The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 14, 1891, Image 1

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i -:Tho New York "World,"
j"Thc -:- Democrat;':
: "American farmer"! A" v"r,,,r $2.80.
; : An Advertisement in :
I "The -:- Betnoci'at," i
i rftsfTJS'jSu big mm:
Inlrrrtl at lue rl Ale al Albany. Or , (M-rniM'ti Mull Mnllt-ri
.TiT A M TTIvti, Pabllafcer sad frrie(er,
SO. t.
f 1 I It I '
Tur p.i-.VTr'ic
W aw V."
llr ni KMw n1 Hot th
V mil tf Air'tii lmtittior,.
lrlC nf HiifitrflU mt 1 irs!
iitm'iV and nnrvi rvctrd
nw f'rr, Inhwutt Ml ml
, nml afMlia Hrtn Swr.
)l..lllnj rv.M
IWM .L IklO 17. 1H, HAU Ulii 1IKM
ftXN IC nff atml ,. m. ii.vai itctair, tit,).
U cmi liittt. trtiivti RUsnmiti t coititi 'it
luironty n-itl to iba M".ltMrtiv ' ftifinx).
Ikt n. tiirtm,il - gl i h nH1a il. am I TUT,
fli'uvvi'.t.wUrtVtim, Its mi nii-i
1 UtWi.i. H. wt'! Ikmi i m.I ;.. in itt fi
Immlfsl mi nHii( r lwtcrtii its t.)r.i , f
Of. HASTCR HftCDJCI.X f CO., Si. w v: .
Soutliora Pvicifla Roat9
:. I Lt"
Id A a I Ar
Kro -Ico
Ar1 SS
I. 1 1 r a
Oiirn, S:oui, All.inr, Tiut, Sliml.l, IrAlajr IUr
:" Lt P.j-iUhJ Art 4m
IfMri L Allmny 1.1 I IJ;) a
VIJ IAr k.whunr l. I w .--
JO r a Lr
r a A .
liiiuaua iuhh,
Lr I A;oo a a
I.Mr a I l.
S r a I Ar
T a Lr
4 a I Ar
Ar I
.& a
: a
4:Vr a
1:40 a
Tourist Sloepinfr Cars,
far rraatmatlaii l kiuM Ihu rattra
rr. auarbrtl I t.krra f ralaa.
r.l Mr Cltl.laa.
ut.Tin: rrttti A ttKAlll.
V Ail. -ailAill (Ell8unui.)
a a I Lr
r a Ar
& M r m
il M ra
trAasn ri.Ai ailt (Eic.-'. Sud.I.j .
2 ra
I Ar
A' I
Lr I
:Vfl a a
a a
Throiij'h TielcotK
T all iiit
I f 'Hi n.l'r:o?i i r.-xr-iij ri'. ofr.
rn&'Ulir A lit At A'i:u
i CKtlLKll r. r. Ki tliS
Wtr.-r 't r:. I'. Alid I.
RaiirodQ ,
LcTElEcnt f'a'g Ftsamera,
Nhcrrt f.iii (o ';lEtrtr nin.
Kr:4ir!diH lii.-ouh r.ahifi!:i:nr riij
t'oif !r.rjtl ond ail
too Vi;!nc
J".iwU r-.p.n c'.o--ty conr.o;L'.cn t A!! in
t!i tri!".!nf theOregon Tahiti "-tilrond
TIVE S.?:lKL'LR. errei.t Sui.! )
LJVAUir;) 1.".: r. a(jLo Vaiuin 7:-0 a(m
lxv CnrvaiUj J.i J r. a. Lav C'rrl'.i!i,ll)..'',5 a, a
Arrlr Vuiiu, I M r. a. Arrtts IUiy, 11:13 a. v
O. O. traiaH coniuM't m Albany and
OorTtilii Tho above trainn coanoctst
yauln wilii the Oregon Uoveioprroul
ly.mpany'it Lino of Hteaililpa ltwen
Vs'juina knd San Tranrlwco,
rr-oa TAqi'iJiA.
WU:ialta VaIIct, Tulr. Aug 4th : Thunriay,
Anr 13tb ;HsrordAT,Au Siiul ; UnU7.Au)r 3U
rAoa aam rHAnciAco
WUUmetl Tallejr, Krlil.r. Jn'jr 3Ut ; Sunctar, An
(Ah ; TuwdAr, Auy lath; Wt.l:iedy. Ao J;th
The Corn pin r ve ibe rgot to
iitce Miliar datea w'thout notice.
T. U. PaaaenKora from Portlnd end
Willamette Valley point cn make clone
ir-;nectlon with the train of the Yaquina
nateat Albany or CorTallla, and lfdea
(InedtoSan PranrHaoo abnuld arrange to
rrtre at Ysaalna theevenlnn before fate
f aaulnfr
rPaaxrr aa rrrgat rale alwa Ibe
F'l Inf.jrmU'ui Apirfylo A R Ohipmo, Freight and
rftat A(nl, AlliAny, ':. HOtil'l.,
O. F. aril P Aiftn .
Att.mnv k4 Li . Wilt iir-'.i i n all enurln r.l tha
uta. U(o;il Atwii'.i m t 1 1- nu t th In pmlitta
aod loe l:tim. urii;ii-iini riinn mi'h:.
Attorney at Liw.
Will uri'ti'i in AllennrUuf lh
ta'a. w;Hre fliun Wwnk, Albuly, Orrg'in.
AtUniy at L at 1 8 .licit In ;hvi-ry.
lin niAl on alt w uu. Irn
oralile tonna. Albany, Oregon.
C.i It.-
on far-
AtUirndyat L,and Jl Jry':tlo In All
aurutt thiaatata and In thi ITnitud Hum cmrta
(..riirnoii. tiTirrti -IMnt rxitnl oror IJank of
t)iV"ii, A.liany, ''n.
. a. a. i.i';i ,
-tlL.l'Knir?i A
a. a. watwis
Alttinnya at I.w. Ad Imfilnw lll r:)lrii prompt
atuntimi. onirrtOdd r"llow'lmkil ,Aluny, or
3 a
Attornny at
Law, and N')Ury Publlo. Albany
yyu. J. l. II ILL,
ITiyololan And H lrtfoofi, OPPI JB -Oorncr Find An
ferry atrwti, Albany, tlreoii.
PhyaUUn and Snr-aon. OFFICE Corner ootid
and Hroiailbln trait. Albany, Or, Call i roinpily
tl"did in aitr and aountry.
li. ii. A; WIITi4EV?
Phvicln And 3 l?i il l.
drul V. ul I)i luvua Mfll
iml Onl ex), N i York (Jit
O.'FIOiJ rrn in tilns't, Albany, Oregon
THE mm HAY P3E.S,.
m ,r aNufacturkd nr N-P-SbAiTK.
