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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1891)
A Nil OF OIIEGON. ALBABY, OBBOOM. Capital, 5S,, It F KERRti.t, 14 It J LnNNlNU ....Jit W CLAIM President Vlce-Preeident t'Mhl-r Transact 1 geneval benklns; boalneee: Btehenire bought an4 nld oa all the prttrelpal altioe In the t'nluj State elsooa Rngtaad, Ireland, rrmn end Uermeny. Ulieriinanovleeletl eeceaslble point aa favor ah la oniia. Interval allawtd 4 lima deposit, MUST NATIONAL II 4 Nit, L CP ALBABT, OBKOOrt, reeMenl. .. Vic Preeldeut .... Cthler...... ...... B. E.TOrNU E, W. LAM U DON rrA(TS A OKNERAt. benklns nasi AOtVl'NTS RKPT niHwl W eheck. SIUITT EXCHANGE and lai -rephi treastar, sold Hew York, San rrancleoa, tniofo aaa ratiaad rerun CO .LECTIONf SADEoa Stverahl term. waactoBA I. Totm Liseto B Cuia, Fuaa Kuvta I . Set. I INK CO NATIONAL It A XK, J or LB4IT, OllOOil, CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. President . J L COW A, Vlee-rreatdeM J at RaLtlTON. At Cashier O A AKtfUHOLO. p aarroaa, J L Cowan, i at I eteton, W bad I, W U Ool;re, 1 A Orearord aad OA Area I aold. TRANS kOTS a renerel banking baetneee. DHAWbIUUI IHiniH Maw York, Baa il , fOregoa. LOAN MOrfETva explored seeurity RIU.ElVEdepoalle subtest hU. ,OKTLANI HAT I NGN BANK, OP POKTLASP, OKioaa. Paid ap capital... .. W.n Surplus aud proBta tu,IM0 Intaraat allowed aa aa data daaoaita aa follows: On ordinary wring hooka .... per eent par anaam. Oa tana eartara book a .. par aant par aaaoaa. Oa eenineaiee al depuett. Par three monvhe 4 par aaat par aanaat: lotti moelhe per aaat par aaaaaj. Pur twelve aMaUta S r-c cool par asanas: r'HAMK I'KKl'M. President D. p. THOMPSON Vlce-Preetdenl. II. C. ST BATTO.V. Caehtert n axu of ncio, mo, oa ioo. President.... . , , i 8 tfjaaa , Jarr Mr aaa Vice- Preeldeut .. Cashier O S Mat macro aa: S Morria, U Bryant K Colna, Joka Oalaaa T 0 Smith. Doo a (enral bankine and eiehenre buaieesa. Sight dreite laauod aa Albany, Purttaad aad Baa Praaeieea. PHELPS. .Toh Printer, Firet St. Albany 0?bll5 ENJOYS Both the method andresults when Bjrnip of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Efntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and ferers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale in 50c and II bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FI3 SYRUP CO. Loumviiif, mt. tmt rosK. aa Seal atoc'A of2i.d MT rood tu tbo Va r, and tb moat reaar ,aia price, both n b lallloK. I b on band all EM'uo mmim, stoves, tinware TRU'iXJ, B30XS, PIUTURES CL3SXS, CRSCKfRY, ETC., ETC. L. COTTLItB 1ITY DRCO UTOnE rffeiffur Elock, Albany Stanaid k Cusick 3 aoruaTOM.' -siauia I'ruca, Medleinrs, (bemlcalu, .Fn and Toilet ArtlcIea.ftyongea.Bruahe Perfunicrj, f-'ctool .JVtok, and Arliata 8upp!la fbysielana prearlptltaia cartv fully ranpB4f1. HOW DO YOU DO? Ther la no doul.t Ihhl I illii s IV 13 VV .8iock of MLVERWABE. coneming tO Hiimni knives, forlt.friiitdiba,et, X d soil aiiver ntol).. Irtwel y, rl', ialliH )(: am) Lnai In tho city, and lyfrllie ri(-t0vr brought l ALnahT. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS! TIIK BTATK AL r. rptruibrr 13lb, lVI. C iiriMf.f ftnj.T arr.a.'fd aaorawlf to maat tha nai da of tha famuli and maehaniaal tuteraaia of Uia a(al. aomudioua and will-,eiiWi.ud butll- Intra. Tlia eullcga I locaU-d In a till A, .tad and aummanlty, and on of tha healthleat in tha atata. MILITARY TkAININO Etprpirs 11 red not eiered f !( for ! aotlra anaaloa. - T or di ra fraa ncholanhl trom aiarv aaaty. Writ for aatalocua ta B. L. aOLl, Praa., . Oorrallht, rgoa. OTOCRAPHER, .. . -ii-i an 1 r(ri y m . Aiti,ti i tTfK'tfK w-rk giirr.tite'l in ever; 1 7 or i"c:i ii via an, AH Kill I A (('Wli-llty jar bin lathing e 11 M &s Store; MA EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Paciflo Route SHASTA LINE. Express Train leave Portland Pall T'koHh T:0or. a. 10 M r a la a a Portland Albany Baa Pranalaoo Ar I a a La I a W 4 B Lt I 9;o r a Lt Ar Aaora train atop anlr at M lowing atatlon north al Hoaabnra. Baat Portland. Oraroa VXr. Wood. a, Balant, Albany, Tanfant, Hhodd, Il4lay. Mar aroarj ,aanouoa vil7, Ufinf, aufana, loaiavaa bail, kaikT. 1.-00 4 a I L Portlaad Ar 4 tH)ra IkN r B ( L Albany L II.0O B Ar Bwaaburf Lr I 0 10 4 a Abaaat baCAbt MILT kioarr btit) lOOralLf IVrtland ArlOOaN 1rutf Alnaay LJ 00 4 M Muunoa aaaaca, lUSrakL Albany Ar llttl B-ttra Ar Labanoa Lr MUti Matt L Albany Ar 4:Mra t It 4 B Ar Labaima Lf 1:40 a a . PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, tar Araaiaao4aliaaaf arroaa-4'laaa raaaca art, altachaala KxpraaaTraia. aTaal Bid BlyUlaa. ETWEES rKTLA.Xa AkB C9KTALLIB, Haiti man aait I ((x.-apl Sanaa;,) Mil I Lr 1:10 r a I Ar Port'aud Carrallj Ar I t:S0 r a L 11 U ra Kiraaai rtaia ilt (Exopt Sunday. 4Ura I ra IK Portland McMlnntllla Mil 4.44 4 a To all point EAST. AND SOUTH. Pai to,; Inlornatlaj rairariUni rata a, ataa, aa Cow pan y Acaat at AINanr , H. OKtlLES B P. ROOIRS Maoafar Aaat Q. P. and P. At YAQU1NA BAY KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Railtoac T t HC4 Brrrlrrr. OragJi DeTelopman. Co's Steamers, HBiwrk l-la t I'alirornU. nrtwiui tnrouKD DBaartncnr and rtdpht Una from Portland and all point o to vt uiamaii ybiit to ann from tan rraaciaeo, cai. Boat mak eloa oonnacUon at A ban Oh iralni of OioOrtgon Faoifl Kailroad TIME BCIIEPULK. aiopl Sunrfarl) Uatra Albany 14:1) r. i,;in Vaqoina, T:004,a WaOorallla 1 r, a . I Ln C'orTallla,10:t64,a mra lauoina, i:w r. a.i antra Aioanj, 11:11 a O. A O. train eonnoct at Albany and xrva!lia The a bore train coauctal Taoalna with tho Oregon lovoloprnDl .Vtmpany' lln of Htaacnabipa btwap Ta)iiina and San Francisco, SAILINU DAT EM . raoa raoi'is. a WU!aaMtta Vallry, Toaariaf. Aa 4th; Thnradaf, AUf I3lh ;saturda7,AU( I2nd ; Moaday.Aac II rmua a. raaaciac WUIaaaatta Vall.r, Friday, July Slat ; Sunday, Auf tin ; Tuaaaay, Auf uitu wadnaiuay, Aug joib Th Com pa ' . lb ngnt to uinceaallluo, iata tnout nolle. H.B. PaangAr from Portland and willameU ValUr wlnta oan make olon rtanecUon with the train ofthaYaoolna root at Albany ur Corvalll. and If de- ladtoHn Kranclaro should arrange to errtT at Yan-jlua tho evening before rAt faaillna' BaTrasaeagrr aa Praghl rata alwaja Ike law rat Par lafOTBtlai aouly to A K Chapman, Praiht and IRUlArana, A'banr. C. C. SI") 4. 1 K. O. F. v4 P Aaa . fllinrC Co0. Cold, lafletnra. Brenehlits, LlinLU M94raat, Whaoslng Cough, Craup, for Ifccolt, Althma. and eycry aflectioo o tha Threat, Lana aod Chatt.incloduiz Coniutnplloa. Spaeu aud i-froaaot. Ocauca .'d " L tutu." PROfESSlOSAL CARDS G EOi E. CIIAMHKIILAIN, AHaraay at La r. practloa a all aonita of tha Mat. Spaolal attantl'ia riraa to mattara In probata aad to ao la.-aioai. oPMCS-lntha Plinn kloek. K. WEITHEUFOHD, AMoraay at Law. Wilt praHl, In all aontta of tha aBIaei runa mooc, ainan, uraf-m. w. It. nil.YEU, AUuraar at La .n I 9 licit in Tnia-toary. Ca ! aonantadaon all po nla. I. ii naj lial-d aa lar anklatarma. Alb.n, Orcf.n. G KO. W. WUIGIIT, attorney at Law. and Noion Pob 1 1. Will practloa la all aonrtaol thia rata and In tha United lilataa court brOreiroa. aci -Proot rjom ot.t liauk ol OrafoB, A.bany, if a. a. a. s. BLaaairas. nLiiKnt rtn t a. wavaa YTATNON. 