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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1891)
TfMUKT NATIONAL IUKK, I.' CW At. BAST, OBItOOW, rnMi...UM.Mm i. ruini Y'-i PrualiUmli ..y. s, "f,,VtlliN' . .i-r.,. W. LANUDOK rPtrTS A ORNRRAtBns'n'ktutiisa. An Of VT KRPT ') I la (hark. SioMT KXlHANUK Mid Ut -raphi trnr, solil Now York, Bu rranoiaeo, Ctli;c and P UwJ men CO J.EiTf IOM HADIoa raortts tvin, MIKWH. J K. Turn E,W, UmMI L Bum, L. fuss I . 81. 1 IX SI CO NATIOXAMIANK, J OF At.BAHY, ORBtlO. CAT1TAL STOCK H,00(l, Prl.l-nt .............. ......J t COW AW, v. I. lr.oJ.nt ...J M RAt-SToN. AstC.hUr..-. O A ARCUIUOLD, PTOM, J L Oown, J at R!tn, Geo t rh.mlx.rl.ln, W 8 Laud, W U OolU-a, J A Crw tor aiij O A Archleotil. TRANS KCT omkI rnlt feu!". PH. W SHIHl 1HAFTS1m w York, S l r-ii-tUa t, OrMa. LOAN MOriKToa apio4 SwrW KalKlV It dKMi I sub rs shecs. B ASK OF OREGON. tUURT, OBsKIOW. capital. Frai.lwil Vlrs-rreakUttl... k-Mhtr .H T MKRRtl.L ,. K t LANJIINil ... WBl-AlM Trsnaaet a rwl twiikln hinds: Eihmr luht na sold im all tlx principal sRim la tli ItuUad IUMI l on EiifUud, tntaaj. frail, ana llaruvany. OllacUun siau k all aoessaiW point M lavr ah I tanua, tutor 1I.J J Hum tlrpoalu. H ASK OF CIO. trio, OSKOO. Praailoiil I mi I'raaulaal V'aatklar ........ .11 liauia -...Jars Mtbai O 1 MAT siaarroaa: Oats, Mania, U bryasl J.ha (JUs f O 80H. Dm a rru.nd aaukla ess asnr ssalas. .,ut Sra(i tN M Alba, ri-UaJ sad aa t raca. pOKTLA SO BATIMG9 BANK, M4 e-J,e later ilad aa a Oaf a .coal la M Mlava: Vasrslaar. aartiifa boss .... par aant par aaasa. a tarsi .sitae Urfl ..... par aaat par aaaua. m wniitaiia) al 4aaaaik; for vsraa swats a par at Bar aaaua: swats par aaat par sasus: For aiaaiaa... par ana par asauai. rRANK I'IM'M, rrraklaai It. P. TMOMPM04 laa-PraaiJaal. M. U, BflATTON. Caaalar, 5500 Hewnrd ? V.Tm pry Oi4a!wi rnnl f r atiy of ttf rmiirint, I jM"ta H; lleih, I mim .. Com i, M Ctt Tiwwi w cnno tart wiui Wwjiii V i ivrr -mph the i rril.m iM-tetrtaHiy f -! Hon. 'jf-r ratJ Laiv bot -iiU V ratv r of rtrut.t1Ma) an . m ;! iiifaHiiral osl Ity Jil.a4 wtsr4XrANY,tmiuO.UA J 4 a mini if. hgtmi mm C0LLEGJ1T2 ISSHTUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18QO, 18Q1- nrat Trraa pim4 ItiMaktr IMk. 1M. A tall eorp of Instraotorm, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY ' G EEC I AL AND NORMAL CLASSES. i urae at atady arnnKiKl to umI t t kI of :l (mlM of kludeuU, Sfita'al tHattcmmtntt ffertJ Is tldtmtt frtm vbrMtd. ir. ELI air x Miir A. STRAW EY, ..rr.oriToR or rn City liTerj, Feel anJ Sail -8TABL E. Having purchases! near rife can furo Ub firaUclaa turcouta at caII. Bpectll attention glra to transient atock. Ilonee boarded by the day or month. ritcapeat Rata la (ha City. Telephone onnertlon with the St Charlea Hotel. Telephone ordera given prom 4 attention. Fourth Street, between K!laworth and Street Caf line. PAISLEY a SMILEY, -Wuoleu'.e ftjalers In - TOBACCO - ard - CIGARS. Alsasr, arara Fortmllier & liying, - "-.-- Wmmm -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. trterial Embilmin Dona Scietitll leal I y NOTICE OF FIHAL SETTLEMENT. NOTK I IS HERERT GIVES THAT THE l danlynrd. aUmlnuiraior of lha eatata ot CuwIaiT. McKarland.oaceaaaJ, has OIl his final m.u hi tba ottlusol tli. el.rkof thaeounlr uiirt far ronntf , Orezan, a id tli. Jjeot .aid irt baa art Ilia Srd day itl Aug out, at tha hour of I i( k, p ai, at tha tiaia V hearin; olijectiuns U hal.l aoc.nnl, U any, and ta aattla said aatats. )1i j l."th dajr A June, m, H. B. Hi RKyor.R, 1. K. W.,Tnio, A4mlniMrator. Alt tr lmiiiUtratir, OTATH OK OREOON, O I. AND DEPARTMENT. aULx, Oregon, Jane 1, 1891. The board of eommbwloner for the aia oT av-iiool and Lnlverslty lands and for the InvoHtuient of the fuods arising tliorrfrnin of the atate of Oregon, hereby Invite seilfed apr.licllon to purchase the following dea-irlbei lanie, to wit: All of the donation land claim aitnated In aoMone 15, Ifl, 21 and 22, Jn Townablp 12 Houlh llango 1 Weal, known and iNwcrlba 1 ou tbe KOverr.msi t urvee ae the donation laod cl'm f Jolia W iv(oore and wifti, being Notlflrmlion No 2VM, ntj Uvf therefrom IS ane o!d to Jaoob Nowm ui onUlulng S ki acre Also begin nlnir 10 cbalis wmt of tbe northeast corner oft'ie HDflliweHt tisrUr i.rvWon '21 in l'( VI South Kit'ipe I Weit. runnlmr llntu; !.Ht ft't chtln: tlifncn a'ni'b 40 ill tin-; li-nce wi-st 80 n'aalnii; ihnnce li )r-Ui 41 chMlria to tlm plao ( N'Klnning o -i.t.loir.K i2'7 ai)rw. ail ailusted in Linn oobhtv, Hi,atn of Oregon, mil a ntalnlng 111 ull 41 J acre A 1 p!lct4 ti? will be opHirdat a tetfu'ar ine-illiiK ot atld Im)kI to h i,n Tups lay tho I tilt day of July, 1801, 20'olok, p in. " be rlitlii to rJoct any and all bide is rHHHrvixl by the boitrd NAI'OLICON nAV.'S.' OJork of the llosrd. ALBANY NURSERIES " nfK HAVIiON HANDatecrnnreery on the Corral I Is road, one-half 11 lie ficm town, aa fine a lot of fruit j-f.fH f fkllkiuJa aa earn be found any. lie: ou the ooaat. if you conlenipleie !-n Jn-i tfof It wM pay you to ree our ii nid fit cur pi ices. Calalsgue free HVMAKaBBOWNELU ti ill TJ 11 t in l.":eu entirely rninodelsd. this old .t j tut 'ar rsKt-titrstit wiil he miuie lirnU i l . 11 every reject. Tha pubUo will lit jivf ' 'i tsifs!a at a'I hum. for oaly 2d jr.ii h, l:.T thiux tiMit and attractive, f'fi f. ( .kb. (ettf la every style. She gciMttat. 8T ITI S rtCMCS. On the Fourth a iUU'i pionio wm held at SUm. The people who were born la a cer tain lUie were gathtrvd topllyr aol thnir met rrciitertd and prinUd lu the Jsrnl. Speeohea, retp viMt, eto, were the order of the day. This kind f( oclebralion it new, bat haemach to reoommend it. But a re publican editor with a vt'y jeIoni tool eomaa to the (root aud makva ia known that it this celebration had any "ignillonc at all it waa in the direction ot keeping alive a tkte'i pride in the bteaat t f each one partic ipating. A iortcf atata'i riithta patriotUm." Thti rrpoblloAU 'writer, lu all hit year, la never tUen to a conception or the organiaa tion ot oonatitutionai government on the wealern continent. The family ia the pri meval form ot government. I Via an eMvntial oonatituent ot civil government. The com munity, neighborhood, county and atate follow and then cornea the general govern ment. Who doee not love the family and home better thn neighborhood, county or tatef Thia love of home and family i the. eecret ot the permanoency and strength of the atate and aa the atate ia atrong to ia the general government atrooa we mean atrong ia the heart and afectiom of the peopli. No man can he a patriot that doee not love hii home aud have (teat pride in hie atate. What pitriotic oitisjn in Oregon dota not have great pride ia Lie atate? It any tuoh can be found investigation will ihow that he ia ignorant of the historical fact, of the antouom y ot the states of the n ti ion . He has yet .to learn that the ktatea, (the thir teen,) are o!dr than the uoion, ia ft thit the unioj is the creature of the ori(iul staUe. That the states are- sovereign a to all powers not dologUcd to the general goy ernmeot by the constitution of the Uuit ed StataA. Verily tae man who haa no state patr ottsm can not ia ths very nature ot thiegs have any patriotism tor the general government!. nun nou.iTir.s. The claims tor sugar bounties are all filed, thelawrequlrlng that they should be presented before today. About $9,000,. 