The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 24, 1891, Image 1

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i -J Tho Now York -World," :-
! ' -j An Advertisement !n
;MThc -:- democrat,";
j "Tlit; Bcmocrat,"-
Itrnches tin Most TjTfl T)FfiPTfTJ?T0 :
: People ard HrlngsJ Dill IlMOhM
'. AND
: "American Farmer",
I J I S l- I M hi , 1
I atrrrd at I lie l.t ntr l Albany. Or , m reea-'l, Mall Matter
HITM at ftlT1lti, rafellsfcer and rr prkform
ti). 51.
111 (fir
40! I
fi vV,v I ITT1 n
t n B-B --
i 5 p-tpn n n ri nv
Xi U Iw3 UZM gw
ut Cwt rot Stct Rumchi,
a- al. ImnM arising rnl
aAaaM ar DuCIUwi
W A,Proalaiiimil.'tl
h Pwrtfvlnalh III.-!.
Tl Snae a a atl-atr .t Jnataal lu autll,a hn, a
IMilla too larea a ln. k.r to Ukfl
HMUKkHW, t " etmava WM
Wir ran hrrrrrt la ! IMM
,.,, 1 T..r . MM I1M WHa
a, Tumii'tirt.liii taM rj-m.H aaMla.
uiru awte a-a aasaa simik a- a.
prmrir kihi.t ii. uvp
a4 lll'VHt4 mti.Mi. l'rH.lTATIUB .aa viiiKKix
TMt CS. BAR I taMlglCI.StCO.ST. louis, na
(Qi:oi r:. cii4.nincui.Aisf,
Attmar at L . Will pwtk-a In l' uru ul lh
lata. Kl atlnll'i u tu auura In ruhata
. uiJ to oo It.tixi, ort'H'K - la lit Mina llH-k .
ttnnwy at L. Will iwitti In all ..urU at Ih
lata, Olel-Flliia blvwk, Albwy, Orva.
"y It. II I LYE IT,
Attnrn a La a Ji I S tld la raaK-ary.
lmm aiaJ oa all a.i'al. lvtt acaf-HlaW'd
rabia tema Albaaijr, Oragua.
Co W
a hr
ataonwy a Laar.and NUry Pablla Will twacU la all
-irt thia r' aad In tb I'uitad Maim enurta
karonv"- afllpfl -ITrool rrnax ar Dank t
4)roa, A.baay, I'f .
. a. a. a. aucaaraa.
a. c. varaoa
- Ataaara at lav.
Will practlr la a'l tha mm at
Oravoai, aaaapt in aniy cmrt uf Una aounty.
Ail haaa vtll rvoalva imMapt attaaUoa.
. Odd r allow' TMB,i Allakny, Or.
. Atarnj at Ltw, aa t
ttjUrj rabU. Albaay
Jja. J. Ia. HILL,
rVa aad l itfaa, OPflCI -Cjraar '.rtrat 'aa
l"arry atra, Alban, Uragroa.
U. O. ffiTOI MkNTSN.
rayaMaa all Sir -an. tt.'l r .
laanaaaf alt j. Albany, Ontfia.
ri Mil th
R. XV. II. DtTI.
FHral clan an, I lunm orr I'll -L',illri In ha I
paraftaa b' : Mar b I nul at a 'iAc day
algal. Albaay, Oram.
niyaMaa aaJ S jr in.
lrlnlcf BiUrnMl
aaal Cd Ta, N V.arb CUr
l- a-a ai uf vnawa I
apacUlty. o.'KIOK
ffraw bluik, Albany, Or)a
Southern Pacific Route
rifM Train kan P.ritLand Daily
TrOnrTSTT lr "
10 a r L
ft I a j At
.San Pran-riaoo
Arjau a a
L tft a a
L r
Abu l ain aua nly at Ml.rwiii aiatinn nortk
M aViaabar. Kaai rarUand, Orym Cily, Wood
marm, Saiain, Albany, Tanrml, fihodd. Ilalaay liar-
Mawg, JuncUoa cily, Irrinf , Eofaa.
loaiK'a bao, atiLT.
fWn I L rcnlnad Ar( 4:00 F a
limnU Albany L lt:on
Qrm Ar Bawbary L I MmM
auaay looal( aaar Bicarr tsbat)
0 r a I L Portland Ar0a
a Ar Albany L a
Aaaaaoa nun,
tUta L Albany aTTTtlTa
Itira Ar Lvhaaoa Ll 0a
Taoia L Albany Art 4Kr
A a Ar tatbawna L :0 r
Tourist Sleeping Cars,
frr Aeeaaaaa1atiai af fteeaa)naaa Paaaca
ar. alaavckeal 1 Expraa Train.
Tal at IMrfla.
Mail, maiataai (Ex.'cptBnnaay,)
-t .10 r
nxraaM nax aaaf (Kxeipt Sunday.
40 r a
I Ar
Throajfh TicltetM
To all point
t fai. laformatloj retarding rat, maia, a
aa Oorapany AKrj at Albany,
A. .
410. r.andP. Ar
fftlC, aUeclrer.
Crsgw leTelopment Co' Steamers. I
Skwrl Line f C'allfbriiia.
Klrt-cla throagh paaannnr .nd !
frrlght llnerrom Portland and all point,
aj tb, Wlllamatto Valley to and from ban
f ranolaco, (Jl.
Boat, make cloa, eonnactlon at it 1 ban
with trains of th, Oregon Paotfl Kallrcd
TIKE SCIIEItfJLE. .leapt Btin.tar..)
T.r Albany lo t) r. a,
Laar OorraliU 1 :0S r, II .
Arrlr Taqulna, P. M
Laara Taqulna, T:WA,a
Lear Corvalll.,lO:t A, a
Amr Albany, 11:11 a.
O. A C. trala, eonnfrct tt Albany and
Corrallla, Th, boT, train, o,n,ot,tl
Vaoalna with th, Oregon P,velopm,nt
t!onjparjy', Lin, of Bleamablp letw,en
Yayjuln, and Ban Franoiaco,
ran Taenia.
WlllamaU V41y, Jon4th IStb j tlnd.
riioa a riciK
.WUlaatrU Tatley, May 811 1 Jun '.h; HlhilTth
Th, Company rvaiTi, lh, right to
'ihAno, aallliiR date, w'.thout nolle
. B. Paaaongor, from Poriland and
rTllamfitt, Valley polnla nan rnak, nloo.
i mnal n with lb, train, of th, Yaquina
"tuba at Albany or Corrallls, and If d,a-
Mnvl loHan Kranclaco ahould arranf, to
rrlre at Yaauina th, evening bofor, flat,
- "raaarag(r aa Fr'aht rale alwaya la,
Tv Inform itti ap-.ily to A R Chapman, Frtlrkt and
lVt Arent, Albany, C. C. HOtil K,
0. P. ard P. Agrn .
Cur Lady cf Perpetual Help,
ALBANY, - - r REQOr.