19 ittom.y, at ta. A.t burlnaa wlJI raealra prompt aatanlioa. aeeiOdl Pallo'raaidr,Aluaiiyt Or. J. WIIITNBV, AUornay at La, an Orofoa. 1 Sol'T Publl.. Albany D n. m. it. niLii, Paaiaiaa and Sdrcaaa, OPPICS Ojr irt- Flrtt aa Parry Mraota, Albany, Oraron. D K. M ANTON A OAfIN, Pht aialaaa an Ii yim. OPPl.Tit Coraar Sand and Uroadalbin araata. A'banr. Or, Ca'li prumpily altr dad la airy aa I aoaitr. 1 V. I'll AMUEItLAI N . ff. D 'Hneopalhlat. ATSidJIrt la dlaaaaaa af tha Bya. Tvaaty aara OSIl'. huura 7 ta a OH 1 U t u n, aud 6 aa 8 araulac. Albaay, Orag oa. D It. ti, A. WHITNEY, Phaioiai and 1 O-a I ita et B larua Ma foal Ool ;, T-irk Oit U. ; af woman apaeialtr. WlCt-ff n i 'ilaek, Albany, Oruan I '.VC MEN A KD ONE BOY FOUXt) UKAD!! Ttl r 4 While trying to Crowd thoii WAY INTO Store, where they alwsvs have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rliles and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every Jescrlptlon s Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thouaandt of ether things too numerou to mention ..Repair Shop in connection wlih the Store, and one oi ;he beat workmen tn the Mute to do any tnd ail kind of work. . Come on, Come al. , No - rouble to ihow good. "Small pre fit nd nulck aW I out motto. TUB Hl'fSlAN I'AUl.ML From tho ma ol figure which ha been collected to how the hugo detklt In the grain crop ot Europe one fact stand out In appalling prominence the exlntcnco of a state of famine In Rula. Already there are rrport of peaiantt eking out Cklitenceon gra boiled In wa ter, ol ptople dlng of hunger In the street ot the overcrowded town and ot parent trying to sell their children toAve them from starvation. The reserve of grain In the country have been lined up and the liarved which I being gathered I let than ha'f a crop. Wheat I loo, 000,000 of bushel thort, and rye, the ta pis food ot the peaaantry, I ihort at leatt 300,000,000 bukhcl. Inttead, thereto ot being able to export 93,000,000 buihels ot wheat and 60,000,000 buahel of rye, a I . the ce In ordinary year, Kula mint Import 350,000,000 buthclh of grain to feed her own people. Out there I no evidence that Kula can do anything of the kind. According t Stepnlik, a letter from whom i pub lUhrd tn "rra A'mjjI, the relict fund ot the Empire, held ajaliut uch emergencle, ha been reduced to 11,000,000 roubles, ot a twentieth of the sum needed to cope with the preaant dlatrct. The ere Jit of the Kutalan government ha nevet been so poor a it I today, and the destitution ot the peasant, who pay 8.(pcr cent, cf all the taxes, means a loss to the national treavuiy of ptobably halt Its ordinary Income. There have been five partial famine In Russia lit the last eight j tats, tut for a parallel to the one no threatened It I nceeeatsry to go bsck to 1S40. A ill. utter of such magnitude It calcul ated to command the lytnpalhy and aid of the clvllUcd world, whatever may be the verdict on the errors of policy and admin Itlratlun which tend to make It worse. Et. Js W Luca an ex confeJerate soldier at LouUvllle, Ky has uccccdcd in get ting a pe union with Urge back par. It I ld he simply made the attempt In a spirit ot jest knowing how the department under Raum wss being run. Hit paper jverr all prepared without a alngle tnlaitate ment of the fact. lie made aftljavlt that he ervcd In Co, l. 2d Reg. Ky. Cavalry, (Confederate) and hi application wit Igned by hi ex-confederate commander. The claim went through with a rush and Lucas got the money. And yet If the Yb' ay a single word about the old soldier pension humbug, the old soldiers yell 'bloody murder and republicans and democratic bosses shake their head and say we do an unUc thing. The pen. s!on system 1 the Llggeat fraud ever pr mlttcd to run at large unmusxled. ft "a bigger than the McKinley bi'l,blgger than Q'tay's ateallnga, blxgcr than granUfather'a h tt It I a gigantic fraud perpetuated fur purpose of gaining votes. A bird called the "tap sutler" wat re cently diacovrrcd s jcklng the egg of a farmer ct La tn n, lit. The bird, with It kren, owl-like bill, lud contrived to nck doxens of ctfga, pkkinit holes In them, but using very Utile of il.c contents, lie was shot and the depredation ceased. I-...'..-. The ca'He baron has paaed away In Texas, and hla Immense pastutes are be ing cut up Into farm. A acre pasture wss cut up into farms a few weeks ago. and It realized at auction an average of between $7 and $3 an acie. ine centus repnria snow an average value of cos In the L'nlvd Stale tf $21 6j, or fifty-two cents each lca than tert years ago. There mutt le some chesp cows somewhere. Horses svtrsge fl. 84 leti than In 1SS0. I i "The McKlulev bill's at woth." St Louis ItrfmhUc Ye ; and the din.ier patl brigade la a: work, too, Capital Jomrmat. Well, yes, they arc at work. They have to be In order to pv the extra tax on lln. At the Dunlap Station in New Zealand, 200,000 sheep were shesred this season, and James Dlakely broke the record by shearing 212 shfep In a working day of eight hours. Eolllled la the Best. Ail trr entitled to the beat that their moury uy, so every family ahuuld have, at Obce, a liottie of the bvat fajiily remrdy, Syrupof Flu, t olaana the -tam whan enative r bilina. Kor a! in 50o sod $1.00 bottlas by all lavliD drag gist. v Take Caret There Is Danger! la alhiaiiii; iaictivtty nf tha .idueysto grow throned ngleut. Tii deadly ahoals o Bright' a diiesae and Haiieta will wreck tbe K-i.oly baik ot health it :t it allowed to drift ruMetletipun tliof . The bladder, too, i( ioactivr, and judtoiao mcdioatiuo dns uot speedily dirtot the halm toward the port of safety, will be whelmed by the quicksand of disaaae. Iu aelecting a diuretic, let your choice f.t'l epoa Hoatetter'a Stom arb Bitterr, wliich liuin?Ate the leoal or gan without irritating and exciting them, two effscUto la appieiiendad fiom the nn meilieated stimuli largely rcsoiteil to. Thase have a londeuc) tn taait prejadiciallv. Tb Bitter invigorate th kiJuay and bladder, in eom.noo with the norve and dij.itiv rgsns, and o afford lining i4. "t t0 ffurd dual a.aiatance tn pravetitipg and curing intermittent and reuutttnt fover, Bilioaane eonitipation and ikaomatidii it also subjugates. JEXKS D8EA8X. RyBbs W i quaer atrAaa the ether night thought ha saw a piw asLsars' ring, ana tha ial4dl c It aainvS a Aaufbtr little aiamplau who tact ana etottaaratalr kaeakad over, one or ew, a seer or amar big, burly-lwiklijr fafiowB, a thr aivwaoad to tba attack. Giant aa bkay vara la aaa, tha valiant Aemj pre-vea maaa tpava a avatoh for tbem. It was eM so f uany that Jenk vaka up lauf bin?. lis aiMoaals far the oraaaa bp Mm fact that he bad luat mm to tfc ovaslu. si oa, after trying aeartjr a try big. araatle 111 on the rWkwt, aaAt i'iaaaw's Plaaaaut Purgative PeUete, ar Stay feasor-eatod, ' Oranula. , eaatlr 11 knee rt77kw all to big pin hollow I iVay are foe anginal aad only pemilM UtSU Li ear Mia. Ueware of Imltatsoas, which eon tain Pat- rmoua Mlnei-.u. Al-irur aak foe Vr. Plorcs's Ueta, wfaloh ar Liuia biirar-eoatad fiU. or Aatl-bUiou Granule, was at Dos. SICK IIEIDME.1 JB low. neadlaeli. IMBBlmeaa, Coaallpa. siou, iDdlAaatten, Bib lows Attack a, aad ail oa- rangeruea of to atoauoh end bowal. aro promptiy roliTed and penawaaotir Pfcwoe's Pleasant Purgoifv Pellets. They