000 has been demanded. This mcana that the people mu.t pay thU Urge sum of money to the planters who want to engage In bunincis which they cannot otherwise conduct profitably. Taking money from the people by com pulsion for use In private bulnes enter prises has long been the fatblti in the United States, but heretofore it has been done for some supposed national service' like the breeding of sailors or the encour agement of manufacturers. Today we have the bountjr system In al! its naked ugliness. In all Its unfairness and injustice. Today for the first time the government owes money to some ot Its cllUens to help them out In their private business A few people In Louisiana could t.ot make money enough to suit them from sugar-growing-, and therefore the govern ment compels their fellow-countrymen to contribute to their profit or support. It has as much right to select the corn growers, the bootmakers or the bakers of the country as the sugar-growers as the recipients of other people's money. It la not only Injustice and robbery, but the statute Is ridiculous and uncona'.ltulional, and will be so declared if it ever comes before the supreme court. Al the same ti:ne it Illustrates the ini quitous character clour tariff legltlallon. The bounty law does directlr and openly what protection dues by Indirection and furtively. World. ' . A company has just been organize J with a capital of $1,000,000 for cultivating a farm of 111,000 acres lu Florida. This wi!l be the largest farm in the world, and upon It enough could be raised to supply the city of New York with food. The name of the company Is the Sebastian Land Improvement, Sugar and Invest ment Company The farm lies between the Indian, dan Sebastian and 5t. John's rivers, and Is drained Into .the St. Johns. The farm lias a muck soil, similar to that in the Valley of the Nile. Most people think of Florid as a sand heap streaked here and there with hammock land, but tbe presence of this great tract of most fertile land, of a soil rarely found in trop ical countries, proves the geneial Idea er roneous. The company does not propose to raise cereals or garden stuff, but sugar cane and cocoanuts, especially the latter. This will be in the nature of an experiment, as cocoanuts are not indigenous to Florida. The company la composed of New York ard southern capitalists. The land was bought front a syndicate ot young- men of New Orleans, headed by Mr W W Walils, who has tome stock In the firming nter prtse and will be president of it. The total value o' goods ex potted from tbe United States for the month of Msy 1891 was 957.900. 302, and for the mont'i of May 1890 S7f45r'i628 an increase of 1542,674. The total value of impotts for May 1891 was f 71, 980,127 and for May i83o it was $70,138,040 an increase of $:, 843,087. Hut it sliould I borne in mind that the increare i mainly in goods tiist are on the free list. There is a material decrease in the importklionsol gowds upon which McKinlcy increased the tariff, such as all kinds of woolen goods, cutlery, pottery etc. This means that in the near future our people will have to pay much higher prices lor their tariff ridden goods. The eastern demo jra'.ic papers are still full of criticisms of Mr John Wanamaker, tbe postmaster general. They insist that he has not cleared himself from doubtful end even criminal relations with the Keystone bank, and that be should demand a rigid investiga tion, not by some white washing council com mittee, but by a grand jury. The republican papers, as a tulc, have nothing to say, and therefore seem to tacitly admit that honeid John bad his fingers somewhere clove around tha'jclly-jiir. Evening TrUrram, Secretary Foater's scheme of pot'.ponlng timSI after the fall elections his disunions as to whether the coinage of silver dollars shall be continued has stinted a smile which tipple all over the face of a globe The Ohio, democrats will hold their State Couyeutiouat Cltvelanl on tha Hih and 15th of July. Tbacinvenilm will consist of 700 dolegttda, the apportionment being made on the vote of secretary of atate last fill. The Kaiaer dia likes beer, which is om what extraordinary, bat only su additional indication that he is not entirely in touch with the German pon' The republicans of Ohio claim for tbei'r party that "its vhiovomouts htvo no paral lel." This is true. No, other parly ever spent a billion dollars ia two years. KeveUies In Jarkets. I liave received a small assort men t of noveltiea in htitii's spring jackets, made in the latest (styles of Blazers and Keef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these jtooda, as well an all the kaiin styles in Ladies Capes, beai'esl, crochet ami in cloth. Orders taken or special hmos and styles. Sam'l E Yob-no. TIC LEQ It A 11 1 .IO N1CWS A Terrible trneriljt Ellis, Nen, July io Some time lustnilit the mot terrible tragedy ever cnaclc.l in tliii section of Nsbrsaka occurtcJ. Tlita nfiemoun Mrs Dt Allen, of Beatrice, enme to Ellis on a visit to Ler brother, John 11 l'utctbaugh, v.ho lives a mile and a lu i south or town, Me was il liven 10 the farm by Louis Ptttmi;. She knocked at I he dw but received no reply. They entered, the door not being lK-ketl, at U louml a horntiie state or nlUu. rtcr lirollicr was lying on the floor covered with Lloxt. In bed was the mother with a bullet ttnouh her lien-.!. In bed with her was a two -year-old bahv, also tliot through the head. On a loli m;c in a room was another bed occupied by two young gltls, one t j and one 15, Uoth were desJ, with bullet holes in their heads. I low tuey met their tet'ible fate in vet un known. Ketrd General. roRTLANn, July jo. General SJiofield' accompanied by his wife, aides and General Gibbon, retired, pall lhe port of Vancouver barracks an ollicml visit yemeiday, arriving a I noon, when a salute of fifteen guns was bred lie wsk met at the forty by omccrs of the de partment and the post staff, all being in full dress uniform, and escorted to the purn lo grounds, where the troops were iliawn up in line for review. After the tevicw. General and Mrs Sihofield were tendered a reception at the quaiters of Colonel Anderson the pott commvnder, track salrm Alone. Salkm, July lo. Hut aflrrnoon, at 4 o'clock, talent and vicinity was treated to the hardest rainttorm ever exerieced In Oregon, according to the memory of the Oldest inhabi tants. There wss loud thunder and vivid iicmning. . It 1st estimated the rainfall wits ovet hall an inch in lets than an hour. Much bay cut today and yesterday wss ruined, and wheat lodged a little, but otherw ise there was no Jamage. Those who csme here in the earl 40's never taw such rain or an electric display before. After the Baleens' SfOKAMK, July 