The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 28, 1891, Image 1

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The New York "World," :-
: : An Advorllsoment in :
I "The -:- Womocrat," :
t$'"X?'ssl ; BIG'RETMS. I
"The -:- Democrat;':
"American Farmor'l A" 0M Yc"r,or
Kaierett at b rt O 111 re at Albany, Or-, us See ad-1 Us Mall Mailer.
HITIJ A KITTIVIi, FHUII.brr aati .Prrprfrforsi
M rHV M H 1
gff S I 0 IN
mr?T Will aiaeSt vnUieit-a
. i mt-i n,.p. mi., HfMtn ins
vam ei A.-m.., Iu.Iwmoil
i.-rs pi r.iit'in?n n-i ttraa
A tVI fl- a4 hhm rv .y
V-"V new '"wa. Kulivmn
a. hi'imtn l.tfclit I'om--.
TT"?! " a mm uHrlne from romr it
hHMruOlu UR. HANI UN'S licW
thr omi-:r on. t'iv.t,,it ntttmii.t-. at r..Tu.'t ft J
ti;enl i la ltii hwi!.ni of ll. i-l.ii.
Or. HAs:Tiif8 LiTTLC LIV Pit LeJ
3 i'.in' I u. la. r ( v.up.itin: nut .vi
illlt i flV"1!! fW.0KtH IH iHIMill'Hk
Or. HA!5 i ME tflClK S CO., CI I 3
jiinnl tintlon MlA O
tin nf l)r,iiiir
rlrlDC 4II
t'au-rss Wade on Short Notice
...... rrrrMiTOH ifTBt
City LiYerj, Fee! nl Sale
-S T A'B L E.-
lUvir.K t'urcbt4 Law rira ran furo
ldli ft.t.ri It'll ttiK al -!!. rjt oil!
aitmlion rilTf n iii.m nl afo h Iicim
I oatdc. I ly ll'.eUay ormoi lh
( Katr in lh ily.
Telej'lmra corntniii n vilih Iba St
Charles 1 1 ftl To'e(b;ii or. lor gtrfn
f miiipt atlriiti'.n
KouMli street, I'ftwr.Mi !lmoil!i aod
Streetcar !in.
Conrad Mver.
Ciriisr BrosdaiLia aa3 first fits.,
- IK.M Kit IN -
II curs.
rjtblog (bat, la kept la Hao jrroor7 oro. H!jbx
;a:d tor
a m
Hi! U ?i05of 303UC,
Our Laly ef Psrpptaal Help.
ALBANY. - - -
Cnntliii'taJ l7 thn Hiaia
f St. BenoJtct
Tuition in naiect t5j.T';hool ranxeafroio
Far tor tn of 8 Mar ling Hcb ot or an
prrtntltra apn.y A'A'mitiw orj
inn S'.star Superior,.
Ackno-tvIcdKcd Monarch ol the Itond
We orrr a tA line of II'-k, BatrKlati and CarrUcn: Farm
Imp!a:neDla of all kioda. arUall on
Mi.cIif-JI & Lewi? Co.,
era n n t3
"r I linHi. l. 11- rir inn 1111 in i 1 lii lliat ; n
and set
Write for oar
ff A
-G. L. B LAC KM AN,-
Only White Labor Employed,
IIA1 ono SolM Sore. Ii.-:!:
Had to Tie lilt II m i l t
Cured ty Cutlcui-u.
Our Rltl ky M l-.U JimJ t nit
furm of r'pun, wh n lis ji fnnr ihoiiiiiii old.
V IH.-d lull l'n'il,,l uot ln l lilin.
thou umhI iiu CtTit uu Knnnr:,
tuil fUT vjIiiii IIioiu cli'V. n mk xnrlly nnU-
luula tltrrotttin, h trirmt
lit atn.tilllv Ci.inmM. mA
It V '",l'r " ' tl'in fur
i X WM luonil t lila rifdj M
' nil.i'ly Whm
vi li.v . ulii(llhla hrail m
! ii. lul ir (ri m UuTtuwo
V tit h'. ryrin. It wm
.'" nl" " ov, f ' . "
I t(liS f ir... and iiniBll iiliiiM
I mi ilMVrvi.l run i f hi
IihW. 1 hrr i-rlxtvn
' s It It al w hull to krp
i!lli. toUifrrndla
,J m:il Imlil thrm hrn It
I.ikrti tip; kftil tmd la
mltli'ri llo.t M hitnlmo ki-n hltftrerr.
IU o il i.f I'd r.'-. ", m h w 01: 1,1 lonlrh U h
In (i iv av t haii-! lno". know
Jrw'tr Oir-i, rnt l:in-it r..rrl hiai. V (o
P'ifii In msvuiimh-I'IIm thnn ti nthdf.
OEV. U. K JA.Nlil i'A IIJir.i;H, Wlr, lad.
Cutlctsrn Kcsolvcnt
Th twir Mv n, hi,ln Pminrr, und r,-ntotrf
limn r l;'imvll , ii, ;.n.i-j tliMwiH uf nllliiiiui.
UiM mid roiui)ti rl i.nuiu, n. thu rr-inuw. th
tin, miiilj ft T I i:. III gml mkin rum, nod
lurn-trn Hoap. a;iri)iiUllii kin WulllWr, clot
thfl akin nd ,-;ll i, md iv.Mrr the hlr. l hu th
CitrirnilA i;K1-;:(irriiiTrv..rv ;orlrof Hchlnir,
hilrnliiK. itilr. ;!;;! .r.nd I lot. hjf akin, arnlp, nud
blot).t f-.r.i i'.ni.l.' i acrufula, Xrurt
lu(auc)-la L. i iUj Jui;lcUua full. race.
XTfl.; KKL4Nr, I t 1.
Trepan! by tha roTTia
lrn i l in: m:, ii. I'uniMnATiDN. Koatan.
Srn.l fur ' il.i.r t.Wiir. kn IHanuM
paa, M tllu.trjtlou., nud I J J Watlmualnla.
