The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 24, 1891, Image 4

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    Wbolooalt Staler In-
TOBACCO - ard -
Albaay, ng
FortmiKer & mi
100 o a
Arterial Embalming Don Sclarttlt
m Q Is oeinowtadswS
tha tattltna torf
uMrrlHM at .!.
1 he OfiW a rmmr in
1 orsecrU M oad M
knnii t Ml In rameualna it
i TmtHibt"ira to til tn Oarer.
I'K'trVa 1L
tin lraavtaSk
City Meat Market.
SHHLT2 BROS,, Proprietors.
K.rmp a full Una of bhIi of all W
ta a cool plana, oompletoly pr
tsotod: and always frooa.
Va4taM tSS aavatt-
Dm ists and Booksellers
Agm.lM for John B, Alden'e piAdlcwUooa,
bioo. wo o-yi s! publisher's filati wit
3500 Howard !
Wf wll j- IN rwftnl frr tnr n of th
p.stmt, l"TT,Sr HwwUh,liMliym Os
tf(K n v (Vt.tMM vt mmI wr tl Wat
VrUhi a.tvr J. IK 4;rrUini &itr4olly
' it with Tu-y ar urJv Yftbl, 4 jr
II lot ! aulifMi., Mfr i Latv Im
-pt t imu. 1ri f rotrfM
1 1 vMtvlM aitfftrtMrri Mfjr
J 4 fMMMlf, AjMtl
18QO, 1891.
first Ttrm reaeil Sitaear let . last)
A full corps of instruotcra,
1 mi ot atndr arrmnjred to UNt th
o fa r a '.I grade of etadenta.
Sfita'at imkmii eW lo tindtntt
from airtaj.
air..B(.atT I cis.rr.
City Restaurant.
Having beta entirely rsraoaslod. thi old
ad popular rNttaml will be made firtt.
cIm b every respect. The pablio will b
given go4 bmIi at all hoars for oaly 29
Mot. ETtntiiiBg tut aad attractive.
Prtrata boim. (ij.Ura la trty yl:
THELPR. Job Printer,
JL7 1st. be. Albany
rksftafockof2ud ;ooda In lh Va
Tt ami lb mot ru ai pric, bo lb
aelllDg. 1 bar on band
Juor mtmtoTH K Toong'a oif ro
'HOrO Cctuha, CtMt, InlvtRn. Brsnrtiifta.
;U(tO HsarramM, Whooping Coagli.Croop,
tor , ,., at, Atllima, rvd cvmy aflactioa'of ttM
T;irai. I Tnl Chect. mchxi,ng Contunplion,
UK. E.C. WESTg Kerr, tnd Brain TrMtmw.t
a riurnu.l ci(le ..r llyMxrta, IiizlubM, un
ion., Kl a, Krruus NcarmlKUt, llewluti, Narroa
Pr.wtr.tlon esuwd bf tha uaa of aicobul or tobaean,
WWfulnaa, MontaJ lM(iraaiaon H-Uniiij of tb.
Hr.i. ritmltlnf la linaniljr anil rmimg to mlaary,
Jaea) nl iloah, rfmatra old ava, bafrannaaa !
nf I. i.aauanl hjr of tha Km
L. nt.iir. 011a nionih'. tnatmaut, 1 a bos
ar u t f.'l( aant by mail prepaid on iaip o
oua. Vrllh aarh tn-ilar racaivatl by 11a tut six boias, Hh $a, at will aanj tlia parJ)aar oiir
wilttasn iruarantM W rafund tlia money if tha traaU
aiant doa. not eflart a cor.. Ouaratiteea laauad on I
J. A. Cummin, Imiwlat, aola airant, Aibaiiv. (rr
Conrad Mver.
Corner Broalalbin anJ First Sts.(
iril Fruifa,
rlen fralto.
o fence ,
Camei iitmtm,
cr jibing that ia kepi ta m aa
1. . tra ytnd groonry ora. HlfhaM
rirct j -raid for
1!' KiiiDS ur PRODUCE.
ir r(K'.S fLOUt BP.-KBlCra frua, VAMIMa
Eevere House:
;i;as. ffeiffeh
fli'JM in Erfrt-r-lnM 'yl. la hits
smj I'llm! 1l.1i tbo bo! in the market,
: . RUopiii)r ajarttnonu. Ktraple room
r :t;iiniiorria! lrave!ort.
Y cv..
lie ymonnt
According to the ttatement ot tha public
debt furnUhed bjr tha ecretarjr of tha
treasury thera was a net cash balance of
$53.993.So3 at tha cloe ol bualneta Jana
30. Thii tUtement U uied b republican
organi to deceive their rcadeit to the
real comlltlon ot tha national finance, at
111 appear fioin an examination of the
figure furnlr hed bj the treasury ofiktals.
The Tint ha already called attention to
the design ot the administration to use the
gold reserve a a part ot the available ch
In tha treasury, and hat presented the
opinion of leading banker on the tubjecU
It now call attention to further evidence
of lb 1 1 Intent and to the probable motive.
Included In the cah In tha treasury
from hlch the above balance I drawn
appear tha Item of tubildlary coin, $t9,
656,605; minor coin and fractional cur
rencji $35.87i total ot nearly $10,000,
000. which I not an available attet, and
must, therefore, be deducted from the al
legsd cash balance, leaving an actual bal
ance ot $34,011,396. In the new form ot
statement the treasury doe net furnish In
formation as to the eiact amount ot the
"fund tor the redemption ot national bank
notes covered Into the treasury under the
law ot 1890," but from the ttatement of
the amount ot debt bearing n Interest It
would appear that fund ha been de-
created during the month by $1,185,866,
leaving the trust fund absorbed about $40,-
000,000. It appear, then that the treat
ury I absolutely short, $6,000,000, count
ing the fund deposited by tha national
bank tor the redemption of their note.
But It I stated that the paymentt for the
present month will be large, while It It ad
mitted that the receipts are decreasing.
The treasury will be forced to vse fundt
that are strict! r available, and no reader
needs be told that no part ot the tubtidlary
and minor colnt can be Included In that
category. The disbursing officer'! bal
ances alone would absorb all but about
$1,000,000, ot the alleged balance. From
this It wUl be teen that tha claim made ot
an available cash balance fade Into an act
ual deficit. At to tha motive for the
ptetent attempt at concealment, tha Timet
ventures the prophecy that the treasury
department lookt for meant to maintain
lit ordinary paymentt to the law allowing
the tale ot bond to purchase gold for re
demption purposes. That I the only ttat
ute under which It would now be possible
for the secretary ot the treasury to offer
Interest-bearing bonds. Cltliens Interest
ed In the stability of the government credit
are invited to watch carefully the further
transactions of the treasury and the polit
ical use made of the cunningly devised
debt statement. Chicago Tiff.
A traveller newly returned from the Pa.
clfic Ocean tells pleasant sterlet of the Fa
tagonlan. Atthe steamer he wat in wat
passing through Magellan's Straits tome
natives came out to her In boats. They wore
no cloths at all, though thera wat snow
In the air. A baby that came along with
them made some demonstration that dis
pleased Itt mother, who took it by the
foot, at Thetis took Achillea, and soused
It over the side of the boat Into the cold
sea-water. V.'hen tha pulled it itt, It lay
a moment whl.nperlng In the bottom cf
the boat, and then curled up and went to
sleep. The milonariea there have tried
to teach the natives to wear clothes, and
to sleep in huts; but, to far, tha traveller
tart, with very limited aucce. The most
thelter a Patagonlan can endure U a little
heap of rocks, or a log to the wlnward of
hi in; as for clothes, he dcplaea them, an
it indifferent to ornaments.
