The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 21, 1891, Image 4

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    lCia aiaae.
it ! ir
hI la rT btae rai
.ltr ta 11411
for nlniii
H" " thewi tar raw
03 SHOE eratfaWti
lllia mniilMa (ho, with no twka thread
In hurl lb. rooii nta.1 of lb rat An relf, irliU
e.,t wr, ami fwoai mI autre aboe u raw Mil MIMr euHA-rl H tual IUil
arwiNt ai.wa eoatln fmm B4.1U fc (AW.
2 St "d lleaej-wewed, the Snert rait
JJa Mux ear offered f. eqttela treato
tteunrr-1 eh.-a whir caol fnwa jn u.iu.
rA V Heed-Hewed Welt Nhae, On eatf,
O v etr I lalv oniarnriable aail durable. Tbe b-4
ho eTTY i.lTareit HI thl. prtee au .red. a 0U
I'WtvmA''" ara. ocwtln from rv U M u,
O It I'.llre Paaat farmere, Kail read Wea
Owe an.1 letter Carrlei-eell waarlhemi Aaeealf,
w-amlaae. anvvrth heeay three mat, ee-
aia. sr, tmeaeir will wearayea.
wj 30 ralf io raw thoa aar raTarad a
wea nil. rtra oae wiai win r-.n ttih
w a want a ahw for emefrtra ear wrrt
er; o u.l aad .0r Werhtaaaran'
atfete. ara very aw.ttf anil derei.le. Taeee wa
bare (Iran thorn a Uial will wxk ao other ma a.
novel 9 i.Oit nad -h.l eh.a ara
liUJb worn br the NraeeeTwberea tbee-ea
no llii'lr mertle, aa tne lueraaela eaieeaaow
1 mAimm li.. tile I.Mft Ana IhtSAACtli
I ai-n,-4M tli. I W. I., DpiIh Mn m4
mk at- atauiiMnl cm Ui bMiin oh mm
W. L UL'tJLijft, Urvcktw. KM.
-i'.V-L. E.BLAIP
tiui !V bwt : t'arrral. Hi a Ctouaaa lal
Mat oauraaa af atudr, aaaaa auaa at kaitloa.
DasinesR, Shorthand,
Tfrrittnf. Vaaaaauaa. aaa Hmfiuk Vtpn tmtmft
fin aawa umf nNi uf 71W. aiaaraw auaiiw
laJ al argr Uiaa. Oaialacua Iraa atUaar aauaut, ftaa.
DR. B.C. WEST'S Vn and Brain Traatmaa
(varanlaad ajiacUle fnr Ujratarta, Dtninaaa, Coant
aiana, rl a, Narroua Itaaralcia. Haadaeha,
1-Toatratiun aauaod br lha aaa oi aleoaol or lubaeeo.
Wakrfulnoaa. Monlal Dapraaaton 8(UalBf ot lha
Draia. mnltlnc til loaanlt and laadlna to niaarr,
Jreaa vA, itratnatara old bajrartnaaa. luaa
at Pa oauaM hj orar-axarttuo of tna rrain
Kach La. ion tain a ana month'a traaunaul, 91 a bat
ar au. boa. w lor it ftanl bj mail prapaid oa racaipi
at. With each onlar racalrail hr na fur ait btiiaa,
' aaounipanlad aith t, wa will aana lha purrhaaar our
wnuaa aiaiauiva to raluixt lha monaj U iba lrat-
aaant doaa aol aflael a enra. Uuarantaaa laauad oal
ar J. A. Ououuinj, Oruxiritt, aula annt, Albaay . Or
"FHBL'PS. .Tnh Printor,
3 First Sc. AJbany
Mauufcturar a
nl tUiotion iIit
da of marblDer
Fa'.rn3 Mado on Short Notiet
Revere House;
PU1 an In CrxUcUM atyls. Table
rippllml with the beat la lb. naarkaU
Sio aioeplnit aMrtmenta. Smple roon $
t eorarnaruUl trtTBlar.
-TfK.itr.i as aav art -
lh n agists and Booksellers
A. ts for John B. Alden'a pur.Ih-mtiosis
wdU Ii w aril n oTibUalier'a "It
x xmM' o
Thar) B l?aDrma no Una Crt takaa aarora
Inir to direct ona, w li kcr jour Blood, Irtrar anal
Kliliiern in oal oraar.
Tna i D Ooomi t;ri for CUa, (Vmgtit and Oroup,
in airnrtlin with lha llraalieb Cur, i a aaar
arfav-tion aaanjrthinjr knawn.
Tn o B Aim Paul aa for internal and aster
nal nvt, li Kaaralipai Tootliacba Cramp Cnlia and
Cholera Morbtia ta unaurpiaaed, Thy ara wall llkad
whrar kn'twn. Manara!tttrad a Ira'ar, wawa.
ai bf FUHrlaVT A MMOaT.
SfjF-MK$J- ho .-ay.lrr W.wir to
i-rr;r'?!nP1 '.ioljn!-!.'! afc !
f..iToiUYi'.V 1Tiotf. f ;e rrrinfiT loi
jj" ""t"c';"'!J.'"y X-ctK-.orrl.u-aorWlillai
"ZLmMt- l treat no Hand frl
r .'j viJw.i'tj m'c In rMi.rnmctidiligU
f i'. T-rt-Cnr'",',T t all Fi!frwr
'.JA waf-iri.Mi.0Wa A.J.blONKH.M.D.,
ABI at 4 I I K, AccaU.
Fartmilifii k Mm,
ricriai Embalmi ijr Dons Scientll
While trying to Crowd theii
Store, where they alwata have on hand
the larjceit Stuck aouth of Portland, bf
. the latent linprored Rifle and Shot
Guntj an Immense dock of Fishing
Tackle of .ererjr description; Tents,
Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousand
of ether thing too numerous to mention'
Ittepnir Shop
,n connection wlis the Store, and one oi
h best workmen In the Htnte to do any
i id ail kinds of work.
Come ok, Come al. No' rouble to
,tioM tod. "Small pre (it and rjulck
rt'-l" Is out mtto.
. my rMi Ijtr VT,
twaal-eewee! anna, eees
er? at iteh: equal fraiM
rxwcinarrnm au to avuk
1M. AVoa) mm4 . ahoa fk
a. Atvllahaadaaraala.
ara. linaaa.
3 XS'SV "
. - r:-j va .
. i ri (.
MM.W - wVr -"("r. - .T- Tw
a rrwtilt I a colHaJon, whathnc "aomjnaj
hro tna rya, or nc. un m ivui oi axuaa
Ion. Wa ar oviatavnUr owlltdinf wiak aojn.
Suatr or axwathitir. I n W I wtab o
afbor II k wit. Hn Va4 Mill an aVa
! u fT tt townk " aaU paraaiw fla-
ajfciaa u far W. . wawaan
Eaawto taw UVrwt( :
aawnaiiinai tka.a aaaaakJatl.
-aioa. taaaara-ai aai. a mmm a-4 aJJ
rtWaajtatat la ar raaa, or mtaT P1
WU1 b liatM. Sw iwraail OW Utia-
wnappar. .
Oaafrifti'. law by Warn DM. BawX A.
ah trrap, rtrt ial
raly laiiaaaal aa
11 F. A. Burkhart, L. I'llnn, Charles
Wagner, Harlan Ilulburt, Frank Farrell.
W. W. Crowder, r . wise 4: Company
and Tame Hunter, V F llendrlcson, C
C. Stratton. (trustee of the Christian
church), and to alt whom it may concern
that on the iSth day of July, 1891. the
common council ot the city of Albany,
Oregon, duly appointed 1 U. Marshall,
L.. w. Ueroe and Julius dradwohl a
viewer to view the following described
right of way tor the construction of a
sewer; Beginning at a terminal point at
the south weat corner of lot 1 in block 15
In Ilackleman t second addition to the
city of Albany, Oregon, and running
thence north on the west tine of said block
10 feet; thence east parallel with the north
line of said block t' the east boundary
thereof; thence couth on said cast bound
ary Jo feet; thence west parallel with the
north line of said block to the west line
thereof; thence north on said wet line 10
feet to place of beginning, and that said
council has fixed the 24th day of August
iSyi, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m, of said
da, a the time for said viewer to meet
at the chamber of said council in the city
of Albany, Oregon. And you and each
one of ou, and all other persons whom
it may concern, are hereby further not!