taw -tr laxative, or afomrly eathartla, aoeordiag to aaa of doaa. 8raaii4Uf, Chnapaoi. IvaaMet to tfcjaa. a osoU a Ttai. by aruggata7 Oeptiiaht, Mn, r vfoej-r mtrmttT Kjbv tot UaU Sc. bMe, ii, V. . TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Aasthsr Ma Brawasd. Asroria Aug si The cruel waves cljsed over th form 01 another pleasure seeker to day and all that Is mortal of Todd Bingham is somewhere in tha depths of the ocean nesi the cliff and the rocks below the willows. Ia cotnpsay with J Knott he left home this mor ning for the pujpose of fishing on the locks that Jut out In the ocean The rocks is a fa vorable resort for (tihermcn and they ststron themselves slnng the beach for distance of a half mile. The a men were eottght oa a rock and swept into the ocesn. Knott succeeded reselling shore but Bingham was drowned, lie was a prominent Fortlaml lawyer. t'aaaaVs Waeasl'leltl Toronto Aug si Moe wheat will be ex ported fiora Canada this year than ever be lore. The yield will be 30,500,000 bushel The Northwest'and Manitoba will yield 6j, 000,000 bushels. Deducting for seed 30,0001 000 it will leave 33,0001000 to export. Ot this amount Manitoba will export S3,ovi,ono bushels, Lsst year the export of wheat from Canada was 25,000,000 bushels. The crop this year exceeds anything In the history ol the country. Waal 1 KlettrMBtlaa. Lon don Aug s 1 The bungling oi several hangings espeautl the most recent one hss given tit to much Indignation, and the papers print a number of communications from peo ple who u-ge that some diguting things hsve been seen a the BcfToil, A Urge number ol papers advocate the abolition olhanging and suggest thst death by electricity is alter all to be pre foiled than by the rope. A eat har rragraas. Boston Aug si A special to the Herald fiom New Yotk ssysi It is almost Impossibls that after alt that has been said obout llarrls on is not looking for a second term. A repu blican made a atatlling statement today. Not only is lisrriaon not looking for the nomi tion, but when the times comes he will come out for Mr Blaine. The programme it for Secretary Blaine to tender bis resignation, and at the same time offer himaelf as a candidate for the presidency. A Hotel BararA. Mkuical I.AKE Aug at The Levitt house wss discovered on fire this mutBing and the village was soon aroused. The building wss tolslly destroyed, which with furnituie was valued at Ijo.ouo partly iusuted. Incendiar ism is snspected. One beler tad two ribs broken and snot har on returning home (ojtid hishoute bad been rod bed of f 180. Brelag Ik rat r Cartel. Treves Aug si There eel beta through out the day a continuous processioa ot nilg'im patung mm ine ca. neural 10 see me noiy cost The Catnolts papers urgr the pilgrims not to buy relics from Protestants as they ridicule the coat altoughl glad to profit by the exhibition. A Bias ! r. Tub l). t in Aug ao Th Dalles ssJ Prtncville stage was held up end robbed yes terday sfietnoon peso the Dechntes grade s- buitt thirty mt:es bom this city. A single man armed with a Winchester rifle sprang from the bru.h and orderep the driver 10 throw out tl.e mail bsgs. He was then or dered to drive on which he was glad to do for he was unarmed. Ntme parties from Babe oven snd Antelope met the etsge suoa after and hurried to the acene. They pwad tb sack cut open an J rifled ol their contents srfd a flour sacks maths he had a confederate near ty. Imiuirey at the posiofltce shows Ihst there were only 3 registered le'ters in the mail snd it is probable that the plunder wss obtained by Hie highwaymen. A U S officer and pose leave here In day In purauit but there is little likelihood of their capture as the country i very brrken and afford grcal facil ities lor coitceilmrtit, Aa BVdllar DrawacdU I oat land Aug at T. A Southctltnd edi Ict of the Sunday Welcome wss drowned al the foot of Stark Si last evening. lie had t eea la the city snd ws on hi way home on WcidlerStin East Portland. He utuslly took th Cyclone which lands st Stark but ii was not at the wharf when he was on his wsy borne and he decided to crocs on the ferry snd connect with the Ponland & Vancouver rosW, wbirb would and htm nnar home. The boa! 11 leaving and be fried to jump but jumped in the nvcr and was moaned. ABIgCrelaae. pAkls'Aog ao Advices received here this afternoon anounciae the calamity al Martin one the most severe since '71. So far there are 60 heaths lbs result of lb hurricane and will be some time before the silent of the dis- atter is known. Al Kott De Frsnce there were I a lives lost, and at Fort De Frsnce snd St Pierre large numlers weie injured. At St Pierre c, ietuus have been killed, hue it ia feared Ihit number iocs njt represent the loss tn the capital. A.Seaiile Lewier Seattle Aug 20 Maria Jenion a midwil waa bound over to the supreme curt lot try to shoot her attorney T Mullen. II ty shsrp practice got possession off joo belonging to ber and failed to return it. She sent fjr him to csll on her and faced him wi'.h a sevolver demanding a settlement. The attorney did not fettle and Mrs if son fir-d at him. Af ter taking the gun he fled. tamuxralle Ueellag. Walla Walla Aug 30 In September the democratic meeting to be held here will lie sddressed by U S Senator Kenna of W est Va Congreasman Bynunt of ludisna, ex Gov F Blacc of Pennsylvsnla L Gardner secretsry of the National Association ol Democratic Clubs of Washington D C and Wm McAdoo of New Jersey. ("Hag Bawa, Pahs Aug 19 Official in'omaiion has been received to the effect thst tbst the com bined set ion of the representatives of the row ers in Chins is succeeding m bringing the Cbi neie government to look upon matter in the proper light. The local authorities aie be coming more concilitory and it begins to lk st If it will nut be necesarv to make the pro posed naval demonstration ih which the war 1 hips of of all th pnwens represented in Chi nese waters were to tsk psrt. A Brilliaal Idea New York Aug 10 C P Huntington ar guing for railway consolidation refers to the rapid liquidation of Ibe national debt, and de clares there must be a substitute in which the people can Invest their savings with secu rity ihat will posers the confidence of the en tire public, lie believes nothing can be safer thsn shares or bonds, of the nmted raihoads of the country and no securities can be as easy negotiate or raise money on. A Big land raleal. Eugene Aug 19 Patents were filed in the office of the county clerk today conveying something like 150,000 acres of land from the government to the O & C Railroad Company. A great deal of land has already been sold. although no record of the original conveyance ha been on file in this county before, lireat Damage I Crapa. St Louis Ang 19 Despatches received from many points s!ong yesterdsys storm in Illinois indicste great damage was done to corn snd other crops. Several people were injured and a number of barns hounes and outbuildings swept away. A Lamp Did IS. McMinnvillb Aug 19 A bouse owned by Wrn Campbell and occupied by Shank & Cartman was burned hut night. A lamp which tipped over started the fire. The in surance on the building was 6oo and on the furniture $600 s Oo to 0 W Cobb. a3aaaor te PaisUy U mila. Fiioa Btoek. for vnar i ib