10. Mayor Folhcringhsfn and Chief of I'olice Mftis have nolilicJ all saloonkeepers that next Sunday the doors of their respective places of huiiiict must be closed and locked . I'roscculions will follow all violations. It is not known what steps win be taken by the suocni, BU Mentha'ftew Mllrsae ., Chicago, July 10. The Railway Age statistics show that from Jsnusry I to Jul) there have been constructed I7JS miles of main track, in thirty eight slates and terriioiirs r 139 roads. The south and noitnwesl continue to show the greutest activity. rr!Be Cea.l rallerra. Sa." Francisco. July 10. The lWsttett mercantile agency teporii ten failures in the Pacific toast states and territories for the week ending loiuoirow, as complied with fifteen ibr the ptevioui week and seven IV fie cv- reonding wctk of lS-. ABIrlklag Jtavr. l'onrusn, July 9 The council, at i: aiiiouinca meeting uoi mtli', ucciaietl war sgslnat the Wiilanmetle Iliidj;e and Mount itooti Mieet K4iiwsy companies. At in meeting last niht, it repealed the ordinances recently passed b tte defunct Kat roitiami council gran;ing the compsnies franchises over a urge Bumbrr 01 streets. I liere ss vulually uo 0(pottiion, lhirie-B r r the repcslu g O'di nance aud three acsinai. Tbe noes were Fiiedner, Scroggin end Woodvard. A UtHtaavlllettrc. McMlKNVILLE, July Q. A d3HtiLnik fire occmrcd hcte atcut 7 o'clock hisevt niig in which Jcnrs & Co's jdaaing mill, satlt and door factory and lumber slie's were lolslly destroyed, together wiih tbi; amount of lumber. 1 beir lots is etunated at Sro.coo, with co The hading C'hinctc laundiy Asskobumed, causing tnar.y people a kits of clothing. .'sOsl C11 icaoo, July 9. Judge EWgctt decided Thotbe Coutin's cate lids morning by rendet irg a deckiot liotding Miss Cousins was out of office for good and eon not get back. Ct-ort held that the board ot msnsgcr was created by the oj!i-ral commUsion srd received its power fiorn that body, and that these powers ckicnded to ti e executive . committee of the board cf lady roaosgers and it had full power 10 act. I eraasnioa alarm. Helena, July 9. During the iU weeks ih's lectio- has cxpaiieitced a half dozen furious raio storms, parfsking of the nature cf cloudbursts. In each case they were accompanied by a thrilling electrical display. Such dttpUys beln unusual i 1 '.hi section, the itvcriiy of thoe exr-ericm-ed re cently has bees the cunt of much alarm inj astonishment. 1 he (lashes were blinding in their intensity, and f 'owed in rapid success ion, Not much damage wss done by the dis charges, though some buiMing hare been struck. aisle tlllaore lOBTLAND, July 9. Oiej,-o.i is the thirly seven'.b state in whi:h ft farmers' state al liance' has b'en o'ganued. The organization was perfected at a convention held in Port land yesterday. That the alliance is steadily increasing in numbeis and strength an- in fluence cannot be deird. Mr J It llenninger, of wit km county, was elected temporary secretary, and Albert Hart, of Multnomah county, was chosen temporary assistant secretary Messrs C Moron, of Clackamas, U A Irvine ot Linn, and W A Sanipls, of Umatilla, were appointed a rommittee ri) rewitul ion Messrs N Pierre, of Tmaliila, W Hron, of Baker, K A Irvine of Linn, and W Detly, of Vamhill. were a commit Ice on constitution and by-laws A committer on resolutions w.i appointed and resolutions were pas ed, ' A serine. Aeelilewt Salem, July 8. Irl Mehrling, wot king in Michael Flynn's logging ramp sis miles west of Dalta-, mut with an accident yester day which will probably result in death: lie was fcllinft a tree which in falling caught in tha top of another tree. Mchrling ran but was struck by the lice in its descent His no and collar bons were: broken and he wasother tvite l,n!'y hurt about the lJy. A Trry eld Woman Jacksovvillk, Or. July 8. Mrs Margaret Schumpf died at her home in this place yef terday eed 95 years. Mis Schuwpf was horn in A!ce, Germino, and came to the Unites States in 1851, long Icfore Germany had rominenced the conquest of native land. She was a woman of wonderful physi cal strength, and retained her men'.al faculties uaimpaircd until the la.t, A Texas Sturm KTLE, July 8. section was visited lasf night by an electiic storm, accompanied by high winds, rain and hail: On Williams ranch nttar here, Uawkini.' dwelling house was destroyed and all members of the famtly In jured A man sleeping in the second itory was bloan 200 yard fiOin the house. Knllrely Obllt. rated Kino Sing, July 8. Warden Iirown lodny close. I the last chapter of the electrocution sensation by I urj ing I he Lotlics of S'ocum. Wood and Juiro in ihe prison cemetery cov ered w ith quick lime. The graves were leveled oft so no trace should be left. FortmiHor & living have some KetiAie sanee IsuHcmtaius for $13 a pair, ai litieaa anything 'ever seen In the Hy. They range down t.a $7 a pair. Other lace cor tnios dowii tj (I 01 less a pvr. Or. (i half doilnr reduction oil every pair of Ludlow's line a bona A good line of them atS K Young's, 1( yonr eyes trouble yon go to F M Frsncli's and have them tested b Johnsons patent eye motor, and g t gUss that fit yon properl". Gkves from 25 coats to 810. Ml 1 letter lilt. Followirg is the list of latter remaining in the poat office at Albany, Linn county, Ore-jon, July 9, 1891. Persons calling for these letters must give tha date oa which they wete advertised. Adklos. Iryen C 2 Crown, Mrs Mary Davis, Ooorao Grave, Mis Di-lia Ho3dersnn,Mr Ellea Lane, Mrs Irene 2 Maine, F J Peary, J L Hobin'on, Mr Jim Taylor, .Andrew Tarmtjliffo, J (i William., J T Smilh, M . Shelly, Mifs Maiiuie Thona-.Jli Woich, Van McUleati, Miaj N K.-mard, V O T. HlvsT-i-TH, F, M. Clils clcclrocut'iim U a gmit lliinjt, A hinti prcsse 11 button nod .the victim lakes a rest. The Oakland, Cnl. common toumll. Monday nltiht. tailed to pti nit ordinance llccnfcttit the pool mourn. The in rami re lacked one vole ot I ho ncccssarr lwo thirds. Snarker The Corvulll rlrU wear spec tacle when they ore In the surf. Darker True, hut the Slem girls arc spectacles themselves. Revived. Youpk Lady (lit the midst of a crowd! l'leaio don't crowd so, gentlemen. You aro smier !n mo to death. Old Maid (on tho oiitMtlo) Here. mad . anie, let me change places with you, A clergyman who did not get on well with the congregation was appointed chaplain of a penitentiary, and preached a far well sermon to hit congregation. There was nothing In the sciinon at which any body could take offence, but some ot the members did not like the test, which wnsi "I k to prepare a place for von, o thnt witcre 1 am t o msv alio be. There I a paradise? awaltlni a In rue number of marriageable young men tip In .astern uregon. A rorrerpondent of a Union paper &vs: A lady friend Ir.torm. ed me recently thatthcie were over fifty marriageable voon; lauics in union ami no men wortn having. The Union gh Is all say that the saddest words of tongue or pen, are these sa J worJs, "we rc short o men, "Did joucver se a lame Chinamen?' says a man Iroin Ueadwood. They all answered