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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1891)
P11IDAY JULY 17 1891 M llltaal ttrlsts rs. I.OOA1V UKCOHIX Cbook Cot'NTY. L C 1 rry returned from TIi PalU lust week. He ssys the population of Tlio Italics ia now coin posed principally of insurance agents nl wool buyer. Mr J Lafollett started to the Willam ette valley hint Monday. Mra Lafollott has lxen ia poor health for ionie time and she gcs below tor the benefit of the change. V 8 Mayberry has been engaged to teach the fall term of school on w illow rwk. Mr Mayberry' school at Cross Keya closed Friday, and he will (to to lnnon to upend a tew montht before beginning bis work on illow creek. At A o'clock yesterday morning Miss Toll Summers died at the residence of tier brother. Ueo Summers, in Trineville after an illness ot three weeks, with typhoid fever. Mips Summers waa born in London, England, 21 years ago. Mr A Lytic, In coming from The Dalles, happened to bo coming down the Des chutes grade at the time of the recent waterotit at that place, lie says it was appalling. The water came down In torrents and la rye rocks rolled down in to the road from the aides of the can yon, while the water fell so rapidly that it rilled ins wagon bed damaging bis freight to some extent. Kcview. FiiowkdTiiix How. Chas Litchfield is a member of Co II, the priae company at the Kugene encampment. lie was showing some of hu friends Sunday now they went through the movements at the encampment, and how they fought the now famous sham battle oi ' IHxt nun that will go down in history and be read in the fourth Reader by the school children of the generations that will come after them. Charles made a move to brirgbis shotgun opto "carry arms," when in some manner it waa discharged. ft tore six or seven botes through hie Sunday hat, and powder-burned his right ear cjuive severely, me noise cisoaneci ed lus hearing in bis right ear. Alljday yesterday Charles could be obeenred oc casionally putting bis watch tip to bis ear, to see it its hearing qualities was growing better. It was quite an amusing incident after it was all over but it was serious tun about the time the gun went off. statesman. Mining Mattsrm, An important fac tor in the upbuilding of this section of the state will be the Albany Mining A Milling Co. It is expected that the mill with a capacity of thirty tons a day will be running in the mines in a month or two, and then our citizens will see some golden results. Mr Jaa V lipe, secre tary, has just returned and reports mat ters going along at the Bonanza in good shape. The Oregonian !ays the Black Butte cinnabar mine in Lane county ,one of the valuable cinnalr mines on the coast, has been bonded for $100,000. The mine is owned by Kimball & Kay, of Oakland, and John l'endergest, (1 neKline and L Kaw, of Portland. An Eye Our, Lat Friday Alex Pur dom, formerly of Albany, who has been running hit brolhc-, Joe' ranch, near Or egon City, had some trouble with a man named Billy Henderson about some straw. Henderson was determined to pick a fight with Alex and followed him up finally at tacking him. In the fight that followed Henderton got hold of a bottle, broke It over Alti's head and jambed the broken pieces In his right eve, ruining it, and a Portlcnd doctor took It out. Henderson a arretted and onght to go to the pen. We get the above particulars out of a let ter from Jos Purdom to his brother Frank of this city. After a Bridge. For a longtime the residents in the vicinity of Mill City, on both sides of the river, have been clamor ing tor a bridge across the main north fork of the Santlara at Mill City. Responding to this request, the court will visit Mill City on the 34th Inst, for the purpose ct viewing the proposed site, and looking up the matter. The court has Invited the court of Linn to meet them at Mill City on the date mentioned and together look over the situation. The bridge required would be a short one, as there are natural abutimenU o. either bank. The courts are not decided whether or not to build a bridge at this place. Thev are merely looking the matter up at this lime Statesman. Bloody Cclestials Last Saturday at Marlon two Celestials had a general shoot ing tournament at each other. It was a feud. One Celestial went Into another bedroom and began shooting. The one In bed "put bl head under the covers and the bullet went Into bis back and head. The other man craw'ed under the bed. He then shot through the bed at him. He then turned around to slioot at the cook, and two Celestials were hit; but none killed. It was a mixed up matter and no witnesses but CelestUls. The would be murderer was taken to Salem. T11 a Evahoiucals. One of the Evan ge'.ical churches waa in session last week at Sweet this county. PresentJ Bowersox.C Poling. I) V Poling.F J Ktray er, W C Kantner, if L Pratt.T A Yost, E L Bollinger and Prof C A Bowman. The convention organized by electing j Bow ersox, president, and I) V Poling, secre tary. Among the add reuses were "Es sen tiala to a Success! u 1 Ministry, "by liev Jtowersox, and "Amusement lor Yonng Christians." by ltev I V Polinir. All agreed tha( the time for long faced reli gion is paHi, inougu iney aisngreed on some points. .. ..i. txmnmuiLnijji Hasb Ball. The llsrrUburg bate bal nine hat not been whipped this season; If there It a club in thin or adjoining counties that can "whitewash" them we would like to hear from It. Courier, What It the matter of the Albany club trying to do them up. Only the Salem professionals have white trashed them. There should ft at least one good game of base ball In Albany every week, and here It a chance for one. The Albany Bate Ball Club hat reor. ganUed, by electing Geo W Morehouse manager, ar.d the club It now ready to play any amateur club In the valley. Send acceptance of challenge to the manager, The nine will be composed entirely cf Al bany amateur players. Arrangements are being made for an enclosed ground beyond the depot, and I: It thought will be ready tor the 8clo-Ie(Terson game. A game will be nlaved with the Linns at an earlv date with the Burns boys In the box tor the Linns, Game will be played at leatt once a week If any club can be secured to piay wun. The base ball gam aunoanotd for Jely '."J, between Albany and Mlm, will prob ably not occur. Tiia Plat, "Held by the Enemy," which