printing f oil kind. Dt not buy your hoot and het uatil yon tto the piato at Klein Bros, and as well have examined their large itnolt of good. tTbaa Baby woe si ok. we gave ber Oasteria. When aha waa a CUld, alia criod for Caatorla. Wbao she became HI, she clung to Costorla. Waea she aad Children, ah gave tbem Caetorfav TTe.iusereagk.iu at tramps, ' TwasaB'A Wxlsov. F. rtmiller k living have soeie Keuais- kjuoe lace curtsits for $18 a pair, a tin a anything ever seeu in the aity. They rsngs down te 7 a pair. Other laee ear Wit;S d iwn to SI 01 leu a pair. Bee W F .Read's line of drea goods end Uks before buying elsewhere. W. F. Read keeps the heat Oasortmeat of drj goedaiatown. Graat raJuotion in naa'a furnishing goods for ths next 90 dsys at W F Read's. Harm A verv eottr cabs camoiiD before Jnduo Bishop at Pendleton. Mr and Mrs Vine gar were arrested for larceny from bailee. Sulphur Rprlngi, on Snap Creek, is f rowing popular as a summer resort dtst Bunday there were over City Inblb Ina of the wstnr and rusticating. A large crowd will lie there neit Humlny. Times. Tom Awbrey brought us In some sam ples of Oregon fruit Monday, He pre sented us a fig raised in his yard In this city and it was the finest we have' seen raised lit Oregon, being four Inches long and six and a quarter Inches In circum ference. Register. One of the most disgusting awlndllna features of circuses generally Is the ticket ofllce in the front ot the ground, where ten cents extra Is charged tor tickets. The unsuspecting bite, then the reserved scatt are arranged so the circus can only be seen Irons them, $1.35 paya the circus bill, not very much but enough if one has a big family. Some men In this county who owed 18 cents tsxes In Benton county have had to pay $1.83 for a receipt, though the wtio'e proceeding is illegal, no assessment having been made, no equalisation board called levy made before advertising. It was sprung on the people unknown, the names not being on the regulat assessment roll, and in fact on nothing but a news paper. It Is worse than a circus. It Is all right to collect delinquent taxes; but Ben ton county Is taking a proceeding that doee not redound any to tier ct edit. BLlfe insurance companies are reaching this wsy for investment for theli accu ta inting millions. This year two of these big companies have placed t:i50,000 in Portland : the New York life putting $160,000 in the chamber of commerce building anil the Kouitab e . I W0. 000 in the Oregnnisn building. I II Sllne, formerly editor of an Inde pendence and seven or eight other news papers, will start a newspaper at VvLiteoon. The McMlnnvill T. M. says Whiteoon shows ur tine on all the mans etc, but there is no denying the fact that 11 is a very small town, in fact so small that you hardly know whether it is a town or not when you pass through it. Y nat a newspaper will do there is a conundrum. They have been trying several months to elect a new night watchman at Cor- tallis. The Times tries to settle the matter as follows: With all the bur glarizing that bos been done on Main street, il is strange that the officer have never made a detection. This matter is provoking bitter comment, and it has been suggested that we do away with the office of nightwateh altogether, and uoe the $700 per annum for purchasing new aafea for business men who may have their's broken open. If the reerultlog officers now doing the Willamette valley would follow the plan of BatmaeedA their record would be let ter than four r five a month. His plan is to send out a detachment of cavalry and round them op like cowboys do cat tle, ar.d those who resist are handcuffed and told to take their poaition in ranks, and the few who still resist are shot. A recruiting officer a short time ago sent in to the commanding officer 400 recruit, -eying: "I send you 4i0 volunteers, pieaae return the handcuffa." All Slnfrir-d, eastern representative of the Chicago News, delivered a most able address before the National KditorUI Association recently in seeaion at H Paul. In the course of hie remark he said, "The foolish and inexperienced ad vertiser buys o much space in a news paper and tills it to the very edge with extravagant puffs of bis wares, written in superlatives, and printed in almost microscopic type, pew read bis adver tisement, and nobody boys bis goods. Then he is angry and cries out in hi blind wrath that advertising does not pay, or other idiocy to that effect. But the wise and experienced advertiser, buying the same amount of space, de votes the larger portion of it to clesrly written, cleanly printed, modest and reasonable statement of the merits of his Roods such a statement as he is willing to stand by. For that man, advertising paya. Wheat, 86 cents. That sounds good. Sewer work alone In Albany this year should furnlth employment to fory or fifty men. White wheat ia 80 cents at Sa1tu and Corvallis, it is 60 at Albnnv. Will Cor vallis papers now plcsoe inform us which is the best market. Corvallis is hluli ; early when no one sells, Albany w hen tney uoseu. There Is sn ephb mlc of diphtheria st Willows. Cel.. snd s Chrorlcte correspon dent laat Sunday reported twenty caaes. The report said : -Tne yellow flag floats from many houses. There Is great ex citement. The marahal givea notice that he will arrest all children found on the streets. A person who has type, paper and press has no rights over s person who has not. It Is very wrong for such a person to atrlke down an individual who owns no preasnr .public newspaper te reply. Journal. And vet the Journal hss been trying to strike down Governor Pennoyer, who owns no press. But the matter is not material, as the governor hardly felt the bite of the fly. The following peculiar item is from the Stall swan. ''All circumstances com bine to make Salem the best university town on tho coaat." T Van Scoy in Willamette University Catalogue for 1800-IU. "Salem is not a f.t place for a school it's the sickliest place I ever lived in in my life.'- T Van Scoy to Idaho conference, 1891. , " The Methodist church of Eugene Is in s flour bhlng condition. It hss 350 mem bers snd i;st raised $2,200 during the last year to pay running aud other necessary expenses. A part of a lot has been 1 nr. chased adjoining the rhurch on the south to give more room. Journal. tn ExAMPLB The teas for American consumption are bought in Chins by Bsro paao eapert, who are Bailed "taa-teetere." Tha euo) elopadiaa ar authority for tbe fact that in a few jeers they have to giye np their lucrative pnaitiens with shattered con stitution. Tbe nubeelth fulness of the adul terations snd minaral coloring matter oan nut be more etrongly put, Boeoh'Tai pure as childhood. For eale by Allen Bros, Klein Broe have a large and 'ehoioe itoek of boot and shoes fnr sale al reasonable (hoes U o-ttiav4 in foot wear until youhave esn tnsir sites aai ths elegant piano attheir store. ' f Whereto GxtThbm. When wanting an organ or plana call on G L Black man whe-e you select from a ri Ias lev. Bather I ,Catmik it lecomtneoded letpk)tieiaas for children teething. It is parely vrge sble preparation, it ingiedUnU ished aroun d each bottle. It is pleaaant te h e tnt and abtolotaly hsrinleae. It relievec eonitipation, regulate