Ootid untod by tli, HIsUr, St, Benedict
Ti.'.Mon In aelect dAy iobtrol -angefroro
Hn.i'on of Boarding So'atol ,r aDy
r.ri.i1r, arply at th, rjd
, ,- i .:r'; 0' O'-tCCM,
hcitic Hailiodd,
Editor Iowa Plain Dealor Cuwsl of In
ufnrM Itching and Puln ly
tho Cut lour Krmr.11cs.
No Let Than Plvp Thyalclun, Ton
aultori. Their C'ombtiicd Vla1om
Vollonrd Without llrnclU.
TamWtrl mn nlJ. Tn inmil. 1v
1 troul.kil wUh III erulir U1u diiru ta ht. h
pnK of my aim in uiijwi, annwa mum mlt-
nl m'n mm rt'tna.
Aral aiaean a mm tumr
h anklm. II mpitllr ilrlWI nf-r lt lui,r
rXKMiiUti' iimll my Iry r nnrl) on .'rr;
frMn Ww ih tmuM aitriHle'l Bmp Ihm lAt
iHwKlpra an.l Iho rnilra IriiKih if tlio arn. Ilia
kin arm prrmlT woll, n with ait tti lili'i;,
buniliif tiiln, lihiil n-uxilun. Alihouth Ui
Wt iniMllriil illr atlaliMtil n niikv, i.i
U-mm lltna r) ph airlaii at llw pluw kin n
ullod and Ih prwrltton hiiii ih rnlt i f
lhlr NmNiml rUlmit th ltAnn, thtmith ap
rarvnily efm-kxl, won 1,1 rniir in.a fw tlr
m4 mm mvmr; diirln lit pnMtnmw mv w'Wl Ml
awy about twiily-(lv p.Himlii. Am an airrt.
Mnl I Un Ih uw of t t:rii rR, rn.rli l.1!
almplaaml plain Inatriioilon It.-ii wild to Kaaa.
aiaa, ami In fvxir wki foun.1 tnriwlf
akla ft and natural In color. ih It.liln iihI
aiaaoiulyM.i.tTl. AT. It. MSAl.
F.aiuir rtatn Tralar, Cra, la.
Cutlcura Resolvent
Tl a IIUkM and Hliln rarlrtnr. aid rMt ef
Ilnntur KaaiMliaa, liinally (lo ckuiia h blnod
f all lasriuriuaa and (hvlaonaue elauianl. aad (hn
rmo th r.uaai, end 1'iitu a, Ui foal Hata
Car, am) t'l-ru tr iai'. an x.'i(ll Pbla I'arl.
fla aad Uaut4,1er, iirnally (lo tlaar tbaakla and
aoalp, aad mtoi Ui h-lr), apapdlly ur ar
kamor and illaou of th ai.ln, acalp, and hlvmf,
vllbloa ef hair, hthr luhinf. biirnln, aly,
Mraply, aad, wballur tlmplo, aorofuloua,
havaililary, ar wniajloot, w!io tikialotaua aad all
Jiar racUl fall.
laid PTrybara. Irlr. Cirtrva. 8oa.J ,
.; Kaaoiraar, l. rrrparrd hy lb Porrta
lar, iio t'naatrat. ('nr.Tii), Itaahia.
aVf rVnd lor "liow lo t"urtkla lta.w
Pl??lM KH. tlark WU, rhai'pad and airy akla
I I Cat cuml hy I'ltiaiu Uauu atsu Hoar.
la on tutaaro tha tTnalnin,
Antl-I'ala riair rll rba
mailr. aniatl. kin, kldy. a,.
ai nntcuitriaiutuiawi
ia araaaaa iy paia aiuirg p aavr,
i ,thc cunc or
row saut ar all '
dOr use it!
it n Tvrw mr..!. ? rrTnrvr.
II rrr 1-.1 Ih- f 4-r and Kid'V'YI ;-n.l ST14hp
curra II ! , n -. tviw ' i, t r.'..' a an i'(a
tite, r,i.i.'i i!ir lia.ciru BmJ, id
Caed areTTwhero. $1 'HlojUfor$3.
intra and kar 1
y cute
:U aid
different rctnrrltca and hmtr
auacbt aid from duicrcat CBrwciaa
wit hunt rrlin. AtxxittlKIJtBciapru
I waa aafbrrinf from a wry rialcal
attack that almoat croatratcd m la
auck a naoaer taat I waa bent orer.
When I at down it waa almoat impoaaibi for m
to act u a alone, or to put on my clothr, whar
ami rroTVienc rn it. ncuiry,
hotel. I bnmadbitely cotnmencrd
Baiajr tha ta. It bad an almoat
mlraculoaa rffrct, and to tb aaton
lahmant of all Ui fracaU at tha hotel.
In a In car,I am sappy W atata.
that I wa a new man. I wu
recommend Ike tea to ail afCIc
fa 1 bar been.
riopriator OKideaial Uoaat
fianta AXoaa. Cal.
Pr, aidant....
r,c Pridol .
nARnACTH A OENERALhanklnabaaliM.
ACIJOITNTH KEPT rablect to hrk.
BIOilT EXCUANOE and tl Taphl trancfar, void rraaetaso. Cbicaco and PiiUaad
aLIOTIOXr dADEon fatarabt tann.
4 I. Totm B, W, L '. a
L Blaot. L. Tim
litiu f . ki.
i or ALBABT, OBiaoif.
fldnt I L COWAN,
laa.Praldnt M RAI.8TON.
At faal)lr... .....O A AHCinroLU
P aacToaa. I L Cowan. J M Ilalttoti, Geo B
Cbambarlain. W 8 IMA. W II U-.ltra, i A Oraw
aura ana u a Arcaiaota.
TRANSACTS a ranara! banklnf boalneai.
DfiAWmoU'l I KAnuon Vew York, Baa
'".ln (. Oregon,
LOAN MOafET on approved fworlty
RlU.EIVBdpoitubtet shwk.
ALnAwr, ohboon.
rapllal, ! '
Oaehtr. .......
Trat.aala a fen oral bankin builne:
Kiuhanir bought and old n all th principal
atue In tli United HtaU alto an Bnylaml, irtlaad
r... and ll.rm.aV.
OillMtians ma-l at an ejioi pmw m ''
able term.
lnlraat alUaed a.l tire dpsIM,
ank or CIO,
oio, QBitaoi.