will be given on Thursday even' ing, the first night of tho Keene Com pany's return visit, ia a piece which all Americana should see at least once in their livee, aa it ia written by an Ameri can, is ivuoura on an American subject and is one of the few plays the action of wiucu takes place entirely in America. It ia replete with strong military situa tions ana nas predominant comedy element which is said to be delicious. A thrilling imitation of a horse going at a rapia rate 01 sneeu creates intense ex citement in the 3rd act and gives the production a semblance of reality which, according to the criticism of an exchange, is truly wonderful. Mr Harry F Keene, the manager of the comnanv. is an old soldier, as ia also Silas Robinson, the stage manager, both having been in the entire service. The requisite experience therefore for the successful production of a military drama ia not lacking, and as uvm riiwi-mcu are enwiusiASlic mem bers of the OAR thev will doubtless re ceive a warm reception from their com rails here. At TMt SoLDita's IIomb. A gentle man has jutt received a letter from an Albany GAR man, who la row living at the Soldier's Home. In I.o An geles county, Cal. He writes, among ether things, that all the work they have to to can be performed In about one hour once In three months, lie sirs: "I can't V that I Ilk the nlim sn.l II I In Albany again, as I was before I came here. It would be a long time before they would get me here again. We have enou h to eat. dilnk and wear, but I don't like the kind of society I have to live In, there is too much beer and whiskey drank here to make It pleasant for a temperate ina.v. The greatest amusement we 'now have is watching the Leauty bathe at the oeacn. 1 he ranchers are happy this year: there is an abundant crop of barley aud corn pro.-n I set a big y ield." Telescope. Foil Plav Claimed. At last there possibly has been dlsccvered a clue which the Stay ton limes says may lead to the solution ol the mysterious disapnesiance of the young man. Tucker, In the moun tains last winter, r rom an Interview with gentleman from near Gates-llle the Times learos that grave suspicions as to foul play are now entertained It Is claimed that two men reluctantly consented to as sist In hunting Tommte Tucker, and that they have avoided directing anyone to a certain swsmp H the mountains where shots from n rifle were heard on the day of the young man's disappearance. A company of men will be organized ia a tew uays to thoroughly search that part of the swsmp where It It supposed the body Is hidden. ' CoavALLis. Valley Lodge K of P In stalled the following officers last night for the ensuing term: Robt Johnson, PC; r. r femot.i; t,; lieo Fish, V C; w Paul, P: Jesse Spencer. M at As Chas Younr. The Harris family will leave for Poit- land tomorrow, their future home. They bid farewell 10 Corvallls with a feeling o'f regret for most of them have lived here all their lives. Last Friday Miss Flora Mason aid a lady friend from Albany drove up to this city In a phaeton for a few hours visit. When they started to return, the ladles took the halter off the horse and were try ing 10 oriuie tne animal when It started up and smashed the carriage very bad! v. -Times. Wow a Rack. One of the attractions at Prineville on the 4th of July was a horse trot. The News says: "The trot ting race between Siehei's "Ben" and Hackleman'a "Blondie'mile heats.three in nve.was ended the lirstheat "Ulondie distancing "Ben." Hackleman'ii horse waa driven by Jack Cadle." That made Sicbel feel bad. resulting in the follow ing: "Si feichel has purchased Mr A Hackleman'a trotter. "BIondie."the win ner of the trotting contest held on the Prineville course on July 4. Mr Hackle- man says he still owna horses that can trot, lie says "Blondie" is sgood horse, doi ne owns norscs that are fully good'" A Orbgom Man. The New York World prints the following dispatch frcm Carlsbad, dated July 4th: Mr S Illrsch, the United States Mlnbter to 'turkey, has arnveu nere to try me water. Alter be Ing cured of the Indisposition from which he Is suffering Mr Hlrsch will return to the United Slates on a short leave of ab sence. He will be accompanied by hit family. Owl ig to the recent robbery of a railroad train between Adrlanpole and Constantinople by brigand, the Sultan sent an escort of fire officers and twenty men with Mr Hlrsch. This escort accom panied him as far as the frontier. SOU it, 4MB HtBIOKAsV MONDAY. Mr E F Sox went to Portland this noon on business. Banker R A Rampy, of Harrlsburg.wat In the city today. Mist L A Woodln, of Tacoms, It in the clty,the guest of her brother.A B Woodln, Mrs Au; Lange returned to Portland this noon, accompanied by Mitt Whl'.mer. Miss Bessie Ssllmarsh, of Portland, came up from Portland this noon on a visit withfrlendt. Hon R A Irvine and wife and A B Slauton and wife left this morning for the front on the OP to be gone two weeks. Ir Matton . In response to a telegram left thlt noon for Cretwell, Lane county ,to consult with Dr Scarborough in a serious cate of Illness there. A picnic was held near Santlam grange hall Saturdry. and a fine time It reported. The Sclo band wat present and furnished music. Speeches were maclo by Judge Bolte and Hon R A Irvine. - Senators J N Dolph and J II Mitchell came down the road, from Itoseburg to cugene this morning, snry win pass throuah Albany tomorrow, but It Is not learned whether they will stop oR or not. Mr Brady, of the American Press Aso- IIIUII V. VlllilKUk . lira ... j on hit way to San Francisco, and Ihence s . a a S a as. nome, irom a trip arounu tne worm, tie was delighted with Jspan, W II Harper, president of the Chicago university, mentioned In today's dttpschet in connection with the national christian Endeavor Societies, Is a ceutln of Dr Ir vine, of this city. He Is procably t'.e ablest Hebrew scholar In the U S. TVBSDAT. Mr Claud Strahan, went to Salem this neon. W U Scott, of Lane county. It In Al bany. Dr Starr, ol Brownsville, wat In the city today. T L Wallace went to Portland thlt noon on builnett. L K Plain and wife returned from the Bay today. Mra Pr. Davis returned from Harris- burg Uiia noon. President J W fob neon, of the stats university, ia rusticating at Sodaville. Miss Lulu Burnett, of Corvallls. is in the city, the guest of the Misses Mo-Farland. Miss Grace Scrlber. the well