I at Coryallla, is the best he pwsa to
the market. Orders for irreaaea sent to
OurvAlJis will be promptly IV led,
ftiy uainfrlngln on the patent will
bo prasaeuteTto the fallout extent of the
HELTPS. .Tnh Printer,
I jm nt J iti u w u
First bz. Albany
BAD ECiufii.;
Ilrnd enr Soll Rorf. lit t'.-i
Ha l to Tio lilt II i.i "s t' f
Cured X-.y C'ullctir.v.
Our lltlto biy tr o il on hla IimiI nliti n ti-,(
firm of ri'ik'iu i, w'h-'I It i .i Imr inmitha o:.l.
Wa itlnl ihn'rtill.u , I.Ml t;i did not h"lii Un.
V t'u "'d V''iir tS-.' l i't:rii 'A liukiui ,
and U'tnt th.'in cl.;vi"t t-k itly nrxnil.
it ta iMr-ctlouak lio bri.ii1
t I f'.i'l.lily llUI I.M', Aid
'i -r !i i( (lii'iA ti r
r v, i hioiiO a lila hind .ia
r- i . y a cil, li. n wa
r a u.'naltM lnd na
to I'1. rj , t ri.. It wa
r.' ;.!l in or li'a rr, im.
t-i liia I ,, mitl mini! I'Ii ita
in .la.i '. i t ii.ii ia i.r hi
iltv. I t'i'r ta at. aL ilrnu
w-Vatluitwo Lndtokn-p
LU kir la Ho tothoriaillt
ei d lii id Hu m li. n ha
v, ii t. V, a nj; and h id In
11 mill t'sil n li
liiiiu to K.i'B hla lli-iwr.
! Olt !( n ; ,
e il.l I i :ir i ii v . , i
JlOtir I't TII 1 IH I !!
A lf. t Pri!lV!1i11 ! I !
n li .i wuiild rcrnti h 1( ha
. h i:i(U IrO". '. kllo
" riin l fc'm. Wa Ivt'l
.'I l to I'. li. r..
Ul!v. II. ,vj JAN..Vi A HAUi.l -,, Iml.
Cutlci.ra Hcsolvcnt
Tht..w l!.. nn.l r'4. ri:l.1.'r, and grrntratpf
lluinur r i.i. tlistdwl niliunmrl.
tioi unJ 1. 1, i hiM n1 m.-uta, d tluia rrianv. a Ilia
run', .!.i t . vn-: m, iha irrai akin rure. and
iirirra.i Hni:-, n:i ..i-S. akin hraullllur, rlrar
thj akl.i and a.-.i!;.. -. I ri-.iirw llir hair, i'hna the
Ci'rti-CBk l!t:a ' i hlohty avlrof lirhtuir.
hundn... k-.ily, .l i;.; , nnd .!..i.liy (kln. aralii, and
hl -., f , i. ...nduiA, lrm
lii(Aji'j tor.-, n'i n ili.i Lvi cliytlcluaA (aiL
PoM T.rrw'i P ! . (VrtrrBA, ; BAr.
t. ; liiiii.vr i, ;.t.iri. rr.Miil i.r iha I'orraa
lnm ain fiiciii. au r tinnatTiox. Hoatun.
A-Simil fur " II . I i l'nr rtMn IMaraM," 1
pai, W UijjtruUuiia, and Lk trailinmiiitla.
R iRY'C SUn "", r'"!.1"l ami Kituti:!,-,!
UAQ I O I1T '! fu AUiduicly .m,..
V 5ar"' K-iih'a l.i.tantljr r..hcvl hr Uu
i," AnU.foWt
l in, iin unm HI. n. mknraA tl
Ctlrur Aoll-I'.lu l lnatrr.
no ,rsa HERDS.
iTHc curc or
! '.a gPaja.aji,inA,iiAi. W;. aw n iiaa nj.
I ad I
rniirf'CTr? crrurnM nirir-(-
AMi or o:;r.ui;'., oiitiioi,
III ml.
I! V Mt'.l'.itILL
TrunM-U a snoi litiikiti? iuiiiifa:
Kxch'iltti hitiiKht And a-id tn ail the iritirit
cittva in lti Kidled 8taWt Aiati un Kiiliid. Ireland,
r ranr and iitrmanr,
OilUxlimiiraadc Al all A.aib!e puiuU on faror
bl ternin.
Intorvai Al!ed 4.i tima drpttaita.
Prvallant.. .......
ii, i:,Yrt Ml
ico Prctidiiut
r.lANSArTS A OF.r-.UALb.iktnLualtita..
A.-;OliNTrt KEPT roMt to
B1GUT KXCUAMiK Ai.d U) Tapbta tranafor. I.I
Vork, 8n r'naciaro. Clticatfu and P HUnd
COXECTION'f HADE on f.orl.i unra.
J. K. Yocaa K, W, LAKau. a
L K Blaib1. L. Kua
or ALUAsr. onoo". . .
Pridint .... H.
...J If KM-HTOV.
.0 A AKCI!lllOLl.
raamo,-i L Cwn, JM Ralit-m, W 8
Udd, W II u.Ui, 1 A CVirl ail OA Arch
ibold. .
TRANHAfTS Atranitral hAnkln buaititaa.
UKAW SIOHl UKArTiou.New Vurk. San
il -.!. t, t-Sreifon.
LOAN MOrfKTun api&rrd aacurtty
RECEIVEdepoAitaaublset that a.
0F POBff.AJIR. OP.KO 7f.
Paid un caudal
HurvhA and prnfiia..
1 nUireat tllaved on aa 'Iniri iluroaita aa fut'owa:
On or Unary aAVlnalumkA ....4 ier cent pt annum.
On term iwviiiK tdfa .....0 for cunt per aiiiiuiu
On crnirrcanjn of aruotll.
P.r lhre nioutha 4 p.r cunl par annum:
For aix niotilha IS per eimt ir annual.
For la!T montha n mr oent iter Aimuiu,
FRANK liK.MJ.M. Prtmiilimt
It. 1. TIIOMIHON Villi-Preldnt.
U. 0. MTItATfON. CuliiWi
Prealdsnt m
Vie- Prilent ..
.,.. J S M iaaia
Jarr llraiu
O s Mat
Dirr a:
E Uofi),
8 Morrla,
11 ISryant
John Oalne
P 0 Smith.
Dual a cunril liAiikinr am! ciihnvo bnnliiw
RIkIiV dnJu i id oa Albany, portlind and W in
DR. E. C. WKoT'S Jforvo r.d Tiraln Tretmn
' . . I r.l - 1 li...... a Jlnn.
KnAraitwli ari;iiii; .ijr.vv.. .'.iii,wii.i.