(Ted that the following detciibed piivate
property will b appropriated by slid
council a a right of way tor the con
duction 01 sticrt sewer:
Bciilnnlnif .at a point on the western
boundary ot block 15. in Ilackleman' 2nd
addition to the cltt of Albany, Linn count,
uregon, too leet irotn the northwest com
er of said block and running thence east
erlv and parallel with the northern boun
dary of said block 66.05 Icet, there: south
erly and parallel with t.'ie western boun
darv of said block to fit-t thence writer!
and parallel with the northern boundary of
said block 00,05 ,CI'' 10 'he western boun
dary of said block, thtnee nottherlv along
said boundary to the place of beginning,
Beginning at a point in b!j:k 15 lla:k
le man's and addition to the city of Al
bany, Unn county. Oregon, which Is C6.05
feet distant from the western, an4 100 feet
distant from tee northern boundaries of
said block, and tunning thence easterly
and parallel with the northern boundary
of said block, 66.05 thence southerly
and parallel with the eastern boundary of
aid block 10 feet; thence westerly and
parallel with trie northern boundary of
said block 66.05 'cet thence northerly to
the point ot beginning, then
Beginning al a point in block 15 In
Ilackleman' and addition to the city ol
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, which is
66.05 feet from the east boundary of said
bljck and 100 feet from the north boun
dary of said block and running thence
westerly and pa re 1 til with the i.orthcrn
boundary of said b'ock 66 05 feet; thence
southerly and paretic! with the eastern
boundary cf said block 10 feet; thence
easterly and parellel with the northern
boundary of said jlock 66 05 feet; thence
northerly to the place of beginning 10
feet, then
. Beginning at a point on the east bound
ary of said block 15, in Ilackleman' Itid
addition to the city of Albany, Linn
county, Oregon, 100 feet from the north
east corner of . said block and running
thence westerly and parallel wt'h the
north boundary of sld block 66 05 feet;
thence southerly and parallel with the
eastern boundary of said block 10 feet ;
thence easterly and parallel wi'.hthe north
boundary of said block ( 66 05 feci to the
eastern bnundury of mid block ; thence
northerly along said boundary 10 feet to
place Ot beinniiij;, then
Beginning at a point o.P the eastern
boundary ot block 15 in Ilackleman' and
addition to the city of Al ot. v, Unn coun
ty, Oregon, and loer (eet froin the south
east corner of said block and running
thence westerly and paia.lel with the
southern boundary cf said block 66 05
feet; thence northerly and parallel with
the eastern bonndary of said block 10 feet;
thence ear.lerl and parallel with the south
ern boundary of said block 6605 to the
eastern boundary of said block; thence
southerly along said Boundary to the place
of beginning, iheri
t Beginning at a j oint In block 15. In
Ilackleman' 2nd addition to the city of
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, which is
100 feet from the southern and 66.05 cet
from the eastern boundary of said block,
and running thence westerly nnd parallel
with the southern boundary of said block
66ss feet; thence northerly and parallel
with the eatern boundary of said block
10 iect; thence easterly and parallel with
the southern boundary of said block 66.05
feet; thence southerly to fir place of be
ginning, then
Beginning at a point which is in block
15, In Ilackleman' 2nd addition 10 the
city ot Albany, LIuu county, Oregon, nnd
is 100 feel from the southern and 66.0c
I leet Trotn the western boundaries of said
block and running thence easterly and
parallel with southern boundary of laid
block 66.05 leet; thence northerly and
parallel with the western boundary of said
block 10 fec; thence westerly and paral
lel with the southern boundary of said
block 66 05 ft:ct ; thence southerly to the
point of beginning, then
Beginning al a point on the west boun
dary of block 15 In Haikteman' 2nd ad
ditio.i to the city of Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, and 100 feet from the southwest
corner of said block a. id running thence
easterly and parallel with the southern
boundary of said block 66.05 'set; thence
northerly and parallel with the western
boundary of eald block 10 feet; thence
westerly and parallel with the southern
boundary of said block 6605 feet to the
western boundary of said block; thence
southerly along said boundary to the place
of beginning 10 feet.
And all persons claiming damages by
reason of the appropriation of any such
ptoperty or any part .thereof, for such pur
pose or right of way for such sewer, are
hereby especlilly notified lo file their re
pective claims for such damages with the
recorder of said city before the tnid time
so eppolnted by ,!'e "ld count!! for the
said meeting of the said viewers.
. Mhls notice I published by order of the
council td the city cf Albany, Orrgon,
maue on ine loin aay 01 juiy, 1091.
City Marshal
Real EsUt Agents
Farm and Ranches for sale. -Also
eity Property in Albaov
and Coryalli.
-latnaai WTawmairrrnai
Tlr. i1TC' farroata riawaHpllit axwnaw a
la raaww of amanan aa uo aaaaw BaamUiwa
Saw. I i ab on It wMaMraa tor waawa, nM
to draswajaa. amrar poIUv favraaaa
ZUnZTZntuZmm. afv" wlU t
bit na) alaaaaa
aav I'aaw ajra at
Caawlatl. aaatal a Ttaa.
cr.. . .... .
TOOlllO TTOOMlttOWr-Krt.
Now, that the wool grower ot Olila
are soon to ! called upon to renew tHelr
faith In "protection" a represented In the
McKlnley bill, by voting for McKlnlty
for governor. It will bat matter of much
interest lo them and the public a well,
that the views of woolen manufacturers a
to the effect of the McK'nlev bill s'-ould
be made known. ,
Thomas Dolan, a itirniberof tlx firm of
Thotna Iklan A Co , manufacturer of
worsttd coating and wot leu in Phila
delphia lias written a long letter to thr
New York Vtwht defending the McKln
ley bill. In treating ot the wool question,
h spys:
Th woolen eiirtt to this country from
the consular district ot Hrailfo'd, England,
fell off during the first five month ol tMt
year nearly one half, as compared with
XSt export for the corresponding period
last tear. The decline was, In round
numbers, from $8,500,000 to 44,400,000.
Uurtnir the first quarter of the ptesent
year, the general Import ot woollen la
bile fell off from $15,700,000 to $10, J 76,.
000. Simultaneous!, there was a large
Increase ot Imports of raw wool, showing
plainly lhat American mills crc having
such active employment a thev have not
Had (or many years past. U It an Inter-
es'.lng fact, deserving much, emphasl ot
statement, that the prices ot wool are lower
now than they were one year ago. 1 hi
decline wat distinctly promised by pro
tectionist during the discussion which ac
companied the framing ot the McKlnley
What will our wool growing brethren
think ol this 1 undid admission that the de
twine In the pi Ice of wool "wat distinctly
promised by protectionists during the dis
cussion which accompanied the framing
of thr McKlnley tariff." Every one re
members lhat that bill wat framed In 1
tar chamber, secret wa;. The republi
can member of the way and mean com
inlttee would get together and agree what
rate of duly shcutd be placed upon certain
articles nnj the full committee would be
called and these rates submitted. The
democrat would object but republican
being In the majority would all adhere to
their tar chamber agreement. what
"promiac" were made in these ttarcham
ber discussions the wool men would never
have known haJ no. Dolan "let the cat
out of the bag." 1) iluit Is not surprised
lhat wool should be loww'r this year than
last, because It hd been promlaed" by
McKlnley and other m?mbcrof the way
and mean commlltct when fuming the
bill. And It will be a wonderful exhlbl
tlon ot blind credulity It thre wool grow
er shall again conOi'e In th promise
which McKlnley and hi Mend shall
make on the stu-rp during the coming
One ot the feature ot the convention at
Columbus I the sale at ten cent each of
bit ot tin plate one Inch by two, stamped
"McKlnley." It was manufactured In
Wide imported Into the United Slntet,and
It being devoted to the use of humbug. It
will probably do Major McKlnley a much
good a the celebrated ot-metat tnrda -lions
did IavlJ Todd some forty hIJ year
t 1
In California during the gold excite
ment f 14' 50 flour and Ice sold for
$1 a pound; bacon, $1 6a a pound; can
dle were $1 tfich; lor g legged boot
brought $100, and the express on a Irt'.cr
wa 4-
A New York fakir was arrested tor
licking tulip blossom Into perforated
Mexican bean ard selling them to unsus
pecting house wires as Chineie lilies.