the bowels, aaiets pain, cars disrrnoes and wild solio, allay fevriahoe, destroys worms, aad prsvsBts eonvolaioge, soothea tb child ais gives it refreshing atd natural sleep. Cattoria le the children' panaesa the meVkare' friaa A. 83 doses, 85 seate. New Spates Gois. I keep a full line of spring and summer dress goods, in wash fabrics, prints, glngbaina, seersuokers, ete. I have aleofa new line of eummer plaids, be sides other novelties, in biges and all wool sritiogs. Samuel E 1 ouns. Rargaiua ia choice groeeriet ea af way ee seou'ed ef Allan Bros,, FJian J).ek, Buy year groceries of Parker Bros roimtit rttEDi.ics. Friday evening, Aug. 21. Present Mayor.llecorder.Htrrot Com mlesloner, Chief of Police, City Surveyor and Council men French, Taller, Burk hart and Garrett. Ordinance Bill, No. 227, a jthorlxing the mayor and recorder to enter into a contract for the building of sewers on Maple, Ferry and Madison streets, Al bany. Kesd three times and pasted unanimously. The following bids wro opened and read for the construction oi sowers in Urn city of Albany, the bids being per foot : Maple, Parry, tfadlann, J 8 Antonelle, f 2 HA 12 U 2 49 Hayne, Buck A Co., 2 30 2 S3 175 Bays, Jeffrie A Co., 1 00 2 19 2 05 J as. Laurent, 2 8ft 8 00 1 73 Mason & fUrang, 2 85 2 81 2 20 A B ftmlth A Co., 2 75 2 80 2 15 Portland B. A B. Co., 2 67 2 45 2 00 Oregon Bridge Co., 2 4H 2 40 1 05 On motion the contracts were let at follows s To Bays, Jeffrie A Co. for Maple and Ferry streets, ft 19 per eubio yarn, extra tor rock work. Havne. Buck ti Co., Madison Btreet. The formers bonds were placed at $15,000. the latter at $.1000. Maple Btreet sewer will be 1470 feet long, of 18 Inch pipe, Ferry, 3000 feel long, of 18 inch pipe, and Mad ison, 276 feet long, of 16 inch pipe. WBsaaaBaaawaaBarBBHaBjf REAL rSTATST B41PS. II F Merrill etux to O W Wright. N W I I.Ik 8 Klklns ad, ami lot 1 bik 4 Pipe's ad I John Piatt to F.lixa I'iatt, 4 acres 10 wl Hannah ltobinettto Win Kobinett .0.5fi acres 14 w 1 J It Klrkpatrick to J 8 Ames, 2 lots K's ad Jbanon F Brown to J 8 Ames, Int In 3 lots blk 0 Sweet Home F Brown to J H Ames, 3 lots, Sweet Home R Chesdle to tab A Hantlam Can al Co, strip land and right of way , K Cheadle to Leh A Santism Can al Co. piere land S0 rods lotiir Robert O Whlted to Nellie K Feebler, 42.3ft acres 12 w 2. . . . O AC Kit to 1 M Dorrance, 40 aetes 19 e 2 Jno M Psvne assignee to A 1 (lor dan, 40 acres Ve2 523 1 2 150 83 125 I 1000 1 140 t 2,030 Til at Bsirrosi AnsianrhT. The Albany Dkmocbat Is finding fault with our county officials for advertising the delin quent lax Hat, ami makes assertions which are away off on the subiect. If the Democrat man would post upon the matter lie woniu nni mat lie is greatly mistaken, and that the officials in this conutry conduct loafers strictly accord ing to law. ine 1 act is tiio property referred to has been properly asaessed. l'nton leader. The fact is the property was not properly assessed. When a tux Is paid the only record the sheriff makes is on the printed list published in the papers, for w hich 80 cents a line is charged even though the ad only runs weeaortwo. Delinquent taxes should be collected but not after tie fashion followed in Benton county. Scto Peter BHyeu hss sold his saloon building and fixtures to a Salem man. consideration $1800. , John Bryant of Bityeu Den was In town on Pionoay and reports iiarveat as pio greeting In tatltfarturv manner, and wheat aa yielding from 25 1040 buthela to the acre. I.aat week the threal.lng company cf Devaney, Miller A Co were somewhat out of luck. In paaalng from one joo io another it waa ncc.-saary to croa the O P railroad, and the crolng not being a very good one, their traction engine a It was belli taken over run nesr the bank of a ditch that the bank crumbled and ditched the engine In firat-class railroad style. Exprea. tub motiikb Mold it iua An ac count was given a few months ago about bow lsn Morris, son-in-law of W R fobn Sarted from his wife, taking their little aughter into Scio precinct with him, causing considerable trouble. On circus day Mr Morris was in the city with the little girl, when the mother succeeded in getting hold of her and takinr her home. A Ljvb Crrv. Our neighboring town. Ilarriabnrg, is passing through an era ot excitement just now. Daring th past three weeks a merchant was robbed of his entire jewelry stock, a man marched his wife through the street at the end fa shot gun. one of her prominent citi zens has been bound over in the sum of $1000, to appear before the grand jury on a charge of adnltery. and last a fellow man came to an untimely end by being run over oy too cars. .icvi. An elk head with the horn attached five pointed, came down from the McKen- xlc yeatenlty evening. The elk was killed by Bolivar Cogawell an the swimpy plateau between the Foley and Belknap hot springs and weighed at teaat 1500 pound. Trie akin of the neck and should ers was left attached to the head and when It I properlr mounted, will make a fine specimen of that noblest cl our moun tain animals. Guard. State Fair. Tho attendance at the state fair this year will nnoabtedly be Urge. It is Oregon's only state fair, and should be made a credit to a state of the nrnmiKA and aJvatitairea enioved bv it Agricultural hall 'should be filled with the products of the state. There should be no empty stalls. Let the farmers of Linn county come to time and do their part towards it. With the large crowds who always go from this part of the slate should also go large exhibits. DIED. CROFT. On Saturday morning, Aug 22, 1891, at his home In Albany, of Brlght'a dlseaae oi the kidneys, Mr r l i.roft, at the age ot t years. Mr Croft was born in England. When a boy he csme !th bis parents to the United States, residing i:i Massachusetts, from which state he made many trips on the ocean, going around the Horn several limes, living an eventful life. In about 1870 he came with Thoa Kay and Mr Dalgleisch to Oregon, buying with them the woolen mill at Brownsville, but retlr Ing a few yestt afterwards and going Into the mercantile business, which business he followed until coming to Albany on the building of the woolen milts, though he previous')' owned considerable stock in the Brownsville mill. - He wss the heaviest stockholder In ' the Albany mill, and nad oeen superio tendent since a few months after the com pletlon of the mitt. He was a popular man, of strict Integrity, and leaves a good record both as a business man and a cltl sen. He leaves a wife and two children. Mr Croft was a member of the Masonic lodge, Royal Arch degree, and ot the Odd renows. ,. McBRIDJ2. On Thursday morning . nj ...a. - 1 1 1 . I "11 Aug. zu, ioui, at ms nome in waaviue, of old age, Mr William II McBride, eged 7(5. Mr McBride was a. pioneer of this county, coming here from Iowa. He was a member of the U P chnrch, and was a man of sterling, Christian worth, who leaves many relatives and frionds through this part of the valley to mourn his death. Mrs McBride died about a year ago. VERNON. On Wednesday evening Aug. 19, 189, at her home at Tangent, of old age, Mrs Rebecca Vernon, aged 82, years, a niontna, aays. Mrs vernon was born in Tenn, afterwards resided in Missouri, moved to Texas in 