Pi aI4 ant.
VU- Pra.lii.nt
I 8 Msaati
Jar Mraaa
0 a Mat
B Un4,
U Bryanl
Jaha eia(
P Rmilh.
T'M a roaaral baukina- and exolian bulnw
Wrht drat laiiiad Albany, Portland aad Baa
g . orroKTURD, onxasii.
Paid uv ea!l.l .
Surplu and prlM...
.. e'i,9
IaUrant llwd a larlar depaita a follaw.:
n ordinary aavinfr bk ....A par enl par arnnm,
,n term arirr bonk w. .4 yr aat per an an at
On rtifiaat af depnfllt;
r kra ataatlw... ,4 per aeat per iinna:
Par siz aaaaaS ....;.. . A pr at !er annaait
Fr lwl. aaMa par amii par annum:
PfUKK Vf.liVU, Prnainmit
. f, T0MfHii, Ti-Preiat.
B, C (TltAI'ro.H. CmBikt;
un ta.
f.OOAL ltKGOItl).
ao,ooo Year Ahead or tub Sovnd,
Pr Henry W Coe, formerly ol Mandan,
N 1)., writing to a IK'nvcr paper, ayi
Tl VVlllamfiia valley U the gnrdrii ainit
of tha world, The tU-UI her t almply
rnormon and never falling, ThU whole
vllc wa nu doubt at on, time under
water, the ocvan water Howliif back with
the tides and In time th, wash ot the hill
(iniliiiillr filled li the valley, making the
mill what It ta now. , If we were o Ima.
In, Puget Sound In, aay twenty or thirty
(houaand yeara from now.afiet' It ha been
narrowed down lo a atream Info which
the mountain brook pour their content,
and flow on to the ocean, we mlht ner
hapt are a country audi a thla valley ol
the Willamette. A 1 can't wait for that
to occur, I ahall have to remain In ,itch a
valley which 1 already formed.
Thla la cliHe-ly tettled In ome pot, but
a a whole tt ha not begun to be develop
ed. ItlaatrangQ tome to are other and
Ira fdvoied region aettled during th,
fat twentv vrara and thl region ao ne
eded. '
In one'dlitrlct In the vallev. within a
laJiuaol aia mile tquare and thl radtu
not half under the iilow.prohably not a
quarter lat vear there wa paid In mote
than $.) in gold for it hap crop
alone. It doe, not take a large area to
make a living on.
A Lorni Joukney. Monday evening ft
travel lUined pilgrim from the "other
land," driving a pair o! gaunt, weary
mule, attached to a dilapidated wagon
arrived in tlii city. He had ben a
resident o( North lakota, and hUcro pi
were ruined thla year by the late troata
which that country!, fainou, for. II,
and a neighbor left there and traveled
overland in a waiion. They were in
eart h of. the "better land'' they had
heard aoniuch of and were determined
not to atop till they had found it and
they did find it. One of th, men went
to work near Lebanon and th, other
came here. About th, first man be ao
coated waa Uncle Jimmy IUve,of whom
lie mquirea lor work, sir nay e. Dap
pened to know that tieo Houck wanted a
man and in lee, than half an hour after
hi, arrival here he had work. Thla i,
th, kind ol men we need here, who have
the nerve to atari out to better their
itnation and after finding a favorable
place are willing lo act tie down and go
to work. They will probably send lor
their faiuiliea. They are both aorpriaed
and pleaaed with our country the uni
Tcraal verdict of all newcomer Cor
valli, Gaiette.
Jarraaaoiv. Hugh Karrlaon and Har
ry Stone hare finUhed thfl flrat (ricking ol
ihth yi acre ol peat, from which the?
gathered 7400 pound ol pea. They will
pick the aecond tine neat wk.
Two match game ol baa, ball are to be
plarrd between the lerleraon ,nd Albany
ciub next week. The flrat one will lie
nest Monday at Albany and the aesonj
on Wedneaday Injrfferaon.
There haa been vS,54) pound of pea
hipped from thl city to th, Salem can
nery thl week. They were alt grown In
thl Immediate vicinity anJ ahow what
could be done In caae ws liad a canning e
tabllahment here.
A game of baaeball I to b, played to
morrow between the accond nine of hi
city and the Knos llutie club. It I for
$10 a U'e and I to b, played on the Knoi
Ilutte ground ahout four mile aovth
weat of Jcflvraon. The game wilt be called
at 1 o'clock. Review.
Lis Coi'trrr Ciiebbik,. A Portland
man in the city, waa telling how he
went into a etore in Grant, Pat, a few
day, ago lo get a box of cherries, ol
winch be law aampie, In th, window.
They wer, very fine looking aixrciincii
of that fruit. He uked where they
were raised, and the man said twelve
mile, from that city. On handing out
the box it wa, discovered that a private
mark ol a llalaey firm waa on it. and on
investigation the Portland man learned
that the cheme, had been ahipped from
Halaer to Uranta l'aas. whero tlicv were
being told for local cherriea. In the
matter of cherriea Linn county ia in the
Lake County Mr, S Iom died at
her home on the Mohawk Monday, after
an IHpcm ,f leveral week.
Some people may think that a 4th ol
July celebration doe not pay, but ll I re-
iiitoiy atatea mat one reataurant in thl ctt y
cleared $aoo on the 4th tbla j ear.
Mr E R bklpworth and fAmlty epect
to go to Sodavtlle, Friday to apend a
couple week.
Another paper for SpHnzfleld U talked
of. We underatand Mr Magulre, of Port
land, will conduct It, RegUter.
Mvrtlb Crick Mine,. Between 80
and 100 men are now at work at the
Myrtle creek mina extending the water
ditch to connect with the headwater of
the Umpqua river, when an abundant
upplycf wtter will be obtained. The
four inch giant nozzle utcd at fir I ha
been changed for a alx Inch nozzle, which
I kept running night and day. The
atockholder ate becoming more enthuit-
antic, 11 such a thing l poaaible . Another
clean up wilt be made In three or four
week. Eugene Guard.
After Thirty Yeaas. Mr P 1
Greffoz, who for t-e paat thirty year, ha
tucccaaiuiy conauciea a leweiry buainea.
In thUclty, ha (old out to hi on Ed, wh.