LtBAKOM. Last Monday
meeting of the council Mr
at a a
SB Coyle
ent in hi resignation a marnhal, which
waa accepted A W (iruMi a elected
lo fill the unexpired time.
It la rumored that Ir I,amttrm may
ere long be a wealthy man, We under
stand that bia bitter are in gieat de
mand and a fine revenue may be realized
on them
Mr JiulTHias wa ic the other and in
talking with him in regard to the out
look for the hop crop he informa at that
the late raina have probably increaaed
the lice and he think there will not be
more than half the uual crop at hop
harvest thia icanon.
On Saturday J S Bunch aoU the right
of the 1'acitic Waahing Machine for the
etate of Tex a to J B Thorn nnon,a wealthy
farmer of Irbanon, for $K5t)0. Kugene
Ouard. TliiaU the enterprising proprie
tor of the St Charles. He will go to
Texas in October Kxprrs.
SandbawjkI) About 11 o'clock las'
night Barney Johnson, a farmer or saw
mil 1 hand who works in the country about
eight miles from Salem, was sandbagged
and robbed in th? alley hark of Bill
Anderson's st'non at Salem. Chief of
Police Hoffman was telegraphed today to
look out for two I r in pa, w ho did the teed.
Perhaps you do not believe these
statements concerning Green's Au
gust Flower. Well, we can't make
you. We can't force conviction in
to your head or med-
Doubting cine into your
throat. We don't
Thomas. want to. The money
is yours, and the
misery is yours; ana until you are
willing to believe, and spend the one
for the relief of the other, they will
stay so. John II. Foster, 1122
Brown Street, Philadelphia, says:
" My wife is a little Scotch woman,
thirty years of age and of a naturally
delicate disposition. For five or six
years past she has been suffering
from Dyspepsia. She
Vo m It became so bad at last
that she could not sit
Every Meal, down to a meal but
she had to vomit it
as soon as she had eaten it. Two
bottles of your August Flower have
cured her, after many doctors failed.
She can how eat anything, and enjoy
it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not
know that 6he ever had it" 8
PlWtO Coigns, Colds, Influsnzs, Bronchitis,
LUnr-O Hoarseness, V.'hooping Cough, Croup,
for Throat, Asthma, and every .flection of tli
throat. Limes nd Chest, inctatlicg Consumption,
tyred ami uonuaraaul. Genuine :trcti " I. Eu'.'.J.
- V; S J t ft
V. -.'t tut 7 '?" '"-r ' ' --f r
:(' Mhl Uyi-.iu, f t. iacn-it.c, . MA'.-? !.'. I'.'H
vci"n u t.vciacts v e? nn-t cuvh witr. Vot'.
etttAiiie 1 ,4 Tir !M U. ili.j ri: reel ..- : c tfictljr
i'.L,.i 1 with. Tii?y fir i.M:r lV Vtat'e, m:i never
-il tosif atlfa;tiori. Ruirar-'oriua Larr vim,
"nlml -- - 15 eeuU. Hmwrnr ot count r tails
nd tn... (rmirjlna irtnufACurKl otUy a
f A t'ynuuing, aigcBt
St J
i I .i . ' " : - --- '- '" ' 1
Ret ACaadltlal.
Chicago Aug 14 A special from Csp
May N I ssvii Harrison will be for ths
meeting ot republican convention of 1892 de
clare over m signature ana in an tmpnaiic
minner, that be is not a candidate for renoml
natlon. He decided upon this coarse within
the last few weeks, and hi hurpos In calling
hither a few days sgo Clarkson of the nation
al committee end S B Klklns was to tell these
g.ntleintn that thiy might Inform those re
publicans who are taking sides either for or
against hit rtnnmlnstlon thai tner are doing
tl uunccetistlly. The dision oi Ih pieillseai
not tn let bis nome to go bttore the convent
ion was made with tome reiervalions, which
depend upon these conditions.
I'irst II Hi bitter opt osition tut
republican parly to Harrisons nomination
hall continue till ntxt spring he wilt with
draw. Second If Blaine shall be wsU eaough to
take the nomination and the partvs dsmond
for him continuss as strong and sinrere as it
appears at the present lime Harritua will with
If Bltlne has sufTiclcJi htelth, shall be will
ing to take las nomination Harrison will w'lh
wuiriewt 11.
1'caTl.ANO Aug 14 The S P K R Co yes
terday received from the rsilway commission
notice in reduction In rate on its lines ac
companied by copies of the tariffs the com-
misshn tnleoil lo put into enect hep'.ember 1 .
A et nf IsnlTs was sent le S 1 harltiirti
tn n rranrisco. in is is only roruilty as
the entire subject bss deen left to oflilclsls
and atlorney of ihe rond and whatever coarse
ihey t.'opt will be sporoved at hetdavarteis.
It wss learned yesterday lhat the S P Co will
not obry the findings of the commission but
wilt te made a petaudant la a suit to compel
It 10 sccrpt the rales. Attorney renton would
aut admit but said the company must accept
or conKst tt.a rates, and bad not yt decide!
whit 10 do. It it tn almost a forgone conclu
sion that ihe coinpsny will not put the rate
inio efftci.
Will Slay In.
Tacoma Aug 14 I resident Hudson of lha
Portland club arrived last evening. Hudson
wa siktd regarding the report lhat the l'ort
land club will withdraw frost the Northwttt
league nd loin the California league. He
The sepori Is without a fuunda'ion. I do
not know how it started except some One wiih
a let 1 ile nnagini'.ton down titer got it up and
s?nt it Out,"-
A Uberelwin.
Omtsaua Aug 14 Word was receiver
thtt Dr Dank agent lor Grace emiart htd
received f 5000 for Ihe trection cf a ladies hall
Tbe erection of ibe building will big in at an
early day. The opening of Uraee seminary
take place September 9. Tbe outlwk is for
full c bates for the nest year.
Two Arswlata)t.
Sai Km Aug 14 Mis Ior who for
laog 1 1 in suffered from injuries tutttined in
a lo'.l htd her leg amputated lust above ihe
knee today. The hand of Ira Adams who ac
cidenllj shot bimietf at Turner jestetday wss
sim amputated here 10 csy,
A aVaaara raallUa.
wamiinuton Aug it li was lexmed at
the state departmexi that Harrison bad oiler
ed the Chinese mission to W C Squire U S
senator from Washington. Minister Hen by
me iieitocrtiic hold over who continues to act
as the Chines government refuses le rereivi
II W Blair, hot signified hit desire lo retor
to tint Country and be irUevrt!. lake other
American rraiJen'l of Chin he is becoming
snxwut. Tbe proapec's lor safety it not vrry
jood and lenby wtuid prefer to be away
Tbe rearoa for selecting Squire is that be has
made a slody tr Ibe Chinese question.
Nriiaa: wilts rrvar. -
WaH im;tom Auei 1 Inuulry at the treat
ury department devtluped Ihe fact thai ros
tcrt plan for coaliauing the 4i per :nt bond
at a per cent hat so far failed t meet with
the favor anikidated by advocates. Up lo
dote I a, 500, Coo bavt been continued but Ihe
othets sggraling f it, 0000 must be paid on
or bejorc September a or the secretary must
be pirpared to redeem tbem on presentation
or make terms with holders for the txlentkm
of limvat 4.' r Ctnt. Tbe cash balance
today outside of deposits ia the backs it f IJ,
50,000, and is gradually increasing.
A raa StrlvtBg AecMaat.
Spokank Aug IJ Aa accident resulted
from fail driving last evening on Second St
V M Toll wa speeding hit trotter Ktcepp Bob
aad oa Second street over hauled Kid Miller.