.I,...a. Ft . Korvou Keuraliria. IIodch, 'errou
p-...i..Oiin oauveil hr tha use of alcohol or toltaoco.
Wukrfulne. Montal Deprowion, H-iftooinir of th
Brair. rmulttntr in in.anity and leailing to nilsnry
lucai vjd ibjAib. nrenwlnro old a, bArrenne, l
nt Pcv i canned hy ovor-excrtion ol ths rrain
Each la. oontAin on month' trcAtmom, i a ou
r ix bom for $3, iint by mail preiuld on rselpt o
uw. Withaaeh order raoolrad by ua for ix boxea,
accmipuiisd with 15, w will nenil tins purchaser our
wiltu n gnamnte to rclnna in mono? 11 mo ireni,.
m-ntdi. not cffwl CUra. Guarantee lued onl
by i. A. UioiiuIiu, lytajifiM., u ajjent, Ailnnv , Or.
Heal '.0k of 2i.d
ey, wd tbo m 'wi roac
0 b 'aoIIiiik
.000 in i hi. Va
aie prices, bolb
t Lava on hand
ETC., ETC. wtitof S B Young's oil" sfor
li: : i
caVrAMTft f.TMt W "t-i
Scto. Wi.l Ililycu lm mmlo au vxtv
! nt ruro truck near 0 W rhlllipa' fitnn.
Rrotul.iy inornliii? I.lllio, (lutijjlilnr of
Uip Inlo Jnntirr (.Vnlitrt'P1riril,iit.i,il rtlmnt
It! yofira. 'llu tiiotlirr Is rcjrttrtU'il na Im
lti(j tlitujjcroiiHly ill, aImo ono aoti wlto I
vpry sick. Tin n ut of Ho futility nre
ppttinjj lirttor.
A dilUoullv twoitrrvil on tlm anutli niik
f .iturility V4'H injt iM'hvt'ni Ollio llotiiitoit
ntiil L'rrt Iogmi, ami it livt-ly lilt li Hri itn
mutft) vita itultilptiil in. lloUMtim titter
vnnl went to T W Jillfy' nnl jirururoil
n revolver, mm I.okad lenrulitu of the
frtPt went to the anitio jlwe iiinl imkt
for ono for liliiiHclf. wlufh wh reftmt'
hint. He timk one nil ever.
iinl left the etorc. Hintlny Mr Iilu y
reiim-Bteil hint to return the toi, wliit-h
liert reinpeti to tin, nnltutt HHltclled that
lUmxttui lifu (tone likewise. On Afomlitv
Mar.slml HitiiiHt'V tlenmndeil tlm revolver
from Uvmi, lie fninnl it. It wag not
exm tly thy manner in wliieli hu wmitt il
lxK!ti tu rltiee it, unit m lunnteo
wttn itu imsiitii n t'tni itireetiy nt the
utllt'er, nt!il Heeonioitnieil hv the reiiiieot
that lie "jto hiiek ruroM the creek,"
which he ncconliiiuly oiil. A witrntnt
wis then "worn out in Juxliee Williams'
eottrt fur the arrvnt of lignn, clinrt;tiiK
him with burglary, hut ly tlmt time he
wn eonnieuouii hy iiia nlwienec I'rcaa.
Gc R kaacins Fur On it
The Eugene
Rc(jltcr ipeaka of a divorce ult pending
at that city aa folio,: "Paper were
fil -d Mlth 'trte counts clerk at week
win-rein Annni'a M Walt aecka to recover
a divorce f.oin her htiabantl, J II Wale.
Plaintiff atlcicci thai they were nun led In
Portland May AtS.iSSo. Thnt alnce on or
about January i, iSoi.iMcmlan. ha heen
cruel and Inhuman to l er and at dive:a
tlmca ha curard and ahtiKcd her rtiame .
fully. Alao that drfcudant forliU'a her to
vllt hack and forth with her nelulinori
and o'.liernUe rendera her life a burden.
The defendant, throtiuh hi attomcv. ha
tiled a demurrer. Mr Walt I roadm-iater
on thi illvl.lon of the S V K It and the
prtlc rcalde at lunc'.lnn t'liy.' The
plaintiff ha many f leniUli Aihauv who
ill ympnlhlie wl:h tier.
Will Not Siikb. A meeting of em
ploye nf the O. I', wa held lat cvenlii
at Yaiiulna Cit v, w hen It wa decided not
toklrlWe, hut tu place their jlm In the
hand of Attorney (iencral Clet) K Cham
lrrl.ilu (in cii!lcctlcii. alio will te every
effort posr c to ct their money for
them. In ihl way llr.y will yet their
money a quick a if ibey made a ttrikr.lf
not tutcker, and at I he aainr lime retain
their pokitlon. The employ e of the Mad
are peculiarly men of Kood character find
aobcr judgment, and they do not propoce
to do anything that I not fur the bet In
icier'. of everybody concerned, a well a
I lie community at large. Uur merchant
ihou tl kland In wllh:hem(
I'.KXtt SriRiKi are la'Coininv; aortof riil
I?:itmii. If.-te in nno'.l.i r from tho t'lor Weft, wliielt WotiM imlirnte thnt
men are liimrer rowanU than ln-nr: "It rertiiinly l a very largo Iwnr r nn
e,i-iT.liii;ly hrnve into that wi'J "tree"
three full crown men, nml all tliet-o men
ariucil w ith Hliootiiii; iiii i!i. Hneli
in the atur Steniira Kimliall, htrvena ainl
Kh fuf'l tulil on thenmelvea ujmn their
return from an exploring tour in the
ii o ihtniimone day ttiin week. The alorv
mil.! pr.jhaMy not have leaked out hnd
Hut the trio Ih-i'II moru or leaa matiiutl in
their mail aerauililtj for thi toni!ot
hranch of a L'iutit lir tree. When thev
're once yt atctl at a rare iluilance from
hruin t!iry Wimii firing, and after neven
ty three idiots had lx-cll tired Iiia lar.
tip laid down and died."
Tns Lki:.o CtxAi.. The fjr
otk on the iA-oaiKin-Paiitiwm rnnal
were opened Monday, nml the contract
awarded to Mr Tiioe I'riee, late of port-
;inil, the once licintr I centd m-r cubit
foot. Ife nirrccH to legin work next
Monday. Mr Price in a cenlieman of
conileralle experience in that line, wo
re inforn ed. It year he Imd n con
tract on the l. nion Pacific Ky, letween
Portland and Seattle. Ilia former home
aa Lincoln. Kchrnnka. w ticro he haa
lonif leen itiKneeU in railroad work.
Mr Price wanta sixty team at the
upper end ol the ditch early Monday
inoriiinif to begin work. (3 jar day for
team, f I 75 per day for ireii, prompt
ay. iA'hanon men ami men livinit on
ine ol canal preferred. Ixprena.
