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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1891)
V Site Ptuwmit. 8TITES & KUTTIKO. Kdiurs eat rreprlrtar. Ml-STBKSTlDir.n, The lltraJd says that tlio effect o! the tariff must be studied understood and then proccedt to Inform It reader that tin can which told hut lutamtr In Haiti more (or a hundred are told till year (or x a hundred, though the dut on tin plate ha been Increated. The evIJer.l purpose of the emiia to letd It reader to believe that Increasing the dut on tin plate would result In the reduction of the price of tin can. If our cotemporary and It reader will carefully ttudjr the follow ing Indisputable fact and propositions It will readily tee It conclusion art wrong: The Increased duty on tin plate under the McKlnley law did not go Into effect until Jul ist i$i, hence the tin can sold In flail iuwre referred to above did not pay the higher duty. The levying of a duty will In general raise the price of te arti cle upon which It U ptaced,otherwise man ufacturer and producer of article would not spend thousand of dollar to elect a congres that would (nes law Increasing duties upon such articles. All restriction and limitation on trade must necessarily Increase the price of the commodity sub jected to the restriction. Since the pas sage of the McKlnley bill, and before the first of July, the time when the McKln ley tin plate duty went Into effect the amount of tin Imported Into thl country was more than double the amount for the same period last year. It wai done to avoid paying the high duty. There is more tin In the country now than at any tme In the history of the country, but It Is all foreign tin. If tin is selling cheaper It Itk because of this eupcr-abndance of the supply, or because the manufactur er of tin rant have reduced the wage of their employee. There Is no home made tin on the market of any consequence. It Is Indeed highly Important to study the effects of a tariff If It be vn-lerslood. STATE THS FACTS. Republican enthusiasm in Ohio and Iowa, two state that the democrat car ried at the last elections, is attracting the attention of politicians at the leading cen ter, and ha awakened the democratic manager from their dream of assured succcm In the neit presidential campaign. Slafttmaa. It would be better-all around if the Slittttm would state the facts. The re -publican carried brth Ohio and Iowa at the lat elections. The Minneapolis MmsaU a republican newspaper, but not so thoroughly repub lican a to believe n sticking to a false hood alter it has been completely exposed. "The tinplate clackers, It oayo, "nave precipitately tried to prove that great tin work have been put Into operation since the McKlnley bill was passed, and that af ter July ist the market will be supplied froir these sources. A a matter of fact there I no American tin-plate yet manu actured. The American tin-plate sent In sample about the country I simply made of English iron sheets dipped in a very cheap quality of Eng'.ish white metal. There Is no use trying to make people be lieve that a thing 1 when It Isn't." This candor Is admirable. If all republican newspaper were equally fond of the truth, there would soon be no rerAiltllban party. The new. that the president is to call on Aenatoi Sherman to help hi administra tion out of the straits Into which the billion dollar congress ha plunged It is a striking commentary on republican politic ii Ohio. Mr Sheiman has recelveJ maay honors at the hands of his party, but since It ceased to be a party of principle he has been the victim of the machinations of the worst and most corrupt element In the or ganization, lie has been persistently de nled the highest honor. In three National Conventions his state delegations have de ceived him, and at last he has ben forced to submit to dtrest humiliation at the hands of perhaps the worst man who ha ever held '.he office of governor d Ohio. but now when real ability and long exper ience are needed the president I forced to turn to the discarded Sherman. He Is for use in statecraft; Foster and Foraker are for politics. The wind is tempered tu the shorn lamb. So a cyclone was tent through Louisiana to prrpare the people for the devastation that will overtake them when the Lou si ana lottery Is again turned loose among mem. Salem journal. Upon the same hypothesis do we ac count for the innumerable cvclone to which Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Minneso ta and Colorado '.isve for years subjected. It wi s to prepare the people for the radi cal rule to which they have been subject ed for lo, these may years. No doubt figures can be juggled, pay ments can be held back nd funds manip ulated and a deficit may not exist now. But this I coming unpleasantly close for a