A race etucd. Boh borse fot awty at a
1 :J 5 gait and nctr Stevens Street Mr Tullt
carriage collided wiih Ibtl of of a gentteraaa
driving west. Mr Tutl w.t with her husband
and the consusbn threw her from Ihe carriage
She was frightfully bruised but no fatally in
Sal ne Baa a etaerletl
LcNiiON Aug n A Time cortoront)ent
at St Petersburg sajs;
In certain well in lot me) tirilc 11 is mini-
lained that the harvest it not as bad at pre
tended. The rye crop it not small enough to
waTant prohibit ion. The ukaso is considered
ss a political mov agslnst Germany and Aus
tria. A Toerlkle Aretdeat
Mikkola Au j The cmlovct of T
Ksiier Brooklyn went on excursion on Cold
Si.-ing hartior today on Ihe Crystal Str.ara
and Republic. There were 800 people on the
upper deck of the Urge. They were jutt
clearing the dock to return when she was
trruck by a heavy squall and dashed against
the dock. As it pushed Over to ihe end ol
the deck it dropped upon hundreds of people
who bad crowded lo that tide ia an effort 10
escape. Ia a momemt the air was rent with
seresms and criesof the victims whose lives
were being crushed and lim broken. It
had been hoped thai none were killed but la
dead boJiet were l)ing near the ganwale AU
nati HKir lives crushed out by being caught
between the deck an I the guard rail. Wo
men men n4 children wept at they looked
upon the dead and dying.
Ioviovk Auir 12 Tbe Lt lo anchored here
after an absence of 45 day. She brought a
large supply ol munitions of war including 75 guns of diflcrtnt caliber and iajot
magazine rile wiih a good supply of arrina
tion. It is believed lhat thev were transfered
bom an Euperion 1 1 earner near Falkland is
land and great care wa taken lo prevent a
repetition of ihe Iaaea affair. The transport
irgged another smoke stack to prevent detec
tion by Bslmaccdas ships. The arms were
rerved out to trooos and thev si, ted ta at
tack the government forces at Coquimbo. A
battle wat fought on the 9. The congrestion
aliatt gained a slight victory over tne govern
mem troops who are said to have gone south
The Aalra) raeb.
Astoria Aug 12 Tbe Columbia river
salmon is over and cannery fishermen mer
chant bankers and in fact everyone directly
er indirectly connected with the big industry
are balancit g accouutsetc. Nearly a million
dollars has been paid out by the ctnnert in 3
dayt and money is plenty. Tbe 1 891 pack is
75.000 snort ol last years pack and while Ihe
figures art not obtainable the total oack is
conceded by neatly all ot Ihe cannert to bt
eearly 375,000 cases.
Wkat a Tfsmaa Did.
Denver Aue 12 Marii Bebeei sent la a
jeweler asking lhat a diamond necklace be
sent lo her lor inspection. Gems to value
$5500 were sent by an employe. The woman
invited him into the parlor to drink wine. He
drank placing the diamonds on the piano. II
then re. led and fell to the floor. The wine
had been drugged. When he recovered the
woman and di-monds were gone. She wat
traced to Omaha which place she left Monday
night for Chicsgo. -
K.wsb th little wood saw sod trot our
wood properly stwed. Leave tour orders
at Matthew & Washburn' nard war store.
First street. Wati lSnaer.
Whereto Get Trbm. When wanting
.n organ or plana call on G L Blackman
h 'e you can tetr.t from a first elate
tOLa.. '
McKEE.-To Prof and Mra II M Mc-
Kee, at Lakeport, Calif., on August 3rd,
lout, a gin.
1I F.n.
HOWARD. On Saturday morning,
-t'Sr IS. '89I. of diphtheria, Fay, ton of A
II Howard, aged 6j eart. ,
WYOANT. On Thursday evening,
Aug. 13th, 1891, at his home In Benton
county, of Jagnppe, Mr. M. II. Wygant,
airea 73 vears. Mr wvcant came from
Kansas about a year ago, and pnrcbaaed
the J F Vi hiting property across the
river. ' He was the father of Mr M Wy
gant, tne wen known member of the
Mascot Gun Club of this city.
MW-fltl rAlirrii. ttartvvnffir.a I I 1 ' "
, - nE AD4o.a. SEWER NOTICE. I
The sooner Sodavltla gets Its motor line
the betttr It will be for that place, The
regular hack between Lebanon and that
place charges 50 cents apiece for passen
gers, babies full price.
The school fund for Oregon ha been
apportioned, lt amount lo $153,151.90,
giving ti 45 per capita. Llnn county
comet third In the list, with 6,600 chlldrei
and $9,570 In money.
Dr McCornack has resigned hit position
as surgeon for the Southern Pacific K R
co at this place and he company are now
looking around tor another one. It Is a
glory job, the only compensation for ser
vices rendered being a pass over 1 miles
of the road. Eugene Register,
Recently at New Haven when Bar-
num'i circus was thera two hundred Yale
students attacked the parade with big
torpedoes, almost cauttng a panics the
bandmen htd under their sels,rlders were
dismounted, the Hons, tlgeis, etc., loared
and growled, only with difficulty being
kept off their trainers) the elephants lashed
their trunks In fury and It was almost
Impossible to beep them off the crowd
Finally they started lor the students, who
vera obllued to retreat Into stores, and
thinking they had carried the business far
enough quit.
A New Westminister special says; The
lacrosse match this afternoon in Queen's
Park, New Westminister vs Vancouver,
was a very bloody exhibition. One man's
fsce wa sliced open, another's ear was
split and another' lip was split. One man,
Allen ol New wetmlnliler,wt struck In
the stomsch by the knee ol a Vancouver
man. Hcurry (colored! Is not expected to
live and wat carried off the grounds on a
stretcher. All the players are bleeding
with bad wounds. Many ladles In Ihe
5 rand sland had lo go away. A great
cal f bad feeling It shown. Vancouver
won four games to one. Dig money
changed hands.
In response to an assertion from the
K. 1. Company's Attorney that the road
hail recently reduced ratea on freight,
OeoColvlg, of the R lt Com. ahows the
following reductions at Albany among
other place. First-Haas freight reduce
from 27 cent to 40 cents ; grain car, $20
to IA); stock, 30 tofM.which.if correct,
la reduction with a vengeance.
The Scio Tree says there waa nothing
In Ihe 1250 aeries of baa ball (tames be
tween Jefferson and ftalo. Just as we
expected. Baseball report don't amount
to much until the game comes off. It
generally Uke about a tank ot base ball
wind to make a game. The two cluba
are welcome to the Albany grounds at
any time.
At Ilelit Tuesday there waa consider
able liveliness in the local wheat market.
Some six or seven buyers were in town,
and made bids for contracts on a pool of
10,000 bushels. The pool waa fed by
William Scott, who had 0.000 bushels to
dlttpoeof. The wheat wa mild to J F
Hill, agent for Hamilton & Itoorke, at
OS 5- cents for blue stem, and 64 ft-B for
club, clear of the tack, thia being a cent
or two above the ruling prices. K O.
J It N Bell refuse to run for congress
so does the Man About Town.
I-ast Saturday at Ashland the Sen lot
Kids U-at the Junior Kids W to 03.
II K Smith's new reaidenee at Oregon
City la lighted by 81 10-candle power in
candescent light.
The SUyton Time says the Salem
Journal In the meanest paper in Amer
ica. That i certainly wrong aa well as
unkind. The Journal may be a mean
paper but it lack the ability to be the
meanest. Rose burg Review.
The balloon ascension advertised tor
last Saturday failed to Uke place, as the
required amount of money, twenty-five
dollars, waa not suliacribed, and the bal
loonist pulled out for Albany, the nest
point at which they were billed
Brownsville Times. Not for Albany but
for F.ugene. They only exhibit in the
mailer towns.