To many of us, groaning under the op
pretttun of modern conveniences, It teemt
lamentably medtesome to undermlncgthe
simplicity of tuch people, and enervate
them with the luxurlea of civilization. To
be able to sleep out of-doors,and go naked,
and take sea.-balhs on wintry dayt with
Impunity, would teem a most alluring
emancipation. No rent to newspaper to be read on pain
of getting behind the times; no regularity
in anything, not even meat, nothing to do
except to find food, and no expense for
undertakers cr physicians, even If we fail;
what a fine.untrammelled life it would be!
It lake occassional contact with tuch peo
ple at the Patagonlan to keep ut in mind
that civilization It the mere cultivation of
our want, and that the higher it is the
more cur necessities are multiplied, until,
If we are rich er.ough, we get enervated
by luxury, and the young men come in
and carry us out. atate of M-Usachusctts it now experi
menting with a new liquor law, which went
into effect last week. Under the new law any
man arretted for drunkenness mty mtke aa
affidavit at the police station that he has not
bceu arrested on the time charge twice since
anuary 1st of that year. Kb mtket that
ffidavil be mast be diacbaiged uoiest the chief:
or captain of the poH-,e station is prepared to
go into court the next day and prove it I falsity
Upon the third arrest in one year, the culprit
must Le sentenced to imprisonment for a period
of not more than one year.
"Mother Coott" wat real character, and
not an imaginary pet onag- as has been lup
poe Her isaidn name wtt Elizabeth
Foster, and she wat born in 166 J She mar
ried Isaac Goose in 1693, and a few yean
Iter became t menler ol Old South rlinrcb.
Boston, and died in 1757, aged 9a years.
The first edition of her ao.iet, which were
iriginally sung to her grandchildren, wat pelt
lithed in Boston in 1 7 16 by het son-in-law,
Thomas Fleet '
An English contemporary calls atten
tion to the fact that In the United Kingdom
ie total yearlv consumption of tobacco Is
onlv i.xt flovnU to each Inhabitant. In
weden the average Is two pound, in
ranee 2.1 pounds, In Norwav- a.3 in Den-
mark 3.7 pound., Austria-Hungary 3.8
pourda, and among the Dutch in the
Netherlands It is rather more than seven
pounds. In the United States the average
lat year was 44 pounds.
Thot is a vague rumor around W hicg-
tm that "Blocks of FW' Dadl-y hat at
last bt-en iuvittd. to din with the preaideat
It will be the mitt convivial foast yrioo the
time when th.fetork and irx dinad together.
rarm for tale.
I have lor sale 160 acres of the finest
farming land in the Ute. All in a
hilth "tftto of ntltivarion, ni Imilil
irikCM, but lus a lviiiui'ii! buil.linn loca
tion. Kixht milee from Albany, two
mile from Tangent, on the 8PE It.
Terms and price reason able. Call and
see me on 8 acrid strati, t, ovinitd
ockat office. Db. O. W. Mahto.
Fortmiller at Irvintf havt aome Ksnaia
aanue laea curtains for (IS a pair, aa rinttt
anything ever tteu in ! mty. Thar
rang down to 7 a pair. OtW 1 104 oar
laias down to tl ot teas a pi:r.
WmerctoGktThxm. When wantlag
n organ or plana call on G L Blackman
h'-e yen t:an select from a first claas
The A V V IV.
Victoria, li C.July 17. Tie grand lodgt
of the AncUnt Order of United Workmen
closed ill proceeding today. It wat decided
the first meeting of the grand kxlgt of Vath
ingtoa should be held at Ttroma the firtt
Tuesday in November, whin the new grand
lodge will be duly organized. It it not jet
known If the brethren in brltisli Columbia will
take steps toward the formation ol a grand
louce, ttliliate with th ertnd louce of Wash
ington, or with Ontario, The elected olTicert
of the grand lodge were formally Installed by
ih supreme master.
A vote ol ihirtat wtte unanimously patted
to brethren and citizent of Victoria for their
reception of the delegate tnd the courtesltt
extended to visitors. Most of the vitilini
member left for home this sventng,
Raaaita great Ihsrtatt.
Minneapolis, Mian. July 1;. A cable
gram wtt received by Charles A rilttbury
from the American consul at Odessa, RutsU,
today. It tart the wheat crop it at per cent
short and th rye crop 60 per cent short. This
meant a deitciency of 50,000,000 buihelt of
wheat and 360,000.000 bushels of rye. If the
figures art evea approximately correct, Rutia
mutt N a large importer ot breadstuff durina
the next teaton, inttetd of being, at in tverigt
years, an exporter neatly equal to tb United
After ever a Tear.
Salbm, July 17, Sheriff Croltaa arrived
home this evening In charge of AJolph Gouchs
who was arrested 70 miles ton lb of The Dtllet
Thursday, on a charge of burglary aad
with intent to commit rape, committed in
Marion county at liuttevitle a year ago last
April, (joucne and Jack Kichey are said to
have been together and burglarized the saloon
Kichey wat arretted a year ago tnd sentenced
to the penitentiary for three years for buigtary
Uouche must now answer for the same crimes
1 he case neaud considerable excitement at
the time of toe occurrence, on accouut of :he
age of the gitlt it was said he attempted to
rape, they being 8 tnd 10 years.
Mlaaiaalssvi Petlitea.
Jackson, Mitt, July 13. During a joint
political dttnusioa at Oxford jester day be
tween the Hon II D Money tnd Hon E Barks.
do !e, tn latter charged tae lormei wile
irreguiartties in connection with tann g-aot
torietture matter. Money called UarktUale
liar, wkereuimn Barksdale hurled a book al
Money and bad language was interchanged,
Serious trouble wss feared, but the difficulty
was later amicably adjusted by the interposl-
1 too 01 irienoi.
Ksrelsl Broke.
DiTaotT, Mich, July 17. Ia the first dayt
racing of the League of American Wheelmen
thia afternoon all eveatt were hotly contested.
The Nature of the day waa the riding of Baker
and Brinxer, or the Aullaio Athletic Club,
lor a half mile tandem record. They made
the dittsnce ia I roS, breaking the best previous
recora 01 iuj 1-5. mane at I'soria, ill, last
laiir I be last est mile wat made on an ordi
nary in 1:31 4-5.
iraatl Lavdao A W,
VirroaiA, B C, July 16. The grand lodge
oltbeAnocat Order United Wotknna ia
session here transacted the following busiottt
10 aty: it wtt decided the grind lodge 1
swn snail oe cnangea irom a mennutl to aa
annual one. The grand todee laws were in
tended to hive alt work doni in the workman
decree, other tbta the opening aad cloting,
which it done in the grand lodge degree.
Thie tffords all Workmen In good titnding an
o(ertuniiy to tit in the grand lodge ia the
btuiactt session. The committee oa dissolu
tion, that U. the seperation of the lodge of
Washington and Brnwh Columbia from .b
present grand lodge, prtuted the retort.
Kcfcrence wat made to Grand Matter Da.'y
Grand Goremae Cohen, and all the past
grand matters present at the session. The re.
port favjrs the tepcrttioa, and gives an egret-
nciii aneer wnicn me division would be made
a seperation. It will take effect December 3.
1801, at which tine Supreme Grand Matter
Workman Kingtley will reorgoniie the grand
lodge of Waehingtoo. It it possible tbtt the
grand lodge of Brit ia Columoia, aader the
act and authority ol the supreme lodge, will
be annexed to the grand lodge of Ontario.
The election of officer resulted at follow t:
Gtnd Hatter D Sol is Dobcn, Unity, $t
Grand Foremen B J Hawthorne, F.u.ene, 151
Grand Overseer J I, Rand, Baker City, too;
Gra-d recorder Newton Clark, Riverside. 68;
Grand Receiver R L Durham, Hope, I; Grand
Ttuttee William Araasitrongr three years' su
preme representative, J. J. Daley, T. A.
Stevens aad II. L Smith.