known elocutionist of Salem, left a few days ago for Alaska, on a sight seeing trip. E L Thompson, wife and child and Miss Nona Irvine, were among the passengers bound for Ysqulna Bay this noon. Henry Sueeensand lohnHchmeerratne down from their Green Has In ranches last evening on a short trip. They report bushels of bUck berries. Hon I II Mitchell passed through Al bany 1 his noon. Hon J N Dolph, wat not with him at reported, but Is In Ta-coma. Dan Morris and Ida wife came down from Sweet Home Saturday with tbeir child. Mrs Morris leit her husband. Morris tecared the child and left for the Scio country, thereby causing a com motion and much feeling between Mr and Mra Morris. Grand Master Yan I hi sen. of the grand lodge of Oregon met with the two Al bany lodges last evening. The grand master waa accompanied by T McF Pat ton, ol Salem, It A Miller, of Jackson- ille. F A Moore, of Et Helens, and (Jus Wilson, ol Portland. A banquet waa served in the hall for that our nose, un der charge of W R Garrett. Mias Mary Brewster, of Lebanon, who aa anent a few months among Albany friends, left for her home today. She iaa made many friends during her so journ here a Urge number of whom ex pressed thsir appreciation of her by giving her a genuine surprise, instituted uy Mrs Miangte, last evening at the residence of Mias Delia Burkhart. A nice lunch of ice cream and cake was served. Pleasant gmes were indulged in and all seemed to eniov the evening. The many friends of Mlse Mary unite in Hoping she may return to Albany, where she will now be greatly missed by her circle of friends. A Bmakp Man. A few daya ago Joe Warner, of Nanscne, took don n to Port- A Runaway ExrcaiEKCc Last Sat- lland two carloads of cattle and four . " a raws ii. t 1 urday Miss Flora Mason, of thlt city, and Mrs August Lange, of Portland, ho Is visiting with Miss Mason, took a ride over to Corvallls with a horte and buggy belonging to Mr J P Galbralth. While there they hitched the horse to a fence. Becoming frightened the animal broke loose and ran away, doing $y r $60 damage to the buggi. Mr John Scl. neer, who happened to be In that clt; , brought the ladies home, together with the horse and remnants of the buggy. Boys and Matches. A few evenings ago a small fire occui red In the barn of ConJuctor Curtis, of the Oregon Pacific, extinguished by hard work wUhout call ing out tbe department. At ut ual tramps got the credit. The Dcmockat learnt It happened by the Curtis boy taking the Al len boy to tee a hens nest after dark And striking a match In order tolmake the ex hibition, the match dropping Into the hiy, selling nre 10 11. twici a WEEK.-Kiraina will now run from Albany to Coe Etation twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. This will prove of great advantage to people in that section, aa well aa to Albany and other people desiring to spend a few days 1 n that part ot the mountains. Once a week was found not to fill the bill at all. FaoM Oregon. Over 5,000,000 pound s of wool will be shipped from The Dalles this season Oregon wool, Ovei 5,000, 000 cant of salmon will be shipped from Astoria thlt season Oregon sal men. Over 5,000,000 bushels of wheat will be shipped from the state Ihis season Ore gon wheat. These are only a few. There are also Oregon Iruits, Oiegon gold, Ore gon silver, Oregon timber, and host of other Oregon products of 1891. Ex. Fhk Lbctubk. Mrs Cheta F Luti, state organizer and lecturer of the Minne sota Woman Suffrage Association, is mak ing a brief visit in Oregon, and will lec ture in this city on Thursday evening next, July 16th, at the WCTU Hall. Mrs Lutz ia highly endorsed by both the M innesota an(i Dakota press. Tbe Clear Lake Advocate says : "Even those who a rn not in svEOoathv with hercausecan not fail to admire her eloquence and lady like manner." Lcok our for Them. The Senior ed itor of the Democrat, wrfliiiR from Port land, say: "A man from Eugene says there ore a number of sneak thieves mnk In r their way towards Albany. They have a ''fi eye for thovv good at fronts of - f-!?f r'c. Look out for coyotes. The cattle market waa dull and Mr Warner waa compelled to aell at a alight loss, but what he lost on the cattle be made up on the coyotes. It appears coyote scalps are worth 5 a bead in Multnomah county, so Joe hired a man for $5 to kill the coyotes and take the scalps to the court house where the man got $20 for them and Joe Docketed $15 clear profit. Of course tbe man was able to swear that the coyotes had been kiuea in Multnomah county. Chronicle Held Under (500 Bonds. Chief of Police Hoffman returned from' Portland Saturday evening with J L Miller, alias Lewis, arrested on complaint of the C B R store, tor obtaining goods under false are tenses, tie was taken ociore justice to show and held to await the action of the errand iurv under S coo bonds. Miller's partner, Cushlng, wat tried In Portland last week for robbing freight cars of goods. Miller turned states evidence and was not arretted. Cushlng, notwith standing, wat found not guilty. Now Mlllsr It liable to suffer. Lets Pull Together. Most of those of our citizens who were disappointed In the location of the bridge, are doing the sensible thing. 'Though we didn't get the location we wanted, we want a brldgi anyway," they say. That Is it the correct spirit. Anything for a bridge has been the democrat's motto, and now let At bany men join hand and push the Interests of Albany generally. In harmony only it there ttrength. MIMMi A new town It being laid. out on the Oregon Pacific between GutesclUe mul nrown'i mill, Lecdy'a tnl'I being neurit. It will be called Mlnlo. It l'l. u men leave monuments of their grentncM. The traditional corn doctor hn been In the city, nr rather a firm of Uicm. They knew all about coms.and no one ') knev anything about them. Thev looked that ay. About ioo,joo pounds of wool have been bought at this city this season from Linn county ahcrp owners. That Is not much like Eastern Oregon wool raising; but It shows thnlqulle a quantity Is mined, and meant $10,000 In cnh put into circulation. The tnngboat Corvallls pned Salem Friday, on her wav up the river. She It In charge of Cspt Ranbe, who knowt the river thoroughly, and savt be Is getting al! the mags. What It needed more Is the capture wf teveral bart. Jerk the bars out, too, Capt. Salem has a base ball club It would take tome hard playing by the Portlands lo best. Sunday tl.ey beat the Stavrr tS: Walker's 16 to t without much of an el fort. SylogUticttlly reasoning the Al banles and Staver & Walker's are about a match,wlth one score In favor of the latter. It Is currently reported that recently a very dangerous clement Irom New York and Chicago hat reached this city. They are safecrackers, capable of opening tin strongest bank vault without the aid of explosives. So far It Is not known Hint the s'rangers haw begun operailons.but It it lust is well that the police be on the alert for them. Portland Welcome. On Ian it. reit. the item that will head Albany's building Improvements for the year will be "The Willamette bridge, $33,350." It now in order for our bust nest men to drop their difference and go to werk snd do something tor the gem city ot the valley, otherwise. Nothing Is ever accomplished by disputes and dlvls ions, (see Matthew, 11. 