Div ,k Suir. Tlie pat week hi
been a ;ood one for the divorce bualnea,
three autta hclnz be tun. Almyra E
Woolcry agt Joaepli II Woolery I one.
hey were married on July 8, ibSs. In
Pierce count t, V aldington. Caue for
divorce, cruel and Inhuman treatment
Have three children. L O Thompton
ikhc a divorce fiom Nellie Thompson on
account of wllfull desertion and adultery.
Have two children. Married In iSSo.
Nettie Smcad ak for a divorce from Sam
mead on account of detertlon. They
were married l;i iSSo and have two chil-
T.akok PitEMitua. Tho (arinerB have
heretofore objected to the State fair bc-
ho there have lcen no tirenuuniH of
fered for their produce. Thin year, how
ever, no ore can oblect and all should
take part ami oliow their appreciation ol
the chantre made. The directors have
offered this year. purse of special pre
miums amounting to $.100, for grains
Krasseg, etc. The following arc the arii
les for which premiums, wi'l be nven :
Kent exhibit of trains. 1st. 150; 2d, i'Hi.
Ilfht exhibit of crasMes, Jut, $50; 2d, f2.".
liest exhibit of fruitH, 1st, $30; 2d, $25,
liest exhibit of vcKetahh-H-. 1st. t'tO:
2.1, $25.
A Mixri'KK. Mr Henry Coleman in
forms us that one of the heaviest storms
that he ever saw in Oregon "occurred
atiout 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
aliout three miles south of Junction.
Hail fell to the depth of two inches, le
sides it snowed and rained heavily for
alwut thirty minutes. In fence corners
te said the hail was six inches in depth.
and water was running everywhere.
However, the storm only covered a very
small section of country, mid the dmnngo
wits not grear. uuard.
IJ'Jeicskv. There It a p.-opect that
coal frorrfthe Toledo mint. will be on the
market within two v.eek look a lecdte
ouet. Toledo Pot.
The Three Kilter took a ton of cucum
ber from h'alein to Portland. Ilid the
Three SUters have the colic, that I the
que'.ion. Albany Democrat. No; the
itT that hat the colic itayed at borne.
Both the rnolhod niidresults when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the eyar
tern effectually, dispel colds', "head,
aches and foyers and cures habitual
constipation permanently. For Bale
in 6O0 and $1 bottles by all
!' r 4.rrtr IkranilcKliura Ilia w a
Open a ml IllUCUla t-nmla
Front Vmrney May, who came tlown
from Ilnrrtebtirg Fnturd iy,'lhe Ihonv
fit at ijcIh Hie jinrticulam of onu ol tin?
boldor't mnl inonl iextciiilve Iniritliitled
ever committed In thi eountv. Mr (loo
V J'rniideiil.ttrH Imt n Jewelry Mloid nnd
uliop In ono fotner of Mr Sum Mav'H one
Htory brleW Htoie, Mr May oeciipylnjf the
remainder of the I'ttiliiing.'cm-ii having
apaie. tii roof ol the Imildlnj? ia ol
iron. iMirinu the nielit Imn'litrM lioiid
a link In the roof of ilus Imildiuir, eiitiin
throtij;!i thq iroiiwitii the innlrnment,
one hole after nnotlier, until a piece cnine
out, lenving a tMpirtie ftpirnluro laruo
eiioiich for a limn to enter. A linuunoek
wits titnlt ii from the yard of Mr May,
ami with it the "tore wan entered from
above. Then n hole wan drilled in the
unroof Mr liiauiUnUurit nnd the door
blown open. Ail of Mr PrmidenburK'a
nbK k of jewelry, valued at nUmt f ItHMi,
wan taken, exi ei't two nankin riiit-n. in-
i luditiK twenty or twenty live cold uml
liver watchea, moiuu ol wliieh Im-IoiiiiiI
to ctiHtoniern, baviim Ik en left therefor
repairt; alm nlauii ho in money, of
which t"i7 beluin;cd to Mra Wllliinnn.
After diHlurbinnaoineof Mr Maya' ifootln,
but probably not takiiiK nny, they opto
ed a wlmlow faNtened with iron abutter,
and tlimtppcnred, lortvinir a amall drill
Only aa a memento of the affair.
A itolae wiis beard by a neimbbor nlmul
inldnl,rht, but uothliiK thought of it at
the time. Two Huajilcioua men bad been
In tho city, one of dark' comntcxioii.
abort uitiMtacbc ami mole on left cheek,
who were imt aeen nfterwnrdH. Two
atiapiciotu Im.U ini men miri'lmacd a fu.te
at KiiKeue during the previutta tiny and
no doubt bail a hand in it.
A reward of IbV) uM imiuediatelv of
fered for the arreat of tho hnritlar.
Sheriir Scott wna telenraphed, and n
well the Portland and other ahcriiTii.
aafo wni blown ooeii nt lrain oulv
two or three dava hl-o and it ia orobubb.
the fame men did it.
rur, crc itkat or Ai t.
A ti'arlatta llull.lny will Artl Itiaiber.
Of Sella lrolhera' Knornioita I'liited
Shown, wbiclt are to exhibit nl Albany
on Wedneihlay, Auunt I'.Hh, it may be
truly aultl that "nuo CAiitiot v. liber nor
ctiatom pall their infinite variety." Thin,
the twentieth year of their vastly uro-
Krcaaive exiatence, they come to ua with
an array of activation, apectaclea, per
formance nnd liviiiir wondera from every
clime, aimply Ijewilderii'it. In fact there
la acarcely room to mention aeparate dt-
parpiiietitii, let alone tho buiutreda of
featurea thnt Co to make of each a ifrent
nnd amazing ahow. IVaidea every nota
ble variety of rare wild U ata. itichidini;
the trtiiieiiti(iit puir of iiviny; bipiHi',fi.
li. I; every act n-ibli' t. human nerve.
ability, an J inceiitiit v and brute s.iaiity ;
the excitement o the thrtniii t tiiK-
droiue me.', Hie rare p'ciutly exinbited
leaturea, ami tlm laniihing lUneim; ol
the i;reat Spanib art!tfe, fyn iie, there
to Ih coiiRtdercl the w lid Monrii-li
Caravan, intribicii!a the mint wondrou
feata of ltrliric airiiit v ami ln nytli.notl
apteann!( nuauitly ami auperbly nruied
and eipiipped in the jraiid, novel and ro.
oi.iimi- ji;ieetaeiar iu:rrimnip i .Mecca.