Bleelrltlfy and Waterworks.
lliLLStoto, Or, July 16. Latt night the
Ibeaty council contracted with II V Gate',
of Portland, for a system df electric lights sad
wtter works to be placed in this town. A tea
yeart franchise it gran'ed, tnd the town will
nave 10 pty about 82000 a yeu in payment
or ugnit anl interest on nondt. Mr Gstes
will furnish water for fire purpose! free at
several hvdrtnts. Owing to the recent rapid
growth of the town, this htt been deemed a
Aria stale of iralr
Washington, July 15 Secretary Foster
a few dayt ago conceived that it would be e
good idea to "round np" the clerkt in the
treamry department who are away on tick
leave, and in doing so be uncovered an inter
esting state of affair. Under the law at
present, a clerk absent oa tick leave draws
noout two thirds or the salary of the position,
while the duties are performed by a tubtlitute
telccted from the civil service list of eligible,
who draws the lemainder of the salary. Ia
making hit "round op" the secretary finds tbst
a number of clerks have been absent for
month, the only evidence rf their existence
being the occasional appearance of a physi
cian t certificate tnd the regular issue of a
monthly check. One clerk, a woman, bat
not been on duty for two yeart, and a chief of, who wtt appointed etrly in . the sd
miniftrttlon, reporn tbtt he bat never teea a
eertaia clerk whose name it on the roll. All
delinquents of this kind will he notified thtt if
iney are not on duty at a fixed date their
places will be filled.
A Blew Coast.
Washington, D C, July i5.-Major SG
Brook, chief of the division of statistic!, has
Submitted to the secretary of the trettury tn
interesting report concerning the resources of
ine ractJM; coast. Complete statistics are
given 01 Alaf ka, Arizona, California, Idaho,
ivrraus. wregon and Washington. The ex
pons ironi Aatna du-tng 1889 amounted to
9,840,73.1, representing an investment ol $4,.
1 10,000. ii ins total gold and silver prod u a
in the United States 6a. 1 per cent of the gold,
4a per cent of the eilver and 51. 5 per cent of
the total of both wat the product of the Pacific
coast. 1 he total for the Pacific coast from
1881 to 1889 inclusive, was $390,884,000.
In thirty years from 18 Co to 1880 tha area
of improved lands ia these states has increased
rrora 181,644 acre to 14 366,695,
From 1 88a 10 1833, inclusive, 7ashingon
whest crops were valued at 135,616,990,
From i860 to 1880. inclusive. Oreruns' wheat
yielded f14a.653.627. The product of the
salmon industry for 1889 wat 1,650,000 cases
In 1 800 Texas led in tha number of sheen.
California coming second, with 4,035. uo.tnd
Oregon third. The exports of lumber from
the Pacific coast during 1890 amounted to ta, I
Campbell Boaulaaled.
Cleveland, July I5.Jumet E Campbell
is renominated by the democrats of Ohio for
governor, the ballot wat tt follow: Campbell
508 7-I6; Nsal, 14 9 16; Kline, 56, John
son, 1.
Gra. happen.
Brush, Colo, July 15 The whole country
south of here it completely iufetted with
young grasshoppers of the locus species, tht
same that laid ate Kantas and Nebraska
yetrt tgo. ,
If yntir oyet trouble you go to 9 M
French's and have thorn toatsd by Johnsons
pataut eye rnner. and g t a'asset that tit yon
properl-. (tsutas from M cents to$10.
Ml EI).
HAMILTON. At his residence, on
Sunday, July 12. 185)1, B. W. Hamilton,
aged 77 yeard, 5 mouths and 18 days.
Tho deceased was born in the state of
Veraont, and at the age of 18 years re
moved with his parents to Jersey county,
Ills. He was married to the wife he
leaves in 1839, in Calhoun county, Ills.
In the fall of 1845 he and his family
moved to Wisconsin, near Cassville; but
three years later returned to Calhoun
county, and in 1852 crossed the plains to
Oregon and settled in Linn county where
he has lived till the time of his demi ee
Seio Preen.
1IUGUE3. On Wednesday evening
July 15, i8yt, In Albany, of scarlet fever,
the ten momht old chill nf G W Hughes!
THE 0BI6O PAttflC.
The Oregonlan publishes from the New
York Herald a two column article on the
present difficulty about this tOad, which
wilt be'watched with great Interett by our
cltltens. The Herald sayst "The first
gun was fired when Bondholders Joseph
Wharton, Samuel S Sands. John I Blair,
Alexander Brown and Dlllwyn Parrlsli
printed an advertisement caltln- upon all
other men who held tha company's bonds
to join mem in an enort to outt Receiver
and ex-President T Egenton Hogg and hit
association from control ot tha enterprise.
The advertisers claim that It (.000,000
worth ot bonds has been eaten up In the
process of building and equipping lest
than one foutth ot the railroad, whoia
total length shall be too miles and whose
total cost wat etll mated not to exceed
$15,000,000. Receiver Hogg and his
partners declare that the It (.000.000 worth
ot bonds airead r Issued under their admin
(titration hat been legitimately used I,
building the road. Both tidet have settled
down for a Ions siege. Whoever wins
will have control ot a railroad that run
through a rich country and ha no paral-
..1 I In fl-.t H
It then gives a history of the road, tha
namea 01 me meters, a aoove.and trie ad
vertlsement. The directors are 1 Iven as
follows! tohn I Blair, Blatrttown, N ft
Osgood Welsh, New York; Koftnan S
Uentiey, inird vice-pretiiient.treaturer and
assutant secretary, new York; II (J At
wood; George S toe, president ol the
American Exchange National bank. New
Yotk; R 8 Mlnturn, N Y R O Hazard,
Peace Jtie, k 11 Alexander Brown, Balti
more l William M lloag, vice-president.
uorvaiut, urj 1 r.genton liofig.pretiiienl;
Wain Natn, 11 w wuton, Tltomat Ora
ham, Zephln Job, U K Ftrrt. T K Ctu
thorn, B R Job, E A Abbey and A Hack
leman, of Corvallla, Or. Mr Bentley
make a statement justifying the actton of
the O P manager, cloting with tha ttate
ment -mat tome 01 tna gentlemen wno
permitted their namee to be uted In con
nectlon with the advertisement have very
laree intrrestt In other companies, which
Interests might be promoted by a sacrifice
01 their interest In tha Oregon Pacific
Railroad Company." Welsh had forgotten
he wat a 0 1 rector. Mlnturn tald he had
faith In the present management. Mr Cue
when asked about the It 1,000,000 over
issue ot bonds, said that was merely tech
nical. He was merely a bondholder. Be
tween $7,000,000 and cash has
been realized on tha bondt,and $10,000,000
cash has been spent. "Expert who hava
born over t he tine have reported to ut,"
tald a dissatisfied bondholder, "that lha
cost of building tha 140 mile of road
could not hava cost mote than,
Where.then.tre the f 11,000,000 left over?"
BBirtmiAi OKasuroiBBit k.
VicToatA, B. C, July 14, 1801.
Paixt Dbmocbat: Delegate to tit
grand lodga, A 0 U W gathered at Port
land, July 13th, in large numbers, from
all parts of Oregon and Washington, to
make tha trip to thle place to attend tha
fitting of the grand lodger
Tlia train leave Portland at 10 o'clock
p ni, hence tha trip to Taeotna ia made
at night, arriving at that place at 0
0 clock a in. A brief run through tha
principal street discloses a city with
many itibetantUt buildings, but candor
compels the remark that times are on
yieldingly hard. Nothing much to hold
people hare. Hundreds are leaving
eoeking employment eiaewhere.
Here tha members of the grand lodge
uoanj ma tuancit "City 01 Kings too.
and after a ran of two and a half botir
the city of Seattle was reached. Not
being permitted to land and see Ut city
we made inquire aa to lis business, etc,
of a citizen, who informed us that tha
same stagnant condition exists here aa
at TaeoruA. These fact we fathered
from citizens ot the the two places. These
two cities are destined to grow into large
thriving cities, but this will not be until
they are thoroughly cared of tb dan
gerous disease, "boom."