treasury which has always been running over, and which had a surplus of $I3, 000,000 not long ago. The billion-dollar congress has made short work with that, and unless receipt pick u( rapidly there will be no question of a deficit and no room to dispute it. The prediction that the surplus was a danger because It woulc' breed extravagance has been verified fu!ly. We may have "a billion-dollar country,' but it can't stand evervtlting. The canvass in Ohio '.bis year will neces sarily mske the tariff issue prominent. If the contest turned upon that question alone there would te every reason to expect a democratic triumph. Unfortunately, there is a want of harmony among Ohio democrats concerning s'ale and local matters which goes far to complicate the s'rncgle. The campsiga hovcr nvist neesrily be one ol eiuralion ujon the urifl, and lo ihit extent will be brncfic'al to the demo. ratio party for the future whether lliey carry the state this year or not. By careful experiments maale at the United States mint, it has betn shown thai $5 arc 2ot by abrasion tvery lime 81,000,000 in gold coin are lianJIed. The expeiiments were concluded with bogs containing $5,000 each, and it was sltown Hint the mere lifting of the 20O hitgi making up $1,000,000 lo a truck to be remove J to another vault reiu'.te l in tbe loss if.i'c I, anj that their transfer from the truck aga'n maIe a second similar loss. Secctary Foster says the Farmers' Alliance movement is a "spesmolic eruption," That was probably Mr Ingill'i imprcsfion when the Alliance spasmodically ejected him from public life, lint, spasmodic or not, the move ment is for the present a factor of consequence in A'nciicun polilics.snd the poli'ician or statesman who lightly oveilooks it muHt reckon with it in the end. The gtolh of nails on the left hand re qu res ciht to ten days more than those on the iy! ; Ibe growth i more rapid in chil Jren lit in in a lulu, auj uc on fitrter in winter th.nt in summer, II rfi'ii'e art average of 1J3 iliyi f r the icncwat of ti:e nsiln in ,tl.e wilder ;a..l but lid duiing slimmer J O IlblINK, Under date of July icth the St Louis Ktfuhlk publishes the following from It Bar Harbor correspondent; James O Maine, according to the most reliable report available, Is rtearlng the end of his eventful and exciting life, Ills family and friends art doing their best to keep hit condition from the public, and the doctor attending httt are pledged to secrecy. In spit of the most strenuous ef forts, however, the state of the secretary mental and physical health la gradually becoming known. He la the victim of Bright' disease ot the kidney, together with a complication cf nervou disorder. Added to hi physical pain and penal tie hi mind I In a state of collapse. Ills memory, which wa the wonder ot hi (riends, I (battered, and he ha lost Inter est In hi surroundings, and In hi lucid moment ha no hope ol recovery. Those who knew Mr Blaine a couple of year ago,or even a year ago, would scarcely re cognise him now It they taw him leaning back In tho carriage, lupported by hi wife or daughter. There I a death palor on hi face, and there are deep black cir cle under hi eye. He I very thin and haggar J,the bene seem ready to protrude through the skin, the lip are at blue at Indigo, the eyet are glassy and dull. He teemt to be always sMverlng a If chilled. Ue la not able to aland alone. In fact, It I doubtful It he could sit on a chair with out assistance. There are six do-.tors In regular attend ance on Mr Blaine. Four ol them are residents of Bar Harbor, one 1 from Au gusta and another from Boston. The latter, a prominent praclloner, has been an In mate of the Blaine house for the past ten days. The doctor refuse to say anything concerning Mr Blaine' condition. From other source, but entirely relia ble, your corres;ondent learns that the doctor have agreed that Mr Blaine' life cannot be prolonged much longer. He may live for a few month, and may pas away In a few week. That he can ever resume public life no one In Bar Hatbor (or a moment think. Mr Blaine is a very popular man here. Every resident of thl, beautiful rescrt 1 hi friend. It was Blaine's wont when driving out t bow right and left to hi acquaintance. He knew every resident of the place and they all knew Mm. Now, whenever driving out, only a senseless stare greet the sa lutes of hi fellow-townsmen. It I not hi fault. Only ft brief Interval 1 he able to recognize any one, eyea member of hi own family. Ue talk incessantly and his ratnd wander. Sometimes he la fighting the presiden tial campaign ot 1SS4 over again; some times he I making a speech accepting the presidential nomination of his party ; again, he I discussing the New Orleans lynching with Baron Fava, or wl'-h Mr Harrison, and anon he will extol hi reciprocity