1847 and to Oregon in 1853, since which time she lias resided in Linn county, where she ob tained a good name. She was a member ot the Christian church, and has been for 54 years. She leaves five children. Mr Vernon died twelve years ago. G AMBER. At Sclo, Anguat 20th, 1891, Mrs J W Gainber. Mrs Gamber, with her husband, formerly resided in this city where she formed many friend ships and was highly esteemed by all who knew her as a devoted Christian, being a member of the Congregational church of this city. Last fall, with her husband, she moved to their homestead in the hills south of Sodaville in hopes that she might recover from that fell disease, consumption, but all to no avail. Only a few days ago they moved to Scio. The funeral will take place at Scio to morrow morning at J.U o'clock. SjeMB AMDABEtOAD tiiuesdav CsrulineOnao snd trono hsva bmn ton- pleg at Rugone for severs! weeks. Mr McCullnch ha ousned a khlonine tablbhment in the Cuaiuk block iuatlnorth of the Democrat oil! jo, and will ship fruit, prouuee etc, - The Portland Indutlilal Kxpnsitir.n will open on Mept 19 and olnae Oat 19, It pro mises to keep ap the splendid reputation of the past. There were twenty -uveti atmlieanU for teacher's ocrtilloilis st the reuular examin ation held last weak, Twenty-five were granted certificates. Tan reealvjd flrnt gtade oertillot.n, ten seoond grsde and five third gtade. -Kugoue Uegiat'. A KANDiuoaicii. Yesterday evening Chief of Police HofTinnn arrested a man (olng tiy llm name of Rogers, on susplc; on of his being the man wanted in Htilem for snndliflgging a man named Johnson. Chief of l'olico Mititocame up on tiits night train ami took Koj?crs back this morning, lie siud lie wai tho man wanted. Wheat. Wheat has dropped as sud denly as it arose, says the Pendleton K O. Saturday 80 cents In the stick was paid for several lots. Tuesday the price was seven or eight points lower. Unite a number of farmers unloaded, however, wnen me inarxei reacneu ine top notcu. in Aioany tne price is wj.'j cents. Whether to keen it or sell is a very seri ous question for the farmer to decide. Heports today show a rising tendency. Tkamp Run Ova. Frem Dr If A Dsyls, of llarriaburg, the particulars are learned of s railroad accident at that city - I 'fl. - 1.1 I A . I t iaai crcning. i c ircigni iruui was late arriving there about 8 o'clock. After it had led the remains of a man. evidently a tramp, were found on the track, with in dlcalions that he had fallen from s break beam on the freight train. lie was badly mutilated, and nothing was found on Mm to Identity mm. FRIDAY. Wheat is nuutcd al 81 i cents, having gone op a cent. A full line of Warner s coraets, the very bit low priori corsets ina lo at W F Head's. The MaaootChtb wer having a practice shoot this afternoon on their grounds near the depot. A SeodeB is I uiog wheat among others. and is taking a prominent psrt in elevating priae. lis would like to talk with yf u be fore selling. The Weakly Advance, the famere alli ance ptpar, appaera thia weak from Let anon. It Is well gutteu up and is alive with lucl news. Lditnr Adams is a spicy w liter. A Reliable Market. Wheat is now coming in rapidly and the price still stands at 80 reuts per bushel. Oozette of Aug. 21. The price at Albany i81; cents, which shows Albany to be the best market. Corvallis always starts out like a meteor that soon vsniahes; but the market at Albany is the one to stand by. We mention this on account of several boasting remarks in the papers there. M K CojipeEtscB. At the M K confer ence in session in Salem the following questions wero voted on with the result siren: 1. Shall women be eligible as lay delegate to the elitHorinl and gen eral conference? For 3D, against 20. 2. Shall disipline ot church be amended aa above? Yes, by for 3$, against 20. 3. The (ieneral conference shall bo com posed of mininterial and lay delegates, who shall always deliberately vote as one body and never as separate orders. There shall be as many lay delegates for an annual conference as there are minister ial, lor 10, against 47. ArtEMPT at IU'hoi.ary. La.t night after Conn A Hendriceon had closed their store, Gus Boenirke, on going to the rear of his brother's store, adjoining, observed that the shutters to the w indow ol Conn A Hendricmm's had been tampered with, but the window was down. Thinking something might bo wrong he called for his brother, who not hearing him he went in after him. On returning they found the shutters thrown wide open and the window up. indicating thst a man hau itn inside and nad made tile escane. The shutters had been closed by Conn A llndrion on going home, and it is thought the man must have se creted hlinaelt in the store before it was closed. Nothii g was taken. ttrcROAV Outs ait .Hi c n's. 90 in the thtde afmsMm. See the t . (.otcrtl ird -ekf Cre.t rcluvl in autr.r.irr gr odr at W F Head's. r-ottiti fine fie h kttt l.i.l at O B llalfchl'.. You esnaave mocey t y b.iyin gnuda of W r IU-ad. iVa-nla at dann oinl n-I) t tt leaa Uan ooat st W F Read'o. Ten lerciit redaction on all drc.a gtr'a a, w k Be', a. Ao $1 300 KvariHhcal c! unV will lebui.i at Jefleraon anon. A Lltin . p M int ni . Jrrcently lept t-ne do) at a aflrtrh, Sail 1 circa had to pay a licenae ff 150 to Lne county at Kugeua thia week. Just received at the f.sdiee B.nar, a fall line of jet nail head, the latest novltv iu drea trimmings. Tbe W CT U will givea social aod enter tainment et their halt on Friday evening, Sept 4. Keep the date in jour rnlod. Laat evening th contract was let to B M Huston St Co., for the hauling of the new stamp mill from Oatesville to the mines. W A Wells informs nt that he hss already bought 50,000 buahel of grain, 30,000 of oat and 20,000 ot w hf at. B caton Leader. About ten brother members of the Mas cot Gun Club went aema the river today to erect ecottaoe for Mr M Wygaot, who father recently died. A B Elder, an asssycr of many tar ex. pcieaoe, bos arrived ta tbe city, 'and will have charge of the aetay ofEoe of the Galena Hill Mining Si Milling Company roou to le established here. Pendleton H O. 0 B Hardy la proaecating hie miniug property at Gold Hill with energy aud vigor. Monday of last week wsy pay day and several thousand dollars waa placed in circulation. lie ia increasing hi force of men end paye $125 per day aid board or 11.75 without hoard. Ashland Rreorcl, A piano At KleiutBro Boot aodjShoe store. Parker Broa, grocrs. Royal Dntoh Cnena at C K Rrowuoli's. 8 A Hulin. druggist, French' corner. Fine grooeriee at Conn Si Hrndricaon'a. -. J. W. Bantley, leadinr bwt and shoe maker, just east of Revere House. O W Cnhb, jub printer, Flinn Block,doee 8rt cla work. See that e'egant piano at Klein Bros Boot and Shoe store. A fine line cf crockery ware at Conn St Hendricsou's. Drick delioinu oe cold soda water at C E Brownell'a, For bargain in monument, headstones s to., go to E W Achisonft Co, Albany, Oregon Freeh bread, cakes, pies, etc., everyday at the Dulmooioo restaurant. Leive your orders. Two Loans. At the Building Ar Loan Association last evening two loans were made, one of $1000 to G W Dodder a. 69 months Interest in advance, the other- to Mn S V Ross at 6t months interest in advance. Three Runaways. Last evening