To aay that tha noond la a ntagnifl
cently grand body of water is spproxl'
mating the troth. Al 1 o'clock, ta stiff
breeze, w arrive at Port Townsend.
Thia place lias the aama general llstleas-
neea that is found in ail the sound cities.
Tbe jealousy existing between Seattle
and Tacorr.a I intense. And both are
equally jealous of Portland. Many am'
using: anecdotes r row Ine out of tills
Jealousy might be given did time per
mit. The run from from Port Town tend
to Victoria was of four and on half
hours in length, and on a "mad, angry
sea " Vol lee than fifty passengers
were sick and City mora very nneasy
ana restless swat me stomacn.
At Seattle we were joined by supreme
master Kingsley, of Helena, Mon., and
grand master Daly, of tb errand lex!
of Oregon. A t Victoria we were met by the
member of the local lodges of Ui A O
u vr wun a orass nana ana a procession
was formed and marched to tha Odd
Fellows ball where announcements and
arrangements were mads for a reception
to im tendered tue grand long at in
Koyai theater this evening. On speak
er, in making the announcement, said
bis Worshipful, tb mayor, bad con
sented to ruaks th address of welcome,
ana th lieutenant governor bad con
sented to be present. But tb mail is to
go and I close. 8.
Hall or Bat'Ltn Resskah Deobxs
Lodox, No. 35, 1. O. O. F.
Albany, Or., July 131b, 1801.
To Ui N. G..V.G .Officers and Members.
The inevitable decree ot tbe Grand
Master of the Universe, to which all
must with submissive reverence bow, has
removed from our midst on who wan al
ways genial,shedding the sunshin of his
manly disposition upon all who came in
contact with him, always cheering th
membership by kindly words of good
fellowghip.strengthening it by wise coun
sels and nobis example. Ilia waa an
example worthy ot Imitation ' by all.
That brilliant light that has Ut up tb
Grnianent of Odd Fellowship is not put
out : it is only hidden for brief time
behind tbe gloomy shadow of death only
to reappear In immortal beauty to shine
evermore. Brother James F. Hail is no
more. Let us pause a moment nnder
tbe shadow of tne dark cloud of death
and reflect that he who so faithfully
answered the roll call here below will
now faithfully answer it above.
In token of our esteem for on r deceased
brother.and in sorrow for his loss, we
would receommend that the charter of
this lodge be draped in mourning for
thirty days; that a copy of thismemor
iam be sent to th sister of the deceased ;
that it be spread at length upon the
lodge journal, and copies sent to the
Democbat and Herald for publication.
Fraternally submitted,
Ida I. Cartes,
. . Habah O. Barns,
Maooii A. Blackman, .
Committee. "
Sorofuloof, eruptions, snoh as timples.
discoloration of the skin, especially nn the
ftoe, are eaated by impnre bond and will
disappear rapidly by oilng Pfuodor's Ore
gon Blood Pnritfer.
Tbe DsaDSBAT will exobaage a sewing
msthlat of aty make dosirad, exoopt one or
two. for soait oalc grub wood and part cash;
or will eostidtr other proposition by any
one desiring a now machine.
Wboo aby was tick, w govt hor Oaotorla,
Whon the wat a ChiM, th cried for Csttorl.
Whon she booom Mlas, she clung to CaoUai.
Wkea tht had ClUldroa, tb gr sham Cirto.
B r SbealSor rod.
' hatlot A Stile, 110 Car toll it., Buffalo,
UT Y, writes. "I have been a olerk in tha
Continental Hotel, corner Ezobango and
Mi hig.ii atresia, for some years, and first
used Alloook's Porous f lasters three year
ago for a tor houIdr. I foil down stairs
and got a terrible wronoh and bruite. For
teverui woekt I suffered aente pain lo the
shouldsr joint aud, getting no relief, or only
tomporary, from numerous liniments, I pus
on in Allcook's Porous Platter; kept it oa
for two or three weeks tnd my shoulder was
well. They tlno-ourtd mo iu tix weeks of a
woit obstinate form of dyspepait."
Selflthnett It a very bad thing when
tome one else Is guilty. That Is one re.
son why men who have their own inter
ests in view in matters 01 puDttc concern
tro not appreciated 1 and yet about nine
out often, according to the Man About
Town's figures, are built that wy,nd not
more than one out 01 tna ten will admit It.
A word In your ear.
Don't try and cheat the tilrms men
when they come, They are not traveling
for their health.
Don't buy of peddlers, without you Ilka
shuddy goods.
Don't try and get your money t worm
or running your tprinaier an tna tune
The extra doctor's bill will offset It.
Dan't look sour at a man because he
disagrees with you. It takes all kinds of
mm to run the worlJ.
A man unnecessarily In debt should not
oa as independent as a millionaire.
Last Jsnusry the Man About Town re
solved not to read any more ot Bill Nye's
effervesency, ard hat kept the resolution,
a rare incurrence, it is possible than,
Y. World heard 01 this conduct on our
part tor Bill Nye has been shipped from
thst great journal and M Quad, another
alleged funny man. hired. Me writes
Use Nye, only ha basn't Mt bald head In
hit lllustratlons,tnd next January we shall
boycot him alto. The fun of these men
contlttt tlmply In extggentlon,and when
bollded down It not humor or wtt at all,
though once In awhile t.iey ttrlke home
tn a manner mat mates people laugh.
Come to think ot It, most any oi ut would
like to be a Bill Nye or M Uuad.
The Man About Town hat often ob
terved the variety ot tummer reiortt thtt
country contalnt.lo which our citizent go
for a week, a month, two month, tome
timet three month. Most fly to the tea,
to Newport and her bath houtet, water
agatrt and rock oysters. last becoming at
greedy at the traditional Niagara before
the government Interfered. This year
the fare on the boat Irom Yaqulna to
Nawoort has been Ineraaaed to ta rents.
and from Newport to South beacii another
hall dollar. Dray age and nearly every
thing ele .according to the report brought
to the Man About Town, are In the high
tana ut. and republicans at well at dem
octatt teel at II Newport had been moved
to Clatsop beach; but people who go to
tummer resorts are tuppoted to have
money and should not complain. Some
go to Upper and Lower Soda.some to Fish
Lake, tome on to the Metolcut.soene take
the O. P. to the front, a good many go 10
aouavtue ana waterioo,tome to ueitnapt,
Klndleya, etc., and mountain, foothill and
tea brrvzea are secured. Take your choice
, LvoN,Or., July 15th, 1091.
Ma ha ma Is to hava a $ aooo school house
this fall,
The late rain has dons a great deal of
damage to hay In this section of the
The store ot Mitchell & Breesa ha a just
been opened. They will carry a large
tux a ot general merchandise.
The taw mill of Blotter Si Vaushn
known ,as tha Lrons Lstmber Co , it kept
running at u tun cspacity an the time,
The blackbenies are getting r'pe In ti e
mountains and a good many of our people
have gone tor them There is reported
lo be a vet y Urge crop this year.
Frank Roacoe, of Albany, passed
through this place on Monday on btulnett,
llarvett will commence In about two
Tramp have be In tha habit of visit
ing AlRou.h't theep camp ntarMeacham
and purloining provision and mutton
during the herder' absence. Recently
tha herder tklnnei a iamb which had died
from poison and hung It up In a tack out
lie the cabin to show Mr Kouth when he
arrived how fat the theep were. ' The
lamb wat stolen by some vsgtbond, who
doubtless provided a good meal for hlnv
elf and comrade front the remain. It
narood j Ae 00 the tramp. Pendleton
II R In Ulnn, UAu.
14 El Patent
Th Dundee Mtge & Trust Co to II
w f oreman, 1 00 acres 14 w 3 S'.KX)
14 K 1 Patent
Titos Kay to J II Stephens, 3 blks,
Kay's A to Amelia 430
Oregon to II C Loliman,117.3U acres
11 K 1
Deed not published by request
A W Stanard to A I' Blackburn, 10
acres, 13 w 2
Pheb Humphrey to II Humphrey,
159.4 acres. 10 K 2
O ft C R K Co to John 8 Thomas.
u acres iu ; z &IC3
U S to W WCroft.lOOaeres.lO K l.Patent
John Ptipp to M C Gill, 10 lots in
l'Ab's Ad togcio 1200
D Andrews to 8 Hamilton. I'.arres
Sweet Home 200
A M Walk Kick.