1 a nratclaa workmen and Usompetent
to tep in ana nu the place vacated by hi
tamer, tie menu a itoerai patronaee and
witl no doubt receive It. Mr P P Ureffof
I new In Colorado looking up a new lo
cation. worvauia uazette
A Severe Case. Dr Maston, ot Al
bany, was cal?ed to Creiwcll Monday to
consult wun vt dcarbrough in a severe
case of erysipelas. We did not learn the
lady's name but on July ath she run a
sliver into her foot. It did not appear to
be a severe injury, but soon her foot com
menced swelling and erysipelas In a se
vcre form set in until now nearly half her
foot had to be cut off. Eugene Guard,
A Tailless Calf. The paperi have
been boanting about a calf recently born
in Georgia without a tail. Oregon will
not permit any state to surpass it even
in calves. Several dav, ncro a calf waa
born on the farm of Mr Turner, residing
near Harrisburg, which is entirely tail
less, and it doe not seem to consider it
an affliction, either. Prof Mitchell, of
this city, Raw the animal and declares it
to tie a genuine tailless calf.
A r-KiDQE Accident. A few days ago
Mr Walt Miller was crossing the Hanna
bridge, near Jordan, with a load of lum
ber, when the bridge gave way and the
team and load were precipitated nearly
nueen jeet into. the water below. One
horse was killed and the other had three
ribs broken, while Mr Miller bad a nar
row escape from drowning, a boy help
ing mm out.
An Abac Bbokb . Mrs Perry Osborne,
of McDowell creek, mother of Mrs M K
l'liiyeu, ol this city, while trvinsr on I' ri
day last to prevent a hawlrfrom carrying
on some 01 tier line yonng chickens,
slipped and fell, striking the tr round in
sucn a manner as to break lier riulit arm
just aoove ine wrist. tscio Press.
The State Pair. Th, premium list
for the state fair I out and makes a good
showing. The fair this year promises to
he a good one. The speed program par
ticularly is well filled out, and faster time
thin ever will urobablv be made. Oreirnn
can support a state fair well, and should
do so.
New Law Firm. As will be seen by
their card in another column Judge D R
N Blackburn and Mr H C Watson have
formed at partnership for the practice of
law. and offer their services to the public
This is a strong firm and will doubtless
obtain its ahare of business,
io.-epauMn'a contract willi the'Unio, Pa-
cifio is foijthe transportation of 60 railiosd
catp, each aixty feet in length, equal to a
train of 130 ordinary frees t cars. It la
claimed to be tha largest trsaaporUtien
contract oyer made by this road.
A Scio Loncia's Kbroi.ijtionm. lMcrdnfT
'Lodgo, No, 6, 1. 0. 0. F.,"of Pclo, at ilit-lr
last meeting pitHscd renoltittons of refpn t
In memory of Jus. F. Hall, tho commit
tco fonsiating of lr K 0 lfydn 'and H M
Drtnicl. Tim main resolution, - road 1
"KfimlvfJ, Thfitotir urdtrlti this iurls-
dU'lion lias ciuured a grt-nt lima, and so
ciety a true and trii-d meiiilier v. himo
whole lifo wn, a living example of Mir
cherished maxima, and whoao dt alli has
raiim'd avoid that only time can till,
lteaolvcd, That white v Kiw in hiimlite
aubiuifwloii to tho will of Him who doot h
all tiling, well, we will finlcuvor to emu
late hi, virtues and kindly cht-riMh hln
memory aa incentive, l a higher ami
nobler life.". Coming voluntarily Inun
an outalile l(lge, the reaolution, are par
ticularly of interest aa alum ina the great
reaped In which tho Uuceasuu wn, held
everywhere where known. 1
On ti Watkbloo. Jiidt at this time
th, minds of the people In and around
Lebanon, Albany, Tallmon, Swlivville
and Waterloo are pomev, lutt agitated
over the railroad queation. The lirnt of
the week the report waa that lr Hill
and aaaoclatea were to build an eleetrin
ruilroa df rum Hodavllle to Allwiiy via Tall-
man or via iA Unnon conditionally. The
plat, of the various route, have been
. . 1 1 t ,
prepares ana prices 01 narrow gatiy;e
track, .mil Hum rorlland, ami a represeu
tatlve dispatched U Kan Francisco to
make inptilry into the coal of equipment.
Now the rumor In that Men I K
Weatherford and Thomas Kay have
made a proposition to tho Southern I'a
cilie Hy Co to crude the road led, it the
ot company will complete and operate an
extension of the road from Lebanon to
Waterloo, and proposition ia said to
have been accepted. Engineer F, J
O'Conncr i, now making the survey.
Twice a W ekk. .The fot lomlng letter
addressed to Geo W Wright, PreslJcnt of
the Doatd ol Trade, I self explanatory j
"I beg to acknowledge receipt ol your fa
vor of th, oth Inst., enclosing a, petition
from a portion of the citlxen of Albanr,
and alao resolution from the Board of
Trade of Albany, asking that we extend
our train service eastward aa far a Coe
Statl,n, two trip a Acck, during the sum
mer, which I found on my dck cn my re
turn to the office to ilay. I had already
given orders that the train should ran to
Coe Station once a week, on Saturdays,
and such service commenced lat Satur
day, the nth Inat. However I have now
given order, that trains shall run to Coe
Station every Wednesday and Saturday
until farther orders, .w blth I hi pe will
prove sail. factor jr.
our Truly,
Wm M Koao,
Base Ball. At Mo last Tuesday tho
Scio club defeated the Lvlatnon club by
a score of 13 to 13 in nino inning,.
The statement by tho Hkikm'mat that
the next Hcio-Jt-UVrsHiii gam, would be in
Albany on the Salh, seem, to have given
th. Pre,, th, d)'SH'pia. We got our in
formation from a Jefferson man, and a
newspaper man of all th, j plo In the
world ought to know that it ia easy togi-t
mixed up on a ball game. Tho garni,
will he next Friday at heio and not on
Tuesday a, stated by the Pre,,.
Seth Ha mmer and Rev 11 1! Drown are
up In the Santlam country.sald to be pros
pecting In those wonderful gold mine, up
there. The saaplclon among their Mend.
hoever. It that thry arc doing most of
their prospecting In th, trout pool of that
region. Journal.
wo sin r,ai;cisj.
F. M. French fcep railroad tit.
Haw cream eh juat rolvd at C'obtal
Sruoka tha ealatrstad tfavs,as fSilcd Eort
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
A larg stock of wall paper, with lata de
slgna, at Furtmlller ft, Irving's.Jutt received.
Hav, yoa acas tbot, parlor suit, that T
Brink has Juat received f They ar, aloe.
Great raldatlna la nxa' f, rnUhtng good,
for th, next SO day at W F IUad .
J W Beottay, beat boot and alio, makerf n
efty, thr door, north of Democrat office.