be tween5 and 6 o'clock three runaways occurred within an hour. The dray teams of A B Lacv and J N Combs each took a spin, starting fiom Lyon street, without doing any damage, A team belonging to Mr Logan, residing In the country, csme tearing into town ahead of a wood rack, nearly running over Mrs E E Parrlsh and Mist Helm, who were riding in a buggy, Thev were captured and taken home by Mr Logan. . Wheat. Last evening; a pool of 15,000 bushels at wheat made up at Tangent wat told to W H Goltra for 85 cents per bushel, and Mr Goltra reported himself ready to receive more at the time price either at Tangent or Albany. This afternoon wheat is quoted at 86 cents by the Albany Farmers Co., and dealers, 85 cents at Tangent. Several thousand bushels were sold at these figures. BtTCABY. Died, in Albany, Or., Augutt 15,1891. of diphtheria, Fay, youngest son of Mr. snd Mr. Amo Howsrd,sged6yesr snd 16 days. Little Fay hss gone and left u In this world of sin snd psln, And his sweet face In joy snd laughter, We shall never see sga n, Happy were your childhood days, As you prattled round our feel; May your future home be fairer, Where we all erpect to meet. May your rest be calm and sweet, While you wait for those below ; May we atrlve with all our might To meet with thee when we mut j;o. What a change a week can bring, And how sadlt was to all, When but a few days' sickness You obeyed the Angel's call. You are not lost, but only gone Where wo all must shortly go, For this Is only s world of soirow, WMIe we journey here below. And now farewell, our dar'dng Fay; But soon the time will come When we shall follow after thee, To our Eternal home Written by one who dearly loved him F. E, IllSOMA!. BrAbdreth's Pills arelhe greet blond pari- Her. Tbay are a purgative and blood tonic, they aot tquaily on the bowel, th kidney, and tbe akin, thus ulranaing the eyatetn by tha natural outlet ot th budy they may b called the torgativ tudoHtio acd diuretic medicine. They stimulate the Hood so as to enable nature to tlnow off at! morbid humors, and cur diaaaaauo matter by what name it may bnealled. One or two of tham taken every uiht will prove aa iufstlible remedy. fSrsndretli'a fill are pa rely vegetable, abkolaltly hritilea and fa to take at any time. f.old in every drag and medicine tor, either flaio or sugar coated. FACTS ABOUT THE TEA WE DRINK. But few peopl know that there Is sneh a thing a run-cared tea la existence, aad fewer baveseenil But there Is, and It la of all teas the sweetcet, tweet, aod stoat fragrant, Ye oak at one bow tt 1 that 11 Is not oflbred for a)e aod thai yow know nothlsf ef 1L That la ana wared eaally ; but It Is accessary I present Ant a few detalla Th pabUe only xaews . two general elaoeea, via., th green sad tb block tea. 43rem Tea. Few people know that tbe bright Mulah greea color of the ordinary taa expeeed la the window Is not the astarol color. Cn plaetaat aa tbe feet may be, tt la Beverthelea artlSeial; fraaalaa blue, sUlca, gypaoxa, plumber 4. and ether auheaUhful mineral eolir being seed for this parpot Th effect I twofold. It notoolyeaaleatbetaaebrifbt, blay, attractive greeo, but elao termite th nee ot oft color " aod worthies teas, which, once Bnder tbe green cloak, are readily worked off as a good qaaUty el tee. Tbeaboas loa'jle coloring practice area adaalts of the use of foreign obMaaee, and the EocUah goreromeur, which looks closer Into the gea alnencts of Iu ataple than oars, baa la aome of tbe aliased Bneat " of tea ioaad redried laavea, at raw, fragmante of matting, rlce bukk. aod willow leavca In feet. It le openly Cated by n Knglith aatbority that hundred of ttoaaaadj of pound of doe, aah, and wil low leare are annually imported as tea, which wlthoat tbe coloring procea would be impoailbl. They report tea as one ol the moat Botorteualy adulterated artieleeof commarea. The temp tattoo to max sweepings and bad tea into a merchantable product with a few ceute worth of greea coloring matter la toe stioog to withstand, and tbe worthkaao ot tbe traah that often and it way to this mar ket labeled Kew Crop," "Best Quality," " Green Tea," eta, woald limply aetound the peblle li revealed, to say nothing of tb an bealthfulnees of tb Frnaiiaa blue, p lum ber; o, gypeam, and tb other xclaaral colors that or employed. Black Tea. Tbe basket aad pan-Bred Japaa teas, a wa as the China teas that may be Included under tbe general heading ot " black teas," get their color boat the firing ot toasting proceaa, hat mineral coloring matter la a!eo treqaaatly used t give a eerUla desired commercial appearance. . Th trtng and th coloring, as In the greea tea, largely eoBeeate th Iden tity ot th tea. aad permits th as ot the vary cheapest teas, to argae nothingifor th deteriorating effect ot exeeeslre flrlng Jwhlch meet be teeorted to when a very cheap prod Bet It ased aad oa extreme color desired. Bewelt'a Tea (San-dried). Concerning nn-drlad tea the people ot th raelfle Coast har heard but llttl and know leaa. althoag h tt la sxtonelvelr need where ll it known aad wndere'vod. We are told that when te Is e poor lt cannot be sold at hem et safely shipped to the ZngUah saarkcU. II is shipped to America; that w will drink any thing. That xaay possibly be mm ot the rat eon w bay aot bees cffaredUB-drlad taoa Thy wer feed eneugh to scad eSaewher. Th eoB-drled teas being u-rd, a olorln; matter Is aeed, heace BClhlng bwt par tea leaves eaa be eatpleyed; for bab deted r taaalpalatloa or eolerlBg, all at test pit at adulteration ee the Introduction ef teraiga tear r DAtarial would be bold and glaring. That it Is, therefore, sweeter aad tar mor fragrant thoa th artificially colored greea leaa and the manlpaiated baaket or pao flredteeA,yoa hardly need be told. That It ia more healthfal than the aalseral-eelored teat, la also apparent That lt 1 more expen sive, is olio true; aad that la another reason you have never aeea it Ther Is not ee mack profit la lt aa ther is la the cheep adeJler ated and colored teas. About th Coat af Tea. According to th caatoae-hoBse report, the amount of tea received at Ban Franelae last year (1S90) wo t.MO.m poinds, aod thevala t5690, or a fraction ever ISe per poand. The consumer, of which the reader was one, paid for that i:e taa all the way from tOe to f 1 per pouud. ta other word, for that tM.