schemes and denounce the McKlnley bill Sometime he crows furious and de nounce the democracy with something akin toilsold vigor, and then ot a sudden he will collapse and remain at almost a tate ot coma for six or seven hour at a time. Sometimes he remalna In posses sion of hi (acuities, for a day at a time. Then lie converses pleasantly with his wife, children and the doc tors, when of a sudden he will say something about his dea j son Walker, or hla dead daughter, Mrs Cop Inger, and breek Into tear. HI faculties desert him when he talk ol hi dead children, and when hi mind wanders he is pitiable. HI family trace the beginning of hi more serious Illness to the death of hla ton Walker, who waa his best beloved child, and i-n whom he had most leaned for support since his defeat In 1184. Mi Blaine' friends, however, claim that he never got over the presidential centest of 18S4. The excitement and worry of the contest shattered his health, and even at the time, they claim, threatened hi mind. The personalities of the campaign were what affected him most. He discussed this subject with a very dear friend of his ew months ago,and said he blamed him elf for much of the b:utal personality ol that campaign. He said that when the first story affecting Mr Cleveland's private character reached him . If he l ad spurned it insiead ot referring the author lo the Republican National Committee, the chances are that the democrat would not have attacked his personal character, and the campaign would have been Sought on the public issue. He blamed himself for the personalities of the campaign, and said tliat he would always regret his part In It. In hi lucid moments, It I said, ot all his friends, Joe Manly, the Augusta Post master, I the only one he Inquire about or seems lo take any interest In. He takes no Interest at all in public affairs ex cept wlien his mind wanders. He is not aware during his lucid periods that his mind I affected. For instance he thinks that he ha not been more than a week or ten day at Bar Harbor. When he recover consciousness he yawns drear ily, and complains of having ugly dreams, and ask how long he has been asleep. He has not partaken of any solid food for more than a month. He is dieted on milk and whisky and has no appetite whatever. It is the opinion of his doctor that he may survive for two month mor, but they would not be surprised if he passed away at any time. That the brilliant career of the best-loved republican In the- United States is drawing lo a close there I no longer a doubt. A celebrated phyolcian has remarked that every house ought to be pulled don at the end of the sixtieth year, as it has by that time absorbed all of the disease of those that have lived In It. This Idea is based on the theory th'. wood and plaster absorb gases, foul all and feverish exhal ation as readily a milk or water doc. But, a It I not practicable to tear down house every half-century or so, some eminent authorities claim that all wood used in the interior constructions of houses, and all of the surface of plaster, should be thorough ly oIIm1 or varnished, so that the power of absorption wmuIJ be utmost entirely de stroyed In ihe Utter event the destruct ion of houses on sanitary grounds would no longer be desirable. The highest meteoiolo;ical station in Eu rope it oa the top of Ihe S'lunulick. in Austria It is 10,168 fret shove ihe level of the sea, The oldest station of the same character is at Pckin, China. It was founded in the year 1279, and still contains three of the original instruments. The duty on the standard case of tin-plate was ?i.o; the new rate is $2,376, which increase of $1,295 the consumer will hcie after pay, whether the dream cf American tin-plate becomes a reality or not. At Cambridge, Kngland, butter is sold by the yard, a pound of the article being rolled jntos roll a yard lonj and sold in sections to suit buyers. . The Arabian year Is a lu-jar one, anj in th course of thirty-two years each month runt through all of ihe seasons. Lack Cuiitaini In great variety from 5 els. to $9 a rjilr. These goods are bought from New York jobbers direct and cannot be excelled for quality, style and price. SAMUEL K YcjUN'O. AHUID. 