Newspapers should be very cautious
about giving the names ot the editor of
any Oregon newspaper. The Observer
came near making a mistake as follows:
"J II Mine, editor of the rH Helena Mist,
nasned down on the train Monday
Since writing the above we learn Mr
Sline has disposed of his interest in that
The usual number of fools will be in
Albany next Wednesday. who think they
can beat the circus men at their own
games. Some men will not even learn
by experience.
The Wenton Lender saya that wheat in
that section "will averairo 40 bushels to
the acre, while some f eld will yield 60
to 00 bushels."
The DaatiK'RAT acknowledge a call
from Irvine McQuary, who was in Al
bany on hia way to Kugcne, where he
will attend the State University. He
has been editor of the Athena Press eev
eral years, and now Is only about twenty
years of age. .
The Democrat has received No. 1 of
the Hlllsboro Democrat, published by
Phelps Sanford. It ia well gottun up.
has a uood advertising patronage, and
looks 0 if it were there to atay.
Prof Yoder and his force are wading
through the wilderness of examination
papers left behind by the fifty odd de
parted applicant for certificates to
teach, i lere are sample answers to his
tory questions:
rThe Toriea were those people who are
now Democrats."
"The Hessians were a fierce land of
people." Journal.
A few wetka ago we received some
sharp criticism for saying that there
were too many papers in Lane county.
During tlio last three months three of
them have died. No better proof of the
trutli of our statement could be furnished
than has been by tLose who held a con
trary opinion and demonstrated by tlu-ir
own failures that they were wrong and
hit off more than they could chew.
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany has recently adopted a new style
of telegraph blanks. The new blank has
printing on tne duck, ami an ex. lias
figured out that the saving to the
company through thia change will be
enormous. The old-time blanks, with
which every one is familiar, had a print
ed Heading, but tue uacir. waa ctear, on
which account the public became accus
tomed to using telegraph blanks for
memorandum paper.
Dr Sharpies, of Eugene, is billing a bun
on hit Urm near that city to be 0x160
fett in dimensions.
.' I teugPnetegraphers A aay lrfa.
We have boagbt all thenegativt t sad by
L W Clark and W H Greenwood np to Nov
15th, 1889. Duplicates can be bad from
hem only of a at reduced late. W hay
also about 18,000 negative mad by oer
talve, from which auplloate ean b had at
Ukaiaie. We carry the only full line of
vtewt of thia tttt aad do enlargr d work at
lowett rtei for first elaat work. W shall b
pleased to tee yen at onr Studio In Freman'
Dieok, aeztaeor to Mtsonlo
The DsuoeitAT will exohang a sewing
mtohia of aay mak desirtd. axoeot one or
two, for torn oak grub wood and part easb;
or win oootiaer ocner proposition by any
na oesiriDg a ow rmctnn.
Keep it in your mind that Allan Bros ,re-
os aeeptng me aina 01 groceries tti publie
mauas. 1 hir (took 1 a line oue.
Friday evening, Aug. 14.
Present Mayor, Recorder, Chief of
Police, Street Bupt., Treasurer, Surveyor,
and Counollmen French, Burkhart, Gar
rett and Allen.
The mayor named Mr F Allen for
chairman of the rommiuee on waya and
means, and member of committee on
accounts and current expenses and
streets and public property.
The following bills were ordered paid :
M Cowan, Ml IWI; O E Lilly, 17s O W
Watts. 2rt 70 ; W II Barr, W N J Hen
ton, $2 76; M Cowan, $48 76; G W
Hughes, 15: Hopkins Bros, 129 04; N J
Henton, 17015: Electric Light Co, $282;
K B Purdom, 12 60 ; J Gradwohl, $12 00;
J WGlrvlnACo, $150.
Bill ef 0 A Him, $2fj 40, continued.
The marshal waa granted bO day fur
ther time In which to collect taxes, the
(resent amount collected being about
The recorder reported the bildgo bond
approved by the mayor.
Resolutions providing for assessment
tn lien book were offered and panned.
The following bids were opened for
building towers on the streets named,
under the new sewer system established :
Ftrry, Milium. Math.
K J O'Conner, $2 25 ft DO $2 10
A B Smith A Co. , I H7 2 04
Jae Laurent, 3 00 2 (Rl 8
Mason U Strang, 2 04 2 20 2
1 lay ne. Back A (Jo. 2 62 1 78 2
Oregon Bridge Co, 2 60 2 10 2
Portland Bridge Co, 1 23 2 00 2
The bids all being per foot.
E J O'Connor. JaaLaurentand Havne.
Buck & Co are Albany men and firms.
A H Smith A Co and Mason A Strang, of
Salem. Oregon Bridge Co and Portland
Bridge Co, of Portland.
Mr O'f lonner withdrew his bid on
Maple street, stating that lt had been
made by a mistake In examination of the
profile. On motion the contract was let
to the Portland Bridge A Building Co.
work to le completed by Jan. 1st, and
txtnds to tie given 120,000 : contract to be
signed wlthiu ten days.
The recorder was directed to advertise
for bids for latteral sewer across Cala-
poui street ieiween eixtn ana ttevcnui.
Mr Wakefield withdrew, his bid the
same aa Mr O'Conner.
On motion the matter of letting con
tract waa reconsidered; also motion fix
ing time ol adjournment.
The recorder waa directed to readver-
tise for bid for the three sewers, con
tracts to be let separately or altogether.
Adjourned until next Friday evening.
at Kit, MTATK B.I.M.
O II Pickens to John W Pickens,
40 acres 1 1 K t . ... $ 100
Oregon to J W Pickens, 40 acree
13 E 1 60
Minnie II Ellis to G L Blackmail.
lot 8 and frae. lot 1, B'a ad . . . 100
F It Itoscoe to F M Redfield. ItOx
148 feet, bl 00, Albany CTrO
D Bridges to Martha Wiuge, 4 lote
Shelburn 100
Half lot Masonic cemetery to R II
Vunk 10
G A Taylor to Edward Ford. I lot.
bl 14 !!' 2nd ad 1000
Tn a Cokrrct Filr. Recently we
published the rtc on the Southern Pa
cific from Albany to Portland a shown
by the tchedul gotten out by the R R
Commission. Mr Jrstri, local agent here
give us the correct figures: Green fruit,
present rate, 1$ ct ; car load lols, 18 eta ;
a revlaed by R R Com., same; vegetables,
15 rla, a revised 13 eenis; grain 13 cent,
a revlaed, 9 cents; lumber, 10 cent, at
revised, 7H cents; heraet.etc , $30; a re
vised, $36; sheep, $36, at revised The
average cut at Salem, Albany, Eugene,
Roaeburg and Ashland U 7 per cent on
green fruit, 19 per cent on vegetable, 30
per rent on grain; 14 per cent on lumber,
14 per cent on horse, etc., 4 percent
on sheep. On the west tide the cut Is 1
per cent on grain, 11 percent on Itmber,
7 per cent on horses, etc , 3 per cent on
sheep, etc.
Dan Large na received the contract for
furnishing the pile tor the Albany bridge.
The contract ha not been let for the
lumber yet.
Am Accidimt. While Mr R Shulls
a pasdng a'ong the tide walk by the
premise ot A C Stelmacker tn thl city,
she stepped on a loose pladk, which giving
way, precipitated h;r through the walk,
severely spraining her foot. Mr Shultx
has been under the care of a phvslclan
about two weeks on account of It,
A Mill at Waterloo. Mr W T Ra-
der, who wa In the el'y today say the
establishment 01 the Oakland, Call!, hos
iery and unylerwear factory at Waterloo It
almost an established fact. About $3-
000 ha bn raued lor Investment In
rock In the concern. This will be a fine
thing for lhat p'ace, with It fine wster
IlAJtainauao in it. Articles of Incor
poration of the "HarrUburg Water Power
Company" have been filed with the sec
retary of state. The principal Incornora
tort are Dr II A Davit, S May. Drmon
Smith, E E L'pmeyer and Perry Hyde.
weara cevsiwxaiirj.
F. M. French kewpa railroad time.
!tw cream oheea jntt roivd at Co&rarj
Smok th eaUhratatl Havana. filled 6 eent
cigar at Juliut Joseph'.
A larja (took of wall paper, with lata de -
signs, a Portmillar Irving', just reeeived.