&t worth of tea tha consumer l aid between four aud five millions of dollars. There ar yoar euormoni profit, and there you will probably . find the chief reason why moat et job never heard of aiun-driedtea. As the ran-drted teas hare ao mask, they are compelled te be abto latr pure and of better qaaUty than the a-socially colored and manipulated taaa. Hence the margin on them at entailer, and many dealer don't car about handling them, and vob know nothing about tbem. Bat lt la the object ef thii article to tell yoa where yon eau get them, aud what to ask for. and all about tbem. "Eeeefc'eTea. "Beech Tea," gea-anteed to be the pur sun-cared learee, t j now offered to th people ot tbe Pacific Coast. It wiU be a revelation to you. Yob doubtless never eaw any nat ural leaf. Have your trocar break open a r-aekage. It will be foand la eoler to be Just bstween the artificially colored greea and th black tea, aud the drawn tea presents a clear, brilliant canary color, et delightful fragrance. It 1 offered to the people at SOe per pound, the same prtoe that many artifi cially colored teas are sold for. But Its gear enteed purity makes it more economical to use; tor a let quantity, aay about twenty grain, ;is required per cup. A there are 7,600 graiu to a pound, there will be seen to be between three and four huudred cape to the pound, or at the rate cf about one fifth ef a cent per cup. It economy, la therefore manifest. It Is put up io one-pound paekagea only, lu patent air-tight and moisture-proof parchment, with the trade-mark that 1 foand at th bottom of thia article plainly printed en the package. It 1 sold in this torn for two reasons; one is, that the original strength, snd aroma Is preserved; and second, there eaa be no deception, which would be qalte possible lf It were sold In bulk, wlthoat th name and trade-mark attached. Caution. Recollect that the margin of profit is so much smaller en Beech' pure sun-dried teas than on the artificially colored tea that yea won't get it lt tea by any other same can be put off on yo. Ask far trssfpspti It yoar grocer does not have It, be will get It for yoa Price eae jfcr pound. The above - j trade-mark and price Is plainly printed on each package. Perhaps the best way to get it ITto go where yon know they bave It and are willing to tell It ror Instance, it can be had wlthoat di eulty at ' - ' ALLEfJ BROS., rutin clcs:, aldahy DEELmj ISA 7ure"Asihood7 "German vruD" Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Par- onage. "My acquaintance with your remedy, Boschee's German f Syrup, was made about fourteen years ago, when I contracted a Cold which resulted in a Hoarseness and I rVvMrrt, ft,it. A'nAA ma rv- filling my pulpit for a number of Sabbaths. After trying a Physician, without obtaining relief I cannot say now what remedy he prescribed I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received such quick and permanent help from it that whenever we have bad Throat or Bronchial troubles since in our family, Boschee's Ger man Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable results. I have never hesitated to report my experience of its use to others when I have found them troubled in like manner." Rbv. W. II. IlACGARTY, of the Newark, New gaye Jersey, M.E. Confer ence, April 25, '90. Romedy. C. G. GREEN, Sole llan'fr.Woodbury.NJ HEALTH IS WEALTHS DB. , C. WEST'S Serve and Braia Treatman stoats n teed specific for Hysteria, Irtzzinee. Cwben atone, rt's, Hereon Heoraigia, Headache, Ktmt rnieti allow eaoeaa vj tea aaa of aleorim or toineeo. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, oWtofiing of tbe Braia, remit Ine la Ineanl'.y and leading to misery, laesa vnd daa.b. pretnetare old age, barrannees. ba af Fa. eaosed by oer-exenioii of the hrain h te wnieins one month's treatment. SI a box ar aix bcM tor ti, ot by mail prepaid on receipt ae. WB OUAEAMTEe SIX BOXES TO CURE AST lea. With each order received by oa t e:x boaea. aeanpipanled with A. a will eend the porcbaaer owe wrmee gnaraatee to remnd tbe money ti toe ireai eaan deaf aot eSeet a care. Cuaranteee ianoed on I ay I. A. Oommine. Oroggi!, ol agent, A I bane . Or. YOU NEED BUT ASK taJ ertnUtiiui U ' Z o x O ThaS B UstBt ns ava Livsx Cca t-.kea aeeord kijr to dlraot'oM, will keep your tUood, L-Ter ud Kidney In -ood order. Toe S B Uosoe era for Colds. Cmgfcs anl Cronp. la eonneotion the liokdacba Care, le aa near perfection aa anything knows. Tbe S 0 ALraa Pan Cea for internal and exter nal aaa, Ii Neuralgia, Tuuthaeb;. Cramp Cotie and niuiera Mo rime te nnwiryiaaseo. Tbey are well Itkea known. Mannlaetured at Uoiur, raeee. eale by KOSHA A MAS'jJI. .aaat say agewle ter W. I- Dee (lee mmmmm. U ma ter ael ta year plae aek year ealer te ewad rer. caiala, eeenre ibe agmry, aad get tbeaa for yea. ear TAKE KO rifBrSTlTCTK. WHY IS THE W. L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENfeERMEH THE BEST SHOE M THE WOftUI FOR THE HOKEY ItlaaaMunleeaehoe; wltn ao tacaaor wax thread an Bart the foot; made of the teat fine calf, etylub ' aad easy, aad becotim e maJbe ntore ekaee aIMe evade ata any acker etenHaoCwer, n equals hami eew shore ntln rrnaa Bi-00 to Bk-Qu. CR OB tienelee llei.d-eeTred, the flneet calf Vwa saoe erer offered for t$jr; equate French rmpcated ahoea whieh mat fmm to li;JX CA OS Head-Mewed Welt Rbew, fine ealf, W? atylbh. eomrortable and durable. Tbe beet hoe ever offreed at thia prtoe ; same (rede aa ona eonMnade ahoea eoaUn from tXi to mm. SSO & Police t-keei rarmera. Kailroad Kea ea7e and LetterCarHersall weartbem; Sneeair, eeamleea, amooth Inside, heavy three solos, exten eteaeOfc?. ooe pair will wear a year. 45 O 20 Soe calfi no better aboe ever offered at eJka thle price; one trial wtu convince thoaa who want a aboe for contort and eervtce. CO S aad i.OO Werhlncman'a ahoea wai are very strung and durable. Thoae who have given tVtn a trial will wear no other make. RAVe St.OO and 91.93 achwd ahoea are UUIB wornbytbeboyaeverywbere; thoyaell eu their merit, ae tha tncreaaln aatea ehow. I TaHlsatz J3.00 lland-eewrd shoe, beat SbhUICO Ooaaxa.veetytlah: equate Preach linpurted ahoea onatlne from 94-Oj to .'U. I-adlea 'A. 5. Si. O r nad B1.75 ahoe for Vtaaaarethalwetflnelx3gola. Stylish and d arable. t'eetlee. Mae that W. i. Ooaalaa nam aad wiee are atAaaiied oa the bottom of each euoe. W. L. UOUCMJOt, Brockton. Mesa. aSaaSBTi AeafflflishrllSl rJ-JSaWtf,:-j.Ar. iiai L. E. BLAIiV. T'x ' aoiniwlejiljed ths "um-inrr r?3e!y hv (aarihir A tiee. Tee only snia rvm-yiot tLeneorrhna or W hi taa. I prearri! it ted ted safe in rrx.aiineading lt fl to all snfrVrere. r?S A. J. S I ON : K. M. IT, JCS l'WATliB. Iii. , tOlS 1T trrara;nttj. FortniiKfir i Imm, :-a- V.--i ' vAi-4 -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalminp; Dons Soientii ally. - RedCrownMills JM, LANXISQ 4 51, l lOPR'S. w paooass nova accaatoa roa PAtirua AKO BAKEBS BSE. . ESTSTOPkAGE FACILITIES. OF EUGENE Next Rotsion bagini on M indir, th Slrt day e September, 1891. TUITIOK FREE. Faur Courses:- Oaasloal, Bolentllle, Literary, aad a short Rnglish Courxe, in wniuh there ia no LsUe, Oraek, French or Oennaa. Tha Er-L8h is pre-em-taently a Buaiaas Course. . M For oalaloRuaa or furthar luf ormaMon. Aduras W. W. JOHNflOJf. frraesdent ParUand, Orernn. A. P. Armstrong. Prin. Braaeb School: C.i'ir i. Bus. Colikok, 8ulem, Oreaoo. Same eoursaa of study, same rates of tuition. . ' Business. Shorthand, Tjrtwrilimf, Ptnmmnthi, and English Drpartmntt afv"ia session tbrooctout the yenr. Students admit ted al any time. Oataiogue from either ecnool, free, ; tbOQ - e&ttTrarsi i ; . .WE'vIH triOfthO-! i f-rC V tA.n Of I.lTfJt tMUU.iiiia, Dypi!ea, fii-E Ue.--iL-t. I-U:Teiativ!i. Co liuttkia 'or Coot. votiiwi va crcnt cira w.lh U'eat,', eULbiei.irPIMt.'?liei V.i? acction araetrictiy s-tli-d with.. TUey avro vir.ciy Vt-;eta.t(e1 eiif n&tae J1 to (fW wtttsf ttetlun. S.ifci&i cottUJ. Ijarg Vixee, "nttC" . " ti cults. Be wer of crouut.rgkA la rauin tuanufaoturvtl oaiy by JOfiK a WEST dJ aiFAISy, CiliCAUO, ii f i tHeuma jlgenSl a I .aer Frat HJIrW 1 Bkej 1 Tlw 1 1 1 3 BBtetl iJlTlnir ir,TtnAi.v J 1 wuM -' M e.a imw TuEtHftMlPICU1 V0CaTMl essl B7 B Aa W J V V . I s