About four or five months ago the resi
dents and proierty owners along tho Sa
lem road from Maine street to Pine street
petitioned the City Council to build a
sidewalk on the north side of said road.
and th walk waa ordered in. The notice
was published in the Democrat stating
that the work roust be done within 20
days, or if not th city would proceed mt
om to build the walks and levy on the
abutting property for the cost. Parts of
in waiit nave ueen built: on nart ia
nearly completed ; but on man has not
even got the lumber on the ground or
made any move tow mis erecting his por
tion of tht walk, making it very incon
venient for the people living in that part.
Now, whs-, we. and the residents along
this walk desire to know ia. why the citv
says that the walks must be built within
certain time or they will build them,
and then not dd it with thia particular
walk. Other walks have been ordered
built and when not done the city built
them and levied on the property for the
cost. We humbly ask that the council
or the etiperintendentof streets attend to
this matter at once. XXX.
A Salem young society boarded an
electric car to go out to the east end in
accept an invitation to dinner. Next t
him sat a man who had been getting tome
kind of elixir to cure his dyspeptlt. The
sgltadon of the car In some way created a
gat that fired the cork with a loud pop.
ttrlklng the young man on the bate of
the neck, leaving a red mark, tuch a. It
sometimes teen on a married mn, cauted
by hit wife kftttnk htm when heleavet for
bit office, Journal.
We ttated the other day that Geo .Scott
and wife had left for Arizona. We were
mistaken tn part. Htt wlfedd not go.
In fact, George hat no wife. G ard.
; an
Tbe Lett roast eoffsejia tkiity at Com a
Moyer 1.
Mothers I
CtttoiiaJ I 1 ecom mended by yhyiios
for children testhing. It is a purely vcffe
, tblt preptration, itt iogradieut art pun
ished aionod atari bottle. It is pier .nt t
lbs taste and absolutely harm lost. It relieve
constipation, regulates tb bowelt, (e,its
pain, eur-t dlarrnoea and wind ootio, hilars
fevtrishaota, dtttroyt wormt, and prevent
oonvultingt, soothes the tbt'd aad gives it
refreshing and natural sleep. Csitoria it
tht children's panacea toe mothers' frrted.
3 dosts, 39 cents.
Laciss Oxvsbd Tibs. I have a very
are stonk of thou goods, in qualities ran g
nj in price from $1.23 to 94 00 a pair. They
1 made of leather 1 every pair warranted.
Samcsc E Ysuk.
Wall Paper, etc. I have jntt received
anew line of wall paper and decorations.
Have more than doubled my facilities for
kandltng them, and will keep a much
larger stock. Wall paper and border to
match. Beautlet, and much cheaper than
over before, Samuel E Yoiwo.
Engage tht littl wood w and got yoer
wood properly t wed. Lea your order
tt Mstthaw A Wathbun:' nardwaraatore,
Firtt street. Wm; Nxti.y.
Nearly every ath ol Tulv tome lnv
coiii mils suicide on account ot the heart-
lettnett ol hit parcntt. Charley Purvet,
ageu 10, 01 Talent, commuted tulcitle by
hanging himself with log chain. The
cause ol thtt act wat not gelling some ar
ticle 01 doming which he wanted Irom hit
parents tor the r ourth o! July,
Among the mrmtor of theli F Keen
Stock Company Is Mr George Bryant,
who n lew monins ngo.tioiivered a lecture
in Albany, and an entertaining one, en
titled a"Cnnoe ride down Murray itiver."
In the play of "Held by the Knemy,"Mr
Bryant demonstrated the fact that he
possesses considerable, talent ns an actor
as well as a lecturer.
Aa old pioneer lady ,of Albany, of great
respectability, and as clear-headed as a
bell, says a yotimi man residing in the
suburbs has been trying to have her
committed for Inanity breauso she ha
been Having some tun with hint end his
beau who restdvs next door to her. Thn
case is an interesting onr. and we wilt
wnger on the old linty coming out ahead
if they try to come a flank movement
on her.
According to reparts front Yaouina
Bay, Nye Creek It crowded with oeonie.
and It It-now In order for a big hotel to be
constructed there. About three times at
many people bathe there as at Newport.
me pince atiordtng genuine sen bathing.
a six 1001 waia now runt an the war
from Newport lo the Albany tett'ement.
Ueshlct Cfttlagera there are large numbers
ot tcntcrt.
The Oregon Citr Courier sneaks as fol
lows about the man who asxaulted Alex
Purdoin: Henderson is a brutal char
acter. He did not seem to cure iu the
least for what ha had done. After cut
ting Purdont he very carefully gnthered
nn all the piece 01 the broken bottle and
burled them. While beating and maim
ing 1'nrdom lie swore lie would kill any
one who attempted to take him off, and
had it not 1 en ror one v ick King who
finally took liitn oir, lie would have un
doubtedly either killed Purdom or blind
ed him entirely.
An exchange says If you are not rl
without money you will hardly ever be
witit it.
ueporla spread very last. There was
some dintberia in Pendleton, the same
as in other places, in fact lust three
deaths occurred in all ; yet reports alxwt
It spread so rapidly as to make thirteen
deatr.a in a single day from the disease.'
No better advice can be given to the
boys of today than to leave the trathy
stories of the day entirely alone. They
are like poison, and fill the head full id
false sentiments. Many a boy has been
lead astray by trashy detective- stories
and other tales of adventure. They are
Pctlon Irom beginning to end and should
te Kit severely alone.
Th Centralis News cavs that a lot of
railroad spikes, which have been lying
in a vacant lot near the depot at C'en
trallA since last summer, and which be
long to G W Hunt, are to ! sold by the
sheriff to satisfy a judgmental o43. The
epikes ar said to be wr'Jt anywhere
from 0,000 to W,Ooo.
M Wilklns is now busily engaged pre
nsring samples of grases grown in Ore
gon. The collection will be exhibited at
the state fair this year, and wtll serve a
A nucleus for his grand exhibit at the
world's fair in Inii3. He will prepare
about U00 tarn Dies this year, of which
liter will li ho varlliee. Guard.
A pecudar misfortune happened to M
Alexander, who wis driving through
Kilctttt county lo the sound, a band ol to,
000 theep. There wat a until Canyon
ahead ol the drove which the herdert did
not tee, and when the front theep came to
it, ins front ones pushed tr.em into the
ravlne.until a bridge f dead and dying
theep wat formed numbering three huu-
They have "base hall" pretty badly in
Pendleton, and the dreams of base ball
enthusiasts there, even, are filled with
It, Th wife of a man thcre.accoiding to
theE.O., one night was disturbed by
her husband remarking :
"Take a long lead, a lung lead 1 Look
out. look out 1 Watch hint run t
W-h-o-a-p! Now slide in on a cloud of
Mrs II. gave him a poke in the ribs.and
"What's the matter with you?"
Half recovering from his dreaming
tats, he replied :
"There's a man on second, aud I want
to run him in."
The Democrat hereby liega the pardon
of the lwys known as the "tewer Gang,"
if at any time during the April
expressed the sentiments of most of the
citizens, by hinting at their connection
with them. It now trannpires that they
were at least truthful and never did any
thing more than what one of their mem
hers stated. One lone hoy, uncounseled,
was at tha bottom of the whole business.
We are glad to state, though, that the
"sewer gang," as it was called, no longer
exists. Among the boys are some who
will make good men, and are behaving
themselves now as well as any in Al
bany. It was the boy who appeared one
thing and acted another who was to
blame for all the trouble. We are glad
to know he feels sorry for the ofTeime.
and sees the greatness of the deed done.