no. "Well, I'll tell you why. When a Chinaman vets hurt 01 loses a limb, thev kilt him. It Is part cf their re Union. I know a Chinaman who was hurt while bUsttng rock en a railroad In Idaho. His hand was blown ou. The doctor fixed it and said It was nil rliflit. Wc mld the Chinaman a lew uavs afterward., and enquired of nonte of bis friends and was Informed that he ua dead. "Died of tho wound.''' we asked. No," said the Chinamen, "dtlntc tea klllcchlm." Did you ever ace a lame Chinaman? People talk about mortgages in Oregon Thet'iiilt I they are propriloit atc'y than In nearly all of the atate, and the biggest liars arc thine who sav the credit item Ik ail here. One cxthangc says; ''Jerry Simpson said in one of hit speeches not" long since In the eal thul "it the whole atate ui nnas was put up for sale it wjuIJ not bring enough to pay oil the exitlti-; Itidebtrdort ot the atiile.' Many eastern papers ai.d poll ileal dema gogues took the tpaeatlon tip and tried lo make capital out of it, but how ran they get around thc: flguret? Tbe asesed valuation of the Male Is a hundred and forty million., white tbe morlgaRC Indebt ed on real e.late alone I. a bundled and forty millions. Jerry knew jutt what he wa talking about when be triads I I. re niarks " The Salem Journal U making Its cdilo rial pago fur more lie!y by filling in with children's storirs anil pUite matter. If tho Dkmim-rat wtto to "score" al. tho people It I1.11 K-en reitteleit to on aeeotintof Ihe Willamette bridge it would bo in a continual slrvnin ol but water. Spe-akinjj of tho eneainpment al Fort Gil.lmit, near Milton, tho MrMlnnvith T. H. says: "The wyt were well si tth d in ramp by Monday tnorairiK and tlr from the favoritistu shown the Portland companies, and tho very jxjor rations, our boys are getting along to'.t-rably well." The Seattle rress-Tiinre sav it U es timated that Ki0,0i)l),0(M bushel of grain will !o shipped friitt tho Atlantic swa board before the Ixfiittiing of the cxin injr ytar. For this wheat, which is needed to pnt bread in tho mouth of the hunjrry nation.i of Europe', the gold now hoarded in the twttka f Knitland and France and other countries w ill find its way Into tho United Htates. Two well-drtsKeJ swindlers tried to work the "change racket" Monday on John Hart, an old gentleman who ssi tending stoio for a time for Landry A Itomotu in lnjught ten cents wortli of cherries, and handed out a I0 bill, Tho clianj; was given, when his companion said, "Mere's a dime, no nso making change," and tho other follow wanted his $10 return!. He had leen eiven the silver, however, itnd Mr Hart, Urop piiiK on tho game, relused to give Ixurk tho bill. A dispute followed and during its progress Mr Landry returned. Ho fired the sharpers out of the store, and they bad to leave twenty cents for their cherries. They wsre afterw ards bounced from town by the marshal. I'endlctoa K. O. Rev Mr Mjr' ned sircuit prtacli er, recently held services at a church not a great distance from Eagle Creek. Dur ing his discourse! sundry young men made him a little angry. This stimulat ed bis thought and his gestures. With vest unbuttoned, the old gentleman threw all bis vigor and power into the longserrooii. The abundant prespiration loosened thetlyo of his new red tindur slilrt.w -li Icli stained his whito shirt and his wrists and tho upper part of (he band a reddish hue. All unconscious of tho miseliief the red shirt was creating, lie repeatedly wiped the sweat oil" his brow with tho bark of tlm band. His ruffs and collar becoming limp he cast them on the floor. At the conclusion of the service the old man looked as if he had been working a wcpk in a slaughter Iiouho. Oregon City Courier, A man hi Marion cuts down hii own cherrv trees to keep the boys from eating the cherries. The prizes or the best lady and gentle men riders In the proce-.slona, on the 4th at Corvallis, were swarded lo Mrs II Wood, of Albany, and Walter Iirown, King's Valley. Arrangements have been made to run trains on ihe Oregon Pacific to Coc Sta tion once a week. This Is good as far as t goes; but It means walking or wait ing a week at oi.e end 01 the o'her. Yesterday afternoon S II Friendly con summated the purchase of tho Vogf brew cry for J L Hoffman, o! Portland.niukiiig a payment of r00. The price to he paid is $3,200, for the building and grounds, consisting of 80x80 feet. Guard. The King Bridge Tron Co.,of Cleveland, ()., the successful bidder for the Albany bridge, is one of the largest-nnd most; re spontiiblo brijgo companies in the U. 8. Mr Wakefield, the agent, Immediately telegraphed the company to prepare for business, and the bridge will he pushed, so that it will he crossed by Due lat. J B Wyatt 61 Portland, stopped over In Corvallis Thursday while 0.1 his way to the bay. Twenty years ago Mr Watt was In the general merchandise biiKlnens In this city. The firm name was known m Clark & Wyatt and their plate of business was In the store now oc.cnpled by J N Nolan. Gazette. Mrs Wyatt, the DttM ccrat, is in formed, Is in Europe. Among the cities of the Willamette now d'splaying push an J enterprise Is Corvallis. It recently did a big thing in securing a large wagon factory, has a two mile street car line, a splendid school and Other new institutions within the last two orthiee years. With shipping facilities only equalled by Albany it ia bound to make a good city. WhkretoGiitThkm. When wanting n organ or plana call on G L Blackman s-lu-e you can select from a first class tet. School Tax. Notice is hereby given that the school tax of district 5 is 'due and payable. All taxpayers are requested to call at once and attend to the "-aine, at the office of the clerk, C G Bnrkhart. Tltlltt lK Itl' Uf.Ml't T. .I. In IS Binary of I'uat (lisnrrllnr J nine I". Mull, of lotnret Lodge., K. efl, Death never spptirnU'si the r"hhn wires That ever trcmhlo lo tho names before, Will vibrato still, though every -form expires. And those wo love we look upon no more. Airaln has tho toll been called and tmr Moved brother lms answered "Here 1" aud his Is placed with the names that are written In tho "Look of Gold" kept by Mm, "Who doeth all things well." Tims death lifin claimed 1dm for Ma own l otoro h had attntmti even mo meridian of life, but mercy stando beside j and when emu wo lovo 1 taken henep, sho plunts upon tho vacant spot the bloom of consolation, and of hope, whoso fmgruiifti soothes the sorrowing MouI,aiid tells ' tin "we shall meet again." Protlmr Hull was born in Missouri aud died in Albany, Oregon, JunoetHh, 1HUI, aged 20 years and flvo months, llo wns knighted in loattrel Lodge Match 1o,1m:, ami gained I ho rank thtt Past Chancellor by nervlco Iieeetnlier 31, IKKi. Ho rp ri Heiiled his lodge lu the Grand hl-a in the sessions of ISH7-8, nndwn D. D. l, C, for District No. 0 at tlm time of his death. He was alsCaptsln of Columbia Division No. 4, Uniform P ink, K. of P., which tuition ho had!