From oerformiei: luaiumoth or hiii,' din-
iorlifi nmpbiba to daiuteat detjui ibcte
in notlifiik! inferior or coiniuohplaeealKiut
th'ta extnionHmtily rich stn-l attractive
It ro.avioirs every fwnture, lest and dl.
lay , of ImiIIi hornc ami forcluo origin, In;.irkT with tich an entertainment that
C4n be pio uicd, ami many nowhere cle
to oe een, it m:ri,lte eloiloua Mrert
parade U a fn-e Intioductloi
none ithoulu rr.l.
So a ho!!!.iv
Et't.KKK. Thc tuoilnt of thc .S 1 K
R Co at tl.I j'Uie, for the month of June
amounted to over $y0', an increase of
over .fJooo over thc concaondlng morith
lat year.
Thc p!ant for the Ice wot' ha-, arrived.
1 be eld brewery building on Mnl1-. street
lab, lng retr.cdt-lcd and an adJitlon I. be
log built on 'be back end. Everything
will be ready for the manufacture of Ice
In about thirty da) a.
Tficre are four prirmcf In the county
Jail, and they tried to make their escape
luntjjy night by picking the lock with s
fineaiecl tre. Thev were evidently a-
lted by pertlc on the outside. Their
game wa discovered by Deputy Sheriff
Croner and they have 'been kept in the
cell a lew day.
A case wa tried before Juatice Kinney
thi morning, wherein the Marh Manu
facturing Co, of Chicago, ucd E Kchw nr
child tq recover $50 for good furnished
It appeared that the good had been care-
letaly packed and were badly broken, and
Mr.S refuied to accept them. Justice
Klntey gave a verdict lo.the defendant.
ToTA Drinker!! Probably
three fourth of thc lcaco'tumed
are "Green Tea." Unpleasant
a the face may be, the bright,
ahiny green so familiar to us all
I not ihe natural color, but Indue
to thc facing or glazing cf the tea
with Prussian blue. Indigo nnd
other mineral colors.
That coloring hide Ihe effect
of poor tea U undoubted ; but U
' it healthful, and does It not call
loudly for the Importation of a
branu of pure, uncolorcd, unman -Ipulated
It wa this condition of affair
that prompted the placing of
flecch's Tea before the public,
llclng the absolutely pure, un-'
colored leaf it is different In color
from any you ever used. Itdraw
a canary color of a delightful
fragrance that I a revelation to
te.i drinkers, and its puilty makes
it more economical than the arti
ficial lea, less of it being required
per cup. Sold only In package,
fjo cent per poui.d. Ask for
lieech's Tea, pure as childhood,
foi sale by Allen I5ro., Fiinn
block, Albany.
A I loo C auk. Ourcitizens last Mon
day had the opportunity of seeing the
-.., r.i i, I. i r-A.,ii . !...;
ciiivuij ui inn no iv in ncMUouiv miiuiii
. r . ..... ... .1
lHtRrnil in our courts, in t hnrnoo ot 1 Mt
vs Morris. It Becnia that tho former
ientleman owned some swino that were
determined to live in Morris' rrain field,
but he objected and locked the hoga up.
Mr Hawk wanted his swine, bu,t aa no
... '
sftttlementcou waa de-
cided to let our courts determine what
should be done, hence the suit. Monday.
The attorneys employed were "from
among the bent this portion of the valley
affords, J It Wyatt, of Albany, being re
tained by Mr Morriti, and L Bilyeu, of
Eugene, for Mr Hawk. Both wore de-1
tcrmined to win, and from 1 o'clock until
late in tbe evening J ustico L Douglas and
the jury were bored with testimony, some j
bearing on the case and other bearing on
noticing at all. Rut the jury tailed to
agree ana were mscnargea. the toiiow-
ing morning tho principals in tho case
eitectcu a compromise, but not botore
they bad each upent more money than
the hogs were worth.llarrisburg Cour
The Albany Woolen Mills are running
on full time, and crowded with orders for
good, In the manufacture of which they
will consume 280,000 pound of wool,
wntcn tney purchased as tol,owi Al
Oakland, Or, 7"5,oup I'm; nt Roseburg,
35,000 Ibe 1 at Portland, 61,000 lbs; other
sources 1 1 1 ,000 lbs ; total 380,000. Browns
ville Times, -
The DrnxoeKAT will exohange a sewing
machine of asy make desired, except one or
two, for soma oak grub, wood and part cash;
or will consider other proposition by any
one desiring a new machine. '
not i a i. ah rr.Bwonnt,
(loveinor Pennoyer U at Coo bay.
F.d Coin, of Hclo, wa In the city today.
Hon Jlhtrjcr Hermann ha been vUltinjr
the Simla w,
(Jeo I lit, (he Union Pacific ti an. waa
In the illy today.
Hon TM Ford, of Palmn, rctioecd borne
today, t:ilb)i! one of tiro fiont cari., In or
der not (o get left.
Mr John Kobou rfrd family left thU
noon for the eat on a vUilto Mr Kobvm'a
former home and other place.
Hon Jeff Myer wa In the city today,
for the lh't time tlnce hi eattcin trip. Mr
Myer had hi eye nnd enr open while
Adam A ppell, of I'ortlaud, I In the city,
A Mr Apprll profcnliiy eet more pun
than deubcdon hi name the Dkmochat
Iim none to offer. i1, t
Newa wa received ycterday of the
death of Or J N NortU, a brother of Mr
WS Miller and Mra Ueberca Young, nl
lil home In llli'inliiKliniil, Iowa,
Aaaeinpr II S William wn In the city
ycterday. He hn jnt completed the
field work, and will begin on the roll a
koon n the biNik arc received from the
Acciclary of alate.
IV I N Wooille left thi noon for the
cntt to be gone two month. The doctor
ha a patent toneuc adiuAlment that I
provlnif a line thin, nnd will probably
tlUpotc of the rljjht to caatcrn mnnu
facturcra. FRIDAY.
Mr Mack Monteltb, of Spokane, is in
the city.
Col W N i.mliie, of Salem, n In the
city yctcfday.
)rCU('bamlMrliii left last nlubt for
San lA andro,C'alif.,on a vacation of a cou
ple of weeks.
Mr and Mr I, K lllaln returned from
Yaiinlna Day tlii noon, and Mr Oeo W
1 Kidder went there,
ti I, P.laekman, W V Tweedale and
Archie ltlaekburii returned last evening
front a trip to Fish Uke nml surrounding
Mr K O lU-ardaley, forme real eatato
dealer of Albany, i in the city, with a
JKiaaiblo view of loi-ntiug In Salem.
Ilea V Freeman, of the l! S rnijlnrera
cot p. of Portland, I In Ibe city. He I
bent known in Albany r the huaband of
nev aianic l oatcr
Mra W II St John left on last nivhfa
overland for San )atidro, Calif., w here
aim will visit with her daughter, MrC
li KUleolll, n couple lliolitlm.