DIDV'Q Pln I Pm!i furlflr.1 and oauiu;.
D.lOl O t tlr.i rm tnur. Abaolutaly purii.
d i -'nil'a Inalantlv r...Trd hr that
,. a r-r.i-l-i:Jiii,nnlt:Ualli(,li. A ntl.lot to
Vw T 1 . In.lainimllin. Rtid Wrakn.
nt Catlcur Autl-l'ala 1'lauUr,
It fill
rs8e HERDS.
Eevsre House:
flKfl oo In Srrf !.:) a'.yie. lablMi
ur-f.Mtvl with lbs In tlx uiarket.
Sic aleepinKajartnxirtta. Hampla room
O3.ornruil travelori.
Of.iMr una: -
iirujiihtKaiid Boukh?iif rs
9i la for John B. Al Jnn'a pirn licatl'ina,
nirb at ayi m pnbiiaber'a y rra wilt'
u Mzi parob'anlng Uaewbera.
Albany, Oregon
While You Wait,"
It you want the best
and most durable furni
tnre that is manufactur-
0ed in the city go to
Maw IllniU-atad CaaaJorna (or 1B91.
0 -
aaaana.,al M annua "
IIoom Itkms. Six Injur wcra recently
tAiiglit within the city limits of Aher
dean, a Iil) c'.ty of WnaliinKton. Iluquiitm
1ms a 1I hooin hotel. A druuiimr, in
Alliitny, irxuii thorn recently, nayi h nte
alone, nml wm waited on hy ft rtlnn of
waltera in ityl, the hotel mill tryia to
kri-p up pji'rnoi Uray'i llarlmr,
which was goiiiir to ha aomt-thing hie
uiMiia, on ftcvottnt of the proponed rail
road, now linn lout own her nownpitpcr,
which Kcnernlly cIIiik to the Inat. A man
rwrcntly at Whatcom rcporli a Mx col
Inpae. Tho general report la that Seattle
laholdiiiK her own the lxot of any
Washington city. Tacoina ia nontewhat
down in the mouth though cnpitalUta
will not Admit it. The iceueral report of
traveler! ia that Pnokaue hai received
considerable of a backset. l'neo cannot
tie eeon with a microscope. Fair Haven
and Tort Townaend are in the ewim to
wards the little e;td of the horn.
mcontMHt ureuon cities are aunont
anlvemnlly holdinn their own. Portland
nioviiiii alicaa steaJUv. and the other
citiei of the atato eenerally, none of
which ever claimed to he booming, are
Koin abeoit steadily. Oregon's next
census, even ol ISWS will leave her north
ern neighbor In the rear.
Tn ClRCl'S. Good tUed ttiidl.ncca,
considering the fact that It U the middle
of the harvcat aeaton, attended Sells Bro.
circus yektcrday. As a rule no two peo
ple ai(ree on a circus performance, and
tome who pay a do lar are very particular,
Sella menagerie Us good one, particularly
to thoae who have not seen it once, and
the performance, the writer conahlern, a
very entertaining rne. Some of the feat
ures are peculiarly daring ones. The Jap
are immerse and Uu Arabs, though not
so expert, yet form a very Inieies.lng
feature. Nothing better tlone than the
Greek attluary. 1 he contortionists are
the best ever here. The tumbling, high
and on the ground, was good, the d.u,
blrycllits, etc, , were by all mean worth
witiieaalng. 1 nc clowns have detciloia.ed
until now ihcy simple slap each other, a
trnncleM and unlalervttlng cheatnut.
Tbaciikks' Ex amiv rioN. The .fol
lowing Is the remit i f (tic examination of
teachers held last week. The average
standing ot each spplicant Is aanexed to
hi name. The laat eight failed to obtsln
certificates: Eva IJi..etf, S6 4 ; C F Til
ton, 81.5; W M Urown.S? 4; Cora A (jar.
Nr. Sj; Mrs W J Steele, 81 9; Julia M
Tavlor, 81.7; Jarv Porter, 78,9; idrs Ida
Swan, 76; Ko L Monie, 7Jj Ina ll-r-c,v.
71.7 ; Amanda Urandon, 70.5; S K
Lotigbbutiom, 77 6; II C Jordan, 79 j; M
K Wearei-. si.6; R V Swlnk. 81,1; Ulura
n Myer 6S.7: Lena Wl'llamaon, fjj; S
RUIgcwsy, 63.1; Msry llclttnsn, 29 S,
Some of thoae who failed look the examl
nation for experiment, white others were
willing for higher gradra.
( F. KlKLI.,
County School Supt.
Capital t'irv Mi ski, The stockho!d
eis of the City Mtuirg Co. held
Ihclr annual meeting yeaterday, whrn di
rector were r'crted .r the enulng year
a follow: J J Murphv. S F Chad wick,
Ed llirach, V tV Martin, E C Herren.J
G Wright, I'll D'Arcy. '1 he director
afterward met at.d elected oilier! i e fol
low : I'rcidciit, S F Chadwlck; accre
tnry, P I! D'Arcy; irtmurtr, J J Murphy.
It la the purpoac of the company, whoie
mines are ill the ntbm country, to tend
everal tonn of ore to the aincltcr to the
inciter at Albiuia to be tea ted The ore
it ia propoaed to lot was taken out of the
mines several months ago, and Ihe com
pany Is now figuring with the Alblna
smaller relative lo tiie cost of reducing
the same. Suleiman.
An IsxrK.tsci St'tr. A few days ago
the State Insurance Company began a
civil action in Jui-lico Fouls court
against W A Cased? for the payment of
a note whir It the defendant had formerly
given for an insurance premiatu. The
trial took place U-fore a jury called by
the defendant. The defense waa that
the company's agent in negotiating the
insurance had committed a fraud by
misrepresenting the character of the
inttrument to which Mr Cared v has
affixed his name, lie had led the de
fendant to believe that the little paper
he signed wan a "certificate," whereas it
happened to he a promiesory note for the
payment of $17.00. the premium fur a
certain amount of insurance. Tho Jury
returned a verdict for the company.