25) and It Is Hu.e the people of Albany dropped alt selfish ness and worked lor the whole city. Let us have a few new factories and new In dustries that will enure to the permanent welfare ot Albany. The following Is pretty well worn outs but when a hit Is wanted at tny towns kicker. It comes very bandy: Here's to the kicker, the faint hearted kicker, the kicker so helpless snd blue! who Is always crying and never I trying soma good for his town to do. No ue to correct him nor need too expect htm to get to the front like a man; while otlirra bustle hell sit down and rustle objctilotu to raise to each plan. But when the brute dies we'll psuse with dry eyes, on his fu ture condition to dwell, and we will envy the devil that will handle the shovel when he roasts the rank kltker In h ." li OtM II. I'iilM 1 1 tUM.M, - Tuesday cvniiing, July 11th. PiPKttit Mnyor, UfPofder, Chief of Pollen. Street l'oiuhilnmotifr. niidCoitn c llint-ii rrniu-h, llnv. klnr,' Tnhlur, Burk hart ami UnrrcH. The following MIU eri ordered paid; Matthew h iiKiiburn, .i4t)! 10 Hll ehen,T.'''-t; L Ml Mrl,f.:0 NJ Ilenton, II j O lA'; W II lnrr,1(ifi.60j JnnHliiihMii.flNj J W Anderson, iii.UM); CO I,c, fTO; JuiiUNt.rnilwoiii, rent, A 1 Laoy, lii.50; tireini litinln LCo.t77.OI; Fees of Coimellmen, fWj C II Stuwttrt, freight bill, I7.1M. In tho matter of the Petition of the W 0 T II for the location of two rubllc wciIh on Ferry nnd Ellsworth atrcet,tho same whs grunted, thfl well to be placed under ehttrgo of committee 011 streets and pub lic property. Tho quarterly reports of the Ueeordcr and Treasurer showed the following; Amount In treasury April lt "'OiK) 21 llt;'i lvd from lints 40 " llccnsfH,.. 1,122 " dg tax 11-I " note. 203 8.1 Highest of aS h. Leyiing 2Wer, V, & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, ttS, I 1,731 CO nttiit'HKMfcNTa, l'nld mi t ity warrants " Interest.. 1 1,21.1 m 4 30 1,27 M 4K3 Bahuiee in trrmtury , . hiUtiui.liiiL' wai rants Mar 31st Bi.CHl 57 Issued during quarter 7,4.18 20 WEDSBSDAV. of A Y Smith, one cf the aristocrats Oakvllle, It In the city today. G A Sanford. of Ladd tt Bush's Bank, ot Salem, Is In the city, taking his vacation. Mra Senders and Mra May. of Harrla- burg, passed through Albany yesterday for Sodaville. Ala Harris and wife, of San Francisco, were In the city today on their way to fort land. County Superintendent Russell, aid Elmarian Smith, of Halsey, leave tomor row for t luti Lakd for an outing 01 a ween or two. 1 K Weatherlord left a few days ago for San Jose, Calif., to join his wife, who waa called there recently on account of the fatal illness of her father. Policeman C 0 Lea baa returned home from a trip to Independence,and tonight will resume me duties as oigntwatcn and engineer. C W Cobb, today took charge of the Job office ot Paisley It Smiley, and may be depended on to keep up the good reputa tion the Mice has heretofore enjoyed. The O E Society of the Presbyterian church will give a lawn social on Tuesday evening of next week, at some place to be selected hereafter. Old and young peo ple invited. Among those who went to YaquSna Bay today were Mrs i 1- and Kva Cowan. the Misess Prather, Mra Khiner, Mra Bridgeford and son. W B Oarrett and family, Mrs A II Phelps and children, of Albany, and Attorney Garland, of Leb anon. J A Gross returned last evening from tbe Mud Springs of Northern California, greatly improved in health. Mr N If Allen left last evening for the same place, and if he improves aa Mr Grosa baa we ill have two men in Albany able to fight Slavin. All the friends and acouaintancea of Brigadier-General J M Siglin. of Coos county, of which he hat a great number in Oregon, will be pleased to learn mat his health has been improving of late, and the chances are favorable for his complete recovery. He lias been sick for a year or more. lux. s 0 C MeFarland bas bought into and Is interested ia tbe harass sad saddlery i- tabliabaieet of of J 3 DubrnUIe. Mr Do braille will remain at tbe old stand aotil about tbe first of next year, wbeo the entire business will likely go into tbe bands of Mr rMcrarlaod. An Albany merchant objects to the item In the Hkmih'Kat which read "See Matthew 12.2V He says that is the time he is at dinner. In the matter of a divided city then it may l well to see Matthew 10, 13. The distance from Albany to Yaquina City, according to the governnu nt map la the !htNo-KAT otliee, is lust 45 mili-a By rail it is W miles. Air ships will have a great advantage when they begin running. Marlon must t a very lid county. Tbe Journal says : There ia the greaunt unfairness about the eounty court tax rebate business. The rich and powerful appear with counsel and get what they want. The poor devil is kicked onto! court wbn he asks a rebate. If there is no bell, there ought to be one to roast such heartless wretches as the Spokane physician who left a woman la the agonies ol child birth iraue she ! could nut pay him al once. The woman Idled of neglect. Are there no Ur nnd feathers in the magic city o! Katern Washington ? Kx. E I McCaustland, formerly ot this city. now City Surveyor ot Salem, '. showing himself to be the right kind of a man for the important position, and thoroughly competent, as well as fearless. He has just been showing up some of the rotten sewer work there In an outspoken manner. Florence now has nine stores as fol lows: Two general merchandise, two millinery, one grocery, one stove snd tin ware, one genera! variety ami two liquid stores. Also two hotels.a print irg office, cooper shop, u furniture factory, tulnion cannery and is now building a large and complete taw mill. Prof J B Horner, who has lefn at the bead of the publie schools in Itom-burg for a number of years, has accepted the principalxhip ol the public schools ol Albany. He is one of the foremost edu cators of the state and we feel a little proud of him, for we used to run a hand Dreas in a nrint shoo together in davs gone by. Albany is lucky. Corval lis Amies. Mr Richard Harris, who recently went to Denver for the MiriKwo ot making ar rangements to rut a milt in the Golden City mines, in this county, writca to the company hero that lie had attsaya 01 01 e from the mines mado under ins supervi sion that ranged aa high as $'.)72.'