-.. I since its or ganisation, two years m Allolliees and position of trust rooiiJotl to him received his eareful and Int.'llijtetiteirorts, ond were tUlcii with honor to himself and benefit to the order id which ho was ever proud, Therefore, le It I'csolvcd, That in th death ot James F. Iht.l, a vuliuit Pythiun knight hns liern taken from our midst, and to tu ii left to mourn the irreparable loss. Uesolvt'd, Thnt we extend our sympa thy and condolence to tho relatives of our deceased brother, and especially to his mourning sister, and aasure her that "other In arts sharu the burdens of her grieving, when a loved one lies under the pan. Itrsolvrd, That Pythian Knighthood has suifered a sad bereavement, an irtee tltitttWu loss, in the early demire cd en vigorous mid Intelligent an advocate and member of our order. Kesolved, That as a token of knightly love and memory, tho castle ball ot I-aurel laidge be ilrapinl In tmninting for thirty days, and that a copy ot these resolutions be given the sister of our do reused brother; also that a ropy le lurn Isht-d each t.fll-oeily papers for ptibli eutlon. U, W. W Hioirr, H. (. WArfitt, (I. W. HiH llTKM KH, Committee. lutsTt sur raet rttiiics. (11. 8, Jl. Il' kl.tim. Ju4; J!. W. C.-t r a Wm. Itiiliilisuith, Vrtniiii,iSiipjr. Kosds applied for by J N Campbell et al r.atab'ikhrd and allowed. Patne order a lo toad applied for by W G M.nijftjttiery t si. Oidjfcd that eot-nfy ply $l, . dantsgea In the matttrof J II jenks' road, mid pc- UUotitr t 52 y, (J W Crnn fci'itwed aid for Mary Giiowt, f.r JoH . In the matter of ihe Willamette bridge Mayor Cow sn 00 beha't of Ihe Cuc!l tied that the hy would buhd 1 i.c bridge at the hiotUm chi.en by ll,on the county's epprof il Ing: 4i,fK, or that It would give one ha!t the eol and let the County build a hlsdl atcel brldgif wbeicver ll ptessed. At pr? tl:e tto acii.n had been liken in the mailer. Applii-ati in for brMgo at Mill City dbtltt'Wed. P.ill of Train A Whitney, 17 so. for publiBhing uiity court priH-ecf?ngs for June, disallowed. Application of J N Campbell and ore for county road, granted, and bill of 121 fur espritee ordered paid. Application cf Kdward Adam and Maggie McMeekin for seholarshlp in Rata Agricultural ColU -ge. not presenting neeeasart rccouitacnsLtLioti. Not granted. The control for keeping paupers w as let to Mrs J j a wttk fortoch pauper. Petition for a bridge on Thomas Crek, 2'v miles from Mo, granted, and clerk ordered to advertise lor bids. In the matter of a bridge at Albaty"it w as ordered by the court that tho stint of $40,000 toward the construe lion ot an $s.1,STi0 stefd bridge across the WUlametto river, in Albany, Ortgon, be, and the same Is hereby appropriated outef the I funds of I.inn comity, not otherwise ap propriated, tite county not to bo liable or responstbla for any other or greater amount towards the construction of said bridge than the sum herein and hereby appropriated.and not to ? liable for any Interest on said sum, ami me warrants that may le Issued by the county not to War any Interest, the bridge, ben com pleted, to b kept In repair and cored for wholly l y the city of Albany, and the county of Linr. pot to be liable for any part or parcel of the cost and expenses of sui h or any career renairs.nnd the coun ty not to bo resiontible or liable for ar;v cost or expenses of any litigation that may be commenet d or carried on with refcrcnee to an id bridge or its loeat.ou, but eneh cost and exjicnso to be borne by the city of Albany. Ptaekburn and Cooper voted yes on the order.and ttum bnngb no. The following bills were allowed: S K Coylo, Insane acet, Chance A Hale, arct A H Powell, ac:t sundi -its A Pdevins, acct roads M Scott, shenir Kiisalsdh Wrains, insauo (i W Willis, roads las Hooks, arct ismr , , , , . Train A Whitney, printing Ol . M il I'KOt I I IIIM.S. 70 ri JO 7 no -i 1:7 27.1 f5 K to 23 :. 12 00 7 00 Friday evening, July 10. Present Mayor, lteeordcr, City Attor ney, and Counciliuen French, Hawkins, Tabler, Ihirkluirt and Garrett. Tho hil'owlng bills wero ordered paid: C W Watts, $11.00; Mike Cowan, $44.(W. French moved that tho contract for building a bridge across th Willamettfi be lot t the Portland Bridge & Building Co., agent for the King Iron Bridge Co., aeeording to proposition 3 of plan 2, for fS3',.'t5'J, and that tho mayor nnd re corder fi-m the contract, . Btitkhart objected to tin motion 00 tho grounds that it was contrary to sec tion 37, which provides that tho appro priation of money snail be by ordinance. Not allowed. Upon which Mr Burkhart stated that ho would file ft written pro test. The motion of French was carried. I reach Tansy Wafers. wafers are a sure and safe i r.cin; klndsof female treuble nr.o".' ail obstructions to the tnonti 1 ao mutter what the cause. Tftv 1 'what every woman tieedi , at 1 n,ed with safetv. For sale k Htt Tbe far a remov period are It can be Llvlntstone Chemical Co., also trow sale agent, J A Camming, druggist, Bi berg bock, A lbanv, Oregon. t MAUIiir.I). CRlTClIi.OVTHOMPS3N. On Wednesday, May 8, 1S91, at Tallm-in, Mr Ben E Ciitchlow, a well known rouie agent of the 8tatetnan and Orcgonian, of Salem, and Miss Ella J Thompson, of Tallman, . BR0DEBS-I I ARDER.-On Thursday evening, July Oth, 1891, at the residence of the bride's parents, near Albany, by Rev. J. F. Stewart, Mr. Henry Broders, the well-known and popular butcher, of Albany, and Miss Ella Harder, both of Linn county. The happy couple have tho best wishes of many Irlenda. PATTERSON-COON. On Saturday, July 4, 1801, at Ilalnoy, by Rev. M. M. Marling, at the residence of 8. N. Davi son, Mr. A. B. Patterson n.'d Miss Allie M. Coon, both of Halaey. DIED. GALBRAITH. On Tuesday evening, July 7th, 1801, at Mill Springs, Tenn., at tho age of 70 years, Mr?. Galbraith, mother of Mr. J. P. Galbraith, of Albany; Oregon. UMIIK AU 4KOAI TlltIISDAV A KIt in, el H.di m, woi'ivAl tho ( on'rsct fur furninhing kltofia for tlm in&ann, Orrpen is now rtpial to Nnw York tiii v. It ban a 41,0, They nre in tho prnituntin'', and that 14 hih water tnni'k, Dr L h I'owtatid has hiwt appointed su iJMtiittoodetit tif ths state innns syluin,viee Dr Iaw, whoso term expires.. Mrs 0 W Clarke has closed hn mUllnpry store in this city and moved roSetitb tud Wash., where sho will tiii) tt-irr. Mrs Clark did a gund Im iinrs herr and goci to South ll nd fjrotthr trfe-oiies. .The SiulUti iil eh 11 rm;ity thti iifc, owlujr ti wtuit near- um month iy Mi anon Ditch Company, o.wd h a niult. the woolen tot!! hsndo, and othnf f ai;l ry hAnds aloni; thn liver an taking a m at ion, t Dr U W Maa'on and W U Divi, hv furmed a prtnrtiii for thn tirMiti'of mrdiehin ami will oct upy the flh rf Dr Matton npiMstlte tint Dkmiu'Isat tlhov. Mf tonArl)yU w ill mike a string rrie.eil Hi m. John O'ilfsiBit, ' orni'ily s rr.i-htnt fi UlaW nterlnot, h a he in eU'eted r--idt I of tlel Winters Uii ). tt Port) Hi t; and W V O.I. nrr, aii t,, Kit,ie l,,v v'n ekctrd flnsnoial seen toy . FUii;sno C'tisrd Wm A l(tll,snt to the pi nitentury from Linn comity In IXH'J fur wrecking lha train at this city, wa pardoned ytterdnv by (lovsrunr IVnnoyer, snd arrived in Albany this noon, and will probably make