TV Aohfsoa k Co handl, tb, celebrated
Portland wall, fur tmtry lot,
rheae wait, eao b f urnlahsaV at batf th, enat
of any otirsr and r, far seperior.
Brighten up yoor old rubbers and eld
skoe, and mak, tbam took aa good a tsw
with WoUTa Aem, Waterproof i'elkh. For
awl, at Samuel E Yonng',
Dr M II EHIa, thlein and snrgeoo,
Albany, Oragoa. Call, mad. In elty or
Ladlea'ean do thelrjahopplng In San Preo
eiaoo without vlalting tb, eity, and without
str, oommlion. Mia E J Barrow 7r
ebsslng tgsut, 1C09 Groy, St.OakianJ.
Has a large and complete line ot
goods, dolls, doll bnggiesjllwys wagons,
ve ocipedes and many other goods which
got to make up a complete assortment,
besides a complete line of lamps of
every description. China crockery, fancy
decorated ware, glassware, bird cages,
plush goods, sucn as albums, toilet sets,
antoaraDh book. acraD books, children's
ABC picture books, and all goods that
are carried in a liaxaar store, including
Roeer Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish
to call the attention of the public in par
ticular to the tioiden uuie pn a Dating
powder and tea. put up expreerdy toy
thl, trade, wnicn gives tne nest 01 satis
faction, as is attested by the hundreds
who have used both the tea and baking
powder ever since introduced by the
Golden Rule Bazaar. Each package ol
tea and can ol backing,powder draws a
prise in the shape of a tine piece of glass
ware, tie sure to can, wnen id Albany
at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as .you wil
be sure to find what yoa waat, and will
be shown over the store ana be treated
kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My
ffoods are all marked in nlain figures so
as not to deceive anyone, and I have but
one price to ail.
A Haunted Haase.
Tbi body of can ha beon likned to
tenement. It often bis haunted spartmen
th, stomach, Soared by the eldriek
sprite, dyspepsia, digestion flips and refute
to return. Whatuan break th, tpull, what
can rals, ta, baa laid upon th, ohhsppy or-
gansr vv, answer unhesitatingly, 1 1 01 tet
ter Stomach sitters, and w ar waianted
in tb response by th, recorded testimony
f myriad, cayering a period over a thir d Oi
aoentury. a course 01 in, Bitter, i-egua
in any stair of the sflliotion.aud persistently
followed, wm terminate our, posttiva,not
nartisi. Tb, Bitter, restore, ton, to th.
apigattio nerve, renew, and pari fie th.
jaioe eluding from tb, cellular tissue that
aet upon tb, food digestively, expat bile
from the stomach and th, blood, and pro
mote a regular habit of body. Ualrrn,
kidaey complaint, nervouana. rheumatism
and asaralgi ir way to thl medioine.
A tar car, for tb whisky habit; ' Df
Livingston' Antidote for ilrnnl ennes, wil)
our, anv oasa of th, itiiuor eahit in trom tea
to thtrty days, from tn ir-o derate drinker to
th, drnnkard. The Antidote on b, given
In cap of coffee without th knowledge ol
a .. a ....
.1 . i : 'f , A . 1 .1 , . Hi me auwuw. wu. ou.
Injure th healtn in any way. Manufactured
Lythe Livingston Chemioal Co., Portland,
Oregon cr from J A Cummlug, aole agent
Preach Tasty Wafers.
fer a
are jt
can b.
wafer are a sure and safe tr '
klndsof female traubles ar.c -'l'
all obstructions to tea menu It
ao matter what tne cause. Ttti
itwhat every woman necdr . ai
tsed with safety. For sale k tfci
Livingstone Chem
tcai Co., also iron m
tale a rent, j AUummtng. oruggttf, Bii n
berg hick, Alhanv, Oreg,a.
Bargains in choice groc,ri can always
, -.-i) cd of Alien lire,,, r iiou fs.oofc,
arxfal A rSMvRal,
TirtiRfDAV '
W II Smith. o( mwnsvlile, I In
fit today-.; , 1 -. ;
lion II Pccf,'"f Dotyville, was
the city today." .Tin y,,t .- , .
rtilt rtalltmore and. S Shunpand fami
nes mil lousy tor tnc riiouniBiim,
Mr Mttrtoy Vaughn returne-l yesterday
1 mm a trip to nn r laurisco.
! J 11 Howard ami f.i'mlly left yesterday
oil a visit wun inemm in vaaiar.d, ur.
L iJeyoe and fnnHly are taking their
outing at tlit'ir fatotiii lekorf.lhe AlseS,
MUs Hhoda Hall left this noon for
Hour burg, where h wlil spend the sum
mer, y.' ..-.4-V'o'-J- ,.'Jt-'.
A chailvarl band l said to have been
out a few evenings ago paying their re
spects to a newly married couple.
Dr McAllister ar.d family, accompanied
bv Mrs Royal, of Sa'em, left today for the
norm ntmm.
Jay W Wain came over from the Hay
todav to attend to the affair of the Build-
in & Loan AswH ltitlon, which meet to
lllli.M .U.hIii.i . . .
r- fHlnre circuit " court adjourned the fol
lowing divorce suit have been begum C
M Rainwater agt Carrie M Rainwater;
ciara Derringer agt John Derringer
Mr F. W Lango n, Csshler of the Fir
National Hank, has been heard from t
Manitoba, Canada, Unlike some bai k
cashier he was there simply for recreation.
A' serenading rtrty was out last evening,
the rl,h tones of several voice, funicular
ly a well tuned leeor was waited on the
midnight atr from a neighbor's yard.
Hon Allen Parker, of Yaqutne bay, re
turned this morning from a trie- to San
fie, hi dnttghter, Mrs Elder, who has
era ill, returning with htm a far aa
White Point, aoulttern Oregon.
Mr Wllon R Ulaln left thl, noon for
Yaqulna llay, to join hi wife, who ha
been there a week or two. Mr Olaln ex
pect to get enough of set breeaetln two
wee time.
Thla afternoon, about a 130 o'clock, the
member of the V C T U tendered Mr
Fisher surprise party at the home of her
son, Mr Jsmcs Efkln. They took along
well laden baakeia, and were to have a
c'dock feast. Mr FUherls now approach
ing vo year 01 ace,n! lias the reaprctand
love of all wlm kr.ow her.
Rhthard Conn, of Corvalila, wa In the
chy today.
Judge Blackburn and wife are rt lea
ting at Sodavlile.
l ot C E Compton I being tried by a
court mart'jii at Wsllj Walla.