1 A dispatch Irom Washington to the St Louis fttfuNk tavti Sherman U very touch stared, fiom all ac counts, regarding the situation ia Ohio, and to it the administration. McKlnley hat called upon the protection batons of Pennsylvania and the cast, and it is understood here that Pitttburg alone it to provide a priva'.e cam paign barrel of aliou' a quarter of a million dollars for him, Tho expectation is that Ibe tarifl baron 1 throughout the country wilt pal up a million and a half dollars for the autl.or of ihe last tariff bill and that every purchas able voter in Ohio It lo be fixed during the campaign. Wall it ret t, of course, will take care of John Sherman, It would be a sever loss to Wall street if John Sherman should be left at home 1 consequently there will be two fundi in Ohio during the ensuing campaign, one coming from Wall ttreel supplied by Hit financial sharks, the other coming fiom the protected tariff barons to be at the personal disposal of McKinlcy. Between these to fuads the voters of Ohio will have to be par ticularly rigid and exacting regarding their own interests if tbey hope not to be swayed There i no doubt that ihe feeling I abroad here that jf the people of Ohio wre left lo themselves both Sherman and McKinlcy would be beaten, but the tariff taront and tbe Wall Street money sharks are not going to Ut the people of Ohio decide their contest without taking a hand in It. McKinI;y and Sherman will have all the money they want, and if Ohio can be purchased it Is safe to tay that Mc K'nlcy will be elected governor, and a legisla ture wilt be selected in Ohio that will return John Sherman to the United States Senate. "0 COMl'LAINTS. American protection, in Ihe mi it, is a sue cess. No complaint come from lb protected class. Sunday itm-ary, Of course it it s 'success so far as they are concerned who are protected; to far at tbey are concerned who reap tbe benefits of protec tion that scheme is eminently a success. Tbe Mercury unwittingly makes an admission very damaging to tbe scheme of protectionism. It says 'no complaint comet from tha protected cists.- There ia no cause for them to com plain. So long as the great masse are taxed or the benefit o( ihe clesict the classes will not complain. No, tbe protected classes are not complaining, but the coniumeit are com plaining and tbey will continue to complain to long a they are made burden bearers for tbe piotected clitset. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A aaertreae Tea London, July 14. Tbe representatives of the Manhattan Athletic Club, of New York, made their final appearance in England today on the grounds of Ihe I -on don Polytechnic Ainwiic wiuo. Mortimer Kemingtoa, of the Manhattan club, won the loo yard flat race 1 S Koddy of tbe Manhattan club, won the loo Jsrd handicap race, having a start of eight yarua, and winning iy a yard in sec ond. Mortimer Krmington won tbe 300 yard invitation handicap ia 21 seconds, liis lime i a half second below Ibe best English record. Cal Ouickborner, of the Msnbsltan Ciub, threw the hammer Ijl feet 8 inches, six I will receive the Polytecbait clubs special gold neuai. askli ike Man. Cleveland, O, July 14. .Although democratic siste convention was announced 10 meet ICday, an J continue in Session two ilavs, the programme provides that this day suau ue devoted to committee meeting and outdoor demonstrations, and that tbe convert lion is not 10 convene ia formal session until tomorrow morning. Tbe discussion of poll ticians is rill all directed to the governorship W hi! Campbell nomination on the firti ballot is still as reasonably certain as any f o- turb event, tbe Ncal and Kline factions have by no means given uj tbe contest. Discussion over tbeplatibtm still continues. A Jsrlwa fa. Mine, Jacksonville, Cr, July 14. There g'cat excitement here over the asbestos dis covery on Evans creek, twenty miles above here, wber the Southern Pacific railroad crosses in the county, in section 18 and 30 tswaship aj sooth, range west, Tbcie were 23 locations filed for record in the 2 nnty clerk s office yesterday. An enthusiastic mass meeting was held at Kittle Point this week for Ibe purpose of rsitine a cash oonus of 81 a 000 to extend the Rogue Kiver Valiey railroad 10 mas place. A Saaaalfe BtxpiMlaa New VoBK.July 14 There was an ex plyuoo of dynamite on boaid Ibe telmsbip G R C-erty, at Brooklyn , this morning, by which two men were killed and tbe stern of Ibe steamer badly dsmaged. The men were discharging a cargo when n box of dynamite cartridges blew up. Cornelius Hayes and Wm Resgsn were blown lo pieces and four other men painfully Injured. Tbe explosion raised the deck and blew a Hg bole in Ihe port side 01 inc snip, vTaaklaalen ereests Xapolem SALEM, July 14 The board of tbe state oramissiooer met todsy and late in tonight. It accepted Ibe resignation of Napoleon Davit as cletlc of theboark, and appointed George v jyavts, 01 i.inn county, to succeed him. The hew clerk will pro!lly qnalify soon. A st tin parly vole prevailed, the governor voting wraapoirm Davis ami the secretary and treasurer for Ocoige Washington iJavis. AnatherrrrsMratlal saadldale. Chicaik), yulj 14. The Daily News will say tomorrow: There is a well formulated plan here to preient tbe name of Chief Justice Fuller for Ihe presidency. The News' article argu-s that 1 1 sit and Gray may destroy Cleve iaao, qui 11 so ine