.'0 per too. and he was greatly pleaHed nt the outlook. Laat night alout 10 o'clock a woman rushed out of a house in the Third Ward, ng at the ton of her voice. Hi . voir II ill me. "followed by a rnnn alfullopecd. No one was killed. In view of tho pub licity the couple have heretofore given themselves they should either live to gether in peace or separate for good, as the neighbors tell the democrat bucii proceedings are not very pleasant ones, f 20,o 19 77 Now otilulanding ...... $1(1,270 2i into July 1, mil 11,02! luo Aug 12. 'tl to June IS, '02 7.34H 10 Sewer indcbtediicsa 0,730 M Purposes ot city warrants during the quarter: Recorder $ 3.14 SO Mayor and council ........... M Marshal. 130 Supt streets IW Surveyor.. 415 CO Treasurer (2 quarters) UK Firedep't 54S Co Klwtrie lights NO Police 4!H Streets..... 140 14 Sewers 2.1M 61 Sundry eapetises.inrluding f 1500 for bridge survey .......... 1,001 CO Ordinance Bill No 221, providing for issuing bonds to the amount of $76,000 to the highest bidder, 40 er cent for sewerage, 00 per tent for Willamette bridice t northern terminus of Caiapooia street, was read twice and referred. Ordinance Bill 2".'5, providing for the making of a eontruct with tho Portland Bridge and Building Company for the construction of a bridge at Albany across the Willamette Uiver, was reaa twice and referred. Several resolutions of nmcwitietit were read of cuta h-vimi on dtilVrt'iit pieces of property in Albnnv.and lit ns were order ed made in lien docket to I he amount of the respective bill for work done. The nuiitance on lot at corner of Broad albtn and Seventh streets eaued by lack ot connection with sewerage, and rliuu t on o P property at corner of First and Lyon streets, ere ordered allied. A It Matthews, Thou Hopkins and In litis Uradwoh) were appointed to examine sewer work just completed. Contract for building sidewalks were let to C K Wotverton for walk in front of ! his properly at 20, and other walks to J B Ti Hoi. hi at 1'J cents per foot and up wards, bonds to I given for double the amounts, work to I done iu 20 day t Adjourned until Saturday evening next. AESCllTiEl PURE fe lit ' T 1 Sidy y lb LtssSef T"3 If it nn U0H8 AND aKBOAB) RffAi tftTife aura. JLCow an to WK A vera. 2 lots. C'sAd ... COO K L Hammack to I'avid Smith, of a.6'J acres, II w2 2W0 L V, Hanon to iVll Simison and r to 11 C Redman. bTf.ta acres.10 w2 , 1200 Tlit Clemens and Spencer Web ster to Fred ttoUappel, 110 acrrtt, 12 w 4 Wm Clemens adiur to Fred lk-lis- apptl.110 sere 12 w 4... 2700 tt KCurran to Isaac loudcn.Mvcr- al lot, Amelia . , 400 C U Butkhart to I N Van Winkle. bl 41, Goltra's Park A 2-MH) S J Huston to A II Frtim,l-t inter est tt acres 12 w 3 and 20.GS acres 13 w 2 200 (i PStires to J K Powell. lot 3. bl 4, Sotlaville BO I II Lovcall to 1 I Kirkpatrlck. 20 acres, Lebanon.... 1000 J R Kirkpatriek to II Y Kirkpat- rick, inurcst ia bl 2, 8ect Home 200 J L Cow an to Isalxi'lo Kirkpatriek. 2 lot, bl 4. l ark A.Ubanon . . 200 Mrs L W Clark loCatherine Clark. lots, bl 90. Mas A. Albany.. 10 Jas Morgan to N C Mrerf.120 acres lOwl... 1200 J 11 r ruin to A r ruin. 1-0 interest 320 acres. 12 w 3. and 751 08 acres 13 w 2 300 MOMIIAV. ' I B.ktr City bst a young lady's bate ball club lion oounty pays a Salem cimusuy 119 a month for sprinkling tbe atreots sruaod tbe eoaatv buildings. Tbs most advanosd agent of Sails eircus ia in tbs city, snd sooa the bill boards will bs flaming with ploturst. gtdls will draw big boases, Forcpaosh's etulrset with ths Union Pa- eifloJs for J ho transportation of DO railiowl care, ttclt ity fret iu length, equal to a train of 130 ordinary frsiuht ears. It is claimed t be the largest trastporUtion eootraet ever mads by this road. An Apopletic Stroke. Mr Jacob N'orcrottand wife, of Ashland, arrived in Albany last week on a visit with Mrt Nor- cross sister, Mrt R M Robertson, and old menus nere, coming part of the way by team, until the horses were kllt'-d on the S. P. by the cars near Eugene, Yesterday Mr isorcrost attended the U P church, of which he hat alwsys retained hit mem- bet ship, though absent for many yean.and In the afternoon was at a teachers prayer meeting convening Immediately after the Sabbath school, lie was offering prsyer and was expressing ihsnks for being si lowed the privilege of being smons hU old friends when he fell over with congestive spopley. It wat thought lor a few mo menta that he would die at once, but prompt attention resuscitated him. Dr Wallace was called ami attended him. lis wat taken to Mr Robertson's, where he tt lying In a critical condition. Years ago Mr Not cross was the leading merchant of thlt city, and old tcttl.r who knew him only to respect him, wld watch with great Interest his case, hoping for hit recovery. Tfratuv. Tbs members f the Mascot goo club this aftetBot.n r thootfog for the gold sod lotUir mt tla', t lie worn oce moetb. Tt. C. lira, bins sbd the ' Hod Hitters" will h aoutht-r rub at bse I all, tomorrow sorrnton. Tbat will make the third Kim 11i College 1 0V hv won two. The Jsfforsoo-Scio ball jama mentioned in tli I sat, will b pUyod at Scio on Tuesday of stit seek for II 00 sit), and nut at Albany, that arrangement havirg tssn iyd ep. Tbs d'ooinatr lptn hosd 20 and eosts b) Jostle Cosho a fsw days ago waa ar -rmUd for assault and battery, and tout for at tape, thougli that ehargs was mads .lvu t) . Ths ittr is a esa net ur. drr tb jardtctioa f ajustioe. Feu. iw Til Ditch. This forenoon Utile Ralph Stew-art, twenty months old, was lH-ltig lead by a couple little fclrl, when, on approa.