this city hi home. The 4,h of July has Jus tri-k Albany, rvsnllint; i two.hftwitor games, - Quo, that of throwing balls st a wwla man, ai A th othr-r a tmnwum, c.t'o.i4liiisj td a totu rmpttr or. a hnbdtt, ttc. "You poys year iiiotiey and runn yonr risks." jtn fliHt K Cbaniberlsin, attorney p.en- ral vf Oregon, hat opened an fifline In the Flino block, in this eily, for the teneral lraoiice til law. Mr Chsinborbtin i one cf tlm best attirneya in ths tat, and deerves a reoewal of the lr;' ora;ti.?c hi enjoyed On going Ih'o the bauki ja btishie, Tho who wiht!.! tli fo.t smsc 'ii iderlly r.tsr'.itd &!ondse tiinrol.tK 'o ' trsnift t'uHil) tin 'ti luras )iiti lli lt.u!.uf( loeal as it w leaving ti.e UKp.t,j(!lc.,itfito I. W Aciii.etia tV..vil,3ny.i hi i- n tnc irsntwas oii.ier poii ru-aawajr niti.i, miniiuu,.ii..r, unMirtw jtowi o."'"""' eomlortati'y. An ordiusry n.Mi ci u'd !t hava bearded tho tip-. U;jitsr Din Ha Wast To Di Ye.ierdsy evetilng I'dwsrd IJ Kcrtdail, attempted auklde in W J Muiitehh saloon. Alleant he dUehara 2ed a revolver while sitting nt 1 Ishlc siona. The bull did not touch hltn. Keiid.ilt had for second tltne tfj.fiiaied from bis wlf and has bad com-idetfihic tltitlile. Afirr the tl.Ot he wetit lit his room in the second tty i f ll.e runt's building. Thrrc U pil! gepersl oprdii that It was not an si tempi Bt suicide at U, bur the shot was Cired for other pu or accidental''. Tik OviA'i WHkcisn This motohtj; at in early, hour th overland wa going sott'.h through Co Cretk Csrt- ...... .. . 1.. 1 .1. . . 1 ...... .. is..... 1.. l....i 1..,. .-. . 1 .. 1 tin. wncii a una .11,11? caii.c a.-.i:ii?L 11c 111111 ui ins ua!ii, !ino.i!ij; liiceogiov, man mm esprcas ear. i te irsia. . It .. 1 M I ... 1 . .1.. . . 1 wa thcs-tti'.lneer feindder. had a hsi d bruised Hii1lr. t!ir only accident. Chat Irs piper was making hi second litpbt the? m.iH, bavlnti rreenUy been pronijtrd from the Jnenl fain; out wis m.t IfijtKJdat 81. The two car were only thrown e hot d-mnre snd were not badlv damsgtrd, h m thought ihe train would In; rwnf.loa; by IW4 evening. V.khz Hail. Ye.icr.liy sfiernoan an rwit!;. game of h? Sj..:! w ! d hf- tween tJv Moonlight Alley cH.o aod th Tommy rarro'.t cltih. The former r, J-1 to 17. Tommy Partoit eHJ. fitly 'UW not play with hi uual vijor. In a game' of bate ball played between ti c es c?f NortH Csiolina and touth Carolina, yearn ago the stoic wa li-to and CAf h side msile $ error. A gasne of ball played tld after noon between the CVdtege club and the Mrd Hitters, both juvenl'e clot. The Clubs were cotnfwttcd the fohowitip! Colivee MeAIUtcr, c; Wathbomc p. E Irvine, it hi Y'ouo' jnd b; Stile. 3rd t : , r-Sierttbur, a , !owen, If; loff!1cf; Ct Irvine, r f, Hatd Hitk-rii .si.le! !, c;? lone., p; McHsnicl. utti; Sedjwkk, and i M u MayhCl-l toj J Lirehoir, m b : I-and. trd b ; Mb!, s s ; Parrel), If;!,, CV3 13 1 ' 1 -' ' ' Knox.c f; Bentley, rf. - Last Atban v c metery As'n to ft f w , , . . Samael ecland, block 13. .. T he tillrii won In nine inmnns. m-ar ! . ... . ' . . 30 to is. Time, 2 hour to ml.iutei. Cm - r. , phe, Wm Welch. srioav. . Ntw lAy U ahoat S3 a tm. Co H, lttr?., of Attorii, ht. d'aaalod. The l-"p.kirii now l.'d Ui the N W bars bail toomstuei.t. A Polk cotinty man toads f30 from a acre of go.a beiriej. , The Oregon Stste llotriciiliarnl Secirtj mro'.t in Naabor Ju'y H and 13. Th Ktarr, ,f l.ulwir'on, and Ui Sc:o played a tin men ol tune bl! ui tru l.ii.itio loom beiiijj 15 to 13. A t"me rf bA bad in Wiiij, attancd 1 tw. 0 ths AlUsmea m) a!nUio, to Iw pbyed at thia eiiy Jaly 29:h. Tlio air h btn o fu'd i.( the M ttla today "tht sil other tr-j-ios l,d to lak a b.ok reat, and even thn li;'t did not flfcht. McMiotivitlfl seems to bo an attrsotiitn for k yer. W M Buitnev.f ft!mt,ha foxmed part ncri iip with V W fVitti an-.l will move to tha? city. V A Uioa eot.l the h'V' Kidtmnr.H ptseri of l.rm ,s3.-.1ay M A Mitbrodt. front Hebrnsks, e-mssh'titio'i $24), ako HO acres of J li Jo'i isonN t.v If Klwrtts, of C'iifoiijh,"oti.i(iwrsittt,a f L iUinnn Fx; rii. The !o C Statey troop will ba in Albany on Wetloosday evening, July 2i, with the dt iysl Pass," n oomrdy full of a. any please ing features. Tho oomp.ny I now playing a suncsnfurtioi'asement at the ll;ish street Ih'iAtur, San Francisco. '' - The Catliuiic hve s rooonl va K'o t lln-in- o:rs. lhny uniiuiiteuy t:wnt tlm tlu tmetion, A Cutlioiio fair a recently hold at Hnkort'Hy. thn ree-iiipts of..wldoh wsre $1,87.'!.. 40, whi r, tha cxpunsos v t?ro only 73. W'liat body of finaticlnrs cn maUe a tUowing eUl to this? Pendleton 1C O. ' Not very much hmd ia be i rut taken oy in the foothills cow, The Sciio Press now only ha one notice f.trpnoliuation, whars Ithn l twenty-five at thi tirntt lsat vear.acd nearly alla-e publinhad m tliat paper, it being the oere.t ia thiscoanty. L;t the eovernmoot survey bo ntado sronnd P.rsitenbadt and there wiil ba a rush for Jaad. . A ridu in tho cvuntrf show .---sidorable f.ill wheat rosdy for tha binder, and already in A fu-.v fieldi tits wheat hs hoe.n out. This ia mtiiih cat Iter than nwai. Tho crop protn te to be lari-e both of fall snd sprirg tv hast. The prioe nt the start will bo 7o cents. Fartnurs nhnuld remember that si a rs'c it is well to soli osrly; thooxh this last year was an exception. K. of P. OfFicKHfi. East evening J J Dnbruille, T D G C, installed the follow ing new ollicers of Laurel Indue. No 7 K of P: . , W M Parker, PC, QEProoat.CC, IJ G Haynes, V C, It G Watson, P. C WCiowder, Mat A, - P B Marshall, M of E, LA Allen, I G, P Y Duncan, O 0. 'A Silom paper says Ealom has a oontraot for all the Uuspqaa river salmon, 800 pounds a doy. ; Lane comity sent three persons to th in nai.o asylum thit wetk, tho last ltaj- C 0 She part! of Eugene. ,T". The Staver &Wa!ker and Salems piny at Salem tomorrow, Ths latter club has signed two now player?. A "W Fee, ths bicycle rnan.hes complgtod srrnngetiierita for teaching a class of ladies at the armor Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day afternoons of next weuk, An ladv wishing to learn to riiio a bbycle free should be present. Koapp, Burroll & Co,, of this cite, have just sold to Smith & Whiteaker a 22 inch Pitt tin cRher. Smith Si WliitoaUer reside in fienton or.unty, and it is a matter of gensial interest th At they should come to Albany, tbe trading canter of the valley, for their thresher. . Another social tight waa reported Inst eveniecr, and today a couple well knrfWn ci tizens from across the river, after raising a w ind storm en First street,' retired to the alley bai.