cooics win rail to a man other than either ibe New York or Indiana executive. aiartllng m. B. Kwanar Lol Angeles, July 12. Reports of a startling nature have been received here from New York regarding a railroad deal of great magnitnd4- A well known and reputable clt izr of Los Angeles recently learned in New York that the Huntington and Searles interest carrying the control of 'he Southern Pacific, bad changed hands, and had been acquired by the Standard Oil Company, and Rockefeller,- faine, Brice, Thomas and others, wLo will b; expected to go into the directory of the company September ! when Mr Rockefeller wi I assume the office of president. A Beee-rdJ Itrakea, Chicago, July 11. Another record was bioken at Washington Park today. Van Buren, carrying seventy-five pounds, ran a mile and one hundred yard in 1:45, breaking the Ionic standing record of 1:45. The featare of the day' sport was the manaer in whiuh tho great California colt, Ractne, dis poned of his field. With 122 up he jumped 10 the front and was never headed, winning in the fail time of t:4S'i- ,. k raiUas atoriu. St Paul. Minn, July 13. A furious storm of wind, ruin and hjil prevailed tight or ten miles north of Aberdeen, S I), last nifht, extending over the country for miles. In somj localities the fine promising eirps wen pounded i'lio the ground and houses and barns swept away. Hundreds cf acres of wheat were destroyed. At Columbia the bridge over the James river was dashed to pieces an.i large trees were npicoteu . . . Much Ade About nothing , Birmingham, Conn, July 12. Hunting ton Center it still greatly agitated over the action of the sexton and warJcn of St Paul's Episcopal church, in having O'in P Shellon arrested for ringing the church bell July 4, and the sexton aud warden are the subject of much ridicule. All Ihe patriotic citizens and the women and the girls of tne town are on Shelten's side. The first outburst occurred this morning, when the proprietors of the town ball informed the warden that tbe church could never again rent the hall for any pur poses, unless charges against Shelton were withdrawn. The next shot came from the young ladies of the church, who arc all friends of Shelton, and who informed Ihe pastor they would never again assist in a church enter tainment unless the charge was withdrawn. The village barber said he would never again shave eit her Ihe warden or sexton unless the charges were withdrawn. As a result the warden has withdrawn the complaint, but the evion is still obdurate. At-alattall. Lions, It, July I j, This afternoon dur ing the pei formtnee of ForepaugU't circus, the t'speit bar broke and William I Union, one of the famous I Union brother, who was performing, fell thirty feet to Ihe ground. Hit neck wtt broken atd he was Instantly killod. He leaves a widow who Is in New York tick. A I'ieree t'eatest. New York, July 13, The Ttlnunet Washington corretpondrnt says that while everything spprars calm on the surface, Ibe fiercest preliminary contest for speakership ever wsged is now In progress. The drift or opinion teemt lo point lo the success of Judge Crisp, of Georgia. A Has) t K. AecMeat Asi'EN, Colo, July 12. A hortlblo railroad accident occurred at Atpen Junction last night A special train was backing from the water tank to the switch lo the Aspen track, when the tear end of a passenger coach crashed into an engine coming out fiom the round house. The check valve on Ihe tide of Ihe boiler was broken off and the hot water ind steam poured into the broken end of the pass enger car, horribly scalding thirteen passen gers five men, seven women and one child. All that was possible was done to relieve the sufferings of the unfortunates, seven of whom have a beady died, REFEREE S SALE In th Circuit Conri of kht Stitit ofOrtgon for tie County of Linn. L B Tyoerand F. J Tyeer, his) wife, Isabel! William and J A William, her hnsband, 0 It Tyoer ami Jennie Tvoor, bis wife, 8 U Tyeer ana Fanny Tyoer, his wife, Ella Mori is and Joph Morris, her hut band, Tenussss Lewis and Jam Lewis, her husband, Isabella IUmford aid Itufat Kamford, hrr husband, t) II Tyoer, Miseoari Tyovr, Leon ara Tyosr, William Tyoer, (ieorge Warmooth, Fresiunia Wright, O ii Tyoer, Jams Tyeer. N W Wlndomand Mar tha Alford and Newton Al ford, her husband, Plaintiff. a Kdwin Windoiu, Or D Tyoer, Ira B Tyoer, Kvalin Tyow, Ilagh L Tyoer and Lillian Wtroioath, Defeadanta. NOTICE IS I1KBE6Y OIVEX THAT by virtu of an order and decree duly mad and catered of reoord in tbe abov entitled court on the 22od day c( jnna, ibvi, the andrign4 duly appointed sole referee, in tba abov entitled ounrt, will on Mlardar, Ik iMk 9mr T Aagasl, ll. t tb boar ( 1 e'eloek p m at tbeoonrt Dons door, la the eity of Albany, Una county, Oregoo, at pnbho auction for eaab la bond. No tb