Oregon City Courier.
A did University. Oregon Is on the
eve of having a great university, equal to
the beat eastern college, as well a lo the
l.cianu Mantord. ir. enlveraltv of Calif.
It I reported that W 8 Ladd and II W
Corbetleach offers to give 1,000,000 to
wards a coHrse, to be under the aut!ce
of the Presbyterian church, and to be lo-
ctted in I', nr. additional $1,000,000
lo raised in the church, making $3,000,-
000 a starter. This would be a itreat
thing for the N W and It la lobe hoped
such a cd lege will be founded, one that
win rank In standing with Harvard. Yale
or Princeton.
Lots of Ltyss. Last. Saturday a party
of logger completed a drive of two mil-
lion feet of logs to the llsrrlsburir aaw
mill from up the McKenzie. They took
six million let as far as Coburr? and left
four million feet there for (Jeodale's mill.
Yesterday they were In this city packing
un to go to the Middle Fork after a drive
of f, 400,000 feet for the mill In this cltv.
They will I hen tske another drive down
the McKenzie. The rivers are a little low
now for driving logs and they go only
toui a nine ? nigiiier, I
Look Out for bilks of all -kinds. The
woods are full of them. Do not try to
make money by beating them. Thege
purchasing agencies should be left alone.
An agent is coming this way. A show
case agent, named Geo 8 Smith, claim
ing to represent a Philadelphia housr,
takes orders, particularly from milliners,
receives iu or iio in advance, ana that
is the last of hitn. Two Pendleton wo
men bit.
Tubke out of Eleven. Eleven per
sona were examinfcd bv county achoo
superintendent, W K Yates, last week
nut, out 01 the entire nambd there- were
but three who obtained certificates to
teach. Ellen Sedgwick of Albany, and
Gertrude Vaughn of Philomath, were
granted second grade certificates and A
w bkinner, ol this city, was given a
third grade certificate. Gazette.
Two young mek, from Powell Prairie
this side of Pottland.stopped off In Albany
todsy on a Ulp through the valley. They
became rather too smart for their posi
tion In the world, and were cobbled un bv
the Chief of Police ; but discharged after
o nc very iiuneny aavice was given them,
and no doubt, will be more careful in the
future about monkeying w'.th the buxz
stw. -
Wo.sncBFut Pioh. It L Heningeryof
j-torui fcaiem prairie, who reported to
tho Journal a remarkable litter of eleven
female pigs and no males. ha mrwl ih
luriner aiHcovery that two of this preco
cious porcine ladies seminary eamr have
uve icgo cucii. x v is a wonoeriui utter
and this last feature makes Heninger'i
15 1 . T. ! . , V . . . .
pigs a Digger snow man eus iiros.
New Dbay- Firm. Al Say lor, John
Kanlz, and Geo W Burkhart have bought
tnree ot me aray teams 01 1 N Combs
and will run them tinder a partnership ar
rangement., iney are an rename men
and deserve a liberal patronage.
A Bio Tank. The Standard Oil Co'a
tank at this city is 28 feet long, 0 feet
in diameter and weighs I3,uuu pounds.
It will hold about 20,000 gallons of oil,
eqnal to 2,000 cases. B M Huston Co,
111 1 fi
win nnve cnarge 01 ic. -
First Hops. Stephen Smeed, of
Waltervllle. brought In the first hops of
cne season louay says me Eugene Uuard
They were of an early variety and
amounted to 2t bales. Thev were nlrlta-H
j from two acres and went about 100
I pounds to the acre. Be ships them to
Lkuanmn. II II Liggett hns sold his
farm and will remove his family to Call
I'r Courtney is mnnufitcturing brick
with which to build tlireo ImikIiicph
Tito Itnptlnt church which is under
roiiHtrm-tion on Hridgo avenue will bo nn
ornament to that part of the city. The
building lt)6Jx;iO in dimeiiMions Mini will
thereford l ave ample seating capacity.
Ir L. Foley and amu-clatcs Itave nsVed
lite city fur a irani-hlae to equip and
operate nu elect rie light plant for a term
of tlfteen years. The parties nuking tho
iriiiK'tiiBo agree to begin work within
four months and to have tho system in
operation within eight months from the
passage of the ordinance. Tho I'r in
tends to have tho plant iu operation In
three months.
W II Ikmaea was knocked setseleNs
lust Thursday bv an enraged brute. In
attempting to bring tha animal into
town, It run madly at him, but fortu
nately did not horn him. Martin Hick
man, w ho was with him at the time, tan
to his rescue, and after procuring some
water for him, lie regained conscious
ness and camo home apparently but
little thn worse for tho eneountir. The
cow killed herself before they got her
into town. Advance.
A MlNiTnr. I.njiukd. Wedneadsy
forenoon of thl week while sa!tlng In
clearing ground for the new MethodUl
church at (i'enuda, Kev Thontpaon met
with an aerldeiit which will crlpti'e hhn
for life. He was hard at work felling a
tree and had juat struck the laat blow with
hi ax, and a the tree began la fall he
stepped back to keep from being struck
by It, but unfortunately and Inadvertently
la Ihe dueclion of where Mr Henry Nel
son s also felling a tree, and directly Ir.
the path at Mr Nelson's ax. which was
being brought down with tremendous
force. The blade of the ax struck Mr
Thompson about eight lnchea from the
point tf the left aliouMci, cutting a deep
gah In the flesh about tlx Inches In
length and severing the point of the
radius elbow jint of the left forearm.
The ax was a very sharp one and had it 1
struck bis arm It would doubtless have
burled Itself lit bl side. The gentleman
was at (nec taken to Mr flrown's resi
dence In Florence. Dr Cloyd was called
and the wound wos H re-ted. The sever
ing of the hone will ncceasatlty stiffen
the arm. West.