-Mng a lattcrul ditch the little follow fell In, a.iJ but fur prompt action by the girls won It.' have drownetl. They succeeded In getting him out of the water allci a struggle, ami be lore any great haim bad bee o done. wgnsrciiAr. il2,6o2 Br.soi.iTio. r tirr.tT The sheriff has presented his tax ex hibitfor 1H90 to the county court. He has collected and turned over to the county treasurer 102,817.83 out ot the 1 iuu,3oi.ii property ana poll tax on me rolls for 1800, $2817.22 of which was abated. He reports now delinquent from all sources 178.053.04. accumulation of a j number of years. Pendleton K. O. Pay yoar school tsx and save eosts of col lection. A Good Appointment. In selecting Geo W Davis, of Shedd, as clerk of tbe school land board, tne commissioners did a good thing, at long aa Napoleon Davis was to be succeeded by a republi can. Mr Geo W Davis is a gentleman, in every way qualified, and meets the approval of Linn county people generally. Excursion ExTRAoaoiMAaY. Now's your chance to take a cheap trip to the coast. Train will leave Albany at 1 a m Sunday, July to. for Newport, arriving there at 1 1 a m . Returning arrive In Al bany o:to o m. aame even! n p. Those who wish to remain until Monday may do so by paying 50 cts. additional to set. 9 r R K Co, at Yaqulna on their return, Finest weather of the year, no dutt in traveling, tides lust light tor bathing and without a doubt will be the most pleasant excursion of the season. Fare only $3 tor rouna trip. Teachers' Exaiulattlot). Notice is hereby gtyen that the regular public examination of teachers, for Linn oounty, will take place ia Albany, com mencing on Wednesday, August 12th. at 1 o'clock, and continue until Friday noon. August 14 h. Alt teachers must Dosttively be present at thn lime or 00m mencemsnt, as no one will be admitted to tbe examination who is not so present 11 lllTUUL'r County School Bnpt. In memory of Iva Ic, a mcmlier of tho Kings Daughters of the M. F.. Church P.utl of promise, precious t rcasure, Snatched from loving hearts away; Done with toil, and grief, and pleasure, ith trod'e angels now sho il stay. Wanted He this little daughter To sing praiwes round His throne; From our circle she is mieNing, For the King has called His 'Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in His divine wisdom, to remove from our midst Siater Iva Iee, therefore, be it . Resolved. That we extend our heart felt sympathy to tho family so lately be reaved. Kcsolved, That in the death ol our s'lHter, tho Kings Daughters have lost a loving mate. Resolved, That n copy ot these rcsolu ttons lc sent to the (utuilv. and that a copy be placed on the records of the so- tioty, niBo fiiriutjlicd the press for pub lication. WfNNIK ClIAMllKHL!, Mat Pollock, Maud Chohiiv, Committee. If Conn llendrlcson can give you a large and choice stock of groceries, pro. tiuce, fruits, berries, etc, to select from then their store is one to visit when wishing anything hi thetr line. An exam (nation of their goodt will convince any one that there It no better place in the city for trading In their line of goodt. I heir pricet are low, wun good reasont for the fact. They invite all to call and see them and learn by experience where the best bargain can be secured, both in prices and quality ot goods. iiAVB U noticed that Allen Bros' gro cery store is always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, the very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be had they have it. Peaches, . Berries, Cabbages, Turnips, Niw Potatoes, Wall Paper, etc, I have just received a new line of wall paper and decorations, Have more than doubled my facilltict for handling them, and will keep a much larger stock. Wall paper and border to match. Beauties, and much cheaper than ever bfire. Ramcm, E Yoi'NG. Klein Bros have a Urn and choice it 00k of boots aud shoes for aalu at reaRniiabb1 trices. Do not invest in foot wesr cntil yon have teen tbeir stock and ths elegant piano at tneir store. IIavb Tou a Wira and ten children ; have you any children : are you an old bachelor? Whatever you are you can not do better than by buying your groceries, oroduce and baked goods of f ai ker tiros. You want to save money and at the same time get good groceries, then call on them. You will get first-class treat mcnt and first-class goods Their baked goods are mado in an experienced man ner, and include a large variety of eata bles. Boats ths little wood saw and got year wood propwly stwsd. Leave your ordrs at Msttbsws k Washburn's nsrdwars stars, First strsst. WHiNsUt. W. f. Esd kps th 4 ry feeds in town. teit ateortmeat tA KAHRIEO. School Tax. Notice is hereby given that the school tsx of district 5 It due and payable. All taxpayer are requetted to call at once and attend to the same, at the office of the clerk, C t Bnrkhart. Wanted, at once, for canning purposes, Royal Ann and Black Republican cher ries, oeach plums. Bartlett peart, black raspberries and blackberries, lor which I will pay the highest market price. , G W Simpsox. Kaw Eaijf a Qeoe. I ksp a fall Ha of sprirjg snd1 summer drsn goods, ia wash fabrics. Prints, ginghams. seartBoker. sti I hav also a saw hu o! jammer plaids, b sidts other novelties ia bices tod all wool selvjsp. Sampii, Torse . WIGLE- MORRISON-On July 13, 1801. in Harrisburir, Mr P A Wlgle, the well-known farmer, and Mrs 1 Morn- ton. proprietor ot tbe Lyndel House both of HarrUburg. THOMPSON LEFFLER. At the residence of the bride's parents, near Scio, Or.. Tu'.y lath, 1891, by Rev C C Sperry, Tonathan Thompson and Mis Martha E le tiler ootn 01 .inn county. BAILEY COOLEY, On Saturday, Tulv 11th, 1801, In Albany, at the Preshy. tertan manse, by Kev jc k. rncnaru, ivir W W Bailey, of the State Agricultural College of Texas, and Mist Kittie Cooley, of Biownsville. Prof Bailey was formerly principal of the South Brownsville school, lhe Dntie Uthe daughter of Mr Geo C Cooley. COSHBMSD. ; Tbe fAvorall impression prndnoed on th rtt appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit uieuy nyrup ox r igs, a lew year ago nas en more thsn enntirraed by tbs pTessank periene of a; I whn hav ueed it. and th at of th proprietor and msnuf .ctnrsrs 01 FigSjruj Company. Albany Jiarket. tfboRt-es j . . Kts 48 Butter 29.3 pi I'j, 15t Hay 10,00 to 18.00. Fot ioe 4q eta por battbsl lee onroot,2'i to Pork-5Ja0 per It., ttreasnd. Parens