof.
LLthr, and a debate will therefore be ar
ranged between these perty leaders to take
place probably some time in September.
The democrats of Ohio will open their cam
paign cn September the 17th. It is unfortunate
lhat Campbell, their candidate for governor
houMget sick - at the outset of the campaign.
With the chances nearly all Against them it
is - discouraging to the democrats who have
manfally waged so many unequal contests in
that state. '; ' ',
Eecorder Geo B Dorris, of Eugene, is
in the city.
aency, 1 i other member were ptirsonj
W. F.
Call and see
Dress Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
We have to select from. Our
but the cheapest ever
We htvo just placed on s&le
viijb.b aim jaoneiB, in.
goods, plain and
We want your trade and we
ou money.
" 1 1111,111 '""esi
J 0 mmmmm
""J " "" 1 iViaMaTT-rTTssai rrr m - asa nl
The Genuine II All B URQ TEA
vah Facsimile Signature cf EMIL
yl.ost raeaoyor. Ooveenor; Ho. 0W MrBriaa. S
BOV1 Of .Mfjttmwvaj. en-enuCMaV n ausjsjiiaspssj
resary ol State; Haa B B kUEIrev, SaportnUroc
Fnblb Inosroweiaa Beojaaaim Sakolfte-d, praaieaa
V Caller, eseratery. Biarmva Besaatloa 1 1
n.. Mr u.i .-a j u tr u.,i uii . J .s
aa.i .iai v. ai. . tt m,w-noai
aoae, alartoa ; J C While, Polk Alfred
a M.l,. Unl,..k. v U Boloua. afaW.
For Catalogue, Address.
P. I. CAHPIELL. A. B.. Prealeleskt, sr J. H. POWELL, A.M.,
Music -
-ReMee ear
TI. F. MILLER irffi,lTT-,rH:
J. BAXJER & COe. nianddoraWlity!:
Palses) aad Earhaff K,nss Prr
mstll asiMiBBietiia as specialty.
Agents for taVlTcw nue Eldrldgei B. and oher Sewing Maehmts.
Snpplles for all kinda of Sawing af aebicea. We gmard otsr
enstomera Interest, and gaarantee aaUsfaotion.
W, alio earry :iWU eaeortaaeait ,f Htul, Msud, ateefcs.
Cor. Second and Ferry ts.,
Alfctksiy, Opogem.
W F READ, Preside,. J O WRITS' A. Seeretaajr.
J Jj COWAN, Treaauree. . Ceo T BIMPSJOK.TJe, Vresldent. ;
J L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, WTRead,
J K Mtnerroro, nootranan, m risrnavn.
-ALSO BMTSUeT a,-sjs r
Trader,, Owieatg,, IlL
Aaosrlnan, Philadelphia, Pa. V ; Pbosabs, Londn, Knglantl,
NorwuU Union, London, Estg
, Guardian, London, Eng. Man-
heaUr, UaneheaWr, Kngiand. Caledonian,
fidtaburg, Seotiaad. WeaoheeHear,
' ii,w York.. .
Acknowledged Monarch xl the Hoad
We oarry a full line of Hacks, Bsgiea and Carriage; als Farm -Implements
of all kinds. jsCaU on ua before purchasing Elsewhere. '
Mitclifcll & Lewis Co.,
fi n r nnn
(1 JllLt t
whataitock of
stock is not onlv the lariat
shown in Albany.
a complete assortment of
rjom ClOin anl plusn
fur trimmed.
feel confident we can save
- j-
it put vp in YELLOW WRAPPERS
Aoeirra. 8am Francisco.
M.aaaosilh. syrestsav.
The Leading Normal School Lite
Northwest. Beautifully and
Healthfully Located.
No Saloons.
Kesr auHsMnr . aew aDP&ratu. fall
Hsht erpi aiaa. aaal ksnr atlaoSaaao.
ASvaaeaa Sersasl, Bawute. Art aaet aisa
SreeUl sttonUoa sjirae io pfcyateal eoJtor.
Volunteer aniiiaary amsujation. Theae isasrfTtaa;
aUploanae ale avthorwad to laeek la aay aouty
ta tba ssaia vlihosrt rordiee esaaiinattoaa.
Tartloa lo the NenaaJ as.! Busisosa depart
atones ka kose real seed frtai StO to Kii peryear;
as, ta th Snb-NoraiaJ trees 130 to seo.
,7 ' "a le-V v.r o
s . . , . . m - - - -
too weeks.
apennuBoaosoi . . sa oar tana. Board at Korasst
aumnr .tk e v w- wm
vb,. wui u-n ana are. i
... n , . , - ,
week. BjotS la privaa
- W per we k. Pirat tana ooaoa See.
H "" J '
List eT rLaae
Orgasia, Galtara, Tiolica sttttS
(send ror eataiogus., Albany, Vr.
Dr L Foley, M Stombwg, J W Bnrcatt.
. TlTS X
Albany, Oregon
It you want, the bes
and most durable furni-
turn tfin-f. k mstrmfaptiTP-
U LjiijKi in zne cny go to
lms ai tit a '