Hktik.sko Wrrii a I'.aiui!. Three tt
four weeks ago Mr Kphraiin Turner left
Albany on a trip east ot the mountains.
Friday evening he returned to Albany..
not alano. tut with a bride of some loitv
odd years, and we take ideasure in re
cording the following marriage notice.
At Fayette, Mo., on Aug. 17th, isai, the
70th birthday cf the happy groom, Mr
Ft hraim Turner, a popular pioneer of
Albany, Dr., and Mis itebccca Todd, a
womau of many friends, of Fayette, Mo.
f r Turner was too sly altogether for the
loys here, and completely outgeneralled
them. He is stilt as vigorous and
healthy as mot men i.f fifty, and the
Ueatot'MAT predicts tuanv vears of happi
ness for Mr and Mrs Kp'iiraiui Turner,
who have the best wbhs of many.
IlARBifr.UR(t. A week from next fcun
day, August Mrs Wigle, tho opu!ar
proprietress of the Lynll House, w ill
serve her Inst dinner to the luany guesta
of that well-know 11 house.
Mr II A liennis. Wedm sday ptiri hatd
70 acres of Ian 1 of Jas Kelsey, adjoining
the city, and will start a nut-try on it.
Ir lavis probably has the largest as
well as the finest hop yard in Oregon
owned and managed by one person. He
has about sixty acres in one patch and
those who pretend to know say it is as
fine as waa even seen in this part of the
Attorneys J It Wyntt and W K Dilyeu
of Albany, were exiuiiding law in Har
rislmrg .londay. Courier.
NswroHT. The new six foot walk from
Newport to Nye creek is appreciated by
the many campers and others who havo
occasion to go from one place to tit's
other. A further extension is proaincd
next year.
Work on tho n(rth Jtty is progressing
rapidly and the object ia U-ing accomi -lished,
notwithstanding false reports.
AH that was expected of tho jetties in
tho beginning was to bring the water np
to seveau-en feet st mean high tide.
Now there is more than twenty feet and
the more enthusiastic citizens expect
that thirty feet will le reached wnen
the government work is completed.
Correspondence McMinnville T. It.
Ratmkb. RtHoi'KcTtvii. The Inde
pendence West Mdo says : Pol Woods,
from near Prineville, is in the neighbor
hood. He is a son of Ioc Woods, who
brought ihe first bees into Oregon. He
settled on a place near Independence
and remained there until he died. Ilia
bees he lost in the Umpqua canyon, by
the upsetting of his.wngon. This was in
IM0, when the first wagons came through
the canyon Had he saved his bees
they would have made him a fortune.
Bees afterwards sold for f.100 a stand.
Mr B Blasts paid f 150 for one.
A R. R. Bicycle Accident. 11.
Anthony, employed by the ralltosd com
pany a track Inspector between Oakland
and Yoncollj, had an experience with a
railroad velocipede yesterday that he will
remember for many days to come. While
crossing a trestle north of Oakland and
going at a rather high rate of speed he
attempted to bring hi machine to a stop,
Dut urfcriun&teiy his ettorts were un-
uecessful, for Instead of decreasing In
reed the velocipede careened to one side
and left the track, precipitating Anthony
to the ground below, a distance of about
twenty feet, where he sustained a double
fracture of the left arm, one near the
rlt and the other near the elbow,
Mining Operations. The mill re
cent' y taken to the Poorman mlr.e In the
Blue river dlstjict I now In running or
der, and commenced operations last Wed
nesday, It I not In first class running
order but Is doing very well. The flume
1 not sleep enough and clogs. They have
500 tons 01 ore on the dump ready for the
mill. The Blue river mining company
nave a small force at work aud nave tun
nelled Into the hill about sixty feet. A
targe mill Is needed to assist 1st develop
Ing the mine. Register. They Will
learn there, as in the Santlan district, that
cheap mills are of no fse except for pros
The Game Law. The season for shoot-
inr Mi an nnnnannra 1 11 a 1 1 Indira
geese, etc, opens on September 1st and
J On. BV t UUOV uiivianisnvni tiuniia uiilan,
not before. The eason for sliootinu
grouse and pheasants closes November
15. There will be no legal shootine of
Chinese pheasants this season as the law
protecting them does not expire till
November 15, and this protects them an
til alter tho close seaaon lor grouse and
pheasants begins. The open season for
ducks, geeee and swan shooting lasts till
March l.
Mining MATrEiis. The plans and spec
ifications for the Albany Mining & Mill
ing cos new lu-stamp null have arrived.
anu two or tnree members 01 the com
pany will go to the mines the first of
the week to make arrangements for the
niacins- of the mill, which will take con
siderable preliminary work.
An Albany man yesterday was offered
$1 a share for his stock in the Albany
oompany, but refused it. Like wheat,
stock is up. , .
Probate Matters. In matter of es
tate of Owen Bear, will addmltted to pro
bate. Walter Mcllree and John Cum-
mlngs were appointed executor, John
Brattain, John Mciinde and John liarton
were appointed appraisers, ltie inventory
was bled and showed:- real estate, $13,000
personal property, S3 ,000.32. ;
In the matter of the estate of George
Clevland the Inventory wa filed Aug. 19
Petition to sell personal property was filed
S yf Aclrison &Co are selling mononust
at Fer Hand prices.
aOtltt ARB PKkatJMalw
Mrs Coll VanClovo and chlWrcn went
to newpornouny,
Mrs Wallace Baldwin am! brother, Mr
urownson, went to corvauis today.
Mrs Alice Iodd, returned to her home
lit Salem tills noon niter a visit with
Albany friends.
Mr Ulchard Mayo 1ms brought suit for
tlivoree against iiino Mayo in the clr
cult court iu this county.
Or U P T.iorp, editor of the Drain
Echo, has been In the city. The Demo
crat acknowledges a call.
Mr and Mrs C II Stewart and three
youngest children, and Miss Anna Pago-
cattglt went to laqutna nay this noun.