Rtllre le Water CtBstiBseitt
Water it being watted to inch an extent
and to unnecessarily that wo tie obliged to
enforce a strict ohaervaooe of the rule io re
gard to sprinkling, via: From 3 to J) a mind
6 to 10 p m, and to caution all uaort of wator
agtintt allowing letkt from faucet or other
Dxturer to continue. 1 ho eootiuuout run
ning of wtter through elotatt or oilier fix
tures, or allowing ho ttretmt or sprinklers
to rnn all night will bo deemed tufhoient
came for ahntting tho water off from prem
ise when found without notice.
Albany, Or, July 18, 1391,
A. C.W.T. &ICo,
Wallane Baldwin, Cashier.
Teachers' Exaanlaafloa.
Notice it hereby given that ths regular
pnbllc ex wnlnoUon of teaehers, for Linn
county, will take p'aos In Albany, com-,
menoinst on Wednesday. August 12th,
at 1 o'clock, and continue until Friday
noon, August 14 b. All teacher must
positively be present at tbe lime of com
mencement, aa no one wld be admitted
to tbe examination who Is not an present.
' County School Snpt
lit tdlng Photographers A laayOregoa.
"Wt have bought-al! thenegativt sanade by
L W Clark and W 11 Greet wood up to Nov
15th, 1S89. Puplioatet can bo bid from
horn only of nt at rednoed it tea. ; We htye
alto abont 18,000 negatives made by our
tolvet, from which duplicates oan be hid tt
llketaie. We carry tbt only full lino of
vtewt cf thii sttt aad do enlarged work at
loweit ratal for firtt tlatt work. Weiballbi
plotted to it yon at our Stadio in Framan'
bleok, asxtdsor to Mseofii Temple.
Is Conn ft Hendricton can give you a
large and choice ttock of groceries, pro
duce, frultt, berrlet, etc, to select from
then their store it one to visit when
wishing anything in their line. An exam.
Inatlon of their goodt will convince any
one that there it no better place In the
city for trading In their line of goodt,
Their prices are low, with good reasons
for the fact. They invite all to call and
tee them and learn by experience where
the best bargains can be secured, both In
prlcet and quality of goodt. j
O K Miller, of Urania I'i. h.a racaivad
$23'J0dtiKi)i oa aocnunt cf the Ik Lab
ish incident.
Mansgs. Mortdmute ia mki2 ti ran mo
menta for tovertl amateur gtmet cf bail at
Albany in the nest few weekt.
"Hold by the Htiemv' to nichl hv
the !( F Kt Company will be worth tt
tending. There should be a Urg crowd
Msmbers of ths A. O. V. W. will find 2
! op agninat them fur July, his makes
l2f.r tho half year ending July 1st, The
wnois nunirwr m (inaMit during that period
ha boflit 4i) 28 having been paid by torpid.
0 0 MuKartand 1ms hruuhl Into anil I
ntnreateil in tlia harnot and saddlorv
ttbhshetn-t of cf J J DuWuille. Mr l)u
brullio will remain tt tht old td onfsl
timet tht firat nf nott yer, when tho entire
)uitie will liliolv oa Into thl hands of Mr
ins sr nnarn or school aim j m i
l miutrd the fiillonriiiir attririicy! I'luck
atiia. V, i I jyd. j D.ul, J C Kali
ee'on; In, A (5 W wliook j Linn, 0 J2
Wulvortniit l!inton, yv H flnnTotdj Polk, J
L ColHu-i lrtkc, Jrmo Krtoxi Marion.
loo, II fliirnfctt; W!(, W jf Wilaoni
(Jilliam, II If llendrieka. Tht DsM'H'RAT
Is informed that O II Iiyiiio wi l probably
d Bminmii oiturnty lor xamtiiil evonty
17 Versus 71. ThU noon Mr and Mrs
John Foster, ol Corvslllt, paned through
Albany on their w:ddlnK tour, and
Dkmocrat man had the great pleasure of
wltnetstng the apparently happy couple
at they were seated In the I'ortlsnd train
together, poesestlng many of the charac
teristics 01 a onue and crooni, thoi-gh the
latter is oim enough to be the grandfather,
almott i:reat grandfather, of the former,
their repectlve age being given as 17 and
71 years, Mr John Ko.ter and M Us Ida
Halepa were married at Corvallls venter
day, and th) event was the aboorblng
topic 01 conversation there on account of
the extreme difference In their ages. Mr
rosier t hair is wiitte with age, while the
bride, the Cani;h:cr of Corvallls restaur
ant man, Is yet I t her 4ilittwod, a wight,
prclty looking girl, Vhj. The groom la a
pioneer ol UenUrn county, I worth about
$3.Vkx, and ft wed known ail aver the
state, being a prominent slock man. It I
reported that there was a atrong opposition
to lite marriage by ihe groom' children
and relatives, but he thought himself old
enough to use hit own judgment, hence
Ihe marriage.
Thattpeoeo of tho anaual eneimpment
was about 325,000.
Medfurd and Ashland peachtt are now in
tht market in large quautilte.
IWv E N Cundit, of tliU city, wi'.lfioiab
tn tbt l'rslt tcnn church In Oregon City
Bex Sanday.
Mail it now taken from Alhanv to Shcl.
bnm on the Oregon Ptcttio, daily, tbe Pi el
pooch going oat a few dtyt ago.
Yettr4 at Toronto Mlato Huperiotead
rt K U MeKiroy waa elected Vict President
tt largo f th inttrr.atioo il toscHors aaso
ciatiou. Wo ni-tir tbtt every two elubrtting
tho Fourth wtt blosawl wftb to at: odanc
of O.OUd. Ail tho towtit in tho ttato clo
bcatod. One population is now
over 4,000,000 Ex.
During tb aUaoco of Miat Oi!lft on btr
tummer vacation. horpat.U in mnio wUl
roeoiv inttruliona frora" Mrs Arch Iftm
"fi at tho cnrn.r of 7lh and Jeffarsoa,
whor ! will U fuadd by those dwirilg lo
Uke lotsomduriiij, tiit tummer.
Th Cji vtlli Marine Band will tccninpan
th exeuesim to Krirp..r next Sund)Jaly
ID.h, and diioriurui chi.lco n u:io en root
tnd tt Newport dorng the day. Train
loat Albaay 7 am. Dot gt Ml behind.
Faro . 2 for tho round trip.
Mna. Lvt delivered her leclure, on
Woman Suffrage, at the W C T U Hall
last evening to a small but appreciative
audience. She I an eloquent talker
ana treats the subject in a very sensible)
manner, not going to extremes like such
sdvorates of the cause as Mrs Duniway.
Theme fortunate ilt hearing her were
greatly phased with the lecture.
Last April our citizens were treated to
a succession of small fires, causing gen
eral concern for the safety of the city,
and numerous parties were accused, it is
now learnei!, v ry unjustly. About four
week a0 some kerosene was discovered
saturated In a shed.ttcar I Beam's grocery
store, being tined to store tools used in
the construction of sewers leading to
U. II. street. Marshal Hotfmnn waa no
tified He concealed himself and in the
evening just after dark a boy approached
and Set fire to a string leading to the
snltt rated part. The Marshal caught
hint and discovered that he was Orin
Beam, the sixteen old son of I
Beam. He was taken to his father, and
the matter was kept quiet for awhile for
good reasons. Yesterday Mr Hoffman!
went to Portland, where the boy had (
been sent to school, and arrested him v
end brought hint to this city. On his
way here he confessed to Geo w Davis to
the setting fire to the large number of
barns and sheds burned and discovered
on fire last April and May, and naming
the combination barn of his uncle, Geo
Hochstedler, and ors., the barns of B A
Irvine and Mrs Stinison, the Iwrn in the
rear of the Huns House.occupied by Chris
Houck, and the shed owned by his
father. He stated in substance that he
set fire to the buildings from a morbid
desiro to see them burn, and now that il
is all over he feels very sorry about it.
hThe offense is ft grave one, and will no
doubt send the young man to the peni
tentiary for a term of years. He is a son
of highly respected people.and such con
duct wan not looked for on his part.