Iltva yoa seen the parlor soils that T
Brink ha jast received 7 They ar nloe.
Oraat rtliotmi n-na-t'i fa rniahina uooda
for th next SO day at W F Raad's. .
J W Beniley. best boot and sho mker!in
oity, three door north of Democrat offioe.
E W Achtton ft Co handle tne celebrated
Portland cement wall for rntry lot.
rhi wall ean be famished at halt th cost
ot any other and ar far superior.
BriahUa an your old robber and old
shoe and mak tbem look a good a aw
ith Wolff Aim Waterproof Polish. For
al at Samuel B Young'.
Dr H H EHlt. tihvslolsn and'turceou.
Albany, Oreroa . ' Call raada In aity 'or
country, .
Ladifj an do thir!thouolns ia San Fran
cises without vuitiof th eity. and without
extra eom-nUiion. M its ! J Barro T r Rgut, 1889 Gray Sl.Oaklaol
L.APIM usrtiD ilea, 1 have a very
a-g ttook ot that goods, in qnalitieerang
m in prio from $1.25 to $4 08 a pair. Thoy
si wad ni iauirj avary pair warrantsd
RAatoaE, E Teewa.
STbttt atahf waa slak, w gave nev (
When an waa a CWW, ah cried f oe Otetwria.
Wtxn sh bseara aOas, sh olung to Ustorfa.
Wltea Sb kaa CWldren, she gave lCaoHa.
Fortmiller at living have tome Beoait
tano lsoe oarWins for 918 a pair, aa fin a
anything ever seen tn h sty. iiiey
rang down t $7 a pair, inner uee ear
tain down to $1 01 lets a pair.
Klein, Bros have a large and choice stock
of boot and shoes for sale at rsasouabl
triont Di not Invest in foot wear until
yoahav een tlieir stoax aad. th) ctejaat
piano atJthejr (tore. .
. at a '..
Go to 3 W C hb, toootisor to Faislay ft
Smilet Flinn aaioek; for ynar J b printing
ef all kind, i ;
Bey jesr grorie af Parker f$rv .
DiLTMrajnr Tax NcTioa. School taxc
erenow dlineant. Th clerk it making
cut the delinquent list whioh will be in the
hands of the sheriff at soon aa completed.
lbose wnonava not paid, nad better do so
before cost of collection arc added. Last
actio. . ; :.. . f.-
One half dollar reduction en every pair ot
Ludlow' fine shoe. A good lin outturn
l3 E Vonng's. - . '
Fifty teachers ara beina examined In
Salem this week. '' .
Rsv Weoley, of the Cumberland I'reabv-
trian churoh, will prsseh next H 11 nil ay at 11
a m at the M E ehuroh aouth In this eity.
Reports from Toledo bring the ftws that
th Toledo Coal Co. are going down at the
rate of six fet a day and will sooa be in the
A $120,000 fir occurred In rortiaud y
terday morning. Kolly, Dunn & Co and Ztn
Bros being th principal losers. Th Far-
mar St Mnroliatit Iuauraiic Co, ef this
oity carried $1000 on sou ol the property
Th first wheat of tbeorooof 181)1 wat
received and regularly takau iu this morning
at the Salem Flouring Mill.. It wa- of tb
regulation Vrvn irratla. laru white berry.
and brought "6'so. a I usbol. The farmer
ho brouaht it wat John RU. S.lnm
Wm.M. IIoao, of the . Oregon Pacific,
arrived In Albany thl mornlnj; from San
Francisco, and took a special train for
Corvalll. . Mr lloag sold he proposed to
land in with the noyt and see that they
Set their pay. The truth It Mr Hoag
oesn't get the credit for present embar
rassment, the general opinion of the em
ploye being that he hat always done hi
best In the matlert but tlin New Yrrk
office get the benefit of the extended de
lay. The public at well at Mr llot pro
pose to stand In with the boys.
The oity eoawuil meats to'tiubc.
Wheat was 73 oont in Salem yterdy.
The Willamette Val'ry U a tha fLy and
bill stt Sunday.
A iqaad . f reoruitiiis officer fr the let
regiment i in Salem.
Th overland jlue at 10:20 Ut ., In
arrived at 2:30 this tti'irning, lM-iig ve'at
hours let, orlng to a braak to the ttni'io
Julian hawthorn i writing a l.ltlo.y of
Oregon. A cnp!e men ar now in IVudle
ton, mi their tilp over Oregon getting
data fnr it.
Tb pic 1 ore .f Geo C Blakrly, of Th
Dalle, formerly of Brownsville, Prtwident'of
th Oregon I'ha'Bieceutia&l Society, appear
In Ihe last l'aeltic Urog Jievlew.
Owinr to a largely int:r.rd huainex
Psrker Kro have tern rtbliged to hire an
other baker, aa I now run two, one at night
and on daring the day.
Miss Ellen Sedgal:k, of this city, be
ing examined for a ItaolitT'. certificate at
Cor v ailis, thl weak. She baa a reboot
aero ths river from
Th lied Crown Mill harn plase! a
"Wkstalrom Middling I'ori.Ur," manufae
tura.1 by tb Kalem Iron Wt.rks in the mill,
which according to an itm in tho Statesman
work lik a charm.
Tbe mettar of ihe Oregon Pacific indebt
edness to the company' eajployea will b
onnaldered by JotlgeShattucIc in the Circuit
Cooit at CorvallU ntxt Tuesday at 2 o'clock
p. m.
An amt.lov of th government work at
Yaquio bay, fall from Ihe jntly this week,
cod wa eeveraly, but not fatally, Injured.
If wa picked up outor.seiouisnd remained
so for ion time.
A Good Start, Yesterday noon Jas
Hunter started a new Mtssillon separa
tor, purchaaed of Stewart A Sox, and the
first afternoon threaded li'K) bushels of
wheat. Hecker A Co, residing in Ben
ton county, last evening, afur trying
another f.partor since Monday, pur
chased a Mnssillon.
Am Emoikk Bursicu. Last evening
owing to the side bar on engine No 351,
drawing th overland, being broken near
lake Lablsh.the engine wa left at Salem
and another one wrured at Junction
City, cauaing a long delay. This morn
ing, just before dayiiglit, the woodwork
of the dieabled engine was discovered to
be on fire. One of the Salem steamers
waa telephoned for and appeared with
out a hose cart. A general alarm was
then Kiven. but the damnire was already
done, the woodwork being ruined. It
waa finally extinguished by placing it
under the spout at the water Uuk.
Thia noon Sheriff Pitman, of Lurn-
bereon, Robeson rounty.and Col Mcltca,
of Laurenlurg, N. C, arrived in Albany
after McDougall, wanted there
tor the murder of his uncle. Though
occurring over 3KK) miles away in view
of the fact of the man being arrested
here, the case has excited considerable
interest. McP mgall was a merchant at
Laurenburg; hi uncle resided in Robe-
eon county. One night in April a man
dressed as a darkey, blackened for the
occasion, appeared at the uncle's home
and asked to be shown the house of a Mr
Wilson. The old gentleman accompan
ied him across a held. Two shots were
heard, but thought nothing of nntil
the next morning when tho uly or tli
old gentleman was found iu the field.
McDougall was solicitous to have the
murderer brought to jiiHtico and had
three men arrested ; hut thuy were dis
charged. In tho mean time he was sus-
pecti lumseK. lie Hud been seen in me
vicinity; amut was observed on his face
it it lial been biackcnett, ana ne was
agent for hia aunt and had a power of
attorney to collect the insurance money,
which wa nearly done, on his beha'.f.
About tn days after the murder he die-
nneared suddenly, liut tor tits desire to
hear from home he would not have been
found. He wrote there and it sealed his
'ate. McDougall declares he did not do
the deed but knows who did. Mr Pit
man nnd Col McRae will leave in the
morning for the East with their prisoner,
who declares himcelf w illing to be tried.
As the evidence Is circumstantial the
lecral fiirht promises to be a warm one.