Miss Addle George. W F Read's ae-
cbiiipllnhed book-keeper, left this noon
on a visit with relatives ana incline in
Portland and Seattle. .
Rev Sam M Driver has been appointed
Presiding Elder by the Essie: n Oregon M
E Conference, lie Is a son of R I l
Mrs L Kline, an old resident ot Albany,
but for several tears of San Francisco and
Seattle, It ht ihti city, the guett of Mr
Mr J V Circles, of Pauline, Crook
county, arrived In Albany this morning.
Mr A Hackkunati w ill arrived from the
same county next weed.
Kecler II GahUert, of the editorial staff
of the Oirgon Cltv F.nterprlae, was In the
city laat evening on his way to Myrtle
Creek on a visit to hi parents.
II L Ruild and J E Knox, of Peorts.ere
making arrangement to locate In Albany
MrZLRudd bus already located bee.
and I employed In the County Recorder's
office .
. I'r G U Chamberlain rsturned this
morning from hie trip to Kan leandro,
Calif, ami ia uow ready for business in
his office just north of tho 1'kmovrat
M E C Uiiker, of Salem, and Miss
LUsle Taeuach, of Wapakontta, Ohlo.who
have been In the city a few dss.the guest
of Mr W R Bllreu, went to Sa'cm this
noon. .
Mr ('has Jones, a brother of Mr
Thomas Jones, the barlier, left Sheffield,
tvogiaml, on the 13th instant for Albany,
where he will go Into business with his
brother. Mr Jonea is a borber of over
twenty years experience.
Mr snd Mrs C E WolverUm and Rev
a F Stewart and family, have returned
htiie from the Findlcy Soda springs.
These spring are now owned by Mr Dia
mond. Why would not the Diamond
Sprlt-g be a glliteiing and attractive
name for them.
lUUton Cox visited Portland laat week
and the business and bustle of that city
nave induced him to go there and reside.
He expect fo remove there in October
and will likely engnge in the real estate
business. Corvaliis Tiuies.
I'r S G Irvine went to Sal m this mou
on a visit t the annual M r. conference
it session there. Yesterday we pub
lished an item front the halein Rales-
niau alsitit the meeting of l'.v Thomp
son and Mr T Me F Palton for the third
ime In forty-four year. Another
arsgraph for the item 1 the Interesting
act that lr Irvine's father taught the
father ot Uev Thompson his firet Ittn
grammar lessons. The world is big, but
a net work of Incidents bind the people
Mis A R Hlgg and Mr
II ) Shane, of
through A-
the Ute W C 'f V, pa.aed
tany IM noon.
W It Garrett came over fitr r the Ba
todAy to t present at the mJelaicof the
City council tonight, J
James Pheglee, of Brownsvltle'wlll run
the llarrtaliurg Hotel on the motat of Mr
and Mrs Wtgle to lirownavllle.
Mr F M Johnny ac.J Eva Freieh, and
Mie Annie anc? Catherine Althouae,
went to Yaqulna Bay thl noon.
Judge Strahan. T L Wallace, and C W
W'atts will leave Albany tomorrow on a
rip up the hantiam for revcral days
luration. 1
Mr DrJ M Poweli and daughter, of
Spokane Fall, who have been vUltlng
friend In Albany and Lebanon, left for
their home this noon. j
A letter from I W Culck. daicd at St
Paul, bring the new that he wa there
ftcr a pteaaant trip and was ready to see
the tight of the wort.
Judge O N Denny, of Portland, recent.
y chief adviser (J the King of Cores, t In
the city, the guest of hi two staler, Mr
Wm Kalaton and Mr W II UoStra.
Milton Condra, ol this county, who hat
been attending school at Monmouth for
some past, left on Monday evening for
Washington ij, c, to accept a position In
the War Department.
Prof J B Marks, of Lebanon, wt In the
city j eitctday on hi wsy to Walla Walla,
wtieie he nn ac rented a position In the
business colleee. run by his brother-in-
law, Prof StKBblcfield.
Attorney General Chamberlain alone
maintained the dignity of the state house
and did not rush down stairs to see the
circus go by, says the Salem Journal. He
merely stood on the west portico; but
then he l as seen it twice before.
Dr McAllister ia home from his lectur
ing tour in Coos county.
Hon F C Hansard, of Lebanon precinct.
wat In the city today.
Harper Cranor hat taken a trio lo Port
land and Ihe Sound country,
Mrt Geo E Chamberlain went to Salem
today to spend Sabbath with her husband.
Mit Small, of Salem. I In the cltv the
gvest of her daughter Mr Thomas Hop
Mr Keep, of Forest Grove has been in
Stayton with a view to establishing a
bank there.
Kev Priehard went to Mehama this
afternoon, where he will hold services
Miss Frankle Rhlnehart. of Shedd, Is
visiting In this city, the guest of Miss
Lon Campbell.
lion R A Irvine and J O Wrltsman
and families left this noon for Coe, for a
week's rustication.
Chas Burns, of Mill City, the catcher
of the Linn's, was in Albany txlay on
his way to Salem.
D P Mason and daughter, Miss Vesta,
Mrs Race and E L Thompson, went to
Yaqulna bay thts noon.
Mrs Arch Monteith and son. of Port
land, who have been in Albany several
weeks returned home today.
Mrs W.G Piper, who has been In the
city several days the guest of her daughter,
Mrt Langdon, went to Salem this noon,
Mr WH'lam Reece returned last even
ing from Portland, where he hat been
several months, and will probably run on
the Albany hose team.
Miss Millie Doschc, of the Grand
Rondo agency, returned home this noon
after a sojourn At Albany and Sodaville
of several weeks.
Chat Curran and Mack Monteith went
to Scdavllle and returned last evening af
ter 7 o'clock, returning by U o'clock,
making the 3S miles In about five hours.
Thot Kav, of Salem, came up this noon
to go to Brownsville to the funeral of
hit tnend ot many yeart, Mr r r adroit,
A number of othert from -Albany accom
panied the body there.