Diner Mitchell, who baa Wen In the
employ of ,v Straney, left this morning
lor (iinalia. on a visit to In oarenta and
others, and, we are informed, will not
return atom
A r,, vill ; jn.l chiiJien. ol Aliumv,
who Ibe pat wek have been vUiii.ii:
lr Co and family of I'd tilac, returned
home Saturday, . ItroMiiaclltc Time.
rbnt fifiC Kkbik! genllcman of the
Urj;e avoir, IuhiU la a friend of Mr CI an
man .f lite ( P, w hoar uueat he ia. Mr
Welch l Ibe trader of a prominent eat
till tijtul
K K Paiker, of Albanr. wa In town on
Wciinrulay malnt arrAtieement to
manufaeiurc well tiling, which Industry
wi.) commence M a week or ten ! on
the pren.Uei of K I. Pocr. lSronvillc
Mr Itroan, an lltlnol banker, arrived In
Albany a few rlar atfO, 'lJror irtatt
lng I.i. Uler, Mr IJiiati I-eper, "to the
country. They had not met lor thirty
eiijht yeara, and hence arere conlderably
eiianjjea m appearance.
Mrs 1 N (iilliert, who died receutlr,
was a teacher iu the Congregational
Sabbath school most of the time for 3i
year, and the school held memorial
services for her on Sunday, July 2oth
Salem lotirnal
Mim Nellie Ikiiae. drowned at liwaco.
U spoken of in very high terini by the
Salem paper. The Journal says: Miss
lloiae was a gradtiato with bigli honors
at Willamette university. She was an
active w orker in all branrhes of the Con
gregational society of Salem, and stood
aa high among the younger laborers here
ns the late Mrs I N tiiibert did among
the older. The church will- miss these
two more than it would any o'.hers on
the roll of its inemU rs. As was the an
nual custom of nearly the entire family.
Miss Itoise went to the beach last Satur
day. cry fond of society she was much
sought a'ter by all the tn-st circles who
iroiucnt Oregou watering places
John Isom, jr. has returned from the
President B I. Arnold, of the State
Agricultural College, was in the city to
Capt Lanning went to Sodavllle thi
afternoon to join hi family, wba are rus
ticating mere,
Among thoe who went to the Hay to.
dav were Max lEaumnart. II II lie lit. I)
J OuUruille, Mr Craft and family and T J
Prof r.ailcy. the new teacher of the
commercial department of the College, is
in the city securing a residence, and will
tuako Albany lite home.
Licence have been lucd for the mar
rlagc of Wm M Downing and Emma A
Clark, J A Elliot and Anna Mince, John
K uallard and fclla Heard
Judgo ripen at F.ugene has granted
Louise Russell a divorce from T K Uus-
sell with the custody of the two children
runner resiuenta 01 Aioany
Mia Winnie McAfee goes to Albany
today, on a visit lo her aunt. Her cousin,
a young lady ol Colfax, Watli., I now
vikiung mere, and togctiier tney win
return to Salem In a couple 'of weeks.
Tho Price, who received the contract
for digging the Santfam ditch into Leba
non, pawed through the Albany prairie men and twenty-
mrue head ot stock, as will heieen else
where he want more teams and help.
Hon Jeff Myers wa In the city today for
the first time since bis eastern trip. Mr
Myers had his eye and ears open while
gone. -Aioany ubmocrat. Ana hi
1 mouth open when he got back. He didn't
llke thc looltt 01 wcMniey. btatesman.
I 1'u.rkhurat & lovu. reDresentinir t lm
r i o
n . : ii t ............ iTH:..n u i . i i .
i ae-inu lursuruiiva union, nro in tue city.
rcrating property. Albany is entitled to
consideration. We have a first-class de-
partment, splendid apparatus, good
1 . i . .1 .. .1 a t . ,
r woras anu exwnu.u ure mum. it, is
probable that the present rates, t least,
win oe reuuneu.
Spinal WeakB..
Henry J Gallagher, 68 Prino Street, N Y,
writes: "Having been troubled with pains
in back and 0 lose auung tne last winter I
was compelled to remain at boms unable to
attend to business, nntil I wsi advised bv a
friend tu try one ot Alloooa t forous Plas
ters, Aftw applying one to my chest and
one tn my baok, in three hoars I tnnod relief
wmcn x nsa not gut in over inree momna.
I cheerfully recommend them to persons
Luvicg spinal Wuakecs and lung trnnblo.''
finrDga lbs littlo wooa ssw and got year
word properly wt:d. laYe your oiduis
st MaMbews & Wathburn's nard war store,
Kirststreet. VM;Nbt
W fi er E To GetThkm,. When wanting
.n organ or plana call on U L Ulackman
a h -e you can sclent from a first class
Patronisatirme industry and bay band
made harness, warranted, from 0 0 Mo-
Fail i.nd, at Dabrullle's old stand.
The best roast coffee ia tbJcity at Coma
Muyrr s. -
Keep it iu your mind that Alien Broi pro-
030 keeping tne kind o( grocfrie tne putsi
uiaiuua. un,.auii.v.
The third party In Mldo adopted alat-
form that demands.
"That taxation -national state or muni
clpal shall not be used lo build up one
b ?t or tlas at the expense of another.
' ... abolition of the national banks n
bank tenure and a a substitute for
national bank note Is demanded, and that
full legal tender notes be homed in sufu
clent volume to conduct the bulnc of
the country on a cah bail. Tho pay
ment of all bonds of the government
Instead of refunding them in such money
they are orltlnslly made payable In:
the government ownership ot all mean of
irsnsiicrtntlon anil communication, anu
liberal pensions to Union soldier I
favored. A woman suffrage plank la In
cluded In the plalfoim. The platform
favor government loans directly to the
Individual; It favors the free coinage ol
liver, opposes alien ownership of lands.
Slid demand that congress devise mean
to '.lila 1 11 alt the land already owned i;
foreign syndicates, It alto demat.di that
all lauds held by railroad and other cor
poration In ece of what I actually
needed, be reclaimed by the government
and held for actual sattlcrs only, lt de
mands a graduated Income lax; demand
Ihe enactment and rigid tnforcrment of
laws for the suppression tf all forms cf
gambling In future, and a strict enforce
ment of the laws against adulteration of
food products. The election of United
State senator by nonular vote Is favored.
The platform also demands the forfeiture
by the Standard Oil Company of Its
barter. A tctolutlon was adopted favor
ing government or ta'.e control of the
sale, manufacluie, Importation and expor
tation of spirituous liquor as a recom
mendation to tha national convention, as
solution of the liquor problem.