kiahast bidder, the real property deaoribed in aaid War of sale at lulloae, tow it 1 Beginning on th right bank of th Cat pooia creek, on the south lie of tb dona tion land claim of vviiium Alford am wife ia TowMhip 14 8 II 2 west of th Willam ette Meridian, and at a point 63 C3 100 chain went of lb aoatheatt corner of laid Alford elsim, and running tbemi east 83 70 chains, thence south 14 6tf chain to tha aertb lias of tb donation land claim of W T Templet an and wifi thence west alone the north line of said Templalon claim 23.SO chains to the riht bank of aaid crkt thence nnrtbwetterly along th right bank of th C la pool erek t tb viae of L eianine, coo tain log 40 aeras, lying sad be ina la Una county, Oregon, and beinf (art 01 in donation Utut elsim ol A J V and wife, bring Boll a cation No "973 in Township 14 8 It 2 weal of th WUlamttt ertjiaa. Tbe prooseds arising from th eal of atld premise to b paid to th eierk of aatd eoart, to be paid out and disbareed as may b bcieinafter ordered and decreed by ll eoart. Dated Jaly 14, 1891. D.S.P.MITII. (7-17) SoU Beferee. SHERIFF'S SALE. InUtt Cirrmil Covri oftkt Stat qfOffon for lite ctxoujr of 1 JOHN DIAMOND. Plaintiff.) a MarareU E Find ley, Alexander Klndiey and Huaan Flndley, bU wife, fismusl t Indley, Jennl Poo- I lad and llenrr Poujada, bar hn rand, Nanor Wilson. Huirh Fin- 1 dtejr, John Klndiey, Etta Flndley, I Hauls Flndley and Ella Han ford, I lureodant.) XTOTICK I HKREBY GIVEN THAT JLi by virtu or an xeoutlo and order of Bale iaauad out ft th above named ooort. In tba abov entl led suit. I will on Saturday, the 15th day of AUfrast.1891 attbeoocrt bona door. In lb city of AintnT, 14BMOOUMT, iregon, as ma nonr of 1 o'clock p m, of aaid day, sell at publw auction, foe cash in band to tb hlajbeat bidder, tb real property dan eriiMd in aaid execution and order of sale aa follow, tow it: Tha northeast quarter and tb eaat half of tb northern quarter, and th north went quarUr of tbe nortbweet quarter, and tba nortbeaat quarter of tba Booth east quarter of section Sf; alaotb south half of tb northwest quarter and tba north naif or tha southwest quarter of eaciion as, an in townsbia is ft 1 east Willamette meridian, in Lion county, Oregon. . Tb proceed arUIng from tb eal of said real proper t to be applladi first, ta th payment of and npon aaid azeoutlou and th original eoat of aaid euit Used at f M9 15, tieoond, to tb payment of plaintiff 'a olalra amounting to tba sum of fHU X3, and lb further sum of f 200 attorney' fee; Third tb overplus. If an it tber be; to bo paid over to to tho Id defendant aa their oeveral interests aa may appear. Dated tblr 14th day of July, 1801. M. bCOTTi (7 17) Sheriff of Linn county, Oregoo. SHERIFFS SALE. tht Circuit Court of tho State cf Ort- gon,jor I.MH bounty. A. J NOBLE, aa executor of thai laat will and testament or W. H, ( Noble, deoeaaed, Vial nil If. , va r 8. Vr. Moore and Mary H. Moore, j Derendania ) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVJtN THAT by virtu of an execution and order or aaie is una out or th abov named court, in tba above entitled action, I win on Thursday ,th 1 3h day of August,! 89 i at th court houaa door, In tha city of AiDany, laud county. uregon. at lb bour 01 j o'oiook p m, 01 aaid day, sell at pub llo auction, lor cash tu hand to tb blghes. bldiler, the real property aeooribed in aaid exeontlon and order of sale as follows, towlt: All of lot five (61 and alx (6) in blook nineteen (10) In Kalaton'e srd addition lo tba town of Lebanon. In Linn count v. Oregon, together with a cb and every of a BppnrierjaBoe mereio oeioiiging. 1 ho proceeds arising from tbe aalaof sata premises tobeapp.led aa follows: el rat, to tbe payment of tbe oonta and ii, urxtmont of IblaauItUxed at 12 20, and the ooita and charges of making inch nale, and tbe further aumof6) reasonable attorney 'm fees, Hooond, to the payment to tba plaintiff the sum of (400 with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from tna 80th day of December, (800; Third, the over plus, if t.ny there bi remaining- after tbe payments abov? provided fr, to be paid to the aaid defendant, a W Moore. Daiod this 14th day of July, 18BI . M. BOOT r. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. (7 17) By C E So it, Peputy. FOR iChoice Teas TRY i. Kenton. NKVT ADVJ21U tilKNT. SOLD. Jo Lnr ite ao his laundry to to undersigned. I wilt continue tbe business In the same plaoa on L-on street I eollolt a fair share ef tbe patron age of tha public. I will do good werk. LUN. "VTOTiCa. Vsberea. my wire having ii left tu without Jjt eaute or provo cation, tble I I notify tb ulllo net to trust heron my aooount. as I shall pay no uebls of lisr eoulraollng. W D TiilTIS. Albany, Jun 10, 18111. ' IOST. Three reoerd books ol Tat cent i M 8 eharoh. aouih, between Tan. and llrownsvllle, on tba Ward's road, on June is. Wlii bv floder for trouble. Yf. II. llew ni. Tsngeat, Ot, l'.stof mf ONET TO LOAN. In small and ill large amounU. from au nionlha to Bv vesta, on good Albany and Linn eountv real estate. Call on or address W K Morbron, riret 8t., Albany, Or. MEMBERS OF THE LINN COUNTY FARMERS', ALLIANCE: YOU ARE HEREBY KOTI F1ED that I have oontraoted with the well kuown firm of Wtewsrt A 80s. at Albany, to aupply you with blcdere, mowers, rskaa, twin, backs, buirglae, wagon, f'lows , to, a wn a all art el in tb in of general hardware, jtaTiiarlnn county member a aan buy at tba a 111 plan on th sarn terms. UK. 11. IUVINE. - Financial Agent. iLBANY FDRH1TDRE G Mas Jast r!d a larxe lavais sf new 4 if A 1 FiBifli Ms ail Curtains, and saw sd Usutlfal patterns la Wall Paper Elegant Ecisii to Hateh. 0 ef5Dc. SHADE! Wksslissst so4 nrsitlsM Is th Biorkst THK 8TATK AGHCDLTDRAL COLLEGE. swas Betrtraakr ISIfc, HH. CVxra of atupr omf4 iifiwh to Mt th awda l 10 tannin o4 mivhttil IntWMts id lb out. lArf, rmjdoea an4 ntl-twuiurf Imilf lag. TO wllafs. la Iucm4 la ftiurau4 awl mm anility, and m ol U BMllbNal In tits HUle, MILITARY TIUI.NISU Espanaea need not fae4 f 13) fee the eatlr nnli. T r M r f r ekulahli front j vttbly. Wrtl h aataluf wa Ut at, U. AH.VlUi, fw, C'jfVilils, Oreit. J. A. CumLanff. V Wall Paper, Orutrn, lilntM OIIh Ol II as at, ISt:?., ALBANY. 0RECCN c ITT imi'U ftTOKK Preiser Block, Albany OS Stanaid & Cusick, Paaruereaa; -ssstaa i- Drngs, Bfedlclcse, ( fcenileals, ,Fonci and Toilet Artiolea,6ponga,TiruaLea. Perfumery, School ritocko, and ArtlatV Supplies. rkyalelaata' prarlatlsia rr fall aipia4td. HOW DO YOU DO? Thar la a doabt that NEW Sloek of SILTKRvTARB, conatsltnff o loona, anives, rora,rrultdlba,eto, gold and allver waiebee, few) y, ate, I tb largest and beet In the elty, aud by far tha , bt ever brought ta Albany. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS ASSIGNEE"? NOTICE OF APPOINT MENT, "TOTICE IS HEttElVY GIVEN THAT ri tha undersigned lias been duly an ix Int d Mnignes of the estate of LT lie nn one, an insolvent 1. or, and that be baa qualified aa audi i it nee in tbe manner nreooribed by law, All persana having nlslms against aaid L T Henneas, are hereby notified to present tbe same under oalb aa required. by law, to tha undersigned at Rick creek, In Linn no, Oreh'on, or to his attorney. Geo Vf Wright and PUN black burn, at tb law otf.oe of either cf tbem. In Albany, Oregon, within three months from the date brenf Dated June 0th, 1S I. T. J. MoCLARY. Gro. TV. Wmoht, Assignee. I) It. N Blackburn. - Attys for Assignee (rt 12) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the nnderaif ned waa,- on tho 8rd day of July, 1801, by order of tbe county court of Linn eounty, Oregon, duly ap pointed administrator of iha eatate of James F Hail, deceased. All persons baring claims against aaid estate, are berebv notified to present thsm. dulv verified, to the undersigned, at the Hunk of, in Albany, Oregoo, within six mom hs from this date. Cated July Otta, 1891. J, W. BkAIN, II II Hewitt, Ad olnisirnior. Att'y for Admr. . x (7 10) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICB IS HEREBY 01VKN THAT T!IK tj daraiKntnl, dmialtrtor ol the Miftte ol ClrleT. McKrlnd,deoeeJ, bH filed his final ftcsount in the ofiice of the clerk of tbe count; ours ler Lion eouuty, Ora(r!!,ajJ the jst'geol aaid eort lm t th Itrtl dkycil Auirunt, st the hour of 1 o'uiocfc, p ni, the time fur huaiine ohjactioiiS to aid scevunt, if uny, and to tottlu said ejinto. Ibis 17th day of Juus, 1SU1. K.i. S! F !:(: !.K. J, K. Ws1BRfwaO, AdimiiiKtrnfor. Att y Mr (!umiiiiuiur, k Ms SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons Is tho Largest an.j Most Complete on tho Pacific Coast, and Comprises all tho Loading Stylos of t'OUll-Hl'IllNO PA 88 EN0 KK WAGON9, BCfiOLL SWUNG 'HANDY WAUUNH," 'TAYLOR OR T1IRKK R PHI NO WAGONS, HLF-BPRINO WAGONS, EX- PRESS AND DKMVKltY YAO.Jr ONS, SPKCIAI, PAliCKf DELtVKRY WAGONS, ONU-IIOKSK n fcvaf - fXr OsuanteD Oar Vehicles tho Best, Oar Fricos the Lowest Quality "Cpnsidcrerl. 'Special Catalogues and Price List Mailed : Free on ipplirjatlotr Staver & NEW MARKET BLOCK W.C. DAVIS & CO.. DoYiWasISraisrClotliE? if YOU CANT READ THIS Without Ioing IntnrenU'd. There will a a Genuine OF SUMMER GOODS, Li'Elt Wcijlil Clolit Siimsr MisMsj Goofls, Hats, Shsss, aa3 all EMs of HOT WEATHER .E- Wearing Apparel Now in My Store. . We Mi GIstMer I P It mm THOMAS .Am.m7 areau Iter W. T., r,aKia. AIhm- S. mm taw ! your pinso aak your tmr Sa ond for cut I -, cecwro tlio 1 1 bh a . inn ni ,irr yna. HT TAJIK KO HI' HSTITUTE. wtj WHY IS THS L7. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE r.raincsi THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE KOXVIt It lea huiiIm. tho with no tooke or wax (bread So hurt the real) made of the beet One calf, etylitlt ."r. and beeawe Me inaJee ntir enoee ut hi erd Maiv oav ol Waa..i.rr, It eijuat. haud- .i ,i . i " ' " e.w hj eo.iu. Imported C A Oi ai'Ve etrllah. aomfortahla and rfnrBt.t. -I i, i... , hoe eer offered at thle pnee j eaiue rrade aa en m2 . ow.iii croio fi.uo M bw.iki. CJO ftO relies Hao Farmer, Vailrosd aTaa ajlUa and LetterCarrlapaatl H.....H eamliwe, aiuooth Inelite, ooary ihrae eoles. zteo elon edea. One pair will wear a year. SS 10 tn. ealfi no hotter ehoe erar offered st we this prloe; one trial will ontiTiaee Shoes who wont sUos tor enmfort and serloe. (T3 ana BS.IIO Work! nsmnn'e shoos wni era VAr itni. and 'rtuu. . bare ien tham a trial will wear naother make, rinvet' nd Bl.f 3 iuAxhiI thtwa ara a-a U! o worn brtha lxiTianwiirw n. ,...! on their merits, a the iurreaalna Mice allow. I nH iSft ,wo. lefcnd-oewed shoe. Imst Imported ehoes ooetUm froru B4.UU to S6.U5. wf"l,B,'.K,!-a,, f -00 ?nd shos for N Inane are tbe beat flue UoiiBOlaj. Htyllh and durahta. ( BDtloD.-nee that W. 1.. Doufflaa1 name ejid price are aiauipod on the liottom of each ehoe. n. i wuuuLusa, urocatou, Maas. -iSVL- L. Bs BLAIr. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. A OH ACRIa?. HO ACRES is sVJ grain, 17 In eera and roots, 40 In timoii y. Well ronood ana aeeded to grass. wen watered; good sitI. 80 bead eatUo, kO hege, 4 hotsas, farm 1m plemenu, large house, 4 large new bares, good aehoo: and eaureh near, on place: Fruit of all kiada- 8 miles to postoffice and store. & iniia from Sta-rtnn and 214 miles euth cf Kinas slstionon tbe Oiegon r'anlfia raliroad flaceoan be dWidod inte tbrse or fr farrna with county road to each. Place with erery thing ii aer aere. Terms easy. For further particulars applj on the premises at Mt Pleasant, Lin a eeatty, or address is, I-. mii&h. si yiea, uregon. (20j J7IOUMD . A joad uiaSrella. ith Inlttalsl, W, it'U. vjt ei:t rated ou lia,. a n it is a 3 .rrTj) XJPi llUHINKBSWAaONS.ONB.HOJfHB IKON AXLK.WACONfj! KTC, l'IU NO WAON:4 OP ANY on counuspoND with us; Waller PORTLAND, OREGON. ALBANY, OREGON. m sii lerctoiil Tailor. I! you want the hm ami most durable furni ture that la rnanufacfu' td in the citj go to BRINK'S awiiKBerCTacamag5iaa3 rn-i (!!'.". ts u -- -T'T-ri rmin.n r.aji i - Fruih Rai m hp- ir Ton and Twenty aero Fruit, within Seven miles fourth Cash, Balance in Three equal Annual Payments: or, sot to Fruit and Cultivated Threo Tears for $175 per acre, For Farther Informa tion 3 end for Pamphlet to Tiio Oregon Land Company, f i-. tirrrf-r ir:. WHOLIBAlt Mm, In, Steel SDU ACHT3 13B WASIKCflH BUCKEYE MOWER -AND REAPER These KacU'ncs era tse srell kncim t . nee eor.n,&nt. Tious-ads of farr.i;r j a.r3. tnk,d theta and spe?k of thera U. tle. 1tr (ire the only itarrct'.iT''? KncMo" lliat will glv r:.n. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATIIIC ' AuLirsiAtrg IfltVllllftA Tho KiMt Zfr)tlv and Cnseeseful Cowilnat'.-za In Threshing ai.' VU-a i f Orata erar ceatrii.teL " j BUCKEYE tfKi TWI N E-8IN DERS;,- j MrTHs V.-nte Hist !itint fi!4.l'T' ' te U'.mlcr U tho, IM '-iUk c4 f raft. romh rv & :tr i'r tir.,uiry t.lrciiu'li i lfi'ii'. , 'Hie l...nii-r'i c( th Al-!kl) InMirrt, Umi m'f t iJrn4f :-i f tin,- ) ikMMvn. Ha liavstw ?..!- tha VnHut llii.- k-r oixl t!w Vuliorut Uiiidjr-ki h Wtrj.t -Ulr t l'iiirtiuk4l hj liiuxilrttSs A piirom J SSilUITLEE FABtt WASOHS, BUCK-BOARDS. fOUR-SPRIM . MOUNT Alt! IVAGUNS, WCKEYE AW SUPERIOR PRILLS AND SEEDERS. COR BIN 01 HO HARROWS, ... ilODGES'HA'VES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE. E. THRALL, MANAGER, WHOLESALE 1 RETaIL GROCERS! CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN - LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, -:- :- --: F. L. KENTON, Dealer In- GROCERIES Near the Post Office, Ask Your fE0PLE,0F U!l" Wliero to get tho Best Bargains," ' Where to get tlio Be$t Valua for Your Money, i IN I Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., And they will Answer . .a. . a a m We are the People W ho tarry the most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market. MATTHEWS & VASIIBUill!. mm mm yd v . . . r.y.a e. , i ii u v& Lsa ii nans ul n f-.h a Wi 1 1 a waw wv uawvauuwuv MM Jfer Cent, on tho Investment. Pariiis, all in Cultivation and RanrlTr n of Oregon'u Uapital, for rrcBtJiKtafiaYltfiSlrccts, PORTLAND, - OREGOU 11 DtSTLtai IH id Farm Miiiry. AHD HORIHtflH IDAHO FCfl THE :3FACTJ0M t t!se pnrchase?. THRESHER. Af IK saa m AlAft V f oi ah ihuiiu;i i X " k ' TrlX-, iC-'r'-j t i -J XV i ALBANY, OREGON CHOICE FRUITS OF AU SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. -:- ALBANY, OREGON Albany, Oregoi Neighbor! ; with Ono Voice, at a sa sa s i ... L3L w s.vjLAVy Jt Ctiy O JLVrW S75 QO npr ! 1