Mr W R D'.lyeu and son went to Y
rjulnn Bay today for a month sojourn
Geo Caldwell, of Portland, came u,- to
Albany th'.a noon on a iw.i week vaca
tion. Ir Llcnenger and Wm Cowan went lo
Sodavlile yeier.!ay on their bicycles re
turning though In a apetder way,
RavTl S Shangte left thl after noon for
Waterloo to attend the protracted meet
ings that commence lM evening and last
over Sunday.
Ml Veata Maton, of AlUni, came up
on Ihi afternoon's train and ia" vlalting at
the residence ul ja F Roblnaon. Eugene
J R Wyatt hat been at Lions a day or
two trying the Sulltran hey for aatault on
the Kay boy, whom he pitched off an en
bank men t. Mr Wyatt w!H b, horn, on
Ihla evenings train.
Prof Strange, of L'nton county, at one principal of the OrvatlU school,
well known In Albany, hat oeen elected
principal of the Oregon City school. The
pnnclpaUhln of scboola f em to be
changing all over Oregon,
Judge Strahan, Jason Wheeler, Geo F
Simpson, 1 II Montelth and C J Stewart,
leave tomorrow morning for Coe the east
ern end ol the Otegon Pacific, on a GsMng
excursion, and will return on Wednesday.
Numerous excursion parties are being ar
ranged fur such a trip. Halting there t
satd to be good, and there I no more de
lightful mountain teener any where.
The beautiful ground, ot Mr P P Ma
son have been ecle?ted for the lawn so
cial of Tuesday evening next. Those
atte nding will be assured a pleasant
and refreshing time, ice eream and cake
will be served. An attempt i, being
made to seen re a famous art collection
for the evening. The musical part ot
the program w ill consist of vocal and In
strumental selection, pleasing to old and
young, it is hinted the college orches
tra will discourse wedding marches, etc.
Wm M Hoag, ot the Oregon I'a-iic,
wa in the city to day.
Prof Wright and E E Montagne.of Leb
anon, have been in the city today.
J M Ralston and wife went to Newport
this noon for a several days outing.
E E Davis, proprietor of the Recorder
office, went to lUrrisburg today to spend
sunaay. .
Among the puasenger bound for Ya-
qulna Bay today were J W Blaln, B A
ocueuicr ana nir ivoucn Atrown anu son.
Mr I F Conn has lust completed for
Wm Emerlck & Co., a nice arranged
butcher shop, adjoining the Willamette
Packing Co, which will be opened on
Mr Geo R Wilson, of Fresno. Calif., a
former resident of Albary. was in the
city yesterday ,on buslnes, connected
wun the uai norma savings and Loan
Association of San Francisco.ot which be
is an inspector of lands
Misses Emily and MaudTurrell. ot
Sacramento county. Calif., left this noon
for Tacoma, ai ter a sojourn among Al
bany friends. Miss Emilv Turrall was a
teacher for awhile in the Albany schools
aoout seven years ago,
G C Ktanard arrived In Brownsvl le on
Thursday, and on the following Friday
Ictt lor the hantiam soda springs. At
torney Geo Vf Wright, of Albany, ac
companied by ins wit, ana children
were in Brownsville on Monday. Times,
A J Salmon, of Chicago, Is In the city
Mr salmon recentv arrived in the countv
accompanied by his father, now 83 year
ot age on a tew week visit nere, being the
guest of the former' uncle, Mr Rudd, of
Peoria. Mr Salmon wa lr. the county
, . ., -
lour year ago lor several rnoittn.
Last evening the C. E. society of the
Conerecational church gave a private
lawn party at the residence of Mr Albert
isrowneii, in me western suburbs 01 in a
citr. The place is delightfully located
and the surroundings pleasant ones. An
evening full, of enjoyment was passed,
the event being pronounced among the
nicest of the season.
Hon John Bryant and wife ot Linn
county are visiting their son, Thomos W
Bryant, and ins lamuy. iom is now re
covering from a spell of sickness. John
Bryant has been a democratic member
of the Oregon legislature, besides master
of the Oregon State Grange.and has held
other prominent positions of public trust.
Ashland Record.
X II Allen, a retired merchant and
manager and principal owner of the Al
bany electric Tight syntera.was at the de-
yesterday witn his daughter, mibs
fc . - A wftv to Klamath ITnt
prings. MrsJ ILMcBride and daught
er, Mips kubib Aianin, ana u 11 liiount,
old Albany friends, were at the station-
to meet them. Ashland itecoru.
C W Ayers came out from Portland this
morning to arrange for the construction
of a railroad spur to the Siskiyou Btone
Co's quarry. Mr Ayres says the Ashland
stone has knocked lenino stone clean
out of Portland and its only competitor
now is the Arizona stone. Am 01m the
latest big contracts the Siskiyou Stone Co
has received i that of the 1300,000 build
ing oi EdDekum, which will be the
handsomest business block in Portland.
The gtorie contract bids for the Portland's
chamber of commerce building will be
opened today, which the Siskiyou Stone
Co expect to receive. Record,
Government receipts from all sources during
Ilit past fiscal year aggregated 1401,330,716,
or alut on, and one half million lest then
during the preceding year, Customs receipt
wer, 1219,900,658, or about tea millions let
than during th, preceding year. Internal
revenue receipts wer, 1145,941,281, an In
crease over the preceding year of t3 SO,oooi
snd receipts from tnitcellsneou source were
neatly $36,000,000, about $5,000,000 greater
than In the preceding year.
On the other hand expenditure Juring the
fiscal year Jutt eloted were f jS8,C'j6,Sa4,
ago In tt $318,040,710 during the preceding
year. Seventeen million five hundred thousand
of this increase Is found in the pension charge
of $124,415,110 ft-r th, pest year. Civil snd
miicellsreoui expenditures during th, year
amounted lof 110,139,319, an Increase ever
the preceding year of nearly thirty millions.
Indian expenses were $8,536,188, or atari
two million more than during the preceding
year. Navy expenditures were $36,115,098
or four million more then during the pre-
ceding year, and War department expendi
ture were $48-733, 1 16, or $4,350,000 greater
than In the preceding year. Ileii)rt,j7,f 17,
aoi were paid out during tb, year for interert
oa the public debt, and $10,401,120 In pr,
nilusit ol 1 1 14,000, o bond purchased and
redeemed during '.be year.
Th, sgitatkm in Germany against the high
tariff oa food products c-n'iiiue to alarm the
government, f rke bav, advancd so that
the reduction of duslc is Uksly to become a
aecety. Yt which ever way tb, govern
meat decide it is likely to get into difficulty.