-k of Knson, Barrel! & C's to fljtht it oat; bat the aSir proved ou!y a .storm I and no blotrs wow strut.;-. ! Mr Milton Hale, I'rtsidout of tlm Toledo Joal uottipany, r'turnoil on '1 titirailay from a meeting of ths Imanl ot diriictora st J'ole do, at which "it was onloted th-i Hie Secretary edvertiso forbids furdiivin't tinintil, TuiilJ f.; t, (o tlm coal beds, Tim oc ' rAt.ti'.r will l.e retpiiit'd to nah the work mut fcii I day, pt '1 i iv c t(i. jetit botula (r thnjintnfiil eseeiitioii oi loo work, evening Miei.i l o '-i brought tu Al bat y from blivdrl an aged drummer fuf saw mill maahtnery, ntmed II A Pueplec, wfcn was tiUett before Jnttioo had guilty to tb charjro .f attempt at rpe and lined $20 and oas ,$70 In all.whkh he paid, PeeplfiS wi traveliiig with i M Hyfrr,tienr WVrl.lA li.T'Ueti'a mill, wlmll Ptryles Wi lit itit 1 t!i tiiiiite of Men l'im Tb mi to got drinks bill hi st aid aliewpt"-! t ) cntri mlt s r) im Mri Th"itit9,wrt'iirt loi fmnd a'ttfje, M rs Th'imss retitted and flight liim fh'tfely, vth."i hft kv' t!p'io'l 1- ft tha h;.nift going Din thefo to .Vhnd l, w !i;ro ho wt -retrd. ilafotoirvorycslinsipl)', H A ttnlio, druggist, Fronoh'a corner. ri.ic giooeries at Conn ti llcbdriesnti's. Preth ffBetuhlti snd t tfrha evflty morn iug Krowasll's. . I j-1 i.nv rlleei '. cf teifg intonu f t ( K!,; a A Ilea hnt f eMvkery w i 'nr i 'unn'S Ifrrxh'i'Wti's, il.l vrnll (tied nil 1 Hilt ii,,l.' il i aih It o n at Vi. ri eVV. . riaayits,, 1,1 ;nt, at v wre.f4' hop CloeC I oil .HnndttJS, : Irii k de'iuioui See cold aoila water at V K UfOwneH'f . A Anrtnent of feat,1;'0 ar.:ds to ale at C'K hiownctr. E W Aohisna A; Co are ,!ht. lunnuintuta at I'mtland pi lw, G ihlffa cppttutitiin am waser (.very tia ny rot truo rg wi'ii v i. r.rownol . A nw II en of lod'.w sh!. frm m CotiU to ft t0 oh complete, at Sstnttel 11 Yeun's, , , , ... . . snppli... dirr.t fr-in, PI lUilfh.his. by 1 v., Lt '" 7 ' ,rf' At the to tiff of llro.iUlbin and I t ttreet ton will Hii-1 . J". I .e. ri III the f,r-K.fty I II alwnys Ihe hml J 1'or lArt"m lo morotnx nl, b v!.t 1 j.cJi b.ed, cakes, ptwt, els., rvvty tDy j st it iA'irtiOiiIco le1 auruet. I v y or ordrs. kwjt it iii jour hind t,Ai Allen l'.ro prn 00 kwpinK ths kind of 'rorinth pnhhc maiida. Thstr stock is a litis ecu. At Yi.t'ek's hsitii( snd bai.Ttitlintr pf lurs, ' holies ar.d coiiiheii's hasr - cttviig s jitiHy, Jue V P HtsniV hnecf ''re-.t t'd' f;l VlikS trelore htsjtog iihewtvrw. . . Muttaclie ding den.j (inhort not j. o wish t lir tvrl-cd !n!t ill'.4nti,r.,ua i,t, tt Vkrcstk'. VsiiCft l'srrE'fst!4.r,"hi f of po liee lloiliimu went lo Portland this mum (i I I stilt... ..... . .i m kt 1 ..iit.i uii.m .'uiji.fiiif- itl LP ..,... ..... ..1....... . .1 . , jotin stand stveraJ montlis n;M. He liloh-ett X Hon sod Out C IS 1 fclrsn j net proprietors ci ti e bitUr swore ou 1 1 .1 i too complaint for uis arrest mi thy 1 UrciiKiaa Ol selling gmU lllnier ll.n pre- a ttll(. . :;ru.. l tO Alba!!) I t jhvr U "'' FsHVicirs TtiiioRiw, .t the lVwdiy- t rSit ehnrch at II am mid 7 p in. ."abhath w hool at l-' :U p nt ; Y I H C K meetiog at 7 p m. Tho subjects of lite "riuons will ls, "Kaiiith'Xul -Its DiiTt-e-iltics," and, "An Kxaiii'.le of a Nohk; 1 ;jtaraUr.' Ail wul 1)9 made wi-koine. i rrcachlngat tbcConjjrer'tional ehwh 1 mArnin-j and evvnirtr. Kuv K C J..''.a j w ..! 'rnlpy the Al UK! t rhwrt h nt 11 a m and 1 ,4-t p in, hr tilt tiii h'tt, -T:..r Vhrt cf .! I t-ir. M.irnin;: imli ver, of .s-rv ietj " Kvrnsnjt subject, "Ma-ii -.'ym ilot.." Sunday school at 1-';15 p m; I'coj.dt iiiet tiag at D p in. IIAiAntori loIMphtna 1 ton, li'l.4)f,crs loW 1 ..... Delpliiiia Hamilton to B W Ilam- ilton, Ii5l.4acre 10 iV 1 M W Huston to ohn Haston, one- fifth intert st ia 1(5 1 nrc i t W 3 ..... Cht-on to JI V MayficU, Hii acres 1 MM 100 &00 1.-1 1200 1.TK 1 li K l.'.mhtf OII..IIM. ....l.,o Bros, 7 lots Hiirtisburg. SoiMi pars to tn 5h tlHj!t: even Fi.akfi?peare admitted that, 1 Iti this connection it t.nay Vie remarked that W R Graham has Just received an elegant lino of saitingsi r the sprit;; and I summer, never surfaced in an Albany! market. They are tha best to Is? oh- J f taintd, a an inspection will shgw, and 1 1 Mr Graham is preparwl to make them 1 . -npjii the latest stylo with a skill hij' loniC Mpfrience. has enabled him to he I .-!ii.P-t"r i,f. 1 A Bstisled nasise. f.f sr I m lieott lis ne.l n- u., u ti-i-rniaolL !t li i.ftt hss a U.iutiti.d apottinert the rrite kU'tnita, 1 y the eldi icb ! drtprpai, dueHJiia ihe at d rrfitii i to return. W hct tn hreaii the iiei!, what I cao rssfVtke baa laid upon the tihhafpy tr - j gn? We answer Bnht-itatioeIy, llo-t-t-ter'a Stomach P.ittr. snd we are waiantt ii ' In lha repon;j by tfas recordd testiTtiotiy j td myrisda, eoyeting a peried ever third tl 1 a tit ntury. A ecnre e-f the Bitters, teem in any steeo of the f)i-itiin,ai.d pcnsinten'Sy I fo'lowed, wi'J termtuile 'a eun pt)-ilitw,r.ot ; partis T, Tbe Hitters restorrs to; to the I eplimtio tier!-, reie and -urifies the! juii.-e eititling from tlss cellular tissue that I set upon lbs feed diiitively, expels bilr j froci the t'onimh ai.d the blood, and pro- ; mates a reKttlar habit of body. Mabris, kidaey eotuplaitit, ucrvcuioni, rhrtimatirtii and xtsialgia eive way to this mtdiuirr. Xitltiers S j 0touai is ;eeommended by phytioians 1 t-fur chtldrsn terihios?. It i nun 1 ve-e- ilo prrpsrstinr, its iosjieihtiots are pith- I J lnhcd numuvt et!i britt'.o.. It is p'easiinr, to liS tste snd a htltit! ly hat ml Bits. It rolitvr ' coniiiitpatiiio, resnlntea Ihe lowcl, 'ijuiuls 1 psio, curs disrrnoea amLwiud ctdic, allays ! frretitho'ifs, destroys worms, and prrventa t coiivt"isioR!, stfios the ebt'd mut ijivi.s 1! refrenhing and natural lep. Oi-svitiais the children's pauacea- the tituthsi' frietd. .'1 1 ilo.i a, ,'l.j i;tit. Wtien Baby was sick, we fare her Cantoris. Wkan she was a Child, sho eried for Castorla. When site became Hiss, she siting to Castoria. Then she baa OiiUma, ah ( ave Uista Caeteria. Tkele Culy MeAlslae fet. Yt'illi VV B Miller, Peerlcdce.Monlana, wrll "I lute hetn ttsina Brandroth's bills for the Utt thirteea years, sad though I have bad nine chiUliss, I have never bad a doctor ia tk hs except thrse tiaiea, whoa w had an eptdesin cf aoarlet feyor, wkiolt re soea bauishiMt by a vigorous nso of Brsndreth's Pills. I have used them fcr rayself, two or thrne a eight for month, foe liver eosxpl-dut.dyspepsia, and csastipation. laiiirrhoaa, eriaps,wu)d oolic, indigestion, oae oj two Brsndreth's Pills fixed the child ren at ens-i. A box of pills ia all tha medi sir. sliest wa require ia to house. Wo una tkai for rketist.tuia, eeid,cctsri',liihans ssm i isisnre hl4. They nsver have fe.Mn 10 care sJl tha above twwslaints in o vorv fsw ilsys." . Latijbs OisreBtt Tisa. I have a very arpa stoolc of tltftto Konds, in qnahtioa rar.p tn; in prioe from $1.23 to ff4 09 pair. Tbey Me n'uuo of leather ; tvery pair warranted. Samoim. B YotiHt. - Ailtany Marcel. t7iieat 8J )atr)-4a,;. Butter S'J.s pr t? rgpa lc r.pyie.ostenee. Ptaltes etfl por butlief' Beer en foot, 2 '4 ts Se For - 5J-4 nor It swetsfled. tacc.Ms laini, He claeuldsrs 7.5 jz 19" per I!, f?:eurr s.i& rw bbl. f k 4 i r r , i. :t ' i i 1 V r fr- Tim ( omiuit in, j 1t lelliilr .tisbrs a IMbersI Afl-rsiira. ! Il'.ii, eu.l tin- i;rli!;e ?-! 1 It h.lH be. 11 ''.ercl thi't V,f '.)! hfttt a bridi'o i After tho Drm'jckat was out Friday evening the county court made itn r.p priittion of iV)fiW towards the cun etrnctioa ot it bridge ftnroM the Willam ftto ui Albany, t ha hitit according l?i the plans in (ho b.nnds of tho cHy ermn cil, si'ie:,i d by-tho eoinmtHHiorter', the rr:h;r for which pcar (.