bams, He shoulders 7o aides. So .rd I0nporik, IPiour.6.25 per bbl. Cbloksns 4A3-3 per dos. id.Ul FBd lraa, l..Wper ton shorts, ii-. midd.Usjr, 29. A piano At Klein lira ISuot ami Sho st'ire. Sm tbat dlesont t-iano at K'e'n Dot and Show store. Tb mob t lily media ef th HuiMina k lyisu A-iistuo occur nxt Friday tvomog. Mt Veraon. Skaatt Co., WsS.,waa uosrly dnuayvd by fir Tasadsy. The Iom wa about $4O,0UO. Yoartcbool tax will b dalioiaeot it not paid at one. Look tftar It and sav coat of collsctioo. Da not boy j oar hoot snd ahoet aotil yon th pisuo st Klein Bros, and ss wU have examined tbrir l'k- stock of gauds. '!!' J by tb Eoem'' tomorrow oiijhl by lb II F KMocCompsny will bs worth at Undtog. There sboold b a larg crowd preceat. Max Frieodly's taw mill wat horned at Cor J lit Monday aiitht. Lom, $10,000 to tl2,000. Th lambtr in tli yard was saved. lonaraoc ra.ouw. Hon John Barnstt. of Corvalii. who waa appointed a member of the stat board of s usliiUoo by Uoveroor I'cnnoysr, baa d- aimed to tat v. Yiktora'sy fl B 0;.br:'scn of th 8lia Gun ad Rod Clab von th wearina oi th gold nidal forth eond saooiv time, making a scor .( 23 oat of 23 shot. Ovrald Ctwfd. th foar y,ar old son of J (J Crawford, wear a to ia a ing from a hor stepping on ft, eaa4 whi' plajiug ball on Keotd street. It was frd st Hrst tbat It would b neooMaty to ampotste it. YssterJiy at UoMiuoviil Cor Ionics, a plasterer, fl twenty feet from a stagiag wtil esmeutina in frost of A isms block. striking 00 bit hi-sd snd tboalder. 11 r- eived injuriiM that will probably prov fatal. . Last evsiiioa Mr Cbas PliTr. and Mrt Sullivan aud dsugbtar, gursta atthj He vera lloutr, were out niiog, bn a bicycle frightened tho burs, csttstna bim to ran a hort diktaooe. Mr I'foliTer and th litil girl wiSombat bruised. Governor Pentinytr rtrdy appoiated Thomas R Sheridan, of Kobnitr,A a mem ber of tbastat board of qaI;ttioo to fill th vacancy caused by th ratiirnation of John Burnett. W A Sample, of Ualix.waa alto appointed m member of the bo-d ot regent of th state a?, icultarvl eollK. to till tht vicjucy caused by tb death of T Cauthoro. Mr Ray. rcit)ba near Mill City, arrittd in Albany Utt evrnina 011 lb 4.S0tislato cttre me.liusl aid for hi ton, a ten year old boy, who on th 4th ot July wa pitched over baus by a bey namoti Sullivan, 17 v cars of sgMh dd being dine maliaioutly, la la a critioal condition, ant will probably Dot live. Th Can and Rod club had their monthly shoot yesterday evening for ffledals,realting In th following ttmr oot of a possible SO, Peon blackbird beios sbotati Ueyo. 10 Jones, 15, Lleneneer, 15: Brinham, 14 Wys.nt. 12; V K Wolverton. 12: Blouot. (wear or of gold modal laat month,) II; DB Monteith. 11, A Wolverton, 10; Isom, 10 Grant Fromsn,9. aud Liencngor thot at II v birds for ths silver medal, Jonea hit ting S and Lienenger 2. Jones and Deyoe cnoto sides and shot at 10 doubles for the ia oresm. Score, Joaet' team, 32; Devoe't team, 37. Dabs Ball. The gamo ot base ball last evening between No l'a and the II A L Co was the most closely contested of the season. After nine innings fio 1 succeeded in scoring the winning run 20 to 19. The nines were: No l's Ronnie, c; P Marshall, p; Chamberlain, lstb; Lacy, 2nd b; Watts, 3rd b ; Ma tters, t s; Crawford, 1 f j Blackburn, c f j Upliam, r f. II & L Co Breckenridge, c; Wilson, pj Nutting, 1st b; O Mar shall, 2nd b; Phillips, 3rd b; Hart, as. Thompson, 1 f ; Conn, c f ; Acheson, r f. Gene La ri more umpired the game. Notes No l's Mascot says that company lost three scores by their metropolitan eoaching. Jim Blackburn made the longest slide. One ot the features of the game was Watts' Gj catching at 3rd for No l's, Au li & L man requests us to av that that the statement in our con temporary that the firemen won the game was a mistake. No l'e won. An other game between tbe companies, No l's wearing red shirts and the H & L's blue shirts, would be an attraction. vVtEAIUKB RKrOIIT. On Know Wraihkr Dvrrau. Cbtral OrvivK, Ponri.AKn, Orkoow, Croi vVbathkr nti.f.rriw No, 18, por thr Wkkk En m Mr SAntanAV, Jptr 11, 1891. In WcslerrrOregon theterrperaturehat been four degrees day below the average. The weather ha been partly cloudy with f;enerat rain on o, 10, 1. In son e local lies marly an Inch of rain fell. ' Over halt sn Inch fc'l In this section. The rain did some damsire to tl e bay. Con siderable hay hat been already houed,and tome remains o be cut. Generally the ciophat been he.tviet than for many year, five ton per acre of clover hay 1 reported from Curry county. The wheat prospect continue to be unusually good. Twenty two to tblily.our stalk (tooled out from one g.aln in Yamhill county. The head are Urge and brry full and plump. The grain is turning yellow. Oat and barley sre promhlng Isrge yield. Fruit tree are heavily laden and Indicate more ot a crop than was expected; Insects are few and no damage from them a vet. I loos are coming on well, the lice have not been as destructive at wa antlclpsted. Early corn 1 in the tilk. Etrly potatoct have been a very full crop. Pcache ate ripen ing. Warmer weather and more sun shine needed for all vegetation. In Eastern Oregon hai Ing is In pro- i ?;ress. yielding welt, but some ha been njured by the rain. The hay crop through the ttock lection 1 especially heavy. The rain will have a tendency to help spring grain to lilt better. Fall wheat h headed remarkably well and the excellent prospcett continue. 