IWsraarck ha large landed interests, aad his
policy ha always been to make ftlcnd with
Crotaa farmers. To him is da, the policy of
sdudiflg foreign food products, ,nd etpaxUily
tho fiora this country. So long ai crops
were good German farmtts prospered under
th, high price which th, tariff secured! This
year crops ar, poor, and to entirely exclude
turcica products will .be Impost' bl, -without
patting price up to famine figures.
The method for caring for the Insane in
Holland I In establishing village for their
residences where the patient, are kept In
kind of family life. Surrounding th.
village ar, farm, that furnish healthful out
of-door occupation, th, open-air employ
ment being regarded a ot great efficacy
It the cure. Recent count.!! of phllan.
troplat hav, discussed thl Idea with a
view to It trial In this country. It I, be-
leved that the enforced association of In
sane with Insane In the large asylum
tend to greatly retard and often to rre-
ent Iheir recovery.
US,', . ...
A dispatch from Sta Francisco titles that
Prof frights, in a rqeit tth, ,crvyor
offio, ooooerning the reeeet break down in
the c-s'.r of th, volcano of Kilsu'a, fTeyaii
says the entire Cra ate I gone. Peak
an and pools btv, vanished, and ia their
pise, k a pit .rate of lliptteel oatiln.
SIOO by Six) feet is txteot Tb, walla, tn
Itrighaa says, war, perpndralr and Im-
paaaibl,. It It etim'd that their depth
waa&OOfawf. Th, break dowa U slightly
larger than that ef 185, and differ, from it
la that after a lap, of three weak th,
ov-llea lava aa, agaia appeared, aad lh,
ataUr ia filling np rapidly.
Tber, is a vast bad of par, rock aalt ia
too Colorado deaert, and tha gorthera Pa-
iflc railway, la laying tha'r track to th,
aalt tniae, r jaatd point whir, for over
8,000 feet, thty were obliged to mak, a fill
aad ballast ths track with beautiful lumps ef
pare aalt eryatal. This t oaths pa tb, firat
ioataae, la tb, history ef lailroadotg where
track ha been laid la and trallaaUd with
aalt. Million of grasshopper aad htgioa,
of giaat centipede, fell into thl salt when
it waa la a liquid state, aad now, after hav
ing repoaed the, fur ihoaaaad, of year,,
thty ar, foaad pwiaetly preserved.
The lalrat dinner novelty, according to In
San Francisco Argonaut, is lb serving of
lettuce grown under the eyt pf the guest
The secrtt of pet firmi,g this feat lie in
Making germinating lettoc ted in alcohol
for about six hours, and sowing It la an equal
mixture of unslaked lime and rich soil. After
the soup has been served, sprinkle lh, seed
with lukewarm water aad they will sprout
immediately, the lettuce growing to about the
size ofbazie nuts before the tim, for serving
he salad arrive. ,
The Pennsylvania republican who are
o anxlons to get rid of Quay's domination
ought to come out to Portland, and take
ume lessons In how to get rid of boslm.
It woulden't be a webfoot spell for the
Portland voters to clean out Quay and his
whole gang. Qua Is only one senator,
and we downed two, Evening Ttltgnm
The hat-ribbon dsHiiaioa oocne at aa
awkward moment. It will oall upon the
treasaiy for $23,000,000 orL $30,000,000
presently, which ia not a pleasant thing to
eoiitemplata whan th, treasury i, already
empty and it, obligation, are auormont and
inereaaingr thank, to the Billion Dollar
in in, town ci tvaiue. fomerania, a
great potato country, the entire popula
tlon of between 3000 and 4000 shut up their
houses, leave the keys with the mayor.and
scatter all over Fomeronla to the potato
harvest, leaving the mayor and bell-ringer
alone In the charge of the town.
The word "ttate" waa tint ofnstaUy used
Uty 15, 1756, when Mr Archibald Cry re
ported to th, Virginia convention, then in
session in WiUIarasbarg, the famous reso
lution "to deolar, th, Ucited (Jolonios free
aud indepeudant states."
RussU's harvest I the worst on record.
Price of cereal rising hourly. Rye ha
never before been so dear. Winter crop
In southland east Russia perished by frost.
In the Jewish colony at Rovnopol people
are dying of hunger.
Prof Sha'.er of Haryard College and
President Morrison of Boston University
have discovered a petrified human body
In Falling Spring Cave, Sequache Valley,
Tenn, The body I perfect. Many curl
ou weapon of copper were at lit feet.
New York parties have been buying wild
marsh ha at Jefferton, 'Wis., and will ex
periment with it tor the manufacture of a
cheap but tuperlor article of binding twine.
Jlnclal estimate of Kussian wheat crop
put condition at eighty-three, which
meant a shoitage of about 34,000,000
The first coffee plant, which was the parent
ot all tbose now m ihe West Indies, wa
planted by Deslieux in 1720.
Salt water is heavier than froth water be
came of the salt dUaolved in it.
The first agricultural exhibition
J held st Georgetown. D C, in 1S10.
" (Prnrn our rutntar enrraKHiint,
Washing), July 13, i8l.
A great big scandal, Involving, through
more than one of ll member, the admin
istration, may b, the outcome of the Itata
business. It Is whispered in Inside circle
here that the oplalona of certain people
the matter Is entirely too serious to use
names upon no better hast than rumor
have been Influenced both fur and againat
the Chilian Insurgents by the receipt ot
large turn of money, which has, accord
ing to th, atpry, been furtiUhed by certain
parties In New York who are heavily In
teresled in Chilian commerce, and whose
bualnett rivalry I thnught by many lo he
at the bottom of all Ih't trouble in that
unfortunate country. Certain It I that
Balmaceda and the Insurgent arc both
repretentcd in Washington by threwd
agent snd lawyers, the American,
and the, appearance Indicate that both
side are welt tupplied with money and
that at Ieat-on tide ha paid b!g money
for the right to use the column of certain
newspaper. The administration official
! recognize only Ihe ISalmacedA govern
ment but Senor Molt, the reptesentative
here of the Chilian Insurgents, or a he
ay, "the only constitutional government
of Chill," appear to be confident that the
Itata will be released by the court and
tnat the Insurgent will toon be recognized
by thl government
It Is rather an odd coincidence that Sec
retary Foster, the defender of the extrav
agance of the billion-dollar congress, snd
a man who ha been preeminent In hi
party a a tpollsman.should have reache d
the same conclusion that the late Hon
Samuel J Randall, who a chairman of the
committee on appropriation of the House
of Representative fnade a reputation for
honetty and economy In public expendi
ture never urpaed,dld as to the advlta
bility of aboilthlng five out of the six audi
tor office of the treasury department, be
because oi the useless ncs of the work
done In those office, which consists almost
entirely Jof duplicating the work doni in
the office of the Comptroller of the treas
ury. Mr Randall once drew up a bill to
abotlah these and some other useless
bureau' of the treasury department, but
he found tt Impossible to secure support for
It In congress, because It meant a large
reduction In the number of clerk em
ployed, which meant that much less pat
ronage for the congressmen. It would be
an easy matter, were con great so disposed,
to save nearly 2,000,000 per year In this
one department, by taking up and carry
ing oet Mr Randall' original Idea, which
for some reason Mr Foster ha seen .fit to
Prof Dyren forth of the agricultural de
partment I on hi way to the most arid
ectlon of western Kanaaa, cat ry ing with
him th, balloon, kite, dnamite bond,
etc., with which he expect to obtain by
expoUlon in the air a copious fall of rain
In that region, where rain I unknown.