V Dr Byrd, of the hardware firm of Byrd
& Wolverton, of Spokane, arrived in Al
bany this noon accompanied by his wife
and daughter, on a visit, and are the
guests of Mrs Byrd's brother, Mr C E
Wolverton. Dr Byrd was at one time in
the dentistry business in Salem.
Family gatherlnet were held at the
residences of L E Blaln Thursday evening
and E F Sox last evening, of a farewell
nature to Percy Young and Carlton Sox,
who leave on Monday for Monmouth, III,
where they will enter the well-known U
P college of that place.
Hon F E Hodirkln. assistant secretary
of the treasury, went to Yaqulna bay this
noon to adjust tne loss on the cannery ot
Millard Hays, recently burned there, Mr
Hays had lust begun arrangemeuf to run
the cannery when the fire occurred. Mr
ilodklns wat formerly special agent of the
company carrying tne insurance, ana
went at an accommodation.
The Ashland Record lays Dr G A
Geltendorfer who hat been a resident of months past left on
Tuesday for Washington, and from there
he will go to New York to locate. The
doctor hat made many warm frlendt dur
ing hi ttsy in this place, who are sorry 10
see him depart Thl probably refer to
Dr John Gclsesulorfer. formerly of thl
city, who located at Ashland.
L0UK A Liritcvcei'Dft,
Toe "WAssyst
In a recent lecture Mr Ingalls said that
millionaire In this country existed be-
rsuse 1V-- had more brains thsn their
fellow and by virtue of this brain
power were enabled to accumulate l.ielr
millions. .. . - -. -
1 he fact It that nn more erroneout con
clusion wat ever arrived st by Mr Ingalls.
it it not a mark of tuer!orUy of brain
power, when a man hat the control of all
the flour manufactured In the world to add
few cents per pound above lis actual
worth, lo the price and force starving peo
p!e to pay that price, and thus produce hi
millionaire possessions. It might perhaps .
anocu vunmng, anu is uvea ai preacm
eommsnd admiration as shown la the al
titude of both Mr Ingsllsand the Orevo
niam bat carefully subjected to a Dlogcn
Ian lantern scrutiny add It bears more of
the Impress vf ttie stand snd deliver of the
high wsy msn.
Indeed, Our cotemporary right so fsr
as It goes, but unfortunately It skims the
shell but never reaches tne kernel. When
man ha a 'corner," a monopoly on require no great amount of brains
to enable him to take advantage of It and
soon to emerge Into a millionaire. When
one man or one set of men have this ad
vantage, then Indeed do all other suffer.
The protective tariff It a scheme gotten up
expressly lo give certain men thia monop
oly In trade that they may become "mil
lionaires.'' For Instance, the theory of
prelection Is that we will shut out certain
ankles from our market. That gives the
American manufactvrcr ef that article the
monopoly of the market snd hence he can
advance his prices or keep them from de
clining at they would do, frequently, un
der healthy competition, and thut compel
all contumert of that article to pay tribute
to htm. Of course the protective tariff
eat. not protect or benefit the consumer
and ss Ihe cnnumr Is the most numerous
c!st tf all c'satea t4 our people the many
are il.u mde lo suffer for the benefit cf
ih lesr. This It the very quintessence of
protectionism , As the Ittrull says of the
man who controls the flour market, so the
scheme of protcc :lon bcart the Impress
of the stand and deliver of the highway
man. The whole system of legislation
of the HnalXi party ha been to put the
control of thqg" 1 Isai and trade In Ihe
hands of the few, knowing full well that
It doe not rceulre any "superiority of
brsln rower to add a few cents" to the
ysrd, pound or other measure of the arti
cle to be told. It I not a matter of sur
prise thst under this system the clsases
nave uecome wealthy wnue the mssses
have tematned In the clutches of poverty.
MWTliil t tUft TkiDl " .
Tb shadaa ti nlftit vara faIUa laat
Aathraua-fc a Alpin Ula fiaaail
A yoatfe wno Sua -said aaw n4 km
A kauuMar Willi ih aimaia darta
n ol I man tried te scare him off, an J ihe
maiden use.! seductive wiles, piout monk
prsyed, and ihe St Bernard life saving service
hayed all tsoo purpose; still onward toiled
the fellow with hit fool device F.xceliior!
Finally Paddy O'Flaherty asked him when
near the icy summit!
"Flat do yet expect, lo find up theie, ii?"
i:cclv', I ill Bcgoira, man, they
don't kape it there, at all, at all. Thry the
furnitutc libore."
Thit youth ol Longfellow' creative fancy
bat a counterpart ia the Dalles 77Wa-Aoa-
ttriw, with its war cry of "Uii'Uh fiee
trade," constantly reiterated and used In lieu
of argument it expect lo demolish Democracy
(n 1893. Wasco County Sum.
The Sin is making it remarkably hot for
Ihe Tinui-MtHiniiiw on the absurdities
ana1 iniquities of tie scheme of McKinleylsm.
Miller Purvlt formerly ttatelecluier for
the Farmer t Alliance ot Ohio, and now
editor ot the Allianc IfaaM In that state
"I am an old republican and I believe In
Ihe old principle! of the party ttlil. But
the party has abandoned lit principle! and
1 can t ttand ny it.
"There are 100,000 republican In Ohio
In the tame boat with me, and I know
that at leatt fifty thousand will have back
bone enough to vote against McKlnley.
"The majority against McKlnley will
be the largest eve' recorded against a can
didate In Ohio. It will exceed the mem
orable 103,000 against Valland'gham, jutt
alter the war.