These leaders were evidently guileleis
of any motive to make their party strong,
numerically. Adopting the policy of gov-
ernment ownership of all mean of trans
portation and communication, woman
suffrage an I government loan directly to
the Individual will be a loan that will
seriously handicap the party when It
comes to show hand ct the poll.
L ..J
The 57ft Dtmaernt of Aberdeen, South
Dakota, hs submitted Interrogatories to
seventy. five of the leading democrats of
South Dakota for Ihe rur pose of ascer
taining Ihe consensus of opinion of men
who will have much to do In shaping the
action In the next state convention.
Twenty cven have icplled with the
following result: 1, What question
should be made more prominent in the
I Sol platform? All entwer tariff reform,
five adding silver, retrenchment, and null
trust legislation, a. Do you favor the
fr.e, unlimited, and Independent coinage
ofallvtr? Fifteen answer no. seven ves.
f hi r consent to a party with'guld, three
imlt coinage to the American product.
and one sajs II I not a parly question, 5,
Shoul I the presidential candidate come
from the west? All say a western candi
date la not necessary , ave one. 4. Who
your present clvolce for president?
Cleveland, 19; Hill. 3; Gray, 1 ; Campbell,
i attlaon, 1 ; Dole, 1; no choice, 1. Two
favor Hill for second choice, 3 Gorman. 1
Carlisle, and 1 Fuller. 5. 1 the people'.
party growing In your locality? Six
aniwered Sllirmstlvcly, other thought It
wa holding It own.
1 .
The commercial travelers of this country
now number over o,ooo, and reach In
their journeylngs every town and hamlet
In this country ; they are the greatest dl
trlbutors of gocd, shipping about 300,-
000,000 tons out of 400,000,000 ton now
carried yearly by the railroads, and thev
spend over $1,750,000 per day, or about
39j,ooo,ooo per traveling yeai of nine
montha, which Is distributed among the
carriers, hotels, shopkeepers and
ab mes may ie formed ol tbc at extent
of the western grain BcW fiom tie fact thai
the Central Vermont propeller, in connection
with the Nation'! Despatch freight line, via
A a .. s .
for i-on.iun, nave iramponcd 10 the wet
this season One hundred ami eiehtv five
O f -
thousand bales ot binder twine ased in binJ
ing grain, sad ate now CRgnged un a contract
ol forty thousand bales. Lach bi.le contain
six rolls or packages of twine, valued at six
dollars per bale. The twins is maJe from
rasnilla or sisal grass.
fn.- i. ii.... . . .
sue at.rcuv anu nign pnceoi wneailn
Europe this year will double lead to a
K.eaier u. 01 corn as IOOI. uur corn crop
I... ....... ..
i-.s t W w.. poor, out indications are tair
now for a good yield the present season.
in soumern Europe corn bread is always
used to a large extent, and Its use has
been Increasing In England.' The cheap
ness of corn a few years ago made It
popular, and better ways of cooking corn
mesl brought It Into use among those who
not long ago thought It fit only for feed of
came anu nog.
t Inter wheat crop exceeds ail estimates,
s of remarkably fine quality, and will
weigh at least a couple of pounds more to
tbe bushel than an ayerage. Authorities
Which ten days ago pooh-poohed the total
estimates of 550,000,000 bushels are now
poncedlng the lattef figure, while the
then estimators have made a new estimate,
which I bushels.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa '
Ai Kansas City the other day were
hown two steers, Red Durham, one of
which weighed 4000 pounds and the other
4040. They were six years old, and
nearly twelve feet long and six feet high
The owner was offered 50 cents per pound,
or $4020 for them, but declined It, as he
proposes to take them to the World's
Hon Matthew Stanley Quay could turn the
tables very nestly on the Pennsylvania re
publicans who have demanded his rmoval as
an unclean thing by simply resigning now on
the ground that he is unwilling to be identi-
neu wun a party mat tolerates Mr John Wana.
A valley more wonderful than the Yosemite,
except in the matter of watei falls, is said
have been discovered in King's River Canon,
above tbe far famed Yosemite.
Money Is something that we can neither
acquire nor keep witnout paying it price in
some kind of an equivalent.
jUAXias uaweRD .UBS. 1 tiave a very
arge stock of these goods, in qualities rapg
ng in prio from $1.25 to fi Oea pair. They
ne tnaae ot losiner 1 1 very pair warranted.
Hamcm, IS Teen a.
. M.tktrs!
CastoriaJ ie ieoom mended by Jpkysioians
for children teething. It is a pnrelr vege-
sbla preparation, its inerediants are pub-
lahed aroun d saoh battle. It is pleasant to
bs taste and absolutely harmless. Jt relieves
ooostlpation, regulates the Jiowels, sjaiets
pain, curs diarrnoea and wiod aolia, allays
feverishnesa, destroys worms, and prtveats
eonvnlsiogs, soothes the child as gives
refreshing and natural sltap. Csstoriais
the children s panacea the mothers' fries al.
iu doses, aa cents.
We!inearaekia st tramps.
TowaKssaJi Wuis,
Last year of the wheat exported to
countries growing less than they needed
America supplied one fourth and Russia
and India three-fourth. Tbc outlook for
the present year Is that the United Stsles
will have to supply at least one-half, or
twice the s mount 'exported Inst year, or
somebody I going to go without wheat
The Inlrst estimates place thc wheat
shortage nt 420,000,000 bushel, snd the
sr parent supply to meet this wsnt fiom
exporting countries at 388,000,000 bushed
or 32,000,000 bushels short of the require
ments. In Ihl estimate the United
States I credited wl'.h ru exportable sur
plus of 152,000,000, (' iada 8,two,ooo and
the Argentine Republic with $.ojo,xx a
total American' surplus of -
liuhe', leaving Rti'sfa, fndfa, Hungary,
Turkey In Asia, Egypt an J Northern
Africa to supply the rert.
As Ihe American crop ha been princi
pally harvested In good order, there Is
little doubt of our ability. to supply at least
50,000,000 bushels, and If the total crop
3,ooo,ooo short of the dema r.d, the
heat farmers of the United States should
be able to say something about the price
for which they will sell. The American
t farmer seen s to be In It this year.
Dally tittle tell-tales concerning tl.e
deceptions practiced by protection propa
gandists are coming to the surface. The
following dispatch from PufTalo, New
York, Is one among thr many:
The American Glucose company, which
ha factories here and In other cities, and
agencies In the most prominent cities, ha
announced a general reduction of 10 per
cent. In wages.
A general tnluctinn of ten per cent. In
wages. This means that the laborer who
has heretofore received $1 per day will
henceforth receive $1 80 per day. Let us
see. Did not cur republican friend. led by
the great VcKlnley, say something about
Incrca lng the tariff In order that our labor
people might have good wages? Indeed,
they did. McKinlcy stood up in Ids p'ace
In congress and aucrted In thc most posi
tive way that labor people were lo l.ave
better wages under his new law than they
had formerly been receiving. For this
purpose he incxemeJ the duty on gljcote
from 20 to 29 per cent. This Is followed
by a ttduftion In wage of 10 per cent.