He has an appropriation of $9,000 to
spend In experimenting.
Fourth Auditor Lynch, the negro who
with ex-Senator Bruce wa given ollke In
exchange for a Harrison delegation from
Mississippi, ha just returned from that
state and report tnat the contract ha been
complied with, and that not only Misaia
tlppl but the entire south wilt send a aaild
Harrison delegation to the republican con
vention, which cannot be broken. He for
got to add: Unlet tome other candidate
a disposed to open a barrel, In which case
the touthcrn delegation can be stampeded
just aa the have been In all prevlou r,
publican national convention.
Another negro, -Fred Dougla wfll
toon be out of a job, ar It I semiofficially
announced that he will no', go back to
Hayll,a minster. He brought with him a
reciprocity treaty with Hayll which he
negotlated,butthe administration for tome
reason d.tesq'i eem proud of it.
The unaccountable nature ot the Inflen-
sa commonly known a tne grippe na
tavtted the theories ot all sort and condi
tion of men, not to say of doctors, but
among all no one Is perhap so well cal
culated to commend Itself to confidence a
that of Sir Morell Mackenxie, M D, who
In a paper In the June Fortnightly assert
that In hi opinion "the riddle of Influensa
is poisoned nerves," and from this hypoth
esi. arise "the bewildering diversity of 1
symptom become Intelligible if we re
gard them a result of disordered nervous
action." Dr Mackenzie compare It to
the extraordinary disturbance in telegraph,
lc aysterns produced by a thunderstorm,
and lays this Is nothing "compared with
the freak plavcd by the living conductor
In the human body if anything throw the
governing centres out of gear,"
Now the theory of "poisoned nerve is
one that explain the almost infinite vari
ety of attacks and curious freak that mark
the disease. No two persons, It I safe to
ay, have ever experienced precisely the
iime tymptoms, and If It Is a nervous dis
turbance thl 1 the natural resu.t. Dr
Mackenzie regard the epidemic as falling
under three general typea, each of which
Include many varletle: these are the cat
arrhal, the digestive and the nervous
Influenza," he ay, "i the very Proteus
ofdiceates, a malady which atcumes so
many form that It seem to be not one
but all diseases' epitome, and Us symp-
tomology Include, almost everthlng, from
a cold in the head to InlammAtlori of
the brain. . . V It Is really an acute
specific fever, running a definite course
like meatlet or (camatlna. , . . It I a
disease with that superficial complexity of
aspect which made Mr Carlyle playfully
suggest tha. the doctor had agreed to
call half a dozen different diseases by one
name In order to simplify treatment."
Dr Mackenzie adds that under all It
disguise he believe the disease to be per.
fectly lmplej that the profound impress
Ion made on the nervous system by the
poison explain nearly all the after-effect
malady, "and especially that curious loss
of vital energy which is so disproportion
ately great In comparison with the disease
Itself. The cause Dr Mackenzie believe
to be a living germ, air-borne, but of what
nature is not yet, he believe established.
The men who have power to represent
and to develop the moral principle of the
epoch are they whom the age demands as
it leaders? It Is not the destruction of
authority that will bring about a better
social state, but the enlightenment and el
evation ot authority.
Like every other living thing ths nyater
i has its enemies. Tha star fish in ravaging
the bed in Long iaiand hound, ana one
i dealer already reporta a loss of t20,(K5O.
lit s low
Embracing all th
Uoth in WOOLEN and
, -ToThe:Ladie5,
Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Knit
ItiiiBED and Muslin. My Pjuces aro tie LOWEST
and my Goods the Beut. Am eohfgent
for the Celebrated
. Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely
fast, and Free from Poison,
: To The Men :
Call and Look at My values in
I hav Large Stock at th. Lowest
t retry a
fl line of tb, world -renowed CItOADIIEAD goods, norxce'ftrt
finieb. , Large atock of Embroideries and FuytrsctirGa. Ci
ced tha. Albany in the let trading point to Oregon.
for wear
and be oos
Acknowledged monarch
W, oarry a fall line of neck. Boggle, and Carriago- al. Farm
Innplamanta of all kinda. aaVCall on ua before purchasing Elsewhere.
Milclitll & Lewis Co.,
Music -
Ue .air Uat
J T) 1 TT l?n C AO aTa I Celebrated fot It brilliancy,
IJ A U 1 IX & fj VP. I finish and durability.
VOSE & SON HBnrmtaw.rrI
r!ae atstd Ear huff If Proof
BxHsm iB,itmBia ta specialty.
Agent, forth. Hew Home, Eldrldgei B.andojher Se wins Machines.
Supplies for all kind, ot8wng Machine. We guard our
-customer. Interest, and guarantee satisfaction.
W, ala. caarry !faU aaaerloirat ,f Brule and Heate Beak.
Cor. Seoond and Perry sts.f
le Now York
Is the Place to Buy
Their Meld
J. Joseph,
Sit I ft ' I ft - - r
v ... "
III I I ! J i -
PTT f! M M I. i 1
i t .4 U M ! J -2 j . i j
0 ll y u j 1 1 1 1
t m a -- it 4 a-aW
it- w .r. a-aa w mn.
O ii cj tLs 3
Writ far our New Illustrated i'i
$ 4-
t" t.TP!sr"fri r
h : t S C 1. .-: w nu Sea
I 5
'3 S
mm m
latest Novelties in
-:- Goods.
Prices aver offered ia. the Valley.
Albany, Oregon
K 1 -fl
it at ; -
i-iism,,i, ti .fr
of the
Tha tnot popular plno among; lh, wMld
famonii Pianist. .
OrgaiBf, G altar,. Violins
(nd for catalogue.) Albany, Or.
Bl store
McParland Block, ABtV&Nf".
and Retail.
SI i S ! v A, " w
ll,i,.a ti.a iiuilf ;
t!iai iawia. a ma nm tt w l,n
1 STVTt I :
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