11. S Paour. Observer, U 8. Signal Sirvlte. BK01XSt ILIK. July 13, 1891. A goodly number of oar citizens have gone or are going to the coast and moun tains lor pleasure and profit. Our miners are happy in pursuit of the precious stuff called old. Their mill is at the mines and will soon bo in opt-ration. Hay harvest is in lull blast. The crcn it large and generally good. Barney Cushman. who ha been Ick for three or four weeks, is said to again be on tbe improve. People who are ill should not lie in too great a hurry to get out, as Barney is said to have done. FFCroft. of yourTcity. lias spent the paatweek in this vicinity, attending to business and visiting friends. The wife of Rev IVrrkk died at this this place on last Friday night, and was nurietion numiay in the city cemetery. "Know Flake" and J II Moore indulged in a tiifbt Sunday morning resulting in a block eye for the latter and f5 and costs for the former. We bear Mi Kitty Cooley, of this place, was married to a gentleman from Texas at your city on lat Saturday. Fine weather acain after the tbowera of lost rck. Some lion lice in this vicinity, but no tiaiiwge asyei. Wo will sell Summer Clothing, Thin Underwear and Outing Shirts tIO AT COST! at , Buy yoar groosrio of Parker Bro Barcsio in choice groceries can always srt-ti'rd of AUca Uto.. Fliua f.lock. TRADE AT THE OLD 'RELIABLE GUOCERY STOWS of C E BUOWNELL. ti'Kvl giadt, low price and hont Our Stock is Large, Our Goods are Fine, Our Prices are Low ! T. L WALLACE & CO., The Birthplace cf Great and Honest Parens, Strahan Block, ALBANY, ORB G OK do not iun a L3 But will sell ou any tiling kept in a FIRST-CMSS WELII REGULATED BOOT AND SHOE STORE at' Lotto price?, in a business way. ' I I lell only standard makes, and guarantee everything sold. "Will sew up rips, or rtpair anything caused l jmperfect material or workmanship, Free of Charge. SAMUHL E. YOUNG. Ti LADIES BAZAAR. Is tbe Leading 1 Millinery and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, They carry all the Latest 8fyle and Noveltie In th Millinery line, eod J a complete tock of Ladles and Children's Furnishing gootls.and ready-made garmcnU. Good the beat, and price the lowest. Call and be. convinced. j FIRST STREET. -:- -:- FItOMAN BLOCI treat- Moot. COME OXE, COME A LI Oi.e half dollar redaotiou on cvry pair of Ludlow' tin tho A good tin of thess avS K Young's. Try Calumet oo artb. Baking fowds, tbe poitil C K BaewsM. W iatargua t tramp. Tow k Wtuox. DISOLUSTON KOtTCE-sNotloe la hereby plven tbat tbo isrtnerahlp of 5 ml' h A Himmcrk at Tallman. ha- b en dlssolTSd. K K Hammock rs-tirins;. All acor unls should be paid David Sliitb wro will ciuinue lhe buMiieatand by whom all debts will be paid. PAY DP! All persons indebted to the firm ol Price & Rob eon are notified to call and pay their accounts at once, or the same will oe piacca in Hie nandsoian attorney, for collection, on August 1st, with instructions to push the collection ol the same by leital process. Costs will be saved by stttieiuent before the time mentioned. -PATR0N!ZE HOME 1KSTITUT10K3. THE FAEMFRS k MERCHANTS IISUHUCE CO., Alhasy, Oregon. W T BEAD, Prealdeat. J O WRITSMAX. Seeretary. J L COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F 8IMP803-, Vice Prealdant. DIBKCTOE ' " JLCowan, Geo F Simpson, WFKed, Er L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Earn ft.. J K eelbertord, BS Strahan. J u Wrlumia. atao Bisraioi acaan fob Caklsnd Home losnrancw Co, Oakland. Cal. Traders, Chicago, ril. American, Philadelphia, Pa. Pboxilx, London. England, Norwich Union, London, Eng. London A Lancbaahire, London, Eng. OuardUn, London, Eng. Man chester, ManebesUr, England. Caleflonlan, EdLdbarg. Sootland. WeaehesMr, Hew York. -ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IH ALBANY. :i is R 8 A Lit -A g'Hid seond hand Pitta vlbiaor. ir.rludlnu ht ser and aiokr, obeap, .Inqql.w of F II Koscoa, wi n K.napp, isurreii ot io. THE CEECCH HAY PRESS, MANUFACTURED BT W. P. SLAT, at CurTallls. la the beat bay pre ia the market. Orders far prs aant to tXirvlli will be promptly fi led. ATJUnfrinuJniion th naiaot will be prossouted to th fullest exUnt of the law. UNIVERSITY OF 0REG0.N EUGENE. Most session beelas o Nsndsjr. tb ITst alsy ef sHoiur, lfvi. Tt'ITieSt-mKE. Four Ceersrs: Clsssissl, Sslentia. Literary, ss ssantt r.ngiits Miurso, is wnicn tn is so LtSUn, Orvsk, Krasckor Osrsssn. Tke Bfi;b Is pr si inesuj s uusiness vuarye. Far estslosuoe er further isferrastleo. adress J. W. JOITNRON. PresMeat PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor Neoond andFerry fit, Albany, Ot nTTPKRIOR wrk. auarnteil In ever! O branch of the art. -linUiging c all klud a spooialty, Letter 1.1st. Followirg is the list of lotter wimaininp in the nnst ollic at Albany, Linn county Orevon. Julv 14. 1891. Pornuos oalline for these letter must civ the date on which thsy were advertised Adams, J hn Carrott, W Daw, Mr Ida Hill, David B Tortus, M Kulney, John Turner. Mr Colin Williamson. Kd Daws, Fred - Clher. C W Cretawell, John A Deoeeso, EC .Lirensou.Andy Montaeue. Krnest Kndolpb, MiasAddii Turn id ae, Mrs Alice Willson, JJ T. Monteith, P. M .o Yea: 3 tl-.c a a h ' Dr:d Millies cf Hone: u t3 u i 11 -u' I SSli- " ' - 1 - i-irnTlli -"Ti 1i;-1iSs1i -'--V. v..:.'.A'.? Caatoria is Dr. Samael Pitcher's proscription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opiam, Morphine iter other Narcotic Bubstanoc It is a harmless eubstituto tor Parejorlc, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It Is Pleasant. Its jroarantco is thirty years uso by MUlaons of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allaja feTcrlshncss. Castoria prcTents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea aud "Wind Colic Castoria rclicTed teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomacli and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Caetoris Is so exedlrnt medicine foe chil dren, aletliera hav repeatedly toldmeef lu god effect upoa tbeir childrea.n Da. U. a Osee, Lowell, Uaaa. " Oaateria I th best remedy f r eliUdren ef yrhtek I am acquainted. I hope tho day I tot far distant when mother will eoustW tho real lutereat oT their children, nJ use Castoria li lead of th various ,uaek BostrunwvUch or ddetrerhthi.4r loved one, by forclaj: opium, morphine, aoetklas syrup and other knfut utreuta dwa their Ciroats, thereby Kodiu theia te preeuilure grarei.'" v' Da. J. T. KtucnssM, Ceaway, Ark. Castoria, " Castoria is o well adapted to 3hS.Irsn ttt l I reoommeod It as sstjmrior to&ajr p3-iiitia I kuown to me." II, A. AacauR, K. D I lit So. Oxford St.. Ereeilyt, X Ti Our physleiao In th cbiMren's ilsnv.r: ; mast hav spoVea hisbiy of UkHr er:;--- eae la Uaeir outaM practice with C-i-ii 1 and althoush we aiv hu'.i a.noti o: nicdieal cupplle what is kaowu .i prod acta, yt wo ar tree to coaf t'aot tL uiurits of Castoria has vrea ue to 1x4 v-i- ; favor upoa tt Usivas HesciTAi. xxo ftA?Exunx, : Atua C Sarrra, Pm., j IS Xh Centaur Company, TI Murray Strvst, Kew TTorU. City. Oil iud fnf -DA1lSKS IN- Russell : Engines, : Separators : and : Staciei Osoorne : Binders, : lloizsrs : and : Rates. 'Wf carry no machinery that has not been tried in t; locality, and found to be satisfactory, and, factories, no responsible dealer can give bettm is we re pre