The Hochstedler fire occurred on April
4, the 11 A Irvine fire April 10, Houck fire
April II, and the other fires shortly after.
Young Beam will be examined before
Justice Coshow this evening on the ar
rival of Deputy District Attorney Wyatt
from Lyons.
C W Cobb, jub printer, Flina r.Joolt,
The tare front Albany to i'o tUttun it
An td juarned meeting of tha City Couueil
wiil bo held tooijiht.
C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn BUk, duet
firtt elati work.
Sea that elegant piano tt Klein ftroa Boot
and Shoo store,
Tho thirilTt convention will be hold in
Portland on Monday.
.The national tetohera' aisocittioti wiil be
hold at lleleua, Mon, next year.
Go to 3 W Cobb, successor to Paisley &
Smile.) , Flinn Block, for your j b printing
of ail ktudt. 8
The great Lolitnd Stanford, jr., nniversitvaf
ill open October Itt,- with a tiMt-cltBal
The Soi Cio Bdl olub played a picked
nine at Lebacon th first of tho week, win
ning by a soorS el 31 to 23. -
Last eveuirig at the Building & Loan At
toeiaiion n.eeiiug $1000 wat loaned to Mrt
John fljmaa at, CO mruitht interest in ad
vance. While drivii-g cattle Monday Geo Tay
lor't hone fell d:wn with him, tpraining
bit writt and arm riuite badly. Ha wil
probably be laid up with tt for torn time.
A pensiou has been granted to It. J.Foriiew,
of Lane county, Or., a V6tr.n of tho Moxi
caa war. Ha will get $3 a mouth and
about J500 back pty and a warrant for 160
acretof land.
The Salems aud Formers & Mechanics
were to pity iu PorOaud today aud tomor
row. Arrangement! are boing- made for the
Seattle! to pity ia Btlcm on Monday the
2"tkirt. i , : ,
J F MoCtrtney met with tn tocident a
few dayt ago that is cnuaing him considera
ble tuuoyauce. While working in a field a
horee fell un hit lea hurting it considerably.
-fiatrisburg Courier, .
Ltet evening Ori Beaw. tho boy barn
burner, was taken before J art ice Humphrey,
on the churija of trjon, waived examination
tnd vt tt held under J2C0O bonds to await
tho totion of tha Rti-nd jury. .
J K Wyatt. returned Uet evtaing oa the
4;30 train from Lyons, where ho had been
to proteeuta Heary Sullivan for aaeanltini!
the lUy hoy, by throwing kim oil a steep
bank.' Upon txtminatiou tao boy wtt 11 ia
chtrged, It tpptariit that it wis entirely
nnpremeditated. The Bay b-jy is improv
ng aud will probably reeovar. -
A piano
At KleiisJRros
Boot and Shoe store.
S A Halin, Urnggitt, Frtntih's eornor.
Fiat grocer let at Conn & llendrioson's.
Froth vegnttblot tnd berrlet tvery morn ¬
ing Brownell '.
Best iMnrtmtOi of teas in town at C E
A fins line of orotiktry ware at Conn&
Drltk dolioious iue cold soda wator at C
E BrowoeU'i.
A large assortment of gardtn ttsds on
aleatCK Browncli't.
K W Aotiisnn &C'o are selling monumints
tt Portland price.
Gulden epprtnnitis tro watted every
day by nrt trading with C E PrownI'.
A now lino .f window tbadoa fir m 30
oonts to ft CO etch complete, at Sth'tiol K
Ionng y.
Youravlnfd tax will be delinquent if not
paid ot IaicH tfter It tnd ssvo eostr
of eotloolion,
lit r.ot I ny jour irM and
von ten thi piano at Kioto Broo, and ta wall
bsvs examined their laro tto;k of gout.
At lit po or of I'.rntdslbin tndltt street
von will find (J E Brownell tlwavs the had
in ths gr-K-try liosiiii.ts,
for hnrraitis in minanitiUf hta.times
eto.,;ot.o K W AchiaotiA CV, Alhai.y, Oregon
Frtsh bread, cskra, pi., tie., every day
tt tho Dchr.oidco rrataurant. Ixiavs yonr
Kai-p it iu ynur n.ind thtt Allen Bros pr
be keeping th kii d of groceries tho ptibho
mauds. Their stock is a lino otis.
Re W F Bead's tins fl drove got At and
silks before buying elsewhere.
Klein Bros havs a largo end )! tck
ul IkhiU and thr-e fur sola tt reenHat'U
tricot Di not 11116 in fr. wotrontll
youhsvo teen tltnir SV134 an I , Ihi oleari t
piano at their store.
Fibs Hakn'e, Overman & Hunter
have just completed harnesses for No 1's
and No 2's steamers, doing all the work
thiiielve except the patented parts.
Theseharnemies are electric affairs, work
ing with great rapidity, ami are very
creditable tiro harness. No l's will be
placed ready for business on Monday,
and No 2's on Tuesday. Overman St
Hunter have dune a job, and it is a
matter 01 local pride that the work
honl d lie done, and so well, in Albany.
Theatrical. Only a fair-sized but ft
very well pleased audience, greeted the
II F Keene company last evening in
tneir presentation 01 "The Bilver King,"
a thrilling drama, full of exciting scenes.
Mr Obee is particularly good as The
Spider, Thos Quinn is a strong Wilford
Denver and Deaf Dickey. Silas Itobinson
as Father Christmas, and Geo Bryant as
Cripps, and Baxter, the detective, are
very efficient, while the remainder of
the support is good. The company does
gooa work- arm is worthy of support,
Tonight Miiton Noble's famous play.
The Phoenix, will be presented. The
admission will lie 50 cents tc all parts of
the house. Including reserve. After the
piny a social dance will b) given without
exira rnarge.
Church Services. Preaching at the
Presbyterian church at 11 a in and 7:43
p m. Mitiiects. "Koine Difficulties Ex
plained," and "A Christian Primmer
Ik-fore a Heathen Judge." Sabbath
school at 12 :15 p m ; Y P 8 C E meeting
at 7 p tn. aii win be tnade welcome.
A union prayer meeting of the Y P S
C K of Albany, will be held at the
United Presbyterian church at 0:30 p m
Sunday evening. A cordial invitation is
extended to the young people of this city
and all interested in this work.
Preaching at the Baptist church at 11
a m and 7 :43 p m. This will be the pas
tors last Sunday at home before bis va
cation, hubtects: "Light onto! Life.
and "Why should we keep the Sabbath
Day?" K 8 at 12:15; Young People's
meeting alo:v. All w ill be made wet
.. KyJ. ': .t t
V ..: ;!: 1 k-iIhnI iiinl rcKiiUs whei.
f yintp vf 1 f f Rkcti ; it is plen-cnt
, fid refreshing t tho taste, am! cct
K.r.i'lyyet promplly on UioKiJiieys,
i i;vr ami IlowcI cJcnnses the ejs
U 'ty -...Tisctttany, djiels ctdds, head-K-rif
a mill favors ntid ciiits
ti-'Miipatioii. Fyritp cf Figs ia the
'!.! y icn-rtly of its kind ever pro
!.. . ., plci-Miig to the U.Ftc ejidne
' fn!jit to the Etomwh, prompt iu
i: ctliiii r,nd truly LciifLvial in itr
T-i 'v?, iis many exc?llert qualities
'!ni!ein! it to a!L l i u for sale in
- v ami $1 bottles by all leading
' '."jisU.
;"-miPACTvnro only by tms
sti rx4ftas:', cut,
ttuwitit. nr. new rtsic. .r.