To an unprejudiced Oregonian, it looks
as 11 he is the man who uia tne aeeu.
ha reran t
New York dispatehes report qu-.te a rise
on wheat.
Mrs lis K Polk difd yesterday at Nash-
l:le, Teon.
Sec W F Read's line of dre got da and
silk bufor buying
Ella V Montgomery bs btouiiht a suit for
d'voiee against Wm M Montgomery.
The Finlty soda arrings with lwut 4C0
aore of land were told today to Mr John
Diamond, of Cobury, tor $2800.
A meeting waa to be held this afternoon
in the new grange hall acmes tb river in
Benton coutity, the first to he beld iu it. rl
A white pony belonginz to Worth Albei
waa run oytr near Albany a couple of day
ago. iii va'.uo waa asaetsoa at ?sio.
A young woman waa seen last eveninn to
enter a tjhinesedan tn thu city, laiuking
he bad cope in for the purpose ot tmokini
opium, the police followed hur; but could
unt lind any trioo ol her. r he had prob
ably escaped by a rear entrance. .
A piano '
At KlettiJBros
Boot and Shoe store.
Parker Broe, grocer.
Royal Dntoh Cocoa at C E Browm l.'a.
8 A Hulin. druggist, French' eorner.
' Fiae groeerie at Conn & Ilr ndricton'.
J. W. Bentley, leadin boot . and aloe
maker, jut oast ot Revere Houto.
Jutt reoeived at the Ladi Bisiar, a full
line of jet nail heads, the latest novelty in
dress trimmings.
0 W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block, does
Erst class work.
See that elegant piano at KieinJBrot Boot
and Sboettore,
A fine line of crockery ware at Conn ft
Hendrioaou's, .
Drink oold coda water at C
. For bargain in monuments, headstones
etc., go to E W Achiaonft Co,Albany,Oregon
Fresh bread, cake, pies, et., every day
t the Dclmonioo restaurant. Lesve your
Charles Sears and Ben Cteland went to
Eugene on wheels, making the trip (48
Lml es) tn seven hours.
Btlmnlale the Bleed.
Brandretli's Pills are the great blond puri
fier. They are a purgative and blond tonic,
they act equally on the bowel, the kidneys,
and the tain, thus cleansing the system by
tbe natural outlet ot th body they may be
called the rnrgative eudorifio and diuretic
medicine. They stimulate the blood 10 as
to enable nature to tbiow off all morbid
humors, and cure disease-no matter by what
nam it may be called. One or two of tham
taken every uigkt will prove an infallible
remedy. - t
Brandreth'a Fill are purely vegetable,
absolutely hartnle and aafe to tak at any
time, f old in every drag and medioine
store, either plain or sugar coated.
L M. Curl, K. E. Allen, Geo. W.
XI Ywng, Mr. K, A. McFeron, L. Flinn
and Edward Ford, and toad whom it may
conoern, that on the 18th day, cf July,
1301, the common council of the eity of Al
bany, Oregon, duly appointed L C. Mar
hall, L, W. Deyo and Julius Gradwohl
a viewer to view th following described
right of way for the construction of a wer:
BeirlnnlnK at a terminal point at th 8 W
eorner of lot I ia block 14 In Haoklcman's
second addition to the city of Albany, Ore
gon, and tnnnisg thence N on the W line of
said block 10 feet thence E and parallel
with thN line of an id block to the E boun
dary thereof; thence S on said K boundary
20 feet; thence W parellel with the N
boundary of said block to th W boundary
thoraot; theno N on said W boundary 10
loet to tao place 01 beginning, and that said
council ha fixed h 24th day of August,
JSal, at the hour of JO o'clock a m of tatd
day, a th Dm for said viewers to meet at
trie chamber of aid council ia the city ,
Albany, Oregon. And you and each ou
of you, and all other pron whom it may
concern, are hrby further notified that
the f )loijg desonuad private property
will be appropriated by said council a
ri(ht of wy for th oonawoction of auch
BcKinniogat a poiut on tbe western
bonndary of block 14 iu Ilackleman' 2nd
addition to tb city of Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, 101) feet from tb north wear
corner ol said block and running tbajce
natterly and .rllel to the north boundary
ol said block tHl C5 feet, thenc aoutherly
and rDi t th weatcrn bonndary of
raid block 10 ft; thence waurly and
I arallei t- the uortu bouudary of ui.i block
00 03 le. t to th weat U-nodary of sa.d
block theftoa i.ortheriy along ta d watt
bou Hilary lo the place of belnnio.-, tbn
HK"uing at a poiut in i loclt IA
mn' 2 .d ad ltt.MJU to the city tit Albany,
l.i, 111 ctunty, Oregon, which ia CtJ.Oj fott
ii.'ant Iroiii tne wcatero and lUJJ feet dis
tant Irom tli noilheru boundaries of said
1, lock atid runuiog thence caaterly and
panllil with the northern boundary of taid
block (iO.05 frt; theoce southerly acd
paicllul with the eastern boundary of ald
dock 10 feet; thence weatetly and parellel
with the northern bonndary of aatd block
CO 05 feet; thenc northerly to the poiut bf
bexiooog, then
beginning at a point on the eastern boun
dary of block 14 iu ilacklnoian'a 2nd addi
tion to th city f Albany, Unn county,
Oregon, 101 ) loet from th north eaat corner
of (aid block and runnlug tbeoc weaterty
and parellel with the uorth boundary of said
block 132.1 feet; thence southerly and
pare 1 1.1 wiiu th i.avtra boundary of said
block 10 fact; thence easterly and parellel
to the oorthern boundary of said block
132 1 feet to tbe eae.ern boaodaiy of said
block; thence northerly along taid boundary
to th place cf bvatinning, tnen
Begiouing at a point 00 tbe eastern boun
dary of block 14 in Hackleman'M 2nd addi
tion to the city of Albany, L'nn event y,
Oregon, 101 J feet from tbe aouth eaat
corner cf said block and tannins thence
westerly and parellel with th aouibern
toeodary of said block 132.1 ieot; thence
northerly sod parellel wi b th eaatcin
boundary of said olock 10 feet: east
erly and parellel with tbe aoutbern bonn
dary of said tlock 132.1 feet to the eaaUrn
boundary f aaid blojkj thence aootlieily
along aid bouidary to tbe plac of begin
ninK, then
Beginning 'at a point in blok 14 In
Hacaleman 2nd addition to the ciirof
A'bany, Linn county, Oregon, which it
66.05 feet distance from tne western and
101 feet distance from the aouthern
boundaries of aatd block and running
thence easterly and parallel with the south
ern boundary of said block 665 fcet.thence
northerly and paiaHel with the western
boui.dary of said block to feet, thence
westerly and parallel with the aouthern
boundary of Said block 66.05 feet, thence
southetly to the place of beginning.then
Beginning at a point on the weat boun
dary ot block 14, In Hackle-man' 2nd ad
dition to the city of Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, and 101 ;i fect from the south
west corner of said block and running
then easterly and parallel with the
southern boundary ot taid block 60.05 'eet, northerly and parallel with the
western boundary of taid block 10 feet;
thence westerly and parallel with the
southern boundary of taid block 66 05 feet
to the western boundary of taid block,
thence along said boundary to feet to the
place of beginning.
And all persons ylaiming damage by
reason of the appropriation of any sucb
property or any part thereof.' tor such
purpose or right of way for such sew er,
are hereby especially notified to file their
respective claim for such damage with
the recorder of taid city before the said
time so appointed by the said council for
the taid meeting of taid viewer.
This notice It pubiltned by order of the
council of the city of Albany. Oregon,
made oa the iSih 'day of July, 1S91.
jrsu iiurtUAN,
City marshal.
Pauline Hcgele, Harper Cranor. J L
Hiil, J 1 1 Remington aid II R Schutu,
and to ail whom it may concern, that on
the iS.h day of uly, iSyi the common
council ot the city of Albany, Oregon,
duly appointed L, C Marshal', L. W.