'The people's party will poll at leatt
100,000' votet. I doubt whether the head
of the ticket w ill have to Urge a vote, but
tne aggregate in the counties will probably
exceed 100,000,
If the theory of the Orf oatVrn and other
"republican Journalists be eorrect that a
good crop and fair prices would disband
the alliance, then at a butlnett tcheme
would It not be wtte for that party to ex
pend their campaign fundt In advancing
the price of wheat t The very fact that
the financier!, of the G. O. P. (and they
have some very good Ones) do not so, Is
the emptiest kind of buncomb. Let a few
ot the more wealthy clati of politicians
raise the price ot wheat to five dollars a
buthel, and If the theory be good, you
have dug a grave to deep for the alliance
that a grave-robber would not waste time
In looking for It. This It certainly a fine
field for Investment and we wonder that
the paity don't take advantage ot It. Ad-
WMC4. .
The greatest deficiency in the Russian grain
crop it in rye, and true 11 far more importan
han the shortage of wheat. A good deal of
wheat it usually exported, probably about half
he crop. The rye ia almost wholly used 1
borne, at it is the staple food of the matt c
people. The deficiency in the rye is.estimat
ed at 60 per cent., and the full crop .it 600,-
000,000 bushels. Calling it 50 per cent., and
here it 300,000.000 bushels to bs supplied from
some source. It will be Inpottible for Russia
totxpr rt any of its wheat crop, unless itt peo
ple will be - allowed to tta'rve. The usual
wheat crop it 300,000,000 bushels. Thit year
t will be only 150,000,000.
In an interview with a Telegram reporter
Governor Fcnnnyer it made to tayi
"The democratic party it the father of the
tub-treasury . tcheme "
It is , : '-. very evident that
the Telegram will get into trouble with the
I governor. The governor could not have made
such a statement. It may be endorsed by
tome democrats, but the party, at a party,
never endorsed the tcheme and never will.
The Tnpcka Journal tnys that ovrr !C,rxx
tclf binders have been told to Kansas farmer
tin; June f , and cluimt that the Itsy crop If
all cut and marketed would pay ti e en ire in-
debfednest of the SUis.
The Russian Government hat msde Isrge
purchase of exn, and are storing the grain
for future supply, rhari. ein the pilot of
corn in Germany, It is sllere't, is partly due
to wholesale luying of this cereal .y the Rus
sian authorities.
By means ot a powerful jrt of compressed
air a German tjuliiary tnfjtnm drives dry ce
ment down into the sand or mud at the W.lom
of s strtnm, to Hint the water immediately
flses th cement, snd it lecomet like rolid
rock, tui'tbte for foundation,
A grspe vine in Santa Barbsra, Cal ,
which wa planted by a Mrxlcan woman
seventy two year sgn, lrs a dlsme'.er of
twelve Inches s tittle shove the gt.mnd, Its
branches cover Uoo rquare fe t, and It
produces each year from 10,0 jo Iw i 3,000
pound of graprs.
Ten species of Norts American birds sre
put down by the ornithologists 4 "miss
ing." Of these, two-tre great auk and
Lrbrador duck are believed to have be
come extinct within the memory of living
men. Perhaps representatives of the
other eight will yet be found. Mctt of them
are very diminutive.
It ft not so much a question whet'.er
Mill shall plant or Cleveland shall water,
a It I that democracy should htve an In
crease. After all the candidate only
atanda before the country at a representa
tive of a pilnclple.and as long at the can
didate I clean and able, It maket but little
difference to the masses about the name.
The main job In the next election Is to kill
KcKli,leylm,and to free the country from
the oppression of the tariff baron. 7VV-
Gold It coined freely now, ti that the
term free coinage relates wholl; to silver.
Free coinage of silver means the coinage
the gc-tm mint's mint cf ell the sliver
bullion which the owner may bilng them,
upon Id paying the regular fixed mint
Charge. At present no holder of sliver
bullion can get It coined for his own ac
count : he must sell It lo the government
which coins It and pockets the difference.
If anv, between the bi.'llon yslue and Ihe
sotti value.
",'.-,. . 1 '.lii
The mailed hand" of B (Jjay Is
seen in the resolution passed hy the re
publican ttate convention of Pennsylvania
endorsing Blaine for (he presidency The
orr.lnaiton of Gregg for ttate auditor
shows the "bolter" In that state are get
ting In the lead. Gregg voted for Ilan-
cck for prcat jent and Pattison for gov
ernor last fall. Quay hat evidently com
promised with the bolters In that atate by
giving them the loiat offices la return for
tupport for Blaine tor president. if
Blaine la elected president Quay will con
trol federal appoints In that sta'e. Quay
may not be wise but hi it shrewd.
I las the casual reader obierved how mute
the Ottgoninn and other repuV.icir organs
are on the subject of the spoilt t? Men.? They
are at silent as the dead on ihe subject. I low
thee organ dil rail at Cleveland, charging
him with following Jackson's example of turn
ing nu: bit enemies and pu.'irg in his fiicnds)
Now, thst Hartisuc bat ouldouc all his prede
cessor in the business of rewarding his politi
cal friendt with the ofTicd, these organt are
supremely but happily silent. What wat a
crime under Cleveland, u done daily at a
matter of coarse under Hiirisoa; at least
this is the way the organs maki up the esse.
A ration It Ihe established dally allow
ance ol food for one person, ror tne
Unl'ed State army It Is now composed of
the following : Twelve ounces ot pork or
bacon or canned beef ('resh or corned.) or
one pound and four ouncet ot fresh beef,
or twenty-two our.cct cf tall beet; eighteen
ouncet ot toft bread or flour, or tlxteen
ouncet of hard bread, or one pound and
four ouncet of corn meal. To every too
tlont, fifteen pounds of beane or peat, or
ten pounds of lice or hominy ; ten pounds
of green coffee or eight pounds of roasted
coff ee.or two pounds of tea ; fifteen pound
of sugar.four quant of vinegar, one pound
eight ouncet ot tlar candles, four pounds
ot soap, four pounds of salt, four ounces of
pepper and four ouncet of yeatt-powder to
each too rations of flour.