Choice Teas
Fa L. KEflTOH.
rJorSwonnd and Ferry St, Albany, Cl
C UPERIOH werk. guaranteed in over'1
V ??oix of th r- sarnlarglng c
U klud P1J,
at Corvallls, is the bast bay press
asrkst. Orders fsr pra sent to
Corvallis will be promptly filled.
Anyone infrinfsjng on the patent will
be prostouted to lbs fullest extent of the
While trying to Crowd theii
Store, where they always have on hand
the largest Stock south of Portland, of
the latest Improved Rifles and Shot
Guns; an Immense ttock of Fishing
Tackle of every description; Tentt,
Hammocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands
of other things too numerous to mention
Repair hop
in connection with the Store, and one ol
:he best workmen In the State to do any
tnd ail kinds of work.
Come one, Come al. No rouble to
mow goods. "Small profit and quick
aW is oui motto.
: e , ' ' . -- r Jl
Those who have cot
used Boschee'a Ger
man Syrup for some
severe end chronic
trouble of the Throat
and Luns-s can hard
A Throat
and Lung
ly appreciate what a truly wonder
ful medicine it it. The delicious
sensations of healing, easing, clear
ing, strength-gathering and recover
ing are unknown joys. For Ger
man Syrup we do not ask easy cases.
Sugar and water may smooth a
throat or stop a tickling for a while.
This is as far aa the ordinary cough goes. Boschee s German
Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat
and Lung Specialty. Where for
years there have been sensitiveness,
pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr
hage, voice failure, weakness, slip
ping 1 'own hill, where doctors and
medicine and advice have been swal
lowed and followed to the gulf of
despair, where there is the sickening,
convu tion that all is over and the.:
end a inevitable, there we place:
German Syrup. It cure. You are
a live man yet if you take iL &
Caveats, tnd Trade-Mark otoetned, sod all rat
ant buattieas etroiincted firr Morferat Fee.
Our OStc is Opoosa U. S. Patent OSieo,
and w aerore f-nt m lees time toss tho
remote 1-nm Waahtntrttm.
Hand tr.ode.1. drswliis; or photo., with Seaejlp
ttm. W advise. If paiantahlo or not. (reo 4
eraarf e. Our fee not doe till patent ta aeeored.
A fsanhlet, "How to OMalti J,stent.M with
r.ame of ano .l ciianta In your Stale, county, or
town, aei4 tree. Address,
c.A.srj ow&co.
erpotitt Patent OXct. Wathinelin. 0. C.
In At Circuit Court of Jit Stale of Ortyt for
Ihe County of Linn.
L B Tf cor sod E J Tycer, Vi
wife. ltl o vi iinams ana 4
W.hl.nj hnr hmband J B
Tyoer and Jeonie Tyoor. hit
wile, 8 l I yoer ana ranoy
Tycer, bi- wife. Ells Mortis
sad Joseph Morris, her hus
band, Tountttos Lewit and
James lwie, hor hntand,
Isabell Bamford aid Bnf
Bamford, b.r husband, (J B
m v - ! rr .
lyeor. anssoon ijorr, won ;
ard Tt eor. William Tycer. '
Georg Warmooth, Fredonia
Wright, O S Tycer, J a rues
Tviax.N W Windomand Mar
tha Alford and Newton A!-
ford, her bosbtcd,
Edwin Wicdoin, Ora D Tycer,
Ira B Tyeor, KvaUno Tyoei,
Haga L Tycer and Ltlliaa
Warmoath, Dcfeadanta. J
Iy by trrtue of an order and decree duly
X V mad and entered of record ia the
above entitled c urt on tho -2 ad day cf
June, 1H3I, tho nndersiinod duly appoioted
a.d referee, in the stuve etititltd court,
wilt on
tatarday, tao 1Mb Pay or Aasast. IS9I,
tt the hour of 1 o'clock p tu tdi tt toe enort .
boom door ia th city of Albany, Linn :
eoauty, Oregon, at public auction Kr cash'
in hand, to the kigheat bidder, tho r al
property d ascribed 10 said o-dor of sale as
follows, town:
Begioning an the right bank of the Cala -pojia
creek, on tbe south line of ths dona
tion land claim of Willi.m Alford and wife,
in Township 14 S R 2 west of the Willam
ette Meridian, and at a puiut S3 63 100
chains west of the southeast eornor of said
Alford claim, aad raonio thaoae east 33.70
chains, thnic south 14 .60 chaiot to tho
north line cf tho donation laud claim of W
T Templet in and wife; I hence weat along
the north Hoe of said Templotoa claim 25.50
chains to tbs riijht bank of said creek;
thenoo nortbvosterly along tbs riaht bank
nf tho CaUpooi creak t- tho placa of be -
Sinoiog, eoolaaoing 40 acres, lying tnd be
ing la Linn county. Oreooa. and beinf rart
of tha donation land claim of A J Warren
and wife, beio ootiaiitioo N 7373 ia
Township 14 SR2 weat of th WillamotU
Tb pro Jtedt arisioz from the tale of tald
promises to be paid to the clerk of. said
court, to be pail out and disbursed as may
oe boietntfter ordered and decreed by said
Dated July 14, 1S91.
. D. S. fM ITU.
-M Solo fUfetwe.
- --- v.a 1 11 a I
the undwr su-nl was, on tho Srd
ux ui rfuiy, toy, uf oraor ortba oountr
oourt of Linn e..anty, Oregon, duly an -
amat F Uail, dMatsad. Ail persons
ciaiina Ba.nt oia evtate. ar
hereby notified to pi .u tiiew, duly
Verified, ta Lha nnrlitnlut .1 ,... I f
of Oregon, In Alttany, Oregon, within aix
MAKI Kaa TasAaaak tUl. .B-t.
uated July 6to. 1S91.
H n Drwiit. Ad omistrator.
Att'y for Admr. (7 10)
Mttunfacture-rs '
INsclal attention Jit o tl'
ds of machlner
Fatteras Made on Short Notict
ask any a genre fbr W. I Doarflae Sloan.
it oot for sale la yoar alaoo mh yoar
aealer to oead fnr eataloiae, seeore ta
wavu. x, sal mill lor 7va.
. w uuvCi CCNTLlrrirai
to hurt S'yi!? W1U, no tacks or .i thud
wa malm mora ar of ;:m
fI2l. , " " oWwr ftM-tvntr, it auuais hand-
aewwl aboea ooetlne froni to) to SJ OO.
importer aboes whic-h coat ivum e.onto SU.0O.
S4.?tiw"l'!';w,w11 tboe, One eair,
SZZrfvA'- ntortabl aad duiatlal The tw
if-T "ftered at this pi Ice ; aama (jrada aa eu-
S3- ir.,y"co Shoei farmers. Railroad
,Tll. i d ""WfCarrlsraall wear them; flueeaif,
apamlfis, amooth tnaii. htary three aoiaa. axtea-
f2 altt.Sue lfl no b tm ghoe evr offered at
V, iia irioj out trial will cooviuoo thoao
JJ?i tr eomtor and :.rvi9.
fl2 3 d V'erkiemns ahwa
wataa are very atrtmg anl ilurai.ia. Tiiosa wlio
vo glveu them a trial will rrerj iifjoiherniaka.
ClfiVfi' M.0 and 1.?5 ..-tsi o-ra aro
fcjf 4 wuru byviiebnj severwbere; tiievsuil
ou their merits, aa tlia liirrea ling show.
I e fl ft i l.Oit l.,i ..rrj hoa, be 't
tosa IVJ ikjuyla, vsr 'ti1?id; tHiuaisFroiich
Imported shoes costi; from t.ui u .,.,
lidea !i.5. ;. nn4 S i .13 fhoo Tot
Kiatwaars the iMMtfinaboiioi v rv.-b rurfl lurahte.
t llll(!il,-?l-0 "W. 1. llDLBCM' X, .!. U I
rit'O arts efcatisitrd cu ltt o( Hcii m.a.
W. la llOViU Aii, lAKktva. .
(i A
I si
-virr I A