-tiicwttere. A t ftf) loljoiiriied liict;ltnrf the council St 7 :"(' o'clock tho cn tract wni let to tho Porlhtnd Vrh'-y'' Co., tin will appear by the pro'-ec'iiui;;; gists hero. Tho brfilgo adiijded will consist of V .it spans and two epproaclu s. Th 's'-ntli approach w ill lxyiu at tho north line of Firrt strett, at Cu!aitioia, and will strike tli" first pier 30!) feet liotth. The spans w ill Ik 'Vi"i iind 3-!5 h-"f, rt'spect" ivcly, and will Im 71 feet Ii'ikIi over the main current, aliove luw w.-i'.i-r mstrk, or forty feet h'i ao hijfh water. Thy rspsri sitij! lh C'lrrt-trt of thf) CaltP'ioiii will ly ro-url ') nhovw til's '.'A foot high water mark, rarely reached her?, i tho pier Is-yond r.tiuHhujj im th point j of tho inland. Tho north approach will 1... 'ii". 1... 1 1, .... . 1 1 1 1 u - 1 a . t lie !, lect lonj:. ft tolnl Of l'Mt:i Ut, An inspection of tho plans, accessiM by j lipyyne, will ful'y cs plain the situ-ttion. j Tlds settles tint matter. The. :! nid I county have tiniied, and very -ti:' it of Albany shouid uftito in jm'ln tie' ,o;?n :il Mipport in tho fimntrijetioM ol the bridgi:. So ohxtrnetions will ls sub- r,,lu' . Tu- sittt itmy not fit it some. i tit win n onro i.uut. jr. will itii jorgotteo that there h id ever been tt!ipr!tf, for it u in ....... ..,1 i " v..i'ur ti w 1.1,1. in vruvi. ,,I.VV','.''ii r'1 i' ""1 "i". 'V U ft ereiht to Alh'tny, hii'h ti-el etnn-tnr l.rf r-t.i!.....;n. ft,.. ,.U ... t,.r 1 1..- j rmitiettlar bri.l-'e v err. au' ti'..s,!,. a View to 1 1(! ttuvi'tttoit f'J tl, f.tlJ''Oia to thu M;t!iifi!u mill, if th-i-irctl, doiisf away with anv rd-sections that s-uM I 1 made he thi; t.wttots of that prv.'-.i t v. he stiiiuib-r.s this m.rtemenl will e VI- i 1 pi AHciny an i.nrd'y Ihj esti ; Will bUIKl tip IhO .lhK CitV, n-eardhsa l lisaiiosi, :!i l w in r.'i.i mm y per cent ; to the commerdul iiittrt isls of tho city I There is general ri j .icinj; over the re- t suit, even by peotdu iw would have il.j who tiM.H'ii 8iii:i.-h.h iiswt.on, brr, it tj eatis uiiu h t' the h:s.;h;cK3 ntHii, Jabof-r, it.Urt, propettV'wi:c-i., ewrylody. Hurrah! turn r-r ':. - r e.'.uj I0-.I rst(-A the fin-l j ml in Sft"? f.a'A AH hiaj : J c;iUivatitiri, nt bni'd- j I h;ivj fannii;2 f-;l ihh s . I mr., lt lots a.le.i!iUiU h-.ui.iri2 btca ti.t, J.tght inth'S frm A!!ttiv. ta T ..... . . . . . ! 1. v. ie mat ! -- .ii t -i. .! ' U'. i CAtl A rll .''. J'li. I '. . ..JAre.vK. 1.AIH. t"l liTAIM !,! S v.t t ) 3-, a J ..'! mi va.dvtv front 'I be g odf. are Viv f'J.t i;. i' and cannot and tit ice. ..t v (i ; j jt.leii iiiictt txri :,i. I ! i q'j i i'y, ttt. MMl f t. L YliL NO. lC..j...tll. .r !'.,' -t-.y P, I I i ! i I j ' c I . :v 1. !- t I t t 'v r 4V r;t .T f-i hf, Co IVI. ll.M.-Se.-in,, ; ,ri "i "i-i I ' t I; It .- ' . I !e r.-err.t:!j 1 I V .tM'5. I I I'1 rt .. ' I. ,.vr:v " M OiUitt ;oiids in tho"Va ifiiit prices, both I have on hand ! IStati s'.ock orCi.d "r-S j mid tho most r.s..if j ", o selling. ! tli . ST MTf"r tli i;ti p f. .j r : .it:"T - 1 j, v i iY-.ii f 1 rrs C'l.?? VL-ftM!, I.J S K rf"- Usui Y,'. C Oir.j.-. 3 ' -!' 8 s '"Tl 5 uu n r m Ij) ia Wa wish to sir to the pnbi'O lh;vt we Itavejust audod a lui'.o pisn jr totmr mnl and .ra pToparod 10 (uruia ifinds cf lumber, dressed or rough, as the pur etmssir may choe, a good ai tbe bos-t, aad nsoUoip us it etn ba sold. In paymoni wa will take all kinds of produce, sueh as hay. flmir, "rain, Lajou, nutter, bssns, hee'' by tiie ijuarter. eto In fact anyttileg that we can usa. Piosss see us before you parchase your blH cf lumber, -as wo tool oonQdent that we ean suitycu. You wiil aiwsys tin 1 one of us Ht our mill. 14 miios troin 'Lebiincn, 8 miles frotn Waterloo, on IIsmiKon creek, WIK'i' A BMiUllQAN, Lavaaon, Ureijcn. T 7'5,-t !- f.- e r ...ii i. It In 11 'f i"r'n..l3. f I f . 1 ilidiag It : oafti i vi.'i-'-- 4 11 ,t : sals in rvo en tv .H lll..'.l . 0.bCWns1i,0 j A. J.t H ".v V. f. V y; . . M I.. A I V 11. A. ST tVi."t'. ."l i l lU 5, 4r.iafcs. i I'1 A T D -or To illv POinri nnl r-in Mi im C. it 1 1 hy t - -l ! U8 hISt'-.l ( t oay m I ffilUfpp I1 a..-. I hsd been trouided five taotiths . with J lytiptpsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I bad. a fullness sftcr eating and a lieavy load in tho I'lt cf uiy stomacb. I suffered frc qu telly frriiu a Water IlrasU of clear matter. Somctiujcs a katbly Sirk- i r.w at ihe Stomach would overtake Kic, 1 hen as::t I vouW have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such li nts I would try to belch and could rot. I was wcnkhijr iliCa for Thomai McIIcury, Druggist, Cor. Irwin a nd Western Ave, Allegheny City, Va., in whose employ I had been fur seven yean. Finally I used August Flower, ond after using just one bottle for two weeks, was en tirely relieved of all tin trouble. I can now eat thing? I dsred not touch !efi; I would Ukd to refif von to Mr. McIIcnrv. for whom I tvorkwl. whol 'xnvf. all alvut wy condition, j e. ... ...i.,.. 1 t...i. ,i. .t: iii'i i jiii niviu a uwutnt tiiu iii'.-'if ,i ' V. 1 t -i cine. I with r.iy wife and family ot 39 Janes St., Allcr.herty City.Pa. Slfpjed, Jon'i 1). Cox. is G. G. ?el? M,rji.f,..firtr. :re. 7 Jp A. oC-' f-i joy V f r ( 1 4 J t .i 'j I.'. it 1- -T- i ia- . it K '-. ; 1 1 r. 1 , 1 - r . s . t ,".! Jn ..1 ii i.r. . ?i iv'i. ;v. y ' ' si'i'- ft i F I r- 1 1 If J K V I t I- - -. y Ml 5 - , i f.Yf .fat. t.l I -I ill 0 If I :r S.TrJ.i.. t s y t It c. r. t- f" ! t V l . i -.1. 1 t , - . .- , 1 1 . ttr i t - i rip I- - I .t 'l! i A !'..' . .1 ( r-, i r i ! Cvl. jr. ;..C. p. .... j. . 1 1.1 1 ' j - - - . "- i"r'iv- tf l. fir i-..;:-. . . -'' li s - : - ' . . .. . r . T- , i r- t ' " ".' ' V- .'v.'l ic z. - - - r - . r -a 1 1- ;.K 1 OY 1 FOL; 1. E I f 11 1 1 ,3 I V I. lit. trvh ; to Ci) AY IS'TO u lliuii fur.". r 1 13 ..V41 kltttWV i , . Store, where t.tey a;wu hive on hand ."if lar-it "M'j.s tun l Portland, of the latest Improved tiules and Shot Guns; an Immense s'.oa of 1 islitn- Tackle ct every descrtotion; Tents, il-tni'i.Ovk , C- n 1 Chi. is ar i 1 i" i-at Js of oilier t1.:!-:!. t to numerous to mention s.opnij' niri 'IC' OCi, bi v 1 .1 ml k!-. Come 01 illOW LOU t v , h t-e 11 tn: ; cf woi k. ', C'li! tvre, n d Jj'-'i to ur.c ot 5- " 'C t'l re s. 'i . . ' I 'aW in cm mot: ei lbanv r?- -w s1 1 ? " : . ..' ta vi i. M.iu! ' lEAM r.r. U.J (T Mil Of -".iji Willi jii I ' it 1 limine ALL K!yi3 C; ilHAVV 1 lic:.t f ri"V ii C.ll', Wuil ;.K3 CA3TH2S. OOlHl 6 ontton jhM O (. )Ilitij ff ds ct machiner I'i'.t-rrs or uort JUt-6 3 iiousi ij V V Ji V 1LBANY, MAS. PFEIFFEi: OREGON I'PsOPlUETOR.' x uiuu u in ?.rsi-c:awi rvie. Tabka niophdd with the best in the market. sU slsspinflr n -.artipfijits. BAsnp!-) rr.iir or coinuinrolal truveieis. i-f..ii f W f V 't a. 1 .. .11 t."i 1 u V 1 tvrvjvrj rif y k r;-& r.t.-jjut AKO BAKER-. V r p . TT r 7 I niiT L j. jj l .-i.Ui.t H 1 1 f.iil l'n ?if fni. 00 -I plu.-i-, fin '''1 1- n I s! : of ji'I plettlv 'H f 1 tuiiir