Notwithstanding all the talk that I from
time to time wonted around concern
ing the objsctlont and alleged antipa
thy of the farmert to Cleveland and the
prefertnee ot North Carolina for Hill, one
ot the eminently Iniell'gent and consery- correct men in the state hat iccent
Iv stated that conversations with the Tar
Heel furn,r have irresistibly brought
him to the conviction that they will not
have any one else for president except
Cleveland. Traits which have alienated
the professional politicians from Mm are
just what the fwmert most approve. With
no little force they tay that he ha been
tried, and they know what tort of a man
he It. Their view of it It certainly reas
onable and sensible.
A dltpatch from St Loult sayt: . "The
exectuttve committee appointed by the
Fort Worth Farmert' Alliance convention
hat Issued a circular lo the"member of the
Fsrmert' Alliance and Industrial Utdon,
and to farmers and laborere ot the Un
ited Stater," calling a convention In St.
Loult on Septcmbe 13th, next.
The convention It called In accordance
with a resolution passed a'Jtl.e Fort Worth
meeting In opposition to the sub treatury
plan. Thi effort on the part of conserva
tive membert and real farmers, It tn order
to emancipate the Farmert' Alliance from
the control of scheming politicians.
The basis of representation Is fixed at
three delegatet for every county in the
jurisdiction ot the notional alliance. The
call concludes with the following:
'Thit meeting It a protest on the part of
lovert of the constitution of the Alliance
against teeing that organ'zation prostituted
by a body of men who nave no Interest In
farming, and whose love fur Ihe organiza
tion Is limited by the amount of personal
gain they on get.out of It. This Is an ef
fort on the part of conservative members
and res farmert of our order to emanci
pate the Farmers' Alliance from the con
trol ot achemtr.g politicians and designing
demagogue. That we will succeed In
this effort we can have no doubt. There
seemt to b& a general effort In the south
to tque!ch a third party when demJcratt
are In the majority .and encourage It In the
north. "
Ccxnmencinc. August 19.
tion in all Summer Goods.
Fall Stock.
For one week Ave will make a reduction of 10 per cnrt.
'.11 l)r39 Goods.
Oil P.
Two hundred Parasols and
wholesale prices.
We are anxious to have
what we can and will do.
Pnrinea the BLOOD. Cores
c . - W X - .
Ira fZ"A rTr1 JZ-OW
bj.1t InaaTWawWAlMifarrt'iMwiSS'J.a'iaiaas
The Genuine JIAMBVlXi TEA itpvtvp t.t YHLLOTT V.TUrPKJ'j;
srtfA Facsimile Signature of EMIL FliESl..
REOtNGTON CO. Aocarrs, FfjusCiscO.
ftof.D nv Ar.r, rKr;iHT sjkocfre..
Russell : Engines, : Separators : and : Stackers
Osborne : Binders, : Mowers : and : Rakes.
We carry no machinery that has not been tried in thi?
locality, and found to be satisfactory, and, as we represent
factories, nt responsible dealer can give better terms.
W - .tv!sr
Vt.5. JL .- y
Stat Board of Education ;!xfBdo, fits Excellency, . 1 v. fr S150 exiwsrs. Tuition
Sylvester Paunorer, Qovernar; Hob G W Ucllride,
" ' j ... ui.i nvi ana
Prhlia Instruction ; Benjamin
V Butler, secretary. Exacmvs
lion r
For Catalogue, Address ; .
P. 1 CABS PI ELL, A. B., Prealdeatt, or J. SI. POWELL, A.M.,
Music - Dealer,
Meltee t list er nana . .
VOSE & SON lTtO09nta
Pstlstee nod EaTkntr Heme Proor Organs. OnitRM, VioJlne ani
K a . . -. , K Uu..lnll.
Bassatta aaswaasaaaraaaa, aoi-ivimij.
AgenU for the Kew Heme, Eldrldgs. It. and other Sewing MacMuts.
Supplies for all klnda ol Bowing Maehinea. We guard onr
eustouers Interest and guarantee satisfaction.
W. all erry a, 'all svssartisteBf ef Msitle and Mwsis Books.
Cor. Second and Ferry sts., (Send for oataiogua.) Albany, Or.
; " Albany,
T READ, Prealdeak
J L COW AH, Treasurer. ueo r omrou.1, v jo
J L Cowan. Geo F Simpson, vVFRetd. Er L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Bnrnett,
J K Vv eat her ford, R S Strahan, J O Wrltsman.
American, Philadelphia, Pa.
Norwich Union, ljonoen, Jing
Guardian, London, Ens. Man
ehester, MnnebesUr, Ecgiand. Caledonian,
KdUburg. 8oot!and. Wesehsn'er,
' Kew York:
- c:aY
w will make a ereat reduc
We must liave room for our
sun umbrellas at less than
all of our friends call and see
mrz is4s?es
mnm-r. nfTK I 1 IT
UusniiHi'.li, reset.
The Leading Normal ' School of the
Northwest. Beautifully and
Healthfully Located.
Xo Saloons.
Kew buiUUngs , new apparatus, fu'l Hcultv
Ileht axpanMa, and large attendance. NnraaJ,
Advanced Siorniil, Busuiesa, An aw) Music P.
8-ceial attention Riven to phwieal eu'.tnra.
Toluuteer military orvaniration. Those radnlTiug
diplmuas an authorised to teach Id any toan'.y
In tha stats without further examinations.
Tuition in the Nonsat an.l Business depart
. - w v.- I .. u 1 i-n, mjn .i a S n-r-a r :
ia the Sub-Normal from S0 to $S0. "
See- . i u.;n an wmrUTmolbii n-eaks.
McElrey, Superintendent of b N , lor term. BoaIll Norn,i
a 8choInd,pre.identtJ Bdi . fc tl w pel w(ck . turhl room
riVS BotKB Hon J J Daly, , 'L $ .. .J.7a .1 - .. ILni in nriaat
etudant. may emer a. , ,....
Oregon. ,
- - .J " ';''
Traders, Ciego,Xi.
Lot Jon, Eoglatid,
i?t'sur.A?:cE ernes n ir