Thesre mark the downfall of protectionism.
who w 1 1.1, 1 r be.
'I lie lime Un holding the national democrat
ir tonvcnlijn lo nr minute rsmlidaic for
president and vice prcwdent it yet nine or ten
moml.s in tbc future, s!i!l people are discuss
ing candidates ami wi'.l continue lo do to
Cleveland, Conntn, Hill, I'atlion, an.l
other are urged by their srtpective friends.
but il it really too early far any democcat,
who feci that ihe success of part) principles
ii of infiniily groter irncirtanre ti the masse,
than the accc of any individual, to deter
mine who is bis unptialificil choice, lht re
suit cf tl.e clrctiont thi fall may have a far
reaching influence in de'armining who thai
be Ibe candidates. Should Campbell be
elected goverror of Ohio over McMnlcy there
can be no disputing the fact that thousands of
democrats alt over the country would turn to
bira as the coming leader. Should Ibis remit
be empttaiueii by trie ciecuon 01 t lower or
Jones or some other friend of tbe matses be
elected governor of New York, why might not
earnest democrats reasonably associate Ohio
and New York together in making up a presi
dential ticket? Tbe stronger tbe factional
fight be ween the fiiends of Cleveland and
Hill becomes in Near Yoik the less does tbe
chance of cither to be nominated become.
The defeat of Campbell in Oldo, the election
of IVoiet in Iowa, and a continuance of fac
tional wai fare between Cleveland and Hill
woul.i bi it g op a proposed ticket made np
with the names of Paltiwn and Boies. Hut
we must wait and we shall see what we shall
A statement prepared at the treasury
department shows that the receipts from
customs at thc port of New York for the
seven months of the prcscntcalendar year
have fallen off, as compared with the cor
resnnnillncr mnnl ha nf Ihn calendar rri
I r " " J
.Ron 0 i,..,-i-S Tha reelnta for
tu... l8o. were $,.160. while for
ful. ,Soo. thev were if.i9roi6. showing
Iv j
(alUng off of nearly $6,000,000. It 1
e,tir,ated that two-thirds of the custom
dutles ,,,,,, , the Ur)ed State, w co, .
lected at the port of New York. Other
ports show as great a decrease as New
York. If the same decrease continues
during the year, receipts from customs at
New York will show a falling off of,ooo and from all psrts of the
United States of about $40,000,000 as
compared with 1S90.
A salt mine near Cracow, Austro-Hungary
is raid to be the tr-ost extensive in the world.
It has been worked constantly for Coo years,
and yields 55,000 tons annuilly. Ihe vein
of salt is now Coo miles long, twenty miles
broad and 1 200 feet deep. The galleries that
have been opened are fully thirty miles, in
1. .... , i. .
I lengin, anil IIOUSCS are OUIII B nil B CUUipieiC
I underground village exist at the lower level.
rhe trench manufacture a paper linen so
cleverly that it Is almost impossible without
examination to detect the difterence between
it and damask; and even to the touch the
articles mule of papier linge are very much
like linen, and are used for many purposes to I
which linen is applicable
lied stockings are generally
from matters of aniline, which
large quantities of antlmonlac product
Vhen perspiring, this matter becomes
solubie. enters the pores ottne skin, and
produces a violent rash.
It has been remarked that It Is much
easier to handle a deficit than a surplus.
to I It also seems easier to reduce than to pro
duce a surplus.
The first bale of cotton artived at New
I Orleans on July 9, from Duval county, Texas.
It weighed 652 pounds and sold at auction on
the Exchange for eleven cents per pound.
it ssliag Photographers A - any 'Iregsn.
We have bought-all thenegativt 1 snade by
L W Oark and W II Greenwood up to Nov
15th, 1889. Duplicates csn be had from
ham only of ua at reduced lates. We have
also about 13,000 negatives made by oar
selves, from which ouplioatea can be had at
like tales. We carry tbe only full line of
it ( viewi of this state and do enlarge d work at
loweit rates for first class work. W e shall
pleased to see y.u at our Studio in
uiak,aextdeorto mmodio j.empie.
Etf Achison &Co are selling monaments
I at Fort'.and prices.
And a Profitable 0n
Where he saved a good per cent
and was able to place- money in
the bank for a day of pleasure or
I III' IT ill! I on 111 !l 111!
F KfCAD, President.
4 It COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice I'rcwidont.
S I. Cowan, Geo P Simpson. W Y Read,
J K V oalhertord, HSStrahan. J O Wittsroan.
-also blirriucT aeasTS rvn
Trader, CLioago. Ii'.
Auiflrlrwu, Ptiltadelphla, Pa. Pboemix, London, England,
Norwich Union, fDndon, Eng
Ouardlan, London, Eng Man
chester, W anebeatvx Ecgiaod. Caledonian,
Kdl-iburg. Hoot'andT Weaelieater,
Kew York. - .
Music -
-X.UC4i.Br UalarrUaaa
VOSE & SON "ZSinSg?"
ratle ad EarhntT nne Proof
fftmall Inattmonlo a spe eltlly.
Agontsfortbe Ifew Ilonio, Elslrldro It. and ojher Sowing Maobii.AS.
Supplies for all kinds of Sewing Machines. We gaard oar
customers Interests and grjaraoitee aatUfaciioa.
We eanrry a '.Ml aaaartBaeBl f Httsle ! IS Bale Bsaka.
Cor. Seoond end Frry Bts.,
i Wholesale Retail Grogesr,
Plinn Block,
-v.--1-..-- .- --r. . -), aa'JBiwsttsis HSiaa,. .,sjsaasl Vm.-UmmmKrumlltHM
AT.-RATST-y 0"E2,3UC3-OISr
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed,
? and gef mORE
as, , -
I'll kl t r:iT f -R.-B :. v- I
. i3Ly ::l2 iMkm:,-
TTrito for our Kew Illustrated Catalog i of
it was of Buying
J O WRFTKM AN Secretary.
Vt L Foer, M fitembers, J W P.arnrtt.
Tha most popular piano amotglh3 wvrld'a
faroons PlanUta.
Celebr-tted foi Its brlilisocr.
flaUh and durability.
Organ a, Onltora, Violins aat
(Sd for catalogue Albany, Or.
I !;, w sa....
It you want the best
and most durable furni
ture that is manufactur
ffj in the citv go to
5REPn SfSS -
r 1. t f;
m bbbk V urn wr-. f u n ---T3rr
AMY fi
9 . m
use u
i 3 il-r