Dcyoe and Juliut Gradwohl a viewer to
view, the following described right of way
for the construction of a sewer: Begin
ning at a terminal point point at the south
weat corner of lot I in bljck 102 In Hack
leman't addition to the city of Albany,
Oregon, and running thence i.orth on the
west boundary ot taid tot 10 feet, thence
easterly and parallel with the north boun
dary of said block to the east boundary
thereof; thence south on the east boun
dary of taid block ao feet, thenre westerly
and parallel with the north boundary of
aid block to the west boundary thereof;
i.icnce nonneny 10 reel 10 the place of
beginning, and lhat said council haa fixed
tho 24th day of August, 1891, at the hour
ot 10 o clock a m of taid day. as the time
for said viewers to meet at the Chamber
of taid council In the city ot Albany.Ore
gon. And you and each one of you, and
all other persona whom It may concern,
are hereby further notified that the follow
lng deficiibed private property wilt be ap
propriated by said council as a right of
way ior tne construct ion ot such sewer:
Beginnlne- at a point on the western
boundary of block 102 In Hackleman't
addition lo the city of Albany, Linn coun
ty, Oregon, 102 feet from the northwest
corner of taid block and running thence
easterly and parallel with the northern
boundary of taid block 142 fee'.; thence
southerly and parallel with the western
boundary of said block 10 Jfeet; thence
westerly and parallel with the northern
boundary of taid block 142 feet to the
western boundary of said block; thence
northerly along said boundary to the place
of beginning, then
Beginning at a point on the east boun
dary of olock 102 In Hackletnan' addition
to the city ot Albany, Llnn county, Ore
gon, 102 leet from the northeast corner of
said block and running .thence westerly
and parallel with the northern boundary
of taid block 142 feet: thence southern
and parallel with the eastern boundary '
said block 20 feet; thence easterly and pa
allel with the southern boundary of said
block 142 feet to the eastern bourKfary of
taid block ; thence northerly along said
boundary to the place of beginning.then
Beginning at a point In block 102 Hack
leman's addition to the city ot Albany.Linn
county, Oregon, 71 feet from the western
and 102 feet from the southern boundaries
ot taid block and runnlne thence easterly
and parallel wiih the routhern boundary
of said block 71 feet; thence northerly and
parallel with the western boundary of said
block 10 feet; thence westerly and parallel
with the southern boundary of said block
71 feet; thence southerly to the place of
begtnnlng, then
Beginning at a point on the west boun
dary of block 102 in Hackleman't addition
to the city of Albany ,Llnn county .Oregon,
102 feet from the southwest comer of said
block and running thence easterly and
parallel with the southern boundary of
said block 71 teet, thence northei ly and
parallel with, the western boundary of
said block 10 feet; thence westerly and
pirellel with" the southern boundary of
said block 71 feet to the western boundary
of said block ; then southerly along-said
boundary to the place of beginning. v
.. And all persons claiming damages by
reason cf the appropriation of any such
property or any part thereof.for such pur
pose or right of way for such sewer, are
hereby especially notified to filu their re
spective claima for such damages with the
Recorder of said city before the said time
so appointed by the said council for the
taid meeting of said viewers. x
This notice is published by order of the
council of the city of Albany, Oregon,
made op the 18th day of July, 1891.
City Martha! .
A necessity.
af tee. ateeaaV
firam Trr yea aa
ablratd, Kaaaa.a4
tb peaueipaj Saw
no. - ....
r row i aw
rg aoantriaa. Sat nf
.ooe net grew in
AmrWw. Aa4 aa-t
,1 raaas, tm tbea-
sand ef Buraaaw
I wa hav Xatwaw
x . ardent hrrea fu.
oeo arrlvwif b ta
My aasswnsa Ba m, avd flaatla- aa
1-ts Mat d mtmg, -rJ u, jfc,
w) aBtnraai twaalr a aaaaak t In
". aaKi jmjmm s twaw I
ad moat worths a.
wealthy lase f China vl ytm a r.
exaeUnr and anRtaswl
Enron, tb fin and a twady - i 1
Th balance of th aa nmm t '-,-.
I tber any wood, Skan, tkat eaar ft
tea doe not ayvr.aaaf
In vUw of thws faosa, I Sar a)t m fat
mediat Awmaeva Ear tta laarvtsttaa of .
rrraata of tew tba I n a v aa-
carsrwl, rraaMB?axaUe4. aw4 f
Mrttt w Hklaai thaw ta, and
feactfi Tew. BM ails, a aaaaawlnl aa
vttrr reaver. M has, tbaaaJiea. a,
hrnt ftaMtthabamUMeatsawaaraba-w
bwn itrrlakha. Iwfly Car baas baa
narr-l a sw batirtaa. Thl yew wR aaa-
wvwr h as ttaa ynaj raawat IA
th Oavov h
vcrof awi 1 11 1 bn Intlala Mkiai
br1af rht
Pure As Childhood?
Prtm 0 per vommA. Fsvaal
Caveat, and Trade-Mark obtained, and all rat
ent buainvaa eon'l acted for Moaerst Fee.
Our OMc I OpsosH U. 8. Patent Outce,
and w can eerurw patent ba let ttiue tiuua ibo
remote from Waahinirton.
hend mod.-!, drawlnx or pbntf. aili deaerln.
tlon, W adrlaa. If patentable or bat. free t.
cbarpe. Our fee not due till patent 1 secured.
A Paraphlet, "How to Obtain Patent." with
name of act u-J clients In your Stale, county, or
town, tent free. Address,
OrpetH Patent CSc. Waabinctoa. 0. C
ion, Lix.t.xu4 ra. hope's.
ttw ytuuitwi rLoca ttrrasuga vn i
Ajro SAxaxa wax.
alaat eeaaioe V labia aw aUauaaaj, Ve Mat a of
aal, aaiaaafl. Man a. )
, at waab tease w aw battel
aabi.l aVaftaw Caaaaa.
Pfeiffer Block, .
' Staiiaid & Cusict
I tea !!.;
Drora. Vediarlatw, CkecnJcaJ, i?nr?
and Tof!t ArSicls,"rags, Prub3v
PerfBRsery, 8 eh col ;rtokt,
Altfat' Sisptrltaw.
lkstIataiw prAwrtalBS
faillp ceap!tS. -
: ...rtMwtwvroa car tww
City IiTirj, M ni Ui
Bavsag pi sAtusd lie tie aww IbBway
tab arrst.aiaa ttwvewe at aU. r 1 rY I
atUnrroa stvaa b traasiest s bs aft Buss
boarded by the day oe mr,tth.
Caisisiw4 Rate tat Ottay.
TetepboB enwion witk la Bt
hartea Herbal. Tawo ara aerwo
prompt astmtfwew
Fonrth BttMt, eetwetaa BSaworvw sms!
Strt Car list.
Emericlc -)Sc - I3avk:xf
Otpaalt. Sdaais Uvaaw Baibla, aawt
There ia ao doubt that
III t lili'ii
F.lowk of SILYXRWARE. lalsn(
apoen. knives, forks, flrult drakes, .,
- gold and stiver watobes, iwl y,
te, I th rargest and bt 1
tkaaity, and by far a
bwe veT brBfrht
ta AlAAtiT,
PRIGES th. Host Re.soaa.le.
V Call and See" the 800DS
September 18lh, 1891.
CeaiM (ton, area?! warwn). lo meet Iba
aed .1 lb (arminr and machanieal interest ol th
sat. Xarfa, eorn odious and well-venUlated bail
lae. Tb eolleft la located in a suitt-rated and
emmttnity, and one ol th healthiest in th at..
Expenses need not exceed ttlSt)
far tbe atire aeaalen.
Tw or taer free-aaholanaip from ar.ry eeaary.
IrYit for saMot; a B. L. AKIOLD, Pres.,
woTTaUts, Oteaeiu
, z . . - . . - - - . .
Joe Seavond andTny gt, ; Albany, O
SUPERIOR wsrk. gnaranhacd la yr
branch of tie art. JtssfBulai oine
11 kiudapelity,
lill IS I, twaa rAa awawawl Aa
aabaaaa.waia Mfc.aawasa-
Baa, n.eea ay awaeaaw. waa aash
Far aaaaaaawaaa ar a,abM aataaaaawiaa.